Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Progress and Scope of the Work Consid
ered by the Baptists.
A < lilrcMrs on the Miumor of OoinliietliiB
ThU IJrrut Hnincli of CliurcliVork
ildren Into the Cliincli
Ilio Cimvciitlon'Vork. .
The Sunday school Interests occupied the
forenoon session of the Baptist church con- '
Kev. J. A. WhlttlnR spJKo upon "Tho
Sunday School us un U lucator. " Ho ho.d
that the Sunday school could nnd should bo
made n moans ot education not ouly for chil
dren but for adults as well.
The following oniecrs wore elected for the
ensuing year to net as loaders of the Stnto
Sunday School association : 1'rosldont , Kov.
V. K. ilodsou , Tokiimalr vlco president , I *
M. Bryan , Grand Island ; socrotury , 13. A.
Itiulilnf ; Children Into the Cliureli.
Dr. Stone , nn nsed but onthusiastlo Sun
day school worker , offered some very appro
priate remarks. Ho was not In favor of
rushing chlldten from the Sanday school
into the church without n lull assurance
that the little ones KUO\ " what they were
doing. Ilo had soon children per
suaded that thny were Christians and
coitxod into the ot.iirch , when ns u
matter of fact they know but very little
nbout the essentials of Christianity. Ho
bollovcd In taking the children Into the
church intelllscnlly.not rashly. Ilo thought
that the borne was an excellent place to lit
children for active church work and true
Christianity ,
Sunday Sellout anil lloinn.
.t. II. KoJpors of Hastings talked upon
"The Sunday School nnd the Home. " It was
the IHtlo things , ho said , that mndo the Sun
day school work a suoco < s. As linx-ii build
ings were composed ot bits of brick nud
utonu and lumber so the Sunday schoo
work was tmido up of small but Important
things. Tno teacher who aimed at success
in the Sunday school should do somathing
every day In order to have the preparation
complete. The children ot every hmno should
have ttiti special attention of their parents
nnd their older brother ! and sisters
every day In the week along the
line of blblo study touching the lessons being
taught In the Sunday school. It was n bad
Idea for parents to speak disparagingly of
the Sunday school teacher. It was bettor to
pray over the matter or talk to the teacher
The speaker hold that the little ones should
always ho supplied with n few pennies to
place in the contribution box nt the Sunday
About CantUt riililleiitlons.
Dr. C. C. Githingof Philadelphia , general
secretary of the Baptist Publication society ,
was Introduced and addressed the convention
t some length.
Ilo compated the Christian army with nti
army ol conquest , going forth to conquer the
world. The Baptist church was an Import'
ant division of this irruat army.
Ho spotta of the essentials of' success at'
tending the movement. In order tc
succeed It was necessary to pay at'
xontion to the commissary deo.irtmont ,
tbo source from which the supplies musl
bo forwarded. The publication department ,
which issued the bibles and tracts nnd all
the literature needed tor the conquest , was
the storehouse of supplies , and itvas ol
vital importance to the success of every do.
partment of the church.
The a orator presented the various
branches of the publication society's worli
and urged upon the convention the great , nn
portanco of supporting the publication depart
part men L with goon , liberal collections.
"You muv think that the day o :
tracts Is obsolete , but lot mo tel
you something , " said Dr. Hitting. "J wcni
into thn roimblican national headquarters ii
Neiv York the other day and asked thorn 1
they had any litenituio for distribution
They took me into a room where there wen
wagon loads of circulars and pamphlet ;
going out on every mall. The domociatii
headquarters was visited nnd the sami
condition ol afl'aira prevailed. I toll you th (
day of tracts is not gono. If tracts are :
good thing in politics they nre a good thini
In religious work. Wo should sow the couu
trv knee-deep with good literature. "
Theory for moro money for missions w.v
all eood enoiuh , out it would never do tc
neglect the publication department , Througl
that department the maso'es could bo mos
easily reached.
In closing the speaker urged the convon
tlon to secure and support at least ono colporteur
portour for every district association in th
Dr. rnUon'ri Til Ik.
Dr. Fulton of Boston was present nnd wa
eagerly called to the front. Ho Is u ver
tasclnating speaker and nails his points dow
with ntrokos so vigorous and well dirccto
that every boay knows what hols driving ai
Ilo said u number of things about the Bnptif
I'ubllc.ttlon sociotv that were very cornpll
mentary. Speaking of the dcdiuatorh
services of the Columbian exp <
sitlon Dr. Fulton said that Blsho
Fowler's prayer was the grandest effort (
tbo kind ho over heard. Ha thanked Go
that Protestant Christianity had the upp (
hand in the dodlcutorial bcrvlces.
Dr. Fulton Is a man who fairly bolls an
bubbles withopigrammaMo eloquence. H
tlrs his audience in a remarkable marine
Ho lectured last night upon "Spurgoon at :
Manning , " *
Dr. Hollings ot Omaha made n brlof DI
very interesting address after which tl
convention adjourned for dinner which wi
served In the Oiisomont of the church by tl
ladles ot the Beth-Eden and Soutu Omul
Baptist chtu'ches.
Tackled tlin Itcgulnr Order ,
Tim regular program of the Baptist Mn
convention ycslcrrtuv nftnrnooa embraci
the annual sermon , the address ot wolcom
tbo response and Iho reports of the board
manaiiorH , the treasurer nnd other ruutli
business belonging to the association.
All the sosslonn prior tmd boon devoted
tbo auxiliary departments ot the ohun
llr , t'j. T , Allen , president , presided , T
devotional mooting was led uy Uov. Jam
Shepard ,
Thu niinual sermon was delivered br Uo
W. G , Uvans. Ho selected a text from t
soycntoonth verso of the third chapter
Mntlhav. ' , The theme was thn rcsponslblll
renting ill on the followers of Jesus Curl :
The speaker held that the success of t
Chrjsitun church depended entirely upon t
* .earnestness and activity ot the 'indlvldt
I members of the church. God could not
yr well pleased with these who professed
* follow Christ unless they did their duty.
