Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEljftJJSATUIlDAY. OCTOtttiK 29 , 1802.
Wheat , Oem nnd Provisions BroVo Early
nth ! Went to Fleets.
Clenrnml I'.i \ imihloeatlirr Alt Otcr Ilio
Went tiuliirpil it OoiKl Dell of SellIng -
Ing n rmorhiK nil Incremeit
CilJCAOO. III. , Oct. 23-Tho way tlio
broke lolny w-u simply Tennysonl in. After
Ilio record BtnnililiiK nlmost dully during Iho
pafttwcck In tliu line ( if low iirico , who it
this < ! \cnlng enmnired null twenty-four
hours mo show * si decllni ) of ro for tloeom-
liernndl'to for Muy. Corn Is' flower for
November iinil fie n 'Jc ' lo " c lower for tlio
lateriln'lu'rles I'roUslons , wllh the u\oep-
lion of October ribs nro also In tliu slough.
October pork Is li'iO ' lower ; November ? . " 4c
nnil MiiyMo lower , L-ud for October dropped
174c ! , for November iJ'iinnit for.I.utn irv IV.
October ribs aro''lo up ; Novenibor Mo olT ami
January lie on.
i Tlio wlioat trnrto ociin to have tone to a
full leill/Mtlon of tlio boirlsh coiilllloii < i
which Inn o 'icen sto ullly on tie ( lucre i o for
BOIIIO IImo anil tlio longs who luivo been linlil-
Ingon the hone of some improvement In tlio
outlool.teemed to h.nolo'it nil eourigu anil
began In drop tlnili louK This was more
cspeclalH tlio i.1 iso with holders of the nuar
futures ami Oorember fell to ( us discount on
May iinil Ocloberlo ' 'o discount on December.
Short stjileis aNo showed mote boldness nn I
tlio olTeilnis wen' uiiront whllo tlio iliiniinil
"ns s'uzglsh nnil Minns who tooU prollts were
nboiil the only hnji'rs. Cublis WIMO lower ,
( loinoslU-imirl.ela huuy , the receipts every
where largo aniHhu tiaeks rrowiled with cars
vrnltlng to mi to stun- Vague minors of n
local f'llluiu WLIO In cm-illation anil foii
hlioutl'no Ini'le ii > il tliu nuiltiii-ss. 1 hough
they woio not uoullitnul , the in irUettis "o
lion\y tlii-io w is Itttlo locmory. I' uiltlilKO.
> fho Is supposed lo lime big * > liort line out.
bought frn-ly on thu doi'llnn. I'liu upenliK
was ahonlu loror mil prices furUiui du-
olliifil l'i ' foi Deeri-ihnr nnil Ic for May. then
recovered llghlly and the iloslnwin nbiiitt
le lower for Ilio fot.ner-ind le lower for the
latter future
Coin wis lowei In s > nip itliv with \vlioil and
fruo lliiilil.illoii | bv tin ) longs May ruled rela
tively sle ulli'i Hi in tliu lest of tlio list Tlio
do n nnil f i\nr ililo wt1 ilher .ill over the vvo-t ,
JiiiniPcil a gen I de il of selling as f uoriiuan
Increased movement. Ihero was r.ithei f n o
aclllng nf tlio iicni fiilmushy iccolvi-is anil
come of tin ) pioinlncnt bujurs of litewcio
nUo supposed to h i\o so d out , but the covei-
Ing of short lines on the ilecllnu
vliecKcd the downwntil tendency. Novomboi ,
ivlili-h was .vesteidiiy a tntlo iiromluin , was
one lime loony V ) discount. Opening trades
weiofiom ' to 'iC ' under the llnulquotatlurm
if yeslerd ly ana gr.iilu illv dcellno'l unilei
ulTurlli s from 'to to a c , rallied Uf , iloullncil
from He t V , inlcil sto my and closed with -i
loss for November and December of from n.ju
to 7iij nnil M iyp ,
Oats hold up bottortlnu any othnr , ns the
receipts woie only 1'Ocais. where''ID c.iishiul
been expected. The bl ; slooUn In loc il eleva
tors sci vo lodopicss nuar months , whllnsiimo
nnpuorl Is shown May on tlio p utof Investors.
Opcnhu llrm. the nmrUot he d about sloidv
for a tune , but after the lire iK In wheat and
rorn , ilcuilncil fiom 'if lu 'tto ' under lather
frou BpouulalU o selllii ) ; ,
In provisions oircrlius wcto both
from tin ) lout : and lu.uinf.u'tin Inu Inti'rests.
nnd the di'iimnd from .ill sources was only
fair , with Ilio linilc of the purchases credited
toHhorls. I'llces inlcd m itcrlally lower on
idl the lending .ntlrlM and the in irUet ctoicd
tit about the Inslilo lUnres. recoats
of lions and tliu weakness In cr iln were iho
chief e.iusi'S of the depression I'rlu-s ro-
cehoil no support riom the bull olhiu ] > eM'ept
In the nikttir of OuloLor ils ! ; , whkhoio
ino\cd iinI" ' ' ' 1 01 IN.
I'roluhts wriu slow ; t-hlppors were trying to
force , i ilerllno In i itusbntdld not sncLicd as
xossoliiiiMi piofeiit'U cirryliu 010 li.ites
were urn h inifiMl .itL'io for wheat and ' 'o for
corn to llullali ) .
The estimated iccclpts for tomorrow are
IITUeiirsof whe it. 4JU ears of corn , 1K ! > cats of
oats and II 000 luus.
Ine IcadliiR futures innscn as follows :
Ainu 1 1 Ol'lN 1111,11 low nosr
191 !
4I 4IM
45' l
1200 1200 II BO 11 BO
U07 U I'Jl ,
770 ' 70
Jantinry. 7 47' ' 7 47'u ' 7 J5 .15
October 1071 11 ( V ) 11 OD
Jainmr > . . li hi I , K >
Onsb iuotallons | were n follows :
1'i.oru Wouk ; buyers holding oir.
WIIBAI-Nn ' 'sprln.- , t'Je ! ; No U spring , 57'4 '
Ql c : No. J red. i/l'ic ' * .
Cons .No. ' . ' I0'4o ; No : ' , ris'jc.
OATS No ! . i < iio : No. a ivhlte , f. o b ,
3ltITiui No : \\lilte. . lllftai'ie.
UiB-No L' , 17' ' , .
1UIU.K1 No. a. 0o ! ; No : i , f. o b. , 4CG03c :
No. 4 , f o b , .t'Tt-IOc.
riiA\8ri.ii-No i ,'sfti ii.
TIMOTIIV SH.I D 1'rltne. SI ( A
I'oiik Mess , poi bbl. , $11 8)II.fi1 : lard , poi
lOiilbs. . * S.las .o. short ribs , sides ( loose ) , $ . .M )
Ctll.Oil dry s ilted ihoiilders ( boxed ) . J7.I1
CJ7/ ; short clo.u sltlosihmcd ) , $ < , lJ(2Sr ( .
Wni-iUi Distllleis' llnlbhcd goods , poi gal ,
SunAiiB 1'nch insoil : cut loaf. fH13.ic ;
Rranuliileil.ti : slamlnid "A , " fi'e.
Hecolls | ) mid HhlDincnts today were as fol
lows :
On the I'rodnee oxehiuiKO to lay the butter
inarkHt as llrm ; ere unery , 213. ; > tfcdairy ; , 182 ,
240. r.gft , hteady. Htrlctly fresh. S0 > ic.
hi. l.iuiU .MurkotH.
BT. f.iiins. Mo. . Oct. -Ki.ouu-IoBer In
loll and M.IV llitlo domain ) .
WiiriT-Ononcil lower , i-ontlnucd to decline
throughout Iho day mid closed ! © l o Dulow
yunterdny. Iho lowest point ever reached In
this market. C.ish llulshod at G3u : No\embui ,
C5 ini DecpinbiT , ii'l'jQGaro ' ; Jlay , 74 ? c.
L'OIIN-S ) nii | itlil/ed with and followed
wheat and closed Vo under yostoiiluy's. Cash ,
: i7 j'o ; .No\iuiibiiia7Uc : : Deuombor , .I7'.o ; yo.u ,
aavoi Muy , 4i'ai ' % .
OATH Also ont off 3e. Cash , 27 > 4o bid ;
. ' '
, .H.
UtK Dull. : .lonblod.
IlAHl.KH * lo\\ ; iniill sa'csnf Iowa at r > 7je ( ,
HIIAN Dull niul olTeiud at.'i4uoasl track.
llAV-Diill , uncliiui ed ; prairie , J7 oiKiiU.OO :
timothy , JU.OUSC ! 1 00.
I < KAii-H | [ > adyl,70 ; ; i7lboltornriii. ; |
| | | .A\stn-Qiiletnt ti.08.
llDTTKii I iichiinitod ; creamery , 2J > tt'5o !
dairy ,
Tdlis UnchaiiROd at IS'iaiOe.
OOUN .IlKAl.-Uulut at * 10 iilO 01.
