Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1892, Part Two, Image 9

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    in !
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ir' '
and Then Come and
Colored Dress Goods ,
Great Reduction Sale
Monday wo place on sale the creates !
bargains of the season , and for the ben
efit of uurcustomers outside the city wo
will continue the sale all the week.
40-Inch all wool suiting in Scotch mix
tures , chevron Httipo , navy blue nnd
plnid. over ono hundred styles. Wo
hnvo been selling these goods for SSc
nnd ( We , reduced for Monday and the
\\cek lo47c.
40-Inch all wool homespun suiting ;
these goods are in mixed colors , navy
b'uoa and blacks , special , 50c.
40-inch all wool storm serge.real
value 75i' , on sale Monday and continue
through the wee ! < at the very low
price of 58c.
54-inch all wool heavy cloaking.
Thesejjoods juat came in. Wo bought
the'-o nt a sacrifice ; Iheso goods are
uorth * 2.50 , special , Sl./iO. /
28-inch all wool flannel , in all colors ,
vortb 40c ; wo will boll tncso for 2)C.
US-inch Scolch plaids , regular price
8e ; sper inl for Ihls week lOc.
51-inch all wool Kensington sacking ,
reduced from I15e to fl'Jc. '
5MiKi ( all wool wide wale cheviot in
navy blue only iSc. )
50.-ineh very line French broadcloth
plaids , beautiful coloring , regular price
J2 50 ; they go on sale this week for
:5l5-inch : ohnnpcab'.o Englibh whlncord ,
regular price 't-jc ; wo aio going to sell
these for 25c.
50-inch till wpol Scotch suiting re
duced fioni $1.85 to il 50.
40-inch all wool line finish lion riot ta
Monday only 50f.
) ii inch part wool chevron suiting ,
regular price 2Sc ; special 15c.
Black Dress Goods. .
Doyen consider 28c nny inducement
on a yard of dress goods ? If so , wo
would like to have you examine our 4 ( > -
inch sitino finish Ge : man honricUa.
This cloth id worth 81 per yard. We
want to give you an extra good thing in
black. Monday and the woott wo will
tell you this cloth for 72c.
- 10-Inch all wool storm serge , great
value for the money , only 5Sc.
40-inch all wool enmclotto reduced
from IWi1 to 48c.
fit-inch extra hcavv black beaver
uloth &I.60.
Kl-iiH'li all wool heavy drap Dote in
double warp , only SI.75.
40-inch all wool French serge , extra
vnlun for 50o.
fit inch till'wool good heavy flannel ,
reduced from ( ! 3o to 5c. ! )
'Hi-Inch Tine finibh honrictta , regular
iirico 5lc ( ; special Hoc.
40-inch voy line mohair , extra value ,
51-inch all wool heavy storm sorgo.
Ono of Iho best values'in the house.
Wo will ell them Monday for $1.15.
52-inch all wool "heavy'French serge
with camel's luiir trimming , the great
est novelty cf the season , only $1.15.
40-Inch all wool German honrlettn for
COi ? .
Dress Goods.
Wliite bed ford cords ,
Hrotonla suiting ,
Fleeced serges.
I'lnln black satcoii ,
Fnntni.-io chovronb ,
Malt"-o chovrons.
All in new designs , dark colorings ,
worth from loc to 25e a yard. Tomor-
tow wo place thorn all on sale at lOc a
yiu d. Vour choice of 5,000 pieces only
) ( ! i ; a yard.
I'lnln white and fancy bordered lunch
cloths. 8-1 sii'o , OSe. 10-1 si/.o $1.25. 12-1
Bi'/o $1.50 each.
5-H Gorman napkins , bioachod and all
Ilium. > 1 10 do/en.
ii-l dinner napkins , Irish manufacture ,
blcachod and all linen , $2.50 do/.un.
W Inch all linen blcachod damask only
/"uti / yard.
(18 ( inch very line bleached dtimasuonl v
1.00 n.\tiftl.
Tim Van Dyke fancy turkey rod dnm-
nsk only -Ido a yard.
Alexander's best imported turkey red
diunask 5Uo a yard.
