Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1892, Image 1

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Eow a Number of Lincoln Men Will Help
the Industry.
Atnnnfnctorlrs Ulll llo l ttblliltcd nnd tlir
\\orli AttciHlcd Tn in n I'.mlm M l.lko
l.l lrril Cililtallit < Inter-
id In tliu t ndurtakhii ; .
N , Neb , Out. ID ( Special to Tun
Huu ' l > ro nbly no other city In the state
htii done so ra..cli to Itccp nlt\o the Interest
In the \ucrtmctit of ( he beet sujjor md'is-
try in tl is state ns Lti.coln , Hvcr
tlnco the meeting of the etato
beet &ugar convention In this city
Inst Pebruury a number of gentlemen of this
eltv hnvo been quietly nnd persistently nt
work upon the subject. ' 1 hey have been in
constant communication witli intort'tea par
ties in the cast und nio no'v for the llisl
time nblo to anncunco to the ttato the result
ol their summers work. A few wcoks since
M. A. Limn was sent east ai the special rep
icscntatlvo ot the Lincoln Uonrd of Trade ,
Ho spent thieo weeks In Now Yorit , Uoston
nnd bpringHeld , nnd from \\liRl ho learned
Is nblo to state emphatically that a boo' '
biigar factory will soon bo within reach o
cveiy modciatcly sized town in Nobraskn.
' 1 he panics with whom Mr. Lunn con-
fcricd nuvc formed an orpanlratlon kuowr
ns the United States Ucet bucir companv ,
it pioposcs to erect factories \\lth a capacilj
ranging all tt o \\t\\ \ from 100 tons to fiOO ton1
per daThe location of thcso facto-les wll
llrst dcuend , of coins'1 , upon the advantage :
offered by thoscvtral localities for the tnopc :
mid succcbsful cultivation of the beets
Next to ttio proper soil will bo the necessity
of furnishing a vupplv of beats Inrgo cnongl
to run the factois to its full cioacity durin ;
the sugar making season. To this end , tin
company suggests that stock companies hi
oigunbcd In farincia and otbeis toiaiso th
beets upon a scnlu Inrpc cnougn to gunri.u
tco the simply of beets. hcuever anv lo
cality In the state comes forward wl'tii
guaionteo to supply the beets neccssarv ti
inuko the opcratloi of the factorv a buccess
the company tofeircd to will ciecl ana cquli
the factory.
DC poslcors I.IUnl } tit 1 OT.
All examination of the nffniis of the tu
banks closed yosteiday at Alnswoith am
bprlngUow respeotl\clj show Loth to bo li
u bad condition , 'ihu Ainsuorth bank tun
deposits to the amount of JJ\T'i.l ( TB.
ichourccs , according to the examiner's re
Voit , will amount to > , while th
liabilities run up to $14,05) ) . The bank
"capital" win fixed at2J ( > 00.
The .Sprlngview bank hail a capital ot bu
JO.OOO , but the pxnmincr > .uto3 that item
amounting to $ " , UT should bo clnrgod up t
the stock , thus leaving the Institution
bona fldo capital of $3 to offset individual dc
posits rinountine to f 13,145.
Upon the application of Attorney Oeneio
Hastlnps , the suuiomc eonrt has nppointci
GcorgoV. . Uoodcll ol this i-lty receiver o
ooth banks , to&civo until the -"JtU of th
nioscnt month. Mr. Cioodcll is at the prcsen
time the receiver of the bunking house c
Kloman & Arnold nt li roll en liovv und of th
Hank of Aiiselmo. Ho will outer upon th
discharge of his now duties tomorrow.
John l'\iins Mill Allxc.
John Uvnns , the colored coovlct shot bv
guaid at the state penitentiary jeitcida
iifternoon wblloattempting lo make hi
LSC.IDO U still n'.ho and doing his best to re
cover , unsl night ho complrinod of a "son
i ess" in his head and todnv is very wank 1
haidly Bccms possible that bo can iccovei
but tbo nrison suracon Enjs bo has on
chance in n hundred , whlto U'ardenMnllc
believes that ho has an oven chance wit
death , with tlio odds In his favor.
IllHUllHj Itl'H 111 till ! I Illllll ) .
Tomorrow promises to bo nn eventful da
In tbo Irvine trial. Evidence will bo intit
duccd bj the defense to bhow that insanit
has been n marked trnlt in the character !
tics of the Jivino fnmilv. The punclpal wi
ness in this testimony v111 bo llonrv Irvit
of Mlle , In , an uiielo of the defendant" . M
Irvlno will be- nut upon the stand in his ow
defense , and his testimony will bring ot
mnnv details of I ho cnso which have heroic
foio been kept ftom the public. Ono of tl
" experts on insanitx to bo put on the stiii
by tlio defense will bo Superintendent Cas
man of the Km sas state imlumfoi the li
bane. Ho ranks hlirh In the knowledge i
the subject , and Is lorognlzcd as ono of tl
leading experts on insanity In the Unlti
States. _
llnppcnliigH if tin * Wool. In tlio Prrt
l.ltlUrlll4 < ikl tiiun.
Nob. , Oct. 10. fSpeclnl to Ti
Id K. ] Ono of the nobbiest weddings cv
celobiated In Nobrasln took place \Vcdnt
day nt tl.o larm of Charles Dlclanan , scvi
miles southwest of .luninta. About 11 o'i'loi
I00 ! Invited g'lestb iirocccdod to the cturc
bonded bv the .lunlatn cornet bind and for
mounted man , where William C. Ulckiui
was man led to Dora UabMcn. The ptocc
elnn was n milo long.
After icturnlng fiom tbo church the
was u big feast given to thu Invited guest
The wcddmp feast continued lor fourda >
end during thai Mme the gucats uoro hl | > b
cntci mined by Charles Dickman nnd li
Tno nowlv nnrilcl cauulo teccivcd mai
haudsomo piosonts.
} ) U Hall and wife , Mrs. U'llllam Twidn
and 1. A , Hallou loluincdVcdncsdn > mor
Int ; from th. u tilp to Wiubingtun uud oth
cnstorn points
I'rnnk ( i oiler and wife , A. V. C'olo ai
wife , H P Monger and wife and bamu
Wiirfhl vv > io among the U'aih'ngton ' tlclci ;
lion who returned homo 1'ild.i ) , October
If.V Uowers rotutned on Sundaj.
Mrs. Sar.ib Houworth and daughter Itct
have returned homo Horn tholr suminiM
visit , at Paiibault , Wla.
Mao Woikman v\as severely Injur
over a wcuk njjo by utteinpling to stop
unuvy hoise. llovas ciushcd into n pc
und lias ctnca been Buffering severely IK
tbu hiuUo , nut Is getting better ,
\V. A Slack's roMdctuo just south of to\
was luiincd down last Sunday. Mr. Sla
nnd family bed cone to Hastings In the foi
noou , and In less tanu nn hour after thc-ir i
jiaituio the house was a mass of llaraes , T
uitirm was given , but iiothlnu much could
done booml saving borne of the fuiultui
' 1 ho flio Is supposed to have originated frc
ihc Uichon atovo in which u llro had bo
b.iilt In thnmotnlne The hoiisou at insure
ba tntu thu loss will not bo n total one
Junla'n lutncd out n crowd of o-er 1
lo attend the debate at lIc-iUu * : * betwu
Andicwi and MolvolKban.
A , I. . I'vrldulu mustore. ) a camn nf Sons
Yft'erai.s ut I\cnc &w la t tiiturday night ,
N. I . llr.iss is lectuiiuc In tno woite
uurt of the itaw.
John Harlot unfortunatolv haj a 1
bioKct' wallu v resiling last Mondav.
