8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDJMY , OCTOBER , 18 , 1802-StXTEEN PAGES. FALCONER'S ' MONDA1 SALE SALEB Etnpendocs Enlo Of Fancy Linens , Bilk and Dress Goods. THESE ARE WITHOUT A DOUBT ' . MITnrcil in Tlio Hmt VnlUM Wn llnvc I'.vrr Tlieso Mnoi-Coino I'.iirly , for Vim Knmr Oniulnc Iliirsiilns ( lo I lift. LIN'EN DEPARTMENT. The greatest silo : of fnticy llnons over yet placed hoforo the public. Commencing Monday wo will inaugur- sale ol hem- alot > . gigantic dcarirg Btllchcd linens , both phtin nnd stamped. Wo nro considered by every litdy that wo have the best assortment of this line of Roods nnd our prices tire much lower than can ho found elsewhere.Vhilc wo guarantee this line ot llnons lo ho fully 'M per conl less than tholr actual value , wo also gu.-muilco them lo bo pure Irish linen of a very line quality. You must eco them before you can form any Idea of their value. Wo will give you an Idea of prlcns. Wo are going to sell them. THAY CLOTHS. TUAY CLOTHS. Plain hemstitched trny clothes , Blnmpctl , Hoc ; worth 50c. Fancy hemstitched tiny cloths , stamped , COc ; worth $1.00. Fancy hemstitched tray cloths , stamped , 8Cc ; worth $1.25. Fancy hemstitched trny cloths , Btnmpc'd , $1.10 ; worth $1 iO. Fancy hemstitched trny cloths , Btnmpc'd , 81.HO. worth $12.00. SQUARES AND CENTER PIECES. 12x12 plain hemstitched , stamped , 18c ; worth 2oc. 12x12 fancy hemstitched , stamped , 85c ; worth Cue. 12x12 fancy hemstitched , stamped , C5e ; worth 75e. Wo have also a full assortment of the nlTovo designs in sizes 10x10. 18x18 , 20x20 , 22x22I5X15. . The above linen wo have in both stain pod nnd plain. liUUKAU SUAUFS. Those are the cheapest line of scarfs you have over seen. 17x51 bureau tearfa 7fic , worth $1.2o. 17x51 bureau scarfs 81.00. worth $1.50. 17x51 bureau scarfs SI. 10 , worth SI.05. 17x54 bureau scarfs $1.50 , worth $2.00. 17x51 bureau scarfs 41.05 , worth $2.2.3. 17x51 bureau scarfs S-2.00 , worth S8.00. 17x72 bureau scarfs $ I00 , worth 81.50. 17x72 bureau scarfs 81.23 , worth $1.85. 37x72 bureau scarfs Ul.Ito , worth 82.00. 17x72 bureau scarfs $ l.-5 ! , worth 82.23. 37x72 bureau scarfs J2.00 , worth $2.75. 17x72 bureau scarfs $2.60 , worth $3.25. Wo would urge upon you the nccessitj of buying your Christmas linens now. You can not . , n elegant assortment ant you can also save n great deal of money. SILKS. Black satin rhadamo extra qualitj nnd well worth $1.00 , at 79c. Blnclc armurcs , a good blnclc nnd t eplcndid wearer worth $1.25 , tit $1.00. Fancy brocades in black and colors , silks that have sold up to $2.00 per yard , at S9c. A beautiful line of brocades in colors that have sold as high as $3.60 per yard , nt$1.17. Black brocades , colored broche pat terns , brocades with tinsel outlines and black with colored figures , worth up to $5.00 per yard , at $1.08. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY , IN DUESS GOODS. 81.00 Henrietta for 65c. SI.25 whipcord for $1,00. 05c novelty suitings 60c. A beautiful assortment of high novelty suitings for $1.00 to $2.50 per yard. Come In Monday if you want anlhlng in a dress pattern. N. B. FALCONER. An Oppnrtiinl i V to Ci'l n 1'lMiio nt u Itirgnln : Elegant pin no , ono from the Moinberg Block , for Btilo nt ti great bargain for cashh , or on easy terms. ( Jan bo soon at American National bank building , elevator - - vator entrance on loth street. TIII : .110 its i : nnv coons GO. s Nhon Ioiiirtiiiniit. | Monday wo will sell 50 pairs boys' ' calf solid leather , button school shoes at 91.CO , worth $2.00. Also 50 pairs boys' oil cnlf school bals at $2.00. good value for $2.50. Child's dongola spring heel button "Bhoos , sl/.ca 5 to 8 , iirico 50c. for Mon day only , worth double the price wo ask. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Grand opening of \ SiftornoonDe part- merit Store Tuesday Siftornoon tin d evening. N. Y. Board of Health disinfectant , "Anti-Germ. " Sherman & McConnoll. I'or Your Consideration , "When selecting your route of travel , Always remember that there are Parlor cars on the Sioux City & Pa cific day trains. Pullman palace pleopors on the Sioux City & Paellio night trains. Wagner palace sleepers to Hot Springs nnd Dead wood on the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley trains. Free reclining chair earn on Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley through anil local trainp. , In fact you can depend upon first class accommodations on all trains of the 'Northwestern lino. " City Ticket otllco 1401 Farnam street. Prof. Vorrot , hair dresser at Ideal hair 8toro,200S. 15th , 3d lloor. Tol. 1018. Latest sheet musio at rio.spo'u. Now Metropolitan club hall , 23d and JJarnoy sis. , can bo had for private balls nnd parties. For particulars inquire at Max Meyer & Go's. Grand opening of the Boll Department - mont Store Tuesday nftornoon and ovpnlng. _ Poacook Is the best soft coal. Sold only by Jones , opposite postollleo. Doing n regular nominee for council in the Uth ward , I respectfully ask the Bupport of all voters who bollovo in bus iness principles in the council. ED. N. BROWN , Proprietor Brown's C. O. D. Grocery. Nflw picture frames. A , IIospo. Tito I.nit lnrvi' t llicuntlou South " via" the WAD ASH RAILROAD Will Icavo Omaha p. in. Out. 25. Foi the above occasion the Wabash will sol tlcKots to points south nnd southeast a IniU faro. The only line running solk trail * with reclining chair and Pullmat buffet sleeping cars to St. Louis , con necting in vnion depot with all trnlm running oust ami south. For tickets ant further information call at Wabusl : olllco. 