Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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"SLEEPY WAG" IN THE TOILS of a Man Who is Wnn' J in Sev
eral Localities.
' . of County
Deputy Sltcrlrr Vie Mct'.irtv Hirpy
ty Grin tlio Uriip \VncRoner mill Ho-
cover * n Lot of Stolpii Storlt
"IViiB" show * right.
Deputy Sheriff Vic McCnrty ot Sarpy
county has won his spurs by successfully
landing a full fledged IIOHO thief , ono who Is
wanlctl in this M well as several other No-
braiuu counties. The man whom MrCartr
has placed behind the bars n no other than
Ucarloy Waggoner , bettor Itnown as "Sleepy
Wag. "
Waggoner Is n man who has a reputation
which any horse thief mU'ht envy , for to him
attaches the distinction of having stolen a
iplcndld driving team bolonslng to General
Van Wyck. Thl uappanod six years ago ,
but nevertheless ho was caught , completed
nnd sent up for three yoira. It was on a
bright May morning that the general'- *
Horses were standing la the staolo at Ne
braska City munching the tame grass and
. 'cloTcr that grow upon the ex-senator's
broad acres when this man Waggoner
happened along. Ho coveted the animals
nnd n few moments Iruor had thorn on the
high road leading out of town. Away tboy
pcd at a killing pace , while the onttro popu -
latlon of the town followed in hot pursuit.
Although the chase was a stern ono , it was
set at too rapid a pace for the thief and the
two horses , ono of which was ridden and the
other led. At Syracuse Waggoner was over
hauled , but ono of tlio horses immediately
died of exhaustion. For this the man went
to the penitentiary to be released three years
ngo. Sino hla rcleaso ho has made Omaha
his homo , taking frequent nips to tbo coun
try and ntwiivs returning with peed horses.
where no got thorn is something that ho has
always refused to explain , thoueh it has
bccn'bcllo/cil that most of the animals have
been taken from tanners aud others.
A few days ago Dan Mason , n farmer ro-
iiJing near Florence , lost ono of his horses ,
thp animal being stolen from his barn during
the nkMit , It so happened thnl Mason ot
track of the horse anil traced him into
the poscsslon of Charley Gordon who had
ipotton him from a lior o trading camp ut
Forljr-sovouth and Chicago stroutf.
n The case was turned over to McCarty
"by Deputy Sheriff Lewis nnd Monday
nflornoou he , in uotniuny with Constaolo
Clark , started out to gather In a man. The
first place visited was the camp : md there
.the olllcor lounii Waggoner und in looking
nround ho found a string of horsoi that have
been wanted in Sarpy county forsuveial
Months , besides several sots of harness.
Waggoner claimed that he was innocent ,
but when arrested In and the members ol
his gang showed light and threatened to kill
, the oflicer if ho did not move on.
The Sarpy county deputy was not built of
the moving kind of stuff , and drawing his
gutuuvitod Mr. Uaguoncrto accompany him
to the Douglas county Jail. The invitation
was accepted and the mnti of horses is now
behind tl'o bars. Gordon , the man who
traded for thn Mason horse , is hold as u wit
\ \ hllo maulnir the arrest McOartr loaracd
that thcro were it number of horses cached
in the woods nround I'apilllon nnd Florence.
This fact leads him to believe that there is a
regular band of organised horse thieves who this vicinity , and that the man who
was shot at Sherman avcnuo anil Pincknoy
strent a few v/cclcs ago by Montgomery , the
colored man , was a member of the gang.
' Iowa , April (1,1331. (
Dr. J. B. Moora , Sir : My wlfo has
used about slv bottles of your Troa of Lite.
and thinks that she nas received groitcr ben
efit from it than any modlcino she has ever
taken. Yours truly , L. II. Uurciv.
Gen'l Agent and Troas. West Colloga.
Slnco rocelvinir tha above testimonial , 1 am
Inroceipt of a letter and chock fro n the Hay .
Ull Buflclnof ToleJo , lo.v.x , April in. ti
send Kov. J. W. Ivon worthy , Crestline , ICiu -
sas , six bottles of Moora's True of Lifj.
J.'or ' sale by all druggists.
AMU Von < i < > i.isl : ThU full ?
If so , it will bo to your interest to
fully acquaint youi-bolf with the o.xcol-
lent tr.iin service now in olTeet between
Chioayo , Bujl'ulo , Now York , liobton
, nnd Intormediiito points , via the ' 'L'lico
Shore Route. " Throujjh trains leave
Ohiciiffo at 8:00 : and 10liO : a.m. , ! ! :10 : ,
CaO : , 7 : lo and 1 1.150 p. in. The ' 'CMm-ago
and Boston Secial" ] (100 ( : : ! a. m. ) is tlio
only onmploto train through from C'lii-
cage to New Eiifjland. It hns dining
Sar Horving meals the entire distaiu'c ,
in itself an exclusive feature , and the
equipment of the train throughout is ol
tlio very highest standard. The Chicago
cage and Now Voi'lc Limited ( ! > : 'M p. in.
embodies all that is modern and novel
in railway transportation and has vorj
appropriately been called a "nerfccl
train. "
7 7 Main street. Kansas City.
