IIEU'IXG ' OMAHA'S ' YOUNG MEN Ono Itstitution that Furnishes Everything Necessary for Character Building. MENTAL , PHYSICAL AND MORAL AID rcitturt" ) of the Onuili VIIHIIR Moii' CHrUt- Inn Aumiclntlon tlmt Arc ) not Oencr- nllj'Dniltriitiiiid or Appreciated , i : < luciitlonil ; anil I'll } slcul. The younc man who cannot got the worth of his inonoy out of the Omaha Young Mon'a Christian association tr.ust bo Imra to jiloaso or else ho don't know n good thltiK when ho rubs up iiRainst It. LcavItiK the mnttcr of religious find spirit ual growth entirely out of Ibo question mill coniidcrlng only the social , Intellectual niul physiological nociU of the young mnn of today , it 13 no cxaicoratloi : to any that the Omann Younu Mun's ChrlUlan ussoclution offers ( jreatoi1 InditcenionU and moro sub- litmtlal banollts to the tneu of the city than can bo had nnywhcro else fet three tlmoJ the cost of n , membership In the imoclntlon. To convince one of this f.tct It U but neeoasary tn ( rlanco at the nnmcrom ndvantURcn sot forth In the conditions of membership. TUo Omaha association U not conducted oil the ' old pltin of kooplDg a sort of opati house for people who may happjn to drift in ; it Is n place where men RO to enjoy physical , Intellectual anil BO- clnl comforts , to bo built up and made strong In every sense of the word. It is managed by men of Integrity nnU business experience. It is wlde-tiw.ilto unit up to the times. It Is a Christian orcunlzutlon with tnoavowod purpose of helping men to be come Christians , and , as well , providing every encouragement and opportunity in its power to help young men to make the most of themselves and nrolltably mid pleasantly employ their leiiuro time , its mombershlo ami privileges are open to nny self-roM > oit- ing .VOUMB man. Members are received ut nny'timo nml ovorv favor possible shown young men who llnd dinicully In making- payment of inomljershlp Ice at ono time , riitns ol Membership. There nro three different plans of member ship in this association. A man can talco u f J membership and gel the bonellt of the so cial parlor , rcndlnc i-Oom , library , recreation room , receptions , elf night entertainments , lectures , Current Tonlu club , young men's , congress , chess club , social and religious meetings. If ono invests ? "i ho can get nil that It in cluded In the $ 'J inembsrship nnd tuo associ ation couisc of cntcriainmonts In addition. For § 10 a mnn will secure every ndvautago afforded by the association , including the social fcaturos\tlui educational classes , the library , the baths , gymnasium , loot ball club , bicycle cluballtho entertainments nnd , in the language of the street , the "wholo shooting match. " It has been estimated that the actual bene fits enjoyed by these who Hold full member ship tickets , if paid for anywhere else , would cost not less than ? ro per annum. Here is a clear saving of $00. The educational classes nlono would cost n young mnn0 at any other place. riiyliil ! Culture. Ono of the most important and most nt- trnetlvo departments of the association equipment Is the gymnasium. It is complete In every detail for the work of physical cul ture. ture.Tho The equipment is of tlio very best obtaina ble Tno room Is large , suiiliplit during the dny , electric light during the night , the work constantly superintended by a director who has n.ndo u study or physical culture and is up on the best methods used by the colleges and best Instructors In the world. Healthful and popular exercises ns well as vigorous sports are taught , as exorcises are recreative as well ns healthful and for fjooit wholesome fun tno gymnasium is n popular piece. Everything has been overhauled this year nnd put In best condition. The apparatus has beer thoroughly examined and new ap paratus has boon added. Lockers , largo and roomy , nro provided members frco of charge In the dressing room. All who enter the gymnasium for exorcise must lirst take n physical examination by the physician in charge of that , department. Ro chnrRO Is made for this examination. It Is quircd simply to guard against the danger ol permitting men who hnvu dangerous - ous ubysio.il defects from engaging In violent cxorclso which might prove injurious nnd nUo for the guidance of thn physical direc tor and the men themselves In adapting the cxcrciso to the physical requirements of each individual case ao as to Rccuro the best pos sible results. Work in the gymnasium maybe bo begun nt nny time. l.ltrrary mill Social Kcnturra. Tr.ero nro literary and social features con nected with the association varied enough to meet the wants and tastes of all. Tlio Cur rent Tonic club , winch meets on Monday evenings of each week , has become ono o'f tno most interesting and wlde-awako literary clubs in the . ' debating city. 