THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TIIUUSDAY , OOTOBEU 20 , 1892. FIRST BLOOD FOR THE BAR Jtidcje Scott's Opponents Gain an Advantage at Tefeamah This Mewing. INJUNCTION REFUSED BY THE COURT Attornrjn Can Now Onhpait nd Hare th * Oouclity ColonM llroncht Before I hit Hurt County Iinanlty Ilo rcl for Illumination. Neb , Oct. 19. | Spoclal Tele- prata to Tnc Br.c 1 In the dUtrlct court tbU mornlac Judges Irvine , Kevssr and "Davli handed down their opinion refuMnp to irrant the temporary Injunction reMralnlnp the Hurt county board of Insanity from ex amining Judge C. It bcottns to his mental condition. The Juapcs1 docUlon In the cate In substance - stance was that a court of equity had ' .ho power to Interfere by Induction proseedlngs to restrain persons from the commission of tbo nets allcced tn plaintiffs' petition , were they true upon the prourjd of public policy : that the only question to oe decided In this case was whether or not there was a conspiracy as ! vas alleged in plaintiffs' peti tion. Tbo jtidpes held that there was on proof whatever implicating F E. U'ard , clerK of district court , and Dr. M J Gllkcrson and Judge C 1 Dickinson , members of the board of commissioners ol Insanity , and Sheriff McUrexv. as nn oftlclal of Hurt coutitr , in any consrlrnrv to deprive the plaintiff of his liberty , but that the afadavlts of Judge Dickinson , V K Ward and Ur. Uilkerson clearly established tbe fact that there was none , and that said board was only doing Its duty under the law. Ttio court held tnat tbcfo can ba no restraining order issued afMln t the board to prevent thorn uctlncr In arcordarco with tbe law , and that no restraining oroer couln bo issued npsiust Attorneys Scars and Ashley for filing the information , as tbo matter xvnshollv in tbo bands of tbo board of commissioners ; that there was no coiiBplracy against plnintifT as nllccou lu his petition. The court therefore refused to ijrant the injunction. Alter the docUion was rendered. Judge Scott uro a utid stated lo the crowd that had ho kuoxxu the matter would be consiacrcd by the court bo coula havosbox\n by a large number of witnesses that tuo board of Insan ity bad CODSP led to deprive him of his lib erty und that they had it in tbclr uower to blast the b"st reputation a man ever hud In this life , and asked the court that tticv fix tbe amount of a super- 9dea ! > bond This was refused. Judge Davis staling that there was no statute for it. Judge Irvine snake for the other two 3 u rises Mt'iap xxith lii m as to most mutters , Judges tu\ts and Keysor adding but a feu words each Tbeir opinion will bo reduced to writing as soon as practicable and snreud tipon the records. Judge Irvine spoue ol the physician , clerk of court and countj judge separately , sajlng that , there was nc proof of conspiracy on their part He alsc added that the county Judge had no Jurisdic tion in tbo Peterson habeas corpus matter and that crldcnco before thorn would no justify Sears and Ashley In making nfflJaril ns to insanitv , ana that the board of insan Ity had absolute poxxcr to Investlgatf Judge bcotl's case , and that Complainant Sears could be a witness only in tha investigation , and that power lo dismiss tht information is in the board und not in Sears Judre Irvine said that hta conspiracy beet proven on tbn part of tbe board of Ihsanitj tbo Injunction would hav be&n granted 01 the ground of public policy , even tbougl there might be no precedent. I'ntorrii .luilga Scott'B Sanity. The Board of Insanity met this nftprnnoi Just previous to the injunction proceeding and found Judpo Scott n sane man. Jut- what court. o will now bo taken by either Hid is not clearly defined. Tne decision of tb Board of Insanity puts an end I that tnatlci so that it can no longe bo held in a menacing way over the judge ivhilo Attorney Peterson is brought lace t face with tbo decision of the court in the it junction case. whlcb plainly states that th lower court bad no jurisdiction , so that mat tcrs witb reference to the contempt cas seem to be reverting to their relative pos : tions before tbe interference of Judce Diet insou ot the lower court. It Is not kno whether Judre Scott will sot tip any defcns before the co-iimiltoo that will conx.ene her tomorrow Tbe case of btate v * Amos btevons , itin has occupied three davs in district court an in whicu Attorney * Wnartop and I'eterso wore associated in behalf of ttae doft-nn went to the jury ate o'clock , after a master ! nddre s of an hour and forty minutes bv A' torney Wharton. The Jury returned a ve diet of acquittal. Vuluublp riiint Iliirnort. HASTINGS , Neb. . Oct. -Special [ to Tu BCE.J Last nlcht tbo Hastings Special ! mill , owned by Iniralls & Jouner , tbe secoc cereal mill established in the Etat caught fire. Notwithstanding tbe e forts of the fire department tt mill was completely destroyed Evei vestlpe of woodwork Tins burned. But n fe months ugo several thousand dollars won of new machinery -was put Into tbo buildin ivblcb was rorooaeled. The mill Dad a ci pacity of - , . > 00 busbels of pram per day. at made a Kpecialty of corn products , snipplt brewers frit and corn meal in luico quiiul ties. Tbo Joss is placed ut $13.000 , wit Insurance umnuntmg to $0,51)0 ) The orl ยง of the firu is a mystery. At naif past G lu nlpUt the cu iuecr"Udo his usual round examining every journal. Tbuso were a parenlly all cool. Tbe ro uili fall ratL < heavily on the Urmers , bo bavo sold dm n couple of thousand bushels of corn to th mill. _ Another Hie irriffiilon lillcli. GtntsD , Kuo. , Oct. 19 [ Special to Tn BCB.J A uo\v canal is Dei as built in tb county , tha Horsa Oreelc Irrigating canal , larpo force of nieu and teams having gone work on the iluc. The waters of Her crorU w 111 bo conducted Into two immen reservoirs of 4bO und 25U acres area , at stored for USD in ibo irrigating season , f estimate of ttio amount of land bubjo to tticto rcscrvolis puts it ut six seven suctions. The concern is to be col plelod as rapidly as posbible. A