Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Baptists Decide that Their Conventions
Have Delegates to Spare.
Ofllcorn of tlin Slnlo AAoclntl n Klrotcil
tor the KiiMiInu Voar soniuililiiK of
l > lo Ovrr l'rnp < i < nil Clmtiitcn
In tlio UoiiHtlttitliin.
The Insl day of the Ilnptist state conven
tion was devoted to the routloo business of
the nssocmtton nnd to lnlGrotlng spoochoj
upon eovoral toplci of Importance to Uo'
HuportB were by the chairraon ot the
obituary committee , the commlttoo on publi
cation society anil the committee on nomina
The following oOlcors wera elected for the
ensuing .venr : 1'resldctit , Levi IClinDOll ;
llrst vlco uroildcnt , K , E. Uennett ; second
vlco president , Frank Cnrponterj rccorulng
aecrotury , V. W. Williams ; corrcsponiliiii ?
secretary , J. J. Koolor ; treasurer , Williiim
The foliowlnp are the manator * :
C. Jl. Doiitley , W. 1C. Potter , L. Johnson ,
C. O. Anderson , A. IJr Nordllnjr. 15. II. Am-
blor. E. A. Hmsell. A. Williams , V. K.
Hudson , J. V. Whltlnp , II.V. . Talc , 1I..S.
Armstrong , 1 . 1' . Uchtloy , W. 11. Smltu ,
Dr. K. T. Allan , A. A. I'lcltnor , Jumos Shop-
nrtl , A.V. . Cliitlt. II. L. House.
Trustees W. 1C. otter , L. G. M. Balil-
Tl > o committed on church edifice work reported -
ported and the report was adopted.
Amundlnc the Constitution.
The committed on revision of the conilltu-
tlou reported. It wns suggested thot the
basis of representation in the state conventions -
tions was too Inrec. The number of dele
gates wns becoming BO great that It was
very dlfllcult for the church which under
took to ontorlalu u state convention to
flnd nccoiiimodntions for nil the delegates.
Several remedies were suggested. It wns
bollovod Hint the best plan would bo to cut
down the basts of representation.
Tno committee nlso suggested that the
board of twenty-four managers should
bo elected by classes , eight being
chosen cnch year nnd eight retiring each
vcar , thus keening Mxtcen experienced mem
bers on the board all the timo.
Mr. L. I ) . Holmes ot Omaha raised the
point Unit this report sought lo niiicnd the
constitution and thcrovus a clause In that
instrument which made It necessary to lay
nil such amendments over for ono year.
Kcv. L. W. Terry thought that it would
only bo a waste of valuable lima to postpone
the matter , for noticu hud bcon given last
year of the pionoscd change.
Other brethren held tnat the matter could
11 of bo taken up because the changes sug
gested by tbo report provided for an election
of ofllccrs nnd the election had already bco:1
bold. To lauo up this report nnd ndopt It
would ounul the election which had just taken
placo. Several of the delegates called upon
tbo president lo dccldo the point of ordDr as
to whether or not the matter could como bo-
Vnro the house , but I'O loforred the matter
o tbo convention. The matter was put to n
folo and tno convention decided to proceed
With the consideration of IDC report.
Dr. llulllngs BtrncU n chord of harmony by
suggesting that the convention nrocccd with
tlio adoption of the amendments but that the
amended constitution bo not put into effect
until the annual mooting of lbll.1. The sec
tion providing for tbo election of trustees
nnd malingers wns amended so ns to provide
that tbo now schema should not go into
effect until IS'JII.
L. D. Holmes of Omaha nlado a vigorous
effort lo defeat the scheme to amend tbo
"It the court please , " said Mr. Holmes ,
forgetting that bo was In n liaptlst conven
tion Instead of n court rcorn , "I think thi-
is n most dangerous procoauro. These pro
posed amendments will place entirely too
much power in the hinds of the
board of managers. It will bo absolutely
impossible , If wo proceed in this manner , for
the stutc convention to place any limits upon
the powers civeu to the board of managers.
I protest most emphatically against this pro
posed change in the constitution. "
Unit a do/on delegates wanted the floor
and the car of the convention right away
and for n few minutes the convention
drilled closer to tbo border line ot confusioi
than at nnv time during the entire sesslo.i
Again Dr. llclllngs came in as a harmonlrci
and moved that the further consideration o :
the matter bo postponed for one year. The
motion prevailed and the convention went
right on with the regular program.
The obituary committee submitted n report -
port In which the following deceased mem
bers wore tenderly spoken of : Hev. James
Harper of Dollwood , Mrs. Sarah bcott of
Tccumscli , UBV. W. NtMelinite , Mrs. II.
Lewis of Kcnrnov. Kev. Chailes l \ Wostou
of Oxford , Kov. P. S. Mills of Atkinson.