'IhoolT-nlghlenter- tnlnmcnts on Tluusdav nignts have become Pipulnr and attract lar o numbers of men from week to week. In the library may be found a choice col lection of standard works and boons ol reference , whllo on the magazine ant newspaper tables there Is a very wide range of the best current literature extant. Then are over sixty of the standard newspapers nnd of Iho in llio magazines country reading X room free to all. The aiinuul antertalumoui course is worth moro than Iho meinbcr.shli fco alone and Is free to all holding full mom bcrshlps. Then thcro nro special lectures games and outings of Infinite varlttv , li nnd through nil of this thcro runs a Strom moral and christianizing spirit that mus naturally win young men tn paths of tin highest rectitude and touoblonnd holy ambl lions In llio. The educational classes to which all hold Ing $ . " > and $10 memberships niondrnutci free of additional coit embrace a course o nrltlrnotlc , penmanship , commercial com Rpomlciu'O , bookkeeping , stenography nni typewriting , English grammar rind compos tion , Ucrmnn , both elementary and advanced vocal music and mechanical and free ban drawing. In addition to all these features there era a good many things about tha nssociatlo that ard just ns free us air to every man wh calls for thoin , Moro Is n list , of accoinmodi tious that don't cost a cent at the Oman Young Man's Christian association : ticket to the reading room , omploj uiont bureau , boarding house rcglstc paper , pens and Ink for correspomloneo , \ ' < llcious meetings , visitation In tlmo of Mel ness , Introduction to other ultlo ) and a thai Band and ono other helps nnd nccommod tlons that strangers often stand lu need i and are only too glad to accept. About the best thing that can oo said i the association is that these who have trie Us ud vantnccs for n year or two uro the mo enthusiastic in recommending it to other Tha Institution Is a veritable haven for hu f droils who enter the building and a tower strength for llio young men of Omaha. I'lvo Hundred Hi'lugiuoii and rroiulno Mon from Ahroiul i ; pi'ctod , One of the most important , and Interest ! religious conventions held In Oinuha durl the present year will bo the annual stn convention of the liapllst church , \\hlch cc voncs ono week from todav In t First Baptist church and will continue fo days. Thcro will bo tn the neighborhood MX ) delegates present from over the sti and a number of able nnd eminent men fr < abroad will attend the convention to addn the delegates on the various subjects of lerost to the church , Dr. Ulffonl of Uhlcaco and several oil eminent men In the chuich huvo bignlll tholr Intention of being present , Tho.U tlst people ol Omaha have undertaken to i llcrtaln all the delegates and they will dou oss accomplish the task .vlth credit to the pelves anil the city In which they reside , The naptist church In Nebraska t Omaha has oaou very uggreaslvo during past ton year. " . The membership of church in Nebraska has Increased fr about 3,000 in 1S82 to over 15,000 at prose This I ? n growth over whloli the church has reason to rejoice. In Omnhn the HnpUits bavo eleven churches nnd fifteen Sunday schools. Many of the most zenloua nnd nggrcsslvo Christian worKers In Omaha nro found In tno Unntlst churches. As a rule they nro people of firm convictions ns to questions of right and wrong nnd nra not afraid to take n stand for that which they boltevo to bt1. " rlcht under all circumstances und upon all occnilo.ts. A complete program of the convention will bo printed in duo tlmo nnd In the mcnnllmo thoio who expect to attend the convention as dclruatcs should send their names to Dr. B. H. Wormslov. 3111 North Fifteenth street , Omaha , so tint they may bo provided with places of entertain men t. In tlio I'nlplt nml tlio 1'cw. 1'ivparations nro moving quietly oa for the nppoarnncj of Itw. 1J. Pay Mills , the creat evangelist , In Omahn next month. Kov. .1. 11. Murray , who has recently become - como tha pastor of the Ilan com I'ark Meth odist church , Is a voung man , not yet having seen his Iwi-nty-soventh winter. Ho is elo quent and earnest nnd seems to bo meeting With inni'h favor In his work. The Kplscoml convention now In session nt Baltimore H no douot engaged in n great deal of interesting work but , the newspapers seem to have but liulo to snv about the pro ceedings. Members of the Uptseopal church in Omaha und vicinity would bo bolter pleased if the newspaper * would give this great gathering moro ultoMlon and moro space. "What has bocoma of the good old Sunday school convention of ton and llfteen years ago I" .isltod a loading bunday school worker tlio other day. The question Is n portlnent ono. The Sunday school conven tion was a power for stlmtilatlncr nnd Invig orating the work ot the schools nil over the land. It would ben wholesome change to re establish the old-ttmo Sunday school conven tion and put moro llfo nnd earnestness Into the schools , mauv of which anpear to bo drifting Into a ruinous state of formality and stagnation. The lending members of the Hanscotn Park Methodist church deserve to bo con gratulated. Their now nnd handsome church building Is rapldlv approaching com pletion , nnd the memoors have not forgotten their early struggles. Their sympatny goes out to other congregations thta