Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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The entire wholesale stock of IPotkins & Marks , of Broadway , New York , consisting of ' '
. .
EXTRA SII AWlvtt ! h.X'1'H.A. NOT1OK.
Your oholo o of 600 assorted Cloaks , Reefers , Jackets and Newmarkets , was sold btha ad ministra- Your oholco of 100 extra heavy
FRENCH SEAL CAPES tor of the estate tothe Boston Store at ajtremandous sacrifice. These arc Wool Beaver SHAWLS
Collars trl mined with light Krtmmtr ustraohnn or tit ar ;
capes In this lot , worth unts Take $15. your choice for MJ t C - the garments we place on sale tomorrow and all next week , at fabulously low prices. Reversible , allcolo-s , regular v.ilu ) $12.
and and
All Next Week. All Next Week.
1,1 nx union KOH YOUR OlloiOKOl ? ' ire
rreucli Seal Pur SCARFS. Long Cooney Pur CAPES roil VIMMIIMI Mink m'K Pur o lee ii i : r iv i \ti
\vrin HAT IN LIN 101)
I Tl 1 11 KOS l < OHM 15H IMMCM.l Sit ) . *
Worth $7.50
at Wholesale.
Ladies. ' bluck
Beaver Jacket ,
with J length black fur shawl col
lar , all sl/cs from 32 to 44 , same as
shown nbovo , al$4.S. ! )
Potkins * and Murks' wholesale
price was $7.50 Ours is Sl.oa
Passenger At ant Lcmax Says They Are
Not Being Counterfjiteu. *
Iteport or Great rruiul Started In the
Wlnily City IVlmt Uio Tickets Are
I.Ilio nnd llo\v 'llicy Are
The passenger department of the Union
Pacific , and paitlcuiurly its head , Mr. K. L.
liomax , the general passenger and ticket
ugnnt , wore grojltv wrought up over an arti
cle appearing exclusively in the Chicago
Herald jestorday , having tbo somewhat
startling head lines : "Counterfeiting Hail-
road Tlcitots Tao Union Pacillc the Victim
of a Gigantic Fraud , ' ' and lu substance stat
ing that a quantity of counterfeit Union Pa-
citlo tlcuot-t had boon discovered whlcb
would entail a loss ot thousands of dollars to
tno com piny.
Mr. Lomax , when scon in regard to the
article , was highly indignant and wondered
that the Union Pacific should receive such an
unwarranted scoring at the hands of a
Chicago nowspipor and the operation of so
successful a ticket as the Loinnx ticket
libelled. Mr. Lomax already had had his
attention called to tbo article by wire and
stated very emphatically to a BISK reporter
tbat the result of the examination of the
matter by the audit ofllco had developed the
fact lint In tlio wbolo use of the ticket from
JUi inception to date , covering a period ot
over two ycnr * , and the sale and use of
event million tickets , there huu not boon dis
covered u single counterfeit ticket and there
Iiavo been only six cases vbora alterations
occurred nnd that those alterations were de
tected immediately upon presentation. Mr.
Lomax wont ou further to state that he do
lled anv railroad company to produce a better
rncord on any ticket than the nbovo record
made by the Union Pacillo with the "Lomax
tickot. " Briefly summarized , Tin : BUE man
gathered the following facts from Mr.
i.omax in rcgnid to tlio so-called "Loinnx
ticket , " to-distlnguish It from otner tickets
In use by the railroads of thu United States.
Koine ihii'o years ago the Union P-iclflo
IT decided that the further use of what is
known us local card tickets was unsafe for
long illstancts covered by their Hues , from
the ease with which those card tickets could
bo altered from a short to a long distance ,
tlio alterations and manipulations being so
perfect ns to almost defy detection , Tbo ofll-
claU of the Union Pacific haviiu decided
upon the udontloa of some bettor form of
ticket than the ono m use directed Mr.
Loinnx , the head of tbo passenger department ,
to make a thorough canvass nf the whole
ticket Hystom of the country which was cure-
fully done nnd the new form of tlcitotuow
known as the "Lomax" ticket was the result
and this ticket is the latest addition to the
various forms ot local tickets m usu for
handling what U called "local business , "
which ticket is patented for the use of tbo
Union Pacillo road.
