Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1892, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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    i\ rr\r OTTXTi % /V"vpr\liM ) on fono
fresh Ereezja from all tbo Local Holds
of Sport.
ffhn llnnm tlin Ulipnl Ung , Itnil nnil dun
I.lly mid the South * Copplemirt
I'ullry iitnl B Nrw y Iliitcli r
l.ofil Sporting ( li > s < l | > .
OMUH , Oct. 19. To the Sportlnp Edllor
ofO'iu : UBE : Hnvtng llnnhcd nauccosslul
summer season , I nm nome on n visit prior to
ray departure oti thn ! ll t for New \ ork ,
from wlioro I sail November 5 for the West
Intllci nnU South America. Now If you have
Kpaco In Sunday's Issue and are nt liberty to
toll , 1 Miould like to Inqutr. ) the nnrao of
Uoorgo Kay's unknown , nlso what tltno was
irado In hU race run nt the fair grounds , J
think Octoner 13. You can answer under
Initial * P.V. .
Before leaving the stntc * I wish to thanK
the pcopio of Omaha for the Kindly feeling
shown mo during tny career us a Dicvcllst ,
\vhlch I have and nlwn > shall ondcavor to
merit Uv conscientious wotk In niv racoi.
I wl'h in pirtlculur to thunlc the nrcss nnd
reporters fo > their Impartial reports , nnd
although now throe vears sineo I was In llio
newspaper business I still curry the travel
ing curu of the Omaha Tvu nipblcttl union
JSX ) , nnd consider irjsclf ono of the fra
ternity , With bcstxslshos for your success.
Lit UK Wll.I.MMS ,
.1 round the Olllci ; htnvr.
Scrnpny Jtclc Mossltt , the nhl-ttino
Oranhb's.'h running n horse lintmonl Joint ut
Troy. N. V.
Catcher Hilly Carlo declined n good offer
from thu Washington cluh on Iho ground
that ho nnil Ceon offered for next season , tiy
Boston , I.1M nor month. Ulncm nail Post.
Bah !
Old Grandpa Pnolnn , formerly of Do
Momcs. Into of Memphis , H wltitcrlnc In San
Antonio for his heiillh. 1'holnn Is the onlv
urvtvliiK ball plover who trotted George
Washington on his Itnco.
Jack Crooks has murricd nn Alton , III. ,
girl , nnd moved into a brown stone front in
bt. LouU for the winter months. In tbo
tncantimo Jack will ttoep bonus lu the Third
Rational hank over there. Yea ho will.
Cnptaln Olmrlle Comlskcy. savs the Cm-
cinnntt ComniPrcial-Gazctlo , quit the season
\vlth n bndly strained leg , nnd tno C.-G.
might have very nroperly gene further and
aid that Cincinnati quit , with ono badly
pulled. Eh !
A rendnr of THE BEE writes to know
\vhotnor Omitha will have a ball team next
Tear , hut I nm unable to answer him until
I hear how much Kalph Stout will bo able
to lav up between this and when the robins
bloom airalu.
"Dun Shannon , says the Now Haven Nous ,
has Opened up u magnificent establishment
nt hli old homo In Bridgeport. Just what
sort of un establishment Uan nas opeuoil up ,
however , the News falls to sttite. A Junk
shop , piobably.
Wlnllold Scott Camp , who will build an
ice palnco out ncnr the Coliseum this winter ,
lias a flattering offer to join the New York
plants for IS'Jt , and my advice to Wlnlleld is
to snatch it bald bended , ns Haltering offers
Rill bo few nnd far between from this on
until b.iso ball catches Us breath once moro.
It will bo amusing now to wntch and ooe
what the pros has to sav about the achieve
ments of that Napoleon of base ball , Patrlcus
Bolivar Tobeau. In bis fractlo scramble with
Boston for the world's Hug. Scloo's men Just
simply stooo. Putny on bin head. In the flvo
games plarcd , bo didn't even got enough to
The Cincinnati and Philadelphia clubs
have not released their olajera , out sro mak
ing them work out their salaries playing ex
hibition Raines. SDortliurLlfe. And it they
do this they will bo kept playing exblultlon
games from now on until every drat ono of
tborn , with an exception or two , la toothless
ncd baldhoaded. - *
The proposed shortening of the base ball
season for next year Is certainly a move In
the right direction. From early April until
late in October , with a game almost every
day , U too much oven of a good thing.
Shorten Iho season and shorten tbo plavcrV
salaries mid the great old gauio will soon bo
back on her old basis again.
Joe Wnlsh. scarred , weather-beaten und n
trifle fravcd at the ea os , Is back homo uftei-
month' * wrestle with tbo Columbu" mag
gets for back salary. Although tbo trying
work turned Joo' * erstwhile ruuescent curia
to a beautiful nut brown , ho brought the
posterior sostorcnE homo with him , and be
ays tboso Columbus ducict lira ilalslci.cvery
ouo of them , nnd that Ed Klfois Q full blown
Tlio uttondnnco at Kansas City at the
throe league games transferred to that citv
this season stio-vs that tlicro is no belter ball
town in the west thiin tbo cltv on the Kuw ,
nnd that ner place Is still in major league
company. Perhaps t > ho uill be in that coin-
gany nflor next jcar. Tiroes-Star. Well , us
oulh Omaha Is taming of annexing Kansis
City for a cattle range wo may got to see
some moro of Jimmy Manning after all.