1502 Farnam street , Omaha , 01 vrrlte . GN. . CLAYTON , Northwestern Pass. Agent. W , R. BENNETT & CO , Great Irircs for Mcndtiy nnd All Next Week. COME IN EARLY TOMORROW MORNING Wo Arr Kill ! liming n Lump Sain Worthy , of Your Attention They HUIIRO in 1'rlco from Illo Up , All Coinplctr. Our crockery department Ims some great bargains. Our 60 piece tea sot at $2.03 Is a rare bargain , you should luivw ono. This department is very comphno and prices nro always down and guaranteed. In our basket department wo have nn elegant assortment of all kinds , clothes , market and lunch baskets. Wo have a largo shopping basket ( or Indies , only lUc. They are a big bargain. In furniture we have an elegant line of rugs. You will llnd our pi-Ices on them lower than any one. Look us over ; it will pay vou. Tluwo double pillow sham holilorswill bo found In this department at 15o each. Wo have moro ordoted , so wo won't bo out when vou call. A largo line of comforts will bo found in the" furniture department ; cheap prices and excellent quality. In our tea. colToo and spice depart ment wo are offering as a special premium with our 5Sc tea , an elegant largo onrthorn teapot free look this up ami got a nice teapot for nothing. NEW BAKERY DEPARTMENT. Wo now have a new and complete bakery department. Hvorythlnir baked exclusively for us aud fresh daily such us broad , pies of all kinds , jolly cake , epongo cake , angel's food , cream pulTs , etc. , etc. , all made by the most ox- porloncud bakers this country can pro duce. Our prices in this department , as usual , nro the lowest and goods the best. OUR TOYS AND HOLIDAY GOODS Are arriving every day ; when they all get In wo will have the largest , best as sorted and cheapest line of holiday goods west of Chicago. \Vo have set apart ALL OF OUR SECOND FLOOR for thosulo and the display of these goods. H is a LARGE , LtGHT , pleasant room , and everything will bo well arranged , making it a pleasure to inspect our line. Only a portion of the goods have ueon received , yet wo will bo glad lo show you what wo have now ; but go up to our second lloor every time you como down town. You will see now things and ad ditions each titno. Our drug department is a wonder. Confidence is what wins. All our prescription clerics tu-o men of undoubted ability and long experience. The department is under the personal supervision of our senior Bennett who has had a life long experience as n druggist. The head of the department is a drug gist of HO year's experience. The arrangement of our drugs and liaisons is fcuch that mistakes cannot occur and then our prices are always the lowest. Bringyour prescriptions to us. Buy your patents , toilet articles , fancy soap , etc. , etc. , of us. Vou will save money In the operation. W. R. BENNETT CO. , 1502 , 150-1. 1500 , 1508 , 1510 , 1512 Capitol avenue. ' Ilnrncjs ut Cost. Going out of business. I have dpcidci to retire from the trade , and beginning Monday morning , Oct. 17 , will offer m > entire stock of hand-made carriage- - coupe , coach , single strap , binglo ant double buggy , express and team har HOPS , taildlcfi , blankets , whips , robes , turf good , etc. , at the old stand of Land- rod ; & Co. , 1515 Howard street. As lo the goods , the assortment can not bo equaled. Wo have always kept the beat medium and high grade har ness to be made. We will not maho any more harness , so if you want a choice you will como lirst Remember the place , 1515 Howard street. S. D. CASAD. Grand opening of the Bell Depart ment Store Tuesday afternoon and evening. California ICxcurxlona. Pullman tourist sleeping cars' ' are run daily on all Pacific coast trains via the Santa Fo rottto , the shortest line to California. Tlio cars are furnished with bedding , matresses , toilet articles , etc. Pot-tors are in attendance. Second-class tickets are honored on thcso cars. In addition to the dally sorvlco the Santa Fo Route runs special excursion parlies with an agent of tlio company in charge , using thcso tourist sleeping cars , and leaving Kansas City every Sunday noon. For further information and time table ot the Santa Fo Route and reserving of sleeping car bcrtliH , address K. L. Palmer , passenger agent , 1810 Farnam street , Omaha , Nob. Now scale Kimbull pianos at ITospo's. Grand opening nf the Boll Depart ment Store Tuesday afternoon and evening. Real estate. Bargains only. My word is good. W. G. Albright. 