? I procession will Include all the distinguished uuests In the city , pollco ( mounted and afoot ) , the city oltlclals nnrt hun dreds ot noddies. The men will march In the double rnnV , twenty fllo formation , nlict It Is OMlmntcd that the pnrixdo will bo flva hours passing n plvon point , KovlowltiR stands have been erecleil on the Adams street sldoof the postofllco square and nt Iho corner of SUto nnd Wnshlncton streets. There will ho thrco Brand divisions of the procession , each subdivision to suit tuo sue ot the societies composing It , I.VAUOmtATIM' Till : I'KSTiYlTinS. llrlllliiiit Itrrrpttnti mill Unit t tlio Audi- tiirlutn. CIIICAHO , III. , Oct. 10. A glorious iiuttimn tilfjht , a town Hlled with people , n city 'brll- limit with llffht , a mctropolli nllvo with tlio impulto of nn finmvr.Mnry which none now llvlntr will over BOO n-aln. Suph was phicajto lonlRhtvhon the curtain was lifted uotwosn the future und the past , ilnckward I'M years , the vista held within focus the coining of Columbus to western iphorcs. C/oso / In the forogrounJ of the luturo lay tbo dedication of the Columbian exhibition to the cause of progro < s among the nations of the earth , llio inautjurnl of the ono nnd the commemoration of the other was marked tonight by n brilliant reception lud.ball In the great hull of the Auditorium. J'onr 't liiiniiiinl lnxltcil ( Jucsli. In bolinlf of other patrons nnd of the patrono u of the hall , Major General Miles , Mayor Wushburno , N. iv. lAilrlnuk , UcorRO M. i'ullinun nnd Marshall L'lcld h U Invited 1,000 prominent citizens of various states to participate In u reccutlon tendered to the prosluent , vlco president and ox-prosldcnU of the United States , the representatives of foreign tjovcriiinents , the governors of the stales ami territories and other distinguished guests. While in Us Inception and conduct the function of to night wus unofllcml , It opened the baptismal jubilation of the World's fnlr of IS'.U-a. ' Ho It was that there were brilliant scenes In nnd about the Auditorium building early this evening. Thousands of electric Inmpa plowed brightly from th facade of the towering buildings on the Inko front. Alone the broad pavements of Michigan nvcnuo 1m- menso crowds of people were content to stand closely packed lor hours vliwlng the notublo folus as they arrived to attend the reception. About o'clock th'o ruu.blo and ( lash o glistening cquipauos began. The lady man agers nnd patronesses of thonffnir were coin ing to their rendezvous. The generally Invited Kuests followed in rauid succession , Once within the great Auditorium the ilrst Impression win that resulting from a Hood Of Hrrht , diffused , almost dazzling to thu un accustomed eyes , nnd yet It was the toft , aggregated glowing of Incandescent lamps- myriads of them. There sccmod no stress of light In any quarter of the great hollow , so equally wore the lamps distributed. The great stuol fire ciirlntn of the st'igo had been lifted und tlio stage flooring had been ox- tondca over the entire- orchestra pit. Smooth nnd tempting to the dancers aid It appear. Itoiiiliiilcrn < il Ancient Spiilii. Behind the proscenium arch the lower lloe of boxes had been extended lu a circle around the rear of tno btaiso. tAbovb this temporary clrclo of boxes nt its center wcro four other boxes , which were occuplea by an orchestra. A silken banner of the Spanish royalty was Buspondoa directly over the center of the stage. It tmu the cross In Its inlddlo and nroutid that wcro the intitnls and tno coat of arms of Ferdinand and Isaoollu. On dither side and immediately over the boxes wnro ten banners in buntine , each containing the Initials of the king and queen of Spain In the time of Columbus. The panel in front of vho organ und between the boxes and ttio proscenium arch lyas decorated with a largo United States Shield , surmounted by a .stand ot colors , the mars find stripes in the mtddlo and ilankoft on either sulo by the Hags ofnil the 'Amorlca'n republics. The corresponding panel on thu south side born the shield of Spain , also surmounted by the Spanish colocsr In this were shown the llu8 of every rihtian in the old world , the colors of Spain nnd Italy being given preference In arrange ment. . Of ( lowers tnoro wcro none among the decorations. From away down In Alabama wllds"smilax had been brought near load In all to festoon iho faces of the bal cony and gallory. Smilax was hung in graceful festoons in front of all tbo boxes and alone the balconies and gal- Icry.'front. This was cauchtup willi alternate - nato rosettes of red nnd yellow ribbon und extended around the boxes on the stage. Abovo.thp panels at either sldo of the pros- CBuIum arcti wcro banks of palms and terns. On tbo center section of the main balcpny-entirely hidden from tbo view of the pu.O3ts.uv ferns and other potted plants , Sousa's Marino band WIIH nt ! l o'clock in waiting to furnish the music for the grand march. Auil so the great hall greeted the coining throngs ; so ( Ha Its brightness and fits t&ateful decorations please tbo eye and satisfy the taste. Homo ( if the Costumes. Mrs. Nancy Huston Banlcs , Lady Manager- Hi-Largo A trained dciolotto cown of uluclc falllo frnncaisc , umbruidurod in gold fern leaves with ornaments and diamonds. Mi's. John K. lirlgK * of Oamhs , Lady Manager for Nebraska Uovvn of irridescent lemon and blue fnille , with court triune. V jicck and elbow sleeves , trimming , polnto duchesso lacu and pearl enibrolderv , nccom- punying ornuinoiits und necklace of pearls. Mrs. Helen Morton Barker , Ludy Manupor lor South Dalinta Gown of black velvet ornamented with line cut jot and polnto duchesso lace. Mrs. Whitney S. Clnrko of DCS Molnes , Lady Manager for Iowa Gray crepe , gar nished with whltn luco. Mrs. Mury Crenl Cantrlll of Kentucky , Lady