' I * I.lttle l.ute lint Very Conllal ,
Hev. Frank \V. Foster ot Omaha deliver
the address of welcome. Ilo considered n
great honor and privilege to have the duty
welcoming the brethren to Omaha thru
upon him. Ho congratulated tha delegat
upon the growth and prosperity ot t
cnurch in the stuto. From ono small strt
Kllag congregation a quarter of n centu
ago , the denomination Increased Its cc
jtrogutions to over ' . ' 50 , and its total mambi
hip in the state to almost 15,000.
"Wo welcome you to Omaha , " said t
pcalicr , "and ns 1 look Into iho brigl
friendly faces of the brethren nnd slsu
Before mo , I feel almost sorry that the coi
old apostolic manner of salutation UBS
coma obsolete. " *
lit * Several of the sisters smiloa plcasantlv
this and some of them gave their busban'd
tiontlo Hhovo with tnoir elbows and iml !
The speaker said there was no new plan
action thut amounted to anything In 1
fight ngalnst sin.Vlint the modern olmi
needed was a consecration of Iho old svbU i
Tno good on ! way of wrostllug with God
tirnycr wai the post nnd surest way to icoi
spiritual strength quit conquering power.
Very ( lluil Tliuy Ciunr.
The response to this addreis
wclcoiuo was delivered by Dr.
T. Allen , president ol tbo iiiioclatl
Jlls speech WAS llbm-nlly sprluklod ( If tl
word can bo applied to a liuutUt spooi
with good points , The present rate ol
create , which wai lost year about I.MO ,
6 percent of the niemborbhip. it eontiuti
would make the church a inlchtv power
Ikfc , itala la tbo oeur future , Ilo uud
special plea for the destitute churches where
there wore no preachers , Ho bohovcd that ,
much good miRht be accomplished by the
practice of a little more of the itinerant plan
followed by. the Methodists. Thin would
help the oastorlcst churches. The president
pave nn ncount ot the work done dur
ing the .vcnr for the assistance of
struggling churches in various parts of the
state nod urged the npnolntmont of a cronornl
superintendent of church building to assist
in the raising ot tunds for the assistance of
now churches and others needing help.
Slnnillni ; Committee * Named ,
Tlia president announced tbo following
commlttcns :
Knrnllmcnt-U. W. McCnguo. U P. Vcttlt
and \V. K. Patten ,
No nlimtlnu Committee llov. A , W. Clark ,
Hcv. II. IHouse. . Kov. IV. . Terry.
.Ncvl Annlvorsary-Dr. W. I' . Helling ? , 1' . J.
llosworth , ,1. 11 II. 1 nlsom.
Ki-Miltitlons W. It. Talc , V , W. Tester and
F. I" Hrll ton.
Audltlnz-,1 , W. Harris , H. B. llonnott nml
U It. Amblor.
The treasurer , Mr.Vllllara Saxton , road
his annual report.
Kov , J. .1. Koeler , corresponding secretary ,
rend the annual report of the board ot man-
neoM. The work of the church appeared to
bo moving on very encouragingly.
Aildltlunul DulOK.tteii.
The following additional delegates arrived
yesterday : llov. A. T. Griffith , liladon ;
MM. IConnoy. Ulalr ; J. A. West and wlfo , S.
W. Ilulley , Uollwood ; Usv. A. J. Fleming ,
Broken How ; Mrs. ( Irlmwood , Doono ; Miss
S. Davis , T. II. Lovojoy and wife , Central
City ; Kov. .1. M. Gilbert. Crolchton ; L. 13.
Troy or , Dorchester ; Kov. H. U. Nash and son ,
Dennison ; Kov. T. K. Kennedy , David City ;
Mr. Hull , ISditur : Mr. and Mrs. Koynolds ,
Mrs. D. Grlswold , Mr. and Mrs.
Alosoloy , rromont ; Mri. George
Everett , Grand Island ; MUs Emma
llictclov , Mrs. Holmes , Mrs. Mar
shall. Hastings ; O. A. liuzzoll. Junlata ;
Wesley Kranu , George W. liuton , James
town ; Mr. and Mrs. Dennett , Miss Van
Xoss , Mrs. Hyde , Mrs. Ualdwln , Mra.
1'rentico , Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey ,
Mrs. S. M. Benedict , Lincoln ;
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer. Lincoln ,
East church ; Kov. J. S. Ingrahm ,
Lincoln. Kmmanunl church ; A , J. Sit i tin or ,
Father Elliott. Moroa ; E. L. Crnlg. O'Neill ' ;
Miss While , Palmyra ; Kov. P. M. Willmms
and wlfo , I'uwnco : ( lev. .T. G. Wrllh and Mr.
Wrlth. Plalnviow ; Mr. and Mrs. John Lowls ,
I'rairlo Union ; Kov. C. T. 1'ullls , Ked
Cloud ; 13. Harris , Ked Oaic , la ; Harry
Grathor. Mrs. Grnthor nnd Mist .losslo
Henry , Kiversido ; .Imnos Coehrel , Spring
field ; Kov. D. W. Grinith , Kov. Leo
Thomas , Hhenandouh , la. ; II , T , Stephens ,
and Mrs. Whalcn , Stantou ; Kov. nnd Mrs.
Jones , Silver Creole ; Mr. and Mrs Nelson ,
Mr. Cook , Miss Gale White , Miss Anglo
1'lerco , Mr. 1'armolia , Mrs. Conklln , Te-
kamuh ; Dr. and Mrs. Soulc , A. 1) . Nerd-
berg , Wahoo.
