PART ONETHE OMAHA ! SUNDAY BEE.PRGES 1-8. . , , , . NUMBER 133. TWENTY-SECOND YEAR. OMAHA SUNDAY MORNING'OCTOBER 30 1892-S1XTEEN PAGES. IS A FIELD OF ASHES Bevies of the A-wfnl DiEtsttr Which HEI Eten Vis'itid on Milwaukee , AWFUL DESTRUCTIVENESS OF THE FIR ! Acres of Valuable Business Hnuses Go U ] in Smoke. SMOULDERING AND SMOKING RUINS Ashes and Cintkra Now Mark the Eit "Where Magn.ficent Etructures BtojS. BRAVE FIREMEN DIE AT THE POST OF OUT Other Vlrtlnn ol the riaitic * ' I'lrrrc furj-- ttliHt thu Unmuc Will USrin -f of Urtolntlon mid I r tructlon Ilir stors of tlm I'lre. Wls. . Oct. 29.-The seen in tbe burned district this morning i of desolation , j one of blacknes and black pall of smoke hovers oer tbe greo area , relieved litre and there by lambot tongues of flame. Lipping red , like tbctongu of some monster carnivorous animal bungr for more prey. But tbe destroyer has r < celveditRtUath blow and is powerless fra : . Where las doing further injury. night stood stately business bouse wltb their wealth of merchandise , tbe Uttl homes of tbo working poor and all that got lo make un tbo life of a great city , toda a heap of hot nod smoking ruins. In twelv bours , from C o'clock lost night , was crowdu destruction that will take moi tban as inanv months to repal mid much of tbo work wrought by the flaaii can never bo icstored. The fire is now ci tirelyunder control , but the ruins in placi ure burning fiercely and it will bo sever days before tbo last spark is extinguished. The total Insurance is estlmnod at (3,093 , 000. and It is feared some smnll in uran < companies will bo badly crippled. Tbe killed are : I1EMUV PEDDENBIIOCH , fireman , at CHARLES STAHll , fireman , crushed ui der falling wulls. MHS. KALAtlAX. died from the effoc of a shod ; . AN UXK ! > OW WOMAN , supposed be Mrs Annie McDonald. It is feared the watchman of the Bnbb Kipn company was burned iu the factor , Tbat tbt < } < > > s of life was BO small is a cau for congratulation. It vfiA shortly after 7 that Mayor Some r.nxv tbe need ol help. Ho ntoncotciegrapbi tbo adjutant general for militia and Wa ko < .ha , OshUO'b , ICenosha , Rucmo and Co rngo for lire apparatus. Prompt repli were received in every Instance an tbe liiomen from outside did effect ! work , as did tbe militia in tbe way ol guar ing property , keeping the crowds back ai icscuing cudunirered persons. Help lor Hie IlouirloHX. A conservative estimate ol the pee ( : rendered homeless , bused on thn rcceut re istrution iu the burned dlhtiict , places tl numbsr ut 3.003. Nearlv all are noor ai have lost Ibe little ull they p < EOPhcd and are dependent on outsi belp. Last night hospitable cilizc threw open tbeir homes to them a means uro being talicn to provide for tb < immediate wnutE. Tne Germunia i ciety decided to turn over t receipts of the fair to be held ntxt week B J5,0.11) has been subscribed by the democru candidates for office , and f. > OU has been ceivcu Iroin tbo republican stale ceuJL committee of Illinois. Several hundred business men assembl at the Board of Trade this morning to rai funds for the fire sufferers. In u short tit nearly $50,000 in subscriptions w < announced , among them $5.1)00 fn P. D Armour of Culcugo , $1,1 ouch Irom the Wisconsin Fire und Marl Insuianco bam ; , John L Mitchell , C. i lllsley. Cudaby Bros. , H. C. Payne , E. Bacon , M. Koseouu , Prcd Pabst. and (5,1 cucb from the democratic ccndldutes and I Brewers association. A committee v appointed to increase the bum to (100,91 Tbo exposition bulldlngscboolsand cburcl were oiwned to tnn destitute. Mayor Semi says that while the people of Milwaukee cue uo aid to care for the destitute , they will grateful lor any contributions which frlct are inclined to make. Cnrlns lor UurortunnU > K. The 2riOO homeless people uro ull sbeltoi I under hospitable roofs tonight. Many w taken Into private duellings , while oth sought tbe shelter ol the rburcbes and ecbool houses. Money for the relief of mUertrs is pouring iu from all parts of United Stuls und local business men -contributing hboraily. Every one ol ibe fortunate Third warders will bo well ca for. for.Tho The aggregate of tbe insurance carried tbo burned property exclusive of tbut < riod by tbo Northwestern railroad , wt lias a bluukot policy , is M.iVj.OOj , divi among about 17 ! > companies. Tbe compai which will be the heaviest losers are us lows : Hartford , Conn. , pTTi.lKK ) ; Home , $ 0(10 ( ; Lancashire , England , f < W,000 ; New j cbauic , TT.,09j ; Pbcunlx , Brooklyn , f50 , ( Commercial Union , { 50,000 ; Continental , ( 000 ; Commonwealth , New York , (73,1 North British , riU.OOO ; Northwestern tional , f50ia ( ; Uoucordla. Hl',000 ' ; Lon : ted Lancashire , $50,003 ; Uerman > Amerl of New York , JW.OOa ; Ohio Faraifrs , M , Acoinplotrlist of the losses cannot be in ut this writing , A jnrse parties of tbe ,100 bouses dostr.i were insured In the Ohio Furmer * . CI.KA KI.AN1I Ai.