"TTTK OMAHA bATLV IW.F. . FJTNiUvSirTottKU ai ift 2 STXTKKN PAORS WHERE GRA\ \ LIVED AND LIES In and Abont Stoke Pogis , Where the Deathlew "Elegy" Wan Written , RUGGED ELM , IN YEW TREE'S ' SHADE r : < | > fcUlljr rntnrrstlni ; to tlm American I'll. Brim from Its Amoclntlonrltli the rnn rnnlly-l'cn-rictnrr ; .if ( Illnlmrrlni : mill Cnr i'ii Church , SroKB I'odis , Kig. , Oct. 13. ( Corres pondence of TUB BKI : . ] If the splendid conlo nnd hlitorlc environment of Sloko Pogli , tbo old homo and chief haunt ot the poet Gray , u line nnd sllrrlng , the plnco lliolf Is ono Ilkoly to awaken the purest emotions of contemplation nnd dolicht. Pence nnd repose fccom to brood upon all tbo lanes nnd Oold . If you comons most visitors do by way of Windsor nnd Slough tatlon , you will Insensibly feel this tbo moment the latter nloco hiw disappeared oo- bind ibo olnu , and you nro alone in thai blphwav between the Holds. Htorna Sabbatb Booms to bavo descended unon tto entire parish of Sloko I'ogls nnd the manor of Stoke ; nnd , whatever the season of tbo year , the Inngurous husb U always hero nnd ever close and unbrouon. 1 otton tramp out hero from old London town witb any manner of vnnarous excuse for tbo Idling vagabond journey. Kucn time I am sure to dlicovcr some new lane or hodeo-bordcrcd road leajlng to the nook and nostlseolc. Wborovor I may bo when n half-dozen miles away I follow blindly only the general direction toward the tiny gruv old splro which pushes above iho sofi bank of trees to the west ; and then , bo It by broad hlcbwny , bloosominif lane or by foot path across the fields , there Is the same surpassing - passing quint beauty and changeless utraos- pberoof rest. All 1.110 Attunncl to Nature' * IVnre. It sceinsthat even ibo carts upon ibo high way * are moro noiseless hero. Cotter or Dlowboy , ' 'fnrmsr or crimv potter from .ho near Uilns , country wench or lassie with rosy cheeks , appears to move from bouse to houao or Hold to Hold as If In pleasant mood. Kino in Holds , dogs at doouvays , abcop In menilowfi , nil browse or nod in sleepy solstice time : while the bird , though no luss melodious hero , tune ihelr lavs as If hesl- tanlof breaking , oven with Joy , tbo sweet nod tender spoil. All this , too. Is Intonsilloa by the peculiar retirement of. tbo central scene of ibo "Elegy" Iho Sloko I'ocls ohurch and oburcbynrd. Nollher is at tbo wnysldo as Is usual with English country munorln , churches. Unless first rightly directed , you would pass them many times unon the old north and south blchwny ( ram Slouab. They ho to Ihn west of Iho road bidden by dons' ) masses of trees. Opposite are pleasant fields witb here and thcra willow- bordrrod runlets of wimplmg water or badowy pools , where In summer are G.bn kino , breast-deep In llio shallows nl nee n When the llnshodsun w.illhlnsnfTrony skies , throadlngs ot lanes and highways with dalntyvistasstrotcbiug tolbo honzon ootweeu nd , if the trees are wind-whipped enough In autumn time , glimpses of tbo somber brown of Kton's embattled walls with the Kreat Hound Tower of Windsor a gray sll- bouotto boyond. Tlio Mcmorlnl Monument. If you know the way und bavo come In Juno'or July , when lawn and loaf are rich est , you can see from tbo bigbxvay no moro than tbo cbtrnnev , or tbo eaves , or a bit ot the roof tiling of a llttlo iodgo beyond tbo gato. Overarching trees nnd luxurious creepers shut , out the Stoke park road to church and manor bouso complo'.oly. Leav ing this , you enter a path loading ever a lit tle hillock through a tangled maze of coppice - pico and come , ai the end of perhaps 100 yards , to iho huge monument , erected lo iho memory of Gray lu 17'J'J ' by John Ponu , grandson of William Ponu. the tnon lord of Stoke manor. The design was by the noted Jamns VVyatt. It consists of a sarcophagus ot historic size supported on a lofty square freestone pedestal , tbo wbolo reaching per haps forty or fifty foot above the sward , which Is beautifully gemmed with ( lowers aud protected by a surrounding sunk.on fence. It is really the only important monument to Gray in existence. A vast sum was once collected uia'ar pralcnso of a building fund In memory of Gray nl 1'embroka ball at Cambridge , where he was for many years one of the most Illustrious ornaments of the Classic town. "Indeed , " snjs so excellent nu authority as Gossr , "It strangers did not periodically inquire at Cambridge for his room , it is probable that tbo name of Gray would bo ns completely forgotten at Pembroke broke as at Petorhouso ( from which his cold balh al Iho bands of roystoring fellow com moners , eco January night in 17ol ( , baa driven him ) where also no mon- urnontof any ulna preserves tbo record of bis presence. " A Pool's I3iltnph. | The inscriptions on the four sides are In keeping witb tuo spirit of tbo spot , and at once emphasize in Ibo visitor's mind llio close and loving association of "poet , poetry and places Un tbo slilo facing tbo south approach preach is thu following : This Monument , In honor of THOMAS ( illAY. Was hreotcd A. I ) . KOa. Among the ticonory Colebruted by t.iat ureal j.yrlu and I3Ieglie J'out. Uo died In 1771 , And ties unnoted In the uUjolnlnff Churchyard , Under Iho Toiubstonu on ulnrh ho piously And pathellually refolded the liitoriiient Of his Aunt aud lamented Mother. The other thrco inscriptions uro from tbo "Ocloto Elon College" and Iho "Elegy. " That on Iho