VT7i * 5 wnv * * fV SEASONS Xiitt'o Doing the Post Week in the Citcles of tlio Swells. IIALlOWE'tN ' PARTIES ON TAP FOR MONDAY Hull of thit .Mrtnii | < > lllnii Club ) * lr t'lirfliiillliriinint KciimiiRtnii iiCtlin Hcnuoii llnliic * nn < l SiirlnRs < < < .Hnrlnl l.nnilerni TUo Iwes nro rustling about the front , floors on nit the rnsUonco sticois and tlio flusl whirls Into window crevice * in the city. Fires In the broad , open fireplaces nro lighted 6f evenings nnit the sociable cricket has long ilnco nroclnlmcd the deradeni-O of tho.voar. It-Is thoseason of the plighting of troths , nnd there nro many moro to follow. The tveathcr h&s been propitious and out of door pleasures have ruled supremo. - But there Is a ohanRO In sight. The sky grow * Rrav nna cblll and nocloty will sonn bo at It again \vltn the cndloss round of konsingtons , re ceptions , dinner parties small und earlier and the hundred and ono formi of social on- Joymonl. And upropoi of this Mrs. K. S. Vundy has issued Invitations for n Itenslug- ton on Thuridny of this week , while on I'M- day ovenlng Mr. and Mr * Christian Hart- roan announce a reception , with dancing After ID. ' The ccbucs of the Wymnn-Orclmrd wed ding uro still heard In club utid drawing froom , the following HtMo tioem dedicated "To H. a Urittesmald In Yellow , " written by * "clubman , " hilng ihoroUKhly roinlntsoent : lilko u iiluluru sotnowhoro MJCII. Kycsnf I ) uu iinil KowneJ In glori. Down tlio ills u with surlnns nilun As thu chorus chants Us sliry. She's lull .md round her stately ho id 'I ho light mi niircolo scoii.s to on - Briloiimilds snten. they Imve s ild , Hut only this onu do I set1. Just hero u droum conies swift in thought. And yosier's nine unqiinlTrd , untried. lAte Urs buforc , null Hi's mifimvlil. Its pntbs were treading sldo Uv sldo. "rallliful iinil true. " the ratters ring , A' ' uln to curlh t como uud sltfli. A life tlml's sptnt Is ti worthless thing , Tlio rorli'tio mid sliu havu p.issoil tnoby. # * * flallowo'en , the season of nuts , of apples , of divinations , is upon us. Unllko midsum- iner night , tdo fashion of which has passed entirely out of dnto , Hallowe'en is always rcinotnbcrcQ nnd Is still n favorite night for parties of children and young foils and , whis per , it intent bo popularly designated tbo viRll of mischief , since it Is the occasion of riotous fun , frolic and an upionr'ous tlmo generally. Amonp lads nud lasiles who have not reuchi'd the love making ago It Is a time for out-door levels , nnd thu owner of a cabbage field who has loft his precious cabbage heads out of dours and unprolt-cted will llnd no trace of thorn on Tuesday morn- log. Gates tomorrow nleht will bo carried liom tbolr fastoninRS , undertakers' signs will bo placed over doctors'oRlces , whllo posts will be ornamented with the hideous grinning faces made from hollowed out pumpkins. Pi om the nays of the Druids unto the present the eve of All Hallows has been kept with spells and ceremonies of a pagun or mythological character. It isthe ono "aollevo which has no spiritual or sectarian Influence anil can bo participated In by all nations , and , I dare say , all nationalities will keen it luminous tomorrow night. Ihvlr Opening Hall. Tbo opening ball of tbo Metropolitan club last Sntur Jay cvenine was ono of the ploas- &nlost events In the history of that swell Jewish organi/.ition , the leaders in the social life of the city being present In largo nuin- bcrs.Thoro Is an element of ban conmraderlo abcut the Metropolitan functions which manes thorn tuorourhly enjoyable , nnd us every ono goes thcio to have n good tlmo the icsult is u night of pleasure mid deep enjoyment. While the crush nt the ball was not as great as on tbo opening ulgbt of tbo Hub , Ibcro were quite enough present to malto dancing enjoyable , nnd until the early hours the guests banqueted and dunccd. A for the banquet , wbich was served by Frank & Co. , It was 0110 of the Icatutos of the evening as the following'inoiui willsliow : Now York Count * . lloiillllon. u la Noodle. Celery. 