Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Improvements at the Stock Yards Still
Being Made.
Unn llrnnnn Why Soutltwmtrrn Cnltlo Can
lie Jliimllril to llrltcr AiUitnniBO I"
Onuillit Than in Kuimis
Improvement continues to bo the order of
the hour nt the Union stock yhrils , nnd there
Is no prospect of It cousins until South
Omaha has cleared tbo distance and bouten
Kansas City in the great race for nccond
place In tbo packing world and us a live
tlock center.
The Stock Yards company has commenced
the work of greatly Improving a portion of
the yard" , nnd several iliouf and dollars will
thus bo expended. Tha old cnltlo pens in
the cast end of the orlgl.ial yards huvo been
removed , und tbo ground Is being
lllled , In some plnco.s nearly thico
loot , to bring It to n bstter
grade. Now sheds for hogs are being
erected and they uro pronounced as fine as
any In iho country. As' soon as the work
there Is finished , which will bo within a few
days , the old ihccls from the rrnlii alloy west
to Cndnhy's repiilrshnp will bo torn down
nnd the c'round will bo nlled In. TnU portion
tion of the yards is too low and a 1111 of sev
eral feet will bo ir.ndo to make H hluhor and
better for iho stock. Now sheds for hops
will bo erected as soon as the grading is com
pleted. This done , the portion of the yards
used for caring for the hogs will bo ns line ns
any in the country nnd the cap.iclty will bo
considerably Increased.
Slr.ce September the Stock'Yi'.rrts company
lias decided upon Improvements which will
require an outlay of nearly SICO.UUO. The
chungo In the trackage and the pulling In of
tbo linost Inlerloeklntr syttom in the wosi
will require an oullay of flifi.OOO. The new
olrclrlo llclil plant will cosl MO.OOO. The
waler works plant , \\hich will bo put
lu in caio the decision of the
court Is unfavnrabln to the company
in Iho water works controversy , will cost a
good many thousand dollira. The changes
and Improvements in the yards now under
way and luoso agreed upon will run awav
up 'into the thousands of dollars. These Im-
provcmcmonls are oil needed to moot iho In
creased business and demands of the patrons
of the yards. Other improvements of
nu exton'sivo nature are contemplated nnd
Manager Hnbcock snys thai South Omaha Is
the coming [ inciting center nnd llvo stock
marl < ot of the world. The Stock Yards
company is nbrcustot the times and enler-
prlslng and Is leaving no slono unturned to
build up Iho most magnlllcont stoclc market
in the world at ibo Mngls Cily.
The Oudahy Packing company yeslerday
received seven cars of cnttlo from ICansus
City , making a tolal of thirty cars received
by 'that' company during the week. 'Iho
company purchased them nt iho Knnsns
City stoclc yards at llgurcs away below w lint
they could bo purchased for here. Tno cnt
tlo cimo from awny beyond Denver , nnd sold
nt Kansas Clly cheap ononch to enable
Cudahy lo shlo tncun hero and malto a neat
prollt by co dome. The Tuxas and south
western cattlemen might , with profit to
themselves , make a note of this fact. They
certainly would bo n few dollnts ahead if
they shipped Ihclr cattle to South Omaha
Instead of to Kansas Citv , xvhcro luo market -
kot is stagnated nnd prices rule several rents
The vorv best canners from Texas can ho
purchased n Kansas City at from $1.75 to
(2.25. At South Omaha cows nro purchased
tor canning purposes , and although nol near
so coed for the purpose , Iho prices rjlo the
* Bunions ihoso of Iho Texans at Kansas City.
bhlpmenls of Trxnns to Soul. * . ' CYnulm always
bring bettor figures ttun at Kansas City , and
for 100,000 bpai' of thorn each vcar there Is
"imuuA.YjQlled. market awaiting at this point.
The public schools cciobraled Columbus
day yesterday forocoon In an appropriate
manner. 1'rograms In each school in iho
city were prepared for the occa
sion nnd carried out yesterday
I by the children. 1'ntrlotlo music
rang out from hundreds of young threats ,
interesting dialogues wcro presented and
recitations and ossavs , all oearlng upon tbo
discovery of America 400 years ago , were
road. A large numbur of visitors wore pres
ent and their dolignl was as Keen ns thai or
the children.
At the Missouri avenno school President
Cheek of the lionrd of Education and the
scholars raised the now Hay over the build
ing.Tho Bcholais'wcro given a half holiday and
no school was held during the uf tcrnoou.
No nUonipt was made la South
Omaha to observe Columbus dav. But a few
bouses were decorated , and they riot on a
verv extensive bcalo. Tno city ofllcus and
banlis were rloiod during tUo dav. 'iho
poatonico closed at 11 o'clock and thoio was
but ono dolivcrv of mail. The Cudahv Pack
ing company gave most of its emplovus an
opportunity to observe iho day. A few
business houses closed for n hhort tlrao
during the afternoon ,
The celebration of tno day in Omaha by tuo
Catholic schools and societies nllractud n
largo concourse of people fiom tlio Maglo
Cily , and it was nltliBomo ultllcully Ihaltho
crowd was handled by the Mrcot railway
company. _
Syndicate J'urk < ; l"tuil.
Syndicate park Is practically closed to the
publla For boveral weeks past the sound
of the workman's hammer has boon heard ,
tolling the story of the encircling of
tbo park with a high board
Jon co , which will keep Uoa passers
uway In tbo future. Fifty-six acres
of park land Is Inclosed , or will bo when
about 800 foot moro of fence Is erected. Tbo
foncois a light board one , seven fcot high ,
nnd Is substantially built. The fence encir
cles Ihe park , runs on about A street from
Twonty.ffocond street east to nboul Nlno-
tonnlb , thence south lo very near C ! slroot ,
wcat In a continuation of curves to Twcnly-
Bpcond strcol and Ihcnco north to A utrou't.
The closing of t > yndlcilo park loaves South
Omnhu without a oubllo park und the people
do not appreciate it very mui-h.
