Tlll'l OMAHA DAILY HBK : JfllJIIUY , OCTOBER 28 , 1892 , SPECIAL PHIZES AWARDED Judges nt the Eonch Show Glvo Out a Long Liat of Decisions. GREAT CROWDS THRONG THE HALL triionn.miM of 1.orr nl the Hog I'ny At tention I" Him HI" Concrrtn Ulory of HIP Kxlru I'fi" nililina onornt. Yesterday was another big day with the dog fanciers , from the tltno of opening up In the morning until the Hunts were turned down nt H p. tn. the blj ? hall was crowded , consequently the tnanapors , ar.d the treas urer's face especially , were broad Mnlies. For a mnldon effort the show bus bcon a de cided success and the club will iirobably give another exhibition In ISI. ! ) Next year Is out of the question , bocauio nil ot the famous do s In this country und Europe havb bcon tookod for the World's fair exhibit uoxt year. Tbo Judges commenced worlc ] ust before noon , both working toKOthor ou the decisions for special pilzcs. General specials came up first. President Kvans of the iConnol club o Ho rod a fi.'i gold modal for tbo host nnd largest exhibit of dogs owned uy ono handler , the dops lo bo named on the entry blanks. This prlzo was awarded tn the INOW Brighton konnoU , with George Boll's spaniels IccnncU markea as rescrvo. Employes of the Pnclllo Impress company offered fJ5 for the bust duz or fora.Uo of any breed In the open class. In connection with this pr7u ! the different exhibitor * decided to split the amount up Into ton parts. The Judges consented , the dops were till shown , and awnrds made as follows : Udrlck. mas tiff ; Fornwood IJruce , St. Bernard : Maud of Wavorly , Gordon setter ; Ashley 1'ltip , Scotch terrier ; Mlnnio York , Yorkshire torrlur ; African Monarch , bulldog ; Ilundos Port's Borjiinanu , dachshundo ; Josie Urackott , pointer ; Joe , bougie ; Fixvor , great Uuno. For tbo best brd ! dog In the show.tho No- bruska SUtn Sportsmen's association offered . $10. Lady Guv Spanker , pointer ; Duchess of Wavorly , Gordon oottor , and Fascination , cocker spaniel , divided the money. Tho.OmahaUun club unit , up $13 for the best setter of anv breed und Dr. Dixon's Duchess of Waverly took the money. The Omaha Kennel club offered $35 to the handler making the largest number of on- tnos. Hen f. Lewis of Philadelphia took this , ho had forty dogs on exhibition. Fanciers of mastiffs had nut up a $ " > 0 spo cinl for the best ir.alo or tomato nmstllT. Kd- rlc took the cash. Max Mover & Bro. company offered n fcj.i silver cup lor the best fetnalo mastlfC In the open class. Clmrles IJutin of Poortii won with his Slnnlou. Thu kennel prize for the best exhibit of cot less tnan four mastiffs was also won by Mr. Bunn. Thot-VO offoied for the best roURb coated St. Bernard was won by Dr. Lewis' Fern wood Bnico ol Hollvlllo , O. Dr. Lowls also took the Ivonncl club prio of 515 for the best kennel , Fornwood Bruce , lo , Utuimplun "Victor Joseph and Fern wood Goldy were the dogs composing iho kmim * ! . C. S. Uayiiiond put up a f.25 silver cup for the best smooth coated St. Bernard , nnd Victor Joseph walked off with Iho cup. Juno was considered the 0 iO3t Great Dane Duppy and took the special Oifercd by Sports Allold. The Wolverine kennels of Detroit ( Dr. Nicholni ) took the club prize of15fot tbo best kennel of four Dunos. I'odro got the $15 for boln ? the bust Dane in the challenge class , and- Henry Hoyor'a Fuvot carrioa off tbo $10 special tn the oncn class. Of course Juclc Shewird of ChicuRO took the Jo special prize for being the bust blood hound. A larcro plctutc of the best noiutcr dog wai offered by F. A. Hlnebnrt , .md William liy- land'sOs&ining ' will got the big photograph. Again Sporis Allold offered a year's sub scription to the best fotnalo punpv pointer , and Fun Wildwood'a owner will read the paper. 'Jbe Now Brlphton kennels , headed by Lady Guv Snanker , carried off tbo Omaha Kennel club prlzo of $10 for Iho best exhibit of not. less than four pointers. Ussining owned by William Ilvlami , took tbo Bemu Park Gun club's $10 lor being the i > or pointer dag. Ha also took the pri/o put up by the DOR Fancier. To the finest English setter exhibited Frank Wiihnoll olVcred Sit ) , and W. C. Downing claimed the money for Benzine. The J5 ottered by W. E. Na on for the best setter nupvns RIVOU tn Forest Nornh of the Now Bricliton kennels. A koiiuel prize of $10 for the best exhibit of not luas than four Eni'lish setters was awarded to the Now Bricliton licnnols. With Duke of Elotio. F. C. Fowler won the Cross Gun company's ? 10 spociul for Irish setters. Ho also wan the club's ken nel prize lor Iho four brst Gordons. ThoDuchossof Wavorly , owuou bv Dr. S. G. Uixon , took J. H. Itichurds'T > 'prize of fered for the best Gordon setter ou exhibi tion. tion.Georco Georco Belle's Facinatlon look In D. M. Chamberlain's money 'or the llncst cocker spaniel on exhibition , and Non-ton Abbott's Torso cot the Collins Gun company special ollorcd for the cost Hold spaniel. Au addi tional $15 offered by the club for the largest exhibit of spr.niels was taken by George Boll of Toronto. Mrs. Harry McCormick of this city was awarded the Uunnol prize of J10 for the best exhibit of four cocknr spaniels. Amonc the baaclrs W'jlton'b JOQ took the ipoclal Kennel prize of $15 forthobust bo.iRlu. A ROld-lionilcd umbrella was the prlzo offered by the Boston Store for iho best collie , und lice Bee will take tlio present tb bis owner , The kennel pH/o of JIO was also von by tr.o owners of the Carlowrlo Collie kennels of Denver , The IllvU konnuls took the spucUl for the brst displnv of bulldogs. IllcAmrd 1'jlllott. owner of tbo Scotch ter rier Ashlov I'lUR , will wear a now hat at the oxpoiis'o of Arthur Hrlugk , who offered ono to the ln'M Scotch terrier on exhibition. Minnie York tool : tha $5 spjclul ioc bolnc ronsldpied the llnsst Yontsbiro tcrrlur. In the tov rlnssi , Tapsy Bird , owned bv Goorco H. Mom-oof Om.iha , mudo u winning and took Kuhn .t Co.'s special pnzo. Van Colt's silver mug lor poodles was won by Mrs. M. M. Balliiutinu' * East Luke Cur tis , nnd the kennel club pri/o of $10 was won by the same lady. The Judges finished their labors late in the afternoon. Mr. Davidson had to hurrv to catch an eastern train in order to reach an. other show in tlmo , und Dr. Cryor of 1'hila- dulphlu proceeded to the residence ) of hlH brother , Major Cryor , whose gubst bo will bo for some days. The decisions of tbo American Kennel clue Judges gave entire satisfaction to the major ity of the exhibitors. Today is iho last ol the nhow. ' Till ! .STAM.ION ItKCOKI ) , I' * Onlcli Mile at .Stockton SIIIIH STOCKTON , Cat. , Oct. ST. Btamhoul totlaj cut down the world's stallion record , trottiiu u mile in SOS : ) , boating Palo Alto's recori one-quarter of u second. Ho made tbo rlra quarter in ! Kjf ) ! seconds , repeated the time li tbo uoxt iuurtor , going to the half In 1U1) : ) < uud to the three-quarters