Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    riTF OMAITA DAILY BKUt OCTOMil 28. 1892.
flcllverrnly nrrlorlonnr p-utot t'.u : lty
11. W. TILTON. - , MANAGE ! ' .
J 1' ' " ' noun Office
.MI\ J'/o.v.
N V. Plumbing Co <
t'oundl niulTs Lumber Co. .
Ooniily Auditor Hcndrlefcs Is shipping out
tbo polling booths.
Mubel Wntson , need t ycar nni' ' : l months
tiled Insl nltfht at Iho roslilcucool her parents
on Lincoln nvonuo.
It. O : Mend hai dccldoJ to build three
homos , two In the western p.irt ot the city
nud ono In the eastern.
U. .lone * paid a , line o ( H5.10 In the pnllco
court yonordny -oitlomani ot a caao of In
toxication nntl fa t driving.
Ctiarlo O'Ncll , for balng found druntt nnd
lioirisliic on tlio striisU will work out $10.7J
with the Mroot elcanlne Rang.
The contract * foi1 the nuildlne of the now
( race . church wore lot yesteidav ,
Herman Hroxvn ccttlni ; the carpenter work
nnd J l . Weaver tin masonry. The billd-
Inn Is to cost about $1,000.
The running her o , Hod Leo , concernlnp
tlio possession of which thcro tiru boon orao
controversy , htii bjcn found wandering
ationt noinn mile ? In the country. Stubble-
llulil , who wan supposed to bavo n writof ro-
plovlu hitched to tba stood , suvi the horse
cot uwny from him and hu did not Icnow
whcro It. wont to.
Mrs OcorRO W. ICcUbcrt was before the
board of Insanity yosturdny , thoox.imlnatlnn
boluc ultli the view of having nor cared for
in sotnn nsylmo. For sonin time she has
boon in ill hoiilth , and bad buen cared for In
tbo Woman's Christian Association bojullnl
'mill her ocrcnlnuitius became so limited
that It was dcomcd best to place her under
bpcclal treatment.
In the district court ycstorduy the taking
of testimony was cmlou , und today the argu
ments v\ill tioqln. Thn plaintiff , Dr. Hood ,
claims $10,000 of Iho Northwestern Uallw.iy
company for injuries rocelvcd in n wreck.
Tbo company claims that the man is Mmtn-
tnitiK n coed deal nnd that bis limp is largely
nrtitlclnl. 'J'ho case Is ualng Hharply foucht
nn both sides nnd will continue to bold the
boards for the rest of the weok.
The ballot boxes being xont out by the
rounty auditor are Inrgo affnirs made of zinc.
ICnch Is loaded with envelopes marked for
different kinds of ballots , rubber stamps for
mnrktag ballots to which ohjoctlons nro
made or whlcli are found to bo defective , ink
pads , curds of Instructions und landscape
gardonors' nlans lor arranging the polling
places , copies of the law , olc. The judges
will do well to enter upon their oduojtory
cour-so at onco.
A good deal of nnxlety is being expressed
for tbo future of Bayliss paritas a crass nlat.
For several years past , owing to Iho donsltv
of the .shado from the trees , the grass has
been getting very thin , until there 1 ; littic
loft , una that llttlo Is palo and sickly. It ha ;
been biigcestod that ono of Iho causes is the
fact thilt tbo grade of the park Is so uuicli
lower than the streets that the crass has
boon drowned out and there Is strong talk ol
railnc tho'trrauo this winter and starting anew
now growth ot rasi.
' *
I'lro ltroitl\v.iy : mill Corner ( if Itrntoii
Our late loss u.v llro was covo-ort by
Uvo imliuloH , both in tlio COUNCIL
Hy 7 o'clock tlio next morning uftoi
Iho llro tlio secretary was on the nsli
heap , pencil In hand , ready to figure the
loss down to hotlroulf , which ho did , too ,
Buying lh at1 it was his duly und IK
email part ot his business " So long us
ho did not go below bedrock wo had nt
reason to complain , 'consequently the
settlement was not only prompt , but ir
every wtij satisfactory , so much o lha' '
in addition to 80.SOO.OO ( seven policies
cnrriod by this company buforo the fin
wo now add to it ? 1G,000.00.
Being intimately acquainted with tlu
secretary and directors wo cannot b <
pot-bunded that bettor indemnity can hi
obtained than that offered by our hem <
company , besides wo believe in patron
i/ing worthy homo enterprise ? , every
thing being equal , and unless wo dev <
Bhall continue to be dependent on for
eign capital and corporations.
U. II.
Mr. fl. WelUer wishes to inform hi
old friends that ho 1ms loft the omplo ;
of his father and will commence to wori
for Oco. H , Mcschondnrf Saturday , whoi
lie will bo pleased to wait upon tiiom.
S. B. I'rowoll , watchmaker , 740 Uroad
way. _
rSO.V.l / , IM/MU/Mfil.S.
Horn , to Mr. nnd Mrs. Hobcrt Mullla ,
Air. and Mrs.Vadsworth of Liu coin wer
In tbo city yesterday greeting thruol
Mrs. Thlcitstun was reported as very lo\
yesterday and there sccmod llltlo cuanco lo
her 10 live many hours.
.loo Ingormnn who will bo with lh
jubilee bingorH at the Trinity Mothodi'
church on Friday night lias the mo ;
wonderful bnss voice in the world ,
Supper will bo served tonight b
Uioadway Methodist ladies from fijtfU i
8 o'clock , in tlio Hloro room noxtC'rouli
well's , I'lenty of tables will bo im
vidud , HO that no waiting will bo nccui
nary. Price 2 > cents.
The genuine Burr Oalf gtovoa tire sol
only by ( . 'has , Swaino , 737 LJrondwaj
Call and see them.
An Olijrot I.CKKnu.
