Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA DAILY Ifflfit MONDAY , OCTOKKU 21 , 1802.
Heaviness In Grain and Buoyancy in Pro
visions To'l the Tale ,
Corn Win IVcHk : mil I.nurr rn n Ile ult
if the Hie llorolpti of tlic I'M * I
Ilirre Mil ) * Outs Worn
rniCAfio , III. . Oct. 5' . Ileavlneis In Brain
nml buoyniicy In provisions tell the tale of to-
ay'Bmarket. Wheat Is from'ictotolowcr and
corn from He to 'tc. The lucolplt were
n depressing weight , the arrlvnU hero for
three < lay footlna up l.OWcars nnd thcro were
nearly : i , < KO i ars In the northwest.
A reported failure of alar u concern In
1'arls with a branch house In Antwerp made
the trade hero nervous anil holuoil to weaUeu
prices , although It aid not to have
much olTecl on the market which would
dually bo most affected If the fail
ure hail been Important. Hut thcro
was very little dnmand and holders
were Kcncrnlly illspoiod to sell , so that the
feollnir was easy during almost the untlre
Rcsslon , Tin ) eJiporM from thu seaboard for
the past two days wore fait * but the mo\c-
mcnls from both coasts for the week were
nmallcr , helm only : i.7J.O 0 htl. of wheat and
flour , against iUAVOQO hu for the week pre
vious andII.OI.OOJ Int. for Iho corresponding
week last The opcnlns was from "no to
Jie loucrthati closing llEitrcs of Ucdiicsiuiy
nnl pilccs funliT dccllncil from * Jo to V.
hold steady unit tlio closing from ' > o lo > ic
from the botlom , "
Corn was weak nnd lower dullness In trade ,
llK receipts for tlirco IH.VS. ! and sympathy
with thn weakness In wheat Thcro WIM : not
much dniiuiml an I the olTorlngs wcto free.
The tendency to decline wns slhhtly counter-
ncteil by the tlruincMor provisions. Intllal
tnidca went at aboul the Html lUuiej of
Wednesday , but grutluully sagged oil from 'io
to 7ic
Oats were quiet nnd lower on the big aril-
valR for ihicu days and iho weakness In the
other plis. Tlio c o o was at from 'no to 'xc
under Wednesday nlalit'.s llrmncss.
TholpailliiK futiiies rs nacti its follows :
AIlTin.I.M. mini , i low. ( .HIT.
Vt'llKATXO. 1
7151 IH7I
Dcccnilcr. . 7.O < 7I
May 7SS * 7 M
COIIN .NO. 'i-
Ocinlier. . . . 40JJ 401 {
Ilccrnibvr. . <
Jlny 4. , ' * 4.-.MH
OATP No. 2--
Deer inter. . .
Mny 33J6
IESS ! rniiK"
Kovcmber . . 12 1.'i 11 M
Jnnunry . . 1J 20 IJ 35 n 15
Kovcinlirr . 7 i'7 ' ! { B cr ,
Jnnunry. . 710 7 MJ 7 4S 7 S5
illllllT IIIIIS- 710M
OctoLrr M 10 9- > 1080
Janunp. . . 82 K n w J IU
Oii&h ( | iiotatlonbvuro as follows :
Ft.ouu Wotik ; pr.cus I't&Ko lower tliunono
WIIICAT No. 2 sprln ? . 7PiO7I 'iCj No. a spring.
B.RKIc : No. UiniJ. 7lliJ7P.c. (
COIIN No. 'J ciifch. 40c ; Na 3 , Me.
OATS No. S. Wc ; No. 3 nhlte , .lie ; No 3 ,
yrliltc , : OitiCc. :
HVE No.Me. .
liAiit.Ev-No. y , co < ar,2c : No. : i , f. o. b. , 37c.
1'I.AX SUKD No. 1. JI0915.
TIMOTMV HBKP I'r.nic. $1.00.
VoitK Mc s. per bbl. . I 2.1MJHM ; lard , per
100 Ihs. . J8.SO ; short ribs , sides ( loose ) , $ . .7:1
tHO.SO : dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . JT.l.'i
417.50 ; slioi t clear sides ( lioxcdl. 8 .3 ® S.3 , ' .
WIIIKIU Uistlllcis' llnlshcd goods , per gal , ,
SUOAH ? I'nchaiizoiif cut loaf. f.'iGliJic ;
grantiliitcd..p > n c : Rlundard "A , " Ti'aC.
W ICccclpls and shipments today wcio ns fol
, lows :
On the 1'rodueo exchange today the buttoi
marUfit was higher : ere.imory , v.1D7c : dairy
S. IlimutS ® ' ; jjc. !
Now Voric iMlirkcto.
Vouic . . ' I'r.ouii ' . ' 3OD
NEW , Oct. 3. . Itecolpts. , (
pkgs ; exports , 3,300 Luis. , 3 ' .500 t > jcl : dull ;
ivojk ; sales .V.'OObbls. Low cMras , 52.lOJ4a.OJ !
fair to fancy , ai.O ; < K34.oo : palenK $ I.15 I40 |
Mliine > oti : clear , 93.u. > ® l.DU : straights ,
COIIN MBA i. Qtilot , steady ; yellow western
WHEAT Receipts , 2T7.CUJ bu. : exports. III2 , .
DOOhu. ; Rules , 'ilJ.U.Obu. of futures. I''S.l.OO bn
of soot. Spols , moderately active , weaker
No. 3 red. KiirfiUu in ktoro and olorutcr
77Wo alloat : Willie f. o. b , : No. 3 rod. ' , Q ; tin
Kradcd led. < Mi744c ! : No. 1 northern , fl'lo
No. 3 northern , "i''i No. 3 Milwaukee , 7.iJ 'c
Ootlons opened Irregular , partly Uc up ; tic
cllneil Jifii'jeon reports of tlnancial trouble li
I'urls and heavy receipts , reacted 'ao am
closed btoady at " ( TJjC ! unJorThurstlav. Sale
Included No 3 rod , December , 'b'iSIUJiC. clos
Ing 'Bo ; January , WaGB'J'ic , closing 8j ° , c
May , S ? © : l-illv' , closing 8.'i4'c.
Kvu-Doll. lower : western. ( V-XSCUc.
llAlti.BV Quiet : western. 05 < B7 ( > c.
HAIII.KV MAI.T Dull ; wosiorn , 7iKSROe.
COIIN UuculplK , 307.LOJ bu ; exports , 01,00
bu. : Hales , 3DU.UOJ hu. of futures , -jj.oui hu. o
spot. Spots dull and easier : No. 3 , 4'J'gU I
elevator ; .I'lttl'.l ' u iillo'it. Options weio dill
JiSiUo lowei nnd no.ik : Novomhor. 4'j8aiJJi ( {
closing at 49'jc : Do'-cmbcr , .VJJiffiSO'sc. closln
utB'J'iu ; May , .M'iiWIic , closing ut.M'ic.
OATS Receipts , 375,000 bu ; exports , none
sales , 10.00J hu. of futures. ID.WKI bu. bpoi
tjpotsilull , ( Inner. Options dull , 'jCi' c lowei
weak ; December. , closing ntXiJjo ; Muj
: i8U'c , closing at 3s4e : No. 3 boot white , Uii
mixed western 3.l.fie ; whltu wcslori
aMllCc : white stale. IlJOSiec : No. 3 Ohlcauo J5i
HAY Quiet ami easy ; shipping , COitUJcj goo
to chnlce. 70QWC.
How Dull and weak ; Pacific roast , lf/S t <
BmiAH KHW , dull and linn ; fair ruflnliu
3e : centrifugals , 'lui test , a 7-lwiJ3Hc : rellnei
A.OI.ASSCS NomLial for forchn : New Oi
loans , steady and quiet ; common lo fancy , :
KICK Active nnd Minn ; domestic , fair I
o.xtra , 4"31'o ( ; Japan , f.a'i'ac.
Elis ( Klrm : fair demand ; western prim
2o : receipts , li.lWl pkgs ,
HIDES Good domaiKl : linn : wet salted , Nu
Orleans selected and To.ias selected , 43 to 0
Ibs. , C@7c.
1'OHK Higher : quiet ; old mess , ttZ'iXlK.r >
noiv mess , ( la. ' &iil.'l.'iU ; extra prime , * I : ! - ' . " >
13.75 ; cut inontH steady ; plckied bullies. 8 > i
6t < pickled Hhoiildeis , Tc ; middles , firm qule
Khoit cleii r , November , fc > . .V > ; Iiiril llrme
quiet ; wcbtcrn sluam , $0 10 ; H lies. MU tierces i
* 0.li7H ; oullnn sulcH , none ; October , ! UO
Novemucr , bid ; Junuary , JT.P.'i bid ; r
lined Htiouj ,
IIOTTKH I'lrtnj good domnnd : woste
dairy. irW-'c : western creamery , IDtt'JS
wettorn fuetory. I4'i7 | ; Klein , "be.
< JIIKI : UVunlc ; p irl bklms. 3U7c.
