Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Talk of Decreasing at Country Joints
feared Shorts.
TlintCcroal Opened with I'ren Liquid illon
nnd the .Murkrt Hail n Scuon tit
ntiil llnndn.
CrucAoo. III. Oct. C0.-Townrd the end of
today's Bostlonot tholloirdof Trade talk of
( lecruaslti receipts at country points boean
to cause tinc.islnuss amoiiK the shorts and I ho
BU I.oula people who had wheat sold and Mln-
nenpolls men In thosamo proJIcimcntsont In
liuylng order * In such numbers as to make It
wakotip tlio local crowd. Instead of a mate
rial Ocollne tlmro Is practically no Kltcratton
In prices of Hhcut , corn or o.its ccmpircd with
yestcrdiiy'H und ted iy'a closing urlces Hyo
wnsvery weak and Is from lo to Jo lower than
on tlioday before. Provisions h.ul a vciy dull
for the diy-- :
cession nnd closed at llio bottom
12JeolT for pork,7'iO for lard and .V Tor ribs
Wheitt ojiened with frco lliiuldttlou and the
runrkct had u season of SIK IU ? urloiM. l > u-
cembcr was the weakest , nnd on sollliiR by
Nash-WrlKht , Atn.oin , doln\urU-Iupeo and
eomo other promlnont houses the dlsc"iint on
May widened to IV , the illlTcrenoo ynstoidtty
having bom about e or 5'gc. "miller receipts
In the northwest 7VJ c trs , U Diilulli nnd Mln-
n npolls ind the sll htdccrca o In the ro-
coluts at other primary ihtitkut" , a tend-
cncv toclipi'l , the woikiii s , biittho blystucKs
ovurywhere. tin , M'Dinlnir liidlllcicucu iibiuid ,
tlioioiitlniHd fricdom In iloliBill's and the.
prospect oi iiiiollii'r blif Inercu'i- the \ islblo
noir Ittiite mid iilmost beyond precedent
vrcro all roentdi'd with dlitiu t , The oponiiu
vrusabniitlliosirii'i a ycsterdiiv. closing to
! ( r under and ! tilled fiom ' o to uc then do-
ollued front 'to to V. Mm not tu-rl nliis to
qnlto the siino extent as December , then b -
came stinn rr , with December advancing'i '
mid Miiy Si- , case 1 oir ii trllli ) ind thu closliiR
was > , i < lower for llec-cmlier nnd ' e lilthei 101
liny th in M'itciday.
Corn was eaU and lov.or on llio llnci
neither , tindulirnss In shipping demand unil
votkness in ptovlslotis Later , liottovoi.
theio was an upturn on free eovi-rliu bv
Khortc. lci-ui..liir ) ) was ttuaker than May , .ind
the discount w dunod toJ'sC ' against 4i' vcs-
l rduj. ' 1 bo m irkel developed miii'li stlength
hirliii : the last hour , the llriiinnm inhiU
lielDluj the ndv.tnct'lii corn Iti-potls fiom
the country lOtitlnneJ to mention tinuoor
qirillty of the grim as lovi-aloct by th husk-
Jnir ami loiintry do ilcrs reported ullcrltvs
fallliiKOir. , ,
Oats were o-i } nnd lower oirly. but t > on
recovered. I hero was decided ilrmne s
during the last hour. ICccoldts contlniicd
rather sin ill , und with the Improved dcm ind
for the Lcttoi guiles of e ish out" , moruionll-
Iciico was developed In fnluri-s. with tlio
posblbln inception of near deliveries , whleli
were obliged to fans stoous In local ulevntors.
The rye maikot was us weak as the bonca of
n new-1 OMI infant , hellors for future dollv-
ory woio nnnicrous , wblin buverH weio sc irco
and the market received .1 cvoro pounding ,
the eloso showing a loss of from IctoJjslnco
Hop products were oisler on free olTcrlnes
nndadecldud fnllhuoir In the demand. 'I ho
clique set-iiu-d to he It ) ivliu the IIMI kul lo 11-
elf , KiiRlWi houses were soiling lard.
TreUhtsMIO slow. OIToilnjs of room
vrcro amp o : demands small. Kates wore
Btcudy afj'iu fur winit and "o for lorn room
to llulfalo.
rstlmated iccelpts for tomorrow : \\hoit.
720 cars ; corn , 4VJ ( .ars : oats , 211 car- . ;
yj.fluo ho id.
ThoJcadlng futures ranscu as follows :
\vitn VT No :
Cctobc'r .
lcccmt ) or
COIIN J\o'i-
OUcibor. . . . 43 41 42' ' < i 42H
Dctcmbcr .
Sin ) . . . Jj 31)8
AU.-S ronix-
ovolllLl r i. : . n 20 12 21
Jniumry 1.1 w > - 13 u 4711 , 1.1 47' <
November voa
Jnmiary . 7 Ui 7 67) ) .
Enoui 11 in'--
Ottobei. . . . 1050 10 ; i 10 75
Janinr ) . . I. ! 7 > < a us
Cash iiiot ) itlons wcro as follov/s :
Fr.ouu Dull , a few sales allccted at mater
lal concessions
WIIEAI No 2 spring , 71' cj No. II spring , G :
GlUc : No. 2 red. 71e. .
OoiiN-M.2 , 4l' . eJ.'ei No .1. 40B43'c. ' ;
OATS No. 2 , LO'jc ; No. 2 ivblte , ai8c ! ; No 3
fthltc. : t KftJJ'sc.
RIE-NO. 2 , , ' .Ic.
llAlti.uv No 2. G030o ; No. n , f. o. b. , 402c
No. 1 , f. o. b , : e3le.
1'r.At SILI > No. 1 , * 1 1114.
Voitrc Mess , poi bbl. , > 2 : : lard , pei
100 Ibs. , * S GOa * u : short ribs , sides ( loose ) , Jil.'J '
@IO,7is dry silted shouldets ( boxed ) , J'J.I1
tBtlWi shoit clear sides ( boxed ) , 5 .2 548.25.
\VIIISKV Dlstlllcts' finished ooJs , per gal.
BuilAns I'nchansod ! out loaf. S'S'iJj'.ic '
f rannlatcd , . ' > n.c ; atundard "A , " ft' ' e.
Hecolpts and slilpmonts today vvoie as fol
long ;
On the I'roduco exchanjo to lay the bntto
mnrknt was llrm : prloc-s unchanired. Cream
ery , 20S2 : cliiiiy , iSit'JIc. Kggs , Urin. Htriul
fresh , 20' , < BJlc. _
Ncnv Vniic Alarl.i'U.
NKW VOIIK , Oct. -riiOtrii ( Receipts , 20.5 (
plRs ; CMioits , ' 'Ob bills , 40.50U sucks ; nicdei
ute ( li.'in.ind , eany ; sales , 1.1. OJO Ijbia
CoilN Ml At , StiMilj : fair demand.
' \VilK\T Itccolpta , .42,000 bu , exports. 61
COO bu ; Kilofi , ! ; .520OJO bu. of fntiucICO.U
bu. of snot. Spcils. falrlv active , eusloi. ole :
lni > Btcadlpii No.2 red , 7ii'iii in stoto ind elc
vntcr ; 'O o nllimt : 77Ma7Hl4C ( f. o. b : No.
red. "nUi'l iiiiKiaduil led. ( .sJi77c . ( ; Ni
1 iiorthoin , Sj'jo ; No. 2 nortliuin , 75 '
Jilt. U iMIIvvailKCO. 7G'iC. ' Options wet
fairly active , Irregular nnd ' ®
lovvoi , opening weak and dicllnlns UCt-'u u
larso rccolpls , more favorable we ithor. foi
clcn Eclllin : and local roiilulnrcucto 1 'ju c
improved export dcm.ind. higher ucsl , an
liorls < oveilnc. declined WSie on oasli
light cables nini nlo ed sto idyj No. 2 red lie
ccniber. 7il l-HG'iOtc. closlm : at 7W'iCj .lam
nry. : u4'JriOc' ? ' , olosliii at 7i'ie : May , b5 1-IM
Ull-IRc , elosliu nt N > 'aC.
ItVE-Qnlol ; wostnrn , 59J'Oc. (
HAUI.KV Qnlct ; vvi'siorn , ( WQ,7.'c. ,
ltAi.i.iv M\ri Dull ; city niado Canadla
COHN llocolpt' , lll.roo bu : oxporln , T'J.O
bu. ; sales , l.llO.OOJbii. of futures , ii.-i.uau hn. .
Eliot. t-iiolii Ilrmor , model. itoly active ; N
2,5mi © ' > 0\So \ In elevator ; alloil ; m
graded ml\jil. 4'i'i'itc. ' ' Options nmnn'il we ,
and dccllnc'd ® on rnall/bn ; , iidvancod '
tie with the west and closed linn at ' 4(2 ( °
o\or ypstorday : November. .MiUSiMc , clo
Init at MV ; Doember. . 5itk'2.J3c. ' ' . closli
nt5."ic ; Hay , lilWWtv. closlns nt6. ' 4e.
OATH Itcoolpts.M'Jii.ojo ' bnj sulos. ; ciiui ) b
of futures , V 7M > 0 bit , spot , Spots Ilrmor , fair
uctlvo. Optlont ; nulet , o.islPi : Novonilu
III 1 1-11/3 11.c , elo-liuatT.Jo : Dccpinbor. :
( ftWS.i' . I'loslni ; tit .I7c : May. TOitilj'nc. ' , clo-ili
at40' c : No. s spot nhltr. J'i'jo : nilvcii vvei
ern , , Hil.lbc ( : white western , : ti44ici ! No.
