THE OMAILV DAILY BUE : THURSDAY , OfTOttER 20 , 1892. ini ca\ f. f.a. . I II 8 III u Hill | IOC- , io\ \ her iho' ' until lll' t tel 17th j it tot roull Uin | > cltyl rUs. UtUD ulta ! llltlr < ; " o ot ) ilitorv SPECIAL iTvFHTUBMKNTS Toll "TH IT ToU'MSS will b taken until U Mp m for thprvrnlnj findnntim JO p m for the mornlnjr or "onday cdl- No adrert'xmi'nt ' taken for less than 25 cents for Uirrlr t1ns rtlon ' Allwrttorllspnipnti In llijse colnrnns IS renu word for nrst Insertion and 1 cent word for each subsequent Insertion or JIJW pet line per month Terms cash In advance Initial figures. ymbol * rtc rach connt as nworrt. All silver tlsements must run ronsoctitlvely Advertiser ! , by rpqurstlni mimtKrrd rhrcli can hnvo thn Inters addressed to n numbered letter In earn of Tur. lire An wer no addressed will tc delivered on the presentation of the check NOTICE. In ihp futureno advertisements will bo l * cn for ihe cvcnlnit edition after 1J TO o clock All notices brought Into tbo otBco after that hour will bo llrsl InsrtUn In the followtni mornlnz t edition SITUATIONS-WANTED. -YOUNfJ I sDV WANT PL\CK TO I'O C.KN eral lioujcwork where h can go homo nights iitre 1911 iJiko street 'AS WAMTED-M ALE HELP. _ _ - . "AI.KKMKNOS ALAItr Oil TOM B-WANTKII. handle the new patent chemical Ink cratlni ; pencil The greatest selling mifclty ever producrdl erases Ink thorouuhly In two seconds no abrasion of paper , sou to Wiper cent profit , one muonl s lfs amounted fill In Mv ill's , nn other l 2 In two hours w want on5 energetic cen rral azonl In etch "Into and territory I or terms nd particulars address Montou I raser MfK fo . .X an. La tro'aels V I UAL KMl'LOYxlHNT Ol VICK lltsr : Jlielp nnd situations furnlslicil , ) N It * " ! , , , - MKV ALIIU1CKI \ \ K1W B-JOO 1'ny erery Saturday ! ) CM Mulnns , lix McDonald MKMVt' _ MAN WANTIII ) 70 COLLl'CT AMI SKI.l , IN B I country Apply at Mn < : cr olllci. OJnl n-llKI.IAHLK MS AI1OLT Si WHO 1" ll'l''K J > to learn ami wllllnir to work will be Instructed Inour bnslnes and salary paid whllo learning Ap jily Hill llouclas _ ICOnl - WANTK1I WITKAM" ' ! li\HO'IKIH AND team t rs nnd stibcontraclors to work on ex tension of Hock Island at Lincoln , Neb Teams tladay monj'ixday tree transportation for men and learns from any point on tha llock Island rnad Deport at IS mill's south of Lincoln on Itock Uland work W K Cnllahan .M5I8 21' \v7rsTKf 'I KV KIlf'T CL\sS HltlCKI.AV- ers ut once Apply to W 11 Hughes at ( rote , Nob. _ &y 19 * _ IWANTFD-TMK NAMKS AND Aimiinssm of inrrirellc men and womi'n open for perma nent work W KITH cxclii'lro territory \\f gnarnnteo i.nod workers 10 a wwko furnish omce , furniture delivery team nnd newspaper ad- Terllslnn Our nrtlile Isa monopoly It will save per cent of the coal bills of everybody V nil par ticulars by mnll Ilthoiiraphs pamphlet * cte free upon receipt of postage Address Koalupnrlo , MOIlTer street I'mton. Mass. MM.I ni' _ -WAVTI'.D A LIVi : WIIIK X.WXKK ItEl'HK- entatlro to rcprespnt us In every locality , onu with vim xlkor pluck nnd push cm easily makn KM. U ) per month no pcddllni : coeds otti'tlilnj entirely new etaplp as Hour send for full par tlculars today Address " .Manufai.turi'rs 1" O IloxVWS llostun Mass MV1' . N8 * - SOMK r.KD MAIIIILI : sKTnu : . Apply or address Daxldson A. Sons , Chlraeo. Ill -I10VS WANTKI ) ATOMAH \ I1OKACTOH \ , B * KnstUmahn 4U - ' . WI11K AWAKK WOHKKIIS B-WANTl'.D to sell ' Shepp s photOKraplis of the rorln" llu-createst book on earth riistlmrHOTOilO , cash or Installmrntsi a lunanja for the holidays acents colnlni : money ; mammoth lltu tratcd ilr piilixr-i and terms fn-e ; workers wild wllh succo s > ! r KlnirOLory Altoona I'a cleared fl 3UI In sit weeks HOT Jos Walftrs Nnntiictet Mass. fl 0 In 1 * hrn. : Miss L / llrown Los Annelcs Cal 173 flrst duy MnKiiltlcciu uiittlt on'y H ( jooils on credit. Address.ilobo ( llllilo I'nli Co No 721 riicrtniitit. 1'hlla , I'a. or No 3J3 Ucarborn st , ChlcaKO , 111 JI776 3-T -WAN'IKD. i\l-KllIKNCK I ) CANVA IN (5 akfMits on salary Four mouths' emplo ) mcnt In book cunxassiim xrlth monthly Income cunran teed Add tntlni ; nee. experience name nnd number of books sold amount of salary expected , ntf.i < .uarantpo 1'ubllshlns : Co , 11.1) ) 1'lnu street , Bt Lenis Mn MSI/51 * . - . - ' WANTKII TOTHAVKL IN St'H-'MKV ronndhiK dlstrh ts , by toarn or otherwise , solicit IniZ Ardent on commission from retail dealers for robber boots nnd sliocs , to bo uhlppcd direct from JaHory Those nlreadx travollnu ulth another line of goods could inn ke t his a valuable addition to iholr business Address statins o irtlciilnrs and refer ences , Coltho ter lluhber Co , Colchester , Conn. MV.'J 21 f > HliOOM MAIvKUS WANTl'D 1 \ \ O TIKKS JJanrt ono ownr. Nebraska Broom 1'actory Ornnd Island Neb I'll ' 33 * TWO l1LU.MHKl'SHKLl > KIl3. Bi Apply , J U XVc'Ulmns A Co , a a 17th st B-YOUM ; MKN AND WOJIIN : wnoISH TO earn ( JO to flO a xvcok , write us and > ro " 111 ox plain. Mattoon A. Co , Oswcxo , N Y M'J I 21" T3 WANTKO , A UllST CLAS HAHNK- . ; JJmaker at once , no hummer need answer thlW W , I'almer HnmbiirK , la Wl 21 - DAY l.ABOItHUS WXMT.D IN K.AS'I B-IOU Omaha. lniiilrooKb Halues , bupt. opposite Cutter XXIdte IoulVorts ' /JI-.HJ' WANTKfl 20 MKN TO -THIHUTK tllll'l' B lar this morning at 7 a ra at 1213 l-arnam rtrei-t Mill M' Jt WANTKI > CAHPKNTKHS AT ( W PAHK AVK J mioaml Jnikson Bt. illuiw - WAN TM ) . IKIYri FHOM II TO 10 YKAHS Ol age to learn upholstering on Ioiin2us P. M Hn > c Co , I.AlT NUhohis street XI1UUO M' * | > "W < XNTK1I AT ONCK : SIX COIIS1CK MAKKHi J'at J-nKlo ( .nrnlco works , Ills Dodiu Join Kpeneter MUM 21 U ) ( JHNTLKMANl.V CLOT1IIN ( J 'juilcsuien Apply halurday between tbo hour Of 10 and I. ! nt I.'M tarnam street .Mill . ! ! E nilL'll CLKItlv WANTED ONK KUOI-TEUhl In NeUntsitii to co to the country , mjst t > peni ( ierman Only Hist class man need applv to Hlnkt Hruco A Co .MX ) 31 * B WANTKD. HL\CKMlrlI AT