Tuo or throe weeks ace I wrote a four or
five-line Item stating that Bill lioozo Hoover
bad joined Conimy's mcnagcno at Cincin
nati , and Hen Mulfortl , the Snorting Life and
Sporting Nous the lallcr two merely CODV-
Ing Mulford's protest , however to the con
trary , Hill Booze Hoover was the very indi
vidual I meant , and not ChaiHo Hoover , the
old catcher. Of the two Itoovets It would
bo a tossup which is tbo most desirable ,
hit with ino nt ny rate.
raid Is'o Icnguo players , not even these who re
id- really imllspojsablu to their clubn , Id
hesitate to accede to n very largo reduction
in salary for next year , for that it a nucej-
bltynlch concerns them as well as tbo mag-
ziuirs , KxcbaiiKO. Don't bo ularmcu. Tha
id)1 only plajcr who ever lotirud permanently
from Uio ball ik-lu voluntarily ts Plttsunrg
McCormlcl ; . Ninctv-nmo out. of every lt 1)0 )
\\huiiilcoinoi to show
a down will play for
what they can got. True , Tom Lovott'nold
)1 OlT all tha. ,
pflst season , out tuay snv that JOin
Ims lucked himself so burd and incessantly
tlnittuurois not a well scjuaro inch on his
The olilof inuso ot the failure of base ball
to surcccd this year was the fact that wanIng -
Ing could not bo revived in tlio curly
ee spring nccause of the weather. Then when
horse racing opened the public attention was
drawn to that opart b > lomoof the marvelous
feat * petfm mod oarlv In thosoasou. Another
contilDiillui ; clement Hi the drcllno nf the
national upoitwastbo oxtraordinnry hustle
tnlion on bv tlio bluyclo uorlil. The feats
per/or.niL'il In this branch nf spnrt wore
closely allioil to the race IIOIBI , both being
feat * nf speed , both on tha ia-otraclt and
both furnisuinc splcndlu opto lunliles for
tup gam bioi H. TliU class of sHirtiiiff | in on
mro tno jwlfl for buso ball. They want
quicu uctiou for tbnlr moiioy anil ttio'v get .it .
at tlio rucui. So base ball was nearly compelled
pelled to take a back scat , Columbus Jour
The champion fielders in tholr roipectlvc >
position * , that la tbo cl/ouiploii / ha o ball
team ol the Into Western louguo ( per re-
buys the Sporting Nnws , would bo
Franco nnd Nnglc. batteries , Motz , Nlciiol-
ion , Cotlopv , nn tha bases , Htilland , short ,
and HOBIlover , Lally and Niebolitdn in the
Held , Among tbo llvo catcher ! trial lead
Mtrritt of Columbus U the belt batter.
Aujong the Ural flro pitchers Swarizel is the
beat baUer. Wuat loads the llrsl basemen in
batting with Motz second. Uonlna of Indi
anapolis leads tbo second baiemen in batting
and Ward second. Heat of Mlluaukea and
Alvoid of Bu Paul and Port \Vayno lead too
third lusenion in battluir , Parrott next.
Graham anil MoOarr are the chamuinn bat
tinghortstop , Newman and Suteliffe are
the bpst batting flflldow. The champion
teotn of hattuis ( per record ) would be
Siyarttel und Krelg. batiery , West , tienlns ,
Uojit or Alvord on the hatoi , ( Irahaui. * horl ,
Navviimn , Sntclllfo and Henry in the Held ,
BlK Sum Sugar Heel Duncan , \\hoplujrod
vrjtli Iho reoreanlzud O.iiibas in 1S91 , was
conard out cfhU diamond ring unu $50 In cash
on u train a couple of week * slued. wai on his way from Cluclnniul to
St f.ouUhca he wa < spoken to by an in
dividual , who with ihrcc others LoirUuJ too
train , at , Troy , III , Ho was asked If be would
llko to n'uy u game of euchre , nnd no atd be
would. Uo took a bund In the "camo with
tbo three strangers , and. after playing
awhil' ' , one of Iho thtvu offered lobut t&al
ho Ind u tetter pnlor imnd than uuyouo lu
tlicjtuno. Uunpan tield lour Icings , which
ofrourna wcrn given him By the dealer , and
bo bet on them. The btrttipg continued
until Uungau had bet | CO and given bU
diamond rlnp. valued nt f JOO. to the pirtr
who rotnutnod M hot Against him. When It
cnmo to a tbonr-down Duncan held four
klc f whllo tm oopoccnt heM four nco .
The man who held the ring Jumped oft the
train when it Mowed up tt Highland , III. ,
nnd disappeared. Duncan remained In the
scat with the partner of tha party ( hit dis
appeared , and had him arrested when bo
reichcd St. Louis. Hawmontto Jilliw a
vagrant. After this the only ring Sam
should wear Is ono In hl < nosi .
Ill-Tnttln u. the Short llnlrril.
Bob FltzMramons1 debut m an actor In
Now Orleans wai a sort of frost.
Jim Halt savs ho will accept thoOlvmple
club's terms lo meet Fitzrtratnons In March.
Charley Kelo nnd Wily Evnin are
matched to fltfht on tbo evening of November -
ber 0.
Moore knocked out Tim Crowley of
Boston In five red hot rounds ut Chicago ten
dnys ago.
Tom Allen's old bicker. Prod Wntkitu ,
who. or the way , U nn old Omaha man , savs
ho tvlll llnd K > , uu0 to back Charley Mitchell
The "Hlack Poirl" and Jaeic McCann of
California hnvu been matched to flght before
tno Pain Alto Athletic club In San Fran
cis co noxl montn for n 11,500 purse.
