Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    Ho Toll from the Oity Hall Tower and
Caught Hirmolf.
III * foot Slipped , anil Only n I.ncky Catch
S.urd Hint rrinii Unlni ; 11 mil Tint
to the hlrrrl llrlmv Carried
IIU Point.
Chris Snecht , councilman from the Sixth
ward , had a n arrow escape from a frightful
death yesterday forenoon while engaged In
measuring tno height of the city hall tower.
Ho had climbed to tha top of the structure
for the purpose of securing evidence to bo
used in the city hall Investigation thnt has
boon going on for several days and was
landing on the narrow shelf that surrounds
the tower Just nt the base of the roof when
his foot slipped nnd ho foil. Ho managed
to catuh hold of the stone balustrade a few _
feet below and pull himself to a plnoo of
nafcty with no more serious Injury than an
tmly cut mid brnlso on his right log below
the unco.horo ho struck a slight projection.
Mr. Specht wiis completely prostrated when
ho realized his narrow escape , for lu\v ho
managed to avoid being dashed to places on
the stone sldewalK 132 feat below is some
thing that Is ilinicult to understand , as a pur-
fan undergoing that fall would not bo nblo
to obtain n hold on nny of tlio few projec
tions once In n thousand times.
It take * n good deal more than n fall of n
few hundred feet to astonish Spccbt much ,
nnd ho coolly announced ns ho was binding
his bruised shin that thn tower was six foot
A Uhnlcrn scarp.
A reported , outbreak of cholera at Hoi-
mcltn , N. J. , created much excitement In
thutvlclnlty. Investigation showed that the
disease was not < ! nolora but a violent dysen
tery , which Is almost ns severe and danger
ous as cholora. Mr. Walter \Vlllara , a
prominent merchant of Jamcsburj ; , two
miles from Holmottn , says Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Hetnedy has
given great , satisfaction In thu most sovord
cases of dysentery. It Is certainly ono of
the best , things over mado. For sale by
Ilcul cfllnto.
Bargains only.
My word ta cood.
W. G. Albright
C213 ! N. Y. Llfo hid ? ,
Op. ! Ill Ing Snrinnn of t lit ) Thtrtr-slitli Annual
Convention Last Night.
The ODoning sermon ot the thrty-slxth nu-
nual mooting of the Congregational Associa
tion of Nebraska was delivered in the First
Congregational church last night by Hov.
Lewis Gregory of Lincoln.
The weather could suarcoly have baon
worn Inauspicious , but notwithstanding
this discouraging fact thcro was a fair
slzd audience at the opening mooting. Dr.
Gregory Is n plain , practical man , who says
no startling or strange things. Ho is con
tent to present tha truths or the gospal in a
Btrnlchtforward and candid raunuor , leav
ing the realm of dramatic and sensational
preaching severely alono. Ills discourse
last night was upon the subject of "Bight. "
His text was found in the ninth chapter and
the seventeenth vorio of the Acts , where
Ananias ulaccd hU hands on Saul of Tarsus
end tha latter rocolvcd his sight. Paul had
been stricken blind on the way to Damascus
and he was pjnltcnt. This was the opening
of his eyes , both physically and spiritually.
From that time on. .iul of Tarsus saw as ho
liud'nover seen before. i
The speaker said that sight xvas a wotulor-
flil thing. It was a tnrriblo thing to bo born
blind , and with what joy parents behold the
flrst evidences in their offspring of recog
nition by sight. The babe would clutch at
the moon and fall to catch tovs within easy
reach. So it oiten happened with grown
people. They were possessed of imper
fect eyesight. They undertook business
ventures that were very dlo within the
range of their vision. The man of the kceti'
e t sight could see but a part of that whicl
was to bo scon. Some men saw onn sidu ol
nature and some saw another. Where one
man saw nothing but a waterfall , nnolhci
saw a good location for a factory or a mill ,
Christopher Columbus saw the land of i
I western continent when others could sec
I nothing but water and great dancer uluvtd
Other men were spiritually blind , could nol
ECO tbo great truths of the universe sprcai
out before them hv an all wisa God. Jesus
Christ and Ho alone could confer spirltua
The nddross was rocolvcd with close nttor.
tion on the part of the audlenco.
The convtmtlon will co'itinuo through tin
week. A largo number of the Congrcga
tlonnl pastors of the state were present las
nlcht nnd many more will arrive today
This will oo a busy ana Interesting week fo
the Congrop-Rtlonallsts of Omaha. Follow
Ing is the program for today :
0:00-10:00 : : u. m. Organization and busi
10:00-11:00 : : n. m. Dovoiioual oxarcisos lei
bv Evangelist C. S. Billings.
11 :00-1. : :10 n. m. Koccss.
11:10 a. in. to 13:00 : m Address of rotlrlni
moderator , Kov. A. It. Tham , D.D.
12:00 : m. Uecnss.
8:00-2:30 : : p. m , Business , reports , etc.
, 20-1:00 : ! ! : w. m. The doctrine of insplrn
lion ns affected bv current , thought.
( a ) 1'apor by llov. II. S. MucAyoal , Con
( b ) General discussion ,
.4:00.5:00 : : p. in. Some phases of tbo India
( u ) Address bv Miss Mary C. Colllnf
Fort Yutos , N. D.
( b ) General discussion ,
fi:00 p. in. Hscess.
7:31) : ) p. m. Nobrnska charities nnd corroi
tlonu ,
( a ) The relation of the chuichnstooi
pnnlzod charities , Frank \V. \ Lewis , osn
( h ) Mnthoitt ) of chanty organization , V
A , Sollnck , esq , , Lincoln ,
( o ) Methods of reform within nnd with
out the prison , Uov. W. J. Tumor ,
A Onru I in' Cl
There Is no use of nny ono suffering wit
thn cholera when Chamberlain's Colli
Cbolora ami Diarrhoea Homoay can bo pn
cured. It will plvo relief In a 'fow mlnuu
and euro in a short 1 1 11113. I have tried it an
know. W. H. Clinton , Holmotta , N. J. Tt
epidemic at Holmotta was at , first bolloved I
bo cholera , but subsequent Invcstlpntlc
proved it to bo a violent form of dysonior
almost as dangerous nu cholora. Th
riMnody was used thuro with great KUCCOS
For sale by druggists.
Al' .Mil.
Xnrnnt riimiomcun ol the Slngo Form u
"Antlliiiintlu liillncnco I.imgne. "
New YOIIK , Oct. 17. A novelty In organ
cation was developed yesterday. An Ani
Garry society , composed of children of tl
tage , was formed , Its members are not vei
told , but they are vary much In earnest ai
they propose to show Mr. Gerry what It
to have a real light on his bunds. Thn mcc
Ing was hold at the home of Edith WIdmc
the Shakespearean reader , and Holda Bu
dors was ohoaon president.
