] \ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 20 , 1S92 , THE SI'ECOLATIVE ' HARRfcTS Wheat Declined to the Lowest Point Reichtil by tbo Pro'ent Oiop. PURCHASERS WERE HARD TO FIND lilt DvlUcrlrs In the Norllnri tcro gtilekly I'nlloxviMl by llriilstreel'it An- iioiinccnient nf tin Ciiiirinoin In * In tinfupplj. . Cittctno , III. , Oct. 10. A nrop In the prlco of wlioit to thn lowest point yet readied on the present urop. nnd lower th in known lor minv yu-ir , xxas pirtly n result today of the World's fair dedication. Traders who were Ion ; coined afraid to carry tholr ho'dln > s over the holidays and bo , ; in tn liquidate , bullhorn w is llttlo or no demand , and It was ncconiryto iniiko constant concisions to IInil pnr'h tors ThobroiK nmountnd to 'if. from which thcio was ' 40 recoxcrv. Corn Is § i off I'roxulons Biiow a caln of from 5o to 1 J'ti * . Nc irly ex-cry- thlnji seemed to fnvorMho bdnM In who it 'I ho receipts xvoro hoavv , c iblos wo ik an 1 do no , - tic markets nit ton lln. ? downwir I. Tbo bin deliveries In the northxxost ixoto iinckly | fol r lowed by nn nnnouiKOincnt f ro n Itr.idstrcot that there b id bean nn lucre iso In tbo stocks nn both co ists during thn p ist wauk of nearly 7,2.13,00 : ) bu 'Mltcholl , xvho h is bpcn a Kood deal of a bull , bu in biivin ; at tbo opcnltu Inn Iinilln ; everyllil 12 against him soiii sold out hla purchases Dunn , Lot in , Ixennclt- llopklns , .Mllinlne-llolmin nnd t-ohxx nl/- Dnneo xicro all free i-ollers HhortH seemed t-onlldeiit tint ihoyworoon the rlalit side nnd the Pro il\ seemed to nITi'r litllo attraction foi them to liny In Thoopun- inii was alnut the same as xeitor iay's c in- I MI ! . I'llcea dcrlinu I xvlthsoinc Iliiitu illnns from " , c to } te , Impioxed from ' e lo s o. e-isc I off ajia n. llio eiosln * bolus finm ' e to 3ao from the holloni fet Iho day. The undo Is bouhiiiliiir 10 lUiiro on a l.lJi.OUJ bu IIK lo.iso In Iho xlslhlo supply next xxer-k. In corn thof itrei xxoithor xv is icjanled as tioallsh as It rendered liu.ro receipt * probable nnd II XX.IH furlher xveikono 1 by Hi's umpy conditions xvhlch ru'od on c-orn mid o its ib- Icy xvns n free seller as xxero HM > l.iumi , r-clixvarU-Dnpeo nnd lliu t olt-l i.i/Icr Iho in irket opened dull ind easy at ftom V' lo J c decline nnd sold oil from ' $ elo V rilled Hllshtly. oh 11120 I some and closed xvlthnoir fntiiios fiom "i " to , c loxxi i and May w th n loss of from V to'ji. Ueculpls I i llio xx en uualti LMO i'iy o\eeedod the shipments- ( ) its xvero uctiie , Ihoncli xxe ik In svmn ithy jpllh xxbe it nnd eutn nnd a slsled by llbci il ronll/lnt ! bj IOIIBH riieio xx is also irood sliort lellme. Mnv declined T < c , but i.ill cd from ' .if to 4o nnd closed ste idy. I'nivlslons came up snilllni ; miild the dolec- tlon In Iho Lialn markets A llrmer IHK ni r- Uot and buying by the ellnuo xxeio tbo chief liilliicnccs The idxnnco nmonnled to 110 fo- pork , IS'iii for bud and 7'to for ribs. 'Iho oloso win fiom J'tc ' to lo from the lop I'reUhts xx ere quiet at J'iC for txhcat and "e for con to Hull".ilo Kstlm.ited ucclpts for tomorioxxhoit MUu.irs ; corn , ,10 > cars ; oils , S4J e-trsj ho s. 21.000 bo id. No session of the Ilo-ird of Trvlo tomorrow or neM day 'lliurs.lny nnd Tilday 'ibo lcafluK futiitcs r.ni4td as folloxxs- AIITICI is Wltt.Al .SO Crlobi-r . . licccmlici Mil ) Cons Mi S- OctoLer . . . Dcti'mlii r .Mny OATH Mi J ISuxcmticr Mnj1 Miss I'IIIIK - .Innnnry I.Mill Noxcnilior .Innnnry Eltoiu Kills- Octobi'i . 10 II ) Jiiiunr ) 'I t j daijli quotations uero js follows ri.OMlt Mm * . pi lees noin n illy iini'h uued from yestord iv ; w'nloi p.itents. JI7 © I OJ : winter stril.hls , fiiCr'HJ : ! > | irln intents. .L74410I : spilnsi | lUlitb , } .IOO.1J : bikeiV. W.-i 41.1.00. \Viiu\r No 2spilii/.7J1i@721iiei No Ilsprlns , 67 iillc : No 2 rod. 7Ji1rii7- COIIN Lower : NoJ easb , 4P c : No I ! ( .n h i.1ije : No.i : iullow. Wic. OATS No. J. .S'je , iNo. 2 white , : )3e ) : No U white. .S'iJt.lle. U\K No 2 , M'ic. llAiu.iv : No 2 , coQO.'e ; No n , f. o b. , JOSGJcj No. 4. f. u. b .I'filllo. TlAbKL1lNl 1. ? l 10. TIMOTHY M KII I'rune , f I 00. 1'nitK Mess , pel bbl. . .Sll.SYjJll.oo : lard , per 100 Ibs. , J870 ; short libs sides ( loose ) , $7.7 ! OlOfO : diy hilled shouldeis ( bo\nil ) , $7.41 4t7/ ) : short eleai sides ( boxed ) , fs1 j tW ? \ WinslvV Distlllets' llulsbed uoods , pei K-I ! , , bun iii Cut loaf , fi'sfll ' cj ( ranulated , 53Be : standard "A , " fi'8a ' Kccoliita nnd shipments tid.iy were as fol lows : On the I'lodueo oxeh in40 to lay the bultnr innrtot ui\-illriii , iinchinscd : uro imory , Ibfll C7ei dairy , .bttMo l s. Him it 1'iaj ' e. > ou Voric AI irlicls. Nr.vf VOIIK , ( ) et , D.-ri.oun liecoliits. 5Jto ; Jikus ; oxnoi in , 2bhbls. ) 21.700 H.icUnvry : dull ; woiUi s.ili > s , ' 1,315 bbls. low o\tr i. J-.Oudj Iiyi ) ; winter wheat , low cr.ulos. illOUI.OJ : full tofanoy. $1 lOttl 00 : p itents , Jl 0 14) ; Mln- no-ot.i clear re I , lo ) < a,10 ; str.iUlits , * 14iiJ 4'.I ; iiatents , JI.'l'iJl S ) : rvo mluiuos , $ j.OJU COIIN MTAI. Stonily , ( pilot. Wlll-AT KrcolptK , 117t/ll ) bu : e\ports. is , . CCObu ; sales S.'HUObii. of futures. 70,000 bu of spot. Spoin , fairlv actlxe , loxxer , WOIIK Iso , red , 773iii In store and oloxatri ; 7h'i nlloit ; 7Uii7Hlic f. o b : l\n .1 red. 71'ie : uu pr.idod ii-d , 7tfc7le ) : No. 1 noithcin h-'ic ' ; > o. ! 2 noilhorn , ' " i" ; No. : Mlixxaukeo. 