lu 1:35. : Walter Matccn , who drove tbo stallloi Btnnibpul a tulle InuSUf : , was the rcclpioa of voclfcrlous congratulations us he drew u | before ilio Judges' stand at the end of tin proal race against time. H was the pretties mile aver t > rorhero. . The last quarter U con Mdorod a irreut performance , oven ovur i kite-shaped tracfi. Stamboul will rcmali here and go acslnst Ins record next week , 1 the weather permits. Twenty-three trotters were rntcred t < tart against tlmo today and unionK them thi Palo A'to ' farm had a lot of fast youngsters i A match race wn * trotted between Uonnl bell , oy-year-olJ , and laxter Prince. Bon ! K nl bell won ( u the nrit heat lu22Tf ; < , dlutanc Ing Dexter. Uowonu , the fast 2-year-old IHly by At moor , wan itnrtod oealnst tier race record o 2:10X : nnd roadn u mile In :17 . Shu won tp tCo. hulflu liasjj" and covered the las quarter lu < ! lecotids. She will start ftgali oo Saturday. Her record today U the fail est. mlle ever matlo by a U-year-old filly Hunbl1 * time at that being L':1S. D gaeiuu , t-jreitr-ola ! by Statnbonl , wu driven by Walter Matson to boiit 2:00 : , nud made the tniln In 'J'fi : | < . U'runmn , -.vcar-old ( . br Klootlonrori * ont nKolnitt his rare record of 1M7 , wnnt n mlle In 'J'lII' ' , , coming In utrong nnd finishing the last quarter In 3i' : ' < , seconds. Jim Mulvena wont lo boat 3i20 and troltod ln2MO'4 ' Swcotwntor , n 2-.voir-old ! br Sinmboul , trotted In 2Sl : ( In the fnco ot the uind. Daly , by ( Innoral Benton , wont against 2 :2j > and made 'Jilij , going lo the half In 1:07. i\eiuivr : : siiooiiNti. Sluit ( Inn l'rilr < iiir IiululRn In \ery l.lvrly tlnrfn. Tboro was a much larger crowd In attend- unco nl the trap shoot yesterday than on tha opening dav , and owing to the ucnoral favor able condition of things , improved scores were made. Among Iho late arrivals are E. O. Abbott , H , 12. Arft , Prank Hrmvor , Harry Saul and others of Charter , la , A noticeable f emu to of the shoot Is the ad mirable manner in which the local men , many of them botncr now hands nt the trap , are holding lit ) their cud in this fast company. FranK \Vlthnell Is shooting Ilka a veteran and Is certainly a comor. His scores have been uxcoptlonnily fine , compar ing favorably In ovorv iiutanco with these of such well known professionals DH Charllo Build. Frank Parmoloo , J. A. It. Klllntt , iho Trotter boys and others. Frank Fogg is nlso handling hU linminorlws with coimiicnd- able skill , and Hurry Ueod , John Kocd , Mr. Smcad and George W. I.oomls are alt piling up tholr "kills" In n way that Is as extraor dinary ns it Is uratlfyitiL' . The Ilrst event yesterday was twenty blue rocks , * J ontr.mco , twenty-throo competitors. The score : H. Ucpil onto 10111 teen iiui-i : P. . I ) . Trotter UJlll Ollll 11111 11111-17 John limn ! IIUI11 11011 Hill lllin-l.- , lluvniid Wilt lilt ) 11111 11101-ir , lln'ild Illlt 'llllt IHU ) Illll-l'l ' I'lntc inn HUH mil IOIII-H Wltlincll IOIII lllll tltitl llilt-H l.uniiils Hill Illlti UU1 ] | | | | -IT itruwi-r line lion nun juill Hi I'nrmi'U'p Hill Itllt ) 10111 11 1I-1M II. .1. Trotter 11101 lllll lllll Tlllll IN Ivlllolt lllll 11101 lllll 11ltl-ni Smcad lllll llllt lllll IIIIO-I'I ' , liio ! < ? ( in ( lllll UIUII lllll lllll IT Shroodor II100 10101 ( XMII I1HO 11 Spelot , . f. . 11101 10111 01001 10111-14 AcUurmiu Mill HUH lllll lllll-U Montgomery 11011 loom null lliui-lll Illaek lllll 10311 Ollll 10011-14 Hmllli lllll lllll lllll tllll-'Ji ) lltiU'lcor lllll llllll 11101 11111-13 Wells 11011 OI01U 11011 OOMO-rJ Mr. Smith carried ojf the tlrst money , the lh ! dividing second nnd the 18 ? third. The tun blue roc-i chase was atiotbor Inter esting one , Iho ties dividing. The score : riirinnloo Hill 11111-10 Ktlloti lllll lllll in llniunr llllll lllll ! ) Itrnnncr. until 01101- ( II ( lithe * lllll 10I1I- ! ) Iliunp-Jon 01011 lllll S Koyinnl 11011 1HDI H II. J.Trottoi lllll 11111-10 I'oittflllcld lllll 11111-10 I'o.-S Ullll UI111 8 lllll4llilt | | | 11110 lllll0 Wells 111HI 11101 S Scluiiedi'l1 10111 01(111 ( 7 Townsend lllll 11100-8 K. I ) . Troltur llllt lllll-lll \\Hlinpll lllll 10111-1) ) Connolly OHIO 11100-i ( lllirtil tOIlt lllll- lltai'U llllt lllll-lll lllll 11111-10 II. Iteiul llllt lllil-iu Aokorninii 11111 11110-ti Spolco 10110 1I11I-S The live live bird shoot was ono of the most exciting events of the dav and re- sultcil as follows : Klllott 1 J 1 I 1-5 J.u-k on 1111 0-4 John Uaod 0 1 a S : . ' Klni'hart 'J 1 1 ! 1 1-5 K. I ) . Tiolter 'J 1 1 1 1-5 Suhiooder 1 0 2 'J 1 4 II. J.Trollor 1 1 H 1 --4 Spiilco - ' 1 11-5 BlontiiKirency 1 10 2 4 Wltlmell 1 i ! 1 1 0 1 ItrucKor 1 1 I B 3-5 AoUeinian - " ' - 5 5 I'armuleu 2111 3 5 Hndd 01111-1 In sbootineoff ties Ackormnn and Elliott divided Ilrst money , Budd and (1. ( ,1. Trottuu divided second. The second twenty-five blue rock race was another spirited affair , resulting in the fol lowing line work : John liccd. . lllll llill llllt Ollll llllt ' . ' ) Acknrtnan. . . 10111 00111 lllll 1110 ! 11111 31 Schrnctlur. ItllO 101CO 11110 lllll 11111-30 Klllntt lllll lllll lllll 11111 lllll .5 Weils onto oiui-oim iiiit loiii--o K. I ) . Tiottor. 11010 10111 Hull 11011 lllll-'JO ituihi. . .11111 inu inn inn uiiio-3.1 H. J. Trotter , lllll lllll IOIII 11101 10001-30 I'armclou Mill lllll lllll lllll 11111-35 Ui-ymml unill mil llltl 1IUO UMIO-'O Uonnolly 11011 11010 ojlll HIOl mm 18 Kojg 11011 11101 lulll lllll 11111 33 ltrowi > r U110 lllll llllt Ollll 11011 3 : w.tiinoll 11110 uiiio 11110 ouii mu-iu Spflico , . , . . , , . 111)1 ) mm IO.MI neil nm-3i The tlo was divided. Manager Niuon is le.xving no stone un turned to give the competing shooters a good time , and It Is ploasuit ; to note Is meeting with much success. Everybody Is highly ploasocl nnd having a jolly good tune. Shooting will be resumed utU : ! < U this morn- mg , thn tournament ondlne with this after noon's card , which will Include aevernl intcr- ustini ; Individual matches. ' NO itiiuicus : SUL'FIUII : ) . Xiinoy llunl suiil Onlh.n l.'nlertulii the IVupIo tit Kcdall.i Sr.ini.iA , Mo. , Oct. 27. Ton thousand pco pie , keyed up to hichust pitch of excltomunt assembled at the new Iclto shaped track today to t-eo Nanoy Hanks go against the world's record , 2:04. After the race 10,003 pcoplo cheered iho beautiful muro to the echo , nlthoug'h slio had fulled to lower her mark. Shn made tha mlle In L:0lj. ! : ( ! Online , the 2-yoar-old son of Shadoland Onward , was sent against his world's rec ord of 2:11 : , but cauld not go butter than 2:11 % John H. Gnntr.v , the 3-yoar-old pacing son of Aslilnnd Wilkes , went to boat "ills record of2Uland : made 2:12i. : | Dr. 11 won the unllnishcd U-year-old ! JliO trot. 1'ln.t race , 2:23 : trot , piirso I'lOOs Miss Kdith won , btnitfoid bceond , Ainallta third. Host tlinu : 3:3J4. : ( ) i-ennd nice , freu-for-all paclna , purse