BEFORE THE GRAND JURY .Alleged Orookednef s nt the Lincoln Asjlum to Be Investigated. TWO INDICTMENTS EXPECTED TO BE MADE Other * M.IJ Ito Itcqulrtil to Ktptnin tlio MMIimli of rurcliiMlng Supplier nt thn Initltiitum ItMorn the Sub ject M Scttli'il. LINCOLN , Nob. , Oct. 21. [ Special to Titr. BKr.J There U no longer any doubt that the recommendation of the State Board of Public LandJ and Bulldlnisi In regard to the asylum Investigation will bo cnrriod out , A special Rr.ind Jury has bien culled to moot on November 10 , nnd nlthouili the reasons lor oalllni ? tbo Jury ere not glvon Dy the court It li generally understood thnt the method * of purchasing supplies for the nsylum nre to bo thoroughly Investigated , and It U further bolloved thnt the inquiry will result in the indiotmunt of two It not three tnrtlos whoso names have already boon mixed up In the affair. The special ptnol from which the Jury will bo selected Is follows : E. T. Hartley , P.V. . Little , William MuLmiuhlln , L. C. Ulchards , O. E. BlRclow , O. A. Soyboll , .1. J. Ilutlor , W. M. Olllusiilo , Loins Holmor , Henry Votth , J. J. Oilman , H. l . It Millar , M. . Cheney , Abdlah Hull. W. U. Mnnn , V. A. Jones , L. C. Baldwin , U. A , CJIlbort , A. Orcemimoyer , Samuel Felton , J. J. Stem , A. U Axtholm , Jacob Kocku. VVIIIIn ICIloy lliully Hurt. Wlllfntn Hlloy , n youc man about 2ft years ot age , was badly hurl at the llurlinirton yards last night. Ho was found In an uncoil- icluus condition with nn ui-ly Kash In the bade of his head. The police authorities wcra notified nud the injured man convoyed In the patrol wnL'on to the station , where a physi cian examined his Injuries. At the doctor'H Jtdvlco the Injured man was removed to St. Elizabeth's hospital. This morning ho Btlll very weak from loss of blooil , and has not recovered sufficiently during the day to civo his attendants any information as to how ho came to bo hurt RO badly. Ho wns evi dently under llio inlluencc of liquor nt tuo tlmo ho wns injured , and it Is bollovnd thnt ho wns hurt whllu trying to goton a passing train. Horn llo Mvn In Lincoln ? The question of the hour in Lincoln is , does Kxcisctnan Doollttlo reside In this city or CuiiMKOl The question Is the uonoral subject of conversation In , Lincoln today on account of the action of Mayor \Vulr In do- clarltiR Mr. Doolltllo's jil.ico on the excise board vacant and in aujiotnllnR Mr. Louis Stull as his successor. Mr. Uoolittlo wns n business man of Lincoln when ho received Ills appointment us n member of the excise board , but some months ago ho wont to Chicago cage , where ho engaged in business. Hols conductltiK n bakery , grocery nnd meat niHt-Uet at 181-130 Forty-seventh street in the World's fair city and this fact , together with his long continued aosence from the city , led Mayor Wclr to declare the ofllco vacant. The city council declines to confirm the now appointment until the mat ter can be further investigated oud it is evident that tbo change will not bo made Without KoinethlnR or n struggle. It is thought In many cases that if the chance is finally made it wilt result In a complete reorganization of the nolico force. At ures- ont the excise board Is composed of Mayor \VoIr and Messrs. ICclly and Doolittlo. The latter two gentlemen have controlled the board nnd their action In removing the old police force appointed bv Mayor Weir last pring created no little excitement at the time. Mr. Stull Is n prominent citizen mid banker of this olty and a son-in-law of Mayer \Velr. From the Police Court. J. F. Ward was arraigned this morning on the chnrgo of robbing tbo till at the Pcoria hotel , of which he has for some time past buen night clerk. He loft his situation yesterday , nnd soon nftor ho loftthe contents of tbo niouoy drawer were also found miss ing. Wnrd was arrested last night , consid erably llio worse for the amount of liquor ho had imbibed. The chnrijo of larceny was pre ferred against him , but tboro was no evi dence to convict him , and ho was accord ingly discharged. lloverly Fields was arrested last night for hilarious conduct in n colored dive across the track. His finances were embarrassed to the extent of &M 70 this morning. An Italian fruit , vendor named Matte was slugged by some unkt.own party last night and'ho nretcrrcd charges against Lewis Wirtz. Whuii the hitter wns arraigned In police court this morning ho proved that ho tnoroly stood by and saw the fun. Ho was discharged. Lincoln In lirlof. W. H. Irvine loft for Salt Lake City this afternoon via the Hook Island. He was no- comnanlod by Jmlpo Powers and F. T. iliatt. * Captain L . W. Bllllngsluy was called to Terra Haute , Ind. , this afternoon by a tele gram announcing the death of bis sister. Councilman Henry Vcith has returned from his summer's scjourn in ICuropo. Ho successfully ran the gauntlet of the cholera and is looking well. A young couple called on Acting County Judge Lon : : this afternoon to bo married , but the judge discovered that the young man was not yet 21 years of ago and declined to perform tha coromonv. Tbo fair brldo dis played her lutciiso disappointment by In dulging in n good cry. SHOT HIS CilKL'S rATlliit. Tom Anilrew/i / or IVuupIni ; Water U e u Gun with 1'onr Knuot. WKRIM.VO WATBII , Nob. , Oct. till | Special Telegram toTiin lints. | Tom Androws.acooli in the F.uronoan hotel , this ovonlng shot five times at C. D. Sltzor , hitting him once in the arm , Andrews is in love with Mr. Sitzor'e daughter Tilly und called on her this after , noor. In the absence of her father. When Sltzor folurncil ho found the door locked , During the war of words that followed Andrews shot through n glass In tno door. The wound is not of a serious until ro. Mar shal Woodward has Andrews In charge now und slncti his arrest bu has attempted to one : bis llfo by llio laudanum route , but he wil recover. The prisoner ls of an emotional natura and hus frequently resorted to knife or revolver in settling bis disputes and 1 ; considered u flt aubjecl for the asylum. Glmrlvi Johnson on Trial , Aunimx , Neb , , Oct. 