I'm InoN-Qulul but steady ; America
Uoi'i'Eit Slcady : lake.
J.EAii-Diill ; domestic , . .
TIN Kusyt btralahts , $ .u704i.U75.
St. l.uuN .Marllrts.
PT. I.OITIP. Mo. , Oct. ! S. VI.OUK I
WIIKAT Dull and easy. ? 4 < a * a mill
AVoilnosilav ; eash , Ciihc. the lowcs-t It h
reached In eight or ten yoniit ; November , (
bid ; Ducemhor.GOiic ; Mny. 70 > i70Hv.
COIIN I'.aty. ) loblng mtijo lioliiw Wcdiu
Cayj cash and October lower at 1.7o ; Novel
ter. 37'i74e : ! ; .May , 4lc.
OATH Closed ' 40 under Wednesday ; cai
8801 Novt'inhcr , i'71int .Muy , y.iaa."ic. ' ) (
HVK Nominal atV."je.
IIAKI.HV Steady : IOWH , 57c.
HAV Dull ; timothy , } l.owilia.l0i )
IIUTrEii-Steaily , SJ3J370J cmlry , lO'dl''lc ,
Kdus-l'lrni , I7c.
WIIIUKV bloailv at f 1,10.
I'IIOVISIIINS Higher ami Ilrin. Pork , fl.1.
I.uril , IH..S : shoulders , * l.7i ; lon unit rl
7.O. ! ; hhorth.IIX.IO ; limns. ilLWUM' . ' . .
IteceiiTii I'lireo Oavs Klour , 10,000 bbl
Mhuat , ulM.OJO hu. ; corn , 101,00) ) hu. : u.its , 133 ,
bu. ; rye. 3U.001bu , | hurley , 41 , OOJ bu.
Biiii'MKNTS l-'lour , 7,003 lihls. : wheat , 4 $ ,
Im. ; corn , 33,000 bu.j outs , 14,00) ) bu. ; rye , 11
bu.s burlcy , ' . ' .OlObu.
Kaiuat City Starhotx.
ndunuy ; No. 3 hnrcl , ttQSCe.
COIIN Dull but armor ; No. 2 mlxui ] , ,14 > iia :
itV OATS btoailyj No. 3 mixed. .Witt. to.
V II AY Very htruiiz ; timothy , J7.5WIS
prulrle. ( at7.50. (
llUTTEii Aetlvo ii nd scarce ; creamery , '
Sde ; dairy , lltt. ' . ' c.
Kaas-nrm at 17)1 ) 1 0.
HuCKUTa Wheat , lf.oOJ ) bu , ; corn , IS
tm.outi. ; noun
Hiiii'itK.NTjj Wheat , 111,009 bu. ; corn , C
bu , ; ouls , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Milwaukee drum Market.
MILWAUKEE , WU. Oct. 3. . WiiuAT We
December , C''e ; Na 3 cprlnir , CTGteiic.
COHN Lower ; No. a. WiUlc.
OATti-Sieauj ; No. 3 , Kijfifilo ; NI
white. aWJUic.
llAlll.IIV UHJO.
Uve Lower : WUJr.
lliilix nml 1'cltf.
I'oUonlnit nro the prices paid bvOmi
dealers for hides anil pelts quoted fcuhjcul
without uotko : No. I tre a Uldci ,
Na t ercrn snlled hld i , 4JIISOI No. 3 srcmi
nltcd Iinlcf , : W4U i No. 1 nrcnn unltrd hide * , *
i'.Mo 49 ! bs. . 431'krt ' No. 3 green i\llod hide * . :
to 4n ll ) . . Jua tei No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 15 lbi..frii
rej No. 3 enl rulf , 8 to M Ibs. , 3' < es No. I dry
Hint htdcm 7et No. 3 drv Hint hides 5u
Nn. 1 nry xtiltcd hldc < . MlCcl part cured
hides Ho per lb. , less tliHn fully cured , fclicep
Dells ( ircen nailed , ench. JlV-fHI S t KICOII
all cd sbenrllnin ( short woolcd early nklim.
each , IM12.V ! dry dhonrlhua ( short woolcd
early sklns > , .No. 1 , each , MllOoi dry shr-nrllntjs
thort woolod enrly sklim. No. 2. each , Sot dry
flint Kiitifta * nnd Nnhrnska liulclierwool pelts ,
per lb. . actuiil welKht. IWJU'icl dry Hint Knn-
sns and Nobr.iskn Murrain wool nnlto. per lb. ,
actual nolRht , 85JI3c : dry nint Colorado
butcher wool pells , per lb , actual weight. KHT >
IZ'lut dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool poll * .
per Ih. . itcttml we ght , KMOct dry llceccs and
buplii. nctual welcht,7SliV. Have feet cut oIT ,
us It Is useless to pay freight on thoiii ,
Oil .Murket.
dull : Parker's , t4.I'lirPor's ; In bulk , J.MI3 ;
rcllncd , JiiV'ir.Ou : refined In bulk , H4Vai.Vi. :
COTTO.V Srii : > Oil/ Dull , tuilft ; crude , 374c ! ;
yellow , : U'i iilc. :
TAW.ow-onloi : clly4'tc.
ItdSlN-Qiilot ; ntr.ilneii , common to ROOQ ,
. . . .
Tuiii'EMi. > r.-giilct. nrm :
Oniahii I'ruit .Market.
Oiupp.s-Now Vork concords , ' 'SiMJo per
10-lb. basket.
OAt.tfoiiNiA tiiiAt'ES Poreratet SI.53 mils-
cats ; 11.75 ToUays.
( JAMrOHMA I'KAIlfS ! i.WpcrlOX. .
Ai'1't.usWestern , J17.vai.0-J ; Now ork , t .0)
(34.50. (
( JUINCGS Per box. Jl.'ittS.OO.
Cotton .Murknt.
New Oiit.nANS. La. . Oct. 2i 1'Irin , inodor-
ntu ; middling , 7 ll-ICe ; low middling ,
7'to : coed o nil nary , U l-lfici not receipts , nr.'Jt
Iniles : cross rcculpls , 7.4VJ bales ; exports lo
tiieat llrltaln , n.h'H hales ; to the continent ,
0,000 bales ; ciMstivl c. 4.3J.5 bales ; sales , h , jO
bales ; stock , 115,032 bales.
I.ttrrp.-i'il MuritKts ,
Livriii'oot. Oct. K ! , WIIBAT Stonily ; de
mand poor ; hold'TS olTcr modcratoly.
COHN Steady ; ( loiiianil fair.
llAC'oN Long clear 4ibs. . , 4U ! per cwt.
Om ill i I'i'oiliicn .M.trknt.
HtiTTiiii PacKIng stocK , 133l4c ; dairy , 10
Knn ' 8'i57.ine ' for fresh stock ,
Pout.TittChickens , 7 ® Sc ; ducks , DC ,
ftinilon fliianelril lte\lo\v.
( Coprli.'lilcil Wl by Jnmcj ( leMon llcnnett. ]
LONDON , Oct. SJ , { Now Voik Herald ( Juble
Special to Tnu IlKK.1 Abscnco of business
has been very mnrked In the SHonk ovc'iangu '
for Iho short tlmo It was open todny. ! unds
nro iinchanccd , will u Indian rupee uuporbas
given way ' per cent. I'orolgn government
socurllius h ivn been moro or less depressed
from iho opiMiIng lo the oloso. Arccntlno Is-
situs Inivu given way from 'i to V\ per cent ,
oulni. to the picmliim on gold nd-
vanclng lo 314 per cent , although
very quiet. Otvln to the ulisonco of
Now Vork ptlccs , Americans fall to show con-
slderablo llrmncss , and uloso ut their best.
Wahash dchentuio mark an advance ot 4 per
cent , Norfolk & Western preference \ pur
ccnl , and most others 'a to 'i per cent. Cana
dian lines ifcro inclined to ho dull at the
opcnln ? , but later became stronger and
clcso unlit. Orand Trunk preferences guar
anteed showln. an advancoof H to " percent ,
an I Canadian Purl lie 't nor cent. Money
bconllttlo wanted , With the excessive sup
ply of flouting capital rates for short loans
have fallen away to U per cent. The discount
market uont'iiucd firm , two and tlirco months'
bills being quoted at 31. ; per cent.
1' Notes.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Oct. 2S. Clearings , $ : , I80-
310 ,
I'AIIIS , Oct. 21. Tlires per cent rentes , 9Uf
. " > 3 for the account.
NKW VOIIK , Oct. Si-Cloarlngs. JUS.OSI.lOGj
balanecs , $ T,73I87. )
ST. LIUIB. Mo , Ojt. 2Clearlnss , ! 4,703-
CSj ; balances , JI44,5S'j.
OMAHA. Oct. 31. Clearings , $1,307,703. Total
for the wcok , * r'HI,297.
PiutAinit.piiiA , Pa. . On. 21. Clearings , Sll- !