\lN VJS1TUII. urll < l Aniiun Ojicra lluute Kutlrrlv ktr ) id by J'trr. Ct.nci4Mi , O. , Oct. 29. The Eu Avenue opera bouso took lira this mon Irotn rroised electric light wlref , and in ! un hour wns n mats of ruins. Tbe reaches FT" > ,000 Tbe Hauloui were plej "Superba lucre. They lose their scci end cbdumes , valued at tl'5,000. A C BBle ivus blowlne , and surroutiding propt ivns seriously meiibred for a time. The opera bouse , which was built al fifteen years ago bj John Ellster , was ow by M. A Hanuo. HU loss \\lll tie a1 $75,000 und It Is covered by insurance > aer uud lessee , Cius Hartr , lose * a t\000 , whlrh is also Insured. The Ha "Supcrba1 company lost all tbeir see : &ni barpacc. which cost S.OOO thli fall , tbe actors lee about tlD.OOv ) iu costumts dotblnc , Georco W. .Nnurse , the prop inau tf tbe couipuoy , estimates bis los f 10,000. Neub r tbi Htnioui uor the at cor Nourso bad any Insurance. Mr. Hauna savs be will cot rebuild tbo theater riro has Just broken out in Mount & Co.'s printing buuso on Seneca nnd Long streets. It is n brirK , four ttorics , and is ablaze In tbo upper stones. It in surrounded by large business biocks A boavy gale Is blowing and the situation looks serious. The gale bus caused much damage to shipping at tbo port. Six vessels nro as bore here , but will be saved if tbe wind abate. No loss ot life l > reported so far. The loss In tbe Mount & Co fire Is OMJ F1.00J. _ loftf > ol Innuratirp Cotnpnillrft. Nrv YOIK. : Oct . 29. The absence of cor rect reports from western agents makes il Impossirlc to estimate todav to wbut extent eastern insurance companies were affected by the Milwaukee lire Araone the beavj losers will bo tbo North British and Mcr cantllo Tire .Insurance companies Tbe man agcr says If the fire is us bad us rcportet their loi-soi will amount to (103,003. ' Our losses , " said tbo assistant secretary of tbe German American company , "will no exceed $2,1,000. " A repruicntutivo of the London , Llverooo and Globe said : "I do not believe our losse will exceed $20,000. " "Tbe losses of tbo Guardian Assuranc company of London \\lll bo about $25,003 , ' Manager Bowers said. Agents of the Union Assurance compnn ; of London place tbeir loss at $15.000. The Niagara may lose $10,000 , the Norwic ! $10,000. the United States about $5,000 uni tbo Broadway Insurance company abou $7,500. _ I'lill Ariminr'n ORvr. CHICAGO , 1IL , Oct. -"Draw on mo fo $1.003.000 if need be" was tbe message nhlc ! 'J. D. Aimour this morning flushed over tb wire to President James of tbe Northwest crn Insurance company of Milwaukee. Mi Armour is a director of tbe company nnd c its local offices was told it had suffered heavy loss. It was after receiving this it formation thut he sent his mcasagc. " 1 r < ' ceivcd this morning my lirst intimation c tbe fire , " said Mr. Armour , "and yet kno' ' little ot tbe true extent of the loss , but 1 ai Inclined to the opinion tbat tbe loss is ovei estimated Yes , I suppose wo will tak some measures for tbe relief of tbo sufferer ! but what uction will be taki'n I am not pn pared to say. ' Vulualilu ! lur t ! Crrmateil. IxtUANAi' , Ind. , Oct. 2 ! ) . Six fas horses \\eio cremated hy the burning of tb barn of Milo Themllnsone , a well know dealer in fust horses , nine miles north ( this place. Ho went to his stable \\ith shovel of live coals to fumigate the plac and was kicked over by a horse acs3 tbo bar set on fire by tbe coals. Ho barely manage to crawl out und he now lies nt the point ( deatn. due to internal injuries Bis fa ! running borscs wore ciemated. Including tt wellknoi\n racers Memory nnd BoTcs The loss on horses umountoa to $5,000. fottcni Uurnrd. GAIESTON , 'lex. , Oct. 29. Two fires o cnrred tojuy on cotton steamers. Durh the morning in the hold ol tbe Dewsluud S bales of cotton were badly damaged by fi and water. A boat midday , in the hold tbe Thorntondale , 2,000 bales of cotton we : badly damaged , or entirely destroved. Bol vessels bad cleared and xvere ready to put sea. The full extent of the damage is u known us yet. forebl I'lrcR. Pj-nsmm. , Pa. , Oct.29.--Dsasttous ! fore ( lies are reported to be ruglng In tbe Beav valley in the vicinity of Beaver Tails. Pa Fongera on tbo Fort Wuyne road who u rived this morning staf ed that they had o s-urved a glare iu the heavens on this side Beaver Palls. The country folus a battling with the Era and doing tbeir utmo to check its consumption of the timber. Three Mileol J'luinr. RF.u > ivn , Pa. , Oct. 29. Tbe fire oc ti Blue mountains has now extended fro Scbuylkill county to berksslde , and la mgnt tbo line of flame was over three mil long und driving iu all directions. Over 2 farmeis ure out fighting the fire. IruniHgrd Ity I'rulrit * PlrrE. ST. CI.OI-D. Minn. , Oct. 20. There" heavy prairie fires east of this city in Be ton count } . The Great Northern road nas crew fighting fire along the Itinckley line. JM rr. M j jjii : . .u > js . I'rfdrorikor Ilionclit to lie High I'm or tilth t.ruupD. ICoprrlBlitwil ] 3U2 by Jniuei Gordon llenuntt.l l i Gf.tiiu , Venezuela < via Gulvesu Tex. ) , Oct. 2'J. [ By Mexican Cable to t New York Herald Special to Tne Bet.1 Ur. Kolas Paul arrived bore today fn Curccoa and will proceed ut 01 tn Caracul. It is not deflnlK Known what tbe significance of t return may o : , but there is a general it presslon that It has something to do w : the piesideucy. Dr. Kojas Puul was I laclo's predecessor us president of Yenezui and bad been exiled from tbe countrv by i dictator. After the fllcht of Palacio a when tbo tilumpb of Crospo seemed tssur bo returned to Venezuela and acted ns a. B dlator between Villegus , Monagas und Sui j I on the one baud and Crespu on the other. His efforts weie futile , bowover , nnd thi us some talk tbat be bad acted in bud la and bad