1 > H 1'lokles OII\cs. I , tUoTroiil , u la Victoria , baited Almonds. Cold Slaw. DuuUs Uoasted. Dress 112. H.mitOR.i Clilim. bherbot- 1'lllet of Hoof ttlth Mushrooms , AspiiraiMis 1'olnts , Vinaigrette. Cold Tongue. ChloUcn b.vliiit. Potato bal.id. ISi'uiiolItuu lea Cream Anpul 1'ood. Kisses. Macaroons. Lady Klnscrs. Wafers. ColTeu. Okie Kuoheu. Aprll > o > on Kuclion. French Tw at. Kroncli Rolls. Assorted Nuts. Cholou Uundles. The gowns worn by the ludtcs were very liauusoroo , many of thrm being inado for the occasion. Mrs. Moiltz Moyer. wife of the president of thu club , wore a pink biocadud silk , trimmed with ducbesso luco , uocolloto and outrnlno. Mrs. Silbornclii , a very pretty woman bv the way , \\oro u pretty caunry colored silk and carried u handsome bouquet of roses. .Mrs , I. Oberfolder were ulaelc silk with whltu Inert trlromlnng , onlrainc. Mrs. Sol Bergman appeared in a pretty blue silk mndo dancing length. Mrs. A. Heller graced u dainty brown silk ' costuinu with Ellrubolhuti collar. Mrs. L.Vessel , wife of the editor of the Lincoln Courier and a fuvorltu in St. Joe circles , were her wedding conn of wnltc su rah silk. Mrs. Aloorl Culm , who continues to bo. us she has long been , ono of thu handsomest of tbo jouDKcr married uoinun , worn an ox- qulslto gown of white ottomuu libbedallk with pink roses. Mrs. Martin Calm were a pretty , graceful gown of whllo Cliinn BIK ! , dimply made. Mrs. A Mandelborjr apncared In black silk. Mrs. Andrew Haas were n beautifully de signed Nllo green silK , with lucu overdress. Mrs , Kirschbraun , brown bilk. Miss lluult O jorfelder.who made her debut iu the social lifo of the mulropolia , wore it graceful fiockof wbito ohiffoii , doml-trnln , whlto roses with maideu-buli furns In her lialr. titio mudo an Ideal dobufinte. Tbo MissOd itothscbild were gowned nllko la wbito tui more with white ( lowers. Miss Sarah LVunk of Sioux City cracod n rod not , suiting oil her biondu loveliness oxquibltelv. Miss Mundi'lLerg of Uultiinoro were blame and whlto silk aid uirrlu d piuk roses. Miss Dollv Polack appeared In n cauory colored ciilffron with Amurlcan buautlos. Miss Mullln I'olack were wnlio silk. Miss M. Uobumn , a fuicinug Kedfcrn KOWII of salinnu Dink silk , decollete. Miss Curry lioldsinith , white llowcrod Dot ever whl.o silK. , Miss Lenn liutls , clol blua cashmere trimmed with brown piutb i Miss Uulliu Uoiunsiock were light pink slllt wllh squarrt ni'ck , pearl passninontorlo , Miss HnVUo Decker u prouy Kilo groou bcnrldtin. Miss Addle Nuwman.Uifiit blue sllir , roses. Miss Tlllio Nuwinun , whlln ( Jnlim sdk. Mhs K1U Heller , a utriUIni ; gown ot purple - plo silk irlinmud In gray. MlssTlllluSonuohlll , pink sill ; , dccollcto and oiilralrii ) Miss Clara SchlO ! > lngor , whoso flrst ap- poarnnco It was since tuo utinouiicoiEont of bor cuKaguiuenl to Dr. ( Jharles Hmowuter , worou prot'-y white nilu costiuno wllh laca trimming. Miss Badio tishlvslngor , white surah made daucinK lougth. Mri. Joe Goldsmith , black nlIU with whlto lace trlniinltig. Mn. Degau wore black satin. Tie follnvvlng guests were present : Mr , and Mrs. Alorliz Aloyer , Mr. und Mrs. Andrew - drew llaan , Mr. nnd Mrs. SlIOorsiHtu. Mr , and Mm , Alb rl Cabn. Mr nnd Mrs , Murtln Ctthn. Mr. uiui Mrs. Ij. Kirscbbruun , Mr. end Mrs J. JCIrschbraun , Mr. uml MM , Joe ( Jolinnnlh , Mr. und Mr * . L KotlutUlld. Mr. and , Mr . I , ObcrfrldiT , Mr. and Mrs. A. Holler , Mr. und Mr * . A. Maudolborg , Mr. nun Mr * Solomon llergioan , Mr. and Mrs. Holouiun Dt'k'un , Mr. and Mrs. Lou Wossel of Lin col ! . Mr. and Mrs. Ji Ileotier. Mr. and Mr * . A. Kuaaer , Mr. and Mrs. l < \ Adler , AM w JJolly i'olacic , Mattlu Polack , MluuU dl i 1 fl I It m 7.101 Wdb * .los f 10 'V' ' * ! lk f t The enormous quantity of goods sold by us during the past two month ? , has convinced e . 4 us of the "wonderful power of price'5' We have therefore decided to sell ail our goods hereafter at one half our former margins , expecting the-increase in sales will more than offset the decrease in profits. * * 3 * * * r'We are daihy receiving a complete new stock and all new goods placed on our floors will be marked at the lowest possible pcrccnlrgc of profit. , \ This policy of selling everything at a small profit with-price as the-leading feature , and maintaining a good quality of goods , will make our store more than ever before the most pro - i .tyh < litable place to buy furniture. * * - All goods marked in plain figures. * * 