Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    OMAHA DAILY EEj * l3lf 11 DAY , OCTOBER 27 , 18 2.
ii J' '
.n d '
icl J
t r r rrk r to ar jx rt f t * *
f- P' : . bine Cc.
err - . ' Bi-jSt Lumber Co.
Be - r d rrpsier today it TOO want to
rote Tbs feet ttit voa were repHt r l be
tore w t it ao You m t appear m per1 1
ten at. 1 regiiier kuevr. I
Mrs jr. . . - . .arethVade. . ace * SS yeirs , died I
&ujjav ' . ILC rctlaet.rt sf L. . S Axtell tn ]
KocniPr iiw.trit | Sbe wa tounett lt t e j
Orarce ct.teUr.v jMtertay.
bpec a tcsjion rf ilnnnoay chapter No.
25Or3erwf Le r.a * era Slur , ut Masonic
temf..e tt s for the purpose of Initia
tion j _ orJer o ! matron.
A ll I'l. .s of Doog-t eour.ty , Xeb. . anS ]
J't-de Tap.e tf Harlan enltatnated a rourt- I
t i t , 'tnce' : * pliere yestrrflkv and csttinr I
J re lla 'o do tte wed'Sliic act. j
Tto t..r 1. . r".t.blican clab of the city
bavo jmtseJ re u.utk > n * cxpreMuve cf fcym-
patt f.r Pr ii.Jent Harrison , and hand-
norae.r ca rj jd copies are to be fceot to
b tr
YCS'C-UJ trro Lttacimect * were * ned out
by eas'cra crct-.tors acaintt tbe Burhorn
Jetve rv B' JW. one WHS by & Els le.
lo ! a a HI ; ut H < H'the other by Hntr
A-Lrc ct ) a .a'a of $ V-4.
TLc I arra services of Huabard Corlle *
were LC.J veverday ufternoon at tbe family
re .iaen : . . : < Ileiiton street , It-v. E. > i.
Babcocic i.Biciatinr. Tbs remsiiK were
taken u. > the evrnine trim to i'etro.t , bis
former lotue
IJrti.iilu aj and Corner ol Itcuton
Our 'at o-s DV fire was covered by
two po..c'- . bol.h in the COUNCIL
By 7 o. , ni u the next morning after
the ro tbo secretary was on the nsh
liiap. prn > i1 in nnod. reiiuy to fitrore the
los j\vn t' > bedrocK , which hu did. too.
nay.nir t h . .t'it was his duty aad no
fctua.ii pirt . > f his business " * So lonjj as
he d.d t.ot go beiOw bedrock we had no
reason to Complain , consequently the
frette.cnt ua not only prompt , but in
every waj satisfactory , o much ' o that
in addition to ? U.2 ( > 0' 0 seven policies )
carried vy tuis company before the fire
we now add to it J10,000.0u.
Being intimately acquainted with the
secretary anil directors we cannot bo
persuaded that better indemnity ran b
obtained than that offered by oar horns
company , besides we believe" in patron
izing worthy home enterprise * , every
thing twins' equal , and unless we do we
fcha.i continue to be dependent on for-
eipn capital and corporation ? .
Mr B "We.cer wit-hes to inform his
old friends that , be has left the employ
ol his rather and will commencp to woric
Jcr Gee II Me chendorf Saturday.wnen
he will be pleased to wait upon them.
S. B rVotfelL , watchmaker , 7-iOBroad
VTniiteil to Ray.
Improved property. WiU pay cash if
price t ; low II G McGee. 10 Main street.
The Hadiant novelty base burners
are the 'jest ' heaters in the city. See
them at Swaine's.
Judceand Iiirs Dcemci were la the city
Aldermenlennings aad Tibbettsjhave returned -
turned from C'hlcaco.
Mr and Mrs. MF. . Vicroy have returned
from their western trip.
F. L. Dsvis of Missouri Valley worn his
tallest and whitest hat at testerday's cele
A. H Sniff the Mis.ourialley editor ,
was arsons tbe enthusiastic particiDunls
n tbo ml'y '
Miss Cooper , dauchter of A. A. Cooper ol
Duouque. is visitinc Miss Brown of Soutt
Seventh street ,
Mlts Nellie Anderson , sister of Mrs. AA. .
Truesdaie of EsKtVa nlnrton avenue , hai
returned to Des Molnes.
Sheriff Har n lias returned from Call
fornJa. He did not brine baclc tbe numerous
prif-ouers which the eager reporters wen
ivBitihs for
J. C Btxby leaves tonicht for Sb.Bnaado.ih ,
bavinp received the nouf cation that he has
been awarded the contract for the new col
leee tfcal is bcice creced.
C M l'3ss. who has boon here severa
weeks 111 § .earch of health , has found it , ant
now returns to Mobile. Ala. , waero be is en
Cared in the bautiac business. '
T. J. Kvar.s has rcturnod from an extendei
WfJtern Dip. Ho is especially entbusias.tii
over Seattle , tnoug-h Portland and Taconi :
received due share of praise from him.
Buv your winter blooming' plants o
the Brpudway Methodist ladies thi :
afternoon and evening in Ihe store roor
nest Crock we'l"b boolt store.
Don't fail to hoar the colored
Binders at the Trinity Methodiit churcl
Friday evening' . October 23.
Call on Messrs. Day & Heas and as !
to be shown the Klein tract ol 4CM acre :
no - on hale ia five and tea acre =
They wUl show it free to all
Save vou r hard coil ; uss wood , aai
call en 11 A. Cox , 10 South Main street
Bes.t Missouri wood M.OO per cord , de
liver cd , _
Calanlhe neiably will give f-ocial an
dance nt Knj ht of Pythias hall , Fr
day evening , < . ) c'tober 2i
C n > tri > iii < < tl to Hnrrj- .
Deputy Sheriff O'Brien returned yeste
day from Marihalltowu , brinpiuir with la
a voune roan nsmad Edward Graham , wb
bad the acpleasaat task of eiplainlas nwt
charpo r f 6oaucUon preferred against hi
toyMulie Kngle , a < she figuea the inform
uoii , alibontrh f.he has Dues Known bore i
Mr * . Urnnnm. Tbe youne man has bet
living in Omaha until lately , when be sui
denly disappearoil , leaving behind Cim tl
woman iv u j hud been introduced by him
frlfi'dn ard relatives a bis wiia and wn
tfter his departure , din mod thtt she bs
been living wnh him under tbe promise i
wedlock Tbe recreant young man on bsir
brought back to this city under crre >
quickly concluded to turn the trial into
new houeytooon , and inviting in Jusiii
Hammer to tie tbe neeJud knot , the lidtnle :
lover and tbe revengeful anpel plighted tbt
troth and went forth from me meriJTs ofll
Jrot from all bonds except those of mat :
Joe Hajjer-naa who trill be with tl
juoiiee tinpe'-s nt the Trinity Methodi
church ou Friday night has the mo
wonderful bass voice in Ihe world.