'JO.- [ Special to Tin Bun , | The jury was empaneled iu tin case of the state against Uharles Johnsoi yostorday. County Attorney Kelllgur out lined his cnso to tbo jury , In which bo slatei that James \Vhltonmn was mowing prasi with a scythe on his own grounds occupiui ! by li'tn ' , and that ChurliM Johnson crawlec up on thii opuositf. side of tno Mlstour i'ucltlc niHroiui from whcro Whltonmu mowing and shot him. J. B. Stull. one of thu attorncvit for the Oo fotuluni , iiiaUo his stmoment to the jury , it whloh ho stated that thu evidence would show that the deceased , James Whltomun , was 111 wil'ud ' toward Johnson ; that be hai bunted htm down , nnd hud actually sllppm into the dufendnnt'H liouso and put polso : In tha defendant's toapol ; that Johnson hut nourlv iiloil from tbo cllVctu of thn poison tbat U' had lultl in ambu b wliln hotgun lo xhoot Johnson ; that \Vliitcmai was a bail , dangerous , vlomus man , whils Johnson hnd always born n min of good rci' ' ulutlon for being poaccublo and truthlul that Johnson lived In conntunt fear of hi ; own llio , day and night , anil that thu defend ut baa killed Whltoman In self dofonso. Ts'urrimly JCtcuptul Dmilli. GIUSD IgLiMt , Nub. , Out. 20. [ Special ti Tan DBF. 1 Henry Joouck , yard master o the Oxuard Beet Suirar factory , bad a nar row c oapo from death l t nlKhl. Wall crossing the Union Pncttlo tracus In the clt bo was run Into oy u switch ougluo , Hoaa\ the cuglno In tlmo to jump , and ll was tbo alone that saved his lifo. The horse brou loose and ran away and the buggy was bid I uied up. Kuml the Coutriialoni. DEATKICB , Nob. , Ocu ' . ' 0. ISpocIal Tell Itratn to THE DEE. ] The city of Uoatrlc laitulgbt began o counter suit against th water extension contractor * , Godfrey , MoaU , ( or liS.UOO damages sustamoa by tb city for the fulluro ot the defoniUnls to com * plo'io the vr tpr work * nnd furnish the iup- ' ply ot wftt r In'ftccordMioo with tholr Btmr- nntoo , Tha lleatrloo UarbVIre MitnuMcturlnit company flloil lt nrtlclos of Incorporation today , The cnnttnl stocK I * 110,000 nnd the plnco ot buaincss thU city. Tito nonr concern - corn wilt at oncn nctlvoly cnffngo In the munufitcturo of the Huffman pstont ot Dnrb wlro foncln ? . The ofllcers ot the concern nro W , 1' . Nororosi , pratldont ; W , I ! , Kooln- sou , vice proildont ; II , P , Korcrais , treas urer , nnd Koborf. Wnijby , secretary. Court nt Nelson. KcMOit , Nob. , Oct. 2(1. ( [ Sosslnl to TUB UER. ] District court convened nero yoitor- rtttr morntnu. Ono hundred nnd thirteen coses wore on the dookot. There wm a dh- position amonp the attorneys to continue ns nii\nv unsos ns possible. The Jury wblch hnd boon impnnelod was discharged , and only equity caios wilt bo board , Tnu Mticli of n Itult. It ( snot anuiunl for colds contracted In the ( all tohnnc on all winter. In such cases catarrh or chronic broncnltlo nro nlmott sure to rosutu A fifty-cant oottlo ot Chamber- lam's ' Cough Uomody will euro any cold. Cnn you nftord to rlsK so muoh for so sin nil an amount ? ThU roaioJy U Intended os- poclally for bad colds and croup and can always be depended upon. For sale by drus- elsts. r/ : > KXVKL.I.v /KroT.UTIO.V. Tronbln Over the Dpllvcryot the \Vnr Mti- iiltlnn * on the Smith rortlnnit. [ Copyrliilited I3'W bjr J.imc ) norJoa lleanott.1 Lit.UUArii4 , Venezuela. Oot-'W. [ By Mex ican Cable to the Now York Herald Special toTiin UBK.I The steamer South Portland arrived here yesterday nftor waiting two weeks at Port of Spain , Trinidad , until the amount ot her charter wai paid. There Is also some trouble aoout the solar ? of thu captain ot the Portland and he refusal to de liver thn arms shn carries without some guaranty that It will bo paid. The matter cannot bo settled untilQorizalos returns from daytl , where bo Is reported at present. Urdonata's plrato steamer , the Curatehas ) surrendered to the newly established Votio- zuilan government. Utdonatn has soucht rofueo in Marllnlqun. Uenoral Fernandez his started with nn onnv of 500 men to llzht the armed bands who are wandering about the mountains of Los Augoloj. holillnr unit Civilian In < Svrnianr > LONDONOut. . SO. The Berlin correspond ent of the Times says tbat another case of a sontlnol flrinu nt n civilian occurred In Ber lin on Saturday last. Tlio radical paper * of Horlln denounce the outrage and demand that the subject of the uio of llroarms In such cases bo submitted to llio Diot. pinners' StilknTliroatnncd , LONDOX , Oct. 20. A , strtko ot tha cotton pinners is threatened. Involving KiOOJ,000 ipindlos and 52,000 operatives , mostly women ind children. The mayors of Liverpool and tlnnehester are trylnir to brlncaboui urbltra- .Ion , hut It is not believed they will bo suo- : c3 ful. Will Conic to tlio I'ulr. LONDONOct. . 