SIR.'Jj : ) ; Dalanccif , i.MGI.551.
nAl.TlMOiic. Mil. . Oct. 22. Oloarlngs. $3,0"-
544 ; balances , tl'jll. " > : ( > , Money. (1 ( per cent.
LONDON , Oct. 22. Amount of bullion with
drawn from the Dank of England on balance
ted y , i"0,000.
IIOSTON , Jlass. . Oct. 22. Clearings , $ :0G22- :
50 ; ; balances , fl,8s.l,4S4. Monov. fi percent.
K\chaiigo/on / New Vork , 17e discount to par.
New VOIIK , Oct. C2. Prime mercantile paper
5i ! per conl. Sterling exchange was ttody ,
wllhactuil business at J 1. 6.1 14 for bankers
sixty-day hills and $1.60 for domand.
UlliCAfto , III. Oct. 2J. Oloarms < ! , 513nlC7n
for Iho week , } ! U.10.\)57 ( ) ; for thocorrespondlii ( !
weclclast year. 9 ( V.U MM * . Money btrong. .vai
per cent. Now Voik exchange , quiet , 402" > i
discount. Sterling , dull ; sixty ilu.v bills , $1.84
dumiind , Sl.bG. _
i'rliuo Cattle Stilt Scarce I.nit Weok'i
Itccorit HOBS Stcmly.
OMAHA. Oct. 2. . Itcctlpts the past week , the
week prevlou and the corresponding wool.
1'ist your aio shown In Iho followln ; table :
Oatllo. Hogs. Sheep
Uccolptslhopastweek. . . . IIUIIO SS.a-i5 1.37
iiccoipis week previous. . 2i,77. " > ' . ' 3,158 a,37-
Haino week last year . tt.lll 21.077 4.9J
During the past wcok there has been Httli
change worthy of note In the general catlh
tradu. There has liocn a falling oIT compaiot
with last week of over 7.0JO cattle
but the offerings continue to Include mori
common and Inferior cattle than Ihero Is aa ]
call for. Ou the other hand , baro.y cnougi
rlpo beef slccr.s have been received toclvn ;
fiiu Idea of Iho big ilcmaiul Ihero Is for thl
class of stock. Prices have shown an upwari
tendency all wool : on coed to choloo boo
glades , and tlio sumo has been Iruo of butch
ciV slock , Cornfcd sicors have sold as hid
as & > .3 > . and cows as high as i3.3. > . These llg
urcs merely show how urgent the demand 1
forslrlcliy prime stock. The run o
cattle , however , both utoei.s and cows , ha
liocn very oidln try as to quality , and price
at n little. If any , dlllorent from last week. ]
fuel , there has really been very llttla cluing
In Iho market during the past month.
The samu monotony that charactorl/cs th
l.ndo In beef and hutcncrs' caltlo pVevallsl
Iho stocker and feeder trade. Suppllesof fal
llcshod feeders have not hocn excessive an
with tin excollcnt uonoral demand prices hav
hcon well malntulncd. The market Is sill
glutted with common lljht stock cuttle an
yourllnxs and these are soiling at prices a
low as ever prevailed on this market. .Salc
to Iho country have hcon la run and In genera
a fair volume of business has been liMiisaotot
The week uosi4 wltn rather a lljlit run i
catllo. The supply was nearly l.OOU hna
lighter than l.'int KiiturJay und Iho week's n
celpls 7.00J llghlur than a wei-k ago and f > .r > (
lighter llian a year a'JO. While Iho oll'orlnp
wcro limited , they Included some very cholc
cattle. There wiis tlio usual uooil local dc
iiumil and \slth seine competition fiom shl |
pors iho market ruled active and slnm'-'or o
uood to oholco gr.idits. A couple of biinclu
of I.4IIJ and I'i4"i-ll ) . cornfcil hooves hold fc
' and J"i.ri. : : Ordluury grassers and half fn
\\03tarnssuKl : it fioni HOD to jl.Oi , I'ulr I
uooil runBors hold ut full Ftroui : prices frci
JUKI to J.Ui ) . It WIIH u fairly H-itMiictory IIIH
Let throughout and ; i very uooJ anil leasoiii
hly oaily clearance nlToctcil.
Uu COHN anil mixed stock the market wi
steady to slroni : , thu hiul ( of the fulr la KOI
slnlVfcflllnsut from tl.MloJ.'J'i. with extron
Kalciat fruiu Si.DO to ) . Hulls , oxen m
btii''H \MTI' full Htroiic ut from fl.iUtci f'.t
CoiniiiDii yenrllii.'b to choice veals so.d i
from JI.MtoJI.M.
Thatiudu hi htockcn und fecderswas u
usually llvoly for the luM dnyof thu wee
huttht'io tiasuo panlfiilnr chuii''o In ] iih-i
I'nlr to Kouil st'iir ' weUhln : SV ) HH. nnd u
ware's sold rnaillly at from ii5 to W.H > , whl
llithtnml I'oiiiinnn sum mid yeurllngH we
slow sollornt from f 1.5'j tol./ij.
1. lloiH Notwithstanding an Ineroaso In i
: r rnlpts thn past week compared with the wui
is iiruvliniHthoro hiiBht'nu u very rcspucliihloiu
re r.ilher iniL'Xiirolcil udMinc'U lii prices for i
ir.ilcs. Thu chnriicter of the icuolplH nnd
the EhlnpliK and frcidi demand h
elm need hut lllllo. the principal hulll
fnaturcs hnlne thu sircn ih In iirorlsloiiH in
Iho fri'u hiiylni ; hy pankors. How IOIIR tl
ktato of ullulrs will conthiuo Is n matter
conjecuiut. bill while It ( lees thorn Is compii
ullvely I'tllo ( lnnor of u hroalt In urlcea.
l-'or a Suturduy the run of lie s wns qul
llheral , I.MU ) henrlor ihan liibl Saturday , 5i
inoru thU neck thun lust. Shi
plim uidois were limited und tl
nllh Ihu lllirral olTcrliiKs eu
M. hnyors iho host of the sltiintlon. Kuste
is , marLoU woroulhO lower and prlcca heru nil
uualc to a uhkul : lower than ! rlday. Fair
i. : cmitl hoirsof all wolRhts sold laruoly ul fri
100 t : < .M tiiW.4 % with coed tooholee butcher u
houvv lo.ulmnoru or Ims sorted ill from ju
)00 ) I lo- " > .1"i. l/'uinnuin mixed lo Kin nna Ihronoi
) ) J bold ul from $ .VJA to } 5.iThe : inovumeiit v
j tolerably free thronzliout anil thp pi
I elearoil hcforo noon. Biilcs were lur nly M 41 to JS.45 , ngalnst * i43 to < 5 60 Krfdi
ill mid { VAtoCi.aMuBt aturdnv , a not nil vat
during thn week of nbont Kc.
Sc. SIIKKIThomiiilcetwiisn alii uaroof ehc
LOCH ! houtea all want home coed millions u
prices nro nominally unchanged. Fulr to ci
natives. M.504M 53 ; fair to coed westerns. ! ;
QH.'J.'i ; coiiiinon and stock idioou , ti'J.Vita.
good to vholcu 40 to UJ-llj. lumus. ( j.OC < ft5. !
COO Clilciiia I.lve ritock Aliirkrt.
BOO , < 'tiiCAno , III. . Oct.lBpeci l Talosrani
Tun IlEB.J-The receipts of oMtlo unioun
to nboiiH.OlU lienil , but V.OoO of thut num
went tu local dressed hcof shippers and the
fore \\uruuolon the niiirkot. The few hi
urea head off or oil were taken ut full prl <
thu tone of the market bolus linn. Quolall
run from U.OO to II.Sj for goalUwae cowi
. from tt.GO to t\W for extra kteors. West
runsecuttle were tjnoteil m , from (1.53 tot
und Texuns ut from tlV5 to ta ixi.
Ho ; products were oa v early , but EI
turned strou.uuil sold hlshcr. tlio rocel
of ho s werolUht and prices Bt the yn
lilKher and thu manipulators aealn KOI
their work. The gain ut hcit figures over
vlose WeQ nckUuy was 16c for pork uud lUc
Inrd. whllo rtlx were puilied Ui n. > o for Octo
ber ixnd frmn lee to MJ for other month * .
Them wnto Dlcnty of boats off orcd , but the
ilrnmnd was light. Hates hold Mendy ntSHO
for whpftl nnd io for corn toHulTiilo.
Kstliimtcd receipts for Monday ! \\lioi\t. a.d
; ars ! corn , ; r-0 cuist oats , I'.iO car * ; hogs 39,00(1 (
Sales of hogs in.tdo around the opcnlns of
nuslness weio at strong pr ccs , but allovldcnco
it llriunes noon vxtilshod and Iho clos ng
miles wcronta reduction of from fie to l"o. Quo-
tatlons were Ilrin. tli ( to J.UO for llaht nnd
from } , VCO tn7J for lioavy and inorttuin
welalitx. There was not much trading at bet
ter than J.Vfl ) .
10,01 o.
