THE OMAHA DAILY BKE : MMfUKSDAY , OCTOBER 20 , 181)2. ) THIS OMAHA BEE COUNCIL I1LUKFS. ( I-1JCKi - NO. 12 1'KAKL STREET I cllvtreo fcy carrier to any pin of tbj city 11. W TILTON. - MANAGER. .iu.\ni : . ! N V , Pluublnp Co. I'eurtH muffs Lumber Co. . Tie rirstCnilstian church wilt servo din ner In the Klscman buildlnr October 20. Thomas O. Shearman will deliver nn nd- dress nt the opera house this evening on the subject of the tariff , Irom n democratic stand point. At the last niccllnp ot the Woman's IhrUtmn association resolutions were parsed upon the death of Mrs. Mary A. Urccn. , There will bo n regular mectitp of Conncll HlufTsLodeeot Perfection. A A. S. H , at ihplr tiMli Frtdny evening. By order of the T. } O M. Hcgulnrnctslon of Harmony chapter No. ifi , Older of the Kastcrn otur. at Masonic tcmplo this evening. \ mtuig members cor dially invited. Jly order 01 worthy matron. Mrs George It. Mcschctidoiff. wife of the well known t'.rondwny butcher , has filed n petition in the district court u Uing for a divorce from her hu band ou the ground of crnti and inhuman treatment. The I nlon Veteran legion held Its annual b.iiifj'iet inst evening with thirty-live present ' carru'd out as already ent , 'J no program was ready published nn.l n hfo wo portrait of tbo late Joseph Lyman was presented to the legion. Bv rcijucst of the grand loilpo of Odd folioxvs , now In session , the momlurs of Council Bluffs Lodgu No. : t , Daughters ol KeheUah , are requested to meet at the hall this nftrrnoon at 1 o'clock to laio ; ] ) .irl in the fraud parade. Mairlaite nc ncps were issued rusterday to the foiloiv'ng parties : Ueoigo A. John son nod Liddio li Campbell ol Pottawattn- mlocoimtv ; John ICenealy and Mary O't'on- nnr of I'ouawattamlecounty ; Thomas lircen nud Una Ouslcy of Omaha. Ail numbers of HuwKeyo loJRcNo I1- ! . Indcnendont Order of Odd Vollovvs , nro re- ijuchtcd to meet at the ledge loom at 1 : : W fcharp to participate In the grand lodge uaradu. All visiili.g brother * are respect fully in vlteii to take T > jrt. By order ot 1" . A Spence , N. ( J The nrinltorv casein which Trxnli Cooper Is defendant .was on trinl yesterday after noon In Justice Hammrt's court. Ira Jones , who claims his wllo was ivrongi-d by Cooper , was present and the case with its strong btnclllng details attracted the usual crowd of spectators It was not llnishcd. Ofllcers Kemp , Bsrhyto and CSeorgo Scan- Ian returned last evening from Vililsca , where they wont to testify ngain t John Stewart , who broio Inio a orv goods store there and was caught here with a trunk full of * i tins and Mlks. Stewart was bound over to the grand Jury on the chnrgo of burglary. The Union Land and Improvement com- uauy will proceed lo condemn another lot In the northwestern part of the city acxt Mop- dav morning. The lot In question belongs to n man nnnied Hunch ! a.das offered for tale recent I j JorfoOS. U'hcn Hint price wes offered hini u dnor two ago ho refused to Boll It for less than $ lOJO nud a Jury has been summoned to decide upon the merits of the controversy. A motion has been filed by the plaintiffs in the cases of R M. Hunter and C. C. COOK cp.ilcst the French League society eurj and others , asking that ( J. W. Klncsnoilh and E. C. Palmer , two of the defendants , bo re quired to show cause why they should not lie punished for contempt in refusing to pro duce thn formula for their alleged cure as re quired by the notary before whom the tcsti- ninny is being talcn. Jim Jonnson , better known as "Shorty the horse trader , " was released several days niro Irom the city Jail , where he had neon placed upon tne charge of obtaining a horse unG cart belonging to Mike Fox of Ken crccK in cxchangofor a worthless 100 bill. Last evening ihe United States authoritio ; took the matter in und had bun again arrested , this [ Iri.u the charge of pnssinc counterfeit money beinc olacd against him. He will have a bearing before the commis sioner today. I'lro Corner of iv : inl Strnton htii-cl. Our Into lo-.s ov fire was covcro'l by two policies , both in the COUNCIL BLUFFS INSURANCE COMPANY. By 7 o'clock the next morning after the fire the secretary was on the abb heap , pencil in hand , ready to figure the loss down to bedroclt , which ho did , too. saying t kfit' it wus his duty and nc ( mall part of his business ' ' So long a : ho did not go below bedrock we had IK reason to complain , consequently th ( settlement was not only prompt , but ii every way satisfactory , so much so tha in addition to SU.200.00 ( seven policies can led by this company before the fin we now add to it .10,000.00. Being intimately acquainted with UK secretary nnd directors we cannot b < pci funded that bott ° r indemnity can b ( obtained than that offered by odr homi company , besides wo believein patron izing worthy homo enterprises , every thing being equal , and unless wo do wi Bhall continue to bo dependent on for cign capital and corporation ? . G. \Vnr.uLnit , JAP. A. HKKCLU. No bankrupt , flio-Mnohcd. damnuei furniture at Mover's , aOo-UCT.Broadway Clean goods , loss than any Omaha prices i/.so. > .1 / . IM HAdi.i / / / > . Miss Cunningham of Memphis , Tcnn. . I In tbo city n guest of L. F. Murphy on faintly on uviinuo F. Mrs. Kd lllf-sor and mother , Mrs. W. V Lyon , have returned from a visit with relo lives In thu Blade Hills. Mrs.V. . J. Davenport and children lei yesterday afternoon for Cbicigo to tauo li the opening of tbo World's fair. Aliiiar Stern of Logan was In the cit \oslcrdav , making arrangements for llttin out uilh torchoi and uniforms a repuWIca inurchlnc club of 2 < K > members which ha ) ubl been orgauUed In his town. If you don't wiinl to buy hard coal yo " ' liad" bettor see Bixby about thoio'oi liurnors. They aio adapted for uee i liot nir furiuiccs , steam and hot vato Doilors , with no or ashes to handle Carpets have rlsun in price f > c to lOc yard , but the Council BlulTb Carpc company will continue to soil at th Bamo old bedrock figures. Save your hard co-u ; use wood , an call on II. A. Cox , 10 South Main stree Best Missouri wood So.uO per cord , d ( livoied. roiinil u llir.M'Ic. Dan Smith , a mrstengcr boy at the Post teleprapb ofUco , earned Ji. > without mui trouble lerday atternoon. Ho was pi a ; ing with torno dice on the platform of Deer \\ellb & Ca'a warehouse on lower Mai fctrcct , when bo cropped ono of the ale through a crack In the platform. Ho wet under the platform to find It , and nhllu ihci truck bli hand against tbo cork handle to bicycle. Ho dragged It out und took It to M , \VlllUmiun , who had a wheel stolen la1 Saturday night , and it crovcd tobe tbo mU ing article. Some parts of the machine we bent out of hipo : , but in the muin It was I oed order. Therj U not the slightest de us to the Identity of the thief. Mrs. K. Kintz invites all who are li tnrcbteil In learning Fionch antl Gcrmr to meet her at her home , 105 Soul Seventh street , Saturday evening nox Have you seen those beautiful ham painted jardinieres at Lund Bros ? See those oil heaters at Swaine's , 71 Broadway , Davlb/ordiugs and paint * . NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Great Preparations for the Celebration of Columbus Day. PROGRAMS OF UNUSUAL EXCELLENCE . _ School Children In thn .Murnliic At ill Ob- nrric tin * Onjr with I'lltlnc Ktcrclsm The ( Irnml I'nrmlc In the A riprnoon Ullirr features. Tbo committee on arrangements for tbo celebration of Columbian day held a meeting st the city council chamber yesterday , nnd spent a cooJ share of the afternoon In talkIng - Ing over matters nnd nrrnucing tbo details of the celebration lu n u ay that will prob ably sttilio Mr. Columbus dumb with amazement when bo looks down or up tomorrow - morrow and sea ) what a furore ho has caused. L. S. Stcadroan was present nnd reported that he had been Interviewing the railway ofllclaU with a view to ascertaining how many railway employes can bo depended upan to take part in the p trade. From his observation he Judged that between 300 and MX ) ot them would fall into line. lion tln > I'.inule Will lie Turmoil. The parade will form around Bayliss park between 1 : IIO and ! J o'clock and will move nt 3 o'olock sharp. The followins will bo tbo order of march : . Platoon of Police. PreslJent D.ivcnpitrt ; md Mayor Liwrence. ConitnltttMon Arianeements. City Council , Cltv and County utlklals. MipurmtnmU'iil of School * . President mil Members of the School Ko'ird. Oiurzy. Press Kopic enl itlves. Aides to Pros dent of thu Day. Couno I llliills Hoys' Drum Corpi 1'iofossors. loaclici.s an I t idents of thu Illeh school , followed bv other teichers and stu dents In thu fol owlnj order : Washington AMIIIIIO. Illon ncr. I'icrco Mroet. Twentieth Avenue. 