The pupils of the Washington nvenu
nchool were given n strong object lesst
yesterday afternoon. Just at the hour
dismissal , when the lrents were full
children , especially In tbo vicinity ol the cl
building ! * , the putrulvu 1:011 uamo up with
woman InaKhockiug stage of Intoxlcatlo
She umdo os'ory posslblo effort 10 mnku
Bpoctualo ol herself nnd freatod n great u
roar when she xvas tnlion from the wagi
Into tlio jili. Tno crowd of juveniles hlli
tbo street tnd watched Ibc proceedings wi
horror pictured on their fuoas. She w
booked us niancho llradlov and will U
Judge Mcdeu today how sbo bapponcd to g
* o uproariously drunk.
Davis fot'druffs and piinK :
Ilnva yon seen those uoanliful linn
painted jardiniere.1) at Lund Urod ?
'UOpooplu In this city us a tru stovt
1hoias Co. puts 'am in at
Keo thoao oil healers nt Swalno's , 7
Broadway. _
11 Ip line ot luui < rln . lamps , etar
lamps , hall lamps aV Lund Hroi
Nou Vi-urH
Messrs. Whcolor ifcHorclu have perfect
u plan in connection with their cold stora
plant now under construction that will bo
somu intcreit to tnclr friends. Tlioy t
uounccd ycstcrdny tbat tboy would prose
bankets of fruih crapes to their friends
Chrlilmas and New Years. 'J'hov also p
diet that boioeUiing of still grouter inipo will grow out of the present plant , a
that the cold storage business will bccoi
n Important ( actor In the future prosper
of tbo my.
Uriiiitllnl itrlilnun : t.luMi Away.
C'luilca of 100 fin etchings glvon I
nnyouo inirolmalnij n fraino for tl
eaiuu. Kino now line of mmldlnta ji
received , which wo are soiling nt trreat
reduced prices. Hlloy ft Shorradt
Art Kmporiuin , 45 Main street.
Calantho nssembly will glvo feoelnln
dnnca nt Knlpht of Pythias hall , ' F
day evening , October 28 ,
_ rfiijtiAMiiiiniii
Work of n Plucky nnd Enthusia&tio Liltlo
Dcllrnlr llaniln Dnlng Itin ll'iril Work of
.Mm Aidlotr llrr lluslutiil In Uultil it
I'liurrli U'om.iiily
Per \vcoks past , in all Idni's of vfcather ,
when outdoor work wa purmlttod nt all , the
peonlo who have passed the corner of Avenue
A nnd Twelfth streets buvo\vlttic5seJ a slht
that recalled pioneer onys , when wombii were
oxticcicn to dn their full sbaro of nil kinds of
manual labor. A 1 Ht la church and parsonage
nro being built tlisre , and from tbo lima tno
foundations were commenced , frequently
only two persons hnvo boon at work , Ono
was a man and the other n woman , The
\\0rnr.ii\vas not your frail , slc'.tlv kind , to
whom the oniliury dutloa of llo ( nro a our-
den , but n rosy-uhceled : inntron In thoprimo
of physical vigor , with n strong ICngllsb
typo of face. At the start .sbo began mixing
the mortar mid carrying the brick to the man ,
\vbo kept stcadllv ; t woricon the walls. The
walls went up slowly , but it wns not her
fault. Stio kept up t'nn piles of brick and
mortar , nnd Iho customary cry of "mort"
was never hoard. Tlio foundation was com
pleted In tlmo nnd the supErsliucturo of the
frame parsonngo bus been colng up with the
same rcuuliriiy und certainty. Somollmes
there \\oulil bo sovernl man nt work lifting
Iho timbers and nailing on the bouuh , but
all Iho tlmo the man nud the woman were
Bearing the brunt of Iho worit and clolne well
what ihoy did. Now the little narsonuge Is
up , but not completed , und woik on the
oumUtion of tun church has been cora-
t'Vcqucntlv at noon lluio nnd sometimes
during the itftornoon the rocbcoicd little
woman has been In the business boused nud
oniros , quietly but o : rnestly soliciting aid
fnr the Ulllo chtircb , VostenUy uftornoou n
Uun man encountered her in one of the Main
sticot stores on her soliciting mission , and
she modestly answered some ofthc lnn.ulilo.-i
that curiosity uromntcd.
"Ves , wo arc all working barJ to com-
[ ilc'.o ' our UulUllniM botoro thu cold weainet
sets In , but wo do not exnect to do mucli
more Hum finish Iho parsonage.Vo will
then occupy it unit hold services in the larcc
rooms , Aiv husband's immo Is llov. O. U.
Anton , aua ho Is the pastor of thu little l rpc
Motliodlst chuich wo are building. Mv bus'
band has worked every day on the building ,
until n few days : it-o , when ho was lakcti
slclc , and 1 hnvo worked all the time In all
capacities , carryiui : brick nnd mortar and
helping In ovoiy way I could , kooplng house
and cooking for my family iinn getting enl
whenever I conlu , asicing usslstanco of the
public in tbo way of funds to help us throucl'
wllli our unoorluking. I bavo learnoc
to mix mortar just right , nntl know hou
to carry tbo brick and lixv them where m }
husoaml can got , ihcm the easiest. I go tc
bed at night with a clear conscience , free
from ncbos and paius , und am just as hapnj
as anybody can wish to be. my only anxiety
now being about mv sick husband. My lius.
band gets no salary , and \vo Ilvo on whal
our oldi'sl sou makes , which amounts tc
about $1S n month. Wo believe in our faltl
that our religion is right , nnd wo cannel
mukc nnv sacilllce that Is too ureat.1
The little woman is Iho picture of healtl
and matronly vigor , and gees about her woil
soliciting funds and mukine friends for thi
struggling little chuvcb wilh Iho sumo con
lluenco she uHsoluvs in carrying a pail o
water or n hod of buck.
The spcchil Cloiilc Sale at tlio Itotttin Stori
t < > llu i\tcndrd : for tlio Itvnullt
ol Iho Croud.
Not near sill ot our customers could In
waited UDOU at our special cloak sal
yesterday , and for their benefit and tl ) >
"benelit of tlio intiny wlio could notcxoi
got inside the doors , wo will continui
tlio sale another day. Tlio agent of tlr
big eastern manufacturer will bo here
and wo will repeat everything today ad
vcrtised for yesterday. The ladies c
Council HlulTs and vicinity will lind tlii
tlio best opportunity of the season lo so
tlio styles and got a lit in the nowcs
garment.- , that have been put on th
Recollect Hint in addition to this w
have Iho largest stock of coats , clonk
and wra-iH over brought to the city.
