THE OMAHA DAILY BEG : MONDAY , OOTCVBEK 21. SPECIAL NOTICES , , , , Ml. H 11 THBsl. HIMJMNH A will bo ttiltcn tintll I ! l p. m fnr Uioonlnt ( ml imtllx < U | > m fur the morning or funJnj MiNe - No nrtrcrtlci'nirnt taken for IMS limn 5S ccntu for tbonrntlnfi > rtloii. All ndtirtlni-nipntK In th co rolutnns m conti n > roril for llt t Inncitlon anil I crnt noril for racb nutmtqiipiit Insertion , or II.W prr line per month 'Irrnu cn h In nilrnncp Initial IlKiirm. rtmloK itc. , cnch count e tvitoru. All nn for tltcmcnlii mint run ron cciill plf A < l crtncr > , Tiy rpqiic iln n numbered rhpck. ran nnro the intern ixliliowl to n nnmbcredletter In rnroof 'JJIK Pir : . 'nnwern en mlitreoed will bo ilcllTPtta nn tbr tiff'-tMlot of Ilieeliefk &O 10. . In the fnluro no ailTorlliiamenls will bo lAkon for Ihc crenlnfi ( dltlon nftcr I2M ! o'clock. All notices broopht Into the oftlco nftcr Hint hour will bo first Inserted In tlio following mornlng'n edition. 81TUA IUN8-WANTKD. -WANTKI ) . A POSITION 11V A HKOISTKUKII | ili rinncl llinTlnit the bent of rcforenceii. Art cM II , I' . Hell , Micnnmlonli , tuna. 15I-2 * ' - WA.NTl-1) . I1W11 ION IIV CUMI'KTKNT HOOK- ktcpcr ! bol referenced. ArtitrossOSI. Hen. A WANTKI ) , POSITION IIV YOUNU I AllV ntenoKrnplipr ; be't rofernncos ! HomlnBlnn oporntor. Aihlrcn' , l.llllan lluikcr , ll on. III. AIHMM ( CO'ITAC.K AND 1IAIF IXIT. .T.TH nrdSennril , worth > 4. ' ) .onlr II.I.V)1 IKX ) oai h nnillll ) prrmiinlh. Whr PU rent when oftrrcil urli terms ? Fidelity Trust I era imnjr , liir ! tnrnnin ntrect MWI-OT WAN EDM. . ALE TtELP. N SAl.AltV Oil COM- > ml lon to Imnillotlionen pntent eli < niloal Ink crnKlnRpnncll. The KteTtc t nollln * nuri'll/ ever proiliifcil : etnnci Ink tlinroniililj In two ncrnniloi no iihrntlnn of piper : 2U ) lo 5 per cunt prodti onn ncrul'snnleii Binoiintn < l Mi ) In nix il.Ti < ; nn- othiT f IJ In two hoilM ! no wn-it omnnerKctle Ben- rrnlnuent In ench Ktnto niul torrltorr Fiirtornu nnd iinrtlciilnrn niblroa Monroe I raser .Mfn. < n. , X W , ln 1 reF nVs. ! . ITU J-2IKI HKWKIt MIIV. A MO IlltlCKLAYHUS wnr.teil , 1'ny every Hnliinlir. l > oi Molnot. In. fclcllomild' . MllUOdt * I-MAX WAVTKII TO roi.i.vfT AND BKI.II IN JcJnntrv Apply nl Mutter nftla' ! . 4Wnl E IIKMAIII.I ! MAN AllOW 2V WHO H OUH'K to lenrn anil n-llllnc to work will ho Instnutcil In our linsitiessnnil nnliirr pnld vrhllo loiunlnu. Apply - ply 151U Pmiglnn. juon I IJ-WA.VTHO-TIIK NAMIM AN" AIHMKS s i w -I'ofcnrrKetln iiion nnil women open for permn- nenl work. Wo slvo oxelii'lTC terrltorr. n Rnnrnnten vnoil norkern JlOn cok. Wo fiirnl'h ofllce , furnltuic. ilillvery tenm nml nownpniHT nil- 'Tertlnliid. ' Our nrlltlo Isn mnndpolj11 will snvo 55 per cpnl ( if the eonl hllln of evcryhoclr. full pnr- tleiilnrK hy mull. 1 Ithnurnph * . nntuphli'tn , etc . frco upon rcnilpt of poitnue. Address Konl-Spnr To. , IS Oliver street. liostun , .Mass. M&Xt n3 * B ; -WANTii : > . POMB OOOI ) MAllllliK HKTTKIIS. Apply or ndilress Dnvldsuu & Hens , ChtcnBO. 111. i WANTUD AT OMAHA 110.V KACTOUV , JrCnst Onmlm 7 < G B-YOUNIJ MKN AND WOSIliN WHO WI HTO rnrn J2'JtolOa week , wrlti usmd > vn will ox- Jilnln. .Mnttoon A Co. , Oswald , V. V. .M'.fil 21 * -rWANTKDlMMKOIA'rKtY. . s jiKN TOVOIIK J./onfo fnrniHiilVnterloo , Neb. Apply to I'hll tlmnicl , ! > ll Jones t , malm. IM TO-WANTKD , A I.IVK AtTIVK .MAN WITH .I'somn pluck nnd push , to represent tin In your loeullty. Wo IIIIMI sumetlilnv entirely now that Roes , nnil unlc'Hjnu run imike J75 tn la" * per month wo don't jicud you. No peildllnv , Hcltcr wrltn to- nnj. Address "Jlnnufncturers , " lox fp.1i8. ( lln tnn , JMnss. JI53J w _ tTVA7 < TIt : ) , YOtJVII MKN AND IAIIKH AT- JJtciKl oreiilnu school. 617 Eheely block. Terms reiisonaiiio .1. u. Hmlth Sift 24- ST- . A rillST CIA8S DAIlllKIt , NO dundny work. Address 114 Hloomlleld , Neb. 214 24 T3 WANTKI ) , A IIUHHKI.MAN. AI'I'IiY AT J-'onco nt llrownhiK , Klne ACo. . , kuiitlincBt corner irahnnd.OoiiKlns. 312G1 TWO Tliit8 : B and DUO no er. Ncbrnska Uroom Factory Grand Island , Neb. U44 22' - ' , ) . HALIISMKN VISITING H W B-WANTI',1) mills nnil factories to se.ll ( Mile line ) ntaplc nrtli'lo tn crent demniiil. l'a > f."it ) to 1100 pur inontli. Iloynl MTg Co. , 1)0 ) Nn ( r.u utreet. > uw v * * fc- M ItOtl 21 * WANTED-FEMALE WANTKI > WOMAN COOK ANDhAUNIIHKSS C CSnnd waups. Sliut hiivu references. Aiply | to Mrs. ( J. W. McKcnth , 1GJ7 So. 33rd Blreet , bctwceiT aamlCil m. AI8f- ( _ C WANTHIJ , COOI ) Olltl , KOU ( IIINKIIAI , hoimonork. Call K13 Oeorsla nve. ( S. Mill St. ) , two iloors north of Mason. 1'TJ ' C-WA.NTKU. ( ioon ( Illtl , FOlt CKNISltAL- housework , Ucrmau preferred. Call nt "Hit 1'rcltlc f treet. ' -J3-54 * C-WANTKD , AT ONCK , ( Hill. FOll housework ; references roiiulrcd. Apply 2U07 St. atnry'e nrc. MI8U -WANTHI ) . OOOI ) COOK ANO'I.AUNDIllSSH. liinulra n , w. corner 24ih nnd St. Jlnry'n avo. In 3 days. M'MU -WANTKI ) . A Clltl , COMl'KTKNT IN OKN- ornl holmowork , In it family of four , at (31 ( N. SOtli strccl. M25I1 21- -WA.STUD : IIKICHTC'lllliTO I.KAItN HAIlt- drcsslni' . Miss Juhlistiin'H , 211 South UHli utroet. 27125 * ti C-WANTKI ) , Rlllli roil riKNKIl.Vl ! IlOtlHK- work In kllnill lamlly. ( iormaii pieferred , refer- inceii reiiilreii. | 21' ' . ! California. M'iVJ 21 I-WA.NTICD , A IlllKlHTdllHiTOIiKAIlN IIAIU .0 , it' , UI Jiiliiiston's , 211 funtli ICth st. -\VA.NTII : ) , cool ) ( iiitMAN : ( ilia , roit CIN. : 0VA.NTII 'cm ' , ! hoiKowork. 