J'llO : l-'rod 1C won , Alumni llnsliuw second , .Minnie A third. Hint tlmo : 2:14 > 4- Third riit-p , 3Xi : trot , iinrno $ TO : Stnrhawl ; won. l.owis hpr.igno second , Dnncns thltd. lluat time : 3 : ' . ' ) . iliirk I'rlncu'iitiiiut thu Horsi.'i. Jack Prince , tha world renowned bicycle rider , is iu the ulty. and Sunday afternoon ho will undertake iho olg t-isk of beatiiig three fast trottiim and pacing horses tn a nine-mile straight boat at the fairgrounds , the H tu rt to bo mud a at U.Mi ) sharp. The horses will Lo allowed to rainy aaoh other at the end of every third mile , und in the event Mr. Prince Jails to boat hU oqnlno com poll- tors ho will forfeit $100. ICha horsns entered nro Bunny T , 2:20 : ; Mary Howard , 2I0 : ! , and Joe , 2:3S : , owned by the ICinnoy brothers of tbU city. This will certainly ba it novel ox- blbitlon , us no blcyclo rider has ovur at tempted such a race baforo. Prlneo is now riding a safety , and his wonderful performance } this auminor hnvu called out-lbo most lavish comments from ttio press. Ho 1s riding better and faster lhan ever before and his old Omaha frauds will probably turn out en masse to sco him n his now role. St. .lnsrpli'H r ll AlRHtniB Oponeil. Sr. JosKi'irj Mo. , Oct. 27. This was the opening day of tbo fall mioting of the St. Joseph Hacitig association , Tbo attractive event of tbo day ; ivas tbo match race be tween Walter E and Lobasco for a special purjoof * J,000. Walter l won , after dropping - ping thu second heat , The ruco was an ex citing one and the llnisbos were all close. l'lr t race , tueclal purse J..OOO : o Walter ! ; r , 121 ' ' ' ' " " " " " ' " " ' ' " " ' ' ' ' I.nliiiiuo. . , . . . . . . , .j" , . . . , . . . . , . . . . , . . " 3 1 2 Time : 2I7.S.15 : > 5. Si is. Bc-concl rave , 3 : 7 trnt : f.a'ly Hold wnn. Aroseno second , llomorVIIUos third , llust time : 3:2j4. : ! Third nice. 3:30 : pacing ; Liza K won , Wlillo Itjiouond , liustliiKi Hey third , IIusl time ; oe llustliiKk l.lll ICIck.Craml ftlituil. , The Hastings and Grand island 1- fee > , uall teams will meet on Thanks- givlny day in , Hastings. The Hast ings team has oruanizid by choosing George D. Browu captain and Clyde U , Altohisou manager. Thulr Seronil Defeat. LovitExoe , ICas. , OoU 27. fhe foot bail team of iho University of Illinois met with tt > Micond defeat ou its western tour today , when it wai boatea by the Kan na Suvo is ( university by a score ot 'M to 4. CLEVELAND IN NFAV YORK IIo Addresses a Mealing of German Amor- icin Voters. IT WAS A CIHRACTERISTIC SPEECH American Cltlr.cmlllp Wn Illi Theme nnil IlTre.iti > ( l it llrlolly .V l.-irffo Aucti oned A * l'llll > lm II ) t.lUCIl 10 tlio Kfl'rrtlilf < nt < NKW YOIIK , Oct , ST. The CJorman-Amorl- can Cleveland club held n mass mootIng - Ing tonight In Cooper Union , the lurgo hall boluR pnelwd willi people , nontly ns many iiioio bolng unublo to Riiln admittance. En- tbusliurn was ni xvlilto heat throughout the proceedings , tumultuous nnpluuso greeting Mr. ClovolBDil , Carl ytiurz , Oswald Otton- Uorfor and the many leading Gorratin-Aruori- can citizens ns tUoy came upon I ho platform , which win dtcorntcd with the portraits of the national democratic candidate ] , MH-- rounded by tnstuftilly drnped Ainorlc.ui II.1B1. Hon. Oswald Ottcndorfer called the moot- IIIR to order and spolto briefly of tbo attitude ot tbo two parties. \Villmin Stoinwiiy was then Introduced ns chnlnunu and mudo a brlof speech. After the reading of n long list of vlco prosldonta Chairman Stolnwny introduced lion. Urovor Cleveland a * "a gentleman known , honored , revered nnd oelovcu not , only in America , but thu wldo world over. " Mr. Cleveland was Ircquentlv applauded nt iron.uont Intervals diuiiu his rutiinrus. Ho said : Clutclnmt'fc Sppaull. KBI.I.OW CiTiKKNiiVhon I address you as my "Follow cltlzutis" 1 USD thu salutation common on occasions Illiothis , nnd ouo which ordinarily carries with li no t'roator momi- ni ) ; than u customary Krootltig. It senms to me , howovcr , not amiss , in the presence of such un nssoniblngolis I sec baforo ma , to consider what U Is that enables us to. call cacti other follow citizens. It Is at once apparent that wo can only apply those words to American follow citi zens proud of the land In which they live , proud of American. Institutions nnti Unvoted to the achievement of American success nnd greatness. Thov do not requlro that those who eouii ) to us from ether lands nnd become our puonlo shall forget their old homes , but they do slcnify such an assimilation on their part ui leads thorn to contribute what ever Is valuable in tbo character they inherit in the country of their birth , to the fund of American prosperity and happiness. If fru gality und industry are their national trnlts , those should bo by thorn contributed to American prosperIty , nud if cheerfulness and u Invo of sons ; are thulr national characteris tics those should bo contributed to American happiness. Those who do these things in true fraternal spirit , and la co-operation with all other * who love the American name , and who also regulate their political action by thouchtfulncss and anxious desire for American welfare , entitle themselves to membership in the grand association of American follow citizens. It Una Another Meaning. Hut there is another and au exceedingly important , meaning to bo glvou to these words whicn arises from the idea of n fair and equal community of Interest , which tticv naturally suggest. 11 wo are to bo truly fellow citizens , we must soak not only a com mon purpose , but n coni'non distribution of the benollts arising from our association. Our citizenship prows out of our allegiance and Uovotlon to thogovcrnniont which claims our patriotic support , but wo can liurdly bo accused of straining the meaning ofords when wo insist that If wo are to bo follows in our citizenship this fellowship is only tonllzcd when wo on joy in an equal and just manner the advantages ot our citizenship. Whether this is our actual condition , is at this time a biibject of much popular inquiry. Wo 11 mi the demo cratic party seeking the suffrages of our people In support of the doctriuo that this lellowship In our citizenship is secured only when thn prosperity of a certain especial in terest is favored in the mailing uud exe cuting of our laws and is inado a direct charge upon the industry of those not within the circle of govnrnmontdl party lines. As a result of the successful assertion of this doctrine wo IIml enormous unearned fortunes in the bands of a tow Individuals , wlillo thnso who in au unequal ruco patiently rely upon personal thrift and sturdy individual efforts are far in tbo rear. Inequalities of Tortunu furnish no cround lor discontent , when they are duo to differences in enterprise , logiti- niato opportunity or natural endowment. When , however , they are