7- * * . t * Charles Shiverick & Co. , Furniture Carpets Draperies. f > , , . W V . M , ft 1206t20S ' , 1210 Farnam St. lll I CIS oiso > -Ut ' / . Lobman , Sarah Frank , Sioux Cltv ; Tillio Mandelbarp. Baltimore ; Haltio Oborfolder , thu Misses Uolbsobilil , Misses Ella Heller , Addio Newman , Tlllio Newman , Clara SchloslnciT , Sadie Schlcsiagor , llattlo Becker , Tlllio Sonnehill of Haiti move ; Uol- lie Hoscnstoclr , Messrs. Fred Sollgsohn , W. N. Babcock , Alex Poltiik. J. Cobinau , Charles Wise of Slout City , Sam Kat/ , Hosso Uosousloclc. Louis Mavor of Lincoln ; Phil Uose , Jcromo Kaufmin , Sam I-'rank , Gus Dolohes , Alex Wossol , Ed Wossol , H. Lungsindor , M. Zunder , Dr. Itosewater , Slgmond Lundsburg , Strauss of South Ormihn , S. Kionberg , Boston ; Julius Moyor. Oiniiliii On mil Dance. Iu honor ot the fifth anniversary of the Omahu Guards , that crack military company gave a delightful dancing party Monday ovonlnc at the armory. There was a drill by the company and maneuvers by the Catling section , tbo dancing coming later. The following guardsmen wcro present : Captain 1E. . Bamford , First Lieutenant H. B. Multord , Second Licutoimut C. H. Wil- non. rirst Sergeants : A. 1' . Cone , Hodglns , Holt , Ton Eyclf , S. F. Mills. Corporals : II , L. Soarlo , H. M. Murray , A. 1C Squlor. Privates : Allen , Anderson , Arter , Bovoll , Burlolgh , Burmclster , Hroatch , Hrown , Christian , Cunningham , Dellono , Floyd , El liott , liner. L-andcrgren , Lund , Potter , Stout- cnboiougb. Sues , McICell , Walker , \VIlson , Wltmau , Wygant , Cooley , Houdlnot , Thomp son , Wilcox , Miss Allen , Mi s Moore , Miss Kelley , Misses Chapman , Miss Malonn , MHS Welles , Miss Kcmno , Mrs. Darrol , Miss Os- borne , Misses Bynrs , Mis. Mulford , Miss 12vaus , Misses Tumor , Miss \Vltuiun , Miss Thornu , Miss Hall , Miss Freeman , Miss McOrcath ot Chicago ; MUs Surgont , E. F. Kllng , W. J. Broatch , sr. , U H. Brotchlo iinil Ilss lloberts , F. S. McCor- mlck , W. J. Foyo , A. A. Brooks , Kov. T. J. Mnckoy , F. Tomploion and Miss Uuncnn , H. IU Kir by nnd Miss Boecber , F. Smvara and Miss Ulllilnnd , W. Wblichorn , .1. Whitbrcad and Miss Ivltnoall , C , F. blmpson and Miss Holllday , U. Thaller and Miss Maddox , J. S. Coad and Miss Slnllt , F E. Ferguson and Miss Bowie , H. Woodward uud Miss Tor- rill , Charles Bossorman and sister , CVubor und Mi-.3 Bronton , C. Colt ana Miss Hyde , W. M. Burgess and Miss MtShuno , Hugh A. Knouso and Miss Baumau , C. H. Morse and stsior , E A. McAllister and wife , B. V. Wnllor , W , U. Townsend und Mils Powell , II. W. Henderson and Miss Godwin , B. A. ( ilbion , E. J. Flvnu and Miss Henderson , A. I ) . Toufalln uud wife , F. K. Flint ( Lowell , Mass. ) , ij. A. Brockutt ( Lowull , Miss. ) , ,1. C. Mulford. J. O. Pourson und duughter , F. L. Adams , U. G. Duacon and Miss N. Tur ner , O. LJ Uondor uud wife , W. C. Weigol and Miss Brown , O. P. Goodman , B , ,1 , Kuhn und Miss Wedge , J. A. Bryans nnd wife , J. 15a > t uud Miss Anddrson , G T , PumpJlly and Miss Rhodes , H. M , Bradlov nnd Misses Folov und WllUunis , W , J. Brad bury und Miss Gant , 1) . B , fiastv uud MUs Handcrson. H. J. Lund und sister , George B. Tzscbuck und wlfo , P. B. Myera and Miss Duunian , L. S. Culuwull and wife , I ) , U. Srccaton , H. D. Allen and wife , ( l , H. Palmer and MUs Whlloioad , H. W. Snow , Edward Hilov and Miss Hlloy , A. Michael uud Miss Tleti' , A. Nurprlio 'llmt r > uriiUcil. Friday evening us Mi. und MM. M. A. Upton of Dundco Pluco were thinking of stalling to attend the socUl given by the Ho- lief Corps of the U. S. Grant post at the res- Idenroof Colonel Uboaes , Mr. Upton b lng in H retrospective mood nnd In Imagina tion back'in southwestern Missouri thirty years aao among Uio "goutlomcn of the bush"-a loud trumping was heard outside tbo house , and n terrible racket came against the doors and windows. Mr. Upton throw open ibo door when a uiob caught him and Hushed lanterns In his face. The thing was done so quick , before la fact ho was uwak- ouod from bis day dream , that ho yelled lustily for hi * pistols , abluklng , of course , that bushwhacker * bad mucked his dtfrnl- cllo. The yell brought him back to earth ana low uud oehuld ha was surrounded by his neighbors , woo i-amo