Supper will be served tonight 1
Broadway Methodist ladias from 6:80 :
JSo'clwU In the ctore room next Croc !
well s. Plenty of tables will be or
vlded. to that no waiting wiil be necs
ba y. Pnoe ilS ceata.
The jj < ? naiue Burr Oak t-tav s are BO'
cn'yby I has. Swaiae , 787 Broadvra
Cult and Ht < theto ,
* Boston store oloM3 < i every evening at
p , m. , unless Muodayb and Saturday *
Have you boon thot-a beautiful ban
painteU jurdiniuru : at Lund Brot- ?
150people In tins eiiy usa
Co. put ) 'em i'u at
Were is FowwiioK of the
Otty Ynieriaj.
. \ntKffH raltftl t Appear
> Ml tlMitr tV Unthi > ofn ttran. < i Ke.
rrti nt llwrtil r Knmiitlr
The rcpa bllcsnn * re tn t 3is4 a of th e
city yeslordcy , aaa the city Uula't uJer any
frwu it. Tse Hay trains broagtat in miner-
oa-s cnthvtias'.t from surraondin ? towat und
the kftcraoen r&Hv was much larger than Is
utnal for politics pUyod in dayhrtitH
would bare beec s-UU larger , sat f r the fact
thrtltiefleath of Mrs Harris-Mi basciinsed ten
der syrnpathy to tope down notsy enthusi
asm , and many sippoes that tr > rauom-
am dation ol the nn-ional committee to post
pone all rt.lKw aatil after her faneral
neald be Io.ioo < S here. The arrangements
hade ft.r pocr i&ed , however , that
th-e ooittnitt a could not extend u tietlc *
madcutly , and so it vrcs deemed best to
preced. Another reason tvhr the crowd
was cot still lare r was the necessary an-
uotsDcement made in the Jorcnoon that Srna-
tor Alli oa XTod ! not b < s aole to fill hu en-
pa emtttit here u.i aoconat of illao i , his
voice beias wirn out ana bs suffers from a
verj severe cola
Despitts theee untoward drcanmances
there w as an eaer t-rotvd as erobled ia the
Brown baildm . whore the afttrnaon speak
ing xvas held , .luasre .1. It flEed prenaed
and Hon. ( . * . . : . Budd ct Knoxvillr , la .
the chief address. It was uo ea. y talk Tor
BQV ciun to faca an audience cji > ectin to
bear Seaa'.or Allison , out Colonel Bu3d ac
quitted himself cobly. For uc hour he held
the audience -Aitb intense interest , talking
to tbra in a conversaUcmal manner
ttjobt of the time , UHin ? toliiac.
homely ii.ustratiocs , and amusing
increastcir euthttsiatta as he xvurmod into
f-3ine eloquent climaxes. The committee
werc-irdt , > ed fortunate in securing &o happv
a substitute In tais emrrcrcncy. He showed
the fallacies of free trade by simnlo illus-
truticcs , aalimz pom's so plainly that
thev mutt have penetrated the thickest bead.
Then bo showed U ? in like manner incidental
orotcctioa or "accaentnl" protection , ai ho
tcrmud it. Ha aid not believe in the demo
cratic accidental policy. lie ridiculed tbo
democrats yearning for the hulcyon" davs
of old by sUo-.vmg bow far bnchttr and moro
crotpirouB were th coneif.oas now.Vild -
CKt money was riven a few minute * atten
tion , and in this , tea. keen scarciistn and
plcncantbunor ra\eauracienes and force
to strong arcutaents , clinchtas them by
citias bis hearers to their every-day ez
Allcr his address there were calls for
Frank Shinn of Carson , who tpoite bneflv
coaccrnlnc tbe local situation. The outloplr
was verr roseate ia bis eyes tnd his predi-
tioas concerain ? the result \terr apoareutly
based on such rood reasons for the faith
that was vvttnia him and -vo clotvmply er-
prcssfd that ihe bui.dmg was inaae to shalce
\riuh the endorsing : iilaaails.
There tvus great disappointment in the
evening when itvas generally kaown that
tno big narace tvould iot occur Great prc-
paraiions bud been made for it and the dem
onstration would have been a forn-id-
uble aSair An organization of railroad
rcea tvith : J3i : torches came uo irotn the
transfer aad these , together -with the flam
beau club and the hunareas of volunteer
torch beareri. would nave made a Ions
proceiiiou. Toe local party managers bad
determined to yield to"tbe wishes
of the national committee , out at 1 o'clock
they were further > .trencthened by tbe ar
rival of Chairman Blytbe if the republican
state centra * committee , who earnestly urceQ
teatev-rythin ; ; la tbe wav of public demon
stration "oe postponed. ft was finally
aproed to have one mere bic rallv ,
with all tbe paraphernalia , ons week
later , Wecnesdny pvcninp. November 2.
The thrones of people , however , did not
leave the streets uatu It was found by re
peated trials that they coula cot get in to
either of the places where tbe political ad
dresses were beiac made.
At the republican headquarters on Broad
way a bir croud listened to tbe spoecnes of
Rudolnh Blankenbunr and Major Curtis of
Atlantic. Both speeches brought the en
thusiasm no to the high wster murk.
In the Brown building every inch of ipace
was taken up bv tbe people eacer to hear
Concressiiaa Ben Buttenvortb. Tbe center
of the floor XVES filled with Indies aud
the remuinder of it packed with men
and as far into the streets on the Main
and Pearl street sides as tne voice
of the orator could be heara. For two
hours the brilliant Buckeye congressman
maintained his lumous colloquy wnh "Tom '
ana "father , " and tbe sides of the old aetao-
crat.ic.vhjp ntre riddled by tbe hot shot un-
ceusicglv poured into it aad those of nis i.u-
diciice made to ache by caastaat bombard
ment with keen \vit and satire. The speech
was B powerful appeal for the contiauancs oi
republican prosperity , and consequently t
powerful anu effective assault upon demo
cratic Irpa trade , wildcat moaev and tia
ared daucerous vapnnos.
A His Chance at tlir Itoi > ton Store to Grt s
* * tilli n Garment.