The Ironing .Tonrniil rcpotlsi
tiATTi.r.-ltcccliits , 4,0)0 ) huitd : shipments ,
l.ioi head ; markolstuady alyestcrdiy's iiio- |
tatlons : etroiKor ; prltnn to extra natives ,
JXCIWlfi Ml othnr- ti > CK3 .7r. ; To.xans , $2. > .5'i83.75 ;
ranzcrs. ? : i "iKiUM.
llocs lucelpl ( , 1.T.OOJ head : shipments.
7,000 ! mnrkut opened stronu und closed weak ;
rouith nml common , SS.iHXi&.vaO : mixed and
packers. $ : prime hoavv nnd butchers'
wr-luhts , W Cr i4-,70 ; lUhl , J.1 Wtli.m.
SIIKI.P llccolpt' . I.WU head : shipments ,
1.10 } head ; markai slow nnd unsettled ; im-
tlvns , $ : i ft. ' ( S.vrij ; Tcxans. J.I , 75 ; westerns , JI.25
OI.53 ; lamb' , S3.7"ia5o : .
ItecelptA and Ill | io lllou of StocK.
Official receipts and disposition nf sloiik as
shown by the books of the Union Stock Vnrds
company for t hu twenty-four hour ] omlliu at
5 o'clock p m. , October 23 , 18.13 ,
SI. l.oill. l.lvo > tiirli Miirkcl *
ST. liOtn ? . Mo. , OcL ' 'i UATTi.E-UocelpK
tlirco ( lays. in.lOU : siilinnuiits. TiOO ; iniitkot
vurv stionc ! fulr to Rood native steers , JU.OO
( Bl.f.U ; inudlilin to cnod 'IVxus nnd Inillnn
htcori. ) : cnntmr ) . JLinBiai.
lions -Hooolpls. tlirco days. 1VJO ) ; slilp-
inctit" , 'MO ; tunrkot lower : heavy , S4.504.Uj
ntoklnir , JMOit." ( : Unlit. t4.i' : ) . 'i.M ) .
SiiKiir Kcculpts. a,3i'U ; sliliimont.i. S.OW :
nmrUut sluiiilv ; iiiodluin to L'ood nuiL'o. $ 1,51) )
® l.4 i ; cliolco to fancy muttons JI.I > . ' ) l 5.'J.'i. City l.lvo .Stock .Aliirkct.
IVA.NSAS OITV. Mo. . Oct. " 2. OATTLK Ko-
celpls. 4r < 90 ; shinmont'J.400 ; Tlio innrkot
wns stonily nnil Ilrin ; slilppln ; slcurs , fidViti
4.4U ; Te.xas in-l Imlliiistuui9$1.7. : > ® 2.4r > ; slock-
ur- < mid f coil or.Jl,8. . > & 1. 15.
Hofls Kecolpts. S.4UO ; slilniiiciits , C01 ; KOO' |
liozs steady : otliors weak to 53 lowurs all
prado . $ Xfl'W.5V. ( bulk. } .iir : > a".4i. .
SIIKCP Itccolpts , .HO ) ; slilpincnli. M3 : the
miirkct was -stosdy : uuiltoii ] , $ J.33I.73 ;
Inints , Jj.00\50.
Dry cornstalks have perhaps nearly ns
much fertilizing value ns dry straw.
Compared with their bullc , there is not
a treal deal of plant food in them , if
they can bo plowed under thoroughly
and conveniently , it ia probably the best
and most economical way of disposing of
Do not leave the corn which you in
tend for seed In the crib through winter.
Humid weather , followed by low
temperature , will render its germinat
ing power very uncertain.
in sending potatoes to market do not
mix varieties , and sort as evenly to one
fai'/.o as you can. Dealers like to handle
goods that show sornpcaro and judgment
on the part of the shipper.
Inclusive pram farming may pay well
for a few years , but in tlio" end tin
steady depletion of the soil will cause
a collapse. Good live stock fahould bt
an adjunct of the grain farm with
every man who is in the business tc
In order to bo successful in general
farming , it is necessary , above all things
that we obtain a good stand of grass ir
our rotation of crops ( whatever thej
may bo ) , which should not bo nioro that
three or four years ; that is , wo shoulii
have a good sod to turn under overj
three or four years.
Nature rotates crops. When tin
forest oaks and hickory have been re
moved a thick growth of evergreens ap
pears. In Now England , whore white
pine forests have been removed , tin
maple , chestnut , and oak have sprung
up. A similar rotation is found ii
timothy meadows , followed by bhu
A commercial fertilizer is valued b ;
farmers according to the number ( i
pounds of nitrogen , phosphoric acid am
potash contained in it. if Vltcso thro
elements of plain food tire in availabl
form and do not cost in the fertilizer an ;
more a pound than the current prices d
those minerals , the fertilizer is suppose *
to bo a good investment. Clover ha ,
hns bcon analyzed and its manuriii
value estimated by the sumo method
and it is found that ono ton contains $
worth of these three elements of plan
food : 1. Sixty-five tons of Indian con
siloed last fall 10.3 per cent of dr
matter , and 1-.5 per cent of protein dm
ing the siloing porioil , 2. In shockin
and curing a similar quantity of foddc
and leaving the shocks in the Hold dut
ing the greater portion of the wlntoi per cent of dry matter and 31.8 pc
cent of protein wore lost I ! . The avci
ago losses in siloing and in fiold-i-urin
Indian corn , as determined during tli
last four years' experiments , amount I
1/5.0 / per cent , and 10,8 per cent , for dt
matter and protein , roHpectlvoly , for tl ;
siloing system , and 23.8 per cent , for dr
matter and for protein , respectively , f <
the llold-ciirJng system.
The steam plow on the Miinhattn
farmGnllatin valley , has traction whoo
21 inches broad , and will , therefor
work on ground Unit Is u little soft will
out miring down. It draws 12 12-int
plows and moves at a speed of from Ihn
lo six miles an hour , will draw the pltn
nt most any depth they may be sol , at
is operated by thro men , plowing for
acres a day. . ,
Cuttle ,
Karly maturity , quick growth ai
high quality are developed in the ii :
proved brcod , and stock does not pi
now unless these characteristics are w <
represented , HO as to command tl
lo.u .ui highest market price , because the
iIs are minions of scrifbs sacrificed to t
ra oheap markets ; better rnluo good hto
id or none.
id.o Many fanners sell their oalves at t' '
idi or three wccku old to get rid of the
( i and the milk cat
Is save they , althouj
us it pays to further develop the cr.lf n
us make the meat proper food. T
tity. government report on food adultoi
lions sayn veal should not bo oaten wh
y.Hi under a month old. The practice
Hi killing and selling younger calves
id ronrohonfeiblo ; thcro is little nut
mont in the moat , it is not easily i
gostcd , and should bo condemned.
When you want to buy u really go
animal , whether for beef , the dairy
to for b.-eoding , you find that you muat p
Cll a good price. Does not thlu furnish t
to L Total iMUtu or CITIEI
rn { COUNTIES , ncttoo
on Cormpondcnco lollcltcd.
da . .
In ie3-loa Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
he 13 Wall Stroeti NEW VORK.
lot 7O State nt. , BOSTQM ,
vorv host ttullcaUon of the nort llmt It
will pay you tq prow ?
All tuonff the Jhio contos the cry foi1
boltor cntllo , - ; > WjU foil , well t-otintlctl
ntulvoll ninttibod cntllo nt to tnitko
bcof which tlcccnt pcojlo ) cstn ont ttntl
enjoy nnd whllirthov tire willing to | ) ay
for. tt Is thtf ; pooroHt 111 fed , bony ,
slnowy. Julcolbss nnd tnstoloas trnsli
thttl is flooillnrr Hio iiiurkot nnd wettnlng
tha iicoplo from -lill desire for buof.
When both.tlii ? solid nnd the liquid
nmmira Is snvctl from slot-It It contnliiH
four-llfthsof nlliljo plnnt food that wns
orlRltmlly In WIQ feed. The per cent
varies with th < j chnrnutof of the stock ,
whether miiturfcd orgrowlnir , otc.
The whole mtitlor of successful breed-
Intf tnsty ho suhuncd tin In the two
words "culture" nnd "heredity , " nnd In
the solccllnn of breeding stock it la do-
sirnblo that nil nnccslors Hhould hnvo
hnd the required form of culture or
trtiinlng in order to procure uniform
ity In heredity.
Three things must bo observed In food-
tup oiilvcs : Keodlnrrnt Htutctl times , fccd-
ln ; tlio milk sweet nnd hnvo it wnrmod.
Overfeeding U. of course. Injurious , but
giving the milk cold Is worse.