north Hide U from the ode : Yo distant splrn-f ! Ye antique tonersl That croun Um watery Ah. haupv hills ! Ah. pleaalim Ah. IIUKlH helovuu Iniln ! Where onuu my carelesselilldhood strayed. A hlruiiRor vet to pulnl 1 feel thu Kales thnt from yo blow A momentary bliss tiuatuw. On iho east sldo are tbo folio win ? two stanzas from tbo "Elogv : " llcneatli these ) rupeea elms thnt yew tree's Whnui heaves the turf In many a moldorlnj : heap , Eaoh In bis inn row cell forever laid , The iiulo foiefutheraof llio hamlet nlcop. Tbo bnu/.y call of Inceiiso-liroatlilntf morn , The Hwallow twlttorinit from tho.strnw-bullt hllCll. U Tbo rocl.'H shrill clarion or the eeholni ; born , Koinoiu shall rouse thuin from tbulr lowly bed. Again are lines from tbo "Hlegy" chosen for llio Inscription oo tbo wesiurn facade : Hard by yon wood , nou smlllnr as In sooin Mulliii iia Ills wuywaiil funvicrf he would Now druopiUK , woeful , wnn. Ilko ouo forlorn , , Ui uruvdvllh euro , or CTU C < | In liupohos lino. Ono morn 1 inUacd htm on thu accustomed Alons thu hoiith. nnd near tils fuvnrltu tree ; Another cnmot noryul hoildu llio rill , Kut up tholuwu , nor HI thu wood wus ho. rii'miuc i'rn | ieot , From your present , sliulon at the monument ment vou hnvo only to turn uud face the went for us mvcel u prosnocl onu nlloguiber hidden il ! ) jou cutccd | thu ledge KUIO UK over till in mi o.ves behold. Across a luwnltko open field of clover , almost musical Irom the hum of murmuring fees , U seen to the riiht , llio remaining hugo gables und ohnnneya , Its t(0 ( almost completely covered with ivy , of old It baa , Slolio hitll , the uuclunt manor house. Hero rlloi. . once lived the noulo fumilios of the Hunt- Ingdoii ! ' . the Cokes uud tbe Cobbams , whcro lltioj Quoeu KHzabotb became euuuiored of her Illtllo ] cno time rov'al entertalnuicui. Duws ctiimer ur . about tno old chirauoys nnd KOsvlp iu tbo lloui- brunches of the lofty trues. Aucloul groat- nc i Dad atatcllneaa with plcluresijuti and oven winsome decuy charm thu onlooker lu ' every vlow of old aioko hall. To Iho left , and somewhat farther awny , across uontly rolling and velvuty lawub , the beautiful vista being uounuod on either ( Ida bv tomoot the richest parU lor- c try iu Kuglaud , U st-uu lli-j dazxllugly vrhltuoullluos of the upleudla Stokuliallof today. Uoforo It , or.d still to I ho south , a gleam of bhimmoriQK blue bluu of an exlou- tee lvo nrtiliclul itUcot of water. Dehind It , to tbu richt , la a lofty pillar nearly 1UO feel la height , surniountod by n heroic tlKuro of glr ttuwura Uoko , KlitabeiU1 * attorney und rhtof Juitlc * of tbo klnc'n bench , whoso ca reer and wrltlnpi nro familiar to the logl profession throuehoul ths world. Throueh marrlafo ho wai once lord ot Stoke manor. Hut the princely manor houio which ends the vltta , and whose whllo colonnades giro the Impression thnt lawn nnd forest enchant the ojotoroit upon some fair painco built by fairy hands , wa * the worn of the Penn family , principally of John Penn , ibo founder of Ponnnyluanla'a nocond ion by his second wife. An American's vlrld fanoj prompts a proprietary , or Kindred , fooling bore , and you are heartily glad vou can IInil In Ent'lRnd better memorial ot Ibis great family than the tablet to Admiral Penn , In Si. Mnry Uodcllffo church , Bristol , or the grass-choked prnvo of tbo trrnnd old Quaker , William Pcnn , in lonely Jordan' ? Meeting llouso gravo-gurtb , Wlicrn "tlm Kudo rorefathcrs Sleui ; " Squarely before vou , to tbo west , not MO yards away , an exquisite gem of sconlo rcAllty In Iho setting ot tbls uncqualcd rural picture , stands old Stoke PORIS church , sur rounded by Its hallowed churchyard , fade- l"ss in the memory nnd boart of man for lust four lines of the tondcrost poetry ever penned llcno.ith those niftgcd olini , that yew trco'i simile. Where hrnxoi the fruit In many it inold'rlng honp , IJ.icll in his narrow cell forever laid. The ritdu forefathers of the Imtnlet sleep. At no old-world shrtuc will your heart o leap and thrill with supremely gratified ox- puclanuy. There Is olntlou. indeed Inloxlaa- itou , in iho perfection of your realisation. 1 am aura your experience is nn universal ono. Expressions falling from tbcllps of differ ing lypes of Americans In my presence on dllTarent occasions fully Illustrate this. Ono was by n prim Ohio matron who looked upon the old and now manor houses and then on the little church and yard In n mailer of fact wuy for n tlmo , and then said briskly lo her handiorae daughior aianding near : "If Gray had over written about this place dlfTcront than ho aid , ho would bavo been n plaguoy fool , und that's all 1'vo got lo say itbout III" A plain Now Knglnud sohoolraa'am came. She nad walked from Slough to save car- rlago Hire. She Und tolled nnd scrimped many years logotto a few of these old-world shrlnos. "Oh , " shr- said , with tears of Joy filling her itray , line oycs , "to have worlted und saved.my whole llio , with Ibo surely of finding II so true to > ny henrt-ploturo of It all , would have indeed bcon n lifelong plcns- uro ! " UK riirseil tluil .Stun of Urn > 's. A wealthy ranchman from Wyoming who cama in a carriUKO , mind you , and ' 'tipped" everything nnd everybody irom Slough lo Stoke , not 'crgotling myself in his Kindly fooling , because 1 wus able to point out n fuw trilling things ho might bavo overlooked , volesd ibo sumo idea in n , different