traceable to gov ernmental interfurcncn in behalf of a small minority of our psoplo at tbo expense of the remainder , nothing but the deception or the .partisan blindnnss of those who suffer can prevent them from chulloneing this injustice und demanding ilio consideration duo thorn by virtue of their fellowship in American citizenship. How 110 Views the Movement. I interpret the organized activity of tbo German union , protesting against the viola- lion of the rights of Its members in this fellowship , and concede this demonstration to no against the raockory of calling those our fellow citizens who are deprived of an equal participation in the advantacca prom ised under free American institutions , Lot us always romombcr that unjust con ditions are not duo to any Infirmity in the principles upon which our povoriilncnt Is founded. They ura sufllcient for us in all our needs. Injus'ico Is bora of their perver sion. Wo nrn led , therefore , directly to the conclusion that tno remedy for unfair in equalities in the distribution of the bonofils ot our American citizenship Is in the hands of the voters of the land , nudlhr.t if tharo ha ? boon a departure floin the rights which Bbould guide thu operations of our govi-rn- mont it is for the people to demand a return to safe channels. Lot mo warn you ID closing that tbo struggle to secure ttio rectltlcatlon of fnlso tnbtbods and the dislodgement of sielllsh ad vantage * is not an easy ono. Altou'pts to cnjolo our voters , successful In the pint , are still continued , and bribery nnd corruption nro still in voicuo. H Is only by luttjlligont argument , constant endeavor ar\d \ unremit ting vlgllancn that wo Hindi recover the just and equal share of benolltt which belong to us ns American follow cllizous , Otlior Spcnkcro. Hon. Carl Schurz followed Mr. Cleveland. Tlo spoke in Herman on the Issue of the cam paign mid in advocacy of the election ol Cleveland and Stovonson. * " At the ciose of'SehuWs speech Mr. Clevo- lofi tbo hall , amid thu wildosl applause. Other speeches oy Dr. Joseph Senior and sown local orators concluded. , the great demonstration. Meunwhllo speakers on two Htauus in front of the building addressed several thousand Gorman' citizens who wore unable to gain an entrance- the ball. CMVIIAM > KI.KUTOKSVITIIIIK.VV. . Colorado Iliimorriilv IIuvo Diiclilod to Support Wcuiur. . DKNVBII , Colo. . Oct. 27. The resignations of the Cleveland democratic olootors were lllod with , the secretary of stnto today. Although it had for suvoral days KoneraUy been understood that Cleveland electors wore to bo withdrawn , no olHclul action vas tnlion until the meeting of last night. It is also the understanding at tbo present tltno that John L. Taylor's roilgnatloa as congressional nominco will bo forthcoming before election day. The Arapahoe county oxecutivu and senatorial tickets will also DO withdrawn , as will also a portion ot tbo btato ticket , Mr. Mauplu , gubernatorial nominee , will remain lu thu race , which will Insure thoVloctiou of Judge Helm , and prob ably the entira state ropubllcan ticket , . , That the withdrawal of the Cleveland doctors caused no small amount ol dhsatls- fnctlon In the democraticranUx there is not tbosltKbtest question , and it was not until after Chairman McKinloy's return tram na tional headquarters that the state committee would roiihtml , but after it was put before ttium with the er.dojuamonl of tbo natlouu comuiitluo , strong partisans gave way to the will of the majority , The opinion of tha political leaders of botl the repuolicau and domocratlo parlies U thai 1 the move was made to defeat llarrlsou it Colorado nnd attempt tha carrying of this ainto tor I'lovolitntl. A. M , Whlttokor , a leading democrat of thU city , oxprcMMl his ffprovid nl the course tha straight domocrfjivvns taking In with * dnwtne the I'lovojjjnd electors. "AH wo want , " ho said , "I Mt , keep Harrison from carrying the slate , if Weaver nets the veto it Is thu i > nmo ni though Cleveland got It. AU good domocroW shnuUI vote for Weaver. " Spanking of ihOAfilhdrawftl of the Cleveland - land elector * In uilHju.-uo the Hooky Moun tain News , ttio organ of the people's pnrtv , will sny tomorrow . "Wo bellovb thnt this action Is tha sourca of collusion between the Clovclnhd tlemocmts' of Colorado and tha republican manager * for the purpose rf bcntihllng HnrninnJ ntid thai it has bocn brought about bytho monov power of Wall strrot. Its nurfibM ) Is to impucn the In tegrity of the silver democrats of Colorado and to attack thnlr slncerlVr In the silver cnuso In the cxpjct'itlon that it wilt InlUrco partisan republicans to Harrison' ndvan * tago , The position of thn News In rcspi-ct to Cleveland was taken nlnotv days baforo the Chicago convention. Itthcn.Untod that It would not Auptmrt Clovotnnd on account of his hostility to Mlvor and tha Interests of Colorado , und the Now.s HAS not changed Its po ltlon. " lion , Hut.'h IJutlor , n prominent nttornoy , and a leader of the Cleveland faction In this stilt ? , xvas seen tonight , when ho said tnat the withdrawn ! was not caused br an order from the national domocratlo cominlttoo. as that cnnunlttco had no authority to Issue such a mandate. The < taken be cause the Cleveland democrats , knowing thnt it. would ho Impossible to carry t'als Atato for their candidate , decided that the cnmlncelection would bo un excellent op portunity to rebuito thu two old parties for their hostility to silver and the intoroits of Colorado , When asked If Mr. Cleveland would not gain bv tiiuiiv republicans voting fo > - Weaver as ngalust Harrison , Mr IJutlor said that ho thought but asm-ill amount ot the repub lican vote would bo doll ctcd by this move. Although up to voitord'iv manv republicans had signified their Intention of votins for U caver , ho thought that the endorsement of Unit electoral ticket by the Cleveland demo crats would C.UHO thorn to chanuo tholr 110- clslon. Mr. 33utlor said that there wore also many democrats who rather than vole for Weaver would forfeit tholr franchise nnd scratch the clRctori. > Chairman A. U , MclClnloyaf thoClevoland state committee coincided with Mr. Butler. 1)AV1I ) Jl. ON WAVNi : MAOV. Srnntor lllll S.iy * Hit I'.triy llni No Csn for Din 1' IJcmcjjuilr. NcwYouic , Oct. S7. The Herald prints the following Washington dispatch : Senator Hill loft for Lynohburg today. Vv'hllo hero ho was called on by leading democrats , fn reply to congratulations upon his Tummnny Hall speech last night , ho said : "I am clad you are l > Ioa ed , and espec ially with thut part in which I Paid mv roiDfots to tnnt vor.omous class of ndiitlcal hypocrites which seams to crop up in Penn sylvania as well as In other states. 1 cannot Btullcioutlv i.'tnphusizo In words my contempt for this class of political renegade's , "If Wayne MacV agh1s an honest politi cian , us ii now chilnXs tobo , be would nut have waited twonty-slx'-years to civo utter ance to his belief . 