Shcpp nnil Milnr ,
A good shepherd will Improve his
Hock will hnvo some ideal nnd will
ondenvor to rcnch It. Ito will use
thoroughbred bucks , nnd will soon hnvo
n lloi'k thnt will show ho undorstnnda
lils husiness , und will bo to him not
only n source of prollt , but nlso of
Ono of the most profitable Items in
the mnnngcmcnt of shcoron | the fitriu
is lambs for miirkct. Kens nnblocnrly
in the spring , Inmbs thit : nro In coed
mnrlcotnblo condition sail nt hisrh nrlcos ,
nnd If euro Is tstkcn n good prollt maybe
bo rondily inudo in rn'slng ' thorn. Oood ,
thrifty L'WCS must bo sclectctl at the
start. " This is always * important , nnd
they must bo bred to'vigorous nuns in
order to procure vigoious lambs , thnt
with good treatment cnn bo made to
mnko it thrifty crowth. The owed
should bo broil curly in August , bo tluvt
the lambs will como cnrly in Jaiiutiry.
If bwino breeders ] would give moio ut-
tontion to high class ( ) iiality than to
Quantity they would mnko pork moro
popular nnd grimily incrcuso the homo
and foreign coimituptlon. Everybody
wants small hams ami lonn breakfast
baron , but wlio.i farmers rtiiso only
coarse , over-fat hogs the Imms weigh
ing llftocn to twenty pounds they must
bo sold for less money than the lighter
j\t the best , whey ns a food , fed
against wheat middlings nt $12 a ton ,
bus a feeding value of only S2 a ton ,
and this can only bo procured by feed
ing the wlioy sweet. As soon as whey
begins to sour the sugar , the only really
valuable part , turns lo lactic acid , leav
ing only about ono pound of food in each
100 pounds of tlj'6 whoy. If the whey
is fed sweet and in combination with
mixed meal it lias its feeding value
moro than doubled.
Horse * .
The Marylanullegislaluro enacted a
law punishableb.y a fine of $1.000 or
imprisonment for cn < s year of any
person who shull advertise or offer the
services of a stallion to the public with
out first having Iho animal recorded with
the county recorder and taking out a
license to do''business. The law re
quires the owner'to give the name , ago ,
pcdigioo and record , if any ; al&o , de
scription , tor IPS nnd conditions upon
which the stallion will stand for service.
Several correspondents have inquired
as to the best method of'preparing cow't
milk for foals. Tg.all such wo nu\y saj
that cow's milk , in its natural fatate , it
too rich for colts. Dilute with one-third
water and sweeten with sugar of milk ,
a drum to ovcry quart. Very young
colts require about a pint every foul
hours , and as tboy cri-ow older need more
nnd can go a longer time between feeds.
Streaked butter is the fault of th (
maker every time , The butter ii
churned out too dry at the start , and tin
salt cannot bo worked in so as to read
every particle of the mass , and so tin
butter is salted unevenly. The sal
should bo churned in while the butter i :
very wot. After a tnorougb washing
lot'tlio butter drain out fairly well , am
tbon distribute the salt over the mas
slowly , gently rocking tbo churn so tha
tlie salt is evenly mixed all through
Then with a small lined wooden forl
pass it through the butter with an tip
ward movement , tryintr not to lump it
Then lot the butler stand for an hour
when it can bo half gathered in tin
churn and then put upon iho worker
" Remnrkablo how well ninmtnn looks
nnil bow rbo lias gained in flesh. Yoi
should do this same. "
" The loss of ilcsb i < ? a triflo. Yotitbinl
you need not mind it , but you are grniltt
ally running down. Do like mamma. Ifo
the Carl.ib.iil Sprudel Salt every morniin
bL'furtt breakfast. It will increasu yon
npiHil'i und euro you of that dyupepsii
and biliuitiUioES from which you nrosiif
forhi . Hut bo tmruto K t tbogonuia
imported article. Ko subterfuge. "
! k DR. MILES' ItrVOUbaio one of tlie followlo ;
S ronTHt I . . * * LOOK OUT
ble remedy fur I'al-
tiiuvcn of Heart ,
K-iiu in Sidt , Asth
ma , Hhoil Hicath ,
Fhilterinc.Dronsy ,
In blonuch , Irreg
i'ulse. Click-
ing Scnsai lion ill l
Ihroat. Uneasy 1
Sensation in Chest ,
Smotliciini ; Knell. , |
Dreaming , Night-
marc , , Vc Cet Dr.
Snd"ubnl ° ing'raCcu. ' FREE AT ALI , DRUGGISTS
rom erA loIvnliu Oi. Oor l" tir ) it
10 In pursuance ot nrd'irinco Na HJ-.reiiilrn )
10n waler and nun conneetloiiu to bu made to ai
nin within the curb lines on certain stioetsai
in iilluvhliiHtreotlinproVHmfiitdUtrlct'i Nn * t
inuf 4S7Jb1. ) , 4'JJ , 4U1 an.U . In the city of Omah
is you uru hereby uollllcd In maku nil nuccesn
coiiiiocliona with waler and gax miilns. or In
I1 I- ter.ils nnd lo I'onHiU'to such work on or li
1- fore Novemhor 1UIIU IbU ! . us It Is the nurpn
to puvo Iho streets and alloys In uald dUtrici
and more particularly described as follov
) d
No , 4SiV Center street from Dili street
No. 4H * Alley In block M , elty , from IT
10 street to l th street.
No H' Alley In block 110 , olty , from li
btreettolhth sticet.
No. 4li ) I7lli struct from JucKbon htroet
Loivcn orlli direct.
No. 4UI Alley In block IdaJJ fiom ICth stro
to l"tn hlrrut.
No. < -raclflo street , from ff.'nd street
thu alloy butnven l 'nil street mu Ulrd sirci
In the city of Omuhu. , . , . , .
Dated ut Umuhu , Neb. , this -'Oth duy of 0
toocr,16W. ,
, , . w , limiCIUUSBB.
Chairman Itoircl of I'nhllo Works.
and the Rurplua molsturo pressed out
and the buttoi1 pnokod at once ,
The largest part of thn butter today is
thu product ot the small farm , While
It would bo the means of improving the
great mass of this butter lo have it
made at the largo cronmory , fctlll the
Impossibility of such a thing until there
is a great ohnngo in the existing cir
cumstances makes a sudden reform out
of the ( uiostlon ,
Ituiinliic tinInunttrt ,
The common supposition that running
the gaunttot wns it lot'luro peculiar lethe
the American Indians is not founded on
fact , this form of cruel punishment
being known In Europe ngos before the
discovery of America. The llomana
had a military punishment identical
with it , Iho olTo'ndor being compelled to
walk between two lines , Iho men of his
century or company being drawn up on
either hand , o.tch armed with a ted ,
\vhlch \ ho wns.inquired lo use on the
culprit's ' back. The word gauntlet Is
said to bo a corruption of gauntolono ,
derived from ( Jaunt or Ghent , anil a
Dutch word signifying to run , this
torture being common among the Flan
ders troops.
point inoinnns
lifo brings pent *
liar wi-uknesses
nnil ailments. 1I- .
I'it-rec's Knvoritt ,
1' roscr i ption
brings relief nml
euro. It Is a
powerful , invigo
rating , rostoru-
tivu tonic nnd
nervine. It Imjiarts ktrcncth to the whole
t-ystcni in gunernl , nnil to tlio titerino organ *
nml nppoiitlngcs in particular. " Hnn-down , "
debilitated nnil dcllcntuvoinwj netxl It. H'H
n loKllIitmto iiicilicino purely vcgctiiblo , iwr-
fectly ImrmlL'sa. It's j/iinnintci'tl to give
tatiafnction in every i-nso , or money ro-
Itmdcd. Nothiti } ; else does HH niueli. You
only p.iy for the good you get.
Can you .T-k nioro I
As a regulator nnd promoter ot functionnt
art Ion , nt that critical period of chnnto from
girlhood to wnmimbood , " Vavorlto Pro
scription" is n perfectly snfo agent ,
und enn produce only good roMilts. It is
cnually o'ncaeioiis and vnlunbln in iKselTeets
when taken for those disorders nnd deranpo-
incnta Incident to that Inter nnd most eriti-
cul ixriod , known as " Tlio Change of Lllo. "
Union Stock Yards Company
Best entile , ho ? anil sheep market In the went
fl\i JUm 111" 1o 1'1-s ' liouso lor cor-
UJU < < " " | iiit Mciltet Keportn.
Wood Brothers ,
fouth Omaha Tolopliono Ili7. - Chicago
JOHN t ) . DADIS.M VX. I , .
WAl.TKIl U. WOOD , fitannxen.
Market reports by mall nirl wlro cheerfully
furnished upon application.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chicago. HastSt. I.onls , ICunsasClty. South
Omuliu , Slonx City , Kort Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
nSand J'J Gxchanzi } HnlldliiSouth Omah u
Corrcspondcnco solicited and nroinpllr nnswsrjl
fcpci'lnl nttenlion to onion tor etoclorJ & fc2iliirj.
ICitubUjlied , ISM. . - Incorporated , HJJ
Capital fnllr imlil , t.UUJJ.
Waggoner Birnay Company
Write or wlro us for prompt and reliable marltit
Perry Brothers & Compahy ,
Llvo Sloo'.c Commission.
Hoom Cl Exchange Itulldln , South Omaha.