1IJ3 Doreas st IM 22 /V-WANTKIi. A ( ! OOI ) ( Hltli WITH IIKKKU- V 'oncwa ' lo cook nnd for liiiiutlry. Cull atlt7tli ttiiil Jnek on. .Mrs. Klrkeiuliill. Mii : ) 31 0WANTni > ! ( iooo ( HTiTr KOH Tn IIIIAL , work , fiiinlly uf tlirco. Sirs. K .1. Siukett , ( nitliL'abt corner litli nnil Clmrlc * . MSU7 Xfi JFOR RENT-H017SES. DI.V1IOOM HOUSi : NNAIt IIUII1 fCIIO'lL ; steum heal ; nlablu ; moderncontouloucua. Thus. K Hull , UU7 Pinion block. 3711 D-A nnsiiiAiiLi ; IIOMK OF y IIOOMS , KUH- nlshcd or unfurnished. Parties KOIIIC tn Cali fornia , Apply un premises , 1112 youth Tenth street 55J Oll'l'lli : WINTKIt. 3 IIOOM FLATS , J-'I.VJ : ; North 'Jlst s trout : city water ; fi. ( I. K lliituta N'ortli ITtli Btroct. in S3) n l.r > | \ KOU ItliST , 10-UOO'l IIOUSi : . 2U13 OA83 , X'itU.UU. llcoil ASolliy , llunnlof Trailo. ' .W D-1MIOO\i ( HOIISK. CKNTIIALLV I.OCATKI ) ; /urnni'onnd nil Improvt'inonti , TIK ) N. I''tli St. St.IU7 IU7 D-IO-IIOOJI IIKICK IICtHK WITH MODItHN linprieiuentM. . on 1'Utli H.root near Lcnvcnwort Ii Inquire nt 7 ho. Wlutrviit. \ . il7l'J ; D - 1-3 IIOOMH CI1IJAP ATMS N. 1IITI1 8T. TTV-A LAIUli : LIST OK I HOICK I1OUSKS , l-'etures , Hats. etc. Houses fiom $ j)0 ( ) ) ter uiunth niul up , ( Iconic J. Paul , IUJ5 Karnuai , _ _ _ MBAl N5 | Dn-ilooM rorrA4iKi HATH. CITY WATUII , rUtern , lawn , troos. near motor , ouiueiiteil eel lar.llT.m1 , or on lease fliUU. bua owner , 001 Pax , Ijin lllk. _ MfW Dl'Olt UKNT. IIOUSI > , HANI ) H IIODMH , CKN I'll ! location. J..P , Ilarlun , 2tilO Capitol nve. _ _ 01 IIOOM l7.AT. HTKAM 1IKAT , KlUST-CLAFS Itiferiinciis. 810 H. ' . " 'nd ulu-ut , ruom ( I. 4 $ ) IV W XOIlTir5ri"lNiuinU ( IBS JACKSON. DKtlll lliNT. DKtllllAlILK OIIOOM IIOUSII modern Improvements , neighborhood the beat U. C Patterson , 42) Uamco block. Ml'J.l riiousi ; OKU iioo\iri7Ai.ii 7uiiiiN ) ; CN" ) X/vcnlenres. pleasantly located near business eon ler Apply ! ! ) > ' > Chicago at. , or U S. skinner. Hill rariinm. D-HiATA nWKLLINdS. COTrAOK * | N ALl P rt.or cllr , Kilkenny .V Cn , Contlnentitl lilk 1M1 DKOH llV.ST , IKHIHKH IN ALL I'AIIT.S Ot clly , ' 1'UoO , V DuvUcomiuny , IiO : Kuruain St. I9 D-ONI.V TWO LKKl1 OK THK C-IIOOM COT InueKju.t romiileteil , limn liutli , hot unil roll ffnter nml iiiii'lurn ( oiiteiilenceii DolrnMti home for liiitlneri men In huuulltiil Muuforil ilruliKu partleuluri npnlj to Mur I onii unil Tnut Co , tKUtilii , I Nevr Yurk 1.1 fo Inillillnx. W ; DKOlt HUNT. TWO l-IIOOll lllllCK KI.AT. " iioKuutiviu < i , JHW iv 1\ KA'HI'AMIVKcFn.up7)K"5i 1 'port Hicou Iniiiilro ! .MS Cupltul mciiuo. mciiuo.Mist DKINK IMOOM ( ll6VsK.'f 10 W : MOIIKIIN TON venlonep * . J. 11. 1'iirrullu. \ KOH UI-NT.-TtOn : ( lll' ( r : , WITH IIA'I II .1' Krales. cUtein and barn ; elu uut lorillon block from inptor ; fUpur ) moiilh : .1 1 Paeltlo si. J. W. Piiilrn | , KIrst .National I'mi llujldlni' _ | rJ27 DKO1I IIKNT.S H.A1H.O heul wuterauij gas. Itwluced lent. Llnton blotk. John llipillu , a xnt. DTW'l KKW lllllCK HOU-I5H , KINK UOOM oavh. Or t rluss ruidern IniprovcuiuuU. Par avvnuvuud Hickory Mrcel fai-lnj Haiiicom part J , M lilcbaidi. Illi o inu.Ud t , MV61 rj- nou K , AiuiiKttN , iIb'si ! > imrir MiCi ( - KOU UKNT,2 nine room bouses , all niTuIrr ronvonleuvci. n w Svih and i'n tlrtu > t , prlri V r niiililh I lU room coltutf , Uth and llui tiretiU. | rice , f Ii per monib , Puller A Ccort-r I u Kill ana Karnam * tr t . ilftTT-S ( FOR RENT-HOUSES. D-KOIt IlKNT , A T-n'lOM HOt'SK WITH At.f , moilern ronTontrnci * ! lorao innl , nt HII Bcnitli Sf.tliot. IK If taken lorn josr. m 'a Di nT K. JiTII HTIIKKT , ISM per raontb. Inqulru ! l'.ti ) ! Uimlne utrrrt DiD SISW K D -KOlt UKNT. fr HOOM fOTTAOK ON MOTOIl line. Apply H. W , confer Vth unit Dotixln * II - t-"lt HUNT , HKVKUA b\'r. \ HOl'SKS -'ncnr llnnirom park , llOto ISC. ( ! ro. N. Illrkn , OJ.N V l.lfa. D-KOIt ItKNT , NICK LITTLK COTT.U1K NKAlt HlRli school , tlS.W ) . tiro. N. Hicks , SOS N. Y. MfqHKIg. M.TOJ87 FOR KKNT FURNISHED KOOMS. IfA H1TITK OK a llOtntS SUITAIIt.K KOIllfotm -l-'KOntlumcn. I'urnnco heat. Itinlro ] 211 ! N H'lti ( Irrqt. 'KSH * ENicr.i.v EihK : A'NT riMrsismiii iioc i ; r\vrrnou wltlioiit bontu , nt the Webster MO ntid Aid North mil Mrcou iia aii' _ l-mi ( IIKNI',3 N1CKIA" KUIISIMHKH IIOOMH .Ijfor llalit hoimckccplrK. Inquire 2321 St , M rj' BVC. Hcfcranco rcqulrwl. , l&i SI * TUimiainsp ROUM.S AND BOARD. 1100M AMI ) 11OAHI ) IS 1'IU- tnlo tninllr. 7ft ) N. lutli , MlliT-Z" ' irl-15lHl.\N'ri.Y ( FUIINIHIIKI * UOOMS , I'lltST L clnM 'JonrJ , at "I'lio" Uuluii , SO anJ JN. \ \ . ISth ttrccu .M MM . ANI1 IIUAHII IN I'KIVATK KAMII.Y J. fur two Kciitlcnicn ltli Tefercnrp * nt J'i per trrvk i'ncht nil modern eonvonloncas. 615 .V 2.1(1 t. Mltr.i -WANTKI ) , TOUOOM ANI ) I10AIII ) . A KKW J nlci ) jroiini ; men lu prlvutn linuin. No other iinlurn > u ulilhlrcii. All conveniences. Ail- ilrri-5 O : H , lice. .M253 21 * or TIM : riM > r UOO.MH INUMAIIA , with Illnl-clnti nccuiinnuilnttnnt ; nlKii nnutlicr > loiiMint room ; wltli bonril. It'Ai N. 2lnl strrct. MS'.i.l 2. ) * POIl RENT- UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ' - ( UM'UllNHIli : ! ) ItOOMS. KIIIST TLOOII : pint ; , hunt , itn > anil range , V.'U N. litli , MI73 i7 G-l USFUUN1SIIK ! ) UOdllS , SUITAHliK Port lionnckccpliiK , to ninill laiiillr : ccnlral lorn- Muni rliunp rent , Applt to J. II , Whuelur , 41" Kur- mch block. MbU5 G-UNKUUNISIinil UOOMS , WATIIll , HATH , clovct. etc , N. K. cor S.'inl nnd Miami. h.l BOARDING. K-WANTJSI ) . A KKW TAHI.K HOAHDKllS : antlnrncllon anmircil ; tornm ri > nson bti. ! 