THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , OCTOBER 17 , 1802. -1 10 ] ml i SPEG1RL NOTICES. > \ r.UTI V MKNTR > OU T11KHE COLUMNS AT wl I b ' ! > k'n until 1Z % ) p in f' > r the fTpnlnn nnd until S 3J p m for the tnornlnc or bandar cdl ho ndtcrt > mf nt taken for lea * than 26 cents for ton first tni f i ii . Allndvnrm iii-nli Intifff colnmns m cents n Tforfl I r ilfnt Insertion nnd I rt-nt a word Jot < - ch u'ipqu nt Innertloa. or tin/ per lln per month Twins -ath In advance Initial Hs-tires rinlir1 ! ! etc emli connt as aword Allnrtver tiscnienU mint run roniprntlrelr Adrcrttaori , IJT rpqjpsf'iii n nnmbprod cliprk- cnn haT the lottprii addrcupil to n numbprpl letter In carp of Tnr lit E Answers n ndJrawJ will In * drliri > red on tlip | irc onlnf Ion of UIP iher-k. NOTICB. In thp fillIIre no adortli > onients will l > e taken fo r the evening edition nf lor IS i o clock All not cc < bronchi Into the onic" after tliit hour will he first Inserted In the following mornlnir n edit ion. SITITA'IIONS-W ANTED. XX XNTF.I > A ITfATm\ > mUUl"iKH > l > reference fnrnlnlir-rt or will r-nt small nnter mill Addrp'n Hot : i > t Atklniun Neb r.l ] ; I.OOKicT"KI'KH XVANT * 1'fHITIOV IN XVKsT A or northwest Hitlsfnctorjr icforenccs Address I1. O. 1101 B..I Omalm , Neb MUi ID * ' ru-nio.v nv K.M'KIIIIINCKD AxvAMi'D , References ujcchanpcil Ad dress K.'I Pox if Itclubeck In MSOC 17' - nvA Yin v MAN. FOMIMN AH hrnso AnvA boiik.prpt r or olllw it lntant Oood rafcrt-nc n Ail.1rci A 14 , lleo otllcc. Council Blurts P iO 13 XVANTn > PORTION A IIOOKKKKI'KII AM ) ucni t l or. PC nork I y vounc man of ciporlonop i'icntcK AdarcsuNU lite 711 li' \VANTED-MAtE HELP. nil VAU"IMN ds AI.MIX ou < ov to linmilelliiMiew patent clieulrnl Ink rnn'InKlfncll J'lio c'entot nelllnc noieltj enr jirodiicfd erll e l Ink tlinrounli'r ' In two neuind * , no nlirnnlon < if pmor. IU3 to : .JJper cen ( proflt ononccnt n n einmountod IW In K | dnK nn other t > 3 In two lie < ir we wn-it ono energetic aon crnlnccntl nucb untc nnil territory I or lornis nnd tiortlruinrK nildrco Mouroo I ru er Mfc t'o , A 38 , IM I romc XX In t'7 > -Hi.SFIlAl F.XII'LOVMF.NT Ol FICM Jliolp und Bllunllons furnished , ZK ) N. Kill7'S 7'S ' O2I _ _ _ _ _ - hliVlKll MKS. AI.-'O ntllfKI.AX'KUS B-JOU 1'ny vvcry Hntiirday DCS Molne * . In. NcDonnld M1C2 OA * XUNMX ASTK1 > TO rohljtTT AM ) bllM. B I ciunirr Apply nt Mngur onici * < fJ" _ _ _ _ _ _ - unit MAN-Aiiot'T s xvno ISQI int B-tun and wIMlnc to work will bo ( intruded In our burnous mid "alary pnld while learning Ap pljr 15111 Ilouglm 00n4 xx ANir.t ) sort HAM * .TO i.Miotiicns AND leamMers nnd subcontractor * to wotk on ex tension of Hock Island at Lincoln. Neb 'learns MnrtM men Siadajr Free transportation for men nnd teanm from any point on the llock IMnnd road lleport nl IS mile * noulli of Lincoln nn Ilock Island wor * . XV F. Callahun MM8 SI * I-XVAVFRD II'.N FIUKT TLAlIllirKLAV - era nt once Applj" to XX" . 1 ! Hughes at Crete , Neb t I'J' XVANTTD-THK NAMI5AS'II Alll > IlF.SSKs B of ent rucllc nion nnd ivfimi n open for perma nent work XVo cl > ex < lu lve territory XXo cnarnntre cooil worker * tWn week XX furnish ofllce furniture di livery ti-nin und newpnper nd- vertlsliiK dur nitlrlelKn monoimlv Hwlllsuvo 2 per cent nf the dial bills of cvi rvhody I nil pnr- tlculnrs by mail I Itboiiratili * pamphlets etc . ireo upon receipt of poi.toc.0 Addrcsi Keel Ppnr ( o M Ollrer ( .trcet lloaton , Mnsa. MSU US' XVAN'IT.D A L1VF. XVIDI ! AXXMKH HRI'llB B scntnllvo to represent 11 * In every locality , one with vim vlMir lilitck nnd punli can easily make tttO.OO per month no peddllnc vooilx fromethliiK cnllifly now stnp'e ' u\ flour --end for full par tlculnm todny Addrc i "iliinufncturers 1" O IloxMOS IlOBton Xlnsi. MSli N 8' XVANTIIInMr : connMAisn Apply or address Dnvldiou * Son * Chlcnco 111 XV ANTED MAN TO ATTEND I IMINACK B rnd worl. nrouud tbo house Apply U10 DOURIBB iitreet _ ll" -llOX AMEO AT OMAHA 1IOX TACIOUY B ; " 1'nnt Omnlia "S Ax IDE AXVAKE xx'OHKKitb evpr where to nell ' Shepp's pliotocrnplm of the world "tln'prentc't book on rnrlli coMliieflUC 000 cash or Inntiillniruti n bjnunra for the bolldajn ncentn eolnlni : money mnmuiiith Illui-trntcd clr cularn und terms Irec workers wild with 8ticco * Sir. KlncO'Lorj Altoonn I'n clonrcrt fl M > In lx .wetk . llev Jos XX'alten Nuntuckot .Mam flSD In 17hr : Sllf.1 L 7. Drown Lot Anjelen , Cnl f7 ! Urivt ilny. MiiKiilllrcnt outtlt on'j } I. Goods on credit. Addrrts f.lobe Illble Tiili Co . > o 723 cl ] ( uiut t , I'lillu. , I'a . erNe Ji3 Ucnrborn ft. , Chlcnfli.HI M77C Sl B XVAMKD. KI1I9T CLA'-S COACHMAN , 125 t ? . 17th , N XV cor DoUKlns 7Bi - ' ) EXPEIlIENCr-D CANVASMNG B-XX'AN1KI apcntA on i nlar > roiir luontliH * employnicnt In boot ; enuvn < Klnit with tnnntliH Inconio Kunrnn teed Add rtatlnit lite rxperlcnce. natuo and number of book * Mild iimonnt of ml arj expected etc. ( lunrantLO I'ulillslilus Co USD 1'luo ntrect Bt Lou n , Jlu - SALl' MKN XV AM ED 'JO 1 1C XV1.I. IN SUIl- roundlni : illHtilrtt. b ) team or othcrwl e bollclt Inc orders in rouimlnlon from n tnll de lar for rubber boots nnd pliocs to be Milpport direct from factory Tlioe nlreitdy truvellni ; with nnother line of poodt lonld innkothlMi t nimble addition to their liusliieac Adl e ( . Mutiny t < Hrtlctilnr < i and refcr- ouces , Cokhettcr llubber to , Colchester , lonn .M71C 51 p -XX AN'11.1) ) A ( , OOL C.r.NCHAl. ENr.ltAXT.U J'KO'id wnpr to n utondy man Meyer Jewelry Co.Hi4 Mnln utreel Kunsai City Ho M7JS 17 * - XX'ANTKD AV r.M'KlllEM'l'D LITE 1N UH BXX'ANTKD niKe man of rend rltnrmur und ullh coud nblllt > nHFtuti mantiL-cr of Nebrutk'i Tor the hnn San Miitunl I In Artdrea * .1 1 * la lt > prc-tldetit , TOO KIIIIHIIS nt t-r ne loptkn Kun Mf.17 17 * T-\X AVI I'D. I lllTOLA - - > > rOAfllXl AN MUSI' -I/coiiit UI rcroiiiiucndrd. coed wacin pnld to lb right man ApplvtoGio A Jotljn , Mlouth 12lh street MbUl 17 T > -rTllvf CLASH CLOTIUM. Al l"sMAN NO J > other not d nppl > E Diamond , 'i'il I N street , bouth uniuha Mb 4 is * O-XX'ANIKD I < .OOI > I'A.NT'-V AKEllb XVAOES J'froni H2 to fl'i per Htik. Ellcnbcri ; i 1 oopor. MW llli Bt , MOIIT Ctt ) In Mb7J lb < -J. H r.MlTH h MKI1T f-CHOOL XX'ILL COM liu'ni .Muudii } . Oct 17 , bottrn 7 to U M.eel ) Mock. MiHtl 17' _ XX'ANTHD-SO 'XOUNn Ml'X TO DlSTHIllin I ! iliTtilnrs. Appl ) Monday morulni ; ul7 o < ioil nt 151J I arnuin elreet S1J3T 17 * T > - XX'ANTl.I ) MAN TO lU'N XX'EAX'IVO MA. J'lliluo on wlro mntlroki fulirlCB The E. M UulnuCo. ISU'Mcholnnrtreit 11IM3 17 B XX'AN'IID I IHM-CLAteM XXOO1) CAUX'EIl I Appl ) lU-'i ) " lElb H. TJ ! 