VIIK OMAHA DAILY 1HW : JtaXIUY , OCTOBER 21. lfiH'2. 10 ] ni irt HtH nut1 ncq IIO'j .tree ruoll On ) ItillO irnq ttr THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL IJLUFKft i NO. 121'KAULSTmiKT Pollvrrff1 ly c.irrinr to any part of tin- city II. W. TIl.TON. - MANAOKtt. UinlnomOfflce . f o < > > 1 vt , vntirivr.J { xighl Keillor. . No SI MIAOIt J//JM7O.V. * N V. JMi mbinc Co ! I'OIIIH II niulTs Lumber Co. . C. 1. . Mnrtln was nrrr-tpil last ovcnlng for bclnjj drunk nml Injultlnt ; Inalne. Miss Morse niul Miss Uiwilo Morse of Ohl- cnijo nro guests of Miss Snckiitt on Willow nvemii > . H. S. Richardson. formerly of Council Hluffti , now of Washington , I" ) . C. , Is in tno city for n few da\s. The beautiful oak stairway In lh Avenue H school building Ii veuurkably nrllstlu und imrnctlvu und with llio Ilimu u nmistng much favoniblo comment , T. K. Casiuly was nrrestml yesterday afternoon - noon for drunkenness nnd disorderly con duct. llo was totalised to appear for tilnl tills morning In i-ollco court. Henry Dolone was onlleil to Omaha yosloi- day afternoon bv an accident on tlio motor line in which Ills son , Henry , was seriously Injnrril , Particulars of the iicriUent could not bo obtained , The ladles of tno Congregational church will servo meals ana lunches on Woilucsuiiy In the store rooiii latrly occupied by Mr. Kicldu on Hronilway , next to ths ( Jounull IJluffs Curpot cotnunuy , Thorn will ba a tncotlnRnf the Pottnwntt.i- mlo Democratic club i\t hoadquurtcrs this avcntncnt 7 15 o'clock. All members should bo prnbcnt , ,1. H. Ulutrlcli , president. U \Vood.J. . A. Ilotm-iclc , W. II. Wood , O. K. Dovlo , Wult Will-nan , M. Ada-ns , ] "rniik Wood and J , H. Vnnsciiv , nil or Logon , vnltod Council HlufTs yesterday on their hlcvclcs and took breakfast at Iho Grand hotel , homu In ibu after noon. Onu of Mlllard's Mnplo ( Jrovo Dairi'1 toania ran nwny yesterday mornintf nnd up set the wasjon , uraggtmt it tor quite n ills- Innro on Hio.uHvay und finally bringing up near the corner of 1'ciirl street. Tnrce whrols were torn olT nmt ono of thu nxlcs was bruicn In two. The ( Jraco l p | rnal church has purchased n lot on 1'lorco street , nppotito tfio school housu and will erect a liatulaomu churcn cdl- lluo ttieronn in thu near future1 , f It will bo of wood anil brick anil will cost about 1,000. , A mooting of tl'o building cominlttuo Is to beheld held this evening fur thu nurposo of oponlns bids for thu xvork on thofitructure and It is lirobablo that tbo contracts will oo let ut 01 ! CO. ( Junior of llninilu.iy und Ilr-ntmi Sttcot. Our Into loss by fire was covoroJ l > v two policies , both In tlio COUN'ClL BLUl-Tri INSURANCE COMl'AX V. Hy 7 o'clock tlio next morning tiftoi' tlio flro the Bcerolary was on the iiBh lionp , pencil in Imiul , ready to lijruro tlic loss clown to bedrock , which ho did , too , saying t hut' it , was his duty und no biniill part of his business ' ' So long a hu did not yo below bedrock wu had no reason to complain , I'onscqtiontly tin fiuttlcmcnt was not only prompt , but In every way satisfactory , so inuoh t-o Unit in addition to W.200.00 ( MJVCII policies ) cnrriod by this company bofos-o the lire wo now ndd to it $1(3,000.01) ( ) . 13oin < r intimately acquainted with tlio frocrotnry nnd directors wo c.annot bu porsunded Umtboltsr indoinnity can bo obtained than that ottered by our homo company , besides wo bclicvo in patron izing worthy homo enterprises , every thing boiiif * equal , and unless wo do wo eh all continuo to bo dependent on foreign oign capital and corporaUouH. C. U. Wmnn.Kii , JAS. A. IlnilKI-U. 'Mun Wnntccl. Council Bluffs laborers , apply at our olllco over OHlcor & Pusoy's buuk for work. John W. Paul. Dinner eels , nice line jtibt received 58.00. Lund Bros. I'M r It CM so Srlllcil. The case of Arnold against tlio city o Council Bluffs , which has been pending ; lu the supreme court for nearly two years , ha ; been decided at last , and with it is brough to a summary end all IMO other litigation which has had for its object the tltlo t Fairmount park. On its llrst trial bcfon Judge Mucy in the district court ol tin county n judgment was Riven in favor of th city and the cuso was taken to the supreme court , where .Tuilco Maoy's decision was nfllrrncd , tl > o last decision having been rendered last spring. About aweek ago Attoruoy Sims , who represented the plaintiff , submitted to the suuramu court n motion for u rehearing , und tlio overruling of this motion last week now sou the case probably forever ut rest. 