Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Steady Povolopmcnt in tlio Black Hills Tin
District ,
A ( ilnnnllo 1'rnjret tlnitcrtiikrn In lilnlin
A I'mill I'nrnut Indian l.aiiiln ( ) | > t > nrrl
tn Hrltlrnirnt Hiiiiinmrr "f
NorlliMrnt Netrn ,
Mtiult lias boon wrltlott nbont tlio
prnnd scenery of tlio Hlnt'lc llllls. nntl
Btlll volumes inlnht bo ( Hied with de
scriptions of Its bcnulliH without ox-
JiniHtlnB1 ono-hnlf of the truth. If
occnory were nil the nttritctloti It would
bo well worth nil and inoro that can bo
finld In p'-nlfio. But whan tho'grout
mineral wonltb is coneidorcd wo wotidor
why all thcso yonrs have pnBScd leaving
the eotitlicrii. iillls , Hllcd with till the
proclunn motnls , nlinnst uiuouuhol by
man. For nniiy ; years tlio country line
boon frequented by piospectors , who
tnalcuu few boles In the ground hero and
there. Hut , though a. great deal of
money has been spent In tlio pnst year ,
no signs ol real work have boon shown
In this particular district ,
Tim Ilanioy Tin Mining. Milling and
Manufacturing company hits boon or-
pn nl/.oil for seine years nnd a great deal
of onstcrn capital has been mink In a
poor clahH of machinery for the tin
works. The mon who have been at the
head nf all'alrs were not practical minors
anddid nolundcrslandhow toaccompllHh
the bust results. For the tmst your the
management has been under Mr. J. S.
Childfl. who Is n practic-al minor. Ho
has taken liold in a manner that , cannot
fall to bring success. Ho has a line
corps of mun constantly nt work. The
mines are being worked in earnest and
nil the Important ones have been sunk
from ! ! 00 to 700 feet. The veins are
easily traced mm in many places can bo
followed for bovoral hundred feet on the
In tlio Addio mi no the writer wns
taken down to the 200-font , level , where
the vein was traced for over COO feet
without a sign of growing lests This
mine has been sunk over ( ! oO foot , and
tlio now hoists are calculated to cnablo
them to iionotrato 2,600 feet , nnd at
every 100 foot the vein is just as largo
nnd plainly defined as in the one do
Bcribud above. The worlc is being con'
Bluntly pushed , and Mr. Kossettor. su
perintendent of the works , stated that
from this mine alone , by working llfly
mon , 500 tons of ore can bo turned out
every day.
The Audio , Etta , Cowboy , Contcs and
Gortic mines were all visited , and are
bolng continuously worked with powder ,
drills , and comnloto outfits of hoisting
nnd pump machinery. Shafts have boon
Bunk and levels opened until these
mines are ready for the work of sloping
with sulllciont ere in sight to keep their
mills running for ut least two years.
As boon 'us the mill now being
finished is running tlio com
pany expects to double its cnpncity.
This mill is ut present of a capacity of
250 tons per day of twenty-four hours.
The mill wns so planned thnt Us capa
city can bo increased to 600 tons per day.
The power plant consists of a 150 horse
power Tandem compound , condom-ing ,
Corliss engine , provided with two boilers
of eighty liorso power each. The ere is
to bo treated by the gradual reduction
process. In this method the ere is first
passed through the Hlako oriibhor ; from
this crubhor the ere passes to u revolv
ing screen. This scioon separates nil
ere sulliclontly line to bo treated by
the rolls. Tlio remainder of the
ere from this screen passes through a
small Blnko crusher , which reduces It
to ti size suitable for the rolls. After
passing the lolls the ore is again separ
ated by u revolving scrcon which sop-
nrntcs all material line enough for the
first concentration or separation of tin
from the barren rock. All ere too largo
for this ocrcon passes to a second bet of
rolls , where it Is again reduced to n
auitablo si/.o for concentration. After
this treatment the ere passes
through a series of revolving
screens with gradually decreasing
openings , which separate the ere into
six different classes or sixes , each class
being- treated upon a jig especially
nduptcd nnd adjusted to its particular
duty. These jigs' will automatically.
Boparate the cassitorito or tin from the
barren material , nnd as fast as produced
the tin will bo automatically discharged
into a bcrlca of settling tr.nks. Ftotn
those Bottling tanks the ere is removed
by mouns of cars , and dried and sucked
ro.idy for shipment. All lofnso material
from the jigs , known as tailings , Hews
to the Huntingdon mills where it receives
ceives n 'Until , fine- crushing for
the nurposo "of liberating any
flno tin which may bo hold in
the barren material. From thcho mills
the ure ll < > vs to n system of hydraulic
Bi/.nrs , which t-oparntcs the coarser par
ticles from the sllmo. The line material
being treated upon another sot of jigs ,
while the slime Hews to largo settling
tanks , where separation is in ail o ot the
pulp or heavy material from the clear
water. The pulp is treated upon iwolvo
fruvaners , whllo the clear water Hews
ton tank , mid is returned hy a largo
power pump. An enormous quantity of
water is required In this mill , necessit
ating a very largo and heavy pump ,
which is placed at the crcok below the
' mill , and ban a capacity of 1,000 gallons
per intnuto.
it lighted by olcctricttyTheutod by steam
nnd piovlded with all modern appli
ances. It was designed by Mr. Goo go
Lnbram of tlio Hrm of Frasur & ( Jhal-
mors of Chicago.
The workings of the Unrnoy PoakTin I
company have proved that their tin
veins nro permanent , and the ere
bodies continuous. The local man-
ngcmonl , composed of mon ol
lifo long exnoriunco in mining , and
rated among the most expert in the
world , nro outspoken in their satin
faction on this point.