Toiophono 17(57. (
Farnam and I5th Streets , Omaha
To all owners of lots or parts of lots on Dous-
las street , fiom "Sth street to the west Hut
ot HOIKS & . Hill's second addition :
Vou are hereby notlllcd that the minor-
slsjned , tlnuo dlhlnloirslo i freeholders of tin
city of UmaliH , na\o been ilulv appoinloi ] 111
the mavor , with the approv.ilof the city coun
cil of said city , to assess the damaco to tin
owiu-rs rcsjicctlvcly of the piopcrty atlontci
by thoohansoot Kradoof Douglas bircct , do-
claru'l necessary by ordinance No. 1BJ. pnssoi
AiiRiistLMil , 1S3. ' , approved Au iist-'Uh , lb ! ) . ' .
You nto further notllled that havlni ; ic
ccptoil sail appolnlincnt and duly quallUui
as required by law. wo will on the fourth (4th (
day of November. It ! ! . ' , at the hour of IU o'clocl
In thu mornlirat Iho olllcs of Clrirlcs I' , lion
lamin. 1 DUDodgo street , within the corporati
llinltH of hah ! eltv , incot for the nurposo o
coniidur.ti and nmlcliii. assciamcntof diiiiKisi
to the owners rospcctlxcly ot said proportj
alTccted by said graillii'talcing Into conoid
er.itlon special benulllb. If any.
Vou are nolldcd to ho present at thu tlmi
nnd place aforosald and make any objoclloi
to or stalcmcnts concerning said assessmen
of tUiniigos as you may consider proper.
Committee of Appraisers.
Cmaha , Nob. , October 'Jlst , IbflV. O..M lUt
To the owners of the lots parts of lots am
realc.slato abutting on or aujaconl lo tin
hlrcotH , alloys or uventies liuiuln named o
slluatcd In whole or In p.irt within an ;
of thotl htrlcts horoln hpoulliod :
Von und each of you are hotohy notilloj
thai the oltv council ot the city of Otnilri wll
sit as a Hoard of Kiiuall/atlon , at the ofTIco o
the City CloiU. In the * Ity Hall. Oniahii , .Nub.
on 1'iul.iy llioMth day of Ociohor , 18 tt , from
o'clock a. in. to.o'cloolc p. m , for thopurpo '
ofconsldoilii ! , ' anil ciiuali/.m ; ; the proposci
luvy of spunial taxes and asTssments n
shown by " 1'ropoaPd I'lans of Asso mcnt
nott on Illo In Hi ! olllco of said City ClorU , nni
coircci Ing any errors thoroln , anil of ho.irln
all complaint ! , that the owniirs of pioporty s
to ho aHso&scd and taxed may maUi ; Hal <
special taxes and nssossmonls proposed to b
levied bpln nocess.iry to covertho cost of th liiipiovoinonlHdiily uiilhorUod to b
inado and now coniplutod , as follows :
Tocovur thui-osl of poriuanoiit brlclc Hide
walKs laid by .1 , O. Coihy , anioiiiiMnit to th
sum of WI.M ? ( ) , Including tliiiensl of Inspnctlor
whKh bald sum It Is propoaod by a report , dill
ailiniled hy the ( My Counull lo nsscbs on th
property opposlto which said tlduwnlUs wcr
coiibtructod , as follown :
Lot ii : hlock I llnnscom 1'laco 119 03.
lot 11 blouk 1 , . 40 V7.
Iot r.b'ocl(4 ' . . 40 27 ,
lot 11 block I . . 4M. !
hot 17 block 4 . . 4''y.
lot 18 I lock 4 . . 41) ) ! tt
1.01 111 block 4 . . 4J ' . ' 7 ,
North 40 fcot lot 15 block II lluiiscom 1'lac
' ' '
'iot' 1(1 ( block 11 HRIIKCOIII I'laco ! ) Ml.
lol 17 block 11 . . W ' - ' *
Lot 18 block 11 . . 10 " "
Lot 1 Cherry ( Janlen } OI 7i\
Lota . . 01 tfi.
Lota . . til i. . ' ) .
No'th 48 4-10 foot lot 81 bloo'lc r West Kurt A (
dlLol"JjJbloik S West Knd Addition JI3 75.
North 33 feetlot'J hlock 8 K V Smith's Add
Sout'limcot lot 2 block 8 K V Smith's Add
Lotil block B H V Pmltli'p Addition H 4 ? .
South 41 fcot lot 1 block b I ! \ .Smith's Add
lion SKI ' 'I , , . .
To cover the coit of pormamont sldowaH
of Kansub alone , IncludlirInspoctlon , laid Ii
FurniiH & Hon , a > nountln ; to the KUIII i
JI.'JUI.I.'i , which bald mini It It. proposed by
ri'iiortduly adopted by the city council to o :
bosson Iho properly opposite which saldslui
wains were consirusteU , as followt :
Lot 4 block ll Uinaha * ! : 10.
Lot ft hlock : ni " 174 4U.
Lot 4 block'J.'J " 174 Oil.
Lots block aw ' litt. : (
Kci ; foot lot 0 block 133 Omaha IIU1 10.
LotU Llook in Omah i JIV ) III ,
Lot7blo3klU ' 121 58.
i : 4. > feet lot U Dloolc 114 OniHha ( S3 19.
rilib lot 4 of lei 0 Uapltol addition 13) ) 07.
I--'foot ; tub lot i of lot U Cap.tol uadltlc
\V Ji sub lot 15 of lot''Capitol adaltlon ! 7 (
To cover thu i-ont of artlllclal slono bid
walks laid by ronl& Hiuc , as per their est
mate of Auxust 13lh , lb'/ ' , Includlns lunpc
Oinelia TcIHwiiif "woiTBii , IcT
* „ , . VnTYnte TrWltv , , " 7AllJft.lVB,1J . ! , ;
rlotliliiif rnln'ojito. lll.l tliic * liiiincr * , IMP. ! > Pi < l
taritim lroM. forciitalounc mis. liUh
Morsn-Coo Slio3 C inpiny ,
. . II'l' ' ' 11 own M siroct.
i rtciory cornerllth nml J > oiiiilmSlfi pt !
W CniiiiIiu klVi : t | ° T "ru , ' " " ' r" " ' ' " " " < 1 "W
si'lllnanilaM ofdiiovMHliiili
h orj ixlrniiio
} M&\Jones \ j AEP , JWewei
iilitmr tio'M nil I rulibp'r emt ! ,
' " " - IIIH anil lilt ) llarner
rinlhliiR. imlliim.
lnit . Clvo M. ti trlil.
Nimplo. prpiml I by in-
pip. . . Illlllnrnor > t.
OiiialiaCoiil.Cok-c.LiiiicCol . Eagla Cwbf Woito nnil oft ponl. s. i : MfMt tfn'jjl1V0tI ' ! _ lron
" "
cor. lOtli nnd Dou nls 1 " " "I/ * *
trccu. | ' < ; . ,
nut GOODS.
M. K. SmillUCo , Kilpalriek-Koch
n , notlnin fur- llrylJooiliCo Notion * .
iiooil" Corner Kt'liti' fiiriilihlni ; Kooli
lllli an. I llunnM .
Cur. Illli an I Harm1) '
Omaha Upholstering Co , lieebe S Ilunyan
pliol < torol fiirnlluri , I'nrnltiirofo. . Uracaan
110J1101 Xlcliolu
D Itl.JS , 13 TO.
D. M. Steele&Co. Blake , Bruce & Co
12J1-120O Jones ntrj3t , loth nail Uirm ? st.'esl
Omalia. Omaha.
ton. ! amounting lothos.imot J4.1C2GI. which
salu sum It Is proposed by n report duly
adopted hy iho city council to assess on the
real estatu opposite \\hielisalil sidewalks were
constructed , us follows :
N bS feet lot 1 block ii : Omaha $101 17
} . ' i feet lotlt hlock 77 . . Oil 4li
Lot 1 block 78 Omaha $ lls in
l.otS block TS . . MI Kl
hot-l block "b . . hl ! GS
hot2bockSS . . 2i)7 ) 01
N . ' foot lot 4-l > : ock OD Omaha $170 3S
S : t ) feet lot 4 block IHJ . IIU ! I7
That pirt : irist of wosl 8S feel lot 7 block
3 Omaha MOT IU.
K 01) ) feet lot. . , hlock 107 , Omaha J.I3 05
Lot 1 hlock 171 , Omaha , J.'i'tU'j
hoi-'block 171 . . )7S'il
hot : i block 171 . . IK.I
hot 5 block U51 . . 2J.-.VJ
Lot 5 hlock 10V } . Oiniilia. . ! l2.f8
i > U lot 1 block Ills' } . Omaha. JI'7.GO x
hot 4 block i04 ! , Omaha , S2r.M7
hot 1 block 205' } " 212.4'J
hot8biock'Jir.'i isiiw
Lot 4 hlock SIIH4 - 1WI.-"J
hot a blojk 0 Kouiit/o A. Ruth's add JD2.20
hot 4 block U ' ' b7.7."i
To cover the cost of fllllnr niilsancu lots ,
ainouiittn ; ; to the sum of iui.U7 : , which sitld
sum. It Is proposed liv a report duly ailojitert
hy the clly council , to assess on the property
as follows :
hot 17 block 4 Hawthorne addition $102.72.
