THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TJI HIS DAY. OCTOBER 27 , 1892. ' Cf SPBG1ML NOTICES. H ll TltE K COLI'MNS AmKKTUKMKSH I : m p in for Ib * - rnlne find nctll t JU p m lor the rnornlaz or Sucdar * dl linn No dTrrtl Mn * > nt laktn for IrM than IS ccnU for thr flr tlnt rtlon All amertlsrinentii In tli" 4 > rolomni tlf frnU a word fir rt t Inwrtlon and I wnt word for each ut > ra frit Insertion or II.M per line | > cr month Ternn enub In nilrnnee Initial ttitnro * . Trnb&I etc cadi count t a word All artrcr tl crornti ! Binul rnn rontpctitlTpIr AdTrrtuer . * ir rrquttHne nnmberrd chef * can hare thp letter * addrr tr < l to ft numbered Mter In c reef Tiir lire Aniwrrn o dfirr vd " 111 be deltTered on the prrnentatlon of the rheet. _ NOTICE. In th fnture no advertisement ! will be taken for the crenlBRcd.llon alter 12 "lOo't'ock All notices broerht Into the once after that hoar will be flrit following morning i edition SITUAUONS-'WANTKD. . POMTIOV nv COMPETENT HOOK- t * t references Address O 31. Bee , _ - . ' . . ) MAN iiK inr. A MTU Aliens A-K.xi'r.iiiKNrr.i position of tecrelarr thirteen years in lane rnanulactorj In the cut , understand * bookkrctlnKnnd crn-rnl collections , peed refer- fnrct. Address O 47 , Dec Ili-Su * AWAVTK . it > iTin > . BT pb r. beginner Address U ST. , Uee MHO SO * - WAVTI I > . SITUATION A * "TKJfrKJItAt'IlKIl by n ladr fil ( * ducnll.n ntid < * t | > cnence Adrtrens II. 1) . . * IlHrner street. city Mm ST _ A-\VAMrl > . 15V A KOHMEIttV Pt'CCKS FtT. sotliMtor paying position as naleiroan or solid tor Addrc'sO&l. care ! ! WANTI-I ) , KtfTno'.vTin : .irsr Uio eait nt position Thoroughly exi > rrl rnrod. Will buy Interest la business. A eld res O 17 lle . MIDI SS A POSITION lit'i-TllEvrKn CriU.KCTOIt , JVpood reference * Addre " 55 HCP W AN Et-M ) ALE HELP. E-\VASTKI > WAI.KSMKN ON ' Ai.Mtr on TOM mlf lon to hnnJlc the new patent rhe nlrHl Ink crnslnc pencil lh * > create t * * line novelty erer produced erase * Ink ihoroucMy in two second * no nbrn'tnn f piper vo > t < i super cent p'ofll one acenl't > < les xtnnuntBd MM li six dai > , nn otlurl-iJIn IKO hour * wo want ona caerectlc cen crnl aecnt tn earn Mate nnd territory I or terms and iiartlfulnrs uddren Monroe traser Slfn < o . .X M , Lu ' rosso W In ITJ pKIUEWEll MKV. Al.-O imirkr.AVEHS JJwacted I'ay every Saturday I > es Mnlne la McDonald Mlei or/- V WASTKB TO roLLITT ANI SELL IN Jcanntry Apply at Slncsr oBl < " > 4Wnl n-IIELIAHLE MAX AUdfTa. . WHO ISQLICK J-'to learn and wllllne to work will be Instructed In our business aud salary paid while learnlnc Ap ply 1610 Pone'im. ' 400n4 i ) THE XAMI ; AXD . f enervPtle mnn and women open for perma nent work. We clve cxlu lre tcrrltorr e ( naranteccnod worlrrs Jl a neek. We fnrnl h ofBee furniture d'llrery team nnd pewnpnper ad- tS Oliver Mreel Doiton , Man B ' lltn \NTEt ) AT OMAHA UO.X FACTORY Hast Omaha 74G B-WAVTKi ) , A Livn Arnvr. .MAX WITH otue pluck nnd push , to repn ent ns In your locality We have t ometlilne entirely new that poe and unle * * you can mnkt1 $73 to } 2O | er month wedon tnced > ju Xoprduln : Hotter xr'to ' to dar Address "Slauufacturers , box 63W. Ho't-m. ' 7 > WANTED A MPSUKLMAV At'l'l . Y AT J 'nnce at IlrownlnK. Mnc A Co , outhireft inrnrr 1Mb and I'oiiKlax M2C1 15S ANTIO KlIl T rLA11l OK S ALF.SMA S JJnpni * bnt tlio c who have a tliorouch axi < erlcnt e In an exclusive shoe storu need apply Boston fctore Omtba S12 M BIIOOKKKI I'Ell WANl'KD , YOL'NQ MAX with * omc experience po'id at ficure * Itefcr ence reqnlred. Apply fclnger oHlce , 1510 Donelas street 331 X -roMl'ATKNTSTK.SOOKAPHEHS ANnTTrE- wrlter operators who are out of employment are Invited to cnll and rccl-tcr their names and qualifications with our employment department. Vie make no charce to either emplojtr or eni ployed Drop In and sea us. wo take pleasure In dolnc all we inn for tbo worthy atenorraphcr nnd typewrltlst The Smith I'remlcr Typewriter To- Inrnnrn St. , Omaha. Xeb 317 B WAN T r n , A GOOnOATMAKKIt.TEAIY employment. Address K btoJtmclster. Ores ton , la M32S .T WANTED ! rxiFiuKNCEr GENTI.EMAX bcokki crr. double entry rcfi-rences required Addre ljick IlrawcrOOJ , Council HlurTs , la , where may be teen M3lfi - ' ' , ' TJ-LAIK'HEHSI-Oll ONION PACIFIC HA1L AY X/eompany between Cheyenne and Offden. Utah Tree pass. Krau cr A O'llearn Labor apencr. yc b llth ureet Mj2er27' B WANTED. YOUXG MEN AND LADIES AT tend evening i > chool 517 beely block Terms reasonable J 11- Smith SCI 31 * WANTED EVBHYWHEUK I'Olt new I ooV by Jottab Allen's wife , " -amantba on tbo llace I'roblom " bend W for outtlt and te thaflrht In theneld. Liberal terms Address J. W ! ] Wabubave. . Cblcico , 111 .M a. * E > WANTF.H A MAN TO TAKK AN OFFICE JJand repn sent a manufacturer f jOJJO per wetk mall capital required Acl.lrt .a with stamp Man ufacturtr , ImxTU. Wtst Acton , Mass M&7 2ti > llKGISFKItEI ) DltUG CLP.ItK WANTED moderate > alary < > eo I ) Hutchison < mnhii , INeb. MS70 57- VO I'AINTKItS M'l.KXDIlt Til ANCE TO GKT house rent tn cxcbance for work Inquire of Gee , X Hicks. 