THE OMAHA DAILY IMSE ; ffHUKSDAY OOTOnEll 27 > 1892. i " PRIZES FOR LITTLE DOGS I Tugs , Fosdlos , Terriers and Sttoli Como in f r Their Blue Ribbons. SOME RARE BEAUTIES V/LRE / SHOWN HmulreiM nt Omaha I'ooplo Throng the Hull Wliero the llrncli Hliotv Is llolnc Hunt ami A il ni I ro tbo ( 'uultio Aristocrat * . Yesterday nvas a banner day with the Ken- nolnlub men. From iho hour of opening at 10 a. rn.until , 10 : : J o'clock last nizht Kxposl- 1 lion ball was crowded with psople. Itsuamod as if every body was there to look at und com ment upon the Qualities ot the vast assem blage of pup ? of proud podlgroo. The show is the best ooo over hold west ot Chicago , nnd ns far us line animals are conoarnod is the oquhl of the late Windy City exhibit , The Judging commenced al H o'clock and continued until 5 p. ra. Dr. M. H. Cryor tackled the little ones nnd hid thora racing nbout the south part of the rlnis all the afternoon. There were onlv ihroo entries in the open poudlo class. B. R Lowls of Philadelphia showoil Higlow , winner of two 'Canadian nnd ono American prizes. Ho took Ural. ' Dr. B. D. Dlxou'j PnrH carried off second money a-id 11. S. MoLoon's Bubbloboo received honorable mention , Delight of the Spot-In. Sporting raon took a grant deal of interest Jn the bull terriers' race , ns there were four special prizes up for those dogs. Crisp won Jlrst nnd got iho special prlzo offered for the , best bull terrier wolishing over tnirly pounds. The Duchess of York owned by George House took tlrst in the challenge cla s for bull terrier femnlns nnd also won txvo specials for the best femnlo weighing over thirty pounds. Bonnie 1'rlnccss took sncond monoy. Al. Measlier of Galvostou , 'lex. , came out ahead In the race for the best exhibit of not less than four bull torners. Village Hello and Young Modoc , also * owned by Moagher , were marked V. H. C , In the puppy class of this breed B. L. . Cnllds' Queen won first monxy. In class 133. Dandy Oinmout terrier * , Ar thur Hovs' Meg was awarded first place. Among tbe Scotch terriers Iho race was not u vorv hard one. ns there were onlv a few entries. Ashley Plug took llrst and a spa- clal nnd Lovat second. Bonnie Leach was very hlchlv commended Only three of the Irish terriers in tno oosn clnss abowod up. ( Jaltees wns flrst and Die * second. Champion Breda Tlney took flrst in the onon elms for females. , , , . - , , The Uochelle kennels sent Btoomfluld Sul tan to cotnpoto with the black nnd tans. 'lo wns nn oasv winner. Enzlish Lady , from the same kennels , tooic lirst in the female challenge class. Again the Uochello pooulu cnmo up to thejudgo for n blue ribbon won by Mary Monarch in the open black and tan class. Sir Stafford L D , owned bv C. A. Shlnn , took tlrst In the sky o terrier challonco class and Scotch Hose L D , bv the same owner , carried nit the honors in the slcyo terrier open class. Minnie York wrested the blue ribbon from Mrs. U. S. McLoon's Gypsov in the York shire terrier open class. The toy terriers attracted a great deal ol attention aud the ladles watched tbe judging of this class with interest. Diamond , entered - tored by P. H. Wild , got flnt nnd Topsy Bird first in the female class , with Baby second. East Lake Curtis , owned by Mrs. M. M. Ballnntluo , took lirstprizo In the pug chal lenge class and Kobln Hood , also owned by Mrs. Ballantlne , sncond. Dr. M. II. Cryor's champion pug , Bob Ivy. Is merely on exhibition and was uot in the raco. raco.Duke Howard got flrst In the open pug vclass nnd Tip Top second. Lady Bousor ivon first among the PUK females. George H. Moore of Omaha entered King of Diamonds and Queen nf Diamonds in the open class of Ulonhoim spaniels and both animals won flrst places. T. U. Pirn-son's Keno won the Italian grey- bound prize for dogs and Flirt got niat for the females. . Moro J'rlzea for Uljj DORS. Mr. Davidson opened his day's work by commencing to Judge- the ( treat Danes. Henry Bayer of Williamsbure , la. , took tlrst with his F.wor and H. E. Wright ot Kansas City aecond with Prince Victor. The Wol- verlno keunela of Detroit carried off the prize for llrst money with Senta in the open lemulo class. C. U. Carter of Omaha got first with his Dana puppy Tlcer , and Juno , entered by Dr. Nlcolai of Detroit , took the blue ribbon for the best female pup. Of course Jack Shepard , the famous blood- bound from Chicago , took thu challenge money. Balllnger's dear hounds , Iligland Makoy and Paul Potter , took flrst and second end respectively in tbo open cUss. Champion Master Utah still holds his own in the challenge class nnd took away llrst money. Snip won In the open class with Mercury a goad second. The two Russian wolf hounds. O-sniadny and Zinola , took the prizes In their classes. Eighteen well bred pointers came Into the ring to compete for the monov. They made u fine showing and were greatly admired. Pommory II. cot first in the challenge list for dogs nnd Uovcution llrst In the same class i for females. Ltdv Gay Spanker of the Now Brighton kennels carried off tbo honor.- among the challeniro females weighing los- than fifty pounds , Loudoun got llrst in the open and Hock second. In the open for dogs under llfty llvo ' pounds William Hyiands1 Birt walked nwuy'wllh the money while Dot of O.islan took second. English sotlors came up next , und Benzine got llrst and Max Noble second. Boact took the p < ppy mocoy with the pointers ant Don second. Easier Lllv was judged to hi the best female pointer puppy and was glvci the blue ribbon , Omaha Putsy wns the winner in the Insl Better open class , Hed Duke got seeori place. Ivanhoe , Duchess of Wnvorly , Maud o AVavorly and Duke of Wellington all topi best money among tbo Gontnn sottars. Sam son and Amusement won lint places In th Held spaniel races for challenge dogs. Champion Liltlo Dnke took thu colors i the challenge Boaido class and Joe second i the opon. Guy Wulton's Viinily wore own the blue riobou for being the best Bond feniulo in the open class. TManey Trefoil carried off tbo collie honor 'with ' the dois , nnd Champion Cora II. wit tbo females in tha challenge class. Ono of , thu evontH of the afternoon wa tbo presentation to Dr. Lowls , tha owner c Fornwood Bruce nnu lo , of a bandKom liorseihon tuudo of roses nnd labeled "On Pets. " Colonel Jack Mnynihan was the li litigator of Iho scheme. The doctor we imturiilly very much surprised as well o pleased. Homo of A. C , Shullonbergor 'lady frlandg , stopping nt the D.