Kotheringham , Wnitclaw & Co. ,
Council Blurts.
If yon don't want to buy hard coal yo
had "better woo Ulxby r.bout these ol
burners. Tlioy are adapted for ttso i
hot air furnaces , .steam and hot vate
boilers , wilh no or ashoa lo liandli
No bankrupt , fire-smoked , damage
furniture at MoycrV , ; JO.V : > 07 Hroadwaj
Clean goods , loss than any Omnlin price :
Gontlomcn , the ( inost line of tall good
in tlio city , jut received. Uoltor , th
tailor , aiO Broadway.
Day \ I Toss rcoort th U they are ha\
ing a' good demand for the ton-aero lot
in the Ivloiii tract.
Tudson , civil oujrinoor , IJJ3 Bro.uUv.i ;
i rani. I. v Yonrhril I 'or.
In tlio district court jostcrday during
lull In the biulnoss before .Iudfo Smllh ,
KiiKsIau with na unpronouncablo nuno a |
vllen for naturalisation papers. . John Ahlt
noted as interpreter and slooo. godfather fi
the new cltl/cn. Tlio court wlHulil propout :
the necessary questions to Abies , und Ahli
would sometimes repeat them to Iho Russia
but most generally answer thum himself. ]
reply 10 the query whether ho was willli :
to tlcRlnro his Intention of becoming Icdi
pendent ol Iho rzar's coverumont , Abti
quickly answered for him :
"O , yen , be will vote Iho Indepondei
tlekot. "
As nn answer to the murl's inquiry as i
whclher he would become u law itbiding ai
peacefully inclined , Mr , Ahlea aga
replica nnd vnucbca for him :
"Yos , yes , he'll bo shust us quiet us
Hhlekcn. "
The usbiirancos vvero deemed satisfoctoi
and Mr. Allies loil ibo newly made cltlzi
proudly out of Iho court rooii' .
Don't fall lo hoar the colored jublli
singoi'B nt the Trinity Methodist cliuri
Friday evening , October 128.
Save your hard am ; use wood , ai
call on H. A. Cox , 10 South Main stroo
Heat Mlbaourl wood * a.i)0 ) per cord , d
Hvotcd ,
Boston store closes every evening at
p. m. , unless Mondays and Saturdays.
Commencing to IU'ili > tfr.
Thoworic of registering the voters la i'
various products In Iho city wards was co
incncod yesterday , and for the ilnl day t
reiulU were much better than general
nmrfc ils close. The registrars will bo
session two dayb moro und then again
November B. A ftcr that the onlv onportun-
Uy that will bo given voters who have neg
lected to qualify to complete their clllrpn-
ship will bo on election dny , wtion they will
be obliged to swear In their votes nnd shoxv
that thov wer. ) out of the cltv on nil of tna
da.vs of registration. During Iho days of
rogUtraUon the books will bo kept open
until 0 o'clock n , m. -
Now irrittinjra , jtnt recoivcd. Smyrna
rugs from Too up. Oil cloths In pat-
turii4 , nnd linoleums , nc\v line : alfo
window shndos , 2 > c up. Council BlulTa
Cnrpot Co. _
Call on Messrs. Day * lies * and ask
to bo shown tlio Klein tract oftill ncros
no.v on sale In Uvo and ton arro tracts.
They will show It free to all.
The Ittulhtnt novelty base burners
nro the best hoato.'S in the city. See
thorn at Swalno's.
" " " "
Drinnrrats ( 'upturn tlio Town Inr n U'blln
U\ilo\criinr Crlltpiidcti'ii Addrr .
Uemocrncy had the town last night. And
they kept it fn a blao nnd uproar ns long ns
they retained possession , nnd that was not
given Up until ne.-.rly midnight. Hut not nil
the bla/.o nnd uproar was the result of demo
cratic enthusiasm. A very larco part of It
waj made by the numerous and nmbllious
small boy , who icaprd full satisfaction for
his biltor disappointment occasioned u\ the
postponement of the republican p trade on
Iho night previous In Utferunco In the
wishes of thu Rtnto and luiUonul comnilttcos
ns a mark of respect to the prcsitioat and
a tribute lo Iho mumorv of Iho pure woman
whoso life went out In Ibo whlto holiso
on Tuesday morning. The clans gathered
ffom the country and surrounding towns
early in the ovenmg. The tooting of tho.t-
sands of tin horns , pepping of shut guns nnd
blnzlng of llrcwotks drew Uioiunmls nf people
plo from ihelr homes , and by S o'clock Iho
strcols were Jammed to such an extent ihnt
street car trnlllu had lo bo suspended. It
was n terrlllcnlly noisy but hugely good
naturcd crowd , tut sans head , sans tall and
suns every element of order. Tbo oricmnl
plan called for the formation of the
torchlight procession in front of the
local heailiUartors [ on I'carl street , but
by the time Iho hour arrived for Iho start
the street was blocked to such nn extent
thai a got-awny m older was u physical Im
possibility , and thu committees In charge did
Ihe next best thing , distributed the torches
to those wauling them and lot Iho pro
cession form lisolf. Siarts innumerable
woro'made headed by bauds but only suc
ceeded in drawing oft a stMgjIing crowd of
torch bcaicrs. Finally nthSO : n mounted
delegation sttong from Lowts township
forced Its way through the crowd , and bands
dropped in behind them. Tbo blare of the
instruments nud the clnro of Iho torches
held bleb above the buads of the boraomon
.Utraclcd attention , and the crowd com
menced to unwind Itself and follow. Then
It made nn imposing spectacle.
Kightcen hundred lurches were distributed
In Iho crowd from express wneons and at ibo
headquarters. A big poiccntiiRO of thorn
wore sei/ed by boys , but they swung into
line ana uiurched and yelled.
Missouri Valley sent , a. delegation of ' 100
equipped with torches , making a total of
1V-MO in nnd out of line.