great de of illtch work is to be carried on along ti Korla 1'latto betwoun uow and next seaso A oonsiderubla force it at work pushing tl Farmers canal work , wbilo tne Kutorprl company has just decided to enlarge I lieadcuto to lorly feet and also the ditc It IH expected that tbe Catilo lloc't compai will complete Ua c.anul this fall and winl cUe , it requiring only u minor amount work _ \Vaul the Olllcrr ItMixnoil. Enr AII. Neb. , Oct. -Special [ to T Bcu.J Complaint has been illed in t supervisor * ' court of Clay county by t ) . Edgincton of Edgar charging X. M. Cii bam , county superintendent , uilu wiill neglect of duty , gross partiality , oppr ssic corruption and willful maladministration ofllce. Tee romplaluanl uskt that the SUPI intendent no rotnovod from oBico Mr. Gi bain is chairman of tbo Independent coun central commiUoo uud Edsiugtou and I atromey cro both independents. \\urkril hi 1\\n Miarprr * KEIIII KI Cirr , eh. , Oct. 18 JSpec Telegram to Tun BEE. ] A. J. Kuulm yosUrdoy sold n valuable colt to t' ' Blrangers. Tbo price agrooi up ivas 1 000 und tbo straupi cave Kub'man a mortcaro thov bad for Ik atnouut on a pieso of Missouri land. H to developed lual tbe mortgaio ua valuoli and kcircb wui tnado for tne sharpers. TL vrero captured today at Hamburg and will brouftil brcK and protecutoJ , _ _ Cupiurrd u O MI ISI.XMJ , Neu. , Got. IQ. ( Spec Telecrara to THE BEC.J The police cauf William IlutcbiUkoo in the act of coram tine n bur.-iary last night ana ho was bou over to the district court today. Burgla tooli wcro found on his persona anc largo amoutt of cold in small fiat pieces \vbst\vasevidrntlyntray in * omo Cutbc churcta CaHi.r | a Mi | .rct , Np in BKSII , eb. , Ocu 18. [ Spec Telegram lo Tue BEC.J CX L PreUold , w l from the train Ur jciUraijl In charco Of Officer Hare ot Omaha and made bit escape at tbe tluio , was captured ten miles norto of hero today br Joe Doort. Prettoia b wanted in Omaha for grand lar ceny _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tstilc Kork Impro fmrnt . TABLt HocNeb. . , Oct. 19. [ SpecialTele- pram to Tnc BEE.J Vigorous work beran today oc the Oumo rrori . Some forty rncn are at work , half of them Decrees. This worK of tbe B. Jc M. la booming business here. Mother and Child Hart. Fiinvoxr , Ken. , Oct. 19. [ Special Tele- pram to Tnr. BKE.J Mr . Henry Fielder and her infant were thrown from a buccy today by a collision with another venlcle and severely jnjarod. \1KIHH.\O \ HELLS , Wj-mnn-Orchiirtl. Theie have been many beautiful marriage * in Omaha within tbe past dozen yean , mar riages that have called out tbe beau monde in endless numbers , but there have been none that , In point ot brilliancy and eclat , excelled the nuptial ceremony last evening of Miss Mabel Oroy Orchard ana Mr. Wil liam TupperVyman at Trinity cathedral , Kev. Dr. riootwood ot Chicago cmnatincr , assisted by Canon \Vbltmarsh ana Kev. Mr. Clarke or the cathedral clergy. In nonorof the festal occasion the church wa aglow with chrysanthemums , brought all the way from the Japanese purdcns In California for the event , with smilax to edl Its tender preen to the sweet picture. On overv pexv down tbe center alMe , big bunches of chrysanthemums were fastened with broad bows ot white ribbou. Iho pulpit nnJ chancel rail were em- bouereU in the brilliant colors of autumn's radiant Hower. while tbo rrredos , niches and coves were ablaze with lights , sctlinc oil tbe calth of floral garniture sup rblv Over tbe altar B strand ot smilax uas suspended , from the center of n bl'-u depended a bell ot rhrjfantheirum blossoms , very dainty and \ cry appropriate. Long before tbo hour appointed for tbe ccr- emonv. b o'clock , the cnurch was crowded by the fashionables of Omabu , friends of the bttde and crooa , whose social position has bpcri undisputed since their advent into tbe haut monde , and the looks of admiration from the guests at tbo wedding told how much they were part of the entourage. Atb o'clock tbe full vested cboir of the church began Iho fatuous nodding march which Waguer wrote In the 7enith of his power , tdlllnc tbe sneel sad story of Hlsa ot Brabaui'a raarcb to the altar with Lohen grin , and which will bo sung for ares rhrouphout Christendom In every tonpuo. hltiuc Itself to almost every surrounding u herein heaits uro miuud. Following the choir came the ushers , Mr. Kranit Hamilton walking ulotie , then Mr. IJan Morgan and Mr. Pierre Garncau , Mr. Veille of Molinc , 111. , mid Mr. Burns of Minneapolis. Mr. Wil liam Cartaln and Mr. Bartlett Kichards of Chadron , Mr. Charles Saundcrs and Mr. 1C. I' Barton. The bridesmaids came ufter , and never has tbe church seen such u bevy of fair young women assisting at a nuptial ccrc- tnonv as on this occasion. .Miss Dundy , tall and distinguished looking , an ideal for ouo of Rembrandt's women , \\ore a beautiful penn of pale groan orocaJod taffeta , trimmed \vithchr.vsauUieinumiorttio same shade us the powr. , tbe skirt being perfectly plain and bell shaped , with a footing of corresponding chrysanthemums , the eraoire waists being linlshod with tbo same tlowers and a chemi sette of chiffon , full lorce sleeves that ex tended to the waist. She carried a buce bouquet of chrysanthemums 10 match the gown tied with full bows of satin ribbon. After Miss Dundv cama Miss Beilo Dewey and Miss Us lira Hoaplaud , wearing yellow gowns of the same stvle as Miss Dandy's ' , with yellow chrysanthemu .as to match , then Miss Daisy Doano and Miss Blanche McKenna - Kenna in lavender costumes , very sweet and very becoming , MissHomphrey of Knoxville , Tenn . atypical daughter ol tbe sunny south , a dashing , captivatlnp young woman , whose colors any man might wear with honor , and Miss Lizzie Hooker bringing up the rear , povvnea in pink costumes , made like the others with pinu chrysanthemums , to com plete a perfect ensemble. 