1& * "IJ-TIIIUTX XXollKXtKN XXAN7lH 'JO CLEAII JntHl | Inuulicuf 1 line A XXood at Potter , S t ! orpo con iiiuij ofl'ir , IfOl liinii.mut. bvfort ( iaturdny nlk'iit T5S 15 * R 140 Pl'lt XXTKK AND EM'I'VKTO MALI ! -IJandfotimlH wuilierr to net us resident knletiiitT for H rompuii ) minufiieturluc nonil * wunltid li every housebold Permuuent protltabln work lernm nnd < lrcuari ! IriiAcldrcn Electro N'ov city ( o , 4S Armory M. , llupion .Mitm -V9I117 * WAN TED-FEMALE HEL ? ! C -XVAVTrD COOD COOK. NO XX'ASHINO Good n avis SiJii HoiiRlns st M7W."J - ' , ( Stilt. FOIl GKNltAL : HOIlel ! C-XX'ANTKD work. Ajiplrnt f"3) fcprtuoiil M1I.J 17' pVANTKIt.AlV fo TKACI1 IIOOKKKKT V IIIK In ojchanpe fur luunlo ICSBODS. Address I El. llec. -MT l .7' _ _ _ _ XVAvFri > -X\iH AN COOK ANDLAVNDIlKh' Uood WBB"II Musi hnvo references Apply l < Wro-C XX' . Mpiwtth , 10.7 rio SJrd ilruct , Iwlwmi SnndC p. in JdHUj C-XVAN'4 El , A CilllL. SM2 ! DODGE HT 3U37 IB' _ p ONK OJOll hOUCI'lOII. LADILB 1'ltK Xfrrrid In every count ) lu Nebraska , fa lllli.lratnl XVorld's I iilr llKlUWclrculatlouund In crtnsinu rapidly , just the thlnv to make money Aim ( otuplelt * cttk of E , 1 * lion's novels onlj I'JItlon rut lose > tciup A few more lor city btulo Aueni ) , 510 JUCu ue tiulldlUK , Omaha > I W IB * _ _ _ _ C-XVANTKI ) tUIUKFKTjT PETrilV A vilToXVE lth four ibluiuni. coed position , iiood UKCV Gerainn prrferrcd Call or ndilrr * . ut ( mco II. llouh Ine Jor.mii Jcltt'inin county. NuU XVAMTl ) A < ! lltl. roil CENEUA1. HOU.SI Apply 'Ha ' isortUaiilti .Milil It * _ - . , Kl > , IIU IS FAM11A OKlXX'a UTr.iRl CMI a-ibtli .trtul 71714 * .111L XVAMU1) 1011 I.F.M'.UAl V liuu.cHOrk lw t wagesiald..0 Itorney .UJ 15 P-XXANIFII , IUL "FOU ( .UNBUAL mu'M ! V. rk reicrt'iuoidqulriMl , oiunt no bomit nUbli js ; Duvi'nport gf , 15. p XVAM 11) . A ( . < ) OI ) GIIIL rcilt ( itCNI.UAl v lieu f ork.rxpcneuciui iuie h > .ood refci llUs li liinnlsun ftt ! buulli J6lb lrtwt MBM IT FOR RENT HOUSES. Po n txvu i KIT u HIE 4 , IUM > M COT luui-.Juvt ( H > mplrUxl Have bath Jiot nd cpl water and im < dern ixiurrnlcnuts HusiruMu lionie fur likMiiiM nun in bfauiitul Muulurd urclv to jiartlcnlars npptr t- ' * * " ' oan ua Trust Co snnl 4 Ncn Xurk l fu bulldlni : M5 T.OIU.ENT X/e > nTolcJ.c' , BTC JOQUIru alMT b. 15th > t T ) | . \iJt"lKVr Jlo"l7l.s IN Al.l PAIIT-I 01 J UlyUuuU. . If DuMtiorupany I ni > luruioi SI 4111 . lll'S I * COTT/C.ES. ONE FUJI T-'ul.ucJ ffWSoutliWtb , r uafurnl a d. modffi UkurvTcaieuU , jisu u FOR RENT-HOUSES. Can ( ilium T'l-fl IIOOM COTTAOB FUHVACE. BATII. KTC. 1' al'O coed barn fiSOO Kiaillty Trust Co. 170 } Faro urn ! _ LISTYOlJll PIIOPEHTY UBNTAI , Olt SALK wltbfieo XV. P. L0 tc < 1511 Fnrna < n 2JJ -FXH IIBNT , IMIOOM IIOfH. 50IS CAS3 , IIOW llccd A Selb7. Board of Trade vn -ltMlOOM ItoT'SE. CENTIIA.LLY t/JCA furnace and all Improvement * 7M N 19tn IJT7 TV-l.flUKM HOU K NBAU HIOII SCHOOL. J 'ntvnm heat xtnble modern conveniences Titos F Hall an Pnxton block 87C D-A nr.siitAm.i ; HOXIF. OF n uooxi . ITU lushed or unfurnished I'nrtlcs ( rolne to fall forma. Apply on premises , 1113 tfoutu Tenth street Ft Il.Nloifiiil IIOfM.IMJCALIFOUN'lA street I tinnlre llr Jone * . tills and IHntcp open Mo C dally MUI 8U -I 1100X1 FLAT XTKAM HrtAT. F1U T-CLA lletcrrnccs SIC h. and Mrcet. rootnC 4M D-IO-UOOXI nttinciTrt'-'K XVITH MODKIIN IninrotemcnU nnUlthr leet near Lcavcnworlu Inquire otS'.T bo VMt street. MTJJ -1 3 ROOMS rllKAl' AT KH N. TII ST 430 NM T\-U NOIIT11 MD , INQUIlie : I.VXI JACKSON ' MM I D-10H 11ENT. A T IIOOM HOI ! * ! : XX'ITII ALL modern conveniences liriarird M 1IU Smith . tU If tnkcn for n ycnr MV > 7 D-HOI'SE OF II 1100XI * ALL MolKltS CON- i. plea'nntly located near lmlne s cen ter Apply ISJt. Chlcnsro st , or L b Milliner Inil I in ti urn M.'r.m 1A 5 HOOSI 1torKRll " 17TII AVK , DKTXVRKN l-'JarkBonnnU lAaTenwKrth. MOM 17' D-H.ATJ , DXVfLLINoJr I'OTTAOFIN ALL parts of city , Kilkenny , V C'n , Continental blk -H'tlVIMIl t > IlOl'SF. (1 ( UO.IXH , LAIini ! lawn , or. t. .Xlary uuve U. F llulU SWS 17th t - FlHMslIICI ) IIOFsK. II IUIOXI I , UOOX1KU8 and boarders In the house iTO ) Douclas street JI721 SO' -l-OIl IIBNT TXX'O 4 IIOOM 1IH1CK FLATS , KTO'-anthlllli THIS' sTAND iiiin : unoxti : ! ) tiorsii cu.v trully lointcd I'.tiuulre Capitol nri-niip M72U 10' -Kill HUNT , DU5IUAUE HOUsK Al'I'LV 1910 Dodeo M8U' ' -rilHAT FOit Till ! XXINTKII , * IIOOM FLAT 3 I.VW S7 North ! lst direct city water. K O lluti- sal North 17th direct m 8S3 n l.r > D -IOUUICNT S'XIVKIIOOM HOIIC XVITH nil modern conveniences now 1'rli-o fll ) 00 per ui until 10 room house all modern conveniences , N K cor " , d und > hlcapo streets f-IOOU per mo i nix room hotivs , 3411 3471 Hint Uriel. (14 00 and fliUOpermo each n room cottucr ? 3ti ) nnd 1'aclflc Btrccts , (12.00 per nio roller A Oiorce Co . ICth and Farnam Btrcets MWi 1' ' -A LAIUII : LibT OK nioiOK HOU I : htorc flnl lc Uou ei < from Ei 00 per mouth nnd up ( .oorKcJ 1'iiul , hO'i Furnnai M5' D-llHl KENT fi-IIOOM COTTAC.T. C.OO1) C1CL- lur. well untl cl tern 1021 f-o ll'th ' st MS'IT ' K' DAM ) ft UOOXI HOUsE3y91'/b 11111 feTWl Wl 15' TOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. E-PLEASANT LA1UJF AND S.MALI. NICELY furnished rooms oil car Una , 115 & ? Jth utrcc E-N'ICIJLX 1 LltMSUEDKUOMS. 