The report submitted by the committee on
tbe repoit of the board of man
agers recommended that the hoard
bo authorised to employ n special mis
sionary nnd evangelist to help the weak
.churches , Tbo report wns adopted.
The convention talked llnunco tor a time.
The hoard ot managers reported a uellclt In
the treasury nnd the brethren wanted It
rondo up. Tbo sum of $400 wns needed to
balance"tho nccount. Mr. L. CJ.
M. Baldwin of Lincoln chipped in
an oven $100 to start the suDbcilptinn
a-golng nnd In about ton minutes thu balauco
\vus raised in shares of $10 each.
Closing Work of tliu .Session.
The annual missionary sermon wns
preached in the afternoon by Kov. O. W.
Hand , It wusn long , but Interesting ills-
course. "
Mrs. P. W. Williams rend an nblo paper
on "How to Increase Our Offerings for
Homo Missions. "
Miss Van Mess read tlin report of the
Woman's Homo MUIou society , which wns
to have been presented by Airs. Mary A.
Hitchcock , but owing to 111 health .Mrs ,
Hitchcock was unable to unpcar.
Short nddrossos woio uellvcicd by lnv. II.
% V. Tnto nnd Dr. 11 , C , Woods.
The ilantist college ut ( irand Island U-but
little more than u year old , hut it bus mndo n
very crodlinblo beginning. Iho grounds nnd
builillngs nio worth In thu neighborhood of
$75,00(1 ( nun til or o IH no debt upon thu prop
erty. The trustees were obliged lo go "in
debt during the year for furniture , but the
amount of tno dollclenoy wiis bum few thou-
sund dollan , which thu utato association wns
asked to nssUt in raising ,
Com cut Ion Nntr .
The delegates wore delighted with the
niniinor In which they woio ontnrlnlnod.
This wns Iho most eiitbublastlo and tbo
most numerously nticndod etato convention
the HaptUt church has hold in Nebraska for
WDtiy years , ,
Dr. HulLori of tbo Chicago university mat
all tbo Morgan 1'urk voung men during the
noon recess , yesterday In ono corner of thu
cliuroh nnd nail a pleasant chat with them ,
nd answered u number of o.ucstons ! per-
taltilug to the ministry unit the oest methods
ot attoiidtiig to the prellmmnry iraluuii ;
necessary to cuter the profession.
Severn ! critluUma were passed by loading
dologntcs upon tbo wisdom or lack of wis.
dom , us tbo case might bo considered , ol
permitting Dr. Fulton to como Into llu con
vention nnil tiniko his fight against Callioll
clsm. Onoilclcu'atobuid toTnulMii : reporter
"I think It was uimUe to allow Dr. Puller
to take up tba time of the convention ir
puihlng forward a matter that ho Is ptii-oou
F nlly engaged in when \\o had other business
\r \ of great Importance that might have beer
uttuuded to durtue the time ui-cupled by htm
I Tbou ugain , 1 doubt the propiloty of piacini.
tha state association In tbo altitude of lUHln ;
mi tbo light ho Is endeavoring to Inaucuruto
Ho U-OIH on thu war path , but that dooi no
lu Ufy Ibo NobrasUa bmto association In fol
loulng the jame line , "
If you have piles Do Witt's Witch Hare
nlvo wi'l ' surely euro you.
( jiiick .Nut Inturciloil.
Martin Qulcli was reported to have soli
tbo ground In l a t Omaha to Nois l.arsan
\vno wns ojoctea by Bhoriff Bennett the
other day. Mr. Quick says thu statement
AVB * erroncoui , M ho uor r owned or olalmat
nny K\t Omaha property , and never hnd
anv Ot'Hllngs with Nets Uarscn ono way or
the other. ' 'Whenever they wnnt u pood-
natured man to llcutc In any trnnsnctlon. "
Raid Mr. Quick , "thoy always use my namo.
They wcro mlsutkon tills time , and I woulJ
llko to have you srxy so ns I do not want to
( jet tangled up In this caso. "
Wnndrrdil Snla of Clutk * , , laolct , Wrap. * .
Tlio stylus , iho qualltios , tbo fit. tlio
tnlk r-iilalo , tlio prloo , nil must bo rljrbt
or tills s\lo : could not surpass all former
efforts. ,
Loolc nt these natty anil dopcndnblo
scbool cloaks at $1.0r > , at $1.03.tit Jl'J.j ,
at $2. 0. ut $2.)8 ! ) , at $1.00 , at ? l.fiO. It
li simply Impossible to match llioso
jjoods alul prioo ? .
Loolc nt thu nmllcss viirloty , tlio ini-
mcnso stock to select from and the do-
slro to soil. It Is not u question of profit
now ; tha goods uitHt b6 wold.
! 10U Indies' walking jtickots ut $3.00 ,
worth SI.IK ) .