'I ben came Miss Helene Wymau , tbe maid of honor , a pretty voung girl who wore white silk mull and Valenciennes lace , round , full waist and nlain skirt with sash of white satin ribbon , a wreath of white chrys anthemums about ' .he fair yonnp head , while she carried a liirzro bouquet of the same flowers. And then came the brido' ' fair HS ono of Keats' heroines , an ideal latterdav century Elsa , with an aureole of light about her , gowned mac- uificently , the perfect emtoaiment of pracious womanhood. Her gown wca Heavy white satin , dircclotro in fashion , the battlements outlined with beautiful penrl trlniminp , the neck verv high , relieved by Irish pointlaco , bertha-like in eflect , lone revers trimmed with pearls , tbo girdle terminating In short ends , a long veil com pleting a perfect picture of one of the fairest brides whoso troth has been plighted within the sacred shrine. Mr S. A.Orchard escorting bis daughter. At tbo cb&ncel rail the bride was met by tbo groom anu bis best man , Mr. Henry Wyman , the bridal party being ranged amnp tbo aisle trading to tbe altar. During the procession and some time after tbe choir sung the wedding march from "Lohcngnt. " in its entirety , which heightened the eflect very greatly , tbe chorus of women's voices in the strain , " Tender delights for you now awaken. " being particularly well rendered. During tbe ceremony Mr. Butler played pianissimo Schumann's ' 'Triiumer. " and later the Mendelssohn wedding march , tbe choir sing ing ns u recessional , "On our way rejoicing. " At 'J c/'clock a reception was tendered the bride and groom at tno 1'uxton , which was also gorgeously decorated with chrysanthe mums and smilax , pilms and ferns , the cafe being particularly handsome , with ropes of cbr > Miutbeiuuins festooned Iroin the celling to the sides , the small tables lighted by candelabra snadcd by chr\tanilicuiuin colors , the same colors as obtained in the gowns of the bridesmaids. The eeutortablo was heart-shupod with n magnificent pyramid of the caterer's creation in the ceutpr , heart-shaped c < ikos on either end Everything was upon a lavish scale aud never has the domain of swelldom bad so much to admire us hero. Shortly iilte : the bridal party's arrival at tbe hotel tbev sat down to supper , the following P.UC&IS being included in tbo party in addition to tne bride und groom : Misses MeKcnuojmnn , Dutidy , Dewey , Doane , Humphrey. Hoouer , lloa Und , Messrs. H. Wyuian , Cartan. Velie , Gnrneau. Morgan , Burton , Saunders , Kicbardp , Hamilton , Barnes ; Mr. and Mrs. Wyman , Mr. and Mrs. Fleetwood , Mr * . Hiall , Mr. Charles Orchard. Mr. S. A. Orchard , Mlts bummers , Mr. and Mrs. Richardson , Judge aud Mrs. Dundy. Mrs. Newman , Mr. Berlin , .luQu'U and Mrs. Doane , Mr. aud Mr ? . McKenno. Mr. Orcnard , Mr und Mrs , Pres ton , Mr. Wilson. Mr. Doatic , Mr. and Mrs. Valentine , Mrs. Dewev , Mr. und Mrs. Hart. An orchestra stationed in the south hall' way plavcd dance music throughout the evening and tbo joung people bud uu opportunity lo dance ut Mutol Orchard's \vcddlup. The clfu of the bride to her bridesmaids uero enameled chrysaulheuiums set with diamonds , the colors to correspond with tbo pownt. Mr. Wyroiu's gifts to tbe ushers wcro link sleeve buttons , the initial 1 of thn groom on one button , the initial of the icdptent on the other. Tbo bride , it is un necessary to say , is tbo daughter ol Mr. S. A. Orchard , ono of tbo lead rip furniture tnon of tbo west. The groom , Mr. W. T. Wyraan , i a son of the Hon. A. U , Wyman , ox-treat , urea of the United States , and secretarv nuO tri'UiUrtr of the Omaha Loan and Trust ootnpunr , and one. of the best known clut men in the city. At U : 0 Mr. and Mrs. Wyman left for tht east , to ba ct homa ufter November ID ai Thirty-first and Pacific streets. A pleasant wedding ceremony occurred a' ' tbe residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay tvjra. 18UT North Twenty-fifth street at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Tbe contractlut parties were Mus Maude L. Hsvward and John D. WatUns , both of this city. Mi * ' Hujr ward was one of the most accomplibee and popular of tbo young society ladles o tbe Maglo City and Mr. xValklns is one of iti leadluc business men. Tbo ceremony was performed by Rev , Can oa Whlluianh of St. Martin's Eplscopa church in the presence of about forty o the more iniimulo friends of the families The house \vas tastefully decorated with pot ted plants aud kmilax. The bride was attired In white crer * trimmed with pcarU aud lace. A light re pa l was served immediately after thi ceremony , alter \\hich Mr. and Mr * . Wat kins left for tbe east on a short bridal trip They will be al borne to their frlendt afle November IS at Twenty-fifth and M streets THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Our fall display is nowcntircly ready Every invoice has been received * The assortment is almost unlimited ; every size , every style , nearly ev ery fabric. Our effort this season surpasses that of any other in bring ing together the newest most desirable and brightest collection of fall and winter garment ever shown in the west LADIES' COATS Like cul 131 at. k cheviot reefer. 30 inches lonp. half lined with good sill ; berijo. mod ; puarl buttons. Sperial price this week 3 > s. At $1OOO Ladies' black cheviot box coat , natur al pearl buttons , length i > ( i inches , all tizcs , and a rapid seller at i-10. At $13.50 We are sellingladies' black cheviot reefer jackets , 34 inches long , full shawl collar of oloctriquts seul and fur orna ments , and faosd to side bcntn. Our gar ments are bought right ana the p-ices we have made for fils sale places them beyond competition. At $14.00 Special Coat. Special Price. Only 25. all wo have. Ladies' reefer jackets. Watteau back , SO inches long , balf belt , horn buttons , and of good im ported heather mixed cheviots. This is a garment that will please thrifty buvers. T11LEGKA1'11 Ellis' .ICriOA COXDKM % JLTD. SHnlli Fe Morse Manipulators Ordered to ISeturn to Th"lr Kryo Maximum ray. GAivnsTOV , Tex. . Oct. 19. Last nicht General Mananer Wheoierof the Gulf , Colorado rado & Santa Fe