\ VIIIHKbloiidy , * | , 0.
lUanivi I'nolmiiuolnitlTV&tS )
t-'oruiN lli.s UnchaiuediitUI I1.
l'iioisio.Nhrork , lower ; jobbln. % JliRO
Lnnl , Innnr. at JS 2Jiib.2ri. Drv sal
iiicivtB nnd bacon , unchanged. I.OOsI
h'iiildoi > . fj.71 ; IOIIRS and rib" . * r.u )
Bliorts , iKIO : blrlps , * , , " lloxod lots ill
nioro. Itncon , Hlnmlderd , t'Moiua ; \ , j-i 7
ribs , tMlu shorts , ( J.l. i ; strips , i7.1. Hiuu
cured limns. tm..V ) .
ItiXTiriA I'lour. 1,0)0 ) bbls ; wheat , mo )
bii.jcorn , : i7.0l ( ) lm.j oils. 4tfuouim. | rye , 0,00
bu.i barley , SI.ii 0 bu.
Bini'UKNrs-rioiir. UOOl bbls.t wh .U. 11,00
liu.l eorn , iT.OOO bu , ! oaUuOJj : bu. ; lye , u.OJ
liu.j barley , imno.
Now Yurie Miirkuln.
New VOHK. Oct. -ri.oun-llccolpts. . ie.
pUpHj tixiiorlh , .MUU libU , siicivw ; inarKc
.iltlil , iditlAo loHi'i'iiul woaUj s'lles , 11,5110 bbU
low extras , * . ' .o f . ' .75 ; winter wheat , hr
Krades , JJlyit..7.1 ) : fair to funoy , * . ' .75 < a.i.7'
, ti.OjOt,31t , Mlimesotu clear. fKKK
Sij Btrilehta. H.4VQI23 ; patents , tl.v&il S.
COIIN MGA | ( Quiet , steady.
IViiEAT-UecolptH , ' 'l.i.ixu tin. ; exports , fl
000 bu. ; NiileH , l.5J.liu ) ( bu. of futures. I'lO.Oi
bu , of boot , bpots. fairly active , weaker. Ni
2 reu. rjiiitT'JVu In store and olovatri ; 74
7IUc alloati 74'4 7Miu f. a b : No. : i red , 7Hn
iiiiKrndeit ted. 07lti 74ci No. I northoru. h , <
Bu oi No. ' . ' northern , 71I14'2.T4" ' : No. l Mlin.u
kun. none. Options were active and oxcltoi
with prk-ew I 4t6. 'to lotturith Ion -H union
Inp , u ilr oabloi. InrKU reeulpta , sloe ( uluai
nnces and favurabio crop leports with
uotlce from the Central ruilruiid tu roinov
) t .UOO Lii.lriiiutdliiloly , elosliiB weak" . No.
rod Doi'i'inbor. TJ'I ® ? 0o. closlni ; ut 71\c ; Jin
uary. 7T' 'l'8Sieloalus at 77'4e ; May b-"i
6le. cloiliu at ( ' , " < -
UVK-htt-ady. ijulot.
llAllt.n Dull ; wosteru. O-l 'Ic.
UA I.KV MAI.T Dull ; ilty mudu Cunadla
CottN-ltoccliitf , 7J.CO ) bn : export * , ICI.O
bu. : aalcs. llUOU ) | bu. of futures , O'.t.uoObn. ' i
noot. bnotH dull una wuuker ; > ( > - ,
ttliliio In elevator ; 4D o alloit ; in
rudeil ml.\ed. 4U35IC , Uptloiu uoro fulrl
uutlve und t.'jilUu lower , UK fiillowuu wliea
weak ; Uuceuibur , W.'iitSHto , ole
Ing ntSiSci .Innunrv' , ftO 'O'K ! . cloilnn nt
r.ji i Mny. fil'iO'ilUc , utoslne ut AlUc.
OAT > ( -ltcrolt | ) . | HO,03n 1)11,1 ) OXpOf'C. 100.000
. fVU 0 bu. of futures. HJ.uOO bu ipol.
nnd lowers options less nctlvo iitid
i Di'i'iinbcr. .mSuMUd closltu tttild'ic :
M y..S'sSJfiUi' . cloiltu nt .8i'P ' ! No 2 spot
hi In , .n i mixed wo'lorn , Ill'ili Oci white
western 'I7 mcj o B t hlenuo , Al'je.
llAt ( mod ilnmand niulllnni shlppln ? , CO ®
7vc : ai ) d to choice , "Vfl'iv.
Hoi's ijulot but steady ! stale , common
to i holeo. ls 2,1c. „
"filAii Unit , stonily molnssos fiiRar , Rl
te l , at 21-lfics reIInoil fulrly astlvo nnil
N.oi \ SCB l\iralKiii nominal ) Now Orlciuii.
qillct bntit idy.
Kill. ( lood ilemind and firm. , ,
l.iis-ulct , nnscltliid ; roci'lpts. 4.IIS pk ! {
Wool/- ( 'ulot , firm ; domestic llceco , 2o4iiojci
pulUil , .BVrt.'r.'o : TCVIIS. I33lu.
I'oitK-nilr deiiiinil , sieidy ; out inriiti
woalt , iiuk't : mlildlo' ) . dull : short clour ,
.Novcmtinr , jsftot Inrd , dull , wnnlcj western
steam , i lined i . ! W nonilniil : silcs , none ; Uc-
tobri. JMl ) ; XovenihiT. * SO\
HUTmi-iJiilol. llrm : wpstnrn dairy , I'tt'i.'o ;
wcitcrn cinamnry , Via.M'.c : r.lpln. .Vil'J'
' ' demanil Htm pirt
t'jittsr-1'alt , ;
I'lci Iitov-r.iirly actlxe ; American ,
II ' .0.
Ciil'i'Kli Hnslrr : laUo , ! II.OVail.71.
I.IMIPDull ; domestic , ? LiJtiMlKl
TIN Stonily , stnlehts.MftJtt-MCO.
llldcH nnil l'flt .
rollo ni2 rro Iho prices paid bv Omnlm
dealers for hides and pu'.ts iiuotod Mihjoei , to
ehiiniriMNlthonltiotUe : l ) I ctron lilnen ! o ;
Nil lut ems iltcil hhles , 43.1'ie ' : No. 2 croon
Billed hides . ) "l' i ; No. I uraen silled hides.
23 to ID IbH Ql'ii't No Sitroeinalti'd hide2i
lo In I hs. , ) ; ' . ' u ; No I M-ilc'ilf. s to1Mbt. . 'i4
le ; No. 2\oal iMlf. Sto II Ihs. ,1'Jp ; No I dry
Hint hide" . 7iNo. : . 2 ( Irv Hint hides .c
No. I dry silted hl.ltx. ftTSUr ; pirt oi.rod
hides 'se ' pel III , less than tullv curi'd. t < luup
pcllliruon silted , each. .Hcltf 1.2.1 ; uruoii
sillod stie.irllniM ( short wooed ! o irly suliisl.
ciieh , lW.iM-1 dry she inlius ( short wooled
i'irl > skins ) , .So. I , each. ftUIOc ; drv hoarllncs
fhort unolnl nly skins' ' , No 2. each , 5c ; dry
Hint Ivans is and Nolnaslv i bnl"liurool pnlts ,
jiai'llJ..tietiir.l wol.Mit. 1i ai4'io : dry Mint Kan
sas and Nohr.isk i Murrain wool nnll . per lo. ,
nolii il liht. ; 'i6l''e : div Hint Colorado
bulihoi wool | iolls per II ) . tteljrht , I0
li'ii'l diy Unit Colorado Mnrr iln wool polt-f.
per Ih , actual wo Kht , NiJIoc : dry lleccos and
lim.'ls , act nil \\cUhl , Tiil'lu.' feetcut Oil ,
as It Is useless to p iv froUlit on them.
Oninliii I'roiliico Miirkat.
0 VMI : l'i a i Ic chloUens are eoniln , ! In f roMy
nnil diii'Ks HIM coiniiionuliitt to nirUc ynull
arosL'.iuo. Thy coo or wo ithm has Imprinod
IhiiKiinosUn.ition. 1'i.itrlo ehlekctn , JUW *
42.1 ; Blouse , JIM ) , iiuull. J..O ) ; snipe , rl.OJ ;
j u'U snipe. $1 2"ni6l.'j ; plo\er. ? loj ; ( oldin
| ilmoi.l'Ji/'l.1i : e ducks , Jl tfti
iUUO ; re Hi. Mil diu-Us. HUjm.illird dilcUb.
ill ) , b uohit tuil , * 71 ; aieen wlna lull ,
t il : inlsoil dncLs $ i.i' ' : l.ieiv i.ibblts ,
4 2i ; small i ihh ! . * l.2il.nO ; sinilrrcls. fl.l ) ;
aiitolopi'siddlei , lOH , dei-i siddli-s. HiJIllc :
aiitohm'ie IIIMS > S. iiiilllLrileer e iroabsos , lJ ©
l.V : l Iso nlKeon" , il.'ltil.l ) .