Hill City is the lioiidquartord of the
Ilarnoy 1'cnk Tin fompnnv , as well nt
the natural center of thu tin district.
It is a prosperous mining town , situated
In n beautiful locality among the hill :
of the llarney range , .lust as soon in
the milts tuo in operation there will IK
u. demand foi hundicds of well pnh
workmen. Hill City Is easily roachci
by the U. & M. nillroud.
Utlllzliic rtli'iKUi.iiii'H Pownr.
The question of harnessing the mighty
power of Nitgnra Fulls passed fron
the domain of discussion to th <
threshold of practical operation. The
advanced condition of the undortnkln { .
justifies the nrcdictton that in leas thai
a year u portion of the limitless powoi
of tlio cataract will bo controlled bj
man and turned to Industrial uses
Htitdly loss IniDortunt tliun Niagara nn
the great Shohhono Falls in Idaho. Tii
volume of witter it , Icbs , but th
Lydruulio head is greater , huving i
width of 000 feet unil a ehcor fall of SJJ
foot. But this is not all. Duck of th
main fulls nro lessor fulls , which In-
cronso the totnl licnd to iEO ! feot.
A corrcspotrlont of Kloctrlclty 'give1) )
interesting dot-ills of the project ot local
capitalists to ullliro .Shosliono'fl powor.
The Shothono Falls Electric Light and
Irrigation company lm obtained water
rights on both sides of the fulls nnd has
already begun operations. "Wo know
from personal Inspection of the falls , "
nays the writer , "that the problem of
drawing oft the water from tlio fulls to
tlio wheels Is n much simpler ono than
that presented nt Niagara. No tunnels
will bo required , but n rock-cut channel
tupping the rlvor nbovo the brink will
within n few hundred yards carry the
water to n suitable point whence it maybe
bo dropped over the cliff in Iron pipes
to the nhnttm below the fulls where will
bo located the Polton wheels and dec
ide generating npparntus. The posi
tion of tovonil small islands on either
sldo of the river nbovo the falls is such
as to form natural wing dams , which
ulll divert to the artificial channels all
the water thnt can bo utilized for many
yourH to come , nnd to permit of an In
crease to almost any extent by artlflcinl
monns , whenever such is required , with
comparatively llttlo outlay. "
Obtaining power for mechanical pur
poses is really an insignlllcunt part of
the company's plans- The great object
In vlow is to harness the power nnd
make it fructify the surrounding coun
try , vnst stretches of which only require
moisture to become agricultural ciirdon
spots. Thus the power of the falls will
in turn olovuto wntor to surrounding
heights , whence it will How through
now barren wnstcs. Experiments on u
hiilllclont bcale have demonstrated the
fertility of the irrigated soli , producing
cereal and root crops in abundance and
fruits to a limited extent. The writer
shows that whoco the bluffs are
but forty foot high , in the expend- !
tuio of 5,600 liorso power , suf-
Ik'lont water can bo raised to irriguto
lliO,00 ( ) ticrcs of land. In the way of revenue -
onuo , the charges throughout the west
for water rights vary from $16 to 840 per
aero when the water is brought onto the
land , nnd from $2 to $3 per ncro a your.
Figuring on ? 15 per acre the revenue in
sight will bo $1,800,000 for every
6,600 liorso power expended , with
a yearly income of from 82-10,000
to $ : iGO,000 , which will bo per-
potunl. The company expect to bo
tiblu to reclaim eventually several mil
lion acres of land. Multiplying this by
two and three dollars will give the an
nual income to bo derived from this
sottrco alone. It Is evident that by establishing
tablishing cloven units of this si/.o the
annual income from this source alone at
SU per ucro will bo over 15 per cent on
Hut this is not all. Wood River , ono
of Mio most important mining districts
of the country , lies directly to the north
nnd already consumes largo amounts of
power -which nt present is produced
from wood and coal It is intended to
tup this market and furnish both power
and light cheaper than they can bo pro
duced ph tlio spot.
The project is a gigantic. ono , nnd if
carried out on the lines Indicated will
prove of incalculable benefit to Idaho.
A 1'oftnll Itarost.
F. B" . Schormorhorn , geologist of
Idaho's World's fair bureau , who recently -
contly discovered the great glaciers in
Idaho county , has found a fossil lorest
in the center of Custor county. Iti the
sfmt locality ho has discovered the petri
fied bones of an extinct race of mon nnd
animals , which will bo sent to Chicago.
The iorcst covers an nron of four square
miles , nnd the condition of the ground
shows thnt nt ono time nn enormous How
of clay , which worked in from the north
west , has buried the trunks of trees to a
great depth. This clay has turned
to stone , nnd no ono can be
ccrtuin of its true depth without
going to great expense. All the
trees in this forest have their
tops broken off nnd stand from ten to
forty feet nbovo the ground , averaging
about twenty-eight to thouore. Schor
morhorn took the oxnct measurement
of all the trunks of the trees and found"
them to n vertigo twelve foot in diameter
on top and sixteen feet in diameter nt
the surface of the ground. How far the
trunk reached thtough the clay stone to
the soil ho had no moans of ascertain
ing. A branch which had bccomo de
tached from a tree , and was lying about
sixteen foot horn it , wus three foot in
diameter. From the six.o of the trees
nnd their branches , Mr. Sehormornorn
thinks they are a npecios of redwood
such us is found in California , and attri
butes their fossilr/.ntion to the clay ,
which , bearing a large part of mineral ,
nnd presumably coming from some vol-
cuno , soon turned the living trees into
monuments of stono. Mr. Scliermor-
liorn discovered some Hue specimens of
float nnd stream tin nnd is going into
that section to prospect further for that
metal. Among the specimens secured
from Lomhlnnd Custor counties urogold ,
silver , lend , copper , iron , tin , zinc and
platinum used in line electrical and sur
veying instruments. Antimony was
found largely in the Seiifoam district ol
Ouster county.
