Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    \ i"nnlfacts from our chairman , Mr. Heed.
' 'rtint would not Imvo soothed our nerves If
wo hau known Ihora nt tbu tltno.
"From Wnycnm wo proceeded to Albany ,
not without misgivings , however. ns wo hnd
been In formed that Hint pluMW.islho strong
hold of organized democracy. "
MM. Lease paused for n inoaiont and sat
nullo tlll , ns tnouch ? her thoughts wore , for
the instant , lost In retrospection. Shoscomoa
unolly to review menUlIy some of the perils
through which she had pissed. nnd ( hero
was , for a second , a Inoit n'most of terror In
lioroyos , Tnnn , gutticrlng herself together.
ho resumed Uor composed demeanor and
Honor i > l n ( IcurRl.i
"Snortlv after oar arrival at Albany n. tur
bulent. ho'ivling , drunknn mol ) gathered In
nnd around the hotel. Tlio democratic
chairman nnmo and ottered in the uao of the
opera house free , nnd n-tsurnd us 'on the fnith
of a Ooorglan' wo would not bo molested nor
our mcolliicr liitcrruptod. Yut , notwlth-
standing the gentleman's honor was ut stake ,
we were frequently Interrupted Jti Iho vllosl
tnnnnor. A plot h.ul born luld to sliut us In
Iho opera house and nt too conclusion of our
nddroisos wo would bs compelled to listen tea
a tirade of Uniiikon abuse from i negro hlrod
by the ctilvalrie d morrioy to demonstrate
their icioas of social poii.illiy.
"At Commons niiuthur storm nwt.ltnd us.
A reporter of the Atlanta Journal. who had
mndo u specialty of collecting iiniduvlli In ni-
Card to ( Jen.'rnl Weaver' * wiir record at I'll-
laskl , aim xvho litul followed us norslitently
to inclto rowdyism. W.H present nt this mrot *
Ing , am ) , at usual , iittomptud n disturbance.
Enough of Dili' t > foi > lo wcro proaont , liow-
ovur , pnrttullv to suppress U , but wo suffered
n great deal of Indignity.
( .railing Ili'iiiiicrnlsTitJcfl n Iliinil.
"At Mitcoti the Uo.iblo culuiluutcil. This
tlmonotlho hoodlums of the city , nut , the
leading citizens tn Iho dcmouratlo club , ns
, - was shown liy n notice sentout the previous
J week , prup.irod to show their str < m th nt
our meeting by disturbances thut would sup
press ftoo speech. At 'J p. m. , when our
mooting win supposed to bo under full head
way , the democratic club 500 strong , with
banners Hying anil bands playing "Dixie. "
matched liito the Vt-ry midst of our ,
nnd speech was drowned b.v thu frenzied yells
of a mob who wcro ready tonuiy deed of v'o- '
lonco. Incited by thn democratic lenders to
Inugh nt lawlessness olid clasp hands with
inurdor. Alter the mob hud become unnmn-
iiccuble had bomliurded the hotel with rot
ten opes assaulted Mrs. Cenoral Weaver.
drivun our pntty from tlio balcony , and
proved Into t bo hotel until the proprietor
was concerned for Ins builulng anil the safety
of his guests ttio chammin of the drmo-
cnillcclub , Mr. Atklnsnn , necorrp.inled by
the principal of the Maco-i university , and
Dr. Holdt , Mnthodlst Episcopal pastor , im
plored mo to nddrc s the mob , if onlyforlivo
minutes , that the odium nilcht bo lifted
from their city. Thu university professor
assured mo that tlioir young inon had hc.ird
naught save domoer.itic talk for tvionty
"Mr. Audition has since stated that but
ono but ) littln boy thivw but ono goud llttlo
rgg , which happened to strike Mrs.Vcavi'f. .
An unqunlilleu falsehooul us from sixty to
eighty eggs wore thrown while we were on
the balcony But falsehood would naturally
go with ops throwing and billet slurting.
( II thu Atlanta rrogriiui
"At Atlanta Congressman Tom Watson
held at bay the nlgnt before the date ot our
meeting u brutal and nunUcrous mob , nnd
barely escaped with life. Wu learned that ,
extensive preparations hul : fonen lor
our meeting. Turlwvs were In renditions to
ho lowered on the speaker ; tomatoes , cab
bilges and ecsrs In profusion , and along with
nil. dire threats and armed men : nnd the
democrats openly boasted that tlioy 'would
not permit Yankees and foreigners to disturb
I their institutions.1 Our chairman wa- , not
permitted to inako oven an announcement.
Throats worn freely m.ido ; naudamotiiuin
reigned , and ( loncrnl Weaver decided to
cancel all date ? in Ueorgia and leave the
state "
. "Was ( Georgia the only state In which veil
were offered violence ! "
_ _ "No. Esrgs ware thrown durlni ; our meet
Ins at Uichmond , Va. , and at Groonshoro , X.
C. , the Indies' waiting room of the Richmond
& DAuvlllo railroad was invaded by the
scions of the old slavoholdine uiistocracy
that disrupted the couutrv thirtv years ago ,
and that now cotnprlsoi' the Yoiina Men's
Damocrallc club. Insolent .staring , Insultlni ;
remarks , viciousyells for ( Jtovoland , und vile
remarks In hcannir of Mrs. Weaver nnd
invsolf constituted our troatmcnt from the
ohfvalry thero. The policemen and I
noticed thorn in the room were unable or
unwllhnir to cone with the mob , aud they
joined In the rudeness and lunched approv
ingly. At t'nlaskl , Toiin. , notwlthstiniitnir
the presence of the pollro and tnlrty-llvo
deputies appointed at the special request of
thn national democratic committee , the mob
c.imo to the hotel and ordered us out of
town. Here , as Weaver's carriage *
drovu along the street , old ladles came out
on thuir parches nnd spat at him and hissed.
At Allunlii , the capital of Georgia , It was
thought necessary to put on sixty ox Ira
po.lco while wo wcro there.1
Jl Cli'xolmul U iiccto.l.
"Did the fact that General Wosvor was a
union soldier Inlhionco or ciuso the disturb
ance I"
"Partially , nn doubt ; but the Impelling
motive wa < - to preserve invlolalo the solid
Pouih. General Weaver spoke PI the south
n year ajjo and was accorded a bearing. This
your ho is tha standard bearer of u new
mov oinent that throulons their UUiniogratlon dostruotion of thd enemies
ot Irtu speech and free ballot. "
"What , in yotiropmioii , would bd the effect
of Cleveland's election i"
"Con fronted , as wo arc , bv a condition of
nffuirs so appalling It ap
peals to thi ) patriotism of ovnry American
cltl/en. the election of Cleveland would , nil
tin-so facts buliiR Known , bo u matter < if aa-
toiushmcnt , ns It won d bu u practiciil nn-
dorsi'iueut. of these things , nnd us such would
lo nt once the bhamo and Hunger of the re
public "
"In your opinion , then , Weaver can not
hopu to carry any or the southern states i"
T "If wo could iot a fair oouiit under federal
supervision we wiiKtit. The farmers lire with
us , but the ncpiws will ho Intimidated and
the white votn iimniud out. The Cror4lu !
dumocrat-s inlcht hivu had 1TO.IMD majority
H easily as 71) ODD , They know how to count.