521-2-aN. Y. Llfobldg , I'otiitoi-H mill OIIIIIIIH for Sulu , I have -100 bushels of choice early Ohio potatoes and 800 bushels of largo red onions that I wish to dispose of. Address , li. D. Podicard , Avoca , la. Now china for decorating at Hospo'd. W. T , Seaman , wagons anil carriages Grand opening of the Boll Depart ment Store Tuesday afternoon and evening. Cheap Trip to Cullfornln. Through car and fast time Via the great Rock Island route November 11 , 1:20 : p. m. For reservation in car nnd particulars in details , call on or address CHAS. KKNNKUY , G , N , W. P. A. , 1002 Farnam St , , Omaha. KiiiniiL-l Ituriu Says ho has Bold over 100 jardlnlers dur ing this sale , but has over 100 moro to go at15o to $2.00 for ono wcok more only. HALF FAKU TO 8KB WIMTKUN I.ANUS Lust Clinnru Tlili Year. The third nnd last harvest excursion will bo run to especial territory Okla homa nnd Indian reservations nnd Texas. The Great Rock Island Route runs Into and through these reservations , nnd is the only road that touches these landrt , lately put on the market. See hand bills civlng particulars and remember the duto ia October 25. for Chicago and points 'to ' and including Mississippi r'.vor ' , ur.d ono day later for Missouri river points. JNO. SKIJASTIAN , G. T. & P. A. . Chicago , III. \ Ptl f * I T PMlll IPP Pill ? GREAT SACRlrlCE SALb The 90-Oont Store , 1310 Farnam Street , Demands More Room. PRICES CUT TO THE VERY CORE IlnmlrpiM nf discs of New t'nll ( Innd ! Are Crou dine U.i for Itixini mul 1'rcs- cut Stork Mint < ! o : > t Any liO i Our pressing needs plvo you opportunity for biriralns. i HOAil-MCUUPHUS' GOODS. Double.ulliow stininhuldurs l"c , onoh worth fiOc. Largo willow clothes biskcts.JOc , COc niul SUc . I'ails lOc , tuba -He , 55o and floe. Clothes bif3 : nt S15e. ; ! Uc nntl 'lite. Great -10u stilu of blito stcol enameled wnro loss than hnlt valuo. llc ) for frying pans wo.-th $1.00. lc ! ) for kotllos wotth $1.00. lo ! ) for Hiiuuupans worth $1.00. lOc for puuiUtir ( pans worth $1.00. lc ! ) for wtish bitains worth SI.00. lUo for ton pots worth 81.00. lOc for colleo pots worth SI.00. SACRIFICING TINWARE. Hoc dishpuns lOc. : i o dinner pnll lOc. MO tlnlry pans lOc. i2"C cuspidors 10e. oo Hour sifters lOc. Thousands of ether articles at corres- pondinp reductions. SACKIFIUING LAMPS. 2oo lamps uoinploto for lOc. Too lumps complete for HDc. 81.00 lamps complete for OOc. SACRIFICING GLASSWARE. 4lo ) for'i-ploco glass eels worth $1.00. . " . 'Jo ' for berry sots worth 7oe. Co each for sugars , creamers , spoon- holders and but lord , worth UOc each. Collory glnHaos , 6c each. Ho each for line tumblers. fill piece decorated china tea sots , S2.9S per sol. Decorated chamber sots , $1.08. Sacrificing POCKET13OOK3 , PER FUMERY AND TOILET ARTICIIES. GOO all leather poclcolbooks with nit- vor clasps anil ornamented at 2oo each. Ladies' card eases at half value. 788 boxes line toilet soap. 1 cakes in a box fie a box. 1,000 cakus finest tollut soap 5c calcc , worth loc. Fine writing paper Monday 5c j ci box of 24 sheets and 24 envelopes. Best rubber combs oc , Sc and ICc. Stcol back horn combs So , lOc. Tooth brushes oc , lOo and lc. ! ) Hair brushes lOc , lJc ! , 25c , 39c , worth double the price. Playing cards 5u , lOc , lee a puck. Toy books , games and novelties , the greatest variety of new goods ever ex hibited in Omaha. Sacrificing1 dolls. China dolls at 3c , oo , Sc and lOc. Indestructible - structiblo dolls at lc ( ) , loc , 19c and 2oc. Bislv head kid body dolls at 1'Jc , 2oc. 39c and -19o. Fine dressed dolls from 7oc to $0.03. Visit our toy department and bring the children ; a veritable fairyland for the youngsters. Open evenings till S o'clock. THE 99-CENT STORE , 1319 Farnatn Street. An Opportunity to liiitu 1'liino nt si Elegant piano , ono from the Meinborg stock , for sale at a great bargain for cash , or on easy terms. Can be soon tit American National bank building , clo valor entrance on 15th street. lliiriilmm Place. Is the latest , best and cheapest aero property on the Omaha market. Seine people may wonder why I can advertise it. It is selling. This is why. If they would go and see beautiful Burnham Place they would wonder that there tire any acres left. Stop ono moment and think of this. I am selling this beauti ful property , just the place for n homo , at from SoOO to SooO per acre , i to j down , balance 1 , 2 , I ) and -1 years , 7 per cent , or 10 per cent olT for spot cash. Warrantee deed and abstract free with every purchase. If any man or eot of men in Omaha can show mo aero property having such beautiful surroundings , school facilities with electric motor at its postolllco and good society for any such monev ns I am olloring Burnham Place for I'll"lind him or them a purchaser in twenty-four hour's time. In my nine years oxpcrinco in the real estate business in Omaha it lian never boon my pleasure to olTortho public any such bargains as are found in Burnham Placo. It will cost you nothing to go out and see it and I will pay for your time if you purchase. J. A. LOVGRKN , SOLE AGENT , 507 Brown Block , S. E. Cor. 10th and Douglas St. Grand opening of the Boll Depart ment StorXj Tuesday afternoon and evening. Should you contemplate sending chil dren to a dancing school you are cor dially invited to visit Mr. and Mrs. Mot-ami's classes for children Saturday , 10 a , in. or 8 p. in. , and judge of their merit by a personal examination. Best quality Alaska seal Hacqucs. latest styles , elegant finish ; mink and martin capos , mulls , nt reasonable prices. Henry G. RIchter , furrier , 815 South 18th street. Auction , 1'iiniltiirx , Auction. Tuesday , October 18 , 10 a. m. sharp , at 2112 Cuss , contents of 10-rooin house. Some extra good carpets , line bed-room suilcs , chairs , tables , etc. ; also good stool range. Everything in the house will bu closed out to the highest bidder , noth ing reserved. ' WELLS AUCTION STORAGE CO. , 1 Auctioneers. Grand opening of the Boll Depart ment Store Tuesday afternoon nnd evening. _ Only w 1:1,00 : To Chicago and return via the Northwestern line , account World's Fair dedicatory oxorcUos. Tickets on sulo October 19th to 22d inclusive , good returning till October 24th , inclusive. Call at the city ticket oflico , 1401 Farnam street. Artists' materials at Hospo's. Mount Vernon Pure Virginia Rvo. I beg to call the attention of the publio to the above popular brand ol pure rye whis ky and respectfully ask a comparison with any other brand of pure rye offered in this maukot. It is far superior to any ether whisky and I guarantee its nbso- lute excellence In llavor as well as its purity and its wholesome ollocts. Tim public is invited to call and try It. lion- ry Hlllor , 010 N. lOtli St. , family wlno aud liquor house. Esmond hotel b'lock. i Frescoing and interior decorating ; do Ignsuni ojllmitoj furnished. 