STII AM Jones Btieets Omaha Tool XYorks MIU 21 * BB B -WANTED A INT10 : sni.i. PATK.V 'nvcklles ' Jells ut tight Addrims O 17. IIt > M1 SI 50 WANTKD-A ( JOOD'l'lANO 1'LAYEH B - AT 11 South llth ntrect M13- ' Vf A NT KIS A LKSM AN FoTr cm- Oil AN uroicry nates ; must bouicuratt. Address o I Itco. .MISJ53 B -WANTED. TWO ( iOll ) 1'LAh 1 BIIKHS A1 > remont nt onoo H K..erbe Mill W T > -WAN1 Kit AT ONCE. TEAMS FOH HAI'M.Ni JJbrtck seth end F ureeti , South Omu ha. Krltei lirlnk Urns. MIwG V4 * 11-WAN fid ) , A lOl'NO MAS IN DKX I.OOD J luiialnt'ko In l.lnculn to takuchartcu of domestic The baiar , llf.'J u trt-ut , Lincoln , Neb Mte | M' WANTED-FEMALE C WANl'rll ( .01)1) ) COOK NO ( loodxxiuei ift , Douglas t f\ WANTKDWOUANIUdh AMIL.XINDHKS V * Coed wujes. Mint havu riiferencoi Apply t Mrs ( ! . W MeKeath , I6J7 o JJrd etreot boiwi'o OaudGp m. -WANTKD , IIOUSEKKEl'EH HY A WIDOWE lth four rhlldreii ; irood position , uood WUKVI Civilian preferred Call or addre at oncu II , HoehlliiK , Jan en. JeiTvrson county. Nub. ilv.j f < -WANT ! : D , s ( Tiiu.s , i MIHIH.NKIIALHOISI ! work I for * i < ioud * i > rk and attend ihlldrui irond waKes paid , Hll H 3Uth live v > il vu * CWANTKD , \ C.OOD COOK IN FAMILY : tun. WuiceatUlUlf ctimpetunt Heferenca r qulivil , tw.1 nouulat utrvut v7- : > U' ( \ WAN'lEI ) . ( Jooil ( flllL Klt UKNI.HA V-imii.o\vor ) . Call SM ( ieork'lu axe. ( tf th M twji doors north of Ma ou. t 7J C-WANTKD..IHMANIIHI.IN : ; > .MALLFAMII tonnsl.inlth tcncral houncwork. lull ' . ' 111 Jon < -\VA.NTED , A bjiAuiv"ATrfvlTTiiiii. . ni I It lit general hou > enork ; wajes IJW per wei Apv > ly Mb llarnu ) > t. V71U fVWAVI'KII , ( , < IOI > COOK , NO W.XSI1IM * ( .nod "njo Muit haxugood references N SAo Hurt .trod , i or 5Cth. U7S-2U' OWA.STKll lilltl. Hill (1KNKIIAL HOI' ; TMrtmuiif"till DoiiKla mruet. m'Ad w y'7\vTNTIU > 7 I.Tov"AIJKM.S H-l" OXIA1I ; ; fiouncll Hliirf * and allovvr the nv > t t" mil tl Q r Itcuicilli'j Him iiauiiilii outUI tree , liber Tlsht pattlt's , Addrfsi 1 } T Itemed ) fi ( TV WAM-Mi.l.AliltMAM ) ( ; illl.s"lll DTlTu V new wxuk. for i t home : Jj tutr.aneek tail .undo , iiu palntlni ; or canva lim : eml .elft ilreofilfiiviilopu Ktho Manufailu.lui : t n . 4 LI crtyfiu.r Ho.ton , .Xla. , jjwj 1W t.inr. vou HOISEWOHK ; J ir > 1T5V'WW" < A > OI'NU I.Ai > 'i ' WHO l.Ohs' ,7 * CJ001 | lo * " ' * ' "r her foanl and lodulne In fa llyufthreu. Ad Irrn Qj lleo. 111 IV Toil KENT-HOUSES. 7 ' j 'oT.vMrer. , outh.Wth , or lliifuralihcl. u 14irHWlM ) UOL'IK. CKNrilALLY LOO XTK f < f ir i oa ull linprovriii al > . M S. IJth W T \-UMiooM i 7urk luuVt wiTiT uimci JVmurovpnient | oniuthn r * t n < r l tvenwoi InuulrwatKrihoVthitrvct. . MT3 ATmd N iJniay 4 < U hi FOR RENT-HOUSES. O/tmlnti'iL - IIUU4R NKAU 1IKIH 0-IVHOOM , stable , modern conveniences. Thos P Hall W 1'aUon block. 378 - \ DK IHAHLK IIOMK OF 9 IIOOMO. Vl'U. DDK nlnlied nr unforalshrd Patties aolnj to Cali fornia. Apply on premise * , 1113 SunthTcnth itreet -I ttllOM 1'I.AT STEAM JIKAT. K1H T-CI.A ? Uefercnces. SHr1 2Jnd strr t , roomO. 43J I377 NO HTH VSU , INgulliTf I53TIJACK9ONMini Mini D-HOUSE OK ii itnn\i4 , ALL MOIIRKS ens- vcnlences. pleasantly locate I nearhtiilnesscen ter Apply I3W Clilcnjo st , or U S. skinner IMI 1'arnnm. M.'OT D-H.Vr * , UWKLL1NH3 , COTFAOK1 * IS' Att , parti of city , Kilkenny A Co , Continental hlk -FI'RNISHEII IIOU3K fi UOOM" . l/\nOR lawn , or. st Marysav < 1 K Hutts TJO * 17th st D-ITItXISMKO IIClME , II Htimi * . HOOM BUS and boarders lo the house KO' Doimlas street Sini SO' D-KH ) HKNT HOUSES IN ALL I'A UTS OF city lueO. K Davit company , I jili Farnam SI 419 D-OVt Y T O I.KtT Of THE ( VltKXt COT- lanes Just completed Have bath , hot and cold water nnd mo'lern conveniences Desirable homes for business men In beautiful Stanford circle Kor particulars npply lo Mar loan and Trust Co ancnts I New York l.lfebulldlmr Kt Dr , HOOM COTTAUK KfUS'AOK. H VTH. ETC. also Kood barn f 5CH Hdlllty Trust Co KD ! Knrnum , t.l3-l'J D-toit asr. : DKSIHAUB HOUAPPLY ! : .M9I9 CIIEM'KOHTHi : W1NTEII , 1 HOOM K1\T . UM57N'nrih2lst trnet clt ) water , f. t ! I lntis. sa ) North 17th street m SSI n 11 - \ LXHI.I : imr OK < mum HOUSK D-\ tores. Hats pic Houses from fj 00 per month nd up ( looreoj Paul , IHX" ) Karuani M15I N1.V ) -KlH HEVT C-HOOXI I'OTTAC.K HOOD CKL lar wi-ll and cl-tern KKIo , IVtli St M9I7 5i 1-v i , HnoM CorrxiiK HATH. Cl'tX.VA1KH , l pst | rn liwn trees near motor , cemented eel nr.flTW , oren lease J'.iWou onncr 001 I'aT on IIU Ml'57 D-K Ull HOOMKI ) IlotlSE , 110 1VTI1 XM ) Center strict * MIU3 21' DI-OUHKN'lMIOI'-li.- ( i AN II 8 HOOMH. CKN tral loiatlon J K Marlon 2t > lt , Cnpltol ave SI 15.1 51 * D- Kill HKST , TWO 4 UOOM I1UICK KI.A1" , Ii0oiilh Ifith Ml 13 21 , ' \ KA.HTAMI WK > T HALF OF aii DAVEN ' | Kirt street. Inquire SMSCanltoI avenue avenueMIST 21- FOR HENT-FUKNISHED ROOMS. I , ' AC ) OMMODATIO S tOllrt ( JENTLKMKN , modern conveniences JJN Ulh M7CtiO' ) -.1MIHNI-HKD HOOM4. IIOt'-IJKKEIMNi ; ON lj t Mary's ave ( i Illutt IM S 17th t 3 O 0 ' -Ml ILY ! KIMIN'IMIKI ) HOOX1S , I.MU.K OH J-in all Prices reasonable SI'J ' N" I'Jtli MM ! 3J- fJ'-OVB LAHJibOL'TH : FKON T AH OVB HOOM. l-'suitahlu for four ( .entlPinen other room fur nlslud or nnfiirnl-hed .KRI California. l UIJ 19 * EA > iL'ITKOI > 1 LOOMS flTAHLi : Mill KILIt Eentlenicn Kitrnaeo luat Inquire iN \ < 1'ith stre"t 'J7S . ' ! E-N'ICEIA UrUNl HL'DLVlK.K THONT HOOM. I a N 17th ht M/'l t.V -fOlt HENT ll > llAtlllIHIOM ! : , 5-LIIAHLE .fur one or two Auplj lal'J Dodiiu. 115 Ei LAIKIK KllOVT liooj | HAS , HATH. r-L'lt- nacuhcat UI3 Park avenue MJ502I * T7-I.AIKSK HIONT "ROOM ] KUHMSllKD Oil l-inot , JiJW Ciipltol nvo UO U0 % FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. F-KM'a.VSTI.Y lIJHMbllKI ) HOOMS , HIlsT class board , t "lliu Dolai , Mj und . ' 11 N Ibth street , M > ta F D * IUAIILK HrOM AND 1IOAHD IN Pill x nto famll > 70s N loth M7bt ! 