Today , October 27 , the nqeat : of ope
ol the larpest eastern manufacturers will
be at the Boston .Store , Council Bluffs ,
Ia. , with n line of over 503 tarn pies , con
sisting' of all the newest and nobbiest
ftyleof : fall and winter coats , every
thing that car. bo thought of in the coal
and cipo line.
ToJuv we expect to make a irals
day in our coat department. In addi
tio'nvo show over 1,309 jrarmeats in out
own block" . Evnry one that has visited
our cloak department this season ha :
complimented us very hmhly , claimisf
that e show the best line outside o.
Another jjreut feature in our laver ii
our usual low prices. Anyone wishing
a perfect yrarroent , a perfect fit and a'
the lowest cash price will be studyini
their own interests to visit tbe Bosto :
Store. Amonj : r-ome of trie mort populiu
jrarmente are the Rufasian peasant coat ?
Franklin back top coats , reefers p.aii
and fur trimmed , reelers with wuttuit
pluita. ulsters with capes und hood ? , i
v lurzre line of ladies' canes in every styl <
and color. Lidies' Russian suits al
Pjunh sajques , 40 inches Ion jr. jjuar
anteed rilr Titus Salt nnd Waike.
I ! uthe- . all beautifully lined , from $10.7i
to $33.01 * .
Ladies' reefers , { rood jj-rades. $3.73 am
8-"i.OU , in tans , s'feys and blacks. It
camel's hair and cheviots , $7.oO an <
S < 9.00. .
For a ? 10.00 garment we fchow ai
endless variety. SpocUl attention i
called to our cix different wa/ives o
black and fancy clptns , cut in fifteei
different fct yle = to fault the aost difficul
Our batter grade joods running fret
$12.0010 8i5.00 are wall worth an it :
spection whether you intend to purcnas
or not , although for nothing but t
tee the many styles and handsome jjaj
Fotberinj'ham , Wbitelaw & Ca
P. S. All S'oods sent per express C
O. D. at our expanse , or by mail free (
charge , store closes at 0 p. m. escej
Mondays und Saturduys.
See the e oil healers at Swaine's , 75
Broadway. _
uuil llrr >
Mrs. Mspcta Mitchell , who Jtrei near t )
corner of Seventh avenue ana Seventeen'
street , is in trouble with a number of b
neighbor * , and a larje part of tbe neigcbo
hood ua in Junice. Swetrencen' * ofll
jesterjay U-lliBp im ibotit it and ende vo
inc to fct him to punUb Macg-io by tmposii
a ( rood uted floe. it > e was tnrre to a&tw
an UifotccuUou filed by George Ci&tes , ctaj ,
tp * tr tr trsa uc ' M e
d wieater l..o soar. am * , he i c rl
M r..iTn.r .u . -B * rio3 'lut ,
Mrs Mi * , t. - 4 ile * b .d a I
sac ra-n * Oiorc 03 a ttir-ii * at > d
a ditch flvt I t dom Mr * Pram later1 1
f-e * to pt tect tin cbi.d a d TTM it tr > |
. irra t a t treatnifret , a d ber erfam to
e'e M her lf re u.i a ia hivnc R etamof
nstxsit ! od"d urainit ber u. J j Ucc
oourt , Mr * . Mltcbci. belcg tne
Tke room wa pretty ncarlr foil of
aid cbtldren acfl tbe mMt ot tkem told tne
} Uee . & * ! iN'nM it-he1 ; at irve to r-un tbe
< i C wrbood and bad a bad My who wa
1 nod rriliinx to fteio A vhort time re
Ltht IttUe Baxmi baired U tei cirl
: dmre a pin M deeply iota ber arm that
Dr Tiotnas had to br called to extract it ,
Tbe caite was oofidadod and TMfien tinder ad-
viw meet , with tbe undarttan dinr tbat which
ever w&v tbe jostle * dec'iles t-everil other
r&ncs wiU crov out of tne trtrcble.
Storage nsasonabl * . 22. 24 and 2G
Pearl street , Council BlufJs. J. R
New taatjng''i , ju t roceired.
rues from 7- > up. oil cl-ulhs in
Vem < - . and limdeutu , & line
Mrindflvr shiwl-j. V up. Council
Carpet Co.
Weatherstrip.- llilcy & Sherrftfisn's.
Dinner sei , nice line just recsired ,
SS.OO. Luad Bro .
Don't f rjet that Sivains slls the
Elmhunl staves.
Mhoflsrn * tlir ' teed ?
A lively'oontet is coinc on ever tbe pos
session of one of tbe ranmnc horses at tha
urivinp pint. Had Leo , woo xvas to take part
in some race next week. Adam Stubblelleld ,
bailinc from Stiver Citv , clainied to be tbe
otvner of tbe bor e and cietnr.njea t > os es ton
of n K. Howard , tvh-j had Liai in the stable.
Stubldefield swore out a ivrit of r-nlevir ,
and now How ra urns abou' and swear * out
a warrant lor Sitt.sbenelJ ! * arrest on the
t-Darce of ticrjtiry , cla.tninr that the real
otvner of tne her e U 02 * Rirhurd BoJa of
Silver City Hoivpcd claims that the owner
pave him authority to brine tae her e here
and to ei-ter tt m the racs. kticl Stubble-
field varied from tbe truth when he
tbe rteea. Stubttl fiidva arrested bv Con
stable McFaddea yesterda > . and the casp is
bd bsard Friday morning beforeJustice
If vou dora't vrsint tx > buv harj coal you
hid better s-Ue B'xby abaut the o oil
burners. They are adapted for u-e in
hot tiir furnaces , ctean and hot vater
Doilers , with no coal or ashes to handle.
Gentlemen , the finest line of fall goods
in the city , ju-t received. Kcit-jr , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
Day & Hess report thjt they are hav
ing a jro.-id Jemand for the tea-acre Jots
in the Klein tract.
Big line of hangingIamp3 , stand
lamps , hall lamps at Lund Bros
UfEUtllnl Ktrhln s OlTeii Away.
Cbnice of 100 fia etchtnrs ffivea to
anyone pureha = inz ; a frame for Iho
same. Fine new line ol m 'uldincs just
received , which wearesellincrn. ! srreittly
reduced p-ice . Ril jSherraden ,
Art Emporium , 45 Main streeL
Jndson , civil eajrinaar. 3:25 : Broadway
Xo bankrupt. Cre-r-moked , damaged
furniture at Meyer's. o05-307 Broadway.
Clean jjoods , lets than anv Omaha nrices.
The Boston Store closes every even
ing at G p. m. except Mondays and
Saturdays. _
Weather strips at Riley i Sherraden'n
Daris fordru ? and paints.
j .N jv o r. > CE.VCA TS.