The line of march was down Broadway to
Seventh stieut , back on Uroadwny lo Main ,
down Main lo the Pearl street juuctuio , Ihen
up Pearl nnd on to Uohnn > 'a opera house ,
where cx-Uovornor Critlcuden expounded
the frco tr.uio Ihcorles so enlhusiuslically
yelled for by ibe crowd.
In the procession ivero delegations a mull
in number , however , from Kcolii , Miuden ,
Crescent , Ulenwood , Strahn aim Silver
Tlio Council Bluffs Shotgun brigade , that
has dona duty on many nrovious nnd similar
occasions , held a prominent place in the
rnn'UB nud llrcd hundreds of blank car-
Less than a doen transparencies were car
ried , and notiu of them represented an idea
worth recording.
A singular oversight , which provoltcd some
severe criticism , especially from Iho old
soldiers , was Iho fact that thcro was not an
American Hag in the procession , with the ex
ception of a few tov affairs in the bat ? ot
two or three of Iho mounted delccation.
They were loth to acceut Iho oxnlnnatton
lhat it was risky business to carry a largo Han
in a torchlight procession , and they recalled
the fact that there had never boon a repub
lican political parade in the city when Amer
ican lldgs twenty feet long were not carried
and Hung to the brec/o.
' \Vo cnnied thai old lias , " said one of
them , "when Iho lire was a d d sight holier
tliun ihqie liltlo kercsuno lumps and wo pro
tected ir , too. H'b rotten rnouu for these
fellows to sav they could not protect nt least
ono ( Ing from a few smoky lamps. A politi
cal precession a mlle long with tbo only na
tional colors in sight stuck in u cowboy's bat
and two yurds of solid bunting wound
around the rump of bis buckskin pony don't
represent , to my mind , an American party.
These follows mndo lots of noise tonight , biit
they didn't makoavoto. "
E\-Covernor ! Crlttcndcn of Missouri ad-
diesscu the Oonselv-papked crowd In the
opera house in u two-hours' speech Illled
with usual cimpalgn platitudes and fulsities.
Ho is u pleating speaker and Knows Just
what tosay nnd how to hay H to fully satisfy
a democratic audience.
The Boston Store closes every evening -
ing .at (1 ( p. m. except .Mondays and
Saturdays. _
Weather btrSp-jTuniloy&Shcmidoii'h.
U'utiltd to liny.
Improved property. Will pay cash i (
price id low. II. G. McCeo.lOMaliibtroot.
liiipiihllriinx , Hurrah for Xrolul
\Vo want all republicans lo attend the
mcclingof Kopublluun Voung Men's Miuca
Ing club Friday evening , October 'JS , ut
hcndiiuarters In Sapi ) block ,
ments fora trip to Neola Tuesday , November
1 , and help inem rccolvo linger , at S o'clock
sharp. OK. V. L , TII..V.NOH , 1'rosidenl.
\V. E. SuKi'Aiti ) , Secretary.
Storage reasonable. ii2 , S4 and ilC
Pearl slrcot , Council BlulTs. .1. J { .
Snydcr. _
Dinner sols , nice line just recoivcd ,
SS.OO. Lund Bros.
Don't forget that .Swaino sells the
Klmhurst stoves. _
Weather strips ntUlloy
The cncagomont of one of the most charm
ing of comediennes , Patli Itosa , at the Hoyd
Friday. Saturday nnd Sundav evening * will
furnish onlcruiumout eagerly lo ha lookou
forward to ; she will bo seen In her mt-rrv
plays , "Uolly Vardon" nnd "Miss Dixie , " In
which she has bad a largo nifiisura of suc
cess and will bo ulded by a company ot moro
than average strength. At the Saturday
matluoo the school boy or school pir !
has formed the largest number of worde
from Iho loiters in the name Petti Kos.i will
bo presented with a 1 10 cold pleco bolwcen
Iho second and ihlrd acts of "Uolly Vnrdon. "
Quito a largo number cf lists liuvo already
been sent in.
ltn l in I..IIH ! 11 in' ; ,
In TunSi'Ni > A.Y BEE will appear a lettoi
10 writ ton by "Carn , " In which bo describes In
. bU cburminc und capiivnilu ? style the lane
, J bank of the Kusslau sovornment. Allboucl
a somewhat dry Kubject , under Iho skillfu
y handling ol Iho glded ivntcr , It becomes nci
lam only very instructive but also highly outer
m lalniug reading.
rtml re- Highcsl of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
in ,
People have-no idea how
crude and rritc'l'sbap can be.
It takes off jlirt. So far ,
so good ; but what else docs
it do ?
It cuts the skin and frets
the under-skin ; makes red
ness and roughness and
leads to worse. Not soap ,
but the alkali in it.
Pears' Soap has no free ,
alkali in it. It neither red
dens nor roughens the skin.
It responds to water in
stantly ; washes and rinses
off in a twinkling ; is as
gentle as strong ; and the
after-effect is every way
All sorts of stores sell it ,
especially druggists ; all sorts
of people use it.
'JVclli I'lllodMtli
out I'i In liy Iho
L'ite t In veil-
\NRKtt Ti.nrn ON uinntr.u i'ou
j r..oi > .
Perfect nt KuaiaattH'.l. 'IVath extracted In
the morning. Nyw onus Insjrto.l In ovonliK
of vimo ( lav. , , , , , ,
M'U specimens of Itomov.iblo HrlOeo.
lU.istlc I'lato
Hi > o specimens f KlevlOlo
All wurlc w.irr.itiloil us repre < ciiti > d ,
onico , ' 1 bird L'liKir , I'.iMon Illoj c.
Tclop'ioi3 : I08. . Klthanl FuiMin Sit .
Take niovator or Stairway fro n lllli
Improved Safety Elevators ,
Cor. Pt'i Street and 1Mb Ave , Council BluC
Funeral Director , Emljalinsr
114 Main Street ,
Coudyil Ulutts.
tlcn In tbi ] stiilo um courts. Itunms . ' ) . 4 and 3 Sliusar
UeiiroblouU , Council llluirla. .