Maiinger-nt-Large Entlro iown of J duchossu lace , over wliito sutlu en train , und dccnllctto trimmed In ro utto pearls , corsngo and sleeves and satin hews Btuudod with pearls. Mrs. Lnngworthy , Ludy Manager for he- liriiiUa-lilacic velvet outrum with , trim- whips of point lace und ornaments of dia monds. CINCINNATI1nimOOl , , Oil I I.DKIiN. Twenty Tiioimiml of Them J'liniilu li Iliilidiol ( 'oliiinliim , CISUIN.N'ATI , O , , Oct. ID. The parade ol the bovs of the public schools Into this after noon was ono of mostlusplringspoctuclo : -Cincinnati has witnessed In many i day. The numbers were almost startling The illsciplino was moit satisfactory , (01 ( whllo ovcr.v boy was practloally free fron restraint , the order observed In thu parade wu : boiler than that In ordinary processions o men. Thu youngsters worn till provided will uniform cups , nod each unu carried i Mnull Amone.m Hug. TheolToct was electrical Cheer nflor ehctir greeted tno llttlo patriots und thojr answering wiu hourly and- strong Kvon tours wura accorded them AS hero am tharo soiuo votorar. saw the sturdy strld < anil the nrgud boarlng of those "crowi lowejs pf the ropuullc. " as thov p.trrled will honor tbo Hag under which ho hai fought The streets were lined will spectator ? , niul now and then the , nrcasoil so cloo on the line as to objuuro In view of everythiuf ; except the ( lags thu floated ahov'o their heads. Abundant musl was provided , No auclilonts happened un tho. ! rllU > y bo.Vfc huvo the eatisfnuilnu ofhav ing given ami ot the mou suncoisful parade over goon In Cinulunutl , AM > OOl.ir .MIH1S. nU Will l.'eloliniKi .Sumcmliu 'I'llIK All oriiuou , ' ComtnbUtf day will bo iUtlngly observe this urternoon in nil the publio achools in tn City ; l-Specinl'proRrams huvo bcon UITUUKO ' and all tbo' pupils will panlcluatn 1 UOJlfrljjB { tbo' memor.v of the grci oTlsc iveror who'll rat aiinouncod to the clvl izuil'vtoilil flto 'bxlstonoo of a woateru coi tlnont tbal ha aluco bi-couia the center c clvilliaijoii wid the birthplace of all Unithi licou f-routest and best lu the line of tbo pr "gress uud mntorlul * advanionionl of iho hi man race , Tlio Omnd Array of U Kepublia has joined with ( ho acuoo i.ln the lancmblo endeavor to ma I t < tbo oelcbj-ntion of a nature that wilt have T laatlncr-ini'prosMoii ' on the minds of the rhl Rdrcu.aua sp&ukors from tbo niouiberablp i t > that orfe'ttiixatipa | will deliver uJuresse.s i ' - each school builalnp tu tlio clly. Tt programs to bo rendered at tt ! , various schools , whllo shnllur I many rcupocln uavo but ono feature lu tvblc thn schools wilt net in concert , nntl that M Vho singing of "America , " xvhlch will bo Rung In oanh and every school at S o'clock. The teachers hnvo been allowed to nrrango their own programs , nnd they will vnrv nc- cottllngly. They will tncluda the rcndlna of the president's proclamation , singing , ot patriotic songs , otsavs , recitations , instnf- menlal music , the raising of the stars and stripes , pledging nnd saluting the line , prayer , questions and answers on Col'imbus , dialogues , patriotic questions , Hag drills , tableaux , ar.d such other appropriate features as may have suggested themselves to these who have had the arrangement * In chnvgo. The following sneakers hnvo been desig nated to mldross the various schools : Hieh school , Judge Unrllolt ; Ambler , Or. .1. II. Halpti ; Bancroft. Colonel U. S. Chase ; Cuss , Simoon Bloom ; Cnstellar , Captain Von Horn ; center , .lotrn Honza ; Canlwl. Simeon Hlonin ; ( Jentral nark , Captain Gllmnro ; Uavnnport , Dr. H. M. Stone : ; Dodge , W. S. Shoomnkor ; ICck rman , Dr. llvans ; Kar- nnm , Major Clnntson ; Forest , Dr , Swnrtzlandor ; Fort Omahu , Perry livont Franklin , Prof. Glllosntc ; Ilarlmati , T. S , Clarkson ; I.oavenworth , 1'ntO. Ilnwos ; Lonir , Dr. S. 1C. Spnldlng ; Lothrop , H-3V. W. K. Hcans : Mason , V. K. Mooros ; Omaha View , L. T. Mosuin ; I'a- clllc , Dr , Cnrlsile ; Park. C. K Uurmoster ; Vltuon , Colonel Glllosplo ; Webster. .T. W. Llvonnt'hous'c ; West Omaha , Colonel Oil- losplavcst ; Sldo , Dr. Kulph. The followlr.ir Schools will ho assigned spankers' nut the names are not yet known : Dupont , Hlokorv , Tzard , Jackson. Lake , Paul , Saratoga , Walnut Illll nnd Clifton Hill. lti : < llU\If-l AMI NATIONAL ( SCAIUS. I'urlt Now a JtlllturjCinnp ( leu- oral CurtIn t.'oninmiul. CHICUIO , 111. , Ont. 19. Visitors to the World's ' fair grounds won ) well repaid today by n scene of color , activity and animation. The ground In the vicinity of the mines nnd mining building nnd the transportation building swnrmcd with soldiers , regulars and national gunrdsmon. Adultlonnl troops were arriving every hour. A bntallloti of In- fan try under the command of Colonel Townsend - send of Fort Lenvonworth arrived nt noon today nnd went in to quarters In thcmiiiesnnd mining building. With the musicians , the force numbered 2ST men. Tno well known Fifteenth from Fort Sheridp.n wont Into camp lu thu mines nnd mining building under the command of Colonel Crofton. No sooner had they found tholr quarters than four companies of the Nineteenth Infantry came In from Fort Wnyno. A provisional regiment of fourteen compa nies of the Michigan National cunrd arrived at noon under the commnnd of Colonel llnwon. The transportation building was sot aside for their accommodation and they were soon making themselves comfortable under Its big roof nnd laughing over the novelty of the situation. The Iowa militia arrived in three special trains over the Hurllngton road. 