Uriel ! ) aoscrlued the merits ot the ticket
era ns follows ; It Is printed upona chem
ically ifttiparod paper , upon which the use of
elds U immediately detected ! The tcxtura
of tbo papnr U to thin that any attempt nt
erasure can bo Instantly discovered and any
ptatliitj together of tbo mutilated portion of
ono or moro tickets or the tilling up of punch
marks by was or colored tissue naper is ini-
niodlatolv discernible both by the touch and
bv holding the Hckot up to the light. Tblrty-
ilz forms ot these tickets are nil that
is necessary for uil stations on
Iho system covering souio 7,000 miles
Of rail end seine 11,000 miles of water lines ,
Iho last of the tbtny-six forms being espe
cially maao to cover now stations that maybe
bo opened up from time to tlmo , or to proVide -
Vide for Uio changing of names of stations
already opened up.
By BO ingeniou * system of numbering
tbtr * tre nt dupUouW forui and ticket
Worth $10.00
At Wholesale.
Tan coloied bcavor
Walking Jacket ,
tailor mad welt beams aiul five pearl
buttons , ns bliown above , at $0 50.
Potkins and Marks' WllOlC-
SalC price was $10 for this
Ours isS6.5O.
In the West.
Worth $12.50
at Wholesale
Ladies' tailor made all wool
Walking Coats ,
in tans and browns , half satin
lined , with wide lap scums and
pearl buttons , style as above , at
Potkins and Marks'
wholesale price was
numbers used so that a counterfeit ticket
cm bo readily detected and thl * Is ono of the
special s.itcguards of the ticket. Upon
thnao thirty-six forms of tickets every sta
tion upon the Union Pacitio system Is
printed , each form carrying about thirty-
nine stations , I. o. , one ticket can be sold to
anyone o thiity-nlne points , the destina
tion of the ticket being designated by a
peculiar ulnd of notch made by the soiling
u ont with a cutter and at the same tlmo tbo
stub of the ticket retaining the tip cut out
of the ticket nropor. The destination oir
tbo stub is markrid by the tip and the stub Is
forwarded bv the agent to the auditor with
his dailv ticket report. A short circular of
mstiuctions to agents and conductors gives
explicit directions as to tbn sale
and honoiing on the train of
the ticket which fully protects the
agent and conductor against imposition
anil fraud. The ticket was thoroughly ex
perimented with by the Union Pacific before
its adoption and slo'vly introduced in order
that Its use might bo fully tested nnd its ad
vantages accurately demonstrated. It is
needless to say thattho ticket finds no favor
in the eyes of the ticket manipulator.
Ono of the advantages which has been
shown In regard to this ticker , is the cheap
ness of thu tlclcot itself and tbo great saving
in ticket stock , besides clerical labor in keep
ing the ticket accounts. 11 obviates the car
rying of a large supply-of practically dead
ticket stock ami a station account can bo
chcrKed in minutes whore a unod to take
hours , which to a largo railroad corporation
menus the saving of thousands of dollars per
"As rognrds the alleged counterfeiting , "
Mr , Lomax said , "it Is simply ridiculous , be
cause counterfoils could bo of no use to anyone
ono except they bo used on the Union Pacific
roiui. nnu the train collections show that no
counterfeits have boon presented yet ,
and when they are they can
bo immediately located nnd taken
up. 1 have no fears whatever
in this dlreution , because it is the hardest
ticket of any in existence to counterfeit ;
only ono linn of ticket printers , and tnat
linn ono of the bast and most reliable , hav
ing the plates and the contract for printing
the 'I.omix ticket' for the Union 1'nclllo
system , and because with the old simple
card ticket which afforded ovciy opportunity
of counterfeiting , onlv a few counterfeits
wore over presented , so that with the nuw ,
improved tlcKct , reijulrlng spcciul devices In
iu inniiufacluio the danger of counterfeits ,
if any , is i educed to a minimum.
"Of course , " Mr. Lomax said , "there Is no
way to piovent tbo counterfeiting of tickets
any more than the counterfeiting of money ,
stocic * and uonds , but tbat tbo precaution
nnd safeguards thrown around the printing
of sui'h articles and the severe penalties for
violation of the law attaching wore the only
protcciivos human ingenuity to far had been
able to aovlso. "
.Mr. llnrliuimii Aiuuurs tlio ltiirllnit < ) ii'a
( 'liarce nr lint ( i C'uttliiB-I.lllIti Items.
