Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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Hinging Answer in the Affirmative by the
Wool Growers of Ohis.
The InlnrmU ot riorkmatler * He lpwetl
by rr - lilrnt Mllllntn l.nwrence
Pollllcnl ITlnciplps of the
IMtron * of lln lmmlry.
The setnt-annual meeting of the Ohio
Wool Growers association was hold on
tbo Ohio state ( air grounds in Colum
bus , September 14. As is well known ,
the aesoclation Is the largest and most
important union of flockmastors in the
United States , and its deliberations are
ol special interest to the farmers of
this country. The president of the or
ganization is Judge William Lawrence ,
who was a prominent lay delegate to the
Methodiht general conforoncn in Omaha
last May , subsequently visiting north
Nebraska and the Black Ilille , of which
ho caused to bo published glowing ac
counts of their growth , resources and
, possibilities ,
The address of Judge Liwrcnco pro-
sonta an array of Important facts bearing
' on tlio wool industry and its relation to
the present tarilT law.
AinrrlcuuViiol tlm licit.
Judge Lawrence assorted Ohio and
other western status can and do produce
wools equal to any , if not the best , in the
world for the fabrication of clothing ,
and that hence no foreign wool is
needed to mix with them. Tno latest
Evidence , equal to any other In author
ity , comes from a very able and candid
free wool paper , the Boston Journal of
Commerce of boptombor 3. It an
nounces this meeting of our association
and says of Ohio wool that "No bettor
wool isgrown in the world for the manu
facture of pocds in which durability and
utility are the desiderata. "
The Journal then describes woolen
fabrics for men's wear made by the Bol
Air Manufacturing company of Pitts-
field. Mass. , exhibited at the Philadel
phia exposition of 1870 , "unexcelled or
unequaled by any foreign or domestic
woolens of like character , " and mtido of
mixed "American and Australian fleeces
of high grade , " and then says :
"Their gloat beauty of finish was duo
more to the presence" the Australl n
than to the American wool. The latter
gave the strength and durability to the
. goods and the former their elegant
appearance. * * * Jn a somewhat
i circumscribed area covering a few
, counties in the southeastern part of
Ohio and certain contiguous ones in
Pennsylvania and West Virginia a lira-
\ itcd number of sheep can bo found that
produce wool from which goods can bo
f made fully equal in every respect to
' _ those manufactured wholly or in part
from Australian fleeces. "
This in plain English means that the
wools of Ohio and adjacent states for
"durability arid utility" surpass all
tbo wools of the outside world , and some
of them add to these qualities a capacity
for "beauty of finish" in manufactures
"equal in every respect to those made
wholly or in part of Australian wool.
This Philadelphia exportation was six
teen years ago. Since that time there
has bcon a great increase in the produc
tion of the best wools of Ohio and othoi
elates. Under four ycara of favorable
legislation , the urea of delilno merino ,
euporior to Australian wool in strengtl :
and fiber and equal , if not superior , U
it in capacity of beauty and finish ,
would include all Ohio , southern Mich
igan , West Virginia , western Pennsyl
vania and other states cast of the Mi *
souri moro than sullicient to supply the
whole American demand for such wools ,
Wo could indeed afford todispcnso will :
the alleged ' 'superior finish,1' ' but tha' '
18 no longer necessary.
I'rotrcllon I'rolcctfl.
Judge Lawrence then reviewed tin
tariff legislation of tbo country and tin
declaration of principles of the republican
can and democratic parties. Ruforrinj
to the McKinley bill ho said :
The McKinley law-imposes a duty 01
imports of unwashed merino wool of 1
cents per pound ; on the long wools
washed or unwashed , 12 cents. Ever ,
' reflecting man mustltnowthatrtf a wool
grower in Canada , Mexico t > r Australi
brings his wool to the United States am
finds a mnrlfot at LO cents per pound am
pays a duty of 11 cents for the privileg
of getting it here , ho enl ,
realizes 15 cents for his wool. Th
American wool grower who receive
0 cents and pave no duty is protecto <
just 11 cents per pound. Statistics slio' '
that thiB bus been the result under nl
our tariffs. Sco Aldrieh's speech i
senate July 20,1892. "Full and adequat
protection'1 Js that which enables ou
wool growers to charge a fair price fo
wools and imposes such a tariff on for
elgn wools that on such prices none ca
bo imported. This would soon an
justly give tno whole American maikc
to wool growers , with no pound of fet
elgn wool imported. And similar dutle
with like result bhould bo applied to a !
woolen and worsted goods.
Piotection protects. Its absence d (
utroys , us shown by two additional re :
eons now to bo staled.
Cr < vtli Unili-r rrutcclion.
oWbcnovcr wool protection has bee
loiifcd Lheo | > have- increased ; reduce
rotcctlon baa always been followed b
diminished flocks.
The wool tariff of 1SG7 was the mo
protective in our history. Sheep ii :
crossed in the United Stutoa from 4J (
705.000 in 1880 to 50,020,0215 in 18SW
moro than 21 per cent.
In March , 1883 , protection was r
ducod on clothing wools about ,1 con
per pound. Sheep decreased from 5 (
20C2 in 1SS1 to 411,431ISO in IS'.H-
( locrcabo of 17 per cont. iiurir
this period , with proper prole
tioti , the incroiso should lnr
bcon at least 12,000,000. But :
December , 18SO , the becrotary of tl
1 treasury recommended frco wool at
President Cleveland's annual inebsa ;
, to congress of December , 1SS7 , BUMU !
tlally maintained the same hostile ail
tudo , followed by llio pi sago in tt
house of representatives of thu frco wo
I Mills bill. These threatened dango
L hud their natural effect ; they dro
I farmer * fiom wool growing to oxceesl
\ production of ceieals and all agi
' ' cultural industries suffered dopro
' Bion uiii'qunlcil in a quarter of a cc
I tury.
I The election of Gonori > l Harrison
I president in 1888. on a platform deola
I ing for ' 'full and adequ > to protection
I followed by the McKinley protect !
tt wool tariff of October 1 , 1M)0 ) , again r
I vlvcd the wool industry , and blieep i
1 } creased from 43,431ISO iu 1801 , to 4
I' 938,365 in January , 1892 an increase
I 1,607,120 or nearly 4 jier cent t
I average value of all increased from $2 ,
I , per head in IBS'J to $2.53 in Jununi
I 1802. The number of faheop tig return
I by assessors in Ohio increased In
I 8,091,600 of the value of * 8 , 1H.37C
r 1BUU to 'i.SSO.SM in 1M > 2 of a value i ;
' yet oflici.illy published an inercaau
1 numbers ot 21)2,024 ) or moro than 7 t
I cent , besides spring lambs not nssesst
The McKinley act was intended
"full and uiiequato piotecliou. "
hnn bcon highly benoflclal to wool prow-
em Statistics urovo that It has : (1) ( )
enhanced the value ot wools ; (2) ( ) It hn
reduced Imports of woolen goods nnd to
Increased Uio demand for our wools ;
(3) ( ) It haa caused foreign woolen factories
to Como to the United States nnrt it has
enlarged our own factories nnd added to
their number nnd thus Increased the de
mand for our wools. Its purpose has
bcon In part defoitcd by the decline In
foreign prices , which wore not expected
when the law was passed. The remedy
Is by Increased , protection. And wool
growers should know from cvory candi
date for congress whether ho will aid In
securing this nnd if not , then refuse to
vote for him. Ohio has 80,000 voting
wool growers there nro 1,000,000 or
moro in the United Stales. Now is Iho
time for all lo assort ihelr pouor and
demand protection as fully as that ac
corded to our most fn\orcd industries.
I'.ilrnns at llulinn < lry.
In conclusion Judge Lawrence pre
sented the following declarations of the
Patrons of Husbandry :
"Tho position of the grange as an or
ganization upon the question of the tar-
1IT is often inquired about , often misun
derstood nnd sometimes misrepresented.
As a party question the grange takes no
part in the discussion. It has never at
tempted to make all its members pro
tectionists , neither has it advocated
'freo trade. ' And yet the grange has u
larill policv.
"What is that policy ? It is the
principle of equality a's found in the
declaration of independence , and guar
anteed lo us in Iho constitution : That
all clti/cns shall bo equal before the
law. The very essence of all grange
measures for the relief of agriculture
is today , and always has bcon. that old
principle of our forefathers equality
equality before transporlation laws ,
equality before tax laws , equality before -
fore finance laws , equality peforo tariff
laws. Hence , the jrrango has unitedly
insisted that all tariff laws shall 'pro
tect' the product of the farm us well ns
the product of the factory.