Tin key red nnd green damask 35c n
50o damask and Turkish towels , largo
dye. roilncorl to 25o each.
All BJ/.C ! ) in turkey red luntili cloths.
hpiu.iitl bargain in bleached all linen
crani lo\\ulin < r at JOe a yard.
Ii'irpu M/.u Imported white Marseilles
bed ttptvaila nt ! } 2.S ! ) each.
Yoi-y line and largo ohoviot white
cpromls at $1.50 each.
II-1 Marseilles bOTt-iprcads $1.00.
White crochet spreads 05o and75o.
Books and Stationery.
Immense line of bound uooksin single
mul in tots at loss than market value.
Kndlecs variety of juvenile hooka In
largo typo and line illustrations.
( Jot our prices on stationery , blank
books and school supplies of till kinds.
Wo offer tomorrow our en tire stock in
embroidery and Insertions at cut prices.
KmbroiuorSos for 2c , 3c , 4c , oc and Ce
Insertions for 2c , 3cIc , 6c , Oc per
Eti/abelh ruflllng at 4c , Cc , Cc , 7c , So
and 10c yard.
Wonl o oiler our _ stock of mailings at
greatly reduced prices.
Hnciilngs fnr 7o.
o. ' 8c.
for lOc. *
Itui'hings for lie.
Riicliings for 12c.
Wo have just received a lot of shell
ornaments ; thcso are something now
and are very pretty.
ShoH hand-p.iinted pin trays.
hlioll jewel cases.
Shell match bufes , olc. , oto.
Wo defy competition in the handker
chief line and will offer today children's
nicely bordered h-indkerchiefs for Ic
Children's fancy ha ndkorehiofs , 2c,3c ,
Ladies' very flno corded handker
chiefs for ljrc each.
1/idics' nice homstitohod _ handkcr-
ehlt'fs. He each.
L'ullevery fine handkerchief * , all
linen , loc.
Art Novelties ,
Wo otTer for Monday fine knittingsilk ,
11 colors ; only lOc.
This is a line grade of pure silk thread
nd K put un In the regular i ounce
pool" .
Itichardbon silk floss , all colors , 5c per
Knncy plush balls , Oc per do/.on.
Kiincy chenille cord , 5c per yard.
licll-Taiul metal ornaments , lOc per
Crochet riiiRSc per do/.on
l-'ancy silk fringe , very line , : > 0c yard.
Chcn'illu flowers , beauties , ) loc nndl'ie
, u-b.
Wo have a very line line of fancy
lamped linens that wo will offer at
peehil prices for Monday , vir.
h'ancy stumped splashers , tile.
Kino com mo'de scarfs , 2c ! ) to HO. : .
Kxtra length dresser scarfs , 40o.
Very line aidcboard scarfs , O.'ic.
Fine tea trays , elegant patterns , bio
o : ! 7c.
Wo have just received a ca o (25 (
ilo/on ) , of fancy silk head re&ts , and wo
Her Ihom tomorrow at 25e each.
'j ; ib'o hcarfs , l'e. ! ' ( Klc and 7c. ! )
We have a very line line of thc o
and olTor them very cheap.
Ladies' ' and Misses' Ties.
Wo hnvo'just received a very
.lock . of silk ties , they are the very
litest in styles and colors and range in
jrico from 1'Jc ' to 4c. ! )
Wo oiler our entire stock of ladies
silk Windsor tics , in plaids and stripes ,
usual priuo 'We , tomorrow only 22o.
Ladies' nit silk tie ? , plain colors , foi
Combs , Combs , Combs.
Heavy dressing combs only 4c.
A good rubbi'r line comb , only 2c.
A good rubber or horn pocket coml
only 2c.
Very line celluloid dressing combs
only ! o.
Heavy wire dressing combs only Oc.
IJo.ivy horn combs , metal combs , onlj
Child's round combs only 5c.
A very heavy , warranted , un break
able rubber comb , only 15c. This com !
will bo luplnced if broken n fa.r use
within twelve months ,
Toy Department.
The largest stock and lowest price
over known.