'I ho UlllBlile , N.V. . cor. 18th und DoiUu. MWM3 ! * H ( 1IOAKUKUS WANTKI ) AT 710 MOUTH HTH at. , only four blocks from I'mton hotel.SIJM SIJM 2I FOB nENT STORE3 AND OFFICES. f rolUlKNT , THll--T ) HY lllllCK Lui'l ' I'nrnnm Hi , The bulldlni ; hai n fireproof ce ment basement , complete BtL'.imhimttntf tlxturcs ; nnler on all the lloors , K&SI < < tc. Aoply nt tlio ulllco of ' 1 hu lice. ' -'IB ' T-h'Oll UKNT. TI1K OKl'lGK KOIt.MKltl.Y OCCU- J-pled by the ( terniaii-Ainorlcnii ba\liiKu hank , ror * ncr of loth und Kiirnum streets , M2U : WANTED-TO KENT. K -WANTKD : UNl'-IIKNIsHHI ' ) AICOVK UUOM ; southwest part of city ; mudorn convcnlencusi O 1,1 , Hep. .M1H K \VANTr.l ) . TIIUKK U-SKUHNISIIIII ) HOOMR with hcnt and hath near huslnesn center for llcht housekeeping. Address O HI , lire. JI2S1 24 RENTAL AGENCIES. P -PHHSONH A UUIlltY , TUB I.ICAD1NO UKN LJInl manaueis of South Omaha. They hnvestores , houses , olllcos and rooms for rent b'J7 Nit STORACJE. M I1IIY , CLKANA PIHVATKLV SrollKI ) VUK- nltiireI2J7 ! Duutflti9Om.thu blovo Hepalr works. M - ClllSAP , CLKAN , WKLLS , 1111 Farnum street. ' - > S'.i WANTED-TO BUY. N WANTKI ) TO IIUY SOMHI S 1'Kll CK.NT llrat nio'tKiises , Hood .Iciulby , 5J1 Uonril Trail a. 753 TVT SKCONI ) HANI ) HOOKS DUUUIIT KOU CASH -L > nl the Antiquarian book , store , lll'J Kurunui. 077-u 10 _ XT' WANTKI ) . TO BUY A 3C-IIOOM HOTEL WITH -Ll bar In Nebraska : eomoKOOd Ouiaha realeslnto purl payment. 1604 B. Mill at. AI257 29 * N I WANTKI ) TO IIUV. STBAM LAUNDIiV. ADdress - ; dress O 33 , Ilee. M2 S 25 * FOR SALE-FUR iTCTRE. O-FUHN1TUIIK OK 7-IIOOM KTiAT KOH SALK : full of roomers. SIC buulh ICth street , Hat D. Mill ! 2G O -KO11SALK.8KCOM ) HANI ) HAHUKH KHIINI- turo , Paxton hotel shop. Kmmol. Mill 24 * O-KOIl BALK , UPUIOIIT PIANO , NKAULY new , nlundaril make ; will sell cheap for cash only ; no trades. 2U.2Cnldwcll ot. Mist ! f OR SALE-HORaES , WAGONS , ETC. 1KOII BALK , A SIXTY-DOM. TOP UUfiOY .1 tottOim. II , K. Cole , Continental block. 2JJ P-KOU SALK-TWO WKI.I. MATCH III ) 11LAOK J- driving horses , neluhlns ; about 80) Ibx. each ; must ho sold nt n tmcrlllco. fidelity l.nan ( iimrnn- ten Cu. , ruom I Wlthnell btitldlnz. Call ut onco. onco.MIMJ MIMJ f OR S ALE-MISGHLL ANEOU3. Q I HAcSTisT T'jTirftiTATiDrDouta.ASiii.ock. JS3 Q roil BALK CIIIIAP. A 31-IlOllSi : POWKIl nutuiuatlc enulne ; nbo one IJ-hurse poner up- rlxhl entflno ; both In K < iud repilr. Inquire of Pest- nor PrlutliiK Co. , VM Howard street , Omaha , Neb. MI45 MISOEX.L ANEOTJ8. cbr.Td Ivnml cattle cared for the yeur round. Ii. ( i. ( Jana Uoulh Omaha. Neb. P.O. box Mii. .M'.Ui Oft * "IV-OVKIICOATS. HUlTri , CLKANKD , DYUD. 11K- AVpulroU cheap. ltij Howard street , ollloo room 1. CLAIRVOYANTS. S-AUIIIVAI. KXI'ltAOUOINAHV : WOVDIJ revelutloni , Cliallenzes the world. Mrs. Dr. M. LeKravu , do id tr.ine * elnlrvoyunt , aUrohiijUt , pjilmlil nnd llfo roller ; tulU your llfo I rum thu crurtlo lo ur.ivo ; unltei tha -iL'par.itt-.l ; LMII-IM rliiiie with ilia uno yini lure ; tells where yuu will Mirc.'ud und In wliat lnnlcii'is belt ul.iptnd for ; lias theajlobratol Kijyptlan uranitpluto fur luck nndf ) di-atroy bud Inlliioncui ; curei tits , Inlomporanea nnd nil private complaint * with niiisiaaj. biitiis and alcohol treatment. Mm I fUJ ! , lock of liulr , naiiii ) and diito of birth nml rocolvo aconratj life cliiu't : 2eenlHln tnrui > s for circular ; clvo Initial * of iino you will marry ; al < o photm of .i ui. Olllco 417 hniilli llth Klruiit , tlrnltloor ; huuri , Un.iu. lo i < p.m Come one , come all. and bo cjiivlncuJ uf this -VDII- derful oracle. : il.l N I * 0-MADA.MK KillTX , 1531 C\bS HTIIKKT. CLAIll Wvojant and trnnco mpdluni : Indopoiidinl viilons ; t ll past and f utiirLnm.'notlc ; tieatmont. Lndlus enl ) . JIT7J NIJ 5-MKH. NANNIK \ * WAIIUKN. CLAIIIVOYANT reliable business nmlluuitlfth > ear al HUN. UUIi. ' . ' . I MASBAQK , BATHS , ETC. W MADAM STOWi : MAUSBTIU JUUl.M Pratt t , T--MAS8A11 ! TltlJATMKNT. ICLKtn'llo-TIIKIU nml liutlH , ocnlpnnil hair trunluient. uinnlcuro andchlropodltt. Mrs Po til3 > 43.1.MliWltliiioll blk. W3 rr-MADAMK HMITII , U'l OAI'ITOI , AVK.NUK. X llooui A , .1 < 1 tloor. Massage , alcohol , sulphur ondeea baths , K. LA HUK , MASSAQK , W SOUTH I6T1I treet. thlr.l Hour , tlni I , M.'ai 2s > " \ r(1 , K. ( iKLl.KNjiKcicVriANJO TKACIIKIl.N , i cor. 15th nnd Hnrncr , Harney street nitrnnco , \r-MIS8 MINN1K I.OVI , TKACIIKH OK PIANO > and urtrnn , bus rumuved from -MIU Ulnnev si. ( o 2011 Iturl st. MSTI ) 2 MONYTO LOAN RE AL i flST ATE. ' ' \V Moinxa AH'wuNsi.'Ks Tit A jv T picii tr i liicliidlnirull rhnritei. Charles W. Iliilnuy. omnun Nat bank bliln s ni \V 7 l'Kl1 OKNT MO.VBY-NKr TO IIUIIUOW- i er on Omaha city properly. No extra charuoi _ , ofmiyklml. Why-nay liijh ratu > ? Money U cheap. \unc.iuuut full bunetll nf low rate * from ( JlnUo l ianand I'rutlCu. . I'ilU ' and Dodiic , yj | WLfANS ox M I'll ) \ KlA ND ( IN I M PKOYKII city property , II.COJ and upward . ( ! to 7 per cent No delays. W , Kuruuuitimllu A'o.lilli ( wild Hartley. IUU ) _ \ -1MHVATI3 MONKV , 1ST ASD8D MOHTUAOE it loans , low rates. Alex Mourn , lleo bld . 102 , \\r-OMAHA SAVIVtJi IIANIC MAKKJ LOANS | J * on realuMatu nt lowoit lunrkul r to . IAIIIIII inailu In muall or laixa niinii for nUort or loni : tlmo. i Noojiaiuliiloii l clmr ej uifl ttia loam are not nulil Inttiu vu > t , butean nltrart bo found al tuo t uk on till voraer of Utli und Iioujlai ueoti. ueoti.IM \\r MONKY TO 1AAN OS | M * - 's O1TV ' prupirty.towratB. A. C. Kroit , ouxlas blk. \\T-1 ANDS-YKAIl LOANS O.V CITV ANI > KAIIH mortgages. Hoed & Miltiy , Wt Hoard of Tradu , n in _ ri \\r ITV ANI ) KAIOI IlKAl. KSTATK LOANd . , 'i atloiToitruloii oaniult u before borrowing. li.C.U rTtti&Co.