J , H. Buchanan , general pasaongcr agent
of the Fremont , Hlkborn & Missouri Valley
railroad , filed Ids answer yesterday with hoc-
rotary McFaddon of tbo Transmlssouri Pas
senger association , The answer , which is a
general dental , is called out by the chanros
preferred against the Klkhorn by tbo Bur
lington ros'ardiug the transportation olUnitod
States troops from Fort Uoblnson. this.
itato , to the dedicatory korvicos at Chicago ,
Mr , Huctmima sala to TUB Bui : reporter tbat
ho was averse ta trying bin case outsklo the
proper tribunal and that aftsr the case was
dismissed ho might have something to say
regarding the action of tho-Burlington in
preferring charges agalnit his road.
This case promises to bo quite as Interest
ing to transmlssouri railroads as the Santa
Fecnso on trial in Chicago before Arbitrators
Ford , Smith and Atmorc , m which Chairman
Caldwell ls the prosecuting attorney.
There are various roison ? mslpued for tbo
Burlington's stand in this case , ono being to
test the powers of the association , another
that tbo U. & M desires to leave the Trans-
oilssourl body , but wants a reason for BO
doing , which it would have should Secretary
McFaddou dl mns tha case without trial.
It Is a fact that considerable hot blood has
bceu stirred up over the action of tbo Elk-
born In cutting the rate as alleged by tbo
Burlington una the latter preferring charges
against the former , H is construed to mean
* declaration of war on the UurliDgtou't
"i ttKtrr
Worth $35.00
At ordinaryre-
Lsidios' Walker Plush
heavily silk linedtrimmed with full
shawl and sleeves to match , with
oithergray krhnmer , genuine mink ,
real bear or black astrachan.
These were made to rotivil at 835.
Take your choice in the sale for
$9. VI ) .
N. W. Cor. " .
IStli and Douglas.
nart , and that likely to Qiop
after the Ues of November.
Tbo rooort that the Milwaukee would
abandon its Salt Lake ofllco after November
1 is confirmed by the resignation of Alex
Mttcncll , agent at that ulace , and his ru
mored connection with the Uio Gratido
Western. Mr. Mitchell phssol through
Omaha Thursday cnrouto east , un-
doubtcdlv called tiicro to close up bis ac
counts with the roau. The cloilns of tbo
oftlcoat Salt Like follows the withdrawa
of tbo Milwaukee's through car from Cni-
caRO to Danvor via the EurlhiRton , travel
not being heavy enough to warrant its con
Piles of people have ndes , but UoWltt's
Witch Hazel salvo will euro them.
Brick yard for sale ; on same bed of
clay as used by DuukstaiT for paving
brick , etc. Guy L. Abbott , Crete , Nob.
$100.00 reward will Jjo given by the
Omaha Bricklayers union for the recov
ery of tlio body of John Scow , who was
drowned in Missouri river nearCalhoun
on the evening of Oct. 22. W. Hough-
ton. Pros ; Goo. Clarke , Sec.
Waterloo CUI/oiiH ( let Out of One Case to
Start Another.
As a result of the session of tbo criminal
court held yesterday Wesley Neil Is a fieo
man , and James U. Hcrrlngton has a pros-
root of a large sized damage suit ou his
All of tbo parties concerned reside at
Wa terloo. In the western part of this county
Duilng tbo early part of September Haring-
ton nas the owner of a valuable gold watch.
One day , while ho was working In Held ,
tlio Nell came along and wanted to bor
row his wagon. The gold watch was In a vou
that wns In the wacon. The wagon was
loaned and was not brought back until night.