C. K. WlLHKit , W. R A. , Chicago.
Iotcotl\n Ilnzn Ciitoliu a I'll ) Thief Win
.MiliniKi-'il to llHe.lie. |
_ _ IJetectlvo Huzo has returned from hi
trip 'o Portland , Oro. , whither ho wont i
ccarch of Charles Potzgold , who ombe/zlei
f'.IO from tha Hurst Pie company , but ho re
turned nlono.
Ills pilsonor accompanied him as far n
North Bern ] , Nob. , but us the train wa
leaving that , town ho jumped through
. window and iniuiu off.
Frescoing and interior decorating ; dc
fiigns and estimates furnished. Hour ,
Lohmann. 160S Douglas street.
Br. Blrnoy. tlio catarrh specialist
wont to Chicago last niglit.
i. o. o. r.
All Odd follows are requested I
assemble at Odd Follows' hull. 1 kh an
Dodge otroots , Tluuxlay , Out. Otl
prepared to Icavo at 1 o'clock sharp fo
Couni'll Mlull's , to purticipalo in
parade. The p-irado in Omaha wl
move ft'uiu 11th and Dudco sts. at
o'clock promptly.V. ] . Niuiior.s ,
Chairman of Conimittee.
.lint lee Illllilels AlUnlni ; ,
Justlco of tliu IV'iu'O Kd Daniels of Wes
Omaha nrccmct has been missing sine
Tuesday last. On the evening of that da
ho uas seen on tliu streets in company wit
two or three friends but did not mention i
them nor to his wife and family that t
contemplated leaving the city ,
The tailiiro 'to ' return homo after un al
scnco of n day or two beriou&ly alarmed h
family nnd Incntls and they nave boon nn :
loualy searching fur him since. The iiihsh
man was of studious habits and was co
sldcrod u very promising young lawyer. I !
was formerly In partnership with Mr , Mo
row of the law linn of Daniels & Merrot
but utter his' election as Justice severed h
connection with tbo linn.
Ho was not known to have been serious !
IlnanciiiUy omtmrrasscd and his dlsappea
once is somewhat of u mystery.
UoWHl'Bbarsnparilu cioansoi taa bloo.
Increases the auputlta aud toiai : up thusy
tern. U huj bouotllu.l miny pjopln wl
uuvo suflorod from blood UUordurj. It wi
help you ,
A Tlllef 111
S , J , Karris Is registered ut police- hen
quarters as n suspicious character. IIo can
to tbo Young Men's Christian association
few days ago and said lhat ho was a moi
bor of the areocluUou hi Sioux City , <
courno bo was given the privileges of t
bulldlr.g , which ho abusedby goinc Ibrou ;
tbo clothes ot thu gymnasts ,
Disease never successfully attacKs thosy
lorn with pure blood , DaWltt's Sarsapirll
uuro new blood tad aurlcue * blooa.
IIAVDIN nitos.
( looil Slino * nt Dry ( InmU Prlcri.
Why nny high prices for shoos \vhcti
we will sell you line shoos from the best
factories at dry goods prices ; every
pair warranted. .
Ladies' -VJ.OO kid patent Up button
shoos , SI.50.
Ladles'$2.60 dongola button shoo $2.00
Ladles $3.00 dongola lip , button shoos
Ladies' $3.50 hind sowedbutton shoes
flnldron's $1.23 glove cnlf shoes , 0 to
12 , l ) , > o.
Children's $1.2-3 kid p.itent tip shoes ,
8 to ll , : > c.
Misses' $1.25 kid patent tip shoes , 12
to 2 , $1.00.
Misses' $1.50 dongola Up shoos , 12 to
2 , $1.2' .
Misses' $1.50 glove c.ilf tip shoes , 111
to 2 , $1.2o.
Youths' $1.25 B cM hico shoos , 12 to
2 , $1.00.
Youths' $1.05 glove call button shoes ,
I ! ! to 2. $ 1.115.
Boys' $1.75 B calf button shoes , 3 to 5 ,
$ i.-i5 :
Boys' $2.00 line calf button shoos , 3 to
5 , $1.00.
Men's $2.00 B calf Iron Chid shoos ,
iMon's $2.50 cordovan Full Dross
shoes , $2.00.
Men's $3.00 fine cordovan Elegant
shoes , $ i50.
Men's $1.00 kangaroo welt shoos , $3.00.
Men's $4.50 hand sowed calf shoes ,
Dry goods and shoes.
On the llth day of October , 1802 , I
sold all the stock I held in the Cooperative
ative Lind and Lot company of Omaha ,
and on t mil day severed all connection
with said compiny. But I will allll
continue in land business At present
I will receive mail at 2103 South 13th
street , city. KoiimiT F. WiLUAMS.
I. O. 0. ! .
( irand iiieaiiiiment : | neil ( Irunil I.oilo ! of
tlio Nclirinl.ii'1 rlplo l.lnk rriiternlty.