Patti Rosa , tbe charming- star soubrette ,
who is iuown to everybody as ttandins
comparatively at the bead of ber special
line a ! stare business , comes to tbe Boyd on
Fncav , Saturday and Sunday next. On
Friday and Saturday evectncs and at tne
Saturday micines Patti Hosa and corapanv
will present "Dolly Varden , " ana on Sunday
evening her new may "Miss Dixie , " The
sale of &e ts will beg-tn tomorrow morning.
vVherever Miss Slarlowo plaved "As You
Ltlie It" last season the wrestlins &cene be
tween Charles and Orlando was always
sure of a snecial niealion in the newspaoe :
reviews ccst day ol the performance , cue tc
the facts that the pratitaen enearod in i'
were boih exoerts * t the Crtco-Romnr
style of this lorn : of xporu Orlanuo of tbi
occasion , nho in the course of the plnj
overthrow Charles , tbe rtuue's tvrestler , vra'
Mr. Robert Tao r. His nroSciency in this
can tie explained from tbo fact that be is :
punil of the present chutnmonViUUni Mui
The other ontlemnn , Mr. Fraak Colfar
WES tuiored by no lesser celebrity and cliam
pion in his day , than is Mulrioon now. His in
itrnctorwas the famous AidrtChrmol , wh (
was one or the first to iniroauze this stvls o :
wresuinp In An > erica. ana whu. until Buuei
came up , and following : him Mulaoan. had
thrown every man tbat was matched asainst
him. Both Mr. Taber and Mr Collas an
fctill with Miss Marlowe , and the lovers o
this kind of etheleucs ivili havoan ndditicnu
sauce in their stiacespcinre when Miss Mar
towe plays "As You Line if at Boyd'e thea
tre on next Monday evening ; also at tbi
Wednesday matinee.
"Tbe Operator" commences a three nlcht
engacement at tbe Farnain Street theater to
nisht. Tbe play portrays life in Texas , to
in tbe n--nal sensational mannT. bjt in :
true southern style and contains many cli
maxes The si'-etuc effects aceompanyinj
the play are very fine and amonc the tnos
elaborate is a macmficunt drop curtair
depicting a set-neon the South ben Island * ,
railroad and n shio wreck. The cast contain
some very reputable artists , amonr wbr ;
are Messrs.iliard and William Xewell
no impersonate ueor e Darrit > cton uu
Silas Jackson , me doubles , whose ein uta
resemblance created no little cnnfufciun i
tbe various utaces of tb play. Tn .e ar
ciosely seconded bv Mr.V. . J. Wbneler a
Rags , end Mr. Georce Heath as Joe Wusor
Amonp ; th ; feminine pariion of the compao
worthy of commendHtion are Mis Jesbi
Wyatt , who so ably characterize * Flo if.i
Fairfur , the typical bouthern sirl. und wbos
winsome manner win ; her tbe repaid of tb
audience , nna Misa Eui Gardiner as Lua
Turner is also very eroaltable. Ti bu ,
[ knee of the cast arc ofT cuvc in the.
1 miter parti. Mutinea Saturday.
Mrs. WlnblowS Soothing Srrup for chil
dren taatbinc producer natural ouiet sleep
25 cents a bottle.
Couqueror Cn-kpo Ilr.crll ei 111) ,
NEW YOBK , Oct.M Tne Herald cul
1 lubes a letter from General Crcspo , date
a history of the s'irrin
events of bi > fizni to secure control of tb
Venezuelan cavern men t. Ho says be tiegn
the b truffle w.h eleven followers. He tia
no arms nor rauniUous cf war. but Iorc <
utcktid to bis standaril and he foucbl h
way into Caracas at tne head of 14,000 we
crmed anc ! disciplined troops.
Whole Family Itunn d to Deatli.
O , Oct. 20. Jamo Snannoi
8 wile and two children , aped 4 and 0 , wei
0 burned to oectti in a nre which deatro- <
Shannon stlion eurlr 'nis morning. TC
family blej.t above the saloan ,
BBB BBMB I am seventy-seven vesrsoli
f f and have had jnyEce reucw-
if f m at least twenty years by the i
ft B of SwjJt's Speoiit Myf
at m and lez to toy knee waif
runmnc sore lor two years , and pbMiicuns
it could not be cured. Alter Ukicc fu ta tm-
botlles S. S-fc thrreisnot asureonrayumbs.and
hjve a new lease on \f 5J * n d I f
ufe. Ymiousbtto IrBno ULL
kt ill surlerersknow " fc I * * * >
of jour uorcleriulremedy. IRA F. Sr'its.
Palmer , KUIS.S City.
re oU peop.e. It builds t )
r- the cencnii health Ire :
rc Us oa Uis tuaoj mied free.
> c
O c
Carter Mir Irr rt.
ll w ttar AftJkPHt I'
Tbe I U * DP In ana rlo inp te Vac public et
P.vndlcate cwri lias ruffi 4 the public nilad
& rerv coasidvrabl * . t.nd especi&lly is there &
howl trf disapproval cerate : from Vac owner *
of property oear tae paik. Tbere is a de-
eided fli'peeltioa to blaze tome one tor tfac
cio lrc of the part , aud tse load company
sud part comtuisslocers coma In for tbe
lion's hhare.
II the Souls Oaaha UuntJ coapar.v . thitlts
that it can ciose tbe park la the public
aitliuut a stragcle taere is a mistake on
stKac one's part. A larjre owner of real
estate near the park said Te teriJay than he
closinc of tde p r * by the land eonpanv
means a lecal battle. Thu gentleman s.ays
that next prise the properly owner * " 'ill
Jsin forces and enjoin the company from
keeping the park ita-ed to the public. He
cuitss tuat the residence lots were oarchasrd
with the understanding ihat the cutmu wan
to enjoy for Ul tirae the lilessmi ol tae beau
tiful tirudicate parti , and the cxvner * of
propertv thereabouts will contest tn the
court * tbe nsb ; of tae company to encircle
the eroutics vviih a hich board fence and
deny admittance to all.