When it came both vest ana watch had vun-
Isbcd. The next day a warrant was Isiuod ,
and Neil was arrested on the charge of
grand larceny , At the hearing uaforo the
county Justice the young man was hold to
the district court , and bolng unable to fur
nish bonds ho went to Jail , wuoro ho has
slnco remained , Yesterday the case was
railed , and the county' attorney movou
for a dismissal on tbo grounds
that there were no facts that
would Justify a prosecution. Mhc
attorney for the prisoner would not have It
that way uud insisted upon a trial , that there
lulght bo a record in the caso. The Jury was
ompauaoloa and sworn , after which , with
out tbo Introduction of any testimony , a vor-
diotoi not guilty was returned. Nell now
declares that he will begin a heavy damage
1'ho state case against Charles Creek has
boon strlclinn from the criminal court docket ,
thu complaining witness refusing to prose
cute. In this case the complaining witness ,
Mabel Creek , was a sister of the prisoner ,
lu tno lower court she charged that her
brother entered her room and stole a $7 ,
watch. This fact was reported to the olll
cers and Crook was nut lii the tolls after
beluK chased over the greater portion of
hi .Tudeo Ogden's court the case of Mary
A. Preston against the 1'ythian Life associ
ation Is ou trial , ond-tbe plaintiff is sockint ;
to recover the sum of $2,000. the amount of a
Ufa policy which tbo husband was carrying
at tbotlmnof his death. Tbo defendant re-
slsts payment , claiming that at tbo tlmo of
1'roston's death ho riad only mad'u a partial
payment of the amount nf the premium tbat
was duu according to contract.
Injbo case of Darst & Ualonoacalnst Den
nis Cunningham , suit for tbo possession of
thoilxturos lu Andy Movnlhun's saloon , on
trial In Judpe O dcn's court , the Jury ro *
turned a verdict for the defendant ana as
sessed his damages at $200. This suit Is ono
of the ola timers , having been lu court some
seven or elcbt years.
MtcUaol Sarvatlus has suol tbo JPaxtoti &
Vlojlnig lion works in an action to recove.1
the sum of (10,000 damages for the loss of an
oyo. He avers that on Octobsr 12 , lisOO , ho
was breaking castings In the yard and tbat a
picco broke off and How into bis eye , com
pletely destroying thu eight. Kervallus1 at
torney , A. B. Hltchc , to umUo sura of bU
pay , has tiled a lion for $5,003 against any
Judgment that may bo recovered ,
Beoctmin's Pills for a baJliver ,
"Lady Prances" navy blue
trimmed with French seal and notch
collar , handsomely fur trimmed
sleeves , hull satin lined , only $11.
Potkins and Marks' wholesale
price for this cloak was $15.
. W. Cor. .
' v > 16tli and Dou la s
Plaoo on Sale a Large TTnilaiwaar
llj- Any Ilnnso lu tlio West Just Think , \Vo
Honght tlio Knttro Slock of Three
.Mills at lOc on the
We have just completed the greatest
purchase of this line of goods over at
tempted by any ono house in the west.
Just think , the entire stock of 3 eastern
mills bought by us atJOc on the dollar ;
every dollar's worth of this goes on sale
Saturday morning. For this occr.slon
wo have put 10 extra salespeople in this
depaittnont. You may not have a
chatico to buy underwear BO cheap as
you will li.ivo at this salo.
1 case of ladies'vests and pants , fall
weights , sale price lo ! ) each.
1 lot of ladies' natural gray pants ,
worth 60c per pair , sale price 25c ,
100 dozen ladies'heavy natural gray
and white pants , no vest's in this lot , sale
price 39o , actually , worth GOc.
1 ciiao of ladies' natural gray vasts and
pants , pearl buttons and nicely finished ,
only 60c each ; tills garment was made
to retail at Toe.
1 cabo ladies'scarlot lamb's wool vests
nnd pants , worth $1.25 , go on bale nt 75c
It cases of ladies' fine camel's hair and
natural wool underwear vests and pants ,
worth $1.00 , sale price 7oj ouch ,
2 cases of elegant goods in natural
wools ar.d camel's" hail- vests and pants ;
there is not ono garment In this lot , but
is worth $1.60 to $2.00 ; they go on sale
at $1.00 oach.
Combination suits.
In this lot will bo found an elegant
1 case of ladles' combination suits ,
worth 81.23 , reduced to 75c.
Ono C.IBO ladies' natural wool combina
tion suits only $1.00 par suit , worth
1 case ladios'lblack and natural gray
suits only $2.00 , worth SU.OO.
1 lot of flneAvool combination suits in
natural gr.iy only $2.60 , worth f.'t.oO.