trooping Iu laden with basnets and buuulos and tool ; possession of the house. H was a oouiplolo surprise if ihoro ever wui ono , und Union sluiuly throw uo hi.bauds uud said , "Tula is vour housii nnd ull thit therein Is. " TLoro were Mr. und Mrs. E. A. Benson , Mr. aim Mry , U. Solby , Mr. uU MM. W. II. HancockMr. . and Mrs. J. A. Cavar.auch , Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Patlerson , Mrs. George Keller. High 11 vo was indulged.in and.throo tables were run to the limit. At U o'eloclc tbo iimlorious bundles wore unpacked and the "guosls" opened up a spread , 'i'hero was ice cream of Mrs. Seluy's own raising , crisp celery manufactured bv Mrs. Cavanauch , scalloped ovslors direct from the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Hancock , more oysters , bred bv Mr. Benson , pedigreed sandwiches of different kinds halcboj bv Mr. Patterson , elegant cake fattened by Mrs. Keller , coffee , etc. , direct from the Joint plantation. Joy .eiRiiod suoromo , and ono of the best times imaginable was had. Benson told a few Hsh and other storlej. Then "Homo , Sweet Homo" was sung us a trio bv Mrs. Selby. Mrs. Cavanauch , and Mr. Upton , nnd the surprise party , "as is a sunrlso party , " ad- jouined without date. It will long bo re membered as ono of Uio pleasant oveuts of Bonny Dundia. " Tiiliutn to MrK. < ioi > rgo Cloiixcr. Tins OMAIK BUB Thursday morning an nounced the ( loath of Mrs. George Ciousor at her homo , 1H5 Pajk avenue , in Omaha. Doubtl ss those few lines wcro unnoticed by some of its many readers , n casual remark made by others on the uuoortalntv ot life , whllo not a few read it with sorrow in their tioarts that out of this lifo and into the great beyond she hud pa sod from their sight for- over. iVUhough Mrs. Clouscr had boon a resident of Omubu scarcely four years , she bad in Una tune cntbored about her a circle of friends , soinu-of thorn the brightest mid most cultured ludloi of your city. The writer well remembers nn afternoon in November , IS'JO ' , when u few ladles , bv tn- vltatlou of Mrs. Clouscr , met In her cosy lltllo parlor on Puik avenue 10 orgunUo a literary circle. At that mooting It was ap parent to all that Mr.s , Ciousor was a loader , and such she bocaina to tbo "Wednesday class , " which for mauy months mot fort- ulghllv at her homo. This was the beginning of her literary lifo In Omiiha. To these of us who were mem bers of that class tboro coma manv loving thoughu and memories today of her Inter est Iu our work and patience with our dull ness , The following year found her president of the "Cloufan , " u down town club , of which Mrs. Hancbett Is the class Instructor. That she enjoyed her work iu that club there was nodoubt , and inoro was no sacrifice too great for her to inalio to promote the good of that class. In n letter of May 23 , 18'.U ' , .she wrote a friend i "This class an'd Its leader have douo mo most roval service tu loading mo to u svstomiuio course of thought und reading. " With all her study and loading stio It opt , bar homo bright and cheery , und wus never too busy to help others , Shu lind ono trait of character which her more Intimate friends commented upon strong personal friend ship and * ho never lost uu opportunity to spook kind , loving \vords of tboso she called her friends , "A full , rich nature , free to trust , Truthful and nlini > > t smnily Justj Impulsive , nnrnest , prompt to net , And m ike her Kenurmis tfiouuht u fact ; Kcoplnir wltli iniiny u lUhtdlsguUo The secret of self hjurlllco , "O. heart , sore tried ! Thou hast the host That heaven Itsulf could glva tliuu , rest , Hest from at | bitter ihausnts and thluii. How many a poor uuo a blusslux went With thee beno'ith Uio low ureon tout. Wlmsn curtain ntnur ontwnrdswings" Oretc , Neb , , Ootobor , 11. H. H. Her Nut-tl I iy Oulolirutliin. One ot the prettiest and largest birthday parties of tbo aeusou was given Iu bouor of Allco Gretoheii Height at tcr homo 2437 Harnoy street , Saturday evening last. The exterior of the bouse was Illuminated by a display of Japanese lanterns which threw their delicate light upou the assemblage of fair OUCH present. The interior was taste fully decorated with foliage ot different kludi reminding ono of fairy land. Supper was