S50 ! liner jackets at $3.7fi , worth $ .5.00.
27" ) full dross jackets at So.OO , worth
Htlll ureator sacrifices In finer goods.
Special low prices on shawls , skirts
and wniaK
Every holonKhifr to a complotn ward
robe for infants will bo found in this de
partment and at prices beyond competi
nt oc , at 7c , at lOc , at IL'Jc , at 15e , at
-'if , imported to bell at 15o up to 50u
.Sueelnl low prices on veilings , ruch-
liiL's , collars r.nd ribbons.
Occupies twh'o the space , carries
double the slock and Is making groatof
efforts to please In unlnuo styles , hi ex
cellence of quality and surpassing va
riety to Select from. Look at these
ladies' felt hats at 6Uc , at 7oc , at $1.00 ,
nt1.2. . > stud fee who can match them in
style , in quality or In price.
Look ut those imported pattern hats
and compare prices"at'd quality.
liiiHim llrllc'\cs in rrotcctlmi.
There is one ioud thing about Russia and
tunt is that she protects lior homo Industries.
In the intensely Interesting letter froa ; the
versatile correspondent , Prank G. Carpen
ter , wblcn will appear in Tin : SUNDAY 13ci : ,
"Carp" snys : "This Russian protection
crowds ncurly all classes ot foreign goods
out ot the market , and undcrita lart'O manu
facturing business has grown up in Russia. "
Piles of peonlo have mlcs , out UoWitt's
Witch Hazel salvo will cure thorn.
IVuililliif ; ISdlx.
MlssMaiy E.iUon , the daughter of a
well known Omaha traveling m m , and John
.1. .lohnaon , a prominent Wahoo banker , were
married last night at the residence ol tbo
bride's imrents in Kountzo place. A largo
number of Omaha and Wahoo people were
Mr. Charles A. Pluclrett and Miss Clara
Bcllo Orchard were married Wednesday ,
October 2(1 ( , in thu parsonage of All Saints
church , Kov. T. J. Alarkny ofllciaiiog.
Perfect action and perfect health result
from the use ? of Da Witt's Uttlo Early Kis-
ers. A perfect liltlo pill.
IllrliinuiKl A ; D.iuvlllu IttuuU.
Itti.TiMoiii : , Md. , Oct. 2 . A plan for dc-
dcposjtliig these underlying bonds of the
Richmond & Uanvlllo railroad system on
which Interest has not been paid has boon
prepared and is urw.m the bunds of counsel
for the bondholders' committee for approval.
As soon ns it is adopted the interested bond
holders will take action to protect their In
terests in the three properties immediately
Opera singers and public speakers can
keep their voice * clear und strong with tlio
niuily roin3dv , Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
lliiini' ut tliu I'cict Cray ,
III Tin : Si'xi ) vv Bus will appear ono of the
most captlvallngly willtcn descriptions of
Stoke Pcgl , the homo of the 1'oot Gray ,
that was ever penned by that versatile cor
respondent , Udgar L. Wakeman. Thijro is
no moro ncacoful spot In all Knffland and on
first bcrotnine iiciiuauued with the uluco a
sense of eternal Sabbath provades the lovely
You don't want n torpid llvor ; you don't
want a bad complexion ; you don't want a
bid breath ; you don't want a headache.
Then use DoWitt's Little Early Misers , the
famous little pills.
Iliinlcint ; in KiiH lu.
In TUB Su.xmv BBC will appear a most
interesting letter on the banitlng and monoy-
Icualng methods of Russln , bv "Carp , " the
famous corrojpondont. This letter should
bu lead by bankers and others in to res toe ] in
financial matter * , for It contains much curi
ous and valuable information on ban It lug.
* 4i.fiO Mine Snip.
Kyriin UoiMt's U'lll.
The llyron Uced estate was before the pro
bate court for consideration yesterday on an
application of Molissi Uoea to compel A. Ij.
Uocd , the executor , to lilo a complete report ,
Hhowlng his doings since the property came
into his hands. The order was muJo and the
report u ill uo filed not later than Novem
ber 1.
* y. . , " . < > Slum Viln.
Sheriff Hennott.yestoi day levied on forty-
nine lots In North Oinuim addition to satisfy
n judgment of ? " , § 47 In favor of the No-
btuskn , Savings and Kxchango uank und
against Wendell Hrown nud others. The
lots were appraised nt $ .200 ench. They are
located between Florence nnd Cut-oft lakes.
Ministry to I'ortiigul Will Soon Hit Vacant.
Niw : Voiu ; , Oct. 27. A dispatch from
( Hen Palls says that .George's. DatcboUior ,
minister to Portugal , will soou resign. Ho
wilt go to 1'arls as agent for three prominent
Insurance companies ,
Ccrnmn Siitliign Dunk ,
Since tlio iibi'iimn Atnork-nn Savings
bank has gene out of buslnoss the Gor
man Saving's ban ) ; , located at 211 South
16th street. Karbach blocl ; , In now tlio
only Gorman saving institution in tbo
city" . Deposit your Uionoy with them
anil got Intorost.