At it llciaril ot i ; < | imlUutli > n.
The oitv council mot ns u board of equaliza
tion yesterday morning nnd adjourned until
Monday evening nt : .M o'cloolt , when
Action will bo tauon upon any
complaints which may bo filed by
thu city clerk in the meantime.
The taxes and assessments to bo equalised
nro those levied against the property on
U'wcntiotn street from U toJ _ stroou , to" pay
for grading. Also for tlio grading done , on
M street Irom Twentieth street to tbo alloy
between Seventeenth and Eighteenth street.
Eighteenth street from Missouri avenue- to
M street ; Nineteenth street from Missouri
nvonuo to M street , and for niduwalks laid In
ciiTeroul parts of the city.
\ > ith Wilii llciUlti'fr.
Elau ? Ncelaon , who lives west of tbo city ,
near the Corrlgaa farm , with bis wlfo nti J
latnlly , U charged with wife beating nnd
will uppuar before Justice Levy today to
answer to the charge. Noclioa Is
given a very bad character by his
\vlfo nnd llttlo daughter , who allege
bo U cruel uud abusive und ovlnooa his ha
tred for them by boating and. otherwise mal
treating ihmn , Thuriday ho knocked his
wllo dowu and severely kicked her while
ho lay proUrnto upon the floor , lie does
ot ilonv committing the deed nnd offers no
excusu for hU notion.
iitos mill rur
K. A. Carpoctcr U homo from Iowa .
C. P. Shurof Kniey was lu iho city yoa-
Jumos Diirrah of Atiburu WM In the city
jcstorduy ,
Ur , SipKlns eoos to Columbus today to
Utoud a tlutnourntla rally ,
Mrs , Ucorco U. Jonto has returned from a
Visit to bor former homa at Sturgisi , Ky.
Mrs. D , L. Holmes and Mrs. J. P. Even
tiavo gene to ( Jliicapo to ba abioat suvera
day ? , -
W. F. Meyer has boou granted a permit tc
root a cottugo at 'J'wouty.tilth ktroot anc
Jlatol avenue.
Mrs. G. W. Clark of Omaha Delivered an
address to tbo members of tbo Woman1 :
CUrUUau I'uuipurauM uulou u tuo hoinu o UrtnUh , Twonty-tblrd nnd 1 strcoti ,
youtordny afternoon.
Frank VasaK U crcctlnc acottnRO on Berry
avenue , near taoventconth street , to bo occu
pied by liiiiuclf nnd family \vhon completed ,
O , Miller xvas arrested last evening by
Ofllccr Andarson , who detected him In the
net of taklr.p coat from a carbolonglng to tbo
Union Stock Yard * company.
Aldrd tlio I'rixs U'orkrm.
CIIICAOO , III. , Oct. 21. Journalists as
signed to duty in connection with the dedica
tion corornonloi have founn their work much
facilitated by tun admirable nrriiiipemcnts
for ttio press mndo by the department of
publicity nnd promotion. Ample spnco In n
convcnlontlocalltyndciuato telegraphic faull
Hies and the frco use of llfly Homln ton
typowrlters , mndo the work of the press reporters -
porters cnuijiar.Ulvci.veasy nnd enabled them
to Ret off a full report of the proceedings lu
( 'OQ'I ' shape.
Areriitlnn AfTttlr * Unulo Sam Itrropnl cs
TrrnpoS New ( iinornlllellt.
P93 by Jnmm ( lordon llcnnott , ]
, Chill ( via QnlvcMon , Tox. ) ,
Oct. 21. [ Bv Mexican Gable to the New
YorU Herald Special to Tin ; Hin.j :
A revolution was begun In Santiago dot
Kstero , ArROiitlna , yesterday afternoon. A
band of twenty-llvo mcu under the lead of a
tan named ( jarcla attacked the rusldonco ot
ho governor and a dcsporato ll > ? lit occurred.
osultlni ; In the clo.Uli of llvo men ami the
vonmllneof nlno others , among tbotn Cap-
nlns Bruvo nnd Uojiis of the governor's
naiil. ACcrnbrnvo roslslnne.0 Iho guard
urrcntlcrud and Governor Io-is ] wns taliun
rtsoner. Oorostlnga is the clilof of tbo
After the surrender of the governor the
ovollors were crowned with llowors bv the
vomun of the cltf. AJitutawas formed to
tovorn the province. The government has
i)0 ( ) national guards tvllb which lo oppose the
evolution , and , while everything is quiet ,
low , a llL'ht U Imminent. It is n question
vhothor or not the fcdonil govornraent will
nlurforo ut present , as I'oiiu has announced
,3 his policy nonintervention In state affairs
inloss the constitution nr fcdoial laws aru In
niiKcr. The radicals generally favor the
evolution and there Is n marked feeling of
neaslncss In all tbo provinces.
The revolution Is the res'ilt of fully ttia-
urod plans to upset Iho governor and has
ho hearty support of the people. It is con-
irnlly believed this is only the beginning of
n movement which will spread throughout
ho country.
The employes In the railroad sbops at
Santiago have struck for nn Incruuso of pay.
Director Moraga has asked for troops and
lolico to cunrd tbo line of the road and tbo
hops. Ho offers to re-employ all thostriltors
xccpt those who wcro ringleaders. The
cndur of the strllto is Iho sauiu man who led
it similar strike In 1SU3.
Keeogni/ed l > v the United Suites.
La Guayra , Venezuela , Oct. 21. United
States Minister Scruirgs has formally recog-
nlicd the government of General Crespo ns
tbo losal government of Venezuela. Mr.
Scruges hns also asked Hear Admiral Walker
ind iho ofllcors of the United States war
hips ChicjRO nnd ICoursargo to nttond the
state dinner ut Caracas. The steamer South
'ortland ' , which left Now York recently
, villi n cargo of urirs and munitions of war ,
has arrived at La Guuyra.