Tommy Warren , the ex-foatberwelght I
champion , In tnlne to shoot a gnmbler
named Hoot nt Waco , Tex. , kilted Clement
Slonol and has been arrested and Indicted ,
The proposed Ilcht between Tommv W'hlto
of Chicago and 1'uildy McBrldo of Phllndol-
phU is off. White , ulthnugh accepting the
refused to coino east to arrange u
Andy Bowen of Noiv Orleans lamrnod the
llfo out of Johnnv Kckeri of Strealor , 111. ,
und Hilly Mver's old socontl , lu clghtcon
rounos at Plagucmltio , Li. , ono nlut last
A l\Aii \ hai been arrang&d batxvjon Joe
Uoddurd and 1'o'rr Maberto bo held ut the
Coney Wanil Athletic club in the first week
in Dacombor for a nurse of J7.500 , the luaor
to receive f l,0di ) ,
Whllo Jim Hnll hnsconsontod to flpht Deb
Flmlmtnons nt Now Orleans for tha uuno
offered , ho snvi bo cannot get ready before
March , The Olympic club named a aato
early in February.
Dutch Neal. the t . Louis fighter , is bunt-
Ing up \\clterwulgbt to go titralnsn Ho
savs he'd like to show tlreworlcs to-Tnmmlo
lit an , but that's all he'd like to. Uynii can
xvbln tno of Mm.
"Australian Hilly" Murphy has accepted
the oitor of the Coney Inland AthtuXle c'.ub ' to
match him against Johnnv UriOln for the
featherweight chnmpionship. Murphy has
agreed to weigh in at 122 pounds.
Jack Davis , the put ; in trouble nt Memphis ,
Is not tno cx-Omuhog , hut another man by
tbo same nuna. Big Jack is up In Sioux
City teaching a large class of young gentle
men how to hit , stop and got away.
Jack Dompsov has given up boxing and is
now going to follow wrjstling. Tno ox-
chntrpiou mldJlowolcht was ilrt hoard of as
n wrestler nnd alter n successful career in
that profession ho became u pugilist.
Tommy White has. sono to the Pacific
coast. Ills Chicago friends gnvu him a big
"sond oil" and nro now patient - waiting to
hear \\ho will bo tbo first man out there lo
whalohlm. Most nnv of them ought to
do iu
Bob Dobbs \\oti a great ficht out in 'Frisco
last Wednesday night when bo bcut-Cbarlio
Johnson of Minneapolis In forty-three rounds.
Dobbs is the colored pug who whipped Aaron
Shcrrov of this city ut South Omaha two
years ago.
The BlacK Pearl's * tar has snt. He was
again knocked out Pridav , a week ago. by
Joe Iving. ut 'Frisco. Tno Pearl , whoso
name is Harris Martin , rnadu two fights at
South Omaha a couple of yean since , win
ning both. In those days ho was considered
next to invincible.
John L. Sullivan gives the circulators of
tbo Boston pipe story a very close call. In
a talk with Clmrloy Johnson the big fellow
vowed : "J never salu anything oxcjp ; Cor-
bett licked 1112 on the level , I was in jjood
condition and the id a of being drugged
never entered my head. "
Ed Blnnoy , tbo middleweight pugilist
and tho.llrst conqueror of tbo Black Pearl ,
of Boston , Mass. . and Joe Butler of Phlla-
dolpnl.i who rccnntly gave Joe Uoduard a
n hard tight have been matched. The uion
will light before tbo Ariel club of tbo
Quaker Cltv next month.
Tbo following clever Australian pucllins
arrived in San Francisco last ween : Dan
Creedon , Nlpnsr Pealtes. Martin Denny ,
Starlieht and Grlffo. Griffo Is the champion
featherweight nf Australia and will be
matched to Hutu Oh.impioa George Dixon. „
Pitzsiramous. Uoddard and Hall say Griffo is
a wonder.
rrankle MoHugn , a llttlo tenth rate scrap-
par aown In Cincinnati , is fairly crviug-for a
light with George Dixon. It Is n pity
George doesn't taUo u run down to Iho P.irts
of America und turn ibis precocious child
over hi * knee and smack him. Melluirh , Polo
Shea , Jobnnr Lavaen anil Micklo Norton
altogether In the ring at the .samn tlmo wltn
Dixon might make some sort of a showing
and yet it is doubtful.
The California Athletio club Is making
strong efforts to match Gaorgo O.iwvni ,
tha Australian pugilist and , Billy Mvcr of
Streator , III. , who was recently dofentod bv
Jack McAullffo. Dawson says he will light
Myer provialtig the lattei's bicker , Alt
ICencedv , will bet ? .jl)00 ) on the sldo.
Al > or lofusoit , however , ou the grounds that
the purse ' is lee small. Is there no WAV to
supprosi'this farmer who Imagines tbut ho
is a lighter.
The California alhlotlc club has raatchod
Johnnv Van Hocst of Chicago , "ana Sol
Smith of Los Angeles , Cal. , to light to a
tluish in tha latter part of Dacembor for n
pimo of ' .l'OJ. The men must weigh in at
the ling sulo at IIS pounds , and as a guar-
unleo that tbov will light at thU weight , the
sum of ? J.'iO will bo ox-acted from oacti of tbo
contestants , which amount will bo returned
to them before the/ dross for notion. Tnesa
two will surely makti n rattling mill , nnd
Van Hcost is my choice for n winner.