0 -KIH HENI'-MCKIA Kl'HNIiHKI ) ItOOM. tlrstclass board Utopia liI'Mt l Davenport ct F-TXNO PLEASANT HOOMS WITH HO Mil ) ; private family , : ifi llnrnoy 7bS JO. -J , - TO iTK N T L K M A .vT X I C KT7I fllNISHhD L southeast front room with nlcoxo and bay xvln dow modern conveniences , private family , board OK * ! ' . 'th ' street. 93,1 I'j' 1-WANTKD. THHEE Oil 1 OUH HOA HDKHS J- who nro wllllnv to pay fairly for Ilrst class nc eoinmodatloni Oeiitlcmcn preferred 5 0 N 23d street. . Jt'.i aj" 17HOOM AND IIOAHD IN PUIVATB 1'XMILY J- for two vcnttcmen xttth rafi-rences nt fi per week each all modern conveniences Sli N ' 'Id st 11 1W FOR RENT--UNFURNISHED ROOMS. G-4 IM L'HMMIKO HOOMS. HHV1' FI.OOII ; bousckceplnv , heat , k'at and ranite , : 'U N If th 317IJ .0' i -KOU HENT ONE I'VHTUVlsHlID HOOM. 'steam heat , IMS and bath Call at Mi ao. 21th St. 7b. 3) ' / < -4 L'M-l'UN'I'-HED HOOM * SU1TAHLE KOU vJliouseki eplns { , to small famllx contra ! loca thin cheap rent Apply to J H XX'heeler. 417 biich block MSJ5 p -UNtUUM Iliil : ASM ) KLHMMIKD HOOMS VJto rent. 1111 North Isth Also nice hard coal burner for > 3\e \ , almost new. \H \ ! U * GUNKrltMsHi ; ! ) UOOM ! ) XV VTEH , 1UTH , closet , etc N E cor ' 'hi t and Miami 6..I G-I-O HOOMh ll'lTXIHFOH MALI. fumll SI2 1031 S I th street U70 19' BOARDIN'a. H-WANTKD. A FEW TAHLK HOAHDhltS ; satisfaction assured ; terms reasonable I ht Hillside , .N XV cor Ibtli nr.d Dodxe. .MW72o- FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES , T FOIl HEN I' . TUB I ' T 1HY ItlllCK UUINDI VJ ( , J-'JI'l ' Karnam st I ho bull Unit hn a ttreproof C9 mont basement , complctu sleauibcathu llxtures , water on all the floors , fas i-tc Apply at the olllcu of ' 1 ho lice. 'Jia WANTED-TO RENT. K-XVANTEI ) FOH THE W1NTKH , MODKIl. well furnished cottaiie dentlemau and wife Address N J7 Hire tai K-WANTED H'UNISIIKD IIOfSH OK I Kill' or ten rooms cuntrally located tor the nlnter best of references Adilrcss OH , Ueooniie 119 SO K-WANTED , HOOM AND IIOVUD1N PHI VAT ! family rxntrally locatcJ , by man nnd wife Address 014 lleo IJS JU * WA.NTKIl. 'IO HKNT T\XO U.MI'llNlSHEl or partly furnished rooms inoutli Omaha ni'nrend of mutur " .tillable for lluht honseiei-p IMK. Mutt Hour uud convonlt'iit Ho : 1,11 , houtli Omaba. X1UIi > K-XXANTKDt I'D ALCOVE UOOM Houthwest part of city , mudem coiivunlence * Address o 13 , live. 111,11 RENTAL AQENCIES. f pn A. HKitu\ , TUB LKADIM ; HEN -IJUil manaceri' of South Omahi They hnvo store , ho jse > , unices nnd rooms lor rant t'T ) Nil STORAQB. M-llllV. CLKaNJc I'HIN KTHLY STOHKD Kill iilturelUJJouilisO.uaba ) stuvu Uupalr worki CHEAP , cajAN \ \ iTi.i > . TiT Lrarnam utr.'ot iwj VANTED-TO BUY. N' WANTKD To HUV SOME H PEIl CEV Hr t mortaie , IlauJ A olDy , ill Hoard Trait \T M-'CONIM AXI ) HOOKS llOtmilT tOUL'AsI -is at lliu Afit ! taarlua book vtoro , lil'J tarnani 077 n 10' "V WANTKI > . TO HUY SAKK , WKHillT.fui \ O i > . " < JpminJ ! also unlit' itvsk aud chair , itat lonest prlcu. Addretit S OS , Urn 'JT1 VU N" WA ? > 7n ! > , ' 10 HUY OH IIB.sfi COO Idioto rapti eallrrr. ( live fall partlculun llox bl , Liirrv luuHllo , lovia tmlZJ * \-XVA.N'rHl. A LAH.K hlB UOI.LKIl TO sullliudi'tkliiKiodronilltlou Address O4 , Hei Klvliudeiirlptlouand prlue. SlIUUU'l * "VWAN'fV.D. . io HI \ "TUO" & " ( Tit"oHoir H ii IIUUK.-S to ino I ) I Ilutihlion , 103 M. lith | y 117 'I d X-WV.VIKIH HOL1. T < P IKBK. MUriT II b ihtap. Particularloj II , II , P O. bgr ; itrr , Clt > KORUALE FURNITURE. _ O OOXV1NC. 10 ILUIIEALl'll A LADY Wll. u ell at H bargain furniture nml leato of onu i the l * t locatf , ) lx > ardlnihouip > in tbocltv , ri particular * ad Ires * C. K , llarrbon Vll N. V Life. 113 il _ C ) rLUMTirilK- 7 H'ilM H.AT MJl' bALI lull of rouuivri. tltl south Uth ttrcel. Hat D fORiALE..HORSES. WAOONB. 1 > toll hALK , A ? 11Iwil.LXH TOP HUliti fo. Jj.aj. 11. K Cole. Coutluunlal block J iT-r-xTfl SALM"lo"xYBI.l. . MATCHUI ) ULAC 1 drlvlox hones. weUhlny about SO ) Ibs end iiiuil bn told at n larrtrlio Hdolltr I-oan ( iuara teti I o , room I xvibii | ll btilUIni Call at vnce. vnce.U'MI I > lOll huIV' i7ooi > COvi7lKh ; HP HIV J wagouj ueai . U13 suatU UUi > t lint " f OR 8ALE-MISOCLLAT-EOU8. " " Q-FDH BALK I'AIIHOT , ( II ) North 18 it . room SO. MSW -FOH9AI.K , rri.i.oiiow.N NKTYKOU.ST > I.ANI > doit IT months old. Rood walchUog.lU. tddrrs * . O 10 , lice 119 I'.iJ irou SAM ; CIIKAP. A aj-mwsK row Kit Wantomatlcenirlnrn also one M horsr power up right engine , both ncood repair Inquire of Vest- nor Printing Co. , 130 * Howard street , Omaha , Nft > Ml IS MISDEAL AHE DUS. - : UANUII NO. ITl-HOHSm. COLTS K-HOIISi nml cattle cure I for the rear round. ( I O. Pans South Omaha , Neb I * O. bo * IK. MJH OK' II - OVKUCOAT"HITS. . t'l.K VNKIl. IIVEI ) , UK- lApalrx-d cheap ! ( ) } Howard street.offlcd room 1. P-1IID3 WIMi IIP. IIKCKIVKI1 UP TO SATUll llnav. Ort Jltl for ( trailing the lot recentlr pur chased l > r the Omaha club , N XV corner of iOlh nml Douglas streets. Kor particulars nriplr to I > J O'Ponohoc , aecrcUrv , 1103 tarnatnut , .M'/iJ ' 70 CLAIRVOYANTS. S-AHKIVAL EVrilAOHDI.VAHY ; WOXIIKHt'UI , revelations Challenges the world MM. lir. M. Leicraro , doxrt trance cl.ilrvoyint. a lrologlst , palmist anil Ufa raalor : tell ! your lltij from tha cridla lo ( travo. unites tlisn pjratil , cau o m .r rlaacwlth tlio one vou lora. tflls whore you wilt succeed ami In what business boil nlanlcd for ; has the c Mehratod Kiyplliin brcastpMla for luck nnil to ilflnijr bill Influpncoi ; curai Hts. Intnmparnnca anil all prlritp co-nptalnti wIlli m mizo. bith ? and alcohol trnntmcnuon ISi.0) , lock of hilr , nima nmUliti'Of lilrth nncl reealra ac5iir.ltllfo cbait : 2ccnt ln timp * for olrciiltr , el o lnltl\M of una ynii will niirry nlso | ihot < of aimq O.llen U7 fonth llthitrcct ilrit floor , honri aim to si p m Conn-otic , co in u all. anil b } cjnrlucal of thM < iia- derlulor.icle 511 N I * C-MADA5IK VIIIT155lfS : STUKKT CI.AItt l'toynnt nnd trance me Hum * Iniltspend'Mit volc * * tell * I'Ttnnil future inu-n"tlo treilmrnt Iu lies out ) * MfI3 M. ' -\Tii-i NANS i : \r \v v n u K.v. \IUVOVAN r S rt'llablo luislnon inviUiini.llfth juar at tl'JN lith Wl MAS3AOE , BATHS. ETC. rp-MAIIAM b10\\K , MAUNKTIL HKALKH. J-.iWj Pratt st M M 22' oIxuTTA litiT : MA * At i : , no SOUTH I&TU T street third Hour. Hat I. MIVJ 21' TT - MA < HAKK THK\TMINT. KLKCTKO-TIIKH. TMA mal baths icalpnnd hair treatment manlcuro and chiropodist .Mrs I'ost.MJ S.I&lli.XVlthnell blk WJ fP MADAMi : bMlril. I III CAIMTOL AVESL'K , illoom J , 3d tloor Alcohol , sulphur and sea baths b.'l 2P PERSONAL. TT-TIIK IMIITV WHO CALLKD WITH His L' ' family Friday last p ui to look at honsc2jr. . tlraec street. plea e call nualn MI30 .1) ' MUSIC. ART ANJ i C. K C.ELl.KNIlKCK HAVIO Til U'lUi , wlthllospeorN W LOT loth nnd llarney. Oil MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. W MOlni.AGK LOANS LBbd THAN 7 I'KU LT Includlni ; all charge ) Charles W Italney Omiba NaU bank bldii .I'D IV" 7 PIIII CKNT MOVKY-NKT TO HOHUOXV erson Omaha city property Sooxtri ihar ei of any Und Why pay liUli rnto1 Money U cheap \oucanitet full benefit of Imr r.itos front l.lobe ' Loan HIII ! Trust to Ibth anil DO'U-e. ! ril \\r-LOANStl.N IMPROVED AND L'MMPHOVEI ) * v city proprty. $ WI and uowardsli to "per cent Xodelays \ \ ' FarnaraHralth A I.O , t th und llarney IliOU \T7-PHIVATK MONEY , llT AND2I ) MOIITOAOK * loans low ratei. Alet Aloorc Hee t > ld 10 ? \\r-OMAUA SVYlNT.ri HANK -MAKKJ LOANS * < on real estito at lowest market ratoi Loans , made In small or large sums for short orlonirtluie No commission Is charje 1 an t the loans arc not sold In the east but can always ha found at the bank on the corner of Uth nad f > auas ! streets W r MONKY TO LOAN' OV * " " " " { ) CITY property'ow ' rate A C. Irost , ounlas blk 101 \\T-1 A.VD3 YKAHLOAVs ON' CITY AM ) KAHM ' mortgaues Heed .X i > elby , M Hoard of Trade TIF-CITY AM ) KAHXl HEVL ESTATE LOANS ' at lowest rates , consult us before borrowing K. C ( iarvln A. Co , JObhoiloy block 1UJ \\r-MoxnY T ) io\.v AT LOXVIWT : IATIS. : v 'IboO V Uavls company , 15Qj t'arnam street UJ W ANTHONY I ON AND THU3T CO , 3H N Y Life , lends at low rates foruhilei sjsnrltr on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property JIM ! . f , UAIIHISOX , 01S N Y LIFK. Ur-CENTHAL LOAN A THIMTCO , HUH ULDO. \v 9M vw w -CHKAP MONKY , bHK O. W T. COATKS , li.II Forimm. V.'J \\T MONKY TO LOAN ON IMI'HOYKD HKAL estate , lowest rates , bullillnj loans n spec laity Thomas Ureiiiian i. Co , Kirbauh block W HKAL KSTATB LOVN-I , II TO 7 I'KK CKNT , no additional charges for commission or Attor- Dey'ifees W II. Melklo , Hr t National Hank bldz o7T MONIY TO IXJAN , fwwj rio LOAN IN Omaha on building nnd loan plan ! I3 I paid monthly xvllt pay 03 5I.090M In 7S months No coaimlssloti Hate Is less than < par cent. 1'oorman schancn * Do you need money ? Can you use money' If no. call or address room 3IJ , Hee building , Onmnu Ni'l ) in n I W .r- I'UH CENT MONKY ON IMl'HOVUD 1'HOl'- crty It , C Patterson , lie Hauiuo blk. till \\r-L \Hi : LOAN * MADE OS' OMAHA. LIN- * * coin , Council HlulTs buslnet * property , r per cent Also email loans oeorKuJ I'aul 1UL > Fiiriiam M < 5. MS- MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS , V WILL LOAN MONEON ANY KIND OF oE Vciirlty , atrlcil ) A. f. . Harris , room 1 , Continental block 100 X [ I'imCHAHD , 51 lULL\rf III.K , IbA DODdB 10 ? XX X LOANS ON CHATTELS \sONAIILK IN terost. partial payments I to U months XV It , UiiTlj , It .1) ) , Contluuntal block ElovatorHth it WJ _ A' MONKAT LOW RATES OV AN\MC1.VI > OF v security. Koystonu Mtzo Co , 203 shceloy block 10 1 IS AMOUNTS < from f 10 up on HOUSEHOLD l-UHMrUHK AND 1'IANOJ , HUlfsEXVAIi ) V > AND CAHIllAdEs , WAHKIIOIJSE HECKHTs. OH 1'KH OVAL I'llOl'EHTY 111' ANY KIND without publicity or removal of proportv. You can -ivo tluio and money by calllniton OMAHA VOHTIMCE I.OAV I'-J. , Hoom II , Crelvhton Hlouk Uth nnd Doimlas , next to I'ostolllce INCOHl'OHATKD -MONKY l,0.\.Sii : ) CHIJAl' AT VOUH OWN time Nubrutka Loan Co . 131' ) Douiilai t 401 X -I.OW IIVTBS ON 1 I'HNITLHi : LIYE STOCK vie J , W Talor , 1'loiioor blk , south Omaha. V MOSBY-30 , i . M IIAYs CIIKAI' HATES -VIHII ! ra y iiajnimits on furnlturj. pianos , live Uitk , etc , without delay or publicity , cash on hand Duff ( ireun , room b llarkor block Xljj. V THE 1 IDELITY JAMS C.rAHANl'hlJ TO , Hoom IX I Iiluiull block cor 15th and llnrnoy sts , WILL LUND YOU ANY-fcUM. t HUM flO To < IO.OJ ] ON TIIEDAY VOU At-K ( OH U' Wo make loans of any alia , larzj or small , on household coodt , planoi hur < t , w uuns , warehouse rnoelpts and pursonal properly of all kinds. In uny amount , without dulay pnu- llclty or rumovalof property , cheapest rate * and easiest payments MKU Us FlIlaT. X-ClIAlTKLLOANi.'JH.V Y LIUMOHHIS ! 4 > 3 No * X-IJO.UOU10LOXN ON' niATTKIi SKCUHITY buslnettconllde'itlal It W ) Hoard Trale. v-MONEY TO LOAN ON tuuNriuutPIANOS : , vhorsei , waxen > and collateral neuurlty Husl nefitontldentlal. I rod Terry , room III tUmcoblk Mtr.'j BUSINES i OH ANOE3. _ \ tOH SALF , TUB COMKOM.iM ; TsTKU B * f i In tltt > leading aanh and door mill In the nortN west : iloln * nn Immcnto biulnuu , over K.UJJU ) ) xvorlhofuen work now In Ihomlll a ureat barsali ) totluirlk'bt party. Call on or addren J , H Mason roonm . , ' and * > . Harker block , Omaiia , Nob. HI ) OM _ _ _ _ _ _ V-U' YOU AUK HKKFINU A ULNI.VKai Ol'J'oiT J. tunlty r qnlrln > uialripltal. | In a certain and exceedingly prorltnble and urowliu bunlnati. am ! alw.ay > ca h , wrltu to tha underjl.'nud , lriclo lin tamp , whuu full particular ! will ba ilren ( ) K. K. , imiotreet , Lincoln , ; , b. u ; Y-WH .I\LEAT A VKKV LOXY FK.UKK , oTTf I'litlro > tate Interest In onu of the heaviest pay ln < monopolies now before thl public. U will > avi oircent of the coal bill of uvvrybady an ] pro duc better re ult < Everybody winli It and