' ] heir moral percuptinns aio so blunted that
tlioy do not s > eum to know how viclojsly
iviubcil lh y liiivo nocomv , Thov resort to
Juwlosaness , imirdor and fraud. Tnoy rejoice
in hl h-h.inrted wluki'dness , in villainous an-
Illcas and In uvury wlckud dovk'o uti.l coinbi-
nation b.v which thu dumncratlo D.irly can ho
Borved and saved. Thov am nn organized
oppctito. Their solo conception of party Is
nn oru'iinl/.ntion thnt nctiuiros uuil distrloiitos
nlllces. What the liourbon dumoc'rats of the
bomb huvo notloarned of vviiys tluitiiro dark ,
mid tricks thnt are vain , Satan never taught
the ttht'drim of men. "
lllllltMl iil'Cli : ( > IM OIlHIlllMP.
"Tlipra has nut been an honest election in
tlu s'juth for years , " continued MM. L.OUSO.
"Atlei tlui nocro hud IICCMI cnfraiichlKod the
dcmocriiny .stnrleil out with thu proposition
that it was rtlit In count out his vote , aud
they havu follovvoil up with tbo idea
Unit it Is ruin tu count out any political
opponent. Democracy holds Dnuor in the
south Itv Iraudiili'iit voting. They openly
boast of their ability to luvu : a full account ,
and , \vhllo crying out ngaiiibt a furco bill
they havu fastened a force hill of the most
danirurotts deicrlpliun upon tha pooplo. "
"You have boon spenklnv o' Georgia : lot
tr.i ) a lt what was the general uttitiido of tha
dumccrucy tiiroushuut thuEOUthl"
"liH tittlludu toward us was intolerant
erant and oilier. The people curried their
hatred to stfh jui exleiu that thny rofut > odus
n building or other place In which to speak j
( tciii-'d us iiJinls-jioii to the loading hotels
Thoj can't htop hero1 was the reply given
to our cumniutocs , who sought to cinpigo ut
qiiurtrrs. Some places tha proprietors could
bcarcely treat u with civility , and they ami
members of their families donned Cluvuiani
badges In our presence to show their cou
tempt for us as their guests. Southern culv
olry is a myth1
A tilt uilii of the Houtliuru l'iu .
"Whut WUH the general attitude ot tbi
( outheiu pro toward your.ioU"and GOUCIM
"In reporting our mootlnys the press wn-
vlnulrtlvely false to a mirkcd dc rco. Tnoj
rarrlrd personal and political hostility to thi
bound * iif t > avaso warfaru. They sought ti
inclto prrjudicQ against mo ! > y calling mo i
Ynnkci ! nmu dlscipluof John ilrowil , until :
ft-und It noi'etsury , In order to allay thi :
prujunicc , to HSU the chairman of o.ich moot-
II > K to I u trod u co me tu tin IrUh woman. Thi
fell | iirit of slave hni.iltig . intolerance ha :
found IM last ontrenohmont lo the south line
siiurdu tu tSaapotUm by that aamo species o :
liums.flimsn that brought about the Ironzy o
Suru'nr aud the despair of ApponmUox. Ti
steniiin tii tbUaplrlt eyary loyal cttUou
should conio to the rescue , nnd mitko tha
question of free speech , free veto nnd fair
count the paramount Issue of this cam
paign , "
' Is It not possible thnt the western demo
crats will object to your caudla expose of the
method ! ) of their brethren 111 the south I"
"Possibly they may. but I fool that It Is mv
duly , however disagreeable and dldlcult ; my
privilege , however exacting , to expose , and
by exposure defeat , if possible , the men
and methods which havoovorlhoivn through
out the south the most sacred franchises ot
tlio constitution. This Is notmycnuso alone
not Iho cause of any political party It Is
the cause of every law-abiding American
citircn ; the cause of the whole country for
there cn bo no reform broutsht about on the
economic questions , nnd no permanent pros
perity for the south and notion ; no Insepar
able union ; no stability for socloty ; no
order , law. or justice nothing worth having
lu government without , honoitand pure elec
tions. Aud I for ono will never ccaso my
olTorts on ihu rostrum and through the press
until It Is Just ns nafo for General Weaver or
any union soldier to talk ID the south as It
wa's for Colonel Livingston to talk in Kan
sas. In this question ot a free vote and a
fair count , the nooplo of u common country
should linguae In a common catno ; and. lay
ing aside all and personal considera
tions , reconsecrato themselves anew to the
preset vation of common Justice unil thu main-
tcnancu of liberty. "
rour-rootoil Voter * .
"A ra you In favor of applying u force ulll
to Iho south I"
"I am In favor of abolishing the force bill
now used bv an Intolerant democracy , nnd
appllod to whites and blacks who differ from
them politically. In other words , I bollovn
thu ballot should bo for the voter , and not
the voter for the ballot. Why , In many
places in the south men hnve boon voting
their dogs and mules lor vcars. They glvo
the anlmuls names , have them registered ,
nnd then take thorn to the poll * and cast
votes lu their numos.
"Tho all Important nnd living issue now
before the people of America Is to wipe out
forever the Intolerant , vindictive , slavo-
tnalilng democratic party that has ever been
n protcMt airainst prosress , nnd has hecomo
In Its blind hatred n menace lo good govern
ment and free institutions. "
\vi\vitc : : AND sins. i.I.ASI : i : > IOWA.
I.lttlu CiitliiMliiHIiiViii Armnnil lu thu
VJrinlty ul Mount I'lisiMinl.
ftloi'vr I'I.K\SVNT , la. , Oct. 17. l-Spccial
Telegram to Tin : BUK.1 General .1. U.
Weaver and Mrs. Liaso hold a mass meeting
tiL-ro this nftcrnoon nnd tonight. General
\\eavor made the principal speech In the
afternoon and Mrs. Lease occunlod the plat
form In Iho evening. Mio made no refer-
unco to fusion except In very general way.
Her speech was devoted largely to the ques
tions contained in the platform adopted at
Omaha , vhurcin they demanded that laad
gi.inu bo protected to xho genural govern
ment , IriHi silvi'rand thoabolishmontof state
banks. The whole spjoch was calamity
from ueguinini ; lo end and aroused llttlo en
ttr.iiiKs or tii'oiu" .
Clitvpl.ind and liostoii IMuy Tin for tlio
I'list ( i.iinc.
Ci.wi.vxn , O. , Oct. 17. Six thousand
enthusiastic levers of base ball hustled out
to the Lcagun park today to see the opanlng
game of the closing championship scries bo-
i ween Huston and Cleveland. Tno game b ?
can ; it. ! o'clock and oiidod at . * i o'clock , when
it had become too darn to sco Ihu bull.
Klovcn innings hid baen playoj and twenty-
two olg round geese eggs had been pain ted
with whitewash on the score. It was a
pitchers' battle throughout. Kcote :
Cleveland 0 0 0000000 00-0
Ilostnn 0
IllN : Cleveland , 4 ; Ilostiiu. 0. 1'rrors :
Cii'vul ind. 1. Ilitturloi : V'onnj anil Xltnmo r ;
MivolN and Kollv.
SciM.itliiii'i at Nnshvllli' .
N\SIIVIM.K , Tonn. , Oct. 17. Sansntional
raciuc was the order of today at Cumberland
nurK. The world's record was broken , the
race record for yearlings being reduced
below'J:3' : ) and the record for 2-your-olds
btini : now yl.V.i : , mule by Silicon , toduv.