You May ltd Kntltlud tn a Pension ,
But that Is no proof that you can cot , ono
bv trurely nskiuir for It. You have to ask In
tlioricht way. You might as well prescribe
for your diseases without studylnc medlcino
as to try to deal with a complicated legal
specialty without a knowledge" thu laws
affectlnc it. Unless you make out your pen
sion application correctly and furnish the
right kind of evidence to back JJ , JMU nio
wasting your tlrnqVlfv" don't you have
the work aooo-fiy somebody that knows how
to dflft / ' It will cnst you "nothing to speak
of. Write to 'i'lic line Bureau of Claims.
Frescoing1 and interior decoratinp ; tlo-
gns nnd astimntus furnished. Ilonry
Lohinunn , 16U8 Douglas strcut.
ccl u I'liblio Ilnii-liij | | : .
GIIEE.NMIOIIO , N. C. . Oct. 21. Charles Uoy-
nolds and Judco Merriam Hoadly. negroes ,
were banged In public yesterday for the
murder of S. Swnyne , n wblto man of 80
years. Swayno lived in the suburbs of the
town and was supposed to have n Inrgo sum
of money. Tbo negroes broke Into the
house , crushed In his skull with un ax nnd
plundered the promises. Upon arrest they
confessed their crime.
HoadU-y seemed to fear his fnto , but Ufly-
nolds was aiixiousto bo banged and asked
for u public execution , saying bo wanted to
havens many people present as possible.
About 10,000 people canm from llvo counties
today to the hanging. Half of them wore
negroes and there were many women in the
crowd. The gallows was placed BO that It
could bo easily seen.
The prisoners wore both nervous nnd
frightened. Reynolds , w&o was only 18
years old , made a speocb from the gallows
confessing Ills crime. Ho saia be was drunk
when ho committed It.
. Kan , , Juno 15 , ' 03.
Mr. J. U. Moore : My Uoar Sir 1 hav
been subject to sick uoailncho all mv life.
Over two years ago I began using "Moore1
Tree of Life" for it anil never had a case o
sick headache slnco. oxcupt when the
medicine wns at ono end ofltho road and I at
the other. It Is worth mom than money to
mo. I hoirtlly recommend It to all sufferers
of hoaducho. Very truly yours ,
w. n. LILE.
PastorFirstn aplistCaurcu.
.Mnskccl Mol > IIH UotrctUcx.
ATCIIISOX , Kan. , Oct. 21. Last evening
twenty masked men attacked the homo of
Mrs. Parrln Wnlcott and assaulted Air.
Fowler , a young lawyer , who was culling.
Tlio mob Dually lied , as neighbors wore con
gregating , but Mrs. Walcott toro the mask
from tbo face of ono man and recognised bor
husband , whom she Is suing for divorce.
Walcott admitted ho bolped , the mob , but
for thu purpose of getting ovidonoe of his
wife's Infldolltv rather than for Injuring
Fowlor. Mrs. Wolcott and Fowler deny im
proper conduct.
Tuo .Muoli u ultlkk.
It Isnot unusual for colds contracted in the
full tohang on all win tor. In such cases
catarrh or chrnnla bronuhltlo nro almost nure
to result. A llfty-cont nettle of ChaniDer-
lom'a Cough Hoiuody will euro nnv cold.
Can vou afford to rlsic so much for so" small
an ntnounU Tills remedy Is Intended os-
poclally for bad colds and croup and can
always bo depended upon. Tor solo uy drus-
L'on'uyvlllv llorocit Kumemlinrud.
ComsiYU.M' , ICun. , Oot. 21. Six onidals
of the Missouri , Kansas ft Texas Hallway
company arrived hero this morning to dis
tribute the $5,000 which that company gives
on account of the extermination of the Dai-
ton gang. They decided to give oaou of the
families of the four murdered citizens $1,000
and divide the remaining $1,000 among llvo
other cllizons , John Kloehr belntrouoof the
tlvo. Tbo roll of fund , besides this contribu
tion , amounts now to i5U7 , * > .
A Cure for Cbolarn.
There is no use of any ono suffering with
thn cholera when Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Darrboua | Kouiouv can bo pro-
cuiod. It will plvo relief in a few minutes
and euro In a short timo. I have- tried it and
know. W. H. Clinton , Holmutta , N. J. Thfl
epidemic at Holmoiu was nt llrst bolloved to
bu cholera , but subsequent investigation
piovod it to bo u violent lorin of dysentery ,
almost as dangerous as cholera. This
remedy was used there with great success.
For sale oy Urugclsts.
llujurd In I'roderlfU Tiiun ,
Fit KICK Md. , Oct. 21. The prusonca of
px-Bocrotary of State Bayard , Senator Gor
man and William M. McICaig in this city last
night aroused the greatesicnthmlasm among
the democrats of the Sixth congressional dis
trict of Maryland , Mr. liayarU took up the
question of the injustice ot wur taxes lu the
time of pea co and entered lute a full conslo >
eration of tbo McKinley bill from a duma-
crutlc atandpolat , The force Dill was also
argued ,
"Law to boa ana eany to nww ill shorten
the roail to your huma In Vbo kle . Hut
early to bed and "Lmla Kirlv KU8r."toe
pill thuv mnu-ji liu loa jr uai osuar aai
The Greatest Sale on Record of Ladies' and
Children's Wool Underwear.
LnillcO KlilUliMf * nnil' Shirt Wnlit *
ut > pi > clnt Prices It.i run in InMen's
Wool Undent rnr mill
Oirrfthlrt * .
GO cases of underwear direct from the
mills goon snlo tomorrow at prices that
will inducQ you to buy at onco.Vo
P'oposo making this ono of the greatest
sales wo hava over pivon ,
C111 LI ) H UN'S UN I ) iRW 12 A R
Children's natural gray , We f"r 1 ° '
Inch , rise < * lc.
Children's natural gray , lOc for 10-
inch , ripe fie.
Children's natural pray , 12c } for 10-
inch , HBO fie.