The grand oncatupmont of Patriarchs
Militant of the Independent Order of Odd-
fclllows of Nebraska convened at Oddfellows
hall at Fourteenth and Dodge streets at 10
o'clock yesterday forenoon.
Thcto were nearly 200 delegates present
and the morning session wai occupied in re
ceiving the delegates and the report of the
committee on credentials.
The afternoon session began nt 2 o'clock
and at 0 a considerable amount of business
remained to bo disposed of. The most. Im-
pottant feature was the election of grand
ofllcors which was finally accomplished ns
follows : Grand patriarch , J. F. lloiler of
Hastings ; t.lgh m lest , W. V. Cain Omaha ;
senior warden , II. M. Uttlov O'Neill ;
Junior warden , 1) . M. Morris Haubon ,
grand scribe , J. P. Goge Fremont ; grauit
treasurer , Samuel McClay , Lincoln : grand
representative , F. 1) . lirandt , Omaha. A
constitution governing subordinate encamp
ir.ents was adopted , nftor which adjourn
ment was tukcti until S p. in. today. Al this
moini..g's session the nuwlv elected officers
will bo lust ulcd and the reports or standing
committees received nnd acted upon.
The Daughters of Kubeltab tiad possession
of the hall last evening anil held their an
nual encampment. There was a fair attend-
mi co ntu * the matters piu-Uiniug to this
fmnlnlno branch of the order wjro adjudi
cated for tbo coming year.
Bocinning at 11 a. m. today , the grand
lodge wbl'ih is composed of representatives
from the subordinate lodges of the
state and post grounds will meet
in its annual . session which will
continue for throe ilays. It is expected that
fully -I'JO ' delegates will attend the grand
Dr. Hull' * Cough Syriio tnko < the load of
all cough preparations on our shelves. Car
penter ic Palmotcr , Jamestown , , N. Y.
Munition anil I'roipeeU Tor tlio future ol
Otiio CountN Capital.
One of U. C ! Dun As Co.'s NobrasUa travel
ers , writing from Nebraska City to the
Omaha manager , says : "A majority of thu
retail merchants heio report this year's busi
ness rather smaller than heretofore. duo
chiefly to the building up of interior villages
in thj county along now lines of railway ,
v.Inch have cut off trade. The opinion is
general tuut the retail t ratio of Nebraska
City must moro and mom depend upon the
dovoloymant of the city itself. Money ha
been easy all the year. The lour banks , with
a combined paid up capital of f J.'iO.OOO and a
surplus exceeding f JJ.UOJ , had at the close of
business Heptombjr : tJ , IS'Ji ' , aggregate deposits -
posits of $ isU,717. Last year at the cor
responding period the donosits aggregated
JlillJ.lU , showing nn increase for" the yoni'
approximating SJUOjOOO. liigntyoars auo the
total bank deposits wereUJ. ! . ID7.
"Fruit has not boon a good crop this year ,
though Otoo county is the banner fruit re
gion of Ncbrasua. In i ho fall of Ib'Jl about
TiO.OOO barrel- * were packed and shipped from
Nebraska City alone. 'Thus far only fi'JO ' bar.
rols havn been forwarded this year. In IblH
5,00i { baskets of grapes mill 5Uj ( ) ( cases of l)3r-
rles were marketed. This year noithoi
grapes nor berries made a good yield. Othoi
ciop * , howBVor , hiivu beet ) cxceflent.
"The manufacturing interests of Nobraskt
City are of no mean conscquonco. Thocorea' '
mill , which bcgr.ti business six years age
with a dally capacity of 500 bushels of grain ,
have grown into an Institution xyhleh employs
ploys lO.'i poop'c ' and can Imiialo ( i.UOO bushnli
dnllv. Ttio starch factory opened it
Fohiuary of tlm present year and hiu
a capacity of I1JO bushels nnd give ;
employment to sixty hands. Tin distiller. !
has a capacity of iu.)0 ! , ) bushels. The cannln'f
compiny has enjoyed a prolltablo season uftci
a p. neil ot IdliMioss. Otoo county Is one o
the best counties in thu state nnd Nubrask.
City is her subsiintlal inotronolK Vacan
farms In thu county nro almost unknown am
vacant houses annibnut us low nnd far between
twoen In tbo city. Uvorybody mot nero i
hopeful for the future. "
Do Witt's Sara iiuruu oustroyi suon pol
sons us scrofula , skin dlsimoj , itc/omt , rhou
matlsm. Its timely ususuvoi many llv'Ji.
Miitrlnio l.leeiiHel.