way : " 1 used to 'putso' that Mull of ( Jrav's when I wus a boy , down in our MohuwU valley village school , lill the t'ifurnal 'glimmering landscape' of ovcry kind of grammar wns fading from my sight. Hut it worked uo a regular longing lo sometime come and sort ot stnnd around whcro Gruv loafed. Now Unit I'm hero tlio whole thing takes hold of mo hard. My friend , that fellow , Uray , 'rounded up' thlugs here square ! " And so ho did. 1'ootry Is truly revelation Ihrough melodious words. Hut It must bu Irue. not false , revealmcnt ; or you and 1 and the Wyoming critic are certain to stop at the llclv bars of unreality and Haw. You will saunter loviugty aruontr the graves for a little , moantlmo polling ac quainted with old Josopli Lovoll , for tnauy , many years Iho soxlon hero , and his wife ; both nearly suvonty years of ago , but chirpy Tbov are making a bit. of hay among tbo mounds , as U Ihoir right aud their only fee , nsido from that from burials , for which Joseph pots "four bob ( Kuilllnca ) fur the big uns , an' two for tbo llttlo uns. " llrro I.lra n I'ouc tu Puniucll Kniiwn. The church itself l.s u llttlo odd jumble of stone and wood , low nnil wide , witb Iwo low gables fuel UK ibo east and , gradually merg ing iulo one peak al ttin west end. Il has ouo of the oddest south porches to ba founn in Kucland. On the north.sido is n huge , low tower , nearly as large as the body of the church , from the top of whoso crumbling Norman battlements rises a lull uud very slcndor woouen spire. Too entire church , to above tbo ease of the spire , is massed and malted with ivy , ant ) is nn inspiring picture of mellow antiquity and hallowed repose. At the east end , Jnsl beneath tbo vestry window and but u low feet from the church wall , H tbo ancient low altar tomb of the Grays. On tbo slab is out the famous in scription by Gray himself in memory of his aunt. Mary Antrobus , nnd bis mother , Dor- otbv Gray , "tho tender , careful mother of many children , ono of whom alone bad tun misfortune to auivivo tier. " In this most lium bio tomb Gray lies. Ho wns bunco hereon on the Gib of August , 1771 , m accordance witb bis own request in bis will rnado at Cambridge , but no mark upon the stone which covers bis dust ever served to denote bis rcsti g place. AL-ain the friendly liana of n I'enn is .seen in the tablet opposite ) in the old church wall , recordiuir the fuel of Uray's burial hero. Jobu Pcnn sot this tablet hero eighteen years alter Gray's burial ; and it was the first record made in sloua tbat Thomas Uray had lived aud sung in Eng land. land.Tho The old south porch is ono of n few i Jtnaln- ing curious examples ulonc witb that at Grasmcro church , where Wordsworth is buried of the very miciont , stone porches attached to country churches. In olilon tlmos I hoy. were the yatlitrlii' , ' places of villagers. With the room formerly over thorn called the parriso , ibo whole , with llio stone slilo seats und piscina , formed a tiny chunol ui which rustic mar riages were solemnizcO , "HusDiiads at Uhlrcho-aooro have I had flvo , " says Chaucer's Wife ot Bath ; ana as this church und porch are fully ( KM years old many sucu ceremonials have doubtless been wltucbsed here. You will llncor long within it , for you iiro sitting In the very shade of that "yow tnJo" commemorated in tbo "IClojjy. " Its broad branches reach to the quaint gable above you , nnd droop us if In benignant protection upon tbo hallowed spot. Interior ot Molui 1'ogis UJiurch. Tbo Interior of this ancient church Is vary quaint aim simple. Tbroo strangollvc-anglea arches illvido tlic nartowHiao aisles Irom ibo nave , the tun bo rod vault of which is partly supported by four huge cross-bourns of oak. Tbo powb are as straight and narrow and as 'grotoiijucly curved as any l have olsowuoro found in Knglund. An ancient stone front , lined with loud uud undoubtedly 500 years old , stands In too center of ibo nave aud above tbo family vault of tbo Ponns. Tbo basement of tbo Unver Is wholly occupied by the manor paw. Its bigtt puuelliik' and nar row lattice work are ypry quaint and odd. It is provided with settles , ottomans una a llrcplnco of ancient design ; curtains screen tlio occupnnu from tbo gaze of other worshipers ; it Is lighted by n tiny splayed window , cut in tbo tower's east wall ; und tbo lord of tbo manor nnd bis family are admitted through n nrlsonllko door bcnenth outer crumbling htops , up which llio cbangc-ringors. led by old Joseph Lovoll , tbo sexton , use-end when they doll tholr coats for tbo uiorry work in tbo Kij chances upon tuo cumin of six sweetly musical bulls. Abtdo from Ibo memorial pew tno only spacious pew In Stoke I'ogis churcb is tbo Gray family pow , now occupied by the Allbuscn heirs , who uro also owners of tlio now bandsoino West Und co'.tnge , a mlle north of ibo church , which wui Gray's homo during bis rcaUeuco at Stoke 1'oirix. It is tbosuuuiost , coziust place In llio liltlo church , uud stands in the ttost end ot tuo .south nUlo. Above It on tbo ono side Is n uoublo lancet blalned glass win dow will ! a representation of Uhriit biosslng llttlo children ; und on Ibo other , along tuo south wall , Is u huge I'enn table ! , commemorating the buriut within tbls cuurcU of Thomas I'enn , sou of William I'enn , ot his ( Thomas' ) wlfo. Hi , Ilou. uuly Juliana I'enn , third aaugbiur of Thomas , first earl of I'omfret , of their sous , John and Uran- villa I'enn , of tbo wife of the latter aud of their tbrco sons und four daughters. Somehow there Is hero and all about Ktoko I'OKIS uu indlssplublo linking of tbo memory of tbo pon&ivo poet and tbo kindroa of tbo gruua old Quaker chieftain. 