'Henry Lohmann , 1508 Douglas street. For First-Class People. Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Everything First-Class , BOSTON STORE DRESS GOODS Grand Palo of "fllovolties in Imported and Domestic ) Oolorcd Dress Goods , IN THE CHOICEST AND LATEST DESIGNS Mn'ny of Uhlan.tiro Coulli.rd to tlio ItiifttoniStorn Thin lro < ( looiU Sale u tlrmiirlinlilo Tor It * Won derfully Hlg lint-culm. ' AT IOC A YARD. CO pcs illuminated diagonal suiting , worth Me , at 19c n vd. AT 280 A YAliD , WORTH MC. 50 Inch plaid all wool dress flannels in dark combinations , such as brown and black plaids , grey and black stripes , all fresh and now styles , regular value 60- : , for Monday 2Sc. 030 pieces nil wool fancy suiting ? , con taining bourctto and illuminated mix tures , neat chocks and p'.nlds , shadow effects and camel's hair stripes , any of these goods are positively worth OOc per yard ; you may taUo your choice at tt'Jc per yd.BLACK BLACK DRESS GOODS. Special offering. 5COO yds imported all wool black dross goods consisting of chovlots , storm serges and fancy weaves , never hereto fore retailed less than $1.25 per yd gent nt 09is par yd. 170 pieces of now high class Perry's dress goods. In all the "fashionable weaves , such as croqtiotes , tnatalas-ses and cropons , worth $1.50 a yard , at 69c. 80 pieces all wool saxony dress goods , 50 different weaves and shades , for Mon day at 75e a yard. At $1.2-5 a yard , 51-Inch imported di agonal cloth , 10 new shades In this lot , real value $2.50. for Monday $1.25a yard. SPECIAL IN OUR BASEMENT. ' { ( ( inch black and whlto plaid serges , half wool Bedford cords , regular price 25c , go at Oo a yard in our basement. 50-inch ladles' cloth in navy blue , browns and black .it 12c } a yard. 40-inch wool stripe scriro worth SOc a yjml , for Monday loc a yard , in our basement. Don't forget the great bale of Lap- ham's shoes , from under the Palmer house in Chicago , which are on sale at half price on our llrst lloor. BOSTON STORE , Solo Agents for McCall's Patterns , N. W. cor. IGth and Douglas. Dedicatory Ccrciiionlca cit the World's 1'alr Chicago , 111. , Oct. 20-22. For this occasion the Burlington route will , October 19-22 , inclusive , sail tick ets Omaha to Chicago and return at rate of $1 ! > .00 for the round trip. The Burlington has three trulns daily for Chicago , at 9:50 : a. in. , 4:45 : p. m. and 11:50 : p. m. Of thcso the last two olTor a service unequalled in point of speed and couip- mont by any other line between tlio Mis souri river and Lake Michigan. For tickets , berths and all informa- ion apply at 1223 Farnam street , Omaha. W. F. VAILL , City ticket agent. Grand opening ot the Bell Depart ment S'.oro Tuesday afternoon and evening. Dr. Paul Grossman and wife have re turned from a tour wcelc'sitrip. V Grand of tho-'Uell opening - Depart ment Store Tuesday ' afternoon and evening. DESERTED BY HER HUSBAND. .Mrs. Jciiulo Nelson ol" Choyoniio Left 1'cu- nlluHs Among .Stniiicors. Mrs. .Tennlo Nelson of Uhoyonno had a story of W03 to toll to tlio waiting passen gers aim railroad ofllclals at tlio union dapot yesterday uiorulne. ShollKurcd ns a deceived and deserted wife , and she made out her co lorJ , Henry , to bo a mountain of porlldy. ana said that she married him seven months no , and was not long in llndiiiK out that ho wus a Uosortor from tlio regular army. Ho used her fairly well , however , until a short Umo n o , whoa ho uogan to systematically abuse her , and repeatedly told her that ho proposed 10 cot rid of her ut the first ouportunlty. A week or two ago his treatment of nor Improved , and she began to , hope that all would yet bo well between - tweon them. INolson finally wanted to como to Omaha to obtain work , ana she packed tier clothing and last Wednesday they carao to this city. They stayed at the Thirteenth street huicl for two days , and then ho suggested that they go over line Iowa to visit her relatives. Thc startcil thu morning , but parted com pany at tbo depot. Nelson bought the tick ets"mid saw to it that his wife was ticketed uaok to Cheyenne , whllo his transportation card read to Atlanta , Gu. Ho put her aboard her fain and saw her bagaio safely on board , and than loft the car , saying ho would bo back in n mlnuto. The depot cloclt has since ticked off ninny a sixty seconds , but the dlssatlsllod husband has not put in an appoaranco. Nor will he , for no noardcd the ouatbouud Burlington and was whirling nipldly toward Chicago before the dosortcj wife look it Into her head to got out to sue what had bacomo of him. Mrs. Nelson did not