The followliij ; marriage llconsei were is
sued by County JuUga Kller yojlerday :
Nami < and aldresj ,
Meuk. Omaha
t Nelllii iillilt. : Omahii
i.liilin C. Tully , Umnlri
I ( icrtimlu Mem , Uinaha
( I'olnt M'luiililt , Omaha
l l.imU.i IH. I ) . Oniiitiu
I KinuHt Chiirloi llu'in , I'litttu Center , Nob.
t Aila 1/abullu Todil , Omahii .
fCtitlctt nf Jltn Ifil for I Mi iiitr'lf held , lift
c nl * ; tachnf mliUUo nil line , ten ccntc.
mi ) MAN-A oito
MOItltOW-Ason to Mr. aud Mrs. \ \ . J. Moi
IIU\VN-A ( dtiuchtcr to Mr. aud Mre.V , I
111 own ,
Xittttct n/ fire Ilnet rleu u i < lw thliejc , Ml
fciitn.'fiifli inl < t ( I'miil Hiif , ten ce/il .
ultATIOl'-Mrn. U. 11.October 17Vste , axed (
sr.JOHN U O. , October 17 , 16 ( . aged 5''year
Special Offering of New Good * to Ba Sold
* as Bought
The Si-stem ot Selling Kvcrr Article nt n
Snmll 1'rnllt licit of lliormiRliI } ' IIo-
llnlilc yii'illty U 11 Hilling I'rln-
cllila of This rirm.
Quunttty limited for ono day's tnulo ,
40 indies wlilo. newest colors.
Sultnblo for homo dr sti-oot wour ,
I'J inches whin , tlio season's stylish
For intrinsic wormifiiil wdaitrtislsUnp
qualities , no fubflu can equal this ; width
10 inches ; nil the popular shades.
Wo luivo decided to discontinue the
following numbers of the well Icnoxvn
and thoroughly rolhiblo , us well its nor-
feet lilting
And will soil them nt the following
reduced prices to affect quick snlea !
No. 162 w u $1 ! 60 , now -LI)2. ) .
No. 248 was $2.76 , now $2.00.
No. 162 was $ : t.OO , now $2.S7.
Should wo have your plzo in nny of
the above numbers an early purchuso ia
\Vo will sell ono case only of this $3.50
nil wool full bed size blanket at $2.60 n
Wo have too miiny. Wo need the
space. Our $4.50 quality goes tomor
row at $3.60 a pair.
Bottoi1 ones at sumo reduction.Q
These are all wool , not shoddy , 70x80
inches , combine bqth warmth and
Bettor ones at $3.50 , , $ 1.50 and $5.00.
New styles , now colors , in pltiah , mo
hair ami beaver. Bought direct from
the mills wo save you the middleman's
Bud fci/o , line quality , good down ,
worth SxOO. Only l"i ! loft at this price.
ITiulrrivcnr uuil Kill Gli > \ < M Tomorrow.
Wo have alwayaboon hendquarters on
children's underwear ; wo carry the
largest line \vot of Chicago. Buying
direct from the mills places us in a posi
tion to soil at a lower price than any
other house in the west. Commencing
tomorrow wo will inaugurate the groat-
st sale of winter underwear over given
n the city.
Gents' heavy natural er.iy shirts and
,1-awors only 50o each , worth 75c.
1 case of gents' wool underwear , Spau-
sh brown , 7oc , worth S1.00.
Gouts' all wool natural gray shirts and
drawers only $1.00 each , worth $1.50.
Children's scarlet lamb's wool , natural
jray and camel's hair underwear , 10
nclics , 12Jc , rise 5c.
100 do/.on hidiub' kid gloves , Foster
acuigs , in all the now fall shades , only
r5c per pair , worth $1.25.
Attend our corset sale tomorrow.
Boys' shirt waists on sale tomorrow at
reduced prices.
Mi : or .1 cuLoitiH ) itov.
lie Attempts to Kill Ills rather anil ramlly
\Vltli Dynamite.
LGAIIVIM.I : , Colo. , Oct. IS. Hormun Tru
man , an IS-ycar-old son of A. S. Truman ,
attempted an awful critno Saturday night
at about I'J o'clock. Ills father's bouse , 1001
Harrison avomic , a small frame- structure ,
stood about Ilfty feet from a small ml no.
The boy , with several companions , procured
SOU nounds of Riant , powder and by a deeply
laid plan exploded It in the shaft by a lone ;
fuso. The intention was to lilll the boy's
father , inothur , llttlo brother and sister ,
ngulnst whom ho had a fancied gtudge.
The Truman residence and the
house of Peter W. Green , next door ,
woio almost wrecked. Miraculously nouo oi
the inmates wore seriously injured. At first
It was believed to bo an accident , and as the
boy was missing it was thought that , ho hail
been blown to atoms. Later it was fouutl
lhat $ WU belonging to the father had been
stolen and it became apparent that tbo lad
hud caused tha fearful explosion.
The explosion caused moro damage than
wis at supposed. Hundreds of dollar :
damages have been done to all the residence :
anywhere near tbo scene of the explosion ,
Several houses must he entirely rebuilt. The
officers have just started for a canon aboui
twelve iriles from hero wliBroyoung Trunmr
and his partner \veru aeon yesterday. It ha :
boon learned that the boys are living in :
uavo out there. As Truman has boon read
ing yellow b.ick literature and is armed , it ii
very probable ho will resist arrest.