said : "Thostatement that the Gulf , Colorado & Santa Fe railway company pays its operators a maximum of tGO is not true. The mail- mum salary is $ : > r > and the maximum pny of agents more than SsO. We pav as much as any other road in Texas ana more than many roads in the state. " The following telegram was received at midnicht from Cleburne : "A committee of the Oraer of Hallway Telegraphers men called a meetmp of all rallwav employes at Cleburne to explain tbe strike und secure their aid and support The meeting Kstcd fromS:4 ! > until mldnlpht. The committee was advised that the strike was not justi fied : tnat they should return to work ; nave lUmsay come to Galveston and Kettle mat ters with Robinson and Wheeler as previ ously ci-roed , and that they could not give them uny support. " Mrs. L. . U. Pattoa , Kocuford , lit , writes : ' From personal experience 1 can recommend DeWitt's Sarsaparilla , a cure for impure blood and ceuerai dcbilltv " .MUKOuri Wentlirr HII < | Crop * . Mo , Oct. :9. The state weather service bulletin says tbo past \\COK has oeon another week of unusual beatwith corn tbo only agricultural interest benefited thereby. Licht frosts were reported to be auito general from different and wiaelv [ .opnrnteil paints , but corn is now quite safe and tomatoes is the only crop report-ad datnasod. Wheat is gormlantlni ; very slowly , and where u is thin is beinc dainaeed by bugs , flies and hoopers. Tne condition of the ground is affecting the nereace. Corn outline is well advanced. Pastures are &o badly dried that corn is being fed already in many sections. A good boakinc rain is needed to facilitate the finishing of plowing and seed In tr , rill up tbe creeps and ponds und prepaie tbo ground for tbe imminent cola weather. DeWitt's Sarsaparilla Destroys suca poi sons us scrofula , skin disnasas , eczema , rhou- matlsm. Its timely use save , many lives. I'orahrr Callt J'orth a I'nrnrp. New YOUK , Oct. 19. The big ball of Oaoper Union was crowded yesterday evon- inc. Emuusiasm was let loose without stint for tbe benefit of tbe orator of the evening ; Hon. .T. i ! . Forakcr of Ohio Governor Foraaer was enthusiastically received and his romarus called forth frequent cheer * . His rpeech lasted an hour , but when he fcat dotvn tbo audience insisted that he tell them wore , and the cries of "More. mor * > ' ' were to continuous that ho was compiled to sup plement his address Uy another speech , \Vlirn > aiiire Needs assistance it may be best to render it promptly , but one should remember to use oven the most perlect remedies only hen coedod. The best and most simple and gen tle rttmody Is tbe Syrup of Fius , manufact ured by the California 1 < Ig Syrup Co. Ti-ktlliiuliy .AKHliikiriiU LONDON , Oct. IV. In the murder trial of Dr. > eill today , J. P. Itaynes , one of Nelll's boon companions , testified that .Neill snowed him a book containing the Initials of women poisoned , with dates , say- iLg vottug Harper poisoned them and that there was money to be made out of a knowl edge of the fact. UoWltt'sbariaparilu cleanses tne blooa , increases tbe appetite and loaei up ther v - tciu. It has benonted many people wuo bavoKUfferod from blood disorder * . It will help . you. _ _ Trj'lnc tu Ki-rji I > o\in CoaL TRB.NTOX , N. J. , Oct. 19. Tbe attorney general has nlca a auppleoientary informa tion against tl e Jer.oy Central railroad to restrain it from further advancing tbe price of codl in conjunction with tbe other roads in the coal combine. The unprecedented bale ot Dr. Bull1 * Coach Hprun provokes competition ; but tbe paoplecllog to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrun. Freecoing and interior decoratinjr de- Bigns ftnd ebtimateo furnished. Henry Lehmunn , 1003 Douglas street. STIRRING TIMES -IX- Ladies Garments. AT $12.00. Ladles' Hlark Retfrr Jackets , 31 Inches long , made of bcM do-ne tic cheviot , full shawl collar of lllaek Aitrakhan , fur orna ments and faced to side seam. Tio-ht Fittincr Coat , o o ' $15.00. ttfi Indies loin bluck nary an3 brown wide wale cheviot. finlshi'J rtth horn buttons and faced with sect cloth , very stylish. $15 00. AT S22.00. Ladles' UlneUOape. made of flue clay diago nal , trimmed ulthldefalllo ribbon und rib- Lon ruffle around nenU This earuient 1 > de- slyncd specially for elderly ladles. Trice t ButterlcK's November Delineator , price I5c. uow ready. Third SOKT. LK C.I/fUA'i je Statements unit Sorloup Mnile by the 1'milaii Trilltor In Ills ICnok. Lovno'v , Oct. 19. The reminiscences of Dr. Le Caron , who pained such notoriety in IS'.iO by his disclosures on behalf of the Times before the Parnell commission , have been made public. Le Caron recounts his early life as already known and describes hoxv a Tennessee girl , who afterwards married him , rescued nln from confederate marauders during tbe civil war in tne United States in a style worthy of a romantic novel of the first rank. He calls himself a fatalist and says he never sought fenmnlsm , feumnism rather came to him. He declares that when he and General Oniall were recnived at the white house by President Johnson , the president told Gen eral Ouiall that be sympathized witb them and \vas xvilling to do all in his power to as sist tbe fenian movement. "Vou must remember. " said Mr. Johnson , 'that I gave you fully five days before issu ing the proclamation. In God's name , xvbnt mere old you tvautl If you could not get there in five days , by Goo , you ooulo never eel there. And then , as president , I xvas compelled to enforce the neutrality laws or be aenoucced on every side. " L > o Caron describes to the utmost detail tbo whole fenian movement against Canada. Le Caron says that the Ciau-na-Gael's wild plans included a treatv with Russia , the manufacture of a submarine torpedo boat to inflict terrible damage to tne British navy , plots to assassinate tbe queen , to kidnap tbe prince of Wales und to rescue Micbapl Dav- lit from nrison. Jn recard to the modern Irish-American agitator , La Caroti says : "Gold is