Kcv i : . 1S. . Datbv U the minister i
lcncrt to .luulau \ > j the Molhodut UpUi
jial 1ojfurou' > o ,
Mi.illlom Land and Mlii Gertrude ;
f.ucniBoy wcro umnled Scntomber 10 , l >
nt ; ho residence of M. J. Mav meo.
UndPMipnlh a line bunch uf laigo solid et
of coin , hnnglug in the postolllco last wci
ivjineuicd the legend , "Korn ls King a
Kuics Knlamity. "
J. M faenvoll Co. have moved \VilhoIr
small dwelling house to tno north of tb
building and will u olt for an ortico.
' WUiaa.lW 'MW * a carload of out
last Monday ,
Ua d ( Uj- .
UA\II > rTr , Kfib. , Oct. 16.Sc ( cl l
THE lick , -ruo coid taorago bulUlns
Huld JL C'o. Is r.eaily complotcd , Uv
have tap niy ) of iwcSva car loads. ' 1
crcauisry bulJL ! ( u completed and i
ncccisnrv raacKlncrv and fixtures will bo
nut In ncxl wecx , 1'ho vinegar nnd picttlo
company has secured the Nebrn li Oiled
Clothing compinj's bulmtngt and will
change thu Intcilcr to meet tha require-
mopts of too change In business. The man-
ngemcnt has Inaugurated n serioi of Sunday
dinner * nt the PerMns hotel nnd irvcs n
dinner each Sunda/ not surpassed west of
The excavation for nn addition to lot\'s
block Is completed nnd i cxt week the
masons will begin the ciectio i ot nbruk
building adjoining : tbo postolNVe , twenty-four
feet wide.
Icirltiln Strngglo ( if nil IciU i Shrrlll nl
I'rrin ml ,
PnEMosT , Neb , Oct. 10 ( Special Telegram -
gram to Tin. nni : . ] A sheriff Irom lown
brought n } ounu man - ; the name of Henry
Hurt to this city lail nuht , aad hni him
looked In the count * liil Tliev telegraphed
to his people , who reside neir Colon. In
Saunden county , nnd his mother nnd
brother en-no for him with n butrcv , Dot ho
had bccnino a raving mnniiio nn-1 toro nil ttio
clothing from his bodv Thu sheriff suc
ceeded In petting his clothes on , his hands
faslc'ird together with hnndculM und
strapped to his bodv , nnd look hiln to
\Vnlioo on the nftcrnooti train ,
While a train load of cavalry from the
west were waiting at the depot this morn
ing for a train from tbu cast , some of the
soldier bioku open the Irani door of the
biiloon owned bv Kennedy . I'.iictt and
helped themselves to what thsy wanted , and
'eft on the train for the cast.
Tudgo Sullivan held a session of court
csteidny. A dccicoof foieclosuro was en-
arcd In" the case of Pianlc N Criwfoid
gainst William Htiwlev for ? TTT sTi , nnd n
ccond lion lo Ihu N\o ic ! Schneider company
or 8J,04H. A judgmenl rendered for
bO In the case of H. S. Jnffm & C'o.
galnsl the Preti.ont Daparlmcnt Store com-
isny Mrs I cttlt was granted a dlvoruo
rom net liLsband , D C. Pcttlt.
'I horaas Uiosoti and wife , liaronts of At-
hur , arrived vestcidnv from Los Oitos ,
'al. , for a visit with old fi lends Mi. I5lb
on was one of is'ebiami's llrot ptonecis , ni-
ivtng hero in 1S54
litirglars lust night prlcl econ a window
n the Inclt room of the ofllco of the bt Paul
uinbci } ard nnd attempted to bore n holr
hicugh thedoor of thu safe , but wore doubt-
, o s filchtcned away wi'hout gcttin ibc
afo open , 'lliuy left , ibeir tools in frout ol
he safe.
Onl > LNutii. .
OKD , Neb , Oct. 10 ISpacinl to Tnr Brr. ]
This scdlon enjoyed n heavy rain Wudnej
daj evenlnir. The winter wheat , of which :
aiL'oaicahas bean planted this full , has boot
rcatlv benollted by It , unit thu giound , whlct
A as too dry , has been renderoJ lit lo fall
Key C H. Mltchelinoroof thoPrcsbvtorlar
church spent a puit of last week In Beutiicc
n attendance on tno Nebraska Presbytcriui
itttto synod.
Columbus day will bo oosetvcd here nit !
appropriate services An eluboiate progian
has been prep-trod and invitations to im'ici
pute extended to the schools surrounding
Ord and the clvie- and secret societies of thi
city. _
SuililiMilj Lett Toirn.
KVMHH MI , Neb , Oct. 10 [ Special to Tin
3trV ll Channel ! , n piommenl attor
ney of Randolph , has mystori ously disa ]
paired. Ho was last seen at Way no 01
Satuiday , the Sib , when ho cashed a ehccl
on nn imnglncrv deposit nt Randolph fo
SI 30. This , with MOO bccuicd by mo-ins of :
loan on his property , he is known to hav
had in his possession. Many an MOUS ciod
Itors nio awaltiLg bis return. His liabilities
are $1,000 , assets nothing.
\rriMtoilHii Alluco.1 I'orjjpr.
ios , Nab , Oct. -ISpiclal ( TolP
ram to Tim BCE. | Court Olilcer Keyso
cumo out fro'ii Omaha Ihls morning and ar
rested Msiioi \ \ hue for drawing checks 01
banks wheio ho had no inoiiov dcpnsitco
Several easiness houses in Omihi hid bee :
ictiml/cd , the checks also brlns ? drawn o ;
binks hcio and nt Sprlnglleld.
U 111 1.11HO IV Tout.
Cnrri' , Neb , Oct. 115 [ Special Tclecrar
toliiE ULE.J Charles Muiphcy , n Ind 1
\ ears old , In Irving to Jump on a pissln
freight train near his parents' residence , lei
nud the car w he-els passed over his foot. An :
putaliun will be necessary.
II I I.I. It J , IIUC 11 VTll ltATI.1.
Iinpiutitiit Mooting ol the Olllcnils of th
Western Kniul. .
IJrNvcii , Colo. , Oct. 10 There was a
important meeting in the ofllco of Trafll
Manager A b Hughes of the Denver A. Ul
CUando , at which Georfco II. Crosby c
Ouiahn , general freight agent of the Bur
llngton , William Sago , trafllc manager c
tiu Kock fsland , P. C. Gay , representln
the Santa Pn , C A , Tilpp , goncial agent c
the Missouri Pacllle- , und Agen
Monroe ot the Union Pacific were pieaeu
bomo time ago tbo Salt Lake Board o
Tiado took actlQii to sco If iho intoistat
commorcucoinmlttco would nol force iho rat
toidstoapplv California thiough latest
Utah common points. At present , ac-plt
the shot tor haul , the t.uiff on coeds to bal
Lake and Ogdcn fiotn iho ca-it is consider
ably In excess over lhal chaigcd to Sa
Mcssis. Ctosby nnd Sayo have Just n
tuined fiom ball Lake , whene they met th
mombcrs of iho Board of Trade and arrange
to Imvo nil ) legtl action boatponed foi n ttm
against the r.illtnads. This matter fomo
the subject of discussion at the meeting yes
tordav. No dollnlto action was ta'en"bu
probably .1 rotomniondatiuu will bo made t
Iho goncial managements of the vnr
ous roads li.teiesicd to muko
compromise bv reducing i.ites to Ptnii con
mon [ omtb , though the full i eduction aske
for will not bo iniulo. A full meeting wl
Uu held in ball Lake shortly.