Clilidreii's wool underwear.
In this line wo vill put on sale ever 10
cases at just about one-half the regular
Children's natural gray underwear 10
inch , lOc , riho'iic on uauh si < se.
Children's natural wools and camel's
hair , 12jo for 1C inch , ribO fie.
Child ) en's scarlet lamb's wool , ] 2 > c
for 10 , rise 5a
Special miloiof pouts' underwear and
ovorshii'ts forlomorrow.
Why these enormous suloi , unless it
bo the prominent values in this depart
ment ?
Look nt ihoso natty and dependable
school cloaks nt $1.05. at 81.08 , nt 82.1M ,
at 12.50 , nt $2.98 , at $ 1.00 , at $ I 60. IB it
possible to match these goods and prices ?
Don't you bollevo It will pay to got our
Enlanrices bofora you buv ?
Look at the nnd loss variety , the im
mense block to select from and the do-
slro to soil.
MO ladies' walking jackets at $3.00 ,
wortti1.00. .
250 ladles' walking jackota at $3.75 ,
worth $ ' 5.00.
275 indies' full'dress jackets nt $5.00 ,
worth $7,60.
Still greater sacrifices mudo in flnor
Worth $16-00
At wholesale.
.Fine imported whipcord
or plain beaver long jack
ets same as above , half silk
lined with full shawl of real
curly astrachan fur , with
animal heads and olives for
fastenings. Potkins and
Marks' wholesale price for .
this garment was $16.00.
Special low prices on shawls , skirts
and waisls.
Every belonging of a complotn ward
robe will bo found in this department.
Ijlavo you seen Ilaydons' stoelc of
blankets ? It beats all blanket displays
in this country , Iloro is whore you got
largo blankets for the same prices that
you pay for smaller si/as at other places.
11-4 white blankets $1.00 a pair.
11-4 gray wool mixed blankets , 5 Ibs. , j
11-1 gray wool mixed blankets , .11 Ibs. ,
Sl.Co a pair.
11-4 gray mixed wool blankets , $2.50
12-1 silver grav blankest , 0 pounds
Wo also have 10-4 silver gray and
white blankets at 61)c ) a pair.
You will save money bv buying your
blankets right now at
Noxr York II Co Insurance Company Loses
' Jts Wenirrii Miiu | ; < > r.
Dr. George L. Miller has resigned his
position as manager for the Now York Life
Insurance co npauy in Omaha and his
official connection with that great concern
terminated yostoiday.
Speaking of the matter Dr. Miller said :
"Yes , I have sent in my resignation. My
services In that connection will terminate to
night , loxpoctto ongatro in other lines of
business after a whllo but for the present f
have nothing immediately in view except my
private aff ul rs. "
Dr. Miller hus > boon manager for the New
York Life in Onmha for about lour years.
Ho assumed control nf the business soon
after ho sold the Omaha Herald ,
Hi not yet known who will be Dr. Miller's '
WCBPINO WAI nit , Won. , OcL 2S. ' ! > > ) . Dr
Moore : My Dear Sir I have Just bought
the third bottle ol your Trco of ulfo. It U
Indcoda "I'reoof Life. " Doctor , whan jou
so kindly gave mo that lint bottle mv right
sldo was so lame and sera nnd mv llvor en
larged so much that I could not Ho upon my
right sldo at all. There wan n soreness over
my kidneys nil of tlio time , but now tbat
trouble is all ovor. 1 sloop just as well on
ono si Jo as on the other , and my nluop rests
and rofrennoj mo , and I feel the bast I've fell
in fifteen yoars.and I know that it ii all duu
to your Tree of Llfo. Yours very truly ,
D. K Uuuusr.
For sale by all drugrfiUts ,
Heath of n ( iliint > s .
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Bull , tlio largest
woman In Nebraska , toolc place yesterday
afternoon from the residence lilOi Cuss street
to Forest Lawn cometcrv , The casket , which
Is n very nandsoma ono. 'was maJu
to order nnd Is the largest which
ever M cut out of Maul's tindoi taking rooms.
It Is ti feet 0 inches lonp , SI inches deep , ami
! (1 ( Inches wide at the top , U will require
ton men to nundlo it , and thoio .U only ono
hoarsa In the citv largo enough In accommo
date it. Tlio body weighs nearly 400 piunds.