The following prominent visitors from
abroad uro in attendance : Kov. J. W. Scott ,
Dr. O. P. Uillord , Chicago ; Dr. O. O.
l''lotchur. Boston ; Dr. Bitting , Philadelphia ;
Dr. Whltten , Iowa ; Dr. Justin D. Fulton ,
I'luiiM for the I.nst D.iy.
This will bo the closing day. Following is
the regular program :
0:00 : devotional servlcos , led by Kov. K , M.
Hodcrlok. I'll. I ) .
! l3 : ; ! Koporl ( if enrollment commlttco and
election of odlcurs.
U:4i : liuport of obituary committee , Jlov.
John M. Whlic.
Hs.Ti Keport of church edifice committee ,
Kov. M. H. Terry.
lU:0"i : ] > oHirt | of committee on rovlblon of
thu constitution. Hev. Tred F. . Itrltton.
1U'JI Reportof committee ) on publication
society. Itov. I' , K Hudson.
ID'.Ili Kciiirt | of coi : mllteo tm systematic
bcnellciMH'e , Ik-v 1 . A. Mitchell.
10tiUeport : ) of uummltteo on board of man-
asris lupoit.
11:0 : Uuporl of cointnlttco on resolution ? .
: ' ) of committees
lli'--Aiipolntmont : htauUIni ;
and niifliil-tu'd business.
1L'UU--Ail join niiient.
2:00. : Prayer , uralso and thatiksglvlns. l ov
I > . .lohati < inii.
" : VJ. MUlniiiiry sermon as apuolnled by
convention. lov. ! O. W.
: iUiItupoi't : ( ofVuinuifn Home Mission
boulnty. Mis. Mary A. Illlchcoolc.
! lt.l : Why are not all .sisters In churches
mcmbois of thu Women's Hume MUa'on so-
cli-tv' '
U-Ii'i Thp lost mothoJs of Ralnlns mlsslon-
nry Intnlll nncu so that moro will become lu-
toii'sleil In thu work
I : ( - : ) uoininittec on hoiiia missions ,
Kov. II.v. . T.ite.
lIO-Tho Inind of God In American history ,
H. ( . ' . Woods , I ) . I ) .
Ti'iOi Dovotldiril soivlces.
Tt."i. Itepoit of co'mmlUeo ou oducatlon.Kov ,
II. 1 , llou-u.
SH : ( > . Thu nature nnd importunco of educa
tion. Uov I. . It. llu hiM-t , D.I ) .
srl'i Aildruss , A. M. Wllbon , I'll 1) . , prcslilcnl
uf Giand lihuid culle L1.
All first class hotels and restaurants keof
Cook's Ex'ra Dry Imperial Cbamnagno. 1
you have not doio : so"try it.
1 o
Slinn Di'p'irtiiirnt.
For Thurhdiiy wo offer a cloth top
oponi toe , ) ) : itiit ( tip , Goodyear welt
button for $1 00 a pair. Others aslc foi
tills qtmllty W.00.
YOUTH'S SHOES , $1.75.
Wo 'ulho pliicc on faiilo a special she
foe youths in a tlonjjolti Icuntraroo , Ion ;
] > rotocUon tip. liiiltou , for onlv 81.7
per puir. Tlioso huvo boon $2.00.
Cliuroli'onci'rt. .
A Inrco and vary aporoclatlvo audience a ;
somblod Tuesday night at the Ivnox Prnsby
tenan church whore a concert was give
under the auspices of the Young People'
society , livery number on the program \va
rendered In u very nrtUUo manner an
elicited hearty applause.
Miss Gr.ico Williams won now laurels ns
plftiilsto , while Mlssos Mason and Macombc
in a vocal duet entitled , "Till Wo Moi
Again , " captivated their hearers , nnd wci
the icclpients of a vlpoious cncoro.
The playlnir of the Symphony Banjo quai
tot , led bv Prof. ( j. ] ' \ Gillenbeok ciimo I
for Its full mred of praise. Under BUG
sKillful leadershli ) this iiuartet has bocon :
ono of the loailtng musical organizational
Omaha. No pirt of the entertainment wi
moro ihorouuhlv enjoyed than the singing i
the Chapel quiu'tot. comnospd of Messr
Wodgs , llaiding , Conovor and Kockwcl
Their ixjiidltlon of "Evening Uclls" wi
faultiest , and "Tho Lullaby , " a soprano so
bv Miss Wedge , supported In the chorus L
the quartet , w ( > s/apiurously < : hooped. Mr
Ella Mathesun , ono o [ the Instructors In tt
University of Omaha , convulsed the aud
enco with n declamation vorv elTeotivo !
civen , nntltlcd , "A Dude's Experience In
Horse Car. " Master Joe Jonascn , a lad i
11 year * , exhibited no small dogreoof pr
IkMoncy in the use of the violin , ami wr
much enthusiastic praise. The proceed
qultoa haudsomo sum , nro to bo iziven i
this Young 1'eopio's ! .oelotv to the Theolo
leal snmlnury of tbo Presbyterian church
A Cure for Clinlcrii.
There Is no use of any ono suffering wil
thn cholera when Chamberlain's Cell
Cholera and Diarrhma Komoay can be nr
cuind. It. will give relief In a few nilnut
and euro In a short ttnm. I have tried it ai
know. W. II. Clinton , Holmotta , N. J. Tl
epidemic nt Helmotta was at first believed
ba.cholera , bur , subsequent1 Invostlgutlc
proved it to be a violent form of ayientor
almost as dangerous as cholera. Tli
romudy was used there with great succos
For sale by drugclats.
Frescoing nnd interior docoratlntr ; d
siytis : uul osliinatcs furnished. Honi
Lchtniinn , I60S Douglas street.