'I bird Street , Second Avenue. Klchth -trecu Ulslith Avcnno. Avuiiui1 It. Harrison Struct , Plfti-einh Mitet. Thlity-toiiilh i-ltuut. Wooilbury. Gnnn. Clark. Courtland PI ace. Teachers nnd Pupils of St. Kr.incis Ae.ielemy , St. Joseph's Af.idomy. St. Peter's P irochlnl School. Catholic Voiins I. idles Society. Dodo l.icht On irds. Ginnd Army of the. Itopnbllc. \ \ ( iman's Kollcf Corps. Sons of Veterans. Daughters of Veterans. Union Veteran Legion. l.iidlcs Auxiliary. Masonic Order. Order of the E istern Stn * . IndopendontOideruf OJd 1'ellows. Daughters of Kehokab. ridellty Council. Koyal Arcanum Ancient OrJcrof Cnl'wl Wuikmen. KnUhtstif Pythias Pythian Sisterhood Pvtbian ilsters Commercial Pilgrims of America. Daueba society. Danish llrotltcrhood. Woodmen oTtbe World. Modern Woodmen of America. Improrcd Order of Hud Men. Piicahontas Degree. Ancient Order of Ilibernt ns. Catlulllc Knights of America. Catholic Mutual lloni'volent Association. Vouns : Men's Institute. Council HIuIVs Mannerchor. IJcnevoH'titTreiitiind led o No. U ) . fcchtiet/eii Veieln. Labor Or.nniz itlons. Veteran I'lrenicn's Association. Fire Department. Line ol .Miircli. The line of march will be as follows : Prom ho corner of Sixth street and First nveuuo ea.t on Fir t avenue to Main street , thence on Main street to Broadway , on Broadway o the Motbodist church , 'north ou First street to Washington avenue , on Washing- ou avcnuo west to Seventh street , south to Sixth nvcnuo , east to Sixth street , returning around Bnyliss park to tbe speakers' bland. Alter the nuraJo thera will DO n nrosram presented nt the park. Hov. J. H. Davis of ibo First Baptist church will open the oxer- cues with iirayer , nfterbieh flve-tnluuta speeches will b3 made bv Clinton Spooncr of tbo High scnool , JniSco J. 11. itucd , llev. C. \V. Brewer , Emmett Tlnley , C. M. Hurl , L. S. Stendman , Judge W. I. Smith , J. n. Abies , .1. N. Baldwin and Superintendent H.V. . Sawvcr. Father Longlnus will close tbe o\- ' ercis'cs with a benediction. Musical selec tions will ha interspersed in the proirnm. Totlav as early as possible all the societies that intend lo take part in the pirade are requested to name one of their number to act as nulo to the marshal ot the day. In tlie 1'ubllc > clioolB. Tbo day will bo observed in the public schools with appropriate exercises , the ofll- cial program being followed and separate cxcicisos being held simultaneously in the several school buildings , commencing at I o'cloclc. The members of the Abe Lincoln post are requested to meet at (5rand Arrry hall al SiO : ! a. in. tomorrow , forthe purpose of taklnc nart In the raising of lUgs at the school hous's. Also at 1 SO p. m. tomorrow to join In the parade.Vonr uniforms on both cc c 'slons as far as possible. The Veteran Firemen's association wil meet nt 1 o'clock tomorrow at No. 4 engine bouse to Join in tuo parade. Ancient Order of Hibernians. Alembers of the Ancient Order of Hioern inns will meet at their hall at 1- . ' ! 0 o'clc/cl tomorrow to take pait in tbe Columbia ! parade. James \Viciihatn , chairman of com tnitteo. _ ODD I.N si : I'ubllo Mcellncr llvlcl Arrangements fit Todaj'o 1'aiiKie. The Ri-and lodge of the Independent Oraoi of Odd Fellows commenced its annual . es sion yesterday moraing at tbe Miuoaic tern pie , which was tilled to overflowing will members of ibo order niid outsider } win pathcrcd to witness * , be opening ceremonies The morning was taken up entirely with i public reccpMon. Mayor Lawrence was t Inuo madi the address of welcoma and ten uer the cuesls the freedom of tbo clty.wbicl they haJ alreadv captured b3' their owi leave , but in lusab enco JudpeV. . 