prn on to Uhcyonuo , but had her trunk' ) tumbled out of the ba- gaga car nnd will remain Moro n fmv ilayt , waiting to sue If the police cannot tlnd seine trace of the fugitive. She id now uuxious for the federal authorities to taku some stopi to apprehend him us a dusortor and wants to sco him punlsho.l to tuo fullest oxtoiit that his conduct morlu. The Columbui Thanksgiving services will bo told in the Crcighton college chapel ( tit. John's CollogirUoichurch ) today In an olubor- ute manner , Tlio church lias boon gaily decorated with rcil , whlto and blue , and ini- prosiva coromoules will ho held both mornIng - Ing nnd ovcnir.p. At thg morning service ut 10:30 : libv , Jutiios'llocffcr ' , S. J. , president of Crolghtou college ) , will deliver the service. The choir In rendering iho following pro- cram will DO nskialed oy Mr. L. Krotiborg , the renowned onntono who sang with till- more's band laH season , Mr , Kron- boix in now residing In Kansas City , but Is engaged b.v tuo O in aha Conservatory of Music to stvo vociil lessons hero every Saturday. Ho lias boon ougugod to remain In Oinahn todayand will slug the baritone solo in Hnydn'0 sacond mass. Program : HAYUN'.S SCCOMIMASS. ICyrlo Kloison Clinrus \VlthsoiirunoaiiflnltoHolo3 by Mra. l.'mlaliy und. .Mr.n. J.unuc. ( llorla , .t'liorns Wlth"Qul Tollls * " Imrltorio solo , by Mr. H. Krmiboigi Quartet-VonlOrontur. , Mlllard M.ss l.'ri'luliton. t > o | > ruii < > ; MUi Lniixo , ulto ; Uapialn Klii/.lc.'tunor ; Mr. K'run- burK < burltono. Crcdu. , . . . .tjiinrtntniid Chorus Mrs , Cuduliy , .Mra. I.unxo , C'uutaln Kluzio und , Mr. KrunborK , OITurtory Solo bulvoKuxlna Dana Mi8. 1C. A. Utidahy. Sanctus./ . Cliorna Alto solo tiy Mrs. l-unuoi tuner fcolu bv Mr , Duylu. Agnus Del Clionu turmoil by Hoy. J times lloclfor , H. J. C'utuinhiis Day 1'uruilc. Ou next Friday , October 21 , a general commemoration of the discovery of America wilt be given lu the way of a parade , etc. An ; soclnty , regardless of religious allllia- tiou , U cordially invited-to be present lu the procession. If they will submit tholr desires to William Uuntnnan , graaa marshal , ho will assign thorn to their respective places , DoWltt's Uarsaiurtiu oostroya suoa pol- sons us scrofula , skin dlsiu a > , oc amt , rhou- wutUm. Its timely usosayji many DO\V.N no nitons ON OYSTIIIM : , Iliittrr , Chcmo nnil Ornntirrrlrn. Fresh Baltimore oysters for 2oc per quart. Remember wo will sell you solid moat oysters ami you will always got them fresh , as wo receive them twlco a day direct from Baltimore. In butter wo have the best nt lowest prices. Country butler nt 10c , ISe anil COc. Creamery U2c and 12Ic. The separator , SMc. ClIICHSK UKI'AKTMKNT. Wlscotia'n ' full cream , lOc and lUJc. Ktislorn process jmro cream cheese , Me. 1 took ford full cream , Iflc. Young America full cream , lOc. Swiss chucso , 15i' and 17c. } Brick choose , 11 ! } , Me and IGc. Llinburgcr clioose , 1'JJo and ICo. Fancy Capo Cod cranberries , Sc per quart. IIAYDF.N' HUOS. , Promoters of Homo Industry. Grand opening of the Boll Depart ment Store Tuesday afternoon aud evening. It In Itccnmlni ; Ono of thn ( ) roit : linliij. trliM ol That Country. WASHING-TUX , V. U. . Dot. 15. The Uuronu of American Republic ! is Informal that the production of coffco In Mexico last year ex ceeded -I3,7.)0,000 pounds , n llguro which it la thought will soon bo tripled , owing to the Introduction of unproved machinery nnd to the increase lu iho uumoor of colTco planta tion ! ! . The bureau Is Informed tlmt there is nn enterprise on foot In Uu.tomala to construct an intoroccanlc railroad to connect Puerto Uarrlos on the Atlantic with the port of San , lese do Guatemala on the I'acilic coa t. It Is also informed that the stsnl Industry In Turns nnd Caches Islands Is growlnc rapIdly - Idly , Increasing In Importance. The report of work dona on the various [ limitations dur ing the year IS'.H ' is generally very satisfac tory , aud nijuaulity of llbro shipped to Mow York realized n prlco equal to that com- tnandnd bv the best class of liber from Yucatan. ( lonoriil .Mcrritt Itrpurln. WASHINGTON- ) . C. , Oct. 15. C5cncral Morritt , commanding the Ucpartmont ot the Dakota , In his annual report to the War de partment , states that the troops In the do- tnrtmcnt nro In an excellent stain of disci pline r.nd well Instructed. There Is much complaint , howovcr , amongllnr oRlcors , because - cause of a lack of good nmcnal for noucoin- missioncd oniccrs. Maiiy of t'io ' best moil leave the army , thu report soys , alter short scrvlco under recent regulations. General Morrut renews his rccommonda- tton of last year that the pay ot thcso men should bo increased , as a matter of iustlco for the work required , und It now looks as though It wcro even moro uccossary , the general continues , in order to keep up the tone of the army. Indian recruiting did not prosress favorably - . bly so far as the foot C9mpaulos are con cerned. ' Itrtitlnt MlH CoiiMlNlnp. WASHIXGTON- . ( J. , Oct. 13. Secretary of State Foster has declined to receive the resignation of Consul Johnson , located at Hamburg. Thu resignation was brought about by reports printed abroad that Ha had Hod from Ham burg lor fear of the cholera , while the fact was that his departure was on account of nn Injury received In an ncciaont , from which ho suffered greatly , together with