20. 11 U stated thtit the irlnco of Wnlos and his son , the duke of York , will visit Iho Worm's fair. \Vhnn > itturo S'ocds assistance it mny DO host to render It iromptly , but ono should romomhor to USD even the most ported remedies only when iooiled. The best anil most simple hd con- .lo ruraedy is the Syrun of Fiirs , tnnnufaot- .ircd by Iho California b.Is ? Syrup Co. OUST * W.ILKKI ) Till ! EAKTH. lUcb Arcluuoloijlcul flnil of Mknletons In Indlnnn Itlufls. CIUWFOUDSVII.T.K , Ind. , Oct. 80. A rich archiuoloKlcal Hud was unearthed Saturday two miles west of this city In a cravel pit alone the hlKh bluffs of Sugar crook. Thus far twenty-five skeletons of Brobdlgnanlan stature have been exhumed and the unbury- tng is still goluK on. Tnis necropolis of long ago is filled with excited hunters of curios and Hciontillo students ofVaba.ib colloKO continually , and 119 soon as removed from the jvol the rattllne bones are carried away to become part of departments of nrcbu-'oloey , which arc boini ; osiaullshed all over tUa city. The last skeleton taken from the burying ground was n gigantic ono , measuring seven feet In length. The femur alone would provo that the skeleton was thnt of a giant and the pelvic bones nro twice as largo as those of nn ordinary man. The grinning skull of the plant hud n perfect sot of tooth , not ono cracked or decayed nnd with an cnumol as beautiful as polished marble. The bones wore perfect In every detail , notwith standing the factthut they must have been inlorrcd hero for conturios. The entire ab sence of vogetub'o ' matter In the soil and the perfect dramnce would account for the preservation of the bony structure. Of the whole number of skeletons thus found only two indicate immature develop ment , the remainder representing the frame work of a raca of men evidently oxtiuct for centuries. Tbli is certainly the flrst discovery ot skeletons in which the characteristic develop- mont'of Blants has boon observed. It is thought by local scientists that thcso bones belonged to a tribe of aborigines , but this theory cannot bo fnllv established by the : nutorial structure of the skeletons. LcivnxwuHTir , ivan. , Juno 15 , ' 90. Mr. J. li. Moore : My Dear Sir I bar been sutjcctto sick headache all ray Ufa. Over two years ago I began using "Mooro * Tree of Life" for it and never had n case o sick headache since , except when the medlctno was nt ono end of the road and I at the other. It is worth more than money to mo. I heartily recommend it to all sufforurs of headache. Very truly yours , W. B. LII.B. PastorFirst DaotUl Uhuron. THE WllK.ll THEY JIKI.I ) . I.oiv 1'rlcos Now tlio Jtitstilt of Lust Vciir'x famous Order. ST. Louis , Mo. , Oct. 2J. ( The continued bonvy receipts of wheat nt primary points resulted yesterday in carrying the price to the lowest point aver raachod In the history of this market. Cash dropped to ( ib' % cents per bushel and Ducombar to 70 ? cents. The auormous elut of nctual wheat Is believed to be the dlrnct outgrowth of the "llold-your-whoat" cir culars issued la > t year by the farmer * ' alli ance. It is not thought that the great ac cumulations at primary points are from Usl year's crop entirely , but that much old wheat , held according to advice , Is now comlug on the maruot. You need not , bo afraid of the twinge ol rheumatism when you bavo Salvation Oil. Iteuly for the Winter. George Miller was at rested by Oftlcei Donahoo yesterday on suspicion. A tearct revealed tbu fact that ho was prepared pared for any sort of wind which might blow , Ilu wora telescoped otiu over tin otnur eight pairs of punts , live vusls uiu four ooutk. Doctors } Pshaw ! TakoBoooham's Pills. Owlnp to the decoasu of 11. H. Marnoft Mi stock of truuKs , etc. , will bo cloifd nut a' soou ns tbu business cuu bo put In shaot ? . The general utoro run by C. K Uworak a OuUdulo win burned out } ostorduv. Thi loss is reported as heavy , there bain ? no in suranco. CAUSE OF RAE'S ' DESERTION Ho Had BCOQ "Turned Down" Too Often by the Republicans , LIST OF THE OFFICES HE FAILED TO GET ConcliKltnc Thnt thn Domncrntio I'nrty Woulit Ito More Orntotul for Ills SorUens HoTurnoil Ills Political Cent Accordingly. WASIIIXOTOV Bunr.Atr or TUB * ' i 513 FouitTRCSTii Sinr-RT. WASIUSOTOS , D. O. , Oct. 'JO. ) John P. Hao is the latest in the list of republicans publicans who have deserted their party during this campaign. In all the ether cases orao personal reason ether than a belief In the princlolus of the democratic ; party hoi boon found for the defcc'.ion. Tno animus In the case of Mr. Kao is not hard to ilnd. Not satlslled with his olcctton to bo district judge , Mr. Kao aspired to bo the republican nominee for governor of the state of Minne sota. Ho was disappointed in this. Than ho aspired threu tlutas to tboropubllcnn nom ination for congress In his district , and each lime ho was turned down by the local repub licans , who preferred to bo represented by some ono olso. Mr. Hao then thought that the administration might ba mom grateful than his republican friends In Minnesota , and ho made n campaign for the pension com- mtsslonorahlp. The senators from his state refused to CM- dorso him and ho did not got the appoint ment. The came a vacancy In the luturstato Comroorco commission , and Mr. Hao made n bid for that place , only to bo disappointed again. Now ho has picked up his dolls and refuses to play any longer with the repub lican psrty. There has not boon a worse case of disappointed ofllno-snekor In n great many years. The Grand Army veterans who icuow Cleveland's pension veto record are not going to bo fooled into voting for him by the action of .Mr. Uio. Not iMcnsuil wllli Hill. There was au amusing encounter at the Arlington hotel this morning. Senator Hill pasacil through the city on his way from Now York to Lynchburg nnd stopped to got breakfast at the Arlington , Wnyno Mac- Voagn , the rucuntlv converted mugwump , has been in Washington some days attending to a cnso in the supreme court. Ho is stop ping nt the Arlington. Last night in his Tammany ball speech , Senator Hill plainly expressed his contempt for "tho ostentatious zeal of the now convert , who , nftor having for years enjoyed the honors and emoluments of positions conferred upon him by bis party , suddenly assumes to see a now light and turns around nnd bitterly assails his former political associates witb venomous vituperatiou. " This slap was very evidently directed nt Mr. MacVoagh. Probably the bead waiter at tbo Arlington had not road Senator Hill's speech , for when tha senator entered the breakfast room of tbo hotel this morning , he was escorted to the tab'.o at which Mr. MaoVoagh was oallng his breakfast. The i latter was reading a newspaper when Sonn- ! tor Hill entered. Ho lowered It when ho saw the senator , nnd n look of pain over spread his features when tno head waiter brought the colobr&ted democrat to a scat di rectly opposite him. Mr. MaoVeagh has not the honor of Mr. Hill's personal ac quaintance. Evidently ho does not want , it. Ho got up from the table just as the senator sat down and xvalkcd rapidly out of the dinIng - Ing room. Senator Hill's attack on MacVcagh amused the republicans mightily. It would not bavo como with a very good grace from thorn and it is of all the more party advantage coming from the democratic senator from New York. Senator Hill and the New York Sun to plagarizo Hon. John O. Now are the best advocates tbo republican , party has in New York. Notes of the Campaign. Jesse Rays of this city has received a letter from Perry Carson , who Is now in Indiana , saying : "Wo are solidly united and tbo election will bo a general sweeo- stakes for the republican party. " Mr. Carson will rorcaia m the west until after the election. Henry 0. Hyde of Boston , formerly a member of the republican national committee- from Massachusetts , says that Massachusetts is safe for tun republicans. The Washington Post has nn Interview with Senator Proctor this morning In which ho says oi the decrease of thu republican vote iu Vermont : "Tuo republican major ity was fully as largo as tbat by which I was elected governor of the state in 1S7S and there was no increase In the deinoctutlo voto. Every once In a while- the republican vole In Vermont falls off without any apparent reason. This year there were a number of local causes , inoludlng the fact that the state fair wiu in progress during election wcuk. " Senator Proctor lays that ha Is confident of the election of Mr. Harriton. Very lUtla Interest is beinn taken in the campaign m his own state , however. Sow Jersey for Hnrrlsou. General Ho ban , the republican national committoenian for Now Jersey , was at tbo Arlington today. During the day ho had In terviews with some of the members of the cabinet who arc now In the city. In conver sation with a reporter ho said that bo was fully satisfied tbat Mr. Harrison would DO elected. There was nothing iu tbo western situation which gave the comuilltoo any raason to doubt that Harrison woula carry every state in that .section. "In New Jer ey , " ho said , "we are as sure of carrying tbo suite on the local ticket as wo are sure of anything. 'The people of tha Btnto are tired ot the bad administration of the democrats , and Now York Is a very largo state and a doubtful state and dlfllcult to judL'Q of , but knowing pretty vvoll what IB being done on both si lies , and carefully esti mating the chancoj , I am satisfied tbut Bar- rlsoa will carry tuu stato. " No ITS for tlio Army. A general court-martial Is appointed to meat at Jefferson barracks ut 11 o'clocu a. in. , November 1 , or us noon thereafter as prac ticable. Detail for tbo court : Captain William O. Owen , jr. , assistant surgeon ; First Llentonunl Fr.mkllu O. Johnson , TblrU cavalry : First Lieutenant John F. Mclllain , Ninth cavalry ; First Lloutouaut Percy E. Ti-ippo , Tenth cavalry ; First Lieutenant Stephen L. H. KtOfum , Eighth cavalry ; Flrttt Liieulunani Ulcburd D. Paddock , Sixth cavalry ; First Lieutenant Francis F. Irwin , jr. , Second cavalry , judge advocate. The leave of absence grunted Captain Edward J. McCleriiand , Second cavalry , Is extended ono month , Luavo of absence for two months , December 1 , is granted First Lieutenant Albert C. Blunt , Fifth artillery. Thu following named olllccrs will report in person to Coionol John 1C. Mlzner , Tontn cavalry , president of tbo examining board coimmod at the War department , for oxdtnl nation for promotion ; First Lieutenant Phillip II. Powell , Ninth cavalry ; Second Lieutenant J. O. Mason Blunt , Fifth cavalry. On tin conclusion of his examination Lieu- toiiant Howull will return to bis proper station. First Lieutenant Louis Osthoim , Second artillery , no.v at Boston on publlu business , will , upon completion of the name , return to bis proper station , Fort Hiloy. Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton S , Hawkins , Twotitv-lhira infantry , is detailed as u mom- bar of tbo examining board at Fort Sam Houston vice Captain Otis W. Pol- lock , Twenty-third Infantry , relieved. U-ip. tain William H , MoLaugblln , K I , li too nth Infantry , will report , iu person to tbo exam Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder so Ss o ABSOLUTELY PURE Inlng bonnt convcnnd utiVnrt Sam Houston for examination for proru ijjon , Woitern The following western pensions granted nro reported by TUB IIKE nnd liTnmlnor Bnromtot Clnlmai Nobrn Kn : OrltrlnnlJ-J hn H. Dodd , .Fames M. Donnldson , u\ddltlonnl Samuel A. Qulnor , John Orl , Jotin Cain , Philnndor \Vrlght. Charlo * Vnnbdri Charles Davis , Jonas II. Evans , Joseph Fooh linger. Oriel- nnl widows , etc. Mlnor ot Ulchard Mcln- tyre , Aurehn H. Knapp , 'ill other , minor of Matthias If. Ilartlcv , Anfia Olcno , mother ; Mnrlbii A. Trout , Malvmo O. Curby. Iowa : Original Wlllinm .1. Cold well , Edward U. Inccrsoll , Kdword Conrnd , Joseph M. Urees , Cairiw S. Cole , Addi tional James Koborts , Wlllinm Peterson , Cbnrios Walls. Jnmos N. Coulter , John C. Nichols. increase John Lawl * . Green Street. William Uouk , Pearson V. Hills. Original widows , etc. Bridget Lnrkln , Maria A. Marshall , South Dakota : Additional Oary It. Jos- lyn. Original widows , etc. Uobecon A. Hoills , Urnco S. Slovens ( mother ) . .MIicollnnootK. A dlsnntch from Chicago 8ay that sorao attempt Is being made out there to disfran chise republican clerks who have gone homo to register nnd cast their votes. This Is done for political effect in some part of the country at almost every election. The courts have bold that department clerks at Wash ington totnln tholr residence and n right to vote nt homo. The secrotiry of the interior today dented the application of Stewart for n rehearing and review In the c.tso ol Charles ( I. Hoylo versus Alexander Stownrt , wherein n home stead cash entry In tbo McCook district was held lotcancellation. . The decision of the land commissioner reversing - versing the original decision cancelling untry of land by Oscar Miller In the Valentino dis trict was nftlrmcd. Ariatitt 13. Olmstoad made the original motion for cancellation on the ground that Miller wai an idiot. Every man. womati nnd child who has once tried thnt spccltlo , Dr. Uull's Cough Syrup , cannot say enough In Its pniso. Him Can Curry Unrlo Sum's Mull. New YOIIK , Oct. 20. The trial trip of the steamer City of Washington to provo If she was qualitlcd to carry the United Slates malls to Cuba took place yesterday morning , and was successful. She developed an nv- orago speed of 15.10 Knots per hour on the out trip. Her nvcrngo time returning against wind and tide was io.-t'J knots Dor hour. Her total average time was 15.45 knots. The City of Washington , by developing this Croat speed , will bo placed In the third class of mail ships. On yesterday's trip she burned thirty tons of oonl and her engines mndo seventy-six revolutions per inlnuto. After her trial trip a big broom was hoisted to thn mntts mid hold ns an evidence that she had swept the records of all the Wnrd line steamers "off the board. " C.ond ( J Is ono of the chief blessings of every homo. To always iusuro good custards , puddings , sauces , etc. , use Gail Borden "Eagle" Brand Condensed Alillr. Directions on the label. Sold by your grocer and druggist. t ; Tnb on County County Clerk Saclcott , has added a lodger to the equipment of his which is to bo kept a complete account witb each and every individual furnishing supplies , or doing work for the county. The law has always required tha keeping of this book , but until now the book has not been kept nnd the law has remained a dead lutler. The lodger shows the action of the ooard from tbo time the bill Is presented uutn it is paid by the treasurer. * ' Death of W. < ! ' . ' 1'lffiuan. W. Q. Plgmau of Chicago , formerly of this city , died October 22 , 1893 , at the homo ot a nephew in Crawford county , Illinois. He wnsborn in Kentucky. July 27 , ISIS. During his residence in this city bo was respected by n Inrgo circle of frloiidsjor his strict integ rity and kindly spirit. JIo was ill but a short timo. His remain's were interred at Fort Wayne , Ind. .For the last ten /years of his lifo he made his homo , with a daughter , Mrs. Thomas J. Staloy of Chicago. 