Wayb ana means were discussed In tr
parliamentary fashion , and it was rosolv
to carry the war Into tbo unoiny't carao ai
try to dlipoio of Mr. Gerry ,
"In a few dura , " sold tbo petite preside )
"we iliall IIBUO a circular to all children
nd off the tiaKO throughout the country a
slf them to aisist us In forming tto "Antl
Batlo Intlucnro Laaue. "
\Vlieii Nature
'Need * aiMiUuee tt may be best to rendei
promptly , but oue ahould rumombor to i
even the moil pcrtoot remedial only wh
needed. The hot aud most ilmplo and gi
tin rumody It the Syruu of FU-j , manufa
und by the California i\y \ Syrup Co.
Worlil'i fair Vltltor. .
Opvcruor Lloyd and ilnff will leave o\
thn Burlington this afternoon to attend the
dedicatory services ot the Columbian exposi
tion nt Chicneo.
Govprnor Markham nnd staff of Califor
nia , nnd Governor ( < oull and staff of Col
orado passed through Omaha yesterday
afternoon Chlcagowurd.
Commissioner General Gnrnoau nnd n
parly of Ilftcrn friends left ever the Hock
Island yesterday afternoon In n special car ,
Mr. nnd Mrs , W. L. Mav and Mr. John
CrolRhton chartered places in Iho Uurllng-
ton No , 2ycfltcrdny afternoon for Chicago ,
LP.AVKXUuntil. Kan , , June 15. ' ! ) ) .
Mr. J. U. Moore : My Sir 1 hav
been surjcctlo sick headache all my llfo.
Over two years ago I began using "Mooro1
Tree of Life" for it und never had n case o
aick hcadactio since , oxcopl when the
medicine wns nt ono end of the road and I nt
the other. ItU worth moru than money to
me. I heartily recommend It to all sufferers
of hoadacho. Very truly yours ,
W. H. LII.C.
I'astorFirst n nptlst Church.
iir.iA/.oiu/ nr Tin : MM.
Miiny l.lM'i by the Wreck oT the
MiMiimir llnkhiir.t.
Hose KONO , Oct. 17. Tha Peninsular and
Oriental steamer Bokhara lott Shanghai for
this port October 8. When sbodld not ar
rive on lima iho steamer Hotub.iy and the
British Crul'or Porpoise went In search
of hor. Thiiv bring the Intelligence
that she was wrecked on Sand Island , bo-
twcon the island of Formosa nnd the Chinese
mainland in the to.irful phoons which
sweep that portion of the world. She car
ried n largo nutnucr of both cabin
nnd stcoragu tiasscngors , besides the
crow. All on board were drowned
except twenty-three. After battling long
in the tcrilblo cross tea which
broke ever her constantly , the hatches wcro
torn off , the hold tilled with water , the tires
were put-out nnd she drilled upon the ItUnd
nnd went to pieces. It was impossible to
launch boats and of these on board only
twonty-thrro wcro able to cling to the wreck
till the storm subsided.
The exact number of the lost Is not known ,
Tbo Holsnnra was a flno steamer of 8.000 tons
burden. The cargo was very valuable , con
sisting in addition to the malls of n largo
amount of specie and n heavy consignment of
TIKI .Mucli ii H Kink ,
It Isnot unusual for colds contracted In the
fall touting on all winter. In such casus
catarrh or chronic bronchltlo are almost sure
to result. A Hfly-cant Dottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Hemedy will cure nny cold.
Can vou afford to rislc so much for so small
an amount I This remedy is Intended es
pecially for bad colds and croup and can
always be depended upon , Forsnlo by drug
Paul Ciimp Arrested U'lillo IJpjolcllig ; In n
lliirgtilu Mo IIid Mailr.
There nro two men in this vicinity who
have laro loads of sorrow on their minds ,
nil of which Is brought on by a horso.
Dnn Mason , n farmer rosldlnp near Flor
ence , was the owner of a horse until a few
nights ago , or until some evil disposed person -
son broke into the barn and stola the boast
away. The horse was taken to Scrlngflela ,
where It wns traded to Paul Camp , an Omaha
man. Camp felt that ho had made n good
trade , and it wns with some oloasuro that ho
was showing the animal to his associates
Sunday afternoon. But his pleasure was
of short duration , lor nbout that time the
Bhcrni happened along , taking both man nnd
horse into custody.
Camp was arrested as being the genuine
robber of the barn , but by being able to
show up bis past reputation , which was a
good ono , ho was released , but the horse.was
turned ever to the original owner.
Mrs Wlnslow's soothlnir syrup for chil
dren tcethine euros wind colic , diarrhoea ,
ato. " 5 cents a bottle.
noit&v TIIIt'jJsrix
A Itiinil ot rirtoou lil.ilui Hustlers Meet a
n Itloody luilli.
BOISE , Idaho , Oct. 17. Wilson Marvin has
arrived here from D or Flat , in northern
Idaho , and gives the nutboruios hero dolails
of a fight with n gan of horse thieves
which occurred last August , but which ec.
far escaped publication. This gang ol
rustlers has been operating very boldly ,
running Inrco numbers of horses off mtc
British Columbia. Finally a nosso started
after them , nnd came up" with them
near Door Flat. Mcrvln says ho witnessed
the battle which followed , in which the entire
tire band of rustlers , numbering ilfteen , was
If you to ho on the snfe side , stick t <
the old reliable Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 11
is sold bo dealers ovcrvwhero.
Council Ilium rollco Catch nn Oraalu
ISiirclnrmuI Thou Lot Him Un.
The residences of Frank P. Zimmor am
F. J. Sutcliffo wore burglarised last Satur
day and n large valise , a lot of clothing aild
a ring stolon. The Council Bluffs police subsequently
quently nrrosted u man who had In hi :
possosion Iho ring engraved wllh Sutcllffe'i
Instead of notifying the Omaha police tbi
Council Bluffs authorities turned tha irai
loose und ho has disappeared.
Do not co traveliuK without n botllo o
Salval'.on Oil. It euros a bruise at onco. 25o
Licensee ,
The followlm ; marriage licenses were Is
mod by County Judge Eller yesterday :
Name and address. ARC
I Charles N. Tucker , Missouri Valley. la i
1 I.I/.noG. U ilner. Missouri Valley , In. . . , 3
j Theodora K Albert , lloston , Mass. . . L1-
1 Annlod. Dowar , Omaha . a ,
j Auciist Diojor. Omulm . ; t.