"Tho grange opposed the tariff of the
Mills bill because it placed thirty-threo
arliclcs produced upon American farms
upon the frco list to slart with , nnd the
average tariff for farmers in the whole
bill was less than ono-half the nvorago
tariff it gave the manufacturers. The
grange tariff plank is 'tariff for nil or
larill for none ; "equality before the law. '
Interested parties , manufacturers nnd
olhers , hnvo lor u number of years been
trying to amend the tariff laws so as to
provide 'free raw materials. ' at the
same time thut the asked high tariff
on the goods mudo from the so-
called 'raw materials. ' Farmers have not
asked for this 'free raw material' legis
lation , but the grunge has persistently
and constantly s'lid , 'if free wool , then
free cloth , free blankets , free carpets
and free evorthing made from wool. *
"The bill lately passed by the house
of representatives ( the Springer frpo
wool bill ) placing wool on the free list
entirely ignored the rights of the farmer
guaranteed under the constitution , and
the grange will never endorse such
action while a single cent of duty re
mains upon manufactured wool. Wool
is not a 'raw material. ' Wool is a
complete , manufactured article lor the
fiimier , Iho result of his investment of
labor and capital , and it ' should
stand equal before the tariff luw
With woolen goods. The. grange ultima-
turn is : If you take all tariffs from the
fnrmor'u product of wool , then take all
tariffs from the manufacturer's product
of woolen cpods ; or , if you have a pro
tective tariff , however small , on the
woolen goods , then have an equal pro-
leclive tariff on the wool. The question
is not high or low tariff , free trade or
protection , republican or democratic
policy. It is a question of ritrht , jus
tice and equality before the law , belong
ing to every American citizen. The
same proposition is involved in frco po
tatoes , free hides , free barley and free
other farm products , which wo are told
are coming. But interested parties
may rest assured that the farmers in
their great national organization , the
grange , are in no sense divided on this
plain proposition of right , equity and
3 "A few figures ns to the farmer's man-
3 ufactured project wool : . . . Capi
tal invested in woolen mills is well pro'
tected by the tariff If the free-wool
bill lately passed by the house of repre
sentatives , had become a law capital in
vested in sheep farms , buildings , sheep
and wool would have no protection.
"There arc about four times as-manj
farmers engaged -'making' wool ai
there are manufacturers nnd all theii
employes engaged in making wooloi
"Our farmers produce upward of 300 ,
000,000 pounds of wool annually. Caui
tal invested in barns and equipments
$408,201,200 ; capital invested in sheep
8124,002,700. Total capital , < < > 32,312,01)0
Number of Hocks and flock
masters In the United States , 1.020,000
number of men employed by tlockmuB
ters , 105.000. Total mimber'of men ii
wool industry 1.125.900 Value of woo
product annually , $75,000,000 ; value o
snoop sold annually for pelts and fooo
$20,000.000. Total S'Jo.OOO.OCO.
"As an 'industry' the farmer who i
interested has nn equal right to 'pro
lection' ns his fellow citizen who make
the wool into cloth.
"This is the position of the grange o :
the tariff and this rule and measure cu :
bo applied and will bo to all otho
farm products.
"Tho grange takes no back ward steps.
A Final lllnil.
Among the resolutions adopted by th
Wool Growers association was the fol
lowing :
"Resolved , Thai whllo the gonorn
st I policy of n prolectlvo tariff is mail :
:1. I tuinod wo demand such improved prc
i. I tucllon for the wool industry , nnd o
Iho Importation ot mutton hoi > n nnd c
ran- cotton as will , within the nei
o- future , give to American farmers th
oIs privilege of supplying all wool and inu
ton and cotton used in Iho Unite
- Staled. And wo recommend that wet
growers will nol aid in Iho election i
o- any candidate for representative in cot
ofO gross who does not favor this policy. "
'n ' BunusGTo.vf , la.Apnl , 1,1331.
iu Dr. J. : B. Moore Dear .Sir : Hnvo bos
ido troubled with catarru la ray htnJ ii'iJ fae
: o for threoyi'ura at Umoja uuubio to D'U
till had a constant rltigla ; ; la my oar * ana ic
ll- two voars wis almost deaf , Hive tried s-sv
cral RO-catleJ ro'iioJiei ani bien trjaiaa o
, regular physicians and noted specialist * , b :
01 fullea to cat u-i.v relief. I tried one boltlo i
rs Moora's Trco of LifoCatirrh Ouro. It gave \
vo immediate roller and cffautfld a ( urmano :
vo euro. I heartily rJcotnui Mitl It to nil sulTe
I- i era of ttiU dnano ana will uboarlully nh
Informulon - adiirosic
fi anyfurtlier oa DL-IIIH
fill at ray homo , ! S'.voonor avo. , Hurlla
ll- 011 , la. For sale by all drue-rim.
ns druccUU.irra .
r- For sale by all druccUU.
Wright of tilt ) iartlu
eWeighing the earth is a proble
awhich has often interested anil arausi
4.- scientists , and various offorU have l > c (
of made to determine with sumo degree
ho accuracy the probable approxiina
13 weight o ( the giobo on which wo liv
y. In 1772 a borics of curious oxperimen
od was made by Prof. Maskolyne In Mou
jut Schthalllon , in Scotl'ind , by which )
in determined the singular fact xh'it tl
iot attraction exerted by the mounlu
iu infthS on the plumb line caused it to d
icr ' vlato nearly six seconds from tbo po
id. pondlculur. Long and abstruse calcul
to lions followed , on the dotuiU of whii
It ii not necessary to dwell , but the r
Bull wns , Inking the illnmotor o ( th
earth ns 7,012,41 mlloa nnd the weight
of a cubic font of water ns 02.112 pounds ,
thowolphtof thocnrthwiw calculntod
to bo 5.842,000,000,000,000,000.000 tons ot
L',2-10 p < unJs each.
Of the tionniUrlos of nil election district ! nnd
the Incntlon ot nil plnce * ot rezlitr.ttlcm In
the city of Omaha for a erneral election to
bo held on Tuesday , the Mutiny ot Noem
ber. IS'tt
To the Klpcton of tlio city of Oinnlia ! The
boundaries of all election precincts or 41s-
trlcfeand tlio locution of all ptacesof rofits-
trstton tmil the d y or registration In ttio
city tit Omuha for n cencral election to be
hold on Tuesday , lliesth day of November.
Ih'j-1 , arc ax follows :
HannilHrle * ot Klcctlon 1'rcclncti or lilt-
Commenciait nt Interjection ot Soronth nnd
Jackson streets , thcnco south tin the center
llin' of Seventh toccntcrof .Mn on. thcnceoist
on the center line nt Mnson to the Missouri
river , thcnco north on tbo rlrer to the center
of Jaeloon street , tlienco west Ion the cantor
line of Jackson street to the place ot begin
ning ,
Commencing nt tlio Intersection ot Tenth
and .Iacksonstreets , thencu south on tli(5 cen
ter line of Tenth street to center of Mason
street , thence east on center line of ilnson
street Ui canter ot Sovcntli strcuuthrncanurtb
on the center line of Sovutith stn-et to cuntcr
of Jackson street , thence nest on Cantor line
of Jsokson Btroot to plate of btlnnlng. .
Comnicnclne at the Intersection of Thlr-
tt-cnth nnd Jackson streets , thoncd south on
i ho renter line of Thirteenth street to center
of Mahon street , thence east on the center line
of Maiun street to center of Tenth street ,
thence north on I ho cector line of Totith street
to center of Jackson stiool , thence wesson the
center lintotJaubson street to tno plnco of
rouiiiit DistntCT.
Cotnnu-nclng nt the intersection of Thir
teenth and MH 10n streets , thence south nn the
eeutur line of Thirteenth nlreet to the center
of Williams street , on iho cuntor line of
Wllll.-init street to center ot Eleventh street ,
north ou the center line ot Kluventh street to
crnter of Masun street , wcstou center line of
Mason street to place ot bcclnnlng.
Comnicuclnz nt the Intersection of Klovcnth
nnu Mason streets , south on the center line of
Klevetnh struct to oonterot 1'lerce streoueait
on the center line of 1'lcrce street to center of
Sixth street , no-lli on the center line of Smh
street to center of Muson street , est on the
center line of Miiboti street to place ot bcglu-
dln ? .