MVitinnin nr AS is
A C'lillfiiriilll Couple .Montlth u liloocl ;
Svv Dnno. : t'al. , Oct. 18J. . S. Gaisor am
\vlfo , who had a I'trtn on Ouy : Mesa , aboil
seven miles c.istof Oluy station , were fount
murilored at tnoir homo last evening. Tin
children of Mr. Pinor , n relative und neigh
bor , ho.ud scroinn wlnlo pa-islng Golsor'i
plure. Piper and son wont over , nnd a <
thov approached the house siw the light gc
out. Ai Plpor entered tlio house a ngun
tncdtosllp out In the durknojs and thoj
grupnlcd. After a struirslu Pinor secured tin
follow , who prnvou to ba un Indian labore ;
natneil Jose Or.iblelo.
The bodies of Mr , and Airs. Oslser wen
found lying outsidb tlio front door boatei
nearly out of sunililunco to human bolngs
U ls believed iho Indian li.ul a grutlg <
nialnst ( JeUor over pay for well digging. I
is also thouuht tnut ho may bo the murdera
of Miss AD boy , who lived atone on a raticl
and whoHo murder three ycara ao hn
boon a myntcry. Two other Indian suspect
hero bavu bcou iifrcstod.
jiutii :
They Hold Upii MIIKinnii In llroml D.ijilgli
Ono r TlKim Killed.
POUT Juuviji , N. V. , Oct. 18. Thro
tratnns assaulted Upuralm Shay , a inUlcmni
from Sussex county , Now Joraoy.und robboi
bun ot { TOO In moaoy , The affray , In broai
dayllgbt , uttraotod a crowd and several pc
licomon. The robbers started to run am
wore fired upon by tin police , One of th
highwaymen was shot dead and the otho
two were wounded. The wounded men rai
for the Delaware river , notly pursued by th
crowd , They swum the channel to a sraal
u land whom they ate at present biding ,
Nott Tliurailuy'H Sulur ICcllpse.
WASIIISOTOV , D. U. , Got. IS. With a vlo\
ho Powder :
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
to securing uniformity In the observations
to bo mnilo In tht * partial solar ocllpso next
ThtiMilav , the nv l obsorvntory hn Issuctl
the followlnc Instructions : "Tho llrst contact -
tact will occur lu itho western limb of the
sun about US0 from the north point , nnd the
lust contact on ttx * < * astern lunb , about 103 =
from the north point. The duration of iho
ccllpso Is nboufihrfo hour * . The approxi
mate llmos of noglunlnR ant ) ending at seine
of the tirliioipul clllos cast ot
thcOlst racrldUh'AVlll bo as follows : Ucn-
As the Kroatcst itnricnltudo of thoocliwsols
only O.OJ of the sunjs dlamotor , the nrlnclpnl
obsorvattcns to bocmndo upon It will consist
upon determining iho oxnct tlmo of the llrst
and last contacts.
.1 HK < ir O.V .1 HWVCLK
in : < irt tn Unto rrom Now York to Chlc.iB < >
for Ton Cuiitfl ,
SoMRiivit.i.c , N. J. , Oct. 13. Harry Milliard
Wllov , with only lu cents In his pojltot ,
passed through hero on his btcyclo yesterday
cnrouto to Cnlcago. Ho Is trying to show
how cheaply n man can boat , his way on n
wheel. ThU Is the outconn of a wa or bo-
twccn two rival flrms. Wlloy left
Now York oarlv anil mot with his llrst tlllll.
culty In ondoavorlnK to his way across
the forry. He carries u llttlo book In which
ho records the name of every person who
aids him with a iilckol or loUlnp. ( ills
cheek and wheel comprise liU stack in trade.
IIo expects to KO through 1'hllactolpUln ,
Hagorston , Md. , VVheollnp , W. Va. . Collim
bus , O. , nnd Indianapolis. Wlloy has
onlv recently complotcd a trip from Now
York to Washington and return with a total
expenditure of SO cents.
ix vtnc.wo.
Two Women Klllcil unit Fifteen
llcntrojrd in Knelotvonil hutinrh.
CHICAGO , 111. , Oct. IS. Fifteen dwellings
and stores were burned and two women
were killed In Knglowood , In the
southern part of the citv , this morning.
The financial loss Is fSO.OOO. Mrs.V. . 1C.
Butler , thoiiKli not really lu danger , Jumped
from n third story window , striking on her
hcud , and was Instantly killed. Mrs. John
Howard , un cinnlovo In tin ) baitory where
thn lire stnrtoivui ) burned to death. A
woman and child in ono of the burned buildIngs -
Ings uro not accounted for ,
Klllcil hylilto Cups.
New Oui.iUN" , La. , Oct. 18. Tbo Times-
Uomocrat's Purvis , Miss. , special says :
Wluto cups visited Joseph i'ittman's house
on I'carl river Tnursdny nlcht nud shot him
to death xvhllo ho was In bed with his wile.
William Mosce , KlbortVutts. . Will Holmes
and a man nntoed Jones Inivu bean arrested
for tbo crime. A preliminary examination
was held und they were committed to jail
without call.
Vanilla Of perfect ' purity
Lcmori Of grc'at strength-
Oranpro Economy in their use.