'Ihtsy were under tbocomnmnj of Adjutant General George Greon. They went directly to tbo fair grounds , where they wnro quartered. Tho'First , Second nnd Third regiments of Minnesota arrived over the Uurllnston and thu Illinois national gutml und the last de tachment of regulars put in an appearance. Milwaukee's light horse squadron reported to General Miles , titter which they rode to Jackson park. They made the entire dis tance to the city on horseback , Thov made an exceptionally good appearance , nnd not- withstimdlnp the suvoro ride , npnenred fresh nnd trim ; the horses especially prcjcntinc u smarb uppearanco. The orders were published today consti tuting Jackson park n military oncamiiniont under tbo same of Camp Harrison , und as such it sball bo known by every ono on the grounds. Tno commnnd of nil forros at Camp Harrison , Doth state troops and reeu- lar army men , was given to Brigadier Gen eral Eugene A. Cnrr today. TAXKII 1O THiait UTMOST. dH Iliivhif Much Trouble til Moving Thn Crowds of Visltms. CHICAGO , 111. , Oct. 1'J. The railroads today wore nearly swamped In the tremendous rusu of people from all over the country. The extra trains were counted only in do/ ens , From every passenger depot in Chicago cage people poured In ttoeks , and fur a time after the arrival of every train thu sidewalks In the vicinity of the depots were impassablo. Many of Iho trains arriving were much longer than usual , extra cars having Dcnn uddod to them to accommodate the passengers , and every seat in all of them was occupied. The number arriving In the early part of the day was nothing compared to this even ing , and what it will IM forthe next three days to come. The sale of tickets nt reduced rates for the dedtcalory exercises did not , begin until loJ.ay , und H was only Ihe people at points quite"close to the city who could avail themselves of them so as to roach the city in the earlier portion of tno day. From oil points near and tar , how ever , orders were pouring in on the operat ing departments of the different roads for extra equipment , the sale of ticltots tieinufnr in excess of anticipation , or of the prepara tions made to iiccajmnodata iho people. When it was imnouncoil that the public would not bo admitted to the grounds at any time during tno dodlcatory period , people > U distant points threatened not to go to Chicago cage nt all and the ngonts of many of tne roads concluded that it would bo unnecessary for thum to uuuta an ; special preparations. When it was announced later , however , thai the public would bo admitted to the grounds Saturday , they evidently chanced their minds and dolermlned to come anyway. Now tbo roads are being rushed as they probably never wcro before since Iho inven tion of the locomotive. .CATIIOMO Ili.MT.\HIiS. Cnritlmil OHilxins anil Other IllgU Cliuirli OlHrluls Arrive lu ClilciiK" . CitKiAuo , III. , Oct. 10. Cardinal Gibbons nnd party , who arrived in this city today from Baltimore , wore mot nt the South Chicago depot by u number of well known gentlemen representing the World's fair nnd the Columbus club. The distinguished party of nrriv In ir quests was made up of Cardinal Glbuons , Archbishop Satolli , Mgr. O'ConnoIl , reolor of Iho Ameri can college at Homo ; Bishop Koanu , rector of the C.Uholic university at Washington ; Archbishop Ireland , Mishop Ivnin of Wheel ing , W. Vu , and several secretaries to the cburchincn. The citizens' committee of Iho World's fair hud for chairman Hon. W. J. Onnhan , and the Columbus club uoinmittoo wus led by President W. A. Amberi ; . The mealing was not , a surprise to Cardlnil Gibbons , as ho hna boon Informed of the cuumittoo's in tentions oy Archbishop Foohan. Tnero was nevertheless a hearty grociinc , handshaking and exchange of compliments at the Grand Contra ! depot. Carriages .wora In waltlnir. A detachment of Governor Fifor's staff re ceived the cardinal und party und showed the chuichinon to ihelr carriage. Cardinal Gibbons , Archoishop Satolli and Mgr , O'Conni'll were driven directly to Arch bishop Feohan's homo on the laxo shora iintl will ba hU guests during incur stay In Chicago cage , Uibhop ICoano and Archbiibop Iruland went to iho Grand I'ucillu hotel and HUhoi ICcano went with his friend , Father Hlordan of SU KlUabath's church. Anothur.dHtingulslicd parly of ecclesiastic1 wus that of ArchbUbop Corrlgan nnd HUM to arrive this afternoon over the Micblcui Central from Now York , They will bo on- torlalnod by Mr. i'rlndovallc. liirlu-d to Join. All societies and all cltUons wltboul refer euco lo race or creed are cordially luvltcd li participate in the parade on Friday tbo 31st inst. , lu honor of lh < great navigator und discoverer , Chrhtopho Columbus. Societies which have not alroad' ' reported , aod which.dosiroito taito part , wii please report at once to me at 1015 Louvon worth street , and they will be assigned i position in iho parade. Societies must bo ii plaeo at ti p. m. sharp. The procosslon wll move promptly at 'J:15 : p , in. The moiLberj of each parish not bolongini to souictloj , and who dotlre to participate are requested to meet at their partsl churches at I n. m. sharp , aud ffrom ther march to the position assigned thorn in th parado. , Tbo Hue of march and place of tmrh sociov In the procession will bo published iu thl evening's papers. \VII.I.UM M. nt'guXAX , Grand Manual. Mrs , Wlnslovv's soothlnir syrup for chll drou teething euros wind colic , dlarrhiun otu.i. . " > cutilH u bottle. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Lleutjnant Governor Majors nnd 0. J , Greano Spsak nt the Bepnblican Bally. HARRISON'S NAME CHEERED TO THE ECHO Until SpniUrrj Aromo l ntliunlnsiu for tlio I'lirty Tim Mrpllng u Mplrmllil Sue- A llljr Crowd Turns Out lRlc City The republican rally nt South Omaha last evening was a success. Tto rally was arranged by the county contra ! coin- inltloo. At 8 o'clock the Young Men's Ucnubllcaii club in now uniforms formed at Twenty-fifth nnd N streets , and headed by the South Omaha b.xnd , marched to Twenty-fourth , north to L and returned to Ilium's hall. A few minutes Inter the Fifth Ward Republican Flambsaa cHibxvltn Captain Mills , arrived from Om.xhii nnd marched to the lull. Captain Mills is very proud of his company , nnd well ho may bo , us they are well drilled and execute with precision some very dllllcult maneuvers. The hall wiw crowded. .1. 