nn attack of dvsoiitery , and ho was ordered by his physician to leave Hamburc. This explana tion was made to the department uy friends , hence the action taknn. \V1I1 Jleturii to U ashlnto ; : > . WASHINGTON- . C. , Oct. 13. Ex-Secre tary IHaino is expected to return to his house in this city next wcok. Ho will bo accompanied b.v his family und will take up n permanent nbodo for the winter. The Blalno residence on Lafayctto square is be ing prepared for the arrival of its occupants. Mr. Blalno has communicated through Secretary J. W. Foster to the president un expression of his deep svmnathy with him on account of Mrs. Harrison's dangerous 111- ucas. Will Iliivua I.uivur WASHINGTON. D. U. , Oct. 15. The Treasury ury department has directed that hereafter hemstitched cotton handkerchiefs bo classi fied as uncnunieratod manufactures of cot ton , dutianlo at the rate of 83 per cent ud valorem , instead of as "hemmed hnndltor- cliiofs , " dutiable at the ralo oflu per cent ud valorem. This action is in accordance with a decision by the United Status circuit court ot appeals for the Second district of New York. _ Kxoiiariituil thn roxtnr.tstnr. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct. 15. I'ostmastor General Wanamakcr has received from President Lyman of the civil service com mission a response to his letter of Inquiry of October 12. The commission says in reply that it has no evidence that the postmauor at Withoy bos violated the order ot tlio Post olllco department. The presence nt this oflico of tbo "blank book" rather indicates , wo think , the innocence of the Withey cos- niaster. _ _ Appointed in u Member ot the Coiiforfnro. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct. 15. President E. Benjamin Audrows of Brown university , Providence , H. I. , hai boon appointed by the president a delegate from the United States to the international monetary conference in place of President F. H. Walker , who wan compelled to decline. Prof. Andrews is un authority on political economy and kindred topics. _ Allowed to Kntnr I'ort. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oat. 15. Acting Secretary Spauldinn has authorized tlio entry of Iho steamship Uossmoro lit Uultlmoro , provided she shows the required quarantine certificates. The pnssoogor list of this vessel Includes 11 lariro number of American cattle dealers returning from Liverpool. < ) | > riiml to Si > t tloniciit. WASHINGTON , D. U. , Oct. 15. The presi dent has signed the proclamation opening to settlement the surplus laud * InthoCiow Indian reservation , Montana , aggregating 1,600.000 acres , The land will bo opened to suttlomont ut onco. * * _ Unrln ilorry on lilt Tnivoli. WASHING-ION , O. C. , Oct. 15. Secretory ftusit will leave hero for Wisconsin tomht. Ho wiirslop over In Chicago for u ilny or so mid may deliver n political spcecti there. Appointed an Altcriialji CimimUKloiier. WASHINGTON , D. C , , Oct. 15. The presi dent hat appointed U , 11. Lanyou of Kansas ns alternate commissioner from that state to the World'd Columbian exposition. Mrs. L. . H. Patton , UoskiorJ. 111. , writoi : ' From personal exp rionco I can rouotnmond DoWHt's Sariaprilla , u CUM for Impure blood uud couoral debility " llrl tn , Borg & Jone9 , blaclismltliH of Omaha , have boon succeeded by William IJorg , The Alusworth state bunk has boon closed by order of court. Meyer & Dlttclch blacksmiths at llattlo CrcoK have been succeeded by John Dittrich , G. W. ParKwood has sold out lua sa loouat l ruiuard. RIFLEMEN FROM THE ALPS Swiss Sharpshooters Will Hold Tholr Host Annual Tournament nt Omaba. LOCAL MARKSMEN TAKING AN INTEREST Oroat Spurt Antlrlrmtril Wlirn tlio MIITcrriil A nintilr In Cinnpullimn A I.Ittlint tlio tlUlorj- th Nortli- urvtrrit S The name of Switzerland Is sURRoatlvo to most people of the picturesquely drcAsod niountnlncer and his illlo , nnd It Is not sur- prlslnt ; that In whatever part of the world Is louiul a child of the Alps lie has his rillo with him. The Illicit rlllo clubs In the country are composed of Swl < s rillcmen , and the nucleus ol the present Northwestern BChuetzcn- bund'wi.s the Ulehland , 111. , Helvetia sharp- shootori , which U composed nltogothcr of natives of Switzerland. Next year the schuctzoiibund will hold Us graml rational tournament In Oinnuii , nnd the pconlo of the city will hnvo the prlvllCRO of pntortiilnlni ; as pcnlul nnd cntortiilnublo a class of men ns over visited Iho Xobrasim metropolis. The tournaments nro n biennial occurrence , and the visitors come prepared to enjoy every tnlnuto of their stay and with pockets full of money to pay for It. The seventh national tournament was hold In St. Louis In Ib'Jl , nt which the following clubs were represented ; Cincinnati Killo club , .lullot schuotzenvoroln , Mtiwauuoo schuotzenvercln , South St. Units schuctzcn- vcrcln , St. Louis IMstol club , D.ivon- port Uillo club. Indianapolis Target club , Urccnvillo OlMland KUlo club , St. Louis btmriishootcrs. Chicago sharp shooters , Fort Smith , Ark. , schuotzcn- vcroln , St. Louis schuetzenvoroln , South St. Louis Turner Bchuolzcnvoroin , Ann Arborschuotznnvoreln , Uollovlllo sharp- s\iooturvcrcln \ , Uovlngton , Ky. , sharpshooters - shooters , Dubuque sharpshooters , Excelsior Klllo club of b.wcnport , la. , Elgin , 111. , Klllcs , Highland , 111. , Helvetia sh.trp shooters , New