A now match has boon maae in San Fran
cisco batwcon Charley Turner , the coloroa
ptigillnof Sto < ; klon , Col. , and Jim Williams.
Tbo I.ittcr was takou HICK and forfeited thi'lr
tirst match. Ho is now anxious to recover
his forfeit inonoy. The two wilt meet ue-
fore the Paclllc Atblotia club of San KYan-
cUcu curly In November , for a purse of'JO ' Danny Dalv of this city U training
Williams ana wrltot that he can't lorn
But Danny may bo mistaken. H tn es a
cracker jack to best tbut Stockton coon ,
' Joe GuddJrd has an inllatcd client and en
larged cranium and. hereafter and until fur-
thei notice bo will sign hlmsolf chimplonof
America. Nobody will pay any attention to
him nn this score , hovo\er , and I tr.ko it ho
will be generally lauubrd at , " declares P.
Jay. Technically , Goddard liai won the '
tltlo b.t default , just us Kilraln did from
Sullivan. But pcoplo will no more recognize -
nizo Joe as the champion than they illd the
blgBaltimoroau. In tha minds
of all who
know the game Corbeit la
, still champion
und he will remain such until ho is r *
In a battle for Iho tltlo.
Oo alp . \iniiiiK tlio Horiiciiien.
James Langshoro , Bolton. Mo. , has pur-
cliaseu Salllo Clinker , ' . ' ; ! ! } , by Cllukcr , tiSO. :
Mr. Hubbittof Kansas has a competitor In
ihe reinnman , J. 1C , P. Flawing , Prooport ,
111. , who has but ono arm.
Budd Doble has purchased the Axtell lllly ,
Turuutelio , that was rained in Nebraska ; ,
Doing out of Gladys by Administrator , the
property of Dick Maloney , foruiorly of Hum-
boldl , N b.
John W. , Stiles , Decnrab , la. , has sold to
M. T. Oralton , Preston , Minn. , the ed
pair of bay mires Idelwolss aud Uurnlce , bv
Dccorab , -Mi dams by King Heron and
Itlpon Bay , jr.
Simpson & Hill , Clyde , Kan. , bave pur
chased ol Ibo Jowott stock farm , Cheney ,
Kan. , the 3-year-old tillv , Deborah , by
j'utchouilUes , dam by Joroino KJdy , g. d. ,
by Clark Chief ,
The Iowa Turf , published at Das Moinei ,
says , In fcpenkiag of the mile track nt tnat
point , tbo nituatlob puramod up In a uutsheU
is tbd new mile track , boloie item be made
a success , mutt bo put under ue\v manage
inenl entirely.
The lYcstern Itosources , one of thouowslost
and Dost edited turf journals lu the country ,
aud published at Llnosln , U being issued
weekly now instead of every three weeks.
It stiovva improvement ever Its olJ
form add is a paper no local borseoian itbould
bo ultbouu
As the Year Book state * Lobaico. SslOff ,
uat bn-d in is supposed by
many that such It the case , but In fact he
ho had entered the 2i23 list , for * 12,50 ( ) , al-
thoijjth the published prlco was { 15.009.
A Kansas product that thoSunflower folks
msv Jm'lv point to with pride li the black
pacing stilllon. SiUwosd , thit took a record
of 2U } { In tha second heat of a race nt Los
Angeles , Cal. , Octobers. Halt by Black *
wosdMamiinno. Um I.uov Woodruff ( Ham
of Grace W , Js.U'f ) nnd was broj by B. 1
WHIMs , Noumxn , ICnn. In the sarao race
Oar Dick , by Gibraltar , teen the first In
BMO'f. '
Lobnscn. the cbtmplon trotting stallion of
the world. Is nt homo for the winter In bis
hnppv owner' * barn at Beatrice. Ho was
melon hit arrival bv till Iho loading resi
dents and bones as wall nnd while the men
nnd women shouted their approval wbcn ho
was encircled with costly flowers the ptoml-
ncnt hones in the procojtion signified their
perfect consent oy neighing nnd prancing to
thotiino of swaat and harmonious music.
Alt Nebraska tejoicosln the praud position
occupied by King Lslnsco. Western Uo-
From the Crcston Atlvortlser wo obtain
the Information that Dictator Prince , a 'I-
year-old stallion by Diclitor , dam bv Ken
tucky Prince , won his race at Ds Molnos
nnd untoreil tbo Hit by taking a record of
2:2HJf : A fovv days prnvlojs ho was third in
" :2L : | i nnd two watches Indicated that ho
mauo the mile In 2:27. List \ car at Lincoln
i,0 won tbo.-voir-oln rici" . Ho Is owned bv
L. Banks Wilson of Cr.stun , la , , who is
full Justified In expecting the none to
provo a most worthv member of the excel
lent fiimlliiu ho represents Dictator aud
Kentucky Prince.
- Tbo mile trink at Hamnton , la. , will bo
comnloted ibis week. U Is n beautiful ono ,
with superb surroundings. Unclrcllng the
north lurn Is a line grove of large oak trees.
In tlm l grove arc thosliblosiind other build
ing * connected with the grounds. Through
the north end of tha grove runs u tine
creek. 1'hH grove , whleb contains some
lilt acres , will in tbo future bo laid "lit Into
a nark , Tno neoploot Iliimn'.on nro gener
ally elated over thu fact that Sjrceuotowned
bv Mr. Hemingway , has rodm-ed his record
to2:10J.f ! : and also that Grover
C , a 4oar -
ohlslilllon bv Saraanot , hits won six out of
debt races nnd scoroi a record of 3:2l"J : on
a half mlle irack.