-llone , nls presented Alta Bcrna a handsome of rosos. I ' IIKl THAI' SHOOT. Shotgun iti | rti ropplut ; Away ut Uea nnd I.tveTurgala Merrily. Ttjo trap shooting tournament , which : booked for three day * , under the manag inent of W , E. Nasoo , opened UP with mo favorublo auspices on tha now groutu ' " across tbe river this morning. Conslderlr that the woatber was vosterd : > morn I oe , the attendance was very lurs tbero belig b biff delegation of export abg bero from 'abroad. Among tUsso might mentioned J. A. H. Elliott , tbo onamplon America , and holder of the American fin cup , ot ICimins City ; Charlie "Chlppe ; Budd , tbo famous Das Mulnci profession and all-round ploiunr.t irotttleman ; Frai Connelly ot Norfolk ; E. U. and H. Trotter of Klngiluy , la. , line shots both them ; Ted Acuurmau , the old-tuner ol Hta ton , Neb. ; W. J. Way. Carson , It J. E * Stouffur , ex-secretary ol tuo Sta * * * H port men's uMoctat ion , and J. li. Uayna ofUraud Island ; Blllv Douglas , Clarks ; H. IVolii , ColuiobuiiU. B. bpels , Coluinbu W. JI. lUrrlion. Ur ndI Uud ; T , it. Ha i on. Deurcr. Colo. ; Dr. Poitcrfleld and 1 V. Fickle , IlBiidorson , la. , and a lar u HUE borof other equally eutuuvlastlo nud wi known trap bou. Tbo flrit roc * on the card wui llftfon bl rptki , elghloen yard rU . for ooniptttl'o ' U lBt | JO-boret , und elxtuun yurd * for Ibo using m-bores , fl.r > 0 entrance , thrco moneys. The scorn ! Wlthndl . . . . . 11011 10111 lllll-M Kennedy 11111 11111 11111-r. t'hnbbuok , Itini loill 11111-11 llrnckor , UlOll Otltl Hill IS Uiynard , Illlt 10111 11111-11 titoiinnr . . . . .mill Hill nilll-ii : ILimuiaii OJltO ulJOl lllll-n Trottor. I'A lllll Olllt 11111-14 Itlnoliurt 1WIO 11011 1IIII-1I K Unit Ulll lllll 11110-14 VMX lam Hint 11111-11 HioiTor lllll mil OillO-ii : Aoxnnmiti "in inn nutl-ii : ; onlor llioi ( mm oiill-is 1'iirl rllclil , IIMJ 11010 IOJOI-H I'llMllOlllO lllll 1U1I1 II 11-11 iinghot noli inn noio-ia " Ko"d. ! l lllll 01031 Ulll-IS nun HIM mo ) tj Troti or II. . I. . . . . . . . . . 10011 11011 IIIII-I2 ituiiii 11111 nm itiit-n Konnoily und Budd divided first ; ll-iynanl , lid Trotter , Elliott and I'armoloa second and those tied on thirteen , third. Tnero wore ton other ovouts , the mo t In teresting of whloh follow : There were thirteen entries tn the Uvo bird shoot , live birds to the mitt , thlrtv-ouo yard i rise , two moneys , Amuricixn astocla- tlon rules. The tlgiiro I denotes n kilt with the llrsl barrel , thn flsrurn 3 with tUo souond and tnoO a mlsi. Tbo score : Kotinudy 1011 1 I 1 1 I 2 ' - - " > II akn 02122-1 II. J.Trnttor I I I 10-4 11 I ) . Trotter I 1 8 1 3-li lllldd 21811-- . .Inhli Uecd 8 2 I > 2-1 Ko 00008-1 llrttokor Sill 3 , Withnoll 1 1 H 1 0-1 1'orlorllcld 2 2 't - 8-r. I'nrmoloo 1 8 0 ( I J-.l Ellloll 08318-1 The tics on 3 mm 1 divldod the and second monoy. The blc shoot of the day was ton blue rocks , tlOO entrance , tbruo moneys , the tics dividing. The score : I'nrniolcu nilll 11111-0 Kaynird mil I1MI-10 1'ortoillcld 11101 11111-U Killntt Kill 11111-10 Kd Trotter 11011 II 11-n llrowor mill 11)1 ) iO 0 Oluibbiick 11001 11110-V John Head HIM 01HI- Way 10111 Will 8 lliuiltor lllll lllll K ) lltako 00003 mill -4 Hllillsimin 1IJIO 10301-r. roj ? n it mm- Aokurmai lllll 11111 10 11110 Ullll-N llruckcr UHil 01111- Wltlinull lllll 11111-10 HlUhUS lllll 01111-9 Uonley liuOl 01111 7 Kennedy MOI1 It OJ-7 Humuson 11101 lllli 0 II. 1) . Heed lllll 010)1-7 Kitmhirt Oinll OiOll 0 II. J. Trotter lllll 11111-10 As Is Invariably the case , the tnlss-and-out llvo bird snoot awakened more frlondly rlv- : ilry mid root Interest than uny other avont The score : " ItrncUer . . . C20 Withnoll 81 23 II. .1. Trotter lillll I'ortorflultl 111113 John Head 8.2JU Uhubbituk 0 Kennedy 2) ) II. Uvuii , 8. ) Ulnehiirt , 812J20 Klliott t > 1110 1'niiueluo 1I2JS1 Ai-kcrman 20 K. I ) Trotter 10 liudtl 2 2tl Darkness put an end tothospnrt , leaving Trotter , J'orterlleln , Uond , 1'arineleo and Budd a no on six straight. These flvo dl- rlaed the pot. Shooting will bo resumed promptly at 10 thli mnrnlnp , ihoro being ton ovanls on the day's card. Hull unit l ° itzimiiionn to Moot. Nnw YORK , Oct. ! 25. The directors of the Coney Island Athlotlo club , \Vest Brighton , decided to bid for the contest between iiob Kitzsimmons and Jim Hull , and .ludeo New ton was authorized to offer a purse of * 10,000. A cablegram , received at a late hour , said Hall had been notified and that ho accepted the offer with the understundltiR that the iluht take place in April. Fiuslmraons will bo asked to sign the articles of agreement by AlecU I'nlliiy Coverir Copplo's Money. S B\t\i > o\u , la. , Oct. 25. To the Snort ing KJitor of Tim BBS : Plcuso lind en closed draft to cover Mr. Copolo's forfeit of $ ' ) . " > . the race to be run in Omaha , November ! t , for $100 a side , Sheflleld rules , and tbo man to be chosen the ditv of tbo raca to shoot tbo gun ; also the stakeholder. If the inco should fail to materialize return this dratt to me. G. A. PULLEY. irOKKRIia. Flvo Hundred Kmlenvor Society members in Session tit Codur KnpliN. CEIUU IlAiuns , la. , Oct. SO. [ Special Telegram to Tun BGE. | The seventh an nual convention of the Christian Endeavor society of lena , with 500 delegates in attendance - tondance , is being bold In tbU cit.r. Today's session was taken up with the address of the president and various report ? . The secre tary's report showed the number of societies In Iowa to bo 811) ) , an Increase of 18U ilurm ? the east " voar. The total membership is ai.OSl. Miicloon-Yotinir. CAIUIOI.L , la. , Oct. 20. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] Paul M. Maclean , editor of the Hor- nld , and Miss Uertrudo Young , ono of tbo loading ladies in Carroll society circles , wore timrrir.d last evening at the residence of II. VV. Mucomborof this city , unolo of the brido. The wedding was ono of the most brilliant society events of tha year. ' Crop rrospectK. IXAVAI.K , Nob. , Oct. 20. [ Spoclal Tele gram to TUB Bnu.l vVork was commenced this morning on a now J3,000 elevator here , to bo erected by Charles Huntor. It will bo rondy for grain about December 1. The grain business is looKing up , ibero being : nero than 1UU ucioi of winter wheat sown this fall to ono aero heretofore. OU/.VU Ji.tUK TO CIIKVKXXK , Messrs , Mercer : uulVhltu Will Huva to I'liou-WyoinliiK Coin-In , CnifUGo , 111. , Out. 80 , A. S. Mercer , the World's fair ooiumUslonor from Wyoming was taken to Jail today on n capias , which was issuoil lor him yesterday. Ho was as signed to ii cell In the debtors' depactmcnt. as bo was not able 10 obtain the necessary $5,001) ) ball. Meruar Is being sued for crlm- Jtt'ol by .lobn Ulay , jr. , of this city. It