1. Smitl presetcd them the keys to the elf gate In his own graceful way. Theiestd too mornlnc Fossioa was spent In a socic way , no bunnois bemi ; transp.ctoj until tb afternoon session. ( Jrand Secreturv W. M. ( iarrott rend hi annual report , which contained some intei csllnR figures Bliowlnp the sirowtb of tb order durniR the past year : Ttio number c lodges now In cxUtenro In the state Is S4l with utolul mouiberatiin of 'J'.i..MI , tno gui dufinc the year being twcntj-seven In th number of lodcos aod 2H.VJ In the mombci ship. Tuo total receipts havu been ? IU1 , C.iU.77. There have Decn 10 * deaths out of membership of nearly 'W.OJO. The receipt of the secretary's oftliro tiavo amounU'd t f.'J.KVi and tbo expenses K > , ( J-20 , both of thes amounts belnf larger than for any precedln year. 'lli'.s morning's session will bo taken u with busircsa ofu routine nature ai d th liual adjournment will taUo place about noot AtlM'i the members will assomole at th Urand hotel to take part in a parade that I to tu e In not only tbe Odd Fellows of loui but tucio of Nebraska ai well. Tde craij lodge of Nebraska , \\hlch is insostloul Oniuhu , will coma over and Join the oroec' I slon. About 4 o'clock tbo whole party wi go to Omaha by a special motor train , wbei they "ill be entertained in the uvcutng wit n Bcecbam's pills cures sicu hcadacho. i . 70 horsoF , grade Clydes uml Percl L 01 ORB ; ono hnported Clyde and ouo full 3 blood Percheron stHllion , cnttlo , tooli i etc. , at puolic Bale. Thursday , Octobc 2" , on my fninihix miles ontst of Counc Hlulls , ou Quick road. 0 Stiruifiorb' In the city would do well t fall ou Mbs Ungbdtilo for the latci styles In millinery. 337 Broadwu The Hadinnt novelty base burnei ore the boat hoato.-s in the city. Sc them ut Jlaklne Uar on the Saloor.i. Mrs , Hottlo liritton has commenced a cr sadc , against tbo taloonv In the town of U deruood , where she lives , and , Judping fro the number of petitions that were placed ( tile In tbe district court yesterday , tbe si loons of that pUcaill huvo a very rod road to trtvcl Iron BOW on. tine alleges th the proprietors of tour of the places sold In toxicatlng liquors to her husband , II. Brit- ton , at diffcicnt times , although lie wai In the habit of getting Intoxicated , IJdward Schrocdcr , ono of tbo raloonlsli , sold Unit- ton liquor every month since last October , nnd she demands a Judgment of tlOO In favor of too school fund for each month , maklne a total Judgment of JI.200 In nil. Fisbor & Son nro made defendants In n suit for { 430 fur four months , .1. W. Norrls for ! 00. and > M1- Us Dotvns and Henry Hajgerdcrn for $10J. You need not despair ! Salvation Oil will heal your burnt arm without a scar. 25 cts , Gallon Messrs. & Hes and ask to bo shown the Kloln tract of 40J acroj no A on Mile in five and tun aero tracts. They will show it free to alL Suits nnd overcoats $10.00 less than by any other tailor. Clothing , dyed , cleaned , repaired. P. J. Peterson , U311 b. Oth si , Wnntrcl lu liny. Improved property. Will my cash if price is low. II. G. McCieo.lO.NIal'n stroot. Gentlemen , the finest line of fall in the cltj- . just recuivod. Holler , the tailor , 310 Broadway. The Boston Store closes uv'ory evening - ing at 0 p. in. except Mondays and Saturdays. _ The genuine Burr Oak stoves arc sold only by Chas. Swaine , 737 Broadway. Call and sec them. _ Hay it Hess roiwt th U they arc hav ing H good demand for the ten-acre lots in the Klein tract. Boston store closes every evening at 0 p. m. , unless Mondays and Saturdays. KOpoopIo in this city USD gia stoves 1 lie Gas Co. puts 'em i'n at Big line of hanging lamps , stand lamps , hall lamps at Lund Bros Don't forget that Swaino sells the Klmliurst btoves. Judson , civil engineer , " 23 Broa.lw.iy Doro Davidson and Miss Ramie Austen .vlll . present the now suocessltu cotnedr ramaDangers of a tireat Cltv,1' at Boyd's beater tonight , ana for the throe succepdlnc IchU. with Saturdnv matinee , which has mads the most pronounced lilt , Miss Hamle \usten cxcellltiL' nil her previous efforts , vhilo Dora Davidson sustains his reputa- Ion as the foremost character. The Cincin- all Enquirer says : " 'Dangers of a ( jreal Jity1 is "a molo-drama of most Intense In- crest , comblningalltheelonients of a popular access. The climaxes are startling In the ixfome , situations all novel and original , noldlug the audience spellbound ana awo- triclten at tne many tnrilline instances , " 'bo narralivo Introduces a love storv , ten- er. palbetlc , effecting dcop emotions. A ich comedy vein is interwoven , giving the lecessary relief to this sterling play. Of ho