"ouiiPll Chamber , Omaha. Nob. . 11
loll tc-olved by the city council of Iho ell ;
ot Omuhn. the iniiyor conc'iiirin :
That oo.inn sidewalk' : bu coimructoi
.n Ilio city of OmnlM as ilciUnaUd hpo\ | \
within ( U u dnys lifter tliu pnhllc-itlon of thi
esoiutlon , or ino | iersonil : sorvleo theruol
.is liy orillnanco is aulhnrl/cd and rcnulicd
aneli sldcwalU's lo be laid to tliu present t'riul
on tliostrceis suocllluil herein , and to ho con
btrncted nf nlno plank of sin-h width an
thickness and ho l ld upon joists of such ( II
mention * and In sni'h milliner nsi is inoscrllie
liy the Mirclllfat'oiis on II I e In Iho olllco of lh
lloiid of I'ubllu Worlds and under lib inner
vision , to-nlt :
Kiistslilenf F.libtb htiect. lot 15 , Marker1
allotment , present Knidu , 1 feet wide.
Kiiht sliluot Olunnood iivuuiit' , lot 0 nud II
lilni-k 11 , Itcmls Park , present grade , 0 foe
KustsldP of Cilennood uvcn lie , lot III , block II
'inN I'jrlt. pietont Kiadu. n fuel wide.
North side of Nicholas ntroel , lot SJ to M In
cinilvo sun dlvixlou , hlouKiA , Hesurvolr A
lircsont uradr , H feet wide ,
I'.iist ildo of ( jlonULod nvonuc , from nortli
wcs" t'ornor lot 111. hloek II , Iicinis Pink , t
Intersection of Ulrnuood iivcnnu with I.lneol
llonlevnril. urosunt ur.idi1. li foi't vlde.
Went sldiiof Twuiily-llftlislroot. lots ISn
? . block K I'.mlclv'a ailUlllon , iiro&cnt Rradr ,
feel \ \ Ido.
Kiistshloof Twcntvllftli stiout. lol 0. blot-
IV. PHI knr'a add. uio cnt cr.ulu , II fuut \ \ lile.
Nortli shlnot ( irdcii st root , lot -I ! lo Hi li
elusive , hluulc 4. Avennu P.irU , ten
porary Krade , 4 fculvdo. .
And bo It fnitliur rc olvod :
Tint the HoarU of Public Works bo an
lieioby Is author 7Cil und dlrceti-d to cuuso
copv of this resolution to hu puhllshud In th
olltoliil papcrof the city for ononuok. or 1 :
scr\udou tin ) owners ( if biild lots and nnlos
eucli OHiieib hhall within Uvo days after th
publlcntlonor survieoof such cnpy coastnu
said HldowiilUs IIH heroin lequliud , that th
Hoard of Puhllo Wet Us causa the h'unu to li
done , the cost of constriicilngMild hlilewulk
rcspcutlvt-ly lo Im s < ssoil naiitnst tlio ro.
estate , lot or iniiiof lot In fioniof mid abui
Piiisud October 4th and October 11 , 159 ! .
AttUHl !
JOHN nuovi *
city uieik.
Prt-sldent Ully OounelL
ApuroveJi , ,
a,0 ]
To Ibe owners of tliQ Jots , p.irls of Ion un
leal cat.ito described in thu above rosoli
Vou'iuid oaeli of you ino lioroby iiollflo'l I
construct wooden blucwulKH H i until red I
n lesol'illoiiof Iho oily council iiutl niayon
thu cltv of Umaba.of wblbh thu nhovo Is a cop
Chairman llu.trdot Puhllo Works
Omaha , Neb. , Oetohoi ' 'ltli. W > , '
To the owners of all lots or imlsof lots r.i
renl ust'ilu uloniainl'froni llurniiy street
I.cavenworlh slruotr.Utlr struct fioir. IIi
Howard utrri'l to l.oavenwoith Hlreut ; X >
street fiom lluwurd lo Jone ? street und I
teiscetlui'Mri'ots ;
Yon : iru hereby notlllod that tbo undo
slKiiud , three dislnterekiud fri'uholdursof i
city of Uiuiihu. have been duly upuolnted I
thu mayor , with tlio approvtil of thu ul
connull of said city , lo asses * the dumiieu
the owners rusuccllvoiy < it Iho uroper
atTeclud bv cbanju of ciadu of said strei )
dvoliirod ncei'ssiry uy orcilininoo No , H
p.issedOctobur ? , ISC' , npnrovcd October IP. ! (
V on are furl her not I lied , t hut ImvlnKiiccopl
said appointment , and duly < ] ii illllol as i
ijnlrcu ny law , wo will , on the ttrd day
November. A. ! > . , IS'J. ' , nt the hour of 10
o'oloek In the forenoon , uttliuollk'o cf Shrlv
&O'lonohor | , 1IW r.irniim ttreet , within t
corpora to I Im Its of i lid cltv , moot for tliu pu
pose of contidorlng ; nud nriklnz thu iisei
nieiit of d-imagc lo Ihn ounurs iCbpuctlvt
ot bald nropvrly nlTuetoJ by said tr.idli
laKInz Into coiikldcrallon siiuolul beiiellts ,
unv ,
Von are lotlllcd to bu present , ut the tli
and place iiforesuld , and intiko nny objuctlc
leer hlnlumunlM ( oneernlntf suld aesessmc
ofdanriioi an y ou may consider pronvr.
w. o. ,
_ . _ Commute of Appraiser !
Omahn , Oct. 50lh , IB/ ' . o-'JId-lU
Cold Snap.