On tbe other hand tae South Oraaba
Land company iumi it hus faith-
Inllv nei formed its duly to tbe pub
lic. The company cspeaded several
thousand dollars in improving tbe park ,
and several additional thousand in maintain
ing it. Naturally it was expected that sonio
time before the millennium 'he city of
Oroaun or bouth Omaha would Pur-
chatb the truct and convert it
into one of the most besuti-
ful pleasure resorts in the west. The
company made n proposition to the par It
commissioners which tvns not nccep'ed
fneu it was that tin officers of tbe companv
renewed tbe conclusion th t tli v no-iJ
enclose tae tract trttn a high bo.ird fe--e.
and Syndicate park tionlu cease 10 ba a
jubhc'oleisare resort. unless purrhaucd anJ
jnaittiined bv the city. The lenc-e has been
completed and a watchman keeps atv&y tee
who SSCK to rain admission.
liurclarii and rooprt at WorU.
Tuesday mclit sometime between midnisht
and dawn some thief entered Tnomas Slat-
, ery's room , over SchencK's restaurant , and
relieved Mr. SUtiery of his wardrobe.
Tbe thief rot a stiver witch , two suits of
clothes , an overcoat and several other arti
cles. Mr. Slatlerv was alocpln the room at
tbe time , but was not ware of the presence
of compnnr
G-orce MJler was arrested .11 Omaha TPS-
terdsy mornlnc anil was saspicioned w th
Bavins robbed Slatterv. On his person were
found the ciotnes stolen.
A orut 9 o'clock n Bohemian laj who uves
nt Eighteenth and O streets was held up in
the railroad yards -near Swift's picsinc
bouse bv an unknown man and reliaved of
neariv ? 2 in ao&ev. He furnished tbe
police with u peed description of the high
wayman. - _
VT.iutrd to Ciuamituiililr. .
Tbomns Smith , a' farmer , livine near Pa-
piilion , rclBtea u very infresUn ; : story yes
terday of how be prevented a strancsr from
committtnc iiiicid ? . .lost as he was ap-
proacatn ; tne Littie Pappio , on bis war to
town yesterday witto a load of bay , be
noticed a man TviA"n rcpein his hand nasuly
climb u 'rse a short _ Qistacce away , teinith
\vent out to mvestifrat uud juctuccd tbe fel
low. urter a few moment's p < mey at couver-
sation. to come down off hi ? nipt , pcrca and
ride with him to town Tne unauown man
told the farmer tbat bo intended nanzinj
himself , as hts earthly troubles were too
burdensome and ah uas cot serei < e in bis
Iowa borne. At Albngat hegavo bmith ibo
slip and disnppsarsd. He is describee as
beinc very tall" and slender , wnb a dark
muMaznc and wearing a well worn suit ol
blue c.otbas.
lucrcisitic : tne Mituclitrr.
As this is such a creat year for record
smushinc Swift & Co. took a bund yesterdav
in tte business. Tuesdav tbe local
slaughtered 1,41)0 ) head of cattle , the largest
binjrle dai's uillinc on record. Yesterday
they went it one potter und killed lr > 30 cat
tle. Tbe slaughtering will be increased as
the season proirresotts , and with tbe addi
tional facilities of tbe plant 2"iOO head can
be killed and handled each day. Tbe com
pany is also runninc weil up on hoes and
shetp and everything : s on the move around
tne p.ant.
De Witt's S rsaoarma cisiases tha aioa 1.
tKrn of your
IDODPV. if you get
neither benefit iior
cure. Itisky terms
for tbe doctor ,
but sale end euro
for the patient
Everything to
pain , nothing to loss. There's just one medicine -
cine of its class that's sold on these conditions
just one that could bc Dr. Picrce'b Golden
ModaezJ Discovery. It's aj rit/iar / way to
sell it but it's a pmtliur medicine. It's the
guaranteed remedy for tU Blood , Stm , and
iScalp Diseases , from a enumion blotch or
eruption to tha worst Scrofula. It cleanses ,
purifies and ennc-hos tie blood , end cures
Salt-rhcura , Tett ir , Eczema , Erysipt'las. end
all manner of Hood taints , tram whatever
cause. It costs you nothing if it dousn't help
you. The only question is , whether you
want U > be helped.
" boldtm Medical Discovery " is tbe rheap-
rrf blood-pnniier sold , throupb : drucsists , bt
ciuw you only pay for tne yaud you get.
Hen'von osS more I
The ' " Discorery " nets equally vr ll all the
year roani Mode by the World's Dispcn-
harv Medical Assoaaaba , tt 003 Main Street ,
Buffalo. N T
* * SAXATIVO , "
tlie Voodtrf u 1
Spcnlkb remedy
'V- cribed Tor
fg over CO Tfa
all J\
BeforaAAttar.USe. EiuLs tom. , Lo t
PI otor aiihd t roan WtJTIanIiooc or
dlmtiiuUon of tIleCen ratve Oreac ,
ctr. , uad till efn-rl * caut > rd br pan
t. i stuocK. Put TIP ronrrnlrnily to carry
1 lu the TOM potlu-t. PrtceSl n raclittse ,
a 07 G fartS , trltli a ivrlttfii guarantee
lo cure ur rtTcnC tije nionry.
a trie to Boll yon Home \ "O ETUI.Ei
a Tl OX IB place o : BASA31 ! VO , undone ulce In enre-
a lot > e nnd vre vU sid tr nail. Pamphlet la
pi = Jn eaJpd envelope Jrec. Addreifc ,
KADRIO CKEMICALiCO. , Branch Office for U.SJt
JOS Dearborn Street , CHICAGO , i
SAf.ATIVOiai.cli inCUAHA NEP by
KcliB U Co. , DruBpil i , . Cor ir-.h & Sis.
] A i Cc . > rJ5iikts. Cor i4ti 4 "
bti , &nd drtciittsTtiii-aJj- : ; .
COUNCIL B'jjj nsn DTD ma
Allkn sof Djc nsanirieitn.njdone inti
1 tiuktktyio if i-\e art. I'-idst ! auJ sti.uj
abr i- ( uuJe to lojlc at cojd us ne
Work pruniyily done und dul.verel in al
p purtfcof Uie uounlry EenJ for once dst.
U A. UACriAX - - t > UUrUETO& .