Children's camel's hair , lUJc for 1(5- (
inch , rise oc. * "
Childron'fl scarlet wool , 12jc for 10-
Incii , rUe oo.
1 case of ladles' joroy ribbed vests
and pants , U3c each , worth -lOc.
1 lot of ladies' natural wool pants ,
worth GOc , reduced to 'Joe.
' cases of ladles' natural pray merino
vests ana pants and nicely finished , only
oOo each , well worth 7m\
Liulius'lino scarlet lamb's \\ool vests
and pants only 7oc , worth SI.00.
L'tdlcs' jerboy ribbed earners hair
vests and pants only 7.r o. worth $1.2o.
1 ease of ladies' nil wool vcstn and
pants in dtniel's hair or natural gray
only $1.00 each , reduced from 81.50.
Gouts' heavy gray wool nhirts and
drawers only fide each , worth 75c.
SPECIAL At 7oc each wo will to
morrow show an inimonso bargain in
gents' camel's hair and natural prays.
Also the lincst line of ono dollar un
derwear over shown in this citv.
Wo carry an immense line of these
joods at popular prices.
Ono case of cents' jersey ovorshirts ,
ace fronts , only 50i : , worth 75c
One ciibO of jersey ovnrshirts , 7oc ,
worth $1.2j.
At 81.00 and $1.2-3 each wo show the
finest ovorshirt in the west.
Gents' ( Ino wool negligee shirts in
stripes and plain colors , $1.00 to $3.00
Special prices for Saturday.
100 do/.on gents' cotton half-hose , im
ported , como in last black and brown
balbrlggans , only 12Je per p.iir , others
usk 25c.
Gents' wool sox , natural pray , only
lOc worth 2oc.
It will pay you to see the line of gents'
wool BOX wo put on sale tomorrow tit 25o
per pair.
100 dozen ladies' [ ' > yIovo9 , " Fester
lacing , como .i.n r h similes , only 75c per
pair , wo-J.VsSi.So.
Wo commence letting down the price
on corsets tomorrow.
in Ilayden Bros. '
This is n , sale of surpassing import
ance. It does not mean a lot of ohoap
truck at a low price. It moans a splen
did offering of exquisite novelties pur
chased for cash and sold on d basis of
dry poods profits. It means n saving of
fully one-third to the buyer. Look at elegant hats at $1.30 uptoSooO.
Look at tneo Imported pattern huts at
$7.50 un to S15.00.
Untrimined huts in every style and
Pine fancy feathers at 5e , 7e , lOc , loc ,
up to 50c.
Immense assortment of ostrich tips
and feathers , ornaments and fine im
ported ribbons.
3 special lots of jackets.
100 ladies' fur trimmed and plain
jackets , roofer and notcli collars. SO. 75.
Lot2 lOOehildrcn's cloaks with capes
attached , entirely novel , choice , $2.00.
Lot 3 100 ludio-j' newmarkots , sam
ple lot , no two alike , choice $5.00. Posi
tively the largest stock and most coin-
ploto liio ( of fine garments west of
Latest styles and colors silk , lOc to
4c. ! ) All Hoc luaics' Windsor pluidb and
strincs at 22c. Ladies' nil silk plain
colors at 18e , worth 'iOo.
Ladies' fine purses , lOc. 15e and lOc.
Gents' pocket books , 20c , HOe and 40c.
Gents'coin purses , Cc , lOc. and 15c.
Card Imd letter cases , 2ou , 30c , and
Combs of all kinds.
Heavy diossing combs at 4c , worth
Good India rubber fine combs,2c , worth
Splendid dressing combs at 5c , 7c , lOc ,
12cand 16c , worth lOc to3ic.
Children's round combs 5c , worth Ific.
Cut prices on ribbons , laces , embroid
eries , art needlework material and la
dies' and children' ) * handkerchiefs.
Dry poods and carpots.
JIujdons' llutter , OIniiMo unit Oyster Del
l > i i-t inonts.
Notwithstanding the faot that butter
is very scarce our prices go still lower
and quality remains the same. Wo will
sell country butter for 15c , 17o and IOo
Creamery. 21c , 23e and 25c.
We luivo the largest , llnost and most
complete stock of choosu in the city.
Wisconsin full cream cheese , lOc and
12jc. Young America full cream , IOo.
Eastern process full oroam lie and IOo.
Swiss cheese , lee and 17jo.
Brick chccsu , 12c } , lie and llio.
Llmborpor cheese , 12Jo aiul(15c.
Noufohatol cheoEO , imported , 7o per
13nltmorooystorarocoivod ! throe times
a day , at 25c per quart , solid moats.
Wo will sell you the llnost celery 3 for
lOe.Capo Cod cranberries , 7o per quart.
Promotora of homo industry.
uuuu no.ii ) , .
NiUliiniil Orc.inUUIiin 1'r.ictlo.illy I'urmuil
on a CuinprrlieiiaUG 1'lnn.
CniCKio , III. , Oot. 31. A national organi
zation whosu nlm is the Improvement of
roads throughout tbo country was partially
formed tonight-ut Central Music hall by rep
resentatives otiMMo and local road In.-
provomont socloUoi ) boardi of tr.ulo , chum-
DOM of commorbfy 'Patrons of Husbandry ,
fnrmnrs1 associations nnd Leagno of Ameri
can \Vlicoltnon. A. tompornry organization
was effected nnrf a fcommlUco on organlza-
tlon appointed , Thii commlttoo will moot to *
morrow cvoulnpliud compiototho organize
Several ndclros os were mndo during the
evening. Judgo'E. 1C. Thayer of lown tire *
aided nnd tbo constitution wni unanimously
ndopted. It proVldot for an orniinlr.ntlor. tn
bo culled "Nntlotinl League tor Good
Hoads. " Its pbjdct U to nwakon
interest in the Improvement of nublto roids ,
to dctcrinlun tho4 bdjt mottiods of building
nnd ninlntnlnlngJ thorn , to procure pronor
state nnd nnlton&tlegislation nnd to conduct
such publications ns may orvo these pur
poses. Momborshlp is open to nil citizens ,
nnd league * nro to bo organized lu school
districts of each stnto.