425V 17th SI M1B40.V E-A COXtMODAT10 b FOIl f. GENTLEMl'N ; modern conveniences 2.0 N IDth M7tG10 * I-3 J miNISUKD UOOM . IIOV EKEEP1NO , ON' JJs | 7H ltM lllSI ) 1IOOMS UVUllVatllNC. NHV l-Turn ue heal ! lli N I'Jth st b32 ! NH ULY FL'llNlSU LI ) IIOOM. 40S N 14TH T M870 11" E NICELY Ft ll.MHKD llOOMh , LAUC.E OU Hiuall Prices unable 210 N i'.Mll II .04 K' -PLEASANT IIOOMS IN PI1IVATE I AMILY E i heap Inquire nt ITOci Corby olroi I FURNISHED ROO3V1S AND BOARD. -ELKOANTLY FUltXl llEl ) UOOMS. F1KST -I class board , . ' "The I'olan 1'OJanJJIl N ISth strec-l M 'W - SUITi : bOUill llOOMs F1UST- F-llANDSOMK class bourd 13. ! . ! Chicago si. .Mb'Jl'-lb- i DKSIUAllLK IIOOM AN'D 1IOA1U ) IN fill- vain Iamll > 703 N I'lth M701 23' i -lOll 11I5NT--MC1'LY FIlllNIiHKI ) IIOOM , llrBtclass board Utopia 1710 17S1 Da\enport tt M77U 'JJ' 17-1VXO I'LKAfcANT ItOOMS XX'ITII liOAllU. 1 private family 257(5 ( Hartley T6SW. -1 UlNTblllTl ) Oil UNFITUNlhllin ) uTToMs Hltlibouid 1810 Cblcnxo it OT2 l'i FOK RENTUNFUKNISHED ROOMS. lKt ) IIOOM . KlIlbT TLOOH. , heat , K ts und runce. UW N Uth. M7I.J .0' ri-rOII HKNT. ONE I'Nt MINIFIED UOOXI , i > 6tLam heat , gas nnd bath Ci.Il at1JJ to. LMtht 7B- ' 'U * G- I'M-rilMslIKI ) ItOCIMi U1TAIILE I Oil bousekecplne , to ttnmll funilU lentrul loca tlon. cheap rent Apjily to J 11 XX'bcclcr 417 Kur linih block .M-u : > G-UNIlllMMIH ) UOOXI S , HATH , tloctt , etc , N E cor 2.'ncl unU Mluuil bJ G -\-Oli \ HKNT , 1'AKLOU PI.OOU. UN I Tit nlshed nlno utifurnlihi.d rooms , centrally la tilted Aildn.MMiS.Hui JIU2j 17' FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. I-1'OHHHNr , THE ! > .T UlY IlltlCIC HL'ILUIN'O. uio Knrimm st The building hat u tlrcproof CD incnt InHuinent compltite nU amii itlnz IHtnriiH water on nil the tloorn , KBS etc Apply at tbo ottlco of limit .IIS i roit HUNT , mivr TI.A--S oi nn : OH DUBI ; I room Apply rooms 10 and 11. Commercial Nu tlonnl Tank tilde .Mi-si IB * WANTED-TO RENT. 'jXXANTED roil THE XX1 NTKIl. JIOUKUJ. IVwell furnished cottBKC dcntlcman and wife Addros N .rr llec hJI irI'M.NO XX'ANTED IIX" UKhl-ONS-lIILH 1'AKTX I fur the winter to rent , nn upright pUno Ad ilroKD N 1,3 , llci' . .Mills IB * RENTAL AGENCIES. L-rj'.ItH > NS i 11EHIIY. THE LEADING HK.V Inl ninnncerB of MiutliOmalm lue ) lin > nrtores houxen oflliuH and looms lor rent SJ7N14 STORAGE. | VT-lltY , CLKAN \ TllIX XTEI.Y bfOllEl ) KI 11 11 nlturil'Ji)7 lou lmi.Oniuhu Movu Itopnlr works IPS > _ T\f P I'OIIAIJK CUBAl' , tLEA.N , XX"ELL > ) , 111 ! -11 1 uriinm btri'et. WANTED-TO BTJY. TO inn boyu t > I > KH CEN-I ll-stmortsacji , lluodbolby , JJ1 Hoard Trade _ AJSECOND HAND IIOUKS IU-LGIH j1 ut thi ) Autlquurluu book itorr , lilu r iirnuni 077 n 10' _ VT-A riuon XXATCII nod , HULL ow , I-HE Itfrrred Address N Ml lieu ( O 17 * FOR SALE-FURNITURE. -i'OU hALn-riitST-CI.A"73 IIAUD XVOOI bank i ountiT. desk nnd oilier hank furniture XX III n-ll very ( .heap Adilri-M N II , Hi.o M774 Ui * POR SALE-HORSES , WAOONS , ETO , JJM'OU SALK A hL\Tl.lfLXll ) 1OIII i iiu tMIM 11 K lulc , Conllnvntul bloik 2U T > -i on SALE eon ciivKiini ) BPIIINU i WBI.OII ibuap 1 13 bouth Kill vt. M77I ! U * i ! > iuul > 4 liornen , ! IHK uueocn , bsrnen , etc. Murt be i-i'ld nt enc . cheap for cash Omulm MorUzuje Ixjau ( n llooiu 11 , Crcithton IdocL 15th and l > ougl licit tu postoffirs T 7 S-llAtkRS. I'UIICHAltl ) , IWUuLAb ULOCK Qfi&OIFOllA X'KIIY FINE YOUNG ENi.Llrl Munlff dot' , n Uiutlful Hi-lit tun culur. black , ninrklii i will | ilc se one wanting u llrnt vlasi bousuor Mutclidoc 1 Irrt check Inkcs the doc Wni lloUr.t.lirwnwuad , Neb MSTilJ' -rOll HALE , PAUtlOT. UOOI ) TAtKKII 11 rooai 0 Mttefi . OII . 'llB "UANCII"N'O 113-lIgUsKS. COLT Iv and catil carej fur Ibj roar round U li Uans South Omaha. Neb P l bar 141. MSMO27' p - UVhltlXIATts SU1T Cl.lvMill , DVED. UK LipilriHtitapap ICJi Ho arJ street , oraoj room : _ " RXVANILU. THE LADlia"TO . the ) cau net a IliiW rojr.u of ilren cuttlnj lc iuu free at IVuf iH'I. urademr JJI N \ Ufa Ijiillts come and Inifsll catu aod Icsro lo suako dre ut with or wlthoul 'om . Mm * . Ab rlj , rupruneuutlro Ayenli w ntw4. MW1 17' CLAIRVOYANTS. - - EXTIlAOIUiINAnri S-AtllltX-AL rerflatlons Challenjcs the world Mtu Dr. M 1/oerntd , doMt trance clalrrorant , n trologlst r-almlst nnd life reader , tolls jonr life friJm tin cradle to crare nnltei tbo n"pnratoamuiMmar rlMro with the one rou lores tells where j-ou will uncceed and In what business best alnplet for ) has IhecttlFbrftlPd Kcrptlan brci tplnto tor luck. nnd to ic ttor bad lnnuonce i cnrei nts Interaporanco nnd a > ll | > rlrate complaints with ni Msue. baths nnd alcohol treatment , j-on UIOJ , loci of hnlr , nama anddalnof birth and rncalra acciiratt life cbarli J cents In stamps for circular : cltolnlUM of one j-ou will tnirrr , nl o puoto * of name ORIco 417 -nulh lltli utrect , nrst tloor. hours Pam to B p m Come one , come nil. nod bJ conrlncoJ of tbl won derful OMCIC C-MAI1AMK Fill 17. 1S5)CAm STHKKT , ( .T.A1H v TOjnnl and tr ncn medium Independent voices : tells uael and future ; magnetic iroalmenl Ladles only Mfn Nit * _ - NANMK V XX'AIIUKN OLA1UVOVANT S-MII reliable business medium. tlftu rear at 119 N irih Wl M.AS3 AGE. BATHS. ETC. svroxx'K LJUW l'r tt t M"IQ T M UC LA IIUK. MASSAQE. 416 SOUTH I5TII Mrect , third floor lint 4 Mm 21' _ . MSAr.K TltB.lTMK.NT. r.I.HrTllO-TlIKIt- mil Imtli scnliinnn hslr treatment mnnlcuro nod cMroj > oillsl Mrs I'oit SID-n5 IMll XVItbncll lilk VJ2 SXtnil , 1331 CAI'lTOI. AX K.VUK. llootu 3 , Cd floor Alcohol , stilplmr ntid K-n lintlii HI ! l * MTJSIC , AKT AND L AKOU ACrE. "OF ( UH.i.KNUKCK 1LXN.IO TF.ACHKIl , ultliHospeorN XX * cor l&lli and Hnrney HI2 \ rot AI. AMMNSini xtKNTAi. Mr-ir MIIS ' elara Iluchnniin 4W N lltli xt. MbTI U > * i.AiXOK hM-nursm IN | iliill | In lltttnturn rhptorlr history or braticUDB Cull nt : t > IU Lupltul n rf " \ \ - Moinxii : LOANS his : THAN 7 I'EU CT. ' Including all chi > rg Cbnrlen XX' ( Uliu-r inunhaNnt bank WJu I'll \V 7 I'KIl TKNT MOSBV-NKf TO HOItUOXX'- ' < < mon Oniahn city property No extra clinrgiii nfunyklnd XX by liny high niton' Mnmn Is clipup YoucnnKot lull kunutll of low rntcs from Clnbo IjOatiancl Iruvlfo Itlth und l > oclK I'U ' \\T-LOA.NSONlMril iX'KI ) ANMI U.MMl'ltOX'ISl ) * * city projierty StCO.nnJ ) upwnrtlsfito "ttorccnt Nodclayn XX' ( urauai Hmlth \ ( .0..1M11 unit Unrnoy. 