CoiliMl liiilmn l.uiul.
Lund hunters nnd speculators nro
( locking to the Crow reserve hind in
Southern Montana recently opened to
settlement in accordance with President
Ilttrrlson's proclamation. The ceded
lands comprising 1,800,000 acres eon-
stituto the western part of the
reservation. Under the tot ins of the
agreement the coded lands except the
mineral hinds must bo disposed of onl.\
to actual settlers under the provisions 01
the hoitioHtortd laws except section 2aoi
of the revised statutes , which gives tc
ox-soldlors and Bailers the benefit of the
limo they borvod in the army or navy ol
the United Stati > B ; provided , however
that the fcoldicr shall before receiving a t
patent for his homestead nay the Uiutoi :
States for land taknn by him in additior
to tlio fees provided by luw and withir
five yours from the Unto of llio llrat orig
inul entry , the stun of $1,50 per aero
olio-half of wlik-n shall bo puid.withli
two yours. It is further provided Ilia
any person othonvino qualified who Inn
attempted , but for any uauho failed to sc
onto a title in the fee to a hijinosteut
under the existing law or who has madi
entry under what is known us the com
muted provibion of the homestead lav
Hhall bo qualified to make homostcai
entry upon any of thcso reded luuds.
rut ma in .Miiiiluna.
The roglbtintion of voters In Montuni
closed on the 15th inst. , with u tola
-Ii2,000on the lolls. In the populou
contois almost the full voting stiongtl
is registered , but .this is not true of tti
rungo counties. There nio sevora
localities in which a volor would luiv
to rldo or drive fully sovouty-mlles t
register , and many of them were unabl
to Inko Vho time to make the trip.
As election dtiy approaches politic
nro more nnd mot a lost sight of and ui
ton lion is contorcd on the capital flghl
This latter con test is narrowing dow
to Holen.i nnd Anaconda , though Butu
Grunt Fulls and Bozomun will each gc
seine voles. Helena was llm in the flol
nnd has her campaign well organ i/.ei
but Mnious Duly is credited with the in
tonilon of spending $300.000 to cuptur
the nrlzo for his town Anuconda , nn
Unit sum of money may accomplish win
dun * . Great FulU charges Holeim wit
distributing boodle in that vicinity , nnd
considerable bud blood appears on the
fitirfaco. Tlio cnpltnl fight , promises to
bo a bltlor and coatly ono.
Suit Luke's tiHliiAlrlr-fl.
Salt Lnko City makes a splendid show
ing In the manufacturing statistics col
lected by the census office. The number
of establishments wns 100 in 1800 , against
M ! ) in 1880 ; in 1890 the capital Invested
wns * 2G5St7 ( , against $800,115 In 1880 ;
hands employed , 1,1)07 ) In 1800 and 1)28 ) In
1880 ; wngcs paid , ? 1,27U,211) ) In 18)0 ! ) and
$12VJ-17 In I8SO ; cost of materials , 81-
(105,877 ( in 1800 and SSICJSO in 1880 ;
value of products , $ ! 1.8t4-l02 ( in 181)0 ) ,
ngalnst Sll(110.i3 ( : ! in 18SO. The follow
ing classes of Industry were omitted in
the census icinortH of 18SO : Millinery ,
custom work , women's dressmaking ,
custom work. The totals for 1SOO above
nro Increased ns follows by the inclusion
of the Industries referred to : Number of
establishments reported , 11 ; capital In
vested , $222,180 ; number of hands em
ployed , 71 ; wages paid , $20,029 : cost of
materials used , $3M15 ! ; miscellaneous
expenses , $10li)0 ! ) ; value of product at
works , $110,800.
Stiutli Dnkotii'ftmonKiiioiit Itoll ,
The State Hoard of Equalization has
completed its labors and published the
result. The asfcosbctl valuation of all
property In IfeOlIB $128,818,2M.GO ,
while for this year Iho total footing Is
3127,377JUO.Ci ) : , a decrease of $040,253.117.
This , notwithstanding the fact that the
material wealth of the Htate has in
creased considerably. Tlio richest
county in the state is Mlnnehaha , as
sessed nt $10 , : 72,1B0.02. There are
2.70U.71 miles of tallroad in the slate
and 250,2t5 : miles of telegraph and tele
phone linos.
Noligh townspeople nnd the , Gates
college folks have joined forces in tlio
erection of a gymnasium.
As Morris Record of Norfolk was
pitching off a load of hav ho foil nnd
rolled to the ground. When picked up
ho was dond. Heart disease.
Jim Kelly of Urokon How is in jail ,
charged with selling liquor to minors.
lip hns boon held for trial to tlio dls
trict court in bonds to the amount of
People of Elk City complain that
their mail is often delayed at the post-
olllco at Washington , Douglas county ,
for twonty-fottr hours. They lay the
blame to carelessness.
The South Omaha Daily Stockman
issued a special edition Friday , giving
an exhaustive review of the develop
ment nnd resources of the Magic City.
The edition includes sketches of the
stock yards , packing houses and otliot
elements of South Omaha's prosperity ,
and furnishes a very accurate repre
sentation of the industries of the city.