Coinnipnclns at the Intersection of Sixth
nnd Mabon streets , south on center line of
Mxth street to center of 1'lerce street , o.iston
the center line ot 1'lorco street to center of
fourth sttoct. south on tlio center line of
fourth street tocenterof Hickory street , east
on the center line of Hickory street to the
river , north on the river to center ot
Mason street extended , west on the center
line of Mn on street , extended , to center of
si.\tli street , thu tilacc ot beginning.
Comrncncln ; at the Intersection ot Eleventh
and 1'lerce , s-uqtn on tlio center line otiev -
tuih to center \\lllhun , cast ou the center
line of William to center of Teeth , south on
thoeotiter line of Tenth to center of Hickory
street , eabt on tlio center line of Hickory
street to center of 1'ourt n .street , north on the
center line of Fourth street to center of
1'ierce , west on the center JInu of fierce street
to the pluce of beglnnm ? .
Commencing nt the Insersectlon of Thir
teenth and William streets , south on the cen
ter line of Thirteenth to the center line of
Don-as street , east ou the center line ot Dor
cas street to the center of Tenth street , north
on the center line of fenthto center of \\Il-
ilarn street , u tvst on the center line of William
to centei of Thirteenth street , the place of be
CommoncInK tit the intersection of Tenth
and Hickory streets , thence south on the cen
ter line ot lenlh to center ot Dorcas street ;
easton the center line of Uorcas street to the
Missouri river , nortn on the river to centerof
Hickory street , urusi on the center line ot
Hickory street to the place of bo/Innlng.
Commencing ut the Intersection ot Tenth
and Dorcas streets , south on the center line ot
Tenth street to oltv limits , cast on city limits
lo the Missouri river , north on the river to
centerof IKircas street , nest on tlio center line
of Dorcusbtrcel to place ot beginning.
Commencing at the Intersection ot Thir
teenth and Dorcas streets , south on the center
Hue of Thirteenth to center of Spring street ,
thence east on the center ot Spring street to
olu county road , theneo south to city limits ,
thence east to comer of Tenth street , north on
theconter line of Tenth to the Cbnlerof Dor-
CiH street , wt-st on the center line ot Dorcas
street to the place of beginning.
Commencing at the Intersection of Thir
teenth und Jackson streets , thence nest on
the center line ot Jackson street to center o :
Fifteenth street , thence south on the center
line of fifteenth street to center nf Ieaven-
worth street , thence east on the center line of
I.OHMinworth street to the center ot Thir
teenth street , thencu north on tbo center line
of Thirteenth street topUceof beginning.
Conimcnoln : nt the Intersection of Thir
teenth and Leavenworth streets , thence west
on the center line of 1/eavonworth street to
canter ot blxtoenth street , thoneo south on
the center line of Sixteenth street to center of
May on street , tbence west on the center line
ot Makonatreot to-center of KlghteenthatreeT ,
thence Routh on the center line ot Eighteenth
street to center of 1'lerce strott ; thence east
l on the center Hue of Pierce street to center of
Th rteenth street , thuuca north on the center
line of Thirteenth street to the place of be
Commencing nt the Intersection of Sixteenth
and Luavenwurth streets , thcnco west on the
center line of Leavenworth streel to center of
Nineteenth street , thencu houth on the center
line of Nineteenth street to center of Mason
street , tlu-nco oa-t on the center line of Muson
street to center of Sixteenth street , theneo
north on the center llnu of sixteenth street to
the place of b
Commencing ut the Intersection of Nine
teenth ami l.oavcnworth streets , thence west
on the renter line of l.oavenwortli ttre t to
center of Tncrity-iecond streut , thence south
tin the center line of Tnenty-secund street to
center of Pierce strcet.thence east on the cen
ter llnuof I'lercostreet to centerof Eighteenth
street , 'hence north on the ( .enter line ol
Kl.lit-euiitli street to the center of Muson
street , theiico est on tin ; center line of Mason
street to the center of Nineteenth street ,
tneiice north on the renter line of Nineteenth
street to tlio place of beginning.
Commencing at the Intersection of Twenty-
second and I.caveimonh streets , thencu wei
on thn center Hue ot l.e.ivenworth street tc
ttio center of Twenty-fourth street , thenci
Miutli on the center line of Tttenty-fonrlli
street to center of \ Voolorth avenue , thenci
e.ial on the center line of Woolwortn u\enui
to center of Tnunty-suconil Btreet , thenc <
north on the ci-nter HUM ot Twenty-secouc
street tu the place of beginning.
SIXTH Disinter.
Commencing iitthe Intersection of rilxtccntl
and i'lurco streets , thcneo west onthoceute
line ot i'lerco street to cent r of Twenty see
end street , lliencu .smith on tlio center Hnu o
Twoiity-soi-unu. street to the center of Oonto
street , thenveeast on the center line of Cintu
hireot to the tenter of sutrntuunth Htrrul
thence north on the center llnoofMjvenleuutl
slrt-et lo the tunler ot W.lllnm street , thenci
east on the comer llnu of William streel t <
center ol Sixteenth street , thencu north 01
the center line of sixicedh street to the pmc
of beginning.
Coinmcncliiz at the Intersection of Four
teenlh iind 1'ierco streets , theucu west on th
center line of 1'ioreo street lo cenlor otSi-x
lecnih struel , ihencosouih on lh center lin
of Mitcenlh slrcel loconterof iVIIli.iiu streel
thencu oust on center line of street I
lheu * > nlerof 1'uuruenth street , ihciico nurt
on the centur nau ot 1'ourleeulh street to ih
place of beginning ,
iiaiiTii : DISTIIICT.
Commrnclni ; nt the Inturscctlon ot Thli
irenlh and 1'lerce slrt-ots. thence nest on ill
coiilur ilnn of Htrvustrrui lo center of I'oui
trcntli street , Ihence soiilh on Ihu center III )
of fourteenth streel to criitur of Ilickor
sirv'ct. lliciiCrt CLSI on center line ot Hlckor
ttit-ul fj i enter of Thirteenth street , them :
north on the conlc-r line of Thirteenth aim
to the oluce ot beginning ,
Commenrliu ut the intersection ot Foui
Ino ilh iinJ Wllllaui m reels , thence i :
on the center line of Wliliam street locenlt
-cventteutli sirccu Ihenct ) buuth on tl
IUd ceuler line ot s-eventeonth ireut to thu cent )
IUm of Martha tlreet. thcnoii vast ou the cenu
m line of Manila street to the center of Thli
of leoiila. ihenco north on the center llnu t
Thirteenth street lo tuo center of Hlckoi
loo. ( Ireet. lliencu wet cu the center line ot Hid
o. ory street to center ot Fourteenth itrcfc thuuct ) north on Iho center line of VourUenl
street to the place of beglmiln .
10 t'ouimcnclniS nt tbu lntcr tclon ! of Sovei
10 teenlli und Center si redt * . thence wentnn il
In center line of Center tu center of Twenty-tin
Ino Uriel , thence south on lie center licb i
or - Twenty-Urst street tocenterot Martha , them
r- east on thu cunter line of Murlha to center i
' ' Ktli strvet. lliencu oulh on thecenti
line of Twiutielh strevl lo center of Coilellu
thtfncouustoii the renter line of Caite.luri
wuter of bovtntcculb itrevt , thcuce north c
the center Hno ot PorentoonthstreM to th
place of t vtlnufn .
C'ommennlns nt itirH Itrjerwrtlon ot Nine *
tocnlh nnd C.TtoII r JtrreU , thrncf wo t on
thocrntcr line of Castflttr street to the cen
ter ot Twentieth RtrrnKfthcnro tiorlli ou tha
cnntcMlneot TweutU > thVtfcattolhocent ref
Martha Mret-t. tbence nest on tnr center lln
of Martha strt-ct to the iVntcr o ! Tnentr-ll t
street , thence north e * the center line ot
Twenty-first s trust to tlio center of Center
street , thence wc t on Uro center line ot Cen
ter street to the center of Twentyecond
trcct extended. thontfjjiorth ( to the center
line of Woolworth nvrnue extended , llieuca
wpst tc the center of Twontv-fourth slreet ,
thence south on the cMrDnr line of Twenty-
fourth street to the crnter of Vlnton street.
thence east on the conltf line ot Vlnton street
und northeast alone Vlnton street to the cen
ter of Nineteenth street. 'Ihence north on the
canter line of Nineteenth street to Iho ol&cuof
Commonelng at the Intersection of Thlr-
tccnlh and Mnrthn streets , thence west on the
cont'r line ot Martha to eenterof Seventeenth
stieot , thence south on the center line of fcev-
fntcenthln center of CastPllar. thence wcit
on the center line of Castollar to center ot
Nineteenth , thence south on tbo contui line of
Nineteenth to center of Spring street , thence
east on the center line of Spring -Uret ex
tended to center ot old couniy road , thence
north to center line of Sprlnr strreU thence
wust to center linn ot Thirteenth , thence
north to the place of beginning.