'J ho weather was beautilul. iho track lightning -
ning fast and the crowds very enthusiastic
over the wonderful performances. Confirma
tion was u stroii ) . ' favorite tor the yearling
ruce , but after trailing the favorite to the
homo stretch Andrews , behind Nellie A ,
niiulo a play for the load and in a good finish
just won. "The 2-year-old race was u heavy
hettlnc race. Silicon and Princess Hoyu't
were pqinil favorites. Silicon won in straight
hunts. When Geoi's found ho could not win
ho stopped driving , and llnished steady.
The 2:1. : > race was postponed after ono ho.u ,
taken bv ITrod S. Wilues. _ Time.4:15. TI > O
famous Mascot ( -01) tooit'cohl on the journey
hero , anu ha > an attack of pneuinoiila , whicli
will prob.ibly end his career for thisyour. .
Summaries :
SfiUi1 raci ? . $ J.5V' , for ' . ' : ? . " > class pic-ois : Kiln
llrown won , . tnoUwult socond. 1'ubo Itunows
third. Tlnio : Ss\ \ ' ' , , --'Ull'i ' , ! i : 8.
Vo.iiliiu stake. viluu : uhotit $ ( .000 : Nellie
A \vin , CniitirinuUon Sticond , I-Miuinoiic third ,
Ifcd Hud fourth , Normandy tlfth. I'lino : 'J'J"i : .
t-t'ii.o for ' -year-olds , vuuedat f'.fOJ. but
* I.M'0 ' iuscr\iid for consoiallon puisu ; .Million
won , \VIIIos Maid second. Tony V third
l.o/iMIe fointh , I'rluuuss Uoyal llfth. Time :
2Id's : ' , ' . ' : l."iU.
Tall Slcnt nt llfMinln : ; * .
WASIIISOIOV , 1) . C.Oct. 17. The fall meet
of the Washington Jockey club was opened
nt Donning ? track today under promising
conditions. The track was In fair condition.
The crowd was an excellent one. The races
themselves were not of u highly exciting
nature None except the fourtn furnished n
driving llnl&h :
I'lr-t rii'o. llvo fiiilonssi Torinontor'PI to 1) )
\von.\Vnlcott (6 ( td.'iisouiiiul. ( lito : > ) third.
Tliini : I- : . .
Second r.ii'L1 , sit furlnnss' Sport ( I tn ll won ,
t tl.nlln. il" ' to I m'l'umi. I-ilith Itulinoiit ( i to ll
thlid. Tlmo : liHi'k.
Third nee. iwcepstiilios , onuinlln and a fur-
Idii : I.I//U' i.s tn n won. .Mary itone ( I to 2) )
soccind , Tom Uosors ( Id to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:30. :
I'utirtli rifo. "I'lllng , one mlle : Tump o ( . " > to
li won , IHulilo ovjii ! sBi'ouJ , I'u''ot i ? to 2)
thlnl. Tiniu : lll'i.
Fifth race , hindleup sloepluchasn. aVont
two an 1 a li ill inlli' : t'an-Oan ( I ! ; to 1) ) won ,
( Jrny ( Joun i lto li second , 1'cartu lufnsed llrst
jump , rilpllnp fell. Time : 4ISi. : (
< 'lw > n klfrt lUiuncHvltU ( Jnillroy ,
Mr.w Voitiv , Oct. 17.If condition , modest
confidence and agility go for anything , Joe
ChovnsKl should have u good uhanco at win
ning the light on Ootonor 30 , whoa ho faces
George Godfrey , the colored prodigy , A
party of sporting men , accompanied by an
Associated Press reporter , visited the young
California ! ) nt his training quartets nt Nave-
slnk , Atlontia Holght > i , and found nitn In
gooil hoaltn and spirits , With Choynsiti
were "Parsoii" navies , his backer , and
Johnnie MrVay un t "Buffalo" Costello , his
t miners.
t'hoynskl said that he Intended to enter
the ring at HPi pound ? . "I heps to whip
Godfrey tn quick tlmo , " he added ; "why
should not II"
liy : lit
f iixlMiiox , ICy. , Oct. 17. The second day
of tha now Kentucky races had glorious
wnatnormid an uxcnllonl track , Summaries :
I'lrsl race , suvim-elghths of a mile : Inlorlor
( 'Mo II won. I'allionn ( 'I lo t ) Huuoud , Conuutla
( 'a to II third. Tlmm lr.1) ) .
Second r.iuo , lliruu quartoraof a mlln : Ton-
iL'un Lilly (41 ( li II won , Annnroun ( lu lo I ) sou-
Dtid. Iliu Queen ( .Mtu Itlhltd , 'I'linc : 1IT. :
ThlrJ rucu , free handle ip. onu mlle : Semper
ll u ( II lo ' . ' ( \\oti , Newton (4 ( tu.'i ) suuotKl , lla- ;
panlaOlD I ) tliird. Tlmo : 1:1P4' .
I'luii'tli r.ico , tivo-til jlitln of a mlle : Kvan-
, Kins Cl to.'i ) won'I lie ( ioviintiiss ( | u tu 1) ) hun-
ond. I.lir.'iir ( l ! tn n third. Time : 1UI3. ; ; .
Klftli r.H'f. folllns , ono and ono slxtoonlh
ofunillo : Ann.'i llrv vnt (7 ( lo lui won , l.uudo
C ! to li second , il" > lu 1) ) third. Tlmo ;
Wnnth .Viuillier Iturn.
The following challenge , arcompinlod by a
$2.'i forfeit , was reojlvcd at THE DBS fifilco
yesterday :
OMUU , Oct. 17 , To the Fjjortlns Kdltor of
TUB UKK : t huruby ajioo to mutch Jnmes
Qu ru of II rant ford. Out. , to run any man In
Amorlu.i a fool race , dlxtnncc Hoveniy-llve
vanU. Dlsinl shot stirt , for any sum from
} V..Viu to iVOJO u siid . Itacit to bu run lit On , aha
orHouth Omaha within throe weeks ,
. Mlnnesiii.iVIHI It.
Minn , , Oot. 17 , Ann Arbot
and the Unwurjltv of Minnesota played foot
ball today , the Mlnnnioias winning , M to I ) .
Klglu Htittttr Murkot.
ELGIN111. . , Oct. IT. Uuttor market active ;
bale * wcro 1.7IK ) pounds at 27e , 1,30' ) at 27 c
and 000 nt 7iP ! ,
3enalor Paddoolc Explains Wnat tbo Oouu-
try Owes to Republicanism.
Agriculturalists of tlio Kntlro Onttnlry
Iti-npln tlio Itnncllt of IIIlioAd -
inliiUtriitluii llnrlnn County Ultl-
zcits TlioroiiRlily Iliitcrlnlntid.
Auti , Nob. , Oot , 17. fSpjelal Telegram
to Tin ; BKE.J Senator I'addook addressed
the people of ( larlan county at the opara
house hero this afternoon , llo was Intro
duced by Uhntrman J. S. Grlfllu nmld the
prolonged apr > tauso of his nudlonco ,
wnich hnd assembled to greet ono that
lias been serving the people of his
itato for moro than a quarter of
nontury. llo reviewed the history of the
state of Nebraska , told of the wonderful de
velopment nnd resources , of how this coun
try , which a few yeaw ago hnd boon wild
and unimproved , had boon transformed into
thousands of happv homes ; reviewed the
wonderful achievements of the republican
party and showed how under its llnnncinl
policy it had successfully carried on the war ,
sinrtliiK with an empty treasury.