'Tbo sumo legal points are Involved in nil otnur cases which Involve the ownurshm of the park lands , tlio point on winch the light was madn by the plulntllT-i being nn allowed Irregularity lu the method of condemnation employed by the " city. Consequently this decision sots ia"rcst nil douot lib to the llnnl outcome of tno other nulls. _ 75 horse ? , grade Clydos nnd Perch- orons ; one imported Clyde nnd ono full- blood Perchoronitiillion , cattle , tools , etc. , at public Bale , Thursday , October Si" , on my fin in wix milch east of Council HlulTs , on Quick road. K. L. Sill'OAKT , Genuine Round Oak , Radiant Homo. P. 1 * . Stewart ntovos und ranges , sold exclusively by Cole & Cole , -11 Muin. ' Boston store closes every ovonin at fl p. in. , unless Mondays and Saturdays. \Vltiilml to liny. Improved property. Will pay o-xsh if price is low. II. G. McGee , 10 Main street. BiR lino-of lmnjiii lamps , Btand lamps , hall lumps at Lund Bros The Boston Store closes every evenIng - Ing at U p. in. except Mondays and Saturdays. _ . A I'r.ic'llous llnrsn , A young nitin named 1'ago , who lives in Wcston , had an cxporiouuo with n wllu horse yesterday afternoon , llo was bringing his1 . sister , who toacnc * In the Third street hcliool , to her boarding ulaco , near llio cor ner of Hryant nnd Vine streets when tlio horbo started to run. The young lady had just alighted nnd 1'aRO was standing uy tbo buggy. As soon lu the horse started bo grabbed thu ruins nnd wan dragged about llftv feet before ho lot no , The buggy was vmashod 10 bite , but " 1'aijo c.iino oft lucidly wltli koveral unpli-asaut Injuries to hltt clothes , limbs and. face. Hoar the jubilee binders at Trinity M , 1-3. churoh IVidiiy ovonliitr. October U8. in netiro son s and plantation molo- dies. Gentlemen , the finest line of i.xll proods in the city , ju t ruceivoJ. Uoltor , the tailor , 810 Broadway. See those oil heaters at Swuino's , 737 Broadwny. Judson , civil onu'inoor , 823 Broadway Day A ; Hess report tlut Ihov nro hnv- Ing u good tlemnnd for the ton-aero lois in the Klein tract. A lilt ; llrlrlguifttiir. \Vncoler Si Ilereld nro building a lareo cold storngu wnrohouso on the rcaroftbolr property at the corner of llroauway and and Don ton sttvct. Ulll bo t\vo stories high. UOx-IO m dhucinlona. The upper part t part will be used entirely for packing lea nud thu lower purl for tbo storing ot goods. It will cost about (5,000. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS lirst C6ngrcgational Foonlo Fortunately Sccnro nn Eloquent Prcaclicir. REV , DR. SIIARPA ACCEPTS THE'CALL IVcullur rortnltniM rirri > iuiitnncr4 Tluit /Mtonilrd InMtiiildii mill UN Ao > eopliince WlllJI'roli ilily linglu Ilia U'nrtc Nuxt .Miintii. The uuanlnous nnd cnthusiastta call extended - tended to Hnv , Mr. Sharp of I'oxborougb , Mass. , to bccoino the pastor of the First Congregational church of Council Illufls bus resulted In n favor.iblo reply from that elo quent dtvmc. The securing of him u as aomowhat nccl- duntal , or as the church fulks would put it , tilklncly provuluntlal. It being learned th.xt ho wns planning n western trip , to at- : end the couvcntlon"at Mlnnosipo'is ' , and ilmt : io doilrou to visit n brother pastor and old colhpn friend In Oinalm , arrangements were nadn for him to supply the pulpit tioto for ono or two Sundiiys. The congregation was o cnthuslastlo over his sermons anu BO pleased with his evident social qualities , that an urgent call WJt extended without ilelav. Ho loft hero with u promlso to speed- IIv consider tlio matter , ami now , after hav ing consulted nud cousldorou for n few weeks , he icpiies that ho will accept , llo will probanly begin his xvoik next month , though his family will not IUKO up their resi dence hero until a little later. Mr. Sharp Is a young man in year ? , though experienced In the work. Tbo pustorato which he loaves to como hero has bcon tilled most successfully by him for four years. A Miri ! I'll. Thursday , October 27 , tlio agent of ono of the largest eastern manufacturers will be at thu IJoaton Store , Council Ululls , la. , with a line of over " > 00 samples , con- ot till the newest and nobbioj-t of full uti'l winter coutn , every thing that can be thoujrht of in the coat und capo line. Thursday wo expect to inuUo a train day in our coat department. In addi tion wo show over 1 , . " > 01) ) garments in our own itocU. ICvory one that has visited our cloak department this season has complimented us very highly , claiming that uo show thu best line oulsido of Chicago. Another great ro.Uure in our laver is our usual low prices. Anyone wishing a perfect garment , a perfect lit anil at the lowest cash price will bo studying their own interests to visit the Huston Store. Among uonio of tlio most popular garments are the Russian peasant coats , I'Ynnklin back top coats , reefers plain nud fur trimmed , reeter.s with wattcnu plaits , ulsters with capes and hood ? , iv largo line of ladies' capes in every style and color. Ladies' llus&iati suits till grade ? . Plush sacques. l ) inches long , guar anteed Sir Titui Salt nnd Walker ilu hcs , all beautifully lined , from $10.76 to * ; ! ! ! . 