'that Mr. Tildcn wus honestly elected iu IStl'i. Knowing thut fact , as ho alleges , nnd.jBuppiessine it all those years , whllo no won the bonollcii > ry of party favor , clearly shorn * to my mind that ho is not of the class of ] persons the democratic party wants orshoulil follow. "Tho doinocnulonjaKy and certainly sound democrats do nol riipifli set of ocotlstie self- lauding npsturts tfcujidet'take to toll tbum what to do. Evor.fCg'igtinoeiat ' had made up his mind in November18 ) p , that Tildcn car ried a majority of .ill electoral vote and Ibis man MacVeagh Hto pno'1 of tbo men who Joined In the political ( holt. The democratic pa1 ty has prospered without him , and the mess this vainglorious person bas already mudo will do the democratic party moro InJury - Jury than good. , "Our citizens uro already in arms and the moro ho explains . .UU.npolf. , tbo moro ho con demns himself. Ilojtliould bo repudiated by the party forats oV"T solf-respoc/ } does not need him und 511 Sold not rocosnizo him by hstoninKrt ° UJSMbaranguos.It is not democracy1 ! * ' .iU-i < u : < iM' . , l > D. M. O'Xeill of Beatrich Is at the Mlllard. \V. " A. Downing of ICoarnoy is at the Pax- ton" O. V. Henderson of Sidney Is at the Ool- louo. John B. Ivittlo of Seward Is a guest at the Pax ton. C. U. Stoltenberg ot Chicago Is at the Murray. P. B. Hotoblclsi ol Fremont , is at the Mercer. Nathan Johnson of Nebraska City was at the Mercer yesterday. H , L. Simpson of North Platte is nt the Arcado. J. N.Manloy of Baatnco Is aguost at the Arcade. D. C. Lelioy of YorU is roKtstored at the Mlllard. T. II. Marvin of Kearney Is registered a the Arcade. S. L. Loring of Chicago Is rogl stored at the Dollonc. Samuel Harris of North Platte is a guest at the Millard. J. S. Stevens of Holdroge was nt the Brunswick yesterday. Mr. C. H. Puller has returned after a few days' stay iu Chicago. Mr. C , A. Stringer , member of a mnnu- fucUirinp company of Munusvillo , N. Y. , Is visiting bis cousin , Dr. C. S. Sbcpard. Mr. Charles Thompson , chaplain of the Whltcohapol club of Chicago , was In the city ycsUirdnv , the guest of Jack Moynihan and Charles Kosters. Hon. Hugh J. Dobba , formerly register of tbt ! land olllco at Beatrice und later countv attorney of Gage county , was in the city two or three days this week. Cnir.uio , III. , Oct. 27 [ Special Telegram to Tin : Br.u.l The following Nebraskans reiristorod here todnv : Breovoort W. A. Potter , H. A. Haskoli , .1. D. Woland , O. U. Jackson , Omaha. Circat Northern C ! . A. Peterson and wife , U'ukalield ; Clurku Ga- pen , Omaha. Auditorium O. M. Carter , Hy H. Moday , Omaha. Palmer- Mrs , P. M. Johnson , Mrs. S. D. Mercer , Mrs. N. Hul t , C. J ) . Coovy , Omaha. Leland \V. F. Cody and a party ot ICnglish nobility , onrouie to Cody's Nebraska ranch. F , Domitntlc. John W. Uoblnsnn. state nuont of the North- wobloin Mutual Itlfo Insuranue cotiiuunr uf Milwaukee , uoiiunltted hululdu In thut ulty by shootlns hlmholf In thu mouth with a plutol , Hlb thought thut ho committed Hiilclilo 'ithH bourdliiK hunsu uh'.lu brooding uvur his ill health. At Moorohoud , Wyllo Tolllvor. who ivlio flliotln thn Tollivnr-llowurd war , nuar llo town , In Ktllntt county , Siindny niKlit , dlod. Sum Howard" Is uvpected to dlo ulso , The old Krndzo wlilelVfannud the Urn into a blare wus iho killinirot Conitublu Howard by the noted outlaw C'ofi Tlpton , soinu years ago. Sixteen now casoyUit cbolora and olgh doitlni from thodlsaatto laported In lluilut I'nsih. i Thu Houth Ainorlcan Steamship company ha > > fully rasiiiuod Its Imslncs * but ween llani- burj : and outli AniPjUvi. Kumorii are current In Lisbon that thu Portuguese cubluutdulumla to icslgn und thut Honor lloso * will ba yfip premier , The hlrlklnx inlmlriiiit t'annatix. I 'ratio c , disappointed t h iTi Jtlt of the arbitration , liavn decided to rujecttho award and continue the strike. i > J l > Suit of the yniini ; Count Menubroa for dl- vorco f ron. his wlfo'WrtU' ' bugun In I'arls. The count nnd countess are prominent , members of the ailstooratlokoolety of r'ninco. H \B \ salil the pope \a \ likely to content to the German centrists bupporllng thu military bill , van CaprivlKlvliiKlhuUutliollciii reutujiuiita- live In tliosovuniilient ns an undersueroturv. At Vienna the JOHU anniversary ot the founding of Hie Aoailumy of Ail wa cele brated by the iinvolllni of a memorial tablet. Kinperor I'ntneh .lo > euh und lion. l'D. ' . liruut , the American inlnlslor , were present. Spanish 1'remlurUunovas del Castillo In hU iiiiiu-'iiral iidilrosi t tha judicial uoniiress at Manrld suld thut arbitration \vun poworleis to prevent war. but thut ltvra iaiidublo to try toosUblUh the laws of arhltr-illon .for ihu udjiistmunt of I'urUln ijiioxtions betwron t-niith American tutc.i , > l > uln und I'ortuicnl , The Celozne Oazetto ( lecluros thut the draft ot the military bill puhlliliml In Its column ! wuigcnt to It < ind thst It U Unoruni whuncc It came , U In rum civil that the IndUcrctlcm it tracealilo U ) thn chanuollory of one of the gmull middle state * . In the maantliuo tuc public U gratified at the rnvolallou of tt ) provUluui ot the bill. RALLYING AT SOUTH OMAHA Republicans Listau it Financial Fncti find Tariff Truths. ENTHUSIASTIC RALLY OF THE FAITHFUL Sir. KdtTHril Itosnuntor tlin Ornlnr of llin i : < cnliiK IIIn Spi'cclt Iti-orlvps Clone Atttuitlnii An AililrcM to the Wage Karncri , Mr. Edward Uojcwatur spoke last evening to a largo nudtouco nl Ulum's hall , A nils * undortliindlng In rosard to the hall In which Mr. Uosownter was to spaaii caused n delav In the assembling of the crowd. When C. C , Stanley called the mooting to ordoc , however , tbo hall was largely filled with nn audience , composed mostly nl worklngnion. Mr. Hosowater's address was particularly to the wage earners of the Maglu City , and the announcement of that fact served to brlnn out n large number of them , who for two hours listened to a mauerly address , abounding with sound logic and a clear pre sentation of the issuer of the day. Mr. Kosow.itcr piofuccd hit reinnrits with a snori reference to me growth of the Maclo Citv. Ho paid an unriusi and glowing inu- utoto President llnrrlton and his administra tion , and said the question fr ma American people to solve is wliollicr ho U to bo conlin- tuod a pre-Uloi.t or will they return the man who was turned down four years ago. Ml' . Hosewntor reviewed the history of the country from the tlmo of Lincoln to' Arthur , telling thn story of the condition of tbo country whan the affairs of the nation were turned over to Jho republican party. Ho fol lowed the history of the brhd'inir of order out of chaos , the unpirallclod growth of Iho nation und tha prosperity of the poopln. Ho told of how a republican administration