snrrod at UUi : followed by dancing aud tbi * usual games played by young people. Among those present wore : Miqa Ed wards , who were MU exquisite dress of white silk. Anna White loaned captivating ma rich dress of baby blue silk. Urutchen Height , the hostess , graoaful iu while mullo ana natural flowors. MayFitchett charm- ng Iu China silk and luce. Hilda Barrows iko a fairy in white crepe nnd pink. Hester Pavlor , a vorv prottv gill , in white silk. " 31ara bcnrador , evorvbody's ' favorite , Iu Dgured silk with ribbons. Ethel Wilcox , beautiful in Chlua silk. Ella Blumor , cardi nal ellk. Georgia Kunnard. green crepe du chine. LOJISO Mol/ , white China silk. Uora Baumer , wine colored Bilk. Mamie Thomp son , white crepa. Laura Campbell , Kiltie Pollock. Allco Sherfy of Chicago , Myrtle Johnson , Floreuco Gidloy , Kmma Potter , HIcbard Wclty ot Fromout , Hex Morchouso , Wyllo Johnson , Frank Manchester , Morgan Sherwood , Robert lowno , Clarence Potter , Wlllard Barrows. Frank Bryant , Odin nnd Holph Mackoy , James Godfrey , Horace Burr. Chrymint ham mil Kunsliiicton. The llrjt cbrvsantheinum konslngtou of the season , oxquislto in its appointments , was given Wednesday afternoon br Mrs. Kichara Carrier. Many of the ladles brought their fancy wont and It was very dollchtful to listen lo Iho glowine accounts , of a sum mer spent by mountain , laice , the ocean or umld the pines of the north. Tea was Borvoa at small tables , a chrysanthemum being placed at every cover. There were present : Mrs. General Brooke , Mrs. Sheridan , Mrs. Joseph Bar ton , Mrs. Coo , Mrs. Brady , Mrs. Stubbing , Mis. Charles Doucl , Mrs. Will Popploton , Mrs. Victor Cnldwoll , Mrs. Clement Chase , Mrs. Will Hodlck , Mrs. Dan Wboolor , Mrs. Dr. Smith , Mrs. Lockwood , Mrs. Dlot/ , Mrs , Connor , Mrs. Arthur Komlneton , Mrs. W . V. Morse. Mrj. Cudahy , Mrs. Acheson , Mr . Rogers. Mrs. Lyle Dickey , Mrs. HunUtn , Miss McDonnell , Miss Jessie Millard , Miss Sharp , Miss Ida Sharp , Miss Dundy , Miss Balcombo , Miss Yost , Miss Doorlng , Miss Miss tlanscoru. Miijnr uml Ono of the prettiest homo wcddlncs was tbat of Miss Goldie Tagger , daughter of Mr. Harry Tagger , to Mr , Charles Mayer of this city , at 8 o'clock Thuisday evening , October iiU. The ceremony was performed nt the rosldnni-o of tbo bride's parents , lf0l ! ! Cam eron street , in the presence of about forty friends. The bouse was tastefully decorated with potted plants and aiuilax aud Uio mar riage coremonv was performed under an nrcli of smllax. Miss Mattfo Hustln played the wedding march and Itev. Frank Foster performed ' formed 'the ceremony. The bride was becom ingly attired iu a cream albatross , trimmed with lace and rosus , . , . After the ceremony tbo joung couple received tlw congratulations of their friends nnd then sut down to a delirious repast. The woduAifd , presents were numer ous and expensive' tSilllying to thu esteem In which the brido\nnu \ groom uro hold hy n ( urge circle ot friorjds. Mr. and Mrs. Mayor ore nt homo to tholt"fi'ends ! atI Kill Ersltiua slroot , Cliflon Hill.l ' A Doulilu Wcdillni ; . A very proliy doublfl wedding was solemn ized Wednesday at the homo of the brldo'b mother , Mrs. A. Voorhels. 'J010 Hamilton Btroot , the contracting parties In thu first , instance - stance being HOT , DWTgbt H. Uamsdoll and Miss P'lobo ' Voorbolsjho ceremony taking place nt'J o'clock , llov. S. M , Ware anim ating , whllo at ! ) o'LlocU Hov. Dwlght ( I , Kamsdell united Ijis brother-iu-luw , Mr. Herman B. Ocblltrde , aud Miss Loda Vo or ach It. the "bonds ( that last forever. " In honor of tbo dual opcaslou the house was prettily decorated with flowers and emllnx , and after the second celebration the rela tives and tbo few Inllmuto friends present sat down to u wedding dinner. Hov. and Mrs. Uurasdoll left on the afternoon train for Chlcaeo , later going on to their future homo in Clinton , Mich , , while Mr. and Mrs , Ocblltreo left an hour After for Minneapolis on tbelr wedding Journey. Mr. and Mrs. Oobiltree will reside wllh tuobrldn's mother , MOW Hamilton street. _ A HlrtliilujTarty. . A delightful birthday party was given by Mr. und Mrs. Binil Ackormau In boner of MUs Clara Jaltn last Wednesday evening to bor roanv friends. Hlgb live was played und