The senator spoke of the numerous beno-
Ills of the MciClnloy tariff law of how
under reciprocity the exports of farm pro
ducts had increased , thereby bcnulUInc the
farmers , nnd of how American pork U ad
mitted into liuropoun countries by reason of
recent Inspection laws passed under a re
publican administration. Ho npoko enthu
siastically of President Harrison , Judge
Crouuso , Hon. Thomas Majors unJ the ru-
publlcan ticket. The reference to ttio candi
date's elicited much applause. Ills speech
was well received tliroufiliout und he un-
doublodlv m.ulo votes for the parly , tie
want to Uonkoltnnti tonight where ho will
speak tomorrow.
.MII coAi ) I I'CMNIS. : :
Due nf the Dritiiirratlc Scnntnrlal Onnill-
iliitr-i ItrlniuH to .M : > UD tlui Itut'p.
For the past ton days the declination of
John P. Coad of the nomination for the state
senate has been in the hands of the demo
cratic county central coinmlttoo , pondlnc the
meeting ot the committee to accept It and at
the sumo time to 1111 the vacancy. The letter
is as follows :
OMVIIV. Oct. 0 , 18 ! ) ? . To the Democratic
County Central Coinmlttoo : Gentlemen
Within a low days last past I have received
communication ! ! , both by letter ana by tolo-
cram from an agent of ml no nil vis hie mo of
the unavoidable necessity of mv being in Los
Angeles , Ca ! . , for weeks , commenc
ing about the middle of January next , lo look
niter property interests Involved in litigation
ut that placo. My Interests thcro and the
sea of complications on which they have gene
adrift are such that it would bo impossible/
for mo to withhold from them my personal
presence aud intention during the tltno
named nbovo , oxoept at the risk of heavy
financial losses.
To give those matters the pcMonnl atten
tion thov inipeiatlvoly dom.ind would require -
quire my bolng absent from my post , for a
considerable timu durinir the coming session
of our legislature , should it bo my good for
tune to be elected to a seat , among that body
of men.
To uo absent from such a place nnd its
work would bo not only an abandonment of
duties assumed , but would also bo a gross
injustice to my constituents , whoso confi
dence would , in u measure at least , bo there-
bv violated. It Is therefore with much re
gret thar I hereby tender my rusignauon as
a candidate tor the staio son.Uo at
the unsuiug election. While sorry that
Mich an unfortunate turn In my private
affairs has rendered this unpleasant course
necessary , I hope you \yill do mo the favor to
accept my resignation nt onco. The un
pleasantness which I feel on being compelled
to take so umlusirablo a stop' isTn n measure
counterbalanced by the reflection that you
will have no difficulty in naming another to
take my place who can and will make a suc
cessful run.
Thannfol to my party for the honor done
me in my nomination lor that uigh and im
portant position , ami equally crateful to my
rumerous friends belonging to all parties
who have given mo hearty assurance of
their support should I continue in the Held ,
I am respectfully yours ,
Jonv P. Covn.
Mr. Coad was n member of the Wyoming
legislature in 1S70 and 1S3J from the Chey
enne district and originally came to Ne-
tiraslta in 1S.VJ , residing slnco then in this
stnto , Colorado and Wyoming.
The democratic county central committee
mot last ooiilng nt the rooms of the Jack-
aonians on lower Farnam for the purpose of
lllling the vacancy on the county ticket
caused by the resignation of Mr. Coad.
Tnuro xvcro twenty-one of the unlorriricd
disciples present , und after expressing their
grief over the action of the nominee of the
convention in declining to make the race , the
names of J. 15. lilloy of this city and Jomos C ,
lironnnn of Cloiuarf precinct wora presented
nnd on them the members present were re
quested to declare their choice. It didn'
take very long to do it , for the first ballo
gave Hiloy 7 and lircunan H , nnd the lattoi
was declared to be duly and ofllclaUv bookud
for a November surprise party.
Air. Hrnnnan was a momoer of the las
legislature from this county , having a sea
in the lower house.
S A unrintMOA.v vicToicr.
U'illinr's Joint Discussion ICcmiltpil In the
Itintt ol thu liiiliipmiilonts ,
Wn.iiKit , Nob. , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegram
In Tin : Hii.J : ; The Joint discussion between
Halnar and Deeh came off this aftarnoon , as
announced. Un his arrival Hainor was ac
cord oj an enthusiastic reception , by the re
publican club and the Wilbor cornet band.
He was escorlea lo the hotel. Dcch was mot
by a few of tils friends and taken to his
headquarters. Thcro was a gopd crowd in
attendance from nil parts of the country.
'Iho opening sixteen of Mr. Iluiner ivns a
dignified recital of republican principles.
Mr. Duch followed with u characteristic ad-
dross. Hninur usuod him If bo bad not at a
political mooting made tnn slalamunt lhal
there were 15lUI.UUU ) ) of people In the United
titnlos living on charity , and ho replied that
ho had. llalner in his closing remarks won
the most enthusiastic upplanso. Iy ! tlio
tlmo ho had llnished there was hardly an in
dependent lo bo scon and the republicans
were thu most jubilant people on earth. It
Is generally regarded as a u'rand republican
victory. In this louilltv lo''io and facts boat
noise every day In the week.
Itcoiniir ( luriiniiin l'lnueil : ,
Br.r.MKit , Neb. , Oot , 17. [ Special T.clegram
to TUB Buu.J This 1ms been a great day for
the republicans nt this place. Hon. C. A ,
Uobblns and Jacob ilnuck spoke here this
evening. A largo crowd of enthusiastic citi
zens nnd a mil form oil delegation numbering
over 100 , toirutuor with their line bsml from
West Point , attended , und presented n line
oppoarancit. The large hall was entirely lee
Hinnil to furnKli room , und many were disap
pointed. The llisi speaker , JUCOD llauclc ,
spoke for over two hours In fJcrman. Ho
clearly outlined the principle of the repub
lican party and told why it was to tuo inter-
o.u of tlio farmer and wage earner to support
it. He made moro republicans out of iho
German democrats ihan any speaker that
has boon hero yot. Hon. O. A. Uobblns fol
lowed and made ono of the most entertain
ing addresses heard hero for some time , and
created quito an in the munnor tn
which ho presented the loading issues of the
C.indldatu * Wcro Not Numerous.
rii.uoN. Nob. . Oct. 17. ( Special to THE
.I The alliance county convention today
was a very small affair , only ol htoen dele
gates turning out , 12. L. Hilcuiau ot
Gmtna was nominated for representative on
tbo second ballot. lie declined to make tbo
race , but was later Induced to accept. No
nomination was made for county attorney ,
Prank Adrtlr , a young farmer near Spnnir-
Held , was naraod as couunhsionor from the
Second district.
.ndlo * In I'ullllci ,
, Nob. , Oot. 17 , fSpootal to TJIK
HBC.J The Hastings Ladloi Uouubllcan
club hai dacldott to glvo the republican can
didate for concrc s\moi \ this district. Prof.