Edward King , a farmer who lives
eight miles north of Iloldrego , whllo
butchering a hog lot a knife fall , strik
ing the back of his loft hand , cutting
the leaders and arteries. When ho
reached town ho was very weak from
loss of blood , but protnut action by a
physician stopped the flow of blood and
Mr. King'will bo able to got homo in
two or three days.
For eoroo time past efforts have boon
made to establish n llouring mill at
Emerson , but for some reason they
always failed. The project now , how
ever , Is an assured fact , A stock com
pany with a capital of $25,000 has been
organized to bo known ns the Emerson
Mill and Improvement company. It
will no doubt bo successful , ns 'there
nro the right kind of well-to-do men
ut the back of it.
August liabe , the potato king of G'mn-
ing county , has harvested 1,100 bushels
of tubers of largest size nnd finest
quality. At $1 per bushel , says the
Wisner Chronicle , ho will realize a
handsome profit from the live acres cul
tivated in potatoes this season. It would
pay his neighbors to team the secret
which enables 'Mr. Rabo to grow a line
crop of potatoes when a failure of the
crop is general and the local market
price is "out of sight. "
Rock Springs will soon have its now
electric Hro alarm system in working
The fact that politicians cry out de
spairingly "Stand up for Wyoming' , "
does not imply that the population is
sitting down.
A young man named McCalllo sui
cided at Bullalo. A $80,000 debt weighed
on his mind and produced what brain
sharps call "transitory mania.1'
Superintendent Wurtollo of the Chey
enne division of the Union Pacific is in
such poor health that ho will probably
bo obliged to retire from the service of f
the company.
Green River has an electric light com
pany. It has been incorporated and
christened the Green River Electric
Light and Power company. The capital
stock Is $12,000.
The campaign in Wyoming lias
roichod a stage which impels a candi
date to denounce a charge as "a lie tie
black as human toncruo can.iirticulato. "
The seconds have not yet been named.
In a letter to the Laramlo Chamber ol
Commerce , President Clarlc states thnt
the Union Pacific has nothing to do with
the coal combine rccantly organized In
Wyoming. Coal which formerly sold
in'Laramio for $3.f > 0 is now hold at $0.2fl
qulto a snug squeeze.
Mrs. William Gregg , formerly ol
Rawlins , was driving down the foothills
in the Rattlesnake mountains last Sun
day when her team took fright and ran
aw'ay , and Mrs. Gregg was thrown out
of the wagon and instantly killed. Slu
leaves to mourn her loss a family ol
seven children and a husband.
Sniitli Dtlvoln.
The Spoknno mine at Hermosa hus
, been sold to Colorado parties for $00,000.
About 700 native American votes in
South Dakota , just put on Iho market ,
urn objects of tender solicitude. That
ntimbor of Sioux IndlnMVnro qunllflcd to
vote for the first tlmo. -
The doml-monthly clean-up ot the
Goldoti Rownrd chlorlnatlon works
amounted to 335,000 In , gold.
Members of the Aberdeen Press club
presented a handsome goUl-hoadoU cano
to Cotbnol John H. Drake , recently ap
pointed to the consulate ) ' iit Kohl , Ger
many. ' '
Plorro printing hoiuos have won a
victory in the courts uvor rival bidders
In other towns for stato. printing. On
nn appeal to the ftutjj-quio crJtirt a de
cision was rendered prohibiting the
state printing commissioner from letting
ting divided contract"On ! * " a given class
of printing. The Plorro houses thus
bccuro Iho phnt of the land.
Hoiso Chinamen defy the Geary reg
istration law.
Idaho Falls has invested $10,000 in a
brick school house.
A law suit pending In the federal
court at Uolso Involves $225,000.
The Star group of mines at llalloy
were rccontlv sold to Arthur Staynor
of Salt Lake for $112,200.
The throe-stamp mill erected at the
Chrysolite mine on Willow creek has
been running for several days , crushing
forty tons of gold ere per day.
Men nro prospecting on Llltlo Boulder -
dor , near Shoup , for placer in the Inter
est of a syndicate. They find the coun
try rich in placer and have secured 1100
acres of ground.
The War Englo group , near Salmon
City Is showing up finely. A largo
amount of ere on the dump averages
from $20 to $50 per ton. Concentrates
run from $700 to $800.
The great Do Lamar mine of Owyhco
county still keeps up as a great divi
dendpayingproporty. . For the past
month the profits were ever $30,000.
The ere bodies are very extensive , in
fact no walls have been found.
The tamous author of the ghost dance
at Walker hike is now n prophet , with
out honor , in his neighborhood. "Ser
geant Jim , " a Bannock Indian , says the
prophet is "a blank big liar , and wo
good Indians will kill him if ho doesn't
kcepbtlll. "
J. A. Bard last week sold to DoKalb
and Waterman of Salt Lake an eighth
interest in the Italian mine for 310,000
cash. The mine contains a streak that
Is fabulously rich in gold , while the re
maining four foot in width goes from
$10 to $50 to the ton.
The expenses to Iho state resulting
from the mining troubles in the C < vur
d'Alonos do not foot up nearly as much
as was generally beliovcd they would.
The accounts have been audited and the
amount isS,407.20. This includes all but
the pay of men and transportation , but
this will not bring the total up to more
than $20,000.
Utah unil Mniilium.
Registration in Salt. Lake City is
larger than ever before *
Lewis and Clarke c'dunty , including
Helena , bhowa a total3 Registry of 5,500
voters. , ( l'
The printers unionnnd the proprie
tors of the Ogden Post are warring in
Iho courts. 7- -
Recently discovorlo 'ot rich sapphire
fields were reported in'tho " vicinity of
Craig , Mont. ' ,
By the close of the year Salt Lake
will have expended $100000 ; in the erec
tion of public school bflildings.
