Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Succcssfnl Mtwt Follow -
Hnraan Liver , to Bo (
low the Guidance of tbo Almighty.
Jtor. Dr. Krtiin of Sclin'jlnr IlUcounic * Klo
qtiontly on the > ccc lty of HiivliiR
' ' mill "
a 1'upil I'urpmo
lIlRli Stnmlnril.
The communicants , as well as the worldly
people who attended church at Trinity
cathedral yostcrdiy inornine , heard a care
fully digested sermon by llev. Ur. Krum of
Hclmylcr , who , in the ubsonco of Dean
Gardner , filled tbo pulpit.
Dr. Krum Is a scholarly Rcntleman , rlpo lu
years , u llucnt sneukcr , and poisesscs the
faculty of presenting the truths In nu easy
and forcible style , carrying conviction to his
bearers in a convincing manner. His text
urns from Hxodus 85 : ! ! ) : "And loon that
thou raako them after their pattern that was
showed tlico in the mount. "
In discussing the text the eloquent Rcntlo-
man said :
"In the first place \vo cannot fall to see
Gocl'd high estimate of the Importance of our
doing oar work after n llxcd plan. Wo can
trace this lesson , which God deslros wo
houla learn , In whichever direction wo
turn our ovcs. Wo see It in nature , livery-
where there Is the reality of a plan before
the exhibition of It Is made to Us. Thcro are
no piantlcss seeds in nature. Plant any scoa
this year and it will yield Its product in Us
'kind. Plant the same kind of seed next year ,
and on through Iho longest succession of
years , and it will do the same. It will go
. through the same unehitnglnt ? process of
starting the germ , bursting the shell , grow
ing and ripening , showing beyond all
doubt tlml tlio llfo of the seed has
a plan which it rlpldly follows In Its work.
Wo llnd the same lesson as wo look oat upon
the earth , or up to the skies. Wo witness the
changes of day ana night ; the succession of
the seasons ; the motion of the slurs ; Iho
movements of the planets. There is no caprlco
in them all. Instead of that , they are mantcd
by the most unfailing io ulnrity ; the ua.v ,
the hour , the moment of tiny yeai when tbo
nun .shall cross tlio tlxcd line , when it will
pass lute nn ecllpsp , when the comet will re
turn from Its long lllpht to the place where
its flaming brightness was last seen in the
sky , when the lidos will rise nna when they
will ebb can bo llxed by caluulutlon with entire -
tire certainty.
Urciit Men Ilavo Tlxcil I'lnns.
"This same truth is fastened In the mind
by tbo manner In which the man who qtiln
the greatest success in the world , ana who
1mvo helped to rniso It to the Utah civilisa
tion It has reached nnd have lllled it with
the grand triumphs which It has gained over
tbo forces of nature nnd have ruado It illus
trious with its works of science , art nnd
Benevolence. They felt that they had work
to do , they did that work alter a clearly
formed plan , they never shot au aimless
arrow , they , never stnum n bow without
dlrcctlne an nirow to the iioint they wanted
to hit. They drew the lines along the course
on which they would work nnd then they
stralgutly followed them.
"In having such a plan there is untold nd-
vnntago , for U saves n loss of time which
must otherwise be taken up in going back
nnd correcting mistakes ; it gives In tenseness
to the purpose ; it keeps men fnr nwny from
the shlfllcsMiess which is another immo for
ulmlcssncss ; it makes thorn icol down Into
tbo depths nnd out to thu farthest rim of
their being , that the results they will reach
tomorrow may depend upon the results they
gain today , binding the past , the prespnt nnd
tbo future together , and making each u part
of the ono great Held they uro to occupy un
til the Lord , who has sot them ID their places ,
comes to call them to give un account of tlio
manner In which they have used the talent
Ho has entrusted to them.
"And so , when God calls uoon us to do n
work , Ho gives us n plan for it , n pattern
Which wo uro to follow In doing It ; Ilo takes
us uo Into some high mount of our Doing ,
whoio only Ilo and ourselves uro together
and in the consultation of our souls with our
Mukor , Ho unfolds His nlu.i , which wo must
maito our plan. Others miiy know nothing
of It , but God and wo know what It Is , what
our work is nnd what the pattern after wha !
wo aio to do our work is.
Mil1 Follow lllvlno tiiilcliinco.
"I think that you will see that the trx
leaches us that wo may do un earthly work
after nn heavenly plan.