-AVI Btiooloy block , 1U5 MONEY TO LOAN-KEAI. ESTATE. Tir--MONKV T1 IXAN AT UIWKST IIATIC3. ' ' TlioO. F. Datli company , IWt Knrnam street. _ 419 _ -ANTHONYLOAN ANITRUST CO-tll * . N. Y. Life , Ifnrts.illow rat i foro'iotei s oirlty oa Nebraska or lon-a farms ot Omaha city property. \yC F.IIAHIIISOX , 912 N. Y I.1KK. VT LOAN ATllUdVOO. , IIICI4 IILDfl. \ \ rrilKAlMO.VKY. . SKU U. W. I1. COATK.9 , > liill Karnavn. WJ URAL V.STATK LO\NR , 0 TOT t'KH CKNTI nondrtlllnnilch'irite * , for commission or rtllor * nay's fees. W. II. Molklo. Klrsl .National Hank bid j. U77 -MIIWJV TO LOAN , IM.OJ ) TO LOAN IN Umnlmon bulMIng nti'l Innii plan. I.V8I paid motitlily will payoff 11,03 J 03 In 73 month * . . NoconmlMlon Halo Is Ics * . than U per conL Poor man's clmneol l > o you need niotiD' ? Can yon unn monnyl If socall or nddrcs * . room 313 , lloo building , Oinnnti , .Nob. < 02 n-l W 0 I'KH CK-MMIONKY ON IMI'IIOVKII I'ltol rrty. ; II , U 1'atterson , < 25 KnniKo blk. I'll ' W t.AUOK 1.0A.NS MAUK ON OMAHA , UN- cJln , Council lUuris business property ! fi per cent. Also small lonns. George. ) , Pa lit' < V > Fnrnnnt. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. V \V1I.1. LOAN MOSKV ON ANY KINIMK MJ jVcitrltr : strlcllyconflilentlnl , A..11. Harris , room I , ( ontlnpntnl block. 10) ) X -PIUTCllAIUI , 51 DOCCI.AH lll.K , IDA DOIMIU 107 X I/ANS ) US CltATrKIA UK.VSDXVIHiK IS- torcst , partlnl p.irmi'nt" I to i ; iiiontlis. \ \ ' . It , Diuls , lf."J , Contlnuntal block. UluvntucIJth BU - ' 10J X VONKA AT LOW ItATKS OS ANV KINI > OF socurltr. Koyjtono Mtsto. Co. , 'JJ3 Sliccloy liliici X-tllXlKXCU ) ) TO LOAN IN A.MOU.ST3 from $10 tip un 1IOUSKHOM I ) FUIISITUHI ! ANI ) ITANO3 , HOHSKS , WAO INS ANI ) WAItHIIOUrtK IllCCmi'l' . Oil I'UHSONAL 1'IIOI'HIITY OK AXY KIND without publicity or rouioral or property , You can sivn tlmo nnil money by enlllnit oa OMAHA .MOIir IAli ( : L ) AN CO. , Itooin II , Crclshton Illoc'x. Uth nnd Dounlai. null to 1'ostunica. LNCOItl'OllATKII. X MONiV : lOANll : ) UHKAl' AT YOOIl OWN ttmi. . .Nebraska Loan Co. , U15 Houilu : et. 101 X-rO\V ItATKS ON KUIINITUIII ! J.IVIJ STOCK etc. JV , Tnylor , Pioneer hlk. , buuth Omaha. Mi X MONKV SO , CT. TO DAYS. CIU'AP UATKS and ensy pnyuicnts. on furnlturi. , ptnnos. llvo stock , etc , without delay or puhllolty ; cash on liniul. Dull. Crccn , room 8. Murker UlucX.Jil - YnU NIUl : > .MONKV1 X-DO TUB piii'.iirv ) LOAN aPAUANvr.t : Co. , Iliiom 4 , Wliltncll block , cor. 15th nnd tlurnuy ntt. , W1I.1. I.BNI ) YOU ANY SUM , 1'ltOM Sit ) TO IIO.UJJ ON TUB DAY YOU ASK KOU IT. We tnnko lonns of any slrn , Inrvo or small , on household uooili , plnnoi , hurses , wniuns. Tvnrehouio receipts nml poraonnl propt-riy ot all kinds , In any nmoiint , wltlioul dcliy , puli- llcltyorrenuir.'ilororopurtyi chcnpust raloi rndcaslustpayments. at'.U U.S Killer. 32 j X -CHATTKL LOANS , 'Jii N. V. L1FK. MOUltl * 4 3 NO1 X 1-520,1)00 ) TO LOIN ON CHATl'KL rll'CUUlTV ; businesscuulldcntlnl. It. 55J llunnl Trade. MWI N7 A' MONUVTOLOAN ON KlIKNITUIIK , I'lAWW. Vhiirics.waKons nnd cullntcral security , lluil- UUSM coMlUluntliil. FrcU Terry , room 4JJ KuniEOblk , OH ANOE3. Y -IF YOU A an suKr.iNc. A nusiNiwa OPPOH- tunlty roj\llrln numll cnpltal. In it ccrtiuu and oxecodlniily prolltublo unil uroirluu business , nnd always cash , tvrltu to the undersigned , Ineloslni * stamp , when full particulars nlll hi ) Klven. U. 10. K. , 147.1 L street , Lincoln. Nab. W Y FOIt SALIC , AT A VBItY LOW FK'UIIU. THIS entire state Interest In one of the heaviest pny Ing monopolies now before tha public. It will mivo V5uer cent of the coal bills of orui'ybody and produce - duce better results. Kverybody w.inti It nnd will have It when n < > cn. A large business cm bo cloru ntoncB In every county. Full parllcularj by mnll. Address ( I. K K , II2D L St. . Lincoln. Neb. MS74 "V FOll SAI.K MUST UK SOLI ) AT ONCK A J- restaurant nnd confectionary store. Address Aim Menu , bcrltmcr. Neb. M7'JI 21 * Y 11AKKHY KOHSALK OUHI5NT. THADK US- tabllshcd. Any one wanting u bargain address O2 , lloo l > 4 21' Y KOU HALK. A M1LLINK11Y STOIIK AND 11USI- ness cHilncn trade of S''J.IHI it year ; wilt tnko part In Rood real estate unlncumbercd. Address O 2J , Oranhu Dee. 185 ! ! * Y-1DKS1IIK TO SKLIj MY HAHNBSS BIIOl * ! I liavo a Koort trade anil o uood .ocatlon ; cannot stand the work. 1 > . T. Snow , Dorcheslur. hallno coHilly. Neb. J11U224' Y WANTED. I'ATUNKU IN A MR AT MAIIKKT. Address O32 , Deo. M25024 * Y 1'UOTO STUDIO FOll SALE. O 40 , lice. M278 2.- , -ir KOU BALK , K.503 STOCK OKNHHAIMKU - JL chandlso In llvo eastern Nebraska town ; good profitable huslnesn In rich farming country : must bo sold. Address O 40 , i-nro Ueo. .M30I ; ij FOR EXCHANCJE. V Cl.KAlt OMAHA HttAL K3TAT13 I'Oll MD3K , /-Jnctuul valuation. Money to kian. llox 618Oranhn. 110 Z I OWN 100 KAHMS IN NKI1. ANI ) DAKOTA. Will sell or uxchanirc. Uox 71) ) , Frankfort , Ind. Ind.IB3 IB3 _ V HAVK LAND AND OA9II I'OIl STOCKS oT' ' -Jclnthlnxor ahoea ; contldciital. Addrvbs llov tsi , Kearney. Neb. ISO 25 * V KOH IC.XiniANKK. KIi'K DUIVINK M.MIK AJfur billiard ana pool table. lloxUSS , Slicnnn- doab , la. illl)727' ) y CLKAIl LOT IN OMAHA TO KXCHANOI' FOll /Jhorni' . harness nnd two seated oatciislon top Biirroy , must be IIrat class rig. Address O U , lice. M1OT y-4BO ACIIKS OF CLKAIl LAND IN OKU OF 'J the lifst winter whent districts In Knnsna to ex- rliniiKO for 10 or 2U-nrrn tract near Oniuhn city llinltM. Will pny c.isli dlircrenrn If property Is K0"d. Address , glvlnn price nnd location , o 28. Dee olllceH. M203 y 8-UOOM 1IODHHN IIOUriK , HAST FHONT , llno lawn nnit tices. less than mile went of post- olllce. Address O15 ! , Dec. .M2i. ( > W Z-I8U ACHK I'AUM FOIlSl'Ol'KOKHAUDWAIHC. 180 acre farm for hotel propcety , U'Oncro farm for town property. Lund fern Cleveland liny or I'crchnrnn stallion , A complete livery outilt fur cnlu. Thoi. Krj ger , KollKli. Neb. JI JJli < y-LOTIN WII.OO.V. VALUIM ) , HID. FilII I'.S'KU A/nmtlo or cushion blcyclo , Fir.nk Thiireason , Im jierliil J ch , cs'i ? 