Cliloauo. I'f.'Jc.
11 AV ijnlul , easy ,
Hoi's iviului , piisy.
BuiiAit htpudv : oil1 A , 45-1031 il-icu ; eran
latcd , 4 i-lliit.V : !
A.O | , SHth-rorelin , nominal ; New Orloai
qiilot , ; steady.
Kiel. ( lee I doimnd , llrm ,
Kr.dh Moderate demand , steady : rceelp
11.071 pkus.
I'oitK Mrrn , ciulPt ; out mouts limit
liloklcd bullies , h\ilS'c ; ploliled shonlclo
vO7'-ic : iiilddli" ) . Inactlvo : lard , lownr. du
western Nteiini , closud t'l.l'it ' ailcs , 10J lloru
t ( 'Ml ' ; notion snips , none ; Oulol :
olosod til f'l.I'i ' : Novomuprelnseii ntfSUO bl
JHOiiury closed at K.irt ttskou.
llUTrhii-rirm , niodprate donmndi T.\f' \ ' ,
K Moaeratoly active , steady ) p.
klmsn7i7c. :
I'm InoN-htoady , ( ] iilot ; American , fum
15. M ) .
Ooi'l'Elt Steady ! lake. * ll.7'.ail.65.
I.EAli-Dnll ; domestic , UHXill UO.
TIN Knslert straight * . * :055ii.UOO. :
KHIIK.IH City AliirUntii ,
KANSAS OITV , Mo. Oct. 20. WHEAT I'ulr
active ut tinuliiintfod prices ; No. S hard , u
67ei now , 57'ittSoi ' No 2 red , .waWHje ,
OoiiN Dull nnd unchanirndt Nil. * ' ml\i
BlftBJlUc : No. 2 white , lCJKItllP. )
OATS VVonk ; No. 3 inixod , 2JtQ7Dic ! ; No. .
wlilto , Static ,
ItYh Very Hlawt No. 2 , 4flUc.
Iltirruuririn ; creamery , 22 < 3Sci dali
Kaos Active at IB'Sc. ' , ilti.iX ) ] bu ; corn , 4 ,
un. ; outH. none.
Hiili'jiKMS , 72.000 bu. ; corn , l.V
bu , | oats , none.
lltllKKIUl 1'vltl.
Followlni tro the prices paid bv Onm !
dealers for hides und peU ! ii > otod subject
obuniio without notlio ; No. I irrcon hides. I
t < a lyrccu talteil bldci , litlHo ; No , 2 gru
mltcd Indor , XilVii No. 1 croon snHod hide * ,
2.1 to 4(1 ( lb . Ifll'iOt No. Uftronn salted hides , 21
to 41 1 4 , . lit > * f 01 Nil I roil calf , 8 tolMbs.lra
rci No. 2 veal rnlf , 8 to n Ilu , , 3 < fet No. I dry
ninl hides. Ti'i No. 3 dry Hint hides 5o
No. t dry iiltc'd hjilos , Mt' > C ! inrl cured
lildcs 'to ' | ior Hi , less tluin tully cured , Mhoep
pells llrci'ii salted , enph , : i'icIUI.25 ! crcen
sailed shtMrllnir * ( short woo'.cd oirly skins ) .
piuh , IVilJVcl dry slioarllnzs ( short woolcd
curly Aklixi , , > o , 1 , pach. ' ' dllOc : dry thoarlinns
short woolod early skins ) . No , 2 , each , Acs dry
Hint Kanit is and Nebraska butclinr wool p lt ,
per lb. , nQturt vrelsht , iu14'jci dry Hint Kan-
nasnnil Nebraska MiirnUn wool VPlt < . per lb. ,
nctnil ttrlKhl , sai2c : drv flint Oolorndo
butcher vvonl pelts , par lb , nottiil vTchtht , 1M1
13iC ! ! dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool polls ,
per lb . actual vonht ! , ilMOo : dry llcccos and
bucks , act n. 1 1 wolirht , 7ct')2. Have fret cut off ,
as It U tiicltis to im freight on llioni.
St. Louis vliirkcts.
FT. Lot-is. Mo . Oct. 25. ri.oun ViccliatiBcd.
\ \T-Cnshstoady at Ci ic : options Hue-
ttlatcd within u narrow limit nnd closed 'i4J
> 4oaim\a yesterday : Dccornbor llntsltod nt UJ !
tii > 'jstc : May , S7- .
COHV Dcollneil ' { ti'iO early , but recovered
later nnd closed s'lt'ienbovo vostordavi cush ,
: i7'Scj .Novenibir , ' { c ; IJoeombor , JS'ic ; year ,
3e : Muy , lfp
O\TS A stinUo butler ; cash nnd Octobor.SSoi
May , : il'4'c.
lt n Loner at M'ic. '
llAiit.m .Nojtlcctpd ; sample lots , Kansas ,
40o ; low , GIUT.'c , Minnesota , ® c.
Ilius- Loner : .Vi'icrast track
HAY Dull and nnchitmcdi timothy , (9.00 ®
1JIO ; prilr e. * fl .vxai . 00.
LiAi Lower ; { 1,70 for soft Missouri ,
I i K sri-'li IHclicrat $1 na
ItUTTUi-S' irco and llrm ; creamery , SMa Sc !
aair y , ivjij'e
I mis11'itci1 nt is'tttlOc.
UOIIN Mi ; VI Quiet at M 'kiJM ' 0"
lUniilNd-rnoliiimcol nt J.75a")8J
I olios I us Unchanged ul fl I" .
PltoMM iNt-l'ork steadyi Jobblni , JI3 00
1. ml nomlii illy 'it H" > 9 , Drv sill incut , ( | iilct.
l.oiiso sh iii'dor ' * . fJ.7."i ! lotus nnd rib' . { 7.U3 ;
shoits * ' 10 ; strllx , l'ilii'4 ' lloxod lots r.a
more' , llacon. s imildeis , * " . " > 0 ; lenis , W.75 | . , f s ? " , , shorts , } l l.'ij ; strips , J7.23. fcu iir
cur od li'iiii0 , HO V ) .
HiiMiTs-rioiir. : 5,030 bbls ; nheit. IOfl.001
bit ; rcrn , > OOJ bu ; oiH 5JlOObu ; rjp , : iUOO
bu. : barley , none.
ilill'vil NTHour , s,001 bbls : vvhoiit , C'i.010
bu : corn , r.l.iioohu ; oils LI.OJJ bu ; lye , C.OJJ
bu. , b.irk'i , HOMO
Oniiiliu I'rodncn .MurkPt.
raw \ \ hlle receipts are not pirt'oularly
hcav.v the at rivals move ulowly , tilvlnt ; the
tuaiKct a dill tone tlener il inarKot , I la ®
HfiTl It-Tho supiily Is light ind the o who
have liven nut ever the stuto sny th it thrto
docs not ippu ir to bo much lu tbo country
I'ackitirf stotk. Mo , uciod it nry lsa.2c
tl VML l'i ilrlo c hlcKcns ate comliu In frrolv
and diM'Us ire cnniiuuncliu' to . 1'n ' ill
nrn 'iitco The c > i > . ir vvp ulipi bus Improved
the c in ! situ ilton. I'r.ililn chicken * , fltiofi
4 . ' ' . ; viousi' * lil ) . nil ill , sf-'OJ ; "tilpo , Jl.OJ ;
J icU nlpc , fl x'VTtliull p'over ' , * lin , Roldi n
pto\or , $1 ' ! > ctl " ; e inv is-bnck diioks J'.di ®
H..OO , ir.llioad ( IiiLks fl" > ) ; mall ir.l ducKd ,
JIM. b no win' toil , i i * > ; croon win : ; tcil ,
Jl .J : inKpcl ducks SI.V ) ; I icl < rabbits. $ l.oi-0i ,
4 2 > ; small t ibb Is , tl.2 561. - > 0 ; squlrrols. il 50 ;
antelopes iddlcs , liai'.ci ; deer siildlcs. IVtf.lGc :
anlelopncarc IS50S. H7HOc : deer earcasso . UQ )
l.'c ; llM ) ulifcons il.2Vl 51.
t'miMiiv. ( , ooJ ohlckciH In excels of tbo
demand and alow at7c ; itmno and ducks , 8c
oil .U
Nnvv Yoinc , Oct , 2(1. ( I'Eiuor.nuvt Qiilot ;
crude' , lu bbls , 1'ai ker's IT. . ! ' . ; Parker's In bulk ,
ft-HI ; I'nlti'd cliixeil at M' o for November.
Cot loNSLtp ( Jir , Quiot'iud bto idy ; yellon ,
30 ' 8c.
TALT.OWrirm but dull ; city ( $ . ' 00 for
packages ) . 4 ' 1-lCc.
IteMS ( Jnlot Initstoidy ; strilnod , common
to iroo't , JI.JUIcl. I" .
TuitPKMtNU-Qnlet but stoidy ; ai'JS'J.'e.
Cnlluu .Mill Ucl.