I Illustrative of the growth of the trolling
horto business In Nebraska , wo clip the fol-
letting \ from a Silver Creole. Nob. , piper :
"Four i oars ago thcrowas note Irotllngbred
horse in Sliver Crook. Now lucre are not
less man n'fty of all uucs and from such sires
j as . Shadelaud Onward , 2:19 : } . , ; Guelph.
! ? : tfiX | ; Salaam by Onward ; Koxbury by
SlllNon , and otnors. To Jonn B. Stet
son wo owe the introduction of f st horses
nnd the verv general Interest that U being
manifested In tbotn. Ho has been and Is
todav Iho leading spirit and it Is owing to
his efforts that this year an association of
gentlemen was formed for the purpose of
procuring grounas and constructing , a race
course. This bus oeon done ana wo now
have n half mlle track which is ono of the
very Quest trades In the state. "
Whisperings of the UlicVI.
Wlm did Kastman do while In Chicago ?
M. O. Dixon , H. K. Smith , Lou , Flescher
Frank Mittauor is in town on a ton days'
The Omaha Wheel club boys pedal down to
I'lnttsmuutb today.
Mr. Wntson and Allen of this city rotlo up
to Fremont ono day last week.
Who is Captain of the Ladies Omaha
Wheel club ! Ask Fred Paarce.
, Dick Bolt wants it distinctly understood
that Perrigo's L A W beater is not cash
prize , but strictly amateur.
A largo party of thb Ladlcs Omaha Wheel
clu' ) had their nhotographs taken at Fair
mont park last Sunday morning.
The Tourhts ride to Irvington today to
meet tbo Froujont Wheel club boys , who
will remain as their guasti during the day.
Jack Cnllv's quarter In 33 flat at Papllhon
last Sunday demonstrates the fact that he
can ride a little. Ho will bo a trooa man to
Jack Prince has ft race booked for today
against thron of O rjaha'a fastest noracs at
the fair ground. Tbo race to bo nmo miles ,
the horses changing oil every three tulles.
Next Wednesday evening's blind run will
bo tbo last of the season and a targe turnout
may be looked for. Captain Potter says ho
tias a urpriso for the Kane.
Tlioofllcersof the Omana Wheel club G
O. O. duo ore : A. II. Porneo president ,
Perry BaUolot secrotari' , and Kd Lvtle cap
tain. Captain Lvtlo Intends calltat ; the
annual run for Sundar next , when some of
the old riders will , as In days gene by , enjoy
some solid comfort.
Jack Conradt , Sam Rumoll , Lien Livosoy
and Ed Cox of the Omaha Wheel club
started on a century run last Sunday. Cox I
suffered a puncture at Horraan and' had to
take a train home , while the otQor throe
pushed on and roado the round trip in ten
hours , thus putting two centuries to Iho
credit of the Omanu Wheel club this season.
T'vonty-Iiro Tourists lat Wednesdav
ovenlncvendPd their wnv over to Councfl
Bluffs and up to 111 East Poirco street , the
Uomo of h. 1C. Smith , who was rocentlv
united in the holv bonds of wedlock to Miss
Annie Find ley. Captain Potter carried with
him a handsome silver tea sorvieo , a gift
from the Tourist Wheelmen to Mr. nnd Mra.
Smith , which ho presented lo the vouni ;
couple , who tbankod him nnd assured him
that the gift was hlsrhlv prized und that the
donars would never bo forpotten.
fiver ? Tourist who wont down to Pa
pillion last Suuusy bad a coed time , ono of
those times that > ou soMora have. Fifteen
arrived in a bunch ana n few stragglers
carao in afterwards. When the dinner
born was blown
and all were
seated , an onduranro race bocau ,
with Potter nnd Schnell the favorites , but It
turnnd out to he ono of tboio races where-
the favorites ijot lost in the shuflle. Food
disappeared as fast us It wa * put un and
still tbov were hunury und although Schnell
held his corner down well ho was not In It
nnd uropped out early. Thev fell pno by
ono , and it finally camci to a deid heat be
tween the two sintwistors. After dinner all
proceeded to the track whore u couple of
hours worn spent muusinj ; the farmora will )
sonio Tom J > jU races. A No 1 rambler
race was tim on the
program , the most re-
maikublo feature of U OeinK the fast tlrao of
two minutes for a half mile. All hands tried
( J. & J.'s now ho. : i nnd sav It ts smooth. Jt
will undouuteJly bo ono of the loadli.c
wbocls hero next season. After several
other dead beats the "push" started on the
return , arriving with the falling of tuo twi
t nnil Ai
OMIIIA , Oct. 23 To the Suortln ? Killtor of
TIIKIIKK : 1'leisost itii In TUB SUNIIAV HKE
who Is right In thu following dispute : 1'lav-
Itu tlirt'o-himdud double high llvo. dl ininnds
trumps , A uulms low by oUylnx the llvo nf
diniiHnds : Hoi ilms loir by playing the live of
hearts. tbn o Imlni the lowest cards out , A ,
UVWIS boiitii Kiaveutli sirooV
Ans , A Is correct
\Ve < T Sum , In. . Ot. I0. To the Bportlu :
Editor of TilKllKic : I'lo.tiostiito lo fannUuv's
llLt thu f.islc-t llinu evur inauu liy u huun I for
ono mlle nUo for two miles. A subscriber ,
Ana , Have no rooord for courting hounds
of a milo or farther. The host " 03 yards was
mauo at Buffalo , N. V. , in 1SSO bv the old
Ooubado ? , Clolhcsllnu , 11) soconiU.