2 FOH SALE-HEAL ESTATE. ' KAIi KSl'ATH. llurKulnsonly. vv My word H uood. W , (1. ( Albright , ! > ' . ' ! 2-3 New York Life Mil PO IIOMi : HK15ICKIIS-IN AVONDALK I'AHIC 1on can liavo un uloxant homo urrnii''uil to suit you. with bnllillntc ( hnt. ) troni. tv.ilkii , A'jwur , wutur , unit uui , within walklni ; Ulitanoj of limlnojs , iclioiilsnnil oliurulics , nndiill for nliout Il.UJI. Cor- lulu to hu tlio praltloit InsUlo roslilu-noj uiMltlon in Ihecllr. Orur lino-thlnl of Itulroilr od | Bean n for particular ! ho'nru Iho pries Ii ralia.l. Klilel * ItyTrust compsny , I79J Kurnamit. iyi IOll HALKOlfTKAIIi : IIV Til K OWN Kit 10.1WJ -L Hires of Nebraska's illicit farmlnir laml nt n eront sacrlHce. (1 , H. I'oturson , HI'J H.iath t. Onmlm .MU.ll ND -Toil SAI.H , MY ItKdlllBNUH ATI4IIH..liTl'l ht.luriioins e ml t > ith , hot anil raid \rulor , oloetrlo bolls nnd burulnr alarm , nieaklnu tubo.fnriiacoand barn ) also line vacant ua t front re ldenca lot ILL. WliltiiD ) , 401 iljrchautj Niitlonal bank hlrtit , 437 Ni " _ pICIISONH A IIKUIIY. TI1K LKAI1INO IIHAI. -1 i-9tatudeslerH of South Oinuha. We only sel baritiilns. l.l.t your properly with them. b-7M ( TA IIAHfJAIN , 'i OIIOICK LOTS , MxISl foci nach ; more ndjuliilnu If deal red. Knit Iruntsi H. W. corner 10th anil Arbor , l''lneJt location In city for residence. Illock from llth yt , luutorllnu. Charles Hiinluy , IQil M ) . IDth HI. , uinalin. flan M\NY KAHMS FOll BALK VK11Y CIIHAI'T uniy terms , ( loo. W. I' . L'oalvs. IOU Knrnain street. MWJ " OH 8ALK OOI ) IlKHlDKNCi : JXXTrt IN l'Tr. tor .Vdeorgo CO.'D addition , I'nut Onmlm , fjyjJo ( toJWOUUj l-U'canli , haliince monthly. LutilDHlevlo A. Woods * nililltlun , un car line In Kasttinmlm , ( iWOOto fl.aiUOU. ( Jdod iCBldBiico luisln ljico > ' npdltlon , on inlll. tury road , mol'ir line , to lioj.on : terms vary , Aero property iiciir oinaha and Kouth Oin.iha. suitable fur Kardi'iihiK 'purposes or subdlrldlnL' , Cell for prices. f Desirable coltaKes In coed residence localllr near car line r..7UJiMlo fJ.UIJ.W ; siuull cash par , mem. balance uuinlhly , i'otter & ( iuori.'o Company , ICth und Kariumi His. M ul nil ) 17OII SAI.K A IIKAIITIKUL 5 ItOOM COTTAOBT JMotWxIW , Just coiniilvled,27lh and A .tri'cts ; Huu down , balaiicuroont'ily payments. Cull uulck bo- furo It I. sold , fidelity Trust Compnuy , YI. II UX ) NBAll PAttK II Wanted , Neb. land for Salt l.ako property. WantfU to burrow I7.WJO at Ck per cit-nt. Wanted , house for C.nh nnd clear lots Wuntfd , Ouiaha property lot I htcavo property , Wanted , I u. room uousu for business property Wanted , busluuis properlr for clear residence properly. Wnulfd , to liorrow f < 0 al 8 per ccat. U'untoJ , l5 roiuuu fur icuod teiiunt. Wanted , to buy Itith t. liutlnrss jiroperty Wanted , purchaser for IV per rt-ut murtiiage. Wauled , flXHicru furmbarpy coiiDty , Wanted , 0 ucrcs ( or uardvn for CI ! L Wanted , 40 ucres near Paullllou for caih. Wanted , housa foflearluts. U r' . UarrUuu , yil N , Y. I.llo. j 17.23 FOK SAtE-KE/IInteSTATE. AVO.NIMLK I'AIIK THK KINK ! < r 1NHIDK IlK.-'l ' rlrncn mimtlon In ( hncltj 31 loll out of CO sold slnen Aiismt 2 * I'rlco only'tHM ) each , nn reason able tcrnn. Cull anil ce ui l > ont them Vlilellly Trusl company , I7OT Kurnnm tfcfl. l7nU SA"LK"HK1 Y IMPItOVKIt FAIIMH 1 near Omaha , Mi tu A Hill. 1108 Karnam street. M2IVt Nl LO T , A I.U'V'S IlLAt'K" VALir.rAfKKT ON upper llodii ! or Nurlh VW-i A iuUabld rnnanl will bo pllil on delivery nl ( lj , Mnill on. MSI2S5 DANCiNO SOffoOL. Mil. ANI.Mils. MOllAND'S JJANCINO S' IlOOU UUCaplliil n re. , nowopl'rt.r Children Tue-day , 4ilsp. m.l SattiMnyi 111 n. m.nnil 3ito p. m. : ndnlts. Tuesday nnd rrldny , S p.m. Ascsniblles.Thur d'iys.S p m I'rlrnto lc oiis ilally. I'nplls eaii Join nny tlmo , MnKonnd nowdinooi tnujiliU The Carlyle , liar' vnrd Unvote. Wentwnrtb , .Mnnltou nnd * nlumblan i.anclers. Iteslilenco. SJiM Mdtrtst , M'HI M DRESSMAKli\Q. 1Nl > AOKMi\T.4 : i DO Ast ( IS -l fntulllcs pollcltcJ. > tlss Btiirdy , ) t-niith 2ttlt : trecl. .MUUnll' 17 > OAli.MKSTS : TO DO DltKSBMAKINO IN Jfnnilllcs solicited. Miss H , ArrliiKdnlc , BM S. V < d el. 183-2J' REM IN C TON for Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLDl MEQEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1301 Knrnam Street , Omnlri. THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Tarn , TCEDAR RAPIDS J DES MOJXE3 Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at-.05 p. m. , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. of tno city of Omi lin , to bo hold on tlioHtndnr of .Novomlipr. IS93 , for llio | iur posrtof electing ono councilman from each nnnl. To the olcptors and lozal voters of tlio ottyof Omnlin : 1 , Ucorio I' . HpmK mnyor of tlio city of Onmlm , ( Id IMIIU tin * , my proalainntlnn. nnil by tlio nuttinrlly volud I \ mu ns such nutyor ( In licraby elvo punllc tmtlen lu tlio elector * nnd louui volprsof ttioo.ty of Omnliitlmt tin . intiilul city oloelitm of Ilia city of Omnhii , l ho held Ins ililo I yon Tnovl y. tliiy of Nnvonilwir , l&Hi for tlioiiirno | .oof olect- Ins ono coiuiol mn from ( vtuhrtrd. : . Tlio poll * . sluill bo om-ii on tlio iliiy of stud oloclloi nt ulKlit o' look In tlio morn. nt unit shall contleum upon until six o'clook In tlio ovonln.j o ! HIP Mime Uiy : , ; il the resftoctlro followln ? , to-nll : MUST WAIll ) ' * ' " ' S K ! curnor 7th mi(1 ( x w coraor 8U | niid strout"I'lr' ' " N K l'"rn" mh nnl1 Jono3 ih Md flrst ' of1 > nolno 8tro ° - l" " cor"orlo' ' nmimo ! < ory cor"rr Clh n" ( , tlr'J0to't"l9trlcl-N W corner Oth unil lliuioroft K cor"or tith : aml Vlllttm BHCOMJ WAlttl. N W corilor llth nMl N W ctltllor 13lh nnd -3 AV C ° mor 18Ul nn(1 ( ' ' 8 1 : oomir 2W atltl , 'r , ! ' .llatrlot"s I : corner 16th nnil 1'loroo K cornur "H > n tl Wllllnin utli llslrlet-N' K corner Slxluouth nnd Con- or tftrootg. Utli District N W corner 2HU niul Dororti it roots. tltli IMtrlot-S E corner 20th aiirt llnncroft M root A * TJlli DIstrlct-N n corner l.Hli und Vlnton iroots. . < t" S W corner mu "nl ( Valley llth District N EooraorSOth .xnd Iloulovnrd Tlltlll ) WAIUl. ' Dlstrlct-S W corner 12th nnd Chicago 2il District X W corner Uth und Davenport yd District South Mdo of Oapltot avouuo itiiircslori ( Kith struct. 