A tomnorary orRRtilzation is provided for
until a representative usaomblv can bo held.
This provides that , vloo presidents of the
leacuo shnll bo covornor * or tholr deputies ,
and the directors shall ha presidents of stnto
ronrt associations , or stnto or
gram societies. Tlio iilroctors , vms proal-
dents and.oxocutlvo onicors shall compose a
general board , which la.tho coirnrntng body
and when this is not In session the cxccu- ;
tlvo committco shall hnvo control ot affairs
Xrxt 1'lxtlr OnrnlMil.
NBW YOHK , Oot. 21. The inanncouient ot
thi < Conov Island Athletic club Is surprised
nt the manner in nhtch It bus been out
generaled bv the Olymplo club of IMOW Or-
foans ; which has now completed nrrnngo-
mcnts for ntiotlior tjront listlo car
nival. It will bo an International
rhnmntonshtn alT.iir nnd will laUo place
during Mardl CSras week. the coa-
tcMnnts being Jnmos .1. Corbutt and CHiurlcy
Mitchell In the heavyweight class. Hob Fllz-
Mmmons and .11 in Hall lu the mlddlnwuight
class , and .luel ; AlcAullffc , lightweight
champion of Arficrlcn , nnil Dlolc linrgc ,
champion lightweight of England , .ludgo
Newton of the Coney Island Athletic club
nad been trvlng to secure Corbolt nnd .lacn-
son , nnd was n much surprised nnd consider
ably disgusted Judge when no found that the
Olympic had signed Corbett nnd Mitchell.
Ilnrrlhlo Dciitli on it Chicago Cubic Car.
CmcAtio , 111 , , Oct. 21. An unknown man
wnllo riding on n Cottage Grove nvonuo
cable car nt Sixty-seventh street lost night
mot with a horrtblo death. A team collided
with the prip car ana too tongue of the
wagon struck the man who was sitting In
tun front scat of the car in the stomach ,
passing entirely through him. Ho died before -
fore ho could bo removed to a hospital.
The Jlorso Dry Gomla Co.
To all who were unable to got waited
on Thursday , wo give another opportu
nity Saturday by offering our ladles'
dongola hand turned , opera and com
mon sense too , button , worth $5.00 for
Wo also offer itho balance of a lot of
SI. 00 child's shoes for 50c.
For misses jyo have just what you
want in a good , soffB ilajiobblo goat and
dongola , which we sell tomorrow at
$1.88 a pair.
Real estate.
Bargains only.
My word is good.
W. G. Albright.
521-2-3 N. Y. Life bldg.
Until Turailny/Ootuhcr nntli , at U A. .11.
Ill consequence of the late fire of the
larpo whqlosalo clothing house that
recently burned , over $283,000 worth of
moij's and boys' fine clothing , hats and
other goods have been saved and re
moved to iho largo building known as
1213 Fnrnnm street , between 12th and
13th streets , Oinahn , Nob. The build
ing has been closed for ono week to ar-
ranpo for this great fire insurance sale ,
and this proat lire insurance sale will
commence on Tuesday , Ostobor 2-jth , at
9 a. in. , in the entire building at 1213
Furnuin , between 12th and 13th. Every
thing will bo sold at retail 50 per cent
less than actual cobt of manufacture.
As the stock must bo sold in five days ,
everything will go rapidly. The ap
praiser for the insurance company , after
carefully examining the stock of cloth
ing , concluded it was not so badly dam
aged as claimed by the assured manu
facturers , and , failing to agree as to the
actual loss , they were forced to take the
same and turn it into money. _ C ° nso
quontly the goods mubt bo sold at once
in order to make a fin il settlement.
Below we quote a few of the extraor
dinary birgniiis that will bo offered , nnd
boar in mind that there are over 10,000
different articles wo can not mention
Men's heavy overcoats , $3.74 , posi
tively worth $15.00. You may keep the
coat homo during the sale , arid if it is
not worth $15.00 , return the same , no
matter what the cause may bo , and .wo
hereby agree to return the $3.71. Men's
heavy ulsters , $4.41) , positively worth
$10.60 , or your money refunded any time
during this sale. Men's Whitney chm-
otillla overcoats , $ .5,25 , positively worth
$20.00 , or your money will bo returned.
Men's "Royal'1 standard horsey , silk
and satin lined overcoats , -$7.9'J ' , posi
tively worth $28.00. You may keep this
coat homo live days , nnd if not worth
$28.00 , return the same and your money
will be refunded , no matter what the
cause may be.
Mon'd rlbbud diagonal suits , $3.89.
worth $15.00. Men's English worsted
cutaway suits , $7.0 ! ) ; valued at $20.00 ,
You have the same privilege on those
suits as on the above mentioned gar
Men's melton casslmoro pants worth
$3.00 Jor 98c. Men's all wool cheviot
pants , 2o styles , $1.49 , worth $ " > .00.
Boys' cupc ovoaeoats , $1,00 , worth
$1.50. Boys' pants 5,000 at 19o a pair.
Boys'suits , $1.26 , worth $1.60 ; good
woolen socks , Go per pair , worth 40o ;
fine embroidered HinpondorH , Oc , worth
OOo ; fine heavy red llannol underwear ,
37c per suit , worth $2.50 ; men's hats ,
OOo , worth Jil.75 , all shapes ; boys' hats
15c , wortli $1.50 , and 80,000 different ar
ticles wo cannot mention hero.
It will pay you to como 100 miles to
visit this great sale , If you value
money don't inisa Jt. Everything sold
as advertised. Now Is your chance to
got winter clothing for almost nothing.