WHS turned ovcrtondomocrallo one , which found every cant within the trca'urv vaults , nnd although for four years they ransacked every department , they found nothing to denote Incomptitciicy or mismanagement of public affairs nnd recognized that the re publican party had boon capable , and with fidelity bad discharged Its duties. Four yunrs of democratic Incompntpiiey wus suf- llciont , nnd Cleveland was turned down and Harrison put in. Mr Uosuwiitor nald that \\ of today care not for a rehearsal of the stories of the WM- , but want u discussion of th < ) Issues of iho present day , nud to learn what ho is to gain lu the future by casting bis voto. UiACiitHiMl tlio Turlir. Ho then took up a aiscussion of the tariff question. The democratic claim that free trndo is to the advantage of the workinjMiien is fallacious and without foundation. He said Oeorgo Washington signed the ilrst tariff bill , and ho saw no reason to contro vert the democratic ; claim that protection was unconstitutional , when it was under stood well enough by the trainers of the con stitution. Dining the ninety years , more or less , tucro had boon n tariff. The prlnclplu of protection was ably dwelt upon , and he sbo.ved wherein tlio consumers paid Iho tariff duty upon the luxuries of life , but did not do so upon the necessities. The MoKin- ley bill had not increased the prices , but in many Instances had caused n reduction. Ho illustrated the growth of the watch indus try , the iron Industry und pearl button in- lustry under n policy of protective tariff. Mr. Kosowator re-viewed the Homestead .llfuculty ut. length and by logical reasoning [ ilUnly showed where the cause of Iho trouble lay , and Iho democratic claim that the republican party wus rcsponsiblo for it was quicklv dis'provnd. By his strong argu ment hti clearly showed the crandour and benillconco of a protective tiiritT , nnd the statement that the laborof America is nobler , moro prosperous , better p ia , and bettor housed and fed than in any other country was greeted with cht'ers. Tim Ilnancial question occupied Mr. Hose- water's attention , and by practical illustra tions and true statements ho casilv showed the vagaries of the wild cat scheme ? of the populists and free silver advocates , and his championship of n sound and stable money found n hcurlv'echo in the applause from his auditors. iV number of stnto Issues were ably handled and the latu legislature received a merited sconncr for what it did not do for the people of Nebraska. Mr. Kosowater spoke highly of .ludgcCrounso and predicted that ho would " bo the next governor , and ho was so certain that ho would almost stake his Ufa upon the result. Ho referred to Major Paddock as n perennial ofllco- lioldur and thought , it about tune for the people pleto rolecato him to the rear and elect C. C. Stanley commissioner , who Is in every way qualified and equipped. Ho also uricd the selection of the entire legislative ticket , most of the candidates being fur superior to those of the opposition. Ho closed nis ni- minks with nn eloquent compliment to the republican party and urged the workingmen - men to Btnnd by that parly which in the past has been so pe.ierous a friend md protector of labor. B. II. Hoblson followed Mr. Kosowator lu a short talk of ten minutes. AViiynn County ICi-piililli'iinlsin. WAVNK , Noo. , Oct. ST. [ SpecialTelegram to THE BRK.J The ropubllcan meeting held in tills city tonitjut was ono of the most In- torottmg of the campaign. A largo torch light procession took place which wus par ticipated In by tbo clubs of Wlnsido and Wayne. Hon. George D. Meiulojohn and Hon. John H , Haves addressed a largo audi ence at the opera house. Tlio spankers ably discussed the Issues before ibo people and rcado many tolling points In favor of the re publican doctriuo whioh brought forth fre quent applause. Republicanism is growing in Wuyno county. Merion nt riiitiHinontli. JJi.ATl3MOUTil , Nob. , Oct. I ! " . fSpscial Telegram to TUB BEH. ] Hon. J , Sterling Mortal delivered a speech tonight before a fair sUcd audienco. The speaker advanced the usual democratic arguments on the tariff , and mudo a statement declaring his unquull- Hod support of W. J. Bryan for re-election , and then gave a pei > ch against free silver. JUs nddross was well received , Hon. S. N. Wolbaoh followed him In a short speech. Addromu'd the School Clilldrim. VoHK , Neb. , Oct. U7. ( Special Telegram to Tun UCK.J Yesterday as Senator Mau- dorson was on his way from Stromsbiug to York the train stopped at Benedict , where an enthusiastic ciowd had catborod , among AMUSEMENTS. TJ/WTVCi NEW IVlio I ( irlM JDVS JL JJ O THEATKE | _ Tlui > . ! ? Friday , Salurdaj SufldajTOcl. 23 , 29 , 30 Sal.urcUii ) , - - Patti Rosa IN TWO PL YS , rrliUr.SatUMjMir KT'IW DOLLY VAfDFN nmlSaluriliiy Jlullnt-o HH * . ' . . MUHJEHL b'UNDAV NHIIIT. DIYIF UlAltl ( , , , | y ivrfornmnru' ticnour on SCHOOL nun , wui , tlKT XIIKTKN lMH.I..tlt I'IKIIK/ Why. tin' line H lie 1ms fornicil Hie luruit iiiimlicr of wiirtts from tlio ictu-n. In Ihu numu I ' .Mil UUKII , iiml linsliirwankxl Ihu lint tutliolmx nllldt of llnir Thuutrc' . Tliu coniiiilltPii will cunrii * * lliu llsl Snl- iirJuf foreiiiioii .nil I Ilio fill will l > invnnliM tritlui nlnnurliiitwucntlii'tonU niul third IHU ul "Dully V rrton"nt tliy utiir-l y manure. Sew Thealre. 'l' BOY3LTS . | Commencing Monday , Oct. 31 Miss JULIA MARLOWE In tliB followlne repertoire of Bliukesjicrlaityluj'H Monday Kvenlug. Tiirbdiiy Evening. ASYOULIKEIT , | | ROMEO &JULIF.T Woanosdiiy Matinee. Wednesday AS YOU LIKE IT , .CYMBELINE , Speclul tcunery brought for tbe i-ntlro ropcrlolre. huie of < utU will otiBU ti turduy uiuraliiu , I'aniuut tllOi rtrat UTO row * fa rlrcla tl.W ; lull live rdw In cirrlo lli nrit fourrowiln t toonj | l ; lot litu rowi n ti slconf 1UI. whom witro Iho ohlldran ot the Kohooh with their lings Senator Mnnuoron WH Intro- ( lucod UT 1'o tmastor Lcll and gave n flvo minutes * itpoocb , liKtrpriulrnt Itnlly t I'lrrrp , PinncR , Nob. , Oct. 