4th District-West sldo of 12th street , be- wecn Douglas und Doditu streets. iith District N B corner lutli and Capitol ivunuo Uth Dlstrlot N E corner Oth nnd Hnrnoy "III District S n corner llth nnd Doiulaa licet * , . nli DIstrlct-N E corner 13th und Jackson troots. Mli District B E corner 10th nnd Howard < t reels. Fouimi WAHII. 1st District N W corner 17th nnd Davenport . 'nil District N W corner 2 > nd und Davenport Jnl District N W corner Kith and JJodiro troots. 4th Dlstrlot N 12 corner 17th und Doduo 5th District N E corner 17th and Harnoy 4treots. Oth District N W corner 20th and Douglas ttrcots. 7th DIstrlct-N W corner 26th street nnd St. dnry's nvonno. 8lh District \Vcornor20th street and St. Mary's nvonno. Oth Dislrlct-East sldo ofoiitli 19th slreot , notwocn llurnoy street and St. Mary'savimuo. lUih District N W corner 18th nnd Lo.ivun- viorth street ? . llth District S W corner 17lh strobt and St. Mary s avenue , VIFTII WAIID. 1st District East si lo of Shorinun avenue opposlto Mandorson atroot. 2nd District S E corner Sliurmnn avenue and Wlrt street , : ird District S W corner Sunrinan avenue und Iiinco streot. 4th District N W corner Shorinan avcnuo iiul Grucostrcol. 5th | ) Jstrlct-S W corner 17th and Charles streets. Cth Dlstrlot East sldo of Sherman avenue aboutill ) foot nortli of Nicholas btroot. 7th Dislrlct a E corner lUth and Izard 8th Dlstrlot N W corner 10th and Hurt streets. 9th District N E corner 15th and Oass itroots. 10th District East side North 17th street between - twoen Oulifornla and Unss streets. llth District B E corner 18th cnd Oass streets. BIXTII WAIII ) . 1st District S E corner 24th street and Amos ivcnuo. 2nU District S W corner 20th street and Grand nvunciu. : ird District N E corner 43th and Grant streets , 4th District S W corner 2Uh and Mnndcrson streets. 5th District SE corner SUh and Wlrt streets. Otli District a W corner KJrd and 1'arHor itrcots. 7th District N W corner 24th a-jd Corby streets. 8th District N E corner 27th and llurdetto streets. Oth District N E corner 2nd nnd Grant streets. luth District NV corner 28th nnd rnmlclln streota. llth District S W corner 24th nnd Finnklln streets. Kth Dlstrlot-S W corner 22nd and Olarlc streets , SEVENTH WARD. 1st District S W corner 2dth and .Mason streets. 2nd District N F , corner 29th avenue and I'opulPton Kvoiiuo. : < rd DIslrlut S W corner 0th el root and Wool worth avenua 4th District N W corner 20th street and Arbor street. Mb Dlstrlot South sldo of Vlnton street nour ( oust of ) south iM iivonuo. * Cth District S E corner UUth avenue and I'opplotou uvenuo. 7lti District N W corner illtli and I'rancls streets. EKIIITII WAIII ) . 1st District Enst sldo of 20th street near ( south of I Charles ; street. 2nd District West side of 23d Btroot near ( south ol ) I'.uil street. : int Dlstrlot N W corner 20th and Nicholas streets. 4tb Dlstrlot N E corner 29lh and Oiimlnz streots. Ath District West sldo of North 23th street near ( north of ) Cumin : ; street. fith DlBtrlot S i ; rori'or''d and Hurt strcots. 7th District S W corner VOth and Unas streets. KI.VTII WAIII ) , 1st District S W corner 33d nnd Cumin ; struets. 2d District NV corner 40th and Cumins streets. ; id District N E cornnr 40th and Tarnain strcuts. 4lh District North sldo of Davenport street near ( wet of ) North : Ud avenuo. Dili dl trlot a E ouraer 3lut nvcnuo and Iodu' street. Uth District S W corner 29th avcnuo and JucUsoii street. In witness whorcof I hn\o hernnnto sot my Irind iiH mavor of snul city of Oiniilm , this 17th day of October. IMJi (3IH ) . I' . 1IEMIP. Mnyor. : JOHN GKOVICH , city Clerk. olud-Jit PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY THEY ARE AfjL MADE IN NEBRASKA BUY THKHIO , THEY ARE THE 13EST. . .f.JW - 2o 1 4 4H ; U - w o s § w C- . NOTICKTIIH iniprortiiiioiit over Af.i. othoi13ulb Syiln-jcs. 1st. The Tubinc CANNOT KINK und iiuiiAK. bo the Syrinyo LASTS LUKdKit than nnv otlior. 'JJ , The Vnlvod CANNOT nn LOST ami tlio S.vriiitro not work. : ! il. All nolso in usini ' the Syringe in I'ui'.VHNTUi ) , which id soinotlnioa BO uunovinp * . All ( Jeniilno Wy- rlngcs bcur tlio Tntil.o MtirU ' 'Fish lliMiul. " Uuy no othor. Amonj , * tlio largo vu- rioty ui ndi ) are u few ntimhors as follows : No. 8--A1I heavy white rubber ; with three hard rubbrplpc . . . , . , . . . . , . , . , . t .75 each No. U All heavy whltu rubber , llirxti hard rubber pipes and vnulnul cleuiilDC point . LU ) each No , lU-Kxiru heavy white rubber , llvo hard rubber pipes and vnidnul ct'aiiliiL'pulnl ) . . . . . . 