U V ; * C trrj.lncrn hliowt Hunt in tJ < U
I.nntrr i.r : < i nml 1 rrniWInc ll ml
.Mmn.r XTIiw r ? IMrt larar * rttljwr * * "
! > rt limit hr Hew such n Coixlltlttn Mn.v
IHI nc mtiK i > r < l fej- AIL
Bow motirlrrlj mm S wtn i w
pBttt ? < * K > tk f Mr i nt t-n tke hill. ' Tkr
tHinii'nKr hn . tti npmnm t i > . tin tark vf
Krgrbtiiw rfr.ttr urnLyn fMM ( M. all *
tlene thM HI * u ntx ni him tide. U t t r itmicUi
rai mm r rt * xn nut * ! nirr * < wo * < >
Id linn , that W f r cubic oa tl Mil. ThU. rf
* fr to i e pp * vte4 for tt'ktm utiv rvactips latpt
" are ? nr ! fiim1. > i how
and e.wn-
t. oonK itMt Wbr ulinvld nut ai be
IB&I and 1-njBB.D npa u > crnt'j a tlM in arta'l
hihl > r nfca-lo takp MIIBF purr nmialntit rcu
lurl > trr-T i > ct r In tbp Una admit * thtt. Kni it >
mintnnn npnw umut be raitolit t Ui all. It to * nl I
not hp BuaiT'ti'o * , howyrpr Wia' a T f .tn&rr .nai-
nlont wonM be rpcoaiwrstf . It naM t > X'tMrlbllii ;
Ptire. himnrfnl , be alth-cirmu and Btrcnffta impart
tne Mirh ft stimulant can t p fntiBlon > y In t > ufy i
tar Mill \Vhtoke.T. It Is the imir nipiUilnHl vtiio
Li1 ? In tbe aiarlw. Us nnndcrfal populnrMJ i dur
jm r and wh t It b ii-i > uipll hr < !
- tunn or wnman thrones lt n e way eer-
talnlf ( r * rprr . * tbe lirattj. K&3 may n > iiMinal > lT ex
perl tt proiunc tbr Hie. I > 3 not he Inilor. * . how
PTIT totrvunr infe-ior Hrtt ! nr nr wiiirh ib
Urnsi : ! ' " < > r cmti- ran * M-ek t ( . pm In si * place
Tbere Is null .at wbtrii ( &n urconip.b tbr i.aaic
.ANGLE , H. D.
ltd Gooi SoaiHritin. SO Vctn' Eiferitnte.
SAEV 0 ? .M.LiHCl > K.
v p&l- , < &
N" WOr -iAVx' 1- lfii ,
X - , S g
ttrgst the following Dismasts :
Catarrh of the Head Torott , and LtinrE 2i -
oases of the Eye and Lar Fitt s id A poplca Kwirt
Daiease , Ijver Compuuut Kidney Conplalnt ,
Ksrvous Debility , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood. Seminal
Weakness , Dinbete" Bright s rU'eose , St Vltus'
K.ace Kheumttirm. PuraJrsH. White Swelling.
Scrofula. Fever Sores. Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula in ano removed without
the knife or drawinc a drop of
sloodWoiarit with hi-r de'Irate ortn-ns re-
Korea to health. Dropey cured wi. bout topping
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases ef all Unds.
55O togSOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis-
Dase I cnuiiot cure vvithout mercury.
Tape Worms removed in torn or three hours , or na
EU.T. -aorrhuiJs ur Hies cund
Will sa-e lift aai hundreds of dollars bj calling
on or unnc
TLecnl.vrijjdlclan can tell irhat all !
a ptrwin without at-Uinii a questioii.
AD correspondence KtrlcUT cr.nCdenual.
a sat by crprisi. Address : a. * letters to
553 Broadway.
Council Bluffs , lov/a
N T. j-i3 : lar Ura. im. LJUun a , T > i > NJJ
r&lrta. ueaaucae . - > arvoa > 1'rjjtr tea tatnl tit
Hcouoior UDJ. _ \ValLeumD > s , Mcalii i > aOTf > -
lon. u tncaBOfLan Ur i i ( .Aa tni 'n .aa L m 537
oeciy i ttt& . lro ua&ur * * J11 \e iitirrD-i , l ois
ol l"ow rlo eltasr unr. licpDt. ap L.BUI ; irrnmnl
UlFamala Weitaast InTu.a tvr/ J.jjiJi.pj -
matorrlieaciusal br ore. exj ttja o. tji onii
bell ubuseover-la.ltjic3aca. A ic aii * trjatnji :
II. L for " > . bT mill. VVecaj'jntjsnit datu tact's
Encn o-4e lor'i ' j > TaUn i wi 1 H9il vrrtma
irn&r&utk t3 refund If not cjr jl Guur.inl.S3 Issasl
onljIT TUaodore. F. I..CTIH < lrujut. mi
kogt&enai corner Itliaand Kuraitm et . uti
ealed proposals wiirbe ri-eeui-d by tLo ur-
dcr-i-'iiexl until 1 JO o'ciosu p. ro Son-nitu r
4th. l"li. ' . f ir trading Jjh uvcime tiouiLtav-
enwoi-Ui Btreet to ihi ' .outli line of El lib t iji
aud utl sfr et froaiuuo aBtreet Uit'.urK
street , la llie Pity of uiuuha. in accotrlau'-ts
with p'au < > nnd § pecifii.'ulIons nn liu ! lu the
olllce of the baurd of publicwork's. .
Eueli propoinl to bo made on priiitod lilaiiks
rurnlsliod by tne bourd. and to be arrompa-
niod by u cfrUflud cne U In Uie Bum of * > o
pujable to tlie city of Uoiahu , as an ft ; denct
of cooa f ttivh.
The board reberves ibe rlpbt to Jwurd tbe
eontpact for tne si reel and uvcnue loyrtner
or " .eparately. to reject any or all bids and lu
waive defects.
> tiKlrtuan Uonra of Putiiit' wurLs.
Umaha. SeO. o t. .Uer 2Jtli la : o O-.l-j-.1 :
h' style.
's where
Ontai ilcilhl anl Sarii1 ;
Ucct ffcri'iur * H ? m itn "in I
tre itaii'nt cT nvcrr riru - > f Ui en re1 j air-
luj if 3irti ur rur icAl treil ne 1U
2l l > pdft foi MiitiPDtv t > ur i ui I ut.ei I tn j. Ut n-
ttitu > ttnuiin tn ti * wp u
Wrtir for ri"r umr * on drf iniuLie * . an l Urac trn -
p * . pJuu f i t. ( irvn ure < oi i lnp pUPMnrtKir t-uti-
c ( r , mtirh uronrtutiv inlntutida. eloecncHtjr JIH.--
nlTsiRt'piH'pv. kitln y bin IJe * . , i9Sa aaJ
ttl md and nil unrrat :
Uxnieu MIKE. * V < - h re iatel adJel lymln < 1e
lutnment lor women Huriis eaaHaeuiEnt , ntrln.1/
prvste Only ItelmDIB MeJliKl la t.iut nii.i u *
AM Blooa ti "n es B irp"f ullr treitel ,
Ptnsnn removed 1mm tl ) * pritern itnuul
> Ueitorauro r-j.iiwejt Ijr L 1-4
inxvuit. 1'erxins anal e ui vlut ut mav Iitrcit'
tit liome t > y corre MondBntu : . All ejatnionit-ui 1
c , > nndent'uLleaictnesiiria trn.ueDi1 * ent ur mail
eiirfis. | le'-a'-cu iiuitke . ut > mart * to indlfit cj
ieni or i-enJer one in1. r > nal ln rri prettf-r
i a and rrmsait u * or * iid tn 'nry ol your uas2 a
we tri.luJ in plain
impnictipy. * yj > hiliH , Cleft itul X'orlsjcBic , w it a q 121
Erucc ! > . Apiilmm-pi for neforniltj an I T.-- ei
I'nlr muuu.iu'UJr. ID t e ncsi jl
DEI UllMlTV Al P'.IANTCTRri .f- I' IC f
UK UA'ntlUCs A.SU 11KLT9
Omaln 31e3cal : ani Snrainl las'.ilale
a d Broidway. C uncil B !