1DUU tr-I'lllVATi : MONISX' , 1ST AND3I ) MOUTOAOE > loans low rates Alex Moore lice bid ? 102 AIT" OMAHA SAXMNOS BANK MAICKS 1OAN'S XV on real ustntu ut lowest ninrket rntc * l.onns made In Mnnll or tur o ou'iis for hhorl or lone time Pso commlatdon U charged ixn'l tba lonns nro not aold In the enn but cnn nlwuys 1)3 found nt the bank on th * > corner of Utli and Hoiixtns strocts 103 ir-MON'KY TO LOAV ON 1X1 " ' " " CD CITY l property , 1 ow rate A. C. Frost , ollKlaa blk 101 f-l ANDZ YBAKLOANS ON CITY AND KAUXt es Heed & i > elby , J11 Hoard of Irnde TlClTY AM ) KAItXl KE.XI , KSTATK LOANS V * nt lowet rates , oonsult tit before borrowing : C. Ourvln A. Co'IM fcflicaloy block lOi \r-MONlV TO LOAN AT UHVKST ' ThcO 1 Davis company , lS3j ruruutu street XM OAN ANDTHUST CO..SISN Y Life lundK nt low rate * for cliolcs HucurUy on u or Iowa furtus or Omaba city property VV \V 7"-C K , HAUUlbOM , 1)12 ) N Y LIFE. D37 \T C12NT11AL LOAN i 1UU3TCO , 1JEK ULDC. T" THHAI' MONKY , SUE G XX' T. COATKS , > HiU 1'nrnam i J \Tf MOS1JY TO LOAN ON IMt'ltOX'KI ) HKAL 'i relate lowest rates , bulhlliu lonns n spec laity llioinn llreunnn & Co . ICarbicb block. " r HKAL n-ITATi : LOA.NS 0 TOTI'KIl CLNT ; no uddltlucal cluvrsas fur commlielou or ntlo r- BfcDS XV II Mulklc , First National Bank bide C77 \\T MONKY TO LOAV. fOU03 TO LOAN IN Xl Ouialm on bulldln : nnd loin plan lSM pnld monthly will pnj ol 11,00000 In 73 month * No commission Hntp liv ICHn tban < i per cent leer IUKII athnnre' Do you need .money' fnn j on UHO money * If ttOiCnll or nddress room 3i1 , B d building , Onmim. .Neb 492 n I \V LAUGH LOAN MADE ON OMAHA , LIN ' coin Council lllutle bunlneifi property. ft PIT cent. Also emnll lonns GeorKOj Paul , lCO."i Karnum NIL' MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. ' MOSI5X1 ON ANY KIND OK kE XXX'lLlLOAN curlty. strlcilyeonlldentlal A K. Harris , room 1 , ( ontlnental bloLk 100 X 1'UnCUAKD , 51 D000LAS 11LK , 10 i. DODGE 107 X LOAN ! OS CHATTELS HKASONAULK IN tcrutt. iiaitlal puyincntfi 1 to G months XX * U. Davis , Kll ) , Continental block. Elevator ISth st10J 10J - MONKAT 1XV KATES ON' ANX KIND Ol' : security Kejetono MtRO Co. , 'JOSabucley block 1U' . Xjnnuoa oa TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS from S1U up on HOUSEHOLD 1 UHMTLItE AND l'IAN03 , 11OUM1S XX'AC.ONS AND CAUUIACiEb , XX AlirllOUhE HErKII'lN Oil I'EIIjONAL 1'KOI'hlirV 01' ANX' KIND without publicity or removal of property. You can HIIVO tune nnd money by culling ou OMAHA XlOUrdAUK L'AN ' ) CO. , ICnom 11. Crel litou Ulotk 15th und Uuuuliii next to I'oatotlics. INCOltl'OHATEl ) inM : -MONEX LOANED CHK.AI' AT X'OUH OXVN time. Nebraska Loan Co . 1J1C UouKlaj t 493 X -LOXX' KATES ON FL'ttNlTlillBljIVK STOCK etc J , XX laylor , I'lonecr blk > outli Omaha _ _ 2IB y MONKY-30 , B ) . PO DAY ? CHEAP HATES .A-und ea y piiynicnta on furniture , pianos live stock , etc , ultbout delay or publicity ; cash on hand Dun Green rooiuB liarkur block MJj. DO YOU NHKD MONEX' X THE KIDELI1Y LOAN GUAHANTEE CO , llooin 4 , XX bltnell block , cor 15th and Hartley m . XX'll.L LEND YOU ANY SUX1. KKOM HO TO 1 10.00J ON THI5 DAY X OU ASK HH IT. XX * o make loans of uny eUc. larcd or eniall. oa lionsetiold coodt plunos horset. wucons , warebouiierecellitHundiiarnonnlpropertyoC nil kinds Inniiy umouut , without delay pub * llcliy or removal of property cueupptl rules and enblL'ft payments tsKE US I'HISI' -CliAI'l EL LOANS. Vf ! N Y. Lll E J1OHHI- , 483 No * XfJOuOJ 1OI.OXN CHATTEL bKCl'IUTY. butlniKtcoulldondal It. iK ! Hoard Irade AIIH7 N'7 -MONEY TO LOAN ON FUllVU L HE , l'lANO- , liorKen. wncons nnd collateral tccurlty llui > l IICSB c-uuHduutlul 1 red Turry , room 1J lluruce blk BUSINESS CHANCES V rOll SAL ] ' THE CON'IIIOLLINO INTEUEiT -L in tliu lettdlnu sanh nnd door mill In the north west dolnu un Immense business over f > 0OUJOJ wortb of new work now In the mill r. UTBHI barcaln to the rlElit party ( all on or address J U Masun rooms . und I3 Harkur block , Omatia , NQU KM OM- _ _ _ _ Y ' -IK YOU AllEhEEKlNG A HUSINUiS Oi'I'OH luulty r < squlrlnKmuull < npltnl In u curium and oxieudluirlr prolltuble und crowliu business , und nlwn > scus'i nrltii to the undursl2n J Inclotln ; tamp , when full particulars will bo clvun U E K 14 xL > itreet Lincoln Nob. j I > 17 V foH bAl.K"AT"A X'EltY LOXV 1K.UUK.11IU -L entire tnte Inlerent In onu of the heaviest jiay Inc monopolies now bafnro tin public It wlllsaro .5 uertent of tliocoal bills of everybody und pro duce belter lesults Everybody wunn It und will have It when seen A Inr/u buslnoi can be duns ut onte In every county r'ull pnrllcula by mull , Addre n. K iv ir.ML t . Lincoln Nub MSH V-XX'E HAVE CU.TOME11I'CHI A IJ.IXIO IlltV J Kouds und crotory Block ; /l,50U ( .rocorr block i t.iuu ImrdMnru stock. lllA ) trro'-ery rtork' f2.'uix ) Krocryt lnck II &W luilllnrry lo < k.tiouuiinrdwuro lock It will pa ) vou to couie uud KKU us | f jou hateanythlnir to bu > or Mil or trade ! \Xuliavu customers for money for luans , for rim I extJte , Jur iurrcuniull i > . > es lor rverythlui : ! Call ur nd- ( tret * c bruskn Exchani ; Co , room till lice llulldlnt : , Omaha , Neb Understand \Vo c'lnrce no ccmnil hlon M7UJ 21 V-I"OI' SALE-MUM' HE JOLI ) AT O.NCE A J reoluurunt and confectionary > toro. Address Juif Menu , bcrlbni'r. .Neb. MT'.H 21' V-TJIKMI.Sr I'AVINUCLOTIIIMJ. HOOT AND i hoe busuu | < In ibp northnust , ulouE IIU jrood will nnd lia o for ale cheap. J'ostulUcti box "I. " Chadron , Ni-b M7.S lb < ' - bALE -.rAT MAllKl'.P ( JOOJ ) LO- ( atlon lleasons for eelllnporncr nuil eo lo rup3. Addri ! < UJ < i Douulas treel MEAT AMAIIT business , lu > st location onu leading business klruct , with toro building , cottu "o und burr. ALK , IJ-OOOW ) bTOCK OK GKNEIIAL niprchandlne In llv fontvrn Neb ( own I'nyjnK bmlnin In rkb luruiluu country Address K u , euro lice iS ) > : T 17 Y' HOTEL Or" 8S KUOMb'TOIlKM , FL'ltMciiluil , ull > f boarders , stuam hoitt uud all uiodirn Im provi menu : rent reasonable , lib neciirlly fur live rears , ur will < < xcbauKj for land ur fuod propitrty llotfrl Mc.