There was something very material it :
the work that Moses was to do nftor thi
pattern was showed him In the mount ; i
was getting out posts nnd plnnks and hiving
them framed together ; havinc the Miins o
uhccp tanned and their wool colored ; wcav
ing curtains and making fringes ; bcutlcg
out gold and hammering It into rings am
plates and then putting the whole togotnc
to make tun tabernacle In which God shoul
uo worshlnped us u spirit , in spirit and i
"Tho worship of God was to bo rondorot
to him after n heavenly pattern also , bu
Moses did not make n dllTeronco botwcci
the Worship nnd the building of the tabcr
naclo lu which the worship was to bo offered
to God. Ilo did not say : 'Hero is the war
hip of the nigh and Holy one , whose mitn
is Holy ; wo must offer that after the pattern
thnt God hus given , ' but , 'hero is the work
of building Iho tabernacle , that wo may do
after an ourthly pattern. '
"I do not know what ho might have done
if this command had not been given him , bur/
with thnt command coming to him in such
clearness , ho did it after the heavenly plan ,
making nn difference batwceu the spiritual
and the material ,
" 1 venture the statement that the great
error of men In tholr won ; U found at Just
this point. They practice n kind of vivi
section In their own being ; they draw n line
of distinction between their spiritual and
thulimaturlul work ; thov sny there Is too
spiritual und there Is Gnd'.i wont. Wo must
follow Iho directions that Ho hus given u ? .
that they may ho accepted by lilin. But
thors Is our earthly matorlal.ovury day worn ,
that , vo may do after our own earth'ly plan
instead of tliu bouvcnly. Hut no inoro for
the spiritual than lor the material has God
1'lven ui u pattern. No man can bay that
God has not clvon him a tut tern for bis life ,
for all of the works in which wo may engage
Cod bus given us a pattern which wo must
follow , and down through it all. even to eat
ing and drinking , wo must do all to the glory
of God. Livinir , wo muse llvo to the Lord :
dying , we must die tu Iho Lord , so that
whether wo live or die wo may bo the Lord's.
This will bo working un to God's ' plan.
I'liin llroiully , l.ivo llriiiully.
"Tho man who takes large views , who en
gages in great worlcs Is always sure to no-
vompllsh uroat things In lifn ; ho makes the
most of blmsolf , whtlo tlio man whoso views
are narrow and limited only undertakes iittlo
tbingi , accomplishing Iittlo and dwarfing his
powers. Ills better to llvo on Iho short arc
of it great clrelo than on u clrolo drawn bv
the same line ; It is bettor to lee it bovond the
present und gaze into the dlbtanco that
stretches bcforo than to confine our views
ton day ; wo should not couflno our la
bors , our prayers or our bcnovoionco to the
little gphcro In whlcn wo are living and mov
ing , but should plvo them a bweep that
would bo world-wldo. Tbo truth will fasten
itself in our being that present results al
ways boar In Uioni meager success.
"Wo ahould look moro to the futur tuano
to tha present. Eternity will rise up before
us In Its trim relations and proportions. Our
works tmi.v have on eternal duration und an
eternal Influence , dim ( hen when death comes
to us und itops tbo thinking of the brain ,
tbo boating of the heart , tbo moving of the
hand , our Influence ) will still bo felt and out
work wilt still go on. Our work Is tu form
characters that will make us moot for the In-
herltnnco of the saints in light uml that will
iiinuo us In the comnletest s > enso workers
with God In the rodoinpUon of the earth
from sin. And if in our service of the Lord ,
If in our labors , our prayurs or our bonovol
cncc wo fall to roach and measure the pur
poxo pf God's moruv for a world lying In
\vloncducss wo are tint making our worli
after tbo pattern that was showed u . And
iu our whole course of living If wo do not
look bovond the present and throw upon the
dttrkncss and tbo clouds that settle over u :
In time that eternity itrotchet boyona , If we
lire not lutluoucad by the tUought that oui
acts have a moaning that I * moinnrod only
by olcrnlly , if wo do not feel that wo are
hero taking stops , whoso forms wo shall see
nln , wo shall not work after tlio pattern of
the heavenly which God ha shown wV'
o.v not NO uooi ) .
I'nstor SnrlilRO nine-oilmen nn the Iinpor-
tuncn odJmtiifHllnto Action.