Frescolnp und Interior decorntinu ; do-
f-iyns und ostiinntos Jurnlsheil , IJunry
Luluniuiii , 1508 Dou hib street.
Belt Line Freight Engines Collide East of
Oak Chatham Station. -
DrUcr lltor * llnil forgotten Ilia
iflHMinrl rurlllc.'n Now Suli-
( irli.ui Trnln Scrtico niul Its
KlTcct Ilillroiul New * .
T\\o freight trains cnmo together with aU-
nstrous results on the Belt line near the
Twotity-fourtli street crossing at S o'clock
icbicrdnv morning.
lOnglno No. SOS , with Engineer Constant
and Plroman Congilon In the cab , bad just
left Ouk Chatham station , nnd was working
up considerable spaed when Englno No. 9M ,
with Engineer Ous 12van and Fireman Don-
ahoe , cnmo swinging round iho curve.
There was no lima for brakes and reversIng -
Ing the engines and the crews of both trulns
Jumped for their live ? . A freight train was
standing on the soutn sldo of the track
uhnru the collision took place nnd the mon
were nil com polled to jump In thosamo direc
tion. They nil landed safely just ns the en
gines crashed together !
Enpino bOS Is a total wreck andls King
ever on Its side on tha north side of tha track
with Iho tender of'No. 000 piled on top of It.
Tbo other engine had its cub torn oil nnd U
otherwise seriously damaged , None of tha
cars were dainugod , and none of them left
the track.
The engineer of No. OM had orders to side
track nnd wait for the other to pass , but for
got his orders.
Kelt I.Inn riitrnn * Object to tliu Now Subur-
liun Tmln Schedule.
Hcaidents in Dull line towns do not look
with much tavor noon the now train scrvlco
on tbo Missouri 1'ucltlc , alleging , and not
without reason , that the westbound train
in the morning passes suburban towns too
Into for them to go to business in Omaha ana
I ho oast-hound train lonvo * too onrly In the
afternoon. While it is true that , train No. Mil
leaves Auburn at 5- : < " > a , m. It does not
get to Omaha until 8 : . > 0 , mulling thu run of
eighty-live nillos in It hours and ' . ' 5 minutes ,
including stops at every station between the
points nnmed. The residents ol Portal , ac
cording tn Missouri 1'aelllc officials , arc the
only people materially affected by the
change , although oven from ttinro trafllc is
very light.
When the Missouri Pacific ran subtirban
trains In the Interest of the people living at
1'ortalVostslde. . Walnut Hill , Druid Hill
and Oak Chatham the ofllcials claim the pat
ronage secured did not compensate for
the coal uecd 01 thu oncine , much less pay
for the cost of running tlio train. After an
experiment of a year or more , those trains
xvcra tukon off , the street cars getting most
ot the travel , as they had done ovcu
when the Helt line trains were leaving early
ono'JcU and lalu enough to suuuro tlio class
of tVavol most catered to , clerks , merchants
and working people.
When the cutoff was opened between
Omaha and Plattsmouth and anew
now schedule was to bo made , local
ofllcials worked zealously for a purely Ne
braska train run in the interest of people
living bstwcon Auburn and Omaha , who
might como to Omaha to tmdo and
got homo early enough to do the
worlt about the house. The start was
an experiment and trains Nos.
301 and ai > 3 have proven them
selves the mo t popular experiments ever
planned by thoMissouri Pacific. Train No. . ' 101
brines a larger number of passengers to
Omnha than over before , moro by great odds
than any other single train on an v other road ,
a section ot country oighty-llvo miles long
home inado absolutely tributary to the
metropolis , whuroas .heretofore these same
people wcro compelled to tiadont Auourn ,
Falls City and other near by towns.
So successful has the train been
that already local ofllcials aio clamoring
that Falls City bo made the starting paint
for the early morninp train , which wnon ac
complished wilt bring passengers from
points 125 miles uwny. It is the intention
now to start No. 301 from Falls
City In the very near future , nu hour earlier
than Its Auburn leaving time , and bv in
creasing its running speed between stations
arrive ut Omaha at the sarno time us now ,
b0. : .
At nrescnt the Missouri Paclfio Is not
thinking of nutting on unotucr
suburban train for the benefit of residents
snv twenty miles out , but they hope that as
the prcsint arrangement grows nna Iho
great gooal accomplished is soon people wil
accent this service in the light ol
a purely Nebraska train catering for all the
business nlong the line , and not dUcriminat
log in favor of any particular soction.