W , B. And rows , andf. lfo , n rOL-epllon on
1'Vldar evening , Ooobant2l , at the residence
of O. N , Stnloy. , , „
O. A. .Schaufolbqrgfrc nnd T. .T , Taylor ,
supervisors from Djuvfr and Lotm town
ships , have rosiRtioilpu , pcooun' , of contem
plated removals frou ; , ( bplr districts.
Ill * Vlult Ila Snyn j "itnrolil of 1'olltloal
Nr.w Vonre , Oct. 17 ( * Mf. Hlalno nnd Mr ,
Hold arrived at thd Flttu Avfltiuo hotel at
13:30 : o'clock thUnftcVnoon. They were mot by
Mr. Dlalno's son-in-law , . Walter Damroscho.
The arrival of MrniUldtao intorouod the
politicians who lol tor about the station , The
republicans sfomod'd'oll'jhted ( , but. iho demo
crats seemed quite the reverse. It has boon
roportPd Mr. Hlalno would write another
letter while hero , end thut the cnoml com-
muulcntlon xvns Int-ndod for the Irish-
Amoricau vote. Whou Mr. Ulalne hoard the
story ho laughed , and lo a reporter of the
Associated press said :
"I mn In New York waiting for Mrs.
Itliuno. She will probably bo hero lonlght
or tomorrow morning. After her ttrrival
wo will Journey to Wasnlnuton , where I will
spend itiu wlntor. That's all the politics
there la in my visit to iNow.Yoric. "
Hnvo voti soon nny of tlio politicians
yott" was asked.
"I huvo not. "
"Ulll you write another letter or make
other spooohes In the campaign I"
'I would not want , 10 answer that dl-
rOiHlv. If I say 'no ' , ' 1 shall bo boslrgod by
people who will beg mo to do sotnotulng for
my nnrty. If I say 'yes,1 I shall bu re
quested to go hero nnd there and every
where. and i won't know which way to turn.
So you see thcro Is only ono thing 'for ino to
do. That Is to rest. 1 urn obliged to take
good euro of my health. Thu coaioi bofora
politics. "
Mr. Ulaino looks hotter than ho did before
ho went to Ophlr farm. His sojourn with
the candidate for the vice presidency on the
republican Hide has hanclltod him.
Upon the arrival of Mr. Blulno and Mr.
Hold at the Fifth Avenue hotel , Miss
Harriet Hlaltio was there to moot her father.
Alter thov hnd secured rooms Mr. Kold
wentnway. Ho left , Ins secretary , Mr. Ty-
sou , with .Mr. Ulainn In case the latter cared
to mnko soiua kind of n communi'jutlo.i ' or to
prepare another speech. Hut Mr. lilalno
did not sco why ho should write any mora.
Mr. D. O. Mills sent a carilugo for the
Hlnincs at U o'clock and thov were driven to
the Uamrosch houso.
Indians Unlit to Viito.
YVNKTO.V , S. D. , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THU Hue. ] A. L , . Hoppaugh of
Charles Mix county today secured of Juilgo
E. O. Sintth of the First Judicial circuit a
temporary writ of mandamus to compel tha
county commissioners of Charles Mix to
create voting places in the part of the county
known as the Yanlcton Indian reservation.
There are 701) ) Indians there who have taken
land in severally nnd who are qualified voters
ers , and they demand that the right of
stiff race shall bo extended to thorn. The
commissioners of Charles Mix county are
all Independents and are fearful that the red
men. being friendly to Harrison , Potttgrew
and thnir agent , Mr. Fouor , will vote iho re
publican ticket , iu which case thn Independ
ent party will bo overthrown In Charles Mix.
Those commlssionorspo3tp6ned the mutter
of voting places on tho" reservation ut tnolr
September meeting , anil ticnin at their Octo
ber mooting , dually' ifacluring ; that they
ivould notcsiabllsh Iho voting places as do-
sired. The Indians tiieroupon employed Mr.
Ilonpaugh to look aft.or their interests and
the mandamus proceeding is the rosult.
K 'o Case.
ST. IJtJi , , Minn. , O t. ' 17. The mundamus
proceedings bofora Judga Boyle of the dis
trict court , by whlcii the democratic state
coinmlttoo socks lo compel the secretary of
state to olaco tbo ppofto's party elect
ors , whom they , have endorsed , with
the other democratio , as well as
with the populist i electors , on the
ballot , came up for a he&rlng this morning.
The question of jurisdiction of tbo court was
waived by tbu state , lvut' , 'the ' attorneys for
the dometicratlc'cojtHpiilco , insisted upon
arguing It. At Iho conclusion of the argu
ment iho court onnounuod thut bo would
Ivo a decision on Jurisdiction tomorrow
Wuril MurdiliiK Clul > .
The Sixth Ward Ropubllcan club is com-
ng to the front In great shape and proposes
o play an important part in the political
lampnign until the last vote 's ' counted on
lociion day. That club has added n marcu-
n a club 200 strong to tno political equip-
nont. The men will wear black helmets ,
liver capes and vests , while high above
, hcir heads they will bear llambeau torches.
KourthVnril rH Will Hnlly.
The Fourth Wurd Rf publican club has on-
gaaen Uoyd's now theater for a grand moot-
ng on Thursday evening , November 3.
Prominent spoaitors will address the moot-
ng. As the capacity of the building is lim
ted by 'city ordinance , tickets of admission
will bb Issued bv the club.
T. 1C. Sunnououoii , President.
Snllna County Uundlilutcs.
Wii.nun , Neb , , Oct. 17.--fSpeoial to Tnn
DEE. ] I'otitions have been filed with the
; ouuty clerk of Saline county nominating
William Bonncok of Wilbor as an independ
ent candidate for state senator , and Frank
J. Jelinok of Wilbor , ns n democrat , for rop-
resonlallvo in nlaco of F , J. ICobos , declined.
( Jovcrnor T'lowcr on HIKV y to Clilcngn ,
AI.IUNV , N. Y.Oct. I7.--Uovernor Flower ,
accompanied by Adjutant General Porter ,
ms military secretary , Colonel Judson and
thu other members of his stair loft this nf tor-
noon to attend the doJIcatory exercises of
the World's ' fair buildings on Friday.
/ M.VK.V.v.s.i.v / : .
Final KlIVols ol u Illnw Itccolvod from a
Drspi-rmm Twelve Year * AC >
lvwi.iN's , Wyo , , Oct. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun HCB.J llobert Uankln , brother
of United States Marshal Kankm , was ad
judged Insane and sent to the asylum at 15v-
atislon lodny. About twelve yours ago Mr.
Rankln , while acting as jailer in this county ,
was lilt on the bncit of bis bend with n pair
of heavy Iron shacldes in Iho bunds of
Oeorgo Parrott,1 alias HJg Nose Ooorgc , and
who was at tbo time unUur scnlcnco of death
for the murder of Deputies Vincent and
Widdowlleld in Kattlosnako canon on Klk
mountain. Parrott was subsequently lynched
In this cily , Mr. Hankin has never boon on-
ilrcly rleht since ho recovered from the of-
feels of Iho Plow , His mania scorns lo bo
ihat his brother ? swindled hlmoutof a ranch
in whicli all vero Interested. When under
iho Inlluenco of llquonhawas very violent ut
J > '
timed. _
Clilor.IiiHllcn ( .rocHliuck SandlitiKCUd ,
Oiir.yi'.SN'K , Wyo. , OotUl7. ) [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB Ilp.K.pJ-Cihlof Justice Groes-
beck of the stat o suWflfio coart was sand
bagged early this Jryehing" on Ferguson
street. Several blo ere struck at the
Judw. but oulv two uiwacuou' him. Ono
groped his cheek and > iho < ottior broke In his
hat. The Judge gramAcd with one of the
men and utioutod f - ( | eip ) , at which the
others ran uway , until wbro soon tollowcd by
iho captive , who h Bianaged to wrlgflo
himself loose , , , _
Mnl-pllllMltM "Vnl" " . " St"l > > iirH.