GO Fur Trimmsd Jaokoti Worth $7,60 ,
$8 25 nnd $8 GO Each. i
A Mplctiillil I.lno of rino llrcm Goods nt re
1HC llcilitctloti 100 Itugn , Assorted
Slrrs and Kind * , Iteculiir Vnluc'.SI.OO ,
81.75 nnd S3 00 , Todny SI.IB.
25 pieces of brocaded sills , splendid
qualities , rich colorings , sillts that Boll
regulnrly nt * 1.00 , $1.3.1 , $1.75 nnd $2.00 ,
In ono lot they go today nt 5So per
ynrd. If you want to rotrim your dresser
or trim up n now ono , this Is mi except
ional uhtuicc.
Todny wo will nmko up nn nssort-
niont of 60 pieces more of silks In plain
bliiclc , plain colors , rloli brocades , etc. ,
etc. , not ft piece of these silks htivo
over sold nt less that $1.2-3 nud
some of them nro wo"th ni high us $3.00
and $1.00 , they RO today nt
ono nrico , 05c. Wo huvo never
made such an odor before
but wo wish to c'.onn up this stock.
Komi also tbo ono splendid offering in
fine dress goods. It is iho banner ono
of the season.
Today , Friday and Saturday , \vo
will make n troinondous olTort to reduce
our stock of wool dross goods. The fol
lowing will bo loaders No. 1.
1 case 40 pieces of 44-lneh imported
cheviot in diagonal , mixed nnd fancy
weaves , sold by us all season for $1.00
and Sl.Uo. for today's sale 79c.
42-inch high novelty suitings , rich
colorings and splendid style , wo are soil
ing thorn at 31.oO , $1.76 , go in ono lot
at $1.38.
A DANDY AT $1.17.
42 , 41 and 40-inch high grade novelty
mixtures , imported and controlled by us.
\Vo are Boiling them freely for $1.25 and
$1.50 ; go in ono lot at $1.17 per yard.
41-inch all wool black storm sorjro ,
worth $1.00 per yard , for this sale 79c.
These are the linust qualities mudo ,
and are unmntuhablo bargains. They
cannot bo duplicated.
A bountiful line of novelty suitings nt
50c , G5c , 75c , nil now and stylish.
$1.1C RUGS $1.15.
Wo have gene through our rug stock
and find wo are heavily stocked on cer
tain rugs. Today wo will place the
o\orloaded lines in cno lot at ono price.
None nf these rugs were sold at less
than $1.50 and some of thorn at $2.00.
Today wo cloao the lot at 81.15 each.
Wo also have a splendid bargnn in
ladies' and misses' jackets. Wo will
mtiKo one lot of our $7.50 , $8.25and $8.50
jackets and sell thorn at $5.38 each.
( turniun Saving Knnlr.
Since the German American Savings
bank has gene out of busiueiss the Gor
man Savings bank , located tit 211 South
15th street , Karbach block , is now the
only Gorman savings institution in the
city. Deposit your nioney with thorn
and got interest.
Real estate.
Bargains only.
My word is good.
W. G. Albright.
621-2-3 N. Y. Life bid ;
Undo ham Short In I'liyslri.xns nnd Teach
ers for the I'oor ! ! < ! Mi > n.
Tbo civil service commission has requisi
tions for thirty-seven teachers and nlno
physicians , both male and foraalo , for the In
dian sofvico , which it. has not IJCQU ublu to
1111 because there are not ellEiolea enouph to
moot the demand.
Thos9 who desire to apply for examination
should write to the commission at Washing
ton , IX C. , at once and procure aa application
blank and a pamphlet of Instructions. Most
of these who have passed the examinations
heretofore have received appointments. The
sctlos of examinations will ba hold in too
west during ; October and November , and
these who apply promptly will bo able to so-
curn an examination.
Aa application In duo form muct bo filed
with the commission and admission card ob-
tninod ; if there is not time to forward the ap
plication to Washington , and obtain n card ,
It may bo presented at the examination and
it will bo accepted , provided it is carefully
and correctly executed , on the proper blank ,
but it will not ba accented If it is defec
The examinations in Ormha , for the de
partmental and Indian service Wednesday ,
November 0 , for the railway mull sal-vice ,
November 10 , Ib'JJ. '
When properly treated as soon as the firs
symptoms nppoac cholera can nearly always
bo cured. The patient should RO Immediately
to bed aid romuln as quiet as possible. Send
for n physician , but , whilo" awaiting his
arrival take Uhamborlalti's Oollc. Cholera
and Dmrrhooa Komoily In double doses after
cacti operation of the bowels moro than
natural. If there Is severe palu or cramps
take It in double doses _ every iUtoon tnlnutos
until relieved. This remedy has boon used
with ( 'roat success in seven opldomlos of
dysentery that were almost as severe and
dangerous as cholera , nnd if used as directed
n cure Is almost curtain , tivorv family should
Iiavo afi'J-cont ootUo at hand ready tor In
stant use. After the disease is under control
castor oil must ba taken to ploansn the
system. No other physio or substitute will
do in place of castor oil. For sale by drug-
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued by County Judge Ellcr yesterday :
Nnrnouiul address. A-e.
J John J. NluhtoiiK.ilc. South Onnha . 28
t 1'iumto WeUol , tiouth Omaha . ' 'I
J Anton I'otorsop , Omaha. , . . . . . . 21
1 Mary Anderson , Omahii . 81
I ( Jlmrin * Addlson Dunhtvm , Omuhu . 27
i Donna I'rudenco I'oarninti , Omaha . " 0
J Charles Albert I'lunkctt , Omaha . 2.1
I C'lnr.i Hull i Orelnuc ! , Unmha . 2J
J DwlKht II. Kamsiln , ! . Clliilon , Mluh . ! 'i
I 1'hobo M. Voorhuls , Omaha . 2 :
I llurinnn II. Oehlltreo , Oniuha . SI
1 I , Ilia M. VooihoU , Omaha . 2 ,
j Asa 0. HruKh , Oinahn . a.