3-Ji .S V Life buildingS3 S9 B WAXTH ) HKPIlKSKSrAllVK IX UYKI.Y county to handle ready iclllnc article commls slon or salary Address 2 H4 IJavcnpoit n . Omaha. M5J SB' WAM TED-iTEM ALE HELP. rV-WANlKD. ( oOD tL tOR dENhRAL VJbousowork Cnll Mi Georfla ave ( d SathLi , two doors north of Mason , f7i , AT ONPK , Gllll , r'JR GENERAL . rclerencen roijiilred Appl > : ifi M. Warr'n avo. lllbO / - WAN TED. GOOD COOK AND LAIJNDREfn. V-/Inqulro u w , corner 24wh and bU Mary'n ave. In tUaya WANTEII-GIRL KROS1 TWELVE TO FIK locn yrars of ope to take rhartre of child. Call lit * s. W ror , SCth and Jones lrvet < Sit p WANTED A YOUNG f'IKL TO ASSIST WITH V/lbt | second work SisU Hurnerst. : it > 2fp " WANTED , nitbf C1 A FtCON'D G1RU also HrH clans cook , family of two. IW s llth U N W cor Douclan. SU p WANTHI , A GOOD f.llll , I-OR GFNERAL VvhouscKiirk 11 Hamilton street M531 27 * " " .p-WA.SI r-D. KIR > T "cl,7g"s a > OK. ItEFKR l emi : * lequlrcd i K. cor 51th aud Howard. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "I5920 C VANTKD-SIIDDLK AGED LADY-RKCE1VK tnslrurtlons : keep Uoou Si ; bbetlr block . .It Miilth. ulport uiTunnt-ut. .U0-g * C-GOOD ( IlRL TuiTcSENKRAL IKU.-.fWOIlC ! In tmall fumlly. Mrs. A. Lewis , lot : Corby n C-WANTKI ) , COOK. Al-I'LV AT NO IV. OKKI oor ' < | uarlir , lort Umalia MHPH ; ; ' -WAJkTEU. A GlltL FOIt HOUsiWOUIC AT in south ttnii M 4 > jj 37- CHIIS. JU KI II HAnKKIt WANTS A GOOD conk and lauudress , fit a i > k. 6th and Worth Inciun itn & . IDtli M5TC yy aWA.NTfcK , AN EXI'KltlENCKI ) MILLIKCHY clesUily , also a maker. < iue wbuvantrlui pru fenvd l'e t wiui's In tbu rliy to the l > st help > OIIP 1'iit eiperlvnrfd n ed apply Olierfelder. llth t. . tit > U IXiUklus aud Karnara STS rs -OOoiTvVANTKOAT ONCK.A KIllsT CLASS cook In family bl two ; no washing , wage * li * week , ZHUl > uuilustreet. MJ73i'o C-WANTED-COMPETENTGIRL1N A FAMILY of tbrie. No children Apply tn forenoon Mrs A , Zu nder , UH boutbuth avvnue. yj3 VT p- I'l'l'II-T-ltl LKAUN 1'k.UKKIT Wn ING TAI Vlur ntcni. I. tu f IV : perfuct tit tin K dre Iln. Ino und putteini lor la.les audchlldruo , IVo to iic. IVr f cct n t . j : u aranteyd. tOa N ; < lb st. j _ i , * r WANTKII , A GIRL rait < iKM KAI < IIOl'.SE , Vvwurk at u\ ; Webster at. _ ifl I7 WANTED , A GOOD GIRL fOR GK.NKRA L lUUKirork Mrs , O. O. McKwan HUH : ttb ) at ivKAl HIGH } * ! ? * MmW modern couvenlences. The * UIT Paxtun block. 57C UOMK OF 9 ROOMS. I fit. or unf arultbed I'Artle. gulne to fall- Apply ou pisiuUo. , III ! bouth lent , ttroet _ U'001 tJWTAOK 0 > MOTOR Apply H.\\ccrcer'.tBanyBtigla- "HICK HOUsKs. MSB JlOOMti ) f - -'ivscu , crk > t cl&ft i&odtTU Improvotiitct-i I'&rk < k TCUUOAnCl JIlckurT kirAdL f acini * I Ian J * nm rkmrk J. M. IUcharaj.Ji | U myr'Mas ' nr.JU 'iE"T , MCB IjT-TLE COTTAGE NEAli * * - * * * ' " acaool , Ilk UO. ( ieo Jv lllcks ' BUS J * 1 Ufe Bldg. MSfSrT Dnif. ° iwiUltNT' nK-IKu "OUaE IPLT . Ivlv U dfe. U 1V r.E/1..1' ! ! ? ? , 8 WINTER. .ROOM lUV-STNunhSUt ttreet , city water. IS. U. Bntta. ra South Uta , ucet a ES n U -UOUSBOKH ROOMS. ALli MODERN CON- MOlsccw , pljajantly lc < _ t . ue-r business cca. , or L. nENT-HOUSE3. Continual. run KENT ir Roe iioi' r. . sou Dn I , Itred&Selbr Hoard of Trade D-10-KOOM iotr K , CEVTItALLr IXr-\TED ; /nrcace and all UnproremenU. 7X N lth "t. D-io-nooM nuirK uru n WITH ImnrOTcmrnts , on th T stnear Learenwnrth Inquire at R7 So 20tb etreel. MTU I ) 1-1-S ROOMS CUKAP AT C X. I3TI1 ST , 430 D-A l.AIKJK 1,1 < T OF CI1O1CB 11OUSK" , ftorci flit . etc. ! lnu " from 95 UO per month nd ii | . GeorceJ l' ul , 100S Farnaoi. D-MIOOM IT.AT. STKA.M IIRAT. rtR9T-CLA43 Iteferencet. SIS b. tind lre t. room C. 433 H-1K7 .NOltTH ntl , 1NQU1RB 113 JACKSO.V. Jf [ M.V.4 D-Kdll KENT. IIKSlltAIH.K V-HOOM llOUeK. Ritnternlmprotcicentii neUbbornooJ tlie I'ot It C 1'attcrwn. Ui lurnzo block Ml 3 DtOllHKNT , 3 tLA7c f HCXMS KAI'lt , 8TKAM beat tiler neil e > Itwlacert rent 917 S 13lh t l.lnton block John llimtln o.-pnt. SI "n-oxi.r TWO I.KIT or THK C-UOOM CUT- I'Inure inrlomplrted HBTO bntli. not and cold wHitrnnrt modern cnnrenleteei le lr tle liomes for bn lnei" men In liranllfnl Stanford circle I'or Vnrtlculan M'plr to ! rt r I.o n and Trust Co _ , 4 New Tort Life building. & 52 D -H.AT < , IVmUNGS. COTTAOK9 I.V ALL | parliof city , Kilkenny A Co , Continental blk WI D xit ) HKVT. UOUSES is ALT , I-AUTS or city. ToeU. e Darli compiay , 150i larnam SL D von HVNT Attr > oM IIOD.AV : WITH ALL modern conveniences larce yard , at (111 ( South SCth stM 123 If Ukva for n year 2'J -KOIl ItE.VT , fcEVriUL MCE near llantcom park lit ) to tX Ueo N lllcks , SOI N V lilt ; M3U27 D-l-Oll HtNT ONK 7 , ONK 9. AVI ) PXU 10 room modern IIOIKP corner 25th l and Popple ton avp W I * Uartun 7.'J N Y Life IIMir. UN D-IHilK 1011 HUNT PitOVtimn 1'AKTV will purchase haaschnldcoodi will take ( < mnha real L late In payuent. Gear ; * Claascr 1HJ I'ark avenue > 13S1 D-10-HIO\t ( 11U1CK. IS AS HATH UMl.NACE laundry ca > l front uverlhln modern Keys at Dr 1 bcbwartilandr s < KI1 Cupltol iivcn no MS3J 31 * D-10UOOM UltlCK HO * Mi. ALL eontenlenet * . pteani bent jut completed beau tifully locate. ! \\oortn plnce on Miermnn nvc Inquire UII Ionian ! sir -eu h Joni en Ml Si' D-rOIlHE > T .NEA1 COTTAOK HALI1I1XVK rom m' > tor. furnl heil or unrurnl hcd city wMer iorCroomi Apply \\clsbans , 411 Knr- bach block M3C3 I D KOIUtKNTSBAniIA > OOM VAIIK b room brick boure IKI S S2nd. { 10 ( U room brick house corner 33od and 1'oppleton axe HMO I- room frame uou e r0 I'oppleton ave H OO I- room btlck , clecaully flnl h 0 300j Pacific , 5 room brick cotlnrp 2fl3l Capitol nre H500 Ui-o N lllcts. U15.S 1 I Iff bulMlnp a = - KENT. 7-ltOOM MODKH.V J'LAT IK Dr.1 ; . ock. K. B 18th tl 8 1 M PVTKAM HEAT. ALL MOIIEU.N IMPUO\E J'nieutB , eoruer flat , second Coor 2ird and Haven I'ort rtreets JM-JS * D I-l-Oll KENT , 7 HOOM UOt'si : , JIM fe > LT II : TU nve , MS'03 * REKT-FUIWISHED ROOMS. E iooM wm ATH , , sr munth 1JUD harnam 3J3 20 * EVRhLlUKM UKDLAHGE HIONT UdOM 122 .N 17th tt M92J M' ' FLIIM HFI ) IIOOM * WITH Oi I j without board , at the \ \ vbslcr olG and 6IS Xurth 1'tli f treet. 