I Mury Krzesinwsklo. Omaha . 2
I Axol William Johnson , Neb . 2
I Mary Wyniuro Johnson , Omaha . 2
As a dollcato llavor , dolimous and refresh
ing. Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Chnmpoyn
talius Iho lead. Millions of bottles are sol
llul diiiLI'crinlta ,
The following permits were Issued oy th
Buporlntondent of buildings yesterday :
11. A. Kobliison , repairs to dwolllng , C513
O.ipltol uvvnno . t i.oc
Eluvun minor pormltB . yt t
Inipalrod digestion ropilrji b\r \
Pills , | _
1'aviiiK " " 'I ' Snivur Homls.
Mayor Bonns has Isssuod his proclnm :
tlou authorizing the voting of bonds at th
November olcclion , The voters of Omah
will bo called upon to cast tholr ballots fc
or against the issue of ? 100ouo of sewer an
$100,000 of Intersection puvlug bonds.
DoWltt's Sarsapariua aostroys suoa po !
sons as scrofula , skin dlsnasos , eczema , rhau
matlsm. Its tlmolv use sav i many lives.
NinelU to tliKh llrinoii.
People HVIUR in the vlciniiy of Sovot
tconth and Center have complalnod to tt
police that the horse which fell in the bottoi
ol a well on a vacant lot there Is beglnnlc
to become offensive and auk to have the uu
sauce abated.
Mrs. U. H. Pattun , ItocinorJ , 111 , , wrltoi
* From poraonal experience I can racoinmon
DoWiit's Sarsaparllla , a cure for impur
blood and c uera > debility "
Health Officla's Cat-h tha Milk Dealers'
PredJent Practicing Sharp Ecjnomy.
I'liin of n l > niff Mt Who W.inicil All Mo
I'ulcl lot Health Dlllcm ! ' Will Miirt
a Ucnoriil liivrttlKiitlim ( it the
Mutter at Once.
The ofllcmls of the lioalth department of
the city have ] u t mailo the startling discov
ery thnl the tall it iloaljf , or nt least some of
them , nro pieties to a dcop laid plol to do up
the ontlrn population ot this ( jroat Missouri
river metropolis. The lines wore nil laid mul
the carrying out of the schoinu was onlv pre
vented in- the prompt notion of HetiHii Com
missioner Somors , aided nnil abottoil by sev
eral uruuijlsts and the cltv spalcr of weights
anil measures , A.V. . Parker.
For sotno wcoits the druggists of the city ,
mnoclully those who use cnnsldorablo cromn
ana milk in concocting fancy UrinUs , havu
had a suspicion lurking In thotr minds that
tholr milkmen were using measures which
were out raihor Inch nt , the bottom anil
equally low nt the top. In fact they toolt
fiomo measurements nntl found that their
suspicions were only too true. Ttioy appealed
to these same milkmen , but wore informed
thutlhore was itothinir in'lt , if anything the
measures hold more" than tbo required ,
This sntlslled the minds of the Innocent
OruRplsls lor n time nnd they thought that
they thoaisolves had been mistaken. Thev
oven went so lar as In apologlio to the milk
dealers lor having accused tlioui so wronc-
Tiioro was one dructrht , hovcver , who
could not swallow the milkmen's story so
readily and still insisted that his milltmnn ,
Louts LHtloHnld , tbo prcsluent of the MilK-
racns association , was doluc him up nt every
turn of the nllopcd quart cup. This arug-
gist bided hh tlmo urn ! waited for develop
ments , which came In duo time.
Tno JrUKclst know when Milkman Little-
Hold was due tit tno store and made It a point
to have Ir Somors and Senior Pnritor pres
ent. They had standard measures with
them nnd as the niHitmiui came Into the
store , humming the milkmaid's sonp , they nt
once poized upon his mcnstu'o of milk and
turned it Into the standard measure. That
was the ovldonco that settled tno whole
question , as the milk from the measure used
by the dealer lacked considerable of tilling
the ono which the two cltv otllclals had on
Dr. Somors is now pretty well satisfied
that L'.ttlpfiolu is not the only milkman who
has been salting from short measures but is
of the opinion that , many of them have been
doing the very sumo thine.
The Hoard of Health 11 in snssion this nf-
tcrnoon nnd this question of measures Is ono
of the principal subjects of discussion.
Health oflloials allege that with the pres
ent limited means at their disposal It Is
almost impossible for them to nay any atten
tion to the inspection ot milk so far as its
quality is couc'erned , and very diflicult to do
much toward seeing that the doalurs give
the consumers the quantity purchased. An
effort , will bo made to rigidly enforce the or
dinance as It stulids nnd If possible devise
moans for the proper inspection of the qual
ity of the mlllt that is being sola in the city.
Wlmt Stro.iRor I'moT
Is needed of tbo merit of Hood's snrsaparilla
than the hundreds of letters continuallv
coming in telling of marvellous cures it has
effected after all other remedies had failed.
Truly , Hood's sarsaparilla possesses peculiar
curatlvo power unknown to othsr medicines.
Hood's pills euro constipation by restoring
the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal.
They are the host family cathartic.
Jlov. Frank Crnno I'reaelius a Snrmon Very
aiuch Out of the Ordinary.
Hov. Prank Crane , the now pastor of the
First Methodist church on Sunday night
took for his subject "Tho Great
American Mud God. " It was a dis
course brimming full of thought and bo
easily hold the close attention of the audience
for three quarters of an hour. The mud god
ho referred to was the modern tendency of
the peopln to run off after materialistic
things to an extent bordering on worship.
Brick blocks , lands , commercial enter
prises , all mere matters of mud , lasting
only for a day were absorolng the attention
of the people. People were too apt to look
upon the clothes that a real thing were as
being the thing Itself. They pointed to the
High school building and called it a school.
They pointed to another line building and
called it u church. But bade of thosa thcro
were ideas thnt wcro the real things. If it
had not been for the idea of education there
would never linvo been a school house ; if it
hart not been for the Idea of n God thcro
would never havu boon n church. These
buildings were but the clotnos that tno idea
put on , not the real thing Itself.
He made n btrong plea for n kind of wor
ship thnt took into consideration a real God
hack of all the foimallty and show. Ho oe-
llevcd that many churches wore losing their
spiritual power because the people failed to
BOO beyond tno vestments and paraphernalia
of the prlosts or minlstorswho undertook to
dispense the sacred truth.
IJoWltt'sbarsaparllla ' ciennsos tne blooa ,
Increases the appolito and tonoj up thesys-
tem. It has benotltod many paople who
bavosulTerod from blood disorders. It will
help you.
liupuotor nonnnil Itriiukonrlilgo Vlnlts the
liepitrtnienc ilcad'iiutrler * uml flurrUnn.