Ou : r > th street la . . . . 4 i.H.\
To cover the cost of p-ivln : ana eiiiblnc
1'opplKton nvomio from Hind street to : ilid
streel , In Slrect Improvement district No.'l74 ,
amounting to the sum of * . ' ,78M)1lilch ) mild
sum , II Is uroposed by a ropoit duly adnpli'd
Ly llio city council , to usscss on the propel ty
within said district uccorJInit to foot front
age nnd Iho tisiinl scallnv back process to thu
depth of iho district as created , Kate per
fool , i.LBfi''H. us more fully shown hy said
"I'roposod 1'lanof Assessment. "
Toeoicr Ihe costof Impiovlnz by pavhiK
and curbing In strent linprovemciit district
No. 3US , comprising t.ticot from 'JOth
street llnoof IK-IUC'S addition , iiiiintint-
Inittothosum of $ I.U ° > n.l2 , which suld hum It
Is proposed by a reporl duly ncioplcd by iho
city council , to assess on the property In said
dlsirlct ascruatud , aceordln ? lo foot front use
and the usual .scnilim hack process ; rate per
foot. tl..BS. u.i moro fully shown by said "Pro
posed 1'liui of Assessment. "
I'o cover the cost of openlnz ' 'Till sticct ,
23tn st i cot and 'JSlh tivcniie , lhiouh tax lot
5. section 0 , township l.r > , r.iuco in. Total cost
of each streel. S'lh slrcut. Jl.sOOi 2sth street.
$1,8UUStli : : tvenue , il.hiu : which said sums It
Is propose I by a report dulv adoplod by the
clt v conui'll. to assess us follows :
The amounts shall ha assessed respectively
on o.icli street on the foot frontaRO on both
sides of said strcols from Hr.stol street to
I'uxton stroot. ncfordlin ; lo the usual hcalliiR
luck pioccss In depth to tlio llrst alley or
center of block and In Ian IN not platted to
the depth of I. ' > 0 feet , provided that the assess
ment norlh of I'ratt street shall he one-half
the rate of that soulh of I'ratt streot.
To cover the cost of opcnlii ; ; 20th street
through tix lot No. 1 , section 10 and lot
lUKUervlew addition , ainoiinllnK to the sum
of , which snlil sum It Is proposed hy n
report duly adopted by the city council to
assess on iho nronoity us follous :
To ho levied on the west l.V ) feet of that nnrt
Mnecast of 2Jth street nnd the east l.V ) feet
of that part lylnir Hcst ofJilth slrcetof tux lot
1 socthm Hi-l3-llJI.I5' . < 0.
To ho levied in lot ! ) Hlvcrvlow JMU rn.
To bo levied ou lot 11 . . 20)00.
To bulovlml on lot 8 . . "U 00.
To ho levied on lot 12. Ulvorvldw. MV'O.
To Im lovleil on lot" . Itlvorvlow , JiO.OJ.
To ho levied on lot 13. Klvervlow , SJU.O ) .
To ho luvleii on tlio pnipurt v ou each side of
20th stieot from Uumlii ; lo hakeslicet us fol-
I'rdm Cumins lo Yatcs strooKexccpt above , )
'i'lom'hak' ! street to 7 > slrtno street , $70.31.
Krom llrskinoslreet lo slroet , * IUO.i ,
Kiom lirant street to lltirilettu streot.tii2.liu :
1'rotn Itiudettostreut 10 Vates elrcul , . ' 47.20
To ho assessed to depth of three lots , thu
IIrut alley or to the center of hiocu ,
To cover the cost of cMcadlin lOlh street
from the north line of llartnriii's addition to
Cuntur street , iitiroiinllni ! lo the NIIIII of 110-
O.'il.44 , whleh snld hum 11 Is proposed by a in-
porl duly iidoplod by ihoi.'Hy ciniiu'H , to as
sess on tlio property on uach HI.In of Kith
Hlroet from tlrj south lluu of lot fI. llartinan'ti
aildltlnii toUenler tieet , as follows :
Oiiii-fonrlli of iho ainoiiiil ou Iho east fildc
of Ilith street and ai of the amount on the west
sldoof Illth street ; on thn east sliln nf lHh !
street , 7.11 .1" . feet at fU.'OD. ' { . ' .ril'-.M ! on the
west sldoof 10th uticot , 7.J.W > feet at } | U.S02s ,
' '
'i'iico'vor the cost of dama'.T-s for opoiiin
llltlislrcul , bon : a jiidijmuiii costs nnil
Inlorcsl. In favor of Arthur llamliijiun ,
amiiillitiiiK to.8TO. ' < ) ( . whii-n suld sum It H
proposed by u leporl duly adoplid by ihocity
council , lo assess as follows :
To hu assessed on Iho property on oacn bide
of lltth sticot fiom Doiulan street lo south
city limits pro rata nccnr.liiiK t" foot front-
aicut rate po foot. % ' . ( Ip0747
To cover the cost of Jud m nt for damages
for uliuniiu of Kr.ido of Klirhteenth sticct from
heuvonwortli street to a point 4M ) fui-t unntli
of .Mason btrciil , iiimmnlliur lo Ihe.sum ol
! ( ' ,2ll.iD. : uhleh sa d auin U IB proposed hy a re
port duly it-lopte.l by tlio elty council to as-
iem pro r.ita uccordIng to foot froiiUiroon Ihc
properly on bolli sides of KUhteenth Htice
from houvcnwoith street to I'lurco btruut ami
nocurilliiu lo thu usual icallntc hacU process li :
dunth to iho alley ; rate jiur fool , S'J.7JUI ' ! ) ,
To cover the cost of coiisiriietlon of the
Bower In Bower dUtrlct No. 1" > 7. amounlliu ; tr
Iho sum of (7U3.1CI , which aln Bum It Is proposed -
posed by a report duly ml op led by the ulty
council to nsiuss on tlm propel ty liiHalddls
tilet urcordlnir to foot frontuHfi thu cornerlol
lo ho assessed for the lou or side only ; rate
' ' "ro cover Vliolinst of construct Ion of sewer In
sewer district No. 160. ainonntlnz to tha him
of &M30J , which said sain H Is propocoJ by u
report duly adopted by the elty counoll , tc
IUHOSS as follow * : To hu ajsnsseil on thu prop
erly adjoining sowur according lo foot front'
HBO In dooth lo Hrt alloy. Kfcto ner foot
To cover the cost of damairo * for chanso o
praduot Dmik'las street from SUteoiith si. li
Twunlleth it. und Intorsoclliu utreots
amounlliu to the sum of JlJ.UUfO. which suh
Hum Itln prupoiod by u report duly udoDle (
by the city counoll. to HSSCHS H followv : .
On DoiiKlassi. . from rourteonth nt. to Uf
Icuntli si. . * lCOO.Oa
a On Douglas Bt. , from riftoenth Bt. to blx
teeuth St. , i , < " ' . vv.
I. On Doutflasst , , from Slxttuath st. to Twen
tleth kt. .
On Houtcia * "treet , on north Blue fron
JUth street to west Hue of lot 'i , llautol'v nub
llcclor & Williclmy Co. l-obcck & Lin ) .
CotncrlJlhnnd Jtxckjou Dealer * In linnlwara i a < t
streets. nicctianliM * tool. .
1101 IMiiitlii
lias. 1 ! . Leo. Join A. WakcSiM.
llnnlironil lumber , woo 1 tmpnrlpit Amprlpin I'ort-
carpet * nnl p-iriun InnlcomtMil .Mll.tnk
Homing. hrrttntilip e'119-u nnt
Plli nncl PouglM. Vulner nhltoll to
IBM. Branch & Co
f & Co.
fritlti of nil
Ilutti'r , OKI : ' nmt poultry. klnils. or. lor i
ai''Minih lath't.
Jas A. & Co.
IllllllT. C1I03.3 tit ! I
poultry nmlkMii i.
UI7 Mjulli Utli it.
! : to\p rnpilrt nnil wnlcr
nllni'htm'tiM for nny
kliul of .tovc innito.
1J-J7 Douslav
ll.A.Disbrow&Co. II. Hardy & Co.
MnnnfnclareM of niih. OJ8 , iolln ! , album
doors , bl I n tin nti I fancy KooiK house fur
mouhllnifa. It ranch oC * lllHlltllK KOOUl , Chit
flee , 12tti and ItarU sts.
Mill hit mini St
division ; on south sldo from L'Oth struct totha
west line of sul > lot 18 , suhdlvlslon lot 2 , Cap
itol add. titMUfl.