attempted to have himself eleol president without the consent ol Cro po u bad retuniud to Curacoa , His present vi may mcuu that Crcspo intends to confer i presidency on him until a constllutio : president cau DO elected. There is uo qu tion , however , that Crespo himself can h the office If be sees fit. VAU-IIUJSO , ( via Gal veil on , Tex. ) , C 29. | By Mexican Cable to tbs Saw Y < Herald Special to Tiic Brc.J News con fro n Santiago del Estero , Argentina , t ! tbore bus beeu a fight between the reL uud tbe state troops under Klnz. Thevlcti of tbe ruvolutiouists tus baen attended excesses itgamst the friends of Uojis uguiust foreign residents. Secor Costa expected ibero from BUKOOS Ayrcs wil regiment ol national troops. He has ordi however , to only imprison political revc tioulvts. The master ol tbe b&rk Adul ; tins uirived hero from tbe Falkland islu lo obtain u crew to unable him to proceed a bun Pruuclsro. e Km ! uf il Itutnanre. New Vouu , Oct. 29. The n.arrmce ely Kennedy Stout of Spokane , Wuth , , to c IduT. Haruau of WiUIumsourg solei y ired loulEbt. Tkls was Ibe fitting cllttn : : e the romantic siury already told of the wi y eru colonel who wen a lulr eastern hi without buving ever looked upon ber. 11 wus intended ta have tbo ceremony | 13 formed tomorrow tilgbt , but Colonel S ! was anxious to ( tan west , acd ut bis urg request the wedding took glace todav. Killi-il ut u I'olltloat Lorj.MiJ.t . , Ixy. , Oct. 2y , Jtiit after Si tor BUckburn finitbed speatlug at Me Sterling this afternoon Henry liouude young farmer , shot and killed \ \ ' . C. Cro at also a luriuer. Tbe Villing WM the rcsul i > u old feuo. IN BETTER FAVOR There IE a Ericbter Cntloo'k for the German Armj Bill. HOSTILITY TO THE MEASURE SUBSIDING Members of the Offisial Circle Now Confi dent of Success. PRINCE BISMARCK WANTS A SURE THINC He Will Not Appscr Again in the E Unless Assured of Control. WHAT THE SOCIALISTS NOW DEMANt at Arc Anarrlilslic-lii tlir MluUtrr J'lirli > Give * n I'urij Cx- nlth un Inrulnri- ahlv Armor. [ ropjrlcLtpd IB'JS bv New \ orL Af soclatrd Prei > . BLKLIX , Oct. 29. Emperor William wil open the Hcicbstag In per > on on Noveinbe nil While the imperial oarllament is wrcstlln over tbo array bill , the Prusman Landtag which has been summoned to meet on Kc vemberP , will bo Involved in an eager part , discussion on the fiscal rstorms proposed b Or. Miguel , minister of finance. Both ses slons will strain the energies of tbe minister and produce crisis periods , yet tbo oClciu circle is confident thatjhe army bill will b approved , as they areTilso confident that th proposed budget will most with ncceptancf Members of this circle do not hesitate to d < dare that the government will win nil alon the line. The storm of abuse with which tb government proposals wore assailed wtu ber were flrst published is subsiding. The government appears likely to benof r atly b j tbe so-called premature discloi ro of the army bill. H is conain that if th measure bad been thrown into the Itelchsta n full session , surprising tbo members , nould have scattered the parties like a bom ) hell , breaking the groups into s&ctior .hat it would have baoa Impossible to i nlte. CulUI ) lctci < i-l. Never has a creator pi eject received sue glacial reception from its expected BU jortera or aroused greater clamor among r jttural opponents. Papers of such divers pinions as the Germania ( ceutrrlst ) , Tl ; ieichrote ( conservative ) and Das Yolk ( D Von Stoeuer's or au have concurred wit .be opposition press in declaring that tl measure was impossible. Tbe early dissoli .ion ot tbe Ileichstnzwas everywhere pri dieted , ana it wns said that this would resu n tbe return of a house hostile to tl government. JCow the tone ol tbe ceniert organs has been modified. Tne German suggests th&t the bill will have no posslb effect if the governcftrat refuses Its demand Tbo conscrvntive press felicitates tte cou ; .ry on the prospect of increased sohdltv be army , and cruises the section of tn * b retaining in the bands of tbe government tl lower to keep a certain class of troops : .be service for threa years. This change front points to tbo whole conservatu strength 1-7 vote --being cat for the mez ure. In order to obtain tbe necessary 1 ! votes to cairy tbe bill Chancellor von Cupn can rely on the centensts stepping into In undir inducements that arcalicady on-tl verge of acceptance. Tbe official fuss overtbe Cologne Gazettt divulging tbe details of the bill and tbe i quiry ordered to ascertain tbat paper source of information means nothing. Tl miiiisters know fiat a copy of the bill w ; ent to the Cologne Gazette through a inn Ister of tbe federal tate , who was deslro otits publication. Neither Emperor Willia nor Chancellor von Caprivl really regret tt disclosure , whlcn , it Is no > v dourly been , hi made public interest to the government's u vantage. Prince Bismarcu will not reappear in ti Reichstag. If tbe success of the coulitl ugainst tbe government wan absolutely i cure , with himself us master of tbe situ lion , be would not hesitate ta again tal bis scat , but tbe person who lute tried to interview blm could not exu even a side ! iut on the prinoi uttlludo toward tbe .tmpsading strugg ! HU criticisms wera chiefly personalitic Tbo present ministers , be said , were so ] signiQcunt , nnd the covering to tbe sbic they