Brigadier General Brockonrideo , inspector
general of the United States array , arrived
In Omaha Sunday and proceeded to make
an inspection of the military Uuadquurtcrs of
the Department of the Platte nnd of l-'ort
Omaha yostcidav In company with General
Brooko. It required but a few moments for
the inspector to take In tno headquarters of
the dopartmuut , as the apartments are all on
ono floor of TUB Bun buildlui : and are kept
as neat ab u pin at all times.
At 11 o'clock carriages were ordered and
the Inspector nnd General Brooke went U
Fort Omaha to inspect the garrison. As
nearly all iho troopi had tholr dress parndc
uniforms all packed In readiness to leave fin
Chicago today , U was not possible to receive -
ceive the Inspector with the usual doroo ol
pomp nnd circumstance and as ilia woatbcj
was not suitable for that sort of n demonstra
tlon the inspector was doubtless just as wet
pleased with the unostentatious but cordla
manner In which bo was received at the gar
General Brcckonridgo , General Brooke ,
Colonel Huphos , Captain Crow nor , Captain
Ayers and Lieutenant Quay will depar
this evening for Chicago to participate
In the dedicatory exorcises ot tbo Colummai
exposition. The troops troni Fort Omuln
will also leave tomorrow for Chicago.
DoWHt'sSursarmrma cioanses the DiouJ.
Kutlces of Av Kiicmir I a under IMs hMii. tlftt
cent * ; each mldHloiicu line , ten ccnti.
THOMAS John. a od'J'J yours , dunday , Ooto
her 10. Funural will luUu plucu Tuesday
October IB , ittUilMp. in. , from tlio resilience
MJ South Thirtieth struct. Interment at For
est I.uwn cemetery ,
it ,
ii a
er Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the StandarJi
A Cnso 'linwliift llnw rntnrrlml Dlscitso
Jl y liHoUnlllm Mpnt-il nnil Nervous
It'll IICllllll * .
The fnr-roniiliiiiR cfTcots of ciUnrrhnl
tllscasb Is slcjkliifrly shown in cnsoa n-
( ccUng the norviius pysicm. Catnrrh , by
preventing sloop , anil ltnpilrlii dlgos-
tlon ; nnil iilso , < iby loxvoring the general
liunHh , InducoH itrnlti of nervous dis
orders tlmt , in time punnnnonUy under-
inlnn the whole systotu. This Is the
stale of tnnny pconlo wlio have tried In
vain , throut/lixloelors and lrtiRs , to gel
rid of the misery and pain of chronic
disease. The failure , Is duo to the fact
Unit the trui condition Js nol recognl- When siii'h ca > os of cnltirruiil ills-
soaso are treated for the true nllmeiita
little medicine , rightly aimed , will euro
when the routine dosing of poisonous
and distrusting drugs utterly fulls.
A eiso : in mint is that of Mr. N. P.
Roron on , Oni ) Jackson St. , nn omployo
of the Mo. I'acill' ! Hy. eoinpunv. il
SoronsiMi is tin mtolligunt und disc Til
ing man nnd fully npprcelatos the
benefit he has received at the hiinds ot
Drs. Copeland and Sliopurd. In a recent -
cent interview ho replied as follows to
questions touching this point ?
N. P. SOR13NSON , 009 Jackson St.
"In irnklnii n Mntcmont of my enso for publlcn-
"nnl foci Hint 1 urn ill clmrchiK ndutjr t ewe to the
riibllc .My catarrh innio on slowly nnil buforo I ro
nlircil It 1 wns niMrly n wioc < . If 1 hail hvuilud tlio
llrst syini toms 1 wouhl linvo been spared much suf-
Icrlnu nil c\pcns3. At tlr t 1 Imnkuil un.l siilt nnil
could nnl rest nt night. Thou my buck ached nntl be
en mo so weak 1 coulil hciirculy Krt up. It pocmoJ ns
If my splno would broiikwhcnotcr 1 ftoopoil.
" .My memory pot tcry poor nnl 1 wns easily -"i-
fiifoil norrluil. At times IconMno Bleep nt nil
but would Me n nUe the entire nlclit. In the rtny
time 1 ni rtuplil and slcopy nnd linil no llfo or nm
billon In tin ntiyiliins. I lultncnk und 'ulliinstruiiR
nnd nt tlmos uscry despondent. 11 wns ttlsncr-
Totis duMlit > tliut IIIIK'.O mo bi' hi to tlilnk I nu\cr
would del o'l. M > nppi'tllo nlmo'-t cntlrc-Iy fulled
nml 1 booamr t-o cnk 1 coultl Ptnr. el/ hold my pe
tition with tbu nillio.ul lompiny. Since taklni ; the
mcilUliiG < < of Dis. Lo | clniul nnd thopnid nnd ol > -
! 'or ln f carefully thclrdlrLctlons/iK to my uimlu of
life 1 huvulMicmnuatruniier In mlnil nnil boil ) tlnin I
liavcuxcr been before. 1'orti'ii years 1 lm\e used
nrlous remedies but they entirely fulled to hi-lp me.
1 nm moie than s-ntMled with the niethols ct Drs.
Copeland nnd hl'opurd. I nm rid of nil the trouble 1
linvo n.itncd nnd In nil ro pccts n new m n. "
Catarrh treavel at the utufo m rtte of
15.00 a month medlc.n furnished free.
i"or all other disease > the rates will bo low
.nd uniform. Patients at a elistancs suc
cessfully treated. Bend for symptom blank ,
HOOMS311 AND 312 , NO\V YORK Ml-'B
C. H. J-.IIKPARD , M. 13.
Specialties : Cntnrrli , Asthmn. lironcliltU , Nor-
rons DlscnbO'i. lllotid Il enrus , ttlieumatlsin. Con-
BiimptlOn nnd nil chronic altectlona ol thu Uhrout ,
UIIBI , Stomnch , Llvurnnil KlitnojH.
Olllrr llmiri * : II to II * . 'in.i to 5p. m."to8 p.
m. Sunday , 1U n. m. to U m.
Vile cod-liver oil has lost
its vileness in Scott's Emul
sion and gained a good deal
in efficiency.
It is broken up into tiny
drops which are covered with
glycerine , just as quinine in
pills is coated with sugar
or gelatine. You do not get
the taste at all.
The hypophosphites of
lime and soda add their tonic
effect to that of the half-di
gested cod-liver oil.
Let us send you a book on
SCOTT & IlowNU.Chemuti , i jj South jth Avenui ,
Ntw York.