NKW VOIIK , Oct. 2 ! . Options opened stc ulv
5 to l'i points higher ; closed steadv , 5 to . ' 5
noiutsnpsilrs I VTCO bins , Including : Octo
ber. $ r > Tif'6r > " > November , ? I" . Kldtl . .53 : De-
rc'inbet. ? i5. 1 cicl".1' . ; .lanil irv.V14 U"ijf.l5 10 :
I'ebriiuiv , * ll u > ; 'March , * 14 S'.Sll.nO ; April ,
ill 7ol47' . ; Mny. $ 'l.ail.70 ; spot.ltlo , Ilrmor ,
Mulct , No 7 , $10 J7't. '
Oniabjt 1'rnit , > liiikct.
On\i'ES-No.v . concords. 23JIo ) per
10-1 b bisKi't.
OAI.II oitstJiur'E ( Percr itc : 81.53 inus-
cals ; $1 7i To ny > .
C\iti OHSIA PinsK V ) per bov.
AiMr.UiWestern , M7.vni.ujj Now York , il.03
l Y ) .
QUINCES 1'cr box , il.7' > aiOO.
Cotton .Market.
Nhvv OurnAN , La. , Oct. St. Qiilot ; rnld-
dllu. , 734c ; low middling , 7'ii ' ; cooJ ordinary ,
l)3ic ; net receipts , 10.S 5 biles : gros- , . li.5,17
biles ; exports lo the continent , 7,414 u.ilos ;
coistwlbo. 7/ij ; biles ; saloj , 2.UJO bales ; stock ,
17t',0'W ' ' bales.
I'biluclL-lplil.i ( iraln Alitrket.
Piirr\nrir'iin , Pa . Oct 26 , WHEAT Dull ;
No. 2 led , October. 71P ® 7J5sC.
Coitv AptIvoNo ; , 2 mixed , October and No-
\crnber , S'l' ' c.
( ) \TS Oai lots sti-idy ; futures quiet ; No 2
white , October , S-t'idilJJc.
Nov \ork I > ry tioocls .Mrtrknt.
New YOIIK. Oct CO Huslness In drv coeds
fall al first huuJs. The ijcneial iiinrket was
Illg List of Xcvv Spciintti's 1'lnupil on llm
Nuv VOHK , Oct. 20. The governing com-
mlttco of iho Now York Stock Evohan e
ted ly listed $14,000,000 common ind S7.00i,00 ) :
piofei red stock of tlio Mlnnoiot i , St. Paul &
Sault Mo Marie Hallway company ; $ l,00),00l )
capllal ilcck of the Southern National llanli
of New Yoik ; I2JO.ODO additional lliit mort'
gage tlility-jo.ii 0 per cent gold bonds of the
Wcit Vlrjlnl.1 Centril & Pllttsburg Railway
company , making a total lleted ti
date of SViiW.OOO ; $ J ) ,0)D ) ndaitloiial flrsi
mortgage II pc-r cent gold bonds o
I'll ' ? on the Louisville , at. Louis ATe
Tea - , Hallway company , in i Id 114 : i tot i
ted iv of ? . ' , SW,000 ; tKOtlO.110 second inougagi
4 per cent "cli- : It" gold coupon bonds o
loJS and ? Sl V.iNj ) second mortgage 4 pet com
class A" gold coupon bonds ot IflvJof the
AtliUon , T opeka & , i-aiita 1'e Hallroid com
puny ; the lattei to be cillod "second 2'J 4s
class , A. " gold UN ) ; } > . 141,11) ) ) additional capita
stock of the Mexican Ccntial Hal way rom
p my. llmlu d , m ikliu tot il to date { 47.811,100
t lO..ui ) J additional unltli'd ' .0-year 5 per con
gold ronpon bondrt of the I.onisv llio .x. Nash
Mile lalliuid , miking total to date fs.T.U.
Oil , . ; fJJO.iOi additional c ipital stock
in.iKln. total toclato tiUwUOdandf iJ.OOi adcll
tlonal Hist mortgage 5 put cent convi'rtlbli
gold Lends , mak'.nj total to date ? MODOil ) o
the r.dlion 1'ii'i'trlc Illumination compiny o
Now tk and Il.OUO.OtiO addlllonal capita
stock of the Thltd Av rniin Kallro id company
making total to elate fWOJ.tU' . The latter 1
to bu listed on November 21 , IB' ' . ' , Iho com
mltlceim stock list was empowered to Us
fiom ilmo to tlmo thu balance of the issue o
Atehisoii , Topeka .V bantu J'u Kiiluoid com
p my ' loioml morttca o 4 per cent class A
goldoouiiuu bond * of UN. ) up to { jJOJO.OOo
notlflcaiion fiom the tritbtecs that they huv
boon Issued.
Thu Post says : Now Kiigland Block , afte
the uiii il snddeii ud\am.o at the opcnliu
told steadily down all day. U ( Inclined some
what f istoron thu news of Mr Mcl.roJ' elcic
tioii to the ItiMon A. Maine presidency , vvhlc
failed tostlmtilato nven Heading , The rcsic
the IM h id n fooling of huldliu aloof froi
Iho Now I'lisUm ! marki'l bin tended to dc
ollnii , eon thu industrial stocks Hliowlrrx th
wuakncK' . Thumarkut wan vt > y null ul Hi
close and h id a rather dlscoiiiagln. ! appcii
iinci' . bill all things coiisldoiod , prices wcr
falily well held.
The following aru the closing quotations tc
tlio leulliu stocks nn the Now \or.c stock e >
cliuiuo today ;
, tncludtnil ClilcntoOn * . S',8001 Frits
4.4001 MMsotliI Pnclflo , n.t > .Mi Northern Pnclflo
preferred. 15.000) ) Now KriRlaml , tll.ooii Homl-
Inir. ! KM 0 | Western I'nlon , a,4Wt St. Paul ,
I6l7 < w > _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Much Stuck ( 'litiMgrcl Hand * .
NKW YOHK , Oct. SJ. The stock market
ttirnocl upon tlin developments In the New
Knglnnd deal , definite details o ( which were
ni ido publlu tlili nftornooti. The stook ltd-
vaneod this tnoriihu from 47U to 4tHi | , but
toward the clofo WHS subjected to a florco at-
sMilt tinder which the prfco broke rapidly to
44 . Knormotts blocks changed hands and u
sconn of Intense excitement win witnessed In
the oxclmiign. The limit quotation was 4V $ ,
The theory nttor the ole o w is that the move-
mnntvvas n scoop proparitory to the naming
of .Mr Mo hood an pros dent of the company ,
The licllcf wan quite i oncrnl Hint the alliance
will Inure to thu bonpllt of nil three roads mid
thut the Ilu ullnp | ieoilo | Inivo other plans In
contemplation which will give llioni control
of ono of the greatest r.illiond combinations
In the country. H was noticeable thnt HeadIng -
Ing was but slightly affected by the slump In
Now HnKluml.
It advanced from 55" < to lOU and closed nt
fiSU , against Ml ! ycstordav , The transactions
In New England runchcd 111.003 and the Itond *
Ini 121 000 shares. In a toll ! for the whole list
of4ll,170. The tuniDcr ot speculation In the
ortrly dealings wus slronir seine shares sold
oir fro n M to 1 per cental the start , but inter
advanced from U to 2 per cent , with the In-
dU'lrlalsJii the loud. Chicago Ons , Distilling
mid ( Jitllcfccdtng and Northern Pacific pro *
furred woto especially strong. Ihn rnatkol
withstood the bio 11 < In Now 1.inland surptls-
liuly well , except In the eiso of Ainerlenn
fccignr. which drooped to liov Other stocks
us a rule j iclilcd only from U to 1 per cent
nnd tin illj recovered from > 8 to a p r cent. r.ill'od 1 from the lowest.
I'corlu , llcciturA. 12insv Illo broke ' . ' " , to IS.
The general matUrt closed stoaillcr.
London I Iniini In
( Copyrighted 1S33 by JattrM nurdon II nnott1
LONIIOV , Oct. 21 [ Now York Herald Cihlo
Special to ' 1 HI ; Itf.n 1 lluslnots on tlin Mock
exch ingo was on a voty limited scale. Move
ments of prices wcro ills ) of small Import
ance. Consuls WIMO iitol | ! und without chingo ,
w hlle rupee piper Is down In the homo r ill-
way mar ki't there was llltlo vnrlition except
for a di'ollne of scvon-clghts of 1 per
cent In Northuastoin , but most changes were
ail verse , 1'oridgn stocks have been neglected
and move.neiits c ill for no xucclal notice
Americans aio mostly we ik , and. as a rule ,
chances at the c ese are adverse , except for a
rise of I pel cent In Northern IVnnxylvanla
preferred. Mexican lalnvay Issues woto wu ik
and declliiod li to lf per cent Tin and copper
sli ires are dul . as also ate Dnbecis , but Jug-
crsfonton Is distinctly lltmur at a rise of
percent There h is not been much Inquiry
for money , and with tinsiiuci imimlanl sup
ply of Ho itln u ipitul , short lo ins hnv o been
at * i to 1 per cont. The discount m irkct con
tinued quiet ; two and thtco months bills aio
quoted atS'i ' pci cent
Now \ < ii Ic Money Vlnrliet.
N'i'w VOIIK , Oct. ' v > MONTI ov CUtr ,
1'iMor at from ( I to 7 pur cent ; last loin , J
per cent : rinsed offered atHpiir coul.