.NO i noi. . tl Jin : Minnr.
Ilin ( .r.uulo ( ) llllilH : Iti-liuu to Iti-iiutiit
KiiKiiui-r Ciinlun.
UrNvi.ii , Cole , Oct. 10. Tno situation i
thu Hio ( Jiando sniku is unchanged , tt
second and third divisions , reachlni ; froi
Snliii.i to Grand Junction , being still tied u
with n prospect of the first division , froi
irnlidn to Ue-uver , soon sutloring the sain
fate. PiL'aldent Jeffiovs of tUo UioGrnnil
savsilmt > ho company will not lelustat
Engineer Gordon , vvho was fiuspenclod for
bleach of the tulesof tlio company and o <
cauao of wboiio suspen iot. the stiikowt
A committee of the strikers Is lonferrln
with ( iunoiiil Suporlntondcnt Samuels an
President JotTre.vs tonight and thu scssla
promises to be n long one , Uovciuor Marl
ham of CulifoinU and his slull , who wet
slopped ut Grand Junction oy tha btnki
wi'iu brought in over the Midland toad , a :
riving In Denver ut noon today.
They were given a short' carriage rlc
about the city und left at ts-'M tonight ft
Cbii-ago Where they will witness tbo dr > d
cation ceremonies of the exposition. Go
cruor Koutt nnd party of this stain ai
aboard tbo same tram \\ith tbo sumo pit
pose iu ; tew ,
iii Ili-.tilcnd Collision.
Jnd , Oct. 10. A soeclal
the Heniinol from Auburn , Ind , sa > s A dl
ustrous headend col'Ulon occurred near lie
todnv on the Baltimore- Ohio road Thlr
cars wciu totally wrecked and a biakcmi
named Charles llonhlorn of Oblsco , Ind. , at
Jack Lannlni ; , n Ilrcman of Garrctt , Jr.a. , a
djlng from their injuries , Bothcnencs we
badly dauiagcd.
Mint-mi'iiU ot OcoiuiVi rU.
At Hnvro Airlved La Uascogao fro
New York.
Torv Islandi'dssed State of Nebras !
fropa New York.
Histone Arrlvcd-.Ncistucrfl from Lo
N'ey Yotk-Arrlvcd Stc ui r La Dou
Ho Ditoirses European Polilioi iu a Gen
eral Way.
glitnd'fl 1'ixitloii on the Siibjrrt nf an In-
crc.isi < 1 INu ufslUtr In the Uurniuy
o ! the Utulil Not u l'itrl >
YotiK , Oct. 10 Hon Robert T. Lin-
colu , United States minuter to the court of
St. Jama * , who was a pissc-ngcr on the
Elrurlu , which reached her dock this mom-
me from Livcrnool , Is n guest of the Holland
house Ho was accompanied to the hotel bv
Count Mctlprnlch , his filcnd and fellow
pass"tiB.or. who Is the lira secretary of Iho
Imperial Gorman cmbissv in London , and who
comes bora on private business.
M. ' . Lincoln comoi homo to spjnd his reg
ular two months' loavu of abu'Dcn. Ho will
go lirst to Washington and then to Chicago
to nttcnd the ccicmonlrs incident to the
dedication of the World's fair buildings.
Ill * subsequent mov emcnts have not j ct been
determined ution.
Mr. Lincoln remained In bis room nt tlin
hotel until evening whin ho went lo make n
cull. During the aftcrnoin ho was vUltcd
by a number of prominent republican" ,
nmong whom were Senator Hate , Hon Pat
rick l jjti , the minister to Chill , and Chair
man Carter ot the re-publican central com-
I.iiRllsh I'otltlcs Olscmseil.
Mr Lincoln was rather disinclined to tnllc
for publication bat nl lu-igth sild. "It Is 1m-
po slblu for mo to answer any questions or
express any opinion r-varllng II iqlisli pollt
leal matterMyolllclil nositlon deprives
tno of anv freedom wMch othur usraons miy
have to do so There Is nothing connected
with mv ofiicid position that 1 led I cau
nroporlv spoils nbout cxcant the forthcoming
Intoinatlonal monetary congro-s , in the nr-
angi-.g for which I had some sh no
"iho question whotner Kniriand would
aver nn increased use of silvei In the cur-
oncv of the woild is not a part\ question in
2neland. 1 feel lhal I maj snv without 1m-
iropnuty that tneiei = n icasonahiu nrospact
f a suflicient don.-.rturo bv England from its
uthcrto strict nio loinotollio bn is to u'ive
crcat hope of some steps being
aken by the congress for the incieiud use
of sil-or and their adojitlcn bv u safllciont
mmber of the Important nonci .
Personally I am a beiiovei in blractulltstn
on some bisls to bo anprovoJ by the concur
rence of tboso best nble to consUer the sub-
oct , but I think that cold alone as the stan
dard International currency is inadequate
nad llkoly to bicomo moru so In consequence
of the action of tl'o Auslro-IIunijuiinn em-
) ire.
As to 1 rco Colimgp.
But t should personally dcploro anv
attempt of the United States to adopt fret
coinage of silver without the assista'nco ol
those European nations whoso nld la es3en
Many men of great ability nru eolng as
lelegates to the congress both Irom the
Jnited btates and Great Biitim , and nc
loubt from other countries. I can only suv
that I have treat hop-is of n practical Issue
and of benefit to our country as well as U
the world , fiom thu consideration which tin
consres * will qivo to ihe subject. "
When nsked to crivo his vieivson the pres
iduulial campaign , Mt. Lincoln bogged t (
be excused fiom saj ing anything , as ho hac
onlj been a few hours here , and hnd lltlli
opportunity for talking over the present
"But everything I have heard , " ho added
"has Increased the feeling of eni'ouragemeui
'n icpublicau success which I bad on in )
vov nee. "
In reference to Tennyson's funeral Mr
Lincoln said : 'I knew nothing about tht
arrangements foi thu funeral until I wai
about to take the train in London to citcl
Lliu Utruna , when 1 received a tclcgran
fiom Ilallarn lunnvson icquestini ; mo in nn
oflicial capacity to net as. n pill beam. . '
gieatlj re-grettcd that I could i.ot repie en
mv counioraen on that occasion , but sinci
landing I have learned that mv place wa
taken by Mr. White , the secretary of th <
location in London. "
tiiiir , Colorado A. iintii lo l.mplojoi lit
cliiieloi llrtlcr S tliirlr/ > .
Gu.vrsToN , Tos . Oct. Ki. 'i ho strike o
telegianh operntors and slanou ngenta of th
Gulf , Colorado A , S mta PC sjstoiu is on
Promptly nt 7 o'clock tonighl amoil ever ;
man liom Purcell , I. T. , to Lialvcston
Temple to San Anglo , Clebuino to Pail
and Llobuino to Woatherford. left his post o
duty , nnd the htiucglo between the manugc
tr.cnt of the road and this branch of th
service commenced
In iho Santa fo ofHce in this city thcr
appears to bo nothing unusual happenlnc
Operators who were mi dutv seemed to hnvi
u deter mlnod look bul no greal cxcitemon
was apparent. Tney were riuctly waitlni
fur the designated hour. When T o'cloel
lolled mound they nut on their coath , bun
died up what Dullness had been sent , let
thu unsciit bubincss on the boons nnd let
the ofllco. A * thuy weio going down stain
they met iil hi operators coming on duty
Puw wnids wcru ncccssarv and with oni
accord the Inttortuincd uiouud and followoi
thu day tnun outot Iho building
This Htriko extends to nil station aceuti
who net ns oneiatois nl o , hcino It tie
the bubincbs utnli small toxvns Ttiu c
of the stiluc Is tbo refusal of thu comtu
comply with u doinaud for $ jU luonrhti
mlniinum pav Instead of KiJ. as heretofore
with twelve hours to constitute a day's wori
and extia pay for ovei timo.