1U3 2u' ITiICELY rCllNlslIKIJ HOOMS. ALL MOD ' -tern conveniences Terms reasonable SIS'Sorth 23d Md71 1 ri rno > T HOOM , nvrii rAMI HEAT. JJr-oard If desired U19 I'ark avenue MJ"3 81 * PTJBNISIIED ROOMS AND EOAfiD. I ? DESIRABLE HOOM AND I1OA1UI IX PHIL -L rate family 7H ( X. l th- Mlb7S7 * IJ'-ELEOAVTI.'V ' XL'KMhllEU KOOMS. FIIl T -L class boardThe' IX > l a , 20J an J 211 A" ISlh street. M / 17-UOOM AXD BOAHD IN miVATE FAMILY i- for two centlenien with references at IS per week each , all moderu conven'eures. i5 ! X 23dt M1U9 P HIONT ItOOMs UKl.L I UtlM < IIbD WITHer or without board iJU .Nurlli Illh n , M33527' F'JESHIABLB > DlfE bOUTU UOOMsITU board 1S22 Chicago M33 > ; 30 * 17-DE5IKAI1LE Itf'OMS WITH UOAHI ) AT i renfonnbl" t rms In email family nicely located. All modern conveniences Inference : 2417 liar ney ! > tre t M Cj 27' TJi ONK OK THE FINEST HOOMS IS OMAHA * vilth tirft elnsH cccommodatlons al o another liloatsnt room ; with board 520 X 2ord street M408 S0 FOB RENT- UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 4 USKJH.MSUKD HOOM ? . SUITABLE FOIt housekceplnf , to small family ; csntral loca tlon. cheap rent. Apply to J iL Wheeler , 417 Kar bicu block ' 4 HOOMs ICO : LEAYEX \ \ OIH U. FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. 1-OH KENT. TIIK4 T KY BRIT'K ni7lLnTN7 ; , sinharnnm it The bnlldln ; hat n fireproof ce meut basement , complete steatubeatln ; fixtures , wnter on all tbe Boon , ica , etc. A oply at the ottles of rhoileo. VIS WANTED-TO RENT. K WANTED. UXFUIt.NlBlIKD ALCOVE UdOM poatbwest part of city modern conveniences AddreisOlS Hee .Ml.1t K-WANTED. 1WO OH 1IIKKK ISOOM" . hX kulte. mutt bi ulrely furnitbcd , batbnuduiod ern canteulencrs not over six blocks froru post otllce , prlrcte homo or flit. Address OK , lies umce JUU2Z7 RENTAL AGENCIES. " FEllSiOXS & 11EUIIY , THE LEADING 'llEN -ilnl inanaiters of south Omaha They linvi-storej , housen , offlcei and rooms for rout. 827 M4 STORAGE. fIIKV CI.UANft 1 > ICI\ATKLV SrOllEI ) l-'Ult- lnlturel.HJTl > uuclasOciaha 3tovo [ lu.ialr w < jrk § ] \ rSTORAGE CHEAP , CLEAN , WELL ? , 1111 rurnam utreet. IW WANTED-TO BUY. S- WANTED TO RUY t-OilB 8 PER CENT ti.-ttt-.Ueai'O , RecU ; : elby. 531 Hoard Trade * * 7 - \ TECOND J'ANII IlOOhS IIC'CGHT FOIt CASII Jul tl.i ) Antiquarian book more , IM'J rarnam U77-n 10- X-WANTED , VO rllJV A i-ROOM HOTEL WITH i bar la Nebraska aotnecoad Omaha rial estate part payinnut. lnJI 5. 13tb tl 11217 l-j * > T - b KCOND HAN PNUI'MATIC OR tlSHION 1' tire fcalrty ; mnitbecheap and In good repair Address ua Uuaotlice s3 Af FOR 8ALE-rTJRWJTrjRE. O-I-OR bALK ALL MY HOU.-EIIOLD tiOODi. Will take Omaha rral itatt In pa > ment Gcor.e Clouber 1115 Park ivenuo. Onn POII 8ALK. TWO STUVKii. O\K 1IA11I > COAL .rid iwo bard ur soft coal burners cheap Tall all " " ilami-y street. MJ37 Sj * allQ Q - . roU-AI.KCHEAl1 JiOl el'K.S cer ttretl. Kountie I'laco yj3 ; a * .FOR S ALE-HORSES , WAGONS. ETC. T ) -FORSALE , -IVn'-DOLLUl TOP IIL'GGli fix-Mi U ) H K Cole , Continental block * M3 i-ALE-TWO WKLU MATCUKI ) IILACK 1- driving horses , welzhlnz about bOj Ibs cuchi rnustbeaotd at a aacrince Fidelity Loan Guaran tee Co. , room i Wlthucll bulUln. Call ut once. fOB. SALB-MISCEl-l-AWEOPB. -ISjirKA E. GOOD fcQlTARK PIANO VERY cheap. 1 f party will accept It will turn In as part pay for phaeton li N iKilh * -roUbALK. BL'TCIIKlti. TOOIA. 4 4 NOllTU WSOlb. SIS . * /--incKii. ) 1'iim.iiAitu , DOUGLAS BLOCK" Q FOIt PAI.E CUI'.Al' . A 3V1I011SK I'OWfcH autiituBttornirlDe ; ul i. one U botta power Bit- rlxtit euirlna : belli In euuU repair Icqutru of l t- uer 1'rtntlnff Co. , 1VT IlouanJ uat > ' . , Omaha , Neb. MUS Q-rOIl SALU.OHKAT1)\NKOHOKUMAS.MAS tin and KoflUU maitlO pnpplei. J C Ford. Itottl Dellone , Orcitia QI'CG rci'flKS , BOOM Sa.BAUKKIl BLOCK. XCISOEl LANEOUS. R -1101USK ItANCH > O. IW-UOUSEi. COLTS and caul * rmrM for tb f ax rouml. a. ( i. Uaoi South Om&tikA ti. I'.O. box 1M. MiWJ < H7 1JOVKRCOATO , SUITS. CLEANED , 11VKD , UK- vplr cheap 1 WJ Upward trct.ocicB room 1 SUB MlA * | > -A IIOMK 0 LAUIE8 HimiNG COXklMB J-Vu ct. tatlci kdpytwl lUlCuulbittreot Oj rOLAIRVOTANTS. S-MAIIAMK KKIT7. . loJICA S BTRKKT. ILAIU rofant and trance n dltimt Indrprndeat Tfile j tell * pan and futnre , ma Drtlc treatment LadlM only. Mm Mf _ O MIl < NANN.H \VAUHKS. . rtjAlltVOTANT , flfth jeir t li N. lub. C AHIIIVAL EXrrtAOnDIXAItV : Orprelallonv L'hillencci tbe world. Mr % l > r. M. Ix-crsre , deid tranre rlalrrorant. a'trolojlJt , palmKt and life re-let. teU roar life from tbo crdl u > RraTe , unlt the trpiratali Ma e mir- tluo with tlic one T' J lore , tlls where roa will roccrvd and In what bnlne > i belt nlaptPd for. hai tbo celebrated Ktrptlan orea tplats for luck and to dMtroj r > * 1 Inflncnepi , torn BU , Inte-npsrancs and all prliato cotnplnlnH with mimjse. bMtn nnd alcohol treatment , pad 12 01 , lock of bair , name and dale ot Mrth and rereUe acettrat * life cbarti 3cenUln tnmpi for circular , elrelnltlali of one yon will marry ; abe photo ) of sitaiB. Offica 41 ? Sonlh llth ftreeU Brit Boor : honn. 9 a m. to P p.m Conie one. come alL and t > 3 c nrlncei of thl ? won- derfnl oracle. 8U X 1 * -M.\IAMi : SANDALL OIVEi At > - on butlneM ( cnarantcm to settle fntnllr rnattrrn. ban wonderful Kcrptlnn charm of eood luck UlSUnTcnportstrpct M403 2 * MASSAQE. BATHS. ETC. _ _ m-MUE. LA HUE. MASSAGE. 