Hev. Charles W. Savldgc proitchod M the
People's church yesterday morning on "Do-
Ing Good to All Men. " Ho took as his text
Gatatlniu , 0 , x. : "As wo have therefore op
portunity , lot us do iroad to all mnn , ospe-
cTally unto them who are of the household of
faith. "
Tlio speaker hold that it wai a hopolois
tiisu to go out to do Bood without prepara
tion , ns it was lllto rolnp to war without n
gun. Ton work of preparation was plainly
shown to bo faith , love and Iho Holy Ghost ,
nnd the worker who hud the three was a
"In this church. " said the reverend
sneaker , "many of us have boon asking the
Lord to baptize us with the Holy Ghost for
service , but this thought tins coma to mo
lately -Sod Is not apt to glvo us moro power
till \v ) use what wo havo. An old rusty
musket loaded nnd find in the boat eft ho
battle Is better than n bright sword u > n
scabbard. Lotus try harder than o\ > * 'OR-
fora to do men good in the coming year. < . < tt
us have as our great aim the n.ilvallon c ' Uo
soul , but remember that tbo soul 1 rfl-
times reached through tbo body. An uct of
Kindness In the tlmo of need la longer re
membered than n finished oration. The text
tells us to whom wo are to do good. First
to Iho household of faith , then to nil men.
It is divine to do this , for the rain falls nlllto
on the Just and the unjust. Wo want a
church where every raomuor Is a good Sam
aritan. You knoxv the story well. I think
It Is right to carry the story a Iittlo further
than the bible does.
" 1 think often of the poor fellow wbo was
robucd and benton , as afterward going to
the tcmplo to worship , and his oldest son
says :
" Father , who Is that man with bright
robes and magnlllcent jewels and with t-elU
' "That Is the priest who passed by on the
other sldo when 1 was hurt. '
"Aud the daughter says , 'Father , who Is
that man yonder assisting In the worship ! '
" 'Hals a theological student a Lovlte.
Ho cnnio nnd looked at mo when they thought
mo dying. '
"And the children say , ' "Father , let's go
some other place to church. '
"And 1 will tell you where I think they
will go. They will go to the church of the
good Samaritan , oven if ho worships Inn
cave. If yoj propose to do men good , do It
at oticn. Garibaldi once said that when on n
ship he saw an excellent tackle for saving
men who fell overboard. A boy fell over
board ns ho stood looking at the combination
of rapes and pulleys , and the captain or
dered the men to prepare Iho ropes. Ono
man ran up ono Udder and nnothor up an
other , but so much time was wasted that
Garibaldi became disgusted and throwing off
his coat sprang into the water. The boy
Ir.ul been sucked under the ship , but ho fol
lowed and dragged him dripping to the
shoro. And by that tlmu the men had only
succeeded In getting the tackling down even
with the deck.
"Komember 0110 tbintr , my friends , don't
wait for too much machinery to bo adjusted ,
but go to work and pull thorn out. Make up
your minds that you will do men coed as en
joined by the scriptures , nnd begin at once. "
Hon. Allen W. Field of Lincoln , nominco
foe cotigiesj from the Fim district , nnd
Cliarlcs 11. Boggs , chairman of tbo First
district congressional committee , \vero m
the city yesterday , and expressed their
satisfaction over the outlook In the south
eastern uart of the state. They ivoro cer
tain not only of the election of Mr. Kleld ,
but of Iho success of tbo cntlro republican
state ticket. They said that they found
that the election In Georgia bad had n great
dcul to do with changing the sentiment of a
largo number of people's parly votcis with
reference to the republican national ticket ,
and thnt many of them who really Dolloved
heforo that their party had some show of
doing something 'In too south , wcro now
convinced that all such reports wcro base
less , nnd that the Weaver ticket would not
carry a southern state. In view of this ,
many of tbo First district populists do not
nroposa to loud themselves to the unpleasant
job of pulling democratic chestnuts out of
the flro , and will vote for Harrison ami
It Is because of this state of affairs that
several of the local democratic leaders are
vigorously roasting their Georgia brethren.
They say that the result might have been
anticipated , and tbat the democratic leaders
In CJeorgla wcro very short-sightod In not al
lowing Iho people's party folks to eomo
pretty near currying the state , and then the
populists In the norlh would still have .clung
10 tnolr delusion regarding their supposed
prospector carrying several of the southern
states , and would nave voted the Weaver
ticket as religiously ns they would their state
tickets , which , wllh the assistance ot demo
crats , would have taken Kansas and Ne
braska out of the republican column. It is
seldom I tint grief accumulates ns rapidly ns
It hhs been doing for the democrats during
the past few days.