bis pod , his breviary and his beads. Ho attains his. ends bv jobbery , tricuerv and delusion of the rncantst und most despicable sort. He bravelv and blustn.rinplv advocates desperate enterprises from tbe safe distances of 8.UJO miles. " Le Caron says that Dr. Gallagher , who controlled the dvnainlte camnaljrn , xvos of the fenian parly and be beard be bad been introduced to Mr. Gladstone. One plot was devised to blow up parlia ment by throwing homos on the table in front ot the speaker. Another moject waste to destroy the scano which U the seat of tbe coronation chairs 'n xvhicb tbe Irish kings wore believed to have been crowned for oea- turius on tbe sacred bill of Tara. A Cholera r > carc. A reported outbreak of cholera at Hel- metta , N. J. , creates much excitement in thatvicinitv. Investigation showed that the disease wus not cnolora hot a violent dysen tery , which is almost as severe and danger ous as cholera. Mr. Walter Wlllara. a prominent merchant .of James burp , two miles from Helmetta. says Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera ana Diarrhoea Hemedy has given great satisfaction jn tbe mo t severe cases of dysentery It J certainly one of the best things ever ; bade. Tor sale by druggists. _ _ HAZE TELLS ABOUT IT. An Oltlcrr Krjilalun Ilntr a I'rUuncr SI a do _ According to Delectfvo Haze there was an exciting time out nOJorth Bend when Charles Pet/old , trip , Jorger , made his escape. Tbe train was about a mile and a half away from the umion and runuinp at full spend when the oOleer allowed his pris oner to co into a c46 ot while he himsTSII stood with bis baud on ' { ho door. Petzoldhad no soonvfplaced bis foot Inside the door than be pluuaed headlong through tbe open window. Thaofflcer made a plunge for bis vanishing toet , but failed to reach them , ana tbe train Has bolt a mile away from tbe soot when it was stopped , Some workmen who were watching tbe train saw tbo man when be toot Lu header and they say that after rolling over half a dozen tlmet he ipraog to uts feat and darted away like a deer , apparently uninjured. He was tracked through a couple of cornfield * by a posse ot men on horseback , but made his escape. IraUe Lcouomy Ispractlced be pjopla who buy Inferior articles of food because cbtianer than stand ard goods. Infants ate entitled to tbe best food obtun.aule. Jl li a fact that tbe Gall Borden "Kairlo" Brand Condensed Milk is tbe best infant food. Your grocer aad drug- Kisv keep iu Frluuai In Cicuorul Coufereure. Ixmisii'ous , Ind. , Oct. 19. Tne fint day's meeting ot the general conference of tbe Society of friend * took It Interests YOU. You can tavo a fifth or fourth on the prlco of * vour boys' niutcr tuU THIS WEEK. 77/75 WAY- Wo have jrot the best suits In this city in mnkc , in s-tvlo. in fit and finish. Cnn nrovo it. Want YOU to know it \Vnnt everybody to know It. Wo shall soil boys' ? iiits THIS WESK nt $3.75 LIKE t UT. Ho- ' two.uicvo double broRMod suits , all wool clK'Mot * and wor-teils. plain ef fects. TBN STYLES , . \otth up to SO. this week at $3.75 Winter Overcoats Are Ready. It's just ns cheap to clothe that boy stylishly as it is to han < r shapeless thingon , him if you cotne to us. We bhnll sell HKt boys' overcoats this week ut $3.50. New winter styles , guar anteed in fit and wear ; they arc worth $0 to SS. It won't take very long to sell n hun dred , so be early. Remember the price $3.50. nlaca in their church in this city last night. There were present 121 delegates from all over tbe country , . .lamesVood of Now " York was made "temporary president and Mrs. Mabalala Jay temporary secretary. The opening address was given bv Kev J. H. Douglass , Des Molaes , In. President Wood spolie on the Societv of Friends and the maintenance of their doctrine. - \ Cure for Cholera. There is no use of any ono suffering with tun cholera when Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhcca lieoeav can ba pro cured. It will give relief in a few mlnutos and cure in a short time. I have tried it ana know. W. H Clinton , Helmetts , N J. The epidemic at Helmetta was at first believed to be cholera , out subsequent investigation proved it to bo n violent form of aysentcry , almost , as dangerous as cholera Tb'is remedy was used there with great success. For sale by drugclsts. Notice' . The banks will bo closed Friday next , October 21 , the day set apurt ns a holi day by proclamation of the president of the United States. States.W. W. H. S. HUGHES , Manager Clearinjr House. .11.1 r A n EVT Till ! ' -UUA'JJOA Constlttitloimlity ol the lilulio Tent O.itli Altlnnod by tliv Supreme Court. Boise Cur , Idaho , OcUiy The supreme court lias unanimously sustained the con stitutionality of tbe Idaho oath law The decision was banded down by Justice Huston this afternoon in the case of Joseph II. Sbep- ard vs Hyrum Gremraett. registrar of Pans precinct , Bear Lane countv. The plaintiff is a Mormon who offeied to register upon sub scribing to an oath embracing the constitu tional provision and ignoring the additional qualification of the test oath law enacted bv the first state legislature. The decision will prevent Mormons from voting. "Late to baa ana eany to rise will shorten the road to your home in the skie > . But earlj to bed und "Littla Kirlv Uissr."the pUl that raalroj lite lonjar aai bailer an ! wiser. Canada Can l > 1'rlnmljj- . WiNnsoit , Ont.Oct. lit. Instructions have been received from Ottawa by Collectni Curlin to permit United States militia and the escorts of the governors of New YOM and Connecticut to pass through Canada cnrouto to the World's fair dedicatory oxer clsos and leturn with their horses , arms and occoutermeals. Disease never suocesstuuv altucirs tno sys tem witb pure blooa. Do Witt's Sarsaparilla tnnkcs pure new blooi und onrichev blaai. Stolen Tic-ljrts in Circulation. CIIKACO , 111. , Oct. iy. Sixteen hundrcc tickets to the dedicatory ceremonies stolen from the onlcoof Secretary Cnlp are oa th market and in tbe hands ot speculators. A largo number of