The Montana ollicial , have filed no
tice in the Bozeman laud olllco that 22-
, ' ! 9G acres of land wilbs'bo reserved for
school purposes. -
Two now railroads will bo built inlo
Helena. Trains will bo running from
Casilo within n year and the road to
Dillon will bo under way before that
The English Sapphire company has
about sixty men at work on their ditch
from the Prickly Pear creolc across to
their recently purchased placer grounds
near Helena.
The Btttto Miner appears in a now
/all suit cf attractive cut and modern
form , printed on a purfccting press. Be
sides being a vision of typographic love
liness , the Miner combines a vim and
spiciness which plncos it at the head of
the newspaper procession in Montana.
Ono of the largest -real estate deals
consummated in a long whllo in Helena
has been perfected. The properly sold
is the Giltnoro ranch about a milo'and a
half northeast of the city and Rosodulo
park , nn aggregate of 305 acres. R. C.
Collins , representing-a Utica , N. V. ,
syndicate , was the purchaser , the price
being $07,000 , about ono half of w'hich
has boon paid. *
Alone thu Uimst.
The state tax levy in Washington is
2j mills.
The North Pacific liitnbor pool pro
poses an advance of $3 per thousand.
Nevada people have had their taxes
raised 25 per cent , and just for the pres tt
ent the silver issue lias boon lost t
sight of.
As nearly as can bo ascertained the
irrigated lands of California comprise
3,500,000 acres. Irrigation has cost $20-
000,000 , but it has increased the value ol
the land $500,000,000.
Elk hunters nro so insatiate in t'/.oir
greed for antlers and skins that the ox"-
termination of this magnificent game in
tlio forests of western Washington is n
question of only a very short time.
The Caboll mine , In eastern Oregon ,
has boon sold to an English syndicate ,
the Wide West , mine being purchased
by tlio Biimo parties. The Cabell mine
WIIH hold at $250,1)00 ) nnd the other al
Returns from California orchards me
now coming in , nnd mime of the rrolllt
nro astonishing. William Amosbury ol f
Honldsburg , Sonoma county , has sixteen 1
norcs jn German prtlfibs from 5 to t 1s
yours old. Ho hud thiq our ! ) ( ( , ( )0 ) poundti
of dried fruit , whioh he bold for $8,000 ,
making a net profit of $7,500. An 1
, ornngo grove in "Riverside , of ton ucret 1s
Peep into your Kitchen
and see what they're washing and
cleaning with. Probably you think its
Pearline. No doubt you've told your
servants to use it , and think that
they're doing so. But look at the front
of the package for yourself , and see
that it's the genuine article.
A house-to-house canvass discloses
the fact that many women think they
are using , or have used , Pearline ,
when an examination of the pack
age proves the stuff to be some of " " " -
the "same as" or "as good as , "
which peddlers , unscrupulous grocers
and prize-givers are trying to Avork off
upon a long-suffering public.
If it's these imitations that you're
using , ten to one you're not enthusiastic about Washing
Compounds ; you couldn't be.
CJon/1 Peddlers and some unscrupulous Rrocers will tell vou " this Is a * mm ! "
w > enCl or the oas l > earliue. " IT'S KALSE-I'earlinc hI never SKl
it "Rar lr T1 lf.Ur . frA8en < ls > ou.mcll'inS ? > P'acc ' of I'eafline. be
i JDclCK. honest ttnJt back 3U JAMES PVLE , New York.
of itil.xotl ftccdinp tt nil Ituli1lnp vnrlotlcn ,
wns sold Inst wcok for $30,000. The
trees nro 14 yenri old , nntl some yonrs
llio revenue Is $500 per noro.
A ntotcor foil In Snn FrnncUco which
is ( Icscrlhotl by tlio iniuivno ptv It na
bolnp of "a jxilo sllvory color nbotil V to
ctl os nnd u dnrk rod In tlio contor. " As
It foil very cnrly Sunday niornlnir It la
quite llkoi.V thnt the dcsorltion | is born
of Iho fact that Stindiiy closing In 'Frisco
doesn't lncltit\o \ Snttirilny nljht nb-
About 2,000 carton ds per inontli of rod
ccdtir shltiRlos uro t > otnp shipped oust
from vnrltnis I'urjot Sound points. The
eastern innrUot , instead ot bolup over-
stockr 1 , la htirdly kept supplied , nnd the
domnml ItHiicruuslng from every quar
to i1.Vltlt the now rates to Rt ) Into
olTecl January 1 , tin equally blp domiind
is expected for sawed llr nnd codnr
Now York Sun : After 1 hud bunked
down on the floor of the sqimtlors' cabin
and had been glvon about a quarter of
nn hour to po to sloop , t hoard the
woman ask her husband nutoss the llro-
pltu'o !
" ,11m , when ho un ficts un in the
inawnln' will him ttsk fur soapV"
"Of co'so not , " replied the man.
"Fur towels ? "
N'o. "
AVon't ho un ask fur whisky ; " '
No. "
Nor a comb fur him 'a ha'rV"
iVo. "
RecK'oti lie un will look for colTuoand
"Ofeo'so not. "
"Nor fur suutir or butter ? "
"No. "
"Reckon ho un will oat pone nnd bacon
and bay nuthinV"
"Snrtin. "
"Jim , f wish wo hnd towels nnd soap
and brush and comb for ho un , " she con
tinued after a bit.