Piuvir. MKIICANTII.K l'\i > nu 5't per cent.
Si 1:111IM ! KtciiAMin Weak at $1 s'JViQ , ! S3
for sixty-day banUeis'bills and fjr de
fi ho closing quutatlous on bonds :
I'liianci U .Notes.
KANSAS CITY , Mo , Oct. 20.-01ear Ings , $1,128-
HAX-ANA , Ocl. -Spanish Bo'.a.lflG'jaS5B'4' '
1".X ( banco ciulct.
Nr.w YOHK , Oct. 20 Clearings , fin , 459.39)1 )
biiliiuccs , ii'iwJ4l. ) : !
P\ttt , Oct. 20 Thro a per cent rentes , uoi
27'sc for the account ,
llvirt iHE. ) Jld , Oct. 2J Oloarlngs. $3,703-
2JO ; b ilauecs , J4 10.597. Kite , 0 per cent.
O. Ocl. l. Money 4OO per
cent. Kxchanjo I. . ? . Clour Ings , 1J,1,10,10. ) .
IMiii.Miui.i-ilu. Pa. Oct. 2i.-Cluarlngs. ( ? I4.
'OlOIll ; balances , Money 4H pe
LONDONOct. . 20. Amount of bullion with
drawn fiom tlie llank of L'lijland on balanci
todwy. i70OUO.
Jlhvit'iiri , Tonn. , Oct. 20-Now York CT
change soiling at pur. Clomlnss $ l7.i,2..U ; bal
uncos , { bl,4l)7 ,
Host ON , Mass. , Oct 20 Cloarlngs , J,23-,47 ( ;
U ilc , , V3" > per coul : call loins , 0 per ccnl
tlmo loans. Kill pur cent.
Nlivr Oiu.ctNS , La , Oct. 2(5 ( dealings , Jl.
IISi ! > " ! ( . Now Yolk exchange , commercla1 , 73i
porl , < ] OJdiscnuut ; bank , par.
HOSTOV , Mass. , Oct. 20 Clearings. ? in,714 ,
77d ; balancns , $ . ' ,2.1 > . 170. .Monov , ,00 poi ccnl
KM'himuo on Now York , r."i < iil7o discount.
M. Loins. Mo , Oct. 20 Cloarlngs , S4.MO ,
C9I : balances , Ml I'si. Monov qnlot. il to 7 pci
cont. Kxchaiue on Now York , jo discount.
aiiicnno , III. Ocl. 2fi Clearings , $ | 8.2.8,6')0 )
Now York exchange. 20o dlsiount Btorlln
ex-i'lningi1 , dull , fl.8.l'i ' for sixty dav lllls
3I.SU forslght drafta. .Money , acllvo und Urn
al j toU pur cent
1,1V ! . SrOUIC .MAItlillt's.
Cattle Trade Fairly . \rllvr llogb In ( ! oo
Dem mil mill lllgbur.
OMAHA , Oct. 2(1 ( Three days' rocelpts foe
up l&.lll c ittle , I'l.UTu hogs and 2.1M shoei
gainst O.'ltO ' cattle , ll.2 < h'j fl and J.lbuliL'o
thu llrsl half of last vvouk.
i'hi'io was llttlo noteworthy change In th
general cattle trade. The foul In .r uuu lln
and all dcslrahlo beef cuttle mot \vltli a load
halo at goon btrung prit'os , some good 1,172-1 !
L'onf'Jd stuur.i fcollliu at il 4J , and some l.'iJO-ll
bccvss al3.15 , I'nMiiNliod natives wore Indll
forcnt siilo at from JMU to HU" . ! ' . . {
to good wohtern cattle sold at fromJUOt In general lliu market win aiuve an
stroni'i cm good to cholco beef umdin an
about steady on others.
Cows and mi.xed block told about In Tuoi
dii ) 's notches at fiom fl.OJ 10 (2ii ; ) . the bull ; u
from < 1 OJ toJ. 10 , Hulls , even and utags vvur
generally unchanged at from Jl'.u toSl.J
Calves and yoarlluysiituady to strong at froi
tl oo to 1125.
There was a fair trade In Htoolcori an
feeders , and at fullv steady prices Tln < 01
Heine raiijn was from { I "j to f-ID , the bulk i
the fair to Rjod Mull' al from $ . ' , ; u lo I-.7
Iteprcsuntatlvo sales :
No Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
7 1114 Ji 40 21 1124 $ IIU Ut KJi\\j \
ti b75 U 5J VJ 117I I 40
row d.
54 BIO 1 Ci5
24 , 7c8 1 ( > 5
24 K3J 1 lu
21 f-8J 1 ( M
21I I 78) ) 1 U'
1.1 1)31 ) i m
ID , 7J1 1 ( tt
10. inj 170
I , b'll I 70
17 , 1 70
14 , 107. ; 175
4. 745 I 75
a 770 1 75
1. .10111 1 71
0 U)7 ) 1 71
1120 175
W. 8U3 175
11. M3 175
'JJ. . KM 160
U..10J2 1 bd
5 6M I M wx > 1 83 Ml S55
1 MM 1 Ul JI.1 U7J 1 SJ lO.'Omi
isn 1 0.1 . -th IOC.I I HO mi
0 fM I 0,1 ? ' li3 I R1 1041 2 21
1 7M I Cl \ ) ' 0 < < 0 1 81 1014 5 fw
850 1 01 st , osj I ( .1 1001
10 4S ? I 09 , lv mo I no < co
1.o . aio 1 M .I 2 Kl S M 0
o . an S 00 Sll. . 411 2 73 20.1 453
2 00 Ul. 21) ) 2 71 in 481
2 00 > < l k ISO ; i MI 11. 15) ) 425
2 10 ll'J 03 4 0) 1 , 140 4M )
t 3 SO "IJ 9JJ 4 UO 101
1 523
41 i : o ? I.I07J 1 ITS m 100
1 15 W 1 21 lr.1400 1 7.1 1741 100
1 111) i r. 1KI50 1 1 71 HIM 1M
1. 1.100 I 50 1IK10 1 71 un 101
1170 i ro 1170 1 71 I2f,0 SOO
CJO III ) I 1 SI 1170 sin
1050 i 1530 SS5
10S5 5J 1) . ! ) 1 UJ
oxu.v ,
t 73 1011 J 2.1
i 1 S3 2 fill a r. 1091 241
i 1 2.1 2fi 714 3 I7'j . S41 24'
670 i : .o 2fir. I 1170 35) ) 713 2W )
17 S07 1 73 r. nil 2 21 . 043 JM
470 B 00 r.i : i 70.1 2 21 Oil ar. %
2 UO 3 70) ) 2 ,10 I01S JKV
11 MJ 2 00 3si HI a M 270
10I B 10 21 lU ) 2 , U Oil 275
I 517 21u 2 .1) ) I Hi ) I 2 so
0 67.1 2 11 u ri ) 2 .13 1101 JOJ
1 O-'l 3 41 70 07f. .1 IJ
MU.KKltS AND Sl'ltlSdril1 *
I snrlrmer . tiJ 00 1 cow and cur Kl 00
leo\v an I calf 3) ) UO 1 cow and calf 25 00
No. Av. 1'r. No Av. Pr.
Ocoivs mi fj u 2 steers , 110) ) MOO
lUstoors .155i < l so lOcows . . ,
11 feeders lu.'S ( , - . .1 steei s 2 2,1
II steers 1171 "VI feeders .10.11 20.1
Ucows Ml 1 ,1:1 10 ions . ' 210
1 feeder "JO a ft ) 1 sti tigs . 'll&O " 9
1 steer , 1,11,3 J10 2 steers '
1 feeder 1010 j .a ft feeders . 'ius 271
4 feeders | | , I7 J Til III cows . . 17.1
1 hull . .IfiO i : ; : > It feeders . Ml 240
1 feeder H7) 1 steer . . . UM ) ,1 21
0 sleorn li',3 ' 25) ) tbull ' 15(1 (
1 bull n'oii 270
1 sir tig 104) ) 2 Ul I cow . ion ) " ! ! '
Ocovvs lltl 2 Ul 1 cow 1070 -
I feeders 1121 1 sir tig Us ) 2 Ti )
0 sirs tig 1231 2 11) ) 1 stect 14.0 a 50
1 feeder us I 2 ai 1 cow . " -01 1 HI
40ion4 . nil ' i'- ' 1 bull .lino 1 21
01 feeders 1010 . , - 1) ) cows . OoO inj
1 cow. . Mi ) 1 21 2 feeders 111) ) ti n"j
1.1 cows flls 1 ! ) ) 'l fcodois J70 2 1)1 )
5 feeders 10)3 ) 1i HI 10 fi'idots ' 21)1 )
In feeders 1)10 ) Isteer - , ii .it .110
.Isti'ors .1100 ri III 2 steers nso .III ) 1011 .1 Id 'l ' steers I0'l ' )
115 steers . ! Ill I * , cons , 8011 I 21
7s io\vs . 1IIS 1 Uli 13 cows . . . UJ'J 1113
U COHS 107 14 cows . ! > JI 200
5) cows , UM 1 ( l ! llstrs tig I-MO 2.M
4 IOVVS . 1070 2 21 2 feodets. 200
' ) f eider- , 1101 2 bl 53 feeders U70
7 feeder s Util 2 01
20 itecrs 1119 S 20
110 cons 870 2 15
lions The market ooened actho and from
5o to lOc hl lior th in Tuebdav. liecolnts wore but not cM'ossl\c , nnd with all buyers
In the Hold tlio ulToruiKs cliitni'd liiinds cpilto
r ipltllv. I'nlr to peed bo s of nil vi eights sold
ut from S'l'iJ to $ > (10 ( , with some of tlio best
tmteher und heavy loads : it from $ " > fi-i'/t to
J"M ( and common ind Inferior loids nt from
SMS to f')47'i. Towaid the close and uftor
urL'ent orders had bcun filled tbo niarUot
wcalconoil und nail of the early advance .is
lost. A few loads remained unsold , but tlio
bulk of the ho s sold ut fiom fr > 5J to $ " > .M
nu.iinst ut f mm S3 45 to $5,5J Tuesday. Kepro-
scniutlvo s iles :
Situri' Klvo Iloiids worn received and sold ,
There were fonrdonblo-docUs of lightish Now
.Mexico stult th'il brought Wf5 , and one load
of vvostcrn Nehi isKu shcop bruiicht $ tU" >
flood muttons aio In active demand and Urin ,
1'alr to peed Iiat'vosll50ci4 ' 5) ) ; fair to uooJ (
wostcins , J.I.i")5il. ' . ' " > ; common and stool ;
sliooi ) , JJ.JVu.125 ; peed to choice 40 to UJ-lb.