Cntnrrli In tlio
Is undoubtedly a dUeasc of the blood , anil as
such only n reliable blood puriller can ofToct
u perfect euro. Hood's Sar.snparllln is the
best blood purifier and It has cured many se
ver o cases of catarrh. It gives na appotlto
and builds up the whole system.
Hood's Pills act especially upon the llvor
rousing It from torpidity to its until ra
duties , euro constipation and assist ulgestlon
w.i.r.n .Shoo ill- .
Hitst Onuiliu i\letlons. :
4'ho work of ovlctine the sciuatters from
the Hast Omaha possessions goes merrily on
The parties who have now been ordered t
pack their effects and move are Mrs. Ander
son , Henry Larscn mid Hans Noilson , ul
parties who are on the land that the Inter
st.ito Hrldgo and Terminal company expect-
to occupy in tlio construction of its bridge.
The notices to ( juit wcro borvcu by Deputy
Orlpg yesterday , and In oacli turoo days'
time is ulvcn In wblrh to move the bulluing :
and get oft the land forever.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Svrup for cull
dren lootlilne produce ) natural iiulot sleep
tiScnnts n bottle.
Ronl cRtnto.
Murrains only.
My word Is Root ) .
W. G. Albright.
u21-L N. Y. Llfo bid ? .
W'J.r.O Mine
Ilrlok. yard for sale ; on same boil of
clay us used by HucUstalT for p.xvlnjr
bride , otc. ( Juy li. Abbott , C'roto , Nob.
Dr. 1'iilton J.i'utiiri'fl.
Dr. Pulton will snoal ; at Plrst Unntist
chufch tbiH ovoniiiff nt TtfJO o'cloclr.
Snbiout , "Tbo Reformation in Cuba :
Its Lt'Sbonp , " AilmUsIon free.
T , R. Allwrt of lloston , Mass. , is in
tbo city anil lias become ongug'ad to
Miss Annlo Oruulo Downr of Omaha.
Tbo wodilin ? day has boon sot for loo.
27. Eastern papers ulcaso copy ,
HU..1O .Mum hulc.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder NoAmuiouiaj No Alum ,
Used in. Millions of Homes 40' Years the Standard ,
Both the method nml results when
Syrupof Fips ; is taken ; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to tlio taste , and acts
ccntly yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem cfl'cctually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy 01 its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the moat
healthy audagrccablo substances , its
manvexccllentqualilics commend it
to all and have inado it the moat
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 76c
hollies by ? .ll leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one wno wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
Man who Rive's his million1 : for the foundIng -
Ing of hospitals , colleges and asylums is not
mor e ol a iihilanthroplst than is ho % vho is
the avowed
O Ii gini p i o iT.
anl the suffering , the helploi = 5
victims of cliseiun. Tno myrlaj of maladies
known : is Nervous , Chrome nnd Private
Diseases are of so obstinate and complicat3d
a char icter that only the most gifted , skiU-
iul and wUaly experienc ed
$ B 10
In the land can comprehend or cura thom ,
for they Uo'y ' tha bttovtB of the general prac
titioner who has not made tnem hib llfj
study. The euro
neh di o.ise < 5 a ? Syphillls , Gnnorrhoua ,
Qleet , Spprmatorrhooa. Lost Manhond ,
Etfects ot E.irly Vice , Stricture , Hydroole ,
Varicocele. Piloj , an-1 a thou anj other
Indroi afflictions roqiiiro
Highest dagree of raodlcal skill , such as but
"ew men passesR.
The r cord of Drs. Bolts 4c Bo'ti proves
h'mtobo the most nble , f.ucc9 = > sful and
opular fepseialisti in America , If not in the
And the number of permanent cures thay
iave etleoted within the p.iijt 27 year3 can
: iotbo eqaallod by any othar phyoicians In
this or any other country ,
Send ! cents for our illustrataJ book of
"consultation free. Call upon or address
with st.imp ,
Drs. Betts & Betts
119 So. 14th Street ,
If Dr Filionrk'K trcitmcnt nnd euro of rniiMiinp-
Ikni nuresHiiuthliunun mi'l untried , lu'uplu mUlit
dmibtiimt wlint lm t > ro\iMl lt clf thniiuliu record us
old ustmrKnmdluti.'ms , moans juit whut Illi ,
nnil ( or all dUciues of tlin I.unen. No trcntinrnt
In Ilio world iun iiliuMm niiuiy pormnncnl curi > n of
ruimiuniuli" ! tollturuillt us lir. choiiurf'x Nothlni , '
in MiliircH''l ! idlr clly aniU-rTui'lU-uly on Ilio hum
iiiomlirtiici anil IHsiK'a.uiid sj iiirk | | y illipoii'H nt
tiihert lei * . conu'CttltiD , latliiniiiiutluii , coldi. couulii
und ull lliv BOOHS of ojinuinpilon at
Dr. Schenc&'s Pulmonic Syrup
To the owners of all lota , uarlsof lot ? and ronl
tiBtiito iilinik' lliinillton Btrcot from 4Jtli
K trout to NVOS tolly llnills.