"Sallv , you purty nijli blind , 1
reckon , ho exclaimed in rojily. "Can't ,
you see ho is n gontloinun , and doan'yo'
own sense fiscor U out that no tfcnt'lo-
mnn ever uses sicli truck when ho kin.
possibly dodge in ? "
( Inns.
It is a binRulai- fact thnt the most
precious yums are composed of the most
common substances. The diamond is
tlio purest form of carbon and is identi
cal In composition with ordinary clinr-
coal without tlio impurities of tlio lat-
tor. The ruby , on the other hand , is
nearly pure alumina , a substance found
In profusion in every clay ban I ; . The
scientific name for crystali/.ed alumina
is corundum , and the gems compre
hended under this designation are some
times inoro valuable than diamonds of
tlio . The ' . the
sumo weight. ru'jy. sapph
ire , thp oriental emerald , the oriental
topaz , the oriental amethyst , the ori
ental aqua marine , the oriental cliryso-
lito , the hyacinth and other precious
stones tire all alumina , the vnrii tlos of
color being caused by inappreciable
quantities of metallic oxides.
Detroit Proo 1'rcss : They were watch
ing the balloon go up nnd ho was telling
her about the various crank aeronauts ,
including these couples who for the sake
of notoriety are married in balloons and
sail away.
"I don't think I'd like to got married
in a balloon , ' ' she said softly.
"No , " ho assented thoughtfully
"there's too much risk in it plain , with
out going out of one's way to find frills , '
and after thnt she seemed to be loss in
terested in him.
Is superior lo all other preparations
claiming to be blood-purifiers. First
of all , because the principal ingredi
ent used in it is the extract of gen
uine Honduras sarsapurilhi root , the
variety richest in medicinal proper-
Cures Catarrh
low dock , being raised expressly for
the Company , is always fresh and
of the very best kind. "With equal
discrimination and care , each of the
other ingredients are selected and.
compounded. It is
because it is always the same in ap
pearance , flavor , and effect , and , be
ing highly concentrated , only small
doses are needed. It is , therefore ,
the most economical blood-purifier
p in existence. It
L/llicS makes food nour-
& work picas-
ant , sleep refreshing -
ing , and life enjoyable. It searches
out all impurities in the system and
expels them harmlessly by Uic natu
ral channels. AVER'S Sarsaparilla
gives elasticity to the step , and im
parts to the aged uud infirm , rc-
ncweil health , strength , and vitality.
rrcrmroil liyDr.J.n\ycrK Co. , Lowrll , Matt.
Holil liyall UnigglBta ; 1'rkc'ft , alx lollU5.
Cures others , will cure you
. free hyan KXPR'IT ' ul'l'lOIAN
I'm feet acl | < iat nont. Huperlor jonsoi. Narv *
01 hliuaJiiuliu otiroJ by usln ; our Suootaolet
anil IJyo.-liiiboi 1'rlcuj low Cur llrjt ulan
1HS l.jthSL.Crotshtoa B.03'c.
National Banlc ,
Capital , . , , . . . $ 103,0) J
Surplus $05,001)
Officer , ami nirectim-llmirr W , Vnlei. president
II. C , l-u hln . rlca preildoui , IX H.Uurlcj Vf.V
MoriO.Jol.iH , Collfnj J. N. | L I'atrlot l-swli A
lined. ca blttr ,
Cold Snap.
Don't take cold
With the Columbus festivities a frisk } ' ' norther
has struck us a little fresh , ain't it , especially
mornings and evenings protect yousclf with a
warm garment
Our overcoats
That's what you need1 and we have them to
suit you in all styles and fabrics , and at prices
that take
Whafwe can do for you Overcoats at $ $3.75
come in three shades and are stunners they
are woolen qoods ; with and without velvet collars -
lars , ing-ray brown and oxford they are fully
worth $6 call and examine them
We have overcoats running from $3.75 , with a
gradual rise in price of 50c a coat till you get to
$30 , the highest , which fit as well as custom
made and wear as lonsf
At $7.50 - - Our $14'Overcoat is a world beater ,
in tans , blue and black
Overcoats in Meltons Cheviots
Cassimeres Wide Wales Stockinettes
Serge and silk lined Box or long cut
Colors tan brown oxford blue black
Single and double breasted
Heavy underwear
A special sale of 4 cases of "shirts and. drawers
heavy ribbed full finished French neck
shirts pearl buttons , worth fully 50c each to
close 30c each -
Columbia Clothing Company
Cor. 13th and Farnam
Suscessors to M. Hellman & Co.
Are Quickly Married Try it on your next
You nro hereby notified tlm I tlio under-
_ .Kiiod , three dislnteiested freeholders of tlio
city of Unialin. luivo lieun duly nupolntnd by
the inuyor. with the approval of tlio ulty connell -
ell of s.ilcl olty , to assess tlio daniii-o to tlio
ownnra respectively of tlio property affoolod
bv thoclmiiKoof Kriideof Sou .ml street from
titli street toWill street nnd InlerscctliiK
street , dcclnrod necessary by ordlnnnciv Ho.
10 . passed October 11 th , IbU , ' ; approved Ue
tobor 15th. IS1U.
You uro further notllled that liavlnz ac
cented suld nppointineiu. and duly ( nullified
us required by law. wo will on the Hr.l iluy of
November , A. I ) . the hour of 10 o'c.ocU
In iho forenoon , ut the ollh'O of John V.
Kiack. Ml Uluinibor of t'uininorcp. within the
corpornto limits of said city , meet for the jmr-
pose of considering und tunixiiiK tlio assoss-
iiiont of tiiitinigu to tlio owners lospoullvcly of
said property mToctail bvHaldehariKo of grade
tnKins Into consideration special benefits ,
if uny.