lambs. il.OOaJ 75. Hcpioscntatlv o sales' :
No Av. Pr ,
10)i ) C'o'ondo vvothors 71 $1 h" .
211 nilNcd vvotliers S7 J ! )5 )
ItiM'clptK and Disposition of Storlf.
Ofliolal receipts and disposition of slosk as
sho\v n by tlio hooks of tlio Union Block Yards
company foi thu twonly-foni lionia ending ui
5 o'clock p in. , Octobci 20. ItiJl
inn IITS.
Chirac ; " Mve Stock Aim hot.
CIIIOAOO. IllfUL,3i ) ISuouiil Tolnerarn tc
TUB HKK I h Ics of u nod to oxtr i catllo woii
readily olfedoil tyostcrday's prices. ' 1 heri
were not many of 'thorn and tnoy wore llrm
The poor , common und medium grades wori
too plentiful miri while sellers managed to un
lo ni at about forlooi iiuotations thogcnora
feolliu was oiroj\ \ fit hoavlncss Trading ti
n itlvueatt'o ' wu i.on a basis of from tl no ti
$ IOi ) lor liifoilonUfiOxtrii cnwsand bulls , fron
} l 75 to JUJ forptopUors and feeders and fron
* it ) i to fi k'i for 6b/imon / ( to fanej drcsiort boo
und shippln. stpc rs. Tlio receipts Incluiloi
auoul 11,1'UO ' rauzijjp ) , of which iloou came fron
llio western ranis ; } Thov were In demand a
from $1 5) ) toft. 'J ) , Texas luttlo woiollrma
t2'i \ to ILOO. Um'f IptM , 2 .000.
' 1 ho bur iiuirKIjtl was not l icklng In llrmnos
dnrliu the u.iily nioin n.- , buyers fri'oly pay
In. a sin ill advnmu ) on yoslord IV'H jirlccs fo
unvlliln that suitedtliom. The highest pic ! <
of the week was ro.ichod In the sale of liJ hoiii
iiM'ralm ! 207 Ins. at W.9"'i and them WPIO i
number of tnidpsut from S5 sT > to J"i.lifl , but before
fore 10 o'clock the ontsldo quotation Inn
fallen tn f\'JJ airiltliu eloso was liic lower thai
the openliu. HnlpporH iijtaln tool , a sluuo a
the otlerln 'H and it was while they were till
Ins up that the market shouod strength. Th
major part of the supp'y went over the si'alo
al from { ' > U" . to r > .BO , und from f.1.0' ) ioj.-i)7' ! )
was Iho extreme range of siloH. Culls am
thin plga wonl at from $1.00 to ft , 75. nnd frriu
Y5.91 to VJ7'i wus paid for two or tluuo load
of fancy houvy Closing quotations wore a
from * \20 to f 1.71 for uoor lo prime llxht am
from t't 41) to $5 It ) for heavy.
The Ilvenln , ' Journal reports :
( , Jil.OlO bond ; shipment !
0,00) head ; market stonily ; in line to extra na
lives , jVI5ti5.4U ; others. t. ' sUSOJ ; Toxani
20fH2i ; ranuers , tl.iu < 3iw : ,
Ilous UocolpU. 28,1)01 ) ho id ; shipment !
10,000 head ; market opened siroiu , bill close
weak to. .o tower : rough and common , H2Vi
5.40 ; rnUed and packers. } 150 < J5M ; prim
heavy I'nd tuitchcra' nnUlits , t5.7oai.bO ; l
. .
huiiKl1 Hocelpts. 7,001 head ; sblpmnnti
1.030 head : market heavy ; imtlvps , 1.1 53(35 ( OC
westerns. tlUO < ai'05i lambs. l 75 3 iiO.
Now York l.lvu stoc.'K Alnrkot.
NEW YOHK , Oct. 2d. llFKXhS HecelDtB. 18.11
head. IncludliiK 57 utr4 for sale ; market uc
tivc. 15a per 100 Ibs. higher , nutlvo steum. U '
QJ.30 per 100 Ibs ; bully and cows , tl.iXttt-H
lioof dtomly ( it 7l"ie per Hi "hip-
innnti toJny , PJ ! ) bc'cvcs and , lSS ) ( | iiartcr ot
bcofl tomorrow , iihon p .
I'Ar.vrs-Hpcolpts , 1,177 head t rnnrVot siomlvi
voils. tirOASUO per Hid His. ; gta cis VJ.OJtS
5.5 > i western caUiM , Uoojll oo.
' 'IIP.KIAM ) L4.MIIS-ICCC > 'lptS. 14.tM llO.Vl !
sliepp , llrrni Ian bs , i e | ior llx hluhorj shpop ,
USVifli 75 per 1K ( ) lbs | lambs. JVOOUC 5J1 drrs od
mutton stovly nt 'WiO per lb I dressed
lambs llrm at I'iftu'tc1. '
lions Receipts. ll.JM head , Including Sears
for oaio : market steiily nt J.4a'j,00 per luo
Kansas Cit.v l.lvp Slock Mnrknt ,
colpts , n,200i slnmnunK , S.83 < . Pho niilkot
wasnirlatand unulniiKudi feeders iictho and
steady , rollowlnit nro roprcaciitatlve silos'
Dressed bent and shlppliu steer * . U5058I.45 ;
cowa , Jl.oiai4Ji TPXIIS mil Indian stcors.
! J 7) ) ; stookoM and fcoilon. l 2..4C US.
lions liocolnts. ll.inot shllHiicnt" , I.GIO : the
mnr < et opctipcl steady and closed excited an
lee higher ; all eiados , I15035. J ; bulk , J..W-3
SMtiKi'-Uocotpts , 2.403 : Bhlpmonts , 100 :
muttonsvvero stroin : lambs iO < i' 75c lower than
the blah mark of last week ; muttons , M.251fi
4,40 ; lamia , $1.CO.
SI. Loins l.lvo Mc.c-h Marloit ,
ST. Louis , Mo. , Oct 2ti-CATTLE Ucoolpts ,
4 000 : shipments. 1,700 ; market active fall to
the co native rautc , MOJfi l.7i ; 'loxas and
Indliins. * iliMH.IJ { civvs , tl : iiiU.
lloos-llocolpl . .10J | shlpmenl" 500 ; mar
ket closed wo ik ! heavy. t\4tvairi ; packing ,
MaJdVift'i : light. j'.aoi/-o (
Sncrp ltecclpt , l.u.0 ; uliliuiiotits uono :
shcop linnet and higher , nillvo ransfe , $1.'JJ (
4ili oulsldo for good muttons
llottMnoiit ol ll is llns Nul Inc'loiinc'cl ns
5111011 UN lUmil.
CINCINNATI. O. Oet. 3d ( ' peel il Telegram
to TUB Hti : 1 Tomorrow's Pilco Current will
snv : Hog marketing li is not enlauiMl to thu
luiial extent for the time of the \oar. West
ern packing for the vvi-ck Is ? 20UOO agalns *
l'OiK ' ) last vvepk and a'J'.MW last jciir The
cison's total Is 7,5SDt)00 nsalust O.IVJ.OOO a
ye ir azo
Prominent planes commro a1 , follow- , :
sax-sapirilla is reliable.
Young nnd bcnutif til woman , BuffcvIiiK
from general debility , indigestion ami
Tlioio are thousands of women in tlio
United States in a similar condition.
Can't sloop. Cnnnnl retain food , Beauty
spoiled. Looks * old before thirty.
The proper thing is to use the fjonnino
.Tolmnn lloll's Malt Extract , which haa
attained n woi Id-wide icputation for HH
beneficial ( jfTcctn in building tip a weak
ened constitution. It is u ed by tire first
ladies in the land , by crowned Irends
abroad. It h in daily ur.o by the Couita
of Germany and Austria , and iccog-
nizcd as the best nutritive tonio mid
dietetic table buvor.tgo for invalids and
Lo s of counter foils on tlio majkct.
A.void them ; they aio dangerous.
The Rcnuino has tlie signatnio of "Jo
jliann Hoff" on thoneekof every bv.ttle.