I mis iS'jffM'ie. '
Hi irm lov grades , liaiCo , so-il ) d liry , 18
I'OLITIHChlcUrns , 7c ; KCCSB and dusks , 'c.
Oil U.irlcut.
Nr.n VDIIU , ( ) it ! 2S. I'l-Titor.-JtJM-Tho nrir-
Kct opiinud dull nnd u.ia piactloilly un-
ch iiui'diillday. IVniisiUanlaoll-hpot < Hoi.
nonnr NotiMiiber oplloii s lies. . ' . 'JJ'J ' ' Ub s. at
5 ' . ' 'C-id c ; 1. Iln i oil siUs. none.
Cm niN t i ii on. Qulut but steady.
TiM.ow rirm and oillet.
UosiN-Dull hut steady.
TiruprNriNi. Qnltt imt firm.
LONDON , ( ot JS TUIII'BNTINI ; StMitirs 2s
1'id ) > truwt , ; Amor c in stralneil , 4s .l'i l per
I.INSI n > CAKIi'7 Is per toif for wcstorn.
I.INSIH. on. s < ml pur ewt.
I'I lit IKI -Uellllml , © % .
AM HIlie. . O - i'b. . 1'biKUiiL MH'sf ' paid
and s Minis
Knnsis Cit > Mnrkuts.
1CNSS I'm , Mo , Oct. 2 WliU -I.ox.or ;
NoJ liunl , ( > ] - ; No 'i ml , tiH1 .e.
COIIN I ncli , nucd ; No J inKuil. U4.tfll'ic ;
No \\llllc. . llDllllllIlllj , ul.BlJli'sC.
i\r Wiiil. ; No - inlioc ] . 2iiJ.'jic ( | ; No. 2
ix hi le , 271' . isi.
Ilin i IMI \ uri Urnieie ; imory , 2.'ii > c ; dairy ,
l.ims steady at H'.c. '
Kn'ni-rs-Wheit , fcJ-03 bu ; corn , ft.CQQ
lji | ; o its none.
SIIII-MI NTShcat , B7.003 bn. ; corn , 4,000
bu ; o Us , none
( olloil MlllUl't.
New Oni.rtNI. I. a , Oct. 2s. Steady ; mld-
illln. , 7 1 l-IBi illow middling , 7 "i-Kio ; aoodora.
In. n V , lilt-liio ; ni't receipts , lO.OOil b ICD ! ;
iross , l".si , | inics ; o\poils to Grout Ilittaln ,
4s'UIilis ' ) : In the continent , I.7W1 Dales ;
ioastwlsc , ft V.S I ) lies ; a ilus , 7,711 b ilosstoclt ; ,
17I.UU hilei net reLOipts , 7-,74 > ha us ;
cross ' W * ' i h lies : etnoils to Clreat Hiltaln.
1S" > ' > | ) ILS ! ; to the continent. 17.101 bales ;
co istwliu. tor. . ) b lies ; s lies , , I7U3 ( b lies.
LUoipniil M irlruts.
Im 111 DDK Oot. 28 WnnVT Tn filr de-
m mil : holdois oiror inoilei.ileiy , Kecclpls of
who it foi tlio pisl three days , JAI.UUO teiitalb.
lncliiilliiB i'll.ii.u ' Amcilean
COIIN 1'lim ; deiniind fair ; mixed western ,
4s dd perienl'il. Uecelpts Amoiic in Lorn past
thiL'o days. : : TlJU i'nntiu. : :
I'm i s' . Amcilean finest white anJ ooloicil ,
"i'.N jiei cut Im l-eptonibir i
Oninliii KIIIIC .Mnil.-i'l.
s Now Yor't conuordi , 2S3J52 per
10-lh bisknt.
OM.H-DIINM ( Jiui-ES I'oi crito ; $1,33 mus
cats ; II 7iiTo ns ,
O l'i-\iis JiM per bov. .
AIII.I.SWestern , tl7.iai.UJi New Veil. , $1 03
© 1 U.
Ql'lNCKSI'erhov , SI.71SJOO.
C'olluo .lliu ! ! t.
Ni.w Vniiit , Ot-u 2- > . Options opam-d barely
btL.ulv , H to - ' ) pIntH down , closed steulyft
iiolnls down lo 'i points up. r-aloH , , i i.uoo IIIKS ,
liu'liiillii , r : Oi'tobor , ( Ml lit : No\einbor , Jll.ljfc
11(11 ( ; Dnii'inbei Slfl.2 (311.1. ( ; .luiiii iry , JI1 oVjD
1120 : Pobruiiy , * I4 t4)1.U | | ; Miucli. fllOlSD
H 10 , .11 iy. f l7iCii4'U : spot Klo , ilrm and
( lulu. No 7 , tlbr.0ihi"j. ( (
1Il ! : ntlcu ( ir.iin
Mn.w * i KIT. WU , Get. 2s. Wltf.AT Lower ;
Docotiihoi , ( iij'so. '
( HUN - > -teiuy ; No II , 40TMlc. "
\-M-lllshoi ; No 2 white , JJffiJIiio ; No.'J.
Ul'i'&ilo. ' '
I ! Mil. ini.le. .
KiU-50'iC. _
.Aniniloiiu Iterrlnor.itiir IJccf.
I/tvnii-onu dot. 2 . AMruii'Av Kcntifirit-
Aioulli nr-1'uiciiu.iitcM , a'.ilhliidiiuartci ° ,
ft'id ' per Ib.
LONDON , Oct. 2S AMKIIICAN ItintioiitAioii
HUEK rorunuartei s , lslJd's 4d ; hlmliiuai-
tvi" , ' - ' > 1 ila.l- > pet b His. by the eaic.iss.
Not tliu ostcrti Mlllir's ] tt-init. |
MlNNrAi'oi.i" , Minn. , Oct. H Tim North-
westoin Allllei loports thn Hour output an
follows points named for the wuok. ended
Oc'lDlio , ' 22 ; .Mliinoiiiiolls , 2.'Jln ( ; St. l.ouls
'IVIO. Mllwnuuee , 5J.4JO ; Duluth , 31.2 H ; bll-
" , ir > ; I'ulodo , iiOJJ. 'lotul , 4JO,4)J ,
l.ondoii nuja
LONJION , Oot , ! * Slinvu Cubiii oentil-
fiiKal.Uiidoiiroes. 13s Oil porent. ; C'ubtuinns -
oo\ mid , fall ielliilnn' , MsUd.
TrnilurH * T.i I It.
Ill. O-'t. 'M ConiHolmnii A. Day
to Coukioll llros. Coninil sloii company :
Lliiildatlou | by lout's In was llerjo and
Hinall lines were thrown overboard from all
illreutlons us stopoi.lcr llml'b were reached
Thodmconnt widened on Duc-imber toOI'je
below May andci nsldorabloilinntltleaof | near
fnliiii ) cimlracls shifted from Uecember speo-
olatiirs and stroiu carrion to bhorts. All
this will not eomo hack on the inuikot unless
on a bulue. This wondeiful f ill weather has
taken the ncr\o out of the shoitcrop bulls In
corn niul holders tire looUliu for a
scalpels' rally to Hell an. Smoiiil natural
boars IIIIMI cot Imu and are suppoitliu tht
market , lint are not likely to try to bull oorn
when eilbbers Liimmuneu to sc.l ,
ctupls of lings ni'ido buyers of provisions ! ) tcK-
vvaid , I'liilur AI moil r'b-Steady solIIiu of Jan-
iidi v | ior. < and lard the mniKet vvuakcnod IIIKI
iiultu a number of bton orders for lonntry ac <
Loniit were re te'ied , The Uiidahy and WrUhl
eioud me mill pursuing a waiting attitude
Ityan was the host buyer of thu day.
Ciili'Mio. I I , Out 'Ji. I' , O , Lu-iiii A , Uo. to
Duncan , llolllngei tVCo. ; Liquidation nnil do'
ii'.oiulli.itltm continue lo hold swav In the
wheat maiUvt. ltoculils ) although shoivltu i
falling oir hum , ace lai u In Ihu northwcHi
and honihivost , whoio thu woathot conllnuei
pmfci't for marketing crops of all kinds. Tin
null cunt 111:0111 Is li idly vvhlniudand dUcour
aged , and until there U some oiil ehaiui
in o\lstliiK conditions u bull movement seunr
hopeless , llovvevi-r , thu protracted ilroutl
ii'id tliu uMremely low price are iiigltlmati
und bull factors and will conununi
atlenllon when the prcKimt demurallzalloi
ceases. Corn and o its ranged lower In nyni
pathy with the heivlnoss In wheat ana 01
rather fii'O willing by prominent local long *
but the incline \vas gradual and the iniirke
at 1.0 time very wejlc , altlioiiKb olojln. ul In
bide prlris. Provisions s.oiiid anoiher de
ellue today , partly from re ill/'lniealoj.nurlr
fn m thu general vvenknesaon the Hoot , Thor
has been n fulr reaction from to ) ) prlcoa ,
CillCMio , 111 , , Oot. ' 'S Kennull , Hopkins *
Co. lo K A. .MeNMiorter : There has been n
nuvvkof IniuorCanee. Thu brenU was euiisei
by lln < vvealtiiL'ss In ontsldo markot-i and gull
Ing older * ehlolly from New \ ork , Tnu
tturlt'd tlio fall and stop orders born did th
rest. At .hueloso II U u > ory weuk imirkel
There U little Inducement to buy , but the dc
cllno ll h been KO shurp and llijiildutlou h
general that bome recovery Is into. I'rolll
should bo taUon on short sales and u turn o
tlio long Hlilu Hbonlil bu protll ible. Corn an
outs huvo Held vvell eoiibHlorliu the we iknet
In other markets. There U un liuurovlu ei
port deiniind for corn , cables are utronxer an
rncelpusbovv bUui of letting uu. In urc
vli.ons tbo inuiktt hai looked us if tluil
hnl'loM were nntoMllng. but the clique nro
Nin | iroiitiy doitn ? iittlo nnd express confidence
in higher prices.