1'ornaps to you and I , as Americans , It draws moro closu tno kindly spell which broods upon tbo church , cburcbyurd and silent , sylvau scone of ibo ' 'Klosy. " Bui you can hardly Icavo ino sweet old spot until the shadows btxvo fallen , 'und , vour whole beimr tilled with tbo tender spirit of tbo place , your boart , rattier tban 3 our h in , utters tuosu lines of graven soul it liquid song ; Now fndiii the Kllininerluv lamUeupo on tbo si/lit. And ml the air a solemn sllllnosj holJs , Save uhero the beetle wbuola liln drontns lllRllt Aud iiiuwiy tiukllujis lull thu UUtant fold * . L. SHOTGUN MARRIAGES VOID Judge Davis Lays Down a Now Rule ia Divorce Oassi. MARRIAGE MUSF BE A MUTUAL MATTER Wllllnni Mcliobcrc Discovers that Ho llni Not Itccn n Married .Mnn Inr Yearn , Allhaitcli llo \ \ nVetl to Sn c It When William Schoborg , accomoanlod by his lawyer , wont before Judge Davis yester day , ho was positive that bo wns a married man , aud the lawyer In iho case would iiavo staked bis reputation and bis retainer 'oo ibatViliiam was tied to a woman by matrimonial fattors thai galled and cut ocep down ' Into the flesh , but when the two men hied themselves from iho Judicial presence they were not sure wnothortha ono who wns 'n trouble was married , single or both. Attached to this state ot affairs tuoro Is a tale which n court petition nnd nothing olio unfolds. It it aakoloton In the closet and t rallies every tlmo tbat tbo door Is opened and the family affair l exhibited to the public. William' * lloyliooil Hays. Seven years ago William was nn Innocent country lad ot 17 summers residing upon n farm in the vicinity of Dunlap , la. William had his pwoothcarts , and among them was 11 farmer's daughlor who was fair to look upon. The two young people thoughl considerable of each other , but marriage was a subject that , was never touched upon as they ipooncd about the quiet cooks ot the farm. There was a styllih younc man from tbo town happened that way and It was not long until ho had wormed his way into the girl's affection. At ongth It became apparent that the country girl had loved the town man not only too well , but that aho had lovoa him too un wisely. When this fact was discovered the town man skipped to other climes ana the coun try girl expressed a desire to return to her flrsl love , but William would not have t that way and so told the family. Married Under Trying Clrr.iU'Utancos. Too father of Bridget would not tnko no for an answer aad insisted tbat Soboberg should become his son-ln-liw. whether erne no , and so , when February 1 , 1SS , " > rolled around William was inarched up to tbo altar with n shotgun leveled at his boad. Not having a doslro to become a corpio ho allowed Father Lynch to perform tbo ceremony - mony , alter which , wifeless and alone bo journeyed to this city , where ho has since resided. A few months ago bo Instituted divorce proceedings , being aided nnd abetted by an ntlornoy who informed him Hint there would bo no trouble In securing tbo coveted court ordtr. Yesterday when the case waa called Wil liam went upon the witness stand , where he detailed the courtship and the Incidents lead ing up to Iho time of bis coining to Omaha. Judge Davis was a patient listener to the talc ot woo , but ho xvas nnnblo 10 give Ihe young man any consolation. Marrlucc , bo said , was a contivct , and In order to make it valid there , musl ba an agreement by both of the conlractlng parties thereto. In tbo Schoborg cuso it was apparent tbat ibo plaintiff had never entered Into the agreement of his own free will nnd nccord. That being so the pretended wedding proceedings wore void and without any force or effect. Tbo lawver in tbe case should have known ibis before be tiled his petition for tbo divorce , for if there was no wedding there could bo no divorce. The court proceedings were wrong from the very incootion. and if any aotlon was to have been instituted it should bavo been an action de claring tbu pretended marriage null and void. _ _ Tbo "No. 0" Wheeler & WiUon $ lib its rotary movement is the lightest running roachiuo in the market , and is unequalled for peed , durability and quality of work. Sold by George W. Lancaslor & Co. , 514 S 10th stj 111K TIlU.lTiitS. When Julio Marlowe tirst plaved Par- thcnia at a matinco nvory critic in New York was satisfied. There was notouedls- icnlir.s volco. Her manager then equipped her with a company and she remained out tbo balance of the season. The next , she started out full of hope and ambition , but alas , a cruel sickness interfered and for four inoLths she was very near tbo dark river , but youth and a slrong constitution finally triumphed anil she resumed her work the next season and now for two yours has been playing uninter ruptedly. Miss Marlowe personally has everything lo recommend bcr lo Ibe public. If llioy waul to hear tbo nest dramatic literature in tno Englibb language they \\111 co mo , for her authors uro Gilbert , Lovoll , Kuowlos and always Shakespeare. Tomorrow evening Miss M.trlowa will open her Omaha engagement and our theater goer a will hnvo ihelr flrsl opportunity of judging of the merits of the wonderful liltlo