I Mary K. Itmhun in. Omaha . , , . . . it
j Josef Tesnrs. Onriha . ; m
I Kalhi Kocouiek , Omaha . ' . ' ,
I Mlle Sylvester ( iiout , llonuy Uroulc , la . . V
I Angelina Kllon llardln ? , Honey Oroelc , la , ' . ' .
UoWltt'sSarsapanlu cioanssi tno bloo4 ,
Increases the nppotlta and tonoi up thusys-
torn. It has henelitoJ many paaplavho
bavosuiTflrud from blood dlsordurs , It will
hoi p you.
: iat
0 | > , The only 1'ure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No , Alum ,
o * .Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
A mssm STORY.
"Given up to Die" liy the
Ho Tlinuks God for Sagna and Prnjs
for Its Success.
l.nAvixwonTit : , KANSAS , Aug. \ \ ISM.
I deem it my duty to tender this my tc tl-
monlnl ns an offer of gratitude for what
" Ktcknpoo Imllan Sagwa " Ims ilono for inc.
I came out of the army In the fall of'U-t , bro
ken down by chronic dyspepsia In Itswoist
form , nml nlio enluigemtMit of the
heart. 1 roiibiilted the bc t pliyslclan * ,
nml vlsttud Institutions In the Kivst , nnd unc
and all tolil mu the enme Ihlngi 1 never
could gel > \cll. ,
Hy siiKgustlnn of nn old roinrnilr > I tank
Kiclapoo Indian Suqtca , nnd thanl. ( lad fur it.
Sngwa has chungi'd niv llf fiom inNory
nnd pnln to one of health nnd glmlnes" , uml
1 cnn now eat amtulng without illrtrcss. My
huiut Is all light and my filends me uston-
The physician who know of my case nnd
lieaul nf my euro Bitlil thut a ineillclnu thut
Is citiililo | of making such a ouir , lie not only
endorses but uhccitully iccomtnumU to any
If this testimonial comes miilfn-tho notice
of nny onldicr who Is siiffetlnir , lot him tsiUn
the word of u old cnmiadc , bnv a bottle of
Indian Sngwa ut once , nnd may God piospur
you with the success of this icinedyls the
grateful piuyci of
Sold by all
$1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $5.
? Sontl three 2-cent
. stamps to pay postage -
ago , and 'wo will mall you free a
thrilling and Intensely interesting
book of 173 pages , entitled " LIFE
Tolls all about the Indians.
Address ,
021 Grand Avenue ,
Now Haven , Conn
Man -who gives his millions for the found
ing of hospitals , colleges and asylums is no
moro of : i philanthropist than is ho who i
the avowed
OftUosiok and the suffering , the liolplo ;
victims of diseas ? . The myriad of maladie
knov.m : is Kervous , Chronic and
Diseases are ofso obstin.ito and complicate
acharieter that only the most gittoi , bkil
ful and widely axperienced.
S 13 e Q-
Intlieland can comprehend or cura then
for they duly tha olforts of the general prai
tltioner who lias not m.iJo them his ill
study. The cure
Such di-oases as Syplilllis , Gonorrhcs ;
Gleot , Snormatorrhcea , Lost Manhooi
Eliects ot Early Vice , Stricture , Hyclrooli
Varicocole. Pilai , and a thousand othi
UindroJ utiiictiona roqulro
Highest degree of medical faltlll , Biich aabi
Ths r cord of Drs. Betts & Ba'H provi
th'jntobu tlio most able , huoojisful an
popular bpoolalist ! In America , if not in U
And the mimbier of permanent cnrei tlu
hive elfaqted/within the past U7 years c.
not be equalled by any otuor phyjlnans
this or any other country ,
Send-t centa for our illustrate. ! boolc
Consultitlonfroe. Call upon or addre
with stamp ,
Drs. Betts & Bett
119 So. 14th Street ,
norplilne Habit Cured In 1'
luUOdnjii. Hit | iny nil cured
Ur. J. SU-iibviitt , ijfbuaou. t ) ,
I bet , ' to call the tittsntlon of the pu
lie to the tibovo popular brand of pu
rye whisky untl rcspootfuUy iialt u coi
p'iiriBOn with any otlior brand of pu
rye olTorod la this imirkot. Tt IB f
superior to any otlioi1vhis > lcy anil
jiutiritntoo Us abroluto o-xcullctico
llitvor as well UK its purity and its who ]
Homo ollocts. The public la itivitoti
cull and ' .ry it.
Iloury Itiller , Old N. llkh HU. fiuni
wino and liquor houao. K.-iiannd hot
nnd notice to the electors nnd legal voters of
the city ot Omiilia of nn nnniinl city nlcctlon
of the city of Onmhn , to bo hold on Tuesday ,
thoStlidny of NoM-mbcr , 181K , for the put-
posoof olcctliiR ono councllmsin from each
To the electors and lonl rotors ot tno oltyot
Oinnh.i :
I , dcor o I1. IloniU , mayor of the city of
Oniaha , do Issitu thl , my iiroolamailon , and
by the authority vested 1 1 mu ns such mayor
do hereby ijlvo public pollen to the electors
nml lonii : voters of the elty ot Omalri that nn
minimi ally election of the olty ot Oninha ,
will bo held In sild : city nn Tucsduy. thoolithtli
day of November , I8'i. ! for the purpose of elect-
Iniinno counotlmnn from oaeh ward ,
The polls shall Im open on the day of said
olccttim nt eight oMoeklu the mornliu nml
ohnll pontlnuo open until sln cliuk In the
availing of Iho same day , at , tha respective
voting iilacus following , to-wlt :
B cor"or Tlh Btul
Corner Sth
oor'"r ' 12lh
1' ' ' 1 < JJ flMt n"V -
* ' 'troal bo-
f Ot" 8troot "Mt
rK WUI | RVBU ( !