Yo'i are liuroby nnlllluil that tliu unilur
smnoil. tlJ'po ilUlnlorusieil frpuholdurs of Hi
city of Oiniihn , Imvubnon duly nppolntu
by ilionmyor , wllli the apiiroviil of tlin clt ,
con null ofh.tld city , to n suMi tlin dnnuuo t
lliu owuuu ruspeutlvoly ot tliu iironurty at
fueled by Rr.idluz of .nld strnot. cfcclnrcil noc-
pssury by onilnunco nuuibui1 U.1I. , nussoil lj-
tobot Ifitli , IMi.1. iipliroroit Uftiibor 1'JlliVJ \ ! > .
Von an ) furtliur iiotinml tlmt lutvlni ; uc-
coptuil Hiild Huoliilinulit | , und duly iiuiilincil
nsroiiiilred by law. wo nlll , on tliu did diiy of
ZSOvumuur , A. D. WJi , Ht tliu hour of lhW : o'cluvU
In Din forL'iiooii. ui tliu olllcu nf Snrlvor .V
O'Dunolioo. UO.l Karuauihtrcct. within tnoccir
imr.itnllmlunf salilcltv. meet for Iho pur-
l.oiio of i-onsidoilna nnd mukluu the us usj-
inont of d.iniHKe ti > tli'i OWMUM respi'ctlvoly o
B.ild itrnpvrly nlfeolod by s.ilil crudlii ) ; , luklng
lalocoiijUlvrutlonnDuuliil lujnelltj , If any.
Vou uru notllled to bo prcuint nt lliu time
nnd iilu'jo ufuruanlil unil tuako uny
to or Hitoniinu : uoiii-urnlnz Bald n
of UkniHifCS Kf > yuii inuv vonsldor
W li. bllltl
. . , Coiniallteoof AppraUeri.
Omaha , Nob. , Oct. . ' ( llli , IUM OSldlOt
nnd notion to the nlcctors nnil Icgnl vntcr of
the city of Oiniihitof lui nnnunl city nlcotloti
of tliu olty of Onmhn , to lip hold on Tno'dfiy ,
IhnBlndny of NoMnnbcr. ISftI , for Ihn put'
IKMoof olootliiR uno councilman from each
To the electors nnd losal yotors of the city of
Oinulin :
1 , Moor-io P. lloinla. ninyor of the city of
Diiiiihii , do Isiuo tlil . my prooliitnatlon. nnd
by the authority vosteil 1 1 mo n such nmyor
lo hnruby ulvo pniillu notion lo the elector *
nnd ICKIII voters of the city ot Onmh i tlntt : in
Mi nil Ml olty oloollon of tlio city of Onmhi. :
"Ill liohold liMulilclty on Tnotduy. thnnlLMith
lay of Ndvoinlior , 18' ) . ' , for thoimrimsoof elect-
n ir ono cailncllin in from o.toh w ird.
Tlio polls Rlinll bu IIDDII on tlio ( Ixv of i.ild
olccllon at olKht oMnok In the tiiiim.ui nnd
shall conllnno open until six o'clock tu the
evening o ! the sumo day. HI the iL"pfctlvo
voting jlmei follovrln ; , to-wlt :
: comer 7Ul " l1
1Slh "
Iltltl "Mt allu-v
. " olno.troot bo-
° f 6lh 9t"c"- '
arl < Wl1d nxumiu
" "H W cor"or""l" " 'lillel ' < ory
cor"er " ' Bl11
" 'N K Corner I3tl1 nml VI n ion
C0rilor IUh nlul Jonc < 1
C ° "lor 13tl1 ! l"
corner 19tl1 ntl(1
th uml
corner J0t1' a'"l ' I'lcrco
L'orllor IUh II1"
ICt N K cor"or 61tl < ! ntli and Con-
W cor"or Sltu tttl(1
" 3 K Conier20llll > ni > Hancroft
1''th Iatrct-N ! K corner istli and Vlnton
ilroot * ? .
' 1'1'1"9 ' W
slinots' corner IJlh nntl Vnlloy
IUh llstiIct-N E corner 20th ind Iloulovard
TlllllltVAHO. .
l D'strlot-8 W corner 12th nml Chicago
Sd ! ni'strlct-N \ \ ' corner Nth and Davdntiort
slruot- ' .
.Id Dlhtrlot-South sldo of Capitol nvouuo
iiuriwestof ) Kith strout ,
4th District West shlo of 12th street , 1)0- )
iwocn Doiitflasaud Dod c streola.
nth Ilslrlet-N ) K cornur luth and L'apltol
iventio. /
Uth Ulstrlot N U corner ! Hh nnd llarnoy
7lh llblrlct-S K corner IUh and Doujlas
sth District N E corner lith and Jackson
uli Ulstrlot S E corner 10th and Howard
st reels.