actress themselves. Shu will present hero Iho following repertoire : Monday ovoniiKr , "As You Line 1 -"Tuesday ovonln ? , "Koineo and Juliet ; " Wednesday matlnoo , "As Yon Like If " SVeilncsday ovcnmg , CyinDclino. " At the Farnam Street theater this week , beginning with the umtlnco today , Dora Davidson und Miss Hamio Austin will pre sent tlio beautiful molodrnmo , "Guilty With out Crime" ( u dramati/.atiou of M. K. Brad- Lion's celebrated novel , "Aurora Floyd" ) supported by a strong company. The story runs thus : Stella , a foolish girl nt boarding school , fancies a sport , William Mortimer , runs away with him mid marries. llo leaves her , out xbo keeps bcr secret for sumo tlmo , when she reads ot bis death on the track. SUe then marries a joung Kngli.su lord ( still keening her secret ) who is "all tbo world" to her , and she to him. Her bus- band employs u trainer for his stable , who turns out to bo her supposed dead .husband. The meeting is a surprise to both , und with his knowledge other crime of bigamy , bo ex torts money from hor. Stella , to HUVO her honor , agrees to moot bin : , und during this mooting bo Is killed by a ' 'pal , " und her second busbuaa , who appears on tbo scene , is accused of tbo deed. To save her husband Stella coufessoi to the murder , U remanded to prison , adjudged guilty and 1 utters tbo agouy of llilnkinc her husband the murderer whllo sbo Is " 'guilty witboui crimo. " Miss Austen tulcos the part of Stella. Her emotional secucs nro all masterpieces ot melodramatic nctiiig. Mr. Dnvluson's portrayal trayal of Tom , "ibo softy , " Is u wonderful pioc'o of work. The play will bo. staged in n realistic ) nnd no.uuiful manner. Matinees Wednesday aud Saturday. "Our Irish Visitors" will keep open bouso at the Fnrnnm Street theater week ot No vember 0 , commencing Sunday. In Its eighth successful teMonihit popular comedy will bo stronecr than ovor. Full ot thnt rich Irliu humor which , while entertaining , I * not vulgar , It has maJo rapid strides Into uonulnr favor. Entirely rewritten , Its ionrs | nnd brplay brought down to date , It bcctns practically a now career. Messrs. Benedict nnd McKoovor have placed tbo comedy on the road this season with a very strong com pany. By the mass of the tboater K ° lut ( public who bavo tired of the horse clay and ever > lonn methods of farce- comedy , "Tho Colonel , " a product of the legitimate school of comedy , will bo appreciated. Though the entire perform ance Is a continuous round of laughter iho merriment is Induced loglilmatoly and the production retains a llnvoc of cleanliness and refinement. But four performances will bo plven here , beginning Friday , November 4 , at the now Boyd , Miss Path Rosa , tbo vlvncloiis and tal ented nctrcsi , will bo seen In her now piny , Miss Dixie , " tonlcht al Boyd's iiexv theater. "Miss Dlxlo" ewes Us orlKlii to tbo pen of Mr. Charles T. Vin cent , iho author of several successful plays on the road this season. Mr. Vincent has himself superintended the rchcArsnls of the company for the past four wooks. Miss Patti Rosa has n very peed part lu "Mlsn Dlxlo,11 as bavo also the various members of the company. Everything will be fresh and new , bright and breezy nt the Bijou and Wonderland this week , commencing with tomorrow after noon. Tbo engagement of How & Wall's Comedy company in the "Liohtnlng Ajwnt" promises lo bo ono of the most prosperous over nlnyod at this popular houuo. Already the demand lor noats is brisk. All the spe cialties are original and catchy , and many of them Irresistibly funny. Violet Mascotto. ono of the most graceful of nil the world's ' great dancers , in her marvelous serpentine dance. Is anxiously awaited , and Clover Car roll , ths unrlvalca ventriloquist , will create a furoro. Doioros , the Spanish fandango artiste , und Campbell and Karcber in their Incomparable comedy musical act , Introduc ing countless instruments , will constitute a whole show within themselves. Besides all those there will bo Patrlcoles musical da- KOOS , MIO wonderful acrobats. Leo nnd Du- boU , and numberless other rare attractions. Manager Dar has also flxod upon Fridays boroaftor for ladles' souvenir dav , when every lady vbltor will bo the recipient of n handsome aud valuable present. LKAVF.\UUIITII. Kan , , June 15 , ' 90. Mr. J. U. Moore : My Dear Sir I hav been sutjcctto sick hoadncbo all mv life. Over txvoyears ago I began using "Mooro' Tree of Life" for it and never had n case o sick headache since , except when the modlcine was nt ouo end ot the road and I at the other. Ills worth moro than money to mo. I hotrttly recommend It to all sufferers of headache. Very truly yours , W. B. LH.E , PostorFirst BaotUt Churoa. SKCltEf liOUlbTlKS. Army nnil Navy Union , The commandorof General John R. Brooke garrison of the Regular Army and Navy union recently sent the principal of the Lake school the following communication , which explains itself : v "I am requested by tbo comradas of Gen eral John R. Brooke garrison No. 54 , of tbo Regular Army aud Navy union , to oonveto yourself , to the teachers and scholars of the Lake school , tholr sin core thanks far tbo ex cellent manner in which -\vo were enter tained at the Columbus Day exorcluos at your school on the afternoon of tbe 20th In stant , and to assure you that wo have never participated in anything which was so tborj j ouebly cnjoved as the exercises above re