cor' ' ! r""l'nndlIloUory
V corncr ctl1 "
c0raBr0" ' HUl1
K corner " " ' n"a Vlnton
W Cor"or 1Uh "ml
" ' rlCt N W corner 13th nnd
8 B coniur 2Ji1
" 8 K C0r"0r 10lh n"a 1 > lorco
S E cor"or m" all(1 ( William
' let N E C0r" ° r Blxtcuntl1
COTIler 2tl ! ) fttu
d llancroft
3ttiots"IStrl0t N n corner ir > tli and Vlnton
" " S W corner ' "th nlul Valley
i'.J'1 ' ' "istrlet-N noornarSOlli and lloulovard
si' ' " , T'strlct s w corner 13th nn-1 Chicago
Sil District N W corner litli and IXivenport
: id District-South sldo of Capitol avouuo
ni'ttr ( west of ) I.lth street ,
4tli District West side of 12lh street , be-
I \\ucn Douglas and Dodge streets.
.ith District N i : corner tuth and Capitol
mil District N 13 corner Otb and llarnoy
7th District S n corner llth and Douglas
hth l'lstrlat-N ) E corner 13th and Jack-son
' .Ith District 3 E corner 10th and Howard
rouitui i > .
1st District N W corner 17lh nud Davenport
streets ,
2nd District N W corner SJml and llavonport
( inl DIatrlct N W corner S.'ith and Dodge
4th District N E corner 17th and Dodge
Mil District N K corner 17th and llarnoy
Oth District N W corner Mth and Douglas
7th District N W corner Gth street and St.
Miiry's luotmo
8lh Dist i let d\V corner 20th street and St.
Mary's : i\onno.
Oth District Hast sldo of South 19th street.
Motween llarnoy street mid St. Mary'savonne.
10th District X W corner Ibth and \M \ i\eu-
\\orth streets.
nth Dlstrlet 3 W corner 17tb street and St ,
Mary's nvonuc.
1st District East si loot Sherman nvenna
opposite MiindurKon street.
-'ml District 8 E coiner Sherunn avenue
and Wlrt sticot ,
: ird Dlstrtx't HV eoiner Shnrman avcnuo
mil L'IKO street , *
th District N W corner Sherman avcnuo
iiul Graeo street.
"ith District ri W corner 17th and Charles
bth District I3'ist side of Sherman avcnuo
it > oiiiilJ : foct north of Nicholas stioot.
7ih District S 13 eoinur lUUi and I/.ird
8th District N W corner IGlh and Hint
-.troets. .
Dill District N r. corncr 15th and Oass
10th District Cast sldo North 17th stioet between -
tweon Cniifornla and Uass stioets
llth Dlstrlet S 13 corner 13th mil Oass
1st District S E corner 24tn street and Ames
a. venue.
2ml District S W coiner CGth sticot and
Grand avenue.
.tul District N C corner 13th and Ortmt
4th District S W corner Ith and Manderbon
5th District FT ] rnrnorllh nnd Wlrt itreots
Olli Dlilrlet isV comer Slid and 1'arkcr
7th District N W corner Slth aid Corbj
8lh libtrlet M n corner 27lh nnd Ilunlottc
uth District N E corner 2Jnd and Grant
Ijth District NV corner 23th and I'ranUIn
s ( .roots.
llth Dlstrlet 3 W corner 24th and Kianklin
Uth Dlstrlet-S W corncr 2nd ! anfl Clarl
1st Dlstrlut SV corner L'-th and Mason
2nd DIstrlct-N V. corncr 20lh nvonuo am
Ponnleton avenuo.
: ird DU'rlct-S W corner 29th street am
Woolworlli avenuo.
4th Dlstrlut N W corner 'JOth street am
Arbor street.
5th District South sldo of Vlnton stree
near ( east of ) south It.'d luonue.
Ctb Dlhtilot S E corner Itotli avenue am
Poppleloa tnumiu.
Tin District N W corner 3ta ! nud 1'ninol
1st Dlstrlet East sldo of t'Gtli street nea
( south of ) CliKrli"i stieet.
2nd DIstrU'tVut side of aid street noa
( south ot ) I'nul street. , , . , , ,
Jr.l District N W eornor 20th ami Mchola
41 h District N K corner 29th and Cumin
fith District West sldo of North 2."ith atree
near ( ninth oOCuinlnz street.
Gth District S 13 eornoi'SSd and Hurt street1
7th Dlatrlut-9 W corner VOtli and C'aa
stieuts ,
1st District H W corner tfJd and Cumin
2tl District N W corner ICth and Ouniln
M District N 13 corner 4.0th und farnni
4th District North slilo of Davenport Btrc (
notr ( ust of ) North U'Jd iivenuii.
Mh district S K corner 3lst avouuo an
Dodsn street ,
eth Dlstrlct S W corner 2'Jth avunuo an
Jackson street.
In witness whereof T liavn hereunto sol m
hand as mayor of Mini city of Omaha , th
17th day of October. l 'Ji. ' . . , . . , .
tJKo. I' . HT.MIS , Mayor ,
Aituit ! JOHN GIIOVKS , City tiieiU , olUdJit
Eiast/cStocfcin-ji ,
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Syringss ,
Atomiz3i >
> ,
Medical Supp/isi.
HIS. 15th SI ,
D Kcxt to'4'ost ' ofi'icc.
l'ri > | io uM for llnril Uual.
Kcalcd bids will bo received at the comp
( roller's oltlru , elty of Omitha , up to 1 p. i
November Iht. lf-0. , for liurd coat , grate , of
riinuu and i.ut sUu. for the city's utu froi
October : ilsl. IW. ' . to Octoberaiat. 167) . Curt
lied chcelt of { 103.00 to accompany each hi
The rlxhUls reserved lo reluct any and u
bids. TUKO. UI.SEN , CouiutioUcr.