DliUtllng nnil CnttlolccilliiK VVrro the I.end.
crs -tirriilitlon | 1 estcrilii } ,
Nr.vr VOIIK , Oct. lTho ovcishidowlnn
fo-ituro of tin ) Kpecul itlon nt the ' lock ex
change today was Distilling nnd Oattlofcod-
Ing. ThosloeU , nflcr ndvnnelng from 65 lo
l.'i , ( It'cHnul to tPi and closed ht ( .IS. In ml-
dltloii lo miles on stop orders the decline
wiiseati'cd by reports tint n new Issue of
stock would bo undo to par for opposition
distilleries nt the west , said to hn\o been pur-
tinned by tlio cotnp uiv. While olllclils were
reticent about the nllcipd uusorptlun of thcso
distilleries , they < l ilod today In tno l oni-
ph'illo terms that It imposition concerns h ivo
been or mo to bu ncutilred they vv III bu p till
for In VMII out of tlioeompiny'stroisury. nnd
not with new stick , They nlso assert that the
dividend tale wlli bondvnncud.
The general market , contrary to the oxpce-
t itloiisot thu room traders , oponen firm and
advanced 'i per cent toU \ per cent with flu-
cftgo and Now IJuliuul In the lo id. Dur
ing thn aficrnoon Ht. Paul pressed for
sale. 'Iho stock fellolT from SOT * to7l ) < innd
the remainder of the list outside ot Distilling
nnd ( 'iittlofecdlnic vleldcd ' lo 1 per
cent In the Mini transnLttons there
was n fractional rully oiio partly lo an
olllclnl st itcmunt that the Increase In the op
erating expenses of iho Si 1'jul rimd foi f-ep-
letnbcr was due lo tbo fact that the eomp my
inalo largu oxpondltittcs for repilr < . main-
tenant. ! ) nnd new sleoi rail" , which were
chiigod lo expense account , lu a majority or
Instances iho ml ch uucs for the day wore
only 'n lo > t per ieu6 ullhervvay Neither
Nevv LiuUml nor Heading were nspromllient
lu the tradliu as buicioforc. The market
elo ed stoadv In lone.
The Post i vs. Uulto naturally the ebb mid
flow of prices In Now Cnuland Nloclc Is In-
lluenecil bv the story that mother "m\s-
lury" underlies tliu ItoMciitl Maine deal. Ibis
cnuHti.igimieiit has provid necessary In view
of Iho toll ipsod tumor of a guainnleed New
Knginnd dividend. 1 ho only lannlblo sh ipo
which thu now story has taken Is thu asser
tion , veiy niHltUuly undo In somoiin uter .
that New Dial-mil shnrcs nro to bo exchanged
for Huston \ Miilne In the propoitlon of ill o I.
Now the Idui ofn. absorpllou of I ho New
l.iuland by Its new allies is not In Itself wholly
nnreasonatilu Hut the siugestu I b isis of ux-
clrinso Is utteily absurd New l.nglnnd ls
selling at Hand lloston A. Maine nt I1-1 A ,1 to
1 tatlo , theu-foie , nould assume ellhoi lint
Now 1 ngiiitul MtoeU Is worth Ul , or also Hint
Huston il llnlno stuek Is win Ih ontv .1)
Thu following niu the eloslnir iiuotntlons fi I
Ihu leading Blocks on the Now \ ork Elock es-
chaiuo today.
A tchlsnii Ti .Mil IOI IK .V tl | ll.l
' " North AmerlcinU )
Alton , - . , I ! Northern I'ntiliu .
ilo iireftru-il II ) do | iM liOH )
1.-0 U P llL'll \ ( illlt
Iliilllnniru \ ( ink ) Nortlivvi-itcrn
I'nn uli I'H lilo . . . . ilo pfd Ml
Liinnila - oiitlicrii . .N' V l enlral . . 10 I'
Cenlril l-irllle . . .N V .v N. Ifiig .
Ulius V Ohio . Urck'on \\i'lcrn. .
Llik IKO Alton. . . " i.1'OM lllll - O's
Llil Mur & ( 'ulnc ) Ori'gon .Nuv 71
( hit it'O tins . . . i ) s. li X U. N . . . . " 'il '
LoiitiilliliU'il ( im 1I5 l-uqlllo .Mnll . . . .
0 l' C , \ "t 1 , . . . . out Pcorla Hoc A. I ! . . . . "
tulii toiil A. Iron 1V1"
Cultnn Oil Ccrtlt n * l'allinjii t'anico IW
ll.'l HiKKon 11114 Iti'nillnii IW"fa
I ) 1 , A.f IM Kluliiiiiiinl Icr . "fa
I ) II , \ ( , pM do pM 87
I ) A.U. ! 1.0 . . . . Hlo llnlulo West .11
lra t Icnn ilo pM
Urlu Uncle Mum )
ilo ( ifil iil'i bt P. l tpril
1 ort VViiyne 1V1K , st l-iinl
( Ireat .Surllicnili ill 1SI ilo pfd . . .
l.V K. Ill | ifil fct l-iiiil X Oinnlia . ta
lluikliiunllejr . . . ? Jt { ilo 1'fil 118.ii
Illli olsCentml . . . . JJ'j Soutlicrn 1'ndllc . .ii
s | 1-niil A Ilillnth lOi iMIgni Itl'tllltT ) 1104
Knn A lux plrt . . . 24'li Tenn Inal.V. Iron. .
I.ako Urre X V\ cat . 'l . 'luxas Pntlllc
77ji'T ' A.O l < n pfil . . . .
1 alto Mioru HJ14 lrnlon Pacllu 4J
Lead I nut 4TJ4 t' a Kxprc-i in
. . ij IVY hi u .M'
l.o il < A. .Sen Al h ) ; > Mji do pfii
.M uihiitt inCon , HIS \Volls.larno K\p 115
Ml'lllplllH JtO . 'a Wehtcrn Union . . .
MltlilKnnOntril ion \Slioolhm li L , K. . . .
Mlt oiirl I'aclllo .
MoblluA. Ohio , M. \ St J ,
Nnsliiltlo Clntt ID \ n n
.SHtlonil ronlive . itcn. Klcu . .
N .1 lontral iNntlnnnl l.tnict-il
* Mil 1evili\
Tlio total s. lies of sloeUs todnyver C03.0IO
sliiies , incliiilin : : AtchUon , p.O.'I ; ChloaK"
It is. Sino. . Krle. l..ino ; Northern I'aolllc pre
ferred.'M ; INoiv Huglund , 21,740 ; Heading ,
4'JjU ! St. I'.uil. 20.00J.
r.onilou dn inclnl Ko\loiv.
lCop > rlKhtoU IbJ ! b > Jaunj (3or lo > llantuM )
LONDON. Oct. 'J * . [ Now York llcr.ild C.ihle
Special tn 'L'HK llEv.l The settlement lielns
( .onelndcd for the btnuk e\eli inzo without
any dllllcultles helm ; reported , th'j in.iiUets
ha\o been r.ithi'i unsettled , \\llli an ab oneu
of now business 1'iuuls closed steady with
one 01 two u\ceiitlons. rorol ii io\criiinent
securities h.ivo been dull .ill day. lloniorilt- doe purtlv to iho wretched
\M > itlioi. lliighton deferiud has been lir ely
sold on .mother had d.uly tinllla st itotnent
anu Iln il pilL'e sho\v \ a decllnoof IU percent ,
and no illy all others 'a ' to : i per
r.uit. Amerle.ins opened dull mostly ,
bntaliout noon boounoerv firm. The closing ilueldolly strong. Tlio nrlnclnal movo-
inunt as , iu ndvaneo of 1't per eont In Hrio
on the imrch iso of lar o blocUs of 'hhares
for mi Inllnantl il llriu , said to bo
o\or 12'OJ slnirns. Tmpiovenont In most
others raiiRes fiom ' toja poi tent. O.iu i-
dliins hi\o Uean icry llitlo il.i.ill In and le ivo
elf uItlioul quotable ) I'lun e. Mexican llrsl
nroforonco linpiovcd ' 4 par cent , boiith Amor-
Ic in lines close so'iiewlmt Irie ular. There
bus been a better demand for inonev. tihort
loans coniniandPd Itol'i per cent. The dis
count in irkct has been iiineh prlmci. Two and
three month * hills were iiiuted | at 2'ito2' <
No Vorlc Money Market.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 21 MONI.V ov CALI.