Jiisner & Jlendelson Co. . Now York.
Union Stock Yards Company
Beat cattle , ho ? and sbccp marUot In the west
TIII : .nAi > iii5. :
t Bfp f" !
Wood Brothers ,
f-oulh Omulii Telephone II iT. - t'hloiRo
JOHN I ) . DUM-iM VN I , .
WAl.TUIl II.VOOI ) fManigorj
Market reports by mall an 1 vvlro cheerfully
furnished upon application
Campbell Commission Co.
Chlcato , HistSb. Louis , IC'insasrity , South
Unialu. bloux City , 1'ort Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
58and " > ) r\oh injo IJnlldln t.Sontli O n ih i.
CorrfspondoncoHollcltal an 1 nromptly
| ) C.Uil ( atlciilloutuorJurn lorauic orJ
l.'slnblUlicd , ISS' - - Incorporatol , IdOl
( .npltnl fully pild , tHj )
Waggoner Birney Coni
Wrltoor wire ua for promit ; an I rcllibla
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Live Htculc Commission.
Room 61 Uxoh.iiiKO llnlldlcr . bjuth Omaha
Telephone 17(17
To the onnors of the lots , p irts of lots nn <
roil estate abnttini on or adjacent to tin
streets , alloys or uvenucs hcioln named o
situ itpcl In whole or In pirt within anj
of the d stricts huruln spuclllod :
Yon and oaih of you aio horciby notifioi
Unit the oil v council or the city of Om ilia vvll
sit as u Ho ird of I.iinali/ Ion , nt the olllco o
the City Clnrk. in thu ( Ity Hall , Om ilia. Neb
on I'riduy the 23th day of October , IH- ) ' , from !
o clock a. m. to'.o'cloolt p. m for the ma POM
ofconslcloilnx > < nd I'linall/in the proposoc
lovv of Hpc'cial ta\o-i and assessments in
shown by "I'ropciiPil ' I'lans of Asse-sinnnt'
now on llio In thi olllco of s ild City ClerK , am
coirectliiB any errors therein , anil of ho irin
all complaints that the onnttra of properly site
to bo ax pEsed und taxicl may niaUn ; sail
special la\os und assesamcnls proposed to hi
levied boliiK nccossiry to covertho cost of tin
hovnral Iniprovomontsdiilv aiithotl/ed to I )
madoand now coniplotod , as follows :
Toiovor llio'wsl of permanent bije'c sldo
walliB luld by ,1 , O , Ccn liy , iimonntliu to th
sum of i )7(150 ) ( , Incliidlni ; the cost of Inspoctloii
which sild KIIIII It Is ptopuiiod by urcporl-dill ;
adopted by thn Oily C'oiinoll toasiess on tin
properly oppo > llo which said sldovvalUs won
constructed , as follows :
l.ol U block 4 llunscom I'laco JI3 OS.
1,01 II block I . . 4027.
Lot 11 1) ) oc'k J . . 40 . ' 7.
Lot ID block 4 . . 4 ! 2) ) ,
Iotl7blojlwl . , 4J2r.
1,0118 block 4 . , 402.1
Lo III block 4 . 4027.
North | Utout lot l'i block 11 Ilanscom 1'lac
lot'lGbIocU II Ilanscom I'laco ? l ) 20.
Lot 17 block It . . 1027 , KS
JotH block 11 . . 4027. E3
Iot 1 Cherry Uardon Ml 73.
Lots . . tdf ) .
Lot J . . "I WL
Lot 4 0,1 4V ,
North 4f 4-13 foot lot 21 block 5 West Knd Ad
' ' "
'LO "va block fi West r.nil Addition tI2 To.
iNorth''J teutlott ! ulouU 8 K V tfmUb'H Add !
Smith 44 foot lots bloelc 8 TV Smith's Audi
" " *
8 R V .Smith's Addition IH 42.
booth II foot lot 4 block S 1 ! V bmlth's Add !
lion 110 24
To cover Iho cent of pcrniaraont smowulk
ot KansuHstono , InclndlnInupoctlon , lahl b.
I'urniiH fc Hon , ii'i.ountlni ; to the sum o
(1,21)1.1 ) % which said anm It Is propoaod by
rupert duly adopted by the city unmcil to as
BOSS on the property oppoilto which BalUsldu
walKs wi're consiriictod , us followai
Lol 4 block .Ul Omaliu J12J 10.
l.ol 5 block IMl 174 40.
1.014 block 'IW " 17400.
l.ol 5 block MS ' nil/ ' .
K Xi fc'Ct lol K b'ock 133 Omaha tlJl 10.
Lol R block 111 Omaha IH5 Ul.
Lot 7 block 1U ' 131M.
K45 foul lol ( irilook 111 Omnha Jfl'J 18.
fnb lol 4 of lotOC'apllol addition tQI 07.
C2ifcjtsub lots of lot U Capitol uudltlo
W i sub lot 15 of lol 2 Capitol addition M7 UTe
To cover the roict of artificial utonn uldu
walks laid by I'ord & Muse. u per thulr oat !
uiato of AnxustlStb , lb/A lacludlilj Insim
' and Jolliers' Directory I i
Omelia Awiiigr Wolf M &
? " ! ! ! ii rinii' < < liu" Tonnlv nnnliuc , ( nriiin
inorm , oil mil rilbhor lln 'l"cr" ! " all klnil <
rlothitnt , < nts OMO , III ! hiinners ptc-
1 n-nnniMragt. AIS. If th
"krjT.mll"r.r'.nimr ? IHo'olo * .M on i.ionthl
M ? k , uiirinps , tninu I injuioiiK I.'I.N l.tii'
Morss-Coc Slio3 C inpaiiy ,
, K torrcotlic'ViV,1 , : ; ? , ! , ' , r'B ( .
\ o nro tniik'ti ' 4 cl t. urlrrM t ) pi it ii 11 it it i r
solllnun class ofito. . whleli li veijUnu
with mpr.-hniit
commny whnicint > iiif s S'l.ltf C..1lpSltT , I. > o (
\ltPIHS HlHIOIl ItlllltMll lion < inir II-IMT td 11 ( ,
IIH nil I hit ) Iliunoy
Blotcty & Colici
Olotlilnif , n itUfis f
lnis. I.IM , „ < , i , , . ( , ! _
s unpU's t.rivtril 1 liy m-
lirc.'S llUllurni'r M
OinaliaCoiU'oke.Liinc ' . fo \&t\i \ \ Corah j V ami sift pis' ' , a | j Mfr * . Iron
par Id Ui anil inrtikr , nltiilntT .
slrectj , tni'l illi LylU-hlK vtc
III ) , 1112
TT iiiTcoT i'iKo.'li '
Dry ( -ooils notion * fur- OrrUioMCo VotloiK ,
nlolihik' voud * roniur ct'in1. f ir ilMdnc K.ioli
IHIiaiut Itowinl its Cor llth nnd Iliiino-
Omalia Upholstering Cj , Ilrcbc i IlimjMQ
phnlstTOl firnltirj Furniture Co ,
1102 1101 VIP loUi Uthitrcut
\Vliolo < ilo o liy
D. M. Stcclc&C'j. BLikc , Inic3 ! & Co
JO't lonos street , 10th runt > f ot
O unlit Oiuaht
tlon , amonntin ? to the sum of $ J,1C2 fll. wliluh
siilu sum II is prooosiMl by n report cinly
adopted liy the city council to HMOon the
real os | itooiio-lto ] ) which > -ad ! side n at Us were
constrncto 1 , as follow :
N bS fict lit 1 bloeK I.IOmaha $ ! l 07
i : ' 3 fi-i'l lot I block 7 ? { p'J ' 41 !
Lot I liloelc 7s Omaha $118 ! V >
Lot 2 blocU 78 hi ) l , I
Lot I bloc it M . ) Uj
l.ot'J li oolt si yfl \ ,
N in fcot lot I b'ool. ' MUmaha SI71 3S
taifeot lot I blocU 9J 1 U ! I7
Thai part eist ofcst S fool lot.T block
noniah i ? 1U7 CJ )
h ! U feet lot" , block 107. Omili l JM3G5
Lot 1 block 171 , Om ilia , S-'J > U
Lot 'block 171 I7i .I
Lot.I block 171 . . 17811
Lotr > block.I'.l . 2IVJ
Lots block l'i'J. ) ' Om-ihi , t > l < ( f
i\ ' , lot I b'ocU IMS1' , Oni.ili i. J.I.T 03
Lot 4 bloelc 201' ' , , Umaliii , JJI.M7
Lot 1 Ouick'JJVJ ' 'l..l'l '
Lot Sblock 2ii' ' , ihlill
L.ot4bloek211li 18)2) ) )
Lot.I block fi Kount/o & KuIll's add $ i : 21
Lot 4 b'ock ' li 87.7' >
To cover the cost of fllllni nnlsinco lots.
lunoontliiK to Ihe sum of 114 I 07.vliioli said
sum. It Is niopoiod by a rcuoit duly adopted
by tbo city council , to ubscM on the property
as follow > :
Lot. 17 block 4 Hawthorne addition ? ! C2.7. ? .
On.Titli street In . 4i'l" > .