7i.'ic ' Options x\oro active c\clled nn I © * lnu01 ; opening btu.uly n iincliun ed prices , deellnliM le on lur-'o In cro.iso easl of Iho Kockles und on the I'.iellli coast , c'onllnneil lariro reolits | and Men soil Inuforllio noilbxxest , elosliu sto.idy. No red , iDHUtiJ'ic , clo > ln ulTu'ic ; Mmcli. fUc , cluslni ; ut HI'jC' ! Slay , 80 J-IGttb7'iit- ' , llli at tll'jf. ' Kxr.-Dnll , Inxvci ; xxcstorn.OOOlc. 11AIII.I.Ijllllll : XX ObtOI II. fiVS'UC. HAI i.i.MAM ( .inlet , COIIN Ilc(0lptssi.OOO bu : exports , 104,00 bu. : H lies , l.lilii.lWj liu. of futures , JS.ujj bu. o fcpot. bpots acllxe , loxxor.ind uimk ; No 2.4 % 4'J ' > 40 Inolexatoi ; riJ4Mio | atlo it ; uiiBradoi ml\ed , 48i5Jlie Ojitlons xvore notixe , doullnlni JjUlo on Ilo lucre IHO east of the Hrokles ieall/ln. , and with xxllb xvhcatruaeti'd Ueam elosed uto.uly al 'iff' o decline Oclobt-r. llij 4lis i * . olosliu nt 1'lVc : llucombor , .DSllli c oloshiK at ! i 7c ; May , 'il'jeiJ'i' ' ' , closing a OATH Hecolnts , 110,000 buj o\ports,0i.0o0 bu talcs. ID'.UJJ bu. ot fuluies. Hll.cKW bu , Hpol Bpota fairly nellxn. Irregular , wo.ik , Uptlon nctlxo , xxeaUoi ; NovumbcrIll'.fWi'ic , eloaln at lll'io : Dct-ombiT ud-u-ud o , olosiu nlllUo May , J ! U44.l'iiBC. ' | closliu at .Wo : No. ' . ' Hpn \xhlto , ub'tC Il'J'ic' ' ; mixed \xostorn .I.I ® Oi ; Whlto XM'storn : u/2ine ; No. a Ulile ice .1,1 ® f > i4 ( HIKIAII-KJVV , dull , flrnii lellncd , iiulei stoady. .VOI-ASSIS Noxx Orionns , onlut , slo idy. KICK Authu llrm. i:2Ks-l"isy.iinlul : : ; nn'olpts , ll.feSO ukzg. llinus-l nlrly nc-tlxo : llrm , I'OIIK rirm. ituloU Uut meats dull , sto.idy middles , llrm ; shoit clear Noxember , ti > l.nrd , higher , iulot | : xxentern stoiini. t'JU ilen. I5) tlcrcis ; opllnn miles , 21I Uerces Octoboi , K'.x'i ; Noxomunr. iS.II : Deccnibo 7H. bid : Junuar$7hO bid. ltTiiu ; : I'lun ! KOOI ! demand ; xxo ter dairy. HftJ''e : xutilern creamery , I'J&.M ' Klein. : sc , ( Jlli.K > K StoiKly Ihrbt demand , I'm liiiN-v'nlut. stoidy ; Amorlcin , fKLOOi 15.W. ( 'oi'TKli-Stennv. lake , ? ll.7.13.IU7i ! , I.KAll-Dulli duinuitlcf.LHXUHKJ. . TIN Steady ; biniljblM , J.usja.'J.b ) , Hide * null Trlts. rotlowlnz rro the prices paid hv Omah doulors for hides and polls ii'otul | ( tiiihjeet t olianyu without not I u : [ so. t itiion hides , Hi ftu 1 L-recMi sailed hides , 4itl'.io. No. - irruu lilted Indus. Iliilin' , No. I croon Halted hide S4 to 40 Ibs. 4miu : No 2 croon Called hides , : to4nlb8. , a4jl.4o : No I \oil calf. H to 15 lbs.0 l.ci No.2uml ( uilf , K to 11 Ibs , ,1'io. No i dt Hint hides , 7n ; No. " dry II nt hhlua li No. I dry salted liUu * . r > Qle ) ; put cure hides tie per Ib , less tliun lully cured , bliei liolls-rliret'ii salted , eiieh , .Cn-tf.fl.-H urou Bulled slioarllngs ( short uoo ed oirly skins each , ivftiic ; dry alio.irllius ( shoit woolc CHrly likliihi , No. I , each , MJ.lOo ; dry licarliiu hliortMi < ilotl uarly Mklnsi , No. 2. o ich , So ; dt Hint KUIIIHH and Nubraskn bnti her wool poll per llx.iictor.l luilvbt , It/aiHtei dry Unit Km BUS and .Nebr.i9kn.Miirr.iln wool uolH. pur II notiml welelil , biSI2tfi , dry illut Uolorai butclierroiil polls , per Ib . aottul nvlebt , lo r.'JSur dry lllniCulor.ulo Murrain wool pelt per Ib. , actual u sbu hffllOo : dry lloeceu ui buck * , actual wuUht , tauo. MaM < fool cut o us U Is llkuli'ss to inly freight " " Iliifm. hi. I.oiiU .Markets. FT. r.OtllB. Mo , Oct. 10.-riouit-Wonk. WiiHAT-Woiikj IttlM ) loweri cash , 6 , > 4 Octobfr.Ubcs November , 08 01 December. lU" * Coii't- ! < ai5io under yciterd n CMU , a7Jt O tobnr. 'i7hc NoTember , SS' ct December , .i7So , M-iv. 4l'tr ( nTWcnl down 'Hl' e : cub,27' < c : No vember. 'JS'ini M iv , .r."ic. UYK-Nothliiitdona lUtil.KV Steady i sample Nobris' < a.0132'ic ' ; lown.lle. HAV l.jworj prairie , { 7 OXtMOi timothy , . lltlTrEit-Hllhor ! croimerir , TliJircj 6i'ry , Qulot. tc. nt tlOS' < . WilllKV-Oulotatfl.lO. I'IIOVMIONS I'ork hlRlicr : Jobblns JI-61. Ijiird , bluhor H 'I (3.9(11 Orvr ilt oboiildno , looip.itT.il Ion * nnd rl1) ' , ff.81 : nhnrtx. S 40) ) boxed. Ho tnoro , llacon hnuldcri. t'Ml Innzi. ? S,71 : rlln , ! i"7' * ' : shorts , ! . ) , W-"i Hu ar cured bams. * II.MaiI.ll. IU CHITS I'lonr. 4,0)0 bbls I wlioit. 1 MM liu : corn , " > i. 00) bu i oits , 31 , OOJ bu ; rye , O.onlni ! birley , 2I.OJJ bu. bim * > ii.NT4 riiiiir , IO.OD1 bbli t wbaat. Ss.nia Im i corn. .13.000 bu i oats , 10,011 bu : r.vo. 2J.OJ3 bu. i barley , irmc. Oil M.irltet. Ni.w VonK.Oct.lO.-1'r.Tiioi.EUM Thomirket npenol dull and continued quiet nnd stoidy tlironchout tba ( lay. I'oiitnyUanla oil spot silo . nono. N jvcrnlier opt.on silcs il.OJO bills. at .Hi- . Mum oil , I7u bU ; tot-il sulos. 17.03J bbls CiiTrns SFKII Olt. Quiet , steady ; yellow , .e. 'I AM oStoidy. . quiets city ( J..OJ for ukzs ) , .ITao. Hosts- Quiet , llrm in tr line 1 , common toKooa ' Tiiii'KNTiNB-tull. ) llrm : : i I.OMIOS * . Oct. -l.lNiBEU Oil. 18s Od per cwt runi'KNriNK ' .Is I'Jd ' per cwt. I'Atct'tTV IjtsfKi.ii - IM od per quarter. A-nXXTItl' . Oct. 19 1'I.TUOI.l.UU Jt M'iC ' , p ild and Kellers I.ivi nionu o.t. 19. TimrENTiN-n SI-HUTS * ' " ) ixl per ewt. KIUIHIIS Citj MurltoU. KANSAS Cm , Mo , Oct. P Wnevr t.owor ; Nn - h ird llitlTte ; No J red. OI'S JGJ'ic. ' UOIIN Wo ik : .N'i 'inKol. UiTiUUo. OXTUi'ik : No 'J mixed , St'i'tft'Syc. liu riimor : iiti"lmuo I ; timothy , Ji 003. 