Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1892, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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Retailers of Reliable Merchandise at Bottom Figures.
Our show day on Tuesday , October 18 , we have our grand opening of Fall and Winter Merchandise of every description. We cordially
invite you to be present and inspect the
Charming music , refreshing lunch , no trouble to show goods. Specially low prices in every department.
; ThB
'Store ' ,
( Black Dress
Thojrarloly of weaves in black dress
joods this fall in somoshlng wondorful.
Hut wo have thorn ivll and at lower
prices than any ono olso. Those nro a
low of our special bargains for this wook.
A.t 08c.
48 Inch cittnolotto , worth $1.25.
60 inch French serge ; a good value nt
t 76c.
50 inch camel's hair bargain at 81.
M 05c.
40 inch diagonal latest weave , worth
48 Inch Bedford cord for jackets.
A.t 75c.
48 Inch whipcord , splendid bargain at
At OSc.
48 inch French serge , worth SI.25. .
U 75c.
48 inch mohair brillmnlino , value $1.
' 40 inch silk finish hcnriotla , worth ,
'At ' OSc.
1 40 inoh silk finish honriotta , worth
'At 40c.
40 inoh serge bargain at 05o.
At 05c.
40 inch cropnn , now weave , cheap at
jlontgomory's ' Slayer to Take tha Witness
Stand Holiday Morning.
Features of the Cnso ns Itovlotrod lu
the I'rosanco of n Hoc Kuorcsout-
utlvo Will IIo Impruvoil by
I'rlsonur's .
tlio Story.
LX , Neb. , Oot. 1C. [ Special to THE
BBE. ] Considerable progress has been made
la the Irvine trial. The state rested its cuso
yesterday afternoon , and the defense- was
well along today , when an adjournment wus
taken until Monday morning. Mr. Irvine
\vill bo plnrod on the .stand when court con
venes Monday morning , and his testimony
promises to bo sensational , although his story
lias already been outlined to the jury. In
putting Mr. Irvine on the stand in his own
behalf , the dofeusd will act upon n precedent
well established in the Yooum trial at Hast
ings lust February. Thu fact to bo estab
lished by Irvine's testimony is not whether
Mrs. Irvine haa committed adultery with
O. E. Montgomery , hut whether her husband
believed that she had. After Irvine's testi
mony is lu will come the testimony of the
experts on insanity. The will follow the
state's rebuttnl.
Gnu ot the features of the trial next week
I/ / will bo the presence of Irvluo's little daugh-
I' ' tor Florence in the court room.
One of the most noted criminal lawyers In
Nebraska sala this afternoon to a represen
tative ot TIIK DEI : that in his opinion the de
fense has so far laid a very weak loundatlon
for.tho defense of niaula trai < sltoria which
they propose to develop and establish next
\vcok. Evan by the witnesses put on the
stand by the defonsn thu btato lias estab
lished the fact Unit Irvine was not so coin-
plutoly under a mental cloud us to ptovont
him from muktng his trip to Lincoln , goini ;
to tbo hotel , nsklns for a room , checking hU
baggage , ordering a carriage- , proceeding to
n frlcnd'b house in-ii distant part of the city ,
visiting his former homo In Lincoln , aud
even recognizing it friend an instant after
tbo shooting aud in the same Instant Inform
ing the bystanders whom ho was , where ho
lived and why ho ( Jit ! the uhootinir , und that
ho talked rationally with u clergyman us to
the morality ot his net two days after ,
The loading authorities on insauity , stated
the uttornoy referred , o , all agree tuut a
poraon mulcted with mania trausltorla nets
entirely without a motive and that when
under the strange Influence of thu malady Is
Jlkoly to attack the llrst person that ho on-
counters. To this extent the uttornoy bo-
Hotrod that Irvluo's defense up to tbo present
tlmo is weak ; but ho added that U must of
necessity become stronger as eoon as Irvine
himself took tha ntaud , far then the Jury
would ba able to sou just how the wife's
Btory of her own Inlldollty would affect his
'Iniltij' * Procoeillnc .
The llrst wlUicis this morning was Mrs.
O , C. Uphnm , who , with her husband wh
tostllled yesterday , was an ojo witness of
the tragedy. She know Mr. Irvine in Salt
Lake City. She had heard tha llrst shot and
on looking up saw Irvine lu tlio ultituda of
flritip ut Montgomery. She didn't ' recognize
Irvine at llrst. His oycs were blank and
staring nnd his face wus the whltost sue
ver nw on n human being , She tlioueht at
tlio tlmo Una Irviuo was insane. Ho seouiod
like a man in a trail re. On cro s-oxainlna-
tlon she te&tltlcd that she bad never scon a
man In ft trance , but used the expression to
couvoy her Idou of Irvluo's condition.