At Now York Arrlvcdj-Cullo , from Liv
erpool : Ems , from Bremen.
At Antwerp Arrived' Nordland. from
Now York. yl J
At Giasgoxy Arrlved--Stato of Nebraska ,
from New York. , , , , . , ,
At Hamburg Arrived Hhiotla , from Now
At 'Southampton ' Arrived ICIbo , from
Now York.
At Uoston Arrived llormnno , from Ant
werp ; Catalonia , from Liverpool ; Anglotnan ,
from Liverpool , _
Tlio I''ir < - UccoKl.
Fuv.siU'oni ) , Hal. , Oct. 17. Ono of the
roost du truciivo Urea lor years Is now racing
In tbo cypress swamps , two und a half miles
west of hero. If Iho ( lames communicate to
the pltio woods the town will belli danger.
Already thousands of dollars worth ef
cypress timber has been ruined.
Buui.iSQTON , To. , Oot. 17. Fira at Now
London , la. , dostroycd one vide of the
publlo square ; lo i-'O.OOO.
ippitiin iT1 onni'ii AM \ li \
Busj and Intorjstlng Session of the Oity
lilt Hlgli Character nnil Worth Attcstnil tel
l > , r Moinhnr * ol Iho Council Sympa
thy for the ttoronvod Wllo
Ordlitnncps 1'itssod.
The city council hold n long and bu y ses
sion last evening. The wook's ncctiinulatton
of bills nnd some ether routine matters were
disposed of , and the special commluoo ap
pointed nt the previous meeting prcsunted
the lollowinc report , which was unanimously
adopted nnd ordered spread on the minutes :
On Mtt.viir .MIIIor'H DcnUli.
Mr. Mayor ! Your committee , to whom wits
given the uluirjo < if ilniflltin an o\presslon of
the high rn.'iril in whicli was hold thu llfn and
oh.iriielurof Mavoit'harios I1. Mlllor. by tlm
men who. In tilllclal life at ItmM. know him
best , could not but fool iho tender satlnrssof
tin ; talk.
To roallru Utit him \vo knew nnd Invert o
well was I'tuiitht by litinds unscon thil lioro
htm frnin usuio thn nee i of lito. Just as the
shallows or n striltfisllnir. earnest p ist wuro
fadln In iho dawn of fuiun > worth und
broiulutiliur Holds ; to think tint ho , whom
character fashioned by a life of conslant
worth , inns' und. closing the puns with 1111-
llnlshed work tunl i mystery and unfonndod
calumny , could \vull nluh wnUh us down ,
Thuro Is tn death a sumctliliiK solumn ,
iiwttil , grand , It IB the end of earthly thlnus ,
the bouliinlnitot a llfn unxnowii. It ennuis to
nil nnd all things ; und , while It Is sail to .sue
Iho lilies drooped and withered by the breath
of May. that should lvo llfo und fragrant
growtn , It Issiitldor still to contumpliito thu
und of onu Just when ho hnd heziin to llvoj to
hiivo thtitund 10 siiddon , dark and dreur 119
hutniiii thnuElitcould wuave. Hut with this
aiulnesseonios a volco spoiUliit ; ! from our In
most solves whluh uuts In calm rovlew u llfo
of constant , nurlght , nrniiy wotth , silencing
\\hlspurlnigs from such as It new him not.
To till and In all Charles I1. Mlllor was.i 1:011-
i' . kind , considerate , in inly man. A faithful
rloiul , a gunorons fon. lie knuiv thu HIM nnd
'owns of llfo. IU was a student ot his follow
ion , Calm , eool und dullhuraU * . ho POSMHSOI !
lioitiiitlllios foi-HiiL-h po lllonns no Illlod.
Vhlle : in uttuntlvu listener yrt ho most
I'sorvod ; always ready to recolvo mlvleu hut
low to give It. Itwns'hli great doslro tn do
ho rljlit and any errors ho iniiv Have
i.itloweroof the and not tlio hoarU
Asniayorof our uity ho WHS jctilous of his
irerog.itlvos , but not duslrnns of irrspassini ;
ipnnor iistirplmt vliu funelons of of Ills asso-
ialn olllel'iis , usulii ! ; their ttdvlcu. but iietini ;
'or lilmsolf. He was llb-jnil In his views ot
ilty ulTalrs , but ti student of Its wants and
'ondltlons. ' Thu record being mailo an t to bu
nulu by hit administration was a source of
irldo , and. ! it times , sorlous concern to him ,
lulnir conscious of tlio earnestness nnd hon-
ssty of bin olfoits for the clty'Helfiitc , ha
vas sensitive to adverse and tinwainintod
lint behind all this solicitous character was
noble man , onu to bo reasoned with but n it
ntlmldnted , fearless but considerate , ponsol-
ntlons but linn. Thorn was and could ho no
ioro conscientious ollleial , sl.iunuh friend ,
Ind husband or tiprlqht iniin. In hlsdc'ith
nr personal ID.S- ) , while smut ind sail. Is llttlo
iVhcn camp ired with that ttio city Ins "iis-
alncd , 'L'o his widortod wlfo there goes from
s a symp uhy ma lo more sincere by the per-
Onal sorrow aud loss wo fuel ourselves. Hut
olfrom us tilone , line nulier from thu many
11 ourulty who were proud too aim hlsfrlenil-
hlp , : iml from Iho countless niiinbcrs In our
iounty tiiul our sttilu who had learned to ad-
ilru and honor him , goes out a sympathy to
or who most deeply fools his loss that Iso 1111-
ist und profound. W. II WVSIAN.
Wir.t.nM M. WOOD ,
jA.MliS 11 , lit ) 1,1A.
Orillntincns Iiissntl
Ordinances wora passed ordering tl.o alloy
aetwoon N and O streets nnd Twenty-sixth
treot , und Uallroad avenue paved , togelnor
, vilh that part of O street between the alloy
mid Railroad nvonuo , and a sidewalk on the
outh side ol Armour street Iniwecn Ttvon-
ioth stieot. aud Uollovue avenue. An ordi-
lance was also passed providing for paving
lie alloy on tho" south side of M stioat be-
woen Twenty-tilth and Twenty-sixth
A petition for on electric- light ot Twon-
ioth and I streets .waa referred.
A communication from the Californlu Po-
Toloum and Asphalt company was road In
.vhich the company offered to complete the
Twenty-fourth street paving atirt give bonds
of f J.oa , ( ) , for the f iilllllmunt of the contract ,
rovlded that the city would now pay the
pending claim of fJT.'JSS.SIi. Referred to
committee of the wbolo.
A communication from n committee of En
terprise lodge No. 9 , Knights of Pythias
requested the council to unlio with the va
rious orders of which the Into Mayor Miller
was a member in olTerlng a raivard sufll-
clout to induce cfllclont detectives to attempt
o solve the mvstory of his death. The re
quest was referred to n special committee
consisting of GounciltQon Uulla and Wymun
and Mayor Walters.