Chiefs of the dopartincnts of the Order o
Uillway TeleijraphuM at ToBoka , Chicago
Pueblo uud Albuquciquu have buen notilloi
of iho Hlriku to prnvcnt the introduction o
now men from other quartets Tbo griov
an eo committee bore is ncling under tl"
direction of Giand Chief Thurston am
Giand Counsellor liamsay , nnd tbo stilk
wilt bo olMcially endorsed and supported b' '
the order. Tlmstriknii will rcceivo froii
the order half pay dining idleness. Tb
operator * aio thoroughly determined , uni
they lool conlidont of winning.
.NiMiurK Culliollca Not Acrncil a to th
Coliiri tii 1I l.xlnbltfil ,
NI.W tin ; , N. J. , Oct. 1C A sensation wn
caused nt tbo ronventloa of Catholic socl (
lies at the Catholic Institute today , vvhc
the question of carrying flogs in the comln
Columbus celebration on October 21 camout
A motion hud been made to allow soclatle
to carry any national ( lag they dcslret
if they preceded it by an American llaf
Kx-Alderrnnn Bruaderof Harrlso.i arose t
his feet and said impressively. "W
should havetbo papal Ua ; ; Hut , Wo ar
Catholics liistnnd Amei loans jifterwards.
An liuprosslvo ellenco followed this v
mark , nnd no notice vvus taken of It. Pi ft ;
ulna societies were represented iu the co :
ventlou , r.nd ills estimated that tncrewi
bo 10,000 In lluo at the patade , and ( ort
Trlril to C'liiuigo
NEW Youk , Oct. 10. Tbo differences b <
; wccn 1'ior. Biiggs of the Union Tbei
logical soinlnary and tboso whs are. oppose
to his theological views and tcachiacs , bav
caused fresh tro'iblo altbo seminary , I'io
Brlffrs , who Isicbarged with heresy , wt
transferred from ODD chair to anotbe
without the approval ot the general asset
hly of tne Presbytemo church and In viol ;
tlan of tha compact of 1573 by which tboge
crai assembly aud Uclon I'bsolo lcJ
seminar ) eigncJ a formal agreement aotlulu
tbo relations that sbo.ild erltibetweou the
and providing fcr an cxghirgo of valuab
considerations In tl.o lorui of nJvnntaces
Tno baird of directors of the smnlnnrv held
n meeting nn Thursday altU.ich It was voted
that this ncreoraflnt should bo dlssoHe.l. The
vote stood 14 for to It ) against.
llev. Dr. Booth , pastor of iho Kutgcr
Ulverjulo church , uns onoot the man vvho
voted agairst the resolution II was rumored
lhal ho would ( land In his resignation nl
once. As soon n ? asked about the possibility
of > uch n coutsij , ho said hu would resolve
cxnresslon of his Intentions until the s } nod's
mi'ttlncr next weak ,
UPV. Ur. Hall , pastor of IhoPlfth Avcnuo
I'rcibvtprlnn church. Is mumtcr of the
boaid of directors Hu said thai hu could
not dctluo his course.
x r.N.i.-\/.if , itirun.
DUrotiiit IlntPH Cimtlniiu to II xrilcn , Duo
to tlio Kxchii. : ; ; * Dirlluo.
Lost os , Oct. Hi Discount tales conMnuo
to hirdeu , being now 1 > , fet tnreo months nnd
one-half for short. The chance Is duo chlcllv
lo tl'o decline of New York e\chaneo und luo
continent. . ! withdrawalContinpntnl ex
changes gcurtally aio moving against Lon
don , n fact that must result in a rise , which
has hitherto boon prevented by iho abund-
nncuof monov. Austila contlndcs to dr.uv
bullion on every available occ.mon , nor to-
( lulioments being no luticor met by Amctiean
exports. Kussln also is Gemindini : gold and
the pending Cntltnu loan will entail further
bullion rcmiltai ccs , An advuncu of thu bank
rate is , theiotoie , already discussed , It the
loroign demands incrou'c1 , nn ndvanco to ! i4
or even : i before tbu end of the month is con
sidered possible.
The Stock oxclmngo during the week wns
vci.v hu- > , the s > ettament ! being iho largest
seen In n long time , wlillo business on nsw
nceounl was brisk and exciting. The chlof
fcnturo was a shnrp advancu In Argentine
securities , said to be duo to operations by a
powerful group recently foi rued to ra'iso
prices. The loan of IsS'l advanced 4) , nnd
funding loin 5. Iho movement in Aigcn-
tine lallwnvs haslnlten the market by sur
prise. Buunos Ayre-s nnd Ilosarioiosa t-J
nnd Argentines 4'w Ills gonoiMllx
felt , however , that the hcav > Increases nio
notj ibtitled. British funds vveio a trlllo
easier. Indian nnd colonial issues
were much better ; notably so wore
the securities of Capo Colony , Canada ,
Ne.v X.ealand ai d New South Wales , owing
to continued nb oiption bv small investors.
The determination of the Now boulh Wales
Government to place a now loan ai Sydney
assisted the inaiket , Ilupco papar advanced
J'jd ' in svmoathy with silver , tbo advance
in which scorns llkelv to continue In view of
the revival of business and u good demand
fiom moio than ono quarter. Iu addition the
stock of silver has been diminished. The
week witnessed lutlo movement in foreign
government bonds , outaido of boulh and C'cn
trill Americans. A largD Bpeculatho busi
ness in the latter led to a gcticialulvanco in
thit class ot bccuutios of fiom 'i to 3 points.
Chilians advanced a point. British lailway
securities were dopioescd.
Brigbtons wero'larcelv sold and declined
I1 ! * The slock relations of computiuc
rulwajs and tbo unsettled otnte ot Ihu
currency quesiiou inlluenced Iho market ,
although puces generally rose. Vuriations
for ihe week m uncos of Americin railwaj
see jrltlos include the following : Increase-
Ohio & Mississippi ordinary , t ! per cent ,
Denver itlllo Giandopreferred , "j pei cent
Northern Pecilic and Louisvlltoix , Nashville ,
'J per rent each ; Norfolk iS. Western ordin
ary , 1 'j ' percent ; \Vab-ish gcnornl mortgage
bonds , 1'j per cent ; Union Pacitic shares
ana Lake Shoie , l1 per coil each ; New
YorK , Pennsvlyatila & , Ohio lirst mortgage ,
1 per cent ; Atcblson shares. Denver & Uic
Grande common , Missouri. Kansas & . Texas
and ordinary , three-qtinrters of 1
per cent each ; AtCftison mortgngj and Con-
tial Pat-ihc shares , ohO-half of 1 far cent
each. Nitrite securities advanced In con
ijcction Ulth Iho ucvr Chilian loan and Iht
proposed cuirency refoim.
On the I1.iris Itoume.
, Oct. 10 Business on the bours <
during Iho past week was teatricted , but i
toadenc1. ' to IHmncss was manifest. Th (
principal features vroro a rlso of 'J"if In th (
Aigentiuo loan of IsbO and n fractional 1m
provemenl in other lutoinational stocka. Th <
B.intt of Franco was attacked by a powcrfu
group on the ground that its regulardiscoun
business showed little prolit. and as a resiur
its shares dioppod COf. Sue-/ canal closei
)0f ) lower , owing to continued rettuns o
diminished liafllc. Tbo well credited repor
that Russia had lofuscd an offerofaloai
fiom a Pronch syndicate is denied , and it I1
now asserted that urrangcments for a loan o
120,0.10,000 have been concluded with a Parli
Kicup which includes the Kolhsctnlds nni
which will bo asbUtca bv tbo Deutschi
b ink nnn iho Dlsconlo Gezcllo Schaft , tin
iaMio price lo be ,17 , aud Ibe rate of inlcics
to ho 4 pur cent.