8 lit prairie. fl < ni7ii. ) IIUITK i 1'lr n ; eroimory , ' . ' .SlMc ; dairy , n ! . ' . ' c. l.'irM firm : I7'ic. ltKi.ll'Ts--Uhe ! ! ( t. 0))33 bu ; corn , 15,000 Im ; o-its none Snii'MhMSheat.71 OOJ bu ; corn , 1S.OM bu. ; oils , none Om ihti I rim XI itKcl. OtiAir ; < Now Vor consorU , "Sijnic per 10-lb bisknt. I'u.irnuil x ( liiAl'KS I'orerite ; $110 mtis- eais : tl 71 Toiiiys l' i.tKtsi ! x l'i. ins -ti"0 pjr Inx At'i'i.lHWoitern , tt7.vrfll.UJ : Now Vork , SI 0) ) Gin. cJUlNCin-l'er boJl 7iaort CoMiu M il lift. Nt\x Voii'C , Oct. Ili.-Optlons opened steady nn I uiieb in cd to 11 p tints hither , and nlnsoJ birely sieadv nt fiom .1 points duuii tn 1 lie ills up. silca 1(1,7 ( > ) b is IncludliiiDo - ( embiir. tll8Vftl4il : .linuntv , * II.SJ ; M indi , til VV7JU4 70 : April 814 dXftll ( , i ; May. $14 1 ti 11.11 : spot UU. qiitui.uid stui ly ; No T.JIG.'JO 5 C/'otto i llaiitct. NEW Out.rASJ. I.i. Oct IIrirm ; mlil- dl In. , 79jo ; low mlildllni ; , 7' ( ; iroo I oinl- n.irj , ( iV'S not ruLulpts lO.Sil b iliM : uross receipts. I , m.1 b lies ; oxporis co.istwlse , il.OlG b lies ; s lies , 0,100 bales , stool. , 111,2' , ! b lies. > uuorU lr.\ ( iioilH M irl < ut * Nnv VOIIK. Ot 10 I'lio more active de- mind for eels th it bej.in with the I liter jiirt of last week i-onllii'ied to caln In force. Iho lone of the m 11et Is xery strong. * I.Uoipool Itiulrcts. I.tvrui'ooi. Oct 10 WIII.VT ' toidy ; hold ers olfer model itelj- . Cons' bte idy : dom.iiid fair ; mixed western , 4sl'id pot cental. Omilii 1'ioiliict , Market. I'oUi.rux I'hlckens , 8150 : ducks Oc. IIUTrr.u Packing stojk. lie ; Ualiy. lfiS:2j. : Tradnrs' Inlic. CitiCAno. 111. . O t. in-Counsolm-in A. Diy to Cook roll llro'x. ( OMimlislon conipinv. Wheat opone 1 quli't and easy iixxlni ; to hi II- 11ntxc ither anil loxxei r ihlcs Triilo xv is dull nnd the miiKot without esp'olit Incident - cidont until llr ulstroot's announce I an Im-ro isoof oxor 7'IOOD bu In Iho av ill ib'u supnly. Thin IIipil I itlon by llttlo lioldci s bee IIMO emu minis and prices deollnoil to74liO and 7U- for M iv , ifler xvhlch Docombei ralllod aiC.iniMi > au on coverln bv Hhoits It ivisadix of cunoral oxonliu up for the holl- di\s. The llnctu itlon , 01 S.iturJ iy will piohablv tie small and thn course of prices ne\t XTeek will bo detormloe I by t , o move ment of msli erjln blocks hnxo Rrowunoun- eipiictcdlv lar o tint , nnv fiirlh t additions mo a borons riinj oC o n'l irr mm-nt to ho'dc'rs ' Corn and oils iiocllncd xxlthxxhcat from the h imo prlnclp il c m < .e. Ilijuld itlon bv lonirs who sue stocks plllnnp In nl directions .mil b ixe become wonv of trying tosu-taln [ irhos. 1'iov S'OIH xxeie am m 'e I and closed hUhernn puiclnsei by Wrk-ht and Uud ihy of r ither mine piodnct than Ihov sold jestor- d iy. It looks as If the short lnloro-,1 was still liuao nnd nlialln tie niul III it prlc-oi would bo drixen upwards still further bv bull manlou- litlon. CIIICAOO 111. . O t. 11 r. 0 Lo , ; in < V Co to Duncan , I loll Inzer & .UO * Our let lor of jostor- day fullv cvuiesses our views to lav on wheat x Hues Tlu cle irnnics fiom ti3 ! sc ibo ird ire llubt nnd our ro elpts contln le hoaxy. The Incieiso or " . -Ni.OiO bu. In thu Vistula supply xt.is iho principle causa of the decline. Wo do not Ico'v ' foi any .iJvuuo unlit country re ceipts let up. Corn was steady. ' 1 be country commls > lon bouses t ilk bCTVler locelpts This of con-so means lower prices. O its xxoro ac tive. Ilo ? pioduc't xv is slroiiK , the Wright following still kiipporllriK II , ( 'MIC MIO , 111. , Oct 17 Ivennott. Hopkins i. Co to s. IiU-Whorter : Quito oarlv In tbo day the longs bo nn to lot KO but thu market x1. is not patilcularly xxoak until Ilradbtreot's \lslblo supply report showing nn In crease of oxor 7,003CO ) busho's xvas poited. then thoio xvas a pooil deal of ills-onriiKBd Bclllns but tbo resting at 71c for llnc-embor ab or oil a million or t\\o nnd checked the decline for a time under 71c The market turned decidedly xxoak , as bad been anticipated 'iho old loxv price i ceo id had been biokon nnJ wheat bought xxeoks nzo unaor hopeful expect itlons xvont oxorboird o-i stop orders. Tbu bac'Kbono of bullish sentiment has been biokon nnd ultlniatelv lower prices nro prob able , thouiih a temporary i.illv mnv occur any time Corn und oitsopcnol llrm but 1:0011 xxeak'inod un ler inrso hpitu- Inl xi > olloriius. At tbo Lolloin a Rood Inxi'slmunt demand sin an ; up mid stondled the m irket. It Is llio bin ro- iolpls llrit no press n xaluus diiwnwiinl Upic'iilatoitake hold now and then and il\r pi Ices a litllo lift , but tboy soon ot tired and soil o it The steady advuico In hos ; boips the IIOK inHiket , .Manluiilatlon hoips bulb. Where II will stop Is what ti oed many woulil llkoloknoix. I'lnanrlal Notn . 1C\N 4S Cnx , Mo , Oct. 19-Clu itlnjs , 11,731 , . ' . ' 01. 