1C fcOUTH 1JTU JL f trpet , third floor. Bat t. MUB & > _ - TRKATVB.VT. KLKCTKO-THKn- T-MASSAC1K mal baths icalpand hair tr atsient. manlenrB aad chlropudlBt. MM l'o t , > l - S llth.Wltlinell Mk Wl -51AIJAMK SM1TU. 1S5I CAPITOI. AVENUE. Iloom S. r.d floor. Maisace. lUcobol , inlplmr nrt > i > 3 lmth T MA DAM &TO\VE. MAGNETIC : I MO I'ratt t. MSH MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. 17-G OULl KMJKCK IUVJO 1 KACIIKK.X W cor litb and Harner llarncy street entrance MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. \v K , HAitKisux 812 N y Lric. 37 T\T" 7 I'Etl TKNT MOVEV-NET TO 11OIIHOW ' erson Oinahs city pro p-rty Noextra clmrcej nfnnyklnd Why pay him rules'1 Money Uchesp YUUCAH eel full lienvlll of low rates from Globe Loanand iruslCo and Dodee Wl Ttr MOHKiAOi : LOANs LEsd THAN T PEIt CT. * ' Including all churse * Charlci W tlalney Omaha Nat bankhldit in ] \\T-I AMa VK Ml LOANS OVC1TV AM ) KAItM ' mortgages Heed X clby , SJ4 Hoard of Trade 1U \\r-ClTV AM ) K4.UM HBAL ESTATE IXMN3 * at lowest rates cnn ult us before borrowing 11. C. Gnrvln A I oIK sheeley block IDo \ \ 7" ' XIOSKV T ) 1XAS AT LOWEST HATES Tbe O. ! . Uavla company , IjOo rarnam atreet 4 W-ANTHOVV I OA V AMI TRUST CO , 3H X V Life , lends at low rates for caulss security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Umaha city property W CENTltAL LOAN A TUUsTCO , UEK BLIW. V\r CHEAP MONEY , bEt Q \ \ P. COATK3 , ' ' IClt Tarnam W T\r LO N ON IMPlnVEDTNI ) UMMPKOVEI ) ' cltyproperty t l.KJ and unward * 610 7 pcrcenl ] xodelay > W 1-arnamSmltb i Co..15th and llarney 1WX ) TV-P"tv TKMOSEY. 1T AVIlSt ) MOHTGAOE ' ' loaus lowratci Aler Moore Ben bldp 102 TTT OMAHA SVIVGIINK MAKES LOSS'S > ' on real estate at lowest marLel rate < Loans made In small or large mis for .iort or Ions time > ocomnil sU n Is cnar od anl the loans are not sold In the tast. bul can always b ? found al the bank on tli corner of 13lh aad Uaujlas straels 10J V\r MOVKY TO LOAOS" IV" " " 'tD CITY ' property , owrate A C. trost , onslas blk 101 VSr-UKAI. K1TATE LOA .S C TOT PEll CENT , * no additional charges for commission or attor- ney'tfees. W U Melkle , Klret Xatlgnal Bank bldz \\T-MOVEY TO LOAN. tM.033 TO LOAN IN ' ' OmahR on bulldlnc nn1 loan plan Sl.iM paid monthlr will payoff 11,033 DO In 73 months No commission Hale Is le" than b per cent Poor man's chance * Do you nesd money * Cnn yon use monwy1 * If so , call or address room 312 , Doe building , , .Seb. 402 n I rtr-61'EH CENTMONK\ IIIPItOVEU PROPerty - ' erty It. C l'atter on , 125 llamEe bit Sll \\7--LAUGE I/IAN5 ! MADE OX OMAHA , LIN- ' coin. Council Uluffs business property. K per cent. Also small loans. G cores J Paul,16U5l arnam X15' MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WHA LOAX MONEY OV AX Ycx D OF + G X cnriti : strlcllr confidential A. E Harris , room 1 , Continental block. lOti r-PHITCUAllD , 51 IJOUGLAd JJLK , 16 & IWDGE 107 XV V LOAN'S 0V CH TrBLS. UEAsOVABLE IN- Vterf t , partlnl parments 1 lo G months W It. uIs. . li0 , Contlneatul block. Klevalor lath st. 109 X MONE'V AT LOW RATES ON AN Y KINK OF security. Keystone Mtge. Co , 20j aneeley block 105 L' J100.000 00 TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS V from f 10 up on HOUSEHOLD KU11N1TUK12 AND PIAN03 , HOUSES. WAGOVri AND CAItltlAGEa , WARKHOB.SE HECEIlTOR l'l"B ON'AL I'BOl'tfRTY OK AN1 KIND without publicity or removal of property. You can t > ave time and money by catting on O.MA1IA.MORTGAGE LOA.N CO , Room 11 , Crelzhton Block. 15th and Douglas , next to Postcfflcs. INCORI'OHATED m903 X MONEY LOANED CIIEA1" AT YOUR OWN time Ncbritska Loan Co. . 131C Douiilm > t 403 J--I/JW RATES ON KUtlMTLKELlVK STOCK etc. J , W Taylor , Pioneer blk , taoulh Omaha JOJ X MONEY-30 OJ. M DAYS CHEAP RATES and ea y uaymenta. on fnrnltnre. pianos , live clock , etc , without delay or publicity , casb on hand. Dun. Green , room 6. llarLer block. Mu2 - YtiO NKED MONEY * X-DO THK rlDKLIlf IXJAN GUARANTEE CO , Room 4 , \ \ hltnell block , cor 1Mb and Harney sts. , WILL LK.ND YOU ANY SUM. KIIOJ1 (10TOI10.0XU ON THBDAY YOU ASK fVU IT. We make loans of any slip , larea or small , on household coods. pianos horses waeons , warehouse receipts and personal property of all kinds. In any amount , without delav pnb > llclty or removalof nro | > urty. cheapest ratal rod easiest payments. biSE Ua l-'IRSr. 323 X -CHATTEL I.OAN9M K V L1IE MORll ! " 403 NO' X-tW.OW TOM > \N 0V CHATTEL SECURITY ; builuensconfldenilaL R U. Hoard Irade ill'N71 X MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PJANOH hortes w-cons und collateral security Ilnsl ness conQdenllal Fred Terry , room UJ Rumceblk BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-IFYOUAREhEEUING A RUSINES3 OPI'OR tunlty rqnlrins small capital In a certain and exceedingly profitable und crowjn ; business , and Blwuyscash , write to the undersigned Inctoslnz Htauip. when full partlrulart n 111 tits gljoo G E. K HAILmrect , Lincoln ! vtt 047 Y > \R S-.VLE , AT A VKUV LOW FIGURE , THE onllre. state Interest In one of tbe heaviest pay Ing monopolies now before tha public. It will tavu -Suercent of the coal billiof everybody uud pro duce better r ults Everybody wanti It nnd will havelt wlien n en A larbu tnBit ctn bu dona ot onie In uvery county Full particulars by mall Address G E K , Ilia L st . Lincoln .Neb Msii V lOKhALE , A MILLINERY bTORE AND 1IUCI -1 HpjfflOliiK a iraile or 115. WI it year , will take