wll bavflt wbeiiiiiun \ lar/B builroi cm be duu' atoncalnovvry eounty Full parilculari by uialt Address t ? B K , IliJ L t Lincoln .Veto M j Y-fOH eUlK. OnT0 | . TIIKlTKsr' ' \ INC ilruK stores In central Ncbraika. lavulce. nbou ta.jjuuu. Aiidrt-M oj tier. IM.11 YllbAI.K Mt'SF llttOJ.II A'o.SCK-J i reitaurant and coifuctlonary ttoro. Addren Auif Menu , frcrlbner , .Nub. MJ | il" V-'IOTELOI' M IIIKtMhiuUKNT. L'llMbllUli 1 'ull of boarders , sluam heat and all modern Im pruvt-menU , rent r < i < uual > l with necnrlly fur fin > enr or will i-ncb nxa for "and or jood iruin-rlr lloi l Mdjucklu auutb Oui : ia MalTSJ * Youit next week's washing / Will lookwhitcr , will be clea.ner and. will be done. With less labor if- SANTA GLAUS SOAP Is used. The. clothes will smell swcetc.rand will kst lons&r. SANTA CLAUS SOAP Is pure , it cleans but do&s not injure t-lie- fabrici It does not , roughen or chap the- Hands. ions use * it , ! Do FAIR BANK 8CCO. . Mfte. CHICAGO. BUSINESS CHANCES. V-WK invB cftTOMKitvon A tvooi ) iiur 1 irood * . nntl tfrooary stock , $ lfiX ) croccrylock , $ J.Vw hanlwnro Muck JI.IWI kTO"ory utock fll ! crocery-stock tl Mjlullllniry ttock fiOUJImnlnaro < tock It will pa ) vou to rorai' anil " u If you haTO nnj thing to buy or . ? ! ! or trade * We havti ciiMomer for money for lonm for reil o t.ito for uierclmndUc. M'S for prerythlnii' Call ur ml dro * . Nclmirka Hxchanno tu. room .1U lluo llulldlni ; ( Ininlin. Nc'b L'ndorstindVo r inrce no coniml lon M7JI 'l [ V-IJAKKHV 11)11 SALK OH HKNT 'lltADK I talillshed Any onu wanting a harKtln 05 lleo Y-i'iuvTKii WANTS WOKKIM : IXTKIU > T In job or ncw oi cc. where time could ba lined as foreman , city or country Ad\lre3 OI. HPI > \ ' K.\CIM.KNT oi'rourt MTV A KI .s K 1 bakinff ntid confectionery bUKlno * for sale , MtuatPil In n cooil lkiurl Ulns rlt ) of II ) WJ Inlnb ItantH In the westvrn part of Noliraikn A splendid opcnlnit for therlKht man If cillcil at onoi1 Wl h to retire the reason for selling Address O 16 , Ilee , Omaha , .Noli MI232I' \r WAVTKI ) TO 11KNT. IIOTKl , , HJUNHHKU JL pruferreil Address O 111 Ilee Ml 12 ST V ULfclMSs foil SALE A l.Altr.i : , THOU JoiiKhly O'tnliHilu'cl and prolltnble proilucu rom mission business In Cblcmo , nates ntuouut to $ .19J 0 < M ) n year C nn easily be doubled nort year l.t aso of bulldlne I stories and basement runt tlll'.Mu ) 1S' ' ( llnest location \\nterstreet Thlslsnraro chance to secure a urotltablc business for smnll iimount of money f UJO rotiulred to buy and carry on the business Obliged to sell on nccount of sick nrss Kor full particulars address A 13 , cart' Lord A T honns , ChlciKO MI15 2U- Y-iiu , iiAKOAivt itKsr I'AMNO nurnsioiiK In northern Nebraska. Onljr four thousand del ars If taken lit once. Address O IB , iare Hei- 1113'J 31- gOBEXCH ANISE. actual valuation Money , U-luan , HoxMj.Omaha. * * ° B l I/-I OWN 100 1-AKMS IK Mil ! AM ) DAKOTA. /-/XVIIl sell or cichaiiKC. W > < " < ) , Frankfort , lud t' " ' U5l / NK\V 8 HOOM IIWEr.ClSn IN MeCOUMICK'b AJ2nd addition , alKhtl ) . ) foot front M lol ) , otffood vacant lot further lflor farm Wclshans , II Kirbachblofk. ' * 8M1 y i.oriN wii.cix VALUTD jno 1-011 PVKI' ' - matlcor cushlun bicycle trank Ihliressun. Im mrlal > eb. . 9iJ W y-.rM ACUU cr.BAK iMi'itovr.n FA KM i-oit lmrilwaroor iten mUsc. ISIJcru claim for S > 0300 U Dlckson , Crelichton. Neb. Wf VO' r/ l 1IAVK. A ri.KAH NKHUASKA KAUM TO AJtrailo for rentlnit Omahn proport ) Descrlbj properly fully ud address for three days OS nee M11231- Cl.KAH 1M1MIUVKI ) I'KOl'KKTl IN TKKA mail value 9 * > JO , Income $ JJ a month , will ox charge for Improved ur raulnt OinahOi property and njsumtJ .Met. MUorc , lULllue bid a' M107 21 rCI.KAU I.OT IN OMAHA TO KXCIIANnK KOU -Jhorso , harness and two sealed extension top urrey , must bo tlrst class rlt Address O G , Ilee MIW FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. T > EAI , ESTATK -tv HarKalnsonly. My word is cood. \V O AlbrlEht. 2I-2-3 cw ork Ufe T OTi-O , TU TFLKlUll 5 ACHBS WITH 7 ROOM -Ljnouse , all ImproTements Inquire 3S31 Hoyd utreet \I7Jj 'It' PPO I1OMB HKKUKHs IM AVONU\LB I'AUK J-you can havoan etoitant homo arranged to suit > on with building limit treai. walks , - > \ver , water , and uasrlthln willclnte dhtanca of tmslnui Lchools and churches , nnci all for about $3 UJJ Cer tain to be the prettleit Insldo msldenca addition In thorltr Over onu third of It alrpady sold fcea u for piirtlcnlnrs before the prlco Is ralsod Kldel- Ity 'I rust comp my. 1703 Tr'arn ini st 'XII CM.OOO IIOMK O.S POPPLKTON AR 'jp il IWJ tine residence. Georgia ave II.2UG tine place Luwo ave $30011 lot fronting vast on llanscoui park. 12'JCO full lot Lone nvo near l-aruaoi KljUU full lot , r.nli ncartarnam J 1.111 lull lot I arnam t near > ' > th f. tiOU liunse and lot , llanscoui Place } Ji Ocornnr lot , Ilanscom Place F. T.'fl lot on paved st , Hitiiscora Placo. C F Harrison , HI3 .N Y Life 95030 FOIt 9AI.B Oil TKAUIS-ur Till ! OWNBU 10,003 acres of Ni-braika a llnest farni'n- land at n nacrlHce U. 11 I'eterson , 1IU bllth t Omaha Hull M 17-1011 SALK. KKSIDK.NCK ATIIII H WTH J sL turoonm end hath colil water , olcelrlc bells and burglar alarm , Hpealkluv tubifurnaca nnd barn , also line vacant east front restdenco lot II I. Whitney , 131 Merchants National bank bldir. 4J7 NO 1 > tilr : > O.Ni A liKltHV. ' 1HK LPAIUNO HKAL J i > siat da tiers of South Omaha. Wo only el liarvalns Ll t your property with them 5J7 Ml 320 acres near Drnilii f w. Iiil acres 13 inllesof Omaha fij. hO acres Marpy Co Jlirjo , 1HG acres Surpy Co , $ | j per aero S2il acres "arpy Co. . tl'iWl ) ' .40 acres Sarpy Co 4.'j < > u. 2IJ crosiarvy Co .flcoO ) . 