Commencing ut the Interjection of old coun
ty road and hprtng street , thence we t on the
center line of Serin. : to center of Eighteenth ,
thence south on ccnler line of Eighteenth to
city limits , thence southeast and extended
east alone said city limits to cenler of oid
couniy road. Ihenco norlh on the cenler line
of old county rend to the tiliico of boglnninz.
Commencing at the Intersection of Eight
eenth and Spring streets , Ihence west on the
center line of Hprln * to center ot Nineteenth
ptrort. thence north on the center line ot
Nineteenth to center of Vlnton street , thence
southwest and west alonz tbo center line of
Vlnton to center of Twenty-fourth street ,
thence south on the COURT line of Twenty-
fourth street to city limit * , thence along south
city limits to centur of Klzhtoonth street ,
thence north on the cunter line of Eighteenth
street to the place ot beginning ,
Til lit II WAKD.
Commencing at the Missouri river at the
center of Uass street , thence west to center of
Thirteenth street , thence south on the center
line of Thirteenth street to center of Daren-
port street , thence east on thu center line of
Davenport to thu Missouri river , thonoo north
lo the place ot beginning.
Commencing at the intersection of Thir
teenth and Cisi streets , thence weit on the
icnler line ot L'ass street lo cenler of fif
teenth street , ihenco south on the center
line of Fifteenth street to centur ot Capitol
avenue , thence cast on center llnu of Capitol
u venue to center ot Thirteenth street , thence
north on the center line of Thirteenth street
to the placu of bu-lnnln .
Tlltlll ) UISTUICT.
Commencing at Iho Inter ectlon of Thl"1-
toenth street und Capitol avenue.
thence west on the center line of
Capitol avenue to center of Fifteenth
slreet , thnnco south on the center line of
Fifteenth street to center of Ilarney street ,
thence cam on center line of llurnoy street to
eenterof Twelfth street , thence norlh on Hie
centur line of Twulflh street to center of Far-
num street , thence west on the center line of
Farnam street to center of Thirteenth street ,
thence on the center line of Thirteenth street
to place of beginning.
Cotnmonclnz nt the Intersection of Eleventh
and Davenport streets , thencu west on the
center line of Davenport stret tn center of
Thirteenth street , tuenco'soulh on thu center
line ot Thirteenth slreut to cenlerof Douzlas
street , thence east ou the center line of Doug
las street to cenler of Kluventh street , thence
north on the center line of Eleventh street to
the place of beginning. r
Commencing at u point on the Missouri
river at Davenport streuu thence west on the
center line of laveuno ( * street to the center
of Eleventh street , tbeqci south on the center
line of Eleventh strcot center of Dodcc
slrcel , thence east on life ceutcr llneof Dodze
street to Ihu Missouri eivbr. tlienco north on
the river to the place oCltpjcinnlnir.
Commencing at n. po1iffl ! n ttio Missouri river
lit the center nt Dodge ftrootthenco on cenler
line ot Dojge street to coaler ot Tenth ntreot ,
Ihenco sotillion the center Hnu ot Tenth street
: o the center of Kitrn&m street , thence east on
the cunter line ot I"i.mam direct to oonter ot
Ninth street , thence eqnUi on center line o !
Ninth street to center' ot Juk on street ,
thence east on the center line ot JncKson
stroetto the Missouri river , thouco norlh ou
the river lo Iho place ot beRinn ns.
Commencing it the Intersection of Dodge
und Tenth streets , thence wo-,1 on the center
line ot Uodgu street to conlcr Hnuot Kleventh
htruot , thence south on tlio center line of
eleventh bt.-eet to center of Dougla * street ,
lhfnc west on the centur llnu of Douglns
street lo cenler of Tnlrteentli street , ihencc
ouih on iheoentorllneof Thirteenth streel
to center of Farnam slrcol , ihoneo cast on the
center line of i'.irnam street to cenlor of
Twelfth street , tlienco south on the cenler
line of Twelfth strootto cenlor of Huruuy
stroet. thence east on pcntor line of Hnrnev
street to center of Tenth street ; north on
center line of Tenth street to plnco of begin
Commencing nt Ihe Intersection of Twelfth
ana llnrnoy straclb. thrnce west on the center
line of Hiirney street to center of Kifteenth ,
ttiencc snulh on ihe center line of Fifteenth
street to cenler of Jucksou streot. thenoe east
on the center line of Jackson street to center
of Thirteenth street , thouce north , on ihu cen
ter line of Thirteenth street lo cenler of How-
nrd street , thence east on thu cenler line of
Howard itroet to center ot Twelfth street ,
Uienro north on tba conter.-Hna ol Twelfth
street to plnco of beglnnlnr.
Commencing at the intersection of Ntntli
and Fnrnitm streets , thence west on the center
line of 1'nrniini street to center of Tenth
street , theuco south on the center line of
Tenth street to center of Harney street ,
thence wet on the cunter line ot Harnoy
street lo cenlorof Twelfth street , Ihence south
on the cenlor line of Twelfth slreet lo center
of Howard street , thence wo-,1 on the cenler
llnent Howard sircot lo conlerof Thlrlccnlh
street , thencosouth on the centur llnoof Thir
teenth street to cunler of Juckion slreol ,
llionco casi on Iho center line ol Jackson
itroet to centur ot Ninth street , thence norlh
nn iho center line of Ninth slreotto plaoo of
rouimi WAUD.
Iteitnnlnz at the Intersection of Fifteenth
and Chicago streets , thence nouth on conloi
line nf Fifteenth street to center ol
L'apltol avoniio , thence west on center linn ol
Capitol iivenuo to center line of Nlnetcenll :
slrcct , thencu north to center ot Davenport
street , thence east to center Hue of Ktah-
It-cnlli street , ihunco unrlh lo thu cinter o !
Chicago sucel , lln.-nco east to the center ol
Kifteenth street , the place of hojlunlnz.
llcglunlug at thu Intersection of Chicago
unti Eighteenth slreol-i , Ihence MJiith on llu
conlor line uf KUIitueiith .street to the cenloi
of D.ivon norl street , ihenco west on llio cen
ter line of Divvcnport slroot to cunter of Nine'
loenlh street , tiii-nen sunlhon the center o
MnulcQiilh street loceiitcrof 'J.ipllol uvonue
ihencuust on the eonter line uf Cnplio
avenue lu thu cenler of Twentieth street
thence iiortli on the comer of 'J wentlell
slreol to thu uontur of D < itoupurt htruet
Ihenco weston the center line uf Dar nporl
slreet to ihe center of Twenly-fourlh eirt-ei
Ihoneo couth on Uio comer llnu uf Tnoritv
fourth slrit to the 001/14.-r of Cupltol nvenuc
Ihuuco weston the cunUr line of C.ipitol me
line 10 iho conlcr ofi fJ'wuiity-smh sireei
llionco north on iho center UNO of Tnoniv
sixth stu-ct to llio conuir of Davenport slruel
thcnco wc t on the eoninr Hnu ut D.ivenpor
Htruet lo iho conlcr ut J eniy-suvenili uve
nuts lliuncu norlh on tenter llnu of Tvtunly
sevcnlli avenue to cetrtcfot Uliloiuo stri-ut
lliuncu o.i > l on cunter Hiouf Uhlcugu to cento
llnuof riehleeiuh street , lo plnuuot Uegm
Ilcglnnln : at Iho Intor.ieotlon of Tivcnllol
and Davunport ulrouii. Ihence suuth on Hi
cunler Due uf Twent.iHh slreel lu the cuule
of Dod o blreol , Iheiicovo l on ccnler line 11
Do Kosliett to the cuntor of Twuniy-fourl
slrcel. thence south un the center line c
1 aenty-fourlh truet to thn center uf Knruni
troot. ihenoe west un lia | center line ut I'm
n.i in street to cunlvr uf Twuiily-fltlli nvenut
lliuncu nnrili ou center UIIG of Tvfuaiy-Ufi !
meniie lo conlerof Douclua stroeU thenc
west on center line of Jimiglas struut to cunle
of i'ueniv-elghlh slruut , ihcncu nJrtli on e n
tor line of Twenly-oU-hlh otrobt to cunter t
Dodge slrbut , Ihenea uust on cenler linen
Dodge street 10 rvnler ( if Tvveuty-sevent
i venue , theuco north on ccnlor line of Twenty
suvenlh uvunuu tocenlerol Davenportsirucl
theuco oust on cenler line of Davenpui
streut to center of Twenty-sixth slice
thencu south on tenter of Tweuty-sixlb strec
lo renter of Capitol u venue , tnoneo vdsi n
center line of fa into I avenuu lo cenler i
' 1 weiity-fourth streel , ihunco norlh on conic
line of Tncnly-fourlh street to center of Da *
en port , tbunreoast on center line of Davti
port ttreet tu oonler of Twentlulh street t
pluce of beglnuln/ .