forged tickets ate also ot tbe town and are being sold at long prices. DeWitt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the Olosl. NOTICE OP THE SITTING OF Till CITY COUNCIL AS A BOAIIU Ol AL1ZATION. To the on nt-rs of the loth , parts of lots am rualuolute ubuttinc on or uajacent to tbi strtftt * alley * or . vcnui : herein imineU o hituutwl In whole or In uart within an' of thud strict * , herein specified : Von uncl each of you lire hereby iiotlfiec that the oil v founcllol the city of Umulm wll bit us. u Iloaid of rkiualizullon , at the office o tbe City Clerk. In tlio C Ity Hall. Umatiii. .Neb. on I'riduy thet'-tb day of Ociuber , IHfj , fiom ' o cluck u. m. toio'ckmk p. m for the uurjiOM of cDu UleriuK uud vqualum ; lliu ) irupo > e ( levy of special taxtis and ustcssnienu a sbotru by l'ropr > i > u I'Jani of A es > iiicnl' nun on Ille in tbe olllee of kuld C Uy C ierk. nni coirL-ctins uny error therein , nnU of lie.irlu all coinplulnu that the ou uers of proueriy k < to l > e Hkif > ed and taxed may inaUu ; salt special tales ana us. ei menU proposed to b lerlod being uecessury tu cover tbe oust ot tin bevcrul Improvement * duly autnorliecl to b luudbuuJ IIOH completed , as follows. ; To rover tlie no > t of pernmueui brick lde vralk > li-ld by J. O. Corby , umonntin to tb sum of t'Jid.M. ' luclualng tbecoit of Inspection which kald sum It IK proposed by arvpurl dul urtoplttd by the City Conuell to aa.rks on tu pruiuirly uPiKuli which bald tidcH'iilUi wer conktrucU d. UK follows : Lot H bloalc t Haukcoui 1'laee 119 W. Uil II bluck t , . 411 L7. Lot ti biork- * . . 40 V7. Lot 11 block I . , IJ SJ , BOYS'CLOTHING. Coats ti tpurrhas * ( jariarut without MI exatnlniiltou of our matchless n ? .urtiupnt- I hild a IK ulile Ureastod Grutclien Cost with dreji military cano ulke cnt . IT ado of K-- > > 1 Ml wool tnti homespun ehcxtot 4 yesirt at t\ f.i fai Mt > . Pyenri nt J5.M , Id years at K.tA 14 ycnr > nt fitr-a baiuostvlo la ration * mal > p c f more c\icus > xo clolli. 1'rlces to correspond. 'Like < ut Muile of all \TO.I ! Tnn CliiMio1 ii ; tlisirnlilp Missesl Russian Jacket col ir hlh MecTes , gaunt let culls and belt , Lnrfie peail buttons. This jaunty iLade of navy camel s liair clie\ lot and comes n sbes II 1C and ! ; > years. At $10.00 $ : caiuc style tundoof fancy i > Ixcd alno style as nbo\e. $13.50. $ MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Lot 17 block 4 . . 42 2J. txit 18 block. 4 . . 40 ai LotlUblock-l . 4J L7. North 4G feet lot 15 block 11 llun&coui I'luci SIT 1)1. ) Lot 1C block 11 H nscom Place $13 ? C . Lot IT block 11 . . 40 i-T. Lot IB bloek 11 . . 40 ST. Ixit 1 Cherry Garden SCJ Tfl. Lot i . . 01 C'l. Ix ta . . 01 W. Ixjt 4 . Kt 4T. North 4C 4-10 feet lot 21 bloclc .r > West End Ad rtltiouMT nd. lxt IT- block r. West End Addition H2 75. ortll S ! leet lot 2 block fe E V Suillli's Addl tlou if S Sa South 14 feet lot ' - ' block B E V fciulth's Aadl tlon J.V ; 72 Lot : t block n K V Mnith'e Addition $1s 42. outh 44 fc-fl lot 4 block B E V smith's Addl tlon $40 V4 Tn cuter the cost of pcrtnui.icnt sldewall ; of Kansas stone , including lusuecllun , laid lij I'urniis A. i-cin. nMoiintlns : 10 tbe hum o ' i. vshlcliuid t-uni U Is ptoposecl by i report duly adopted by the city council to asses se-s on tlif proper ! v opiiDille which hildt.lae : iilKa v eru con-vructoU , us follows. Lul 4 block 14 Unjiiliu ili.O. . Lot T > bloi'k.CII J74 4U. Lot 4 liloek J. . ' ' 174 ( I1. . l.ut b bluuk UJJ 1'ki irj. i : ; feet lot 0 b'ok UU Om.iha SU1 1C. Lot 0 biouk 14U Onuibi 1V > ' .U. Lot 7 block 114 I'Jj M. E4. > fort lotO tilocU 114 ( Jmuhii JSJ m. Sub lot 4 ot lut D Capital addition tr > 1 UT. U J feet f > ub lot J of lut U C'upitul audltloi tfl lit \V , Kublot 15 of lut 2 Capitol udaltlon 157 II ] To cover tne ru l of urlillclul stone sldu walks laid by I"oid A. Huse , as per their esil mute ot AiiEuat 1Mb , ltr.U. lucludln : iiupec tlon , umountluK tuthutiuiiioC tJinijl. whicl sain MHO It N prouusud by u ropori dul adoutou by the elt } council lo assess ou tli real ostite : oppo lto which sala kldutralks w r cunhtructod , us fulluwm N hS feet lot 1 block KlOmuliu f ! CI C7 I' < ; fiH't lot U liliiuk TT Ml 4G Lot 1 blouk Omaha tllh ' .Ci Lot 2 uloelv Tn f.a M Lot J block ti . H.MiS Lot 2 li out. Ss 2JT Ct N'ln feet lut 4 b ocl > MUmaha ! 1TU > Ia i feet lot 4 blouk 'U l.U t)7 ) That purl eubt of i t Ss feet lot ? bloc tatmahafUiT 111 S W feet lot : . . liloeW 1CT. Omaha Ji3 05 Isil 1 block 171. Omulj-d , i.-.S.l ! ) Lot 2 blocrf ITI J7XM L ti block 171 . , 17R.r. ) Lot s blouk : r.i 2i.r.3 lxtr ( block IHV , . Omiih-i. J.'U'S r V lot 1 bmi.k I''V ' , . Umiiha , U.T.CD Lot 4 bloc I.'Jt1 , , , Uintilia , t-l-.l7 Lot 1 block. 2Jbl ! ' - . 2I2.4'I ' Lut hillock ii' , ) -tuI Lot 4 block 2ii' : , irta--j IAH .1 block C KouiiUu X Uuth'k uda | : a2) Lot 4 biork 0 b * 7J To cover the ro t of dllinr naUincu lot ituiountltig Ui thti mm ol JU'ICT , whlcb kn\ \ suia. It U uropo od by a ronort Uulyudopt by the city council , tu ub > et. on the prouert LoUT ulock 4 lluulliorne aadltlon JIC2T2. Ou.I5th stieet In . 4 .tij. To cover the east of jrivhri and curblii rojinldtaii uveuue fixim U.'iid strt > et tu Ulr ( .tioel. In ttri-tt liuprutiuncnt district No UT amouutlti : to Uiu hum of i9..0 ! , which sal kUDi. It 1 uropo ed hy u repot t duly udujm > ty the city council , ta atstkH on the prouert wittiluhald dUtrlcl ueoorJlui to fool front D.ZO and tbe usual kcullnc bjck proceks to th depth of the district us created. Kiue po foot , M.MJJI u > more fully hon by k&l "Proposed 1'liin of Asmtsmeio , " To cover the roslof by pavln and curbing m street improvumeut illolrli Np. ails. c'jmpriBlnz Nicholas street from 291 ktreet tuwust jinuof Kauo'b udditlon. uinoun In ? Ui the sum of Il.2iU.12. utilcli mill kum U proposed by u report duly naojiuxl by it e'ty council , to us eni ou ib iiruiieitv lu snl ( lUlriul ukrruuU-d , aucordin ? to loot front it and the utual fccuniic back jirocouc ratu in n. u mure fully hhuwu by bald "I'n