01.NBXX NBXX VOIIK , Oct. 10 Cioarlius , $111,813.019 : balances , JVM8.7.IS. l'\ius , Ojt. 11) ) . Throa per cent rentes , 9ll ) 7'jC for Ibo account. HAVANA , Oct. II ) Ppinl'h cold , 8i55J4C 2.M. Kxi'lmiiKo quiet.lU'ar ipilut IIAi.TiMotn : . Md. Oct. 19 , Clearing1 * . J3,01j , ' Chs ; b ilmiuos II 11,717. Money , 0 per cent. I'liu.APi.i.l'ilM , 1'a. Ojt 1' ' ) t'loirln.'s , $11. SI'I ; imlanve * . f..JiSi.M ) . Moiuy , 4 psr cent MKMUIIS , Tenn.Oet 10 Cloatlius. ? ,1JI ( , 2fS ; binnces , JJI.Ul , Now Vork o\uhun' selling at IVJ I.OMIOS , Oct in Amount of bullion xvlth drnxvn from the 11 ink ot I.upland on b itiinco ted } . i'la7,000. ST. l.oi'ii. Ma , Oct. 10 Oloarlnis , J4.0II. ,1.17 : b iliincos , tll bl'i ' Moner iiulot nt OLD7 pe cent. I'xch iiuuonox Vor , < lJo dUi-ount. Nr.vx DiliBANS , l.i.Oct ID Clonrlius. II. fklSB7l. New Vork excn mio. commercial tl 2 per tl.OJJ d scount. Hank , Uo dUcouut to pat llosios , MIISN , Oct. -Cluarlius , il.lV37 , 277 ; Inland's , | ; , B.H 4ia. Monev , ft per eunl r.Ychanjo on Now Vork , 133JJO discount pc J l.o JO , UllU'xr.0. III. Oct. 19-0oariiu-3 ! , 110nn.lt. Now Voik oxch uuo. 4Uu dlseount , Mono nctlxc al "iU.il per cent , Bterlliu-c\ch uu xxouk ; tl nl foi nlxty-.luv buls , and Jl.W fu sUbl drifts , N'hxx You { , Oct. II ) [ i'poalil Tolexr.im t TIIK 111 K.I Kichniuo xvaiKjuoio 1 us follouf Chicago 4Jo dlacount ; llixion , : (3a ( to Uo ( lit count ; At , l.ouls , iOu d.bcounl. STOLIvS AM ) IIO.MIS. Hears llaiiinuircd Nim l.'nsliiuit and .itarke Down I'rlcni tor Otluir stodd. NEW YOHK , Oct. 10 A brjak of 'paints I Now \ork .inJ Now inlan'J : bha vs tint an IK has bsen stnuk In tno allo.-ol do il wltl tbo Boston .1 Maine and It had an , ui\er40 In lluonco on tlio blojj in ir.tot thU mDrir.nx The Loir not inly h I'limora I Now : - ; ; but iini'0 t'\nry olfort to murk d iwn prices fo oilier blocks. Tlio bulling for llio short accoui was qillto boavy. but outaUuofNuw Yor Centi.il and Northern I'aottlo urcfuiruJ th general list ylol | j 1 o-ily 'i tj % per ecu Darin. the afternoon thoabiJiicoof olferiiu of Ion ; so2i ; c uisu.l tlio shorts tu feel appro hiMisUo and : ia llio duy o inu to a closj til clealio tocoxcr bujanm quit J general. Au losiilt prlcost.dvanced ti to 1 % frjtu the lo.1 tM , and the final quotations us u ru o wor the hlt-licst attained. Tlio ( iranzors and M uihattaii lee tbo ii | ward turn , Nation il Iliuoed oil junipod 2 to JUaud roco.lvd n point. Amour the It tluunccs operating in favor of liUhcr prices i the day wore the easier ru'o for money uci Iho oloio , tbo dsclluo la itorllug eichuug * , tt tilacltiK ot round amount * ot railway linn Is In Knropo by Droxol. Morj'tn tt Co. nn I other Ictdlnff bnnkhu homos on Hi I * sldo and HIP ho ivy tonniRo of Iho rallrouK which Is attested by the \orAblo tr.iPIo returns of line * west nnd south The tnnsactlons reached 281,170 share ? , of which ! lllH word In nnllstcJ stocks , The mirkol c.otcd stron { In I'ho I'ost snys : The slnadv output of New Kiiel mil's stock bc nn Ht the moment of to il ly's opening : and continue I ilnidst without inicrtuptlon to the close of huslnesf. I'hcro were not wsntlntj olTorts to hold the market for thU p irtlcuinr stock nnd It w is un loubt- olly the bold stitnl of n few npr tori tli.it proonted n 8U Iden an 1 violent bro ik , but they could not chock thn doillno. As It was , the price yielded cotnpnrttbolv slowly , but the wliolomovoinont stutfoited the murketlni : of ha ivy blocks of htoek In thoclosln ? hour of Imslncis the tone of the KJiieral mirkot was belter and there w.issomo eovorliu of tbo foronoon'sshort contricts Uut Ir.idlni ; , na : i whole , w is too lifeless to poascsi any Rroat slJntflcinco The followitucnrothooloslnanuotntlons fct tlio londltiB ntocka on the Now Yor't stock ot clinnuo todiy : > o \ Vurn Miiiirv MurKct. New VOIIK , Got. I'l ' llovrvON Cn.-I'lrn ul 4 to 7 per emit : I am lo in , 4 pet cunt ; closer ! olTeri'cl at I per eont , I'uiMi : MKiifANrii. ! I'AITH 131 per cptit , STRiti.tMi llxri \\nr-\Vo iKur at JIKI'iTft 4'n fet hlMj.il ly banker bills imd tl 85'4 © 4 Sj > 4 f irdcnmnil 1 ho closing ( ] iiutatlons an bonds : London financial Kc\low. rt 1S'2 by James Cordon Dennett ] LOMIOSOct. . IU [ Now Vork Her ild Cable 8poel.il lo 'LiiE HKF ] A slightly better ten dency noticed In the stock miirKcts dii-liu tbo afternoon was completely neu tralized by larto withdrawal of old fiom the bink , which makes the prospect of an ailv inco In the rate of discount tomoirow ulmost n cortilnty. ConsolN buvo KlNon way 'g foi the money uccount. Toro' ' n Koveinmenl. souniitivs are II it. Hoimi iiillwnys. which were tolerably llrm Hi oiu midday , showed MHIIU dp rcu of depression during tbo last hour Hrl''liton dcfuirid Ilnctuuted oonsld- eiably , und closed at n decline of 1 per conl. Americans weiu dull and Inactive iilld iy. umi eIo-,0 ut uboiit tbulr lowest , no suppott Doln forlhcomln fiom New Vork Neurlyiinenor.il deu Ino ranging finm > B to' ] per cent \.ns e tabllshud , the Icid beliu taken b > the Ii iKc Shore , the only fivorablo oxcepilon bcilnj : a i so of ' ,1 per tent In Denver preference. Cnnaalan lines have been neglected Mexicans closid Him llr-.t pieroraiuo liinln , ' Imprincd 'i pur cenl , second prefui- cnco 1 per c.unt and oullniry per cent. . Argentine lines l\n\n as iln huen dull and an in several cases 'i to I pci cent lower. Moiioj was little wanled : the discount m u Let , how- oxer , bus been xeiv llrm , two and thiei months bills boliii quoted at ! % i to2 per cent i.ivr. STOOIC iiAKKirs. C.ittlo .Steady and Hot ; * Higher Siippllo ol All KliuU Scarce. OMAHA , Oct. 19 Hoctlpts for three da > s O.OJO catllo. 11.27U ho.