Rose , etc.
, FlavorJjVdelicately
and deliciously as the fresh fruit
The only uniformly
Consultation froo.
Call' xippn or address
i4th and Douglas.
lliu I'heaaiurnul 1'liytlclun , 'linchor nail Author-
em , Hill Ipacli iujrhomolry Kipli ) lcliiii niiil othrri
locimtilo tlieia todlijnuilii illtuuDOf anil clvu tliu
curallvo niunt : wlthou t4 > kliiu ( | iu' tluu Ciiinu or
toiul it lotk of Imlr wIllifl.tKJ ami have tllU rtt'inon-
Tjiini5Ai.Tii : orriL'i : ,
Cherry Pectora !
lias no cqnni for the prompt relief
nnd speedy ctiro of Cold * , Coughf ,
Croup , Hoarseness , hosa of Voice ,
Preacher's Sore Throat , Astliiitn ,
liroiicliltls , IM Grippe , tuul oilier
derangements of the throat and
lungs. The host-known cough-euro
in the world , it Is recommended by
eminent physicians , and Is Hit fa\or-
Ho preparation with singeis , aetors ,
preachers , and lenehers. it soothes
the inllamcd inembraiie , loosens the
plilcgrn , stops coughing , and ii.duccs
repose.AYE !
taken for consumption , in its early
stages , checks further progress of
the disease , and even in the Inter
stapes , It cases tlio distressing
cough and promotes leheslilng
sleep. It is agiccablo to the task1 ,
needs but small doses , and does not
interfere with digestion or any of
the regular organic fiinet ions. As an
emergency medicine , every household -
hold should bo provided with Ajcr's
Cherry Pectoral.
"Having used Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral in my family lor many years. I
can confidently recommend it for all
the complaints it is claimed to cure.
Its sale is increasing yearly with me ,
anil my customers think this prepa
ration lias no equal as a cough-cure. "
S. W. Parent , Qiiecnsbury , N. D.
I'rciinrrd by Dr. .1. C A > cr & Co. , I.ou oil , Muss.
Bold bj nil UruggWts 1'rlci , $1 , tx | bottles , J5.
Prornptto act , sureto cure
Bogus "White Lead and
adulterated paints would
have no sale did they not
afford dealers a larger
profit than
Pure White Lead
The man who best guards
his own interests is never per
suaded to buy paint that is
said to be "just as good , " or
"better , " than Strictly Pure
White Lead. The following
brands are standard , manufac
tured by the "Old Dutch"
process , and always strictly
pure :
"RED "
Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors.
The National Lead Co. man
ufacture a line of colors to
color strictly pure White Lead
any shade wanted. They are
put up in small packages ; one
pound being sufficient to tint
twenty-five pounds of Lead. By
using these colors and strictly
pure White Lead you know
that you have pure paint , which
you can not know when buying
"mixed" or "prepared" paints
For sale by the best dealers In i alnts.
If you arc coins to painl. It will pay you to
centl to us Tor a book containing information
that may save you many a dollar ; it will
only cost you a postal card to do so ,
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street ,
St. Louis. Mo. r
COU.NCII , CiiAMiiu. ) : OVAII \ , Neb. , OjtoUcr
all. IblU.
lo It rusolvui ) by tbo City Council of tbo City
ofOnmtia , tbo .Mayor conuurrini ; :
Tluit nooilcn B ilowalk < < bo coifitruotoil in
.bo Oltv of Omiib.i us tloslsnato.1 below , \villi-
n live days after Ihu publl iitlun of tbla iu n-
liillon , or iho personal sorvluo lln < ruof. as by
onlliun o N aiitluirkcil anil roqulicil , such
slduwalUu to be lulil to tliUKr.ulo on thu strcota
spoclliuil boroln , anil to bo I'onslrnvtoil of plnn
plunk of Mich v , Idth and thloUnoss nnd bo 111. I
upon jolsu of such dimensions and In snt'h
manner us is prcst'i ll ! il ny the ntiBu lU'itlom
on Jllo In the ollli'O nt the IIo ir I of Public
\Vniksand iimlur Its Mipnrvliloii. lo-wlt :
Wustfcliluor I'lth ' stn-et honlh ! of lot 3 ,
blot'lvil. llorbucliM Sueond Addition , vslab-
llslied' . (1 ( feet wide.
I'.ahtrflilo of and snoot , lot H. Sutmyslilo Ad-
dltlon , ( > itilllsln : ) > ( lKr iilo. II root wlili1.
Xoithsliloof IJiiiilolU slu''t. lots II lo 18
InoliislM' , blot'U.t , t'lifton Illll Addition , tuin-
lior iry r iilo. n fi-ut vvlilu. , , , ,
West bldo of 'J-ilh avunuc. lot I , IdooU fi , ,
Dr.iUn'H Aiitlltiiin. prpHiiiisrucii'.ri fuia wide
i.istHliloofi7th : slicut , loth 10 to Hlni'lililvo.
liloulc. ' . C'ruslon Addition. obtubllshuU uni'lo ' ,
U fi'Ot ttlilf.