Wo advise you to cut this out and bring
it with you , so you can got exactly the
goods mentioned hero. Thip bale will
positively comibonco Tuesday , Oct. 25 ,
at 9 a. m. , at P218 Farnam , between 12th
and 13lh. 6th door east from 13th ,
Omaha , Nob. Re sure you maku no
Powder :
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
* W * - n ww UU1P
Is superior to nil other preparations
claiming to bo blood-pttrillers. First
of all , because the principal ingredi
ent used in It is the extract of gcii-
uhio Honduras sarsapurilln root , the
variety richest In medicinal propcr-
lics- Also > 1)C'
fiiirps Hfltnrrh
uures baiairn
Cttugo tlc , ycl.
low dock , being raised expressly for
the Company , Is always fresh and
of the very best kind. With equal
discrimination and care , each of the
other Ingredients arc selected and
compounded. Ills
because It is always the same in ap
pearance , lluvur , and effect , and , be
ing highly concentrated , only small
dos"es are needed. It is , therefore ,
the most economical lilood-pnrillcr
in existence. It
L UI GS makes food nour-
dbltUrULft ! ! Islilng , work pleas-
unt , sloop refreshing -
ing , and life enjojable. Itseaiclies
out all impurities in the system and
expels them harmlessly by the natu
ral channels. AVER'S Sarsaparillu
gives elasticity to the step , and im
parts to the aged and infirm , re
newed health , strength , and vitality.
SaBsapanEa !
I'rcpnrcd byllr.J C.Ajcr & Co. , Lowell , Mam.
BollbynllUruggl U ; 1'rtccfl , BX boltlcs.f 5.
Cures others , will cure you
Consultation Ireo.
Call upon or address
with , stamp.
i4tli and Douglas
Perfect adjustment , fauporlor lensoi. Narv-
oiiBhoailaehu cured by usln [ our Snootauiei
and Eyuiliisjus PrlcuJ low fur Uut ulaii
HIS. lotljSt.CralBhton Bloa'.c.
An nrdlnanco oruorlng the cradlm ; of 22nd
Btrt'dt. from Nliholau B rcut to Clark street
and directing thu bo'ird of public works lo
taku thu uouostiary stuus to cauao bald work
to bo dono.
llu llordiilucdby the city council of thu city
of Omaha !
8ocllon I. WhoroiiH , permanent grades have
bouiiuslablUhud upon , and appraUerrf IHIMI
bueiidnly appointed by law , to uppr.ilau thu
duiiiaL n caiisnJ by the Rr.idliitf of 2.'nil
street from Nicholas Hlroel lo Clark street ,
and mndo their toport to tlio city council ,
which has formally adopted the sumot and ,
wlioruas , pronoriy ownurtruprusuntliu morn
than tlirue-llftlixof the property abutting on
ka'il portions of tlin struct abovu spuclllud ,
have putltlonod the city council to have sulil
olrnet uriulod to thu piosontustahlltthud grade ,
with out cliarn"o lo thu citv. and that thu cosl
bo m'ulo puyahlu In tun eijuul Iiibtallmoiils
therefore , 22ml struct fiom Nicholas street tc
Clark struct bo and hereby Is ordered grided
to thu present cstablUbcd grade.
Section V. That thu board of public work :
bo and hereby Is directed to taku th > i necessa
ry Htupb tooauio said nork to bu dono.
Sontlon3 , This ordlniinca shall take offccl
and belli force from and nftur Its passage.
Pafcbud October lh. , ,
. . .
Preside n tCHy Council.
from the
shoulder !
Today we open and begin soiling in our
overcoat department on second floor the first
shipment of our eastern representatives recent
great purchases in New York. The eve ' -
coats placed on sale today comprise about
a thousand garmsnts in Kerseys , Chinchillas
and Cassimeros in blues blacks browns
modes and mixtures and at the prices \vo
have made on them they are the cheapest heat
producers ever sold in Nebraska.
you save two dollars $ B t"
Will buy you today a good heavy blue chinchilla
overcoat , cut double breasted lined with'.iubstan- '
tial twilled lining with fancy sleeve Hiving---vel
vet collar and canton flannel pockets. V
you save four dollars - / SB " }
No more no less is the price todayMor a splen
did heavy dark blue cassimerc overcoat lined
with double warp Italian with fancy striped
sleeve lining--velvet collar and canton flannel
pockets. Six dollars here ten elsewhere.
you save four-fifty -j
For eight dollars you can buy of the Nebraska to
day an overcoat that would give the average
clothier heart disease to sell for less than twelve
and a half. You can have either kersey or chin
chilla. The chinchillas are all wool HO are the
kerseys. The chinchillas are lined with double
warp black lining the kerseys with plaid cassi-
mcre. The chinchilla sleeve linings are fancy
stripes the kerseys of heavy surah silk. The
chinchillas are blues and blacks the kerseys
fancy shades of browns and modes.
$10 .QfJ you save four-fifty
Ten fifty buys a fifteen dollar overcoat today.
These garments are made of elegant fine heavy
kerscy with fancy plaid cassimcre Iining--pinked
facing fine silk velvet collar and canton flannel
pockets. They're positively as good a garment
as you ever saw sold for fifteen dollars anywhere.
oualas Street , Omaha , Neb.
. . . . " ' " * " " '
.HHIMIi.'thM" ' ?
TJi mlnent uperlaliit In nummi. ! "jSJi ijVriii i n u 11
egUtcrod uradu&to In uiuclolno , n lliilomns nnd leriitlc itc > ilLuU. ! Jtlll trentlnic wlllirmr greatest > i > an.
ntnrrli , npurmmorrhors , H'SV munlion I , leinlnal Wfnkni'is. nixht lo ! ei , Impotoncjr , BrplillK. slrlctnro."e to
Jrrlioott. k'loet , vnrlcooulo etc No uioicury ubeil. Now truntmtmt forlosi of vliiil powi r , PftiUei imubto.
, Itlt me ranj bo Iroale I t homo bj aorrespomtoncu. Moilklna or InnuumnnH cnt by mall or oxprcM
curolr Dftckert , no ni rk tolnutcate oontonls or lender. Ono penaunl IntcrTlow preiBirad. Coiiiulm
freo. Corieiponiltfiiro elrlctly prlrnto Hnak ( Mjilcrlu of Ufa ) enl tt . Offlou baunUk. ra. MU (
eundaji Mu. lira Sund lami > lor ruolx.