On thu Ilorlln ISnumc.
BCUI.IN , Oct. ID , During the weak pas
there was but llttlo change in prices on ttn
bourbo and ihe market was weak. Report
of a disagreement among the negotiators o
the Russia German commercial relations
which created uneasiness , were ofllclall ;
denied , the declaration of the Russian mln
istcr thai his chief cnru will bo lo foster Rus
sian industries u regarded as a bad augury
Mexican ( is continued to advance thiough tbi
week and cloaca steady nt 81 SO. Other clos
ing quotations of Saturday are : Hunguriai
gold rente , 01 , Austilim credit , Ui04i/ ; Deut
btlio bank , 101 , Harponer , l.Jr > ; stunt OY
change on London , SO-B-Tji luug exchange 01
Loudou , , ' 0''y.
On the rr.inlcroit nouifin.
in.r , Oct. 10. On the bourse bus !
ness was duller during the past week thii
during Iho precodlng ono. baliuday' < clos
Ing quotationa Include : Hungarian goli
lento , lor.j. Mexican ll , iO.10 ; Austilai
cri-dit , tioil ; short exchange on London , 20.33
piivatu discount , u'l bl.
m Too ( unni- .
I.OSDOSOct. . 10. It U announced tha
owing to the Increased competition In husi
ness the important copper works nl Pascoi
nnd Giofoll nt Swansea , established a ecu
tury ago , will bo wound up.
Knights nl Labor liust | Tliit tlio
-Vrnior I'lntet > } uil Hit Ti-Ht < > < l ,
PiTrsiiino , Pa. , Oct. , U ! . Dlstilct M-\sto
Workman Dempsey ol the Knights of Labo
returned vosterday from Now Yorif , vvber
ho has ocoii worklucMn behalf ot tbo locke
out inon at lloinestead. bpcnldng of tb
proposed investigation into the quality c
armor pinto furnished 'tha government b
iho Carnoglcs , Mr . Ucmpsoy knld ,
"You may say thtU n Joint" committee com
posed of members from district assembly 4
ot New York , 'ill of Chicago mid No a o
Pittsbure has lutt tbo case of the Carncgl
armor plate contract with tbu govern men
In tuo lianus of two of the ablest lawjois I
Now Yoik. Thcso gentlemen on behalf c
the people will deraana an investigation froi
congruu * of the artnorplutcs submitted b
the Carnegie company ; to Uio Bovernmonl
Tbo oellof is prevalent nnd booms to bo we
sustained that the inspectors at thii end c
the line have passed armor plain nc
up to the required standard. Vii
committee aio of tha opinion that a foi
tests of the piataquldbo enough for tb
purposes of examination , out they will n
quest ibo privilege of making the solcctlo
of the plates thcrasvlvci , which tboy d <
slro tested , if our attorneys ara ao't eui
ceasful m the appeal made by them to coi
giess , as It is presumed tboy will be , tbon tt
matter wlil at once bo carried into tt
courts. Thu decision of the lilgbe :
ludlclniy will tie invoUcd as to whether tb
ncoplo vvlllhavci to submit to what U bi
llc\ed by many to bo a fraud. "
, . . - .
fir n or i l i > ent' Illnotl.
DENVER , Cole ; , ' Oct. 10. General P ' .
Dent has for several wcoks past been voi
111 at the bospltal a * . For ; Logan. Ho hi
Qovvovcr , so far improved during lh < 3 pa :
week that yesterday bo vrai romorud to b
residence la this illy , U07 tnileo itrte
General Ucnt Is a veteran of the Mexico
war , a biothcr-ln-law or Gcnaral Grant oc
a well known mlliurr uan ol uav.onal rep
Diras'.roua of the Cnpsishg of tLo
Houdurftu Etsamcr Stranger.
Uoincti mill Tlirrn Clillilrrn Aimin
this rnsti'tigcr * l.iitt I'urtlal Lint ot
the MctliiM Iton the
Miulc lliclr Il-iui
Nsw Oni"iss LT , Oct. 10 The Nor-
WoRlnn steamer Aguoi , Cintaln P. Huiiacn ,
from BluoMeids , Nicaragnn , ni lived this
ovenln biho reports thai on October 10 nt
S p. m she oncounlnred n luin ic mo from the
north nnd northwest veering to southwest
uml south with tromuudous seas , 11 jading the
steamer's decks fore nud nit. October 11
the wcathoi molorataj. bho reports Hint at
* n. in , October II , she sighted what ap-
tionrcd to bo a bo it in which ware iwo man ,
the waves nt the time being very high nnd
dilfting down to them found they wore two
snilois clmglng to pirt of n boat. Passli g
ncnr tnom tboy succedod In ihtowliiR them a
line to which they clung nud weie drawn
aboard the shin In safely ,
Mxtiuii I'coplc l.ost.
The men belonged lo the Honduran
srhoonor Slrangor , which had ciosi/ed nt
ll p. m. on October 10. She hna thirteen pas
sengers , Including seven vxoinon nnd thiec
children , also a ere v of llvo ine-i , Including
the captain , nil of whom with iho c caption
of the two rescued by them wcto die > vncd
The schooner was bound fiom Bnll o vii llu
atnu for Bluorialds , roijlstorcd thirtv-two
tons , bul a jcnr old and owned In Ku-
ntan. The men rescued aio Thomas Connor
nnd Charles Scott.
Among the pisscngers lost by the caps- !
luc of the schooner woio.
MI rHANCr.3 M lUUDP.of Uuitiu.
Mil ? \\KIUIITnf II iipllolds.
MU - THOMSON of Uiutan
MIS31 ANNlKsl'I.IN.N ut llu.itin.
ntV > andottn 11 uriloi ously Ass illlt
Sntuiim Arm ) ML IIIIIIS.
Wvsnorrr , Mich. , Oct. 10. In n free
fight heic curly this evening between a Sal
vation nrmy detachment aud n gang of
roughs llvo persons were seuously Injured ,
one of them fatally. 'Iho list of Injured is
as follows.
Ln t TCVINT 'J nia Lown , fatally ,
Lit t ri.N v\r Seu.Ti n
PIUXK UtrctiiNS , by-stande : , cut on face
and head.
Ur.M.r.uirriTti , stiboed In thigh.
Jo = Li'ti Pnoi-Li s Salvation Aimy member ,
biouen arm and cut on head.
TII i u : Gu cu , an on looKcr , face cut.
Per a long ticio there hns been ill feeling
between the tough element and the Salva
tionists. As the array was marching nlonf ,
Eomo ono throw a brick at Lieutenant Lowe ,
felling her to the caith and fatally injuring
her. This was a signal for a geiieial atlack ,
and bricks , stones , clubs and knives were
freely used on the panic stilcken ai my. Tht
latter made no attempt at defense , but seat-
tcied as fasl as nossiblo. No arrests have
been made.
SKVIJN HK.N IS llli : Kt'lSS.