Too .Much of 11 Kink.
It isnot unusual for calds contracted in tbo
fall tohang on all winter. Iu sucn casus
catarrh or chronic bronctiltlo are almoU sure
to result. A llfly-cent nettle of Ubamoor-
lam's Couuii Komody will euro any cold.
Con you afford to rUK so much for so small
an n'mountl This ro nody U intended es
pecially for bad colds and croup and can
always bo depended upon , i''or solo by drug-
gists. _
Ilcnth of Dutld Knllxy.
D.iviJ Kelley , brother of Mrs. T J , Lovvry
and M rs. Owen Slavln , died yesterday morn
ing at 101'J South Kloventh stroct. The deceased -
ceased was 112 vears of aao , und waa a fl rowan
on tbo Union I'acllUThe funeral will taku
place Sunday ut'Jp in. from Ht. 1'nlloinena
cathdral. inluromeiUat tbo Holy HepulcUor
A sore throat or cnuh , if tuffered to pro-
gro > 3 , often results In un incurable throat or
lung trouble. "Hrowu's ' Hionctual Trochos"
give iustaut relief.
WOPlt $25
The cut above shows a Ladies'
ENGLISH o.xtia long TOP COAT ,
half satin lined , of IRISH FUIKZH
and Novelty Mixtures.
Potkins and Marks man
ufactured this garment to
.sell for $25.
Our price is Slo during this sale.
Continue to Lot Don n Prices nn llilttur ,
Cliri'se , Ousters , Celery ninl C'nuibcirlos.
Country butter that other stores
charge 2Uc nnd 12)C fore sell for 15c ,
ITc and lOc ; the very bust country but
ter , 21c ; creamery , Uo ! and U5c ; separa
tor creamery , " 7e.
Wo carry the finest stouk of cheese in
the city.
Young America full cream , lOc per
pound , others charge Iflc' .
Wisconsin full cream , lOo ; New York
full cream , 12Jc and 1 It : .
Roiikford . .full cream , the finest inado ,
Imported brick chccso , l 5o , 1 lc and
Swiss cheese lee and 17e-
Neufehatcl cheese , imported , 75c per
9-.ib sago chceso lOc per i > kg.
"Wo have the finest Kdam ihtfoso'Bl.i25 ; '
each ; others charge $1.50 and $1.75.
Liniborgor choose lijc and 15c.
Our oysters are always fresh ; solid
moats for 20c per quart.
Finest Michigan celery ! > for Id1.
Capo Cod cranberries ou per quart.
Promoters of homo Industry.
Bargains only.
My wotd is good.
W. G. Albright.
621-2-3 N. Y. Life hid ? .
Miicefd l > y His Neighbor.
Mr. Illll , who ll\o on Twenty-seventh
nvonuo near Grant , lini a well whlcli his
neighbor , Pilnnd , lias boon patronblng
rather freely. Ho remonstrated Thursday
nnu Mr. 1'ilond messed both of bis ovei in
the deepest mournii ! ! . ' . .fudge Wcrlm Is
asked to assess the damages.
A UlliillilM nriin * .
A reported outbioak of cholera at IIol-
mctta , N. J. , craatud much excitement la
thatvlclniiy. Investigation showed that tno
disease was not rnolnnv but a violent dvson-
tery , which Is almost as severe and dancer-
ous us cholera. Mr. Walter Wlllnru , a
prominent niorohnnc of .latncsburg , two
nutus from Holmotta , say Chnmborlaln's
Colic , Cholera aim Dlarrhuii Honioily tins
given great satisfaction in the most sovori )
cmes of drsuritory. It Is cortiilnly ono of
tha best , things uvor tuaclo. Tor salt ) by
Cliuri ; * Spnclit ivllli 'I'lilMni , ' .