-s and I , US Miuoi ) , ujuliii 1-.WI citlle , H.liOhogs ana l.Ulli shooo tin llrst b ilf of last weoU. There XT.IS no maierl il chan o In the ROD oral catllo in irket. Kocolpts were blyhe tb in anticipated , and for that reason price1 Ir k'unernl ruled hteady to siront ; on al decent olferinn'i There weiu biiino prlmi cattli * * hero A loid of cholco liou-llj cornfecl lleicfords broujbt tbo hUhca prlcoof the year , fl J1 , and there was a ver : roFueutiiDlo shuwiiu of xory fair fcotnfei hiecm that sola as hiB-h us Jl.ilJ and flhi There wc.ro also bomo x\0btcrns lioio gooi unoiitih to sell at from Jl.iMo tJ'li. In Ken tral Iho market XMIM active and linn on goo lo iho ce hcef cultlc , whllu on the unilu Kridus trade was i.ithci dull , alihou li a quotublv nnchiin.'od pr cc : Cows nnd mixed btoek bidd.it n'jontbtoid prices. Olferlnis were out ovcc'ssivu.niil th moxemcnl was inoder ilely free thiou houl homo tbo co cornfcd cows und hclfora bold n tl lOand H51 , but Iho bU bulk of Iho fair t jno I cowb and heifois went at from $1.0) ) t JJ 'Oxxlth c.inneis at from * ' ' ) down. Hull oxen and stu b woie genor il'y ' u endat froi * l.-'ltii ti'it. Veil o ixi-s llrm at tromdOJt if'ioo , with common btnll and yearlliiRS vtr dull at from tl. 0 to i . ! > . ' 1 bo btocl.oi and feeder tra-lo was In prett coo l blnipo. Du4lrabloolforlni ; < mut xxlth loady dam at mulhfactorv tlcures but tbei xviib the b.imo dull business In thin stock ci tin and yo irllnu'e und at Iho same moan U , uris. Iteprcbcntutixo units : No Ax1'r. . No. Av 1'r No. Ax" . 1'r. 1 l.lso f t UJ 0 1105 till' le IUH3 < I75 CO ULCERS UJ SCROFULA RHEUMATISM BLOOD POISON O Andc-.ei tr kindred dlscaso nrlslnRfroniluijiuro 1 ourod by that nexcr-falllug and best of all inedlcmis , SLS.S. Hook on lllood and Skla Diseases mailed frco. THE SWIFT SPECIFIO CO. . ATLANTA , OA. lions The supply xvas about the s-imo as a yesterday and last Wednesday. There 'as no matcttal cliin o In conditions The emund xvas stood from all hiin-es , nnd xxltb mly moderito receipts and bullish reports rom Chic io the market opened actixo anil a > ls 5e hl ber , und Improving ns the inornlii. dx-ancoci elosed lc * to lOo hlulior , mostly lUc Izbet. ih in TucsdHyvllhoxorvlblnz out of r iIb inds. K. tr tp-nood luKsofull xxel-'bts o'd at from * " > 10 to J > 31. with eominon stuff irly at from tl 40 to , $1.47" , and good toebolco inu hurxvulglits toward the close as hk-li us 117'jtlOO Tbo general m iruct xvas pretty lose lo tdlmo hlgljei tLan'luesJay. Kepro- entatlxo sales : Siihhi * Nona ncre lecolxed. The situation Is subbtaiillnlly unchanged , ( iood mut tons ire badly wanted and would Und a ready silo ut strong pileetJ. r.ili to food nit'ves. t.lf)09 4 il ; fair to seed xxobtcrns , t < I.J > ® J.'l ; common nnd stock sheep , $ . ' .I.Vffci.s.1 ; ( 'ood to cholco 40 to 'JJ-lb. lambb fl 0 © 1 75. Itccrlpts and Disposition of Stock. oniclal receipts ind dlsunsltlon of touk as shown by the books ot the Union Block Yards company for the IwontyfouiIIOIIM eliding at 5 o'clock u in. , Octobci 10. 1SJJ. Ill CI ll'fs. "Molenco. Uut tboj'ro better in every uny. In size , f r instaiux ) , nnd dose. Thoy'ro the biimllest nnd the ( aslestb take ; only ono little I'ellct is nooilcxl for a lixati\o tinoo for n catliar- tip , They cloatiMJ nnd ix-jjulato the system thoroughly Jnrt It'u done i sily nnif nat urally Kick und lilllous Hoadaihe , Cotibtl mtion , luiliges'.ion , llilloui Attacks , nnd all ilenui2Cinenta of Iho I.ixcr , Htomach and lUiuols mo jircvprjtcd , relieved , mid cuicd. Thoy'jo the ifiefifcst pill jou ran buy , foi they're giutiantccu to K'VO ' tatisfnction , or jour money is icturned. You jiay only for value received. Something tlso , that pays the dealer better , tnay l-o offered ns "just ns peed " I'crliaps it is , for him , but it can't be , for you , THE IKON HANK. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , a EEF03ITO-IY - - OMAHA , NE : Cnjillfil $103,03 ] Surplus $1)5,09 , Cfficeri nnil DlreclOM lUnrr XV. V le > proililjn It. ( ' . I unliln , Tlco proslJuni , i' . S .M-iurloai W. V Monu.Jolm I. Collini J , .M. IL fatrlei , i inli A UeeU , cuitiler , dcmind nnd pr cos rnlod Alton cr all around The upo y of nstlvrs nmountod to about n.'Wii head nnd thn rniuo of silc < wns fro n Jl.ti ) totvnx Cutttn cool cnniicn to brunt more than J\J nnro fo\x. In leo I , Must of the offer ui lucked thonuallty to hrlnjj as miioh as $ > n' , iho 11 MV illltii prices boln , ; from * l.7i lo * * 13 for cows and bulls nnd from $ .11) to jcj | for steers iho run of westerns xts i tlmiito I nt 4,0 10 nnd llioro w ns about the snmo number of roxans I'ho former \\crorjnotcd at from fi.V ) to tl VI nnd the latter at from } l VI to J-lfli' . The c ilf mar ket was ( Inner nt from * ll to fl.V ) nnd slocUrr * and feoJsrs wcio In peed reiiiesl | at from tl 71 to M.U Tlicro xv.is no nbitoment of tlio flrmness tnnt foronio time past Ins dlstlnuulshrd the Ii04 m irket. Tboro xvoru onset buyois for the sm-ill iinmbar on silo at an advance of from ftc to Pi * per lOi ) ibs , hut juditliu from iho temper of timers It Is safe tosiy n cons dor- niitjr Increnscd nnmbor oould not luxe bcon placed In C'nilnllj cool iidvaiitii u II did not t.il.on xerv KOO ( iirilllv | of luus to In Ing ; > 00 and only n fiinnll pinjiortlon of the supply wont out of swl'ors' hniid * belou th it nuiiro ( holco ns ortod llKlit sold nrjiind l.xi. and tbcro xxoio s lies of beixy .and mcdlii'ii xxidKhls at from } 1D ! to\0\ It xxas thoicht thai sonictblti7 fincy in a''t ' ' b.ivo broucbt } 1U' . but no s.iloi wuro reportot at that llKuro 1 bo c'o ovis xxc iW nt from Jl . ' .1 to tl.lX ) for ho ivv. and at ft out $ > .r t17'i for lUht Culls xxero iuotcd | at ftom t MU to I'D ) . > hppp and lambs snltt xxell. 