Knsl sldoof ; ith Htruot , lots U to 15. Crouton
AIIIIHX , oxtnlillshiMl si iiile , (1 ( foot \\lilo.
Wei.vs'loof.l-thuvpmio. lots A I to .17 liiflu-
slvi-.H In iv ut I'liiur , pruiout Brulo. 4 toot wide.
Wust , sldo of Ilith inuiuii' , tax lot No. 4 , euu-
tloir.'J.IA-l'l , pnisontKr ulr , 4 fuotldi - . ,
iast ; Hldo of ISth stront , lots 13 and ii : , bloolc
MiL'i/diin / Place , lonip ir.iry Ki'.tdu , 4 foot
W limit hldo of Mh street , lots 13 and 1 1 , hlonU
2 , Hliurldiin Pliieo , tuinjior.iry iti-iUo , 4 foot
nldoof lOthsticol. lots a ami 4 , block
fl. llnrluuh'a Second Addition , present Ki.i'lo ' ,
'Tt Bldo nf SJurt strisnt , lots 1 to n InoliHlvc ,
block 'J. Irtlowim Addition , pieseul Kraile ,
SvqlYi'ldo ofSJnd street , lots I , 2 and 3. block
{ . lUlowltil Addition , present Riwlu. 0 fuot
W\Vu'sl sldo of SindHtrcot.lot 10. A\ford's Ad
dition , present isrado , U feet wlilo.
West bldoofO doiiBtrcot. lots 'Jil to : K Innlu-
slvn , liloeU 4 , ShoniKHi Avuuno I'urli Addition.
Dri'Nunl ur.ide. 4 feut ivldn. ,
North hide of Matoti strool. lots S7 und " .
hlouU li > , KUIIHI/O& . Uiitli'4 Addition , purnia-
nont crado. UfuvtuHlo.
And , bo U ( urlliurroiolvo I ;
Tluttlliii bo.ird of nubile \\orUs bu , nd Is
liuioliy author /u.l and dlroelod to ciiiiso u
copy ofthN ri ) iliithmto bo published In tlio
olUulal pipui of the idly for ono woeli , or bo
served on the owners nf Mild lols. and nn-
lens , finch ounorasli ill within IMI ! duva after
thopublle.itlimoi scr\lco of tnclt i-opv con
btrnctaiild siilowill.-9i : ! hoiuln ruiiiilrud , that
UnilioirJ of puhllu wm'.B ' cuubii the h.inip lo
lioiluno , tliu font of I'linstruutliij B l l l'1,11'
walKhrc-ipi'ollvoly to bo iisi < ssed iwnlnst tlio
real untato. lot or ptrtof lot In front of und
ubnttlin : such aldowalUs
I ! tv Coiincll.
Atlc ,
Ajiio | > ud : v UU > . P. Hi\lls. :
- * .
TothODwnofj of the Ints , parts of lots ajvl
roil : obtato described in the ubuvc rcbolu-
Von'niid o-ieh of yon aio hereby nollllol to
construct wooden ( .lilu'.ynllc * us minimi bv
uri'solutlonof the city foiuu'll ninl inayurol
thoultvufuiniiha.uf whli-li thuabnvols uiouv.
IW. . lllKKII\t'Siiv : ,
Chulrnian Hoard ut I'ubilu WoiUs
Omaha Neb. , October P'th 1 * " . . . , , .
Don't Worry.
If some good democratic friend tells you that
the eountry'll go to the d if Harrison's reelected -
elected don't worry about it. If some protec
ted republican smites his breast and in an "I
know it all" voice says , "I'll leave the country
if Cleveland's elected" let him go , but don't
worry about it. If an alliance orator assures
you that "General Weaver's got a "Lease" of the
White House for the next four years" don't
worry about it. IF your prohibition friend tells
you he's clone as much to "put down ( ? ) liquor"
os any man on earth maybe he has , but don't
worry about it. If your coal man swears coal
will go to fifteen dollars a ton let him swear
( it'll save you the trouble ) and don't worry
about it. If your last year's overcoat that you
packed away so carefully looks a little tired
when you take it out this year don't worry
about try a new one.
It t
Towa'it till snow flies to buy it either now's
the time today while the stock's new and ,
fresh , and another thing we're going to offer
early buyers something they won't get later.
We're going to offer you a very fine all wool
Kersey garment in new shades , linad with fine
plaia cassimere with full satin sleeve lining
with canton flannel pockets with silk stitch-
irigwith either self collars or full wide silk
.velvet collars garments you never saw the
qual of for less than twelve fifty we're going
to offer these
Maybe you think we've got an object in
making this price. Maybe -we have but don't ?
worry about it.
In tlio tioatincntiif nil forms of
ana \Vo.iUnoii anil Disorder of
wltl1 Ios' ' f tronritri' . amlilttnn
unrt xlt.illty. KUIituen yoaisof
HID iiio t runiiirKuboiiicui'is ! In
tlio treatment of th s ulasiof dlsu.iscs.lilvh
Isjnovun by tlio nniveif il t ttinionv of tiiun-
sunds who havu boon fined Write fiiri'lrmi-
l.ui anil ( ] Uest on list. 1 Hli unil I'm nun
Olll tllU , .Nli ) .