'i' , ( HpoelM to TIIK Hr.K. ] Pur.iunnt to notlco largely pnblUhcd lion , John II. I'owor * nnd Lorau Me- HeynoUi.s atiolto at thu opera homo In Plorco ! ast urontni ; . The spocohei were nu anneal to the farmers to.iavo the evidently waning lorttiuis ot the Inilopoiidonts. KEPUllLICAN KALI Y. A lilt ; noiiiiiinlnitioii Hmiinlnjionliu : ; nt llxpiiHllion Hall , K the expectations of the county commit- tocmon bu realized the republican rally nt 1C\position hall fKuurtcenth strocll tomor row evening will outstrip nay former effort of the local party tmimiRors. All Iho repub lican club * of the city will turn out In full forco. Knob club , led by lU president , will moot at Seventeenth and Knrnnni ulroot.i , where it line will oo formed. Tno procession will march lo the hall , bonded bv a bund , llvory man In the city who has torch It in vited to ( 'et In lino. Prollimnariot have been arranged , and with fair weather the bluest dpmonstration of thu campalj ; , ! U coaliaontly promised. Tno rallv IIHB been dcilRticd parllcnlarlv for the laborlnc men , who nro especially In- vltcd to nartielpato , as thoio will be a full discussion of the tariff and Its relation lo the wairo question. Mr. Kilward Koscwutcr will be ouo of thosnoaltors of thoovenliiK. llo will discuss fteo colnniro , ( ntpor cifrouuy , the relntloiM of labor to the W.IRO quuHtluu , PinUertonlsra and the Homestead strike , Bellamy and Uonry ( JPOI-RO land nnd money bClioinc , otc. It M the Intention of the committee - mitteo to uall upon loudlni : laboring men to neuk , Kxpo ltlon hull will doubtless uo pnekoil Saturday cvenlnir , so that it will bo ncecs- to co etiny to t'et a uood Boat. FUSED IN A FASHION fcoNTixnai 1'iiovi rnisT I'vciu.J cratic vote * to Weaver some of thorn would also leave M rton und go to Van Wvclt , nnd the latter would conic to Uouclas county with enough so that a big vote here would clod him. S.iy Vnu Hyclt IH I.tihliu ; , Martin chipped In again to say that Van Wycu was losing every day , null t ho demo- cratiu votes that were headed his wav In this countv were thus directed not because of unfriendliness for Morton , but because it had been given out early In the game , when It was nol suppcsod that Morton would ac cept the nomination , that it would bo neces sary to vole for Van Wyclc to boat L'rounso. Shohan explained that no matter how the committee felt , the democratic electoral ticltct must tint bo pulled off or any notion of that Kind laKon. Ho wanted authority to write to his correspondents to go to their coinmiltcoman for instructions us to what they should do. Tnht ) Tclln U llllt \Vllnlrd. . Castor was railed on lor a Btnloinonl as to what the national commlltuo wanted , and said that when ho was in Now Yorlt ho re ceived the impression that the canunittcu rather expected Kansas , Is'obrasKa ami the silver states to go to tbo populists. Ho un derstood thai the democrats in Colorado hud pulled off their electoral ticket , but ho wasn't in a position to sav whether such iiclion nn Ibo part of Hid Nebraska democrats would meet with the approbation of Ihu national comniittco ov not. A suggestion lo malco it the sense of the mooting lhat Ihu democrats of the state sup port the Wo.ivor electors was decmnJ to tin 111-ituvlfed and u member moved that "it ho understood that wo know what wu want when we go homu. " Martin thought that enough hints had been dropped bo that all know just what to do when they got home , and Gallagher said ih'it it was important that thnre bu nnthtni ; In blnclc and white to bu used at Rome subse quent tlmo lo their dlbadvantiigc. It was sugL'Cbtcd that Con was trying to cover things up so that In the event of Clove- land's election notnini ; could be sprung on him as showing a destro to abandon the party org.inizttion in thu stale , to interfere with bis cbaucei of aculn socurlng his old ] ob. Onit for Ihu Tinir. The matter wiis finally dropped with the "understanding" it'jovu outlined , nnd each coininiltceinau will bo authority on nil mat ters thereunto appertaining. Governor lioyd and his letter writing then cnmo in for a vigorous roasting. It was charged that he had assumed the position of guardian of the ether democrats of the state , and it wa > > sncK stoa that it would bu well to remind him that he did not carry the partv vote in his vest pocket to deliver to the independents as ho tnlcht see lit. After thus amusing themselves sufficiently the rnairman was Instructed to tiuvo nn in terview with himself printed In tbo World- Herald Bolting forth iho lacts connected with the meeting without saying anything that could bo construed in a mannur con trary to lhat follo.vcd so strenuously bv tlio committee. Ttio chairman thought himself equal to thu lasit and Iho meeting adjourned to clvo the members from tbo Kointli district a chance to commune with each other. The executive comniittco will hold n ses sion at S o'clock this morning. Itlllllpctl Ills 11Ml I. Pomiis Lcary and Martin Frank , t\\o young laCe , pupils nt thu Park school , were plnvlng at the noon recess yesterday. In Iho scuflla that followed a trial of wrestling prowess , young Leary was thrown hrad llrst against the curbing of the i.treet nid : stunned to unconsciousness. Ho was re moved to hU homo ou Thirtieth nt'cnuo , near Wootworth , and his injuries treated by u physician. AMI iiK.HKbJli. "Tho Operator" attracted a big audience to the Karnam Street theater last ovpiilnir. Tbo waits were interminable almost and the patience of tbo audience wasqulto exhausted by the tune the wedding bells rung in the last art. The sensational feature" , Ilio wreck of tlio special train and the Milpn ruck , are cleverly planned , and with proper wuriimg cannot help but provo effective. "Tho Oanitcs" is provlnp a strong card nt the Uijou , this housn being crowded every afternoon und evening. In Wonderland Mlliio Curlto , thu biirrul locker , ulcctriilos the masKCM , whllo Hiucl Curllon , In n "New Dude in Town , " always m.ikes a lilt. Hurry Archer , In his whlstlo bpecialty , and Iho Ferguson Sisters , the dosci'iutu-o Mngon , are favorites ; but the "Cirrus Carnival , " i i which appear the uniivaled Nicholns Urothers and Leo and lnl h , is the cap to the grand cllmux nf Htartlliig-wondttrii. _ Farai Street Tlinisduy , KildaySaturday Mat. and I've. ONLY TWIN STARS IH THE WORLD. WILLAflDNEWELL - WILLIAM THE Farnam Straet Theater I ltol' OmiS'eek , t'oininenolhir hiindiiy Jlut , Uot 'M. DORli DAVIDSON ANII MISS IttVMlIi AUSTEN IN GUILTY WITHOUT CRIME. Matliiou Wednoixliiyi Saturday Mutmio | WONDERLAND and Illjou Thuatur , Til In WKKK. Giand fciiuclnlty Anurt'itatlun. und tlio MAC'KCV UKAMA'llUCUMl'ANV , In TIIK DANITHS. ' OHNKUAL ADMISSION , > O IIIUIIEII > es. " > * t . , TABULES * . RIPAIJB npittaig K x CiL luiii cbiivr iHir.uv > rU , iiurl j > n7 ld tytiiv Wcodj ii MAft ad cllrtliulil /rvcTbv 'llu U < 4 mruliIno kn' ) u fur billou * . J / < J ? JW1 ( tylM * * , COII > llpll ll , Jy " l"Uj / ulj i I MkWIIW'jniilli. . liraiuu.l.r , I uu ll'Uru , Ii.u of T o juu > v ipi illcuiruUI dtj rriWuu , | luulI Hr dUektlon , lavniei , ulluir i-.uij.lei < J ii3nujB nr/Al .iMtri' ullliiifromt : I .a rum ulooj.c- faflur. by ( lie f luinaih , lltrr or lu u Une top ifonu liirfrpftijerfuuslloni. oueufltrj J'rrww * ; arsapanlla Js Hnpprlor to nil oilier preparations claiming lo bo blootl-jturillors. I irst of nil , liocnuso Hit1 iirini'ljial ingu'di- cut used in It is tlin I'xtr.ul of pen- uiitt1 IloinliiraH s.irauparilln loot. Iho variety richest in iiietlielmil projtor- tures low tlocl ; , beliiK raised expressly for the Coiiipaiiy , Is ahvajs fresh : uul of the ver.v best kind. With equal discrimination and care , each of thn other ingredients nro