Hon. ! ! . 1C. Valentino came in last evening
from West Point , nnd is stopping at the
Mrs. U It. I'atton , ItoaxrorJ , III. , wrltos :
' From personal oxpprlonco I can rocomrnond
DoWltt's Sarjap.irilla , a CUM fe * 'mouro '
blood and general dabilltv "
"A llarrol of Money" opened n four nights'
engagement at the Farnam Street theater
yesterday , largo and evidently well pleased
audiences greeting both performances of the
day. The story has nothing new about It ,
but the old , old Incidents that have been
worn threadbare in tlio service of melodra
matic construction are strung together tooko
out the usual number of "sttong situations. "
Of course , the "realistic" U largely in evi
dence , and the mill scone of tbo third act
fully satisfies those who euro for those things.
Tlio company hustles through Its work In
commondaolo shupc. Ml > s ( Jama Lament U
( julto clover In the souorotla part , unit her
htruiigllng in the arms uf the strenuous vil-
llan Is no malte-bcHovc. 11 or specialty work
earns applause. Bui all the iiotors or should
It bo "artistsi" uro specialists , and the
specialties now and again leave pouso to allow
some dialogue and a little- action of tlio piny to
bo heard uuil seen. An amusing play from
whatever view or point you take , is "A
Liarrel ot Mjnoy , "
"Late to boa and oany to mow 111 shortos
tlio road to your homo In Urn skies. Hut
early to bed and "Ltttio liUrlv UUer."tQo
pill that ttuicji lltd loa.v ml ujttoruixl
Frescoing and interior dacorntlncr ; de
signs nud ostiinittoH furnished. Henry
Lohiimtin , 1608 Douglas street.
Ronl estate.
Lint-Ruins only.
My word Is good ,
W. G , Albright
l-t--a N. Y. Lifo bldg ,
Pi'otlctf i > / J\vt \ lliif * or 1-Kn uiiiJ'r Ci ( lie IU , fifty
ccn tit , f ( if/i / iii/ < jlu'iiil ( ( ' Iliif , ( I-H cf M.
\VI2L8IIAN John J. , ugod ? ti ycurs. 4 months
nniiyjlnys , October St , at B o'clouk u. in.
I' Monday iiflornoun lit ' 'o'clock from
fulnlly residence , 7ili Snitli Fortieth street-
Interment ut 1'ruapcct Hill cutnutery.
Corao Frigid Facts Ooncerning a Handsome ,
Prosperous Iowa Tbwn.
Frorr | sUc I'coploVlio Tnl o "livery Ait-
tnutncn ot Tholr XuincrotiR Opportuhl-
tlen Muimlnrtorlr * , ItiKlncnn Homes ,
Ilotrlft , Cliurclips nml School * .
GtiTiMUR CENTCH , la. , Oct. UiJ. [ Sueclnl to
Tun Hnu.J Among the progressive Jowa
towns which have attained urban proportions
tions during the uast deeado , Guthrlo Center
Is ono of the most enterprising and prosper
ous. It was laid out in l&iO On the South
Coon rlvor In Guthrlo county and is now the
county seat , with a population of 100. ; ! Dur
ing tho'paat few years Its growth has been
rapid t.nd permanent nnd Its present condi
tion Indicates i\ still moro satisfactory Hovel-
opomont In the future.
The amount of business that is transacted
in OiUurlo Center is something remarkable
for n town of Its sl/.o. This is largely duo to
Its topographical position , which makes It
the natural and desirable market for an ex
tensive surrounding territory. Its manufac
tories comprise u brick and tlio laotory , anew
now process steam llourlne mill nnd two
largo machine shops. It bat twn good news
papers , a croumorv and the best equipped
meat market in Iowa. Two hotels , supplied
with nirniodorn Improvements , uro amply
suulclont to accommodate Its transient vis
itor ? , and two banks are doing a flourishing
Us general business houses include four
conornl stores , ono oxniusivo dry goods
store , ono dry goods and clothing , flvo ox-
elusive groceries , three drue stores , two
furnlturo stores , two Implement houses , four
llvory barns , three millinery stores , four
restaurants and two hardware establish
ments. All trades and professions are
represented nmone its citf/oris and they nro
nolo to obtain ovcrvthlng they ncod within
the limits of their own city.
Its churches und publto schools are su
perior to those usually found in n city uf Its
slzo. The spires of Hvo denominations , the
Methodist Episcopal , IJaptlst , I'rosbytoriau ,
Woaleyan Methodist nnd Catholic , testify to
Iho church-going habits of its citizens , nnd
live public schools equipped with a superior
corps of teachers offer the best educational
advantages to Its children.
A litrco number of nar.dsomo residences
and substantial business blocks are now In
process of erection , which when completed
will add much to the nppoarauco ot the city.
AX A U USI'rtJl tt.TS. .