stars it wouid be dinicult to offer' thorn oomuch pr.iltc. They are thorough masters if their art. Miss Iljmifi Autea : is a bcau- iful young Indv ; she lends to her perform- mce relined grace and beauty. Dora David- on excels all actors In bis particular line. " Clara Morris , with practlcailv the same xcalleut cast that supported her on "her last , 'islt. here , comes to Boyd's Monday and Tuesday night. On Monday her familiar , but peerless portrayal of Camilla will bo tbe bill Tuesday evening for the fim time on ny stage will bo given Miss Morns' own dapiation from the German , entitled Cuire. Mr. Will O. Wbeoler , azent for Patti Kosa. is in the city. Miss Kosa comes to the Boyd n October : , ' "J and 3'J. ' Herbert Hell U'inslow'.s comedy drama "A Barrel of Money" will De tbe attraction at be Fur.iam street theater f jr four nights commencing \\lth u Sunday matinee. "A Barrel of Money" has oecn one of the most successful productions of the past few ieasor.s. It was presented without any ex- ravacant claims of excellence end its popu- iirilv has bjen won solely upon its merits. " The play is devoid of any"of the violent ef forts to amuse which are BO fre- ijuently employed .n co'ncdv pro ductions and it depends for us strencth in this aiiection cnlirtjlv upon the perfectly natural complications which result from the pure and homely story the author has fur nished. The melodramatic pan of tbe play occuri in the third act. wnich represents a vivid interior of an iron mill , show ing the largo and massive machinery in motion , with belts buzzing , wheels whirling nnd s > teaui escaping. During the lir t and second nets lumerous hUh class specialties are intro duced. The company includes Barrio La ment , Lloyd Neal , Hosabcllo Uussoll , D. Jav Mann , Edith Ellison , Will Spauldiug , Halph Dormat' , Matt McUinnis and others. Mati nee Wednesday. DeWltt's Sarsapanlia is renanla The Nicest and The finest , purest , strongest and best flavors for cakes , puddings , pastry , etc. , are Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts. In this age of adulteration , consumers owe it to themselves to patronize manufacturers who have an established reputation for placing in the market pure articles. Dr. Price's Extracts for purity have the endorse ments of the leading chemists of this country. They are used by the United Stales Government. The best ho tels and restaurants use them. The largest and finest grocers sell them , and they are des tined to take the place of ali other Flavoring Extracts. Anew an ! CorapletJ Treat mat. conilitla ; of Enppoiltorlei , Omioioal IB lUpiulai , uUo la U- > tnai'HU ; a l'o < IUra Cure fjr liitfrniL lularnil lillpdor Uioa1ln.'lt34itu Oaroalo , Koo.'ator llerjll- urrl'llDi Till itjoial/bat naver lisen koowa to iall.flpjrbox Ofurii , > jntir ! mill WlJ7iu3urroni IbltttirrlDla dliem win a * rltn umr ntjj h DOHtlTtlj-k'I'on rltu 0 ojtei or rerun ) itioraonj/lf not cured sjal ti n ? for fras hampla. ( iuuramm liiucdbf Kulm 40o. , Dru liu , Milq Anen'.i.carasr llth und luu : < 4 < itri ts us.iii NeU NOTICKOPTHK SITTING OP THK CITY COUNCIL AS A HOARD OF EQUALIZATION. To nil t'lx-p.iycrs nnd owners of property , null ull p.irtles Intoreated In taxation In the city of Omuha : Vim ure hereuy notified Ihiittlie cltr coun cil of Oniuhu will , u iiru > ldiMj und rcijulred by hcctlini N'loftliu tlinrtcr of Moliopolliaii L'ltlet. liu il uouiilon lib a Hoard of Kiiimllza- lion of not lo s than llvo Uny * . coinuidiifln ; ThurkJuy. October'.Till , IKti for tbo purpose of t'ciii | lmiiz tbe usse > $ inciit of all ptopurtv within tbo city of ( iinuha ukses.ed tor gen eral taxation for city taxes for tlio year UJ3. t-ucli slttlnu will bo held ut the oltieoof the City OlurK of tuld city In tuu City Hull In the city of Unialia. coiiitiiunclni aid o'clock a. in und coQtlnnliiL' until 5o'clock p. 111. daily. And you and eiicb of you uro beieby notified to bu and appnur boforu said lK > ird of cquull- xation at tbo tlinu mid uhieo nuincd to make any complaint or objection you may hare to said Assessment or uny part theieof as by statute provided. Co ml ) alms lu urltln : tnuy tu tiled with DID City t'terlcut any time dur- ln : tlie be&sion of slid boaru , OlOdCU Joil > OHOVES , City Clerk. BLACKWELL'S EVERYWHERE , SMOKING TOBACCO , Whether on the hills paming ; In the place of business ; or at hcmr , It always fills that niche of com fort a good smoke. Put up in handy packages , and recognized everywhere as a Pure Granulated Leaf Tobacco of the highest quali ty ; it recommends itself to every smoker's use. Sold everywhere. BULL DURHAM Is always uniform in quality. Pure , sweet and clean. THE IDEAL OF FINE TOBACCO. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , DURHAM , N. C. Even MAN can he S'JKONO and VIQ- OROUSinall rmpc-ts _ _ _ ti ) usinc SPANISH NURVINHtheBreat bpnnlnh Hetneilv. YOUNG MEN OK OLDsutirnne from NERVOUS nUIJILlTY , LOST ot FAILING MANHOOD niKlulj ci. isloi.s , convulsions , ncivout proilration , enlist d by tbe use of opiuri tobacco or alcohol , wake _ . _ . . . . . . . tuineit , mental ieme lon lots of power in either sex , tjiermator BErn DUE AND Anm ISL tluri cautcdbj self abutc and overindiilcniiroi an > pi nonal rak ntsscin be icstDied lo pcifrct health aril ilio NOBLE Vlt..LITV OF STIIONO i IBK. \rillcn K" 1111 * -wnh 6 boxes to' UT an * ' ase nr rpiiH , t w * . # . . , ct j IIOL 6 boxes ( For SAlj in Omaha by Snaw , L.und & Co. THEGREAT LIVERand STOMACH REMEDY all disorder ? of the Slomic'i , Llrcr , DowMs , Kiicij- ? , ] Jlill > - , NTTVO i los of Ap ptlt Honilnrli ? . Ccns'lpathii , { . 'ostivoii'Ui Iiilivis i u , It. . lies Etc. , anil rcu ICM th"1 y < ; p n lc > u lla'h ' to coalrist dKcu. . DYSPE1PBIA. , * - i - * - * ' - n - - - -JL. Jfc IIAI\VAY' ) PIM. > iiro O'iro for this co-iio'iiliit. They to-i5 up I'm InterTi' socrstloa ? to licultlir nrtion. rtoii strcuTtli totlo stomach , an-1 cunblu It Ui pprfor Its fuiftlons. I'lli-o 2V u tiox. tnnl by all driliclsts , or tuullod by KAUWAV& OJ. . .a Warren Street Nott York , on reeelpl of price. UB. K. c. wKyjMsuvrt AMI uitAi.Nruav.r MK.vr.iiiiij-ile tjt Ufiuj ix imnijii , l-'ili. Nja rulgla. tie.iUivcaa . urroai lrostratoa ciuadJ br ulcuboior tuDuczJ. WA 3lulDOis , Meatil L > t33r3i rlon.Soetnessof tin llriln cihjilnj ini , m > 92r/ decnr.d atti. 1'roai uuru UU A.'c , liarrja ti. Lon ot 1'ower In eltaar sex , Impotcacf. Laacorrliaa aaj mutorruoacusiJ Ofb.-vjiartloa o. tu'briln self-abmeorer inJulusnce. A tnoatii'J trjitun ; IIflfor 15tir mail. WerfJXTiataasK bjrjj t'Jcjri EacttorJa lor u oxet "llh Si will R311 trrlttai EUfirantceto ratunJ It nolcurii Guarantee ) lJ3l only by Tlieodoro I" l.owu ilruKchi , ol ajaat , feouibcasi corner IGitiatt 1 lrurniui bt i'tnaha HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners anil Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Deligh'ful Shampoo. WHITE BUSSlAK SO&P8 Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water Imprcvad Safely Elevators , KIMBALL BROS. Cor. Qt'iSticot nnd lltli Ave . Oouticll HI uff DRTC'GEE WO Theonlr UMllr grttiia l Klcut T0ri' ml/ Ten Jain I > r ctl0-il e par'- cncewlth nil iJJ rn cll.aiui I'rviti nueojufalir allobraalooiix istrJi up t > y otir ! ductari Cill andBDablmor writ4 for qa3itloa bliok 1)0 not llilnk jourciia lion ilau tuoiuu .1 jctoruin jou o buttrr 119 Chlnsw flo.ajr wltu bti njoml wonderful auuMe * . and/uaslTa ns v : anl t permanentcura-wbatvtai-t dooiori cinniu ulri llerbi. ltoot > aa < l I'UTU r.nlura' < rjm dl9i-bli iacMllclne Tha worU lilt wltneu. ttiuanil tt-ktlaionlali In tUree yt r ' practice No Inlurlqai di-coctloni. liu narootlei , no palm lUtloaU trentiucnt nn > l permanent ouri Followlnermei ueemirnllr troini aal curil Klii'n up bj ntber ( lectern Tliot Ccunhlln , < li : llirnej itre'H , matlnmO jear . klilaef nail llrer Iroublui. Tlioi Culit'rt , l.'tU ami rnrnaa trj ti. dcbllltjr.lniU3 tlon , lax of slrjnjl'i ail Tullt/ | . Took mvdlclnj for ) ' " but cut nu ralldf. M. 1. Anjcr/on , IMl Cuulir > tri9t. citi.