U nn outgrowth ottho : uolaorated Johnson county ivar. ivar.Nnw YOIIK , Out. 00. Governor ITiowoi today grfliitoi the requisition of tht Wyoming authodtlo } for Charles A , White Victory for t'liih .IlincliuuU. ir If ) SuT LVKK , U. T. , Oct. 211. [ Special Tele ! gram to TUB Bni5. | The committee of tht 11 Chamber of Commerce appointed to confei IS with the railroad companies in regard to th ( 'S allowed discrimination ot rates , today imidt iO its roDOft. The railroad companloi grantee Lh a reduction in through rales of t5 ! per con and in local urbitrurlos ot 43 par cent. Tin result will bo an annual saving to the mer chants of tills territory of $ tWOt)00. " ' WKA'UllSK ' U Folr , Nirth\vu t WurmerVlndi I'romUei for Today WABMINOTOX. ! ) . C. , Oct. 20. forecast fo Js Ttmriday ; Per Nebraska Pair ; north up west winds ; hllgtuly warmer in centrn portion. For Iowa Pair ; west winds ; sllghtl warmer in northern portion. ba Per tha Dakotas Pair ; west winds warmer in oxtrouio eastern of portions. ild . I.ornl iteuiird , THE WEATHER BUHE v , OMVIU Oct. 'Jl. ( Otnuha record of tomcDraturo an uk rain fall compared with corresponung day o J.of past four years : of l8 3. 1801. 1693. m : IU- Maximum tomDorature. . , . 5I3 70s - Minimum temuur.Uuro. . . , a.t = M = > aj = U5 < ite Avnraee teinporaturo. . . , . 41 = M = | j ° : rd 1'roclpltatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . , u ) , OQ .00 , OU rdJ Ktatoraont showing the condition of tern is peraturti and pr Omaha for tb v- ; day and since Maroa 1 , IS'Ji , as comparoi vB. . with the general average ; B.n - Normal tsinueraturd . . . . . . . . . . . ncll for tbud.iy . , . 4 : Dolicloiiey alnoo March 1 . . . , . . . 158' Normal iirociultHtlou < , . , . , . . . 07 lee uo Dutluleuoy for the dar. . . , . , . . . 07 lee irt UrUcloiivy l ce HaroU 1 . . . . . . 3.31 luchc U.-E. LAWTO.V , Obssrv r. GOBBLED BY THE READING Property of the Boston & Mnino Asaim- iht2d by the Pennsylvania Corporation. RAILROAD SENSATION OF THE WEEK Mcl.ood No r nl tlio lloiil of Olio of the .Most Important Trnlllo H.v - toms of tlm Uorlil Its Im- Advantage * . BOSTON' , Mnss. , Oct. CO. The big railroad combination , rumors of which luxvo been in the air for komo tltn9. was consummated today , in-osldcnt Mi'Lod of the Heading ro-id nud his friend ) bavo secured control of tt-.o Boston ft Maine , and McLcod was today elected president of the latter corporation. The Reading and allied lines will distribute their Imuionso morohandlso atul trafllo over the Boston ft , Maino. It Is said that for several uionths tbo alliance has been under consideration by Mr. McLood , who was reluctant to tnko upon hiinielf u.ircs and responsibilities other than those now routing up n him. but after look , me over tbo situation carefully and believing such nn till 1inco would bo greatly to the ad- vautago ot ootn properties , lin decided to talco hold. The Boston t Maine has n lurio water fronton Boston harbor and is building the laritost grain olovrttor in tno United Stntoa , which will bo equal in capacity to all the other elevators In Boston combined , Tbo two corporlioas have nn aggregate mlleazoof over O.UUO miles und carry upon their pay rolls over lWUOi ! ) employes. Friends ot the Philadelphia ft Heading company have also obtained control ot the Now York & No.v England railroad. These important railway connections , in addition to the Potiijhkeepslo bridge , now ntso in con trol of the Heading , gives that system its own channels of access to Now England aud iho Cat : ail as. IIOUMLMU A MCVV HOAU. SchfiiioVlilcli Ilrittili Coltimlilikn Ciipl- tallst li 1'romol liijr In ChlrHgii. CMIOAOO , 111. , Oot. 'JiJ. Henry Croft , mem ber of parliamnnt from British Columbia. in thn city gcttlni ; Chicago capitalists Inter ested In n scheme to build a new CanadHn intercontinental road. Uo hus already boon remarkably successful nud It is expected that over f5UOO,0'JO will bo pledged hero to futther the enterprise. The proposed now road Is to bo known as the Canada Western and will ba 1,031) miles long , opanlug thous- aud-t of square miles of good crazing , timber , agricultural and mining lands. The survovs have nlready been m.uio and tno British Pa- cilto Construction company , incorporated nt Victoria with a capital stock of Sj.OOD.COU , is ready to couitacncu work as soon as the land grants have been secured , which will proba bly bo next mouth. According to Mr. Croft's statement , the construction company will build tbo railroad from Victoria to oeymour Narrows , on Van couver inland , and from Butte Inlut , on the mainland , through the Cbilootin. Crino and Pncilio river counties up to the Yollowhend pass. The cost is estimated at $3SOS5,000 , including the ferry at the Narrows , but ic is expected that the sale of land will amount to $13,12-VOU , to which may bo added the casb bub-ndv of the dominion government ot J3.L-OJ per mllo. or $3.314,000 in all. making the total assets &lo.S < > ii.5DO. Besides , the provincial Government hai guaranteed $0- OUJ.OJO to $10,000,000 interest on land grant bonds ; the city of Victoria euarautoes divi dends on treasury stock of 83,000,000 and the terminals worth $1OOUOJO mors , while other bcnctited towns are anxious to aid the enter prise. Prosperity of tlio Atchisou. 4 Ofllclals of the Atnhlson , Toucka & Santa Fo are particularly pleased with the report to bu laid before ttao annual meeting of stockholders at Tonoka tomorrow. It is ono of tbe most favorat > lo reports ever made by that compnnv , presenting it marked contrast to the rather discouraging litmnciul state ments of recent years. During the first nine months or this year tbo gain in urois earn ings has amounted to 3.343OM. ThU increase , It is claimed , is largely due to the natural development .of the territory traversed by the road , and is not the result of exceptionally favorable cir cumstances. Consequently there is occasion to believe that , tbo present prosuenty of tbo company will continue. Jt is not expected , however , tnnt even under such circum stances the Atchlson will return to a pay ment of dividends within tno or two. Uko the Hock Island , it will , no doubt , devote a largo nortlmi of its earnings to improvements bcforo beginning to dis tribute the prollts to stockholders. The FroiKlit IStoclcule. A blockade that seems to b ? growing raoro serious every day 11 interfering with eastbound - bound shipments of. gnin. Several roads have issued instructions to their western agents to receive no more eastbound freight until further orders. The Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul has orders for 4OUO cars which It cannot furalsh , and the other roads uro fast getting into the same predicament. The only way to relieve the situation is to refuse to take now business until the lines are cleared of the accumulated frelgnt , and this is the course that is DOW being adopted. ItUMOHKI ) KXrKKSS OIIANOI23. Now thoTulk is Tluit the iSurlingtoii Will Condnot Its Oivii Uualnuiu. For months past the Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy railroad has b oa cousiacring the advisability of conducting iu own express business , which undoubtedly has occasioned the rumor * prevalent in express circles that a change from the American to tbo Wells- Fnrgo company was contemplated. Hurllugton onlciuls have , durinu the past year , felt that they were not reoiivlnu the tonnage from tbo Wolls-Furgo company that they deserved , and tbo old idea of taking ciro of their express business was revived. But as the Burlington people realized that should they undertake the management ol their express business their tonnage would fall considerably below tbo present , they began to cast about for a roasna to Increase their present receipts nnd the rumor that they were contemplating n change in ezpres : companies muv bo attributud to tbat road. Mr. L. A. Garner , superintendent of the American Expros company , when ques tioned by a BEE reporter , sold ; "This tain of change always nrisos when contracts an nbout to expire. But tbero Is nothing in the rumor that the Welts-FacKO company boa ro celved tbo contract to haul the loxprooi or the Burlington east of the rlvor next year , In fact , everything polnU to tbe same ami cabin arrangement as at present exists. Tut American will continue to look after tbo busi ness east of tbo river , tbe Wolls-Fargo com pany west of Pla'tsmoutb. Ot course. I bavi known for sometlmotbat the Burlington people plo bavo boon considering the proposition o conducting their oivn express business , bu when they have considered what n loss l < their line this would entail I think tbev havi Riven tbe matter up. As far s the Walts Fargo and Amsncan companies are concerned corned , they have no fight aud you may SB ] that it is no * judgment that no change will bi made this year nor for many years to come > The business now U equitably divided , wi are at peace with tbo Fargo company and an ; change would be looked upon with mUgivini bv the stockholders of both companies Tueso reports muit bo expected yearly , bu , at present there is no ground to base an Ide upon that a change Is contemplated. " d Stopping btopnvorj. Tiollu'c Island is out in a circular an nouncing that stopovers will not bo allowe on any ticket after November 1 on all it linos. ThU action U in accordance with a agreement m&do by all roadi In the Trans mlssoun association and shows tbe trend c railroad opinion as to the advisability c having passengers mfrko continuous paisagc Wintern Tritmo Knimral JtVotlpv. Chairman Walker bus Issued Ms final letU stotmif that the Wostero Trafllo nsjociatloi in vlow of Its adjournment without dul recently , Is dead , and that matter * brougl to IU attention unoe Octoberiii ar tbe sair at If tho.v had never ppon brought. But Uio chairman forgot to indounco that bis * nlury I of f i" > , ( JOi ; per ycar-Mrid the salnrins ot the I coinrmuloneri , HOMO nor year , would con * tlnuo until the end nf-tho contract , a map that li the envy ot almost every railroad man in the country.'i < , . While the Wojtcrji Tr.iWi ) nssoclatlon , through iu ndvlidrV board. 1ms ceased to exist. Chairman M.ulley continues in the saddle. AS wi-11 as Chairman Cildwoll , but M for tlis other ussociSliiins , they are urepir- IIIK for their burls ) shrouds , to be donned nfter November 1 , Illncknilrd , MlnrtvOot. ! W. The shortage - age of cars that ImnLibcon goncrnlty com plained of throuRheuti the wosi is n serious druvbuck to the grain trade of this city. The wheat is piling up In the elevators of every line of Imuortnnco in the city and the lutllers nro fccllug thu dlsndvantugo In tha cccumulatlon of Hour on I ho mills' floor. Ttio grentoit uf- forors nrn the elevator innti nnd shippers along thn Mlhvsukoo road , ] ) irticulnrly along tbo Ilnstinio anil Dakota branch. Tbo report was currant tbU morning that them were between -100 and 5JO car * now on the tr.ick betwcnn Minneapolis nnd Aberdeen wr.ttlng for motive power to tnovo them. The Northwestern rood has enough en gines , but Is reported uoout as short of cars ni anv of the others. The elevators of the Van Dinen line are pretty well tilled and tit daces It U nccessnrv to stop buying because thcro t no room for the wheat. The North ern Pncitlo road is now mach better able to supply cars than It hus been for some tlmo past , but iM-s Is prmclpilly bccauso the shipping has fallen off. Exnorts who have been tht-onch the country say that i nbout 70 par cent of the rrop has already I been shlppad. The Grout Northern lines | ure , If potslblo , woreu off than the Mllwnu- kro. The tnlk on 'change this morning was no much of their equipment was being em ployed In pushlmr their lines to the Pnciilo const that there was not enough loft to carry the grain for tbe northwest. The dam.igo to the undo is said to extend to the fuel that the grain mtMi are locked out of lha use of their money for several weeks In the deluy in shl ments. The iceliug Is general , how ever , thut matters cannot bo mnao worse , and they are oxncctcd to mend soon , Curium In hi'urrt hcxitloii. MiXNKtroMs , Minn , , Oct. 20.Tbo board of managers and directors of the Order of Hullway Cannon of America was In secret session lioto today. The report of the grand secrolnrvvaa presented. It showed reports irom 144 lodgec in the United States , Canada and Mexico , nnd 14,000 members iu good standing. The qunsllon of federation with tbo other railway employes' organizations wns con sidered and full authority to act In the matter was bestowed upon tbo grand cblot and the grand secretory. Plans , therefore , are under consideration , which , it is.aid bv these onicors , wilt now accomplish that long desired result. The board considered also the differences between tno employes , members of tbo order , and tbn Santa Po and the St. Louis & San Francisco roads , nnd gave autnority to the grand chief to act in the matter , and ho will go thcro and consider the trouble. Tuo de sire is to clTcct an nmicablo settlement if possible. _ _ California Trallc | AgMiriitlun : < . SAN FHANCISCO , Cal. , Oct. SO. The annual mcotitig of tbo traflliyus ociaUons of Califor nia was held