W , A. Colciuau. a travolluB umti , was else
" eyu witness to the tragedy and related
the details.
C. L. HlcbaVdi , u Lincoln attorney , haa
been acquainted with Irviuo slnco IbSS , and
Lad had pleasant business und social rela
tions with him , Irviuo had always greeted
tlm when they wet. Ho met Irvine In the
hotel ofttco beforu tha shooting ami trlod to
Pianos ,
The pnst weak hns boon ono of the
busiest in the history' the Wogman
piano. They had orders for and sold
three in one day and orders are rolling
in from every direction.
See thorn in tholr now quarters and
get prices. A number of second baud
pianos of standard makes nt extremely
low prices taken in exchange for Weg-
man pianos.
3rd lloor.
Colored Dress
At 40c.
A few choice shades loft in those
changeable serges.
At OSc.
A drcRS pattern of ten yards. Only a
few of them left.
At S3.05.
A few dress patterns for taavcling or
street wear.
At * 2.0 : ; .
A Camel's hair stripe dross pattern
in black and gray , also black and brown ,
At $ : t.G9.
51 Inch all wool serge in all colors ,
blnck , brown , blue , green , tan , mode.
At 88.73.
Only a few of those choice dross pat
terns loft.
At OSu.
A few lines of 48 incli all wool silk
finish honriotta.
At 50c.
Choice evening shades in cotton
At OSc.
Elegant line of colors in changeable
attract his attention and reached out to shako
hands. Irvine looked him blankly In the
face , but failed to recognize him. He tried
twice to obtain recognition , but failed. Ir
vine appeared to bo laboring under seine
great mental strain. Ho tuought from Ir
vine's condition that lie had lost every
thing "dropped his wad , " as the boys say.
On cross examination witness stated that
ho had not scon Irvine for several months ;
that when ho saw him in tbo hotel ho did
not speak to him , only tried to attract his
M. F , Mclntyro was the night porter at
the Hotel Lincoln last May and checked
Irvine's valise , cane aud umbrella early m
the morning of the tragedy. Irvine wont up
stairs ana came down shortly. Afterwards
witness Rot the baggage from tbo chccic
room at Itvino's request , as the latter said
that ho would take a carriage and go away.
Irvine came back a second time and had his
baggage rcchcckcd , saying that ho had con
cluded to stay.
Home ol Irvltie'M Visions.
fiov. John Hewitt , rector ot Holy Trinity
church of Lincoln , was an old friend of
Irvine. Ho saw the latter at the peniten
tiary on the Saturday after the tragedy.
Irvine was in a distressed state of mind.
During the two hours conversation at the
penitentiary Irvine told witness that ho had
buu visions of beautitul palaces , sur
rounded by handsome grounds , with figures
of his family appearing at tbo window beck
oning him. This was after Irvine hud re
turned from Chicago and before the shooting.
Witness was then asked If ho was ac
quainted with his general reputation as to
peaceable , law abiding aud moral citizen.
To this Judge McCulloch , fur tbo state ,
objected , but the court overruled and the
answer was that Irvine's reputation was
good. Witness had conversed with Irvine in
regard to the morality of the net of killing
Montgomery. Irvine's conversation was
rational excoot when giving way to expres
sions of grief.
A. D. Kitchen testified as to Irvine's ex
cellent reputation as a peaceable , moral citi
zen.E , B. Critchelow of Salt Like City also
gave evidence as to tha good character of
Irvine during the lattor'a residence ) In that
city. Ho ulso Idcntilled Irvlno's revolver at
onn that ho had seen in the lattor's posses
sion iu the summer of 1891) ) .
A number or depositions from prominent
citizens of Salt Lake City all tended to es
tablish the BOOH reputation of Irvine lu that
city. Judge Goodwin , editor of the Salt
Lake Tribune , deposed that not ono man in a
hundred possessed so many of the qualities
that go to make up the nhnractor of the per
fect man , and that ho possessed two oipo-
olttlly noticeable traits of character , ono be
ing his strong affection for his wlfo and child
and the other his extreme sensitiveness in
regard to ills personal honor. Governor
Thomas ot Utah deposed that Irvine wusonu
of the representative citUons of Salt Lake
City and that ho had u high reputation for
Integrity and morality ,
After the depositions Had boon read tbo
court adjourned the further hearing of tno
case until Monday morning.
Hank of HpHnirviim-Closoil.
Si'iiisoviuw , Nob. , Oot. IS. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BuiJ The Bsmc of Spring-
view was closed by order of too supreme
court Thursday. Whether the bank is in
solvent or can pay out no ono knows. De
posits will probably run to $15,000 , divided
up amoiic local business men , farmers and
ranchers. The Bollard Bros. , cashiers ,
thtiik It will only bo a short time till all do-
iioillors are paid In full but depositors ore
looking gloomy oc.d have their doubts. The
county money to the amount of several
thousand , is la the bank but wull secured.