On Douglas street , on north side from the
west , line lot 2. llousel's subdivision to west
llnosuiiS. lot' ' , Uapltol add. : on south sldo
from thu west line of sub IS. Hot. , Cupltol
adil. , tu wcAtllnuof lotO.lkn sol's suhdlvlslon ,
* l.uvj.r. ' .
On Douglas street , on norlh sldo from \\ost
1'no of Mil ) 8. lot 2. Ciipllul add , , lo wnat
line sub II , lot II.apltol add. ; on soulh sldo
from west line of lot U. llousel's subdivision.
10 west line sub 12. lot : i. C-ipltol and. tl.O'Jj.OU. '
On DoiiKlis street on north sldo from west
line of sub : i lot ! l Cap.tol aildltlon to 24th
sticot ; on south sldo trom west line sub 12 lot
y C'apllol uildltlon to 2llh slrcotsSI.2Ml.M.
On I4lh street from north line of lot I ) to I
south line lei II. Helium's 1st add , $7:1081. :
Un 17th sliiiiit from alley n'irtli of I'arnum '
street to Dodcc street , } .l.l"'l. : !
On IMh street ! rom 1'arnam ft roc I to DoilcJ
street , tMOLiil.
On lUlh street from I'aiiiam streol to Doilgo
street , J4.4KI.G1.
To Lo assessed pro r ita ncfordliiK to foot
frnntaco In duiith to the center ot hlocU
Tocovor the cost of damaKcs for trrnillnz
Matlha street from 20ih street to21th street
amounting to the sum of { , ) . ' ! .ouwhich salil
sum it Is propose.l by u report duly adopted
by the city council to nsscsi on the property .
on Martha street from 2)th ) to 24th streets on
each sldo In depth to the ulluv on o.ich sldo
accordnu to the usual scaling back piocess ;
rate per foot f M&WJ.
To cover the eostos ernilins O.istollar street
fiom l.'ith sticct to 21tb street In grading dis
trict No. 47 , aiiuunllng to the sum of $ > , . ' > : ! } M ,
which said sum U Is proposed by .1 report duly
ailoplod by the cllv council lo assets on tha
pioporty on both nldcsof Oastellarslroet from
l.'ilh street to 21th slroet pie rata according to
Irontano and the usual Hoallnz | ! < iirocoss
In depth to the alley : in hlocitx 0 nnil H. S. H
Koiers' addlllon , und blocks 7 and H. Camp
bell's addition , to Iho tiepth of three lols ; In
propel ty not sub llvlded 'to the dcpih of 150
loel. Kate per foot il.Os'.i'i. '
To cover the cost ot KradliiK Davenport
street from ( Oth stteettotlio Hull. Line rall-
wiy In gradliu district No. 31. amounting tu
the sum of $1,107.01 , which xalil sum It Is pro
posed by a report duly adopted by the ulty
council to assess on I ho property on botn
slUus of Davenport xltaot fiom 4Ulh streotto
the Bolt l/.no r.illwav pro r.tta n > r foot front-
cordln'4 to thu usual sealing baelc pio-
cess in depth lo iho alloy or l.V ) feet.
Halo per fool J0.7&73.
'I o cover the cost of Kradlns hake street
fi'onH2d slicel to 4ilh silent In K rail In , ' dls-
tilcl No. fit amoiiiithi lo thnsiim ot H.011M.
which AM sum it Is proposed by a report duly
{ adopted hy Iho clly council , to assess on the
property on eat h side Of lal.u street from 4''d
Mr"ft tol.'ith street pro rnta per foot fronliiKo
iiccordln ? to the usual scatiiu back piocoss to
the llrst allev. It ito per foot. Jl/Jlhi.
To cover I ho cost of madliu IHlli street from
Karmun sticot lo Hurt Hlicet In ( 'ra'lliii dis
trict No. 4 I , iiinoiintlin ; to the sum of , UIU.I2.
which said sum It is proposed by report \ duly
adopted by Iho clly pimnr-II to assess on the
property on each silo of IMIi stieot from
Kariinm to Hurt pie rata per foot frontage ,
iiccoidlns to the usiiil Ht-nlliiv h mk PHICHSS lo
tlm alluy or 1.1) ) ( voliuto \ IIT foul. JI.4)HB.
To cover the cost of Kridln ? tJriuit Htreot
from Tttonty-llrst street to rnunty-fnnrtU
snout nnil the o.ut alley running north and
soulh In blouk 2. Idluwlld ; nmniiiillni : to thu
hum of 8112.07 , which s-ild sum 't Ispioposod
by a icportduly ailoptun by thu city counull
lo assess pro rata on the piopurty adjacent nt
per fool fionlaznj the properly on thu alley at
one fouitli tlie raluof Ihu piopeny ou Grain
struct , lu doplh lo thu 11 rat alloy ;
Allev , W4 feet ( U W.OU2017 , S/.rd.
lirant street , 1,5't' feut at f.24SliS. 819),1(1. ) (
'lo cover the cost of aradniK Tttonly-foiirtu
htreet from Holt hlno railway to I'oitslrcel.
nmoiinlliu lo thu sum of JI.IDI Wi , which Haul
sum It Is projiosed by u report , duly adoptoil
by Ihocity council to assess on thu property
ndjolnliiK "nd on inch sldo of Two.ily-fourth
street from Holt him ) lallwity to 1'ort street
pro r.itn according lo foot frontajjoj rate per
foot front. HVVKIUJ.
T < covnr thu cost of sr.idlulllh str otfrqm
VI u ton street to lac north line of O.ilt Hill add.
No.2 and Ihu cost of ciilvoii constructed l y
J. 11. Ueuvcs . "Uo. " ut 1'itli and V illcy HUOHIS , In
pradlnu' district No. : i * , iimniintlii : to the sum
nt f ! > .Oii.Hl : , which suld sum It priipmo I by a
toport duly adopteil iy thn clly council to
asuess pro r.ita nccoriliiitf to tliufo'it frontavu ,
on IMIi street on caeh side , fiom Vliiton street
toO.ilcilIU add. No. 2.iiccoidliiKtoihensiial
FcalhiK haok process In depth lo Iho alley
whi'i-j Iho alloy Is pirallol with ITilh street ,
and l.V ) fenl on other propnrlv ; thn ahovu
hotn ? comprlspii In midlng distilct No. J7.
Itntoptr foot. fl.II'.WI. ' i
To covur the cost of the construction of
soner In sewer district No. l.V' , amounting lo
tlin sum of JI.'O..l , nliluh H pro-
iiDMnl hy a rupert duly nUoplcd hy iho ( dty
counull. to assess on thu pionnrty tiontlni ; on
Hitld bowuraurordliiK lo thn foot frontiiuo , corner -
1'iitli Hlilin to be
nor Ion bavin ? sewer on
usst'-so I on thu IOIUIT frontiKo only Kilo
nor foot , fO.'J.iSJ , as mum fully shown oy said
"Proposed I'lan of Assossmoiit
Tocovor the cost of damiices by rotihon of
erudlnu l-'fltli Htri-ot tiom Isiruam to Hurnuy
siroot , and alloy boiwecn I'nrnam und
llarnny streets from VUth slice ! to BUli
avenue , uni'inntlng to Ihu KIIIII nMl.fiOU.UV.
which suld sum Ills proposud by a report
iln v ailnpted Ijy llui ulty counull lo ussom
on the propnrly on hiilh shies of iiliih Htroot
from I'lirnam to Harncy streulK , and on hntn
allies of iho alley from -lilh uticot to 27th
bvuniiu pro rala , necorilliu to foot f lonlnu-r ,
and tlie usual soulln ; liack procots In depth ,
On''lllh street , east Hide , two lolsi on 26th
street , west Hide. I'M foot ; und on oauh slilo of
alloy to street. Kale per foot , JI.'JKII.
Vou are fnilhornoliUud tliatiild "Proposed
I'lant of ABsessinent" HIII now vubjuct to the
ipupuoilon and uxamliintlou of any of ih'i
owners nfvild lols. pills of lots or pieces of
real estate , or thu Inspection or bxamliiatlon
of any other porton IntuKmtud In salil pro-
pnsui ; assokumi'iiti , ut I ho olllcu ofilil city
clerk , and th'it hy n rjpurlof u ooniir.lltoe of
bald council duly adopted , It U propose I that
unless for good mid siilllelenteaino H may ho
olhorwUo ordered und doivrmluod , that thn
coat o ( said Improvumniil'i rokpoullvoly bo as-
bussed on the several lolc , parts of Jon mill
pleceuof nml estate an ttliown by ald " 1 reposed >
posed 1'laiiH of AGvobsmcnt , " , , .
Vou , and ouch of you , aru hereby notified to hcforoRald llo.tril of IJiuull/rtilon , : tt
Iho llmu und place nlioui tpocllhid , to make
any oomplnlnu btnlomenl. or objo-llon you
desire coiicornlnx nny of aald proposud lovlei
and aisussmonUof spoolal laxut.
JOHN ( JltoVIIH. Clly Clerk.
OUAUA , Neb. , Ootobur 1'Jtb ,
oct.Kd7k )