today. MHnasier Leeds in his report of the work accomplished by the asso ciation during the year ; said : "Tho organi zation of the Grace line lot clipper ships , and their cuurantce by merchants "of this city is one of the results of tba work of the asso ciation. It is now an nssjrod success and is a move In the direction of the establishment ot legitimate competition by sea. "Tha organization of tbo San Francisco & bal l. Lake railroad ib"bulld a rend from this citv to Salt Lake , UtUbnud occupy tbo val ley of this state , i another work in which wo have taken an actiy.o , pnrt. Its eftoct for good upon the commerce of this whole coast will bo moro far reaching' than all other thlncs combined , fiuqh a I'oad would pre pare the wavAr us to take full advantage of the great Nicaragua iia'nal when completed. " IMoif from'tKri Mioclc. ' p A very remarkable death Is reported' by O. L. Ely , a Pullman conductor who runs be tween Omaha and Portland , Oro. Mr. Etv reached Omaha yesterday. On thetraln was the corpse of Mrs. Alfred D. Ede , vhoso hus band ist an encinecr on the Oregon Short Line and resides at Pocatcllo , Idaho. His train was recently ditched and a report be- ramo current that Mr. Edo was killed. His wife , who was in frail health , hoard the re port and Dover recovered from thu KUoiik , dying a few days later or heart failure. On the train that arrived here today were nor liuiband and her father and mother , Mr. and Mrs. Gooduougb ot Stuart , la. , where Mrs. Edo will be buried. Sold tn thn Hnutliern 1'acillc. GAI.VKSTOX , Tex. , Oot. 20. The news Is given out hero tonisht on unauostioned authority that the San .Antonio it Aransas Pats road has been sold to tbo Southern Pacific , the deal having bean effected in Now York a few clays ogo. The transfer will bo formally made January 1. Itullrnail .Notin. General J. H. Buchanan of the Elkborn has returned .from Cbicugo. W. L. btaunard , general agent of the Northwestern at Salt Lake , was an Omaha visitor yesterdaj- . Stewart Marks , secretary of the Standard Accident Insurance company of Detroit , was in the city yesterday. \V. M. Burgard , general ojout of the Northwestern at Buffalo , was in tha city yesterday and left for tha won during the afternoon. The Union PaclRo took out a special train ycsterdav morning from Kansas City con taining eastern delugatns of the Woman's Christrlan Tmnperanco union enrouto to Denver. The audience that * was present at the tes timonial concert given to Miss Came Maude Pennock at tbe lioyd opera house last night was in Itself a compliment to tbo personality of the singer. Every box and nearly nil the scats In the auditorium were occupied , and Omuba's ' best society was well represented iu the throng. The performance could not fall to bo enjoyable - able in view of the well known upenorlty of the pnrtioipants andtbo audience wns en thusiastic m bestowing Us favors of up- ' pluuso. . Miss Pennock appeared in throa numbers and was each tlmo obliged to voipond to an tinthiisdattlc recall. Her volco showed rare cultivation , aud tUo.tasto with which she rendered bert selections could hardly bo criticise . r' $ pleasing feature of her blrging Js'flyjs the per/cot onuneiation which ? < Mttdo the words as alMlnct us the melody } 3Sior flrst effort was BU uria from "Tannbausor , " Wapnor'a cale- bruted opera , followfid by ' "Twas April" and " .Snowtiakes. " Tnosb selections afforded her an excellent scppftjn which to display the thrilling sweetness ipf her volco in the more delicate passages 'Hit well as itsstrengtt TlnTttinTTt Of nonr ) P n ( I'llnil J. ( IJ \ \j \ li rarii3in otrGfii luicaicr. put CHS Thursday , FridayStttfrday Mat. and Hve. ONLY TWIN STA HN THE WORLD. r WILLARD-JEjggLj- o j- < . 0 THE OPJSRATOK , y g i. Farnam Street Tlieaterl1'1 i.t t One Week , Conunenelij ( : Suudny Mat , Oot 30 a DOKE OAVIDSON -ANJ- MISS RAMIE AUSTE -IK- GUILTY WITHOUT CRIME , Matlneu Weduoidnr , Saturday MatlnoD , DEAF CUBED. to Send 10 CKIfTS for onr IM-pane'-KirOTUO-Mnn ICALTIIXORY AMD " II , U. 111,183. IOWA l'ALl-5 , IdWA. IB nnd purity in the hlRhor registers. In vcsponsn to nn onrora tbe nnR "Throtish Uio Kissing tlato. " In the second part Miss I'oanock snnc n duo with Mr , Jnlo Lumbard , nnd Inter nn arm from "Sampson und Dolllixb , " nnd n "SprloR SonR" bv Weil. Mrs Ilonry I ) . Estnbrook snnR several elections with her usual taste , and Cnntnln Kinzlo irnvo "Tno Last \Vntch" nnd ' 'Qitooti of Hh'jbi. " In rospnnso to nn oncorj ho sniiR ' 'Tho Uirl of Klldnro'1 with especial success. Mr. Lmnbnrd sanp "In Felice , " from Verdi's colobrntod opera "Krnnnl , " nnd " 1 l''onr no Koo. " On roc.ill ho cave ono of tbo old ballads , In the rendition othlch ho excels , "Tho L.OW Hacked Uttrt , " Ttio instrumental features of the procrnm conslitcd of violin selections by .Ntr. Hurt Hutlor nnd plnno solos by Herr Kdwnrd Hoiselbcre. Dr. M. H. McCroll of Norfolk is nt tbo Merchants. JudRoVnde Olllls of Tcknmah was In the city \csterdny. Dr. V. J. Wodtshok and wife of Bchuylcr nro nt the 1'iixton , R H. Moro mid wife of Kcnrnoy ore ston- nl the Merchant * . NKW Yoitic , Oct. UG. ( Spoclnl TelocrAtn to Tnii BKR.J Omnbn : J. U. Newntari , 1'lnztholoiV. . Uobtnson , St. Penis hotel ; N , H. t'alooner. buy or for N. H. l nlconor , windom ; M. Uannor , Hotel Snvoy. UIMCAIIO , Ill.Oet. .V > . [ Sncclal Tolojjram to Tin : UKI : . I Tbo foilowlnfr Nobrnskaus veclstoiod hero today : Wellington Ubarles Metz , Omaha. Tjolnnd A. 1C Htltchlnson nnd wife , II. Uartiin , Omnhn. Piiltnor Mr. nnd Mrs. XshrliiK , Nobrnska : ll'innnh lj"cd , Lincoln ; Mrs. K. D. Untidy. II. U. Hauoy , Onmhn. A /ir.N ut' r/- , r// : / > .i r. Doine tte * Oetieril Stpvcnsnn'K leltcrof iieeoptnnco will be undo public- this week , prob.ibly to.l.iy. General ! ' ! icier , chlnt of ordtrince , bus sub mitted to thu War department his teport. Wiirnints nio out for llfty-elcht ICtinsas nn ertakuts for vloltitltiK tbu federal nntl- tinstlnw. Wisconsin donniprnts will fcrco the dlstrlot npp Mtiiiiiicnl bill thionqh the stutu lo Kla- tnio nnd udjotirn sine die toilny. A mob niton pled to lynch n notorious nouro bur. lap nt l.nlvinnn , ICv , but , thulr Inteudcd victim was spirited aw.iy by thoshcrllT , At Louisville , Ky. . Sidney Leo , ntod.O , coni- mllloil sulclilo because the parents of his sweetha.irt , Miss Dacle Leo , objected to his suit. lllrnni Qotlschallc of llo.idlnu. P.u , was not ono of thn victims of vesterdny's nccldnnton the Hii.idlni ; . lie Is uot only allvo but Mils fnlr to recover. \owYork It Is oHIclally stated that No vember coupons on the B eond tnortca o bonds