-Gui.tlli. boutti Omulia MM7 u > FOR EXCHANGE. V CtKAH OMAHA HK&l , ESTATE J-OU MIlsE. / actual valuntlun Moncr to loan llux M , Om\ha. _ _ _ _ _ _ 110 y-i OXYX ioa I-AUMS IN NEU. AND DAKOTA. ft111 mil or icuuukuUoi 70 , Frankfurt , led ledIC8 FOR EXCItANOE. V-NKXX' SnoOM mVEI.USQ IN McCOUMtCKS " 2nd addition lchtly wrWUOfcrt front 18 lot for coed Tiuint lot further in or farm XX cirhnns , 411 Knrbach bloc K fK II y FOR 8ALR-REAI. .ESTATE. ' KAI. K9TATR. . n llnrcalni > only. My word l coed . I XX Albrlrnt , b3l-z-3NcwXork Llffl ' nj Mil OTr > . Tt'TTLE 3 'till 4.AXnE3 ! XYlTIt 7 UOOX1 oil Improvement * * Inquire 33)1 lloyd H'O HOME SEEKKHl.V 'j\XOMALK I'AllK -L you can hivr * nn elegant Unmo nrransod to suit you with building limit , tree' , walks n'jircr , water. and pat , within walking dUtance of business kchooln and churches , nni Ml for about (1 ( HJ Cor * tain lo ho tbo prcllleil linldo rod Jonea addition In thetltv Orer one filnl of U already old See ns for parltculart before the prlo It raised I'ldol- Ity Trust company. 17 U Karonui st. ir.S IWIt SALE OH TIlAIIK-ilVTHK OXYNKH 10.000 acres of Nobraskn t flne t farnilns land nt a crcat oacrlllce U It. Peterson , 1412 S 13th ft. Omaha MCT.,1 ND p-mll SALE , MY ItKStDKNCK AT 1411 S MTU 1 ft.loroomt ( "ndhith hot nnd cold watrr clcetrla bells nnu bnrElar alarm , tpenklni tube furnace nnd barn , ntno tine vacant ratt front retldrnco lot H Jj. XX'hllne ,401 Mjrcliantt National bank bide 437 .NT ) poll SA1.IJ CHEAP. 1 ( ! ) ACIlEi LAND IV ONE -L of tin best nock countlos In Nebraska For parllcultrc wrlieto NS4 Uceoniop fi3l 17 17011 bAt.i : s no IM corrAou : Ji IIXSCIIOKT A Hrect , city wnter 2 blocks from motor , fl.VX ) i > EiiPo.N ? * uEiiiiY , am ; LEAUINCI IIEAI. I estate doilcrs of txintli Omnha.Xe only * el bnnralnit l.lst your property wllh them SIT Ml F ou . .iMCI : : 110x11 : ON DKCATI-II .street ( room roltnpe nnrt l r emnnl city water ami ( .Istirn XMil xrll on monthly tmyniimtn or " 111 rontsume lo KOuU part j HiiRli I , Olnrk 1313 lliirney street MSSI VO AT A UA1KJA1V 2 moiCK 1.OT Mxl.Hj fpet each morn adjoining IT dtnlred 1'nM Ironic h XX earner IDtli und Artier Kltip't location In rltj forre ldeneD Illock from Iltli Si uiotorllnc llinrleB Ilnnley lOUI.-o mill bt. Uuiiiha.Mini IOH.S V riAUKE , IV .1 J IlIt'nX'.N UUITK. f linn for cule Inruo ll l of propurly of nil do bcrlptlonn In tbo tlty and nuburbs. trrs IS DEESSMA1CINO. ao no nnnsbMAtcsn m Ml-s bturjj 3J3 South : ntli Blrccl MiWInll' I ) It I'SS XI A KINO 11Y TIIII 1)A\ * - t Ittlnk by ttillor nyrtuiu Tlno toilettes n ftpo Llalty D15 IHiiwn liluck 2\\ \ N SJtli M - , 17' CIHAYKI ) DA1IK UAX AIAUH HCAH TO THE i nop of sbuuldor S-yearsold Howard for return Sid ntid Onk XV 1llurk 7fc IS' DANCING SCHOOL. U AND Mils MOHA.VD'S DAM IV ! SrllOOL , lT12Lupltnl UTO nowopon llilldren Tueidar , 4 1ft P mnturdny. . 10 n m nnd 2 TU p m ndult Tui'Biluv nnd Irlduy B p m. Aresiubllen TlitirndnyB S pm I'rlriitule i un dnllj 1'ripllscan join uny time Mnirc nnd new dances tnUElit llio I'nrlvle , llnr Mirdimvotn XX'entworth .Mnnllou nnd ( olumlilnn J.nnclers. llcilduuco 2JOD I > od u St. Xltja Mft 1 N C TON For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1 I'M ' Karnam Str6ef. Omaha. SHORTEST LI5E TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electnc Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily 17:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent ARE TROUBLING YOU ! \Voll co mo na1 have them cxnmlnpd by our optl- Ican I rocof ( hcro and If rn-ccsoury titled Kith a pnlr of our 1'UHl I2L I luN SI'KCl Ac LKS or 1A K ( llJAb lJ > tliu but In the war d If j ou Uo not i.oed tlu oi we nil ) toll > ou HO and udrNo } ou wliut to ito ( ilJ ] > hrUilAChK' * or ISVi : OLAb KS rilOM 51 Ll S1KKU &P15C IA < l KN Olt KYK CihA biUtOM fl I l > IMuln MntikP blue or white irluises for protc-ctlnp ttiu ujos , from MJc u jmlr up Jewelers and Opticians. Farnam and 15th Streets , Omaha Clraae FliirK.j KID GLOVES Thoubox-o brands of clbxcs lor sale by The Boston Store uj K.V. . Cor. Oin ih Both the method nnd results when Syrupof Figs is taken ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the taste , and acts nently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the btomach , prompt m its action and truly beneficial in its effects , only from the most healthy andagreeable substances , its manvcxcellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any relia'hlo druggist xxho may not have it on hand will proem e it promptly for any ouo xxho wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , , BAK PRAUOISOO , CJAL. HEW "STOKS. F. Z Von can reduce your vreijsht from ten to twenty pounds a mouth , at lioints with out EUxrUng , at reasonable cost by the use oi Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment , perfected In manr jears practice , causes no nIckncBH or injury to the health , isblghlj indorsed. Send for proofs and testimonials. DR. F. B. CLARKE , P. O. Drawer 1 ! t3. CMcnpo , 111 AOEXTS "WAXTED. RH1LWHYTIMEGHRD 1 > 5 ( > a ml . .Iv-in-aj City Day Krprost . . I hUJ p IM3pmK.C | Mitht 15xp via U 1' . Tram I t 4J nm .l < 5 p m . bt Louis Kxproat S 40 nm Oolns I CU1GAUU K. 1 .V I'AClKltX Pro in Ensi. { Union Depot 10th & Mnrcy fats 1C ait. 1UIX ) n m . . . Atlnntlc Express | bJJ p m 135 p m Vestibule Kxpi en 1.10 P ra C.35 p m Mghtttxpras * ' 9 V ) n m Uolnz I UUICAUO. 