Bcnullful bright-eyed laughing doll
nt 5e , 7c , .So , lOc , 12e , Iflc. 17c , 20c am
2'ic , wonderfully cheap.
Doll cabs lOc , 2'Jc , 4Se , 5Sc , 75c iind
1.00. Compare prices.
Iron wagons , largo , useful and orna
menial , worth W.50 , at $2.1)5 ) , wortl
* : t.OO , at * 2.50 , worth $2.25 , at $1.75 , am
JI.75 wagons at 95e.
Splendid line of albums and otho
goods suitable for presents or horn
ornamentation ,
Slaughter sale of baby carriages t
make room for Chribtmas gooJs. No\
is the liinu to buy.
Millinery Sale.
Advance sale in flno stylish milliners
Ladies' fur felt hats at60c , 75c , $1.00
i1.2" , fl.GO , ui ) to W.50.
Fine fancy leathers at 5c , lOc , loc , 20
and 25c ,
Ostrich feathers nnd tips in over
Imported millinery - ribbons , orna
monls , trimmings.
Splendid line of flno trimmed hats
copied from the latest and most artist !
imported pattern hats.
Special sale this week of Paris , Lou
don and Berlin novelties in flnotrlmme
hut * .
Special Sale
Of Underwear
60 cases of underwear direct from the
mills go on sale tomorrow at prices that
will induce you to buy at onco. Wo
p oposo making this ono of the greatest
sales wo have ever given.
Chlldicna natural ( jray , lOc for 1(1- (
inch , rise ! tc.
Cliildren's natural gray , lOc for 1C-
inch , rise 5c.
Children's natural gray , 12jo for 10
inch , rise 5c.
Children's camel's hair , 12ic for 1C-
nch. rise 5c.
Cliildron's scarlet wool , 12jo for 10-
neli , rise o.i.
1 case of ladies' jersey ribbed vests
nd punts , 2)C each , worlhlc. ( ) .
1 lot of ladies' natural wool pants ,
'ortb 50c , reduced to 2oc.
2 ca-508 of lulies'natural gray merino
esis ana pants and nicely finished , only
) < each , well worth 75c.
Ladies' line scarlet lamb's wool vests
nd pants only 75c , worth $1.00.
Ladies' jersey ribbed earners hair
csls and pants only 7oc. worth $1.25.
leiso of ladies'"all wool vests nnd
ants in Cninel's hair or natural gray
nly $1.00 oach. reduced from $1.50.
Gents' heavy gray wool shirts and
rawcrs only 5Uc each , worth 75c.
SPECIAL-At 7oe each wo will to-
norrow show an immense barirain in
cnts' camel's hair and natural grays.
Also the finest line of one dollar un-
erwcar over shown in ibis city.
Wo carry an immense line of these
oods at popular price1' .
One case of Cents' jersey ovorshirts ,
ice fronts , only oOc , worth 7oc.
Ono ciibO of jersey overshirts , 75c ,
orthSI.2) .
At $1.00 and SI.25 each wo show the
nest overshirt in the west.
Gents' fine wool ncgligoo shirts in
tripc.s and plain colors , $1.00 to $3.00
Special prices for Monday.
100 do/on gents' cotlon Imlf-hoso , im-
lortcd , como in fast black and brown
ialb."iggans , only 12Jc per pair , others
sic 2oc.
Gents' wool BOX , natural gray , only
9c worth 21c.
It will pay you to see the line of genU'
vool box we put on bale tomorrow at 25c
ior pair.
100 dozen ladiob' kid gloves , Foster
ncing , como in all shades , only 75c per
air. worth $1.2' )
We commence letting down the price
n corsets tomorrow.
Opera Glass ? s
Positively iho lowest prices on opera
; lns os ever ollored to the public.
jeauttful pearl opera glnscs in
black , white and oriental , with
achromatic lenses and line mor
occo leather cases , worlh $7 $3 50
finest Lo Mniro opera glares , in
oriental pearl and gold trim
mings' , worth $10.50 0 05
'ino achromatic opera glasses
with handle atlached , regular
beauties and just the thing for a
present , worth $8.50 -1 ! )5 )
Morocco leather covered opera
glasses with leather cases , worth
$2 75c
Kvory lady can have an operaglass. .