32Uatreib rpy Co f'O per acre C K llarrlnin.'JIJ.N V Life MW > 1 V ) I OIl SLKMCi ; IIOMK ON JIKCA'll'll i. ftrd't. ' room LOltace and litsum int. city water unit cistern \\lll ell on monthlr payments or will runt same to xood party lln.'bo Clark I-'H Ilarntiy btreet MSSI VO ATA HAitc.AiN - rnoici : f.or * &nm feet each moro adjoining If dcalrt'd Knit fronts' s w corner 10th nnd Arbor Klnest location In city for r-Jitdenco Illock from llth St. motor HIID Ihurlvs Hanluy lO.'l o loth St. , Omaha. .MJl 1 FOH * > ALK Oil It KM' UlIslllK.NTK 131 A 2-'ith utrect oppoiltu 2llh strodt und of IliuiKlas. Coiiiinanilj unout tbuilnixt views In tuo city . > ntr and modern In Ml rojpectH 1'lan from new part of I'urU t ) Hot water lipnilnv I'lectrlo KUS IlKlit Inicandall modern fonvenlencui ( juarler snwc-d ouk undticorala pine HnlshJlr piaco > ipoclally deslujietl Inoik nml tile -TtKa f 15 WJ , n bargain. K not told nt once will be ru-licil to a allofaolory tenant Apply on promUo jt Urke ( iupoii rvv. M9M SO' \ . \NTKD IOACIIKS . Wanted SUOaoro faniitfo > tUOm ) Wanted , lioum for > > ! uixniitots. | Wnntcil hou o for Chlciun lot nnd c h Unnloil , IniBtm'.s property f/r lien Hollies lots Wantvil , Jflcottaite will iii > U lonir lemo , Wantwl , piirthaser for I" JT | nioruii i Waiitui , lotli street bu.liufT. " property \\anti-il h-iiiso furotoo Co farm Wunted , house for MerrlcMv fiirin 0. r llarrlJfjii , 1M2 N1 V Ufo AIJKNTLKX1ANVHIIISII > Ti < iO I.STO HIM next In Chicago nil ! nrlJ , | choUii properties In Oiiiahn ut n Mrlilro. AiUriy * * I' K Harrison UI. N. Y. I Ife , Omaha , or A Jr rant. SIS Lake streel ( . * 1 * ' uu j | M N.SV KAHMS FOH rM'ils ' VKHV CIIKA1' cany term * , lieo W. lVroate < , loll 1'nrimm uu TOIl.N M CLAIIKi ; , IS 4 llf IIUOWV ! " IILOCK ' has for alu one nmunni/io / ( Inuit rusldemei In tlm-ltr , nurroundel h ) ipR'udld bulldluis : onnt-d nndoccnpk-ilb ) many of ufcr prominent ' cltKcnt , MI.1'-U K KItSAl.i : CIIKAI' Addrcts llox IU M.-irfTllif , Mo MIU 2U1 DANCING SCHOOL. ANUMIla MOItA.VICS JIVM'IM , Capital aru.nowopen LhlUron ' 1 noilny , 4 lip. m ; Saturday hi n in and 2 M p m ; udulu 'luevlay and trliUy o p m A esmbllci > ,11iur > duri pin l'rlTutelci < m > d > lly rupllieau Jjln any time bta.-u and new dance * tau bt. The Carhle , llur var-lliavoia Wunlwurth 3lanltou and Columbian i.anclern. Ilesldeuro. M > 1 Dod.'U M. ilWJ Mi LOST. LOVr fcUSDAV AtrKKNOO.N' , LAIlVd 1ILACK diagonal jackut. on ICth t botwuen llth it. viaduct ami l kunt ITf.uo niWro.stll \ Howard § t , city ioj u DRESSMAKINa. "I NtiAliKMl .VM TO DO DltKSdMAKI.NO Tff -l turulMi'i ollclled , MU fciurily. JJ ) Miulli llreot , MOIull * TIIIJ M.\itKir. INSTHUMI'.NTS piitcaTi tin rccunl Oct. 10 , 1-J-i ! \llll\NTV IIBRD * . C Mertsholmer nnil hii hinil tnH J York. lots 1- , 1 1 nnil 14 , l > lok * C , " ti Hinders & H's mill . $ " 500 M , ? Curry inil hush itul to C1 S Shou inl. w 2s feet lots I .mil - ' , blnek 0. IClrUttooit 2.iOO Joseph Ivuvin tu John Kresl , n t ? foot. lot I. h'ocki Hawaii' * sub . C03 nine to VattfrNoinot/ 47 footof n ( > J l-"i feet Iot2. UlooU 2 , s vine . COO 0 II It uninoml ( 'oiniiuiy to J 1' I-yin.-xii , at nl , lot J , block -M" . Oiiiitlm . . 1 J T Itolilnson mid wlfo to A --aiidor , lot. I. block. "IV I'rtHueot Place . 2 , WO 1 T 1'owoll and wlfo to 1 , H 1'rlcp , out lot 2-lHinl pirt out lot ! Ill no sw lll-n-10 403 1' K Di.vls to J W Koilufcr , lot , block 01 , Oninlii. . 1200 1' O Tuttle to S L Preston , o SI feet of w 8J foot of H 'J lot ,1 , liloOK 0 , I'nrlt I'l.icc. 2,500 Maiv Ilnlu/olto J I ) 1 or. lot ,11. blocK.'l , \V It bolby'i 1st uilil to South Onrih.i . HO llenno Kiuikel and \slfo to Aa.linVoIn - crt. lot 1. blocks , rllt ton II 111 . ROO Patrick fccully nnd Ifo to I A Coles , lots lito22.liln-k if. Scully's mill , utul w : n.tst > ctlot1lnsnni2d-li-ll . 12,000 H It Itolilnson to A II b indor , lots 15 to 111 nnd 1 ! North Uin.ilin . . . 2,500 r I ) Wo id to II A Arnold , lot 11 , block 1 , llnlmnntimrk . . . 300 n II HOIKS and \vlfc to r. II Spr.iRiic , XT V ) feet of n j lots I , 2 nnd J. block 1 , Doii-AHlll's2tid add . 4.200 Crsclno Dails to M.iry Cortolyou. n f > 0 fuel ofv' , , lot 11 , block ! . " > , linprovu- nient assnolatlon add . . . . 3.030 I ) U Wtuzhnml wlfoto.l OMophrns , lot 11 , b ock- , Missouri U'oniio pirlc . . . . 1,203 1'rcdorlck Km .rand xxlfoto Obi 1st llon- nlsnn , lot 4 , blot'U 4. Cloxoland I'lnco 1,200 L \ \ Dciitnn ind wife to Mntlliti 1'cdur- son , lot 5. block 14 , Wiitoiloo . 1,031 Hooron inoiis Klsolu nnd xxlfo to J Cl Allen. bl ! > 1 foot of n ± ! 3 foot lot 21. . Elsoles snhUlx- 193 L ( . ' Urahiini and liusbnnil to Mary J Vnriinn. XT 25 ft ( ox n 00 ft ) lot 14. block "F. " Prospect I'lweo . . . . 1.230 Arthur Kist to V.tcltiv I'lxonL.i. lots 1 und 2 , b ock 2 , A'brlgtit's ' uiinox to SmthOmnlKi . . . . . l.OjO Miry K Ile tty and htisbind to Mnwooil I' irk Land comp.iny , lot T , blocU 2 ° ! , Iloyd's . . . . . . . . 100 1'ldcllty Trilstcomuiny to O A Piyne ot nl , lot7 , blockAxoiulalo p irk. . . . 100 ! Sjmu to I * A Payne , lot > . simo 1IJOU S XV 1'errlno and xxlfo to August leor. lots 17 and IS , block 2. Pullmnii PI ice 300 O C Chrlstonsun .mil wlfo to JcnsJcn- len. 2Wv5 ft at ot 110 ft of u w cor lot : t. Illckorv I'liico . 1.023 J h llolliuul and xvlfo to Oh tries Jensen. 2"\70 ft coin at pt Jj ft o of n XT cor lot .U. block'J. South Oiniha 425 I * Ackrriri in to A M Aolcermin , Iot3 , block 10 , Hitchcock s 1st . . . . . . . 700 QUIT CMIM DKKDS. R A McPiinio to C It Ueiinj , inialxof .lliicresln l-n-13 1..YX ) Cburlcs IC.inf .tna xx Ifo to ,1 O Allen , 341 ft Iot2i , Klsele's sub 44 linens. B r Cochr.-xn master ) to I It Andrews , lot 8. block 1. ICnlpli Place . 10 Same to s mm lot I.I. block 1 , snino. 1" > O T I.Indluy ( master ) to Mary K Iloitty. lot 7. block1-1. Iloyd's add. . . 