Your druKRist keeps Scott'j Emulsion of cod-liver
oil * ll druggim everywhere do. $ i.
tlio 'XVondorl 11 1
Sjtniiluli remedy
ovpr 5O venrH |
citron all Ner-
, vou s DiNcnNOK ,
' ; Illicit Of niCIUO-
" ry , llcndur ho ,
_ - \ViiIceinlnc8B9
Beforo&Aftor Uso. icmisotoiiH , i.ont
Pbotocrnphed from llfo. JTIiinhood , or
dtmliiiitlun of tlioGpiicratlvo Oruniin ,
etc. , und nil oU'ectii cauovd l > y im t
nbiineN. 1'ut iil > coiivciilunUy to carry
In tlio vc t i > ock t. I'rtco SI u iMickncc ,
or U for 65 , irltli \vrlttrn ( iiiaranteo
to euro or refund tlio money. Ifndrnrelal
trios to sell yon some. IVCIILTIIKESH IMITA
TION In place of SAN ATI VO , eneloto price In envo-
lone nnd vro vrlll send by nmll. I'amplilot 111
plain uunlcd envelope 1'roo. Addrcaoi
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Branch Office lor U.S.A.
858 Dearborn Street , OHIOACJO , ILL.
SANATIVO is sold In OMAHA , NP.B , by
Kulm & Co. , Druggists , Cor. 151)1 ) & DouKlas bis ,
J. A. Fuller & Co. , UriiKgUts , Cor , Mil ) & Douglas
Sts , , and druggists Rcncrally ,
MKNT. p8jtt | { ) tur llratarl i. Dltilaaii , fit I. NJJ
ralgla , lla.iUnoaj. Nurrom 1'roitratoa cauial br
klcohoior tobaoji ) , WukufulnuM , Mental Uourai-
lou , So tnenof tuo ilriln. ojuilni limnltr , lolsorr
decur.duatti , I'rj.mturu UU Aao , Usrrouuii. i.on
of I'ovror In oltlieriai , linpotonoy , l.eueurrbaaanl
ellKeuialaYiikn s3i > B. laruluularr l.onoi , Hpar-
matorrlio.iciuiDl t > f orur-exurtlan or tin DM In
balf-abuiaorar-lii rince. A mantb'4 tr-j.ituunt
11,6 mall , \yuuu irnntaa § li baxaj to our *
Kictiorda farti ujtui , wltli Ii will toil wrltcii
gunr ntcuti ) rotund If notoJrjJ. ( luirauOa liiual
onlr l > r Tliuadoro. V , IMVdruE \ Itt , eolo nzout ,
outhuait corner KlUiauJ l-'urnum it * . UmaU *
Wo will tend you thn m rtrlou
Vl och 1'reparatlon CALTIUIO
fm. and a Ifcul cuaiautev llmt
IJAL'I'IIOS lll limlortt your
llrallli , Mri-HKlli uud VJcur.
I'Sf It anj far f/'talls/.tii ,
B li ioerlna lk'inU , ( luikmitl , Ohio ,
National Bank ,
Capital . $400,0aj
Surpltis . $05,01)1) )
OfDcenand Director ! Ilenrj W. Yatai.
R. ( i CuihlDK , tlt prsiWeni , O. if. Maurice W. V.
Mor eJolmi , Collhn J. N. U 1'ttrlgk , l. vrli A ,
1U J. caihttr.
Tl-llil IRON BANK ,
Frank Leslie's
Contains ns Its leading features }
Literary Chlrnco. Ily KvKll llnon-
i IQUB \ \ ( III tlilrtccn portraits.
llnir 11 Century Slnro. Ily t'
UAMRII. Illustrated by Joseph
Aluuci'-I.orrnlne. Hy OronnT : C.
llt'iuntir. With Illustrations from
Paintings bv llenncr , and ntliei t.
I'crnoiinl Ure'ollcrtliiiis of Slrltlrh.
nnl I'rniii'lN Hint on. Ily A. 1 ,
ItAwinv. llluMrated by Ilio Autlior
ItoifU'i .Not Mmle it till Iliindi. Ily
NKI.I.V HAUT WootiwoiiTil. A beau-
llfully llhiMrnlcd bird paper.
dim Iciiii C.roiKii Shoot Inc. llv Tl.-
With Illustrations nttcr H. MlllaU
nndV. . Small.
Cliolnnt \ lit tlio TrntKrnKplnii Itall-
road , Ily VAIKIUAN ( ininAiiiuort *
niid'riio > usl iiNNrMv Illustrated
by OrUwedoff and Antliony.
Short Stories , Sketches and Poomsliy
McCullnph Wllllnms. 1 ! W.lVrry , M.ilo
l.lpmaii.i'nptnln .lack Crnwfnnl , laId )
. Her. Arclilbnld 1'orbcs , Christina llos-
belli , and others.
S3ols per ropy Ycnrlv Miliserlptlon ,
$3 Tor s-ilo by all hew s = dealers , or tent
postpaid on receipt of price.
Circular giving unsurpassed promlum
olTors will be sent on application. : , VublMicr ,
110 I'lllli Avo. , Xnw York C'lly.
Cotivcn. CiiAMiinit. UMAIINeb. . , October
Uli , VI' ) . ' .
Ho It resolved by tlio City Council ot the City
of Oinahn , tbo Mayor ooneurrin ; ; :
That wooden s.uowalks bo constructed in
tbo Ulty of Oiiinliu ns designated below , with
in live days after the pub.I utlon of this reso
lution , or Ilie personal service thereof , us by
ordln in o is atltborl/od null roqtilred , snob
sldowalkH to be laid to thojjradoon tbo streets
speoltled heroin , and to be constructed of plini
plan ! , of such width and thlokness and bo 1 ild
upon joist ) of stieh dimensions and In such
milliner us Is prescribed by DID spec fl'atloiu
on Illo In tbo ollico of the lloarU of Public
Works and under Its supervision , to-wlt :
West sldoot llllh street , south V of lot Ii ,
block 0 , Horbaeh's Second Addition , estab
lished grade , ( I foot wide.
Kast.sldo of : iUh strcol , lot 13. Sunnysldo Ad
dition , ustubllsliod riUe. ( i foot wide.
Noith sldcof llurdotte street , lots II to IB
Inclusive , blocki : , Ullfton Hill Addition , tem
porary urade. ( i foot wldo.
\\Yji sldo of SSlh ! avenue , lot I , block 0 , ,
Drake's Audition , present Krade.O foot wide.
Hast sldo of : ! 7th sticot.lots U to irt Inclusive )
b'ockCtoslon Addition , cstabllshu 1 Ktalo
Ofcot wldo.
l jst sldo ot.'l'tb stieot , lots 11 to tf > , Orcston
Aiinox , established cra > lesO feel wldo.