00. Ladies' reefers , good grades. $ ; > .75and S < " > .00 , in tans , gieys nnd bind ; * . In camel's hair and choviot- ! , $7.00 and SO.OO. For a $10.00 garment we bbow nn endless variety. Special attention is ' culled to our 'six different weaves of black nnd fancy cloths , cut in fifteen dilToient styles to suit the ir.ost dillicult tastes. Our better gr.ulo goods running from $12.00 to $2".UO are well worth an in spection whether you intend to purchase or not , although for nothing but to sco the many styles and handsome gar ments. nOSTON STORM ' FotheringhamVliitclaw & Co. P. S. All goods sent per express C. O. 1) . at our expense , or by mail free of cliargo. Store closes at ( i p. in. except Mondays and Saturdays. The rrocliu-t You Live In. Below is given a schedule showing the boundary lines of the various voting pre cincts and tbo place in each precinct whore tbo registrars will sit for three days , com mencing next Thursday , fio.n S o'clock a. in , to 1) ) p. m. The location of the onumlattes aie worthy of especial note , asthoy wcro adopted bv the board or supervisors t their last session , and nro entirely different from any that , have bcon used heretofore. Every voicr must register In order to vole : rmsT WAUII. Kirst Precinct Wheeler & Herald's ofllco , 1M ! Hast Ilroadway. Tnat part ot tlio Klrst ward east , of First nnd north of Broadway , thence ulong Broad way to Oak , thence alone Oak to Pierce , tlienco along Pierce to MePhorson nvenuo , thence along Mcl'heraon avenue to tbo city limits. second Precinct Residence of Mrs. Gnf- feth , ! I09 East Pierce. That part of llm ward east uf First and south nf liroailway , Oak , Pioroo UUQ Me- Pnorsou uvciiuo. SHCONII WAlll ) . First Precinct 1C. T , Watonnnu'B carriage shop. Jit North Main. Tlmt uart of the ward east of bovonth to junction of Sixth and to Hohrur's nark. Second Precinct- . U. Knepbcr's gro cery , 744 llroauwny. That part ot the ward between Seventh street nud the North wottcrn main line track. TIIIIlll W.UU ) . First Prccl'ict Crcston house , 'J17 Main street. That part of the ward north and cast of Muln and Worth , thence to Third , thence bouth to the park lino. Second Precinct ( Jeorgo Bluxnm's shoo store , 80 * Main street. That nart of thu ward south of Worth to Third und west of Third to the park line , romm WAIID. First Precinct Terwllllgor's ofllco , 2.20 South Mam. That nart ot Iho ward from Brouuway to Seventh avenue. Second Precinct Kelley house , 1312 South Main. That part of the ward south of the center Hue of Seventh nvoiuio , rirrn UAIID. First Precinct -Wardlan's crocory , 1(501 ( West uroadway , Tlmt p'irt of llio ward between Hroadway und Seventh avnnuo. Soronit Prnolnot Drovers' hotel , 1710 Ton Hi uvenuo. That purt of tlio ward south of the center line of Seventh uvoiiuu. si\rn WAIID. First Product KastUeuco of Wise i'ayno UJIIU West llroadway. All on the east siclo ot tbo Missouri rlvor. Sooona Precinct Pollco btutiou , Cut-OiT island. All on the west BIUO of the Missouri rlvor , If you don't wr nl to buy hard coal you had better bee lilxby about thoiu'oll burners. They nro adapted for use in hot air furnaces , steam nnd hot vntor bolhir ? , with no coal or ashes to handle. The genuine Ihtrr Oak flovos nro sold only by ( 'has. Swalno , 737 Hrondwny. Cnll and snu thorn , Now m'-iUiiiR ? , just receivedy Smyrna uigs from 7oc up. Oil cloths In pat terns , nnd linoleums , now line ; nlso window shade ; * , 2oc up. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Snvo your hard ; nso wood , nnd call on II. A. C'ox , 10 South Main street. Host Missouri wood So.UO per cord , de livered. _ Tlio Radiant novelty base burners arc the host heate.