An ortllnnnca lovylnc n siiociul tax nn 1 assess-
inent on csrtalu lots anil otito In the
city of Onmlin , to rover tlm cost of construct-
lusculveit ucroM Miermaii nvcuuu lu
jns dUtrlct So. C" > .
Wheroas. It li.tvnm ben iiuil liolns ; lieraby ud-
ulBLMl , defrmlno 1 anil ostabllslieil that tlio
bovurnl lots nnil plec of r < ! .il mtato hurein-
after rrfoirud to lia\o c u-li lceu ipeclnlly bunu-
lttoiltotho lull niiiJiuit lipruin liivlml nun as-
es'cil n-iunHt ; o.icli oC H.ilil lots an I pieces of
real estate , rcsp-rtlvcly , by reason of ron-
btrurtlni ; culvert across Mit-muti avoaiio In
grading dlBtrlct No 2" ) , iloau uuilvr contrat
wltli Ki \ Hoove ( \ Co
Tliercfoio for thu purpose of piiylnit the co-.t
of siii-li rimert :
loltoiiluliit'il bytlioclty coim-il of tliaolty of
Omaha :
Section I. That tlin costof conbtriietlnRculVi'il
across Miurman a\onuc. In Kia llni ; il.Htilct
No. - ' . , In thu city ot Oin.iha , s ilil cost 'H-liiKtlio
HninoflTlH'll ' ; Batil culvert const i iirtlo.i lioln
ilone under coutra"t Itli I' , I. lie o 'i-s \ Co , bo
jinil tlieH.imo It buroby levied nnd ins. ' Si-d , ac-
tonlliiK to snedul bunullls by roimin of
hn (1 culvert construction , 11,1011 th follow-
In ; lotannilr'nlustatu IK shown bv tlin u'nncr-
ally reciimli'o 1 map "t tlio city of Dmah.i lltlio-
Kraplit'd mid rubllsliod by Mulr \ O.iylonl In
JKll.salil test b-liiK so lovloil on s.nd lots and
real c taio. respo alviilj1 , in follow * , to-ult :
ort lini | wl'Oft H7
i\cL-il ilalit of wiy Unrkorssiib JiO 49
0 St I1 M A. < J Kv Co
rltfhtofny It7 In nostlSlft , " 1079
Jasupli HaiKorotnl
nl'att nxc-npt rllitof ! way H9 ai 03
0 Si I' M & O Kv Oo
rlirlitof tt.iy In west ISO ft ll U ' 20
Josuph Iliiiliorct ul wlri ) ftlt II " HIM
do wlWftltn " 31 M
' ! ' 8 10
do \v SUftltiri
0 bt t' M .t O llv Co
ilaUt of w ly lnlllv I Win llnsedorii's ail ' . ' ? .r
AbnorTr.ivlsltl blk 1 ! l IW
do ItSIHKI " 3 III
do ItliblUl ' i
do 1H lilk I " Olll
I.yUin A Dalton oUI fe II II blk 1 " XI
Junto T Coinstoolf oil ) ft It 1U bile I < V >
Alilin C Paulson ct ul oK ( ) fl It l I ) 1" 1 OU
do cH > n it 14 blk i i aide
do c'lUft It l.tlill ; I 1 III
do nIOJ U It 111 bile 1 " ! ! TO
.lohn n l'utor ou It 1 bllt I " : : Ul
J J Mol.nln It a bll(4 " 471
do Itiblk4 : " 471
O Wiil orlt4 b'k'4 " 4 "I
.1.1 Mcliiliilin blli4 " 47.1
.1 'I' ' I'.tnlhon ot al It 0 bl4 " 4 73
K It Jam-Bit 7 bik I 4 71
.1 W McO.irdolIltSblk 4 4 71
J T PuiiNun ot al It u blk 4 " 4 7.1
I'.iulliio ( iontjUo otal It IUblk4 " 47.1
do It II blk I fiO )
Itlcliaiil H HanUlnlt7 bllt.I Illllnl.'O add ' 'HI
do US Ida.'I HI
Louisa llllloKoltflblki : ' U Sj
do It 10 blk 3 " I'M
do Itllblkil " 'JKI
do itr.'biki : -JHI
do It II blk 4 " 2Ki
do It blk 4 " y * " >
do ma blk 4 a W
do It 14 blk 4 ' 2 HIde
do It 15 blk 4 " ' . ' KIdo
do UK ! blk 4 " us'i
do It 17 blk 4 2 BIde
do It 18 blk 1 " X1 ttt
do ItlU bin I " - ' Kr.