11. ' Van Duson presided and Introduced C. J. Greene , who spoke for nearly two uouw. Ills remarks were rnoslly In teterenco to protection nud reciprocity. His nuulenbo was in sympathy with him nnd ho awakened n gront deal of enthusiasm. The mention of President Har rison's immo was the signal for nn outburst of enthusiasm which lusted for several min utes. Lieutenant Governor Majors followed Mr. Gruono In a short speech. On the platform were n minority of tn9 candidates on Iho loirislativo licUet. ClItlKllIlM U'lll Illlllcl. The Catholics of South Omaha have de cided to erect a hall of tholr own. The necessary commlttcna have boon appointed and the proltminarioj are woU-undcr way. It Is iho Intention to erect a brick building OUx 85 feet , and thrco stories high. The building will cost in the noii-hborhood 6f SiO.OOO when completed. The lirst floor will bo partitioned Into two rooms nno will bo roiito.d for stores. The second floor xvlll bo finely arranged and used for different purposes. On this floor will ho located n largo reading room , well lighted nnd ventilated. A largo' , room will atio DO sot asldo for use ns u iivinnaslum. The tnird floor will bo ono largo room , with necessary entrances , vestibules and cloak rooms , and will bo used for the meetings of "tho Catcolio societies und the public gatherings of St. Agues c tin re n and the socletioi. The buildlnir will bo erected as soon as pos sible. A company will bu formed upon the co-operath'o plan , stock being issued in small shares to each subscriber. A nlu > will bo purchased , the committee having sovorol in view nt the present timo. Ex-Councilman Rowley has offered to donate n lot on 1C street , lust cast of Twenty-fourth street , but the location Is hardly considered desir able. The general sonttinont among those interested Is favorable to a slto on Twenty- fourth street , between N and Q streets. The committee will report ut a mooting to beheld held Sunday afternoon. Attrmptuil Kulclilc. John Fitzgerald , a laborer , residing at Tnlrty-fourth and J streets , conceived the doa yesterday that death would be a wol- lomorolloverorins earthly troubles. Ho took 'O'nou ' In the morning , and for awhile t Icoked very much as if ho would join tbo hronn ever the great river. A physician orkott him from the jaws ot ilodth into the and of the living. Fitzgerald was on a proe and his suicidal intention was prob- bly duo to thai. His wife proposes toproso- ute these who have been selling him liquor. VIne Calltc Sold. J. P. Higgins of Lincoln was on the mnr- ; et yesterday with two loads of Hereford attic , the finest that have been seen hero , hi ? year. The slccra lipped the beam at , 'JOU pounns and sold for $ " > . : ! 0 , the highest irico of the your. The cows weighed 1,133 lounds and brought S3.hi. ! Tno shioment vas a very profitable ono for Mr. Higgius nd ho is much elated over the excellence of ho South Omaha market. ISul dun ; 1'crmltn. Inspector Mnyllold has Issued the follow- ng permits to build : iV , ( ' Sloaao & Oo. . two cottages. Twen tieth between I aud O sliects $ 800 iV. II. Cheek , two-story Iranio cotln o. Twenty-second botiveun ill and 1 slreots -.MM Three permits , asgroj-atlns $ a.40D .Nott'H iiiKl rciH niIi. ; Mrs. , TV. , . Smilh is visiting friends at Vail , la. The regular meeting of the Young Men's lepunlican club occurs this evening at iCinshts of Py thins hall. The EpworWi loa uo of the First Mothod- st church has docldou to servo a big dinner Thanksgiving day at Iho church. Arthur Ilurloy Is under arrest , charged , vith purloining Charles Hanson's Sunday trousers from a room in tbo Lister block on N street. The pupils In the t' ou rth ward school will celebrate Columbus day tomorrow afternoon. A long and interesting program has been prepared. Slgmund Landsbei-fj aud Dr. T. A. Ber wick have returned" homo. They were absent sevural days and visited Chicago , Milwaukee aud other places during their trip , Adah chapter , Order of the Eastern Star , gave a delightful social entcrtnin'iiicnt last cvnning at Masonic hall. Itotrosbmcnis were served nnd a pleasant evening passed. A large number" visitor * were present tram Omulm aud Council Bluffs. The funeral services over the remains of Mrs , Chuuncoy Wilson , who died suddenly Tuesday evening , will bo held ut I o'clock this afternoon tit the residence , Twenty- second and J streets. Tuo remains will bo takun to Now York for interment. A meeting of the young gentlemen who so successfully carried on tlio parties of the Young People's Social club last , winter will bo hold this evening. Tno club will bo re organized nnd will t > o a prominent factor In the social world of South Omaha this , winter. Your Sunday dinner is not complete with out a bottle of Cook's I3xtra Dry Champagne. Once tried never forgotten , OF Nancy Hanks Co'mrx Oil' .Second liust In HIT Tilt with Time , XASIIVII.I.B , Tonti. , Oct 111. Owing to the ruin this morning iho track was a trllle heavy. About 5 p. m. Nancy Hanks np- poarcd for her tilt against time , and us the sun hud fallen below Iho surrounding hills thontmospharo was rawunddanip. Underthe conditions good judges placed3utlas ; the best that could ou expected , but once moro the llttlo mare was enuiil to on unexpected per formance. Going uway at the llret ailempt Uior-uartor was reached In ! 