posed I'ltn oft > kus < n enU" la i urer tbe ookt of opening 27lh ( tree 2stii Ktrem and 2Vth uvertue. ttirouzlj tax li ft fcei-tlon U , townUilp l.ranee 13. Total co ofeucli ttrt-et. .7tl > street. li.SlKi ) Sti\i \ btret flb : 2Mb u enueII &Xi ; which kulii kumt , is proposed by a report duly udojiuxl by il Oily UOUDVll , to bktk ilk fOllOWkt The uiuounlc shall lid anessod respect I re on each street < the foot frontage ou bo Mdui of kulJ vtruutk frjiu llntnol klreui 1'axton street , tc" > nni ( ( to thf u ual r ri Vtru pro-p i n dtpth ti tbe tlr tnl < pr or renter ot bl < > fk- ana In Inn < tint puttevl to the dtt < th ofW fpt , ) > rev idc > l th t thr & < .c t * nit nt nor ih of I'rntt Mrot < hnll to the rate of that t-putli r f 1'ratt itrtet To onrr tin- rout > t i-l > eiiiUK Wt throutli ta\ lot > cv 1. rc'tl.m 16 nnd i t 1 * Ititrrrlvw tiddlllon , aniotintluc td the nn ; of K" > ( HXi. ! which * i ld sum It it nropo fd ' v a rl > ort duly adopted l > y Ibo city coun I tea a e on tin1 iirotwrtv us follnw : To lie levlpd nu the tve t l.v > fMt ut thnt iiift l lnc of Wtli * trri > t nml the oa t 151 f t of that part ly'iic ' rst of a t i street of HIT iOt 1 sort Ion IR-ll ! U Jl.l.V W. To be lex H-d an lot P Ulver\ n K * P TobelevKsJonlot It 2 < M on. To be IPX Iwt in lot " > . CO. To lie lex-tod on lot It Rixet vie * , M8.00. To 1 > Ipvlptl on lot 7. Itlxrrvlew , flvx To lie lex led on lot IX Klvprvlpw.i \ { n < To l > e ipx loii on the ( nvpcrir cm t > sph ldc of 2 > tb street twin Vnmlue to LakoMreot as fol- lowsi rronj rumlnc to VatiMrcrtecciit ( .I'MVI ! , J rom LhVi " .Irppt t < i Fp-klnc m-pt , In4 J rom Krvkini > tipct totirntit trprt J1WTS. 1 rom Urnnl itroct to lliirtli'tlP strtHM tl S.UOL I rom Htmlctte street n Yuti-sftrcrt. * 47'.U To be a , i-i' < pl todcnthut tUrpe lull , the flr t alley or t < i the center of b'ocl. . Tupoxi-r the ro t of " \t > n < Hnc IPtli street from the north Iliu-or Uartnmn' * addition to Center Mrrct , iitnounlltie to the um ot 11- 051.41. xvhlch Mild um It K tir ( l o tHl by it m- port uuly ndiiptpd t > y the city eoiinr1 ! . to n < - kci < i on the proprrtv on ouch MJc of 1'Uh street from Mi3 ottli ! line of lot M. Mart nun kddltlon toUoiilprvtrrct. n follow * . Onn-fouttli of tlio ntiiounl on the cn t do of tPtliIroct iinil ? 4 of the ununitit i n the wt t cldt-of l'ti ! ! ottcot ; on the fn t lrto of IDtli stritt. Till M foot at fL45ni. SJ.MS.sii ! n the wc .t ldo of ll'th strt-cl. TjJ.Vi fret ut flU.iffiSi , $7 Vlvs-- . Ti c-nvrr tbo cost of damasos for oiicnin * intti strpct. bo lie a luilcmcut xv th costs ittitl Snto'vsl In fuvor of Arthur Uctulnjton , utuiiuntliis toj , sta04. Mliicli Vila MIDI It li proposed by a report dtilv mloptcU by Uivrlir coiun tl. to av < .i s > i follcixxs IV bo a .p od on the projiertx ou o Mi oMUtl , street fnuii li.nulus Mret-t to s ottj liini'i pro rata nccoiilniK to foot front acr late pel foot , f i. sn47 To oover the itM of juileinctit for ilni fet c-iinure f unulnof Kiclili'entli htroet fro Lrcxi'uxroithslit'Ollo point 4(10 ( feet of Mnsou .troct , nmotii.tlnc to the MHII of ? , " ' 1 i ! xi li cli H d sum H In proposed by n re port ou ) u loptpil bv tlio pity council tons * HOSJ pro intu arpordlus to foot froiitnccou ttio nroptttx OP Uith viaos of rurliteftitli street frou LptxvnxxotthstriHii lo I'Jprcp street Riid ucot in 112 to tlio asuiil scallns buck process lu den Hi t tlio nlle } : r.itw per foot. J3TIU.1 , ' 10 i t r llio iost nf cotisuiictloti ( if the soxxei .11 c- < dlstilft No. l.tT. iimountltic to thrsiim of JTli-Vlt , xxlili-li sila mm It Iv pro- ] io pd ON u iciKirt duly adopted by the t Ity onuBoli i IHMJVS on tintiropertv In si (1 difl- trli t ucpo'-'iiuc to foot : the corncrlot to IIP as - eed for the longer -idp only , tutu prr fiKt. J 7dsi 1c - . > r the coil of potistt ut tlon of icxu-r in pr wi-r di-trirt No I'd. amount me to the * um < f&lsi i liirh salil uxn it Is propose' by u n in it duly .uloptpil b.x tlie i HI council , to , isvi s ti fo Ions I'ci IIP asie-MMl xm tint tiroii- erix a'lkun'iic ' sewi t ai-forilius : to foot frout- wco 'u iii-iitb lo llrst alley. Kuie per foot , ' " > i T i-oxct the ro't of datiincci for chniico of ct IOP of 1 > ouKlasstiiH < l from Slxtcentb kt. to 1 voiit.i tli ht. , nid Intorsootln : hlrcels , .iini'iintliii : tn tliv sum of ? L'.n iT.iKi , uhl 'h smd s m it l uroposcil by : i report duly adonted ltib < < ltcounril. . to iisaens a follbuK < > n l > o 1 as su. from fourteenth st. to l"if- tpont'i ' M fl.l1K.lia ) Hii IH > I cl.ift . from ntteenth M to Sl\- teentu t . } i.V ) > .io t'n Oouiri isst. , from S\t ! "ciitb st toTwcn- t pt ) > st . s. r.'s.iu i > u Himsla's stiept , oti noilh side from lutlistrirt loxipst Hup of lot 2. llonsni's Mib- di < islon. on south slrtp from 'Dili street totbe XXPSl lltlpilf Slltl lot Ih. sulKlixlSIOIl lOl 2.CUJI- itol add rO'il4b. ( . < Ui I'oujims stroot. on nc.rth side from tlio west line lot 2 , Ilousel'si MiliJhlslon tow nit me sun h. lot t' . Capitol udd - . on south sd ! 'torn ' tin west line of sub js.lot2 | , Capitol idd . in xvost Hoc of lot G.Hoi sei's subdivision , l.O t : ' Un Doucia * street , on north sule from west Ine of sub n. lot 2. Capitol add. , to west lnesubiIot : J , C'ap'tol udd : on south hide from xvtist line of lut 0. Ilousel's bulxllvls on. to wpst line sub 12. lot : t. -iiiltol nnd. { 1,0'iS.tKi. On Douglas street on north side from e > tIne Ino of sub ii lot C'apll'il a iilltlou tol'4tli street : on south side trom nest line sub 12 lot a Capitol addition to 24th stteut. * : < i On i'4th street from north line of lot I ) to Utli line lot U. KeilouV 1st udd. JT.'IIM. On ITtli stieet Trom nlley nortn of 1 arnam street to Dodce stieet , 8.UH7.71 On Ihih street Jrom rarniim 'treet to 1'odco street. $1401.01. On 1'Jth street from rarit.itu street to Dolce .trcer , To be usfcossed pro ratii nccnrdlns to foot f rontaco In cleptli to tbe center of ulock. To rover the cost of dmrrtses lor cradlni Martha street from 2Jlli htreet to24lb