Solid sllvor thimbles lc ! )
Nickel clocks -19o
Solid gold band rinirs , worth $2 , . . . O'Ju
Kogers' 12 divt knives or forks ,
per sot . . .il 2. "
Solid silver [ sterling ] souvenir
spoons , worth $2 OS
ciiU' best rolled nlatcd chains ,
warranted lo wear ilvo ysars ,
worth * 2 08i
( Jonts1 gold htilTened liuntlng case
watches , stem wind and bet wilh
7 jewels , American inovomont. . 5 7. .
CJonts' gola liilod hunting cane
watches , warranted to wear 20
yearn , with Elgin , Springfield or
Wallhnm movements 11 ! . '
Ladies' solid gold bloni wind
watches $9 50 up
Ladles' gold llllcd watches , Klgin ,
Springfield or Waltham move-
men ta $8 75 up
Watch nnd clock repairing at hnl
jewelers' prices. All work guaranteed
Pocketbooks Purses
, ,
Wallets , card and letter cases.
Ladies' line purses lOc. 15o and lOc.
Gents' pocketbooks 20c , ! ! 0u , 40o up
Gontb' coin purses 5a , lOo , loc.
( Jard cases 25c , . ' ! 0c , 35o.
Letter cases ! 10c , U5c , 40c.
Children's ' Hats , Caps
This department makes a leading
specialty of children's and inlnnts
wear in till the latest novelties at reason
nblo prices.
Musical Department.
Sheet muslo and small instruments o
all kinds at special low prices.
This piano has a national
The number manufactured , r
up to date is nearly double
that of any other HRST CLASS
instrument made.
received the highest testimoni
als , awards and investitures in
every known method of pub
licly encouraging merit.
Every piano made and sold by Chickering & Sons is WAR-
We are the sole western agents for the Chickcring- .
We also handle four other leading makes of pianos.
Pianos soldhvith the usual low dry goods profits for which
we are noted.
Call at ourjnew music room on the 4th floor.
Write for price list.
On lyionclayntorningwewill place all of
our $1.00 black silks on special sale at 75c
All of our $1.25 silks - - - at SSc
All of our $1.35 silks - at $1.00
And all of our $1.45 silks - - at'$1.09 '
This will be one of the greatest opportunities ever offered
o secure an elegant silk dress for a very little money. Be sure
ind call on Monday as they will positively be taken
off sale promptly at 6 o'clock p. m. , and cannot be sold on any
day thereafter for less than our regular prices. It will be well
worth your time to attend this great sale. All persons desir-
ng to order by mail will be entitled to Monday's prices foi
the entire week- .
Cloaks andJackets. ,
The immongo. phtvonago of the past
week can testify Iq'.tho low prices wo
nrc ottering in our cloak department ,
'laving the largest stock of any
loiiso west of Chciago , our assortment
of novelties is Htill .unbroken. Wo will
still continue to otto/the same bwcoping
reductions as wo , U'a'vo in the past.
Indies'walking jackets $3.00 , former
price $1 00. v
Ladies' walking jackets $3.75 , former
price flj.OO. ,
Ladies' walldftgjackets $3.00 , former
price 67.00. ; f
I/idles' walking Jackets $8.00 , former
price $10.00. V r
Ladies' fur $ riihmcd jackets $0,75 ,
former price * 8.00.
Indies' fur trimmed jackets $7.50 ,
former price SlO OO.j
Ladles' fur IrlriSmod jackets 59.50 ,
former price $12i 60 ?
Those gooJs eire ] in blacks , blues ,
browm and tans { and trimmed with
fashionable fur , viz : Possum , coonoy ,
aatnicoiui , boalotto and monkey.
Wo will place on sale for Monday 100
10-inch plush Jackets for $15.00 , former
price $18.75. I
Wo will houa the lint with the $2.00
cloak , well worth in valuolt.OO. .
For $3.50 > vo will soil you a good
school cloak , all sizes , cannot bo dupli
cated for $5,00 by any otlior house.