Omaha , Mob. , Out. 21,165A OiWtt
from tlie
shoulder !
Todny we open and begin selling in our
overcoat department on second floor the first
shipment of our eastern representatives recent
great purchases in New York. The over
coats placed on sale today comprise about
a thousand garments in Kerseys , Chinchillas
and Cassimcres in blues blacks browns
modes and mixtures and at the prices we
have made on them they are the cheapest heat
producers ever sold in Nebraska.
you save two dollars
Will buy you today a good heavy blue chinchilla
overcoat , cut double breasted lined with substau-
tal twilled lining with fancy sleeve lining vel
vet collar andcanton flannel pockets.
you save four dollars
No more no less is the price today for a splen
did heavy dark blue cassimere overcoat lined
with double warp Italian with fancy striped
sleeve lining -velvet collar and canton flannel
pockets. Six dollars here ten elsewhere.
you save fouT-fifty
For eight dollars you can buy of the Nebraska to
day an overcoat that would give the average
clothier heart disease to sell for 1 ess 1'an twelve
and a half. You can have cither kersey or chin
chilla. The chinchillas are all wool so are the
kerseys. The chinchillas ai'c lined with double
warp black lining the kerseys with plaid cassi
mere. The chinchilla sleeve linings arc fancy
stripes the kerseys of heavy surah silk. The
chinchillas arc blues and blacks the kerseys
fancy shades of browns and modes.
$1Q.5D you | save four-fifty $10-50
Ten fifty buys a fifteen dollar overcoat today.
These garments are made of elegant fine heavy
kersey with fancy plaid cassimere lining pinked
facing fine silk velvet collar and canton flannel
pockets. They're positively as good a garment
as you ever saw sold for fifteen dollars anj'where.
The only 13 111 ? Kr 111131 Clilni3 piyiism
ElKht yo in' mil/ Tea yoiM prictiJil ov)3r'- | ,
cniewlth nil KIIU vu dliouui. I'rcitt'iicussifnllr
nllclironlooIHJSKIVJII u ( ) l > y oimp ! iloctora ( Jill
FollowlntcT succonfully traatJlnl c tireu
von up by nthcr doctors :
Tlioj. Coiinhlln , 4U ! ll.irnoy street , p'ironia r'na.
niutUniO yt-Mrs. kidney ami llpci tro'iblui.
Thoi. Culvert , \lt\\ \ \ mil Pannni otri'OH. uonarU
ilcblllty , In lU'yitliin , lee of strcn't'i ' anil vHUIt/
Toukiuoitlulni ) tor y > IM but Kilt no rjlur ,
M. 1 > Anilcr'iin. UJl Cuminr tri3t. ritv.'i
ostUnin nnU bruuchltli of IIftoon ju.trl
Ilm for nntn tlio fnllowlnz prepinl rnrnddloi nt
fl.Kabottli ( ) ) . nix liottlui forOJ , for Iho nra of
Axtliinii. Outirrli , Met ll'.i.l uli3. InilUJitli ) I
IllDodl'ulHdiihu. llhiiumill'iiii. Fuiaili Wuiknmi
Klilnoy uml I.tvcT Coiiiilnlnt | Nu .uiinlt. rfolJ
unly by ( JUInoao .Mudlc'lnj Ou , Capital , tlUJ , JJ )
Office , IGlh anJCalifjn'u SI ? . Oina'uXcI )
IGili and Howard Streets ,
DO KOOIIIH for I'ntlonts. OMAHA , NEBf
Kor Iho ticatmcnt uf
Chronic , Private i Nervous Diseases ,
MAI.K AMI I'TMAl , ! : .
IMUss , Flstuln. l''jhsur ami Slrlc-
turu oi'llio Jtucliiiii pcriiiaiicnt-
ly eunid witliout tlic use of Knife ,
Ligature or Caustic.
Enclose 41. in Btninps nn l our 107 IIIIRO HOOK
on DIBIIASr.h anil ( , hic > slliii ) HlunUi , ,
\ \ \ \ \ im MAII.IU : ntr.i : .
uTiics.\TioxAr ? : s < iMT.\tii ) r ,
ICth n [ id lluv.unl His. , Omaha , X'l-U
W. 0. iUxWJ.I.I. . M. ! , . 1'JI'S. l ftiir ,
Teeth nilotl With
out I * i In liy tlni
J.alosl linen-
llont ,
\virnour ou
Tiirn ; ON rou
Perfect ( It gimrniitoal , 'IVoth oUractod In
thoiuDriilne. Now ones JiwrtuJ In uvunlu , '
° Hco Bpeclmimsof Itomoviiblo Hrldae.
tieo upeolmein of I loxlblo lllabtlu I'tala
All work wurruntod ui reprfiunted.
Ulllct ) , 'ihlrd I'ioor , J'axtou Illo3 i.
Tclcp houa 10S5 , HUIi.iil I'.ir.ii u A \
Tuko Klovator or Htalrway from 151U
OUDINANC- ] . 3iOi ;
An omiiKinco ere itlns street linprovnmonk
ilKti ! < ( .No. 4ST In thu elty of ( ) inilii. ; : fur th *
iinpiovlng of thu ulluv In Hilil district by
Divine iiii'l alloAin thlitv ( luys to ths
firupoitv onnurs In s lid district In nhluhtc !