tu I < L. i a
i-u d he , ' ' \ 3 GO
11. ire vi > u ready for
it.- ' Hive \o ie.-n
tt-1 latest trj.rnpn < f th ? st > .o malier's
nrt'Vchaveit Tbeie inn de& ; . injr
that the best heater * made are 1 lie
Art Garland and Peer
less Garland ,
the nroduct of the ! ar-je t stove works in
j the world. Both are oed and either
| suit ; one is sure to. Don't wait another
day , but come and look over our stock
I ol Stoves and ransres iutchen ware etc.
P. r. DE VOL.
001 BROADAV \ \ and IdN > a : 111 'Ji\sr
Ct 11 ii..WS. .
fr\l , UPD otj tbp nifTcioiifc
/r r-njX Trroth I'ropuriuiiin CAL.THUS
tfi ti rt V ftt aud u ITU ruurui.iiT dm.
\\r - i M''U" > w n Krclurr 7 oar
V TBc'S * ' T 3ie-atUi , S lrnjrtti auu X por.
G ii f- ) ' ' < " " " " c f-
V 'HlV r Addrees VON MOHLCO. .
te _ VV { hole ImiruiLD IFTI.U , Uncuu > U. Uliu
Twin City Steam Dye Works
a .v SCIIOKDS\C-\ .
Omaha Office , 1 j21 Farnam St. ; Te'eph ae 1121. Council BiuiTs Oafioe nndVork
Cor. Arc. A and 2Glh bu Tejepbons J13. Send for circulars and price list.
First class in every respect. Prompt attention given to tran ieni
work and sausfac.ion guaranteed. Bis , terms to out of towr
1 \ 7 A\TI 1 > 6uo ; in in to wuris u'luut
' ' L e * nd kouoa. Apol ) lit oftlw uf Lt-cn-
- vtrrtt.
at CIS
N'I'I 1 > * V wo'nan us nrfu1 fur t
wee. Ajio r Mrs. lluruce I
a crue aud Kiplith < ireel.
/ \li\Ni F rrnir-n in Forliin und C i.TLriT.
' fur sa.e or trade. GreeuiUu'Ms N.diii.soa
A o
f M1C\P t.Jnbcr lands In Mliint-Bofj f .
V in < | ii ntales to suit. I'usjpuyi
Ort-pusnieids. .Nicholson \ Co.
F.Ttvt Una rltr loans. MTiey loin- ia
stark and eraln. Hi"il r t ite fsr la.o.
I'Vfllin and business ri'nta . Money lOatisi
for Invektcrs. Lougee X To Je , ii < I'earl
FOIJKXCHANOn Clour qoniter-sect on of
land for lkiunc'1 BlnTa ! property \vJ . unr
ra .h for dlfferenre. tireensli bids. N.cliolson
i Co , K\ \ Broad ny. _
FOK tALE Cboieett tartn tn
meCa4l J acrci. weil lucU : an ! iia-
rrtned Price 110 an acr * H. II
In ACKH ? land for sale : between I ouncCt
UlulT > - and OmiiUo. : u b > irzulti If ti.leu soon.
Green b ! ds , Nicholson A. Oo , C.1 Hrnajnaj- .
liave nuytlilc ; for site or trade sas
E. 11. be ila. IlrnaJwav au J Main srrtxil
ON E\tV pavments rrooni lu > uhe on outh ct. Greenshleldi. Mciiolsou i C'o
C-J Broadway
FOR a ALE On sraa 1 pay nents. fru t anl
curden Ian I neir tuunc'l Hl.iT * E. 1L
fbeiifc. Bro dw iv an I Main street
"U > lt"lT LAND , a1 , in.Te.ifor siUe : Inside
J- lini ts. Urfcnstiields , Mclulbuu & I j , tt'l
V * - \\OOD & C. > . have sj TIC of the flue t
' * farms In noitthtte&tern lrf a for tale.
t a'l and see us n j Muln strut'L
H iJfl-E ani t uisrvuutd Tor unlmuroxud
jrouerty lu norihwe-t jiart cJ pity Greun-
Miie UN Nii'liolsoo iV Co. . O.'l ISrua'Jwar
A K VUG M X. I'l-arrp fru t una carden trait
- i'-s iiules from jio u > fHrc. " T acres in crapt-s.
'i a tre In blaekuerrius. i ) nnnle tr et 71
puitn trees Jbebtrrv trees dw Unc ! t-table ,
et iJriiE J1.00I. No trade , r. 11. t-iiuafe.
O ACliE- . inside city limits : will sell 'n lots
J me .it-re up to suit buyer uret usbieMs.
N'uii ' 'son .V CoCl ! Hruadwiiy
' H"l.l.i ; Hurt treat inent : tnd bur HUiita
real eMute call on Green-ibltltls. Nicbol-
s in & . ' n. . C-l Brondguv. _ _ _ _ _ _
TOO AtUE of clear land In enstern * > -
J hrasi , a to exchiitise for a cooJ residence la
* IIUIK-I ! lilulls. Wunt bousus und tots lor Ne-
\ ra l , a inliJ. Johnston & Yun I'uttcu.
\\'t HAVE a poud tenant n five or six
' ' room liotists lour or five blorUs Troni poet-
< lll-'i - G ruenslilelds , rsicbol&uu & Co _ ( El
IJr judwuy.
GG'.Ki ' acres of choice pine lands for Bale ,
near I'urvis. MUs. Easy terms. In
quire of Mrs Ii. G. liroolcs , or A. T. Rlee , 1 1
4 III bl.-fCt-
hCNT-The following dwelllucs ; *
10 room dwe line. 13 1 I'lirk ave. . HJ.