-a in Iho city. Sou them at Swnino's. No bankrupt , llro-sinokod , damaged furniture at Meyer's , HO.V07 ! ! Uroadway. ( 'Intui goods , loss than any Omaha prices. .Davis foi'ilrttgs and pa In la. "all on Messrs. D.iv & ' 1103 nnd ask to bo shown the Ivloln tract of101) ) acres no.v on sale in llvo and ten aero tracts. They will show it free to all. Have you scon those beautiful hand- painted jardinieres tit Lund tires ? ItOpooplo in this city 1130 gn stovo3 'lheas Co. puts ' 0111 in ut cost. Don't forget that Swalno sells the Klmhurst stoves ! . KEPUBLICAN MEETINGS. CiitTorli'il I.lsl or . \iii | > lntniciitt IMinln liy tlie SIlllo und Cciunly Coiiiinltluc-i. Hon. Lorenzo ( . 'rounso : At Kchuylor , Octo ber 'J ; Uulu , October " 4 ; Ashland , October 5.1 ; Wayne , October 20 : Ponca , Octobar 27 ; Dauota City , October 2 $ , Ilartlngton , Octo ber 2' ; CrelKhton , October 31. lions. C' . F. Mandor.-o.i and K. 1C. Valen tin e : At Hebron , October 24 ; Stromsburp , October M ; York , October 20 ; Hod Oloud , October 27 ; Oxford , October 2s : Mlndon , October 211. Hon. C. i < \ Mandoisou : At St. Paul , Octo ber ill ; Loup City. November 1 ; Ord , No vember 2 ; ( Irani ! Ithtnd , November ii ; Syra cuse , NovoniDcr-t ; Auburn , November C. lions. T. ,1. MIOK. ] A. W. Field and A. K. Humphrey : At McL'ook , Uulouor 22. Hoiib. A. K Humphrey and C. A. Hob , bins : At Nordmi , October 22. lions. T. ,1. Majors aud W. K. Summers : At Eaijle , October 21. Hon. U. A , Ulbbons : At Strntton , Octo ber 'Jl ; Palisade , October 25 ; Hayes Center. October2(1 ( ; Slockvlllo , Octouor 27 ; Elwood , October 2S ; Wolllleet. October 211. Hon. T. .1. Majors : At Mllford , October2r > . lions. T. J. Majors , J. C. Allen anuV. . S. Summers : At Oaborne , Octobor27. Hon. J M. Thurslon : At Lincoln , Novem ber 1 : Norfolk , November 2 : Omana , No vember : ) ; Cleneva , November-1 ; Falls City , November 6. County Apjiuu The republican ward clubs of the city have arranged u scrips of ralliot to bo held in dif ferent places in the city between this and election. The best speakers lu tuo city Imvo been secured and each mooting will bo n good ono. The county cenlrul committee has announced the following dates and places of meeting ! : Ail meetings will commence promptly at S o'clock p. m. unless otherwise siniod. October 23 , nt Twenty-fourth unit Cutilings streets , ut which mooting Hou. E. J. Cornish and Hon. Ucoreo S. Smith will spoik. Walnut Hill , October 27 , ut which mooting Hon. K. M. Bartleit and lion.V. . B. Strawn will speak. Seventh ward mooting , October 23 , 1212 1'ai'k nvonuo. Jtidgo Jacob Frtwcett and Hon.V. . S. Srrawu will U'idrcss the moot ing. ing.Ninth ward , Twenty-ninth nnd Farnara streets. October 23 , nt which meeting Hon. John L. Kennedy and Hoa.V. . W. Slau- biniRti will spoak. October 111 tlioro will be a joint meeting of the First nnd Second wards on Thirteenth street , which wilt b.3 addressed by E. J. Cornish nnd other well known speakers. At Goodrich hall on November 1 will beheld hold n meeting of the Fifth , Sixth and Eichth wards. All of the clubs in their sev eral wards will incut at : 'M o'clock at Iho hall and have a torchlight procession , and till wards in the city in which there are no meetIngs - Ings on that night are invited. Hon. John L. Webster ana Hon. Jacob Fawcott will bo the oraton of the mooting. Billing hnll , Novembers , C. II. Marnlo of thu State Hoard of Ucgouts and Hon. E. M. Bartlotl will address Iho moetluL' . Boyd's opera house , November 3 , Fourth Ward Republican club rally. October 29 , Hon. John A. Ennanaer , ox minister to Sweden nud Norway , will speak nt Washington had to the Scandinavians In the Swedish language. It Is expected that everyone will turn out to hear this able rep reseutattvo of the Scandinavian race. The same evening. October 29 , at the Ex position hull , Hon. C. J. ( irceno and E. Rosewater - water will address n mass moating to bo uolu on that occasion. TUul.iborlngmcn of Omaha are especially invited to ba uresent at this meeting , us them will bo u full discussion ol the tariff In its relation to the wuso question. All the republican clubs In the city are OK- pcctod to turn out enmasso. The president of each club ! > expected to ECO that each member of his club Is present und in line promptly. All clubs will meet at Seven teenth nnd Farnnm street" , where a line will bo formed , and from there the procession will march to the hall. Every man in the city who has u torch is expected to bo or hand. torxTiiv i'niciN < T Jicr.rixns. Douglas precinct , October 27. at whicl. meeting Hon. David II. Mercer , cmulidalo for congress , nnu J. I * . Breou