You uro not I lied to bo piosont at the tlmo
mid Dlnco aforesaid and inaKo any objections
to or statements concernln-'suld assessment
of damages as yon may consider proper.
, ) OHN V. 1.1AIJK" .
Cini liu. Nnl ) . OctoberS ) . Ib'J'J. ' O , > 'dlOt.
To tlio owucis of all lots or purls of lot r.nil
real ustalu alnniiiUrd from ilarnuy .struct to
Luav on worth street : .nth strout fron. ll.ilf
Howard street , to l.eavon worth street ; IlHh
btreot tichn Ilinvura to Jonoa stieet and In-
torhuellur stieeta :
Yon uro hereby notlllnd that the undor-
slKiitd. lliruo dislnteruslod frueholdora of tlio
olty of Uniiihn. liuvii Uoun ( Inly upnointed by
the mayor , with the approx'al of the ulty
council of said Olty , to assess iho durmiEo to
the ownoru rehjieetUoiy of iho nioporty
ullectod bv flnin.M ! of Kr.ido of s.Ud btrcots ,
ilcc.nred neucisiry by ordlnanco No , I'.i-l ' ,
pasl-oilOjtolior7 , IS'C npnroveil Uutobor 10 , IMG.
said appointment , und duly ciu.tllHoci as re
quired ny law , wu will , on llio Ilrd day of
November. A. I ) . , 1MK' , nt tlio hour of I0tu : ;
n'ulouk In the forenoon , utthoollluoof Bhrlvor
Sc O'Dtmoliov , liui : Kurimni hi loot , within the
corponito limits of siild cltv , meet for the pur
pose of considering and muldiiK Iho iibsehs-
inent of dnniiiKO to the ( . "iitirs icspeotlvolv
of hiild property nllceluj by hiild vuulliiK.
taMnz Into consideration apuelal houellis , If
n nv.
nv.Voti tire 'injlllod to bo present nl the time
nnd place aforesaid , anil nml.u niiy objuutloim
to or MiitmnonlH onct > inln Huld assessment
of damtiKcs as you may consider proper ,
W. O , KlllllVHU ,
< KO. J. I'A III , .
T. H JloUIIIlOt'll ,
C'ommltto of Appraisers ,
OniiiliM , Oct.'Oth , IhX' . o-'UI-lilt
To all ownoisof lolKor | mi tsof Intson Slililey
Htrcut from "nth turret t i".nh iivuiinu.
You urn hereby nollllcd Hint tlm undor-
slirned ilirunillHlntoru /reiiholilers of the
ulty of Onmliti have beua iluly appolntoil ny
the mayor with the approval of tlio elty coun
cil of su cl olty to nssoss tliodainaKu of thu
owners lu.pocllvelv of thu property airoutud
by the en : in oof grade of hlurley Btrect ilo-
uinrtxl iidceisiuy by oidlniiiu-o .No. JI'Jl , passed
July'IbJ. ( ! . ' . npiiroved July .8. I MI. .
Yon are further notllled Hint linvln ? ac
cepted uuld upp liitmont and dnlvqualillcd as
leijiilred by law , wo will on tlioild ( lay of No
vember , IKrj , ut iho hour of 1U o'clock In iho
inoralnisat thoodk-o of Uharlus I' , lluiijaniln ,
Ifkfl DodKuhtruot within the corpontu HmltH
of B ild uliy. moot for tlio purpose of consider
ing mid m Uliu ussejsiuenl of diimaKo lo the
ownnrs respectively of mild property nnYctod
by Bald r.ullnir. l.iUInx Into consideration
special bcnelltfi. If uny. You urn hereby noll-
tle l to bu present ul tlio time mid plurn uforu-
suld nnd nmkuany onjuctlon lonratiitomuntH
concqrnlm : suld usscBsnicntof Uiiiugosun you
muy constdur proper.
Udiiimlttoouf Apjiratsorw. . . . . .
Oniiihn , Nob. , Oct. 2lnt , isu , . (
H OT Bl'ltlMid , bUUTII DAKCH'A. TI1K ( Mltl.S-
bnd of Auiurlcu. In tliu Illack Illlln , ilVJ ) feet
ubuve tlm wu. A crlip , tiMuliiv nlauupbure.
IxjVflr KOnurjr. 'lliuiu warm muillclnul wute
liavo cured ihouiuiuls ut patient * . -aoJ ' punfo
butli 111 tlio Ut B. Tli i ; > aii , built of pink mid-
toau. uccomuaateiiJU ; people ; ttrlctlr lint iliui ;
uiiuii tlru pluci'8 , ( ivum liuat. ulcctrlo llKhl . rlclilr
furiiidiuil , II no | ile Vfr nJalu. table u | HcluUr.
I lnu uutuuini , in Mil wlntutn. Iteiluced ruten by Ilia
vrtuk or month. Tlirouvii trulnf Irniu c'liUnzu.
O. B. MAHIiliN , The j ; vans , Jlotriurlug. , Dukula.
Tlio I'lionnniunnl IMiynlflan , Toiclior nuil Aullior-
ens , will ti-nch | isjrlioiiietrytt > | ilinlcliiniiiiMil olhoM
lo enable thorn In rttnxnuiln < llim u nnd Klvo lliu
furullru iiKcnl wltliuii tntikliiK questions. Coma or
Bond 11 lock orimlr with ? l UU ana Imvc this .lemon-
ruled. Till : UIOAI.l'll Ol'l'ICU ,
4IB.171h st. lr. ) JOHN BHKIjlIV , 1'ros.