11 1 , & I'Ai'mo. rrom XVrst. I Union Depot 10th andMnrcySts XVett. l.JJpmj LKnvur Llmltod < ' i n ra .Kansas HIT ( Kxcsvt Sunday ! ) p TO leaves I UMUS 1'AUMC. j Arrives Umahq | Union Depot 10th nndMarcyBH l OniKbi 7Ji5 a ml Uoitrlco U O p m 8Ma mi Uonrer Kinross 4 Uj p m ! 15pm Overland Hye- . 7 UJ p a < 1 pin UluflSp'esiStrmsbz Kilor Sun ) 113) p m 6 40 p m . .I'nclHo 19 43 n ra C30 p m1 Uenvor Tast XIall 4 'JJ p m Leaves lUllUAUO. MIL. A. el. I'AULIArnve Oroabalo U I' depot nnd Marsv bts I Omaht 70' > p ml . . .Chicago Express m . < hlrsEO Kxpruss U Wm - < aves I slOU.X CU'V 4 1'ACtHf lArrlvm Omaha I Depot 101 h and Marcy SH I Omihi Leaves h . . lArrlves Depot. 15lh and XX'obttorSts 000 u m . . . Duadwood Express . . . I * > J3p in "JOJ n m ( Ex Bat ) XVyo Kxp ( ISx Mom1 6TJp m 6.30 p m Norfolk ( Kx Sunday ) . . . ilOSjam I. UJ | i mi . . . .St. 1'aul Kxpreis .1 VI ib n ID Leaves ICHlCAtrO A > Arrives OmnhnlU 1' depot 10th and Marc ) Ms Omaha 7.0 a m \Ki , bun y ) Carroll ' . ) 'M p m 10 40 a m . Cblearo Rxpresi fj 05 p m 405 p in . .X'ekllbule Limited B-JO-i m .m p in . . .Kastern Flyur 2 13 p m 640 p m < Ex bun t Pblo l'a s ( Ex Von I 80in in l uvus ICI1K AUUA. NOIll llNX'tSirKU lArrlvei Transfer ] Union Depot. Council Ulugi Iranifer 1U > 0 u m Chicago Kxprcss 6 M p m < iO i ui . . . .Vestibule Limited . . . V > 3 a ra 7 * ) p ra . . . . Kas.ern I Iyer 1 U p ra f 00 p m ( lEz bun ) Atlantic Mall ( ii Mon ) 7-13 a m ( lit SI Carroll 1'unenger ( lit bl 'J 45 p in LnvosTI . I'ACIria lArrHoi Omahu Depot l&tli and XX'ebstor bti I Omahl 1 10 p ill I SL Louis Kxirc | . | [ > .4' > nm 10 O'pm bt Ixiuls Express . 1 4 ft'i p m 4 0 p it i NebranUa Local I B SO u in Ix1 nves 1' 1/JU13 ( Arrives Trims fer Union Depot Council llluITs I'l'ransrar 440 m | -t Loul * C&non 1UU p m leaves IIHCAUU U I. 4 1'AClKll ) Arrtv n Trnnsfor Union DepotCouncil UluSl Trnnsf j- C.U p m Mubt Express . . . . H IJ a in JOiOa m Atlnntlc Express . . . . Ti 55 p m IJ& p m . X'nitlbula Limited 11.a o m leaves I K C. , SJ' JOK & C It jArrltes Ttoneferl Union lippot. Council ElnlTs I Irnnsfer lOOOunTr. , , . Kansas City Day EiproM l 5 'i p in 1015 pral . Ivuusas Cltr Vlcht Expruis | ( i.JJ a m 1015 pmi ht L iiil E3iies | ( iMJanj Leaves 1 1OLX CITY A. 1'ACIHC jAirlvei Trunsfor | Union llopot Council Mlutfs | Trnn fer T 45 u m. . bloux C Ity Accommodation Illoo p a liO p at ] . . . .M I'aul ISxpntm I U 4.U ni ii ) . HUKIj N t t nlun Dopot. Couniill tilutu Chlcajo Express S.40 p u'o Eiproii i''Ji ' a re Ciettou Local . 10 40 a I. ; Lenvea I OMAHA & sT jArrlvji Omaha 'U ' I' depot 10th and Marcy fit lOraitia M Ijouis Cannon Hall 12 1.1 it PATRON-KE HOME INDUSTRY Y ARE ALL MADK IN XDBRASKA BUY THESE , THKY . ; ARE THE BEST. ii UHw o ca a. NOTICK THE iiiiiiroieineiit over AIL other Bulb SxHn . . , c8. 1 1. The Tublnt CANNOT KINK and iiuiSAK. BO the Syringe LASTS LU.SC/II ; limn mix olhor. it ) , The Valves c-AKNOT HI : : , OST und the bjrintff-uot xx oik ad. All nbifco in usiiif the Syriiige is j'iti\'iiNrii , xvhieh io Boujetiinos to uunox'injr. All ( JuniiliM ) by rinses beivr the Trade Mark 'TIsli Itraiiil. " Buy no other. Amon-j the litrge va rinly inado uro a few numbers BH lolloxvs ; No b Alt heavy while rubber wllh Ihrou hard rubbT pipes . , . . . f 75c-ail Nu V All hsov ) Mlillerulb r ( hrtni hard rubber pipes uud taclnal oluaului ; imlnt I.UO c-m.1 No , lU-Lxiru hear ) whlto rubber. MVB Imrdrubber pipen ana vaeliial cleaulne nolnt . . . . 1 25 usrl > a It ExlmhHarr rod rubber with tliroo hart ) rubber plpus . . . . . . l.Ufad ° } * - ; * * " > l > vy red rubber three hard rubber plimsaua Tuilual cleanlUK point . . 1..W curl no luEilru bi'u > y red rubber tu e hard rubbtr pipes and vairlnal cleaning polulu . . 1 75 tacl Abk your druL'pist for the "FISH BRAND" us ubove ; and tnko no other. Foi sale by ALL DRUGGISTS. Snt bv express on letiolpt of price. Manufnotuierod by OMAHA RUBBER CO. , 1620 Farnam St. , Cor. 16th. Lady dork in attendance. CI1R1STOYAS \ NO GENTLEMAN The Social Standing of Oo'cmbns Vexes the Soul of the Four Hundred. SOME HORRIBLE DISCOVERIES MADE The OrriU Old Not \Vcnr n C'o t mill lllil Not Train In tlir Proper Set Trllnitiilldin of Mod em Siitilm , PoHto socloly that kind ol society xvhieh accepts the plan of salvation be cause it furnishes transportation to lioavon in golden chariots tins receixocl a shock from which it is not likely tore- cover until the World's fair doses. Some ruthless iconoclast , says the Chicago cage Thnos , has made the plausible but horrifying assertion that Columbus was not u gentleman. The burninc ques tion IB eating great holes in the social fabric and thioutcns to seriously ulToet the success of the proposed demonstra tions in honor of the discoverer of America. The idea of unending a ball trivcn in honor of n vuljrur person whoso name does not 'appear in the blue books of the Is'ibcllan pe riod is gradually softening the gray matter ofVarJ McAllister's brain , and causes liolmi t ChnUlolti Taylor's patri cian nee to assume the contour of a Ja panese vornnda. The dainty dnmcs of Uotluitn and the queenly bcllob of tno World's fair city nro alike using smell- inc salts freely and with , uplifted hands are discussing the propriety of "diixvue- ing" at a Columbian ball. It Avould bo too awfully horrid to recognize a poison who , had ho lived in these dnys , "could not btivo mingled in our sot. " WIIH Chris a ( Irntlrmuti ? At any rate the question "was Colum bus a gentleman ? " has become a serious one. New York's 150 ate all torn up over the matter while Ilobart Chatficd ] Taylor's Chicago contingent is in a state bordering upon hj stories. Aristo cratic Chicago is residing the life of olumbus with a fierce , feverish in terest. There nro these who boldly assert that the Genoese mariner was i boor and that society