htrret : unountlni to the sum of KL'l Uu.whieli said sum It is proposed by a reuort duly adopted by the city Cornell to assus * on tlieprouerty on Martha = troet from 2Jlb toJUi streets on each side in depth to the ulloy on each bltlo according to the usual scaliui ; back process ; into per foot tu 1 Kill. To cox or tbo co t ot cradtn : Cistollnr stieet from l.'itu street to 24tli str ft tu grading Uls- tilct Na 47. umjunttn ? to the sum of JVU3.J > 4 , which said sum it Is piojiosed 117 u leport duly adopted by the iitv council to Hhseuson the proixirty on bolh nldosof U.istcliai street from Kith stieet to 24th street pro rata nccordlng to Irontiiie ana tlie tisuul Hcaliuc { bac proce'iv. in deplh to the alloy : in block- and 8. S. K Koscrk * addition und blocks T and ft. Camp bell's nddllion , to llic < Ji > i > ili of three loth : lu property not subJlvided to tbe depth of J.'iD tceu Kate uor font iLtlvri. To eox-er the cost of sradlus Davenport Mtoetfrom 40th street to tno Belt Line nill- ly in cradlnz dlsttk-t N'o. 31. amountln ; td the sum of S M07 ( ) i. x\hlcb said numltls nro- poi > ed by u report duly adopted by tlio cltr council to assess on the prouurty on butn sides of Davenport .treet from 4jili street to the Ilelt Line railway pro rata par foot front- aso accord in tn the usual fioallng back uro cess in depth to tlie llrst alley 01 l.'iO feet. Kate per foot Sn 7f.7."i. . 'Jo cover tbe COM of Krudln ; Lake street froiu42dstrpOtto4Hb sttoet In uradln ; disv. trlct No M amounting lo ilic Him or tJ.VT7.Xi. hlch BHld mm it U proposed by a report duly adopted by the eitx- council , to USIBSS on Uiu property on cuh tide of Lake struct fiom4''d htfet tol'itb Mreet pro rata iierfoat frontsue iifeordliig to the usual st-al'iii ' back process to tbo tirlalley Kuto oorfnotl.2ltii To coxei the cost of arudliii 1Mb Etrepl from rarnum stieet to Hurt biteel In pru'lln ? dls- ttlct No. 4J umiiiintlnz to the feuin of . "Jl".c ; , wh oh ( .iiia sum It is proposed by i report dtv'y adnpttiU by tlui cltj eount-ll tu ifion the proiierty on path i > do of .htli stti'ct from r.irmim to Hurt pro ratu per foot frontage. according to llm uiUul sealing bieu pruccis u > tlmitlleyor li ! > foi > ! Ituto n-t foot , H.4JJTi. In co ei tlio i-osl of Kr.idlug Grant Mreot from T enty-flrst otrwt to Tuonty-fourtli stteet und the uait alley ruunlnz north und south In blofk v. Idievxlld , iimoutitln lo the bum of il)2.ii7 ) ulncli Maid sum < t Is proposed by a icpnrl duly udoptea hy the city council to usies * pto rat i on tlie properly adjitccnt u t per foot fiotitasc * ; Itie property on the iiln-y at one fourth the rate of thn property on Grant street. In dpjilh to lliu first .ill or Alloy , fM feel nt SUOUiiUT. i2.fil. Uratit street , 1,5 B f.-et in J.24slK S1S1.10 To cover tlio cost of cmu'iiis Txvotity-fourth street from Hull Line rallxxay to 1'ott street , uuiouMtln ; to tin ; um of Jl.10l.sfl. ublcb aaid sum It is proposed by a report duly adopted lir tbe city council to USSCM em thu property itdjoinlns ana on otcli vldu of Txro ily-fourtft street from Hull Line lalluuy to I'ort btreut liror.-itu aceordiiu to foot frotitucej rate per footfruiiuttti.R'lV Tfcover the no > t of emdlni l" > tli street from Yltiton ktreet lo the nurth line ot On I ; Mill No 2 uu < l the cost of culvert constructed bv J H. Itoovi-R A Go tu Kith und V.tllpy Htroels. in sr.idln : dUtrlel N'o. 37. uinourithi ; to the knm . xihlcli ditld btiiult IB iirupose I br u reuort duly adopted y tint city council to assess pro r.ifi ucuordint ; to the foot frontazn , on I. tli street on eafli Hide , from Vlnton street to Ou i ; tllllNn s. accord ins totlie usual scalltiK backprnes , In depth tollioitilov wheiri tbe alley U iiurnllol xulli IDtli kit ret , and 150 feet on oilier property : the uliovu hum ; eotuirti | > fu In cradlni dUuict No. < l * . r.ntuptt foot Si.lfJil To cover tlio co l of the construction of sewrr in si wi-r dUirJrl No i5i , uniounllui to tliesiim of ll.7Hi.tis , xxliloh t-uld btin , | i B pro- pOseJ by u report duly adopted by iliu city couno I. to IIHM-S * on thu tirouert fruntlii ! ; oil suld ueucr uccoulln ; to the fuot frontare cor tier lots liuvlm u or on outh alms to lie ubsetbe i on ilia lon. r fiuntiRu only. H lu l ir font , K'Olhv ' uk more fully HUOWII by bitid 'I'lciixiktx ] I'lan of Askeks nent " Toooxer tbeeuktof duunmeb by K ( .on ol cradlug L'Uli sli POI from riirnttm tq Huruisy MTt > et. olid ullov butween 1'uniani und llurni'y kireets from with stn t Hi vJth avenue , um-iuntlii ; to tlie bum ot S-I.VCjut. xxhlcli bsul s uu Itls prupusod by u repuit du v udoplud by thu city council to akkiix on tlie property on liotli sides of 23tli tleet from I'urnum tu llarupv Hitjelh , mid on until hides of Iho ulloy IIOTII I'titU street to iTib ux-vune pto ralu , nucordlns to loot fiontacti , undlhe Uktial noalln t ba U | iruwi > lu depth. OnJCth tt root east side , two juts , tin UvUi street. w st hide , no led ; nn 1 on"li klJo of ullcy to kUeeu H.HB per fuat , Jl.bUt Vou are further not tiled that * ild i'rouptud I'luui of An > eittneiit" ure nuxx bubject to tlio Inkpeoiloti uud ox j/nliiiil.oti of any of lie ( iwneru of k ild luU. parts uf lots or plitf < > of real I'ktale. or tliu Jn po tlou or fxxniiuutlou of uny other iierson inltiri'stoil In nuij o- pnsriu UBicnuui-nts. at Iho otllce of mid city i-ltirk , und tb il by n rcpurt of 4 iiomii.litru of k.ud coanull duly * d opted. It U proucne I that untekd tor eood mid kurtlciunt ' luxilt may ba otlitirulko ordeiod niiU deiennined. that lliu cuktof bind ItuproxL'iiiBiilt rmuojilviily Uo u i- n the sevrral lots. jmrlof lot' uud f ro i estate av klmwn by 4ld ' 1'rc- postM l'lin of As > t > menl " Vou. und bach uf you * ro hereby uutlQed to niipeir lief ore i ild Uu ird uf lxuulltullon | , ut tlie time an 1 pi ice uboie ipeoiUwJ , to mut-a uny uuuiplHltiu utauimont- objection you dcklre conreniluz HIIV of lulJ propu.od levlei and ak e u > eut of spin1 1 a 1 tttsuo. JOHN UUOVES. CJtjClurk. Neb , October l&th , '