ferred to. It wo succeeded in entertain ing the scholars half as well as they entertained us wo are moro than satisfied. "Tbo recitations , essays , songs , etc. , were i rendered In a highly satisfactory manner , and certainly reflected great credil upon tbo children and their capable and efllclont teachers. "The 'salute to the flag. ' was worthy of special mention and it is our earnest hope and wish tbat those children may never live to see the day when , that flag is dis honored by our friends or trampled upon by a foe.Vo have comrades In our ranks who have served under thai dear old Hag for five , ton , fifteen , twenly , iwonly-twoand twenty- seven years , allot whom will bo found over ready to defend it until such time us the rising generation are able to take tbolr places. "Tho 'grand rovioxv of pupils by com ' panies' was pronounced by all lo bo'one of Iho best features of the entertainment , Iho marching and line military bearing of tboso young warriors being ono of ibo grandest slphls we bavo over witnessed , and ono tnat none of us will over forgot. It is noi often Ibat a veteran is tai < eu Dy surprise , but in this instance wo are free to confess that tbo review of tboso young soldiers not only sur prised , but completely captivated us , "In order tbat every scholar may know how much wo appreciated their efforts to en- turtain us upon this occasion , and bow well they succeeded in doing so , it Is respectfully requested thai this communication , a copy of which will be forwarded to Superintendent Fitzpatnck for his information , may be road to tbo scholars by their different teachers. " Itoyul > clshlors of America. Wednesday evening the women of Royal Neighbor camp 120 gave a charming enter tainment at their lodge room Iu tbo Conti nental block. The following program was rendered : Duet On Mossy Hanks Miss Undy , Mr. Dwlghu Heading Ode to Columbia Mr.V. . 13. Cndy. t-electlou Tsnrmnndlo March llanjo Symphony Qnartot. Heading . .Columbus and the Discovery of America Miss Anna Thornton. Solo I Have Sli/hed to Hest Mo Miss C'acly. Kecltillon How Cyrus Laid tbo Cable Master .ToTrosllor. Selection . . .Jj.mdliiK of Columbus Columbia Quartet : Miss Ur.i Ilrown , Mis * Unico Knily , Mr. J. C. Dyer , Dr. W , I ) . Dorwnrd. 1'lano and Ilunjo Duet Darkey's Dronm -Mr. Soykora and Mr.Gullonbeok. Then n delicious supper was served and everybody went homo perfectly happy. Tlio Order of Iho World. Oak Ledge 10 ! ) will bold its regular moot ing Tuesday night , November 1 , in TUB Bui : building. After business a pleasant hour farina mom bora will be provldod , Brother Baldwin uud Sinters L/8. Sklnuur and Cora Hawns nro tbo oommittoo on entertainment , which is nn earnest of the good tlmo in sight and should bo an Incentive to members to * * ' co mo out , , Deputy Supreme Orsani/er I. G Barigbt organized u lodge in V > vrooro on tbo 21st , with thirty active charter members , anu-lias nu assured prospect oT 'doubling tbo moot- bersbip nt the next regular mooting. Ho is now iu Falrbury , wbcro'he Is havinc very nr I fit RADIANT HOME STOVES ARE THE BEST. Milton Rogers & Sons Cor 14th and Farnam Sts. SOLE AGKNTa flftttorlnff * ucco nnd every oroipoct of or > ( faulting a strong ledge In Iho near tiituro. StnttUli Itlto Mmonn. TUB nr.u crrod last tvcok In the statement that Theodora Erasmus Cnrr h a been elected grand commander of the Southern Jurisdiction Scottish Kite Masons , wheres * Jnmcs Cunnlgbnm Hntchoiorof Now Orleans was elected to thnt oxnltcd nositlon , the other oftlcors-cloct be me ns follows ; Lieu tenant Brand commander , 1'hlllp Crosby Tucker of Untvctton ; grand prior , Thomas Hubbard Caswell , San FrancUcoi Rrnnit chancellor , Theodore Eraimus Cnrr , Leavon- worth ; prand minister of stale , Odol Squlro Long , Wheeling . Va. Dr. Dutcholor , the now grand commnndcr upon whom the mmi tlo of the Into Albert Plko lulls , Is n Cana dian by birth , but early In llfo moved with his parents to New York state nnit subsequently went south , Attor graduat ing In modlclno ho entered the nrmy , niul saw active service In the Indian wars In Florida nnd also in the war with Mexico , Dunne the civil wnr he entered Iho coufoa- orate Borvlco and held iho position of surgeon Ronoral of the forces of Louisiana. It wns at this tlmo thai ho was conllucd , by orders of Unuornl Hutler , on Ship liluiul , nnd con tracted the rheumatism which rendered him n crlpulo for the remainder of his llio. At the close ot Ibo war ho settled In Now Or leans , where ho some years hgo retired from active medical practice. His present posi tion In the order of Iho Scottish Kilo bns come after many promotions durlusr n long membership , as ho is now moro thuu 74 years of nfro. lioforo ndjournlne the nupromoboclv of the southern Jurisdiction voted to hold tbo next biennial meetln * In Bt , tuuls , 19M , the me t- inp ot ISO'S having also boon held In that city , Oitil Kellnnm. The following resolutions were recently pasxod upon the death 01 Mayor O , P. Miller of South Omaha by South Omnh * lodjro No. 143. Wlinrcx. ( Ted , In lilt all-nlso protldonfp , lias seen lit toicmoxo from our n.ldftl llrollicr ( T. I' . Jtlller , n member of our bolotcd order , Wheroni. Wlillo Imwlnp In siibniUslon to Iho Supreme Kulcr nf the t'nUeric , knowlntt Hint ho douth nil thlnjn neil , wo stoutly ro t-rot tlio ( loath of our beloved brother : there * fofo bo It , Kewlvcd. Thnt wr , the