Aclolph ( } . Lut/o baa ( lied H complaint
at'alnst Chris Specht for talking to him In a
proat variety of languages , such as "loud , "
"piofauo , " "abusive" and ' 'obscene. "
As tv dellcato flavor , delicious ana refresh
Ink' , Cook's ICxtru Dty Chauipavno takes tlio
lead , Millions of bottles are sold annually. u a\i \
side headndio ,
lilhoim liemlucho ,
( li//iUt-Wi , lOIUti' !
pat ion , Indlgui-
tloii , Ijiliinis at
tacks , nnd all do-
rniuuinuntu of
the liverklonuich
urn ! boweh. It's a larfjo contiact , hut tlio
Binallcbt tliinss in tlio world do Uio business
lr , I'uirm'a I'leaiunt 1'cllets. They're the
smallest , but the iao t cll'cfth o , They go to
\\ork in the rllit } way. They rleuiiM ) mid
i enovnto the bysU-m thoi oiifibly but they do
it mildly and pontly. You fi-ei the good they
do but \on don't feel them doing It , As u
Liver I'lll , they're uw qimkil. ( jngar-CDatod ,
easy to tiil.o , and put up la vlald , and her-
inttlcnlly boalul , and thus ultras fifth and
reliable ,
A jwrfect vest-pocket ictm-dy , In smau
viuli" , mid only one umimiry for a luxutlvo
or three toi a cathartic.
They're the clieujieU pill you can buy , bo-
cauw they'remminfcm ( to jive ; batisfaellon ,
or your money Is returned.
You only i > ay for the i/ooJ > ou get.
Can > ou usilc more }
That's ' the peculiar plan all Dr. riorco's
mixllduc-a ere told ou , turough druggUts.
The above shows a PLUSH
CLOAK manufactured by Fotkliib
and Maries , who \\oro known to usO
only the best plush.
Lined with heavy silk with fancy
quillings , real fur oriKiincnts and ift
si/us from ! Ji ! to-oO. Thcso arinont
cannot bo matchcit in tliibettvfor Ies8
than $ .T.On. Our prieo during thia
Blllois $15.00.
Sells More Cituiis linn All
the Oilier Stores Combined.
Tcoth Killed \VltU
out P. tin hy the
Latust I n MI 11-
tluiit ,
ixTKAOTr.n : vm'noue PAH 04
A ruLL sire oi ? TKIH-II ON uunuivi FOB
> _ . " . .Ol ) .
Perfect nt guiranlcol. Tooth oxtr.irtod la
the morning. Now onoj Inserted In mailing
of s line d ly.
Sco spaclinonaof Koniov.iblo llrld.a.
Biio spoclmuns of I'luxlulo K\ \ istle 1'lata
All wmlc warranted as ropruaunluJ.
Olllce , 'llilid Kioor. I'.ixton Illosc.
Tclcphoiu i m Sis.
'lake Elevator or Stilrwiy fionlUlli
To the owneis of nil lots or pirt nf lots on
ArborHtrout fioni Ifth t-i Dill struuls
You are huiuliy nntillnd thu undue- ,
slcnn 1. three dislutorustud fiouhnldois of tlio
city of Omnh i , lintu been duly iippotntud ujf
the miiyor. with the of the attf
council of H.ild city , to .IS-.UIH tbo dam.iKo l
thu owners respocthi-ly of tbu ptopoity aN
fceto-1 liyKridln Aibor .from Kith to lltu ,
htrontdoolii od nccussiity by oiillnnneo : U1I\ ,
pusscd October llth 18'J. ' , approved October
You uro further nntlflcd thit lmIIIL'no - ,
copied s ild uiipolntriiunl , HID ! duly oiinlllll <
us required by law. no will , on tnuutli day
of Noioinliiir. A. l > . W > ' . at llio hour of twaJ
o'olocK In thu nftnrnoon , ut Ihu ollli'U oCj
( Seorffo.1 , I'.iul , 10 fl riirniin slrnot. within th ( "
corpunitalimit" of Rild olty , inuct for tbu pnr <
posu of conildorliiB mill iiiiiulnu the nsbes
iiiont of diimaKU to thu owners ruspcctlvoly of
Raid propoity. ulluctud Uy said uniilliia , taKf
In'-- Into consider itlon spool il bcnufltt. If niiyA
Vim are notlllrd to bo prut > ent at thuiltnii ,
and l > .100 aforus lid nnd mule any ohjcctlniia ,
to or Nt.itomonts coneuinuii nuld ns-ussincnl
of dainacus UH you IHIV : I'onsliluf pioiii'i.