Deplorililu .Vc'rlclcul In AMiich . - > \cr.l
\\urluiiLll Met 'Iheli Diiith ,
Si-snci Pur.s , N. Y. , Oct , 10 While i
gang of workmen wcro engaged repalntnif
n wallia'tbo sluice.vay of Glrason & Mil
lor's mill last ovenUp , a wall lopplodivei
and buuod seven men in Iho luins. Con
Uacioi ( ! corpo.eigllcld , Michael Mansel
nnd Michael Conro > were instantly killed
their bodies bpinir crushed oui of all som
blauce. Patrick .Mai tin and Patrick Comoi
were so fearfully injured that they died w bill
being taken to the hospital. John burin
aud Ciannlu were injuicd slightly
All livoof Ihe men who wcru idlleu le.ivi
large families 'Ihe nccidenl wa caused In
Iho undeimining of Iho wall bv the water it
the i ace way.
mioKuiM * TIM : KAM.V.
I'xploslan oT n SUjroc.Iiut ut St.
Injiiiph Si vcrul I'm sons.
ST. LOLIS , Oct. Hi. A skyrocket exo'.odoc
as tno democratic rally was breaking up bon
last evening- . The injured are :
MICIUFI , Rviiiioito , candid uo for logisla
lure , struck in the right eye ; fatally huit.
PintMAUCL vnr , hit in the ilput temple
skull fiaclured ; will die.
Hi-sin KOLSIO , Injured in the head am
Titronoun PA'GI.EMIS , Injured In the breas
nnd Intel nally.
Many of ihu others are moro or less sc
vcrcly hurt.
Tuo lo ISujH Killed.
Dn& MOISM s , la , , Oct. 10.- This afternooi
two bojs , ngcd'J and CO , sons of J. II. Me
Nnauin of this city , wcio run over by ni
electric motor and Instantly killed. Th
youngest was decapitated and the othc
shockingly mutilated. The older boy wa
ntiuck while Ujing to save the younger.
( I ll/I 1A Wit 1.1.
lion ( III ) Mi'Mdll lloolullonUt M.Hlo 111
KHriipn limn the Coiintr } ,
New Oiu.nvs , La. Oct. 10 The Times
Democrat special fiom San Antonio , Tex ,
sa\s. The whoioabouts of Catnrlna Garz
has , at last been made public. James Hen
doraoo of Ihls city has Just returned fior
Pullto Banco , the tnncb of Alejandro Gou
zales , the fatlier-ln-luw of the rovolullonni ,
loader. Ho stales that Mrs. Garza i
making preparation to go to Yal
paralso , Chill , where she will join ho
husband , who sailed three weeks ugo fo
that port from Now Yorlc. Garza apcn
two months In Key West , Pin , making hi
cscapo from that place by scciotlng hlinscl
on board a count vessel , llnally niukliii ; hi
vvuv to Portland , Mo. , where ho spent several
oral weoks. About a month ago ho was vis
Itcd at Portland by R. L. Uummorlin , th
well known attorney at San Antonio , tvh
was re tut nod b > Oiuva , and u number of ro\
olutlonlsts in their tiial , which will como u
befoio the November tcitn of tbo fedcn
court ia this city.
D. C , . Oct. 10 Llttlofiol
& Alvord ropoit tbo schooner Kldritlr ;
Sothorn ns thirty days ovnrdun at the !
docks , She has a cat go of 1,000 tons of a
pbalt coiibigncd to the Barber Paving con
pauy and left Port of Spain , Trinidad ,
month ago. Sba is supposed to have gen
down. Tbo bark Lnuland , to tbo tsamo coi
signno with a ilko cargo , Is nbout two wccl
Toms' TcrrllloVntTipont. .
Sin AMOMO , Tex. , Oct. 10. Now
roacboa hero today of a torriflo wateripot
that occurred yesterday In Noucos count ;
on ttio Klup ranch. A territory ombracle
400,030 acres of land vras flooded to a dopl
ot two ( out. Ills sterllo country , and i
loss of stock li reported. Ihc uatV of l !
Texas Si Wojiran National MMw yvi
coveted by & ten ot trutvr for a
ton mile * . The rain for many miles n round
Is iho heaviest over kiso-vn In that section
low nn Impmtnnt lluslnrss lhi < Dovrloppil
IJlTI'lllI } | | | t0 | Ullltril StltC4. !
W \SIIISOTOX , 1) . C. , Oct. 10. Tlio census
cfilco todav mudo public n bulletin giving
tut sties of the textile Inditstiics of ttio
Jnltcd btntea as a wbolo. It npticais ftom
ho tables picscnted In this bullolln thai nn
nctenso of silk manufaciino since li o hns
JCCH the mobt strllilng , boln Hi. To ncr cent
n the vilucof its nro luut ; that of the cot-
en i.innLlurinio tiuiklnp sciond , be' w con
3. ) UU and .Vi-inj ; that of wool urinut.iiMuro
belnc 'jo.'J'i per cent. The morale in-
crnaso In the oitlro textile inMuMrv Is
iSol percent. The nliiwo lank In Import-
ineo of tho-0 Industries , however , is tc-
versed , wool ni.uiufi.i-tuies in nil its blanches.
ncludli.e nil dc crlptlons of hoilcrx nud
( nit goods , 'landing lint , with gross pro
ducts vulucd ntf.irTiis-4 , cotton manufiic-
. utc second , with produu-s valued at $ Ji- (
til.TJI , and silk nnmilueturo third , with
products valued at { br.J'.ls Til.
The actual Incicnso In viiluo of pioilucli
has been $ nrir. Oil Iu wool. " s'l | , | 4 In
cotton nnd f4il flo 'l'i ' In silk. ' 1 hc-o com
bined industiiiis ylcideu u puiiluc-t in Ihu
icsonl census your worth $ .VHISOJ ) , ns
romp ired w tth iho producl ot iss i of $3 ) i.uro-
Oils , an increnso in ten yeats of $ lU.tir.OM ,
whlrhit Is slated is wlthoui pu.illcl In nny
countiy ills pionoi to st UP Iu this con
nection. snvs the bulletin , thnt there tuo
J4 establishments ongiicd In dvcing nnd
finishing textile's sopirito and np-ut trotn
Obfiblishmonts which dvo nnd tinish their
own products. ' 1 heso CHtabilshments had nu
invested raDitnl of f I9ari'ri7' ' ) , omploviiib' SO- ,
Jd" hands nnd pivlui ; 4.,7lTOll ' In wages.
The value added to the uroduct of the tc tll3
rnutoiics bv ihuso establishments amottntod
to $ Jsiai'tJJ , n decrease of J.i.T.0.b0 ' ( , is com
piled with the sum of . ' . .Jor'O added
vnluu in ISM ) , this dccii-nso beini * cxpliinod
b\ the vorv great leductlon In Iho cost of
djeing nnd llnlshiiig through Improved meth
ods equal to fully 2 1 per cont.
Thu following pericntnge of incieiscs inn
noted : Number of est iblls'itrents , 0 'J i. cap-
Iml inv nsted , blfil , number of hinds um-
yloved ( not includinc ofllccis nnd clerks in
comtron industrv ) , .it 7'i , amount of wages
pild ( not Including wages paid ofllccrs and
cViknln roinmon industi \ ) , dl Tl Cost of
nnteriils , 41 17. A alue of produce , , ib . " > !
The Incrvase In the amounl of vvnscj paid
for iho combined tcxtila industries , sins tlio
bulletin , his boon even moro marked thin
the Incicnso In the value of products , being
0171 per cent in Iho combined industries ,
dl. 77 per cent in thew eel manufactures , 77 0" >
per cent In the cotton nnd Ho 10 per cent Iu
the silk. 'Iho total sum of fUi2. , < i > V > ' ) i was
paid In the combined industries ns wages to
$ 'lv > , ' . ) ) l omploves , being an nveraco annual
oirnlnc for men , v\ornon nnd chlldien of
? . ) ! ' ( ! j4 in the wool minti far-tin o ns compiled
with $ < JJ ! iJ In IbbO , an incrcaso of 1'M ) per
cent ; fJOl ( > > In the cutlon maiuifncluin , as
comiiarod with JJlMil in 1S > S9 , nn Incieiso of
2) ) so per cent nnd 5.1M1 fr in the silU nianu-
facturo , ns compaiod with fJUl bb In IbbO. an
Increase of , ! J 4 1 per cent.