Intelligent thoater-goais who witness Clara
MorrU' performances have always been
strucK with a certain dignity of assumption ,
which Imparted nn almost tragic grandeur to
the character , which raises It far ubovo tno
surroundings given it by the author. Pos
sessing unusual Intelligence , clear und won
drous conception , adding to nor tremendous
power , she occupies a position at the very
top of the profession she adorns. Miss Mor
ris will visit Omaha for two nights only ,
commencing tonight , during which she will
give her celebrated Interpretation of Cnmillo ,
a character which she has made her own ,
and her now play , entitled "Claire , " tomor
row night.
1'atti Rosa's prestige and favor have been
largely added to In the two past seasons ; she
tias grown in an artistic sense , and her Inter
plays have been of a better grndo than those
she foimerly appeared In. Sno will bo scon
in "Dolly Vurdon" and "Miss Dixie" during
her stay at the Boyd next Friday , Saturday
and Sunday.
Take Hood'.s and only Hood's , because
Hood's Sarsaparilla cures. It possesses
marit peculiar to itself. Trv it yourself.
Leading 1'caturcH J.nstVcek on the IMIIrr-
ent Htoc'k ICxrliunccM.
LiOSDOX , Oct. 23. Yostorduy'a discount
quotations were : Three months , 2'4' ; short
1. The fact that 1,540,000 was withdrawn
from the Bunk of England for the week
endnd Wednesday last shows that tbo advance -
vance In the rates was unavoidable. Many
consider thnt I ! per cent will not suflico to
checlt the outflow , and it is anticipated that
n further advance to 4 per cent will shortly
bo made. Kussia , it Is reported , will rerjuiio
nn othur 1,000,000 and Egypt A700.000. It
is regarded as unlikely , however , that Kus
sia and Austila will press Uioh
demands if such prices involve a heavy ad
vance In raos , ns both are interested ii :
lowering the value of inonoy , seeing thai
botli want to lloat loans before the I Jan it ol
England rate is again raised. It is expected
thnt. the Bank of England will borrow 01
stock in order to relieve the upon market o
excessive supplies.
The plethora In the money market is sboivi
by Iho fact that the applications for the new
Chilian loan are so largo that tbo dcposi
money has reached 1,800,000 , the tola
amount of tbo loan ; yet the transfer of sucl
a largo amount has not bad the silgluos
effect on day loans , which will remain un
chtugcd until the Bank of England ratal
again advanced.
On the Slock oxchanga during the wool
past business was dull. There was a steady
stream * of realizations throughout , the roau
lion being hastened by the advance of money
British and Indian funds fell , wiillo in colon
ials tboro was Iittlo ctiaugv. Foreign gov
ernment bonds were weak , especially Souta
Americans , which lost the greater part of
their recent advance. Argentine loans of
1SSO fell 3'4 ' , Argentine funding loan , 1" $ ,
nnd some provincial issues 2 to 8 points.
Brazilian loan of ISS'J declined 2'J. ' Uruguay
fell 1 and Mexican loan of IbSS fell ! > < .
Wbilutho now Unillun loan was quoted nt'n
premium of : i points , the loan of 18SU closed
yj $ loner.
Business in English railways was re
stricted , and there wai n downward ten
dency , the average fall being 1 point. Ameri
can railway spcurlties were quiet , but ugood
undortonu and hopeful view bomg taken of
Iho future. The rclupsom southern stocks
was duo to the force of u strike in Lanca
shire , which would act as n check on the
movement of cotton , Lnrgo purchases ut
the end of the week caused un ad
vance In Wnbash preferences of 1'f ,
nnd In Wnbasti mortgage bonds of 1'J. '
Tnc declines for the week Included North
ern Pacific preferred , 2 ; Ohio & Mississippi
ordinary , nnd Louisville & Nashvlllo 1 each ;
Atchlson mortgage , Now 1'ork , Ponnsylva-
show a fractional improvement. Argentine
rullwttyo relapsi-d. Buenos Ayres und Ko-
sario nnd Buenos Ayres and Great Southern
falling 4 points nud Central Argentine I !
points. Peninsular and Oalontal share * foil
\yt \ owing to the loss of the steamship
On tlio Iturlln lloiirii- .