part In Eoud real estate uulncuuibered. Address o a , Omaha Hen , Itu IV * Y-K-K SALK , I2.W3 STOCK GFNERAL MER- L chaudlfe. In live tasteru Nebraska town , cooil profitable business In rich farming country , mutt be told Address O 45 , care Hee. M301 .tj * Y-FORhALE , I-KVV bllAREs llltlj EACH ) OF i the capital nock of the I Inl National bank of Arapabou. Ncbrmte. at t > J | > er cent of lt par value Address perry U Hole , cashier , tbe llauk of Arapa hoe , Arapahoe , Jseb HJI3 Y -FOR BALK , A WtLL KaTAULlslIEl ) MEAT Ji d.lln : nation , of fi years atandtne. Cash silts of trotn | jjj 10 f ' .U per ciuuth AOf'ess u 19 , I Jen office. M34 : Y OROCERV STORK IN A GOOD LOCATION i and doing a good business , for ( ale. Addreis O M. Jlee. MS41 81 * Y-DfcMOCRATIO WEtKLY rOR hALU. LO- J-cated In good 1011 or Jtnw population tn ren- tr&l Iowa , has a guaranteed clrtulatlon of buuund will tell fur tuu ; cub If taktn at once. Have cither buslncsj and will tell at blir sacrlOce. A < 1 dtm E W , , care of Guto illy , Keokuk. Iowa.MliO MliO * Y-FOIt BALU. UUTCHEIt SHOP ; HKsrfLAbs Jditorrs ; good buslne s ; ooner Icavluf Omaba. Call or address UII Sherman avenne , FOEEXOHAKUK. y CL.EAR OMAHA U-ALKS FATS FOR MDSE , actual valuitlou. Money tu loan. _ : _ mi _ Z-FOH KSCUANOE. FUJK DRH1NU MARE ( or btlllard and pool table. Jiux W . Shciiac- toaU Miavr * _ OU KXOUANGK , GOOD IMPROVED > E tra > ka tarmi for any good real or chattei property i'tntottic. i > or I , Ctiadron , .Seb , -4i ) ACRKOF CLEAR LANll IN ONE Ol the be-t winter wheat districts In kanas 10 ex chitiga for ID or ru ncrc tract near uuinb * C4t > limits. Mill pay c-kh difference if pi rtr li Good. Addreu , giving prito awl Imuulua , wS U OI&OIM. FOR EXCHANGE. ronllnurd. y 1 OWN 103 FARMS IX NKll AVD DAKOTA. < WI11 sell or exchange. Hot ( C , rrinkfort , Ind " I6 > V TOR KXCIIANGK , AIJ. MY HOl'SF.HOI.I ) / - > coorls for Omaha real rstat * . Can remain In Iionso to party wtMitng to tent hou o Georco Clotiser , 1145 I'ark aTfnae. * M 4- y-ron ALK ORTUADK HTNE PONY PACER , be t In the city with saddle JorUrly Mutt dls- I > o c of It on ncronnt < if movlnc oat the city Mould take In trade Rood typewriter or tafetr AJdresi OiK-llee * FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. K VI , ESTATE. 11 lnre ! lni only. * Vr were is cood. \ \ ( ) Albrlibt , w York Ufa Mil COME n\ oKKK.nno nr C > Tru t Co , 1" 3 I nrnnm No trontile to i > bowUi"m. 1'rettlettT room catlaicln the cltr. ill tnndern. An clecnnt east front lot on Ixiwe are. . La , Vet\ Place clieap : will aell > onn M-rernl flne lolt In north part of cltr do > e to motor. MUD to tMU. former price JTJO to t W n.roonill buy an A I bnu e , rentlnc lit prenentfor KiO iwr year should bMDx flee , amall I'ijturnt , will net ID per rent or more Two Melttlr toll loti Inouth Onmha. pplendld location rnlued at tl IUJ , Ju t nne-balf tbnt amount will take them. llW duwnlll double font luoner. A beautiful & -room cottwte. lotfiOjIV ) . ] u t eom pitted , 77th itnd A itreeu : fIVJ down , balance monthly pnraenta. CM1 quick bffore It Is told ATondale 1'uk. the nnmt liiHile rei-lilence addi tion In tbe cltj SI loti out of K } fold : luc Autnit . , 1'rlce oulr Jl.tK ) each , on ren enable tcrmi Call nnd fee ul at > oat tltem A funr room ccttnce and hnlf lot Thirty fifth ftcd eward worth tiMl oulr II IV ) tld ) cash aud ( ID | > er month \\lir par reat when ottered nucli terms'1 313-J irKJH bALKOll TUADE-UVTIIK OWNKK 10.000 -I acres of Nebraska i nnesl farming land nt it creiu nacrlflco. U II. I'etcrton , 141 : & IIili at Umaha. Mfl.13 Ml 17-roil fAl-K. MV ItK'llinNC'K AT 111 ! SuTIt -1 ft lUroom f nJlulli liolnn 1 cild .ilpclcetrlo belli and burclar alarm McaMnt tube f iirnice and btrn also tine ra aut ca t front residence lot II \\bltncj. . 401 M rchantj National biat bids W7 _ N5 _ JKHSOSi Jt IlEltlU , 1UE LGADINU HEAli I'tateileile" of boutb Omaliae onlj sel l.l tj-our property with them b.T V14 ATA IJAItO IV. 2 CII01CB LOTS. Mil35 feet JV each , more adjolulnclf desired Kast Ironlf * * \V corner loth and Arbor Klnen locution tn city forrealdcoce Hlock from llth at. motor llus ' llanltr. iui ? o 10th M. . Omaha. MSI I MX.NY I-AIIU4 I Oil SAl.K VKIIV CHEAP eair terms Geo.V. . 1' Costes , 1CH Inrnatu utrtet. ilWJ I Witt s AUK noon HKSIDKNCK LOTS is I'OT- tor A C.eorcc Co > addition Ua t Omaha , J3iO 00 totllWOO , 1 ICcsun. balance monthly Lots In t-lrele \Voodn' nddlllon , on car line tn East Omaha HiO 00 to tl 10 W Good residence low ID Laeey'ii apdltloru on mill tary road , motorllnefJOUOto ftWDO terms easy Acre pntperty near Omaha and frouih Omaha , suitable for gardening purposes or lUbdKldlng Call for prices DfilrabUi cottacca tn coed residence locality near car line tt.TUJ ( U to ( l.tDJ OD , small cash par- meut , balance monthly Potter & George Company. 