Ileiflnnliig at the Intarsoctlou of Fit teont
street mid C&pllol avenue , Ihunco * ouih c
thu centerof llftecnll. street IP Ibu center <
liouslus slrcct. Ilieuuu west on center line t
Uiiuglasvlrt-et loceulorof Mnctceulb slreu
Ihenco tiorlh on rrnlor llnu of Nlneteeul
tlreel to cunter of Cajiltol uvonuu , them
can on txir.ler llnoof Capllol avcnuu to centi
of Fifteenth slreol to the place of beglnnlu
Beglnnlus at the iotersecttoa of Fl
anil Donrl" * tr pt < , thenon south on (
antor at Klluentli ( ircet to center line of '
ow rrt trfet , Ihrnco WM | on center llnoof '
Hnwartl strrrl to c nlpr of eronteenlh stree * j
thence north on center line ot vonteonth
street toccnlerof llarnoy street , ihooco west ]
on center line of llarncy strpot to center of
Nlnotconlh tlrcet , thence north on centerof
NIneteonlh street to center of Douglas nlreet ,
thence osl on renter line nf Douglas slrrel
toccntor ot Fifteenth street to place of ! > o-
Iolnnlnc at the Intersection ot Nineteenth
street nnd Capitol nvenuo , thence lonth on
the center line of Nineteenth street lo center
of Farnam street , thence west on center line
of Farn.itn street to center or Twcntv-fourib
tree ! , thcnoe north on confer line of Tivontv-
fourlh street to contorof Dodso strcoUthonco
east on center llnu ot Doilge strnotlo ccnler
otTwnnt'.oth street , thence north on center
line ot Twrnllelh street to center of Capitol
avenue , thence o st on center llnoof Capitol
aveniio to center of Nineteenth street to place
ot beginning.
lleglnnlnc nt the Intersection of Dmiglis
street nnd twenty-fifth avenue , thence south
on center llnoof Twenty-fifth avotiuo to cen
ter of Farnam slroel , trtenco west on tlio cen
ter llnoof rarnatn streut Uiconlorof Twenty-
sixth < treet , tlirnco south on cenler line of
Twenty-sixth street to center ot Hnrnoy
utreut , thence east on center of llarnor street
to cantor nfTwenty-Uf tit avenuo. ihenco south
on the center llnoof Twenty-fifth iivenuo ti >
center of t. Mary's nvcnuu , theneo cast on
cenler line of SU Marr' < nvenuu to center ot
Twentv-Ufth street , Ihenco notith on center
line of Twenly-nrthMmut to cenler of I.eav-
onworthslrool , thence went on uentcr line of
I.oavenworth Urcot to center of Tirontv-
olEhtii slreet , thence norlh on cenlor ilnu ot
Twenty-olghlh street tuccntcrllnoof I
street , theuro oust on center line of I .imam
street to cenlor nf Twenty-i'lshtli slroel.
thence north on center line of Twonty-ulihth
street to centerof Douclas ilrttct. thence-east
on cenlor line ot Doiiilas Hlroot in renter of
Twcnty-fltlh nvonuo , the place ot beginning.
Beginning nt the Intorwllon of Twentieth
and Harney ( tlrools. Ihenco south on cenler
llnuof I wentleth street tocenterof I.oaven
worth street , thcnco west on center llnt > of
l.oavonwonh strnel lo cenler tit Twenty-fifth
slreet , thencu north on center ilnuuf Twenty-
Ilflh street to center of St Mary's avenue ,
thence we > t on uontur line of M. Mary's uve-
nuo lo cenler ot 'I wenty-llf th vonn" . ihenco
norlh on center ilnuuf Tnonty-llflh avenuoto
cenlerof Harney street , tlienco sa t on center
Hue of llarnor street to center of Tnentleth
alreot , Ihu of beginning.
Beginning at the Intersection of Seventeenth
and Harney streets , thence south on center
line of So\cnteenlh slraul to center of St.
Mnrv's avenue , thcnco west on the center line
of fct , Mary's iivcnno to pouter of Twentieth
street , thonro norlh on cunler line ot
rwontlolh street lo cenlorof liirnt-y slreet ,
thence weston center llnu of Harnoy streut to
center ot Twenty-sixth street.thence north on
center line of Twcnty-slxlh - < treot to renter of
I'arnam street , lliencu cist oti center line of
Furnam stieet to comer of Mnelcenih slreel ,
ihenco south on center line of .Nineteenth
street to cenler ot lluinev slrcpl , Ihenco ca < l
onecnier.lnu of Harney street lo center of
lovcnicunlb strcot , thu place of beginning.
Dos inn Int ; at the intersection ot Pi.xleenlh
and Jackson streets , thence boulh ou center
llnoof SIvtecntu street lo Iho conlerof l.oav-
ennorth streut , tlienee weston center line of
LeavoiiKortli street to center of Twentieth
street , thenuo noith on center line ot Twenti
eth slreol to center of &L Mary's avenue ,
thenqo east on the center line of St. Mary's
uvenuo loccnlerot Eizhtecnlh street , thence
south on center line of Eighteenth slreet lo
renter of Jackson .sireei , Ihunco east on cen
ter line of JucUiOii stroetto center of Six
teenth street , the place ot beginning.
Beginning at Iho Intorsoctlon ot FIfteenlh
und Howard streets , thence south on Iho cen
ter line of Fltteenth street to the center o. '
Loavenworth street , thence weston the cenler
.Ino of Leavenworth street to the cenlorof
Sixteenth sireei , ihenco north on Iho center
line of Sixteenth street to the conler of .lack-
sou street , thence west on Hie center line of
Jackson slreet to the coaler oi Elghleenth
slreeU thence north on tbo center luioof
Eighteenth street to the center oftMury's !
avenue , thence east on the ceulor line of St.
Marv's avenue and llowurd street to the cen
ter of Fittcunth street the plnco of beginning.
Commencing at the northeast corner of the
city limits , thence west on tlie city limits to
I'wentleth street , thence south ontheconlor
llnoof Twenlielh street to tlm center of Em
met street , thence east on Emmet street to
eastern boundary ot the city , thence north on
the eastern boundary to the place of begin
Commencing at the Intersection of Twenti
eth and Kimnot streets , thence east on the
center line of Emmot streut to the eastern
boundary of the city , ihenco south to the
eastern boundary ot the eltv to a point In
line with Ohio street , thencu west on the
center line of Ohio street to Twentieth street ,
tbence norlh on the cenler line of Twentieth
streel to tbo place of Beginning.
Commencing utiho Intersection of Twenti
eth and Ohio streets thence o.iston the cunler
line of Ohio street to the eastern boundary of
ihu city , thcnco south on the uuiiorn bounda
ry of the city to a point in line with Ilurdetto
sireei , thence west on the center line of Hur-
Uetto streut to Twentieth slreet. ihunco north
on the center line of Twentieth streut to the
place of beginning.
Commencing nt the intersection of Twenti
eth und Ilurdetto stieeta. thence oust on the
center line of Ilurdetto street and the line run
ning east from Itnrdulta slrcot to thu cltv
limits on the east , thence south on the eastern
boundary of the cliy llnills lo a point In line
with Omrk street , thcuce weston the center
Hue of Clark street to the conlerof Nine
teenth street , thence north on ihe center of
Nineteenth slreet to the norlh line of E. V.
smith's additionthcnco west on the north line
of E. V. tiiaitU'i addition to thu center of
Twentieth atreot , thence north on the ceuler
of Twentieth street to the place of beginning.