aro'yot. . struggling along on meager insans , and this has Induced the Ilanscom Park congregation to make a free gilt of the old church , which is rnally not nn old building nt nil , having been used but live vcurs. to the Walnut Hill Mcthodht church. The gift will bo thoroughly appreciated by the Walnut Hill congregation. That is the sort of sympathy out of which lasting friendships and strong social tics arn made. The donated building is valued at $11,000. it will bo removed to the corner ot Izard and Lowe avenue , where thu Walnut Hill congregation has purchased a lot , nnd will bo placed upon a good founda tion nml rcllttod and put In shape for use. The I'lrst Presbyterian church has just engaged an excellent quartet choir , con sisting of Mr. Trpynor , tenor , Mr. Copcland , bass , Mrs. Warner Welsh , soprano and Miss Nooli Ogden , contralto. The session of the church has also baen fortu nate in securing a rceular supply for the pulpit in the person of Uov. .1. Milton ( Jreeno , U. D. , who is in charge of thu Presbyterian missions in southern Mexico , and is now in this country for a few months to recruit his strength , which became impaired somewhat by close application to the exacting duties ot ndinicull Held. Dr. Cirecuo expects tore- turn to Mexico about January 1. Ho will , before leaving Omaha , give some account of his Mexican experiences. * Bvory testimonial rjirdmg Hood's Sir- sap irllla U an honest , unpurohased state miint of what this mediclno has aetualy do no. o Will Ilocldt ! It Mniiilny. ST. Lot'i * . Mo , Oct. 10. Chief Himscy of the Order of Unlhvay Telegraphers yoUui-- day stated that the Missouri Pacilio officials during tbo receutconipronco between the rep resentatives of the railroid nnd tno Order of Telegraphers olTcn-d a proposition that would increase the wazo schedule ni aggre gate ot $10,000 per annum , the telegraphers hoving asked for an increase approximating $ SOKJ. ( ) ( Jhiof Hamsoy stated that the com mittee has cut its schedule from 30,000 to 00,000 and that the Missouri Pacillc officials have tnkon until Monday to give a detinlto answer to the proposition. Disease never succcjsfutiv attacics tno sys tem with pure bloo.t. IJoWitt's Sarsapirllla makes pure now blool and onrlcbe * blooa. Klcctod Ulllccri. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. 10. The St. Paul , Minneapolis & Manitoba annual meeting was held Saturday afternoon , nnd directors were elected ns follows : J. J. Hill , Sir Donald A. Smith , George Bliss , W. P. dough , Sam Hill , M. D. Crover ! and Ed Sawyer. Subse quently olllcers wore elected as follows : President , Sam Hill ; vlco president , Donald A. Smith ; treasurer and assistant secretary , 10. T. Nichols ; secretary and assistant treas urer , 13. Sawyer. DoWltt's Sarsaparillr. 13 reuanl ? You ( io Kiisl This ritl : ? If so , It will bo to your interest to fully acquaint yourself with the excellent - lent train service now in olToct between Chicago , Buffalo , ijow Yorlc. Boston nnd inlormedmto points , via the ' 'Lake Shore Ilouto. " Through trains leave t'hicnijo tit 8:00 : ami W'M : a.m. , 3:10 : , 50 : : ! , 7:15 : and 11.80 p. in. The " ( Jhiiiiigo and Boston Special" (10:1)0 ( : ) a. m. ) is the only complete train through from Chicago cage to Now England. It has dining cat-serving meals the on tire distance , in itself an exclusive feature , ami the equipment of the train throughout is of tlio very highest standard. The Chicago cage nnd Now York Limited ( oJO : ! p. in. ) embodies all that is modern nnd novel in railway transportation and lias very appropriately been called a "net-foot train. " B. P. IIUMlMtliuv. T. P. A 707 Mnin street , K-insns City. C i. K. WILUHK , W. P. A. , Chicago , -o- Tim Uut Hill-vest Incursion Sotuli viu the WA15ASH UAtLUOAD Will leave Oratilia 1 p. m. Oot. U5. Foi the itbovo occasion the Wiilwsh will BO ! tickets to pjlnU south and southeast a' ' hull faro. Tlio only line running sola trains with reclining ehixlr and I'ullmiii hutTol sleeping cnra to St. Louis , con- neeliiiK In union depot with nil tralni rnnnlnsj east and south. For tickets am' further information call atVabas ! olllcu , 150Farnam street , Omihii , 01 wrltu G. N , CI-AYTOX , Nortluveslcrn Pass. Agont. llonl cfitnto. Hartjalns only. Mv word Is irood. v * W . G. Albright. 521-iMJ N. Y. Life bid ? , Xittlcttnf Jleillnei nrlcn tniltrtlilsiejtfl / / ( f.iits'rac/i miill fim.il llur , ( en crnta. IIYHNK II. A. Hyrne , aso 5S. Ftinorul frui U'alduncu. " 7CU lUinltton street , Tuesday Uftobur Itat U a , in. Columbus paptus nluase copy , WH. ON-rriinU M. WJIbon , nsed 53 year 1'uncr.il from rcHldunei , U.11I Uharles Monday. Ujtobor 17 , at " p. in , I'rlandsi fuml y Invited. TUOMAS-John I * . Thomas , at 13:30 : p. in Mindiiy. Oolobur li' , < > f imjuinonii , ut III it'glilen.'o. if.'J ' "uulh Thirtieth atruut , ago IU yua , Notlcu of funeral later. TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING Now York Columbus Celebration Almost Beached the Limit on Endurance ) . SIDE LIGHTS ON THE BIG BLOWOUT Hays or 1'rnyor anil