West sldo of Ilith tivunuTS. lots .VI to Ii7 Inclu-
slve.S tow art I'laee , pro-n-nt cr ide , 4 feet w.tlo.
West sldo of ! l th axoiiue , ta\ lot No. 4 , sec
tion .M-15-111 , piesout 1:1 ado , 4 feet wide.
KaslMdo of bth stieet , lots 12 and ii : , block
Mioridau I'lace. to npjr.iry Kradc , 4 feu
Kastsliloof4- slroct. lots 12 and II , bloc't
2 , Miorldan I'laeo , temporary criulo , 4 feet
West -ildc of 10th street , lots 3 nnd 4. block
fl. llorbaoh's Second Addition , prebont gra'Io ,
West side of 52nd street , lots 1 to 0 Inclusive ,
blocli 7. Idlowlld Addition , present irade , 0
fool wldo. *
West sldo of 2.1 nil street , lots 1 , 2 and D , block
1 , lulcwllu Addition , present ir.ido , U foot
West side of 2-Jnri street , lot 10. Axford's Ad
dition , present urade , 0 feet wine
West side of O jdou strcot. lotH 28 to ! inclu
sive , block 4 , Sherman Avcnuol'aik Addition ,
present crude. 4 feet Ide.
North sldoot Jla--oii stieot. lots 27 and 28.
block l.i , Kouiit7o it Uuth's Addition , perma
nent crude. G feet , wide.
And , bo It fuithor resolve I :
That the board * of nubile works be , and Is
hereby author zo'l and directed In cause a.
copy of this rose utlon to ho published in tbo
olllolal paper of the cltv for one week , or bo
iorved on the owners of said lots , aud uu-
loss such ownois shall within live ( lavs after
the publication or service of such eopv ion-
btruct said sidewalks as hnicln reiiulred , that
the bo ir.l of puhllo vror s cause the same to
bo done , the cost of consti noting sil'l sldo-
walksrcspcotlxoly to bo assessed against the
real estate , lot or p irt of lot In front of and
abutlliii ; such sldowalks.
1'usscd October J th , Isl-
11 I' . OAVI ? .
President Citv Council.
Attest : JOHN OKOVK- ,
City Clerk.
Approved : GEO. P. DEM IS ,
To the owners of tbo lots , parts of lots and
real obtato described in the above iebolu-
tlon :
You arid oicb of you 1110 lioroby notllloJ to
construct wooden sldov alks ns required bv
a resolution of the city council ami inayorof
the city of Omaha.of \ \ hlch the above Is a copv.
p. w. iiiiuviiAUsnii ,
Clialrinaii llo-ird ot Public Works
Omaha , Nob. , October mh. IB'U. '
An ord nance creating street Improvement
district No. 4S'l ' in tbo city of Omaha
for the Impiovln of tlio street In s Id dis
trict by curbing aud paving and nllonlir.
thirty onys to the piopeity onnorsln said
district In which to delmmlno and desinato )
iho matorlal deslied to bo u cd for such Im
He It orda'nea y the elty council of the city
of Omaha :
Section I. That Street Improvement Dis
trict No. 48i ! for tbo Improvlnu' of lliotreot In
said district Is liVroby cieatcd In the city of
boetlon 2. That street Improvomctitdlstrict
No. 4SU shall compilse Center street from 1011
street to llih stuot. Intho elty of Omaha , am
hhall include lots W-8-U-lu-ll- ) , block IU
K'oiint/o 4thhuppliinentaiy addition : lots i-'J-
; i.4-r > -'J-10-Jl-l--.J. ] block I , Konnt/e'.s 4th addi
tion , mid It Is hereby doelaicd ncccbbary ti-
Improve the Mime by cuihluK nnd paving.
bection : i. That street iinprovoinoiit dis
trict No 181 ! In Iho city of Omaha bo and till
same Is berebv ordered Imprcnod bycutblii ! ,
and paving the same.
tfoetloiM. Thai thirty days novt , nftor tin
passiiKoaml approval of tblsordliianeo ho a in :
tliob.iiiii1 Is liorobv allowrd to tlio ounerai
all lots ami real ml.itu In bald street Im-
piovi incut dlstt let. to deteimliio aid desig
nate tbo material desired to lie used fortho
linprov In.of the same , an I notify the city
rniiucll theieof. It having lieou and boloj ,
hoiebv iletormiiiod by tlio mayoi and olt.\
council of s nd eitv , for re isons which appeal
rluht and propor.that all the leal osiato In sab
Etreot Impiovemoiit district , shall Iieehai4o <
and assessed with tlio cost of Iniiirovins thoro-
in. to bo thereafter ilntormbioil an I esiao
lishwd nccorilliu to tbo bcnollts to tbc
propcrty In s-ild slreot Impiovment district
and tlio lloinl of I'uldlo Works Is lieroby ill
rooted toalvo notloo lo tlio ownorn of landt
and lots , subject to local assessment , for tin
cost of said Improvements , lo determine uud
deslcnato tlio matorlal to bo tihiiil forsuob Im
proving , by publication In the olllelnl papo
of the city for three coii'oeutlvo davb , i-
least Of icon days prior to tlio lap = o of ball
Section r . That this nrdlnanco shall take
offeot aud bo In force fiom ami after its pasb
President Olty Council.
Approved October Hnh
An ordinanceitoolarlni ; the necessity of trrad
Ins Decatur btieet from "uth street to 'Us
ilri'et. and uppollitlu ; ; llireo dlslnlorosloi
nuiirulBniM to absnss and detormiiio thodam
aecsi , if any , to the piaporty owners , whlol
may bo caused by such Knuliii : .
Whereas , Property owni'is roprosentlns ,
moio than Ilireit-liflhs of the feet fruiila-1
on auld p'irt of Decatur street huvo petltloiioi
ttio mnyor and city council to h ivo s ild
Ins done under the three-llfths t Inuno as pro
vlded for in section tfi of tliMClty eiuutor am
thu cost thereof to he made payable In i
oiiml | liislullinenls' tliereforo
ilu it ord.iliied by the city counol. of the city
of Omaha :
freelioii 1 That It I * proper and nccpssarj
and It Ib hereby dcclnieJ proper and ueecssa
ry , to ciadn Decnlui 6 1 roe I to Its piobcn
estublUhcd Krane Including ; necessary up
lironrlifH tlion-io from -'Jth btrtot to ais
btrent. In the oily of Omnlia ,
Boctlon 2 , 'I hat the mayor , \vlth tlioapprov
a ) of thu city oouncll. nupolnt tbieo dlnlinur
ostnd appraisun to nurraiHe , usseas and deter
uiloo Uiodamaiio to properly ownerjwhlcl
may be caused by ii"Ii Kruilln ? , taking Into
cuntldnrntlou In makliits such apprjUniont
the special bonofiiH , If any , toiuch properly ,
by reason of such grading.