present is so transparent that the ei peror himself always shines through the : It is dangerous to tbo future of tbe mt urchiul idea , be added , ior a ruler , even wi tbo best intentions , to appear so frequent in the political lield without a decent m istenul coverlnn. Continuing , Prince B raarcksald : "To fight with ministers , w are men of straw , hns uo charms for n Some of them cling through personal ncci blues to tbe posts that feed them. Tb have large families or ttiuro ure other thin that demand that they retain tbeir office ; This is interpreted us u spiteful allusion Dr. von Boottecher , bead of the impor borne office end representative ol tbe cbi cellor. "Tnat sort of men , " Prince Bismarck sa "is represented iu tbe government ot wbl Frederick tbo Great once said they wi urausing at the table , , but whom Predorl kicked out. Now tbov uro kicked out 1 situation has no reward fpr me. My son much less reslgued to be out of offica than am , but he has long snen that campetltl with csrtuin ministers is only painbio p vided one previously wears livery for to years , " Prince Bismarck u enjoying good heal though be is ucrid in temper , Commrrcial Trout j- with Huila. Tbe negotiations for a commercial Ire with Russia are about to bo resumed , dispatch received toduy from St , Peterob announce * tbe appointment of tbo jil < poteutlary beadnd by Minister Bunge. It tlu has assented to the roductlou of her ta on German coal , and tbe minister of mat has joined the com mission iu Ardor to usi in regulating tbe coal question. liue means business and Germany is ready tu spend. Tbe program of tbe independent soda party lias finally been dratted and it ma tbeir ootinillve secession from tbo m body of the social democrats. The urojr declares that wommen ought to reject s\ \ socialism iu every form. They bo rather aim to enfeeble it und complei abolish tbe state. They should try Ho c turo tbe means of production and ube ! capitalistic society tbrouyu strikes , boyco refusal to enter into leral obligations , i They should oppote uli the leadinc iu tutcs of modern society such as tbe cbui state , schools , the army und parllamectar and reconstruct onipty on K basis of porfecl equality , without dltUaotton as to KCX. Tb < nmnifcKtu is pnro uuirrtrism. The pity Is that tbe party but a growing number of nd- bcrrnls In Oermaoy. Tb * socialist rormben ot tbe Ileienslatt , Hcrren Singer , Uebel , Llebkntcat and Aber , will Kolre the occasion of tbo great congress of tbe socialist parly w hlch will bo it-id In Barlln November 14 to dee ( > unoetb"4'mauifoto as anti-socialistic UtUMnVn IlunUbcTrip. The ompcrnr-U buutlog on the estate o Count von Eutenberg. Uo will return tt Hcrhu tonight and will leave ior Wurtem bi'rg tomorrow lo t&ke imrt in tbe recon titruction of tl > Luther Memorial church ot Tnesrtay nrxU Mr. \ \ 'illlamViilterPbelp , tboAmericat minister here , pave a dinner in honor of Her VirchoTT , rector of the Berlin university Among tbo guest * vrere Mr. A. D. White tbe American minister to Russia ; Presiden BecVer otthe Academy of Arts , and Ed ito Barib of the National Zeitung. Mr Pbelp also ontcrtamrd ibe wife of Consul Mason .vho Is stationed at Pra&kioru The social season , which bad opened bril lian'ly at the American legation , wat inter rupled by the news pf Mrs * Harrison1 ? dnatk Mr * . Phelps i sued invltatlocB to a dinner 1 honor of Minister Wmte , Bt which C fanned lor ron Capnvi , General Schouvalott , th Hussinn ambassador to Germany , and otbe dignitaries would have been present. Th Invitations rvorc withdrawn wbou U WB learned Mrs. Harrison was dead. Tbo representative of tbe Associated prcs ha * been informed that the ( ierman stcan ship companies have agreed not to forwar Hussians or Hungarians to the Unite Suites so long ai tholcri exUts in Uussl and Hungary TLe reports current in Nei York that Bohemian ! ) will also bo exclude are correct. Tbe Hamburg-American con pany will continue dlspatcuing its steamei from "VV'lbelm's ' Haven until Hamburg is d ( clared free from cholera. \VI11 Comprtcrlth tinStamlurit Oil. Tbe Baku Standard Oil company has bee formed here. Its aim is to cDmnste with tt American Standard Oil compuny for tt Orei man market Experiment * have recently been made i Germany \Mtb a new'kind of armor , whic is claimed to be far superior to tiny kin heretofore made. It is saiu tbat the resist ing qualities of Ibis armor is so great that thin luyer of it will prevent tbo passage < the new small caMnejc. rifle bullets. 1th : even been sutrgested'thnt tbe new compos tiou might be utilised in making urmor f ( soldiers , though it ii not believed that th wnl be done , as men cloa in mall could nevi be ible to make the marches required ! modern warfare. Breast plates and hen protectors /night , however , be made of it it possesses nil the1 qualifications tbe ii ventor claims ftr It. , At Mannheim an inventor has in succes ful operation a cab that is propelled by motor resembling. In some r tpscts , a gi engine. _ The power is obtained by expl sions of a mixture. Of atmospheric air at petroleum. lias u A.lira < l. [ Copjrljilitea 13.2 ti. ( Vi-n9 > jG JrJoa lleanstt 1 Bcnux. Oct. ifi Kew York Horal Cable "Special to Tiic SnE.i Thcre n : still 'optlmistj. w'ho' ' think that If comes before the Reichstag tbe army bill w : pass , Cut tht uu'ooer is diminished , nt