will speak , Waterloo , Octobor23 , Hon. D. H. Mercer , candidate lor congress , nnu Hon. K. ,1 , Cor nish will address the meeting. Mlllurd , November 1 , .ludgo Joseph H. Blair nnd George Smith will sponk. lOabt Oiiiubn , two blocks wnst of tlio lead work. , "November 1 , J , L. Knlcy. candidate for county attorney , and lion. W.V. . Sla- baugh will address the mooting. Irvlngton , November 2 , Hon. Davnl H , Mercer , candidate for congrosH , E. J , Cor- nUb nnd Major Livingston will each dclivci addresses. Klkhorn , Novombur ft. Hon. E. J. Cornisli and J , 1' , Uieen will address , the meeting. Benson , November * ! , lion. David 11. Aior cpr , cundldnto for congress , and Judge Jacob Fawcotl will speak , Elkhorn , November 5 , Hon. 1'hllip E , Winters will address ttio muoting In Oor man , tiuA ether prominent speakers will bu present. At each of the ubnvo meetings In nddttioi to the speakers announced tlioro will bu also present u number of thu candidates , who vill aUo address tno mealing whenever do slrablu. A. S. Cnunciui.i , , Chairman. Jens JENKINH , Secretary. WAIID ci.rn n.u.ues. Mr. T. 1C. Sudborough has nrranzed for republican meeting In lioyd's opera hnus , November i ) , Uoilgned moro osnoclally fo the people of the Fourth ward. "Kon. Johi M , 1'huraton will speak. A full orchcstr. . und a vocal quartet , have bcon engaged fo the occasion. Tickets of admission will be. required. The can bo had free of charge b' ' application to Mr. Suuborougo , who will bo pleased lo respond to all requests. Ho said yesterday that applications wcro pouring In upon him. Mr. Thurston had consented to speak In Lincoln on Iho iid , but tno state coniral com- mllleo postponed tbo Lincoln date to enable Mr. Thurston lo accept tbo invitation ot the Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE fourth ward ranubllpyn Krorybody l In- vlicil to ripply for tlukota. There will bo n nicotine nt the Kapubllcan lonRiio hoddqunrtcrs bpjmstto Millnrd hotel ) Momlny ovcnlnp , Ocwlrer21 , ISl'J , of the ro- publlcnn city ccntrnlibotumlltco. A full at- tonilanco Is iloilrod. Ucpubllcan iionilnnos for tha council nud sqliool board nro hivltoil to meet with the coiumlttco. llv order oT the cotptnlUpo. TnoKlshth Ward , HOpuuacaii club will oldnromlni , ' meotmi } nt the club head- tmrlcr * nt Twoniy < fourth nnd UumtiiK 'ucsiloj1 ovcnlntr , ntiwhich speeches will oo ellvercd by tJcuornhOcorco S. Smith mill leurv D. listnhrook , It the Intlcr has ro- urneil from ChlonsOOy'thnttlmo. | Arranco- mcnts nro belnff mndo tor a larger meeting to > o hclilnt Goodrlcli liAir , Tnonty-faurtli nnd 'aul strcots. n few ofemac * Inter. Kovornl ) | R rallies hnvo also boon nrranpcd for to bo icld nt Uovd'a Opera house anil Imposition mil , nuil from this tlino forwnra Iho cam- will bo pushed w < tha whoop. DoWttt's SaHapirlltn oostroys suou pot- ons iisscrofuli , sUtti ( Ilinl50i ; , cczonrv , rhou- uintlstu. ( is timely uso.savot ui.itiy TinDentil Holt. LONDON , Oct. S3. , l.iraos Itoi.ry Robert uncs-Kcrr , seventh Uimo of Uoxuurgli and marquis of liowmout anil Cosstord , Is Uonu. Nnw VOKK , Oct. 1. Hdivarti J. Dennlnp , enlor Dartner of tlio croat dry goods house of K. T. Donning k\j Co. , surcoisor to A. 'J' . stownrt , died suddenly in Ills bath room oattirdnv afternoon. Death was iltto to mralysU of the bcnrt Indirectly caused bv n gilppo. Disease never .successfully nitacxs tha sys tem with ptiro blood. Dowltt's Sarsupirilla mnkosDuro now blooil and onrlchcblaoa. . Arn-stcil u Miti'dpnius Nrgri ) . Hr. Lot is , Mo. . Oct. ! M. In an attempt to tnnko nn arrest In a uogro tcnomont house today Olllcer Fred Hehtn was shot in the bacit by Louis Price and nrobably fatally hurt , I'nco was nrrosted. I'lvo shots wpro llrou by Price , A sray shot struck Maggie Nooluu , colored , nnu killnd her. 11 is not necnssary lo call n doctor for a cuter or bruise , get Salvation Oil. Only 2jc. Will .Murry IIU Ooiuln. LONDON , Oct. 2. ' } . Thn Chronicle's Vienna corrcspodcnl says that the czarowltz will bo ormally betrothed nt Athens to his cousin 1'rlnccss Marie of Greece. Both the method nnd results v/hen Syrup of Fi 's is'taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing { o the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bo\v,4ls , , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to , the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , only from the most healthy andagreeabic substances , its manyexccllentqualitiescommendit to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Byrup