Don't take cold-
With the Columbus festivities a frisky norther
has struck usa little fresh , ain't it , especially
mornings and evenings protect yousclf with a
warm garment
Our overcoats
That's what you need and we have them to
suit you in all styles and fabrics , and at prices
that take
What we can do for you .Overcoats at $ $3.75
come in three shades and are stunners they
arc woolen goods witru and without velvet col
lars , in gray brown and oxford they arc fully
worth $6 call and examine them
We have overcoats running from $3.75 , with a
gradual rise in price of 50c a coal : till you get to
$30 , the highest , which fit as well as custom
made and wear as long
At $7.50 Our $1-1 Overcoat is a world beater ,
in tails , blue and black
Overcoats in Meltons Cheviots
Cassimcres Wide Wales Stockinettes
Seroe ; and silk lined Box or long cut
Colors tan brown oxford blue black
Single a ltd double breasted
Heavy underwear
A special sale of 4 cases of shirts and drawers
heavy ribbed--full finished French neck
shirts pearl buttons , worth fully 50c each to
close 30c each
Columbia Clothing Company
Cor. 13th and Farnam
Suscessors to M. Hellman & Co. -
I > roro sold Umu nil otliors coinMuud. Do not bo deceived by imilutorB or
those clnimiiiR to hnvo alinosl as good a machine. Rtiy only the SANDWICH
CORN SHBtiLEB nnd bo protected by direct { jtiai'.intco from ro'liblo ' iniuuifiiu
turors. You ftin nhvajs depend upon oui1 repairs bcinjr ljoit ) in sloclc by all loc-a
dealers. Apply for outagency. . Send for oatiiloguo ? nnd pricss , SANDV/IOI
MANUFACTURING CO. , Council Bluffr- , Town ,
The autumn is the time to paint , and ono coat brightens and prcsi rvcs house
and bullillnprs nnd adds iina-h to the value an.l beauty o ( your profiorly.
\Vo want to soil you paints and ovorylhinu used in paintiiiLr at whulcbalo an
loss. The h'st boiled oil youhouglityou probably paid 70u a ( , 'iillon foiit. . Wo wi !
Bell , vou ono fjallon or 100,000 gallons of any brands lit -lOu. Now wo have cauirli
your attention , read the rest of this aiul compare those btralghl cahh priuos.
St. Louis lead , 7o per Ib. Bovry I3ro ? . , liard oil , o gal cm
Omaha lead , 02c per Ib. § 1.00 , ,0r , gal.
Linseed oil , boiled.Wo pov al. OUlcr hurd ° Usfl'om > ' ' ( )0 ) to -r-
Llnsaod ol1. taw , -Kio per gal. I'0' ' ' n" ' '
ljalr.t oil , ! 15o nor gal. Mineral paints , dry , from 1 Ji lo : ! c.
Uarrel price , Uo per gal less. Mineral paints , ground in oil , -lu to C > <
Wo Ruarnntco to bo ns good ns nny mixed pnint. Wo will bull you ut * > ] . !
per gallon. lias never buen solfi for less lhanl. 50 per gallon.
TLJ1I rVfT ! CAD !
As good a paint as other dealers bull you for 81.00. Wo will fcoll vou at il.l
or gallon.
Our Barn and Roof Pain-
\Ve will soil you nt Too per gallon ,
On till oilier goods our prices are equally low.
1 and 3,4th St. MasonicTemple.
ud of - NEBRASKA
: : to
heir National Bank.
ir.5 - U , 8. DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , DEB
if Capital $100,033
no $ jODJ
0Wcor onil Director ! llcurjV. . Vntni. proildant
II. C. Cuthliu. ilco preiiaoni , U. K. MaurlcoV , V
.Jolin i , Culllns J , N. IL I'utrloi. l.uitii A
cuitiler ,
'jjfa. JL ft i S * "
Poulod nropo > > nlii will bo rc'vulvml by thu n
( lersl.-iuul until li'JOo'uIuuk i ) . in. Novi'inbur
Ih'i , ' , for the construction of huwcrs In > > u\ <
( llstrlclH Nos. I ? ' uml IP. anil for the rooi
BtiuetUinof ihosoivor IndUtrlct No. i. In t
cltv of Oiniilri , im pur ordlimniTa S'o. ! CI
'J.III und : ilii : riKiiectivolv , ncronllin ! to nln
und biicelllciitlons on Illit lu thci ollluo of t
lionrd of publlo worKH. I'lopuniila to bo inu
on iirintcd bluiil.s ( urnUbrd liv tl.ubonid. ute
to be iiccoinpaiilvd by u ci'illilril uliuck in t
sum of t.VX ) , ji tyublo to the rlty of Uniulia
un ovldunco ot xoo'l fulih ,
Thu boitrd leservus tbu ilRht to rojuot a
or ull bids uud to wulvu dufrcu.
I' . W. llllMIAIfiiit. ( ) :
Chalrinnn of the llourd of I'ublln Works
Oiiiabu , Neb , Oclobui I'Slh , IBlfJ. o -'J-n
/ * * * J Ir . iM t
The want n'lvortlso'iinnts nppoir.nj li A
nonspiu | < rrc otlon the most Intorcstliu
part of Its oonk'nt' . Thny o\pros3 the urgent
nordu , tlio dully wKlioi n ( the people wUn
wnntcoindthlni unit \\l\o \ nrovlllliu to do
rontothln. .
\ \ TANTKU Yotuu ninn to wont iibonl ti :
' 'lii in I liou'.o. A pot ) Rt olllco of I.con-
\ \ ' - - competent ijlrl for „
' housiMTorU Hood HIIRO * . Call nt CIS
XV'AXTKll A wniimn ns'iiTTr u for hnhy : Jl
H woolf Appir Mr . Hur.icn I'.xcrott ,
SiH'inid i\pnuonnd KUIith street.
/ IIIJ.M' timber lands In Minni < iiu furTTln
VIn iiuiiilitlrs to siili. I'sisy p.\iiicnts.
I7rcc'iisiiiolil . Meliolson.Vi'o.
IpAKM and city loun. Money lo vna.l "oiT
stuck nnd r ln. Hi > .il est itu for sale.
Ihvollln s Ttid huslnuot nintiiU. Munnv In.inoxt
for lee il Investor * . LOUKOH .t TOM Ii > , I'll I'o.jrl
) troct. _
_ _ _
"IT OI ! li.iil.NUKricii iiuulttir-suvlion ( it
I. I mil for Council Illntfs proport ) ; will IKIT for dllTcroirt-p. llrccnshiulilx , Nluliol un
\ I'Q , B.'l Ilio ulwiiy.