F-room dwelltns. " 24 ? o. Cth < t. . I a
t-room dwell me. JUU-'nd aveJI. .
7-rooiu dweilin : . H'Ji : Ikt ava , KX ,
7- room dwellinz , M'l Otli ave. . J:5. :
I'-rootn dwell u ; . ? ' 01 Atenuo D. K3.
7-room divelnnz. 1SJ2 Broadway. KiJ.
ID-i-oom dneillnz. : ! 8 > Ben ton * t. KJ.
s > -rooin uwollmu. U12 Acnue G. SJ1.
n-i-oom dwelling. 110 N. lath f-U , t-'U.
7--OOH ) dwellln.U. Avenue A. tlO
7-rooin dwelling , aiD L'noolti ' ave , . Sa. = . 15.
7-roi'in dwoillnc. t : U harmony St. . IIS.
7-iooin il eilins. Balililtt I'luce I.Ti.
r.-rOuin dwelling 411 C'lirtia bU. il'i.
7-100:11 dwel lai. l'H'7 Avciiuu A , JI4.
f.-ronui uwtslhiif , rc , ! Mj-nMer St. . ! U.
> ! o.m anel'in ' ; . 1 2' nrd ave. , f 1 i
i-uio'i > ( .uulliii : . r.'Jl Myustrr St. . SliSl
r.-room clWBillric. Graliair , nve . tl
li-ronm clKe'i'iic. ' ' l.'ilKi Htb uve. . ft
< roondwi'liin ; . Hal. . tun I'mce. 4i2.SO.
f roniu dwelilnc. r.'JS E I'lerce'-t. . iB.
7-rooii. dwellin : . Mornincslde. Jll'.fiO
c-rnoii. dMflljn ? . 40.1 INrU nvi > , 112 5D
0-rooni a el"ns. iif : > WHFliinhlou ave. , 510.
> -rouin a welling. 4 > 4 N Oth Bt. . f ia
r. r' fluolllnc. S2i Ait-mie U. 113.
'i rixiii' dwellini ; , .1(11 ( N. 7lli itf IL
Vi n m dweiUnz. 11IHJ Avenue E. } 10.
4-r 'in clsri'llln : . Uu.tli ate . J'J.
4-ruuin Jncllin ; . UK Vine St. , ilU.
li-rnfiiii Iwellin : , 7 17th ave . tin.
< ruoia dwell , nz. ! u 4 A venue Ii. 1 10 ,
( t-rouat d e l . r.i > nil ave. . . HO.
( > -rooiii uwellinz. 15'i'i Avenue Ii , 510
i rdon. dweilinc , I7UJ AVL-UUU A. til
fi-rou n Juelilnz , Oli Avenim r , is.
t-ronn , dwel inn. 2in n. audvi nue M , > i
.Vroi'tn : 704s Mrd 't- . ( S
fi-romu dxvell nc. ; ! 't" ' Avtnue A. IS.
4-rui" i dwell us , ill' . N. 1st kt. IT.
' - r u u > flw ellius. 2400 Avenue A. 11
' -j"n a d iiu-- ! : " 111 1Mb u e . tU
. roon , Owe 1411) ) Avenue A. f i.
fi-rooit ) dutillin : . ii'.t rt Avenue I ) . iX
j-iuani duelilnz , 17 1 IlrU ave. , t\
I-roi'tu uwelllnc , I4IHI Avenue I ) . Ill
4-roun Quu Mns.10 Avenue Ii. Ii.
ruoiu awtil np. iiJi ! . - . f-tli St. . ft.
3-roorn dMttlllus. hlfi % . IVlli t. . C.
C-rooiu awelliue Bl'U Ave Ii , tli-.OJ. w
f"l N JUi $10.
- iti und Avtniue J , 11.
MJ s let , J7.M.
' . ' ( \rt-oue \ . J10.
ilfta-t A venue A. 110.
1 U Hienfe. rental ajent. Bread" uy and
Ma n ft reel
n coed 'ounrli Bluftfc property.
st be wild tnis ween. Greeu'-b eldi ,
V rti. bnu IL t.u.
\ \ * J HA VE OLUUmier * Uo want u >
> l rt-tit Have you the UwiUkust GrccnsU.c'Ba ,
-u .sou A. Co.
TP 'It r.\CHANCE-SiUW ktoiik of sentni iiandise for low * or i'a teru .V .rakbu
nJ OrccnatneldH. Nlchol on K to. , ( IJt
h way acnl > for Hdmln'urntor. '
TTV'It I'XCHNOEB41 acr s ; n I'hM'pi
-L rfunu. Coo , with .niprovenienti. for
s i i > of dry coi.j. and Uutliiu ; or ctiier
11:1. SO I , II MltUfB-
IJANi ii of 2,0 HI aeron ar Cuereii'ie. Wva
JVliiie U'ljirovumBut k ui st JCU CUD * * jta
nineb : bnekt lu tUUktatn. Will cxrhnnzetor
l mncil li.uff * ur -nali'i property Circen-
bll.fldb. Nlihulknn AuCi. fill Hrjiidwuy
. ,
v ; urrriu for tjr. have for
otio of the bust OJO-asro ttocU f jrxs lu wust *
ere Iowa.
1J O D5.
/ " * AKIJAGE reurjred , o s p'i. > . .k..iu t
VJchliiniej-kuleanod. E. I ) , liurzeC ty
"C OU eALE Furniture , nxiurei and .ei : eof
4Uie iartgl aiu lim : t tt'ttol In mutnera
Mel > risiiu All inolurn luiproivuittnt * . elb-
Ciiiilfurniture. Net prjQu { llMi'Ji p r uu.
nam , bu lain : newly ba It : HJ c , up-t t.'on.
I'riw t iiuiuj ( , h-alteasli. .11 = buafa. iljunr'.l
Ulf3b. la.
fe.\LE H rd rar ftu Us in Iowa &u4
" " ' " luvult-sk. HJUJ u > { liUJo. E. IL
SALE ebenp , or In eiebance Inr
uu oktobl.khtid liukluu.E. Addrc& > 1' O
Ixti tiiiB. Cuuncil B.qgg. U.
MONDAYS In Ii. A , p r-ori. n. i p
in.-udmt . 7.8J p. m feoolaU kecjnJ null
fuurtli Mundajrt. W p. ui. Mu le furnikbed sxr-
tlttk aud rluUi Addrttki ut It A. 1'ariorii.
( ' uunr.l Biuffk. or 1U3I h aruam kl. , Oiciitii. W.
* ? . CLumberk. lunructur.