1st District - JTW corner 17th and Davenport
-'nil District N W corner 2nd nnd D.ivcnport
.ird District N W corner 25th nnd Dodco
4th District N E corner 17lh and Dod o
itreots. ,
Sth Dl3trIot-N E corner ITth and llarney
Uth District N W corner 20th and Douglas
moot * ! .
7th imtrlet N W corner 20th street and St.
dury's IIXOMUO
8th District SW corner SOth street and St.
Mary's avonuo.
Dili District ftut shlo of South 19lh street ,
) tnoeii llarnoy struct and St. M.iry'sa\oiiue.
lUih District N W comer ISth and loiven-
llth Dlbtrlct S W corner 17th street and St.
's avouuo.
1'irxii WA'iu.
1st DKtrlct r > ist ft loot Sherman avenue
opposite Mandcrson struct.
i'lid District S K corner Sherman avenue
ind Wlit stieot.
.Ird District bV corner Shnrman avenue
ind I/iico street.
4th District N W corner Slioniian avenue
ind CJraco htrcot.
Jtli District S W corner ,17th and Churlos
Uth District I'.ist side ot Phcrnian avenue
i bo nt.'I I ) foot northjot Nicholas street.
7ih District S U corner Kith und l/.ird
sth District N W corner 10th nud Hurt
Uth District N n corner Uth and Cass
10th District Kabt sldo North 17th street bo-
twcen Ouiifurnla and ( J.iss streets.
llili Ulsirlot b E corner 13th rml Oass
SIXTH wAiin.
1st District S n corner 24tn strcot nnd Ames
i.'oniR' .
2ml District S W corner IGth Bticot and
; r.ind uMMine.
: ird District N E corner 45th and Grant
.treets. .
4th District S W corner 21th and Manderson
Mh District sn corner 21th nnd WlrHtrcots.
Oth DUlrlct S W corner Alnl and l'urler :
7lh District N W corner Sllh aid Corby
eth District N C corner 27th and Uurdctto
Uth District N E coiner 2nd nml Grant
loth District N Wcornfcr 2Sth and franklin
llth District S W corner 24th and rianklln
12th Dldtriot S W corner Sin'l anil ClarK
stiucts ,
1st DUtrlot 3 W ooruor 23th and Muson
Sid : District N F , comer 2Dth uvenuo and
I'opuleton iivenno.
Urd Dlstilot S W corner 29th stri'ot nnd
Woolworth avenue.
4th District NV corner 19th street and
Arbor stti'ou '
fith DUtrlot South sldu of Vlnton atroot
nour ( oiibtof ) south HJd u\onue ,
(1th ( District S E corner auth avenue am :
I'opploton luonne.
7tli District N W corner Ulth mid I'mncls
1st District Hast side of 26th strrot near
( south of lOlmrli1.street.
Und JllstrlctVn > t side of 23d Slrott near
( Himtli ot ) I'.iul filroet.
Ilril District N W corner 20lh urn ! Nicholas
4th District Nn coiner 29th ind Cumin ! ;
nth District West side of North 2.Hh slreet
nonr ( north of ) Cumins felroot.
Bth District .S K iMiciiorS.'d and Hurt Rtrepts.
7th Distrlot 3 W corner VUlh and
1st District S W corner 'fill and Ci
2d DUtrlot N W corner 40th and OnmliiK
olieuts ,
lid District N C corner < 0th and I'urnam
4th Dlhtriot North slue of Davenport itreet
iionrwo t of ) NoithU2d uvitnuo.
'ith dlslrict b i ; cornur JUt nveiino aud
Dodtfo htreut.
Oth District S W corner 29th avenue und
Juckson street ,
In wltuojs whnrcof I hi\o : hrroiinto sot ; inv
Imnd iisnuivor ot hiixl city of Oniahu , thh ,
1'tli d.iy of Ouiohor. IMtt ,
( JKO. I' . . IHMIH , Mayor.
Altosti JOHN GKOVI.S , CHy ( Jlerlt. oiud.'it
] _ EiasticStockinji ,
Trusses ,
Crufc/ies ,
Batter/33 ,
Syringe ? ,
Medical Supplnt.
114 S. latliSL ,
Kcst lo Post old cq.
from the
shoulder !
Today we open and begin soiling in oUr .
overcoat department on second floor the fir t
shipment of our eastern representatives recent
great purchases in New York. The over
coats placed on sale today comprise about
a thousand garments in Kerseys , Chinchillas
and Cassimeres in blues blacks browns-
modes and mixtures and at the prices wo
have made on them they are the cheapest heat
producers ever sold in Nebraska.
you save two dollars Cjg O
Will buy you today a good heavy blue chinchilla
overcoat , cut double breasted lined with nubstan-
lal twilled lining with fancy sleeve lining vel
vet collar and can ton llanncl pockets.
you save four dollars 3 S
No more no less is the price today for a splen
did heavy dark blue cassimere overcoat lined
with double warp Italian with fancy striped
sleeve lining velvet collar and canton flannel
pockets. Six dollars here ten elsewhere.