The enormous success of our $5.00
cloaks his lou us to nlnco an order for
100 more of ihom and wo will have thorn
for Monday's salo. Call and secure one
of thorn. The boslj vnluo ever ottered
for the money.
jI I
. .
Wo are headquarters in this lino. Our
stock and prices will convince you of
this fact. Inspection and comparison
Ready made shoota and pillow cases
on hand. Visit this department if you
wish to save money.
Let Us Reason
Is ono of iho nocessa ries of life. People
ple often allow prejudice to keep them
from buying cheaper than they might.
Seine say a department house'does not
keep as good furniture as the exclusive
doilor. Hut why ? The factories of tlio
world tire open to all who have money ,
and Iho best can bo bought by him who
can piy for It. The fact that wo got
furniture from the following factories
proves we got as good any : suits from the Esty Mfg. Co , ,
Oshkosh Furniture Co. , Spencer.
Hnrnos & Stewart , M. L. Sweet anil
Tabto , from St. Anthony Table Co. ,
St. Jolr.s Table Co , , C. II. Ilnborkorn
iV Oo. . Spiegel , Louis & Co. , Horbjrt
and others.
Bedsteads , sideboards , sofas , lounges ,
bookunssos , ohelToniors , chairs and rock
ers , parlor goods , pictures nnd easels
from all the best factories in Gr.uid
Itaplds , Chicago , Sheboygan , ,
Omaha. The one thing that tolls , I ho
ono great point is , wo boll tit a less
profit than is generally asked. Before
you buy , look ever our stock , am
you will say as otho.-s have bald , "Why
I am burprlsod. "
The latest novelties of the season
Will bo placed on our counters in the
cloak copartmont Monday. Call am
EOO the novelty of the season.
Trunks and Valises
The fact that wo soil cheaper than a 113
Is proved by the olTort wo make to kco'
down prices. Wo now have the blggos
y.Inc , iron bottom trunk on the nnrko
for the money , and $1.70 is the price
All our trunks are cheap whether a
$1,70 op 810. Valises and bag * at al
prices , in all shapes , and all low for the
money ,
House I Furnishing ,
Wo have just imported from Germany
the llnest , nicest and best enamel ware
inormnilo. It is called Cameo it will
throe times out InU any olher enamel or
granite ware made anil the price is loss.
Wo firry a full line and are solo agents
for this waio in Nebras > n.
A SI.OJ finely decorated sot for. . . $ 1 ! )5 )
A Jo.2.5 finely decorated sot fo . . $ 2 OS
A $ ( i.2.J finely docor.itod sot for . . * 4 l > ,5
A $8.CO finely decorated sot for. . . $ 5 SO
A ? ! ) .75 liftblv decorated sot for.$11 II
A S12.50 finely docoratwl set for. . * ! ) 25
A S20.00 finely decorated set for. . $12 00
100 different styles shnpo niul uucora-
lon to select from.
A $ lo.OO soinl-granllo line decorated
old line , fancy shape , 100 pieces dinner
et , $8 50.
A. $15.00 English printsplendid docor-
tion , all eolo.'s , 10J pieces dinner ; so t ,
A 'rlto.OO ' 100 piece dinner sot , slipplod
Told Froiich decoration and sbapo , and
ho finest porcelain made , $20.20.
A lOe wash basin , lie.
A lOc clippor. 2c.
A 25c tin jiail , 15o.
A 70c porcelain kettle , 29c.
A ; ) c dish pan , 15c.
A loc flour sieve , oc.
A 15c wire toaster , ! ! c ,
A 20c wooden bowl , oc.
A I0o ! colTeo pot , loc.
A loc cuspidors , 8c.
A 20c wash board , Sc.
A $1.25 copper bottom wash boiler ,
> c.
A 3c flower pot , Ic.
A 5e flower pot , 2Jn.
A 7c flower pot , 'ic.
A Oc flower pot , oc.
A lie flower pot , 7i' .
A loc flower pot , Klc.
Mason fruit jars , 03e per do/en for
Tin top jelly classes , 2jc each.