selected ami compounded. Ills THE Superior Hicine bcoatu-ie it is always tlin MUIIC in up. lioarance , tlavnr , and iMToit. and , be ing liighh concenlrated , onh siniill ilose-i are needed. It I1) ) , therefore , the most economical blood pnriller in exisu > iu > ( t- ll Tlirocs win oo makes lood iinnr- SCROFULA iHlli"Kl NS''K ' 1)lras- ) oL.nuruL.a . „ , { , ( ! , , , , , , | ing , and life enjoyable. K scan-lies out all impurities in the 'nstcnt and expeis them himnle.ssh Uienatn- - ral channels. A YHH'.s s.ivsnp.inlla B'vi's elasticity to tlic step , ami im parts to the aged and inlirm , re- nuwed health , .strentlli ; , and \ itulily. > arsapan . . . . . . . . , 'il livPr , T C' Aver Sro , , I.un-i-ll , Mam. Hold by nil llrnsRWii ; I'llrcfl , U boltlcp , $3. Cures others , will cure you You oan ri > iliirc your weight from ten ( o twenty poiiiutM a month , nt Iioiuc. M ItU- out EtarviiiB , at reasonable cost by the use ol Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment , perfected In many ycais jiinctlro , ciui > i" no HloKiu-Ksor - ' to tlu > ! uiaUil3 lii.iii,1' , highly indorsed. Send for jironh nnd tvtlmonials. DE ? . F. B. CLARKE , V. O. Drawer 1 ! t . Chi VBKV , 111 , CAW PROVE TO ; IBWIVES WIVES AND MOTHERS ! ronillug this Hint j DR-UILES1 NEW CURE ! rouTiin HEART IB the only reliable euro for the tlruil foellug pecu liar to women milTc'rin ) ! trllli Mcak licnrtH , pain Jn fildo , Bliiiuklcr ami arm , weak untl hungry EipollR , f Irri's-'cilnr ) > ulci' , fainting , Hinotlivrlni ; Thoiifanil tiwtlfy to thuir pcrinani'nt cure. LLEUANTltou 1'ItKl ; AT JJllUllUtbTS. DR MILKS MEDICAL CO , Blkhart , lud I'orsntc by ICiilin , V On. for l.'itli , < c llouglaa , in ) j asC.vis3Nnnvi : : AXII HtiAi.vriiJ ! vr NT nui > 3 1 10 ( or llyiiorlt. llUilaon , l''lti ' , .Vj i ut hv , ua.U'lu. ruervuili t'runr.iion oiuajl tit ulcuhuior lobiuj ) , WalvjCulnuM , Muatil Diiirji. ilonriti tnosiut ttia llrjln. c UMl'i ; IMI 1 1 ty , inii.ii1/ UL'cuy.ilUiUh. I'rj.u Uurj Ol I AMIt irr muti , I < OM ot t'uwcrln eltlier JOT , Iinpiitnncy l.jucjrrlim an I ullKouiilu iknuss ji , liivolunt iff Ijjtui , rt | jr ' inutorrliO'ic.i.iduJ Uuvur cvmu ci u lu'jrili ' l-uir-alinojvJr'liiiliilK'1ne3. A nuiu'i Irii'im ' , 11,0 fur I'tjiy 111 ill , UUIM irniltjf.c IKKH tjcirj l.ncli nr.lo foru it n. wlt'i { j < vl I mul wrlUi KUnruutcoto rofiunllf noLc.irii Uu-tr.iutol linul only by Tliuoiliiii' . K. l/jivn ilriix Ht. ool'j nitaai , kouthonst ci.rnur llitdninl l'.ir < iuti MH Oiirthn TO TflK 0\VNKHS OI-1 ALT , I.OT.sT PARTS Ol-1 LOTH AM ) UK\L US- TATI3 ALONG SKWAUD SITIKI'U' FROM li'J'If STilKKP TO USTI1 HTRKHT AND TIIK IN J'KRSlSUT- 1NG HTUKKT : Von nn ) hiiruhy notlllud thnt tliu iniilor- BlKlied , lliiiM ) ( hMnti'ii'stu. ! frcolioldi'i-iiif thu I'ltyoT Oinahn. lmvi > lit-nn ( Inly uiiiiiiintuil by thu mayor , mill thu appro vil ; if thui lly riiiin- cll of H lid ell Y , In .imus tliu clniiruci lo tint oivnnr' iiMpuiillvulv of Dig propi'l IV iilli-ctoil hv iluicliuiiKiuif riiliiif ( Son in ( I Mrcul train I Mil slioi't Id "hill stici't jiiiil InlLMsrc'lliic sticul , iliiularod iiorc .inr hv nrdiimi. n So I'.n , iiu.sDil Ofiobcr lllll. lis'i'i ' uiio ) | cil Oil lolMir I'lth. 'Kf. . You nrn fiiithcr ncilllli" ! Unit bavin' ' nu- couloil sild iiiipnintini'iii , und duty ciii.illlli'ill IIH iHtilii'd ( | by ia . i > will uiilliu , , ri iliiyofj iNovuinlii-r , A. I * . Ih'l. ' . al the hour uf ID o'r ockl In ihu fori'iioon. at Ihu otll 'D of .Inlin 1'f I'uick. . "il Uliiiinlior of ( 'oiiiinin > ' \vitliin tlnf uorpor.ito linills of mild I'lt.r , iniiut Tor tliu pnr- ' | ius of coiiildurlnu nnd mniiiiitf thu ita-rss-i inisnl of ( lauun-'c to thu owneri irsvuliviily | nil B lid property uiroulud hvtiuld chun u of wi.uln I lulling Into consl'lunillon hpuuial liiiiiulilf. " If any. \ on iir iiolllluil to ho prcsont ut thn Hum1 nnd nlai'o itfotTsald nnil mul.o uny o > ji'i'tin to or btalDiiiiinls conriirnlnr n ilil iiNinnsnii' of ilaina 'us as yon mav I'lnisuli-r iiroprr ' " Clho'ltlil ' \ / , .loiis w. nonius i'lK OulnDi'f.'i IMI- ' ( j.-Jill'JI ' To all oivnnib of lotsor n.nHof loU'in Honu- { liiBhtrcut. fiom'hill Micol to Un i. stluo of Uu. rt.t Hill's nl'L'llllll lUllllllllll Von HIU liiiinhy notllliMl thai 111" < nnoi1- slmu'il , Ihii'is dlslnliii > - > li ! fn < i'lioili | > r > of tun ] t'lly of Oiiulii. iinvo bui'ii dnlv .ppionliul ly { tin ) iiiavor , with tint approv ilul lhocll > ronn ell of Haul city , tu us < csi the d.iiiia.'u lo tun | uwiiurs rcspeullvuly of tliu jnopurly uiri'rliul by Ihu uliniiii ) nf L'laih1 iif Diiii lasniriMtl , do ofafinl nnocssary liv old Inn nn No loi. p.issnil Anjunt 'ld. IVI' , npproviiil August "Uli , ! ' ' > ' in nro fiiithi'r iiuililril Hi it h.tvlnr < ci'iiliiil Hill iiiipoliilinriit anil ( inly iiialllluil | IIH iKijnlreil by law. unvill on thu fourili illln tijyof Novumhi * ! ' . I > . ! . ' . at ( In ) li'iiu of lUo'ii ouli In the morn I n. . ill I he ulllo.1 of I'll iili H I' . Ilini- jamlll. 1 ( liIlidKii Mlt'iil , tvilliln tliu i nl piiralu limits of ald ellv , muul foi the ) imriiimi of I'lin iilcirliu' uii'l iiMilcjnv ussr-HMiiuil i i' iliiniauo i lo HID owni'i-i ri > xii'i < il' < 'iy of N'I'U ' | iiiipiily j uiructud hv wild cr.i'lln ' ' . t lU'ii't Int i iiin-ikl- 1 oration Hpi'i-liil liniiullu. if nnv S'oii aiu iioillk'l lo I ) inrsunt < a ilm tlmo i and plum iifiirii-iil'l n > i mul.uuny otijuvtl to or HtntuiiiunlH cnnci'inln. u'll iii i-Niiu < .IA.MiHHIH'i : ( < HAI/K. JOHN I' , I'LACK. . Null. . ( Jntoljur VHI. ! ih'l' . ' . OJM I'll wiiuiBuf all liittnr purt-i of ICIHIMI Arljoruliuut fiom ll-tli I'l KlthMru Vim nro huruliy nolillnd Hr. . undnr- hlunul , Ihiii'i ilislnli'ru > tiKl frtiiiii | | | | < r > of th city of Oiiialu , nnvit bi'i'ii duly iiipolnl"il | by thu iiKiynr. wlili thn uppioval o ( ihu city foiiiiullnf said oily , to HH1UH4 HID durna u lu llui owiiiiia impuc'tlvitly of thu iirojioiiy .if- fuctu.l hy i-'iMilIni : At bur fri > m loth to llth htruuU , doel no I iioi'uis.iry hy onllirmeu .HI" , piih nil Uciubur llth , iw,1 , ajirtrovud OO'OMT | i& . IP ! ) , ' . Von nro further nutlflud bavins n - voptcd ti'ild appointment , and duly iin.i III > au rcMjulruil Ijy luxv , uu will , un ihouih il.iy of Novumbiir , A , IL Ib'at ' / thu Imur of l o In thu nftuinoun , ul thu olllub < f , I' . ml. li > ' .ri rarimn Htrnot. ulth n Hi" coriinratuJIniltrof mild nlty , muol forihnpu' puiii of eoniUlorliix und imiKlnv the nh M > muni of diimuxo to tlio owner1 * ri'spuutlvuly < f < vuld proporiy. ulluutiiil lyt.aUI ciad'ntr ' , taK- Inu Into consMlor.iHun ipoi'lal buiiullta. K in V Von uro notlllud to bo piocnt at llmuiri' anil p'utu iiforiisnid und inuke any objc Hoi t toor ilutumontf ccmcornlnsiuld amtusmiloiil ] of lliunuL'ei UN you limy conaldur propur r/KOUdi : J. I'Al'l ' , w 1 , JAMJ.U hTU 'KIAlik. Omaha , OcioliorSI , W. ur > dln (