To invoi the cost of pi\liur and ciirhlim
l'oiplnton ] a\unuo fiom . ( 'nil street to .Hrd
si rout , In Micet linpro\ement dl-,11 let -No 1171.
utiioiiutliiJ to the of $ . ' . ? b.OI ! , ulilcli uld
bum. It Is pioposcd bv n rupoit ( lulj adopted
ty tlio cltv council , to assess on thu property
within sild district iiccctrJIiu to foot front-
nso : ind the iibii < 1 scallnv back process to the
depth of the district us eroited. ICuto | ior
foot. $ IHuJS. us more fully MIOIMI by aald
"I'roposod I'l in of Assossmont.
ToeoiiT tin ) costof Improving liy 111 II1K
nnd cuihliiE In strent Improtcmcnt illstrlct
No .i'H , comprising Klehol 11 street from 20th
sticot tu pst ilnoof Is tac's addition , uiuount-
ln to the sum of (1VJ ! ! U' , which said sum It
Is proposed by u report duly auoptcd by the
olty council , to assess on the property In nald
district as cro itcd , uccoidln to foot fiont KO
nnd the usual scallnn baclv proco ° s ; i ite per
foot. } ) , h' , as more fully shown by said " 1'ro-
poscd I'lan of AssessriionU"
I'o co\cr the cost of opcnliu 27th street ,
23tn street and 2Mb avenue , thiouxh t.i % lot
r. . section U , township 15 , runiro II. Total cost
of riich street , ,7th itroot , JI 'JO , 2lli street ,
S1.830 : 2ath meniie. $1 8JO : which siklsnnisll
Is propose I byuioport diilv uloptod by thu
ell v council , to assess as follows :
The amounts all ill bo uasussod respectively
onoich street ( in the foot front mo on both
sides of sjld streets from Hr slol street ti >
I'uMou btroot , acconllnK to the nsiril scaling
hick pioccss lu depth to llio first nlloy or
tenter of block and In Hn Is not platted to
the depth of 110 foot , pro ; liloil th it the assess
ment north of I'rutt strpctshall ho ono-h ilf
thu ruto of that south of I'tatt street.
To cover tlio coat of opening 2Jth street
through tax lot No. I , suction I > > and lot
loltl\eivlcw addition , amounting to the sum
of HSi.snt ) , which < - ! < ld sum it Is proposed by a
report ilnly adopted by the city council to
assess on llio iironort/ follows :
To bo lev led on the nest no foot of Hint mrt
IvIiiRcastof 2Jthsttcct and the east 11) ) foot
of p ut ly in g n i > il of mill stiectof ta\ lot
1 section KMI 1 If.111.0. ) '
To ho ln\leil in lot ! ) Ithcr\ Ion ? J10 Pn
To ho li vied on lot II . ! M3 UO.
To holovlod Jll lot 8 IW 00
To bo levied on lot li Uhorvlow , $ i ) . 0.
To bo levied on lot 7. ItUon I"W , fil.Oi.
To ho lex led on lot 11 , Itlvorx lew , $ 'd OJ ,
To he lo\ led on the pi-opart v on inch sldo of
29th street from Oumlnx to Lake street as fol
lows :
I'roin CumliiB to Vutes streoto\ccpt ( ubciM1 , )
.I > 5K .0.
Kroin L-iki street to Hrsklno f-troot , 57D : il
1 rom llrskl no street to Or nit st reel , $ IJ070
I'niin t.iant slreut to llurdutto stroot. * ! IV UO
Kroni lliirdi tin htri'ut to Vutc htirol. * H7 20
To bo assessed tocleplhof throe IcitH , the
lltHt iilloy or to tlin center of bloeu.
To cover thi ) < est of oMeri'llnic lOlli street
from Iho norlli line of 11n tin III'B uddltlon to
Contot f-lieet , iimotintlnir to the NIIIII ot $10-
03141 , which sild sum It Is proposed by u ru-
l ilt duly adopted by the olty council , to ns-
hoas on tlio propurtv on each hl.lo of 10th
strcnl from thu south line of lot..01. llurtman's
iiddillon toOontorstroot , as follows :
Uno-foiii Mi of the amoniil on the east sldo
of 1'ith ' Htrool and \ of tlin umoiinl on the nest
Hldcofl'ilh ' stioot ; cm the c i t Bidnof llth
Htrt'ot , 7.11 rn foot ut ( I l.'Ol. $ ' .1121111:011 thu Bldo of I'Jth atrool , 7JI ' ' < feel at } | U.-'IN ; ,
$7.fiS ! i ? .
To cover the cost of daniaicis for oponliu
inth street , luni ! u Juduniont wth costs and
inlurost In favor of Aithnr lEomliuton ,
.imountlnit to ? .K700I. which sild bum It Is
propnsi.'d by u rnpoil diilv uiloiUod by thoilty
council ti > assusB us follow :
To liu assessed on the pr iporty on ouch sldo
of jUh street fiom Uon las Mr out to south
ulty lliullH ( irorit.i iiocor IIIIK * < > foot front-
uffiij rate lie fool. J'JWi ? ,
'lo cover the cost of Juilttinurit for dtiinafJds
foroliniuoof Kr idoof Ki htnontli street from
LciivonworthHtrcotto a point 10J foot ninth
of Mason strcot , iiinountlni to the HUIII of
' , . ' K ) , which si d Bum It Is proposed by re
port iluly ii'loplod ' bv tno olty loiini'li to us-
aa i pro rata aicordln to foot froritncu on the
property on both hides of KUhtctntli htrcot
from Leaionworth street to I'lrrcii street and
iiouordliu to thu usual eculliu hacli j.roccsa In
iliiplli to the alley ruto per foot , I ituul ,
To cover the test of consliuctlon of the
sewer In Buwnr district No , n ? , amounting to
Iho HUIII of tftnai. which Bald sum It Is pro-
posad by a report duly adopliid by llio olty
council to asioss on tlm property Insalddls
trlct arcordlni to foot frontii oi Iho cornui lot
to ho assonod for thu longer eiduonly , rate
pur foot , t .7usi
To cover the oost of construction of soivor In
sewer dUtrict .No I.MI , unioiintlii. to the Hum
of fH" > ! U. which Hiild aum it Is proposal by a
report duly adopted by thu illy council , lo
iibHoss as follows : I'o hua.sosgulim the prop
erty adjoining sowi i iiccordmi ! to foot from-
n''o In depth tu llr.u alley. Kuto | > ei foot ,
810 * 01
To cover the cojt of damasoj for clianao of
crude of DoiiKlas street from Blxle iitl ! st. lo
Twentieth tt. und Interiuctliu BlrcoU.
umountlns to thu KIIIII of fU.un.tiO. wlilch Hald
HUIII it I * proposed by a report duly udonlcd
by Ilia cltv council , lo assets u < followHi
( Jn DouKlasbt. . from rourtoonlh su lo I If-
toonth Nt. , $ l,000.uo.
ln DouKlas nt. , from nttoonth fct. to Six-
toinlli t. , tl.VD.tO.
Un OouKliutst. . from Sixteenth nt to Twen
tieth at , , MU"-'iOJ. ,
On UouKluB street , on north sldo from
SUtU struct to west line of lol ' . ' , llousol' .uU-
llcelor i Wilhclraj Co.
Corner 13th lint Jitckion
Mrcl nicchnn3i.t tout * .
llJI DaiiKln * street
as. II. Leo. A.
Hardwood titmlier. wood Import * ! \mcrlpMi I'oft.
carpets an t p
nil aiut yulncy nhlte U
1'iiek ' & HcrbsrL I. OberTclih & To.
Irnporlorj ami JoMiors at
1001 F mllllnvrr tuitluni Mail
ordarn iiroinpt
SOS-IJ south Dili nl.
_ _
Carpenter Paper Co7 Sdindinl Oil Ca
Cnrry i full topk of
prlntlni ; vrrupplnir ind llntlnivl nnd lnljrl
nrlihu'inptr , DirJ pi olU nxonron.1
I cr clc I
Kin & SHIM ] . ) , uii ! Cole A
Mfrsof K A S \\liolpsnli < orstpfs finer
shirts nil. ) nf ornlls , c-etc-ri ll'ftJth . trc9
rll IShotitli llth st tt-lupliotii. . 1 1
l. tnbll Iio.l lsj
Wliimcy & Co ,
1'roiliipp fiulti of ill
llutlpr , OBK > and poultry klailn i.r-tLM 1
ll.i south IllhiU
Jas A. ClirkS C ) .
llaltpr cln si ni
poultry ami si at
.117 Hoitlii Utli U
Omaha Stove HcpiipW'ks
! -ti\p repairs and walpr
Kttnc hnu'nts for any
Mini or KIOTO uiiilo
l. " )
division ; on south sldo from COtli sheet totho
vvi-,1 line of sub lot is , subdivision lot 2 , t'uo-
Itcd mid ? ' ( ki , , 43.
On Doiifjlns stroot. on nr.rlli sick from the
west line1 lot 2 , llonsol's siihdlv ision lowest
llnosn is. lot 2 , Uipllol add , ononth sldo
from the west llnci of mill K Hot ' Ciipltol
ml.I . to west line of lotijlloi.bci's Mihdiv ision.
Jl.'iv. ' ' l ' .
On Doiuias street , on north sldo from west
1'no of sill ) 8 lot 2. C.ipltol ncld to vvoat
line sill.I ) , lot a. ( lapltol add ; on south bldo
from west Hue of lot 0 Mould's sniidiv Ision ,
toviMt llni'snb 12. lot ; > . L ipitol nod ? l,8Ji.OO.