1'ouml for llio City. In the ease of L. D. Carrier against the city of Omaha , which has been on trial in Judge Ogdcn's court for o couple of days , the Jury this afternoon returned a verdict finding for the defendant. The plaintiff. WAS the owner of a lot nt Twentv-eighth and Leaven worth streets. The grade was changed and the appraisers tenor ted on Damages. Prom this award Carrier cp- pcalod and sued the city for $2noo damages. Disease never succosstuitv attacks tno sys tem with pure blood. Do Witt's Sarsaparllla mnkes pure now blood and onrlcbe * bloaa. Had UH.M ! Morphine. Mrs. Wray , who lives ' .vith her husband at 1320 Lcavonworth street , was in polloo court yesterday charged with being drunk and disorderly. The woman explained tbat she had been using morphine for n variety of aches and pains and in a lit of temporary dtrangemont got into an argument with her husband. She was discharged with a lecture. DoWitt's Saraapariua destroys such poi sons us scrofula , skin dlsnasej , eczema , rheu matism. Its timely uau.savoj many Stolen Ilorao Uncovered. Once more Councilman Tuttle is in undis puted possession of his horse which disap peared from in flout of his residence last night. The animal was found at the Windsor ser stables yontordav morning npd was driven there by a boy who fallen to give his name. Mrs. L. H. Patton , UocKford , III. , writes : 1 From personal oxparlonco 1 can recommend DeWitt's Snwuparilla. a euro fe" blood and con oral debility " Will Welcome All. Tbo subcommittee or tbo republican county executive committee- will bo at thu commit tee rooms from 12 to 1 nnd from lo 0 o'clock every day , when all republicans nro cordially Invited to visit us. A. S. Oiiuuciliu. , Chairman. Thut Torrlllu Combination. The small boy nnd his matches gave tbo tire department n run to Thirty-third and Chicago yesterday morning. A small b rn owned by Wood burn was damaged to the extent of | 5U. A sere throat or coub , If suffered to pro gress , often results in an Incurable throat or lung trouble. "Brown's Bronchial Troohos" giva Instant roller. ' WORTH A GULVHA. A BOX ( Tasteless Effectual. ) fOll ALL BILIOUS and NERVOUS DISORDERS , Such as Sick IJeadache , Weak Stomach , Impaired Qigestion , Constipation , Liver Complaint , and Female' Ailments. Corned with a Tutdesj & Soluble Coating. Of all drupglsts. Price 25 cents a box. New York Depot. i6 < Canal St. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , 8. DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , MEB Capital . . . . $ , Surplus $03,000 Officer * andDlroclOM-IIeorr . Vatei. president H. C. Uuililaz. Tlco preitilBOl , ft H. Maurice W. V Mor e.Joum. Collliw J , N. II. Patrick. I.swli A IteoJ. cuibler. Tl-IEl IRON BANK. AVER'S Sarsaparilla Is superior to nil other prf-jtarntions chiming to be blootl-purifiors. First of nit , because the principal IngrctlU cut used In It is tlio extract of gen uine Honduras sarsaparlllnroot , tlio variety richest In medicinal proper- Cures Catarrh JI K : low dock , being raised expressly for the Company , is always fresh and of the very best kind. "With equal discrimination and care , each of the other ingredients are selected and compounded. It Is THE Superior Medicine because it is always the same in ap pearance , flavor , and effect , and , be ing highly concentrated , only small doses are needed. It is , therefore , the most economical blood-purifier in existence. It makes food nour- Isliing , work pleas. mt(8icc , , , refreshing - ing , and life enjoyable. It searches out all impurities In the system and expels them harmlessly by the natu ral channels. AVER'S Sarsaparillft gives elasticity to the step , and im parts to the aged anil infirm , re newed health , strength , and vitality. Sarsaparilla Prepared byOr.J C. Aver X-Co. , Lowell , Man. Bold l > y nil IniRRl8t ; 1'rlcofl ; tli bottlcn , * 5. Cures others , will cure you HEALTHFUL , AdREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Charing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water Anew and coraoloti Troatmoat , c < > nl > tnz ! ot Suppositories , Olnlmont la i-ii > jnlei , alia la llox uniU'Ub ; a 1'oiUUo Cure ( or ttxt.'riul. Intern vl bllndor UlooUlnltoiln ! ? . Chronic , itoogntor Horjll- luryl'llui. Tals llomeJy b never li.'en known to T all. tl par bor. t ; for II ; lontuy mull. Wlirsuaorirua tills mrrtbta Utioii3 wnea u written icunr > int93 li pOBltlvely Kt vcn wltli U boxei or rofnn 1 the TOO u a/If not cured Son 1 Btmp for fro Snmplo. ( iuarnnlaa lunod b j Ivu hu ACo. , UrujiiUU , Solo AgeaU.coraor 1511' ana Uouzlai trosta. u = _ ha. Noli. Many a life has been lost because of the taste of cod- liver oil. If Scott's Emulsion did nothing more than take that taste away , it would save the lives of some at least of those that put off too long the means of recovery. It does more. It is half- digested already. It slips through the stomach as if by stealth. It goes to make strength when cod-liver oil would be a burden. Scorrft BovTH < , Cherm > t9 , m South ; th Avcnut , New York. Your dnisgnt leep Scntt'i EmuUion of cooMiver eil * ll dtugjuli everywhcie do , ft , DOCTOR : In tbu treatiueatot all forma of PRIVATE DISEASES mm \Vo.iknesa and Disorder of with losa ot tour.uo. nmbltlor und vitality. Kljjlitocm yuurao the moat romurkublo MIOCUIS It tlio treatment of tills clusiof ilUttaios. wlilct U proven by tlio t ttlnioiiyof thuu < audit who Im vu bean cur oil Wrltu forolrou- lura niul question Hit. 14tli uuil I'arauu bit. , Ouiiiiiu , U. Cold Snap. Don't take cold With the Columbus festivities a frisky norther has struck us a little fresh , ain't it , especially mornings and evenings protect youself with a warm garment Our overcoats That's what you need and we have them to suit you in all styles and fabrics , and at prices that take : What we can clo for you Overcoats at $ $3.75 come in three shades and are stunners they are woolen sjoods with and without velvet collars - lars , in gray brown and oxford they are fully worth $6 call and examine them We have overcoats running from $3.75 , with a gradual rise in price of 50c a coat till you get to $30 , the highest , which