Yorlc X.cillcr Killo club , Mon roe , U'is. , Uillo club , i > eorla , III. , Ulllo club. Peru , Ind. , Klllu club. Coming Iroin All Over Ihu Country. Since that time the iissocwlton has been growiiiK and many moro club4 will bo repre sented nt ttio Omaha tournament next summer. There nra teams in Kansas City , St. Jostinu nnd ether western cities , to say nothing of the big chin In Saw Francisco , which has a l.ngcr monibar.ihip than any other club in the country , which Is nlso ex pected to como in with n competing team. Assurances uavo been received from nil of the tennis in attendance two years UKO that they will bo on hand. A move was madosomotimouco tohnvetho shoot take placa in Chicago miring Iho World's talr In conjunction with the great Intcrnnllonnl shoot , which will take place there nt that llinu , but IhuOmnlm team , with n keen recollection ot the hnrd light they had made tosccurotho tournament In ' .lie Ill-it place , put. on their lighting clothes and the schema was defeated. Representa tives from the Milwaukee and St. Louis voreins were in Oinulm at the time , and assured the Omaha management that they would stnrid by Oinahn. Subsequently dele gates from Chicago ouno out and explained that they hud no desire to hurt Oinahu , nnd that they would send n good strong tea IP to the shoot next summer. It is not known yet where the ranco will be located , nnu it is not the easiest thing in the world to Unit u suitable place. Huser's park bus Its advocates nnd t hero U some talk of making nn uftort to secure from the Government the use ot the Hullovuo ranpo. Thlrtv-six targets vvoro used at St. Liouls and tit least forty will bo required in Oinahn. The local club will select from its own membership the olllccrs for the national association for the ensuing mooting , ami ut St. Louis the following wore elected for the Omaha tournament : F. L. Blumor , presi dent : Gustavo Honccke. vice president ; Louis Hoimrod , secretary ; W. K Stoeckcr ; corresponding secretary ; William Krug , treasurer ; \Villiani Muck , llrst shooting master , and Hans I'qiorscn , second shooting master. Onmlui'.s Olnl > KiitliiiHliiHtlc. Omaha has tlio youngest club in the asso ciation , but by no means ilia leasi enthusi astic , nnd It will sen that the eighth annual tournament of the Northwestern Schuetzon- bnnd is an nvcnt which the city will remem ber. ber.Tho The president , who Is nn enthusi ast , talks very entertainingly of thu sport or pastime of rillo shootIng - Ing , and Its staying qualities. Ho thinks that when the Americans take it up it will get n hold on the national affections which will never bo loosened. The boncllts of such a training arc obvious. H cultivates btondy nerves nnd keen eyes and prepares Its dev otees for the service of their country , should they ever bo needed ; Mr. Biumor attributes the success of the ( Jorman army in a great measure to the training of her young men in tholr rillo clubs. COLUMBUS CELEBRATIONS. Why the I'nhllu Schools Will Not .March on Frliluj- . A grcHooal of Inquiry has boon beard during the past few dayu as to the reason for holding the Columbus Day exorcises , in which the children of the public schools will participate , on October ' . ' ( . ' instead of the 21st , as the lattnr Is iho anniversary of the discovery of this continent , and Is tbo day thaUwill bo observed as such by the public school children In all the other cities nnd towns of the country for their annlvcfjary exorcises. Stri'ot nunor luis had It for several days that the change was due to the vlsli of n committee of tbo American I'roloctivo asso ciation to the superintendent of publio schools , to protest aguinst having the e.xcr- clsos on thu'l.si , ns en that day the children of the parochial schools of the city would Indulu'o In a puUlo demonstration in honor ol thu memorable event , nnd the members of this association were opposed to allowing the public school children to unlto with these of the Catholic schools in thu parade on that occasion. Inquiry. rovoaH the fact that a week ago yesterday a committee , consisting ol MDSSM. .McLood and .1. Ji , I'ipor , did wait on Superintendent Fiupalrlck of the public schools of the city , nr.d nflor staling that a report wai current , uiul very generally credited , to the effect that the children had been ordered to tnlio part In the parade on thoJIstnnd would march through the principal streets In company with the children of the parochial schools , demanded to know If It was true , miying that If It was they ivoro thuro to protest against it. They were in formed that It was not Intended to have tbo public school children parade at all , and that their uneasiness was Broiindlnss. Whether this committee waited on the su perintendent ns representatives of the Amer ican 1'rotcctlvo association or as Individuals U not stated , but report has It again that n meeting of that organl/atlon was hold the preceding evening and that these two were appointed a committed for the purpose uamcu. At a meeting held last "Monday U was Jc- clded to have the exorcises take place next Thursday , the 20tl inst. In reply to on Inquiry yesterday afternoon ns to the reason for the Rkaniru , Superin tendent l-'itzpattlck stated that it is the com mon custom for Xbo ichools to celebrate lioll- dayaon tUuduy preceding , as thuro would oth- Bakin Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard prvflse bo but asmall . . . . vu..u. lllu „ „ „ „ , „ „ In attendance , nnd tl.ntColumbus tlay would bo tmich In the nntiiro ot n holldnv tlils yo r. 1 bis wai the only reason civcn for th cnanpo In the day for holdlnc the exerciser but sovprnl chances were nlso announced , that will lunVo the observance ot the d r nero qultn ilifforont from what It will Do la other cities. In the llrst tilace , I hero will bo no street rmradr , as it Is held tlmt It is umvlso to ! low iho smnllur children to take nnrl In such n demonstration ntul nt tlio snmo Umo It It itmicult to toll Just whcro to ilnxw the lisa between thsio who may imnido ami these wtio may not ; anil th.n such n pnrado U uunl to form In a i-lty tint covers ns much ironnil ns noes Omnlui niul mu , t necessarily c.ttiso a great ilonl of it I < $ at Is fact ion. In tlio second plnce , tlio cliihlron will not bo assembled mono bodv In a linn , as nil * vised In the program Icniuilatcd and sent nut by l''rnncls Hcllumy , Iho originator of the luea of such n ponc-rul demonstration. It Is bold Hint thU Is nNo impracticable , as ? M , " ° 1"t" m u' ° Olt-v ln'11 ' would so in ip.ooo school children , to suv iiothlnp of the thousands of ollursvlin would want to wit- IIP R the exorcises , iina further thiu ) this It is stated Hint it would bo a very dimccrous mulortiiuini : toinuss that .lunibcr of chil dren In a buildini : , even if one was obtain * able , oocauso ot their proneness to nanlo nnil . Apm-oprlato oxcrcl os will bo hold In onoh school room , nnd instead of Mui'lni ; "Amor- ! > l llo'cloeltticM Fildiiy mornlntr , a wlllboilono bv nil the otlii'r sehoois In the country , the imtlonul hymn will bo sung by nil the public schoolof this city at 3 o'clock on'Ihursuity nftornoon. ArratiBcmonts tiavo been inudo to hnvo the l.rand Army of the Kcpubllo assist In the celebration , ami that orgnnixatlon will furnish speakers to nullvcr llftcon-mlnuto addresses in each of tlio school * , anit the part of the program furnished bv the chll- ilron will tend to in ko the occasion of a patriotic nnd historical nature that will last- niKly impress itself on the minds of tuo Thu plan nyrccd upon and hero outlined iticots with the approval of the teachers , for t moans an extra holiday , Friday belli ? thereby made n duv of Inallntr , but many of this llttlo folks arc loth to jjlvo up tlioar \ dc , which they tmvo buon looltbf ; forward to for wcolss , nnd on which they had iitilto aot thotr hoarta. AI/L A13OUI A I1EN. Two North Sulo I'll in 11 ItM ( Jot Into Court Ov.-rix Stniillir.ilr. . A family hen , now deceased , but formerly .ho property of the Van Ness family who- Ivo near Thirty-third anJ Miami streets wn the cause of several turbulent occasions la that usually quiet neighborhood. Ono day last weelc tlio lion aforesaid vlsltod tlio Carlson family while they wcroatdlnnor and hopplnt ; upon the table proceeded to Help herself. This ni-mised the Ire of Mr * . Carlson who captured Madam Hen nnd twitted her neclt. The Van Ness family appealed to .Tudtro Harkn and Mra. M.imlo H.ul&y was ono of the wltnostcs. Hur tustlmonv was unfuvor- abto to Mrs. Carlson , who has sluco boon "laving" for revenue. Frldav Mrs. Carlson thought she unvr nor opportunity and wont after Mrs. Unlloy with n handspluo. Mrs. Hnllov Is something of a shoulder hitter herself and Mrs. Carlson catno out of the encounter FCOOIH ! best. This , of course , was not according to pro. cram , nn < l Mrs. Carlson has afjain como to the police court with u complaint of assault. .IMKHIC.IX f > i..i rTii.tnins. . Another Milplnnil < if Clllicrt IsliimlorH Sold to ( iimtiMimla I'miitcrs. SAX Fiuxcist-o , C.il. , Oct. 15. The EJC- amtner this mnrnini ; prints n loni ? account ot the crulso ot iho steamer Montsoi-rat , which arrived from Guatoiula Thursday after tmvlcg landed thuro nearly 40(5 ( nnllvo * from tlio Gilbert Islands to work allegedly under contract , for llvo years to wealthy plan- tors. The account was written by an Examiner - iner reporter who shipped on the Montscrral last April as n sailor. The account declares that the Montsorrat was n slave ship ; that Iho natives wcrosold In Guatemala for { 100 ' each , the nmount being taken In tlio cuiie ot passaso money. The account shows that iho Islanders wore gotten on board by quot- tlonnble methods , amoiintlni ; In som'u cases I practically to Kulnaplnir. The commander of the vessel , \V. H. Ferpuson , WHG con-1 ncctod with the other nllcccd slnvo ship , the I Tahiti , which fuunUcrud with -100 natlvot on board. The account adds that of 400 natives taken to Guatemala two yours ngo only 180 uro now alive , the others having succumbed to Qisoaso. < * t "Lato to boa ana eany to nso will shortaa the road to your huino in the side ? . Out early to boa and "Littla Early Ki3er."tno pill that muU'jj ilto loa jr and batter aui wlsor. Will .Sjicak ill n.ivcnport. WASHINGTON , U. C. , Oct. 15. Secretary ] Charles Foster will s.pcal : at Davenport , la'.n ' October 23. DoWltt's Sarsapanlla is ronanlo M the Opera Shades in the New Style These arc not so expensive as some ladies might think. You know we are closing-out previous to retiring from business , and We Sell Very Cheap , HAIR. We have everything in hair goods and are bound to close this stock out as soon as pos sible AT COST. Mrs , HIS , 15th St. .Opposite P.O