Dinner pla'.os , 2coacli.
Cups and saucers 2Jo oach.
Vro have a flno decorated vase hunt )
vith shade to match. This lamp soils
cgular for $4.50 or $5 , our price in this
"Ut sale $1.15.
\Vc have a line of hanging lamp * that
simply immense.
A $7 automatic spring extension lamp
or $2. Ho.
Eclinso earthenware cooking pots 25c
"nd ; i5c , worth 5K ( ; and 75.1.
b'ino decorated cuspidors 20c , worth
Japanese , Holland and China bowls ,
lOo , worth 50j.
Largo scrubbing bruhh 5a , worth 2oc.
L'linp shades at . 'ie that are advprti-
jv other dealers as a bargain at 2oc.
A 5o lid lifter Ic.
A JOe nutmeg grater lo.
Big line of flannels , red. navy blue ,
an , brown , black , gray mixed , pink
imcd , blue mixed , stripes ,
.ilalds . , olc , in blurting and skirling
: lannolb , a great variety to select from.
While hhaUor llnnncl 5c , h'c , lOe , 15c
nnd 20c a yard.
While wool llannols 15c , ISc , 20c , 2oc.
"Oc. ! > oc'lOc , 1 jcand 50c a yard.
Silk warp and bilk embroidered flan
Wool skirt patterns S.'ic , i.25 and
ITnve you soon lluydcns'utockof blnn-
cotsV It beats all blanket displays in
his country. Hero is whore you got
arjio blankets for the pricjs that
, 'ou pay for smaller si/.osat other places.
11 4 wluto blankets $1.03 a pilr.
11-4 fjray wool mixed blankets , 5 Ibs. ,
11 l gray wool mixed blankets , 5j Ibs. ,
$1.I5 ( a pair.
12-1 gray mixed wool blankets * 2,50.
Wo also luivo 10-1 silver gray nnd
whllo blankets at 5c ! ) a pair.
You will have money by buying your
ilankots right now at lltiydon Hroi.
Drug Dep't ,
Hood's S irsaparllla , OSj bottle.
Sulphur Bitters. ( ISc botllo.
\ yolll's J3oof , Iron and Wine , OSo
Gnrflold tea , 15o ,
Hall's Catarrh Cure , I7e.
Fellows' Syrup llypophosphlte , ! )5o )
Castorln , 2lc bottle. "
Ho/.odont , fi'ic boltlo.
Totlow's Swan Down , Oo bos.
Syrup Figs , small , ! 17c bottle.
Konncdy'ti Discovery , $1.05 bottle.
Cudahy's Hoof Extract , 20c.
This Is the place 10 have your pro
scription : ! filled at half price.
Oil Cloth & Linoleum
Wo are headquarters for these goods
in this city.
Just received , 100 pairs of those oho
nillo portiorns for $1.60 a pasr.
Also tin elegant assortment of the
best grades from $0 to $10.
Wo soil the best carpet swcepor on
earth for $2.75 , Also several makes a
less priced.
Letting Down Prices.
Minneapolis best suporlatlno flour
( warranto.l ) 90 o
A good Fiour ( Snowll.iko ) 03 o
Harden Bros. ' Host Superlative
Flour SI. 25
No. 1 sugar-cured hums 11 o
Picnic hnina So
Fancy English breakfast bacon. . . . 15 o
Sugar curutl bacon ! ) o
N. Y. hums 7o
Dried beef 7o
Corned boot 5 o
Dovllod liam ; 5 o
Polled hum , per can ' 5 o
1'ollod Ox tongue 5 o
Pickled pigs feet lijo
Pickled tripe ! Ho
Bologna snusugo f > o
Frankforls 7o
Smoked halibut Ifi o
CoiUish 6lo
California evaporated ponchos 17Jo
California drlud grapes 5 o
Cnlitornhi evaporated piltod plums 17Jo
California while noeturo 15 o
California rod nocturo 17jo
Californiii ovaporntoi apricots 17jo
Imported English onrranls SJo
Those arc all now fruits just re
ceived , nnii the most delicious
you over ale. They are worth
lOe per Ib. moro than wo ask.