Keotlon . That tnU oramixnco shall take
effocl mitlbeln for.-o from and after lt pu *
Oity Olork.
K. I' . DA Vis.
Pru-ildcnt Ulty Council.
Ape | , , ea October l
Don't Worry.
f some good democratic friend tells you thnt
, he eountry'll go to the d if Harrison's reelected -
elected don't worry about it. If some protec
ted republican smites his breast and in an "I
enow it all" voice says , "I'll leave the country
f Cleveland's elected" let him go , but don't
worry about it. If an alliance orator assures
you that "General Weaver's got a "Lease" of the
White House for the next four years" don't
worry about it. If your prohibition friend tells
you he's done as much to "put down ( ? ) liquor"
as any man on earth maybe ho has , but don't
worry about it. If your coal man swears coal
will , go to fifteen dollars a ton let him swear
( it'll save you the trouble ) and don't worry
about it. If your last year's overcoat that you
packed away so carefully looks a little tired
when you take it out this year don't worry
about try a new one.
Towait till snow flies to buy it either now's
the time today while the stock's new and
fresh , and another thing we're going to offeu
early buyers something they won't get later.
We're going to offer you a very fine all wool
Kersey garment in new shades , lined with fine
plaid cassimere with full satin sleeve lining *
with canton flannel pockets with silk stitch *
ing with either self collars or full wide silk
velvet collars garments you never saw the
qual of for less than twelve fifty we're going ,
to offer these
Maybe you think we've got an object irt
making this price. Maybe we have but
worry about it.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Cuudrji U ) ik. lJui. buud Uuuii tor
ORUNANCE [ NO. 103. '
An onllnniico declaring the necessity of
changing thn si ado of IMrd street fiom llnr-
ney htie-jl to l.oa veil won list reel ; ; ' 4th street
from Unit Howard street to l.oavonworlh
street ; Il'itn slreot from Howard street to
Jones slieqt. and tbo Inlursucihis streets ,
and appoint.n ; : thieo dlslutoiested apprals-
ors ton < OSSIHI I detormmo tno damages to
propoily owners , which may bo caused by
sueli ehaii.'o of urjdu , an 1 or lorlni Ibo cltv
ou lneor to make a prolllo showing such
( IlIlllL'O
Bolt or liiluo I by the city council of the elly
of Omaha !
i-ictliiiil. That It Is proper and necessary
and It Is beieiiy decliuo I piopcr an I ncces-
s try , lo cli IIIKO the grade nf Kirn stieet fiom
11 in no V sttet'l to l/cavcnuoitli slnicl ; Illlh
street from Unit llowuid stre'et lo I.uaven-
woith slieut ! ,1'ith stieol from llowarJ stiool
to..ronosslrent. nnd the inlor.scoliug stieots ,
bo ibathild isiado elovatloiib will be as fol
lows , tbo grndo between the points cltod
belli'nii'foi ' m illlitlit linos.
bection ' . ' . ( Jiado of lUid street.
novation Klovat'on
ofVost of iasl ;
t'urb. Curb.
South curb of llarnoy street
nstabllshod grade 103.0 104.5
Noith curb of Half liowatd
street 187.5 187.5
South cuibof Half Hoivuitt
street 1P7.0 1S7.0
Noith curb of llowuid si . . .177.0 177.0
South cuib of Howard St. . . 170.5 lifl.5
North curb of .Inokson bt. . 170.0 170.0
South curb of Jaekaou St..1700 17J.O
North cuibof Jones si . . . . 17U.'i ' 1700
South cuibof .lemesbt . . . .IbO.O 18J.O
North curb of Loaxciiworth
st , iih established . . . . - > > > OaO
Hootluii It llradu of Illlli street
Soiilli cuibof Half Ilouuid
stiiot , as established . . . 'Jin.5 Si.O | (
Noilb cuibof llowuid st . .1005 111(1.0 (
fcoutlieiirbof Ilonard st..10J.5 HW.O
Norlh " * uib of .lacUsou Hf. , ini5 lh. ' . ( )
! -outli curb of .laokson st. lt'.r > IS'iO
Noith t'liibof Joni'ssl ' lbd.5 I 0.0
South curb of .loncs HI ln'1.5 ' IHii.O
Noith I'liib of l.e'ivcnwoi th
hlieot. nseslabllshi'd 'JCOr. 19D.8
Houllon 4. ( iiadu of ; ! 5'h slioot
South cum of llovMiidHtieui
Ninth curb of .1 tekMin bl 'jns.n 'Mis 0
t-iilllli uillb of .1 leksou t . "Oi."i ' . 'Oi.0
North ci.rb of .lonos stteet.
iibostibll-ihed in.1 ; lli'iO
SeolIonS. Uradoof llnlf llow ud stn'ol
Klovallon ivlnvatloii
ofS'oulh of North
( Jin h. OurU ,
Hast euib of : iltb stieet , as
" ' ' '
Wuslcurb of : Vld"stre'it. ( . . IhT 0 IW.5
boctlon II. Or.ido of Howard htreet
Kaotfitibof ntli btiout , as
ostibllHhed -11.5 211.5
West cut b of aim street . . .llrt.5 1U0.5
Knst eilibof .Ulli htn'e-l . .IIH.U 11WO
\\Vsleurliof .111(1 ( stieeit. . . .17(15 ( , , , )
boctloiiiT , ( irado of Jaaksou utreot
Kiibtcurliof'iMli avenue , us
West din b of ; i5tii'str'iei.i'oH'.5 ! ! ! ;
Kasl cuibof .Tith btioet . . . "ObO
Weclcuib of Ulthbtreel . . .18J.6
KustcuilinfUltli stioot . . .1SJ.O IjfO
Wcbteiirbofillrdhtreia 170.0 1TO.O
bection H. firado of Jones btroct
nHbtcurbof iiith htreut , as
( ibtubllblied 102.0 102.0
Wubtutirbof .lltli st . . . 1HI-.5
l.'nstcuibof 'Illh st Ibd.ll ij 0
\Vi t eilibof Jlldbt ISOO liU.O .
bcctltinO. That the city engineer bo , ami
hereby Is , lustruelod to iiiako a prolllo bhow-
Ins such jiroiiosod ohaugo of . radii
Section 10. That thu nviyor. wit i tbo ap
proval of the elty council , appoint three ( Imln-
torcdaiipr.ili.er3 to appralso , as o i and do-
tcrmlno t ho damiso ; to property owners which
' of . , tau-
may bo ouiisud by such I'hungo Kr.we
IHIS Into consideration In makln. such ap-
pralbomonl , the siioelal lienellts. If any , to
sucii property , by roaaou of auoh chaiiBo of
Bjsoot'lon H. That tblsonllnanco take effect
and bo In force from an I after Its pansugo.