should ignore him. As an adven turer ho xvould do very well , but there was no mention of his ever having led the gorman or tooted the tullyho horn. Some of these students of Co lumbian literature declare that no gen tleman would break his egg upon the breakfast table or fill a. pauper's grave , and did not Columbus do both , in vitia tion of the ethics of polite society ? The idea of dancing in honor of n man who had no more respect for good form is horrible to contemplate. "Ward McAllister of McAllistorville , N. Y. , and Hobart Chatfiuld Taylor of Tnylorville , 111. , aie both of the opinion that Commodore Columbus' social Rn- tecodonts should bo closely porutinizod before their patrician constituents can safely commit themselves to a partici pation in the Columbian anniversary ceremonies. Mr. McAllister is quoted us saying that Columbus must have been of lowly origin , don't you know , don't you BOO , and that ho must have beon'n. bold , bad man , don't you understand. The only redeem ing spot in Commodore Columbus'social existence , sajg Mr. McAllister , was the 'act that ho was presented at court Mr. McAllister admits that Commodoto Columbus had the stun"of a gentleman concealed about his person , but that ho was quite too frugal in his display of the elements which constitute a gentleman. Ouecn Isuljclhi XXus Sutit on Him. It is true , says Mr. McAllister , that Commodore Columbus so deeply im pressed Queen Isabella ihat bho pawned her Waterbury xvatch and faoux'enir spoons to enable him to get his clearing house papers out of sonic , but many u man who was not a gentleman had suc cessfully worked the gold brick schema and sold corner lots in the middle of next week. Don Hobart Chatfiold Taylor is oven moio pessimistic , more severely criti cal , than Colonel Ward McAllister. Don Hobarl is axva\r up in the cpurt an nals and social history of Spain The terra cotta blood of the hidulgoc-o flows in his diplomatic \oins. "I have no ev idence"ho , said"that aw this person , Columbus , appealed before tier iniijGi > tv , the queen , in full evening dicss , and according to the rules which I have established that would become an essential criterion of his standing in our sot , don't jou know. A person , don't you bee , xvhti would so far violate the amenities oJ polite society as to appear before the court xvhieh I aw luixe the honor to represent in a horrid sack coat ana plug hat could nut command our locognliion , don't you EO . It would place us in 11 very enilnrrassing position , don't you understand. " clirl XX ore Htriiiijre ClotlirH. Some of the pictures found in the rec ords of that tlmo loprosent Columbus standing before Queen Isabella with n sky-blue mackintosh lluovvn over hie e'lOLildct.s and wearing a peaked cow- bay hat and lop boots. Some people might take him for a granger from the Guadalquivir bottom * , trying to soli the good woman a load of turnips. It it evident , therefore , that the commodore xvns guilty of a gross violation of the most sapient , clause in Don Hob.irt Chat' Hold Taylor's recent encycllun on "JIoxx to illoss at a bull , and how to nvoiu beinrr a chump. " Perhaps the best authority on this mooted question is Colonel 1'nul Hull , xx htoo reboitrcbcs in Columbian lore have reeontlv been embodied in a black- and-lan volume on tilled "Tho Columbia ! ; Ex position What I Know About It foi H ) Cents. " Colonel Hull , who xveuvs i Frond ) plate bhiit front and a clerical looli of the opinion IhulCommodo * eCo lumbuH discovered America on a purol.x mercenary basis. In other xvords , he planted hie campaign bun.ior on Cal Island for what thorn was in it Aftoi demiting soxcral chapters of lua trulj valuublo treatlbo to information as te the whereabouts of the flshories building - ing und the best vny of getting to the Worm's fair without walking , Colonel Hull says : "I discover with deep emotion thai Columbus was exceedingly careieR- about bio liuun and ate his pie with j knife. It icquires a high degree- patriotism to overlook thoao social fauj hutllciontly to recognise the greatness o the country which lie discovered. " Col. John Dickiiibon. who insists thai Columbus first landed in Texut > , declare ! that his poatumo at the couit of Isabollt was the correct style and one which wai immediately adopted by the people ol the Lone Star stile and has boon religiously adhered to ever s'nco. ' Col , Dh'ltinsori thinks that Columbus sut foi one of hit * first photographs at Mala gorda , which accounts for the Bonweoc appealance of many of tbo later copies. Therefore , white the cromo do It cromo of society hns boon invltod to dance a jig and break n bottle in honor of the sturdy Italian skipper , it is not certain that if ho xtoro nllvo Commodore Columbus xvould bo honored xvith an in x'itation to his own blowout. Ho might bo permitted to Bit on the curbstone and xvntch the procession pass ; ho might ox'ou bo tolerated In the jjnllory x"bcn the dainty dames of Chicago trip tbolr aristocratic toes at Auditorium Oc tober IS ) , Hut to mingle xvltb the putrl- clium , iioxer ! Ho xvas not n gentleman. So says Ward McAllister , and what Ward McAllister and Don Hobart Chat- field Taylor sny ge > cs , don't you knoxv. l\ > r hcmrcn < s , nero tbrcml mid cough , take Dr. Uull'i Couch Syrup , the spccitlo lor afTccUous of tliu throat ncit cbcsl. KATTLKSNAKES AHE HIS LIVING. ritoTImm Itlttrn , tint -Not Kondj to Aban don 111 * X i > < lit I on. The popular idea is that a rnttlnsnako is a rurco to mankind and of absolutely no use , except possibly to give the male contingent in camping and plcnlo par- tie * an excuse for providing a xvell Known serpent bite antidote. Andrew Akors. n xvlule-haircd ox-minor , xvho occasionally comes to town from his lonely homo nxx-ny up in the San Uornar- dine mountairs , tolls us that the rattle snake is , in its xvny , a blessing to man kind , SIJM the Pomona ( Cal ) 1'rogross. "I