Alnrolilni ; nnd ol Itrxolry anil IVaHtln ? Hull llccnrd Itrrnklng C'rowil Walchlns tlio 1'nradc. Nr.w YniiK , Oct. II. [ Special Corrc- apomlenco to Tin : Br.t.1- during tlio past weolc the Imtnortnl shade of Christopher Columbus could have looked upon thin corner - nor of the terrestrial glob > ' , hn would un doubtedly have bonn astonished nt ttio festlv Stio < . that would have mot nla view. Whutkor or not the great navigator appreciated the fact that ho was the forerunner of a now clvlllzUIon ; whether or not ho oven tiled with the consciousness ot having opened up now lands to the knowledge of mankind , ho could scarcely have oxpnctcd that nuy com munity would mnko so much udo over his memory ns has Just occurred , nearly 400 years nftsr ho has p'isaed away. Magnificent , colcmal , dazzling these are adjectives \vhtch but feebly characterize tbo Columbus celebration In Now York. The pagoanlry of the Spanish court upon tno re turn of Columbus from tils great discovery could scarcely have coinoarod in grandeur in Its own small way with the overpowering brilliancy of the various recent parades. Hut , whllo wo may admit the grandeur and the brilliancy of llio Columbus celebration , this very grandeur and brilliancy often becomes - comes a serious drawback to its enjoyment. Things now tend to bo ovcidone. And me morial festivities lasting nearly a week involve - volvo lee great a waste of human energy. Two days of religious services , thrco daysof street and naval parades , ono day of feast ing all this would have wearied Columbus himself , notwithstanding his well-known pa tience and ounuranco. If what nil the men who took nart la the various cveats , ns spec , tutors nnd ns nctlvo participants , would have earned had they not been interrupted at their work , the real oxpcnso of this monster demonstration would figure anamount which would bo a surprise to all concerned. Not only lu ttio duration of the festivities has the Columbus celebration been over done , but also in the length and proportions of the proco s'ons themselves. Tno Ameri can people maw like to be humbugged , but they are willing to Miy "enough" when they have liad EUlllclorit. U'hi'ii they nro asked to sit or stand for nearly six hours to wit ness a military parade patience , indeed , be- comns a virtue. sVhen they nro required to remain upon the streets until S or ; t o'clock in the morning , merely to vtow nu evening demonstration , it M about tlmo to call a , halt. All the novelty in the world cannot nrovont such exhibitions from becoming tedious. IJccoril llronlicr In the Cro\vit Way. As a drawing attraction , the Columbus celebration was u show uar excellence. Clear skies and favorable temperature combined to mnko all the circumstances auspicious. The whole of Now York nnd n great part of the surrounding country seemed to hnvoempticd ttiuir inhabitants on to tbo line of march. I have seen numerous crowds dining the last few years. I Joined in the throng that Hocked to Washington to witness the cere monies which inaugurated BenJ.nniii Hnr- risoa as president ot the United States. I watched the people who had gathered in Bal timore three years ago to view tlio pirndcs that accompanied the Cathollo congress at that tiiiio. I saw the Parisian populace turned out in full force upon the national fete day , the Hth of .lulv. I have boon ono of the many thousands who wore present at the maneuvers ot two of the Gorman imperial army corps. Hut on no ono of theao occasions have I been anything that would even attempt to compare w'.th tlio crowd which was strolcheJ along Broadway and Fifth nvonuo at thu time of the recent mili tary parade. The line of march extends a distance of about fcur miles. From the be ginning to the end , there stretched along on each sldo of the street n solid muss of human ity reaching from beyond the curb Lack to the building line. < U many places this belt of people was thirtv and forty deep , and at the upper end of Fifth avenue it encroached so far upon tno street that the soldiers , m- pteud of maintaining' the company In a double line , were compelled to fall back into lines of three and fcur rows each. Ouo of the local newspapers estimates the number of persons who witnessed the mill- ary parade at B.OOO.UOO. This , of course , is exaggeration pure and simple. If wn couut i.OOO people to cnch side of each block wo vouid arrive ut the number ot S.TJ.OOO per iiile or about 1,000,000 for the whole line of narch. If wo only reflect that this number would populate about seven cities the size of Omahn , wo may have a moro adequate con ception of the unwlcldly proportions of the throng. The measures taken to accommodate the crowd were upon u line Hugo scale , but foil 'ar short of attaining theirobjoct. The puo- 10 stands erected upon tno public square were supplemented all along the line by pri- vnto platforms built in front of the various stores nnd residences. Many of thojo resi dences that were not blocked by sucti plnt- 'oriui , had tholr stoopi and fences boarded over to afford outsiders a lirm foothold with