( li'teimlnn : inil ihHluniite thu material dO
sin ; . ) to Ins used forHiivh Improving :
llu u orJiilnud by the cliy coniK-ll of the city
of Omaha :
Swt on 1. That slront ininrovomunt district
Nn. 4ST for thu tmpiovliu "f the ullovlnsuld
iilslrlrt Is hereby created In the elty ot
hcct'on 2. That btreut lininoI'lnont dtstrloi
No. 4sT shall comprise the alloy In block " 5clty
fiom I7tl > btruut to Isth street in tiiuelly of
Omaha , and shall Inulndu nil InH and ical
cstatoon liolh sideaof sild alloy botwri'ii Ohl-
i'mi ) stii'ct ami li\uiiiioit strcnt. and It Is
hurubv declared net'oss.iry to Impiove the
bamo by II.IVIM'- : . '
Heel Ion 'I. That street. iiiipio\niiient dis
trict No. 4S ? In I ho ell y of Omalri bo and the
sanio Is hereby orduiud lmpio\ul by pavliiB
( -'i-ctlon4. That thirl v days next , nftur the
pnsingo and approval of thlsonllnaiR'U bo and
tliub.iiiie K licrobv nlloucil to thu owners or
all lots ana real I'si.iln Innlil si i cut , 1m-
jirovcnient district , to ili'tunnlnu uml clcslu-
nnt the material duslri'il to lie usoil for the
linprovln , ' of thu H.IIIIU , : tn I notify the city
conn U thereof , It having hisun and belnz
heicbv iletermincd by the imiyor and city
council of s ild oltv. for rr > istms which appoaf
rl.-ht anil proper. thut alt ilipioaloslalolnsald
street Improvement distrlut. shall bochiiruoa
amlussi-sscd with thocosiot linprovliu there
in. to ho thereafter dnturmlnud nml oston-
iHlind aeeordlnu' to the buni'llts to the
propisrty In said street linproviiicnt district ,
nnd the Hoard nf I'ntillc ! Works Is liornby dl-
iculed toclvo notlcu to the nnniiis of lands
and lots , subject 10 local nssus-miont , for tlm
cost of said linprovoniunts , loduliiiinlno nnd
ili'slgnaiutlio material to liu usoil furmiuli Im
proving. hy piiblieatlon In thu oHlol'il paper
of Iho elty for thruo cuiise utho days , r.t
Iraht llftoen ( lays prior lo the lapse of said
thirty dnvs.
Hoetlon ,1. That thN ordliinncn shall takft
oirpotixndbu In force fiom uml after in iiass-
"Massed ° ctobcr7th ,
city Cleric
I'lCHldontCUy UounulU
Approved October loth , icic' .
Uio. I' . HKMIS.
_ Mayor.
Von are hereby notllled Hint HID under-
fiUnisd , three ( Imlntmtixto I frenlioldoiHOf tli
cllyof Omaha , huvo buon duly iippomtud by
the mu ) or. with the approval of tlionlly eouii"
ell ot Kiild city , to issuss llioduimuo to the
ownnr * respectively of Iho propmty iifToctod
hv iho cliango of grad" of hovv.ird Htioot from
2.Hi htrei't to "Sth Hlreut nnd Internuiilliig
blieot , deolarod noen.iarv hy ordlnuiu'o Ho.
KH , p lised ( Jotohor llth , IbWi iippio\ca OO
tolier irilli. ISfJ.
You am further notified that Imvlnir ao-
cunto'l H'lld nppointinoiit , and duly iinulllluil
us required hy law. wo will on the ilr.l day of
( lvulllll r. A. D. IS ! ) . ' , at thu hour of lOo'eloolc
In iho forenoon , at tha olllco of John t\
Klnck. Kil Oliiiinher of t'oiiiinerue. within th
eorporato limits of mild oil v. incut for ihu pur-
nosi ) of considering and maliliu thu nnsua-
iiiiniLof daiiia 'u to ilinowiiorB luspeollvuly of
B.ildpiopoity alfoutol hvHaldclianxoofisrudo
Inking Into conslOeratlon honotHa.
on nro notllled to ho present nt the tlm
nml place nforohald and mnUo any objection *
to or fctalemunlM cimvnrillntf finld ussushiiient
of dunmuca as you iiinv I'misWor iiroiior ,
< jiou ; < ; i ; j. ' PAUU
Omahii. Neb Ootobcr'W. I8 O-.M tut.
To ull owners of lots or purtH ( if lots on Doux-
) : it > btieet. from iBlli struct , to the ivcbt line
of llo.-ts.V Dill's second addition :
Vou are hereby notlllud thut tha iinaor-
sl.'iiud , three dlkltitoiiiitnt fruidioldorH of thu
eity of UinaliH. been dulv nppolutud by
the mnvor , with thu apprornlof thu ally eoun-
ell of said city , to IISHI-SS tbo d.unauu to the
D.vners lospuetlviily of tha property uffuctou
hy Ihovliuniteot trade of Douglas suoet , do-
pfnicd iioeestiiry by orillnuncii No. 1HJ , pnmiid
Aii iiHt'-d ! , 1SU. ' , upproved Aiwisl'JIUi , Ib'J.1.
Yini nrn further notlllud ttuit hnvliu ACcepted -
ceptod Hill npixilnnnenl nnd duly iinullned
us ruiilrod | by law , HU will on OH > fourth ( Ithj
Hey of Novumlier. IBU , ' . ui the hour of luo'oloclt ]
In the iiiiirnlnx , at tlioollluoof C'bailcn I' , lion- ,
juinln , 1 uilDodcontrcot , within tlioi'orporuta
lunlth of bald elty , moot for the nurpoio or
consider msunil iniiKlnu asaeiiiiinntof dainanu
to the owners respeolhely ot tal'l | iroportj |
ulfeeiud hy Hald urudlnir. UiUIni ; Into coiiila-l
iratlon spuclnl henullts. It any , ,
You mo notlllo'l ' to bo present nt the time
ntid place aforesaid and.nialto any nlijuotlou
' ' " " " '
to or Htiitnmenta concunilntt i
of diuiajeiu.i > you i
' "
JOHN P. 1'I.AOK. !
( /'oniinittco of Aupralteffc
Uwuba i , N b. , October Kilt , ISW. ( WJd ) >
* s' -
- -