reckon 1 ought to know s-omoiliing about the BerpeiiU , ' ' said ho the other da"for 1 luix'o earned the whole livlnj } of myself and xvlfo for several years in ' o.itching rnttlors and getting' the oil out of them. I know some , tolka nro mighty < > carv about rattlesunUoi ) , and for one who don't knoxv about the crit- tors'XXMJB it i pretty risky business getting fsingod by a rattler. I occasion al 1 > get nerxous among the rattlers , but 1 hnvo to Keep a steady nerve and quick eye in my business" The old gentleman tolls us that ho had alxvnys licaiu how valunblo pure rattlesnake oil i ? , and that several years ago ho got the oil from a dozen snakes that ho eaino across in his xvoon-cuttlng operations in the mountains. When the summer xvas over bo had txxoutx * ounces , and got $3 an ounce for all of it from aLes Los Angeles druggist. Ho had slnco made a businc < ss of hunting rattlesnakes up and down the mountain sides and through the canons. lie catches from 150 to 200 snakes in a summer and gen erally gathers from SHOO to $400 wortli of oil from them. The market price for the product is now J2 an ounce , and there is llttio fluctuation. Rattlesnake ) oil is used in rheumatic cures and in ointments for Bomo skin diseases. The oil xvhon sold has n pearly white color and is frco- from au.x odor. It tastes much like tallow. A good sized rattle snake xvlll futiush from one to two ounces of oil. "How do 1 catch the snakes ? Well , Unit is easy enough. 1 wear boots up above my knees BO as to protect mo from any rattler I may tread upon , and Inlxvajsgo xvith a strong forKcd sticker or club in my band. I hnvo to keep my x\its about me constantly , and to think quick xvhen I am in a snake locality and hear a rattle. I alxvnys try to got the rattlers by putting the fork of ray stick over their neck ns quick as a flash , and then I have the critter just xvhoro I xvant him. I next strangle the snake by pressing my fingers down upon the nock , i got the rattlers in this way seas as to keep them from biting themselves , and thereby letting the poison into the oil that I am after. In nine cases out of ten rattlesnakes xvill bite thoinselxos if they have a chance , and they are the smartest things alive , except human beings. Ouco in a xvlillo I got the rut tier by smashing him in the head , but I don't like that way , for it's more dan gerous and the oil is not so good. "Have I over been bitten ? Yes , five times , and I suffered so much the last time that all the money on earth would not induce mo to be poisoned so again. That x\-as four years ago , and I can feel pains from it to this day. I don't be lieve that any one ex-or fully locovorofl from a dose of genuine rattlutmake poi son. It Is the most awful stufT on earth. 1 htivo seen trroat big coxvs die of n drop of the poison in nti hour's time. " f DeWHt's bdrsjparllia cjj.msei the Ulcni. A MONTE CARLO INCIDENT. itlllz ; - < l Ills lt < iiol\or to fllBl.o n btiikti Iu- Htruil ol it CnrpHii. At Monte Carlo a fox ? days ago I was xvitne- of the folloxving incident , xvritos n coriuspondonl of the Chicago Herald : I xvas seated at a table in the cafe of the Paiis hotel , xxhich adjoins the Casino , xvith a gioup of tourists , xvhen a hag- gnrd and disnovoled Fionehman entered hurriedly , called for n glass of absinthe- * and , seutinj himself , proceeded to xvrile vigorously on a sheet of note paper in front of him. My attention xvas attracted - od by his appearance and evident norx'- ousnest- . and my Interest xvas deepened xvhon 1 sixv him take from his pocket u goldplatod rorolx'or. Ho examined the xveapon x-ory carefully , as though ho contemplated using it and xvantod to boo that it wns In proper order , then put it back in his pocket und resumed his writ ing. Eiv this time the attention of the xvtiolo gioup had been attracted to the man , especially art they saxv him remove the rovolxer ftora his pocket and toy xvith it nervously. A stout florid Eng lishman sut near rno. Ha loaned over and xvhispered to mo : "My drab fellah , the chap means to do away with him self , I inko it. " Then , before I could reply , ho quickly turned to the French- mint and s.iid : "You wish to sell that xveapon. sir ? " The Frenchman drcxv back in aston ishment. Ho gn/.ocl In amaxomcnt at thn Englishman und hesitated as if ho had boon insulted. Then there appar ently ensued a revulsion of feeling , for a Hinilo overspread bis haggard fiico as ho exclaimed xvith : i shrug of the shoul ders : "If you xvidh , sir. " He placed the revolver mechanically upon the table and picked up the gold pieced laid down by the Englishman. Then ho drank his absinllio xvith Boom ing satisfaction. He brightened up. His enliro manner underxvent a change. A few mlnutort later ho walked leiauroly out of the cnfo and xvo saxv him again enter the casino. The Englishman and myself concluded to folloxv him. Wo xx ere surprised to find on entering that luck WHS evidently with him , for a Binull pile of gold and sllvor lay Iwforo him on the roulctto tabla. Wo leurnod Inter from ono of the attendants that ho bud xvon i , " 00 francs. _ Mr * L. H J'atton , Itosiuord. 111. , wrltoi : 1 Froiuusriuunl oxpsrieuuo 1 can rouommund DoWlti'i Sir33unlld | , u cjro for blood and ct ) or.u nobility " Many of the nexv styJIsh autumn cos tumes tire in close princesse form the skirt portion xvith the fashionable. Ehoalh effect , but sighed at the Hlilea and on each eidoof the front , und hand * feoinoly boi dared xvith bilk-cord urab- esquo tiimming snowing a rbh blending - ing of Bilk-cord designs intormlnglod with jot , cashmere btuUa , or lee ] > a or narroxv velvet ribbon , Rcccliam'D pills xvlll sax o aoctorU pills. No I'd'Vet Ion IK t-o iibholnta that tomu 1 nimrlty dot i nut pullutc. " VBO Carlbbud Sprudel Salt for all im purities oJ the blood. It is NuturoViown remedy. Beware of iiiiitutionu uud in sist upon the genuine imported artiolH ,