of Figs is for sale in 75c hottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes try it. Manufactured only by the .CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , , SAM FRAHOISOO , OAL. t OTIISVILtB. KY. NEW YOBS. J "S "SUFFERING ntou female Wcukness , Catarrh or t Rlicuraatssn , Chronic , Nervous or Private Discassj , Searles & S Consultation Free. Arknowlcrtteil lo 'm thu mostsiiccaiful epoalalMtn till I'ltlV.MK , HUOUII , NeltVUlIS , SiM.S' ASH UIUN- AUV DISCASKS. ( ionorihiui In from 1 lo 0 ilay < . Sjplillli enrol wHtimit. Mercury , All nlauui fur llfu bTIUCTUIlU iicriimnontly curd I. co.n- | ili to , without cuttliu1. cnnl3 or JIUtulun i.'urj nlTuctcitnl huuiu by patluat nltUjul n mumj.u'i l > Hln orannoynnro. I'll. IN , KlrtTUI.A. AND UUCTAIi tI.Otll3 ) ! enrol wltlioulmilii or ilutontlon from binlnun. IIYIIHOCKUK ANU VAUIUOL'IJI.K porruinontly mid Burccixfiillv rurnl Mi'tlioil now nnil iiiirullliu. WEAK MEM ( V1TAI.1TV WIUK ) . Sl.tll'Oby too cloii nppll. cntlon to bu lnc s or stu'lf ' ) ; savor J moutil itr.ili uriirleC : SH.\UAI , K.trUjjKS In mUJIo IUu , or trotii the I'lloctf of youiliful fulllai. W11AK MKS Alll ! VIC'l'IMd TO NKUVOUS DK. niMTVor KXItAUdrtON , WAST1NC WKAKN'KSj INViil.UNTAIIV liU < * 4K4 with KAItl.V DBOAV In yoiJNU nml 1111)1)1 , VJ AiiUD ; lack of vlin. vl or. and Btronutli , with novnil urK ns Inipnlroil aril wonkoneneilprjraainrolr In approinliln.'olii ajj All yleM roailllr lo our nuw troitinoni for lojj of vltnl power , ( -.ill on or n I Iron with iitnniy 'or clrcnmi'i free book nmluj Dr. Searles& Seine ) , Next to 1'oilOlUoo. DIl. K. O. WHS3NKUVU AND .NT.aiDuolUo for UynturU Illtilniii , flu , NJI ralulo , lieuuuctu. nurroui I'roiiratoa aiuiaJ br klcoboior louiojJ , Wu'tutulninj. MoaUl Djjrji. lion , So tnonof tlu lirilll. c in iln { Ini , I'lltr , uilidrr i dec ya ° utli. 1'ro uilurj oil Aw , llarranun , l.on of roirorln ultaorioq Impoloooy , l.ouoorrutj-j nu I \Vailcno < iii , tnvolunlirr ItQttat , matorrlioao mso 1 or urjMiX'jrllon o ( t'u urili beU-abuieorur-lnlulitiiicM , A nrjntli'i trjit'iuit 11,0 torti , by mill , U'i/J traritajalt bia tojri Kachorda fonioxn wllli Ii will > iil wrltm luaranleelo refunllf notourjl. Uunrntoj 11143 ! only by Tlieo < ! uru , K > l.airlt drujijui , tulo outhuax coraur IGtUun.l l-'urniuu tit. Improved Safety Elevators , KIMBALL BROS. Cor. Ot'iblroot nnd lltli Avo.OounoIl Illuff JHEY WASH THEIR CLOTHES WITH MADE ONLY BY N.K.FAIRBANK&CO. CHICAGO. THE CHEAPEST AND BZST ME01C1F FO FAMILY USE IN TH : WORLO I nsl nut I v stops the ni'sto\"r u'litou niliHi uuvor f.ills t i slvo OHO to the sulVuron a few applleatluns aet lll.o uia lo , causing the p tin lo Inn tut y stop. A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. If onlv taken In dosus of from thirty to sixty dr. ) in In h lit a I nmblor of w it T will onus a fuw minutes Cramp * , MI mint. So irSioin u-li. I'otlo , Piiitiil iior < . llnitthimi. Irumiior. I'.ilu - Iveness. CHOLERA MORJ3US. DIARRHOEA , DYSSNTERY. Sick ll i liu-lii' . Nausea , NurvoimneoH Slooplexmic'ss , Muliirl.i. unit nil Ilitornnl p ilns urislni ; from oli.uiiro of weatho other cause ! " 50 CENTS A BOTTLf. SOLD BY DRUaQISTS. The nutunin ! < < the thno to piint : , niul ono cout brightens nnd preserves honsos and buildings , and adds much to the vtiluo and bounty of your properly. Would You Like to Buy Paint at Wholesale \Yo want to soil you paints and every 111 in ? used in planting nl wholesale and less. The Irst boiled oil you bought you probably paid 70e : t giilUm for it. Wo will sell you ono gallon or 100,000 gallons of any brands at10o. . Now wo have caught your attention , read the rest of this and compare those straight cash priees. St. Louis lead , "e per Ib. Uorry Bros. , hard oil , .3 gal can , Omaha load , ( ! o per Ib. S1.I50 Dor gal. .foplin load , 0 < c ) or Ib. Uorry IJros , hard oil. 1 g.d. can , SI.75 Cheap load 6c per Ib. Ijjnsocd oil , boiled. 