OMAHA. Out. 22. In the Bportin ? Editor of
TUB HKE : Iniisanii' of cr.vus wlnu la crnps ,
- . JunU 12or' ' and l.'only ? boutb Thirteenth
Atis. Twc , three , twtlve.
Xeh. , Oot ! i To the Sjiortlii.
Kill tor of TllK IIKE ! Kindly Ktito In tomor
row's HKK thu name of kuuio cootl oycliiig
Journal II any U published. ( Jvclor ,
Aiis. The Ileferee , Chicago ; the Wheel.
Now York ; the Bearlngp , Chicago.
SUTTON. Neb , Oct. 21. To the Sporting
KJItor of TUB IIEB : Would you please Inform
mevlicru I could get u Hot of rules ami by-
lavrs for un athlotlo olub ? .M. J. .MeDbrmoto.
Aus , Write to Proiidont Amoa of tbo
Omaha Athletic olub.
Ouuu. Oct. . To the Sportlnc Kdllor of
THE Hue : Will you pleaao sluto in your
columns nf huiiday'd IIkK. uotnethlnz of the
ability of Joe G'lioynsltt us compared wlih
Ueor e Uodfrey. K. 1 , M ,
Aus. Although. Georga Godfrey has been
one of the best
° lighters Pistiana aver pro-
< luoe dCboyaski should defeat himas he pos-
seasojyoulh , strength , uglilty and endurance
In a marked degiee over his colored rival ,
who must assuredly bo growing stale. Still
It will bo a light for any man's money , as all
of "Old Chouilato's"
rights bave been. Ho
Is one of the gquarett pujs living , and goes
Into his fights exactly as you would into any
bminoia transaction. Although 1 said
CboyniKl should win , U will not surprise mo
if Oodfror fools him ,
llcitwti.t. N'eu , Oct. SS. To the sporting Ed
itor ol THIS HEK : To decide u wager will you
ploiso answer the following nuostlon on In-
oloiad carJ and mull to me ? It U necumary
In pluylus hlh-Uvu to follow suit wlmn suli h
led mid you do not wlih to trump ? II. 1 * .
Ana. It certainly U ,
Agreeable soap for the
hands is one' , that dis
solves quickly , washes
quickly , rinses quickly ,
and leaves the skin soft
and comfortable. It is
Pears' .
Wholesome soap is
one that attacks the dirt
but not the living skin.
It is Pears' .
Economical soap is one
that a touch of cleanses.
And this is Pears' .
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people use it.
luJfr isjrmoriit
Yon iRMMl not pny ono cent.
. Wo Eciul It to youKHKi ; ,
K\ory blcjclc warrunted ,
ami eqimw those .oMunj-
Any l ojr or pit-1 under 18
, r * of ne < s who want * u
flr t rlo % * blry clc run ert
one t rcc * AVe will Kit a
unj hey ortlrlnhlryclc
im M rj tiur condition * .
M hctUnrr ! * 5 In. with
crrMffit ti-lrlm
und moutilrtl rub *
berllrrA , und run
on lianlrnid fttwl
rtniw bi urine * * Hi ! .
Jn < tnl > Ic tu wcur ,
Ctiirrd to 4fl In ,
with drlarhablo
rrnnkt 4 loG In.
I h row t frume (1 ( rtr-
ly tMiittmIrd nlth
iMfh niurhtnr l
> iipp1lt < l 1th toot
Miff , trr * nrli nnd
iillrr. M o lime
< .lt her bor * or
tflrl'AAt ) Ir , lljou
trunt u Illcjrln
Krec rut thU * d
* crtl4niftit out
nnil urndto tm t *
NO. no
tiiiucu , ni.
n (
Artistic iXTC
, ai Low Prices.
Stock and Design
The Latest-and Best.
Send us Wl.SO and we'll send jou 100 engravefl
catiU from a new copier pjate.
Send us 00 cts. and s-ourptewmt plate ( to be held
and registered ) and rcll send you too en
graved car Jv J ij/ c
We pay expr.jsSjtWges.
( Late Qobb's tlbrarjCoj
136 WnbVsh A\e. . Chicago.
The Battle Will Be Until Our Large Stock
Fought to a of Men's Overcoats
Finish. is Closed Out.
The Price of Men's
Suits are Down
With a Black
Sharp Cutting and Eye
To See Our Display
of Children's and
Boys' Suits and
The Natives Give Up
Overcoats at
the Fight and are One-half Their Regu
Astonished. lar Value.
Rotnombor street auil numbor.
1317-1319 Douglas Stree\
Mail Orders will rocolvo prompt attention.
THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. Tha onlj Hafts Hurt , aMrcftilfe PIU for tile
_ . . with blue r bbou Tc * nn other kind , frfuir .suftintul/tmi / and Jmtat\oni >
. , ,
M ho rJ Uiflnt , .
. | wrappfTi rednrcron r nnt < rrrlt * AtDrngcUu or . ,
4f. , In rar r r rtrtlenlari . . , imimcnlaU. anj * * l < rller lor Ladle * ! * * ( ntttttr , by return Mnll.