IinpriMliiL ; tin * I'li-.tdllli i' system ,
\VKSHIV , TOS , D. C , Oot. lu The domestic
tnonev order servicowus lodav ordeiad cstnb-
llshed in 1.4s7 fourth class postofliocthiouph -
oul Iho counlry , beginning next Monday ,
October 17.
rolltn I'lclt Up tin 1'nUnow n anil i/ncontlou1
\ \ oui in.
The unconscious boJy of a handsomi
10-joai-old girl wn- found by the police a
Twunty-slxth m.d Davenport streets neai
mldtight liingon the sidewalk An oflieci
called the patrol vvnpcn and the clrl wns re
.moved to Iho Motb'oalst hospital and IJi
Soniers cnllcd
A superficial oxnmination failed to rcvca
the cnuso of the girl's condition , and up ti
nn early hour this morning she had not re
trained consciousness except for a moment
when she gave hci name as Mr . Williams
A moment afterward she sank into a coma
lose state , nnd ncarlv nn hour passed befon
she ncain had u lucid Intcival. bho uu
asked bv the hospital muses concerning tin
Initlils , "M. M. A " iusldo a ring on he-
linger , uud then said thai hur uamo wa
Margaiol Miry Allen.
The examinalion made by Iho ooctor
fai ed to reveal Iho cause of her condition.
At - o'clock Ihls morning thu pollen hai
not been notified of nny missing person nm
noono nnd called at the hospital to idontif ;
Iho nail-jut. Nothing In iho girl's effect
leads to a positive identification , and he
history so far is shrouded in mystery.
cioi > Li ) uiinr. ttrnci : .
Clicjonno's 1,1 M ! stoelc .lontiml In th
Htcrlll'i * I'OHSI ssloii.
Ciiiu'sxc , Wvo. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tole
giam to TIIL BEI : J The- Live block Jouina
published hero was seized vcsterday rjy
deputy shcrift in execution of n judgment fo
SI , TOO obtained by the St. Louis tj po four
dry , Rome time ago. The judgment vvai ot
talned for male-tint bninea in transit and fo
which puMnent was icfusod. JUillor Alurcc
is in Chicago nltcndtng the opanl'ig of th
\\oiM's ' filr. One sldo of a special cim
pilcn edition hnd been piitilud when th
I'll ! Out III thu I lltll.
Ciri. , S. D , QJI. 10 iSpocIal Tele
gram to Tin. BKK. j List nlghl nt Gy mnaslui
hall , after an exhibition by onu Gallagher o
Omaha nnd D.illv of San Pr mclsco and [ oca
spancis , Jack Kellv of Minneapolis am
Mclieth ot Dendwood fought to'n llnisl :
McBeth was badly punished and knockoi
oul In Ihc llfrh loutid. Ciallaghcr is now ni
langiiiB lorn souci of lights , for Iho cham
jilonship of the Black Hills.
I'm l.lMlif ; Ills \\KHS MIMII- > ,
Cnr\issi , WiO. Oct. 1(1 ( ibpeeial Tele
giain to Tin : Bi.r -Intelligeneo J has jus
reached heio ihnt Charles A Wluto of tni
city has been ni rested in Now Yoilc foion
bc/zlltiK $ iOOU ot his wife's Bonoy. U'hit
is tuo dofci danl of a local eluoice suit ui
tciod 60inu wcckb slnco.
/ / ; . / / nut nuyirtir in
Ohio IIni liiM laid ! StcH | lo th
A nml ! llim I I'd AHSIH union.
PiTTffiu no , P.r , Oct. 10 A Youngstown
O , special says : Dulcir.ttos from I'lttsburf
Sharon , Nowcastio , and Leotonny , Wanoi
Miles , Ulraid and Hubbaul , loproscnlin
tbu rollers and finishers la Iron mills in th
towns named , held n nuoting huio last nigh
it was dec-tiled to oigiinko .1 llnlsheri unio
ana i > com n'ueo ' was appointed ou p-mn :
uent orguni/atimi , to lopori ai thu nexi moo
Ing. This ia icguided ns bpllltlng oil fioi
the Amulh ainatod imoi'lntian.
Upon tnu complc'tio'i of the now orsanl/ '
lion thoju now uii-ninars of tha Amalgimatc
association vvho uro cllfiblo to ineniQeiahl
in the now unlo.i will uithdiaw from tt :
aeioclation. Thu question of extending sul
stantlul aid to ihti locKcd-oul inon ai Homi
stftttt was warmly debated nt last night' '
meeting , nnd It was decided to civ o ouo da j' '
wages oveiy two waeks to help the moa an
their families At the next meeting ibo no
linUtKTA union will be complelL-ly orgai
lz d nnd ready fci business.
Trnuliln MM ) Otoiir Ted iv.
HOMLSTBAP , Pa , Oct. 10. It tsrepoitt
thai the 'ttrliicis touioirow inoinlng wl
roako a concerted effort to prevent the no
union man who ilvo In Ghcrrlngtown fro
poliiK to work A largo foico nfdenui
sberltTs will be ou baud to protect the wor
tueu ,
Two Mlnm * ISIonn lo 1'U-ci'i.
Iiioswoon. Mlcb. , Oct. 10--AuguslUnrai
son aud Alcxandui Hosln mtunin , werokllU
by an explosion of powder iu the Norriij mil
today The luppstitlcrt Is tint tl.ty we
illllurf on ttio bcx ut powder smoking aud
1 spirit from tbe plpu Icultcd the
Ecuador's Aged Ropicsjntativo the Victim
. cf a Designing Wcimiii
\VhiMi Ills rmuU vVpio i\lir.mtrit : the
Veni-rnlile Mitliiii Intlmril to
ol a lli'iirtlrss ( o
Niw : Yo.tu Oct. 10Tlio tottering anl
gioy halioil Consul Gcnoinl Domingo L.
Ruiz , of the republic of Ken iiior , vvhova
nncstcd on two chaises of forgeiy , was
taken to JofTeison Marltot police court
vcstcidny by Djtoctivu tiorgcnnl HUuoy.
The prisonui'a son was present in court , with
I.nw\ci Pi ice , vvho linil boon engaged to
defend him. Dining thobtlof [ noceodlngs
befoio Justice Urnn the fuel was dlsclostd
that Mr. Hallio : U in lilt dotn chas boon
for sotuo time in the hands oC buiul of con-
splrntoislio ha\o llrocod him out of $ .10,000
nnd hi tliDlr gieed lor mete money Induced
him to endorse the t\\o 5I.OOJ notes bearing
thu forced slqnaluras of Consul Gustavo
I'roston. The prlnclnul In the consmracy
\\hlcU has caused thu downfall of the \onorn-
blc consul general Is said to no Mis. Uertlm
Laws , the old mun's adopted daughter. A
warrant was Issued nnu she was imostod
The frlonds of Mr. Rjl ? sny the old man
has fallen completely uiului ilio mllucnco of
this woman and has b.indly ubojcd her bid-
dfg tor some jeurs pisl while t < hc lived In
luxury in Ui8 expi'nsu. Ho ilrsl bccnino
acquulnlud with her through uu ndvurtlsc-
meal. Ills u 1(0 uu ? in me country and his
dauphtci in Lmope , .ind ho advertised for .1
housekeeper. Mis Laws nnsuerod the ud-
vuitlsc-munt , and she was engaged. .