Un Dnuxl is strcot on noith aides from woit
line of sub j lot ,1 dipnoi addition to 24th
stiuet ; on bonth sldo trom west line sub IJ lot
a C ipitol adilltloii to 21th sticc-l. * l,2.1 %
On ' 4th btrcot from 1101 th line of lot I ) to
south line lot. II. Rollout's 1st add , fTM hi.
on I7tli strcot from Hllov nortli of I nrn un
stioct to Dodi-o street , ? l .lir.7l
On Ibthsti put from I'miium liecl to Doilg *
bttoot. $1.401111 ,
On lUili street from Puriium street to DoJpo
btreot , * 4.ISJ tot.
To ho .issossod pro r it.i icionlliu to foot
frnntiiKo In depth to the ic-nlei of blooU
'I'o cover the eost of dam 1 1 K for irradluz
Miutli i street from 2Ulh sticol to J4th street
iimonntliu to the sum of Mil 00 .which said
sum It Is proposed by u ropoit duly adopted
by the city council to nssu--1 on llio prouprty
on M mil i struct from 2)lh ) toMill strcnls ofi >
c ich sldo In depth to tie iillnv on o ich side
iicc-oidin : lo thu sc.illm ; bad. pioooss ;
r.ilo per fool ij.iy : > u.
To cover the cost of Knidnu t' iHtellai street
from llth street to24th fctroot , In KinilliiK dla-
11 let No IT , amounting to tlio sum of f > , 111,54 ,
which snld mini it Is proposal by a icpoilduly
ndontcd by the cltv council lo assess cm the
properly on both Mldcsof O istelliii'slrc'ct from
Hill stieot to 24th street pro rit i acc'ordlnR to
Iroritaicoand the usinl sciilluj hick process
In clcjith to the .illoy : in block * I ! anil H. H. B
Holers' addition , and blocks 7 anil 8. Camp
bell's .iddltlon , to the depth of three lot ! , : In
property not Riiullvlded to the depth of 160
tec't. K.ito per foot JI.OVJl.
To cover the cost of Kr.iilins Divonport
sticot from 40th street to the Hell IJno rill-
w ly In izriicllni ; cllslrlcl No. II. amoiintliiK to
the sum of $ i,107 01. which s ild KIIIII It Is pro-
po-od bv n report duly .idoptud by the cltr
comic 1 to assess on the pronutty on botii
sides of Ilitvoii ] o t street from IDtli struct to
tlio Kelt l/.no i iilwav pro r.itu p.'i foot fiont-
a -iceordin , ' to tlio usual sc' iliiij bau < pio-
i' ( > ss m clnplh to the llrsl u lny 01 1.0 foot.
Kate pel foot $0 7371.
lo ccivor llio coit of cr.ulliu I , ilio street
fmm 4.M street to 4'ith sti.'ot In gr.iilln ; dls-
trlct No 54 aniotinthu to the Mini of $ . ' ,1)77.15 ) ,
which fl del sii'n It Is proposed hj , i report duly
adopted by Iho cllv council , to assess un tin )
property on each side of I. iUo street fiinn I'M
street to llth Mrc.'Cl pro pel foot fionlnKfi
ncioidin to the nsniil sc illn.b icU pioicss to
tlioflr-a allotKUouorfoit } l 'lb. .
'lo coverthc ! cost of trail In- . ' III ttri't'l from
rninam ntroel to Itiiilsticut In Rt.idliu ills- I
trlct .No. II , iiinoiiiitliu to the sum of fvllli. I- ,
VThlch s ild sum It Is propound hv a report duly j
adopted by the city council to IH.USS oil the I
niopciiy on c ich ado of ith utrrei from I
rariiam to Mutt pie i.itu pui foot frnntJ o. j
iicu > rillns lo Iho nsn..l s ruling h uli piouu s to i
Iho alley or 111 fecit Union M foot TI.IIII5. m
To covni the cost of KI iilln/ ( .1 ml sttcetiB
from 'L'.vonty-llrst si rue I to r\ti > niy-fonrtl H
fctieot and the alloy rniinlni north iinda
south In liliulc ' . Idluulld ; inn jnnlliu' lo lhi > V
bum of $11207 , whiidi b.ild bum 't IH piopor otl9
by n iciportdnly adopted In tlm c Ity conncltS
to .ishi'si pro nti on Iho propi rty udjaci'iil nsB
per foot ficinlazn ; the niniii'rly on the alley at.9
one fourth llio rite of iho piopi'rty on ( irantH
hlroat. In iloptli to tlm llrst ullcj
Alloy , r > lfi'Ot \ at J OO.'O > 7. i.2 .1.
( ininl Htiuet , 1.5IJ fiul ut fJ.-'HIH JH ) 1(1 ( <
'I o cover the cost of irradliu Tui'iili-fonrtliB
street from Holt l.lne lalhvay to roitsticot.B
ainonntliu totho KIIIII of fl.lDIMi. vvhUlisaldV
sum H Is proposed by a inporl duly adopted 1
bv the city lounoll to HKM'.SS on thu propurty 1
adjoining Ji'il ' cm ouch bldo of Tivonly-fonrtlil
street from Holt l.luo railway to Toil street I
pro rata according lo foot finnt 1150 ; into purl
font front. M.2i.l'J3. I
Tr covurtho eost of L'r.idlnz I'lli si rent from I
Vinion stiiiut to thLMioiih llnunl U iK Illlladd. I
No 2 line ) thu cost of culvert rnnilniclud liy I
J. II. Iteevun , VUo at Illh and N ulli'y NlioiilH , In I
! . ! ; district No. 117 , anionnlln ; lo Iho sum I
of i'i.iii.8l ) : , which s ild sum II is ptopii'.ii I by a I
rupoit diilv udoptod ly Hie city c'oiuicll to 1
n i-hS pro r.ila uccorduu tu tin foot fronUso , I
on 1'ith Htri'ct on o.ich aide , fiom \ Inton street I
loOiUlllll add No , ' . ' . neooiillnt'lotho usual 1
scaling back process In depth to llm alley I
\ThPiotliiiiilloylspiiillol \ vvlth l.lth strret. I
nnd I'M feel on other properly ; thnnhovo I
lintiu comprlsuci In K'ad ' I n.1 dUtrlct No , a7. I
Itatci pn font. 51.1'JJI. I
To cover tlio cost of the const motion of 1
Miner In snwur district No 15' , amoiinlliu to
lliKMini of { I.7U.Mwh'oh ! xilil MIIII , it s pro
pose I by .1 report duly aclciplml by llm city
conn. ) I. to assess on the propuitv IrnnlliiK ou
Hiilil Huuer aciorclhu to thu foot fionlauii cor
ner lots h.ivln , ' newer on both hlilcn to ba ,
assp'.no 1 on Iho ton , i fiontiKi ) only Kite ; i
pen foot , fouls' ) , as iniiro full ) > > liowii by siilu J
' 1'ioiiojcd 1'Ian of AsauiS'ounl ' I
To cover the cost of damiiiji's by nnson ot j
priding 2Gth street frnm I'.irnam to liar 111157 ]
Hlriot , nnd alloy lioiwceu I'limam ati4
llaiiiiiy siranta from 2th ( ! stunt lo 2711 %
luoniie. iimountliu to llm NIIIII of jl.W.i.O1 , ,
vvbleh H-ildsiim Ills proin.ieil by a repor *
dn v adoptuil by iho city conmdl loassaic
on the pruporty on both hides of ' 'Dili si re to
from r irnani to llurnov btreela , and on botu
sides of thu ulley from -Cih btrout to 27tU I
.tViMini ) pro rita , ncuordln. lo fool fionUKe.
and llio usual au.clln'Iniolt procem In depth , <
OnCoth trout enst hide , two lots : on 2CIU
htroiii. west bide. IM fuel : und on o.icli ildo of
allnv lo Htrc.ot. Hutu nor foul , ( .ill II.
Von aio further notlllud tli.ila ild "Proposed
I'luns of As > essmcnt" aio noiv Hiilijecl/ lethe
liiMpeiulon and oxjinlnnt'on of any of lint
owners of Bald lots , p iris of lotH en | iluum of
l nil cslat' ' , 01 iho Inspection or ox.unlnutlou
of any other perxon Intniestod In bald pro-
posou asieiunieiitH , at th ; ) cillluu of Kiild city I
clurl ; , und th it by a report of n eoinn.lltoo of ,
B ild council duly adopted , Ii U prupoiul Ihut j
unlesu for good und hiillhilunloaiiso It may bo
othorwlso ordered and ilutermlni'd , thut tbo
test of said liiiprovoniunu lespucllvoly he an-
bii > ud on the several lots , p iris of ml * ana
plucaof real eslntu n bhown by suld " 1'ro-
posed 1'l.uiH of Atsiisjinonl. "
Von. and ouch of you , ure lioruby notlllud to
iippeir buforo a.ild Hoirdof riiiiill/illun | , u *
Ihu tlmuund pUou above tpoclllod , to nuke
any compliilnt. stntomont. or i > bj 3llon you j
diilru concornliu unv of H.ild proposed lovlutt
and uisossmonts of taxui.
JOHN Hltovi : . Oily Clerk.
OMAHA , Nob. , Octobur 1'Jtb ,
Oct. 2) ) < 1'