49e per gal. Other hard oils , from $1.00 to $1.50 Linseed oi1. taw , 4ie ( per gal. per , nl. Paint oil. ; { 5o iicr gal. Mineral paints , dry , from Ho to lie. Barrel price , 2o per gal. less. Mineral piints : , grouml'in oil , -lo to fie. Wo guarantee lo bo us good as ony mixed i a'nt. "We will tell jou at SI.25 per gallon. Has never been sold for lesb lhnnl.EO i > cr gallon. As good a paint as ether dealers sell you for SI.50. Wo will sell you at 81.00 per gallon. Our Barn and Roof Paint Wo will soli you at M per gallon. LOWEST PRICES On nil ether goods our prices are equally low. COME AND SEE US AND BRING THE ] j/ . D. p UHT , AND GLASS CO. 1 and 3 , 4th St , MasonicTemple. GELBBRRTED THE SRNDWIGH H Moro bold thun nil othoi's eoniMncd. Uo not bo duuoivoil by iinitutor B or o those claiming to hiivo tilninst us good u nincliino. Buy only the SAKDWIOHy CORN SHBLLiBE nnd bu protected by direct frunrnntoo from rollablo ninnufai- ! turcrs. You can always dopon'd upon our repairs holnjr koit ) in stoult by nil local dealers. Apply for oui * iiffonoy. Send for cati'.loguo ? und pricss. SANDWICH MANUFAOTUEING CO. , Cotinoil HlulTs , lown. acffi * * " ? r < r - ? "irf = - 'iL-s 5 J-i - i t i ! Twin City Steam Dye Works fl A , SOJIOKDSACm , DYEING , GLEANING AND EEPINISHING OP GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION , OranhuOlllco , lo'21 Farnain St ; Tolopliono 15'21. Council HlulTs Ollico nnd Worl : Cor. Avo. A nnd Mlh Tolopbono , UIO. Bond clrculum and prlco hat. \ 7 Q Vi'a will tend you the mum lout Funeralbireclor Krfiirti I'reparulluu CALTIUJU Emkalmar tn-r. and u ICKO ! fuaranln' dial , A 1/1 MOd will U.-.lure > iiur hl.-r.iu-U. uud Vluor. 114 Main Street , CoudoU niulTa. Kill iairUu lt > U , ( latlmtll , OkU. NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. The want iidvartHitinoiiis tippo.tmu In iT nou | iifoi4ro often llio moit InlorculiiK part ol Its i-nntciit * . Tiu-y oxpri'ss the urgent needs , thu tl.illyM | , IM of the people wlio watit < oniothliii | and lu > .iru will'n.t ' to do roinetliliig , KMPL.OVMKNT. VATr.j > \onnij mini tn won , ; ibiint tu * bio nnil IIUUILApnlyat olllei of Ii con ardiu ; : < rett. A MI'KTKNT > lrl ut once. MM , J. i y man , fivtf Willow avu. HOUSK3 AND * \ND. , for .alc or trade. ( ircun hluliK Nicholson f illlIAl * Umber lands In Mlnm-iotu for V In iiuiiititlpi to < ult. l. % v llrrensnmlds. Molioi on t fo. I AHM and city loin * . Money lnaiioTl ou * Jitoek nnil craln. Itonlsiati ! for sain. nwollln r nit'l bmlnom ri'iituti. Mnnnr lo uio > forUieil lnvcilt < rs. I.OIIKOUTowlc.iKllfo.irl KXi'llANtiT : I'lotir iinarturAooTloiuit land fort'oiini'll Itlnir' . property i will p.xv ash for dllTcronci' . lirocnshii-lilM , Nluholviu XjV. , ( Kl HroHUway \ JjOll \tK riiiMoptt farm In rnttivwatti- iii iH'o. , 41:1 : nero * . well l.iivitud mil lin- pro * Oil. Jrl , oJIJiin nero 10.11 hu.ifo. * J.Al'ltCS Iniiit for < nlo : ln > tni < LMi I'oilucll lllullH and Omiiha ; u tiir--iilu If tuKi < n soon , iK Nh-liiiKiiii A. . - Co , l.-JI Itioadway. I I'W,11 llivrt ! iiivtlitn ; fop situ or tr.idn sea t > 1' ' ' " ' " * l lway > 1 J1 _ . _ 1''J' UU " " strnnt" OS" K\SV pavininls.lroom house on South ist stroi'l OroonsliloUK , Xleliolson , V Co. , ( i''l llro.uhvay. n OH HAI.i : On si'i til ii.iytuenn. f ml I. anil ' J- garden Inn I noir I'onnull Illtilts P. , U , ehuiifo. llroadw vy an t Miilu slrcat 1/fltriT "l i - - : 1 lliinlM. OiveiiMiloiiU , Moliolsoti , CoT \\T A. \ \ ( HCO. | . havosii-iiuof lliu IliioiT ' fatms In B' < IIII'.M | > IIOIII low i for sale , Call and si < o IH iV.'J .Main slieot , HOU Kuii t bncgy wiinteil fur un Improved nioui'i'ty In northnuii n rt of i-lty lirctin- sliiolds Nu-liolson.V Co. , it.'l lltoiihrny , AHAItO.MN. II--HTO fruit and gnrdun triiot -'i ' mlles fiom iiiHtolllro. ' . " .ueros in srapri , 'i ' IILTO In bliii'lclii-rrlui. . ' . ' > i unnlo true * . " , " plum troi's. : Cn-ln > rrv tram , dwnlllna , siatlo , otvI'rlcuHnOi. . No trade. ! ' . II. bhunfo. * ) > AL'Uislnsldocllvllmlti : ! will soil In loll - > > no ucro m > lo suit buyer UroenshloUU. Nicholson & Co. , O''l llro.ulway. $ : .00 l'iit : MONTH n-iito a jrooil n-rnnin dwclllm-on A\ul'near-Mill st , II II Mionfo , Jl' VOI * liKe Kind ireatnu'iit nud liir-iuln. : ? In roul otito oill on Oioensliluldi , Nichol son .V Co. , ( i''l Hiond v.iy. : 3 fiO ACJtl.S of I'lmir land In ii.-isturn Ne- braskn to oxvlinnzo for ii goo I rosldonco In Council lllnlTt. Want liousos and lotw for Ne braska bind. Johnston & Van I'uttiMi. WR IIAVH : i Rood tPinnt for n live or six room housu four or II vu blocks from post- iilllco. ( iiecnshloliK Muhnlson .V Co. . OH llioadw.iy , Own nori's o' I'holi'o plnu lands for stile , Purvis , Mis * . inrms In quire of Mrs. H. ll , ilrooUs , or A. T. Itlce , 1V8 4th blipot. nwll Itr.NT The following dwnlllims : -L 10 room il wo Ilinr. l.'ll Park nvi\ , fit ) , ( i-ronni dwelling. 7-4 So. ( ith ht. . H\ h-room dwelling , IcJiiSml ave. . W , ' > . " 7-rooin iluollliu' . SO' ' 1st nvo , JJ"i. 7-room d\\ulllug , UlllCth nil1. , US. fl-rooiii dwell in , T'OI ' Avoniiu I ) . i \ , 7-room dwullin ? . H.'U Itio.ulway. SJl. to-rooin d Mliii'j. : ia > iiiMiioii su. ij. H-iooin ilwrllms. ' ! - Avunili ) ( I , } ! ' . fi-room ilwulllng. 