"iroit SA I.K Ulmtrust ( itrm In I'otttwutu-
1in u I'd. . 4tl iienn , \ \ < ul iniMtiMl an I lm
| ino.l. . I'rK-o flJiin .vcro II II ' huifj.
In A OKI'S I vnd for sile : b l WOPII oitticll
Illnn" und Oiniilia : u b.triraln U uiKun < i < on.
lJn > oiHli u dj , Nlclio'.sdii , < i I'o , t..M iy.
11'N'OU have iiytliln's for > .ilo or tr.ulu SDS
11 II. S'io ' i to. llro I'lwuy aiiM1 itn Mtn > iit.
ON KASY pavmiMitirooni1ioiiso on bonlh
iil street. riroensliloldH , Nlrbnlsoii t I'o. ,
fi'J ) Itrn.idwny.
Tj'OIl HA I I' On M-i nl payments , frull. uiul
iKir : lon Inn I no\r Council HlnlTs li II.
fchoiifc. llroadwty I Main Htioet
s uercs for sulo billn t-itr
llmltx. Urcenslilulds , NIcluiNon .V Co ,0)1 )
Hr cidway ,
V\7 \\OOD * 00 bavo " of UiollnosT
' farms In Boiithwdstern low.i for sale.
fall und sue us .V-'J M.tln stroeU
HOKSK iin-1 liuc y wtintuit \niliiitinivuil
jroui'rjy In mirllnvuu pan of oil y Ureoa-
siiU'ldi , Nicbol < inii& Oo. , R.M
AIIAUdiMN , lUacre fruit iiit'l sardun tract
" ' , , iiillus from iiDstullh'o.'J'i aurcs in m.ipot ,
! s aero In blivoKiiPirlos. 'J-'i ) iiDDle trcos. TJ
lilnm trot's. It'i eliorrv trees. Own ling ,
of. I'rlco HtKli. No tnulo. ! ' . 11.
! AUlir..liiBlioetvliiiltsi : will sell In lots
iuro lit ) to suit Imyer Orei-nslileldi.
ilsiHi . Uo , Cil ! llrnadwiiy. _
FT YOU like uinil ( routini'iii itnil banrnlns In
Ireal c tntu iMll on drconshlelds , N'lcbol-
ann A. Co. . ti.M llrnulwiiv.
1 fit ) AGltiS of Innd In oiistoin No-
1 brasku to n\eliui ; Tt _ > for a goo 1 roslduiu'O lit
Council ItlulTs Want llousos und lots for No-
brasltii land. Johnston fc. Vun I'altun.
V\7 K II A VP. u good ton-nit for n flvuor l
room bciusci four or live blocks fiom post-
ollk'o. ( iiocusliiolds , Mcholson A ; Co. . ( ill
GCilJ aurus o' i'liok'0 plno luuda for snk- .
< I'urvU , Miss Kasy Imins In-
iltilruiif Mrs. II. aitruuks , or A. T. Itlce , r.-S
Tu"ll | ) KKNT-Tlio followlni ; d olllncs :
J10 room duo llnz. KII l'iu-k uvo. . ? | j.
8-rooiii < l olllnB. 7.4 Ho. ( .til . st , n\
S-i Dam ilnolhni ; . U.Mind uvo. . * . ' > .
T-roomdwolllii' . ' . HIK 1st a\o , $ JV
7-iooin ( hVL'llliii : , Ul'Mith ' aM'.J..l.
0-rooni ihvoll ny , I ' 01 Avciinu I ) . ? 2.T.
7-room dnullln ? , H. ' ' Ilioidwny , * J' .
10-room dwelling. : .8' > Iti-nton vu. J.'J.
B-room : . ! Avt-nnu Ci. J41.
( i-iooin dwollliiK , 110 N. 1Mb st . $ . ' 0.
T--ooiii dwelling. U.K ) Avonnu A. tlfl.
7-ioom ilwolllni : , till ) Lincoln ave. . YIC.OI ,
T-room ( Iwollltii. , "iO Iliiiniotiy st. . S15 ,
T-IOOIU dwollliiK. DabhlU I'luee. $ l\
fi-roomdnalllni. ' . Ill Cmtls St. . $ l.\
T-ruoiiidwrllln ? , 101)7 AVUMIO A. $14.
.l-rooin il\\ullln ? , rat Mynstorst. . * ll.
n-iooiiKlwolllns , in'J-iltid uvn. , J | . .
4-iooin ihrulllng. rr.'l MynstiT st. , JI2..TX
n-ioom dwelling , ( niliuni avc . $1. ' .
C- too in ilwelllnc. 1'ilHilitli live. . 41- .
li-ioom dwelling. Hahliltt I'lioiii2.r > 0.
fi-ioom ihsolllni ; , r 'l. > 1C. IMcrce st. , U1U.
7-room dwelllir,7 , MorniiiL-slde. fl'.fiO.
4-rcom < lwollln ? . U& l' rlc aviI2 1.
n-inom dvvplllii ; ' . l - " > Wiibliln-ilon avc. , flO.
"i-ioom dwelling. 4)4 N. Uth 81 . $10.
fi-ioom ( h\pllliiK , h'JI Aveiinu C ! . JIO.
r > -rnoin dwelllntrwl N. 7tli st. . S.i ) .
fi-room ( luolllns , 1WJ Avcnuo K. lid.
4-room d oil liijt , nt > r > Mb avu , . tU
4-room dwollliiB. US Vine St. . III ) .
( i-rooui 'Iwolllnx. i : > 7 17lh avu. . ill ) .
fa-roiim dwRlHir. , lllit Avenue II. 810.
ti-room d\\ollliiK. 10'S.tbnvo. ( , 810.
li-rooin dwolllir. , IVJ.'i Avonnu II , $10 ,
fi-room ( Iwolllne , 1701 Avpnno A. 810.
fi-ionm dwelling. OI'J Avcinin < J. iJ. *
U-room dwollliiK , Slslbt. uml Avumo .M , H
r.-roiini dnellln . 704 S. 'J.lrd st. . fS.