1.75 each No. 14-Kxtrahnavyruit rubbi-r , with thrco hard rubber pipes . . , . , , . , LU I'acli r > o , U Kitin liuuvy rod rubber. luruJ hard ruth r pipe * and vnulnul cleauinK point . , . l.W eurh No , Iti-Kxtru hi-.ivy red rubber , llrohurd rubbir pipes and vuttnal clcunluu pulnt . . . . . , , , 1.74 each Ask youc dru-fgUt for the "FISH 15UAND" aa above , and tiiko no othor. For ealo by Af.L Dl UOOlSTS. SMU by ox press on rouoipt of prico. Wttnufaotuiorod by OMA1IA ItOnuKK CO. , ISLt ) t'urnam St. , Cor. 16th. I < ady clerk in iittciidniu-c. It is a wonderful soap that takes hold quick and docs no harm. No harm ! It leaves the skin soft like a baby's ; no alkali in it , nothing but soap. The harm is done by al kali. Still more harm is clone by not washing. So , bad soap is better than none. What is bad soap ? Imper fectly made ; the fat and al kali not well balanced or not combined. What in good soap ? Pears' . All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases are all gold as far as you can see. They look like solid cases , wear like solid cases , and are solid cases for all practical purposes yet only cost about half as much ns nn out- and-out solid i * ° ld case. Warranted to wear for 20 years ; many in constant use for ( bitty years. Better than ever since they are now fitted , at no extra cost , with the great bow ( ring ) which cannot lie fulled of twisted off the case the Can only be had on the cases stamped with this trade mark. All others have the old-style pull-out libw , which is only held to the case by friction , and can be twisted off with the fingers. Sold only through watch dealers. Ask to see pamphlet , or send for one to the makers. KeystoneWatch Case Co.f PHILADELPHIA. Keep cool ! The plnnno can't reach you If yon do thurlvlit thing at iho riant tlmo. LOOK AT THE SECRETIONS I See that Ihoy arc healthy and perfect. I'nt tie ! liver lo natural mirk. This ossiires digestion and nutrition. Avoid unrlpo frulla and unwholesome Cook every thing , even water. Clean ott ( ha of stumach and bowjU Al oui i. wit.1 Dr. SdisncK's ' Manflrato Pillj , They carry nwny all illsoaio ( terms nud nil poison ous matter. They assure perfectly healthy and natural secretions. They turn the llvur to the no- count of dlgextton nnd nutrition , quickly , safely , thoroughly. Keep head cool , feet warm , skin clean SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. have been tested In many a Cholera epldomlc. They do for tho. STOMACH , LIVER AND BOWELS do what sanitary sclonen snys should ho donOwltli pains , cloui'tB , rooms nnd the outer person , They clean nnil mirlfy the Inner hnuso and put tlio ali mentary ehlnnneli In perfect order. Avoid stlmiilahts. Clear their olTi-cts out of the eyateui at once with the Mnndrako Pllli. Put the allmciitnry channels In ' . 'rilor nny bid dollunce to cholern. In clioh'rn epidemics , nnd nil other Involving the liver , htoninch nud bowuK more cases of pruvcn- thin and euro stand to thucrodlt uf lr ) Sclienck , ' 3 Mnnilroko I'lllH than liny other auency or lomedy. IIEALTIirUL , AaRHCABLR , CLCANSINQ. For Farmers , Minors and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo , RUSSIAN soap. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water Act iicntly yet promptly - ly on tbo I.IVnt , 1(11) ( ) . on , Ji/UH / and UIMtl'I.S , ( Us- polling Hcadachcn , Fov- i-is and Cold * , tliorouch * LITTLE ly clounslni ; the Bystcm of disease , und cures Vegetable habitual conHllpallon They are sugar coated , duiint frlpo , very mnalL easy tn tulo : , und purely TCKctuble.ISplllslnuach \lal , J'crf vl dlgoKtion follows thi'lruno. They r.lisululclr cure kick licud. ' " " " - > * " ' * > Btieuiul | arorcrummi'inl. c1 by Irailin ; ; ! 'jkllini. i-'or Bain by landing duOTlsl4arxi'atliyiiiuiS5rU. : ; nilal , AdilrtuiJ KDB ! 3 MEOICIKE CO. , Piops , , S rnws'.o ' u " ' ) ( ) ! ' . SAI.K 1W OJIAIIA. NEB 1JV t uhn & Co. , Cn.r ISlli & DacKl i Hit. J .A Puller < Si Co , Cot. Hill < & IlguuL t * ' .I totter < ft ( , V. < kiu-.cU IU'jC.1 , la YOUREYES AR& TROUBLING YOU ! Wull , cniuound liavo Ilium ctamlurd by iiur nptl- lean Kreeuf l.'burwo. nnd , If ni ie : tury , titled with a p.ilrnr. our PHUKiCl'ION"HPKt.TAC1LKSor : KVK ( ILAShKS the bed lu the irnrlil If you ilo not need vloitu * wo "III tell you iiiunil uilrlxiyou hat to ilo. ( JOI.I ) t PK TA ( I.KH or liVK liLAk < < KH KIIOM $ J DP. bTriKI. aPKOIVVCLi- : ! VK ( JLA-HKS KltOM fl UP. Plain , Muului , blue or nhltoila e < , for protcotlnii tlu oyai , fioiu ii.'o u pair up. Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. , J welers and Opticians. TUB MYSTERY OF DEATHj 1 * Thrro n Supreme .Monirtit of Cnnftclnm * ncr.lieti the Soul Quit * , tlin Itiidy ? " 1 was rending nn nrtlclo thli morn * Ing on how 11 focls to illo , " caul Dr. W. U. Kpworth to n reporter of Iho St , Louis Olobo'Demoerai. "No living tnnn can toll how tlcnlli focls or wliotlior the actual act of dissolution Is accompanied bv sensation or not , A man who , through dlsoaso or casualty , has lost consciousness has hocoinu to all nj > poaranco * ( load and la then roMisel- tatoii , can really toll us nothing about It , for ho did not die , 'I ho mai'hlnory did not como to a coiunluto standstill , the llfo force did not leave the body. It may bo that the pool has dipped deeper th'in the physician Into ttio awful mva tory of doath. H may bo that ho nan descried lo ro s not visible to the oycs of the medical man , who Intorosta him. BO f only in the condition of the anlmnl mechanism. "I have stood by tlio deathbed of men who told mo they were col up to boll , and saw them pass peacefully to tholr long sloop. 