fit as well as custom made and wear as long At $7.50 Our $14Overcoat _ is a world beater , in tans , blue and black- - Overcoats in Meltons Cheviots Cassimercs Wide Wales Stockinettes Serge and silk lined Box or long cut Colors tan brown oxford blue black Single and double breasted Heavy underwear A special sale of 4 cases of shirts and drawers heavy ribbed full finished French neck shirts pearl buttons , worth fully 50c each to close 30c each Columbia Clothing Company Cor. 13th and Farnam Suscessors to M. Hellman & Co. NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR CHANGE OF GHADK. To the owners of all lots or juris of lots mid roil : citato aloui ; : ttnl from Ilnrnoy struct to l.unvunworth street ; 34tti street , from ll.ilt Howard street to Leavonwortli street ; .Titli street fiom Howard to Junes struct and In - You uro hereby notlflod Unit tlio undor- Rlened. tlireo disinterested freeholders of the oily uf Omnhn. have boon duly appointed by llio mayor , with the itpiirovul of the city councilor said city , to assess the dnmuco to the- owners respectively of the uroperty affected bv ehaiizo uf Krnilo of salil stieots ( luolnrr-d noccss.iry Dy ordinance IS'o. l'ii ' : , October 7 , INC' , a pure veil October 13. IhOi V on are further. not Kiud , that Imviiii ; accepted said appointment , and duly qu illllon as in quired Dy will , on tlio ! lrd day of November. A. I ) . . JHU , : it the liotir of I0ia : : o'clock In the forenoon , at the ollk-u of Slirlvpr &O'l > om > hnu. 140.1 li'arinun btrout , within the corporate limits if siilcl ullv. mcot for the pur pose of considering and tiiaklnK the usscss- inent of d.imiKe ; to the owners respectively of said uroperiy nlTuutud by said piMilliiic. tukluz Into consideration succlal benoilts , It anv. anv.Von are Motlfled to lie present at the time : md place tiforovikl , nnd inako any objections to or htatomontH roncernlnx said assessment ofd nnuiuos as you innyi-unsldnr proper. W. f . HIIIUVRIl , GKO. J. I'AIIh. T. 11. MuOUkLUOir , Cominltto of Appraisers. Omahn , Oct. 20th , MK. o-Uld-lUt To the owners of all lots or parts of lots on Arbor street from 10th to 13th street- } . You nro hereby nolillnd that the iindur- slinio J , throe dislnturuMcil freeholders of the city of Omahn , nave IH.TII duly appointed by the mayor , with tbu approval of the city council of Raid city , to nssem the ( Inmate to the ownois respectively of the property nf- fectoil l > y gr.idliii : Arbor from lUth tolith streets , doclaied nuccss.iry by ordlimneo : UIO , passed October lltli , 18 ! ) , ' . approved October ] & . IS ! ) . ' . Von are further notified tint Imvlnir ac cepted KM id iippoliitiiient , and duly cnm.Illod an rciilrnd ] by law , e will , on tli ul ) tli day of November. A. I ) . IS' ' ! ' . ' , at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon , ut the olllco of ( JeorKO.I. r.inl. in r > 1'arium Htioel. wllhln tlio corporutolimit" of said olty , meet for ilici pni- pose of conslilerniK and in.iKlni ; llio assess ment of Uamaxo to the owners rcspcetlvoly of said property , alloctrd Uy Hald Kradlnt ; , taK- Jirj Into consider.i ( Ion spoi'Iiu Ijenellts , If any. You are notllled to bu present at tin ) time nnd i ) ace aforesaid nnd mal.o any objei-tlons to or statements concern.lie sultl iiRsoss of dtiinaKcs as you limy ronslder proper , ( IKUltliK J. I'AUI/ . W ( J SIIIUVIW. JAM KB STOUKDAliK. Omaha , October 21 , 1UX . OiVIIOt To the owners of all lots orjiartsof lots front- In i on Ue'iatiir Htrcot from -"Jlh to Uut siroot ; You are hcrnby nollflnd thil thn umlor- alKiicd , throodUlnturested freeholders of the Olty of Omaha , bavo bi-on duly appointed by the mayor , with the approval of the city conn- oil of said city , to HMOSS the dnma o to the owners respectively of the property alToutod by grading of Doeatur from ' "Jin to 31st Htroets , tinctured neoi'ss'iry liy ordlnunoo II'JUI. passed October 7,18Japurnvod October 1(1. ( IMJ' , You are further notified , tliat having RC- copied mild appolntmi'iit , und duly qnalllloil us rcquirod by Uw , wo will , on thti'.llli itav of November , A , ! > . IB'i. , at thn hour of lo'clnulc In the afternoon , at the olll MI of ( jc'jr.'ii ,1 , I'auI. IB & Kurilun street , witliIn the corpoiate llniitHof Huld city , meiit for llio purport of cnfibliluilni ; and in ilclna the imsoisnit'iic of ( liimiisii to the owners rcspcntlvely of said property affected by wild cradln. , fildnir. Into uonilderatlcm special benelltn , if any. You arn notlllod to bo present itt thctlmn and pi ice nforesiild. ami make liny objo 'lions toorMalnments uoiiconilni ; sail ) HHscdsineiit of dnniisxs asjou may consider proper. ( IKOUUIiJ. I'AUI/ . J. R l'MA(3IC. ' T. II M'OUhLOaU. Otnuhn , Oat , 21JRK ! , O.'Sdlut NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OK DAM AGES FOR CHANGE OF GRADE. To the owners or all lots , paru of lots und real estate alontf ' 'Ith ttruut , from I'onplelon avenue to Hickory street. You tire hereby notlllod tlint the under- slirnorl , three disinterested freeholders of thu city of Omahn , have been duly appointed by the mayor , with thu approval of the eliy council ot suld city , to uasim the dttmuxo to thn ownnrs respectively of thn property alfccted bv clmiut ) of ot said btnsut , du- ulurcd necessary oy ordinance .No. 103. pissed October II. IM ) . ' , approved October \ \ IfcOi You are further notlUo'l that , huvlnz ac > copied said aiipolnttncnt , nnd duly quulltiud us rniilru | < l by law , wo will on the : ird day of Novumuer , A. i ) . 