Just imported from Seville , Spain ,
the llnest olives you ever saw ,
all packed fresh for ua. Porqt. . ! I5 o
Imported chow chow 15 0
Imported mixed pickles 16 eWe
Wo sell a good baking powder. . . . 5 o
Evaporated raspberri cs ( now ) 25 o
Now California raisin-cured p runes 12Jo
8-lb pail pure fruit jolly 20 c
20-lb uiil pure fruit jolly 75 o
Largo bottle blueing 5 eCo
Co rn atareh C o
Laundry slat ch 5 o
Bird seed ( very line ) 5 o
All kinds of washing powder 3o }
2Ib can early June peas , 17jc. If
you buy u can and if you do not
say they tire the linesi and most
delicious pea you ever did cat ,
wo will pay you b.vck the money.
Wo have peas fo. ' 8c , lOJc , 12Jc
and 15c per can.
Condensed milk 10
1Mb can nroiovved raspberries in
jniro sugar syrup 17 jo
2-lb can preserved strawberries in
pure augur syrup 17Jo
TUis is the finest fruit packed.
Try one can and you will bo con
1Mb bar imported eastilo soap 2-5
Butter and Cheese.
Notwithstanding the fac.t that butter
is very scarce our prices go still lower
and quality remains the same. Wo will
sell country butler for 15c , 17e and lOo.
Creamery. 21c , 2.c ! and 25c.
Wo have iho largest , finest and most
complete stock of cheese in the city.
Wisconsin full cream choose , lOo and
12Jc. Young America full cream , 100.
Eastern process full cream 1 Ic and lUo.
S\visi ohoesa , He and 17ic.
Brick chccsa , 12Jc , Mo and lc. ( !
Limborgor oheeso , 12Jc and 15c.
Nuufchalel chocso , imported , 7jc per
Baltimore oystors.rocoived throe limes
a day , at 25e per quart , solid moats.
Wo will sell yon the flnost colorv 3 for
lOc.Capo Cod cranberries , 7 jo per quart.
Tea and Coffee Dep't ,
On account of the quarantine coffee
has advanced from 2o to lie per pound ,
but having a largo quantity on hand wo
continue to give you the following low
prices :
Crushed Java loc and lOa
Crushed Java and Mocha 20o
Choice Rio 2tu : and 2So
Golden Rio 25o nntl 28o
Combination .lava 30o
Pcnborry S'intos ! 10o
Charm Java i2o }
Old Government Java nnd Mocha ,
; ! 3c , or . ' ) poundH for $1.00
C'ocou Shells Ho pound
.lapan sittings 12jo nnd ICe
.Inpan groeu lOc , 25c , ! ! 5e. 50o
lasket } fired Japan , ' ! 0o , ! ! 5o , 45o
UiK'olorod Jajan' ) lOo , 48o
Clioico ppidor log Japan COc , OOa
Gun powder Itjo , 50c , OOo
Knglish breakfast U8o , 48c , 65o , OOa
Stoves and Ranges.
If you will examine our $27.50 solid
B'.col range that otlior dealers ask $15.00
for you would tiilca it in preference to
others if wo ask also $15.00 for them ,
but not n'ono ' giving yon the best
range in the world , wo save you 05
pur cont. Wo do the name thing in our
cooking and hnating Moves. If you will
read the folio.vlng piced you can con
vince your.-iolf :
The Magnet $2.05 , worth three times
as much.
The F. W. Jr. Oalc 10.46. worth $12.
The Emblem $0.1)0 ) , worth $15.
The Caiman 8VJ-3 , worth $12.
The 1' . I' . Stewart
17.60 , worth $50 ,
The Mnichlcbs $10.20 , worth M5.
The Splendid $ : S.JM , worth $55.
The Putnam 80.15 , worth $10.
The Cooking Emblem $7 , worth $11.
The Ilonrthbido $0.45 , worth $18. ,
The Matchless $19.05 , worth $27.
The Signal $10.05 , worth $27.
The P. P. Stewart , the flnost cooUfair
stove in the world , $22.95 , worth $3,60
nny man's money ?