1Clh and Farnam Ft * 1"VHAI.K MKir PIJt IMl'HOVEI ) FAUMS -I near Omaha , fTi to fa. Uuggt 4 Hill H03 Karnam street , 14563 M Ol-O ACIIRS NEAHOMAlH.JJi. OHO acres near Omaha f-15 per acre. ItJO arpy county. Itnprorid f(5 per aero. 1TO near prlnrield. $ jl per acre S-fl near ' prlntueld smooth SljfOO 810 Vnnc" county Improved. JIS.CKX ) ! I < \\a-hlncioncouiity l > per acre. 212 Otoe counly J41 * per acre 27 ThurMon county Rl. > per acre riOToI arcojnty fj-per ncrc r.lJColfax lounty tHrcracre ICO I'oliL'Ins counly. SM per s < * C K llarrUon .ill .S \ Lite. S50 37 I INE 53 I DOT EST FHONT. LOT. LOWE AVEnue - nue near Howard street wJl be fold for what It will brlnj Nonre ldent owner hcreand will let this lotco for flr t reasonable oflpf An opportunity for nnj one wautlnc u lot to bulhl on to buynfstbe real value T. 11 bnrgeint Merehauts hotel Jj H.ffi 57 FAKM I Oil &ALK ICO ACJtLS IN BOX nCTTE countv > eb Choice tract If sold qnlckly only tl.JOOO Geo. > llltks SU5 V Life bid * r7 y FOll SALE. MCE 0-KOOM COTTAGE , NEAH motor : furnished or nnCiirnlslied , city water , etc , bargain Vtelshans , < i4 Jvarbacb blocksnci snci i FOH SALB-KLUGANT MOUKRN UUIL'J 11OC3E Jn t completed near Hant"vm park , all modern conveniences larce. cround cM'ltb tine thade and fruit tieos If jouvranta nlcn home call aud eo It George X. Ulcks , MJ .S l Xlfe. 3' < J 2-1 B IN HEAL ET TK. Our ll t forlhls week comprt-es A Kplendld piece of tradago property near Ttlrteenth nnd Jones streets ' A lorty acre trtct Just H tulles from the court house Anelecantnew nnd modern built houte with nil conveniences , all ready for occupancy , mar Uuus eom park A 11LB1ES CORNER , TCi-.i ? feet Intersection threu btroets , splendid point for block of stores end Hats AN ELEGANT DOPBI.E RESIDENCE on ono Of the bekt residence felrietc wltb all modern con * venlenc s , can take part pnrchase price In peed land A.V ELEGANT HKICK BLOCK In splendid neUh- borhood , a first class Investment , can take bome good land In part siayment AN KHHTAUKETKACT close to Omaha one of the Unest tracts around tbe city , can be platted Into < UU beautiful lots , can take good atock f arm as part pavment. EVi-ltlONE of the above pieces can be sold at figures that make them rplendld Investments Georce N lllcks JC5 h \ Life building SSO-SU K KOUNTZK 1'LAI E , l.\K 9 HOOM MODERN bome f < KM , $ oOO cash who will be tlnwflrbt to know this Is just a RtiOO barcaln J J Gibson , sole agent Kountte I'lace , room J'JT , MrtNat banL DANCINQ SCHOOL. Mil AND MUS. MOKAVO'S DANCING SCHOOL , ( Tl ! Capital are now open Children Tuesday , 4 15 p m : Saturday , 10 a. m und S SJ p m adults Tuesday and rrlday 8pm Afesmbllei Thursday s.S pm 1'rlvatelesions dally Pupllsran join any time -lane and new dances taught Toe Carlyle , liar vardGnvote Wfnlwnrth Manltou and Columbian i.aucl r& . Residence 21.1)od < e au M'.tJJ M3 DRESSMAKING. NGAGEMESTS TO DO 'DHE3SMAKINQ IN famUlei solicited Miss Sturdy , JJO bouth 2Mb street- WANTING TO LEARN DRAFTING ASD LADIES dress cuttlnc call at 1715 Siebster street bet 3 and 6 , instruction free. M244 31 * LOST. OTIIAYED OR STOLEN RED COW Oanwud off , return and get reward at lionton btore , Omaha. JJt-Iu LOsT TWO GOLii TIN- . WITH CIlAli AND pendant attached Hnder leave ct 2013 Ca s and receive reword M 0 2V REM IN C TYPEWRITERS TON For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1M Fnmam street. Omaha. A Beautiful Complexion Can aoon be gained oy every lady by using the _ , 'TNli Urauil' Complexion Brush. Be tare tbe irade mark "Itnll Itruuil" U on lectrical elTect of the toft rubber i-oon brines tbe dcttred enecl and. when brought by thl TO ° BUB ltl 1'KllMA- 5Oo ISaoH Irlualled. at your own rii-t , mid lOc ; money to ucc'/nipaiy order TMik > our druggut for them , or Omaha Rubber Co , , (520 ( Farnam St TUB SHORTEST LINK1 , TO CHICAGO is via the Chicagxv Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre- " sented on this map. Elecfic Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuied trains leave Omaha daily at7o5 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent , Advance of the Pipe Brigade. Retreat of the Cigar Cohorts. Yes tlie Pipe is coming to the front as never before. Tlie high price of good cigars is helping drive them out of use. Millions of smokers use Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. It is the most popular Brand in the market. Smoked for overtwenty- five years its fame is still growing Quality always the same. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO , , DURHAM , N. C. THEGREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cure. all disorders of the Sloniiei ! , Liver. HOITO'.S , Ki Ic ij-s , UUd Jir , Nrro H Dist-nscs , Lo.s of Apt > etltp , Ilrailarlie. CoRS'iiiitl > n , CostiTcni , Insml \ \ iu , fill- oiisucss , Tocr , 1'ilcs , Etc. , nnil rou ! e-s ths jf tnai IPS < liabln to contract OUc.iss. UADWAY'S Plt.T aroc re tor this co up alnt. They tim up the Intern-i1 if > orfltloa ? t o hc lthv action , restorestrerutb. totba storaaoh. un-1 eti-xblo It tn perform Its function ! I'rlco 2io a hox. Soul by .ill Urujslits , or mailed by ItAUWAV A. CD. . UJ WarrouStreet Sow York , on receipt of prlco. Every MAN can lie I S'/XONO and VIO- OUOTJS in all e pem . _ _ Jby UMHK BPAVISU N.URVINE , the great Spanish Remedy. YOUNG MEN OR OLD suifermir from NEKVOUS 15EBILITY. LOST or FAILING MANHOOD nifhtl ) etrnssioi.r comulsioni , netvrus . . -f prostration , causi d by theus' fl opium lub cro or nlcohol wake | < " fulness mental depression loss clpawer in cither set Fpermstor- _ ASD Arrtr vst rboracausedbystlf abuse and o\er indulcenceor an > personal weak ness can be restored to perfect health ar.d the NOBLE VITALITY or 3THONG AIEN. We H a vrntteji Ruarantee with C boxes to cure an ) cate or rclund tlir uonc ) . Si a boi. 6 bozci liFer For Sals In. Omatia b/aruw , Lund & C o. Street Omaha Neb. 1316 Douglas , , . 