II. Hey men wnnled 5150 Tor damages by
ivnter to his propoitv at Twenty-sixth and
N streets , and was referred to the city at
The council then went into cornmiltoo of
, hevholo 10 consider the proposition of the
Jalifornla Asphaltum company. Several
members were in favor of accepting it if the
company would release its claim for the In
terest on the estimates , which amounts to
Bomolhiug over M.'JOO. Attorney Charles
OfTiitt , representing the company" said that
ho was willing to agree upon that basis , but
on account of the absence of the city attorney
the mattur was laid over for ono wcolt ,
Fireman Thomas Flaherty of Hose No. "
was dismissed for Intoxication nnd insub
The bonds of John E. Owens and Cash
Bros , on grading contracts were approved ,
also tbo bond of Pound muster Qoldlng.
The city oneliioor was instructed to draft
ordinances for sidewalks on the oust sldo of
Twonty-sovcnth street from J to M , und on
the east sidu of Twenty-third stieot from J
to K.
The contract for furnishing feed for the
live department horses was awarded to
Frank Olcsun. The llnal estimate of the
city engineer on the stone retaining wall for
the Q street viaduct , umoutiug lo $7,150.41 ,
was referred lo the finance committeo.
Dentil of ( 'iiptalit Nt. Jolin ,
Captain E. G , St. John , who dloJ yester
day morning at ina residence of Dr. J. M.
Horglum of an Internal trouble which event
ually proved to bo of n cancerous nature ,
was a line type of the English gentleman.
About a weak ago ho was taken sick on his
ranch at Paxlou. Nob. , and called In Dr.
Horglutn of this city , wh o thought ho could
bolter operate on the case If Ctiptain St ,
John would come to OTialia , which ho did ,
accompanied by his wife , last Saturday , but
Iho disease was too far advanced and on
Sunday Or , liorglum nnd Dr. Jensen held a
consultation in which they hold thu attack
to bo fatal and at twoniy-llvo minutes past 2
o'clock yoatcrdny morning ho died.
Captain St. John was a Simox , England ,
man , aud was born in 18IU. Iln served for
twelve years In her tnaJaUy' * sorvlco , hav
ing boon n member of tha Twoniy-ninth In
fantry , going with his rnglmont through
campaigns in Asia , Africa , the Modltorra-
MO.V. , Tiifl. :
Octolior 17. 1 $ and 19.
In the Iiiitust .Siioui.,4.
And Itljoil TlifiHtcr. All Tills Wool ; . ,
: ti-iiiiiJlS ! ! OONTI.Nrjous Hiio\v-a ' .
All ! TUB
nosn end Crtnnaa. While stationed tn C n-
mln In 18 ( ' > S ho bocnmo n victim to tlio "fur
weu fovor" ntiil ohl hU commission In tlio
UrllUh nrroy. llo first sottloil In Chlonfro ,
tlion i rotnont unit ovontunlly purchnscd n
ranch nt I'nxton , Kob. lint the llfo of nn
Kuellsh pontloinnii nnil ofllccrvn < not con-
duolvo to iucoo i In oomlmtlnj ; the various
olonionts to bo found In the western stuto ,
nnd hl llnnt.clnl ventures therefore were
not oncour.iulnfr. Still , hU rnncti nt I'nxton
Is fnlrly well stocked with c.Utle. 1'ho do-
ccasnd was marrloil twlco , n son nnd dnuch-
tcr bolng the result ot liU llrst mnrltnl allt-
During his rcsldonco In Fremont ho was
iinlvownllv respected M a , man of the hlcti.
oat ohnrnctor nnil honor , tbouch socially no
wus n bit reserved , but to his friends ho was
tno aoul of candor nnd s
Idpntlly lit tin * Voiiiii ; Wiiiii'in round on tlio
Stront Minday Night.
Yeitcrdny inornliiR the VOUHB woman
found on ttio struct unconscious Sunday
night recovered sufllclently to RIVO her
nnmo as Mrs. F in inn Ititrr.Aui , nnd
that , she resided with her puronts ill
IWCnllfornln \ \ stroot. The doulor hastened
to notify her roUtlvoi of her condition , but
her fnthor hud nlro.idv ro nl In TIIK UKK tlio
nccountof the Ilmlliitf on the street of the
nnconsoloim boJv of nu unUiiovvn girl , nnd
( llvtnins thut she wns probably tils dmiRhtcr
hud started for tlio hospital before thu nr-
ilvnl of the physician
T'IO youiiL'inuy could plvo no moro Information
mation ns to how she cnma to bo tn tlio con.
dltlon In wliU'li slio was found , but her
fnthor said that for twoyoai-3 she had boon
subject to nttnclts of nervous prostration. It
suctns thnt she hiul boon to South Oninttr.
where she hml bncn visltlnp frlu-nl nnd bud
boon overcome by ono of her old ntlacits
shortly nftor lenvlnp ttio car and had fallen
where sbo was found n fo\v tnlnnlus later.
Her condition was not serious and she had
recovered sufficiently to ba removed to her
homo during the afternoon.
Mrs. Ingrain la the wlfo ot Hilly Ingram ,
the telegraph operator , fyrmorly of this citv
hut now locnted In Now York. "Stic married
Inimim three years BRO xvhon she was but , 10
years of ago. llo was the loudest dressed
man In the titty nt thnt tlmo ami completely
turned the girl's head. wont broKe
soon nftor his mnrrinKO and ik'sortud his
youtifj wlfo.
.i.u/ .s-.uKA i.s.
"Aunt IJrldgot's Haby , " which began nn
C ! > gn clnont nt the Doyd last evening , U
labeled on tbo.proKtnni as "a steeplechase , "
Whatever thnt may bo. The author appar
ently started out to mnho n farce variety con-
coctiou , hut his stoclc of fun war limited and
made only n thin veneering. Then ho tried
the daring experiment of hitching operatic
music to his buffoonery , which is not the sort
of harmony calculated to win thu Uoarts of
these who nro amused b.v the slam bant ; per
form nn cos yclept fnrco comedy. All in all ,
"Aunt Urfdgcl'ii Haby" is a peculiar con
glomeration , nnd an audience Is excusable
for not knowing bow to take It.
CJoorRu . Monroe plays n fctnnlo charac
ter Unit is strongly sucproa'ive of Ucorgo
Fortdiquo's olonlmnUno effort in ' 'ISvnngo-
line , " out U is not very distinctive or nnius-
Ing. The company lias some alt r.ictivo women ,
whoso costumes , designed apparently with a
confused Idea of lllnass for botti opera and
burlesque , uro neither pretty nor groicbquc ,
nnd the .neri are In something of iho sumo
llx. Ttio performance has some mlrthtulnu'is ,
considernblo singing ami several oniertain-
ing specialties.
C II. Cornell , ot Valentine , is a guest nt
the Uellone.
E. C. Ilnlner and .1. H. Freeman of Platte
Center , are doing Omaha loday.
Chief Galligan returned Sunday from his
southern nnd eastern trip nnd resumed his
duties today.
M. H. Weiss of Hebron , or.o ot the mom-
hers of the Nebraska World's fair commis
sion , is nt the Murray.
Cuiet Plorco of the iJenver flrb depart
ment and wltJ were in the city yesterday ,
the guests of Chiefs Cialllgan and Sailor.