1 hnvo looked at tholr dead n few minutes later and saw thereon - on a look of fear , of horror , that was not viathlo wnon iho heart gave Its lust fainl throb and ilien stood still , I liavo had others loll mo almost with tliolr last breath that they were going to lioavon , They passed away with wan , weary facof that wuio pitiful tn contemplate , but before fore they became rigid a Binllo Hwoot i\r \ , an angel's dream overspread tlio palllo features. The deep lines of milTorinn , faded out , and the aged looked almost youthful , the weary and worn bnuamo radiant. What causes this change , which every physician him noticed ? When does death occurV Wo say when tlio animal machinery blops , when the breath nnd pulbo cease. ' ' .I lint is what , tlio doctor calls death , but It may not really be death after all. Tlio spirit may not leave the body , may not lake its departure from the oartii with the lam In cat h , tlio lust faint heart-beat. It may cling for some mo ments to Us shattered tenement before it takes Night , before it facet * ihooo ter rors or outers into those transcendent glories which the poet has painted The death of Iho body , with whicii doctors only deal , may bo but the prelude to a more important act , the departure of the spirit. Science has gone far , but it has not yet lifted the veil of mystery which the Almighty has hung ovo'r the couch of death. " U 01,1:110. : inwnApnlU.1391. Dr. .T. 13. Monro , Dour Sir : My wlfo has used about six Dottles of your Troa of Ltfo and thinks Hint , slio lias rocolvoil ( jroator'boa- clltfrum It than unv moulctnu shu Uiu ever taken. Yours truly , L. II. Bui'Kitf. Ouii'l Acont unil Troi\9. Wcit Gollo o : Slnoo roceivinn the abovetosttinoulal , 1 am larocolnt of n lottcr niul eaoo.c froiti the ll&v. Li.H Hdfkiaor Totu.lo , lowi , April 2" , ts send Koi * . .1. W. IConworthr , Crostliae , , lCdi . sas , six bottles of .Moot-a's Tree ot Llfo. ' v , , l''or ' sale by till drugcists. SAT FOR A FAMOUS Mkctcli of llucli 'MnHlinr , Iho Urliiilil | Yunkeo Doiulle. Thousands of Americans are familiar with Artist Willard's colobmtod paint- inf * , "Yankee Doodle , " with Its tbrno revolutionary volunteers , with life und drum , calling out the defenders of American liberty. When Artist \Vil- larU painted that patriotic pieturo , the Buftslo Times s.iys , ho took for his orig inal revolutionary hero Hugh Moshor , the famous lifer of the western reservft Mr. Moshor paid tlio last debt of nature at his homo in Urighton , O. , nt the ripe old ago of 7 1 years. His fuaoral was at tended by hundreds of old soldiers whom ho had delighted with his fife , and by whom his death waa regarded ns little less than n personal loss. Mr. Moshor was n born flfor , ns were his father and grandfather before him. lie was a nut. vo of Ohio and was bprn in Lake county in 1810. His .grand father served in the revolutionary wtir , his father in tbo war of 1812 , and ho completed tbo family war record by nearly two years' borvico in the union urmy duriti'g the civil war. Each of vho three generations furnished a. fifor in the armies of tholr country , nnd the grandson refused to lay his favorjto Ju- strument aside when peace was restored. For years ho had boon a familiar liguro atpubliccRlobrations. reunions , political gatherings and county fairs throughout tlio webtern reserve , and had litornlly llfcdhisway into the alTectlons of the people of this part of thecountry. . It was at ono of these gatherings that the attention of Painter Willard was drawn to Mr. Moshor , who was induced to servo as the model of the revolutionary fifor. For many years Mr. Moshor did little else than visit nut-rounding towns , in response lo urgent requests , und no gathering of old soldiers could bo voted a really successful and enjoyable ono that did not count among UK.BO present the venerable old lifer of Brighton. Everybody should know what , agood medicine - cine Dr. Bull's Couch Syrup la ; it has cured many thousands nnd will euro you , I'iriySlillIliiuH lorn .Miisliicln- , A iniibtacho is not regarded as u marketable commodity , snys London Million , butn man ( TTHiiosed of Ills upper lip ornament the otliar day to u beardless - loss youth who envied him its pusses- slon. The two inoti were Hitting in u cafe , when the youth , in a moment of guileless desire , mild : "I wjllgivoyou CO r > hillin < : s for your muslacho. ' ' "Done " Uio ether with , replied dram atic proini'liliidc , and calling for u pair of HoifisoiH ho laid Iho mustache on the table. The young follow protested that lie WIIB oniy joking , but hin companion if-sucd n county court summons for the amount agreed upon und received it without much trouble. LmWltt'sbnrsiiD.irilta ciounsoi tna blooa , Incroisos tlio ai > p > 3Mti ) utnl to.ioi ti | ) thusys. tuin. It liiH lionulltol in my piapln who liavo suitcrod froia blooii dlsorduw. It will hoi p you. Tlio Cliliin-ii Way , In ita war with England and Franco in ] 8.V-)0 ) ( ) ( Jiiina was easily coiujuurcd and forced to u humiliating ncace. Tlio Po- kin Gir/.otto , the olliuiai organ of the government , however , reported tlio fol lowing concerning that treaty of peace ; "Aw the western harbarlaiiH hnvo ad mitted tholr wrongs , und humbly # 0- licited for peace , iho emperor in liitf In- flulto goodnoHH has granted tholr prayer and moreover has made Uioin n jn-csunt of a largo an in of money ( irdomnity of winto ) iinahiu them to begin nn honest life , HO that thny may not again bo driven to murder and r.ijiino. " Mrs. Whitlow's NcoihitiK Byiup forchll. ilren tootliini ! pruduiui natural qnlui BOL'II' | 'Jj coats a botlln. Naluro Hhould 1)0 IlHHlUtOll to tlirowoU'lmiiiirl- CUHC3 th-Hol'lliPhlooil. dues it MALARIAL * * Nothing so well , HO Biifcly + o POISON or no promptly nu Swift's Hnocille. LIFE HAD NO CHfRMS , Vor threl years I wi triuMe.l w'lU inaUrl&l pr.ldh. whl lj < ai-il uiy i > | i uio tti ( il , r , I 1 r . ui | lyft uuedlnn h.undlnil lull Hull m > i. 1 ulcj jntr- nirula td | > u.linu ' . .I tuti < TI t. it uMvcl in i.iii { iiii.ntri ifriTfl5SlAr''r'JCltl ! < ' 10' ' ! * it W&s z&E2in't ' " l " " * ' " Uitterlit ; UliUuntvcr , J.A UaJ&km