Has i't at 2 to U per cent ; lasllo in , J pet cent ;
closed olTercd ut J per cent.
I'IIIMP. MRitrANTiiiU I'Ai'inU .I'SSfl foi cent.
IKIII.INII K\tiiA > ( : & - btc.idler. nilli iietu il
business at Jl HI for sKty-day binKoi'bills
and't f jrdemand.
quotation on bondfl :
St. I.onls .Mlnlni ; IJnotutloim.
ST. [ , ouin , Mo. , Oot 2S. There w is more trad'
lug ) usual on the Mining IXcli.uuo tocJuj
and prices \\uro hlcher. Tliu following ijuotii-
t In us u ere made on oall :
rillllllL'l ll XutlM.
KANSAS CIT , Mo , Oct. 2b.-Cloarln8 , 81,670 , '
3M.NBV VOIIK , Out. 28.-Cloarlii3 * , tl''DOir.,7'0
balances , ? I , ' > )1,117 ,
I'AIIIB. Oct. 23. Throa per cent rentes , 1)8 )
O'ie ' for the account.
UAI.TIMOIIE. Mil. . Out. 28.-Oloarlns . J'.llJ ,
221 ; buluucoB , S4J3.7JO. Kate , tl pur cunt ,
I'liii.Mihi.i'iliA , I'll. Ojt. 21 Uloarln 's , ( II.
0.7 , V.I ; Uniiini'os , O.'llMoney 4i ! pe
cent.MKUIMIIH , Toiin. , Oct. 2S. Now Vork ox
ehiiiiKosullliig ut par. Clearings , J15l,5'JUi ' bal
ances , fll , to ) .
l.iji < ) N. Oct. 2S. Amount of bullion with
dr'Tf from the Hani ; of Holland on balance
t , ffl7.000.
ClM'lN > ATl , ( ) . , Oct. 2tf. Money 4116 pe
cent , Now Vnrk exuli inu , par to 25j pro
inlum. Olcui 1IU9. U2rtl,70J.
N : w Oui.tANB. La , Oct. Ji-Oloiirlngs. II ,
4S2.7U. Now York exclmuite , , II.l
peril , 000 ( llhconni ; bank , pur.
IIOSTOK , Mass . Oot. 2 , Oloarltizs. tl7KUU ( !
balancej. ( l.t 27il. Money , ft pur cent. 1.x
chuiijo on Now Vork , I'JSio to I5u Ult > eount ,
hT. Louis. Ma. Oct. 28.-Cloarlngs , IUJI ,
0.18 : balances , $ J2J.8I. Mounv iiulet , 0 to 7 PC
cent , Kxutmngo on Now Vork , bJu discount.
HAVANA , Oct. 28. Bpnnlsli cold. ti.SO'.6
K chan4O tlrtuor. but not iiuolab'y ' hlffbcr : o
United states biiort sight , Bold 10'io premluii
on London , lUUu protiunm.
CHICAGO , III. Oct. S3.-Clearinsii , . ,
> QH Vork ixcliauito eold from par to lOo dh
counl Bterlln - lt hnncr , msyi ilxlv-Uv
hills. tLRi'iidcin/lhil ' / , Money , stonily nt
' "
r. to cpor cent. .
1.IVI , * > ' \1JUH \ MAItllllTS/ .
Cut tip Trices Stilt ( lnliii I p Hoc * Aetl n
itiKI Illchrr.
OMMIA , Oct. a * , 'ttecelpts ' for the put five
dajs foot up 2J.7tiJcittle , 2u.fl.lO ho s nnd.'llsl
shuep , nitalnst l47i4TealtIc.2.l'IOJ Inss anJ 1/173
slice ) ) the s line rlv ldaV4 last weak , a g-iln of
about Ci.WenUly..i.1)j ( ( ) \ \ and 2.10) ) sheep
Thuruti of cattle wus considerably Hditcr
than antlclpiloiUiiHl the offerings Incliidu.l u
cry small proportion of decent hoof steers ,
yupnllcs foil fat Miort of the ilonnin' and
with eastern nmko'ts strotucr buyers had to
still furthei ndvanit ) prluoi. U was ns It ban
been all week In ( act mid the ruMllt Is nn ad-
x mice of from lAr ip 2. ' c since lust IVIdny on
nnythln. Ill tokllli In thn native lluo there
woio some l,490-lo cornfed steers good onoiijib
lu.brlntc J4.40 but the h ilf fat and Rras * cattle
ROM ! at from ( I'M to M.UV There wore ifu
cholco western cnt tie here butsoNeralbnnchOs
of fair to coed Mccrs went to the killers at
from $ .L25 to $1(1) ( 1'ven the eon inon and
me in stuff was oasdy worked oir. Taken all
In all It was n good lio.illliv trade , the feeling
was llrm and a.\ery fair clearance WHS ef
There were abo'lt forty loads ot cowstind
mixed sock on nale , niul they clinneo I htmJs
briskly nt snbst.intl.uly stroiuer tliturcs. The
ndxaiiL-o this week on btitehurs Mock and
oinners'hns been irom IDe to 1 c. I'onr to
xory irood cows and helfcrssolu at from JI,10
toJi.V ) . the bulk of Ihu fair to coodi t'UTit
from fl 70 lo fi''l Hulls , oxen nnd st i' were
In f ilr ( Ionian I nnd aboittslcady | U from $1.21
toJ.HO Common Inr o e.ihes nnd yoirllngs
to uholLO NO us sold at about steady prices at
frotntl.,11 to5d. | .
I'eodliu steers with Mesh and nualltvsold
freely i't stead v to strouir prlcos , lint there
was the s ime dull trade In the under etudes.
ItaiiKu of prices , ! ' . 13 to till ) , KoprosoutulUo
sales : IIKUF
No Pr. No Pr.
t2J 00 1 cow mid calf. $ J3 OJ
1 cow .mil e ilf Ib 00 1 low and c ilf 2"l " 00
1 cow nnd c ilf 2J.OJ 1 cow and calf Jl OJ
1 cow and calf 25 QJ
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
2- , ' steer * . llbO MoO
Hens Reduced supplies , a good anu
hlppitu demand and n hlronzor market In
Chicago cause I an active onenlni with prices
slmdo tofto higher th in Thursday. Fair to
ooil ho.b of nil woUhts sold largely at $15) )
nd fl 5.1. with some of tbo gooJ to eholco
utchcr nnd heavy weight lo ids for shipping
ccount ut SI 00 and J5l ( > . Several loads of
oinman lUbt nnd light mixed block sold nt
10111111.40101411 , . Kuly Iradliu was active
at tno advance , but as urgent orders were
Illcdand Clile'uo advices came lower the
dguof Iho morkut wore oil and thu dealer
) , utof the u irly advance was lost. About
vor.vthliunn.illy ch mgod hands ; the bulk
it from tl 50 to S.1 51 , against nt from J3.45 to
.1 Vi Thursday. Hepresontntlvu s.ilus :
No. Av. Ph. Pr. No. Av. t-h I'r.
bnrti1 NotliliiK fresh was received nnd
nothliiK hold oxer from yostorday. Then ) Is a
veiynutUo duin ind for deslnihlo muttons
and prices are ipiotably strou. , l < alrtopood
nut'.M ) ! ) . JiOit4 oJ ; fair to coed wosleins , t.i-Jl
ai.21 ; uoinmon and stock Hhoop , SJ.2Vai.23j
good to choke 40 toll Ml ) , lambs. } l..00l,75.
llouolpti iinil ' / > liioHltioii or Stoclc.
Offlclal rocelpts'linrt dUposltlon nf s topic ns
shown by the iiool.sot the Union Stock Vards
oompany for the t\venty-fiini hours ending at
Oo'cloclv u. in. , Octpboi 23. 18J.1.
' li'is.