K ooi Tctti'aoul.i- / rpr CHICHCSTCR CHEMICAL Co . UmiUMit sqtmri *
c 1
Which can only be obtained by caring for the teeth and stomach. 1i
Teeth Filled Without Pain by a New Process , the Latest and
Best , Used Only by
Dr. Bailey , Leading Dentist ,
Office , Third Floor Pascton Block , 16th aiitl Pariiam Streets ,
Kcad u few of the many testimonials
\vo Imvo received from these who have
had their tooth filled by this new
method :
OMAII \ , Sept ! , IKT-TlitJlJ to certify that Or.
Uallry nllfill'l lit TOryncnultlTO loetli for mi' , four
nltli Bold , llieuporuUnn was wltlinnt tbo bllKlitot
l > lu anrt I tan ticartllj-Jcccoramonil U to nil who
desire teeth tlllcil .1 If. \CKf-ov. .
OMAHA , frupt Sth , IBM Severn ! toclli ere fllloil
for mo In Ir Hnlley's onlce , the BllliiBs wore niostljr
KOld.niy tccih hare usually hurt me so much In Bet-
tine miliic done , but those filled t > > tlio nnir procesi
utedby lr lnlUitld notc'iiifo me. the least pain.
J 11 Clll'iiciilll. . Ileslclemo Council llluffK
l.isroi.N , Neb.Sept 15 , 189.-Dr. It.V. . lUlley.
Onniha. .Neli IioarIr : I flaillr udil my testimon
ial to tlui other * you hive ; rujnnlliifc' jour pnln
Itu uielhud of illllnz teeth It Is u urn ml MUCCI"
] . J.IM.M TOV.
\Voeoulilprlnt otlmrs , luit It would only to n ,
repetition of the nt-ntlmunti abore. Co mo und try
fur jour 'If.
Treth oxtrnrteil without pain , anil wIthoiit the
iikoof nneithvtlos ,
\Vo nr still nmklnutlio p tine icti of tocth for
( JOO n at warranted. Also the'Jhln Klnillo Morrlii
I'lato unil the toilli * without plates , fouml iml ) at
Minis oxide , IniiKlilnKKD'/vltallzeil nlr etc. ! ke t
constantly on lianil.
Don't forget locution , "I'artqrt llloci , ' lOtli anil
Karnuni Cut this ml J tiutgf a culilo ,
l ! Tli
. , purchasing goods made at the following Nebraska factories. If you can
not find what you want , communicate with the manufactures , as to what
Ill * dealers handle their goods.
Co. n TOHV.
Kligs , hummocks , " illid and doretallat
. olliad ibvei. fkpultr * ) )
Aandfor clay , K it Oaillu I'd I
C talogae 1113 r urn am f\ \ ) . I1 , O
Onrboitled cabinet bejr fiuiranteo I too'iui
dcllrereit to our part M4e bran u VI am
oftbooltr , Kxpurt bjtllai bu. %
IW Jackson Strait. daliniral vt
Ca RlJKl ) .IOI I'UtNT
KM I > iuglai street
lle Ilulllln/
Ou ah Minuficiurol
334 Dearborn
rrorlniiinlliiii ,
nnil not lee to tlio nloolors Mini In gnl voters o
tlio city nC Onmlm at nu nmiiml city nlpctltin
of Hit * city of Onintin , to l > e liolil on Tno litv ,
tluiMli ilny of NoMsinhor , I'd. , for Iho pnr
post'ot cleflliiK uim couiii'llinnii frum unch
To tlio doctor niul lant rutcr * of tlio city of
Onmlm :
1 , Coor o I' . Itt'inK innyor of tlio oily ot
Onmlm. ild Imuo till' , my iirocliiinatloii. nutl
hy the authority M-Meil 1 1 nui n such mayor
Uo lii-roby cl\u liiihlle millco lu the di-ctori
nnil IP/HI Mitoisof tliucity of Onmlm Hint nu
Mitinul ollv olpiHloii of tlio Hty ot Onmlm.
will boliclil Inijlilr ty on Tttud ly. ( linnlolillv
diiy of Noruinlior , Is'.1. ' for tlio imrwxuof uli'ul-
Inirnna couiiol ni in from u.iuli w.ird.
Tliomt \ \ \ ilmll ti < oiii'ii on thu il-iy ot s.ila
nlectto i nt olitlit oMiiL-k In llie inornlnz niul
dluill oontlnuu opuu until slo'clock In tlio
in oiling o ! Hitsiuno ( I iv , nl tliu rospoctlra
ibciM following , to-ult :
K C0rllcr Tttl "lul
8tl1 l"ld
N K oop"Br I2th nml Jon0'
J > a8lno 9trout b0'
" 1101 of l > ark wnd - " " *
ii-o * corner 10ll > ' l Hickory
.l > I'ltrlC' B " ' corl"-'r filh IU"1
lrc t . - " Cental
sllr"otl > J l rlat-NW corner Oth tincl Ilanoroft
K corner IJlh "
W cortlcr Iuh nml
' ' ' r'Ct ' N' W
streets'3' cot"or 13th "IlU
W Cor"or lsth niul I'
W CUr" ° r 2Jth nml
1 : cornur 2Jd nml
titli DNtnut Kist sldo of SoutUiMth
struct ,
imxiiltu ' oni .n
; I'opplvton nri\
< tli District b i :
( corner ifltli and IMorco
Mh District S K carnor Htli nnil Willliim
Uth atrcuts District N C corner BUlcontli anil Center -
I ith District N W corner 2Jtli niul Doroat
llth U.strlot S K corner 2 < Hli inil Uancroft
st rents.
r.'lh Distrlot-N n corner nth and Vlulon
Uth 1)1 Uriel S W corner Uth and Vnlloy
Uth District N U corner 20th ind Ioulu\.ird
Tilllin wAim.