BRIILIS , Oct. 23. Depression prevailed on
the bojrso during lust week nnd interna
tional coat stoclii declined. Mining shares
dropped , owing to an unsatisfactory out-
loon , but afterward advanced on moro favor
able reports , Houblos dropped ] % on Paris
selling. Yesterday's closing quotations in
clude Prussl'iu 4 , lOU.UOj Kusstan ! , 07,10 ;
) Austrian credit , 105.10 ; Deuucho bank ,
1.VJ.60 ; Bochuuimors , 1'Jtf ; Hnrponors , iaO ;
| private discount , L' % ; short cxshungo on
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
London , 20..1T ; ilcmp exchange on London ,
SJ.OS'j. ' Accordnte. to Iho St. Petersburg
Hourso ( ltuouo ! ro Russian Rovormn'snt ' hm
on deposit JCIO.OCKWO In London , J.OOO.UCO
Uormany and JC1)K,030 ) ( ) ( ) In I'nrls. The Oa >
zotto nil as thnt UUKO figures show that Rus
sia is not In urjnnt ncod o ( a loan.
On th * I'nrn llmirsc.
I'ARIR , OcU 03.Hmlncm on the bourse
during the wcrt past was dull. Intornn-
Uonnl stocks Hero'lower. . Spanish bond )
closed 1 point down , flank of Franco oloied
JT > francs lowers In railways tliorownni
ROnornl fall of iTrom 10 to 21 francs. Hlo
Tlntos c'.osoa % \ $ francs lower.
On thi > * Vlpiim llmtrnr.
VIRJCSA , Oct. 23. Uuslucsi on the bourse
(111 ( rhit : the past week win Inactive. The
dual quotations Include : Hungarian gold
rentes , DJ.0,1 : Austrian credit , 202 ; prlvnto
discount , : > , short exchange on Lon
don , 80.37. _
UoWltt'sSarsaparllia cumnsai the
A pltrnnUc ontorprlso to irrigate the
Hip Uoml country mill to shorten the
Columbia rlvor 100 miles has boon
started at Spokane. The achomo Is to
divert the water from the Columbia
river into the Grand coulee , ru-ontorinp
the Columbia just below Priest rnplils.
This will mnko a ship cmml of sixty
miles , but the uost will bo only $2.JO,000.
It Is 0311nmlucl the caiml would irrigate
2,600,000 acres of dry lund.
A New Process
The Lemon , the Orange , the
Vanilla , contains more or less
of a delicate flavoring sub
stance , and the separation of
this substance in a manner seas
as to retain all its freshness ,
sweetness and naturalness , re
quires the greatest experience
and care.
ING EXTRACTS arc prepared by
a new process that gives to
them the natural flavoring
qualities , and are so concen
trated that it requires but a
small quantity to impart to a
cake , pudding or cream , the
delicate flavor of the fresh
fruit. The leading chemists
endorse their purity. The
United States Governmenl
uses them.
Man who gives his millions for the found
ing of hospitals , colleger and asylums is not
mor o of a philanthropist than is ho who is
the avowed
J o > i"i
Of the s ok and the suffering , the helpless
victims of tUseakj. The myriad of maladies
known us Nervous , Chronic and Private
Diseases are ofso obstinate and complicated
a chancier that only the most gUted , skill
ful and widely experienced
S p o o i il i s "t s "
In the land can rompruhend or cura thorn ,
for they defy thu oll'-irts of the general prac
titioner who has not m.\do thorn his llfo
btuly. The euro
Such dl'o.isos ai ! Syphlllis , Q-onorrhoaa
Gleet , Snnrinatorrhuia. Lost Manhood
Ellects of Early Vice , Stricture , Hydrcu'.o
Varicocelo , Pila ? , and a thoiuan.l othei
Kindrol alllictior.s require
Highest degree of moJloal skill , such as bu
few men possess.
Tha r cord of Drs. Betts & Bo'tj provei.
th ; m to be tlio most able ,'ul and
popular speolalist ! in America , if not in th
And the number of permanent cures they
lia.o feotL'd within the past 127 years can
not bo equalled by any ether phyaii'uns It :
this or any other country
So'id cents for our Illustrated book o
Cunbultatlon free. Call upon or ajclrcs
with stamp ,
Drs. Betts & Betts
119 So. 14th Street ,
AUDIT an I ConiDlotl Treatment , conili'.lnz ol
Buppoiltoclet. Olauuont la "Upjului , alia la Hot
anai'lllsi a l'uilil o euro for IJU.'rnil , lntornil :
bllndor Uloailliultaliln . OUrunlo , lloiontur
Urrl'llai. Tiilaltoaiolr Imi never b3an known ta
mil.dperbax. Gforll ; lanturmill , WlijriutTurtrora
tula turrlUlu dlieua wlija a < rrltt > a Ii
DO ulvoU-rfl'ua wlta I ! bjiai or rafunl lliomonjrlf
notcurdclsonl ati-n ? for frja b.iini'lo. ( luiranta )
Imaoa brKuliu JcUo. , Druzul't ) , Solo Ajoa'.j.cornur
litl' ' unJ IJuuzlat uroati. uu tiJ. Nob.