'I hov xvero In llKht supply , only about 7.000 at rlx liu and xollora unloK'ed ' t a small nd\ men Natlxu sheep xxcre. ( inntol it from S-IW to ti" ' ' xvest- ernsnl from M SJ to f I w ) nnl Intnbs at from flil to $ > 71 for eominon to choice. lAtta lambs xxou d haxo bioiiKht $ IUO , ItccalpUi Oattlo. HOJi ! boss , . .0.030sheep , , ,0 Ml , 'Iho Hicnlhs .lournal reports : OATII.KHocel pts , i < < 0i ( liuid : shipment * , f',00) ho-id ! mar kut about sto id v ; best , inoai MI other * , 1 1 0031 uu 1'exa-n $ . ' .1 ii > ilSi ; stocker * . f I SiQi.011 : cons , * l,41ffl'0l , lions lieoolpls isnai houl ; ship nents , 7,000' mnrkot oppiied P'o ' bl.Micr , ciosrd du I , iidvnncc losli toiiih and common.HiC > li : mlvi'd nnd pickers. $ ltKiill70 : prime hoax v nnd butclier xxoU-hts , il'iaitil ; Ilibt , floooi n il , Him'l'-Uerelnls , 10.T01 hold : shipments , ItiOJ head ! niniknt sto-idy. closlni ttlMiu : stookors. $ .1 li.fr 171' ovxes. JISlitl.Hi mix oil SI.'ISI SO , wothurs , Jl uxUl l ) ; iambs , tl 0031 Cl. A\l > liitN I'ACKI.Nd I.M'iitl.Ms. Kaslern .Moxoinrnt of lines Aliinililns a I.llll'Ull Sliilv. | | CisciVN Ti. O. Oct -Hpeclil Tulocrini to ! UK liuii ] I'omornnv's I'llco Ourreiit will siv ! 'Iho o istorn moxenieiit of Inns con tinue" to it jsorb a llln-r il prnunrtion ot cut- rent mirkotlncs. Tot il pu-knjln the xxo t tortho xiockx is I'H.OlO. ' nirilnst "tl'Uilist xxeek.nnd S'O.uiulnsl vo ir. nmkliiK thoscn- son'stotil 7,000 ! ) utiilnst 0 I I''iOJ ' lust J o u. I'loiiiliiunt places comn no as > e\v Viirk ll o MOI-U larliet. NBW YOIIT. Oct. 10 It tr.vi.s-Kppplnts. 2.000 lio.il. Incliid n/Tlu-iM for ilo 11 inet ac- tl\o butste id v. iiitUostuariil.llftL.V ) per 101 His : Color.nIHlSWiil21i bulls .mil i ows * l.ou ft 10) . Dressed beef stouly at © , peril ) Shipments today. 014 hgoves 2. OJ ipi rlers of beef. To norron , HID beo\es nnd (0 ( sheep OAI.M-S l.'ocelpts. l.ll.'heul ; in.iiketactlvi- : sh.ulo tinneruils : , $ | OU8 0 per 100 Ibs ; Rr.issors , S.MllfiJiijestcrn $ Js > ( iilt > 0 biicri" AM ) Ij\Mlis-Kuc > . | ) . l.'iis ' honil ; marl.otslow but slonlv : Hhcep. ( I I1&4 71 ; pei 103 Ibs ; lambJ1.01JIO 12' , : drcsscil unit- ton stoidy ut 7i i'c per Ib ; dres d lambs slow atsjlil'tc. ' Hons-KocolpK P.71I he id. including 2 pars for sale ; m.irkot Urn at $1 OV&1 10 per 100 Kansas Cltv ll\n sioilc llnikpt. KANSAS OITV. Mo. Oct -C'AruB Ko- colpts. ' ) , ' ) ) ( ] ; hlninnenu , HOT ; coed stroiu. others \\o k : bti-ers. .IO"iiai.2J ; mus. $1jiiai 2.10 : re\as nni Inllm 5ti'pi , slo idy , j.MOffi 27i ; stookers anil fee loix. f Jii2. < r > lions Kuuotpt * . M.ViO.hhlDinents.'Olioiipned KucoiDts. 2.000 : shlpniPntB , : : T ) : eood lock ttiiinothers weak ; muttons , Ji ull : nmts , ? ) Uo. M. Lotus IAf.toe It ll.irltpt. ST. LniH < i , .Mo , Oct 10 CAT run liecplpts , nnn : Hlilpmonti. i'.7i ) ( ) : iniiltet linn : natives. UOOtil.70- Toxins and In Hans , jZnuSfl ' . ' 0. llooKocplpts , 0,701 ; snlpments SJO : m.ir- kot nbout itaidy : bpii\v. $ ) .10Qo 71 ; p loktii- , j 20.1 ill. llBht. ? 1 40511 dJ biiEi r Hoceipts , 1 , 1 o , shipments none : imket linn : n itnn muttons illOitl 70. lev ins. JJ 01X31.23 Ace High In Tou hdoni. Bert Smith , a SO vear-old colored boot- blaclc , was nrrasted by OOlcorCox for as. aniline O.car CJrooti , a 10 vear-old nexvsboy in tbo corner cf Fiftuonth and rarnata. ForUls voarsSmilh is xvell educated in the vavs. of touchdom. Ilj has spant n cousid- nablo time on the bill , once for knockintr out a DO > 'S 0303 xvith n boot'jlacH's ' box.Vhon arrested yostonlav ho xvas unmoicifullv loundim ; the litllo nonsbov's nead. Ho irolio axxav from the olllcer and made an al- empt to pull .1 Knife but pouiinediuto ubmlssion. Ho xvns ( Inod $10 and costs. Real cslitto. Bargulns only. My word is e'ood. W. G. Albrii'ht. 5212N. ! ! . Y. Life bids. DOZEN EOTTIIS : or THE GENUINE IJOHANN HOFF'S ; Pjlat ! Extract EQUALS EnHuirrtivo and TOHIG Properilos c ! ! ? Cask of ALE , without bsing Enloxicatiug. It pxalta tlio energies , otimulntea the nutritivopoivois , iiujiroves tlio nppctito and aids digestioii. It can bo used for man , woman or cliilcl. Matchless as a touic in convalescence , Purchasers arc w.-mcd anamst fciroil- lion and disappointment. Insist upon lh " Genuine. " which laust have the slgiuture ol "JOHANNHOKK" on the neck label SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA , llest cattlo. bo4 and shocp market In thn west COMMISSIpN HOUSES. CEO. BUIKE & F/1AZIZ.1 K hTOlMC COMMIS-alON. TIII : ijAiiit9. : : \Vrit3 'i tiii hi mi for cor rjj. SI i-.c j , K jp orts. Wood Broths , routh Omah i To'ophono ll > 7. - JOIIM I ) DADISUVN I . , \ > Al/l'Kll K WOOD f * l n Mri Mnrkot reports by mall anJ xxlio choorfiilly furnlBlicd upon aiiplloalton , - THE - Campbell Commission Co. Chicago. UiistKt , Lonlb , Ix-insasdlty. boul'i Uiiialu , fcioux Cltv , Tort Worth. A. D. Boyer & Company , CSan'l .1) ) fitch in.'o llulldln , South Om in L CorrL'ti'Oiuljin.jt.ulUltal nnl nro nptlr uin.rjrjl tpcciul uilumlunioorJorj lornlunen A , HaMiti KiUklUUi.il , Itoi. . . . lncori > oratJ , HJJ palj , f.'JOJJ Waggoner BirnuConpiny \\fllcurwlrjuiforiJrompl ant Perry Brothers & Company , I.I MI fctoo < UommiHslDii. Koom M Lxch UIKO llulldln , ' , ajuth Omaha. Tulepliutio 17.17 OMAHA AXI ) TUNTS. Oiii8liaTeiit-Aw.ii'ig . ' ! WolfBroUCa Cn nn mr llu . him TcniH , n < \ mm * tnrpnn niixk , nil mi l r ttitr ! tins roverMil nil VI nl , r.ntliliii ! intn 04110 Illli H in < liHiuiflr * . rtc 'old I n iniii'lio't. j tni cxmlojiio , vSMlli ) " " HAGS X T\VINMH | ' . BeinisOiialiS'BuiCo i "H , 0 , Daxo Importer * nml twin'r'i' ' > ld on monthly fix kMiurlnps , twin' ymi'iit-i