members of South Omnhn lodco No. IK Independent Order of Odd rulloff * . of South Omnhn , Neb , droply do- Uloro the loss woliavo anstiilnod Intlindonth of our uorthv brother , wlm tins boon removed from our midst to the unhei-sM leduc aboxo. nnd we humbly submit to the decree of an all- wNn Hiilor. le ! olved , Tlint , In thn death of Itrother C. I1. Mlllor , our order has lost n Rood member. hl wlfo it ION Inn liiisbuml und thli community * cltlrrn whoso purity of llfo nnd dnvotlon to duty htxc ondunrod him to .til who know him. Ili-iolvcd , Thnt wo extend to tlio Htllletod Ulow and fnmlly ourournosl nnd hortfrlt syinimlliloH in tliolr deep nflllotion , nnd com * mend them to Him who dooth all things well , nnd thnt wo calm to with them llio hope of it reunion In Jthnt world \\lieio there U no sorrows rows und \ > < > ; turtlier Itotolvp , Thnt the charter of thMlndRO be drnpod In mourning for u uurloil ot thirty duys nnd thnt thr'O resolutions bo uprrnd on the records of this 'oilso , ncopy thcrt'ut sent to the tiornnvetl widow nnd that thur bo pub lished In the city papers. papers.Jons C. TUNIK. . U. At. rinn < torf , II , UVMAK , Continental Clothing House. Special Trade Sale -or- Overcoats and Ulsters Beginning Monday Morning Retail Profits Saved $75,000 , worth -or- Overcoats and AT jobbers' ' Prices. Men's Chinchilla Overcoats $6 ; worth $10. Men's Wool Diagonal Overcoats $8 ; worth $15 ; guaranteed colors Men's Eleysian Overcoats , at $10 ; worth $16.50. Men's Suits in all Wool Cheviots and Cassi- meres , $8.00 , $10.00 and $12,75. BOYS' DEFT. Suits and Overcoats. Boys' Cassimere ( Q CA Suits.S.JU > Boys' Union < tO A A Suits , 4)J.UU ) Boys' all wool Double Breasted ( It < S ( ) Cheviot Suits , ' - $1.50 and $2.00 Saved on Every Boy's Suit AT THIS SALE. Hundreds of Boys' ' Over coats and Ulsters at Jobbers' Prices. Come Early Monday to the CONTINENTAL. DrDOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tti * ( Bilntnt iptclallit In . ncrToni. clironlc , prirMo. tlood. . tktaanil unn rr dtieatei. A rn l r ana lUtered . uriUuate . IB mudclnt. . ni dlplomu . and ctnlflc U , : ' Uow. iituil , trcttlnir wlib . tli > ( . rr teit ucrixi , UrrU. , p rm . .urrUoc Ion . in nhooJ. mlD l . wiakiren nUbt lonei liapniuacr. ( rpbllK. , trtctur Bon- > rrho gleot. tsrlcocele.ctc f o mercury u i. NB . tre lmuut forlotiot liul iiuwrr fait ! * * uoitbui to Tlilt m tn 7 tu . ir > ate1 ai liorao Uj oorropomlcoc * . lleJKIn * r lniimm Dt > Mnt br m . ll or jpru > * ouralrpacked. DU uiarktloloiUcata coalenti . orieniler. Una ptTioaiJ inturTU" , prcKireil. . Cooiulinloa . . . fr a Corr . ponUencu . itrlctlr . private. Uoak ( M/iMrlM u ( UJCM Mat XM Uffia * fcuur t. M. W I ) iu. tiiodaf i W a. m.lo il m. Seaa i t UOOrAMATlOf ! , I'rocUniMlnti unit notion ID the electors and lxal voter * ot lh school dlmlct of Omaha. In the county of Djuglnt , In the stntoof Nobraskn , of n umier.sl elmtlon tolm held In HHliI school UUtrlct on Tueesday , the eighth ( l y of November. 191 fur the puiposn nt electing Ihn member * of tlio lloitrd ot Kdti * oat Ion of said school dl trlet to1 nerve on paid Itonrtl fioni mill Including tl.n ilrst Monday ot JnntiHrv , 1MM. until llio ilrst Monday In Jaiiti * nry. HM. To ( he qunllllml electors and IcRftl votori of the school illilrlct of Omahn , In llio county of Pouclits , In tlio state of Nebraska ! I , Hninurl 1C. 8pauldlnir , president of Inn Hoard of IMiirtnlon of llio nchool illilrlot of Omahx , In tuoi'O ntyiif Douglas , In thoslMo of Nobrasks. do Istuo tlili my proclamation. and br vlrlnpof HIP .nut her It v x.ostod In inn ii4 tueh prc ldent tin hereby R\O | puMlo no tice to tlm < | unllllpd t'lpoloN ami losnl voters of tlio school dls trlct ot Omaha. In tin- county n ( Dciiielii" , In tlinstntoor Ni-bruxkr , thnt u em- vratoliH'tliiii will bo holtl In snld school dls- trlcton Tuesday. llio ° l hthidity of Js'ovcm- ln-r , l 'ii ' for tlio mirposn ot olpouinc flvo mem * borsof tlio llonrd of iMuoiitloit of stild school district toservooit salil bosrd from iincl In- eluding tlic tlrst Monilnv of .lauinrv , IS'.M ' , until - } l til tlio Ilrst Momlny ofjaiiunry I8WV ' The polls ahull tin upon on the dnrofwtld election ntHo'olork In thPimorntiitr unit sh ll continue open until n o'clock in tlir moiilne of Urn snino day ill the rosp ctlvn votlna lilnooi In tlio iron booth * . Mllimtn nl thti fol- lonliiK plnro * lit said joluml district ot Uimh.v to-wltt riUSTWAIll ) . t l Districtn. ! ) . corner ? lh nnd Marcy streets. ! nd District N.V. . cornnrgth nnd I.unvc - wortli atroots , Erd l > lstrlol-N. 13. corner ISIIi and Jones stropts. 4th DistrictK ! * corner nth slrjol niul Ilrst nliov Koitth of IMorroHltpnl. Mb District North stilu of 1'nolllo .streol bo- twonn fith unit 7th strouU. filh District r.nut Mdu of ( lib Ktrret near ( south of ) I'lirlllu sttcot. 7th DistrictIX corner of VnrkVlldnc - mm iimlVUIIm.i strout , 8th District S. W. cornur UUb ami IIIcKory streets. , Oth Dlstilol H.V. . oornwr Old anil Center street" , loth District ? 1 ? . \V. ooritor Ulh niul Hiincrof t strcols. , , . lltli llslrlct-N. ) U corner Illth niul Vlnton streets &UCONI ) WAItl ) . IstDlstrlot-N . corner Kill nnd .tonoi strooti. 'nil District N.V. . corner 1.1th nnd IMcltlu strveU. r : ird District S.Y. . corner ISlh nnil I.uavon- worth streets. 