I.lvo ritouk .MiirUut ,
, 111. , Oct. 23. IRnecial Talecram tc
Tnu Ilf K I The CHltln murket was unchanged
lu Its gLiieral features. I'm cattle of ul !
welghtH wnro In good request nnd Gold stronjr
Thu "oil' ' k'rados remained under noiMeet , an :
whllo they wore no lower thiin be
fore It was not nn easy matter foi
tuilcsmeu to unload ut btuady rates
The range of quotations for nnthci
was from Il,03 to ? J.OJ for cows nnd bulls , tl.M
to f 1.40 for stockers and feeders and from J-i.0' '
to lihO for common to fancy dressed beef uni
Hhlppliu sltioM. 'Western rangers to the nitni
boroCUW armed und there wore about 4,0,11
Texans. Koth were In good demand und won
1'rlces for hos were a Uttlo stronger nt tin
oncnlt'K of business this mornlne but the :
lost their stronglh > ory soon uftor , the closi
bulntf no better than for yesterday. Hecuipl
were larger than expected , umoiintlnc ti
about 20.0JO , but the easturn doniund oallui
foi neirlv ouu-hulf thut number , and tin
wants of the ten local puckers who had buyer
lu the Hold ubforbcU the remainder. Sales o
ooor ta choice light welghU were at from tV !
to M 7.1 aid | from SV40 to I1U5 was paid fo
> ery coniuiou to strictly yrliuu heavy. LUU
bn lno < wiisonno abo\o )1 ftJonil prices nliovo
tlsa wore rcnehed in not more tnnu li.iU it
iloren Instances , l ho olTotinRS were iiitllo
inlliirm nnd mo t of the sales were ut mini
I'nt muttons Iinvoeontlnued ( oeomoou the
mnrlict rather sparingly nnd the few arm Intr
frou dny to ( lav were iiuteklv I kcnit re-
iiiilnoratlM ) prltcs. Hood tu extr.i glades nto
quoted nt from HM to ! ' > .M. 'there
Is n surplus of trnshy stock nnd
It U Miillnl nt price * that let > o little
for Hie shipper attar freight commissions nnd
Vnidago nro iiald , Wilhln Ihn last x\ook there
were s ilcs ns low as JI.4J to ? l ( PI MI 1 the stulT
wnsnclu illy dear nt thoio prices. The bulk
of the offerings chnnffo.l owners nt from
il OJ to $1.8) for westerns 'oino eholco to
oxl ra sheen fctcho 1 from tl 71 to tl | i\ Limbs
were In modor ilo supply nn I mot with peed
demand nt from tl 7 > to JI.71 for poor to fill
and nt from 1121 to $ .1 TO for good to oxtrt.
Thoio Is some I mm Iry for feeders at from f 17.1
toft 21
Iteeolulsi Onttlo , 1I.OJO ) hogs , 2J,0 > 9 : sheep ,
, ,000 ,
The Kvcnlni ; .lournal reporis !
HATTI.K Itocelpls , 11,0)3 ) bead ; shlpmcnls ,
4,09) bond ; tnnrkot aetlxo , ste idv lo
pMrasloein on innrket ; ehono to prime , JluJ
dM41 ; olhors. flDOKI ; roiniis , $ .MJ aUO ;
lungers. tl..UBil 00.
Moils licculpK. 2 > .OOJ hold ; shipments.
tO.OJOhead ; m irkot ai'tUo. stroiu ; lonzhnnd
common. fVJ1tt\VJi nilxnil. $ > iiJiifi M :
prlnio heavy nnd bntcherV welshls. $170
i1.'H ; ll-'ht , rl' illSd.
SiiKKi' Iteiolntu. ( ) , nO ) hoiidi shlptnouts.
.200 ho ill ; nnrkotslow nn 1 wink lo lie lower :
we" , Mn rji ; incil. . flirjill.1 ! ! ( ; welhois.
{ iuov > .1.21 ; ToMins. J 1,7.1 ; weslonis , I .Oil I I ) ;
lambs , M 710.1 ,10
New V ru Itivo Storu Inrket ,
Niw : YuitK , Oct. 2s. Hi.KVKs-llceelnts. l.i.-'S
head , Inolntlliu- c irs for silo ; market
stuuly ; nnilM ! steer * . W 213.1 II per IOJ Ibs. ;
( 'dlor.ulos. $ .Lsii ) ) | in- bulls and cows , tl.lKib
1100 ; dressud beef steady nt Ti3. > "te Dei II )
Shipments tomorrow , Ml ) bpo\cs und lO.TTtS
qu.iiters of b-uf.
Oiiivrs Heeolls. ) Ill head : markelileadj ;
\ enls , tl tO7 1J per IIH ) Ibs.
ym HAND L\MUS-Keo.-Ipt . R.4W bond ;
unit kut stead V ! sheep , J.I I 'Gf.l ' 7.1 per Wl Ibs ;
Liinh'i. t ( 7i&0 11 ; dresiod mutton steidy ul
7jrs'ltu ' put Ib ; dressed lambs dull at 7lii'ti' ' .
Hixis Heeulpts. ,1111 he id. lonslu'iiod direct ,
nun kut nominally steady nt libJili II per 1UO
Kun-ms Cut I.IMI Mix'U llnrlicl.
KANSAS ( Jirv. Mo. Oct. ' . CATII.I.le -
cclpts. li'Ui ( : shinmenn. I.SJ1 Hoef cult o woie
cimortilly.stroiu to lee hUhoi : fooilors steady.
Uomesoiititll\u sales follow : Dressed hoof
nud shliiplnt steers < , L20iil.6n ! eows Jl 1054
2. S.1 ; Texas nnil Indian staors , tIMt'iO , stocU-
ors and fooJeis * ; .llil.IO. ( !
llods-ltecolpls. 1I.SIO ; shipments. ? , l 0 : the
in u tot wiscstuulv IO.'IL- lower , iloslngdul
mid wo in ; all grades , fi.uo31 1.)4 ) ; bulk. 11 .
Ql iii.
SIILI.IHncotpts , 03) : shipments , .1)0 ) : the
minuet , was unchanged ; millions , tJ.l&l lo ;
Inmbs , $521.
SI. l.oius I , ne slui' . .
ST liOiuMo , Opt 2s1 i ATH.n-liocoIpt < ; , ( ( ( ) ; sliliimeiits 2.100 ; inarUot steidy ; f ill to
good nnth o steers. MOJl.2J ; choice , tl ' .Odj 1 Ti-
incdlnni to bu t l'o\as and linllnii sleeis JJ..IO
& I 10.
lloos Uccoltils , ; ) < < ) , ) ; shipment" , 4. : ; 00 ; mnr-
kut strong ; one bunch of choli e Drought ? 1 ! IO :
hon > y , J\4057.1 ; picking , 8.1 JCdJo.70 ; light ,
tl.4 lit.1 01.
SHEEP Uecelpts , 1.4 0 ; shipments 330 : mai-
Ket btendy ; natives range. t-.7.ViII to.
Contr U'lois Ait ) 1'iulilnK tliu Impiotc-
niunts of Streets these Tine Diys.
The south side of L'javoinvorth street , has
been ropavod and the north side to a point as
far east ns Twentr-Hfth avenue. The con
tractor , Hugh Murpny , states that tbo bticct
will bo completed within tweutj dajs ,
\\eatherporiuittlng. The sanio contractor ,
\\ho Has the contract on Twcntjsecond
stteot , liom Loavonwoitti to the soveir.ment
corral , has finished the curbing ami jester-
day comnuniutU lavinp the rod Colorado
stone pavement. TUo paving ot llils stre3t
will bo completed next week.
Lo\\o avenue , fiom Faruam to Curnlni ;
tieots , has been curbed and the asphalt is
being laid by the Uaroer company.
At. the oOlce of the Uoiid of Public Works
bo Idea prevails tnat If piciibanloaihcr
continues for thirty days all or nearly all of
ho paving and curbine contracts awarded
.his . season will bo completed.
The gas company has laid its mams on
Seventeenth street from Ohio to Locust , and
from no-.v on that stioot will bo illuminated
by em instead of gabollne lamps. This is
broucht about by t ho fact that there is an
existing ordinance that wovides that when
the council shall order the liiyinp of new gas
mains it shall order tbo location of gas lumps
along the line of the main.
Andrew .lalcks has iclurned from Chicago
, \ he bad been to putchaso addi
tional machinery for bis asphalt pavinc
plant , located In this city. Mr. Jaiclcs states
that ho has concreted all of tbo streets
which have Doon awarded to his company
; ind that ho will begin laying pavement next
w eok.
Thu Board of Public Works matin regular
sblon yesterday afternoon and let about
the lust contracts of the season.
For the paving of Center trom Tenth to
Klovcnth street , the alloy In block 55. city ,
from Seventeenth to Eighteenth street ,
the alley In block 11(5. ( city , from Seventeenth
to Eighteenth street , Seventeenth liom
JacKsou to Loavonworth street , the ullcy In
block IDsV , city , fiom Sixteenth to Seven
teenth. street nnd 1'acitlo from Thluy-sccond
street to the nllov between Thirty-second
nnd Thuty-tbird streat there were two
bidders , John Grant und Hugh Murphy.
Grant bid on asphalt , bis bid being f i 7s on
tliis-i "A" and $1 U on cluss "B" per squnro
yard with u live year guaranty , on
class "A" and $ i.S4 on class "B" per bquato
yaid with a ton vcur guaranty.
Hugli Murphy bid on red Colorado sind-
stone nnd mndo'his figures at § 1. in per square
yard on class "C. " TUo awards \voro made
to the txvo bidders , subject to the selection of
material by tlio prouertv owners.