3l'j seconds and the half mile in lW'X. : ( ' Thou for the tlrsl time Loolo ) guva her rroo rnln aim covering Iho talrd quarter In HO ! . ; ' seconds , she was nt the polo in I : ' % . "She will boat the record , " shouied the crowd , but the heavy looting and raw all begun to have the inevitable effect and she lliiishod the inllo strong and true In 20. ; ' ) , All things considered it was iho groatosl performance of her cat-car , The 3:1 : ! ) staka race furnished a surprise ol the day. Martha Willtus was deemed Jnvlncl bio and before the start abosoldal$100lo$2 ( ever the ilnld. After winning the first heat sue was unable to respond und Grocnleaf load the nexl iwo. The race luen wont ovoi until tomorrow. On tomorrow. In additior to the untlulshed stuko race , Hello llamllt und Honest Ueorgo will bo started atrains the team record aside from the vegulai program , Suimnatles : Stnku race , for pacers , -voar-ohls ; Nldh won. iionnlo lluilo M-coml , Joe \Vlll.es thlrO Time : -'slbU. S'Suy. Sjai. Btukuruue , * T,5JU for 4-yo ir-olds. 2:30 : elim JlutaJIU | ; won , J.lssa bocond , I'lerrlini tnlrd. llhick Ido fourth. Time ; "ilSV , -i'lQU "Blake .ODO for 2:10 plass ( unlliilthed ) ( iruuiilonfuntwnliuuts and Martha ono bout , Time : 2ia. : i'li Itiiniilni ; ut r.e LL-X.S-OTOV , Ky. , Out. ID.-K'iarAorllnary fle'ds ' , pretty weather , an cxco'lont tract nnd n peed attouU > u c'was the order of the ilny t Loxlnqton this afternoon , First race , vmrpfM. _ flvo-olizhttn of n tnllo ! Ilia ( I toll won , /ttiithm.lld ( fl to 5) ) xuuond. Far.itliiyi ( to.V thinTimotmt ! \ \ . . . . M'poml rnco , lolllni. niir o tun' , four him tiirloncs ! Too UIIIOK (4 ( tn d ) won , I.ltKlli'iinn ( IU to I ) second , Ih-iink Kills (4 ( to U third. Time ! Il0i : > j. T * j Third rniM1.solllntr. jnirsotioi , throo-tiunrlors ot n inllo ! t'voloiWi.S to 1) ) won , Ucpnt.illun ( ft to 1) ) sncriml , Moitxthy .Mnn (7 ( tn 2) ) third. Tinin ! IllV.t. i 3 I'liurth race , hntiim-an , | iur. o $101. llftoon- wlxtccnthiof ainllfl ! Ml < llxto ) ( . > tolMvnn , Nowtoii ( . " > to DscconiL Kiiuonlo ( ' > to DthlrJ , Tlmoi iir. : : . , . . I'llth rnco. piirsalulD , thrco-qimrlcM of n. inllo ! Th6 OiivornbsVig to SI won , it. Uyr (0 ( to < " > ) and Iloitlllo ( n Ur-I ) , iloail liuvt ; for so.oml plnco. Time : UlOi r ItncliiR-iCt llrnnlnqi , WASIIIXOTON' , O.-C. , Oct. t . The attrac tive cnrd furnished today sorvnd toilraw nn- olhor lario crowd to the iloniiltiRS rnco course. Tlrst raco. ntirno MOD , for nil RIJOI. paniltlpf nnd allownneo * . six furloius : Dr. llashroupk ( ont ) won , liltlotti (1 ( toil ) second , Urncu llrown ( S to II third , llnio : lll'i. : pc-coiid nice. IIIITSO J.MJ fbr M'yonr-ohls and npwariK nlllnv , oiu > inlloi. Mr. Sias ( I to II won. Milt VouiiJt ( oven ) second. Totntilo (0 ( to fi ) third Time : I:4V : Tlilnl men. hiiiidlnniiawpcii tiiKcs. ono tnllo and a furious : Tom Ho.'ors (4 ( to II won , I'lck- imcliPt ( oven ) saoond , Dlahlo (7 ( to. third. Time : 1.V > . I'ourth rare , purse MOO. for 3-ypar-oldt. pon- alt t > s nnd titlouiint'os. six fnHotr ' : .Sport ( .1 to o ) won. Ijbctx (4 ( to li si'coml , Alluu colt ( " 0 to Hlhlnl. Tiinu : lia l-'iflh rncn , hnndlunp , piiMoSIO1. onomllonml n liulf , ovurslx hiifilk's : l.lndscu U ia 'd ( I to li won , ICcarto PI In II second. Can Can ( I lo 5) ) third. Time : 1:5 . Clmi'laiul lr < iiinl | thn Third. Ci.EVKi\ND , O. , Oct. -Cleveland lost for the second tltno In the chnnVpionslnp serlos tndny. Thu contest was u | irolly ono and the suspense was not over until the last man was oat. Stlvctts and Younu were In the hex again , McCarthy won the gnnio for Uoston oy n pretty run nooilod to iloculo a doadloch , Cl ivchind'a haao ruiinlnpviis not up to iho raurk and the result mlpht huvo bcon dltTorcnt had It bcon. Attendance , (1,01)0. ( ) Hcoro : Olovolnnd. ! u 0000000 0-2 Huston : ) lilts' Clovohuid , 8 ; lloslou , ! > . Krrnis : C-loveland. Oj lloston. ' . ' . Diriinn rittiH ! Clovo- lanil , 'J ; Itostnn , U. ILillorlust Voting und /-limner : Stlvctts and Oansul. Iiidppoiidunon la , , Got. 19. The races wcro. resumed today. Lady .lino who hud two" heats in the 2:25 trot carried ever from Friday , won the race. Harry Novlns tools the 12-year-old pico'ln straight hoats. The -l-year-akl ! 2J5 ! trot wont wont ever , ICato Wilton having two boats and Wllkos Man has one. The 'J)0 : : ) trot in , which Jcordan nnd lieu Ulcdahavo u heat each , also wont ovor. 1:2. ! : > trot. puisui-'iO : Lilly Jane won , Lucy Mn v suconn , Sllvorvrnnd third. Tlmu : 2'J34 : , SfA Siiuy. iL'l : , 'Ji i , . Two-yuar-old D.ict1. nurse JWO : Harry Novlns uon. Lulus sc.'imd , Ocnoial Uuuor Ulst.incod. Tlmu : alil'4.-:41. ; : l'4IOt lt ll . 5COI-PH. LAFUT.TTI : , Ind. , Oct. 10. The foot hall Raino here this afternoon botwcon the team from the University of Wisconsin and 1'ur- duo university of this city resulted in a vlu- lorv for iho latter , ticoro : 4 toli. NE\V HAVEN , Conn. , tyal. ' 10. Yalo's eleven dofoatPd AmbeMiCfoflny Iri a lively came of font hnll hv n scori"t > f-i ! ! ) to 0. PUIXCRTOV , N. .f.Oct. ! 10. I'rincoton's cloven defeated LutilffU today. Scoru : CUtoO. OAKLVNU , Gal. , Dot. " . -Itcsulu today : I'rodnco stilci : s cWS-yo.ir-olds : Itnwona von , Myrt'o and AtHronV dlvldu second louoy , Time : x'4'j-e : Asulrntlon purse. 