7t totnent epftrlaliit tn nervcus chronic , private blond , akin and urinary Diseases A rvcular anQ f Clstertd graduate In mcdclna as diplomas nnd certificate * cbnw. Is ctlll treating with tbe rrratett succen atarrh , spermatorrboer. lost manhood , camlnal weakness. nUttt Ipsses Impotency iTpblll trlctnre KOU jrrhoca. Rltet. Tarlcocciectc No mercury ufeed. New treatment for loss of TltB.1 power. Parties unnbte to visit mo may be treated at notne by eorrw&ponilenca. Me Ula * ttr Instrnmfjits sent bmtllor exprrKs s * > curely packed , no marks to Indicate contents orsendp' * . Ono personal Interview prcierrad. Consultattoa Iree correspondence itrtctly pri'aia Book IMytMriM of HIM Mnl b * * . Offlo boonll * . OL toll w. m. si&mptor rnou. HOT gPItlXOS. SOUTH DAKOTA. THE CAKL1-- bad of America. In the Hlack Hills , " m feet above the sea. A crisp , braclni atmosphere Ujvely scenery Thena wtrm modletnal waters lave cured thousands of patients Hn3t plunca bath In tbe L TlieKtatih , built of pink nand stone aetomodatesW people , strictly tir t claij , open flre places Meam h electric llebti richly furnished Bne wld vvrmdahs tnble a specialty line autumns taild lnters IteduceJ rules by the week or moalh lurouEh trains from Chicago O b MAUDEX The J\uus , Hot sprtngj , Dakota npwi , con tlpiitlonj dyppcpplaDull bremth headache , Lc&rtburn , lou of * . . mental dej region painful f V1 < U THtioii. plrni * * . BiUlow c-jinpiert S laa.und ercrf otsejLoC refiulUugrroni t Impure bl&o-i , rr a failure by tbe stomach , ilrer or in * t * * < UQt to perform tnelr prcper functions. I rreonj * ARE YO U SUFFERING rnoM Female Weakness , Calarrlior i Chronic , Kenroiis or Private : * " Disease ) , IP SO , OAtiTj ON Searles & Searles Consultation Free. Acknowledged to be the most succeif ul specialist In all Pitn ATE , ULooiScmocs. . &KI& AND Gonorrhoea In from 1 to B day Syphilis curel wltbout.Mercury All slaze * for llfo fcTltlC"IUIlE permanently cured re-nOTat co-n- pleto , without cutting , ciutlla or dilatation f nr affected nt home by patient wlthjut a iiuraDD''i pain or annoyance PILES. FlaTfLA AND KECTAL ULCCU3 cural without pain or detention from builneas UYDHOtKLE AN'J V AUIU > t"KLE permineatlr and tuixeof ullv cur.'d. Method new and unfatlUu WEAK MEN ( VITALITY WEAIt ) , Mads so by too clou appll. cation to bnslncsi or study , sgvero mentM ntrila otcrlef. SEXUAL KAUESsEs tn mldJIa Ufa , or trom tbe effects of youthful faille * WEAK MEN' AKE VICflMS TO XBTIVODS DIt. BlLITi'or ISXIlAUiTIOV , WASTING WliAKS'KSd 1NVOLUNTABY lSES wltb EAltLY UK'JAY la TOUNG and MIDDLK AOED ; lack ot Tim. rigor. and ttrenxth , with aaxual oricans ImpiUrel and weakeneuedpramiturely In approachlnoll ata All yield roadilr to our naw treitmont for lost of vital power Call on or tuUreu wltb Haojp for circulars , free book nnd re Dr. Searles & Seines. Neittn It i fnr iliornrnof iU | > rj la nnil Its . f tlouaiid jille , Hint TuSf's Tin ? Pills lmfn IHTOIIIH so f.uiiiiiiB. They act { . ' Mtly , Ithout KrijliiK or niu . < : : i. "Improvement the order of the age. " "We never expected , in our most san crutne moments , such an inurCttM ; in sales us commenced on the lirstof Sep tember. The Smith Premier TypeWriter - Writer is having enormous H-iles which are wide nnd far reaching. These are the reports we are receiving from our many branch oflices A TRIAL MEANS A DSond for a descriptive catalogue , THE SMITH PREMIER TYPE-WRITER CO. , , Xeb. E. IL MAYUEW Manager BY AN INVISIBLE POWER Motor Coa3nctor Ilenrj Oatlin Recsivoi nn Almost Fatal Electric Shook. SOURCE OF THE CURRENT A MYSTERY Thr MrtlmVa not Iitmteil cr .Mtrked In nnr Mnniier , bnt Vntntil Aijony llntl Itulil of the llr Ke nnil I'lnttnmi Knlllnr ; * As a Hanscom pirit motor train turned , the corner at Txvanty.nlnth and Liavon- worth tS o'clock yesterday morning , Will- lam Callln , too conductor , stepped from the trailer to tno motor ulatform. Ills foot had scarcely tsuohoJ the platform of tha front car n ben ho dropped RS If strucK by a trip hammer. The train was stooped and the uncnnscioui man plckeJ upnnd carried Into the corner drup store. Secretary Goodrich of the com pany llnr , who llres near , happsnrd to bo oa the protiuj and had a sofa oroucht from his tvsidonoo and the man \va muJo as couifortable as pjsslblo until the arnval of Dr Brown , ha maid an examination. No sitns of a burn or scratch or tn rk of any sett wa < found on the man's boJy , but The physician 1 % positive that the man was prostrated or nn electric shoclt.Vheu picked u hl Iimus were Ur.twa up to bis bodj and nerfeetlv rlpld His head hid boon shrtitlr bruised by strlklnc the pl.itform. \ \ bile lylnc upon the sera ho seemed to bo sufTorlnjr tntenso oaln nafi - co-nplatnod p r- ticulorly of his rlchl ; side. Morphlno was adininlstorra to deaden the paiu abd ho was reirored to the Methodist ho pitul , hU mother , \\Ith utiom tic lives , being uuablu to attend to him. The tram was run Into the power house soon after and thorouchly tested and examined or the oftlclals and their electrician. Nothing ooulrt bo dUcov- erea t" indicate hoiv the RhocU occurred. Call In himself Is under the Imorossion Itat he bad one hand on tno roar Birltcn box ana the oilier on the nliUfarm rail , but ovcrjihlne about the platforms is supposed to be perfeetlr insulated and barm- less. less.All All laotorrnon know that during wet weather aud wsmctlracs when it Is drr , thcv are llotilo to Might shocks , uhich are accidcaly unpleasant. Under unfavorable conditions thoio shocks are so severe that the n.oa dread handling their brakes and snitches , but herot&loro DO ono has been sonouslv inconvenienced. The street railway ofticinls are poslttvo that it is not possible for a man to oe shocked under sued