lii.S liiht BOOTS A Nil SHOWS. Iteo-Coc S'io3 ' C iiiDiny , irIteoCoc ll. irtsiMpt. lotim cornpr llt'i nn I Htnuln * < tre t \\p -ir niMirliiMt i i i 'i lini < ' , mil -ire < irciil whl h Her > ' with inpr 'nnn Kirkenflill Iliip , Havl-ScwGl romp HIT w'm ntn inf * ' 'IIJ I'lllllMU till t , . . - n lln'ibt'r 'in - nti Ir ililurcoilv Hi'1 ' inipinv. IliUini- I His nnl IIU llnrioj IIJ ! Ilitrno ) iru > | < tr'l CLOTHING. BloMy & Coi : < n n ill > ' ) lni itua in it nnl Simnlpi p-o ill I hr iix pro Illtllnrnoy-l COAL , UOKl ] , | COIINICK. OiiialiaL'oil.Coke.Liiiic Co l/i le COMJM WoAs Mfr t-nlx mlrnl Iron Itrnl nnl ofl i'o cornlri * . nlmln < T ruin cor liHU nn > t Blrccli , lilniamjr ) > " ' "ll'wCtc DKV GOODS. M. E. Smith A Co , Kilpali-M - Ko li Dry KOO u nollini fur- DrriiiioMCo Nolloit nlihbu R-md * ( 'ornc-r ciMiK riirnlthlni ; e miller lllhnn I lloniirt Mi lor lllli an I IIunify i O.iialia . Ciifllsleriii | ! ] Cj , liecbo i llunyai plnNt-rol fnrnltirj rnrnltnro To , , tiniej aa 1112 HIM \lcli iln strJJt Waol3i Uo o il > T 1 D. 31. SlccIcS Co. i lliilic , Bruce & Co 12JI-'Oi loncs street , lOt'.i nn I Hiriv itOJt Om ilia Oiiihi DOCJTOH , : McGBEW. In the tie ill forms of PRIVATE BISBASSS. mm all an 1 Dlsoidei of with loss otcnnnvp. nmbltlon und tllullly iUhtuunLMMof : the iiii-t remark. line sneei' s In the troitmcnt of this class of diseases , uhli.li tlio inilvois il t ttlimmv of tliou- nandslio h i\o lieon eurjil Write fill clron- l.us ind question list. 1 Uli .in t lurnim Sis. EiasticStos ! < inj3 , Trusses , Crutches , Bat ton's 3 , tlf Syringes , Atomz3 'J , Medical Suoofi5i. ALOE &PES FOLD 114S. I5lh St , Kcxl lo Posljiij ( ; PIPANS 1 ABtJLC'i lv 'i.ia'c IOH rtoiMuUijvi tittv L. we ! " iiurl iln I ft MiuJlUae Hnfi * 0 lor hflloi v Sieath , heJtiiu'h"/ 1 < 4llmr' , ( .KBI ( jone'lti , luvniil u i rciHoli r ! ' " " ' w tisivy U" * ttnn lAi rJa * Mlle c miles J Vsayi' J-A niH fr/fliii 3aKculli3K'iuiH . inure : bloc > .f e rtllujJ ij iaciitiufaui.n' _ * _ or Ii . .Atlwi lo pritsim Inclr prtpfi milrlloiia. I rrx i-h "clioii .tuca'ewncricd'yts.'iiiiccrccmr icilliim ) Pif-c I > mull , 1 Krrt , fi ijroi.In.lJj . 2 Itll'AI J ' 111 WfC/U. ( fo . UMiniw. bt . .Mi'rcrL noriililuc llnbll fiiicn In ia ( > --oeliij . r. . , tmv ( tiinuvil. i-T. J. MC | ) ltfU . luCllllIIOtl. I. . INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM IGtii and Howard Streets , 50 ItiiciiiH f.irratlcntH. OMAHA , HEB , I'oi tbo IrPutmciA of Chronic , Privates Nervous Diseases , M\IiR AM ) I'l.MAI.i : , IMlcs , Fihliila , Fisniir nnd S < ric- lnr oniio IJoi'diiu periiisini'iil * ly ciirtMlMlliont the use of Knife , l.iyalure or Caustic. Enclose 4i * InstninpH n ml out l07piiK ( HOOK on DISI.Ahl.b und ijiicsllon lllankh , xxiu bo MAii'r.u rnii : : niTKUNATIO.VAr. S.VM IMItlDM , inth und Howard MH , Omaha : \ib. W. O. MAXWI-I I..M D.l'riH Btnion ain.r. | HI'ltlMH. hOUIll DAKOTA TIII5 CAHI.S HOT Ainurlia In tlio llhick lllli. . I.WJfcd iiboxu tin ) "i' A ( rln > , tinning nlmuiiiliuru | Ixivily MOIITX 'lliuu xiurm innllclnnl iilcr hnviiinreil iliomiind * nf | iitliiil Hiu l | iliiin.u lulh In IHO V X 'I Im litiiiivi Inilll "f pliik nunil KtonB. urcoiuoiltttcii Ail ) piciplo , tlrlcllr Ilr tl3 , open Urn I'lui(9t"ti-ain ln-iit. uletrlu lliflilB rldily furmtlitd , Mnu ntilu vc-riiilalin. ttblo a iioilullr K no uiiluiiiiii. in I Id wlnldrt lliiilnci-il ralci liy tnu n -ik cir inuiilli 'IlirouiiU trnlin from Clilin o U b MAUDKN , Tlio Ktuiu , llolf jirhun , t. II _ llcclor i Wilhtlia Co. 1/iliMlt & Corner lOlh nn 1 Jnrkion | ) OICM ! tn liirlwnr < nnl slrcoH HUM 'nnloii ' tool . 1 I4JI lloiijlm ntrc3t fins. II. tea Mo A. WakcWT Itnrdwooit lumbar , noa I Importpt Xincrlrxn lorl- mrpd' tn I pirjuji ' - ' - I'.U MIUKtkn lloitrlntt. ! > th mill DoiiiiUi gainer UQUOltS. MtU.lNKUV. 1 lick & HcriurL I. ObfffcHtf & Co. Whop | il < ll | i iriluli1 liii'inrtcri nint tohhnrs of 1U01 firn im st inillinorr iintlons Mstl onleri promitt W Ui-onth tlth t. TAPICU. 01 L- > . Cdipcntcr Paper CoT StuiilirilOil"Co Cnrry n full tloci of prlntlim wmppln/nnl ItoilniMl ntnl In rillnjpnpjr , cir.l pi Oils IIMO KfLMSO. I'lO Kl'C. | OYsriMlS. Kim & Sniwl D.uiil Cole U\ \ ) , Mfr of ' 1C , V S" pinti lllrtK iniil ovontlK ri'li'rj II i s lotu strool III HKoillh Illhst U'leiuioiic 711 PUODUCK CO.MMI-.sION llrancli & Co. Whitney & Co. fmlti of i\l | \ IHillor , I'k-k" ' nnil pnnltrr kliuls .Illl lliltll Hill JU Jas A. Clirk * CJ. lliitlpr oluinj otji pnullrv niiil ui n > J17outli I Uli. it Sl'OVK UKI'AIKS. toMTPpnlrH nmt walor iittnohnK'nt for nnjr kliul ndtoTO nivtc IW7 Ilo liu Ins SASH To s. K OP ASSKSSMINT : OF OAM- AGIOS KOHdHUlCi. . To the ounors nf all lots ulsof lum nnil roil est.ilo alonuIIUli street tioin Dou oU ) D.iv- iin)0it | ) street. Von nro licrobv notllled th it tlic unilar- < > pnod , th' ' co illslnturuilvd frooluuders of tlio cltv of lininliu , lri\ohccn duly iippolntod 1 > V llio mayor , Mltlitho aipro\ul | of tlin city council of suld eltv. to iisM's-t tlio d iiiia o to Iho onnuis rospeutl\eiy of the iiriiuoity af fected by Rr.ulliu of snlil slrcol lUtliri'd neo- issirv I" , oniliiiiiico nuinbiT .I.NII , p used Oa- tolioi I , 1S1J , iiipr | \0l Urtobi < i I , Is.1 ! ) , i Von nro further notilic 1 tint linlncnc-l cepted snlil ppDohitiuunt , mul tin v iiinllllcd | I us ri'iulrril | hy law. o will , on llio 2itn dny of j October , A. I ) . 1SK ! , ut the liour of O.iW o'elotlt In the forenoon , at llio olllco of blirlor& D'Donoboi * . 