In tliosnmo districts J. W. Futnos & Sons
captured the curbing at I'M cents per lineal
foot for red Coloiado sandstone.
The award for the construction of the
eight-inch plpo sewer In roitv-lltst , fiom
Uavonport to" Cass streets wont to Ilrtiii.iuii
& McDonald at il.a'l per llnoul foot. They
were also awarded the contract for the ron-
sli notion of tco sewer In Twenty-fifth nve-
ntie , irom Burt to Califouila bttcut , at $1.05
per lineal foot.
The contract for the sewer In Tivcnty-snv-
onth , from Uotcas to Shirley street , was
nwardoa to Samuel KaU Co. , their bid
being ? ! . ! ' . ' per lineal loot.
A A .1 0 17. % UK.VK * 'J'fi ,
There Is none of Sbakcspeaio's plays that
contains a greater ntimbor of passages that
have been quoted in books of extracts , or a
greater number ot pbiabos tint have become
in a manner proverbial , than "As You Like
It. " Uho mooting between Orlando and
Adem ; the oxqulsito appeal ot Orlando to
the humanity of the duke und his company
to supply him with food for the old man , and
tbolr answer ; the duko's dcscilption of a
country llfo , tbo account of Jacques moralis
ing on the wounded deer ; hU muutlng with
Touchstone in the forest , bis apology for his
own melancholy and bis satiricr.l vein , und
the well Unown speech on Iho stages of
human life ; the old souc of "Blow , Blow ,
Thou Winter's Wind" ; Rosalind's ilosciip-
tlon of the marks of u lover , and tbo piog-
ress of tlmo u 1th different porbons ; the pie-
turo of the snnkn wreathed aroumi Oliver'.1)
body whllo the lioness watohes her sleeping
prey ; Touchstono'a lectuio to IhnshopUeid ,
tils dcfenco of cuckolds , and panegjilu on
tbo virtues of "an If. " It Is the puiost
comedy that Shakespeare over wrote anu Its
selection for Miss Alurlono's opening ap.
peat unco nt lioyd's now thoutor Monday
Is n happy choice.
Dore Davidson and Miss Hainlo AUEten ,
suppoited by a good company , will pioioni
"CJuilty WitnoutCrlmo"attho Farnanihtreel
theater next week , commencing ut the mat
Incc Sunday , Oi-tober 'M. Tlio Now Yorl
San In spsaklng of the attraction savsi
Now Yoric , Tuesdav , Aorll liJ , IbUJ. The
general nature of " ( jutlly Without Crlino'
Is strong ana ovcntful. Tbo ntsault upo :
blrUalphVuldronby tbo demented nofty
the lntro ldltv of the unhappy young wife ,
.Stella , tbo ullllntr nf tbo vlllalnoub Mor
timer , tbo bullyragging ot a number of tbi
ueoker characters by tbo characters o
Don'b Bo DooeJvod ,
csp clnlly when yotulicultl
may bo ut stake. K tiny unt
olTora you Joli'inn IfolF's Mill
Extract and "Joli.uin Ilotl's1
ein ( ituro U not on thu neoli
of the bottle , do not take i
under ( tiiolrcumstancoi. ; . Po
SOTO Throat. CouutiH iindt'old
, tuko tlio Mult Kxtiuotlio n
bod-llmo and the ircnuirio John-nil IIolT' .
Mult IJonbons during the da - A. plcus
nut and acUvo cctaedy.
Dlttl ! UK rors i PS
a Tout-A I wolf Bros , &Cj
t'oiminnr Hiu , him * iTon-iK nirnlnts , tt , . . .
nio < H , oil nn I riliiiiirl lim , rnrersnr nil M"il .
rloihlni : < Mn o ; to. III ! i nnm lnnnJr . ete S-nt
1 nntnistrcj | . | InreitnliUiia .01H lilli
HAGS ft inviNnsTf mjY'cTTn T
" " "
BeinisOiaMBaiCii j M , 0 , Daxoii ,
Morss-CflB Slioj
I'nclnrr corni-r llth nn | iMintl'-K Mr' . - ' .
\ \ eareniiklnli n'rlpiiii - '
| iii I-H'I tniii-s , mil nr , '
selling nclu - - - - -
utitiil < It
wllli mi
Irteilill Jinj & , te
1'iinipuir wlmlfiilo tnf
AKi'nli ItiKtui It Hi'ior unit iMi-r eo it >
Miojr , niMiiv , III. Mil mi ) ni )
ItOillnriipy itro't.
BloMy" &
nitlo i < f ir.i t
ln ? < i.lvo IM n in il
simptix pro i it t li | et-
proti III I Humor .
OmalidCo\lCokfLimo , Co Ivalo t'opji-j
Hrnl mil soft cm * . . i : Mfr cnH nil/oil Iron
cor li'ili and DoncHla cornlppflnilnw cnii
met illikvllKlitu I'tr
M. B. Smith i Co ,
DryRoo l , nntloii ! fur- l < C'o Notion'
MlMiIni ; KOUI | * ( Jorn.r KIIIIfiirnlslilint uooli i
llth niul lloirinl sti i ur llth .iiiil llnrne ) I
Omaha Upliolslerin * Cj , liccljo i llunyan
pIlOl't'Dl f Jflllt IT3 1-urnlliirnC. ) . ,
1IUJ 1IUIJlcjol
Wholoulo o ily
D U ! 5 , I-UV
. M.Slcclc&Ca. e , ilrucc & Co
-IM' . Jones 10th nmt liar i / strc'
Oniiha O in ill a
1316 Douglas Strc
eminent opeMnllit In rervons , chronic , prim
ecMtcretl graauatu In mtMclnu. as Jlplomni nml conll ]
ntarrli , permn'.urrhoe ; . Ion manhoo I , lamlaal vrvakc
irrluioa , Blect , Tnrlcore o.ctc. fto mercury uteil. Ken
Islt roe maj bo Ircntcl ml lioniu by oorruspoailt'nci1. 1
mroly nicked , no marks to Indtrato conluntn or omid > r.
roe Corrotpou Itncu strictly prlviifl llouk ( Uyamrle
10 n. 12 m buuii tuiuip lor riu > ur.
mphmU nnd power , niul mativ other pn s-
BCS In the play , nro Inlcresting and vivid.
aufl tnej- won plenty of nr-plauso Inst niiht.
iss Hnuilo Austen made a most decided hit ,
anu Doro Davidson , as the Softy , \\oii fresh
aurols. Wednesday and Situiday mat-
'I hero nro but thrco mnro poiforinancos of
'Tho ' Damtcs1' at the Illjou. The tlnllling
drama has l < cpt tlio bouso crowded tnuiufj'u-
ut the wool ; and would bo k'ooil for luiotlior
ROVCII dajsif the management sa\v piopor to
keep It on. \Vondctland tlio Circus Car
nival U voted the lltillmory success of the
season. Harry Archer and his tin whistle
affords muc'i amusement , ai docs the Inriel
iticUmc of Nellie Conto. lln/cl t'ailton , In
ho "New Dude lu Town , " is another of
Wondoilaud's tare cauls.
The "Xo. 0" Wneclcr & Wilson Is the onlv
.oclt-stitch machlno undo that will maintain
an o\en and perfect .stitch ntdifCorcntspceds
Sold bj Ueo. Laucastor it Co , 511 S. Kith si.
Hoi ) . It'll .Muillcil Corpi.
The raodicii staff of the county hospital
his met and or nnl73d. Dr. O-scar Hoffman
s iresidont ) and Dr. Uridgos Is socrotary.
The following committee's ' have been ap-
uoluted : Committee to recommend to the
oountv coinmlsbloncrs the host Itliul of a
ildinp to take the place of the tuns of Uio
hospital which has fallen down Drs. Cllnn ,
Hebcrt nnd Van Camp.
Uulcs and loijulatlona Drs. Chase , J. 1 }
Summers and kanvon.
Tuo BtatT is divided Into the following dc-
piitmonts : SurKorv , Dre. Summers und
a ; mcdicino , Dw. lirldKO ) , CJlnn and \Vor-
lov ; moutal diseases. I3rs. Uiulgos : iml
Hanchctt ; ol ) > tetrics , Dts. Van ( .imp and
Diilot ; gonlto nnd urlnaty diseases , lrs. )
Sanunots , Kobcit anil Liiiyon ; sl.Iu dis
eases , Ors. Biartand Hoffman , ejo disease ; ,
DH. Uluck and CSifforu.
The statf decided to lot one urn in e.ich handle tlio hospital buMncss for
tt.reo monlhs and then nmlto n u.i.umo lot-
lint ; another man in oauti dcparunont take
the \\OIK for three months. TUU schoino
will bo leconimoQdod to the county commis
You don't want n torpid llvor ; you don't
want a bad complexion ; vou-jJon't want n
but broith , vou don't waul : v hcadachp.