Commencing nt the Intersocllon of Nine
teenth and Clark streeis , thence east on the
center line ot Clnrk slrcel to the eastern
boundary ut iho city , ihunco south on the
oustein boundary of me city to a , point in line
with 1'nul street , thence west un the lint
runnlni into 1'aul .street lo ihe Intersection ol
Nineteenth unit 1'aul si roc is. and I hence nortli
on Ihc cenlor line of Mneteenlh siroot tc
thu pluce of beginning.
Commencing ut the Intersecllcn of Nine-
leenlb und I'uul sireels , in once uast on ihc
cenlor llnu of Paul Hlrcet und u line continued
from I'anl slroet lo the custom boundary ol
the oily , thuncu south on tlio oustorn hound-
nry of Ihe city to a point In line with Nicholas
utreot , thenc-3 weston the comer Una uf Nicholas
las Hiree' . lo iho Inturaeciljn of Nlnoleenll
and Nicholas streets , ihuncu north on ihu cen
lor Hnu of Nineteenth strcot to ihu pluco oi
beginmu. ' . .
Commencing at the Inlerscotlon of Nine
teenth und Nicholas streeis , ihenco east oi :
the. center line of Nicholas street to thu cast'
urn boundary of thu olty. tnenco soulh on iht
eastern boundary line of the city lo u point Ii
line with Cumin-street , thence wiiit on thi
conlor line of Cuiclm ; lri > ul lo iho intarsoc-
lion uf t-uvcnluentli and Cumins streets ,
ihenco south on iho cenler line uf Sovonlcunll
slrc-cl to the interaction nf S-oveiituenlh uni
llurtstrcels. llionce wen ou tlieeenler line ol
Hurt street to the cenler uf Nineteenth slreet
and thence norlh on ihu center Hnu of Nine
luunlli street lo Ihu place uf bo-jinnlng.
i Commencing ut llio Intersection of Nine
lueutn und Hurt streets , itiuiico uant on Ml
cenler llnuof Hurt trootto thu center llnoo
jjeventecnth strseu tlienco north un llio cun
lor llnu -ovemeenth street lu llio cento
llnu of Unmln.1 slreol , ihenco uu t un C'uinlni
ntrcel ml ou u line oust continued from Cum
UIK hi reel to the ousiorn boundary uf llio et :
limits , thence south on tlio eastern tioundur
line uf thu t'.ly to u point in line v - |
Hurl streel , lliuncu west nn tlio center llnu u
lluri slrtut lo Ihu comer of Sixteenth street
ihencusuuin un Iho center line nf Sixtoenl
slrcel lo ihe cunlt-rut Wuhslur Mreot. thenc
nusl un Iho eentor llnu uf Wobslur alruul l
the center uf N neiecnlh Mreot. xnenco nort
un llio cenler uf Ninutoealh slreet tu 111
piaco nt boxlnuing ,
Conimcnclngul llio litcr : eelion of Pixloonl
nnil Hurt slreol * . ihimco oat I onlhectmlc
llnoof Hurl street und un u line east con
llnued from Hurl atruot tu iho oaslcrn hDiiml
nry of tlm city. Ihuiico soulh un tnoousiuri
bounuury of iliocliv lo u point In line wit
Hie conler of Das' ) streel , ihenco wcsl on Hi
ccnler < > f Ca ilrt-et lo iho Inter.rc-llon ci
I'illeonlli nnd I'jks Uroeu. thont-e north u
the cuntor of r'lfluentb btrt'ut iu Hi
center ufVobitor treeu thenc
0at un the center of Ucbsler sin-i
to tbs cunler uf Blxieentli stree
if thence norlli on thu center of fclxieeiilh blrec
if to the pl&co ut hcglunlng.
Commencing at the Intersection of
teonlti and Wubster ttieuts , iht-ucu east o
the renter llnu of Welmer slrcu' to the cunt <
of Klfleiintb slreeU Ihunco wiulli on Ihu conli
otl'ltlceulh strcul lo tlio center ofChicas
streel , thence \\est on the center Hnu of Oh
cazo utreot lo ihe center of t'oventceut
sireei and thonuo nortli on thn ranier <
boveu'.eonth struct 10 thu place cf beg.nnlu.
Cummanclng at the Intersection of Nlm
Icentli and \Vebst r streets , tbenoouast on U
center line of Webster slreet to thuvunter i
buvenleenth street , thencu south ontliucei
ter line of Se\cnteentH slreet to Iho center <
Chicago streel. thuncu tu-si on thu cunler Hi
ot Chlc.iKO sireri lo tbovunior of Ninulceiii
street , tbtinco north ou Iho center ot Nln
tci-nth streel to ihu pu
Jlcglnuinz althu center oITweutlelh lire
and norlh oily llmltn , thenoo wmt on north
olty limit * to the center ot Thirty-third itrepl
< nende < l , thence south to the center ol
Hpraguo street , thenoo catt to the cooler ot
Twentieth sirpol , thoneo north to plaoo of
Hcjlnnlne at the center of Thirty-third
street oximulp.l and Uio north oltr limits.
tiipnco wpst to the wcit city limit' , thenoo
south to the center of Pratt slreet cxlondod ,
thcnea past to center of Thiriv-slxth streel ,
llieuco norlh lo the confer ot ntnitiio slrept ,
thence vast to tne ccnler of Thlrtr-lhird
trcot , thenoo north to the plico ot beginning.
Ilcglnnlng nt the tntor eollon nt Thirty-
sixth and Pr.itt streets , thence won on tno
centerof Pratt < trcet to the weU city limits ,
thence south lo Mavno street , thoiico east on
the center llnoof Mnyno street tolhopentrr
of Thirty-sixth street , Ihenco nortn to the
place of beginning.
Ilotlnnlng at the ccnler ot Sorague and
TwiwiHoth slfcoK , thence west lo the cantor
of Thlrty-slxlh street , tlipnco south to the
conlorot Honlovarrt arpuuo. thcnco cist to
the cpnter of Thlriiolh streol , Ihunco nortli to
the cuntor of Bristol street , thence east to Iho
center of Twenty-fourth street , theiico north
to tliH cjntor of Km mot slrecu thunco e-ist to
Iho center of Tnonlleth stival , lliunco north
to the place ot beginning.
virrii until ICT.
lleilnnliu at the Intersection ot Twentieth
anil Kmiiict streets , thence wc < t to the center
utTwonlr-tourlli sireei , thrnco smith to the
ccnlflr of ItrUtui street , thcnca west to Iho
center of Thlrllnth street , thence outh to the
ivnler of llonlevnr.l avenue. Ihenea west lo
tin center of Thlrtylxthslreot. . thenoo soutli
lo Ihc ccnler of LotutiroPt p.xmmled ,
thence uast to the cenler of Twentieth street ,
lliuncu north to thu place of boxuinliig.
Hezlnnlng at the InlonectUmnf Thirty-first
and liocuit strpots uxlenJed. thence weit lo
thu rcntorof Thli ly-slxlh troal , ihenco south
to I ho center of uwurd streut , tlipnco east to
the conlor of I'nlrly first ilrcet. tnence norlh
to lueconlurof Itlundo street , thoncu o ; < t to
ihoconturof Thirtieth streut. thunco norlh lo
llio center ot l.ako strnol , tni-ncu we < t ID the
center of Thlrly-tlm ttrool , theuco norlh lo
Iho place of beginning ,
Iloilnulng at the InlorsBollon ot txicust and
Twnnllolh streets , thence west tn thu cenler
uf Tnlrtv-flrn mn < at , thunco south ti ) the ecu-
tnr of IjaUo street , thence u ist lo tno center
of Twentieth streut. Ihenco nurlli to the place
of beginning.
llcglunlng nt the Intertei-llon ot Twenty-
tlflh and I.sko streets thonci- west to the cen
ter ot Thirtieth street , thuticu stnitli to the
cenler of lllonmt street , thence oasttotho
centerof Twenty-llfth stroet. thonio north to
thccunlerot Lake street , the pluco ot begin
llpzlnnlnz at the center of Twentieth and streets , thence we t to the center of
rwonlv-llfth street , thence south to the con
ler of Hlondo slreut. thenoi1 emt u > the cvntur
or Twenly-fourlh slrcct Ihence sciillh lo Ihe
center of Grace strcol. Ihenco easl lo the cen
terof Nineteenth street , thence nortli to the
north line of K. V. Smith's addition , tlu-nce
wmt to the center of Tncntloth street , thence
north lo the place of bi-xlnnln : .