out injuring the stone work. Merchants pos sessing Broadway stores built tiers of scats insldo their windows , u order to nccommoaato moro pee ple. Many , I understand , issued regular invitations to their chief customers to attend tno celebration. They , then , not only fur- iishcd boats , but also served lunch niul llnncr , thus enabling their guests to remain n the stores from the beginning of the mill- lary unrado in the morning until tlio end ol the night spectacle early tbu following morning. One Jinn , I have Jicnrd , had the lloorof Its sample room cleared and waxed i.nd engaged musicians for a dnmo to take place In the interval boiwcon the two pro cessions. I.lttlci Sldo Speculations. Boiidos all this , thousands of truukmou had huge stands built unon their wagons nnd secured permits to place tnom on the sldo streets ) opening Into the line of march , They sold their teats nt prices ranging 1iron ; SI to S3 and reaped , on the wholw , tholr full share of pro lit. Almost as lucrative was the trnftlc driven in soap boxes nad bnrrols Curilondi of these latter were driven up tin parallel streets and Ihoro ur.loa-.led by boyi who peudlcd them out to the unfortunate pjoplo who woru compelled to stand on th ( sidewalks. A good sUea box sold for $1 while smaller ones and barrels brought ul the way from a quarter up. I saw ono inai disposing of a beer keg uud another whi had placed a long board across two boxe : selling standing space a foot squaw at 51 cents per pewon. I hoard ono boy say tha ho hud cleared over $1 upon boxes durini thu afternoon. Ho was waiting for the em o ! the parade , in order to gather up the lees boxes and nell ihem again in the evening , The fuulrs , of course , drove a llmvitif business , 1'eoplo who have boon standlu iu the street from early morning until lat at night , are not particular about what the got to cat. The way the sandwiches , belle i. eggs , calces , candy , chewing gum , milk , pot . and lemonuUo flew about was enough to pu 1 n railway oatinhouso to shame. Next t the fukira and seal-mongers , the cabmen an street car companies came In for their shar of the proceeds. To distribute tbo member of that vast thrung lo their homos after th of Ho Jin ; ss Inter - tor led ap- on. on.bt bt- uid the tu. ) int. om Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard parades , was no-small task , Kvory vehicle was overloaded /mm overcrowded , nnd it U lltllo wonder that > snvcrnl accidents resulted. Fifth avenue thl 'morning U a sight tu bo- hold. If , before .the celebration , the numer ous unpointed stands nnd platforms Rfivo it the appearance lot ono long lumber yard , today it looks Illio n vast kindling factory. Thousands upon thousands of woodnn boxes nna bnrrols line the sides of the streets. Loose bonrdst , dlicrmlcd pasteboard lunch boxes , empty bottles , all add to the disman tled condition of lira llncst resident street In the city. Alrcndydtiads of kindling have been cflrtcd invay ; tho-toys have laid in a supply of boxes and barrels for tholr nicotian boa- llrcs ; nnd In n fow.-tiays every thing will have resumed Us accunonicd appearance. Who , outsldo of thnso who have ronpod profits , will say that ho Is not glad that n Columbus celebration occurs but , once cnch century ! Vicrou UOSKW.VTUH. Wnr.rixo Wvrnit , Men. , Oct. 23. 'M.Dr. . Moore ! My Dear Sir t have Just bought the third bottluot vour Tree of ulfo. It 1s indeed n "Treo of Llfo. " Doctor , when you so kindly guvo mo that first bottle my right side wasso lame and sere and my liver en larged so much that I could not llo upon my right sldo tit , nil. There was a soreness over my kidneys all of the time , but now that " trouble Is" nil over. I sloop Just as welt on ono side as on the other , and my.leop roits and refreshes me , and I fool the bo.it I've fell In fifteen yc.iM.mul I k. jw that tt U all iliu to your Ti oo of Llfo. Your * very truly , D. F. For sale by nil drugUts. : Tltrlr Water MISSOUIII VAI.I.IJY , la. , Oct. 10. [ Special TcloBrnm to Tin : Bun. ] The city council at a special meeting last night lot the contract for n SD'JO foot extension to the oilwaler mains , Salvation Oil has cured many of rheuma tism when other remedies failed. Price 'Joe. frescoing and interior decorating ; deigns igns au.l ostlinvtoj fiv.'nishoJ. Henry Lohmunn , 1SOS Douglas street. Dr. Price's Delicious Flavor ing Extracts , Vanilla , Lemon , Nectarine , etc. , are beyond all question the best and most perfect of any flavors in the market. The are the purest and most economical. They are of the highest strength and the saving in this direc tion is no small item. If something pure and rich is wanted to flavor cakes , pies , puddings , sauces , frostings or creams , get from your grocer 'ir. Price's Delicious Flavors. k Holts 4 The only uniformly successful SPECIALISTS IH AMERICA. IN THE TREATMENT AMD CURE t ) OF SYPHILIS , GONOR RHOEA , GLEET , SPER- MATORRHOEA , SEMINAL WEAK- NESS. LOST MANHOOD , EF FECTS OF EAR LY VICE OR EXCESSIVE INDULGENCES IN IIATURER YEARS , FEMALE WEAKNESS. SEX UAL DISORDERS , HYDROCELE. VARICO- CELE , PILES , FISTULA , RECTAL ULCERS. Consultation froo. Call upon or address with , stamp. I4t'n and Douglas. ® JU.K.a ) WW3 KISUVKAM ) UltAINTilUll ST.nn.iojlilo rorllyaturli. UUdiun , flti , MJ ralnlu. llB UacUa , Ntrrom 1'ronratou ciuial U klcolioior Iubao33VatoulnUu , \lontll Uauroi lon.So tnanoftli3llr.ilii.uiuiliuluiniUr : , ujlJjr. ilociy.tittJtli , I'ro'iutura oil Aio , llarrunun , l.oi of rower In ulllicr tat , Impatonoy , J.o'icorrliai ' an nil l'oumloYoil ! io3 > 3i , Involuntiry 1/oiu * , djJji matorrtioiciii iij tir orur-uxurtl3n at tubr l' bolf-ubuiuaror-liUuieiuca. A moiuVi trjit'iui ( IU for Ol ) > 'null.S'o utrantualt bati < tuoir Kuclionla forii ujrui. wltli fi will njl'l ' vrrltlj : KUftranteotii rofunllf notoiirjl Uu'ir.iinjj Isj-aj only by Theodore. K. l.owU clruiuut , > old u uai ouUiuun tornor liitliand ruriium u. Uuuti * ' lie llio , liii r IlnMl I'oalilirly C'liruil by aUiuliiUlrrliiB llr. llulnr ' < ; < > l < leii Mx-rlflf * . It can ba given In o cup of coDoo or tea. or In food tvlthout the knowtedca of tbo patient. It In abiolutol ; - harmless , sod will erred a permanent and petti cure , wticllirr the patient li a moderate drinker o an aloonolln wrcok , Ilti boon elveu In thousand of cuer. and In every Initancca perfect cure liae fol lowed. II HV\vr I all * . TatmyBtcuioncelropreiinale nltb thu Cpi'Oiflo , U beooracv u utter luipoitibllll for the liquor acprtlto O eilit. UOI.IIKN M'l'.CfflU 10. , I'rop'rs. Clnrtnlintl , G 46-p uo boaf of mrllouUrs Ireo , To t > o liart of 13th aod lljijlm Sti , 16th an „ Wholusnlu. Illuku , Uciioo it Oi uuU Kluhuraeou Uru jUo.Uuiahu , Nub. GOING DOWN THE HILL , Old A RO CreriiltiRou Show * llnclf In Luck I.uMt-o Kjc * niul Trembling IliintU MunyVlionni Olil hionr am Vlgorou * niul llvnltli } How Such n Condition Jlny 1)0 iticnin : | > : i * oil by All. Ilcmrrmny oMcrly inon nn < t women wo ep nlio p'nlnlyihnw they nro " ( tdlnu ilown the lull. " The trutnlilliiK Imii't , tlio micvrldn Mop. ttie Inrk of lirlKlitncMltuliooye , lhe liriitkon fontiire , nil In illcntctlmt life U not nt Iduli tide. Hint llio Mrenstli mid vital forces nto tint \Miat tlioy once worn , an I In Inct , Hint tticynMKoIiuilown tlio hill. Tills ot coiirjip. l toboo < pcctuil , for lion onuronclios Inter ycnr < I'llfloat trouble * arc n.iro to roino , b.il huw ninny elderly people wi ? PO nro lic-ilttiv. niul coin- ) < nr.itlvrly vigor/oil' . Tlipy nlnny IXMMII diccrfiil , lirlulit , contented. Why should not all tie oqmilly fortiinnto ? It cHlnlnly I * tm lb e. Hverv otuVrly mini nml ivonmn nei-ils to itontly iml l iw lire , nil tlio while nei'd to tnki ) VMIIO | mro ttlimilnnt r.-Rii- Inrly. Kicry tloo'.ur In llio limit mltnlH tills , mil It' common 5cn niii't lie manifest tn nil. It ! > liouM not I o mi 1er lnni1 , however , Hint liny unllnnry Mini- nlnnl woiil 1 bo roco.innor.il M | . It unlit bo Miindlilnj pure , lion erful , lienlth-iilTliiR nn.l Mienptti Impart- In i . Piifh nstlniiilnntcinbo fonn I nn'y ' In IulTy > PiiroMiltWhliXoy. It I * llm uniy iticMlcliml whl - key In Hie tunrkut. Its wonderful pnpulmlty l due ontlrdlytul < iimner.inilnlrit It hn nrcnnipli hcil. Any elderly man or wuiunn throuuii Hi n o tuny cor- tnlnly | IPO OITO tlio hctilt'i , nun may ren iinnbly v\- | > pcttoir | lnii ! ( tlu < llto. 1)3 ) not bo Induce I , however - over , to try mi ) Inferior nrilili or nny which Iho ilriiK l tor Kriirur iimv seeli to put In Hi plne.i There Is notlltifi which ( nn nccoiupllili the suuo tijcct. AIIOW an I Coniplota Trent nant , cornhtliu ol Suppoillorloi. Olntmoiit In H.ipjuloc , also In Hot nmll'llh ! n I'oiltlvu Cure for KU.TIKI. InUrnil bUntlorUleU'Uiullolilnif , Olironlo , lloc-'ntor llorjll- t ryl'lloi. T.iU Itjnioly hij nuvor b.'on known to f nll.lt lUrtior. ofurJJ ! font by mull. Wliy suitor fro n tUlstuirlblii illiouo w.iJtn wrllt3i ju'inutjj li DonltlrolyKl'uii with i ) DOW i or rerun I thorn injrlt notcuroilMjiil stiii [ ) for tt33 Sample , ( inir.uitoj Issued bjKu tin A Co. , DrujglU * , Solo Aeon 1 ! > tl < iinJ Douirlaj strooLi , u . . ! i.i. Nub SPKCIAL ORDINANCE NO. 17121. An ordinance levying a special tax an 1 assess ment on c ruin lots and nml estate In the city ol Omahn. lo cover the coat of damages lor clinugo of grille ot Twcnty-llrst stu-et from Don as stioct to Iliincroft stiO't : Mar- tna "troct from'I wentlcth strn't to Twenty- Ilist--tiL'et. and Custcllar htreut fioiuTniu- tii'th to't vi'iiiv-thlid slruet AIIOITUS. . It hav.ng lit'cn nml being hereby ad judged. ( U'termlno 1 und i-stabllshud thut the bin-era ! lots and plec.'S of io.il estate herein after referred to have cai h Inon speclully bene- llttedtotlio lull aiinnnt herein levied unit as- he-i ed aiiiiinst IMC'I ot i.ild lots atvl pieces of real Mtati1 , rt'W'i'tlvciy , by reason tf the lester or damage- change of ur.uic of Tw eiily-Ilrst struct from liOicus street to llunrrott street : Martha stiuet from Twentieth streottoTwenty- llrst ( .treet ; Castoitiir street Irom Twentieth slient to T onty-tlilrtl sticdt. 