Mr. John A. Crjiguton was ( it old
Saturday. Iio celebrated the occasion in a
quiet way and received ttio congratulations
of many friends.f
Dr. ll. C. Illmoo ot Albiiquorquo , N. M ,
has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. .1. E. llhr.oo ,
on His wav to Ctiic.igo to attend Iho World's
fair dedication.
Mr. Edward Kosownter loft last evening
for Verdigris , Crolglitoti , O'Neill nnd Nelinn ,
where ho 1 billed lo deliver polituMl iid-
drossos.lliis week.
Albyn Fr.inlt packed his grip yesterday
morning nnd shook the dim of Omaha from
his feet for n two wuolts Irin through the east
taking in the opening of the Columbian exposition -
position on his lour.
Mr. D. Hisloy loft the city Saturday oven-
lug for Oayonpoit , In , whore lie will drill
the Second K"gliuent band of that city for n
few dnvs and then go to Chicago with them
lo take part it : the dedication of tbo U'orld'.s
fair parnao on the tilst last.
CiiicHr.o , 111. , Oct. 17. ( Special Telegram
to TUB BIK.J The following Ncbrasitans
registered nero loday : ( li-.iml I'acitlc M.
U. Uoss , n. O. While , Ed J. Hoe , Omaha.
I'nlmcr J. II. Diimont , Omalia ; H. E.
Bonestol ) , Nebraska. Victoria Mrs. F. M.
Phillips , Omaha. Great Northern-L.
Mayer and boy , Lincoln ,
Niw : Yoittc , Oct. 17. [ Special Ti'legram
to TUB UiiB.J Lincoln : A. T. Laming ,
I'lazu. Omaha : Mrit. lirownson. Union
Square hotel ; A. Iliilchlnson , Ilnllmaii ; .1 ,
A , Mcahano nnd wife. Hotel Hnrllioldi ; 11
H. Mcday , A. T. I'otlor. I'lati. Council
Bluffs : J. O. Stewart , Hoffman , Neoraskn
CitvMrs. . Van W.vcic , Albuinnrlo. ftlr ,
Wilkln of Morriman , Nuu. , mfc. tha Plu/a
tiotol to sail on the Cunardor Aurunlu for
FREE "For Ue Ladies1 ;
COOK BOOK Mailed Free ,
Bond name and nddroaa to
Cou.o Birly If . W.mi .i Ho it ,
Anil Murry AR ucUtes , Iiilornrotliij ;
jVlcGarthu's ' Mishaps ,
MutlnuoVndnosiIuy. .
nnvnO4 \ KII1IIT *
Tliursday. Krlday , rialurduy and Sunday ,
Oriobur , SI , Si and ' 'J.
AN'I )
lu the Popular Drama
Dangers of a Great CItij
llox sheets open \Vudue a y morning nt
0 o'clock atutual prlom.
GSierry Pectoral
lists no equal for I he proiiijit relief
nnd speedy euro of ColiN , Coushs ,
Oroiip , llonrsonoss , Loss of. Voice ,
Preacher's Sore Thront , Asthma ,
Hroncliltls , U Grlppo , and other
derangements of the throat and
IIUIRS. The best-known coiiRli-cnrg
in the world , it is leeomniended by
eminent physidans , and is tin favor.
Ito preparation with siiigef * . artors ,
preaeliers , and teai-hers. It soothes
tlio inlliinu'd inenibnuie , loosens tha
phlt'jini , stops conghlng , and iiulueca
tiikon forpoii.siitntinti | ( , in its early
stall's , clu-i'ks further procr ; , > ss of
llii' disease , Jiiul even In the later
stages , it isi,8 , ( i , , , distressing
eoiili } nnd ] iroinole * refreshing
sleep. It is jipreealile to the taste ,
needs but small dnsei , and does not
interfere with digestion or am of
the regular organle functions , \sait
ciner-Kency inudieine , even household -
hold .should bo provided \vlth Ajer's
Cherry Pectoral.
"Having used Ayer's Cherry Pec-
( oral in my family for many years , I
can confidently recommend" for all
the complaints it is claimed to euro.
Its sale i.s increasing yearly with me ,
and my customers think this preparation -
ration lias no equal as a eotigh-eiive. "
S. W. Parent , Qneensbury , N. B.
Prepared by Or ,1 C Ayer.tCo.I.o ellMais.
Holil bj nil IniKil > t > Price $1 , elr bottles , $ i.
Prompt to actrsure to cure
for Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Durna ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
Save Your Evesteht
Evostoslod free by an KXI'KItT OPI'IOIAN
Perfect .idjuslmoiit , buporlor lonsni. Norv-
oublnr.iilivho ; curucl by usliif our
uml Eyo0'Iit : > aoi 1'rluoj low for llrjl
11-1S. 13thSt.Crii2htoa
IGtli and llov/ard / Streets ,
I'lii-'lhu i ( ultitrat of
Chronic , Private ! Nervous Diseases ,
IMIr.s , l''i.stuln , KJssurij nnd Strli- !
tur ol'Mi Itwliiin porniiiiMsiil-
ly uriMlvillioiit the use of Knife ,
or Caustic ,
inelcv-i4r : In Mnmpi nnd our 107 piiisc HOOK
un lllSI Ahl.H.ind ( .nifjilliin llliinl.i > ,
will MA1I.I.1I Iltl.i : ,
Kith und Unwind sis . Oiniiha , i\rli
W. C. MAXWII.I. : . M. H , ! ' > > . Btndi.ii 11.1. . rn. r.
An ordinance looallnx ciiMnlu iiddlll'iiiul
wivler livilr'iiiti ' In Ilio oily utOinaliii.
Hull ( inlnlnud by lliu ally oniiiiull of tlio city
Kootlo'i V.V ! Tli. l tlio Amorlcnti Wuiiir Works
f'oiiucitiy bo und tlio iitni > Is Imruliy cmluruu
In pl'icu additional w.ilur | iydr < vnu > In tin ) ulty
nf Oiniiliii , us follow * :
OIID nl u point ton f I north of D.ivunport street
Kooiiiin " Tlmt tlm orilliiniicn Hlnill IHKU
i'ir i-t and bo In force from and af tur Us pass-
Oily Clork.
II P. DAVIr- .
Prosldunt Ulty Uouucll ,
Approved Oolobor .01. . . , , & ,
, f 1BM,8i | ,
Mayor ,
MOT of America. In ttiu muck 1JIP > , 3.5UJ lent
ntiovu tlio fa. A crltp , Uranlo nlinoipUer * .
UiK'lf tconnry ' 1'liain wnrm imrtltlnal unlvd
Imvururcil tliouinixli u ( pallunti. r' planet
biilli In Iliu IJ. H. 'I'lin KtiiiiH , hullt ol pink tanU-
tunr , uccumoditu * ! IJU pcoplu : itrlcllr urit elutil
oiiun llru | il ( , it ! ttui hunt , oloct'lo | 1M > , rk'ilr '
furanlioil , llau wlitu vernndHbi , loble H ivnolallr.
Uno uutuujus , inllcl olnlof . lloJuot" ! r lM vf til *
wuDk or uiuntli. Tliriiiigli Irnloi ( rum Cbk Kt > .
O b , M AIIUKN , TilV Ut il , Hot Sftlttt , a. D.