A-roiini \\flllnj , 'Did Avpiiun A. fl
4-room cUvoilln- N. 1st ht. , 1 * .
n-room ( l\\clllni ; < > KOO Avenue A. t\
n-ioiim dnitlllm : "I'.l 1Mb uvo. . fO.
! l loom ilwo llmr. 14.1) ) Avunuo A. Jl
n-room d\Mllluir ) , V > 8 Avonuu I ) , ? \
Il-room duulllir , ' , 17il Ilril uvc. . $5.
2-iouiii dwolllii1. , line Avcnuo 1 > , J-V
4-room ( Ino lint ; . " " 10 Avcinio I ) . II.
: : -iooin ( lucil n ; ; , ' . ' : ! . " ! S. rail si. , * " > .
Il-iooiiidwulllnv , SKIN' , llltb St. , H
n-room duelling bVO Ave II , # IH 0' ' .
4-rooni lUMillliiK.I IN. . Dili. 810.
: i-rooii dwullliiKd uml Avenue I. II.
4-rourn ilwollliu. n4l K Iht strent , S7.5U.
'i-ioom dwelling , "inn Avennu A. tto.
f'-room dwi'lllnx.COS Axunno A , ! IO.
4-room dv , ' < - lllni'JOlll Avenue II. iB
11 II. bboiifo , rental aicnt. liroaduay and
TpQUH'YIn pooil Council Itlullh pioporty.
1-J.Must bo sold tills wcci ; . ( Jiccnslitolrls ,
NIc-boison fi Co.
W 12 11 A VH customers who wiml liousos to
lunt. lluvu you tlio housu'jOicenshioUla ,
Nicholson JtL'o.
J1OU KXOHANJK-r ( > .Ulia hlojk of ,
' - nu'rub.indlso for lo\ ; i or t'asturn Ndliruskal
land. ( ircunsliluUls , Nluliot on .v Co. , UUlI
H'wny. incut- , for iiiliiilnUtiulor. I
" "
Foil ICXfMANlr.-14 ] noroT in I'lillllp ) !
county , Coo. , with liiiiirovemcnt , for
Rloek of dry uools und eiotlilns or otber
mdsc. II U Shc.ifu.
" 15 AXCII of 2,030 .loroj. I'liovBiina.Vvo. .
lillnu Improvomunt- nun stoa'c uuui wlin
rnncb : ( Iin'81. In tliosi'itc. Will oMhin'o ! : for
Uounnll jllulls or Oniub'i nropurty. ( > repn-
, NlulioUoii & Uo. , Oil llro idwuy.
/ iuiiN.siii : ) Nauoi.soN & co
iJiiKrnts fnr udmlnlstr itor. li.ivu for Halo
ono of tbo buBtOJO-aoro Htojl ; r.irim In
uiii Iowa ,
AKKACii : ruiiDvod , cosspooU , vaults nnd
i mud. I ) . I ) , llnrku , ( Jlty llldg.
IjlOK SAI.I' I'nniltiirc. lU'tnrns und leanuof
J. tliu largest un.i llnu-it liulnl In Hoiitberu
Nobr.isUa. All ino'lurn I'liprovoinunls , ule-
gniit fnrnltuiu Nut prollts $ lou.ul ) per 1111-
nniii ; building m-tvly Im'H : no eompjlttlun.
I'r.cnll.WJ.Oi , ba'f e ish. U II .Slio.tfo. Uonnall
lllu.Thi. .
I71OII KAM5 llnrdwarJ cloaks In Inwu mi'l '
JL ? Nubr.iska , Jmolojs.f lutj ) toJL'.OJi. K. II.
I " 'OH HA I/I' cluiip. 01 In oxohnnzn for land
1 nn oslabllHliPd limlno'H. Addresi I' . I )
box ( HO , Council Illiilrs , li ,
OSr-SrniilUoia Blar , Itotura tolilti.S. 7tli
M ONDA YH In H. A. p'lrioM , cbliaron. J p
in.- adults , 7'H : p. m. Hooi-ils nuuond nnd
fiiurlli Mondays , 0 p. in. Music furnUhnd pir-
tles and clubs Address lit 1C. A , I'arlorx.
Couiioll Illiitrs. or Ion Fimmn si. . Umaha.V \ ,
'C ' , ClmmtjcrH , Instructor.
To tboowiiprs of all lots or p iris of lots fronl-
liu nu Du'ialur street fiom 'JOlh to UUt
Nircot :
Yon are hereby nollllart licit the unilor-
NlKiiod. tlireodlilnturustuil froubolduri of Iho
I'lly ' of Oiiiuba , been duly appointed by
tbu mayor , with tlinuporovulnf tboolly uuun-
cll of Mild oily , to nsso.,1 tlio dnmato In th
OWIICM rospocilvuly of Iho property ulVectud
| jy cradliiK' of Doc.-uur from VUlh to illut
Hlreuts , duclnrud neui"iiary by ordlnanoii
'r.'yi. passo'l Uulubur 7 , 19J. ' , upprovod Uutobei *
10. ih'j. ' ' ,
You nro further nnllllod , mat havlriz no-
ccptcd slid nnpolnlmiMit , and duly qnulllloil
IIH rtirjuiroil by Uw. we will , on thu mh day ot
November , A , I ) . HJJ , ut ill" hour of 'J o'clock
11m In tlioiiftornoon , at the olllco of , ( inoino J.
m I'niil , 111)5 ) struct , wltlilu UiocorjiorMn
15. llmlthof mild city , inont for lliu purpose of
IIS conalUcilns mm making tbo ituiuminiMit ot
10 diuniunlo tbo ownnrx icapuollvulr of 5Ulil
lo property utruutud liy nnld itnidln ? , tukliiK Inlu
id conKldur.'illon tuoclul lioncllts , If any ,
10 You arc notlllod lo lie pruiiont lit the limn
und plaun uforosuld , and rnaku nny objo'llonv
toorhlatuinunls concerning kald ii f 8niuul
ot danu i'H uson may consldur propnr.
.1. K I''I.A'K.
T , II M'OULI.oail ,
Omaha , Ool. U , IK'l ( X'Gdl'Jk '