llolnnlng at tbo Intersection of ( Hondo and
1 uunlr-Sixlh struels , ihoncu west lo mo cen
ter of Thlrir-Uist slreot , thencu souih to Hit-
cenlor of Howard strcol , llioiu-o uast to the
oenterof Twenty-sixth street , thoncu north to
the center ot Hlondo slreut. the placu ot be
Ueglnnlng at the Interseclion of Twenty-
third an I ( irico Hlroels , thenoo west to the
onlorof Twenty-fourih slreot , ihoneo norll
to the cenler ot Hlondo struct , thence woitto
the center of Tw only-sixth slreet , theuco
south to the center of inward street , thencu
east to the center of Twenty-third street
tbence north to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the Interaction ot Nineteenth
and Uracu streets , thencu west to the center
of Twenty-third Mrcol , thoncu soulh to cenler
ot yeward street , thence east to Twenly-flrsl
- > treet. thence south tocenterof Gbarlea street
thence east to center of Niuult-cnlh slreol ,
ihenco norlh 10 place nt beginning.
riusT niSTiiiCT.
Commencing at the Intersection of Park
ivcnuo and Leaveiiworth street , thence soulh
to the center of PaoIUo slroet , thencu east lo
ihe center of Twenty-fourth street , thence
north lo the cenlerof Lea veil worth stroetantl
then west lo iho center of I'ark avenue , the
place uf beginning.
Commencing at tlio intersection of Park ave
nue and Pacific streut , thenou south to the
' . enter \Voolworlh avenue. Ihence uast to
i ho conlcr of Twenty-fourth street , thence
north to the center of I'.icinc streot. tliunco
ivest to the center of I'ark uvenuo , the placu
ut beginning.
Commonolng at llio Interaction of Park av
enue \Voohvortli avenue. Ihunco south to
Kd Orelnh'.on avonuo. thence unt to thc < cen
terof Twenty-fourth slreet , thence north lethe
the center of Woolworth avonuo. und thunce
vrubl to the center ot Park avenue.
Commencing nt the Intersection of Thlrty-
second and Kd Crelghlon uouuo , Ihenco soulh
iu iho center of Oak street , thuncu uast to the
L'nion I'acltlo railroad tracks , thcnco north on
I'nlou Paclllc rallro id tracks to thu eon tor uf
Kd Crolghton avonuo. thence west to the cen
lor of Thirty-second street , the place of bogln-
Commencing nt the Intersection of Twenty-
fourth street and Kd Cralghton avonuu.thonco
west to the Union Puelflc railroad tracks ,
thence soulh on the Union Paclllc ratiroad
tracks to thu center of Oik stroet.lhence west
to thocenter of Thirty-second avenuo. thcnco
north on Thirty-second avenue to iho conler
uf Wright street , IhoncG west to the canter ot
Itallou avenue , ihcncu south to olty limits ,
ihenco east on city limit * to the center of
Twenty-fourth street , thence north to thn
center of Kd Crclghton avenue , the pluoe of
beginning ,
Commonolng at tlio Inicrsocllon of Thlrly-
slxth and I.eavo'iworth streets , ihenco soulh
lo iho conlor of Conlor , lliencu east lo iho con
lor of I'ark nvonuo. thcnco north to the center
uf Leavonwurth street , thonoo west to the
eenterof Thirty-sixth , thupl.icoof boglnnlng
Commonelng nt the intersection of Thirty-
slxlh and l.ouvonworlh e t reels , thcnr-o soulh
to the center of Cenler street , lliencu eiisl in
the center of Twenty-ninth avenue , south to
ihe center of Kd Crel.'hum uvenuo , west to
tjo cenlt-r of Thlity--.ecund avoniio. ihoncc
-outh to iho contur uf Wright street , thence
west to the center of llallou avenue , thence
oiuthtolho olty Hintls , tbenco west on tilt
n ulh cllv limit * to west cllyiinilu. Ihence
.orlh lo llio conlor of Lcavrnwonh street
ihenco oust lo iho ccnler of Thirly-nlxlli
slreol , to the pturo of ho.Inning.
rlllST DISTniCT.
C'ommonclng nt iho intersection of Thlrllelti
ind toward slreitM , ihenco uas > l lu Die contei
f Twouty-flftli , Ureol , iheucu soiitli iu Hu
Jt-nli'rof Indian' ivenuo , tUunco woil to tin1
unlor of Tncnlyseirantn sln-ui , thence uorlli
to Hamilton slr st , th ? ni-u west tulhucontoi
jf Thlrllolli slreet , thencu norlh lo lliu pluu
f he rlnulng.
Oommenclni at the mleritecllon of Thirty ,
flfth and Sow rd ; lreots , tlioucu oust to tnc
uunlor of Twenly-suconil Btroet , ihenco soulli
iu Ihe oenlorof Ouniln : Elroot , thence west u
Hie nentur of Twenty-fourtli utrret , thenci
north lo tbo eonlerof Jndlaua uvuiiuc. thenci
wust to thu cnnter of Tnenty-tlfth struul
Ihenco norlh to the pluco of be jluiiln/ .
Commonolng ill Hit' Intorsoellon nf Twenly-
-.ecoiij und > uwiinl Hlrucls , thoncu ua tto tin
outer of Twenty-first struct. Ihunco south Ii
ihu cenicr 'if ( ; li.irii-i. street , thenc1) uast ui tin
cenlor of Ninoteoiith street , ihunca houlh K
ihu center of Cumin , ; street , l hence west ii
lliucoiucr of Tweiity-iocoml ttect , ibcnci
norlh to Ihu place uf buxlnnini ; ,
CommciicliiK al llio Intursecllon of 'thlrlloll
itud Humlluin strcuts , ihencu oisl to tin
cunurof Twuniy-soionlbbiruel , ihoneo souil
lu Iho cunler of Indiana avenuo. thence \tut
to Iho cantor "f Twonly-suvonlh avenue
thence sutith lo Ihoct-nlor uf Callfoi tilu slreol
tlienco east lo Iho center of Tciuy-i\tl
troot. Ihence bouth to the confer of Chteasi
ntreel , tlienco Men to llio center of Thirl.ell
Blrtrct. IhtruCK nortli to thu plauu ot I '
Ciiniinenclnz ui lliu Inleriuctlon nf Twenty
seventh avuniio and InUiuii.i uvtniicthoiic
east lo thu cunlrr of 1 wenlvfoiirili slreu-l
thence soulh to the renter f C'uming strooi
thence wet to thu cuiilur nf Twunly-sovunll
avenuo. lliuncu norlh ui lliu place of boxln
SIXTH nitriilCT ,
Cummcnrlnz nt llio liiloroovllon of Twenty
boveiith ttvunuo mid Cumin. liuet , tlienc
rust to ihu cenlerof Nineteenth street , thorn-
.soulh to tlio center of Webster street , tlionr
west lo the center of Twonti-fourth sireui
thcnco south lolLeconluruf California strve
lliuncu wu t to iho cunler of Twenly-sevonl
uvei.ue lhencu iitirin lo the place of begin
Commencing at the Intersection of 23tli an
California 81 reels , IbeucuoiM to lluiceiilor c
TMunljr-fuurtli tlrcol , ihenuu iiurlli u > Hi
cenleruf Wubuler street , ilionco east to tli
cenleruf Nlnoleonlh UrooL , thoncu south t
the ccnler of Chicago , ituincu wol to II
cunl < smt Twi'nty-stxlh tiruol , iheucu norl
to the place ot beginning.
NlVril WAKD.
Commenolnz at the Intersection ol Tblrtlol
and auard treels , tbobce west to ihu ceuli
CI ofThlrlli-slxlh lruat , thence north toll
enter of Mnyno slrpl. Ibnnpfl wo l to lh
renlerof Picsunt slrcpt , thoneo RoMh to tin
center of Wplxtcr sin > Pt nxlrn lot ] , thsne *
cast to tlie renter of TblrtlntH ttr * t , lhfnc
north tfftho pUce ot bcjrlnnlnr.
Commenclnr at the Intonectlon of M yn
and Pioisint < trcot . thenpn wp t lo the city
Imlti. ihcncu soulh totho center of Mcrcor
atoiiuc. thenre p t tn the center ot l'irm n
strcot , thcnco north to Iho p , tics of bcgnnln .