353 G A Bennett ( sheriff ) to Mutt Uonland , xx'j lot . " > . block a. Armstrong's ' 'd add 15 sumo loJ n Markul etnl , sonxv Jrin. . O4 no 1U-I5-10. sw n xx 11-15-10 , and Mirlou- . other tracts In H-IO 5002 Same to Hll Owen , Iot2 , blooU 7. Cen- pirk flJ7 Total amount of transfers $ 65,941 RHILWHY TIME GRRD ' NOTED TEMPERANCE LEADER , The Forcible and Brilliant David Frost. ITe 5 | > > nkii of nn tn lilUin Ton of nw and n ) It OnimtxU Ijiw Com * tnonds In i : rnr .t l.niigtmK * < tlif M ny Alrlnr * of Klrknpoo Imllnn SitKxvit nml Olxi * . HI * Kcnsons. The portrait of DiiT/U Krost , the notril temperance lecturer , will bo recognized tut nml xvlde. The iiohle work of this tll tln ptitshcd nilvmntc of temperance has given him n roputntlon i > ctind only to that of the Into John It tuvin K lto Tov , M x . In ii icccnt i-onxcrsatlon xxlth .Mr Kro f , lint Keiitleinnu snl.l , xxlth the ronxlncinir eiunc'tnessxAblili cbiirncterl7c liU remarks Dni' of the Kiiiltc t i-xlls xxltli xxlllcb the i b nds of temperance hax f to ronteiul Is llio clieni | xxhNUcx decoctlonsnml nilsrtnlilc rum nlitllies bj xxhlcb the market Is tlixxled niiler the K"lse of Mlltlcis , ' " iirsiip-xilllns,1 ttlnitcts , ' ami ntlu'r tmtent tnt-dlclne * The rniiimniia rou < uin | > tlon ot such miserable "tttff does liieiiliubiblo Injury In nmnx cases iJ lniilaiitliiK | the tii'te for Hriioi3 | xxlioio It nixei xxonld cxl t otherwise This nio t In Hhllous form of Intemperance should be put doxxn bx Inxx. "I do not mean to caj , " contlnucil Mr , Kro t , "Hint nil pniprlctat.x medicines come tmdei Ibis head , and In tiu't I knoxx Iioni per- oonnl experience of om-xxhleh lj not onlx n Urent Mpillclin' , a Splendid Tonic , nnd t'n. rlxallod Itlooil I'm Itler , but xx hkh U Innocent of all ilrtcrlnritlnir llintcillrnts nml tri-e from Ilaimfnl mutter lioxx much 01 lioxv frccl > It may beu cd It Is not my tIsli to appear as the exponent of any pitlillo rcntcil } , but In this case I deem It my ilntv to commend that ( . .rand lieined.x of the Indian nice , Klokapoo Indian mrxxri ' " 1 speaW fioin experience , for It has stood mo In Bood stcnd. When hiilf sick , xvom out , nnd mj most rebellious stomiuh rcfusoil to loimei net In Its notmal capnolty , ' KiflaiHiit JiiiHan bntjirn' km rrttorttt me to n hftiltliy condition irhen IIH//IIIK ; tlsr trouM. I luno taken occ islop nl o to lenrn somrthlnif nliout tliN meillcliie ami Its origin , and knoix Hint it Is not onlj nn old nnd tried reined ) nnioim the Indians , but tlnit Us \ vKCtulilc 1'urlt j and Harmless Cnrntlxir.ffect * Is still maintained , nnd that Its munufactutvls still ran led on bx- modern methods \u-tly : In aeeoidanco xxltli tlm xx a ) s of the noble Kfd Man. " linpli' Hoots , Uaiks , l.eavesnnd Kloxvers from the Fore t arc all that rntci into Hj composition , and the btreiiKtb which Is Kilned from IN use H not the false clrenitth of the rum bottle but the Voblo Kxhilnt.itlon of Ilottmllne Health , and the rutlllcd lllood , cleansed of Its poison coiitslifthioiigliexery fin and Aitei ) of the Hmmittstem " This and more did Mr Krost Imxe to say In reitanl to " Klekaiioo Indian S ifxxa ) " Words fall to conxo ) the eainest fou-e of his re maiksaspxpiossed to the xx-rltei Mr Frost still pur nes with unahatcd vljjnr the nohlo can c In nlilch lie has enll'teil , nnil ays that tuinpctnncu xxa ? nexor making sucn > u t headxxaj'ns It Is today. I Sold by all SAGWA.Sold . Druggists. $1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $5. Wo will fiend yon the mlrvclous French Treparatlou CALTMO3 frc4k. and a leqal guarantee that ( M , IIIOS will Ilnlnrr your aieullli , Strnilli aud 11 if or. f'sf tt ami fay if lattsjitd. Address VON MOHL CO. . Bile Amtriru itDU , llntUmll. OtU. Tliw first ilnnn often nslimUIie * the in valid , R | In * cliwtlclty of mind , buoy- . fancy iifliod ) , ( jooil illc > , tloiirouulnrt boxxolt nnd Mllil llesli. J'rloiiinrtit. . \ k Mis & The only unUoimly succosaful SPECIALISTS IN AMERICA. IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE OF /nWOIiUltl / ' PRIM DISEASES SYPHILIS , CONOR- RHOEA , GLEET , SPEH- MATORRHOEA. SEMINAL WEAK- NESS. LOST MANHOOD. EF FECTS OP EARLY - LY VICE OR K V f 'T' CJ C * T Tl "T INDULGENCES IN MATURER YEARS. FEMALE WEAKNESS , SEX- TJAL DISORDERS , 1 HYDROCELE , VARICO- V CELE. PILES , FISTULA , RECTAL-ULCERS. Consultation free. Call upon or ad dross with stamp , 141)1 ) and LITTLEFIELD'S MILK MKA3URE3. The r Wrr Conilrinnril unit Itn ( Jlvrs ijolnV Itrnsons lor tlir I'rnrrnllntr. Loul * . UUtloltohl , orctldcnt of tbo MIlK Dealers a.soclnUoa , lint reason to fool .oro over the publication ot the storr In the papers conoonilnp his nllcgotl lisa ot s'jorl nwasuro tups in selling milk. Tlicro wns something peculiar nbout the whole nlTnlr nnywny. A.V. . Parker , the city senior of eights nnil ino.isuro ) , told the bcnlth onlcialj tbat UUtlcllcM baa been fotmtl sollint : mil's from maistiros tbm xvera short nto.ich onil nnil ttvH tha monsurot bxa boon concicmiied. Ttio hoaltti odlcers atonca took the matter up , ijn o the Information to tbo pros i and took iicllon at the mooting of the board to Imvc LlttluUclil prosoctitcil for vlnlnlloii of tbo ortllnnnrc Turn it xvn-x tllscoxercil tint PnrUor h tl rot-collet ! to tell tbo boMth cnlclals that tbo trouble with llUlct\nlit tooK pUeo moro thatl njcrr neo Of coursu tnls slopnod the prosecution proccei\liiK\ \ but U did not SUM tbo public from the limirosslon that Utllo- Held XVUH soiling milk from short cups. In spcaklii of the matter , Mr. Llltloflolil snln that the cas * > xvns n pici-o of iplto xx'orK from tbo Ilrst , "It n true , " bo sulit. "tlmt my measures worn rnndemticil by Parker , ox'crajeur ttuo , nnil It is also true that the measures ho Londemncd nnil cotillscMed hold nearly an ounce moro milk than tlio incaiurc ho soaleil f. r mo nntl xvhich t am noxx * UsIiiR. Very fexv milkmen In the cilx' tire uslnu scaled tnoasurcs , bocnuso the Inxv ni it stands Is n furce.Vo rannot buy scaled tno.Miire * In the city and ns the Inspector ol xxolpbt * nnd measui-ej hitt not hnd nn oillco xxo could not flntlhlihvM net the measures sealed. The ilnik'clst whi ) , lnul mx * inonMiio * . cnndomned did uothiix'o nt that tlmo n senled mcasuto In Ills place nml I tloubt If ho has ono noxx' Ills sllilT soils ferns