of tbo I'eurln , Ducutut" & nvunsvlllo rend \vl | | bo paHl. Thu sto imor Ilrilannln , from ltotou In bil- liist. struck olT 0 ipj S ible. M. I' . Not oonsld- orod In : i dnnserous pa-tltlon nnlc 3 a heavy storm should arise. Crow safe y I.indo I. At Dotrlot. Mich. . .lohn OriHln , as-illor. was arrested nnd locked up on complaint of Clinlr- mun Hurt , rhnrjud with false loglsiratlon. Ho Rnvo a ( let tlons address to the board. Ily tbo iireni'itiire n\nloslon of : i blast In n cut .it lie it Ulcnn on th I'oniuv vnnl i way Anilionv tilr ird w is Instantly killed and I'rauk I'.issolo and Vincent Oorrolso fatally Injured. At St. John , N. F , , details arrlvlns dally show tint the ( jale rtiulni ; last week severe , The eoiht was devastated .ind ten vessiils ure elthur lost ormlsstni ; .tnd twenty- two lives were lost. Mrs. Whltolaw Hold , nccomp'itiled by lior ( InXi liter nnd her In ild. left Now York for to nttcnd the funeral of Mrs. Harrison Mr. Itnld will also nttenJ ilie service nt the wnlio house. Tlio Wilmington.Del..police bavo ronrrested Klchnrd ttllov on HiibUlclon of bnlng tbn mtir- deror of Kate Dublin Two men positively duclaio him to bo tno man they saw with 1C itlc during the night ot the murder. At a mcotliic of the World's fair national commissioners the question of selling liquor on the grounds was discussed and finally loft 10 the toe il board. It Is understood that It will be sold nt the cafes and restaurants. I'rof. J. T. Wllllard of the Manhattan , Kan. , arietilttirtl college lias letnrnuu from 1'hll- llps county with it meteorite which ho secured last week. The meteorite weighs about 1,251 pounds nnd 1s the largest ono ever found In the stats John W. Robinson , stnto agent of the North- westein Mutual Life Insurance cotnuanv of Mlhvaukoo. committed sulrldo In thut city by shootlti ; himself In the mouth with a plHtoi. H is thought thut ho committed suicide ut his boaidliiK house while biooJlut ; over bis ill health. At Moorobotid , Ivy. . W.vllo Tolllyor , who who hliotln thn Tolllvor-lloward war , near llogtown. In Elliott CQUtity , Sunday niKht- d It'll. Ho'Tiird Is expected to dlo also. Thn old cnnl'-'t > whleh fanned the II ro In to a blaze WHS the killing ot Conatablo Howard by the noted outlaw Coo Tlpton , some years ago. Intenso'.v colJ weather nrovails In Scotland. The lochs In I'ortushlro are covered with thick Ice and snore llus deep 01 , the mountains. Uneasy reports were current In the L'tennh sotinto nni ! ( Jhainbur of Deputies to the olTcct thatColonnl Dodds was .surrounded by the In Dahomey and In a critical con dition At Vienna the 203th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Art WHS cele brated by Uio iinvojllng of a memorial tablet , Emperor Francis .rosoph nnd lion , R D. lirnnt , the American minister , were present. London Truth announces Hint thoGormin emperor , because ho was angry at some scntl- nols stationed at Potsdam for falilni ; to recoi- nl/o the umpress , has oidcred that her portrait trait bo hung in every barrack room in Ger many. Thn Russian Navigation company Is about to h.ivo constructed three now sto.uiiorn each of : i.)00 cap.iclty. to be built on designs fur nished bv tbu Kusslan war olllco nnd tn bo Hubsldl'cd by the Russian government as fast cruisers. At the geographical concrosi ut Miidr'd Seuor Kopartoz Spain and Portugal and the South American states to establish an of- llelent steamslilp service bolweun thulr home ports nnd the colonies In order to cement the existing cordial relations. In Oiinade , an ordnr In council has been passed repealing the order of some wociUs nan , forbidding the Import.tlon of riitrs from ( Jiout llrlt.tlii , This Is welcome news to Unnailn manufactnrors of paper , who have exunrl- onccd considerable dltlicultr In celling thulr necessary supply of rags for tholr business sluco thu original order was passed. MATURALFRUITFLrWORS. ' Vanilla I Of perfect purity- Lemon Of grozt strength Orange Economy In their use. Roso.etc. decately , | and dcllclously as the fresh fruit AMUSISMlSNTc- . NEW | "PA/FFr BOY08 THEATER. ) ROSA. ATTENTION ! Friday , Saturday , Sunday , Oct. U8 , HO , 30. Ladle * ' and Chlldrcu'n Mutlneo Hutnrday , 01IJVHMINO PA O I R.OSA JOH OAWTHOUN. HAUIUOE UAHOV. And u Puperb Oast. Friday. Saturday KVngs I nnT T V and Saturday Matinee jilULLl 1IICHJ T1TVTD I Kuaday Nlzbt. mloa UlAlb I Only 1'orformancc. lloth 1'layi by Charles T. Vincent , IIox sbrutsopcn Thursday morulng ut usual prices. prices.WONDERLAND WONDERLAND and Illtou Theater , Tills WEKIC. tiftut Ej.ecUHr Aviirnuitlan. anil the MACKKV UllAUAflU COMl'ANV , In THE DANITES. QESEUAL.ADMISSION , OQf > eJ \ * no IUQBBH 1'AVINQ HONDS. I'roolMimtlon uml notioont NtiliniHilon to the electors nnd lojM vnti < M of the city of Oin.ihix of thn question of l tuln < tbn luinds of thn city of Omnlin In the stun nf ono hundred llions in'l ' ( lo > lnr < i IJI AOJII to jmy for i ho cost of ptivliiR. topivlnsor inne- niliniMiis the InlvD-oollnnsnt strt-ots nnd < < | iac Hoppnslln nlloys In said city , und to liny the cost of tiiivlnIn front of roil cstnto not snlgrot to nssomniont of special taxes for piivitit ; pnrbosi's. To the electors nnd lesul voters of tlio eltv of Oni ilm : 1. tloorun P. IloniU. mayor of the city of O mlia. tin Issue this , niv proclam it on , and by ihoautliorltyoslod In mo , s siloli tnnynr On Ill-ruby M vo imlillo not en to tlinaloctnr * nnd lojiil voters of tlioulty of Omitb > tlu > t a oloetlon will bo hold In bMdoItvou Tiie < d ly , tlui olitlitli day of Novcinlior , 1 1. ' , for tha purpose of snlimltlltij ; tos'ild oloclors Miid Iryu VOIOM the < iuestUin nnd proposltlun , followlns , to-wlti "Sh ill liotids of the oltv of Utmlin In the sum of ono hundred tboi'sind ' dollars ( flui.tiwi bo le < ni'd for the purpose tit u.i > in : thn ct t of ntiv.iiif. rapivlniior iiruMdninitiii : the Inttr- Roctlons ot strei'ls nnd snii'i' * opiintlie . Itpys In sn di'ltv , or pivliitf llio roil , of ptvnu'lii trout of rout cM.dr not siibjcolo ii -sti\ont tif sppclni t-ixei for nsvm * purnosr-s. s ltd bond * lo run not moro Ilitin twivitr ( . ' years nnd lo heir Interest pay ililo sciuiiniiiinily at * i ntonoi t'\cc dlir ! live per oont per an num , with coupons ultliuMl. . to ! > ( > c tiled "I'nvlni : bonds 'and nut , to b old for li < s tliiin pur , thn proco < . 