1401 Knrnninslioi'l. within thocor- ) > oi ito Ilinlti of sildc Rincut foi tlio | mr- ' po ! > o of uonsldorlnx and uiiiUln.r the .issuis * nii'iit of ( lainiiKo to llio ow ni'i toiii | > ctlxoly ot fi il I pioporty ilTpoto I by s ild i.ullnK. luldntf Into consider. nlon snecl il bnnullts It any , Yon nrt ) notllled to bo present at Ilin tlina nnil | iluo : afoipsilil anil innUu .inv objoctlou1) to or si ttompiHs poii"orn'n r sild a-se snicn > ol damages us you 11111 % urns dui piopur. \v ( . Hintin : . n I. Coinrillleo of Apiiralsers Oinalin , Neb , ( XL H. 18 1. ' OlUil I0 To theoiMicisof all lots or pints of lots fiontr ln _ ' on tirnnil luciiin1. I hlrly-se\nnth ( o rortv-second stiiiuts : I'OH icr.iM'iuioThirty- L'lL'lilli In Kin-til'h ! siicol : ' 1 lilrly-nliitli stint , ( Iruicl avcnno to Ames avonuot I'litllotli street nnil I'oitiPlli iivuiiuo , froift lr mil , ioniio to Sr | 11:110 all rot. Yon LIO hereby notllled Unit the tnuler- hluneil , thico illslntero ted freeholders of the city of Oinalin , h ive lii'on du'v ' upuolnted by the mayor , with llio .ipprmal of the city ' ouncll ot s ilcl city , to imsi s ih dama o to the ottniTs rospeotl\ely of llio property ; allectcd by ctadlnz ot ib i\o descrlbad streets i anil a\cnii ( " ) . duoluroil IICCO-H uy tv ordlnanco ] No .I.S" . p issed Omobor I , IB ! ) . ' , approved Uc- tobei I , Ibll You are furtlior not del that , hating no * copti'd Bald appolntniunt. mil duly iitiallHcd , as ipiiulred by law. no "III on ihn iilt day | of Octohet A I ) IS'IJ. at llio hour of ,1 oYloc'c , In tin ) nftornoon. nt the olllco of lieor o J. i I'nil KH'i r.iiniini blii'Dt , w tlnn thoiorponto | limits of s ild tlty , nitot Tor the purpose of coii ldoiInK and iniiUlii : tlic nsiussmoiii of dam mo to the owners loipci tlii'ly of bald propeily , alleoted by sild Kr.dinttklni into ionsldnr.it Ion Hpi-ol il buiiellti If Hiiy , You mo notllliMl to ho piojunl at the tlmi ) nnd pi ice a form ild , and inauo miy objeotlonn tool statenionls coniiinniu s ild .i9 < ioibiiic.n& of il iiiuifrcs UK ynu in iv ivmslilKi nioiior til OIH.r J 1'Al'ly. .ion N ii 111 rui : : ( Jl.lliin ( II I'AYMl Oiiiulia , October 8 IHJJ. OIUdlQt OHIINANM ( : NO. : i2'i. ) Annrdln.mco ch in ln tin * curb llnoi of ISlli'j Htreet from I'ainain otirol to l.i aM inuirth stn'i'1. nnd rniii'ailiiKhii nincli of all oidlii-j IIIICI S I'l COIlllll t llOIOWllll Ilo II ( iiii.ilncil by the clll louiull of the ollyj ofOmnhi : si. ! ' ! ! ! ) ! ! I Tli it Ilin c'litli lines of .Mil slicot fiom I'uiiiain Hlri-ot to l.onv imurlli stieet Inl tin ) city ( if Onuiha Im and the s imeniohertibyi i'h uued ton dlst ni''oof II fell on u ich Hldoj of HIP ccnliil line of s ild p irt of Hill nlieilt , I to linn - 'I lint MI in HUH of all 'it di notions Inl umlllit lib the urov slons of this oidln.inco | lii , and the Hiirnu arIIPH bv icpe'i.o I M'tllnii.l. Timt tills iinllnancu nil ill take of- fictand bo In IOD i tr'ini 1:1 : I uftur RH intsa a , I'.i seinclobur7lh , H > . ' . JOHN ( lltOVI.S. I 11 y ( lurk. IX I1 , DAVIH. I'lesldont I Ity Council. Aii | > ro\cd Oclobor I'lth. ' 10- . ' ( Jij. ; I1. lir.MIS. XOTICIC TO iMioiMjirry OWNHIIS * AUKNTH ANI ) LESSHHS. In ptiiiiiaiKoorordln IIH-O No l i.1 i ( > < | iililii | ; SOHI i connocllnns to bo made to and ivllliln tlin cm b lines on ci-rlalii vtn IMH and aHiysIn blMOMinprinomont illKlJi'tH .NOH 4SO , 4S7 , b' . 4H > . I'll ' anil 4M. In time ty of Omnlia , you 1110 hurub > notllliid to nmMiall in ciMiiir/ connect - t mis nltli KIIIVIT mains 01 latlei ils .mil to I'limpli'to Hiuli or ( on ot 1 ttnro Noxumliur IIJIIi , IM ) ' . as It IH tlio purpose to IIIMI thn htru'ls mil allevH In llioHi'd ' dlstilcts und inoio piiitloulnrly tlusi'rlbed as folio WH , lo-wli : No 4si , C'iMiHr bin ill fium lOlh htiont to Hill HtllUt , No 4"7-Alli-y In b'ooU 11 , tlty. from I7tl\ btiiet to ISlh Hlri ot. No I-U Alley In b'o K 110 , city , from ITlli Slid , I tO IHlllKllOOl , \ ( ) . 4 , ( i _ 71 h hlriMil finni .Incksiiii Hlitol to l.r ni'in.ortli htriiiiU i NII 41- Alloy in b ; iuk I'.iH'i ' from Jfilb Htruut 10 lithHtlOlll. No 4S1 I'liulflo slri-ot fioin 'find street to tlio alley liotuocnJ ml nnd nnl htnut. : In llio city of < iinaha. Von nio hereby ordiTi'il to in iln tlio nocnn- surj hiiviurconiicclloiis on or boforc thudato Kputllkd In Hits not ho , or Iho H.IIIIO will b ( maili * by the olty uuilmrltU H , und tout tbuioc ' aHsi sic'd iiKuliisi llio propoity oliiiosltu till hiiino nndhpoulallv I cm lilted thereby , linti'iUil Uinulm. Neb , tills I'otli il.iy of Oclo ' 'Ul lh-r" I1 W , IIIHKIlAI'nit , Chairman of llio lliur.l of I'ubllo Worl.3. I'ropoHikl * > r Iliilltviy rriii farat ViinlumiJ Kniiili Diluila , f-ualod propnsils will bo reeolvod foi tli'1 ' puichiiho or rental of u tr insfur bj it. wnlta bio for oarrylnz tlio railway rolling HlooU o1 Iho Vanklon , Norfolk A. boutliMualurn rail i 1'iopoxalHnliould Ijoulauslfled as followat I I'roposils loKQll trinsfor boil 2 , I'ropoh.ilH for tukinic uonlraot to do unllr'd traiifcfei linnlium of rallwiiv. .1 I'ropoHiilalor rtmlil of trunsfor bo it. , lttiillroiiii | < nU nnd gpuclllontlona can bo oil t.ilniMl from the cliliif eiulnuor , Yanutorl .Solfulls & HuuthwuHicni railway , Yuiil < toi ) , | 'All I ) du should bo uddresioil tot The r > i ) rotiry. YanUton , Norfolk & . Kinilliwublurn Kallnny. Yunkton , H. U. The board of directors resent * the rl lit t rujttl uuy und ull UUs. UTslll U