tbo premature disclosure oftbe contents i tbe scheme by tbo jbologne Gnzotte has n improved , althoacb it may not have d stroyed ibe mmislorial cbances , meanwhi it is woith notice tbat the ne\ about the cnvernment's appeal -to Horn which , cs I told you , was icocived here incredulously , has been conilrmed from ihr dietinct and independent quaiters , Heir Hamburg und Milan. The clerical Osserv tore Catholic , in its llomo letter , gives ela orate details of Herr von Bulow's action tbe matter , but Jeavis the pops's decision tbe dark. One thing is certain , if the cenU or a great part of the center , does not vo for tbe bill it cannot pass , and so fur it b not shown any willingness to help the go ernmcnt , even to oblige the vaucau. s 'uuiict ! > tt"to Driith. Bitrssos Oct. at ? A , verdict of guil was rcnfleied today Itptbe case of Scbmit the man who was charged with druggii and smothering n girl in a hotel at Girlemo in order to obtuia 3uo insurance of4.0 francs , -which he a fl a confederate cay Lclande had taken ont on kor life. He w at once sentenced to dcath. Lclando has n yet been acpreheuded. IJiknT rd tlitSI oil , PAWS. Oct. 2P. Ajnuinber of unemploy workmen attemuted'ao bold a meeting in t garden of the Tulteiies. today. So mu rowdyism was manifested that tbo police 1 tervened and cleared The gardens. The m then tried to march totheCbumbsr of Dep tics , but was stopped and dispersed. Too Much Kulll. Lovnox , Oct. 2B. According to repoi from tbe Midland -counties rain has befalling falling continuously i\T different sections that region for front twenty-four to Cl bours. Tbousands-of"acro6 \VejtNorfo are submerged und the potato und -011 crops are rotting in tbe fields. CHUKF lor HU Intrrnutliinal Dlkjuitn. HAUI-AV K. S , , Obt. 29Tbo fact American wreckers coming to Canada a being employed in catling oft the Briti steamer Britannia ii , lively to cause auiot national ditput- ii reported that rep scntatlous havA beeuuStde to Ottawa abc it by Halifax people. ) I > UIID by IImTVm ( " . > " & Itlier to 1 l n NUCIAHA PAI , K * ' Y. . Oct. 29. 1 cataract this inciting tboV on a heavier ro and tbe rlverb lo\vUtiC-falls iu tbe goi began lo steadily rjsB.1Tbe waves wi soon rosnlnc over ibe Maid o' tbe Mist both the American ana Canadian cities tbe river. Tbn waters'rote and engulfed ' wort : on tbe AmorU-an luoncl. A dam v constructed uround tbe outside , and water wil ( Uavotolia ( Jumped out before citeat of the .damago. can be ascertaii and work resumed. Tbe greatest'1vredr nd closest csci from death is fchrontriled on tbo Canad side. Tbe Canadian Pacific is construct a tunnel at Tuble Hoot : for an electric pic The sudden rise of tbe river weakened embankment and soon tbo water was r nlng acd rusblnc ever tbe Table Rack. " \ liable machinery , dcrricus , tools and du pits nerd bvvept away , and largo wboel pit filled up w water in almost a twinluin ? . ' negroes und Itailani at work here w w&rned in time &iid tbe last ol them bad , ' the wheel pits and 'steam drilU just be ! tbe water made lit appearance. Lags i timber are cautioubllf going over tbe fi It is feared tbe embankment of tbe eloc roicl alone the Canadian snore toay be uni mined uy tbe continual rush of the water ; go down. The river is rlslnir tonight A jieou ftsture is the roar at tbe caturtcU HIS HAPPY FAMILY Gladstone Bulcs the Oabiuit Comnletelj b His Own Peculiar OPPOSING OPINIONS FIRMLY SQUELCHED Ambitious Members of the Governmsnt Fine it Impossible to Pass thj Obisf. THEY MAY RESIGN If THEY WISH One Course Opsn to Ministers Who Havt PjononucBd Personal Views. FREE SILVER BECOMING AN ISSU5 England' * rojuillitk 1'rrnflup lll with B Vigor Tlml rromlM'H to MaKe Thine * Iiitrrrstint Durlnc tin' Com. Ing Sl'Kflon of r lllKliirnt. d 1B32 1'J ' .Inuiei GorJun LOXDONOct. . 29. , New Yotk Herald Cable Speclnlto THE Bcr-j Everybody no actually connected with tbe ministry wil have it that Gladstone und his colleagues tr ull at sixes , and sevens already , and that bit ter disputes take place at every cabine mooting on questions of the first importance 1'hcre is no doubt a grouudnork of truth ii .11 Ibis , but It cannot be all trut tadslonc allows no man to dispute wltb bin : Some would never have the pluck t .ttempt it , no matter what emergency mlgb .rise ; others are merely bis creuturss. H as made them what they are and can easlli nmake them. Morlev would doubtless stain ut for his opinions against anybody bu jlndstonc. Harcourt would do ths same o pinch , but tbe piach would have to bo harp one Humiir , however , will have i .h'at Harcourt's eyeaigbt is lapidly gem ; nd that bo must retira from put'lio life ivhich would be a great o.ow to bis parn loseoery and Gladstone are not likely t uarrel , and outside of this short list ther 3 co one xvbo has weight enough or lufiu : nco enough to sllr up a meeting. Tni ubitiet will manage to rub along very wel until parliament meets. llirj Mny Iti'tlcm They do not agree on tbe labor question ! home rule , Uganda or Egyptian occupr .ion , but such subjects us these alway provoke n great dlflsrence of opinion. Who happens is this : Tbe dissentient inlniste ; xpresses hi * views at a cabinet mooting ; t s orerruled , and when the proper tim romcs he goes to the HOJSO of Lords c ipmmons ana vebemontly defends thp cour. which , in private , he has opposed. Th : may seem very immoral , but governman * , could not oe named on unless those -wb compose them knew how to give way. Gladstone in his early d ys resigned froi iir Robert Peel's ministry because he-woul not vield on eocleMasticul points , but has u' ' ivays adapted himself to circumstances skill fully since then. Down to the last moment nobody woul believe that Chamberlain meant to resign i > > G over the home rule bill. Perhaps I might not have done so if ha bud cared ver much for tbo office which he happened l hold at the time. Gladstone will not be scared out of pn ducing home rule , und will leave Rosebei to xvrestlc with the British public over tt Uganda bill. He Is the man to deal with U missionary societies. ! Mltrr In nnclHiul. One subjact that will bather tbe miplsti a good deul , by-lbs-by. is bimetallism. It an immense thing lor the bimetallists thi they got so many Lincastilro mill ownei and operators on their side , for these clussi can get great influence In action. They co : trol many seats : n parliamentIt is not EU posed tbe cotton bands nave mastered all tl complicated denls of this problem , but th ( have made up tbeir minds that bimsullisi will be a cure for bad tradp , ana thi is enough. Cotton is in u bad rra and foreign competition cannot. I interfered with.Tbe latter point being settle some other remedy must be found. B ijiotallism is the fjvorlte spscific , usneciull as so few understand it. Gladstone's parl and the built of the conservatives ure de : against it , but the minority on bath sidi nave taken it up with eagerness , amos them Bulfour. He carries with him no u : thorlty on financial questions , nor could 1 have any weight wltn n conservative mini try on such a question as this , but still h : nama imparts a cgrUis degree of srcngth 1 the lead of tbe bimetallists , unrt/ they wl make tbe most of it. Ho will probably let the cause in Lancashire. A MLMimit or PAKUAMCNT. CAHJXET COMMIT ! I.i : YTOKII. ( ilttUhtumi' ) !'UK-iiunu lint ; rirpartni ; ! thf Oirnlnc | of I'ltrlUinrnt , tCopjrlKlit ( lte'J3 liy Ntw 1 orl. AssoclutcO Prenis LOSIION , Oct. liU. Tuat section of the ca inet havlt.g any influence whatever wi borne rule proposals bus long been ho vuri hi both the loading principles and the detu of tbe measure that the presentation o ] draft of the bill , if toe presentation occnrr at all , must have been considered a DC formality. Immediately after the covcrnment w formed Mr. Gladstone constituted nevci committees , .eaca charged with preparing t leading measures of tbo coming session parliament. The home rme committee cc listed of Mr. Gladstone himself , H ; Spencer , Sir William Vernon rturoou John Morley and Sir George T volyuti. Supreme confidence prevu in tbe innermost ministerial clr regarding tbe absolute unanimity of t cabinet uoinmltico on tbe borne rule bctaoc \Vitb the committee in unison dlssensl among tbe minor members ol tbe cabinet impossible. And U is certain thut the i will be presented in parliament without 1 remotest chance of any minister break ] loose from bis colleagues. Tbe government measures next in impc ante before the cabinet are electoral rej t rat ion reform , publicans' l.ceuses and pur council bills. Alt ol those have been draft and it can now be announced tbat they v term tbe bulk of tbe business of tbe sessu Tbe Irish eviction commUsIon ulll be , its meeting on November 10 , ColuBffe Outktluu Taking IHirp Huld. Tbe currency agitation , radiating fr Manchester a * tbe center , is now waking tbe commercial and financial circles London , Tbe London Chamber of Cc merre will shortly be asked to Ufcrse the principal resolution adop by the meeting in Manchester i nicbt , which resolution tffirui * that 1 best remedy for tbe depression in trade ! broad international compact , reopening ' mints of tbe leidlnc nations of tbe world THE BEE BULLETIN. ITValieror / Omaha and \'ii int'y 1'air , Gtncral'y ' Sou'ltimt ll'Jnit Pee . 1. Artrrtiintli ol tin'Mil"nulipp riir. llrtKT Uutlixik InrCaprltl'\rmj-lllll. Trnulili * in ( itniUUtnr'nMUlnct. . iuriiipHtfhlnc Knurr M'lllii-Ui. S. Croat ItMtl } tit OmftliH % 1 urkingmrii. \\liltflit\T Krlct In No\ > .Ifrvi-.i , ( linnhii S\n-ili-f. Mnkc IIIIMIIIC * 3. SUirms t'piin tini.utof * . Krarm-y llxi. u ir < at 1llii < nit. CrauiiKC UftUrx tTi | llnrtlnctini. 4. IMitcmitt nml rn.iuurnt. fi. rrojrrrnd of > rw oil.'r < - uimlcn. | 0. Ciiunrll Illuir * l.ocnl Ncu . lrmTln.\'i. foot Hull ( iHiiivr , ? . l.tnctiln'r Itni ot I'atiilirltlfiit > lloj ct SHjkllrUNiit KMincuUlirtl. HrulliVanhlnirloii I-cttri. 8 London > lnc < < ( i nti. Id. Itutsluti I'lnnnrlnl lintllnllinm. 11. Omalia'd Iradf ii < lru < < ! , ( rnlu , I'ru tvlon * mat slock. I" . I.aktcrk hi Lorn 1 soclcl } . 