4th Dlitrlut S.V. . corner 'Jltli niul Leavcn- worth strcoli. Stli District- . corner 2Jnt and I/eiiven- vrortli streot't. , Oth District Enst sldnof Soutli 20IU street , opuiHlto I'oDiiHitun iivoinut. Tth District11 ! cornur ICth nnil 1'lcrca s trout i. 8th Distrlot . 13. corner I4lh niul WllllMiii slrcut-i. nth District N. n. corner Iflth nml Center strcuts. luth llstrlct-N. ) W. uoinurSJth und DorcaH streoti. lllh District H. 13. corner .Nth nnd Hnncrott struotn. I''t li District N. C. corner l.'tli and Vlnton streets. iith ; District S. W. corner Mtli and Valley streets. J4tn District N. 12 , corner SJtb nnd Iloulo- varU Rveiuie. THIRD WAI : i ) . 1st Dlstilet-a . corner 12th ami ( JhluaRO sticets X'nil Distrlot N.V corner 14th nnd Daven port Plreeu 3rd District South sldoot ( Jniillol avenue , nonrwcstof ( ) Kith struct , Itli I ) . strict West sl < ! o of I'-'tli struct botwcuu Douplns nnd Dodge stroots. Ath District N. K. corner 10th and Capitol avcnns. Uth District N , 13. corner Oth and Ilarnoy strouts. Vth District S. R corner 11th and streets. 8th District N. 13. corner l.'itli and Jackson strnots. Dth District S , 13. corner 10th and Howard strool1- . roUUTHVAUD. . 1st District X. W. cornnr 17th nnd Davenport - port Btreots. L'd District N" . W. corner 2SJ nnd Davonuort streets. . 3d District N. W. coiner 2Jth and streets. 4th District N. 13 corner 17th and streets. , fith Dlatrlet N. E. cornur Kill nnd Ilirncy streets. i.tli District N. W. corner 'JOth anil DonRlua streets. Tth Dlatrlct N. W. cornor'Jlltlinnd SI. Mary's avenue. fcth Dlstrlct S. W. corner'-'Othnnd St. Mary's avenue. nth District , Kist ; sldu Iflih bctnccn llarnuy and fit , Mnry'ii avenue. 10th Dislrlct--N. . corner 18th and Loavcn- wortli stiei'tP. lltli District S.W. corner ITtli undSt. Mnry'a avenue. ril'TIl WAUI ) . First District 13 ist side Shcrnmii uvriiun opposite Mandcrbon street. .SOCOIK ! Ulslrlei i13. . corner Shcrinan HV6- nuo nnd Wlit MI root. Third District S.V. . corner Shcimau avo- niiu nnil 1-ilco street. Konrth District N.V. . corner Slioi man nvo- nuo nnd riracu s'root. Klflh District S. W. corner Seventeenth ami Ch. tries streets. Sixth District 13. Hide .Sherman avenue , 200 foot N. of Nicholas stri'ot. Seventh District S. K , corner gUloonth and Irard streets. IClt-'htli I ) strict N. W. corner SUtconth and Ilurtstri'ulH. Ninth District N. K. corner Klftconth and Cafsntrbots. Tenth District r.tiBt Side North Bo vontcontli between Cnllfornla and CaHS streets. Klovcnlli District S. 13. corner Eighteenth nnd ( JaBi strunts. strunts.SIXTH SIXTH WARD. 1st District H. R corner'.Mth and Ames nvo. 2nd District y. 13. corner U..lh und Oraud ave. Hid D strict N. 13 corner -I.Hli and Ctanl strruls. 4th District H. W. corner 21th and Mantior- son street' ! . fitb Dlstrlpt-H 13. cornvr Sltli and Wlrt strenls lith District S. W. coiner IKId and 1'nrltur stieets. Tth DslrIct-N. ! . corner ' . ' 1th and Corhy slrouth , bill Dial i id N. 13. corner "Till nnd IliiitloUo struct * . JlliJHstilct N. IX corner 2.'nd and ( ir.uil streuis. luth District N. W. corner 5Stli and PrnnU- lin hlreets. JHli District K W. corncr-ltli ami I'r.inUllii strei'ts i2th DUtilot-S. . c-ornor Kind and Ol.irlc streets. SI3VI3NTIIVA1M ) . 1st Diatrlct-S. W. corner 2)th ) and Mason streets. 2nd District N. 13 , corner 'JJth and I'opplo- ton iivunneH. Jrd DlstrlL't S.V. . corner VOth and Woolworth - worth nvenuo. 4th DlHlrlot X , W. coiner 2Dth nnd Arbor Htrcots , fiili Distrlot South Hide nf Vlnton oust of li''nd iixcnno. nth District H. 13. corncrUltb anil I'opplototi avonni's , Tlh Distrlot N. W , corner Ullh and I < 'runcU Btroottf. I3KMITU WAKD. 1st DlstrIct"I3ist Hide or ' 'lUli soiilli of Charles Htreut , 2nd Dli > tr.ul"\Vost \ uldo of SJni sniilh of I'anl ntrert. : ird Dutrlot NV , corner 211 h and NIcliiilaH streets , 4th District N. 13. conier-'JUi anil ( Juinlns streets. Mil Ilstrlcl"Wo3tHlilo'th ) not Hi of Oniiiliik' Htreot. titli DUtllul S. 13. corner 22nd and Hurt streets. Ttli DUtrlot-S. W. coriior Wth and Cass BtreeU NINTH WAUI ) . 1st District S. W , corner ! ) ? nd und Cumin ; ; ' stroois , 2ml DlHtilcl N , W. corner -lOlli and Uuinlm ; strci'tK. I ) nl District N. II corner 40th and Kariiain falriicls. Hi District North Hide D.ivonport , west of i nd ax on uo. filh Dlslr ft H. 13. corner Illst/ avenue nnd Doduo btreet ( Itli District K.V , corner 20th nvonue and JnckNon Blrnot. In wltnesH whort'iif , \ Imvo hereunto HOC my luind uittho prcsiuoiit of said llojri ot ITun- ration of thulJcliool DUlrlulof Omaha. In tlis county of Doualns. In llio Htatu of Nubrjuku , thlH2uthilavoflutolor. ) Ihll. . riAMUi : ! . K. hl'/.I.DINO , 1'ronlJent. Attest : 01IAHM3S t'ONOVClt , Pucrotary. OMdIO t B V viriuo of un order of tlio district court of DnunliiH county. Nuljr Hka , mailoonthu easonf , 1) ) , Mc-HliL-Dr .V ( - ' < ) . uc ul. vs. John J. Wlluinscin , ll.irry O. Todd et al. . I will , on Monday , lliti Tth u.iy of Novu'nbor. ' lt > U. . at " p. in. of s.ilil d.iy , ai the corner of Douglas Htieet.ini ) the milt line , In the city of Om ha , Don ln county. NuUnisk.i , .sull tlio foliowlnv ( lobcrllnid pornonal pronurty , vU : Onu.'KMmrso power boiler und online , onu Con null A : Den- lor | H > X prlntltu prcsi. 4 rip und < ; rosj-cilt nuwg , onu planlni inncliiue. onu borliu m1'- cli me , und MhuftUii ; , pulluy mid bulling. IIP * coidliiL- the terniKiif sim order , foroanh to the highest bidder. ADUhl'II HIEKKKN. Itocutvor. Omaha , Nebraiku , Oct. iJlli , ItM.