-'i cstuma nod bronchitis of Of tein rtiri ma Jtn/ JIat for le the followlnj prepiral rpmaJUi at tl.UJabottle ilr bottler for liuu. for tbo euro of Attbrna , Catarrh , slci UeiJicUa , InJIsoitloi Hlootirul onlQi. IttioumitUia. Ki'mile WeikiiSM. Kldnej aoj l.Ui'f Complaint. No ugenti. DOIJ Ctluete MeJIrtno Co , Caiiiial , HJJJU Office , ICth anl Califo'rjii Sti Omhi , Xcb SPECIAL NOTICES * COUNCIL BLUFFS. EMPLOYMENT. " \\7ANTr.D A cotiiiVetent clrl it Mrs " . ' ' 1 nrnsHorth's , Ml south Klchth stri'pt , Apply nlonco. \\7 A N T ED-Goo-1 tellable machine hand ' and wood worker. C. Uo'en's planing HOUSES AND GnnnNsntnuK. NICHOLSON , t co. nro always roadv and e\cr wlllini to show property ; rls aiw iys on hand. Uo and S.EO them FA KM and cltv loins. Money loineJ in block and cr.iin. Kcil est-ito for s'llo. Dwellln i an 1 business rentals. Moncv lo me I forloe il Investor . LOURCO XToHle.iJi 1'oarl street. K1UH PLK De = lr.ible rcsltlonea propTtv - - on I'atlt avo. Mnjcrn ImprovamciiH , II rooms , ono block from motor : .1 'iln If takciat OIIPO : easy jiiymintsor tr.ido E II. fcbesifc. IPon wint to rent a house see ( irecnslilolds ; NIchciKon & Co. rj.KEiN. nuLi : > ? . NICHOLSON & co. i > ivo V I the largest list of property of any firm In the city FOUJji : Choicest f.irm In 1'otnwatti- tuoCo. . < ll acres wo'.l loc itud anl Im- pro\-ed ; Price f 10 an acre. K. II s-heifc. Jl YOU liivo a\ivtlilii ? for silo or trade saa _ L. U. Slia ife , llroiihrnr aivl M un str nt. "K'OIl SALE On stniil payments , fruit and Jcardon Ian I noir Council llltills U H. Flicafp. llroadwaj' .in 1. Main street. l" Vot' want to ho ir so-nutlilni no < v reiarJ- K real estate SOB Urecn liolds , Nlcbolsou \\7ANTTI ) Nc" raska lan-1 In oxi-linnsa for ' ' good work hordes. Ii II. Sheafa GHEENSHnLDS , NICHOLSON .1 CO hax'o many bir.-ulns In 1-iiprovod an i vicant propertv tliay would bo please l to show you. WA.OOI ) A. C ) . Imvoso-neof HIP finest farms In sonlhnustorn low.i for bale CiI ! and sco us .VJJ MHIJ ! street. 11'vou h-ivo a house to rentseo Groeii'lilelds. Mcholson A Uo. AHIIGAIN. . It-icio fruit and uardnn tract 2'i miles from postolllce."j acres in prapcs- . ! i aero In blaclclieirles. 'JSI iinplo tree * Tn plum tn'i's. : f > uherry trees , dwnlllnz. stiblo , ef. Price HOP L No trade. K. II. Mieifo II' VOl * w.tnttT buy a lot 30 GrejiishleUi , Sleho ilsnn .t Co i'HIt MONTH rents a peed s-rnoin linnon Aef near-'fltlt st. I" . II Sheaf e. IP yon nnt to buy a bouso seoGreonslilelds , .N | . holsou \ Co. CJHEKNfrHIKl.TlS. NIC'IIOLSON & CO. nl- v * ways hate hntips on h-ind for conservative .nvcstnis. DON'T I ny niupctty till you have seen GreonslilcUs. Nicholson & Uo. GltKBXVlir.M- ) : , XICHOL-OX & ro roil estate and rentil agjnts. G.'l lln.iy , 3. with men wIn rist o to ull It SoaOroBnihleldB. Nicholson \ Co. GKEF.NSIinU * . NIOIIOOOV&Cretho lending mil estate deilers of Conn-11 HI nils. Sro thorn n hen yon want .inythuii. DON'T forzo' tint ( ireonslilouli' fi Nlohol- nii tirerUIt in the middle of the ring ; larsest list of pioperty of any dealer in the city. 100 ACUFS of clear land In cistern Nt J br.iska tocxchanio for u gooj rckldnuco In Council HlulTs. Want hnii ei and lots for Ne braska hind , .lohtiston > t Van Patten 11'you want to buy land see Orecnslilelds. Mcholspn A. L'o. FOK HKXr-T rooms on 1'lrat A\e. , J2a K. 11. She ifo. GCU3 iicros o' choice plno lands for sale , jnoir Puivls , Miss Kisy lorins In- ijulrtior Mis. 11. O. IlrooUs , or A. T. Klce , , V8 < th street. CUMF. and taKe ouo of ( itounshlelds. Nichol- ( -on' ( . rl.s and taKe a rldoover tbo oily : It co > u you notlilrn ; . "VTKW C-room houso. llueo b'ot-Ks from court Jhouse. . Prlrp JI.'MJ.OJ If taken ut once ( iiimnshlelds. Niclmlfcon .V t'o MISCELLAN20US. GAIUIACR removed , ccsspouls. VHnlt and chimneys clo.ined , K. D. llur e. ( J.iy llids. FOH ? AI < i : rurnluirc , flxttires and le.iseof the largest niu line-it hole ! In southern Nebraskii. All niodern luiprovuinents , elo- Iaut furnltiiro. Net profits ( IlKUuo pur an num ; building nrwly ljullt ; no eomii't'tlon I'rlcn j I.OOXOJ , half c&ih. fl II. Sheafo. ( . 'jinicll Illu3 < . la. FOR SAljE llurdwarj Mocks In Ipivu nnd Nebraska , linoluis , JWJ to il'.Ojj. Jill. Eheafo _ EXO11A CR Two mniPK and twueoltsfor nuootl lot In Council Hinirn. 