'riieri'foiu tor the jinrposa of paylni ; the cost of damages for suld ehiiu o of giaao ; He It ordained by the city couu U oC the city of Omaha : eetlon I. That'l'e fTstofOamagos for change of gr.ulo of 'J wenty-llrst street fioin loreis ) Htrocttn Iluncrolt stieet ; Marth.i street Irom T untlL'th to 'Iwnnty-llrst street ; and Cnstellar Btrei t from Twentieth street to Twentv-thlrd btrect , s ild diinii e being the sum otiSTB in , ba nnd thcsaiu < 9 i < Loivby luvled anil assessed , ac cording to specl.it betiL-tlta by r , a oa of pad Uiiingo of giale , upon the tollow- In : loti nnd real estate as shown bv the iri'iier- ally rvcogniyo.l map of the city of Omaha , litho graphed nml vnbilshed by ; Mulr A : Gaylord in l-l'l. ' s.ild test b.-lng so luvied on siuil lots au'l real o tato. lespectlvoly , as follows , to wit : H Ituod et : il It 7 blU i O.iniDLoll't. add $3 40 do oil ) ft Its tilkl ! r.i K W It'll til" nflOft v > 10ft ItS bile 2 " 3 13 John .Mnltlner 13Kl s''l ft Mill ftofwlOftlt 8 blU3 " Kl V O Dlson * s'M ft nl .3 ft of vfiO ft lift lilkS SI C LUinnhoImslO ft w40 ft US b.ka " 1 73 Mary lln.il n'JO ' ft KUIilka 7 SJ Jolin Mulllnorsi ) ft nlll ftltUbllc 2" ' . ' 00 POOIbun VJ4 nlllS III ) bile 2 i ! 0) ) C L OraiiholmsV ) ft It U ink 2 4 li ! John Tludeman It , 10 blK2 2.1 US do It II blU2 14 , r > 4 JosSehrotlnei 'i It 12 blk 2 II 44 Miirlin Hiint/.lliBUre'iHiablUS C , 44 John Tiudciniin It li ) hl ! < S 7 48 Ueo IlnntKliiKcr oH It 14 bile 2 3 71 Lena Selinoi.ier w'i It II blk 2 3 71 1'elor Doornur It 15 blk U 7 4S U f , CIIM | > II It III hi US 7 4S S Selinllxc Hrew'gCo.s)4 ! ) ft HI7blk2" 3 74 Jacob Woller nil ) ft c'JI ft and olO ft sIT ft of Mill ft It 17 blk 2 " 2 21 E H.-irpbtilto e4l ) ftnt7 ft It ITblkS " 1 fiO Sclinlt/u Ilrow.nj I'o s'JI ft It Ih blk 2" 3 74 K Iliiistillon47ftlt | ) IS blk 2 1 > 7 T W Ilor s7 ! n'.it ft It IS blk2 1 87 V Maystrlek n'-Vi'i ft It 1 blk y B IJ ) .Tnllii Mo/ek s 'i ft n.iOJj ft It Iblk U" 1 41 J J Dickey rtul mw. ft of sii7'J : ft It t blk 3 " 2 S ! ) J Sworenok s7 It 1 bli < : i 1 II V MnystrlcU n2SU ft It S blk : i 2 02 Jolin Jlc/elv sr > 'i ft n.JJJ5 H 2 blk a " 1 44 J J Dlckuy et nl urtl'/i ft of sKlTHftltSblk'J " .1 Sworenok s47 ft It a hlicll 1 ii : Keed ( 'iinilellltiblki : ; 7 4S Joseph Knltnt 114 1 > IU3 7 4S Jlmy ( Ju'gore'iof It. ) Dhcll : i 74 Mary Kkolok w' It . " blk. ) : i 71 Heoil & O.nnubell It I ! blk 3 718 do It 7 bllcl ) I'J sS do ItfiblU.l H . ' > ! do Itllbllta : ; > IH Margaret Ionkapi.\ : It 10 blk I ) r > in 1'etur irodonticri ! si ! n11 It 10 blk II " fi n HenKl I'utorsims'J It 10 blk 3 1:1 : in 1'otur Sodenberg U 11 blk : i II Tile K.irs J Johnson o'4 H 12 blk 3 o 41 Tutor Holt w'j It 12 blk : i li 44 ] { eed & Ouinpbtll o4 ! It IS blk 3 ; i 74 U.irl A Koiwulli It 13 blk 3 : t 74 ] i > od it L'nmnholl It 14 blk 3 7 43 Alfred Mlllnrd n'JU ft It IS blk 3 1' 1C Darling bis ft. It IS blk 3 F : u Oarl Kiiwschoit nlll ft It Kiblk3 2 ia J ! Miillcndort.USftltlOblki : 5 : Ciiiollno A Lorlmor nKS ft 1117 blk 3 j n Mary llocko siuo ft It IT blk 3 ft : i" Ciiio'.iiio A Uirlmnr nsSft 11 IS blk U " 2 u Marv llGcUoalOO ft. It IS blk 3 ft : t7 Keed & Campbell It I blk 4 7 48 do It 2 blk 4 7 48 do It 3 blk 4 7 45 * do it I blk 4 7 4S Mary A Mimplo at- , Its Ink I 4 111) ) 11 ( J II lluingiird \ \ 'i lt.ri blk 4 i.1 43 do o'i II ( Hi.I ; 1 2 4'J ' n.I I'uttnrson w j Ullblk 1 I 10 John K ICiabluni II 7 blk 4 13 11 do Ith blk I in nu Keed & Campbell It ! ) blk 4 i ll0 do U 10 blk I Andruw ,1 Carlson n'i wH It 13 blk I ' : i 7i S .1 l.androw s'J ' w4 ! ll 13 blk 4 : i 71 John Hehmldt ws ! It 14 blk 4 7 4S llyron Keed ut , nl n'4 w',4 ' It 111 blk 4 : i 74 John J Joi pu > ' , \ \ t : II 10 bile 4 : i 74 Ncls O AniWson u'i w'4 U IS blk 4 : i 74 John \Wsturlniig s'4 ' w'4 It , IS blk 4 ' : i 71 11 iteud ut ul w'4 ' It 2u b K I 7 4S ( Jlnf I'i'torsoii n'i WHU2 bik I : i 74 do s'j w'4 ' It 2'blk : 4 : i 71 Ons Peterson n'i w' ' H2I blk I ; i 7i I'r.ink U.ib ( HllstH' ' , w'4HSI ' blk I ' 1174 I'at liiirtnoll w'J It 2H blk 4 7 18 lllluud ot ulVJIt 38 blk 1 V 48 do w' ' ll 3Jblk I 11 rj Charles J .larl ni ! w'Itu hlk I 1 17 1'otur 1'iirMiind b',4 w',4 It r.h blk 4 1 17 Mutt Muttlsoii ll's ei ! M Ih ! blk 4 1 10 Oust A lolinson s'j o'j U jh bll4 1 Ul II Kurd ot nl U3'l blk I li ( IH ( Jans nisubser nlll ft It 10 blk I ft yj 1' 1. KlMiisor h'.H ft It I'J l > li ; I h Hi Keed & ( . ' .imuboll It I 1)1 U ' ' 7 II do It 2 blk fl " 7 11 do Kit blk 5 " 7 11 do It 4 blk 5 " 7 in do US blk fi " 7 10 do It II 1)11,5 ' 7 1U do H 7 blk 5 " 7 10 do Hbblkn " 7 10 do U 1 hlktf " 21 12 do It 2 blk a " ii : 40 do 113 blk K " 13 US do It 4 blk S " 7 4 do ItS blk H " 7 48 do HOblkH " . 7 4H do lt7bkH ! " 7 4H do Hbblkh " 7 48 do 111) ) blk H " 7 4 ! ) " 7 4'J ' do UlOblkB do It IS blk H ' 4 1-0 do It I'J ' blk H " ft 03 do It 2J blk 8 " 1U 11 II Hoed ctnl the oust IJi ) feet of south Kisfuut o i lint part of toiith-wubl 'i of iJoo'.TTiri U 13 lying west of 21st htrcot and noith of ( 'uhtoUiirslrout. . 