Pa cd October 7tb , 18'
NauoVFH )
Olty CJJcrk.
President Ulty Council.
Approved October 10th. iKti.
( Jt-U , 1. IllvMlni
To iho owners of all lota or parts of lots on
Davenport between MtU HnU Jbtli streets :
You aru hereby iiollllnd Hint the uniler-
slunuil. three ( lnlnturo'ilud freuholdort of tha
city of Oiuubu , huvo been duly appointed by
the mayor , with tlio approval of the city
councilor said city , to assess the dmiiniii to
the owners lespoctlvely of iho uioperty
ancuted bv Kriidlniof liuvuiuiort street fioin
Jljth to ahtli stieols , declined neeessiry by
ordlnnnuo a S" , pis od Uulobur 1st , 1SH2 , ap
proved DeloheiMth. IS'li '
1 nuarofurthcriioUllcd.thutliavlnixaccoptcd
said appointment , and duly ( iiialldurl as ns- '
( Milled | jy law. wo will , on the 2Jth day of
Uotobor , A. D. . 1M ) , ' , nt thn hour of 2 o'clock III
the nfioinuon , at tlio ollico of Geo. J. Paul ,
1(105 ( rariium stieut , within thu coriioratollnilln
of s.ild oltv. meet for the purpose uf eonsldor-
Ini ; and maUliii : the usscsimcnt of dnmage to
the ownci * . i"spoi'il\uiv of nald properly ,
nlloetoil by said L-radhm. liiMiu into consid
eration suelal heiirillls. If any.
Vou aio Molllli'd to ho pieaent at the thnn
nnd plaeo aroios.iid , and make any objections
toor htiitoineiits i oneainliiK s ild nhscssiiieim
of damages as you may I'oiislilnr proper.
< ! W ) . .1 , I'Al'li. '
\V. O. tjllUIVr.K ,
Oinahn , Oct. Stb , ISO' ! . o-IUd-llit
OHDTNANfH ! NO. ! ! 2S | .
Atiordlimiieoerciitlni MIUIU dlsiilct No 109 ,
( lolliilni ! Its limlls , sl/n of sewers nnil olev i-
llons , and ( llru'-tliig tliu hoaid of puhllo
works lo taint the nm-hsuy nlit | to caiiso ,
the poiistiiicuon of the bettors in said dls-
t r ol.
Ho It old lined by the city council of Iho city
of Umnlia.
Heel hiu I. That sewer dlstrint No. ICO I *
hoieby ereiito.l In the oil vof Uninha.
Spet'loiiV 'I hat sewer dUtilot No , 1CD shall
comprise tlio following lots and tracts of r al
cstnt : lots r > . .078lll -ii-ll-I.r.-l-l7.1f- : ( ! -
20-21-2. - -.ll-27-2i-.1l-n-ai-a.-t4 : a lid 4. ' ) ,
Hickory IMucn : all In Iho I'lty of ( ) inahi. :
H'L'tlimll That He\ei district No. ll/.i shall
bo constructed as folloHM llu.'liiiilng with a
manhole on tlio ma n ne\\er tnUMIi nlKiet nt nn
elevation of IWIU feet iihuvn Iho city datiuni
theiieo wosl nloui : thn eoiitui line of Itecs
street with an h Ineh pipe nownr to a maiilio u
on the line IIPIii > m luli ' , " > -ind Ti Illukury
I'laen , nt an outNatlmi of I.I..O feet , llicnei )
aloir. center line of llet'iBtii'ol with an d hu'li
plpesrjwei Ufa Hush t uilc 111 fi'iil oasi of 'itli
btreotiit nil o'DVatlou of l.'i.'ii fcut
All the aforesaid olevatlnns to lie at the ( low
lines of Hiild bowers al the points iiiiined
The all'-'niiieiil and KiuduMif said .i-weis to
buHtr.iU'ht lluiisbiilwoi'ii in iiiiuum an I other
points spci'llled. as fin nHprni'll ab u , and ac-
cordlni ! lo plans and hpccllli itlous lllod w in
the 1)0 ) ild of iiiiblio woi'lis.
KIs Inch Innrtloii pieces sl'ill be p need In
asdlrei'lcd In writ-
said howi'i-ovoryss feel , or
IIIK bv the eitv engineer.
nei t.on 4. 'I'll it tbu bo ird of public wurKs Ii
lifioliv tiihtructed lol.iKo the noi-ossiry hloiM
loi-auv ) Iheediisliiictlon of the bowci in b.ild
' '
Kret'loii fl. Thnt this urlinanoi ) Hlti
oiTecl and 1m In foieo from and aflor Its
City Clerk ,
Acting Vrosldeut Oliy Uoiincll
App.ovo . IOct br . , .
illfHMB | : | <
An ordinance nnlorlin : thli AMorlcun WaUr
\ Vnili6'oiiininy to til.u up and roloouto
oertain Ilin hydrants In iho elty of Otnulm.
llo U oidnlnod by thu ulty council of the city
bection I That the Amorlonn Water Worki
Comp .ny bo and liorohy ! > reiiulrod to take up
and iclofiiKi water liydianla In the city ol
U n.iili i. uu foliowK to.wll :
Ono at2nd and lianeioft , hlrenU ;
( ) iioiit5lhaiid II iiioioft btrojUj
One at7lli and ll.inuiiiit sirtuts ;
Ono at 10th and Illaliio tu 3tai
Ono at I. th and I'lnu streets :
One avlith an I Duroaa strcoUi
Tlio n nd hydrant * above bpoolded ns tak > >
up to bo 4oc4tud In Iho placob following , lo <
Wit Ono on 12tli street bntwcon I.oavonworlh
and Jones btiuotu :
Ono a tlUli and I'aclllo ntrrotsi
OnoutCth ami 1'lorco btiets ;
Ono on I''th Ktteol boiHoen Jackeon nad
Jones HI roots ;
Onu on rah atrcot botwuun Howard and
Jack'on stroolsj .
Ono on 13th street between JUCUEOII and
Joiios stroetu :
b'eotlntiThat tlil.s ore ! In unco take offool
nnd ho In foron from and after Its pasHUKu.
City Ulork.
U. I' . UAVlri.
I'lcaldont Olty Council.
w.4 .