4-voir-olds : Marvel won , Vdmoiiltion second ) licit time : U:2U' { , I'ncliiR-'iS-'iolim , "vvfi-Ja walU-ovor for At- iru. " * U-year-olds , Aspirant stakes : Avonii won , iKiatom distanced. Hc l ilino : 2'J : . Wi i to tui.Mri.Kny. If John Thorn wii f wite'to Mr.Georgo Kny , s ho did lo Tun Cllji : ; in.'nil butnnn proba bility Mr. Kay wijl pTitor , fnto negotiations vllii him. Mr. Kuv * . * ' challenco , fiowovor , vas for n sevouiy-jivo yard raco. If Air. Thorn will send a foifoit lo guarantee bis challenge It will bo pYiijtedJ 1 > oiiKht to uTiitttl Flni li. New Yoiuc , Oct. 10. A" fntarori/o Hebt ook plaoo In the rooms ot the "I'hilllp Carrigan association" last night. John M. jarryand William .I. Neary fought lo se'.llo an old snidgo. In the fourth rounu Xonry ' received a blow in the chest from Iho effect's of which ho died today. CIIICAOO. ' III. , Oat. 1 ! " . At midnight the ccore of the loader. In the walking match was : Gllclf , l'"J miles , 5 laps : Hart. 1:2. : > tiilos , 131ap ; Guorrior , IK ! miles ; Moore , 115mllos : Cartwtiirht , 111 miles ; O'Connors , 113 miles , 8 laps ; Dean , 111 mlles : tlenj-lo , 1 miles. Hnll ASI-IICH to 1'l lit I'lt/Miiinioiis. New Oui.EAXs , La. , Oct. 10. A caologram has boon received from London by the Olym pic sialing Ihat Hnll agrees to moot Fitim - mons before tno c'.ub , but will not tight be fore next March. ot- Northern Texas has been visited uy an ox- henvy ralufall. The now roinmarulnl tronty between S | ) In and iho Unlteil St.itra has bi-on coiiuluiloU. .MiirtlMHvllH' . Ind. . Inn bcon visltoil by nn earthquake. Three distinct shocks wore fell. Tlio plant of the IMia-nlv fiirnlturi ) factory nt Uoekfonl , 111 , , wus doslroyoU by lltu. Loss Jiuu.uuo. Tlio cuao of Dr. Hi-lzia ; has boon i-eopeiiL-d huloiu Iho Now York 1'ioabylur.y , In session al Albany. The I'rotostanl Episcopal conzress lias rlc- clduil to hold its neijesbion at fan I'ran- eisco , C.il. Ono hnndrPil nnd fitly coul miners ( | iiit woik nt Corrlllos , ( Join , , Tuesday and went on a strike for -in lnuroisu : of wagus. ( loncnil Siovunson. now suinipliii : Alubima. say ho will ulvu hln lettur of acceptaiito to iho public on his rutuni lo Illinois. leaving hl LonU and Chl- C.IKO lo tuko the uluuod of nstrlUntf opurators on thu l.ulr , Colorado it aiita I'o r.illio.ul. ThonollcH of KI I'aso. Tov. , anil .luai-i.v.Mo\- . Ice , uliDutod the c.iplnru of a band of twenty robbers In Ihu lattc-r city. Over tl.OOU wiis dla- covoruil. Tlio llrst blilpinunt of Iron ere from thn Mo Htih.i range riiuebo.l Dnliilli ever the Duliith ft Mnsaba Northorn. It came from thu .Moun tain Iron mlno and Is of u very rich iinallly. W , S. Oailo tins been appolntocl recnlvur for thu 1'eoplu-i h.ink of .MIiUlIi'hdroiiKli ' , Ky. , which has failed fQr.Ji-.iiOO , Nominal asiets , n : > , Ul > u ; practically ui'iiUilos.t Duposltou will lese all. A bill has boon OlwJIn" < ho circuit cgnrt at Ohlcaun iiHkln. ; thui a rurelvur no appointed for thu Wuslurn .Miiniifiutiirlirj and .Mutual Insurance compaiiv.thu ) giouiul of mlb- m tin age mo lit , > Wayne McVuash tins udilrcs cd another iloinouratlu incotlir. , this llinu ill l/'uupar union. Now York KUy. Ills ulVcirl iiunclutloii of HiuxJpviihlJoiin pirly und Its principles und nhuvOoCJiU-lato potillc.iln ; - clalcs , Ifjj A. 1 * . Mason , picshXl'nt and Kcnoral manager of the Kansas Oily # Missouri Hlvnr Trans portation conipiiny nt ICuusas ( ! | ly , was blrluken with puralVult4 wlillo w.uk n dawn StatOHtreol. Uule.i ) * . 'llu wus imnovoil to thu hospital , whuru hl rc6ndillon 1mb bucn pro- noiiiicuil crlt.o il. " ' -J Thu National Cotoruu I'rottctlva assoclu- lion , In t-uvilon al.Jndliiii.iiHilii , InU , , li.is elected thn following olllrers : President , Klupuon II. ( ilhson 1'ohnsylvaiilu ; \ leu pi-udl- dents , H. J , llon-iird idiitucky , K. II. Mor- | TASTELESS-EFFECTUALf FOIt A a Talun ai directed lue fataous I'llls will ! prove iQirtelloua reitorallvea to all eoiotbled \ > f the above or Lladred duetm. 25 Cents a Box. . UgO c | iliiliilr , nd th > t IbeT biro wied to in Q < I > rer > not merely ono but many - ' doctors' bill * . > Covered with a Tatteltst & Soluble Coaling. J ot all clruceUls. I'rlco 23 cents a box. " , Now York Depot , 305 Tannl M. rn. Illinois nnd ( loorso T Knosr , Indiana ! Socrotnry 1) . ,1 , 11. JOIIM. l'onii ylvntil-i ) inslstant sourotary.Vllllniu \Varicii MoOuInn , Indiana : treasurer , I'y U.irson , Wnshliuton , 1'urrlcn , National reform rnndltlntos huvc boon suc cessful In the election for nobles tn Hawaii , \Vhllo hulldlnn a sewer nt IlHtnliiira four- iron men woin hurled beneath n inats of oav. Ins ourtli. Twelve wcro tnkoit out alive , tno were killed , The body of Mri. , To nnh Miller was found In the collar of her husband's house In Oltl- lum. KiiKland. The remains were terribly mutilate i ciml had been pnrtlully ouvourcil by rats. Miller has been arrested for tuiinier. The unto mill ton of the crow of the wrecked Amnrluau ship.Vllll.in < L , Damn * boll , roiicliod Illto. llawiill , Septombur SI , nud sailed for S.ui I1 riitu-lsco todny. C'niitiln Hit roner's heat oonlnlnlni * hliusolf , wlfonnd b.iby , Second Male Murray , Third Mite : 1'orov Tinner and leu Bnlors , hns not been hc.itd from , disc May Un Ciillnl Today. A t.ti IN Y , N' . Y , , Oct. U ) . The tenth nnnunl nieotlnp of tlio Prosbvtcrlnn synod of Now York convened hero last night. A pamphlet reciting the action of the general tmsomhly Informing Prof. Jlriggs to stand trial was distributed among the delegate- well as a complaint signed liy the reverend gentleman. The complaint xvlll coino before the synod toilay or Thursday. tii's ( Icfinnn Ciitliotlrft. ST. P\fi , Minn. , Out. 10.Tho Uormati Calhollo llonovoluiit soulotloa of Minnesota hold their nniiual reunion yesterday , thorn being delosutcs from all ever the stnto. A grand procession had over 1,000 men lit line anil I'isrht b.inds. A business meeting was hold In thu afternoon lit "o'clock with ofcr 1UU delegates present , Ilin ( oiiil | IhunN Scl/urc. Vlt ronii , B. C. , Oct. 10. United Stntci Consul Myers Is silting us it commissioner hero investigating the sei/.uro of the Drillsh sloampr Coilltlnm ( ) , The masterof throa suallnu schooners tostlllod Hint they trans ferred skins to nnd took coal Irom the ( Jo- quitlam outsldo the thros-mllo limit. loillrlcil un Olllri'i- liitKidnaping. . Fiir.unoi.i ) , N. J. , Oct. HI. The .Monmonth county grand Jury has indicted Chlof of Po- llco 6'Mtira of PHUburg on iho chario of Kidnaping Frank Molllck and taking him out of the state without a rciiuisltion ns nn ac- compilco of I3orgtimn , who ultcmptod to assassinate - sassinato Frick. UIV.IL Itlt ! I' Six minor permits , agrogatliiE ; * ? 