In ) > unm.iicaof onllnnnun No. 3JOJ. roilulrlns
sowurcoiiucutloim to bo niiido to uiul within
I lin curb lines nti curtain stri'ols anil alloys In
Hlrcet Improvement districts Nos. 480 , 4K7 , 4s'J. '
4 W. IU1 mill 4S.1. in the City of Omaha , you uro
liuruby noUlli'il to mixKoiill noces.s.ivy connec
tions with BUWOIm 11 1 us or liilicrafs and to
complete Hiiuk wor.t mi or liuloro November
10th , IS ! ) . ' , as It Is tlio imrposo to n ivu tlio
streets unil allovH In tuo s.uil districts und
nioioimrtluularly dcKi-rlbud 111 follotfB , to-wlt :
No. 4SI1 C'onlei1 BlroDt from lUth hlroot to
No. 487 Alloy In blook m , city , from 17th
Btit-ut to Ibth stri'uu
No 4M-Alloy ) In block 110 , city , from 17th
.street to ISibstrool.
No. 4'JU ' i7lh tared fiom Jackson street to
Linveiuvortli btioet ,
No. 4ll ! Alley in block Kfty from lOtli street
to I'llstieut ,
No. 48 1 1'iiollluHtroot frmiillJml street to tlm
nlluy uotwfun il.'iul and .J.lid hlicot. In thu city
of Omnliii.
Von nro lioroliy oiilered to imil.u tlio noces-
siiry honor connuuiloni on or liufjro the date
spoL'lllud In llili notice , or the sainu will bo
made by tlio city authorities , und cost thereof
assessed uKalimt tlio proiiuily opuoslto the
bumu nmlhpucliilly lionrlllU'd tin-ruby ,
DntPil atUmuba , Nub. , thls''jlli day of Octo
ber , 18Ji
Chairman of the lioanl of I'nbllo Works.
To the owners ot all lots , parts of lots anil real
ostnto alonx Hamilton street from 45lh
Hiruet to west city limns ,
You are hereby notified Hint tlio imdir-
HiKiiod. tin co disinterested fuoihoider of tlm
ulty of Umiihu , have boon duly appointed
by the mayor , ultliiho approval of tin ) ully
council of said cltv. to nbscm tlio dainuso to
thu owners rospoctlvoly of tlio property af-
feuted by Krailln , of Huld Hlroot. ilculiueil IIDU-
tssury by oriilnunco niimbor : UK' , iiassud ( ) c-
tobor 18th. 1HUJ. upiinivod Uotobor lutli , 18W.
ion are further noliliod that hivliuaa-
ropted HI ; | ( | Hioliiimiint | , uud ilinv iiiiullllod
us inquired by law. WH will , on thu'.lru diiy of
Novumbur , A. f ) . IS1) . ' , at the hour of llw : : o'clock
In the foienoon. at the olHi-o of Slinver .V
U'llonohoi1 , 1401 K.iiimniHlrrot , wlth.n tliocor-
jiornto limits of s.iliU'ltv , miiol for the purpose -
pose of fonildoiln and in i Id in ihu HHSUS-
mentof diiniiii ( ; ) lo thy on tiers icxpeellvoly of i pioperly tilluoluj by said KimlliiB. titkliii
Intoconsiduriuloiispoclal bunuiltH. if any ,
You urn notified to bo piesonl at I ho tlmo
and plueo afoiesald and make anv ( ihjootluni
lo or bt.itomoiits ruiivurii lu said anHetsi
of ilainusus as you muv roiiHiilor prnpur ,
W ( J.silHlVliu.
_ , Coin i iltteoof ApliruiHors.
Omulin , Neb , , Oct. WJtli , IH'l. . O ldlUt
To the ownurs of all lots , parts of lou uml real
osiulu aluiuIth urout , from 1'otiulutoii
aviiuue to llleKory utieol.
Von nru buroby uotlllod that the undor-
A vnuil , tliruudlsliilurustud freohdlders ( if ttio
city of Oiniilia , h ivu boon duly atiDulntod by
the mayor , with the approval ot the uiiy
council ot mild oily , to MHSOSI the duuiuKo to
the ownnri rusuiictlvoly of Iho property
affected bv ch.iiun of nr.ulo of bald strtuit. du-
oiarod nucos .iry ny ordlnunuo .MI. llfl. pushed
Oeioljor II. IH'J.upprovoil Outober l.Iblii. .
\ouarorurtbur not llul unit , hiivn | ; c-
coptuil null ) iippolntnifiit. mil duly nimllHuil
u ; roiiilred | fiy law , wo will on uio : trd duy
of Novoinljor. A. I ) . IMi , at llio hour of d
oelojK In ihu iifiernoun. iit the olllco ot
bhrhur it O'.ionohon , uui I'urnui/i stroot.
w thin the roi per i to limits of b.ud ulty , intel
for the pnrpoio of eoiibldurhiK and in nl ! I iu
Ihu iiBiessmmit o ( dum.iuo lo tlioownois ro-
upectlvoly of B.ilcl property , alTeeted by s.ild
chuno of HIM do. tiltln ; inlo conslileratlou
epoclul bunellti , if any.
Vou nro nolllled to bu projont at the tlmo
and p aoo uforoiald , and marfn ny objuctloni
toorHtutumuniu eoiu-ornliu Kild imosimunl
of lUmuges uu you may uonsldor nropor
W. < J. MIltiVKIt.
_ Catiiiiiltli'UOf Appraiser *
Omaha , October 'JO , jb.z Oiiual