ns much money for an ounce as I col for n quart of my xx-arc * . . The xxholo tchoma xx'as calculiited to Injure my business because I mn tne.sliloi.tof the Milk Doulori nssoclatloit nnd xx-o are optioning ttio present city oral- uancj. The Inspection U n farce nil around nnd Uio ofllclals knoxv It , " Oliolfrn \Vhen properly troitod ns soon as the fln symptoms cholorn unit no.trlv iil\\-ays bo cured. Tlio piucnl should RO Inimodlatoiy to bed nnd remain ns nulol , ns uosslhlo. Send for a physician , but. whllo nxx'altlng his iirrix-iil tnkn Uhnmborlaln'H Uollc , Cholera nnd Uiarrhiui Uomony In dotiblo doses nfter ouch operation of the boxvcls moro than natural. Ifihoro IH sox-tmx pain or cramos takoltm double doses every ill teen minutes nlll rollox'cd. This remedy has boon usoa vitli great success in sox'on opldomlcs of 'yscntery tlmt xx-ero almost as severe nnd ancerous us cholera , niui if used ns directed euro Is almost certain. Bvorv family should ax'o n"ill-cent bottle nt hand ready for In- tan t use. After the dloaso is ttndor control : astor oil must uo tnkou to cloaitso tbo ij'stom. No other phxsio or substltulo xxlll "o In place of castor oil. For sale by drug- : ists. SCORCHED THE SHEELi BLOOK. Vn Aftrrmimi Hiiro 1 Cnmod I.tils of i\rltiuiiiiut Hut I.lttliLoss. . 'J hero xvas a trotaondous amount of oxclle- mentovcr a small sl/ed blaze at 2 o'clock ostordav aflcrnoon. The flromau of tbo Shcslv block , flftoenth and ilair.oy , bad occasion to pro to tbo llttlo ullJiiif , ' on the roof over tbo ulovator sQaft , bortly tioforo that time nnd saxv moko and Humes Issuing from botxvcon ho partitions. An nlarm xx'.ns sent in , and in ess than live iniuutot there xxoro half n doon boso cnrtscbcmlcal onclncsnnd ladder rucks thundering up to the spot. Txx-o min utes aftcrxvnrds the sttx'ots xx-oro black xvlth people nutl llremcnvcro ct.xmbcrluK ui ) the fire escapes nnd sl.out- ng orders from the wimloxvs und roof. A stream from llio chemical xvas t'no lirst to cot to xvotk , and tbreo lines of iioso xx'ero quiciclv run un the stairs nrotiud the elex'ntor , xvhllo a fcurth xvus attached to the stand pipe on tbo building. No one linoxxs hoxx the llio originated , but n auark from a neighboring chimney Is supposed to hax'o bcon the cause. Tbreo htfudrcd do'lars\xill ' rouair the damage. The building is supposed to bo ilrcproof , and though It is Illlod xvlth tonauls nutt the mcs xvoro eating at the only moais ot egress , none of them seamed to bo seriously alnrmcd. Bum.isnTov. la.Apnl , 4,1831. Dr. J. B. Moore Door Sir : Huvo boon troubled with catarrh In my head und face for throa years at times t\astinublo to hear bad n constant ringing In my oars nnd. tor txvo. years xvis almost deaf. Hax'o tried sev- ornl so-called remedies and bcon treated oy regular physicians nnd noted sporjialtsti , but failed to got amrelief. . I triad ono bottla ot Mooro's Tree of Lifo Catirrh Cure It gave immediate relief and offcLtnd a perm ationt cure , /heartily recommpnd H to nil sufferers - ors of this disovso ami will choeriully give anyfurthor i'lformatinn on boms ; nddrossad nt my homo , No. 'Jit Sivconoy nvo. , Uurllng- on , In. Foi sale by all druggist ) . HoipectfuUIv' . 1 { . L. UBID. L'or sale by all druggists. OA Tith &TUKiri > . F. L. Blumer You should see Loxvo nvo- nuo these days. I toll you It does us good out In that purt ot the city to look at it. From Farnum street to Franklin street the road is blackened xvilh a small army of grad ers , pavers , curbcrs nnd bosses and they nro Just making the dirt H \Vbenlhostroot Is comnlctcd , CunutiK will bo apt to sotno of ils travel , Farnnm is ratbur rock- but It is a mannlllcontthoroucbf are compared xvlth Cumin ? , xvhlcli is very llttlo of an Improve ment over tbo old rorduroy roads. James Walsh I have had considerable ex perience IP election * , ot various sorts , but I must say tbnt this docs bout utl I over hcaru of. Kvorvbo'ly Is nt soa. There Is hardly u single straxv to sboxv tbc direction of tbo wind. And with n'.l this uncertainty nad tlio many conflicting Influences affecting tbo outcome thrro Is nn astonishing Jack of In terest , ut least of apparent interest. The usual boiling nnd scathing nnd street corner caucusing is nlmnst ontlroly uuiont , what ever tbo undercurrents mr.v bo ( Ining. Judge lkrlta-1 claim that I liuva tbo hardest xvotk of an j onu occupy mi : u Judicial position ir. the city of Omaha , My court Is the minicrL'ur.oii for all hurts of litigants. I not only try the cnsos , but 1 am judgn , Jury nml lavvxur for tlio defense. For instance , n xx onion comes m here ohurccil xvlth dis turbing the peace nnd 1 nsk her xvbon shu ttlllboreadv for trial.VIiy , " she says ! n surprise , "I dnn't sea lioxv u trial can bo nucnssary xvbon 1 didn't ao anything , " Thoa I must proceed lo educate her In the methods of courts. Ob , ves , thorp nro MIV- oral things xvbich louder the lot of the pollco udgo far from Uaing u happy ono. Too Mm Ii oikllink. It Isnot unusual for colds contracted In the fall tobung on all winter. In ouch caso.s cntarrh or chronic broachlllo ura almost sure to result. A lUty-cent Dottlo of Uhainoer- lam's Coutn Uomedy xvlll euro any cold , ( Jan vou afford to risK so much for ao small an amount I This rotuudy U Intended r-j- poclally for bad colds and croup und can nhvaya bo depended upon , ForbDlu i y drug gists. REM TON IN C TYPEWRITERS For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEQEATH STATIONERY OOV t S > l 1'arnani Struuu Oumh i. t A Beautiful Compiexion Can mi 11 bo Ka'nisd ' ijy eivtylud ) | iy utlnir llio Complexion Brust lioiurothu trado'aitirk "I Ikh llr.iinl" U On each one 'ibuol | rk l pflcolot I Iiu loft rubber uaii lirlii ; > thu dtulrud iitfoct und trluu brMUKLt J > y tills lllfMIII It It I'KIIUA MINT 1'rir.o J5Or I iidli If million at > our own rltk. add lUct luviiey tu ait uipa < iy unlur Auk ) < iur Oru ul't for Omaiia Rubber Co , , 1520 FarliamSt