8- -you save four-fifty- --S8
For eight dollars you can buy of the Nebraska to
day all overcoat that would give the average
cloth icr heart disease to sell f or less han twelve
and a half. You can have cither kersey or chin
chilla. The chinchillas are all wool so are the
kerseys. The chinchillas are lined with double
warp black lining the kerseys with plaid cassi-
mere. The chinchilla sleeve linings arc fancy
stripes the kerseys of heavy surah silk. The
chinc'iillas are blues and blacks the kerseys
fancy shades of browns and modes.
$10-50 you save four-fifty $10'50
Ten fifty buys a fifteen dollar overcoat today.
These garments arc made of elegant fine heavy
kersey- with fancy plaid cassimere lining pinked
facing fine silk velvet collar and canton flannel
'pockets. ' They're positively as good a garment
as you ever saw sold for fifteen dollars anywhere.
Do you use Whisky
Leads all others in Sold only at Uigh-clas *
Purity , Quality , Bouquet , Drinking Places and
Age and Smoothness. Drug Stores.
. V = '
C n TI V > - * " \ 1 * $
Tor the trcutrnent of
Chronic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases ,
LMIo.s , Fistiilti , Fishiiro ami Hh-Ic-
tnro ol'dus Itoctinn prrumnciiil-
l.V < 'iirl without Uie ui > e of Knife ,
'l.igalure or Caustic. i
Enclost 4cIn xlainps nnd our 107 par HOOK' '
on DIM'.AKKb und ( .nn Minn Illnnki ,
will bo JIAIl.rD rill.E.
IClli and IIo\\irU Ms. . Omahn , 'M'U
W. U. ilAAH I.I.I. . M. 1' > I'll'S , Btiilloii ILIi | .ip r.
YourEvesi 3ii
Eyestostol froa bvaii EXI'E'IT ' OI'ITOIAN '
l'oi fret adjustment.ujorlor ( | len-sei. .Nnrv-
01 bhouUacho enied by usliu 0111 bpoct.iu.o
mid Eyuilabioj 1'rko * low fur Hut uUni
( toads.
JUS. 13thSt.Crolirlito3 U' "t
Tlio I'liiMiniuwual l'liy lolan , iMfijoruinl Author
c , will tciii'li iijrlio iutrytiiU | ) lclun iiii < lollifM
tminiililu tlioiu lo illaimiilii ( lhi't e im'l ' k'lvu tlii
ciirallvuiiitenl wltlion linLln " | uu llon . umoor
rvnd u luck of Imlr wltli ll.uu uii'l ' liiiulhltdHirua'
n.j THU HI : u.rn nri'K i ; ,
418 N.Ulu fc Vt , J011.N bllEliUi' , I'fcu.
Strictly ' ?
Pure White Lead '
is the Best Paint.
Care is necessary though , to
obtain strictly pure , as the
market is flooded with so-
called Pure White Leads that
in reality contain but very little
white lead.
The following analyses of
two of these misleading ; brands.
show the exact proportion of
genuine white lead they con
tain. The analyses describe
the labels and brands on the
packages and give the con
tents as follows :
"C. I' . Lawson & Co. Strictly Pure Wlili * .
1. cad. " Hcd label , witli brush , on which Is
i-rlntcd , "Guaranteed to be ulrlctly pure.
Forfeited if adulterated. "
Materials Proportions Analysed by
tlarylci 58.10 per cent. J. ricbintf ,
Oxide of Zinc 34.90 per cent , Milwaukee.
White Lead 13.00 per cent ,
Calcium Car-
bonnla 3 30 percent ,
"Masury'a Railroad Wliite I.rad , " Whlta
lubel , marked "Hailroad Wliltc Lead , 355
pure ; John W. Masury & .Son , New York
nnd Chicago , wananted supeilor. '
Materials 1'ruporltons Analyzed by
Oxide of Zink 55 70 per cent. Lcdoux & Co. ,
Unrytcs 41 30 per cent. New York.
We have a book which gives
the analyses of a large number
of misleading brands. If you are
going to paint it will pay you
to send for it.
In Painting
use strictly pure White Lead
( see that you get either ,
"Southern , " "Collier , " or
"Red Seal " ) , tint it with the
National Lead Co.'s '
Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors ,
and you will have the best
paint that it is possible to put
on a building.
I'cr aalc by llr Lett dealer * In palr.u every *
St. Louis Branch , H
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street ,
I St. Louis , Mo ,