1&U ( , ut the hour of 2 o'clock In thu afternoon , at the olllco of bhrlvcr & O'onohon | ) , 11UJ Farnum street , within the rorpor.tto llmltBof said city , meet for the purpose of coiibldoriiiK and inuldiu the absessment of datniiuo to thoownoi-s ro- BPcctlvely of suld property , tUfeotcd by lalil rhun-jo uf cr.ide. tukln ; Into consideration special buiictlti , If any. You uru notllled tube prejent at tlio time and plnoo aforotnld , und make ny objections toorslaUiinonU concerning Bald i sostuicut uf dmnauea a you may consider proper. W. 11. KllltlViit. ; urxmui ; j. i-Aiifj. join i' . i'i/AOK. Commlttco of AppiaUer * Clf I lip , CdCl II .U , jtlV. OlHIItt WOODEN SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. CONSTUUCTJON. Council Olianibor. Omaha , Noli. . IB'J lie It resolved by tlie city council of the city of Omaha , the mayor concurring : That , wootlen sidewalks bo constructed In thn city of Omaini IIH designated below within live days after the publication of this lesoiutlou , or tlio personal sorvleo tlioreof , as by ordlniim o Is authorl/cd and required ; such sldowulks to bo laid to the present srailo on the streets apo.cllled hoicln. and to bo con structed of blue plank of such width and thickness and ho laid upon Joists of such di mensions and In sueh in.inner us is proscribed l > y tlio siieellleitt mis on llio In the ulllce of the lioaid of Public Works and under Its super vision , to-wlt : Kastsldoof lIlL'hth street , lot IS , llarkor'i allotment , present crude. 4 feet wide. Kast blue of Glen wood avenue , lot Onndl block 11 , llcmls L'ark , present Kr.ido , 0 fool Wli'O. Kustshlp of ( jlemvood aveuilclot I.l.blook 10 , Ilemls Park. presiMit uradi' . ( ! foot wide. North sldoof Nl- - hulas street , lot 52 toHOIn- cnmlvu MH > division , blouktA , Iloservolr A. present ur.ide , Otcot wide. Kastsldoof Cllonwood avenue , from north west cornel lot 111. block II , lieum Park , to intersection of ti leu wood uvcnuo with Lincoln linulovard. present urado. 0 feet wide. \V-st side ot Twenty-fifth Ktroet , lots 1,2 and a block 8 , I'.ilrlck'rf addition , present Knule , 8 feet wldo. KiiatKldcof Twenty-fifth street , lot 8. block 12. t'nrker's add. present ur.ido , R feet wide. North side of Otrdan Htreot , lot -0 to Z'i In clusive , block 4. Khormau Avonno I'arU , tem porary Krade , 4 feet wide And bo It further resolved : That tno HniirU of Public Works bo and hereby Is authorised und directed to cause a copy of this resolution to bo published In the olllclnl paper of tlio city for onowoek.or bo Rcrvodon tlio owners of said lots and unless such owners shall within llvo days after the publication or service of such copy construct suld slduwalkH us herein rciiulrud , that the Hoard of Publlo Works cause the sumo to bo done , I ho cost of constructing hald Hl.iuw.ilks. ro | ipctlvely to bo assessed u alnstlhu real estate , lot or part of lot In front of and ubut- tliic Hiich Kluwalks | , Passed October 4th and October 11. ISM. Attosl : JOHN onovna , Olty Olork. B. P. DAVIS. I'residont Otty OounolL ApprovoJ ; GKO. P. 1IEMIS- , 1IEMISMiyor NOTIOK TO CONSTHUOT SUKWAlilC3. ) To tlio owners of the lots , parts ot lots and real cstuto dosorlbeil In the above resolu tion ; You and each of you are hereby notlflotl to construct wooduu Hldownlks us required bv a resnliillonot tlio city council and nmyorot thecltvofOmaliii.of wlilcli theabovols a copy. P. W. IlIIHUlAUHKIv. Chairman Iloindof Publlo Works Omalm , Neb. , October ' 'llh , W- NOTiCE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOU OnADING. To the owners of all lots , parts of lots and roil esliito atoiiK llumllloii Htreet from 43 til htieet. to o.u clly limits , Yon are hereby notlllod that the under Hiened. tlneu dldlntcresieil f rtMilioidors of tli city of Omaha , litivci boon duly iippolnto by the inn y or , with ihu approval of tint clt council of nald itltv , to assem the damage t the owners tespcctlvnly of thu property uf feeted Ijy Krudlni. of Huld atinot. declined nnc- essir.v by ornlniiiH'i ) number : tHS. tvisaod Oa- toher 18lh , INII. . npnrovod October I'JIli , 181) ) . ' . You are furthnr notilieil that havlnz nc- cnptod Hiild upmilntmont. nnd duly iiiiillllod ; im required by law. wo will , on tint ; ird diiy of November , A I ) IB'.r. ' ' , at thn hour of ll'tj : o'clock In llio foienoon. ut the ollli'o of Hnrlver ft ( Vlonohoe ) , no I Kaiiiamxtroel , wltliui thecor- lior.ito limits of suld ellv , meet for thu pur- pone of cnnnldorltiK nnd in ikln ; Ihn iiHiusi- ment ( if duiiia ii to the owners respectively of Rtiln properly all'uotoj by Hitld k'nidlnt' . titKliiK Into consideration special bunellts , If any. You nru notilieil to bo present at thn tlmo and pluco aforoxald and inuko anv objoutloui to or ht.itementi convurnliir hald assan of damages as you muv i-diibldor pnipur. w u. siiitivr.u. ( ! ioiij.i I JAMII-HroOKDM.K , Conuilttroof Appra'sorx. ' Omalia , Neb. , Oct. i'Otn , Ml' . ( K'ldlUt Save YoyrEvesiflit Kvcs tostol f roe ttyan RXPK'tT Ol > riOIAN I'crfctt ailiust nont. Kujiorlor iniisoi. Murr- otsliuaiJiiiiliu tiiiruil liy iiblur our SoooUolej null lCyolis : > m i rluul luw fur llrjt ulai THE ALOE & PENFOLO CD , JHS. IBthSt.Crolirlitoa Qloolt