'ds of wluon shall i o nfi'il for no ulbnr imriiOMi thin piyliiK tlio post of unvin ' , riMiavIni : or niacudnin rlnB the Inlnrsci'tlons of streets nnd spanes opii'isllp nlli'ys In stld oltr , or In front of estate not smttjoet to iiMcssincnt of apcolil taxes for p ivliu imr- liosus ? Tim said question ntid propotlt on shall bo Biihtiilttoil to s ild ulni'lurs entir" in tlio nroucr form iirovldt-ii by ttiw forolllc a I HI oK with thnworls 'Voi" " . \o" print't iprcon. All of : ild ballots hiving nn \ " mn : k follow- Intlio \\or < l "Yc-s" .slull bo ciiunliMl in f.ivor of losiilint Mild hondi. nnd nil < if s.ild ballon li.ivlnz tin 'X" murk follovvltf the word " No" hall ho countftl nnd considered as against tin- Issuing of sitd lioiiiU The pot s slmll bo open the d-iv of siJd : i-lrc- llon nt ol hi o'clock in Uiu cnornlir.1 und slrill eoiilliino ODUII unlit slo'ciuok In the i-venlni : of the sunn ilny tit llio ruspectlvo voting places , us follows : MUST WMIU K cor"cr Ul1 " " ° Jtliriiy W ' 8th and Uavon- Corrl8r lilh ! IUI Jnno'i a flrst ! i ° ' Ct" nnu 0'110'0' 1 > nrk W1d | ttVBnuo W corner IOlU nna > V C0rilcr Oth nlul Celltcr X Wc ° r"or0tU "utl "ancrott N K ° 0rnur I3th nlul Vlllto SECOND WAKl ) . lit Ulstrlot-N corner Hth nnd .Tones N W Cur"er 13th alld 1 > ac"l < s " 8 W eorner 1Slh ! lml Loavc"- 'cr23t" ' ndV.eaven- corner 0 ° f H c:01'"or IGIU all(1 I'lorce K oornor luh " ( l William Uth DUtrlct-N E corner Sixteenth and Con- or si roots * oornor 'illh allrt Ooroas oornor-lotu : Rl' " ancroft .s 1-Jtli llstrlct-\ : corner 15th and Vlntou IrootM. lath ntstrlot-S corner 13th nd Valley llth IHstrlet-Nncorner 20th and Uouluvard Tiiinn WAUD. 1st Ilstrlct-S ) W coruer lath and Chicago 2d l sti-ict-N W corner 14th and Ujivenport lid District-Smith side of Capitol avcntto mur ( west of ) Kith sireut. 4th District West side of 12th btrcet , bo- ween UoiiBlas anil Dodjio strools. ftth District N 13 corner luth and Ounltol iivunuo. lith District N i : corner Oth and llarnoy ° trooiB. 7th ulstrlet-S E eorner llth and DuiK'Ias StIOUli. bth District N E corner IMh and .luclison truof. . Ulh Dlstrlot S E corner taih HUI ! Hoirurd trcots. 1st Dlstrlot N W coiner 17th aud Davenport stroiUs. 2nd District N W corner 2Jnd nnd Davenport streets. rd District N W corner I.lth and Dodge streets. 4th District N E corner 17th and Dodiro streets. 5tli Dlstrlot N E corner 17th and Hamuy itreots. Bth District N W corner SOth aud Douglas stieots. 7th District N W corner Siith street nud &t. Mary's avenue. Sth District S W cornor20th street and St. Mary's avonno. 9th Dlstrlot East sldo of South 19th street , between llnrnuy Ktreet mid St. M.iry'Bavinnie. 10th District N W corner Wth and l.eivcn- worth Htreets. Hth District S W corner 17th street aud SU M tiry's avonuu , 1'irrii 1st District East si loot Sherman nvemio opposite Mindurson htrout. ' 'nil Dlstrlot S E corner Sherman avumiu and Wlrt street. yrd Dl-tnct .S W corner Sharuian uvcnuu and I. .1110 Ktrcnt. 4th District N W corner Sherman iivenuo nnd Oruuu street. Sth District U W corner 17th and Cliarhi- , streets dth District East sldo of Shermnn avenue about ill l feet north or Nicholas street. 7th District a E corner Kith nnd )7ard ) streets. Sth Dlstrlol-N W corner 10th and Unrt streets. ith District N E corner 15th and Oasi KtrtxiU. 10th District East Hldo North I7lh stieet be tween California and UUSH btreuts. llth District S E corner 16th and Oasi streets. SIXTH WAIII ) . 1st District 8 BcuincrS4tU street and Ames Una lilstrlet S W corner HHh Bliuot and Orund nvoniiii. , ; ird District N E corner iJth und Or/int / AtlCCtH. 4th Dlstrlot SV corner U'lth and Mandi > rson struuts 6th Dlstrlot SE oornor 2ltb nd Wlrtitii-ot-s. 6tli Dlstrlut H W corner Klril and 1' streets. 7th District N W corner 24th irid Cot by MtienlB. Hth Idstrlct-NE corner 27th nnl Hnrdctto streets. flth District N E corner S.'nd nnd Grant iJtb District N W corner 2.Slh and 1'ianklln MtreutH. llth District H W corner ' . ' 4th und I'VanUIJn ' streets. lath Dlstrlot SV corner 23nd and Clarlc streets , BKVKNTII VAIll ) . 1st District S W cur nor -'Uh and Mason s tret ! is. 2nd District N h cuinor SKHh avonno nnd I'opnloton n t'iino. : trd Dlstrlot S W corner 20th street nnd \Voolwortli avonuu. 4th District ? < W corner i'Oth street nnd Arbor street , 6th District South aldti of Vlntou street near ( iinst of ) ioutli : tiJ ! i\uiinn. flth District 9 E corner UUth uvonuo nnd I'opplulon nVBiuio. 7tn District NV \ corner 31th nnd Francis strootH. KKIinilVAIIl ) . 1st District Kit ut Hlilu of 20th utruot near ( south of Chnrlus htroct. 2ni | District Wont aide of 23d ttruut near ( oulli at ) 1'uul street. 'lr.l Dutrlot N W corner 20th uud Nicholas * " 4Ui District N E corner 2Utb and Cumins : Htrents. aih DlBtrlot Wi'stildeof North 23th Rtrcut near ( north of ) dunlin ( .trout. Oth District H Ecorpuri.'dnnd Hurt streets , 7th District 3 W corner Will nnd Uam itreots. MXTH WAItn. 1st District S W corner 3''d nnd CnrolnK * ' "Jd'oiitrlet N W corner 40th and Oniulnx " ' ' ' 'ad'D'strlot N E coranr 40th and rarimm Uh District North nldii of Davenport itr * t n rwo toflNorlliBd : avoriuo. Sth dUtrlol-S E corner HUt avonno and "oliflilttrlot-B W corner 2 > th avcuuo and JurUsoii slrcot. In wltnoHs wheruof I Jiavo licreiinlo set iny Imnd as inivor of lrt city of Omuhn , thlb Attostt JOHN OIIOVEH , City Olurk. To all owners of lots or1 parts of lots nn Hhlrley street from Mh Htrem loliuth avenue. Von are hoioby tiotlllud that the undnr- slancd three dUlotoroncd fruulioldorx of the city of Omuha have been duly appointed by the mayor with tbn approval of the city coun cil of ku d city to : usosn the dauiH1" ) ' thn ownersrotpocllvc-lyof tbo property 1TiCtcd by theuuauxeot grade of bhirley truft lie- olnretl noeosssry by ordtnnneo No. 3101 , passed Jnlv SO. IWt approved .Inly 2A IS'O. ' You nrn further notified that linvlnu nc- ooptcd silil ; npp ilnttpcnt nnd < lulv < iiitilitlocl ns required bv law. wo will on the ; ul nnv of No- vninhpr , IH'H nt tlio hour of 10 o'clock In the mornlne nttitnollloe of UMnrlcs I1. lliinJHinln , Dodcoitropt within the coriiorixto limits of sild city , incut for the inmxne nf cornlder- IIIK nnd in iklnt iis < c niPnt of dnmaKo in the onnnrs ti seotlvolv | of s'tld | imii < rly nlToctod bv suld ur.itlliie. tnltlnjt tnto rotisldorntlon spcolnl bnnnflts. If nny. \ oil nro It n re by neil * fled Id bo prownt nt the tlmo nnd Jilnconforo- snld nntl intikc nnv objection tnnrMntomnnts coiicortilnu' salil nospsstiu'ntof d.unncosns von may considnrpropi'r. IMIAUl , ! ' , ' ? ! ' IW JOHN r. KI-Al'K , ronimlttooof Aiirn' | | ' . < or . Omah'i. Neb. . Oct. 21st l / > i Hi.'dlt/ " " SKVVKU MON'DS. rroohitnatldn nnil notice of sn'i-iilsston ' tn tha uluetors nn'l irunl vott < r of tlm oitv til Otntli.i of the question of Issnlne boniU ot the fit y