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Syringe * ,
Atomizer ; ,
Medical Stiff fisi
1 US. 15111 St. ,
Kcxl to Post ollice.
It Isn remedy , a tonlo nml not a bovorago.
It stimulates the clrculiU on , tones up the
1 To , purifies the blood , gives brightness ami
henlth to women , Rtrongth to mon , nml Is
belii'i undersoil by physicians nnd moro
ndranojd thinkers. It is the baBt remedy
for PNKUMONIA. Hoar In mind that
UufT/'H Pure Mnlt hni grown in I'onulnilty
lor years , that it is acknowledged ns the
only mirn romudy of its k.nd on tlio market ,
thatitpontui is no tu ; el oil , nnd that It in
variably boril'flts nil who int llgontly lisa It.
Qotitf am your druggist or groi'T. Send
for phnmphlot to
Rochsslor , N. Y.
Voa cnu reduce your tvclRht from ten
to twenty ponudM n month , at home , with
out Etnrvlug , nt reasonable cost by tlio use ol
Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment ,
perfected In ninny years practice , causes no
HlckiicHHorln.lnry to the health , Is highly
indorsed. Send for jiroofs and testimonials.
V. O. Drawer 193. Chicago , III.
W hy is it that ,
Pure White Lead
is the best paint ?
Because it .will outlast all
other Paints'make a hand
somer finish , give better pro
tection to the wood , and the
first cost of painting will be
If a color other than white
is wanted , tint the Lead with
the National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors *
These colors are sold in
small cans , one pound being
sufficient to tint twenty-five
pounds of pure White Lead
the desired shade.
Be Careful
to use only old and well-
known brands of white lead.
The market is flooded with
adulterated Paints , and "so-
called" white leads. The fol
lowing are strictly pure "Old
Dutch" process brands , and are
established by a lifetime of use :
For sale by all first class dealers in Paints.
If you arc going to paint , it will r6 *
vou to send to us ( or a book containing in
formation that may save you many a dollar ;
ft will only cost you a postal card to do s.o.
S . Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street ,
St. Louis' Mo.
The above brands of { 'lovoa lor sale by
The Boston Store
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas.
Tooth Tilled With
out I'ulti iiy tin )
halest Inven
tion ) .
TEr/ru K.vruAOTni ) wii'iioui1
I'orfoutntgimrfttitool. T.-nth extracted In
tlio jiionilnL . Ziavf ones Inserted In oveulni
Hco bimulinonsof Kninoviiblo llrlOcp.
Seu snoolinuns of I'loxlulo l.liistlo I'luto
All work wnrriintod as represented.
OHIcc , ' 1 hlnl 1'ioor , I'uxton Illojc.
Tclcphoiia 10S > . KUhiiil t' Sh.
Tal o Klovnto : nr Stairway froji 10th
Or Iho I.lfiuor llalilt I'oillltrlr Cured
by utlmliiliiU-rliii ; Dr. IliiliitV
fjnlilcii Niiri-lllp.
It can be given In a cup of calico or t . or In food.
Without tbokoowlcdKo ol the patient. It In abioluiely
barinlcf > , end will clfect a ijermoncnt and speedy
euro , whether the pailont U a moderate drinker or
an ilcoUolln wreok. It hit been alven In tliot. > indi
ol cuce.and In evtry instance a perfect cure bai [ ol.
lowed , llnntr l'ull . Thoiyitem once Impregnated
nitb tha CpeoiMa. ! l becomri an utter Itnpniiiblllty
/or tha liquor appetite to eilat. . _
UOI.KKV M'KC'IKIO Cll. . 1'rop'rJ , rhitlniiatl. O.
4B-pane book of oartlcnlare free. To ba baa 01
Knhn t Jj. . Uth lut I ) ) mlu : Sis. , Istli and
C'uinln'i it" ) . Wholes.Uo , lllako.llr tioo & Uo ,
. . . N'r1'-
and Illoharason lru ) < Uo..Oiuatia.
. . .v. . whi > er nu u > wi'i * , pun- .
If the blci J , are Bate nail tt tqsl l J
lie Lent nipjiclne tuo u fur LUIuu * ; ( ,
new , roiulipitlon , il ) > | i U.oulj
Vreitti. br diuli.lir illiurnloiaof ,
ir tlir. muiUI ui/rf | ion. - of ul (
Impure bloc .Vt A'tiY 'Ly . l0 .
Untmca t - , . . . . . iavlrircmrfiiuclloii .