< ; ioicii : ( < ; .1. PAIJI ,
w o MIUIVIU. :
Omnha , October21 , ikl- ) ' . OSVIlOt
To all owners of lotsor paitsof lots on
H | toot from "Mh si i ma lo-Jth uitiini- .
Vou are liniuhy iiullllud th it HID iiiun-r ,
slaned tliron dlHlntoni tiil ficuholilurs of the
city ot Oiniliu llll o bern duly iu > nnliit 'd ' byi
Ihu mayor with the iippiiival of the city coun
cil of had olty to nssuss lliu ilannKU'if ' tli , io < pucllvoly of thn prupurly iilleutcd
hythoennn oof Ki.uln of J-h.iluy ( .trout ilo-
cmruil nauussiuy \ > v iiillinuico .No .iuiiusscu | ]
JulyX'O , IS' ) , ' , npproviid .Inly 'M Mi. ' .
You arn furlhur notlllcd that ItMlnf ao-
cuutud s ilil upp Illinium mi 1 diilviiimlilliMUH
icniiliuil by Inw. wu will un tlio .Id d.iv of .V-
voiiiliur. IHU ul the hour of ID o'clock In tli < >
nioriiliiicilttliqollli-aof Oliarlus I1 , lliiii.liim IU
l.'i (1 ( Dodicu htrucl within thn L'oiporitn llmlta
of K ild elty , nieot fur thu purposu of cousluer
liiK and m ilJnnsiussinonlor iluiii.ik'o to tlio ,
uwniirt tcspuotlvdly of mild | irniurly | niroctodi
liy Hiild KLidln ' . taking Into coiihliluiatluni
Hiifcu ) onoH. If liny. You ! | rn liuiuby i notUJ
lluil to lu prosentnt tno llmo mid jilucn aforo-
biild iiinl niicltoiuiv oDjuiitlim 10 ( ir.stiiluinoiits
concoinlnt'Halil ussossniuntof iLniMKUiuM you' '
iN v. ri-Atif ,
UiiuiiiltlRUof Appraiser * .
Oiiiuhn , Mob. , Oct. L'lst , IbJ. . O'dlO
Fu.itcd pioposaU will liu ri'culvod by the 11(17 *
( lurHlunuil until lill o'ulouk 11 , in , Ncncnilicr II ,
1 ' | . ' , for thdconHlruction of SUWIIIH In hUHCf
illhtrlcla Nos. 11- und 17,1. und fin thn lucoii-i
utriietlon of Iho ucwdrs In soivur
dUtrlct No , l < In tlio city of
Omuh.i. IIH per ordlnnncpH No , 'W ,
JIM nndiilM rosiiuutholv , nvfonllnu tn pluiit
and uiiculllc.itlona on III" In tliu ollltu of the
bo.ird of pnbllo woil ( . I'ruposala to bo nmdn
mi pr'ntod ' blnnlcs fiirnlahcd bv tl.o board , und
lo bo accompanied hy u cortHlml i'h"ck in tha
hum of tVO , liiiyablu to Ihu city of Odiaha i > *
mi uvlili'iivouf uuoil faith , !
Thu board ri' uivm thu il lit torujuCtaoy
Clmlrmnnof Iho Hoard nf I'nlilln WnrUi t
Omaha , .Neb , Octobur UBtli , Ib'Ji oVii-'JU-nl-
1 for bl'ltlNR1 * . EOL'TH DAKOTA , TIIK
IL taitof Aiuurlci. In tliu Illack lllllx , 3.WX ) fell
iiburu thu mo. A crlip , briKlnit iitiii'ii '
Ixjvi'tr ( xeiiiri' . 'Iliutn warm iiiillllnul (
luitu cured lliauioniU of iiatlenli. I lnu l (
but h Initial ; . H. 'I hi ! Kvuiu , built uf pink na
itun . BccomoJuUn 3'pouple ; itrlctlr tltiV cluil
opun llru | ilucu , t om licit , electrlu lliihti , ilcuir
Jiinniliiiil , llnu wMo vennjatu. tublu u pccliJir.
I liinauluiiini , mild wlntom. Ueduccd rnu < br
week or muiitU. Tlirouuh Irulus from ( lilc
O. b-UAlllllSN , TliuUtuiu , llotSprlntfi ,