1H. . ghcafe. IfOll BALE I'atully horse , now phuctoa , hitrness. etc. C. ( irerory , lit Main EC "lUIl jjALU Tt > ii : of lilillei. A'so uno cuoj i- work her e. Will uuc pay In urAUIuir. Leonard Kverctt. _ DANCINO SCHOOL. _ OMU VS In J { . A. par DM. children. Tp" m.i adults. Tn : p. in tfocla's ' second mil fourth Mondays , U p. m , Musle furnUhod par ties und club * Address at ItA , I'arlorn , Council UlulTb. or 103 1'aruaiu St. , OuiiUiL VV. H. ChKmuerk , lustructor , Overcoat Autocrats BHK3I That's what we arc when you need one con sult with us We have all the proper styles all the popular fabrics Meltons Kerseys Cheviots Cassimercs Wide Wales Stockinettes Serge and silk lined Box or loii cut . a Colors tan brown oxford blue black- orav- O - Single and double breasted Lowest price $3,75 with a gradual rise in price of 50 cents a coat till you get to $30 the high est which fit as well as custom made and wear as long These coats will please your fancy for they are everyone metropolitan in style and the price will catch you Columbia Co Clothing , , Cor. 13th and Farnam. Suscessors to M. Mellman & Co. s-s22 , M ® $ bfe -vv / / G § 25& Twin City Steam Dye Works. A. - i"TroKnc'K , DTEINGr , G EA'IIIErGAND BEFIHISHING OP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Omnhn. Office , 1321 .St ; Tolopliono loJl. Council JUuTs OHieo and Vv'or k Cor. Ave. A and 20lh St. ; Tclophono 310. Scad for circulars ind price list. Oinalia Ildical anl ; IETSTITUTH. Hi Bye & fo s v INFIRMARY % & - ' TLiEl IPTREATMEN1 OF ALL llfftJarlllilc' , uppiritma-il rs mini fir i < > i ti. ' tieitmvnt l rrcry form < iT ill-one ni lit- om ir.'l jl ireil iieil. ' dried" forpalieiitt. unsrj aiJ nttoi lin.-j lint tunioilalloni In th < t Hts t. Write for clreul r < miluf irnilll. an 1 lir.i"3i , inn r , clubfvut , c irv ilurot ul Kplne. | il04 | , tain > ri , can- rtT , catirrb , Uronchlll , Inlrilallnn , eleoTidiy , jur- ulkl . u | > lle | ) . klilnijMu I l r , 0,0 , cur , iJin ; ui I iiluoil aii'MII nar/iLUl o , > ( * rali < m DISBASB8 OF mm u ! ; ; . : ; \\OIIHMI HU'.I' . iVulnivc'lati'lr ul lol a ) ( - Uo I iirliucnt fur woaii'n tlurlir ; cuirlnameit , ui-i/ jir.vnic. Unlr Itc'llublo MuJIcal linl.lutu iU4iii. ; t t'peclalt ) ut PHIVATI5 DISKASIiS TO IUC.H , ral , or Iiupolenoy-jpUilH. ( Jlcut a J Vn a , irlu llruio , Aphiuire | > .tnr IK'foraltlei nal Trui > e > only m.inl aiiory In tie er. jf IIKKOllMITV AI'I'LUXCE' ' , TIIIMS CS , IILBCT HIC HlTJhUIKb AMI llKITa Omalia Medical aaJ Surgical Inslilute Oth atd Broadway , O.unoll Blaffi Ten inlntuei rile frum center of O aiUioi SUWBH PROPOSALS. Sealen proposals will bo received by the un- denl/nim until li'JOn'elouk p. iu. Octoberli-lli. IrtK , for the construction of a tuner Invewur district No. 107. In tnu city of ( Jniulia. ut > per ordinance No. Wi , accordlns to iiluns und specifications on IIIn in thu olllcc of thn board ofpubllo works. l'ropoi > ulH lo bu m.idc on printed blanks furnished by ll.e board , and to Lo accompanied by u rcrtlHcd ch'-ck in the sum of t'lW , payublu to the city of Umuhu Ub an uvlaenceof uoocl faith. The tio.ird ieherve % the right to reject any or uil bids and to waive dufuum. I * . W. IIIHKllAliSiit. Chalrmnn of the lloanl of I'ubllo Works Oioahu , Neb , October 13th , lMi. W. PAN6LE , M. D. The CjM Samaritan. 23 Years' Eipm'ence. OF DISEASES OF MEN AMU WO HX. I'HOPKIETOK OV THE WOHLTVB 1IKH11AL DISI'KH- GAHV OF MKUICINK. /treat the following Diseases : Cntarrh of tlie Head , Throat , and tanjs ; DU. camsof the Eye end lir lltenid Apopleiy , Heart Disease , l.irer Comiilalut , Kidney Complaint , Harvous Debility , Montol Dopres- filon , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness , Diabetes Bright s Dl'coseSt.Vilu * Imucy , ItiieumatUm , I'uraljfls , White Swelling , Bcrofuin , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula in ano removed without the knife or drnwlna a drop of blood. Woman with her dcllcato orpmis re- elorcU to health. Drojsy cured wlibuut tapping. Special Attention given to privoto and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. S5O to SboO forfeit for any Venereal Dla- ease I cannot euro without mercury. TQIKJ Worms rciuoved In twn or tbree bouw , or DO pay , Ilcinorrholds or Film cnrrd , THOSE WHO AUK AFn.ICTEO Will euro life and hundreds of dollars by calling on or u > inf DR. G. W. PANGLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. Tlioonlyl'hyilrlan who can tolt-nrluit all * a IIITIOII vritliout akklug a quotloii All cnrr&inndencc ElrlctlvconfldentUL Uodlclnl eeiit by express. Addiet all Ittters to G , W , Pangle , MD , 655 Broadway , CouncilBlu f s , Iowa W .C. ESTEP , Funeral Direcior , Main Street , Coudcll