"irlrea toovi cucintf r lj'iitllledlrUlil tcoue llfr
iiu.luno'J. IMu'Ly inall.l ro < .Hi ; . °
X Illl'At.J CllbMfCAMO..I Si-ucebt.hew ( York J
? < > < > * o- * * l Vtl
from the
shoulder !
Today -we open and begin selling in our
overcoat department on second floor the first
shipment of our eastern representatives recent
great purchases in New
York. The over
coats placed on sale today comprise about
a thousand garments in Kerseys , Chinchillas
and Cassimeres in blues blacks browns
modes and mixtures and at the prices wo
have made on them they are the cheapest heat
producers ever sold in Nebraska.
JjjJ Q - you save two dollars - JjjJ Q
Will buy you today a good heavy blue chinchilla
overcoat , cut double breasted lined with substan
tial twilled lining ; with fancy sleeve lining vel
vet collar andcanton flannel pockets.
you save four dollars
No more no less is the price today for a splen
did heavy dark blue cassimcre overcoat lined
with double warp Italian wi th fancy striped
sleeve lining1 velvet collar and canton flannel
pockets. Six dollars here ten elsewhere.
For cio-ht dollars you can buy of the Nebraska to
day an overcoat that would give the average
clothier heart disease to sell for less han twelve
and a half. You can have cither kersey or chin
chilla. The chinchillas are all wool so are the
I'.er.cys. The chinchillas are lined with double
wr rp black lining' the kerseys with plaid cassi
mcre. The chinchilla sleeve linings are fancy
stripes the kerseys of heavy surah silk. The
chinchillas are blues and blacks the kerseys
fancy shades of browns and modes.
$1Q .5D - you s * four-fifty
Ten fifty buys a fifteen dollar overcoat today.
These garments arc made of elegant fine heavy
kersey with fancy plaid cassimcre lining pinked
facincr fine silk velvet collar and canton flannel
pockets. They're positively as g oed a garment
as you ever saw sold for fifteen dollars anywhere.
_ . . , _ SuperiorailTautagri for educating
-TLV Jr'J trJL1J * .
- young ladioi. Cunreoof etud > tlior-
oucli ; ! ; vnd Ut ilrp.irtmciitK hlelicitiirdci' n nilii'm of tbo hcbt American
uml Kuropean cultiitc , Iftisc nnil bonulirnl Krounils ; nru bnlliliuKi * . rnoniiiMell
vctitlliileil , HrJilfil by r.i11. Orpni cptrmbrr ? th. For catalogue A < lihc0n
* Have you tasted
America's finest' Whisky ?
Richest Quality ,
Absolutely Pure ,
Doubly Aged , Sold at all High-clasi/ /
Delicate Bouquet , Drinhing PJaceo and
Best ! Very Best ! I Drug Stores.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
w. . .min.nt inetMllit In norvooj clironlp , prtvnio , Hood , tkln tnd crtnnrr rtljnasei. A rojmlar anl.
aunJ ji Ui a. a ui Hond lUimp Jor ri'ut/ .
Horvo Seeds , "
„ the nniiilurfiil rcmi'u/
Bl eulii wltli artl -
_ .
Fop sale hi Oinuhu by Sherman & AlCoimoll , 1515 Doilffo stroot.
IGtii and Howard Streets ,
r 0 Itoninn fur JMIIpntn. OMAHA , NEB ,
I'oi the { u-alnicnl if
Chronic , Privalel Nervous Diseases ,
MAI , ! ' AMI
IMIos , Fistula. FJi-suro ami Stric
ture ol' tins Kccliiin permanent
ly c'liruil without the use of Knife ,
Ligature or Caustic.
Encliw 4 ' - 1" fctrimpH anil 0111 IdT iinifo 1IOOI *
un DI.SI'.Aril.H anil Oni > > llon HIiiliUK ,
\\lll Im MA I I.I I ) ntiK : ,
Killi tinil llouaril f\fit \ Oiuulir. , XtU
W. 0. MAXWULU M , U.i I'KH. s nim tiu
In the trontmuntof all forms of
IIIKI all Wiiuliiioii anil IHiorilurnf I
with lost of untirazc. ambition !
und vitillty , Klglitocn yenrnofJ
thu most roiiiarkubloMiiociii * In ]
Iho treatment of this oluuiuf illsoasua.rlilcul .
Is proven by the iniivursil t Hluiony of tnouB , (
- ' i who huvo boon utirod Wrlto fur olrou- -
lura ami ijtiiikllon lUt. lltli und l nmu |
hU. | Uiuiiliu , Noli.