The Original and Genuine
ta tlio tuput delicious Initu anJ zest
crnl.K'l TLK flora
JIjKMAN at Mnd.
ras to liU In other
May , mi.
LEA & I'EUtllNS'
Hint their nauoo la
liluhl ) oatociued la
Judli.nncllelc my
opinion , tliu mew'
imlulnblo , r.9 dl !
ua tlio inont wliclc-
pnina H tucu Uiat li
luade.1 *
Beware of Imitations ;
eeo that you got Lea & PeiriiiB1
. i. Ofnulna.
Blirnatnro on every l-otf.oof OrlidnV.
National Bank.
Cniiltal . .TT. . $100,093
Surplus . , . * 5OOI , )
rnicer Mift nirnctori-lloiuj W Vutot , proililunt
' ' ' - '
l'mii | .iU Inr \ \ miili'ii Ilililuin. .
oali'il juopoiuls will 1)0 ) incolroil Uy tlio un >
ilitni'd until li'l ) o'eloi-U n. in. O itnlior
"Mli. IK- ! ' , for til" ciii-.truiton ! nf wuoilen
lirltl.'ntirru > 4 thu hunitr illuli In .Nurtli
Oiniilri at l < 'ilU ami Ulslsticots. ul apaiililliu
anil .list htri'Ots , at Ainrs , i\tnno anil "Till
strd'ts. at I'nri mill 21 li strcut * and iitlininil
mi-lino anil .Tth btrnut' . In tlircltyof Oinalia ,
( uit'onlln/ tiluiiu and mioi'lllu.itliins on Illn In
llHuilUfDof tlm llcuid of I'ulillo WurL-w l.iich
iiriin | > nl tn bu mailuon lihinl.H fiiin'shcd liy
tliu li.i.inl mill In I'd uuuoinii i tiled , by n rorll-
llid I'hi-rU In lliuinin of i.VJ ) niyuulo tit thu
cltvnf Onniliu uhuiiuililoiiuunf oi > il f.tltli.
Tlio Im nil rcsurxs the ilfflit to lujui't uny
( halrniHii Him rd uf 1'nbllc WorUs.
UniuUu , October Ibtb , IB'/.J olb-l'j-VU.
( "trade niirK. ;
The above brands of irlo\os lot1 sale by
The Boston Store i
N. W. Cor. I tn unlDouf : ItisSt
Om ih i
) HI'lllMi1 * Sill Til DMCO'I'X Tlin fAHLH-
HCT nf AiniTliM I" tin' H\ufk \ HIM" > . . ' .l . ) fiut
tin1 ITIKII linullU IlllllOllllllUI
l ivi ly hiotmry I li IH < Hiirni iiii'iliilnnl wutiri
) IH\ < ' i iiruil ilioii iiiult f pltlUlltN 1 inutlt ) lllMKI'
luiili in thu I u ' ( 'In IMIIH , liullt of pink nninl'
uli'iir niriiinoiliti'H ii | MMIIU | Mrlctly lint i'lns i
iiji | > n Urn iilnrim uti-im hint iilcitllc IlKlitH richly
fiirni'lii'il llnu wl lu v r nlalii , tntiln a miui lallr.
1 Inn miuimim , inllil n ilum IlL'ilni'i-tl iMti' hy tha
t\iM'k or inniith Til IrnliiH Irinii rhlcngo ,
U . " .MAIIDK.V. Tlm K\IIIIH , Hut Hirllllt | , H 1) .
EiasticStoc ! < inj3 ,
Trusses ,
Cru iches ,
lVator33U/ji ,
Syringes ,
Riomlzsn ,
Medical Supplier.
114 S. 15th SI ,
Ktxt to Poslolll&i
Or Ihn l.liiuor llnlill k'onlflvrly 4'iirotl
by uilniliiUli'i mi ; l > 7. HnliiiV
Uulilfii Sm-rliTv
tt nan bo glvoa tu o cup of ootteo or tei , or In feed *
withouttutkaowledgool Iliapttleiit , Itlvibioluttl/
bkrmleit. and will cited a permaucut and tpvoay
cure , wbeilirr Ilia pailcnt ! a moderate drinker or
an looboll" wruulc It bi > bccnflveii la llioiiK D < l
of oucr.anilln every Inilancta porltol cureha fgl.
lowed. Jlnttrr Full * . Tlie y temonooluiprjttnalea
with HID Epealtla. ! becomta ao utter lupoailblllty
for the liquor Hrpctllft lo edit. .
lilll.HEV M'KCIUU < II. . J'rop'r * . H .
48-paxo bo OK ol CJitlcular * tr . To tin bad ol
KnliiivOa. . Utli urrJ Duajt.n Bit , IStU anfl
C'ui.ilinrfi' Wliplui uu , Illiiko. llrnoo ft Ua.
uu UlQUiranuu iru