1HOO. WITO Usuod by the .suporintondout of build ings yesterday. Ueorgo K. Davis was sent to Mio jail last nicht by Oflluer Sullivan on the charge of being a suspicious character. The water main under the Tenth street 'viaduct burst last night , necessitating the shutting off of the water In that portion of the city. Police Matron Cuinmliics was last night elected n tnmoo of Iho Uoys and Girls Uru- ploymont Association of Omaha , vlco Mrs. A. J. 1'opploton , resigned. Chlof Detective lla e loft Inst night for North Bend to bring back Protzleo the forger who escaped from the train a davor two ago. The local odlrials found iho prisoner in the woods and ut once placed him under a strong guard. Ilii/.o and his man will arrive homo some time toilay. Olllcor Evans was called to the residence of Ur. Carter , 2120 South Sixteenth street , last night to taiio charge of a T-wcoks-old baby. It eoms that the doctor's family em ployed Jessie Oliver as a housemaid about three weeks ago. She came with her baby and appeared lo bo devoted to the child. Last night thn woman loft tne house and her bnoy , saying she had determined to lead a life of shame. Dr. Cat-tor will keep the child that the mother deserted until tno city or county ofllcials arrange to care for the in fant. I'aitkox.tL I'.iit.ivit.irjis. ,1. B. West , president of the West Liw Publishing house ot St. Paul , is at the Mil- lard. lard.Shoriff Sheriff Sam MrClay of Lancaster county and Councilman L. C. Pace of Lincoln ere at iho Mlllurd. Edward Conoughv , ciiy ticket agent of the St. .Too & Grand Island railroad at Nebraska City , is visiting friends lu Omaha. CIIICAOO , III. , Oct. 19. [ Special Telegram to Tun HET..J The following Ncbraskans roj-istorocl hfsro today : Palmer Thomas Swobo and wife , Max Meyer , P. B. How- ells and wife. Oiuahn. ( Jro\r ; Northern Itobort S. Wilcox , Omaha ; O. S. lloflncr , T. Ewing , Thomas li. Bonlon , Lincoln. Grand Paclllc Governor Bo.vd and staff , Nobr.isk-i. Has no equal for the prompt relief ami speedy euro of Colds , Coiif-hs , Croup , Iloar-toncss , Loss of Voice , Preacher's Sere Tliroiit , Aslliina , JJroiiciiUis , LU Grlppo , and olhcr derangements of the throat and lungs. Thu best-known coiigh-t-nro in the world , it is recommended by eminent pliysii'ians , and is tlic favor ite preparation with siiiycr. * , actors , preachers , and k-aelicrs. Jt .soothe- , the inflamed membrane , loosens the phlegm , stops coughing- , and induces repose. repose.AVER'S taken for consumption , in its early stages , checks furl her progress o'f thn disease , and even in the later stages , it eases tlm distressing cough and promotes refreshing sleep. It is agieeahlo to the taste , needs hut small doses , and does not interfere with digestion or any of the regular organic functions. AH an emergency medicine , every household - hold should be provided \\itli Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Having used Ajer's C'lierrv Pec toral in my family ior many jears , I can confidently recommend ii , for all the complaints it is clainicd to cure. Its sale is increasing yearly witii me , and my customers think this prepa- nUion has no equal as a eough-ciire. " S.V. . Parent , Quecnsbury , X. J ] . AYER'S Cherry I'/cnarvd liy Ur .1 0 Ayer&Co. , Io\u-ll.Mo a. Hold by all UrupeUU I'rlco l , li boltk--$5 Prompt to act , sure to cure Or Ilin M.iuor Habit IM.IIIi.'l.i 1'iirril hy lUlliilliUK-rlni : l > r. tlaiueit' UoliU-u > | ii-rill < - . It o&D beplven Ion cup ol oollco or teaor Jn food , withoutllioknonk-dcool Ilioptlient. Ic | abjolnlcly harmleai. and will elt ct a permanent and nrctdy cure , who hrr tno poiiuin U moderate drinker or an aloobolin wrcnH , It rue bcenelvcn Hi trousand or c i er.and In vciy Instance a perfpol euro liaofol * lower ! . Itii-ier ( FMlU. Thoky tcuiouoaliupr ffnaled njlh the tpeaiflo.H boooinrs an uiter luipn4HibjUy ) /or the liquor appetite to oilit , 4IOI.IIKV M'Ktll'IU CO. . 1'rop'rs. Clnrlnniill. C , H-pMtre book or t rtlcuUr free Tn be had of Kuhn&Uj , , nth and DJJTIUu , IHIi nnd i uniliii-'rin WlioliM llu , IllaUu. Hriioo { * IV ) nnu Itluhurilsnii Driut'.Oniilii. ; Null. ficnj flranJ lu Ifrtl u-l f Uoiii colel lih blue lOibwu Tuke 110 ulhf r. lit * ii dflnv'rdy * it fJiuv r > nianJ ifrnf/jf u AlI > ni.tuf > r"ui'-Ic la niuint f < > r I'jrtloaUr * ( < ' "IMIrf r r I.o.tlti.inttt Mull JO OUU T Hui DUU ii < r rbcuilcot t3 . , MHd Don't Worry. If some good democratic friend tells you that the country'll go to the d if Harrison's reelected - elected don't worry about it. If some protov11- ted republican smites his breast and in an " 1 know it all" voice says , "I'll leave the country if Cleveland's elected" let him go , but don't worryaboutit. If an alliance orator assures you that "General Weaver's got a "JLease" of the White House for the " ' next four years" don't worryaboutit. If your prohibition friend tells you he's done as much to "put down ( ? ) liquor" as any man on earth maybe he has , but don't worryaboutit. If your coal man swears coal will go to fifteen dollars a ton let him swear ( it'll save you the trouble ) and don't worry about it. If your last year's overcoat that you packed away so carefully looks a little tivod when you take it out this year don't worry about try a new one. Towait till snow flies to buy it either now's the time today while the stock's new and fresh , and another thing we're going to offer early buyers something they won't get later. We're going to offer you a very fine all wool Kersey garment in new shades , lined with fine plaicl cassimere with full satin sleeve lining with canton flannel pockets with silk stitch ing with either self collars or full wide silk velvet collars garments you never saw the qual of for less than twelve fifty we're going to offer these OVERCOATS AT J8.00 Maybe you think we've got an object in making this price. Maybe we have but don't worry about it. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tbt eminent spoclnllit In nerToni , elironlr , prlvnlo. fclonJ , iklo and annary illsennai. A rcimlur nn.l PKlsIi'rod Braduato In mtMclno. ns Uplonns imil coriiai-nlc'nhnw. u still treiilliiK < rllli thugrrtUent nucccsi utnrrh.apermnturrlioel. lost maiihnoil , iemlnul . ireaknim. nUhl Io en , Impotuncy , > - | > lilln. trlctnro. uun- jrrhocn , Kleut , vnrlnioole.cuNo mercury iise.l. Nun tronhmint forlosi of vlml PUIVIT. I'nrllel unnblo 10 rlsltino maj Lu tjviiteil at homo l > r ourrepundunco. . Moillilua or laitruninnli sent bj mall or exprnss > curolvpnckoil. no marks to Inillcntu cuutonH orinndi-r. Ono pc'r.iuiml Interflow proiurrod. Coniulinloo rruo. ( orrespuudcMieu strictly prlvnie. lluok ( .M7 > l rlu of Life ) lent froo. OIHoo hoanUa. n. WU p.TO. Bundajs U ) n. in. to 13 tu. buud dump tor rcoa- AMUBEIMEINTS. NEW NIC ; UTS. ft TI1KATEII. HAT. MAP. COMMENCING TONIGHT. The DliiltiBiilshi-d Ol.niactL-r Actor n \vir.sux And the llcaiitlful Venn ; ArlUtc MihS U-V.M1K AH. STICK In tbo Latest , Mot Kmphalic SIIPUOSI Dangers of a Great City A C'omodv Draitid of Now Ycniv Kifo itv uM.VKU Nojrrn. lli'iirt - tlnin : nnl llirlllltm htnnt1r ) > iis Stipcrh ellu.n.xt" * A c > flniui of cuiuiMly 'J'liu iicinu of icallaiti Is ronchcil hi tlilt iitiimilllccMit pruiJiictitin MMH'IAI , A beautiful p holograph uf MHS | Itninle Aiihlr ii In prcsctitrd In c-acli latly cnturlnn tlio tlK-ntor iltirlntt this onun LMiiont. lriunl prlcea Monday and Tuesday , Oct. 54 nnd 2. " > , CLARA MORRIS _ Monday Nijrht ToAMTTIEET" Time in I All adapt illon from tlio ( lunnan liy Chii'.i Moirls. .xilo ojiniis Satin day. l-'irit Moor , II. UJ ; b.iU-ony , 7"i ciniH .Next Attiuclioii I'alll ICn.sa. FShanf SlroeFTlicaip , " Pw.c . , ri'N. MIjr. . i\i'iTn.MiNT. ; : I'oiir Nights , ( . 'onihic-nclii rtnnilay Mittlnco , ( Jctobtir l , iho Hoiillsllu I'niiiudy Drnma A 13AKRIU , OK MONEY THK IKON MILLS AT WOUK. A positive iuclailiin lu Mt.i 'u iiioi-lianlsin. A MiiH'il ) cuiiiiiiiy | : , sucut ni.i'il JIATINCIWIIMHDAV. : ) : . WONDERLAND And llllon Tlionlur. All Till.Vi i > l.- . : ii-uoi3iia ) t-'u.NTixnjyn snow-1 ; ! , ' t-l'r.iMAI.'I'i p < ) . \xu TIM : Ors UHAMATK- . THE BLACK FLAG 20c V5,1 , , ' ,1,0 , , 20(3 COISEU Thursday Evening , October 20. Profit Boilings Will CJlvo His Sci-ond I'xhlbitlon uf No. I. Jl'Ml'ttill' POI'TII OMAHA MAN. IlATI'lt. will rccohu ) is ! worn ! lu sou In Ihu ' ' ' , . . . . lint Hp.ivor Valli-vTorrui. "Ill hui'muiiiuri'il and ( iihrn In sin-'lu liiirncn. I No. X A wild and biiokln hrojicho f roiu 11. n Heath ( JinahiiBiooU yanla will bob ddli-il and rlililun for Iho tlriil llinu No. 4. An all'alt'iind tutiject frnin thu C'lM > .5. fiuy oihurhornos thatniay | iubroii bt ! to tlm I'rofcsiur ' tu bu cduc itcil. Doors open al. 7 , per formance at 8 , l'i'ices-5 , 50 mill 7o cents. TUB SHORTEST LINK TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electcic Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily 117:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago 5119:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 1 Mi riam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gcn'l Acnl. Kvfs lostoil free liynn KXI'H IT OI'I'IOIAN I'erfccladJiiStinont. t > ipurlor lonioi. Jr > - 01 sliuaOacho enroll by unlit * our Hinyliun'i nnd Kyo lassoi 1'rlcui low for tint eim ; ood& THE ALOE & PENFOLO CD , 1HS. IHiiSLCiMlifhtM M > ) : c NOT1CK OK ASHIWSMHN I1 fl- ' I ) \M. AJWKOUJHAU1N ( ! ( , 'I'o tlm ( iiviicia of alt lots , p irNnf UiU mil rd.il ol.ilo nlon : alloy In bloult I , Koiuil/o'n fiiiinh ndilltion , fiom luih lo lllh Klit'utii N'ou uru huruby notlllud that tln > iiii'liir ' HK ! null , Hi roe ilislnlninsto I fruuholdtti'iiif thr t-liyof Oiuahn. Imvu bunn duly uupolntiid I'y I ho mayor , with ihu approval of Ihuclty coin > nil of huld L-Hv. In .CMSIHI tlindaiiii.'e lo ihu iiiviKH-j luipuL'tlvnly of the piopurlv iilliiuluil livu'r , Millie of MI III ulloy , iliiuluit'd iiiicnivni Y by oi.llniiiu-o tVotw. \ . passtil Uulnbor l li v.i''i uppmsi'd Oulobur 4tb , IKI ; Von inn fiiithur iiotlllo.l Hint Imvliu a-i. , 'cntuil Hihl iippinnlniDiit , iin I duly on iilllu I usri-iinlii'd by law. wo will on tlm ' 'Jlh d.iy of Oi'lobVr. A. 1) ) . IS'J.1 , at the hour of IDi Oo'o oH < In ihii foruniHin. ill the olllo of rilirlvor .V D'l'iinolion. 1411 I'limim hlioet. wllliln tlm i-nrpor.ito limits of said dly , im'nt for ihu pur- pos < ) of coiibliliirln unil iiinulii the IMSL-SS- muni of daiuHK'1 1" Hi' ' ownorn ici > | ) iutlvuly ol sulil piopurty allccltiil by uuld Ki-ndlnu , Hil- niir Into ( 'onsMi ral Ion HiiL-.il ! | Ijiinolllh. If any Von mo iiotllliMl to bu pKnt'nt al Iho tlmi nnd nliici ) nforimiilil ami miiku liny iibjci'llohx to or atiilciuunls riiiii'viiiln : will ) issoiHna" > of ilutnas'-s as you muvniisliliir projinr. . ( iKOIKJK J. I'UII , , T. II. Mul'dlcUyWI , , . U3 mini II on of Apnr.usoj i Om.ih.i , Nnh. Oclouoi Kill , Ml l \\W\D \ \ \ Troth KlljudVlu | mil I'aln by' Km' ' \\iritoUc Ir\NlKlt A l'UJlHl'al' ' ' THIM'll ( IN ltllJIUiir ; J" < > * 5 OK. I'urfci'i fit Kii'iraiitooJ. Tooth oxri''l ( d in Iho mornlnc. ow onm In-tjrlo'l ' m ovcti'iu of h-tinu day , I ] M-U biii'cliiicins of ItiiniQVitliUi ItrldKO , Hooiiiiucliiiuiii of l-'lexlbli Kli : tk rlato All wiirlv Murr.inlud in rt'lirc'ioiitodi Ollll-f , 'llilid Ki'oor , r.iJUim Itluiv. , TfcilHiiiii ! | IDS' ) . Ki'li.ul ' I'.ir.iiiiS i. 'J akt * K'ut : uoor Sia rw.iy ! Htrtiut