Commenoln * at the Intorsccllonof Ciimlnx
* nd i'lcasant strpoti. Ihenco wnil totho city
ImlH. thrnc soutL on city HmlM to thp con-
pr line it l.f > vcn nrth slreet thcnco ea t to
he center of P ois.-vnt street , theuco north lo
llio place of bednninc.
Op'umpnclng nt thn Intersection of Tlitrlletb
\\eliitorstroots. . thence e l tothocpnter
Ine ot I'lemnt slreot , Ihcnco south lo Iho
center no of IMdgo irf el , thence east lo the
conlerllnoof Twoniyotcnth avenue , thpnce
iprlh lo Uio ccnler line of Chicago slr oU
Iheuco west lo the ppntpr line of Thirtieth
slreot. thcuce north lo Iho place of beginning.
Commencing M the Intersection of Twonty-
alglilhnnd Muilco strpnu , thence wc t Hi Iho
center Hno of I'lcitvit slrpet thence soulh lo
Ihoconlorof H-ilMlowird slrcpU thence oitt
ui the center of Twonty-olchlh Mreot , ihfiica
uotlh to thu place of beginning.
Commencing at tlo tnt r nctlOi ! of Tnonly-
olghlhnnd Half-Howanl iircels , thence weit
to the cenlcrof P fasant slreet. thence noitth
to the conlprof I.oavenworth itrpdl , thonro
fast tu thu cantor ot Twtmtyelbin street ,
thence north to Iho place of ooslnnlni ; .
rimr wjiiio
1st Dlslrlol K corner 7th and Marey
strecl' .
Sml nivtrlcl-N corner Slh and I.oavoa-
worth itrt-el'V
ard District X K corner ISth and Jono
Uh IMstrcl E corner nih aid Orst alloy
south of 1'lerc" streel.
'lib Ulstricl-X.irlh ldo of PactHc strcot between -
tweon Cth imil Tib strvt'l * .
Ctb UislrlotKait slJo ot Oth street noir
soulh of ) Paclllf slreet ,
' ' .V.01"8 ' ' E uuriiora' l' rk WHd avunuti
and \\llllam stn-ut ,
8lh Hlsirlol 8 W corner lOih and Hickory
lllh llstrlcl-S ) > S' corner Clh anil Center
st roots.
luth District XV corner Oth und llancroft
llth DIstrlct-N i : corner taih and Vlnlon
1st District X W corner lith and Jones
and IHstrlct-X W corner I3th and Paclfla
ara District S W corner ISth and I.navcn-
worlh siroiils.
4th DisirlPt-S W corner SJth und l.oaveu-
worlh slroels.
Slh I ) sirlci-S E corner Jd and Loavcn-
wortb streotH.
tilh Hlstr.ot Kist sldo of South J3tb street ,
oppusltn Popplclon are.
7th District S K corner ICth and Plorco
Mh llstrlct-S ) K corner llth nnd William
9th District N E corner Sl.xlponlh and Con-
Mlh District X W corner 2th ; and Dorcn
lith H.slrlcl-S E cornorSOlh and llancroft
i''lh District X E corner ISth and Vlntoa
13lh Dlslrlot-S W corner 13la and Valley
lllh District N EcornorUJth And Ilouluvard
1st D'strlct-S ' W corner 12th and Chicago
Sd District X W corner Uth and D.tvonport
ad District-South sldo of Capllol avenue
nuar ( west of ) Wth stroot.
4th District West side of 12th slreol , between -
tween Douglas and Dodce streets.
Stli District X E corner luth and Capital
Uth District X E corner Oth and Harnoy
7th ulslrlct-S E corner llth and Douzlat
Sth District N E corner 13th and Jackson
street * .
Ulh Dlstrlct-8 E corner lOlh and Howard
Isl District N W corner 17th and Davenport
' 'nd Dlslrlcl N W corner 2Jnd and Davenport
3rd District N W corner 15th and Dodga
4lh HIstrlct-N E corner 17th and Iode
3lh District N E corner 17th and Harnoy
si reels.
Uth Ilstrlct-N corner 20th and Douglai
7ih I > Istilct-X W corner C6th street and St.
lary's avenue.
Stb Hist rlcl S W corner 20th slreot und St.
Mary's avenuo.
Bib Dislriol-E-isl sldo of tfouth 10th street ,
lutwecn Harnoy street and St. .Mary's avenue ,
lUih District X W corner ISth andLoivon-
worih street- , .
llth District S W corner 17th street and St ,
Mjry a uvouue.
1st District East sUoot Sherman avenue
ippoilte Mnmlerson strout.
-'nd Hlslrlct S K corner Sherman avenue
.ind Wlrt street ,
Jrd Dl-tnot riV corner Shnrman uvcnue
and IIKO : street.
4th District N W corner Sherman avenue
ind Grucu streot.
Slh District S W corner 17th mid Charlei
Oth Diilrlct East sldo of Shorm an avenue
iloutil : ) feet nortli of Nicholas street.
7lh Dlsirlut 3 E coruur 18th and l/.ard
rith District X W corner 16th and Uurl
Ulh District X E corner Uth and Oasi
lOih Dlstncl East side North 17th street bo-
iwoen California and CHSS slroets.
lllh District S K corner 18lh and G.ISI
1st District S I'corner "Un strcol nnd Amci
2nd District 3 W corner 2Cth utrcel and
iJrand avenue.
: ird District N K corner 43th anil Grant
4lh Dlslrlct S W corner"Ith and MnnOorson
5lh District SK corner 2Uh nnd Wlrt it roots.
Bin District H W corner Mnl and I'arKor
7th Dlslrlct N W corner 24lb nud Corby
olh Dlslrict N E corner SMh and liurdetto
Mil District N n corner 2nd and Grail *
it roots.
I ah Dlslrlcl NV corner 23lh and Krantdlu
lllh Dlslrlct-S W corner 24tli and Franklin
r.'lh Dlslrlot-B W cornur 'JJnd and Clarlc
1st District S W corner i'sih and .Mason
2nd District N E corner i'Jtli avenue and
Popoloton HVI-IIUO.
: ird District S W cantor Mill slreet aud
Woolworth avonuo.
nil District N W corner iOth strcot and
Arbor slreou
Mb Dlslrlot South sldo of Vlnton street
nuar ( ust uf ) south ' M avenue.
( ili ) Dlslrlct H n corner JWth avenue aad
Popplulou avenuo.
7ln Dlslrlot N Vt corner 3ltb r.nd I'rnncls
Isl District Kust ulilu of'Otli streel near
( soulh nf > Charts stri'et.
Jnl Dlslrlct Wust side of 23d ttrecl nuar
( ooulhol ) 1'aul street.
arl Diilrlcl N W oornor Mlh anii Nicholas
4ih District N K corner 20lh nd Cunilo ;
Stli DUlrlct West sldo of North 23th street
near inortli of ) Cumin. ulrt-ot.
Clh Dlslrlcl S Kcoriior M und Hurt streets.
ith Disirlcl-S W corner WHi and
lit Dulrlcl-S W corner U7d and Cnmliu
I'd Dlitrlct N W corner -lOtli and Oumlng
ad District N K corner iOlii and I'arnam
4th Dlslrlct North ! uo ot Davenport tired
ne < irwust of ) Norlh J2J uvonua
filh UHirlci a K rumor 31st avenue and
Dodi'o strouU
Clh Dlslrlct S W corner 9lli avenue and
Juck.ou ktruut ,
Tuniday. October II , Is/J.
Wednesday , Ujtouur IU. ISOi
Thursday , Oclober VI. I"U. .
Friday , November 4. Ib'jJ.
fc-aturuuy , Novemt-crS , IfflC.
CIKOIIQR 5' . IlEillB.
Mityorol ihuC'Hy of Oinahi.
Att t : JOHN UuovKit ,
Clerk of thu City of Omiha.
The I'henouicnal riir lrlan , Tficlier nuil Aulhor.
, will U'inU iitjcbuuiulrirluiiujrtlruuianil utliuri
t CDalilatli inludlaini > ili ill uoji Una iilio Ilia
curatlranKviii wllbuu tmkiiu nunlloni. Lnmuor
iil a lock uf li lr wlih HA > J unU Imiotlili demon-
ral < Ml TJIK UVriUK.
1S X.IHh it. lit. JOHA SHELUV , I'M * .