of Onniliilii ! thnninoitni ot ono him- ilroil tliotijitiil ilollir < ( fini.uiitiMi-iv ) for the onii iriK'tlon .mil maintenance ot SOWCM li the oil v of Onrihn. To the electors nnd losal voters of llio city o > Oinili.i : I. Otiorcu I' . ltetnl , innyor of the citv OiiiHim , tlo l sno tlis. my nrooininniloti , tin < by Ihu authority vpsto I in ino : isstth ntnyo. . diilicroiiy CIVD pnblln notice f > the nlector ' . nnil li' nl voters of tbn ollv of Dm ih i , that ' ceneiAl oli'i'tliin will bo hnlil In .ilil city o Tnesiliiv tlui I'k-lilli d-iy of Novuinlior. IS.iif , fo thu purpose of hiiliinltlliiK to snld oloetors lin if.voters \ the quoitlon nnd proposition ful Ionium , tn-w.t . : "Shall bonds of the t'lty of Ointibii in th sum of itnn linndred tboiH.intl ilollitr ( iiOOnin 1)0 Issnt'il for Ihu Ion mil ninlntiMinneoof SHIMIM. to run not morn tint tttcnlv I'.MI vo > r , to draw inlnrest tint , to u > ' ueed live per wilt per iinnnin. wlih Inture ; LMIIIDOIIX nntirM'd thereto , nnd nut t > bo sol for less th.ui par , tlio nrot'ends tiiini the nl i thcteoftohn expended for thu ronstrticuo mid n.ilntrn inco ot sew on In the i-lty o Oiniihn , nnd Uiu proceeds thereof not to lie ill \ orleil from thn iibje 'is ihutoln sppi'iiled. " Thesn il qiiustlon nti > l pron | > t.on shall bo suliinltHMl tosilil tiloi'tot.M ent rein the uroper form pinvldi-il bv Inn for otllolnl linllotM , with th ? winds "Vi : . , " " \t > , " limited tbeieon All oT Hiild btillom hnvlni ; tin "Ji" in irl fullti" in. the word "YKS" Kbnll huootinted In fi\or nt iH < ninv M.I d hdiiiN , ntitl nil ut s.t'il ' hat ols lm\hi nn "X" mink foilouliii the word "NO" xliall bu eounled ntnl ennsulvted ns u nlnst thu l siiin t of ' aid bonds , The polls --hnll lUMitien On the day ot satd election .il olcht o'clock In the nioriilns nnd hltnlK'ontlniiu open until six o'clock In tlu\ ovenlns of thu s.ime dnv ut thu rosicctUn | voting plncus , us follows : I'lltM WAItl ) " * 3 " C"r"Ur 7th lini1 < " ' " : r I : cor"Br 12tl > n"d Junes it -ojith ! "V'.r/01"8 ' / street. E cnr"or 1Jth a-id nrst nlloy ' " " " ' M w ornOf 10th nnd Hlokory S 'V corlltr flth n d fouler -N W corner Oth nnd llnncrort ) istrlct""N l : comer ia ( | , uni , vinlon SKCONIl WAIIII. " N W L'or"tlr Iuil " "d Jones N W ° ° r"0r I3th iulU " ' 8 W C1)r"or ) 2JU | al nntl's-8 r'COr"ur d aml 1 < uavu - tali sldo of South DHIi trcct , ' inuo-mo I'opplnton nvo , vj 7th District H E coiner 10th and 1'Iorck .ircots. S R L'ornur 14th William Jth District X E corner Sixteenth and Cun- crot reels. fith Distrlct-N W corner 2Hh and Doicat itrcuts. A llthU,4triol-S E corner 2dth nd llnncrofij I''ih Dl.strlct-N E corner nth nnd Vlntot. . rams. lath nistriPt S W earner Kith nud Vullov itticls. llth Dlstttet N Ecorner 20th anil llouluvnrd tvonne. Tiiinn WAitn. 1st D. trlct-S W i-oriior 12th and Chlcaci .treols. 2tl District N W corner 14th and D.ivonuori itrcpts. V' ! ! il DI trli > t South side of I'niiltol avonur i ar ( west of ) l.ith htreul. 1 4th District West side of I2th street , hoc - ivccn Donitlaa und Dmlue streets ftth District N K corner luth and Cnpltol . LVOIIIIO - nth District N E corner nth and llarnoy < lreots. .O 7th DlHtrlct-i- uornar llth and D ugla3 > l\i \ District N E corner 15th and .laokson a 1 1 cuts. Jlh District S E corner 10th and Ilottiml t- trceU. IS rouiiTti WAIIU. , _ l t District NV corner 17th aud Davuuport , itrooln. Jud District N Wcornur 22nd nnd Davenport. . .truets. " . : trd DIstrlct-N W cornnr STith nud Dodsu iiruuts. 4lh District N E corner 17th and Dodiu iiruots. . " > tli District X E corner 17th and Hartley irects. Uth District N W corner 20th nnd Donelni' trcuts. 7th Distrlct-N W corner 20th street and HI. ary's iniinuo ' Sth Distrli't riV coiner 20th street nnd bt. iliiry's ; ii\ontiu. ' Uth Disttlct Enst slile of South 1'Jth ' stn > u , -unvei'ii Jlirnoy : stniut nnd St. M.iry'.st\iiiinu. IDih District N W cnriinr ISlh nud LUAMIII- .vortliHtroiils. lllh Dlstrli't SV corner 17th street uud St. il iry'b uvonuu , 1'IKTH WAIII ) . 1st DUtilct liiifl allnof Shcrmun nvcniia Mundur.ion.tiuet - 'nil Dlatrlu : H E coruur Sliormin avcnuu ind Win. sticur. ! ! rd Dlotnutf-ri W corner HIiHrimin avcnuu and hmcn itroct. . 4tli DUtrJot N W oornor Sliurnmii nvunito Hid ( irncu atruot. JIM District S Vi corner 17th nnd L'harlos straclH nth District East hlilonf b'hurinan avcuuo ilionl ; n > foot north ut Nirholns ( .trrot. 7th District S E connir IVth and l/.ard alrei'tB. Bth Dlstrlel N W corner ICtli aud Hurt slreuis. Hth DKtrict N E corner l.Mh and CJ.ii , -Uerti. I'Jth ' Dlatriul ICaitnlclu North ITlli stioct bn- twcun Oallfornln nnd I.IHS : stteotB. lllh D:8trlct-b E curncr 18th and Oasj htieutb. FIM'ilVA1III , 1st DKlrlU S E coiner 24 tli st rout nnd Auici IVLMIUU. . 2nd DlRtrlet-S W corner 20th aticet and tirund iiviiiinu , ; inl District N E cinner 4'ilh und " 4th District .S Wcornur 21th and Mandcrson " * Alii District Snenrncr5ltlrnrid Hri-i'is Oth District ri W wwiirr Mrd nnd I'.irlsor * 7th lilstrlct N W corner liltli it-id C'orby tftli Iilslrict N I1 ! corner 27th anil UiinU'tto . nth D'lstrlct N E cnniur 2nd und Or.ii't Ijlh District \Vcorniir 25th ami Franklin IllirfXitrlct S W corner 21th nnd I'lanldln "fifthHDIstrlijtS W corner 3'nd uiirt C'l.iru I stroetv , n tilCVKNT'I ' WAIII ) . | . 1st DIstrlct-H W curnor 2Sth And .Mason 2nd DlstrJct-N I ; ( nrnorJtli iivonnu und I'upnlolon nveiino. : trd DlBtrlot S W r.rmir I'uth street nnd WnrDI { rerN ! ° W corner WU.treetnnd . Aibor street , . , . , , . . > 6th IHsirlel Smith sldo nf Mtiton blreut I near joust of ) south XM nvonne. t-J fith District S E corner .Wth uvunnq nnd , , UnDUlrlcl N W corner Ulth anil KruncU ' 0 strcutH. EKIIITll WAIII ) . lit DUIrlct Eimt nl'lo of "Cth at mil near "I 2nl Dinlrlctpit | dtof 2Jd truilt nnar ( nuth ol ) 1'anl nrp t , Url District N W ooinorOlli mid N 4th District N E corner 20Lb unO 'itb DUtilct Wo t side of North 2.1th stri'i't ni'iir ( north nf ) Uuiulnz stroBt , Clh Dlblrlct b Keori'iir-'d ' anil lUirtatroct 7th Dlutrlut B W ixinier VJtli and C'A I klrituU. ] M.VTII WAIIH , I lit District S W curnor Ud and Uuio n- v'd Dlitrlet NV corner 40th and Ouiulnv 3d District N K cornnr 40th and l-'armun 4th DUtrlct North ilde of Dmeuyort ntfts'U ny r ( wo tof | North Kd ! uvonuu. &lh dUtrlct S K rorimr Ulit aronuo nnd DoiUo streut. fith I > l trlct H W pnrner 29th K.TBJIUU atv Jackson Urt'dl. Inwltimn Mburoof I hnvo hereunto bi < t mv linnd us mayor nf said city of Oiuuha tlilf 17th day of October. I4W. , . . „ „ „ UKa V. UKMIf , .Mayor , Attest : JOHN OnovKS. City Ulurk. . ,