110 N. lath si , . tJO. T-IOOIII dwnllmi : . I'r.niK St. . ? IS. 7-"ooiu d\volllni'I'JO ' Avpinio A. $10. 7-ioom ilwulllng , 'tin Lincoln avu. . $ 0.03. 7-room rtvviJllln. , ' . ' (0 ( Harmony st. , JI5. ri-iooui dwnllniL' . HI'IS. Illli st. . } 15. 7-iooni ( lucllln.It'itililll I'l ici > , f , " . ( i-iocm duelling. Ill Cm tls st. . M" > . T-roomilnolllti ; , liiWAvoiiiio A. fit. 5-room clwelllnsr , . " > - . ! MynstcrsL , fll , fl-iouin uwollln , lii-N : ud : I\P. , $11. i-ionm ilwcllliij , ' . Ml Slynsti'r si. . $12.5X ( I-room ( hvullliiK. ( iriibiini nvo , fl- . C-rooin dwollliiL' . l.'inuillh ave. , itlL' , ( I-room dttulllinr. lluhliitt i'laoi * . < iiU'0. .Viooin iluollInK , iVl'i 1. 1'lcrrusl. . flO. 7-room ( Iwolllnir. Moriilinrslitu. il'.M. 4-11:0111 dwi'lllii- ! . . " > 1'iirlf iivitrjfil ) . li-room ( hvollln 1. Ir > Wasliiimton ave. , $10. .Vroom ( lu-elllntr. N. lilh BI . $1(1. ( ri-rooin dwelling. S'Jl Avi'iino ( i. $10. r-iooni iluolllnir , : : ul N. ? th MI. , tin. . * i-rooin duolllnp , 100A vi'niin I' . $10. 4-rooin d olllnir , ur.'iMh avo. . 1U. l-rooni dwolllnp. IIH Vine si , fill , d-rooni dwulllnc. ' . ' ! > * 171 Ii ave. , fid. li-room dwiillliiA ll'4 ! Arunuo II. $10 , ( i-room duelling. lOvs ( | ave. , if lu. li-room ihvolllii. , l.Vi'i Avunuu It , $10. I-room ilwollliiir , I5J7 Avcnuii It , $4 li-rouinihvollliiK , ITO'J ' Avenue A , } IO. -4-room dwelling , HIS Si-oil st. . SS. 5-rooNi duelling. ! ' . ' Avoniio ( \ $3 , fl-rnom il\vi > lllnn" , ' . ' 1st st. ; ind AVI nuo Jl , $9 5-100111 dwelling , 704 H. -'Ii'd st. , ? * . n-ionm ilwt'lllnu' , : inn AVCIIIIO A 18. 4-room dwollln , : ; ro N. 1st st. , tr , n-rooni dwelling. Ilino Avi-nuo A. ? " ' . 5-room dui'lllii''ID l.'illi ave. . JO. ; i-room d\vo line. H'-K. ) A vunuo A. t'l. A-IOOIII ( IvMjIlliii : , yt S AVPIHIO I ) . f" > . : i-iooni dwolllni ; , I'll : iid nvi . , ft. V-iDom ( hMillliiL- , line Au'iniu I ) , M. 4-room dwollln . 22IH Avunuu I ) , fl. : : -looni ( lui'llliiK , Kl.1l S. lilh si. . * ' ) . : i-looin ilwiilllnx , 8111 N. lOth si , , H II ll.Shcafe , luntttl iiuenl. llroiidwny and Main street. i' In coed Coiincli HI ( ill's | iioinrtv. | 1-J.Must , ho Rold tins \u'ci , . Urecnslilohlu , Nicholson , Co. WF. IIAVi : ciMtoiiii'is who want houses to runt , llnvo yon the hon-os. ' drcciHhloldii , Mcliolson Ac Co. FOR K.\JilAN < JK-fi.O'U > fltnok of gunural incruliiiinllsn for Iiiwu iiruasturn Nubraskn I. mil , ( Jri'iin hluliN. Mchol ( in , v Co. , GJ1 H'way , a'n'enls for ; iliiilnltrilor. ( ; . if oil r\ciiAN i : an iip7ij iiri > hiiiipi i rounlv , Colo. , with inipriivaniuiiti , for s-toek of dry uoo'ls und eloiblng or other nnlsu. K II. Hhuafe * HANOII of ' . ' .OJO ucros. nuir Uliovciinu. Wvo. line tinprovoiiiimts. s'linu nt iulc KOOH with i iiicli : llni-st In thu 4iiitii , Will oxelian-iu for Couiieil Illnlln or Oniah'i iiropi'rty. ( Jieon- , Niuholann ,1 Co. , ( ill Ilro ulway. s icnMN t co. . for ailiulnlstrit'ir. hiivo for sale onn of thu beat Ilj3-ioru stojl , farms In western - orn I own , MISOELLNEOUS. (1 ( AltllAiIO ( rPinnvnd , ciispoiN. . vaults mid JcliliiinuyHulo.iimil. 1C. I ) llnrki' , Olty llldg. l OK SAII'iMirnllni'ii , ll\l nren nnil toiiHoot Jtbo larrft'sl nnu Iliiuliotol ! In southern'ci. All inoilurn I'liprovninunts , olo- gaiilfiirnltnrj. Nut profits loill.u.l pur 1111- nuiii ; bnllilln ni'wly limit : n.i conipjlltlon. Prco'H.COl.u.i , half o.uh. Ii II Shuufo , Cotinoll Illulfs. lu. JjlOll HAM : llurdwar' stor-lcs In lown ivnd 1 Nubraika , lii\oloes , ljijj to 3n.'JJi. ' Ii 11. Hhuafu irOK SAIiK-I'a'mllv liofii ) . now pbuuton , -L bin WISH , old. Ii. ( Jruirory , I'-M M.iln nt. DANOINO SCHOOL. MONTT ] nnnr'A""p o77 chU m.i u lulls , 7'll : p in. Soululs suuond mid foiiuli Mondiiys , u p. in. Music funiMiod par- tins mid uliiljs Addri-si nt It A , I'.iriors , Coniuill Illults. or Hi.M iMirniun ( it. . Omiiliu. W ' - . . Chuinliers , Instructor. COUNCIL BLDFH ST3H DTfi WOHIJ All kin iHOf Dynmx nn /'lo.inlii t dona In tha liiliestbtyln uf thu art. K.ido'l an 1 bt-vlnaU fabrics inudo lo lo , > ' { in food us uiii Work promptly done niul dollvorul In ull pin u ol iliu country Send ( or urlcd IUU O. A. ' MAOHAN. - - J'ltOl'ltllU'OH. I 3 Uroadway , Noar.N'ortliwnitirj IOYJ. , | CU , „ th ( ) 8lulo ua | ( courts. Itoo us 't. 4 uuil i llenro Uiuiik , Couuull UlulTn la.