1st DstrlctSV ! corner 12tli im'l ' Chloazo
2cl District N W corner Uth und Duvonport
: id Dlstrlut South side of Capitol avonua
ninr ( L-tor l.llh strout.
4tli District West slilo of 12th struct , bo-
Uvoen nnil Doiluu streets ,
flth District N i : corner lutli and Capital
( ilh District N K corner Oth and Harnoy
7th District y K corner llth and DoiwUi
-.t i cuts
bih District N E corner 13th and Jnokso *
itrocts Hlh District S n corner 10th niul UonarC
rnuiiTii WAiti ) .
1st District .NV corner 17th and DavonpoH
i'nd District NV corner 2'nil nutl Davenport
Jrd District N W corner 23th anil Dodge
4th District N n corner 17th and Dodito
5tn Dlstriot-X K corner 17th and llarney
> iruots.
Wli District NV corner 20th and Douglas
7th ' District NV corner 20th atrcot and St.
mry's nvoiuie
8th ' District \Veornor20tIi street and Ht.
M.iry's nvoniio.
Otli District K-\nt sldo of i-outh 1'Jth ' strcut.
lotween llurnoy street unil t > U Mnry'saviinuc.
lUih District NV corner lath and Lo ivon-
tortli Htroets.
llth ' District S W corner 17th street and St.
Ill District Rnst silo of bheruiau avcnuo
uppos'te Mandursun Hired.
'nil District S U corner Sherman ttvciiu&
mil Win struut ,
Ircl District a W corner Hlinrioan avcnuu
mil I/.IKO street ,
uh District NV eornur blieriiun avenito
ml Grucu street.
Jtli District .SV corner 17tU und Charles
Oth District Knit sldo of bhornian avunuo
tbuut : iJ feet norlli ur Nicholas street ,
7lh District H K oornnr Ilith ; uul l/.iird
Slh District X W cornur Kith unil Hurt
[ Ith Dlatnct N U corner 15th and Oasi
10th District Knit Hlilu North 17th street bo.
tM-Bii California and C.iss btrctsts
Illh Dlstrlut-H i : corner 18th und Ouss.
l t District B H corner INth sticotnml Amc *
I'nil I'lstrlc't ' hV coiner LGth street and
jrllll UWJIIIIO.
.ird District N IJ corner 15th and Grant
) th DistrictV curncr-'llli nnd Miiudcrfim
Mh IMstrlol SI > nriiBr''llh ' nutl Wlrt .Iroots.
Dili UUirli'i S W corner uJrd und I'arlior
7lh District N \ \ corner i'Hh n id Cor by
Mli liUtrlct .N H corner -/tli / nnd Itnriloito
tali District N H corner -'ml nnd Grnnt
t rut-ts.
I 1)1 ) District N W corner mill and I'r.uil.llu
Ilili Dlbtrlct SV corner L'Hh tind I'lun'.Iln
l.'th Dlatrlot S W cornur "Jnil'aiiii C'lnrlc
lut DUtrlut-S \ gornor Suth and MUBOII
"nd I'Utrlct-N ' K corner ' "Jlli avcnuo arid
I'opiilutDii iivniiuo.
Urd District H W corner SOIh hlrt-et nild
iViolwortli uvcnuo.
Uli Dl'itrlct N W cornel .1)111 ) street unil
Arbor ttrout.
f.tli District South aldo of VInlon street ( unitof ) south : iid ; ncniio.
ctli District B I' cornur .Uth nvuiiuu and
l'nilotoii | | avonua
7tn District N W corner : ilti ! und I'rnncU
Nt DUIrli-t Kast Hlilo of % th ntn-ot noiir
'south nf I ChnrK'x strnei
' 'nil District N\ust side 9f 'J3d atruet near
( aiiutli ot ) I'll u I ktrxel ,
Ji l District N W corner COth and Nicholas
Uli District N H cornur'OUi ind Uuinlu- '
t-trui < ts
Mh nitlrlct Wo Uhlaor North IKlJi
near ( north oO ( 'uinliu xtri ct ,
Mh District H lleurrer Mimd ( In
7th Dutrkt S W torner .Olh uiul
Ut Dmtrict-H W tornei KJ und
Htrttet * .
I'd District N W corner lOtli and
M District N V. corner 40tU nnd
btrcetii. '
4th District North ttlluof Di\ei < | i'irl street
nuur ( wu.t oi North .Ol inoniio
Dili ilMrlul s C cor nor : ilit uvriinii
bill District S W cotnur ! * th uvi-uUe utnl
Juck&pn otrtiut.
In witness -.vlinreof f hu\e liunjiiiilo to I
us in.iyo' of .nd ejty of
arofOutol ) , , .IWi
. , li > . ( i I' lIKilln. Mayor.
Attoni ; JiiiiN Ciic \ IH , i ity < 'ieru. ulixi ,1 ,
Tliu 1'licnuiL.i'i.iil | ' | i > ilclaD , Toicllc uuti Autliur-
C'n , will U'aili iKjriliumclrjr In iilirrlcluni na < l oltii-n
to vuable lliera loUlaxnuili dUcanvp npJ klro l' < o
turallvii Uk'unt wlijiun tunklnirqUMlluni Coinfilr
nil u Juik nl liulr with II uu 'iJ Imvvtlili < < vin *
! > ! . THU OITIUi : ,
Hi N.IHUMt. Dr. JUUXUIIKLIli' , 1'rait