123 32 11 Heed ov ill south IV ) loot of esiHt 3.1't feet of Unit purl of boiitb-nest > i of , uu 27-15-13. lying wen of ' 'lat stieut und north of Uastcllur sticct . " 0 - " Total . ' . JS7S 03 Sertlon S. That the special taxes uii'l a eis- IIMIUU luvicil und asionuil as aforesaid , Hlmll budnelmmudlatuly upon the pui'iago and ap proval of hls ordinance. nd shall becoma du- llmiuont it not puid within lirtr days tlu-rs litter ; uud therv-uponlnitroit snail bo aildod at the r.Uo of onu per cunt a month , paynblo In ad- vtuito from the tlmo tmtd tuxui uecoum no du- " " " "tiim n. That thU ordlnanco shall tnko ef fect and bo In furcofrum uud after Us | U9antu. 1'aMud , boptom raitl. , WUj GKOVSi , ; Jlty O.orlc. Tl I' . DA Vie. President UHy Council , Aprovod , September jgtt , UJJMMuvor. Muvor. The above tax is now duo and payable at the ntllcoof thu city treasurer niul will bwomude llnuuent and bear Interest , ai Been In section 2 ot above ordinance. | IBJUV , , , ouNt City Treasurer , If some good democratic friend tells you that the eountry'll go to the d if Harrison's reelected - elected don't worry about it. If some protec ted republican smites his breast and in an "I know it all" voice says , "I'll leave the country if Cleveland's elected" let him go , but don't worry about , it. If an alliance orator assures you that "General Weaver's got a "Lease" of the White House for the next four years" don't worry about it. If your prohibition friend tells you he s done as much to "put down ( ? ) liquor1 " as any "man on earth maybs he has , but don't worry about it. If your coal man swears coal ! will go to fifteen dollars a ton let him swear I ( it'll save you the trouble ) and don't worry about it. If your last year's overcoat that you ] packed away so carefully looks a little tired when you take it out this year don't worry ] about try a new one. To wait till snow flies to buy il either now's the time today while the stock's new and fresh , and another thing we're going to offer early buyers something they won't get later. We're going to offer you a very fine all . . . wool 1".l"l. " " " t MTT T"TT Hi Kersey g a rme n t in new shades , liiiDd with fine plaid cassimere with full satin sleeve lining with canton flannel pockets with silk stitching - ing with either self collars or full wide silk velvet collars garments you never saw the equal of for less than twelve fifty we're going to offer these Maybe you think we've got an object in making this price. Maybe we have but don'tj worry about it. 1 FOf ? YOIINO 1 RDIES. Superior mlv nt c for rduentlnit j - > " 'LIV - > J-1' ' J ? . J = LLi = iLldS. yonpg U.jlci . C.uiicoofeliiJy thor- OURI | , Musical uiiilrt ipit.irtinent | lilclicfltorder tcuclt'TKorilirhctit Amerlraq antl Kuropcnn rulluto , lir a ami benutffid ground , IK > \ In { tiling * , ruoma well % ciitintc-i ! , liKhtul l > y c.tv Opens M'litPinlicr ? tli I'ur cntnlocut * ndilicea Ufi. T. W. IIAHKKTT , 1'rv * . C'OLUJJJIUA , MOt ? oes your system E eeti a Stimulant ? Bf SO , USD ARJJERBCA'S FINEST WHI32CY ? For Sale at all High-class Drinking Places and Drug Stores. If your Dealer does not keep it , write to DALLEMAND . CO. . CHICAGO , 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. * Q < ) ourJlyr7ac.ol.n > iimrli lolnUlrnl conlonti oromiuor. Ono m-fional l'it.itTlow ' prurmfon. cuiiiu IMIOB . . Jroo. ' . ' prlvnto , Hook ( ll/aterlM ot Lltfl ) anl t uo. OHlou Uour U8. Ei. toU f. W. ilUn. m.luiSm. &uiiU iluuiii f or rcpi/ . "Korvo Seeds , " Hi" wonilprfiil romodr . " ' ' ' : " ' lobr.coo.opliiiaorhtlniuIiiiitH whicli conn Icr.d to li tlrmllr. | ( iiim liniHiily. 1'iit m > convcnlciivto carry In vent iiiicfcul 1 per pjcj' ' , naVliOfii'fc'i. With every Si ( irrlcrwn nh-f u written yuarantte to apt liy . , . . . Cl lcuu . III. niiirouB AMI > AfTEiivmtin. orrtjuntt the moiiey. Circular frco AMtutt. n crvn hoeil Co. For sale In Omaha by Shonn.in it MConnoll , 1C15 Dodyo stroot. DR R , W , BAILEY Tioth Tilled \Vilh- out Pain by thu IjtllUht IllVUIl- llont WITHOUT 1'Atf Olt DANfiBH run rii ON uuuiinit KOK 5 oo , I'orfrctntgiinranteod. Tooth oxtnctoil In tlio muriiliifc'r .Now ones ln rtod In uvonlns l-eo spucliiions of Hoinoviiblo llrhlifo. of Kloxlblu Mustlo I lata Kuo apueliiiciH All woilc wurriuitod us rpire | uiitod. ' ' ' Hl' ' t Ulllce , 'ihlidl-'foor , l'uxmi : Tch'iiliona 10S' * > . HHhii'il ' F.ir.iiu S'i. Talto Klovntoror 8tarwty ! from 10th gtroot UntiMiico , Kycs tosto-l f roe by an HXI'EIIT OITIOI\N 1'orfcct adjustment , bujiurior loinoi. Nuiv- ousheaJiicIio cured by iislnj our Sn' 1'ilBUJ low fur llr goods THE ALOE & PEHFOLO GO , 1HS. 15thSt.CrollUoa { ; U.os'c. _ EiasticStockings , f' Trusses , Crutches , ( l ! Batteries , IS * * feel ) Syringes , jy -j Atomizers , * * & $ Medical Supplier. AW & TENFOLD ] IMS. 15th SL , ' * * # ra , - % - Kcxl lo 1)oslQlct ) ( [ ) NEBBASK , National Bank. U , S. DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , Surplus $05,00q , oniffritan'l Olrvcturillonry Vf , Vntoi , Pretldaj ) II. l Cuililnir. vlcu iiruitiloul , a H. Mnurloa W. v Mn , JuUnj , Collln * J , N. IL I'atrluU , l.o rll llvea , cutblar. , - T- TMil IRON BANK ,