do If.0bllv4 " 301
0 St I' M .V O Ily rlslit of way It 5 blk 2
K.tli htiout aud 000
Chiis V lliihohiicrtox rUlit 01 wuyjltri
blk 2 llltb .Sticut add 077
OStI'M Ac ( > ItV Co lU'litof way It9
blkiintb : Struct add U 39
O l > llutiihliibon ( orUlit of wayj It 5
l > lki : liiili r > triut mid S 41
V M Croft olV ) f t lax It til HOU .l-ll-i : ) . . . . IJl W
I ) T Mills ul.VJ ft tux It JJ sou : i-n-l.l . . 31 2.1
i ; Croft bulrs ( ax right ot w.iy ) ulS'Ht
lax itaiM-o > .ir : 2931
V n & M V Ky Co ilirht of way In oKXj ft
t xlt2.iHeo 3-15-n 19 }
V K & M V Ky Co llinrlilit of way liio'/i
of tlmt purt of lax It 24 naoulyliu
north of Ainon iivo 10 53
Oni llult Mno Kv Co rluht of way In e'.i '
of purt of It 21 wo Jlyln ; noith
ofAiuo4ii > o U 01
Omalm Drlvltu I'aric ASHM cxcont rlKht
of way of eli of that part of tux It 21
tauo3lvlnx north of Ami'H avn 18 IB
Oni Driving I'arl ; Assn o\M \ ft n.MU ft of
that paitof t.ix It2 duu31ylnD south
of Anius nvo 18 03
J Atiinlluy w 150 ft of nlft tax lt'.1lacoi : 1H
Uinuba llult l/ne ItJllway < ; o rlu'litof
wuy In wllOftof tax ItSli gou3 . . . 3 JO
J A Hinlluy ( except rl/lilof way ) wlJO H
tax ItlWbuo J . , 13 M
V K H M V Ky Co rlRlit of way In wlSUft
tax It 31 kco 3 . . . . . & 74
Unmlia Halt UNO Ily Co right of way lu
WlC-OUofux HJ1
J Morton ( except rUht of way ) w5J ft
nf tnIt Illsoc.l . < 31
P U & M V Ily Co right of w ay In wlBJ ft
tax it : i'j ROD : i . 7 no
.1 A Hinlloy i > \ ilnht of wav In W150 ft
11itnjauu ; i . . no 07
N JorKOiiseii vtlf > 0ftta\ il.1 sou .1 . . . 18 ID-
Tolal . t71S 111
Section 2. Tint the npoclal taxes and asse-H-
incnta lulled and iwieuuil as aforesaid , Hliall
Imduo immediately up in tliu jiasaaKo and ap
proval of'Ills ordlnauco , and shall bui-oino do-
llnqueut 1C not p.nd within lirtv days tlitre
at lur ; and IhurtMipon lutoroit shall bu added at
Iho ntu of onj pur cent a month , piyaulo In ad
vanuj from the tlmo mid tuxtn become so do-
lln pient
So'lion .1. Th it this ordlnxnru shall take of-
fcot and bo In iuii-o from a id after Its p.maife.
city O eric
Prosldent City Council.
Tlio above taxis nowilito and piviibloal the
ollloo of the city tio.isuror and will become do-
llniiucnt uud boar intnriHt onin I iiftnr No-
vnnilier I" , It ! . ' . ' , as aeon lu Ho-tlon 2 of above or-
L'ity Triiiisurer
Tsui ) CHANGE bv GRA'DU"
OHDlNANOi : NO. 1)4. ! )
An orllnancu doolarlii tlin nui'oislty of
clianKliiK lliu uradu of Hnwanl ritruut fiom
Sfltlihtniot to iStli stiuot and the liinnsnctliix
KlroiM. ami appointing three dlsliitoio- > ted
apiiraUorx to . issussnirl ( Intiriulnotlio ilaiu-
a o3 to piopuity ownnrs , wliluh may 1m
uausn I bs Hiiuh itlianioof ' 'rulii , an I ordur-
lir.r tlin I'ltv i'ii-'lni'or to in ilco a prolllu iliow-
liiRsuub ulianiio .
Ho It or laliiD I by tlioolty uo.iucll of tin ) oily
of Omaha :
hicllim I. That It Is pr ipir mil m'cuss.iry
and It Is lifioby duulnro I piopor ami nnriM
s'iry , to eh UIKO til" Ki'iilo of So , inl wtrci't
fiom ' 'nth Ktii'dt tn"itli slrinjl , nnil tlin Inter
houtini ; stient , so tlial sild Kni'lo uliiMillons
will bu us foiiowt. tin ) Kiadu Imtwcini inn
polnti ultoii buliu unirorm 'iii , I nni
Auction S , Uiado of Muuard struet
iinv ; it ion 1 If vittio i
uf Suit U of .Norm
( Juib Unil )
r. ist curb llnonf S lhsticol ,
asosUhllshnl IV1.0 1'il.Q
\\iiitunrlilliioor27tliiit . I'"Ml I'HI
Iliht i urn linn of ' 'fill st . IUH. & 1" i
West 1'iirli linn of 31Ui st. as
c-ht ibll.hod m.'i lfi.1
kuutlouit. ( Ji.ulo of U'fili Htinut-
Klnvatlon CltwaKoii
ofViint of Hast
Ourb. Curb.
Siuth itnrb Hun nf Fr.iuMlu
si , UN ustabllHlii'd ll.'i lU'.U
North imrb llnu of Howard
HoutlV uu'rli il'nii Vif"Suiv I'M ! "
ht ISI.O US.1 }
Norlli lluoof alloy sunlli of
Howard ut I'st-iblisliod r.idii
Houtlon I. That the city oiulnuur 00,11111 !
Imruby Id , iiHtniQtod to maku a prolllo siiuw-
In'Hiicli propose I onaiiS' ' < > l u'r.ida
Hjctliin .1. ihu in tyor. with the up.
nrovaiof thouity cgiinull. appjlnt thruoilliln-
tuicd aupriUeM to apprnlsn , ustim and du-
toriuiiiu the iliimi'u : ( to projiorly ownvrs wliluh
iiiav bouiusol by Hiifh nlianxnof itr.nlo. lil < -
| n ' Into coiiil.loratlon In maUliu HIIU'I iin
nr.iUuninnl , the iiuulal bnuullts , If any. tn
Hiiuh piuporty , by ru.igun of mmh uliiin o > (
ruction 0. 'I'hat tlilii orlln muo taltn nlfuct
and bu In forcu fru'ii un I aflur 111 ii.iiia o.
< Mty Clerk ,
Ii I' , DAVIri. ,
I'ruHldunt ' City Comma.
Appiovod October IDth. IM2.
01:0 : , p. IIIMIH ,
Mayor ,
IHtb itlll : Ion Postpaid lor 23 ols. ( or stamp *
Why It Kails On * . TtiniM Orov. auilthu remedy J
Ily Prof. HAlll.l.V PAKKMl , I' , K. A. H. \
1) . A. I.OVIi & C1) . ,
1U3 ; Arch etieot. I'lilluilulplila , Pa.
Every oociUouiamtatUli llttU