circumstances , but the pbvsicijm is equally posi tive that oleclncitv w s the fores which struck the silent , invisible blow which prostrated Conductor C-itlln. ll Is not. thought thut the shocit will Drove fatal , though the victim is severely shaken up and suffers n pooa deal. To l'r MiMit tlio Grip Or any other similar ooldemlc , the blood an4 the whole hystem should be kept Ui health condi'.ion If you feel worn "out or hava that tired feellne" in the mornlnp , do not be culltj of noclect. Give Immediate atten tion to yourseif. Take Ilood't , Sarsaparllla to clro strength , punfy tbo blood aud pre vent ducase. Hood B Pills cure liver ills , jaundice , bll- ousnes , sick headache , constipation. SUED THE SHERIFF. aim for l > nm ce nrnirlnir Out of the iu t Onnli-i ijertiiient Cnse. Yesterday bberift Ben-ott nwoiu to the realization that be had another largr sizoa lawsuit on his hands , gronlni ; out ot : he ejectment ot Nels Lanoi from tha Ryron Heel property In Eist Omaha. Obeylnc the writ , which was issued from the district court , the sheriff on Tuesday vli- ited East Omaha and ordered r.arson to va cate the premises. Not complying , the sbor- iff at once procfladod to war down the tioune , barn and otner builainrs which stood on tha land to which Larson lavs claim under an alleged purchase from Martin Quick. Tbo ejectment v , as com pie to and as soon as the property was cleared the owner turned It over to the Interstate Bridge & Terminal company to be unea a < a place oa which to store unaco material. Larson at oncn came to Omaha , omuloyod a lawyer and commenced n S. O.OUO damage lull against the sheriff and his bondsmen. In making uis claim iordamaves ho alleges that the lana ' in the state ot Iowa , and'that in QUKin ? the eviction of the sheriff exceened his authoritv br going outside of his jurisdiction to execute the writ Lirson has another suit ncainsr thesherltl , brought last xpring , in which ho claims that he sustained fcid.WJ damaeo by having been put out of his bouse and home at that tltno. A Cholera > eare. A reported outbreak of cholera at Ilel- mettn , N J. , created much oxoitomont la IbatvicinilT. Investigation shoueQ that tbo disease was not cnolera but a violent dysen tery , which is almost as severe and danger ous as cholera. Mr. Walter Willaro. a prominent merchant of Jamesburg , two miles from Hetraelta. says Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has given great satisfaction in the most suvero ( aesof arson very. It it certainly one of the best things ever made. For sale by druggists. by Petition. L. M. Anderson and Chnrlcn Jnsktcp have filed the necessary petitions with the city clerk which uill authorize tbo putting of their names upon the tickets to beveled ht -tho coming election. Ttioso poUtlous hovv that Anderson wants to run for a place on the Board of Education and that ho poses as an independent , inskeep's petition declares that DO is in it as republican candidate for the rouncil and that be haiu from the Seventh \\ard. "l ata to DO ] ana uany to nsaw ill sliortai the road to your bume in the skies. But early to bed and "Little Eirlr Ui er."tbe pill that raaioi Ufa 1cm jar aaJ batter aal wiser. _ THK ftKAI'TF MAKKKF. TNSTRUMENT3 placed on record Oct. Id , VTAItHANTr ItECD . II ) How.inl anil wife toO li Hopkins , lot ( i. bloeU 17 , Com ml p.irk . . . f 503 McG.ivocl. & O'kotn" ) coinp.niy to Gvorgu MelirlJu. lois ! ) and Ju. block 3. AltOa ocl. A crKfeilo'hsuId. . , , . . . 1,47) l.ui-y Hamilton to Christian Oison ; , lot i , uloi'k 1.1 , Contnil park . , 1,1 > 00 Tt rziti t-udlk-k und Jnibbdnd to Kurcllna Sulut.a lot 12 , Uloi-k 1 , OU iliumu pjrK S.CO ) \ \ A KtdlcU and wife to II i : C'ar > . lot JiH lilurK K I'lulinlfw u Jd . . , 2100 C \i \ Vtin I ami ) and wife to O II I'rlniiO , i- : i ft ct of lot . ' . block a , C'ottago park , < r filu > . . . „ „ . . COO J \ U .Sf tin nnd wife to llullen Oh or , lot 13. block 1 , Uitdlclc park 2,153 It i : \ Vtnx to Joseoli ami Ktitle , lot I , William A UouclaH ml ) in 1'oUcr & . ( ' ( ilib'b.'cl udd tohoulh Uinalm TOO J It Hmw and wlfu to I'litorUiBcn , lot 5 , hliuwBbUUIci Uulnul 111 1. , . , . . . J.003 W 11 liusscll aud Tlft to .Mutual Invot- conipany , luts 4 und S , Ulook II. Tliorn- burgl'lHCe , , , 1.9M H A hetinc.d < H ul tua iinu. lots IS , lUund 2) . liloci. 7. KHby I'lnwi , iOOO I'atrJcU Murpltj mid wlfo toV 1 * faulby , lot V. Moitur1 ! , sub 1,900 Vt L > Selby , truktcc. to M A llolsicln , lot 4u. blocu * ! , W L boiby's 1st ad to riouth Omaha . . . 400 Thomas Koily and wife to John Carroll , 'i lota , block 1IL' , bdiith Oni .ha. . f\M A J Mnllh to John I > u Mauiirun , lot 4 , blocUl , iuo Mill . , 530 John McArulo mill vrifo to Mutual lu- tesliiieiit oomuaiiy , lot 4 , block If , Ikauo A. k ildi < n'f . . . . . WOO DCLIIS. DM A I'Moore , iidinlnUlrator. to HUUrlf- nth. H , u u uiiaeii. u w 4-M-lll , . 2.490 G A llenuett , bl.crlfT. to OO 1'urrntiioe , lot 1H. block 4. WUn A , 1'uruielte'i atlU. . 1DJ Batue to J li Wlircltr , lot 'A bloctt 4 , i'rujn park . . . . 239 EdRHrZaljrUlcio. t-peclal matter , to 0 H i'armclte. lotfc 14 to IV. block J , lots 14 , 15. itl. und in. lilo1. . l' . lot 1. block a , loti l.a. 11 und % ) > loi-k4. loti 1 nii < ] a. bloot C , \\Utt / . I'nr.ciiieu' add , undiv , ' of 1 ft strip dj i-aide w S. fcvr 9-16-1 j ( ox IM ft off t i.'iidi and undiv S of 1 ft fctrl ! ' : icrus M ouil uf * ald ( Hud ( tsi CO ft In conuri , . . . . . . . . . . . 7.S2T Total uuiount of trantferi ,