dancing was Indulged In until rmdnleht. Everybody present spent , a pleasant evening and left wishing bor many huppv returns. Those prcscut were : Mr. and Mrs. Eroll Atkerman , Mr. and Mri. Spofford , Mr. and Mrs. UusAckorman , Mr. and Mm. Albert Helirzu , Mr. and Mrs. Will Kuhu , Messrs , Tusoh. Hommlngor , Blottcrt , MItcde , Kuhn , M. and L. Ueichonborg , Hoair , Specht , Misses Fruahiiuf , Fanny Fruobauf , Lena Tobbius , Miledo , Trucv , Jahn , Polio , Mnmlo Hastel , Julio Withriok , Meliu and Mr. nud Mrs. Ernst Moyor. TcRtlinniii.il tu Mr. l.oclcilllcli.iriUon. . Next Saturday ovoiiiiic Mr. Locke Rich ardson , tbo great Shakespearean reader , ou hla return from Denver will read the bard's ' exquisite comedy , "The Morrv Wives of Windsor , " at tbo Llningor gallery. Mr. Hiohnrdson Is in receipt of the following lotler which has induced him to give another reading in Omaha : "To Mr. Locke Uich- nrdhon : Sir , Wo , the undersigned , having < hoard with great pleasure some of your splen did intei protatlous of StmUospoaro , Tennyson and Dickens , and leaning that you will bo " returning from Denver in the course of a fortnight , bog that you will give us an op portunity of bearing you recite Shakes peare's 'Merry Wives of Windsor , ' befuro leaving this part of the country. Wo will cheerfully HUbscrlbo for tbo number of tickets appended to oursiznaturos ut $1 each for reserved seats in the Llniugcr gal lery , the data to bo named by you. HoDort Doborty , Alex W.Mncnab , Henry D. Ksta- brook , Adolph Meyer , Percv B. Ford , Homer P. Lowli , Clement Chase , ,1 . M. Baldrldgo , Notherton Hall , Thomas Kilpat- rick , Max Meyer , Miss S. A. Walker. Dr. H. C. Van Gliscn , Miss Joscpntno G. Boll , Miss Litlio Grammar , Miss Fanny Novlus , William L. McCaguo , A. S. Silgor , L , S. Cro'oot , Joseph ( > arneau , ] i' . , Marv Fitch , Hottlo ICfnd , Maria J. Gallagher. .1. W. Broaicb , William F. Baxter , Janus Ulsk , Kli/abeth K. Popple- ton , Mrs. J. J. Brown , Milton Darling. T. J. Mackay , Cluru B. Masoii , Nellie M. Bausor- ni a u , Jounotto McMuDouald , W. K. Adalr , N. M , Mann. J. M. Woolwortb. Mrs. II. M. Caldwell , Mi-s. John A. Horbuoh , , T. II . Me- Cullouh. Atthur C. Wokeloy , W. G. Doane , H. C. Moore , J. W. Buitln. E C. bnyder , Etlu Miittbesou , Jessie Allen , Bluncno Allen , Edith Torbitt , Ada Torbltt , Mrs. George 'llldou. Diiiiliiini uml I'uiiriuiin , At 8 o'clock on Wednosd ly evening , Octo ber L'O , 18'J. ' , Mr. Charles A. Dunham and Miss Donuu P. 1'onrman were married by Rev. H. W. ICuhiis at the residence of the parents of Urn bride. Tbo groom Is the son of Murtlu Dunham , ono of Omaha's oldest citizens nnd is connected with the Mer chants' National bank. The bride u the daughter of Major J W. Poarmau ( squatter governor ) . Only tbo Immediate ) relatives of the couple were present. At 11 i-W they took the "Bur lington" lor un eastern trip of two or , three weeks. Tbo groom was remembered by bis bank friends with n bandso'mo dinner service , nnd the bride bv iho young Indies at "Swifts. " rbe presents were manv and ot both use ful and ornamental articles. Rev , Kiibns pei fanned the same ceremony for tbo parents of the groom. and Kiijlngi ) of tlioVm > h. Mr. nnd Mrs. John A. McShano returned homo Tuesday , Mr , and Mrs. David Baum hiuo returned from Now York city. Mrs , Brlggs aud Mr. Clinton Briggi have returned from tbo west. Miss Haller cf Iowa Is the guest of bor brother Mr. Frank lluller. Mrs. A. MclCcnzle wont to Chicago Tues day , tbo ISlb , for a week's visit. Mrs. Dexter W. Corley of Sioux City u Visiting Mrs , Francis U. Grable. Mrs. H. K. Wilson of Fullerton , Nob. , U the guest of Miss Grace Slaughter , Mrs. C. P. Staoy ot Chlcano Is the guest of Mrs. N. M. Hubbard for a few days , Mrs , W. A , Raid U at bomo , after a de lightful summer spent on the I'aclda coast. MU * Mary Mandclbera of Baltimore , Md. , Is visiting her biolhor , Mr. A. Mandolberg. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Reeves returned from Chicago lost week , after taking in thu deal- calorv services , Mr. and Mrs. W. L. llowoll have returned from their wedding trip and have taken rooms ut the Madison. MUs Flora Adler , who has spent the sum mer months in Seattle and vicinity , la ex pected houio November 0. Hon. Benjamin Bulterwortu of Washing ton , D. C. , was in the city lust week , the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Grablo. Mr. Hurry Huskoll , who went to Chicago the early paitof the week , returned yester day morning. ° Mrs. W. Stephens and fen Harry loft Mon day to visit , frioi.ds m Missouri , and from there will return to their homo in Now York. Mrs. Reuben Gaylord will leave Monday for Trinidad , Colo. , where she will spend a few weeks before going to southern Califor nia for the winter. Mr. und Mrs. Charles Elgutter have re turned from their wedding tour to tbo Pud lie coast , nnd are slopping temporarily -at 1711 DouBlas strcot. Mrs. Charles J. George , daughter of Mr. M. C. Nichols , and Mrs. Uro , both of Den ver , are visiting Mrs. B. W. Rlloy at her bomo ou Mason Direct. A plo isant reception was given Rev. J. Q. A. Flobartv and wife of the Southwest Methodist Episcopal church at tbo residence of F. W. Young Thursday evening. Miss Corn Weaver loiurned homo on Wednesday after an ubsonco of some months , accompanied by Miss Spoucar , ono of Indianapolis' beautiful > oung ladles , who is visiting Miss Cora. The University club of Omaha was organ ized ut the Mercer hotel Thursdnv evening wllh Mr. Wallace J. lit oaten , president : Mr. Fred Preston , vice president ; Mr. Victor Bender , secretary ; Air. George Mercer , treasurer. Mr. Charles A. Plunlcotl nnd Miss Clara Belle Orchard were n.arrlcd Wednesday at tbo parsonaeo of All Saints church , Rev. T. J. MucKoyoniciatlng. Mr. and Mrs. Plunlcott will bo tit homo altar November 1 , at their now residence , - , " > JI St. Maiy's nvoiiuo. Mr. W. H. UobuMon , the Umuhu manager of G. R Dun iV Co.'s Morc.intllo ugcuoy , bus leased Dr. Gapen's handsome residence for u lorui df thioe years. Mrs. Robersou will re- lurn from a visit vast In about two weeks , when iho family will bo at homo lo Iholr friends. Mrs. J. W. Cotton aud horpupllx will glvo a series of composers' lecltals during tbo winter nt tbo Llningur art gallery , ibo first to bo given next Saturday afternoon al iho Liulnger gallery , Test I beliiR ihu composer whoso works will receive attention from Mrs , Cotton uud her class. Onn of thu coming musical events will bean an organ recital ut iho First Methodist Epis copal church on Monday evening , November 21. The red ml will bo given by Mr. Thomas J. Kelly , organist , assisted by Mrs. Murlin Cabn , Miss Carrie Maud Potinock and Mr. LUCIOII B , Copelund. Mr.i. H. P. Whilmoia entertained Octnvm Wuonlon and Emma Spaacor , guests of Eugenia Whilmoro , at luncheon Frldnv. Uetuvlu , who Is ou the way 10 Sun Antonio with tier parents , General aud MIH. Whnatoo , will bu giuatly missed by iho younif people at the post , and her many friends "In town. " List Saturday uftornoon Airs. Charles U , .Smith guvo u small lunch , very oxijulsltu in Its appointments , in honor of Mlas Yost. 1'ho guests wcro Miss Yost , Miss Brown , Miss Nosh , Miss Sherwood , Miss Chambers , MUs Laura Hougland , Miss Anna Mlllurd , Miss Ida Sharp , Mrs. C. W. Hull , Sunator and Mrs , Mnndersou , Mr. and Mrs , J. N , II. Putrfctf , Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Muycr , Captain Palinei' . ibo Mlssoa Duller- Held , G.V. . E. Dorsey , M-s. Emma Homun Thavor and granddaughter , Mrs. C. F , Cut- liu , General and Mrs. Whonton and a num ber of olhurs returned on Sunday morning's train from Iho festivities In Chicago. A delightful niuslcalo was clvon Tuesday evening ut the residence of Mia. Sundorlund ( ue Georgia Bouller ) ai u farewell to the Pblloineua quartet , composed of Mrs. Sundorlund , Mrs , Moeller , Miss Bishop and MISH Clara ClurUsou , which has decided to disband. In addition to vocal solos and part songs by the aunr- lo t Mr. Lovoll Dunn g&ve loverul selections on Iho violin aud Mr. Jnv North- rup * ung neveral tenor solos. It was u pleas ant evening musically , Edward Btacu entertained a number of his friends at Ids homo last Monday evening , It being thu nineteenth anniversary of hU blrlhday. Musln and caids formed a f out uro of tbo oVculug , and after pirtaulng of light refreshments the merry crowd dispersed , wishing the best manv buppv returns of the day. Thoie present wore : Misses Urunlng , DUQU , UUstrom , Fortes , Ilooy , Moxuaic , Rnsmusson , Sullivan , Tonbins and Black Messrs. Duun , Elcsirom , Ellmjor , Noweomb'i Rodfiold and Ross. , , Aarow { ° U aul'Pri"o party was given Mrs. , \Vobbor bv her many filends on Tuesday evening lust nt the residence of Mrs. Harrv Qulne. lf.00 North Twenty-sixth street. A vorv enjoyable evening was spent by these present and on parting tbo good wishes of nil were tendered Mrs. Webber for the con tinued happiness of herself nnd famllv. Among ihoso present were : Rev Paul Mntlbow , Miss E. L. Matthew , Mr. und Mrs. IJnrrv Quino. Mr. and Mrs. i ' . S Thomas , Mr. and Mrs. W. G Shrivor Mr nnd Mrs. Georco J. Stonoy , Mr. and Mrs' Russell E. McKolvny , Mr. nud Mrs J T Hodges. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Latev , Mr. and Mrs. Nlffon. Mr. nna Mri. Kvlo , Mr. nnd Mrs. O. Evans , Mr. nnd Air * . E. P. Caldwell - well , Mrs. S. E. Hanson , Mrs. Wood , Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Dunn , Miss Chase and MUi Lottie Quino. Tuesday evening a Jolly crowd of voung men gathered nt the rusidoncoof Mi. Martin M. Brown , Twenty-sixth mid Cliarlesstiocls' In honor of his 23d birthday. Manv of them broutrht their inimical instiumonls , u fair sprinkling of the Stryk-on-blnas-lust club being present to add to the musical fcntuios ot tbo dccasion. And they had duels , solos , trios , nnything that came along was ilsh to Iho nets of the young musicians aud per con- spqupnoo Ibo ovoniiie was lliorougly delight ful. Latertbero wororolreshniontsnnjoved bv llio following guests : L. O. Poilov , E. E. Thomas , John S. King , J. F. Muwhinnoy , J. M. Ferguson , Mr. Coolie , Mr. Boobn , A. ,1. Smith , M. D Larson , n. C. Biowiiloo , Dr. Charles Bunions , Thomas J ICellov , Samuel Andnison , C. R. Sherman , Gould Doily , G , A. Rathbiin , C. S. McConnnll , L. G. Churl- ton , Leo Htimlln , Frame Brown.lohn Brown , llonrv Brown , Martin M. Brown , L. D. Spaldlng , A. L. Uliiir. R. B. Richardson , B. E. McCaguo , Mr. McCluio. The Utopia bang Is a now tad which ovcry lady who sees It appreciate * . Miss Johnston , -11 S. lUth slroet , at Mmo. Hlckmun's. ANOTHEB EXPKES3 REPOKT. I'aopln Mtwhnlil to I linn Captured till ) ItlirllllCtOII llllftlllVHH. Mr. R. B. Reeves , agent of tbo Adams Ex press company at this point , when uskoJ for u confirmation ot the report sent out fiom Boston to the effect thai Iho Chicago , Burling * ton & ( Juincy bad closed n contraot with tlio Adams iCxprois compiny to opoiatu thu lines oust and west of the Missouri rlvor , staled that ho know no more lluiu what had appeared in Iho morning papers. Tint Bun inwrlilngof tlio oxpnisH situation HtaU'il that iho probubililius were on the uldo of thu present niruiifiU' uiout being coiillnmd , Iho Wults-FJiyo coin , pony opnrntlug iho linns west ul Iho rlvor , tho' American east of the Missouri. Should the teport now mudo tenon u through Iho Boston news bureau Uml Adums has xucurod the con tract to operate bath linus bo true , them will bo a lively express war in vor.v Hhort llmu lifter January 1. ( icneral Agent Garner nf the American udmlllud thai tlio rumor Dent nut from Boston , whura It Is known iho Adams express ofllieials now uro , mlunt moan u good dual , and that he was considerably oxorcUoU over Iho manor , Iti fuel very much moro no than when iho rumor was currant that ilia VVolU-Fargo would operate the road. Until nnofllolal statement Is received from the railroad people or the Adams company , U will bo thu merest speculation as to wbut is proposed by tbo roau , but Ibero In no doubt ground to bullevo lhai u contract bus been signed batwcon ibo interested parties. Ignorance of tlio niurlu of DoWltt's Little Early RIsuri Is u misfortune. Those Illllu pills regulate thn liver , euro headaouo , dr& > pepsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious * uesi. Think 'Iliny Hi utv Him , h. A. Scbolz & Co. , of Proscatt , la. , have written for a description of J , S. Harris , an account oflioso urrnst for bousebrcaklug and grand larceny they reud In TIIK BKK. They think hu U Iho man who vlcllmUod them wllh a forged cbook for ( HA9 ou Octo ber Si ) . As a delicate flavor , delicious and r frreh. Ing. Cook's Uxtru Dry Cbampagno lukot ib lead. Miltlou * of bottles are sold aanuull ) .