Adopted \ thu ( Mil Mini.
She was then known as Miss Bertha ICrun-
stadt , ot Stockholm , Swudu i She soon got
into the cons.ul gcner.U'a peed graces nud in
tlio coJi io of u focoUs stio w a hia dnukh-
tor bv law. \oiy uncctlnnulo to
htm Mi. Hmz is Tl vesrs old , and his love
for Mrs. La\\s soon lea to an estrangement
of his wife ni d ehildien uiui he wont to llvo
with the vvo.nau. A short ttino later IJortha
intiodnccd lior husbir.d to "hoi father " Ho
was William Lw , u bookmaker ami general
spoiling amt > . u ho is siid to bo now in St.
Louts. The "futhoi" wns delighted that his
"dnughtui" hnd mniriud 1.0 well , and readily
foigavo her deception In icpiescntiiig hor-
hjlf uninnnied
Ho coiitiuiioa to lavish inonoy on her until
ho had expended $ .UWK , ) , noirly ull he pos
sessed. Uorth i needed more money mid
told the consul gcnctal 1.0. Ho. acting under
hur puld.uico. wout to Boston und called enC
C onsul Pit'ston. llo tola Itio consul that ho
needed .1,0 H ) to malco up n sum of 510,01)0 ) he
was oblljrd | lo pav. Mr. 1'ioston did not
ha\o that amount of monov nt hand , bill ho
cbcfi fully gave bun his notu for $ .il00 ! , as
Mr. RuU vvub a frltiid of his anil hnd t c-
i urud his apoolnlmunl us consul for Hcuadar
at Boston.
* I'rnrei-dcd to pi-ntl tlio Cisli *
Theu Mv. Unlz ard Mrs. unws , who no-
conipaulcd him to Boston , lotuiiipd hero and
sbo piocccdcd to spend the ; yOUl ) . She hail
Introduced him to Simeon Epstein , n man
wtio isvell icnoun to tbo pollco here , and ho
had .idvauaed cash op the note. Itut $3,000
did not last her lonh' and in a fo'v wcoks aho
nccdod snore moner As Mr. Hub aid not
Know \\horo to col , anv lliu conspirators con-
coctrd a scheme to rai u it bolluvlng tnat If
tlio truth canto out the consul L-oncral'a '
frlonds uculd protect them to save him from
disgrace. But in this ttiey woio mistaken.
Mr. Uniz'd bon and Ins lawyer eUted iu
com t toilav that thej nro cosiiiaut of the
conspiracy , know all concerned in it and in
tend to have them punished. Mr. Hulz
.tutcs that In August lust his adopted
daughtci come to him with tbo two $1,000
lorpcd notes and sula thul' Mr Preston was
a rcnl nlco man , " that kiuwing the consul
general to bu Ilinnci Ulj cmbirrasscd ho had
sent him by mill tlio two notes. Mr. Hulz
was only too imppv to net the notes which
he nc\cr suspoutcd to bo forgcuoi und At
DUC.O rndorbcd them. ua till ) NcitcH ,
Onoof thn notes v/is cashed by Hnsteln.
who protected hiiuaulf b > tukini ; u chattel
mortgajo on the fninitnru in the house of ( l
the consul general liad furnished for MrJ.
Liws. The second note was negotiated by
u u-an named U Milo , who died Trlday last
and was bulled today , 13oforo the notes
i cached Consul 1'ioston thc\ passed through
ill ? hands of llvmnti Israo ) . the o.vuarof
the buraed liotol , Hunry Pohalsit and
Uio National Huichers'and Uio\ors'bank.
When tbo note Cpslcin held was prononuccd
n forKory ho foreclosed tbo mortgage oq
the furntluio in Mis. La.vs' house anil
caused thu consul gcuoral'a nucbt on the
obnrco of forgery Owii.g to Mr. Mllo'3
ilcatn nnd thu nbsouuo of imnortant witnesses - *
nesses nt the funeral I ho hearing in the case
was ndjourncd until Wodnusd ty and bail
was fixed at,00'J. . The consul guncrnl's '
sou olloiod S-.OUO in cash as security , but
the Justice could not receive it. Tomoirow
thu moiiiiy will ho deposited with the city
Lhambcilain und Mr. Hulz will then bare *
leased. His counsni admits that tno uotog
aio foigcrlcs , but ilenitM that liln ctlon : cota *
mlttc'd the foiuoucb or wiis cognl/ant of iU
\\usliingtunM I'lrscnt Ucutlicr > iut Ilclji-
Inl to the Sulluroi.
\V\siiis.rov , t ) . C. , Oct. 10Tho soft ,
balmy , Indian summer weather which Wash
ington is cnojii2 ! U prating uniintul to the
nresident'E invalid wife , for it has a dls-
tio&sing and cuciovating efTcci on her and
increases the ncivoasnoba , ftom which she
suffcis greatly.
Coiiiieiuciitly ] she id loss well and ntrong
today than slid Ims bean for the past two or
tinco da > s. A Minntom in this uaio re
cently has btun cxcoedin drowsiness , the
patient Kieoplug for on hour or longer at a
time aim then waiting up , only to fill ) asleep
again in a few minutes. Thii diowslness hm
piisod away to nn ontcir , but it has shown
some of its i-lt'.cts In increasing exhaustion.
Notw Ithstiuiding the Incttunt thl > ovonltiK
she Is weaker than for several dava , Mrs.
Ilairlson passed , on the whole , a fairlv com-
tortnblo day , nnd it is said there is no occa
sion for Immodlato alurm.
Ur. CJnrdnrr made his inst visit for the day
about T o'clock this ctonm ? . which it a llttlo
cjilloi than usual , and hobiin that lit ttio
timu of his visit , Mrs HanUon was restluK
qnio'.ly nnd was usleop. 'J hnro were no pres-
cut indications of comiiliiatloiis in tbo
case 'Iho tircsldont rouiilncd in the wtilto
house with hH blck wife nearly all day , tbo
onlv limo ho loft nci' bclug late In tho'nftor -
noon , when in comiiany with inuiiibcrs of bin
household bo spent un hotn or so in stroillo ; ;
( .bout thu grounds liuinediatoly south of the
Oitcutlvo mansion ,
'llilnli 'I In- ) \ \ < rn su hulled.
Dr\vru , Cole , , Oft. -Hobert 7-Iack y
has entered iiiit agulnst Charles E. Taylor ,
\V. U. Italhvon nnd George H. Hatchelder ,
constituting the Orm of Taylor ft Kathvon ,
forK > 'J,000 on tluco piouiissory cotes dated
lloiton , Jaiuaty 11 , la'U , nnd March 16 , 56W ,
Ta\lot l ox-urof Idem of the Colorado Mlar
Ing OkChanga and has all cadrcrolved soicd
noti.'o bee lute of his unloading upou Ijostpo
andNcwYoik puonla largo Lloc'i of May
Ma/cppa mining btccic ni n pilcu coctlderft
blv iiuova onr on the itrengtli of dividend *
being paid , while it U now Mle cd tbo u
Old not prodjcusunlritiiit icluorul t * pftjr
expenses of dovelojitcent.
'I lie 1'ho Cucaril ,
OiMifjir , C'onn. , OtH. 10 Ualrd it k , vl ]
t.nt iactorv " 'id Ulchmosrt Hroi' . factor/
uttb ( jrint'o Uio ! . \ \ < ra dc trof d by dftf kl
Hi U l , utar nerp , tody. I.on 1135 5 r < '