1 . U ttkrmnn nt Stoke rod . ludK' * I > 3ti on rortcrt .MHi-rhi ( ; < . St-rrct Mirlrtj * J < itc . ! * > . Auiouc tin-Local > > | iorl . the unrestricted coinage of gold and silver , and detnandt th.Utbe govern incut co-operatt with the coming international monetary conference to secure snen nn areomeat. In the highest financial quarters , however , there is n belief that tb government intends to pursue H policy ol inertta on tbo currency questUin. On th other bant ! tbo Indian currency coinrnitt ( will not take long to arrive at H decision The personnel of this committee Lord Herschell , Mr. Furrur and Mr Curtice for bids the hope that tbo recommendations wil ! bo such us will moot with the nppiwal o the members of tbe Brussels monetary con fereucs. l > avltl Crltlcltcs l-rCmoil. Michael Davltt , writing in Tbe Speaker charaoerizo ! . Dr. LeCaron't. tiaou of lemlnis ct-nces a < > "Scissors and paste imicd with iu vetition.Vith refei-onco to Dr LoUarou'i assertion that he broucht B seulod j > nckc from John Dexoy to Patrick igan , whi wns then in Pans , Mr. IJavit suys be has obtained froin Mr EcaL the identicul scaled packet a fm simile of which appears 111 Tbe Sticalcor am instead of containing a Clun-na-guel docu ment , which Dr. LeCaron declares bo rouli not trust to the mail , proved to contain oul ; an ordinary letter of introduction. Mr. Da Jtt denounces LeCarou's eiatemiul goner ily ! as palpable yarns. Dame Humor iu different gaibs wit b pro .unslous of certitude the womai ) oisoner Neill tell the \vholo story of hi doings. The Associated press tepresenta .IVP , however , bus authority to Ray thu < eill , since tbe sentence of death has beci tasked upon him , has bioathod hut a word o ronfesslon and has proftred no stutomou whatever , relating to his sullt or innocence UK TKIUU TO JtKCLAIM JIKIt. ScutKliuiiHl und Roniiinllr lcilurc of London lHiilti > i'lthiv , N , Oct. 8. A- livorcecns harm romantic features was decided in tbe divorc court hero today. O. .1. Scboolcrfitt pet ; .ioned for B divorce on the ground of hi vife's misconduct in Chicago with Willlat lunmer , otberwise knoxvn as "Wild AVes Bui. " Schoolcraft wns born in America , bu came to London in Ib a. He stuuied nt Can : bridge university and bocamoaclersMinan c be Church of Euglaud. In issi he met o the Strand the woman bo subseyneutly mai ried. Sbe was a woman of louse charactei but she told Scboolcraft a pitiful story t bow she hud been driven to a Ufa of sham and of her desire to abandon her evil coursi Schoolcraft become iuterestod in her un ried to reclaim her. He married her nn then scut ber To a boarding school , as bo wn going to heidelburgto study. Iu 1SS4 hi , viJe left him , saying sbe was going to Bei in. Sbe came bock , but in IbSSsho disaj poarod and be has uot since met ber. Sb wns traced , hjwever , to Cnlcago , where bh ivus found living as the wife of "Wild Wes Bill. " The wife made no defense and the coai grunted a decree. Cluilsionr Will t Nn u Trlrjiliime. LOS-POX , Oct. 2 ! ) . Mr. Gladstone bus dc cided to have a telephone put in betwee ais official residence in Downing street an .bo House of Commons. This uctiou is take In rlevrof his appointing Sir William Verne Harcourt to the position of deputy gover : mcnt leader in the bouse. Mr Gladstoi tiimself and John Morley , chief soriotar for Ireland , will leave the house duuns it coming sessions early In tbo evening , excej on special occasions wbon important meas ures are up for consideration. When the House of Commons mcoti Ml Charles E Scbwann. mombur for tbe uorl division of Manchester , will introduce a bi providing for tbe adoption in England of tl American patent system. t'liolfru Heron ! . LOXIHIV , Oct. 2'.i The Standard's g Petersburg correspondent reports u z > erioi icvlval of tbe cholera epidemic utBuku. ST. PiiicitsnniQ , Oct. 2& . rour i.ew cag. . of cholera and three deaths reported be yesterday. ' Briu PcfcTit , Oct. 29. Tbe chuleia rcco : for today snows twelve new cases ni f'elve deaths. Twelve deaths from cholera have occurn in the eotnrauue of Totb. POUT TOW.V I..MI , Wash. , Oct. 29. Tl bark Cowlitz , tblrt.duy * from China , nrrivi today und reported two deaths , On tbe pt sage tbe second mate uud captain were t tucked with symptoms resembling Asiui cholera , and. after u brief Illness , died. T vessel was placed in quarantine. Kttil from u \ > Hinr , Iicnlli. LoxnoN , Oct. 29 , The British steam Blal-.cmore , Captain Forest , from Baitlmoi October 7 , arrived nt Queenstown tode Sbe has on board the crew of tbo Nonvegu bark Cupello , Captain IJabl , from Boyvei for Pleetwood , blob was abandoned Oc ber 22 in latitude 22 uortn , loneitudo Ul w e Tbe only thing tbut kept tbe Capella in wav her cargo of lumber InlHtoi ot JlliiirtallUiii , LOXIIOX. Oct. 29 Tbo Dahy News , co meuting on Mr. BaUo'jr's uduress on mctalliem , expre > sev asioulbbmcnt at > Balfour's assumption that tbe bust ecouon thought of tbe day favors bimetallism a declujes tbtt in England , Prance and Am ica nearly all renowned economists are mot metulllsts , tbe inevitable exc-tntlons bci Leon Say and General Walker , Kelrutc of the I urU 1'iinU , Lositox. Out. 29. At tbe meeting of t Irish parliamentary committee , bold todi ut which Mlcb&el Davitt presided , An bishop Crake's proposals for tbe release tbe Pans fund were ucceptud \VIll J'rurocuo I'urliuuu ut In ] li < iinl < LOMKJNOct. . 