'i lien use Da Witt's Little Kirly UUois , the
fninouj lUUo
A ncfuix't Iim'sliurnt
Mr. William Dinning , lecolvor for the No-
brnslin MortKngo and Invostmoiit rouipauy ,
In which Hon. ( Jtorgo W. 12 Donoy and Mr ,
C. Toncray of Fremont woio the loading
lights , has handed In a oartinl report of his
admlniHttatlou of thonlTaiN of the doiunU
company ,
Ho shows In the ropoit , which is Biibmlltod
to the United Stales court for approval , that
the company has piid the sum of JiJ.Tlil on
Interest coupons that had boon f < uarautcod
and which iho borrowers Uavo not made
cooj. Tlio report give * In detail tbo avallrt-
bla assets time far found and tlio Indebted
iiuhiof the company to other compinlcs and
Individuals. Some of the accounts Uavo
uocn settled andothors aio iitlll unhalaucod
Too loculvor asked the coutt to ifiaut the
pavmontof his uoiniplsilon nniountmn to
I5U1 oa tbo business already settled up.
An honest pill is the noblest \\oilc of the
apothecary. Uo Witt's Uttlo Koily Klsorn
euro constipation , blilousneis and SICK Ijuul-
iiuill7lni : | ; Clly 'liiirn.
Tbo city council mot as a boaid of njual-
Uatlon Yesterday inorninK to coutiouo In ses
sion for several hours , disposing of ncial as.
sossmoutB uuu consldonng plans for special
levies. ,
The Dnuelas street matter was called up
and continued until next Monday In order to
allow the Interested partioi to no piosent at
the hearing. In tnli case the object of tbo
assessment Is for the purpose of JlKUilny "ut
a ulun by which the M3.037 ilnmapos aiUme
from the clmiiBO of grade of Doutrlas and the
Intersecting streets may bo oaid.
1'orfoot action and perfect health icsult
fiom the use of DJ Witt's Uttlo Uarly Ills-
era. A perfect little pill.
Nllrii-dljinrlnii factory iiploir : | .
l un , O. , Out. 23 A nltro-slycojlno fac
tory Uns just exploded. Hoveral people uro
roported4lllcd. (
If you bavo piles OoWitt'aVitcU Ho/cl
salvo will surely cure you.
Jtuoiurliablo .tlcioiir Si in.
HIIIMIXUIUU , Ala. , Oct. a . A lomarkable
meteor patted over Dinnlnghom tail
llctlor A Wilhclmj C * IxiliMk & Ijm.
forni > r 10th > nl , Uck nn ' Dpalprs In hnrilmri nil
StrCCiS I Illl'i'll.MlK'11 tHlK
1 lilll iuu < trc ( > l
I'lias. ' It. IM JOU"A. ! \\\\\fH \ \ \ \ \
itim'ipr tool Imporlel Vmenrtn IMtt *
nlptfiujl Hnlc'ni'nt Mihtitikit
tlo'irlint. ilinlrnulln o 1101 mil
Mil nnd Doiiglai , ( , < nliu'f vriutallu )
Fiick& Herbert I I. Oberfel lv & To.
\\lnilc \ ii iij nr In' anil Inlilior * of
H'Jt Kurnitu it mlllliior ) mitltin * MMI
ontori iiroinpl
nj ) > l2 oiitli llt'i M
PAIMW. Olt-i.
Carpenter Paper Co. j Sldmlanl 1)1 ) ! Co.
( nrrr n full 'lock or I
ITimini : riiplnir | in I Hi-flue 1 nnl lnirieiln
wrlllnir piper , cirt pi oIKtulu uroiieto
l rr eli1 I
_ "
King & Snical la\ill ) \ Cole Ko ,
Mfrs.if K i. S' pinli \Vliolo nloo H'i < fui'f
n'lory i , i < I Hit trL'OI
rll | , lltlist' tok'iilitin i' '
HlilllCll & CO.
Whitney & Co.
fruit * of Ml
Itutlrr , ckRi nnil poultry
.IIJ south I .Hi it.
Jas A. Cluk& C ) . [
llutler o'i' < > i < .1
luiallr ) a ill HA n j
1 JITuuli : lit-i 5-
srovi :
stnvi'ri'iilr | ! < nmt iriler
.iltiuhnipiiti for nil )
klml oCMoTo mule
M.A.Dis1)row&Co. ) I. Hardy
Mnnufftcturpri nf anil ( ill iolln ! , nllinm
iloti n. Jil t n its an 1 I mi ) k'uoilt hoinu fur
iiHiillillnijJ llraneli of lll'hlllK KUUill , .cllll
lice , Ul'i Mill liunl sU ilren n i nrilttti'
UI'J 1 uinuiuSt
Omaha Neb.
et , , .
lo lloniU ( kin anil unimrj iU ! < "mi A recvlnr nn4
cite' ntinir. liitlll treatlnj wllh tlio grfili" ! niipccu
u nuht lossai , linpntoncr. iriililllt. iMrklura uoa'
treiitmont for lo i of vltnl pen rr. I'nrtlei iinntjlc to
iluilltln * or lnitrumi > nli tout br nmll umxpro i > (
Ono.or < on&l laturrlow | .ri'loiroil. Coniullattua
or Lila ) > at fia * . Ofllcu buuntfa.
Union Stock Yards Company
Ilcst ratllp , hoi nnil shoi'p inm-Uot In the
Tilt : L
JIAIIA Writn to this lioun fo-
"hcct ] Market Ropo-cs.
Wood Brothers ,
kouth Oman i Telephone U iT. -
WAI.TICII I , ' . WOJ. ) i MnniiOfi
Market reports bv iniill an I wlro cheerfully
f mulshed upon appllc Ulon
Campbell Commission Co.
Chlcairo , HistSt. I.onls , 1C insasClty.coulli
Om ilia , bloux City , 1'ort World
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
fS.'iiul 1) ) r\uhinzu linlldln ' .baut'i O n ih u
Corre'poiuloncusolldt-'l nnl uru npt'ir ' nn ) " ) .
Mat ml attuntlon to urdurj fur toi < nr & fosilen
itnbllshuU : , lS3i. . . IncorporajJ UJ1
UajiltM fully pnl.l , f.'JUJ )
Waggoner Birney Co iipiny
Wrltuurnlruusfnrproinpt an 1 rclM'jIu nniiil
IC' | > UltS
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Lite bloo'i Commission.
Itoom C ] I-.xuli UIRO linlldln. , Sout'.i Uinalia.
'leluphonu 17uT
from northeast to southwest. H win in
tensely bright and Rocmlnnlv about tliroo
foot uldo. Thotraoli It left icniaincu lor
nearly live , minutes. At the bpot \ \ lioio it
duappoaiod in the soulliuest a bright line lu
the shape of a loiter L tcmalncii for scveiul
Isprnotlccd bv pcoplolio buy Inferior
aitlclrs of food bccaubo choanor than Htaud-
aril ( roods. Infants me cntltlcu to tlio best
lood oblniiittblo. It Is a fnct that tlio ( Jnll
Hoi den "Entile" Condensed .Milk i
the best Infant food. Your Kroroi anil clruk'-
Klst keoji it. . _
1'H'liil'ri'il Di'illli to
, Pa. , Oct. is ! Jacob
u telosrapli operator , nhot hlimolf In the
heart at Hcntty'a station , where ho uas to
have boon married to Miss MiifKlo Dunlapot
that placo. Miss Oiinlap bocamu uiiconi.cloil
wbon the news of tbo trn ody was bioUun to
her and i now In mlnni/cioui uondltloii.
HcuKj1 Is not fatallv wounded. The cause or
bis attempted sulcldo Is not Known.
Mrs. U'lnslow's Soothing Sviup forUill-
drcn teuthlni ! pioduco ? natural quiet sloop.
-.Vents a bottle ,
llnllilliikI'rrniiis. .
The following poi mils wro I suoa by the
superintendent of bmlilln.M ( tcrd.i.v ;
\V f Mount , rnpiln lo iluiillliu , 2Vu
capltol ii\omio . T
n\o minor penults . .
Total . . . - * ' $
Catarrh In the head Is n constitutional dis
ease and requires 11 constitutional lemedj'
line Hood's ' harsoparllla 10 olfoct a euro.
Violating III" ICsKliiptliin l.tun.
Joe HBrtti , n butcher , and Dan Mt-Coy ,
Ealoon man , have been attested for vlolatln
iho exemption laws hv aclllnt' claims to
parties for collodion.
Knr renovating the cntlro * ) ! < "i ,
ilhnlnatliiK nil I'olsonH from Ilia
Jlloodvhflhcr of HI rofiiluim "
' ' iire | < aratlon has no iijual.
'Tor eighteen wnntlis I had an
. eating sore on my tonguo. I wa *
4ug treated by ) > c t local ili > l ( lain ,
but obtained no relief ; thu Koro jiraihially gri w
, I llnall ) took ( ) . H. 8. , and vas entirely
cured after lining u low liottlcs. "
C. II. SIcLKMimp , Hc
Treatise on IMood and HUIn Ul-
S cases mailed free.