29. U Is now ncuuunc tbut parliament will b formally in December. ALL WATCH GERMANY European Govsmments Deeply Interutcd in the New Army Bill WHY THE INCREASE IS NECESSARY Other Members of the Triple Alliaaca Can not Eep Up the Ajgre ats. FRANCE HAS TROUBLE ON HAND Intirnil Affairs of tie Republic Have At- sumsd an Uncertain Hue. WEAKNESS OF THE GOVERNMENT Poor Slinwlnc MntliIn I > rnllni ; With tli Milk Ht Cftritiaux nnil the Troubl * Jl LriITu Nu Krttlvmrnl In Slclit , ! I > T Jainen Uordon neunntt 1 PAUI& , Oct. 2(1. ( fNew York Herald Cabl Special to THE Brc.l The Ger&un mili tary bill is the single thought of all Europ * excepting Prauco. Nobody understand * u by Germany should Increase her effective force to such an extent as to be abla to throw next spriuir 203,003 more uion in twenty-four bours upon her eastern or western frontier. Numerous note * have boon exchanged bo- tvu-ou the different European cabinets. Air. Gladstone at a cabinet council oa the 27tb in structed Lord Kosebsry to pat at the bottom of the real intentions of tbe Gorman govern ment. Tuc solo object of Germany is to make up for tbo Deficiency in tbo Austrian ana Ital ian forces , tbo financial condition of thosu countries not permuting them to increase tbeir armies , as members of tbe triple ullt- anoe. Germany : s , therefore , obliged to make tbe effort herself , as it is Impossible for ber allies to do anything Nevertheless the tendency is b'ad. The bourses arc weak and ill at caw. This 1 especially the case In France. In addition to the fears she has of the causes for i he in crease in tbo German army , she has her OWR * difficulties to contend with. Tbo strike at Carmaux is a proof of tbo weakness of that government. The country foals that it l as tmdlv governed as before the Boulunirlst explosion. It wants a change. 1.U ItriM ( ii-iinrHlti * * Oi > purtuultjr. "It Gancral Bouliinccr had not bsen such if fool us to commit suicide , " said Deputy Millroyo to mo , "hovouid now be ns popu lar as ever. " Tne Carmnux affair has given tbe work- ingtnen parly a new political campaign rrys "Defense of universal suffrage tv workingmen - men 1 The important question now , is not , will the workman Calvigonuo remain innyor of thollttle municipality , bat if the workluc- men have the right to do as they please out hide of politics. Considering the Pronch char- actertba replv is not doubtful. The work * Ingmen of Franco will decluro themselveB bound to stand by their fellows at Carmuur. How is the Government to get out of it difficulty ! A political precedent for n social crisis of that cbaraoter has boon rarely soon. Tbe clouds are rapidly gathering in th ° political sky and this wpck everything looks black. The pressing question is u bat is to be th fate of the ministry. Mr. Loubet feeLs that , tfce crisis is fust navancing. Tne old politicni' order is crumbling. Onjill sides grave fearo nre entertained. Tbo winter will not go by without trouble for the republican establish ment of which Franco 11 ho proud. Miau- ters , politicians , ull are uneasy. I < otk of Troiib'r In Sicht. MM. Clemenceau , Miller nnrt Polletun. the loaders ot the radical parly , set out thi evening for Carmaux. Their ostensible ob ject is to bring about peace , their real object is tbe contrary. Baron Hello , tbe president of the mining corporation , refuses to yieia in spite of tbo intervention of Count Mun , the distinguished leader of the Catholic partv in tbe chamber , who hud interceded for tbe workmen. JACQUES ST. Cnr.E. -Ap | > ( iltit ( J n Iturriver. MOXTHKUV , Mex. . Oct. 29. In tbe federal court here today Judge Ueal appointed 0. A. Uobcrtson receiver ol tbe Monterey & Mexi can Gulf railroad , subject to the directions of the court. Iljclnr'n K iitrnrr. CoiTViuonsOct. . 29 Henry Ryder , for merly United States consul bore , was today convicted of fraud and perjury and senteucea to eighteen months' Imprisonment at hara labor. ItY llll > Wll'E. How un At > u oil FnualiUut Kirn , ? > Hli a ilrutul llutbnml , iMMANAi'Ous , Ind. , Oat. lii ) The citizens of Fishers station , wheto tuo white cap outrace - race was said to have occurred u week ace lust night , deny tte story glrcn out by Henry ICelpfer , tbe ullupod victim. IColpfer spent most of bis time hanglne uroutid saloons where every penny be could earn WUB civen for bad whuiry. When arlink bo would irate to his boinis and abuse bis wile. On tbo uiehtin queulon be JeJttbe saloon ana went straight to his home , where tie beat bis wife with a churudushor and threw a chair tit her. Some of the toughs got bold of him tnd gave him more liquor , and then tooir him borne. His wife would not allow him to enter , and be fell against a true which stood in the yard. He was very drunk , but his wife fearing bo would force bis way into tbe bouse tooli a clothes line and tlod bis loot loeeibcr , and fastened a baiter cumin around hK body. He swore at ber frigTU- fullv and called her vile uainoi. She cut B > switch , and each time he called ber a namn sbe wblppud him , mid all tbo time be wu trj lug 10 out her with u kulfe. Tbe noun they made aroused Ibe neighborhood , una Mr. Ciistellar went u ? and atkuci bur to let him go , but be was afraid if released bo would kill ber and she refused to untie him. Cu - tcllai went to tbe other neighbors , a number uf whom went to Kelpfor's bouse in a body and promised to take him aw ay and sec be did not harm Mrs. Kelpfer If the would let him go. Bbe then untied him and they took biro to tbe blacksmith shop uua washed him und gave him a chaLge of ruiment After that they bd vised blm to leave town' for n time. HB did and came to Indianapolis with bin white cap slnry. 1'rarUrnllyH Itulilxir Trunt. VCIUK , Oct. t'9. Subscription book * will tie opened bore on Wednesday to cajil- tuUt ibe United Stales Kubbur company. The capital stock will be tn,0'aQ'M. It i orguiiUed under ibe laws of New Jersey nod .is a practical co-jsollJution of all tb rubbtr compauiut In tbe country.