The failure will stagnate tbo business inter-
oats of SprmcvloiY for somu time.
Uenluil tlio Injunction ,
BIIATIIICI : , Neb , , Oct. 15. [ Special Telo-
prum to TIIK UKE. ] lu the Injunction case
of Mrs. Huttlo J. Johnson against the Beat
rice Hapld Transit anil Power company ,
Judge Babcock last nleht denied the injunc
tion which was as Hod to restrain the defend
ant company from building Us line on North
street from Kiln to Grand. A decision Was
given in tbo injunction cnso of the Beatrice
Kapid Transit uud Power company against
S. O. Smith , the Bealriro Street Hallway
company aud tbo city of Beatrice ,
wherein the defendants uro enjoined from
lulcrferiug with tbo building of the Rapid
Don't Overlook This.
2J-lb can poaches 20c ; worth 20c.
2J-lb can apricots 20c , worth 20e.
2J-lb can table grapes ISc , worth 18c.
3-lb can tomatoes 10f , worth lOc.
3-lbcan pumpkin lOc , worth lOc.
2-lb can best French peas 15c , worth
2-lb can lima and string ucans lOc ,
wort hide.
2-b ) can peas , different brands , lOc
and 14c.
2-lb can corn , Kearney and Glonwood ,
lie and Kfc.
You cnn't find a .can of seconds or
soaked goods in our store , and you got
nothing but now , clean , fresh goods.
On Tuesday. October 18 , our open
ing day , wo will sell now evaporated
and dried fruits from oc per pound up.
1 gallon Old Jug maple syrup 81.23.
Try it boforoyou buy it.
1 ib gloss starch 5c.
English Breakfast , Oolong , Congou ,
Gunpowder and Japan teas in largo va
riety from 2-Jo up.
Bring this list with you and got sam
Flour lower than any place in Omaha.
With every pair of shoos at $2.50 and
upward wo will givoapalr of Prof. Win-
grow's celebrated oloctrio insoles.which
will keep the foot warm , cure rheuma
tism and are invaluable for sweaty feet
Don't mibS this olTor , but buy your
Transit's line on Sixth street. Judco Babcoclt
decides in favor of the plaintiff and pro
hibits the defendants from interfering In
any way with the building of the plaintiff's
line on Sixth street. The Rapid Transit
company therefore wins in both suits. Tnoy
are , however , somewhat impelled by a
former injunction granted by Judge Bush ,
which prohibits them from crossing the ola
company's Una at the Intersection of Ella
and Sixth streets or from continuing their
line ou Sixth from Ella to Court , one block ,
where they could make a junction with the
South Beatrice Electric railway lino. As
an outgrowth of these suits the Rapid
Transit company this afternoon began suit
for damages against Airs. Ilattie B. Johnston
on her Injunction bond for $500 , and against
S. C. Smith and others for $500 damages ou
tholr Injunction bond.
The State Bunk of Alnsvrorth Closed After
un Etniiilnntlon ,
AiNSWoiiTir , Nob. , Oot. 15. The State
Bank of Ainsworth has been closed. It was
a national ban it up to two months ago , when
it was changed to a state bank. About two
weeks ago the fixtures were sold to the
Bank of Ainswortb , but as It was open and
aboveboard no suspicions were aroused.
State Bank Examiner Cowdory examined
tbo condition of the bank a week ago , and
what ho found caused tbo order closing the
bank. Tbu banlc had about 40,000 In depos
its , mostly from business men , The presi
dent of the bank was Judge Tiffany of the
Omaha Barb Wire Manufacturing company ,
which failed nt Omaha , and It is thought
Unit , $15,0111) ) to $20,000 of the securities have
gone into that hole. The cashier , C. G.
Alton , has proclaimed on the streets that
nvory dollar of deposits will bo made good ,
but on Just what fund ho can draw is not
known. Meantime the depositors are con
siderably oxcltO'J. The hearing in , the
su promo court wus sot for October U5.
Cliiy County Old Hottlorfl.
CIAY CnxxHii , Nob. , Oct. 1C. [ Special to
TIIK BKK. ] The old settlers of Clay county
bold a very Interesting meeting yesterday on
tbo fair grounds near this place. The pro
gram consisted of a basket dinner , speeches ,
etc. The crowd was addressed by Hon. J.
B. Dlnsmoro and Hon. L. G. Hurd. The attendance -
tondanco was good.
This section of the country has been favored
with good rains this week , and the farmers
are again In tholr Holds preparing tbo ground
for winter wheat.
Spine of the panics who lost buildings in
the recent lire are excavating lor founda
tions , and will push tholr brick buildings to
The coroner was called yesterday morning
about seven miles northeast of hero to In
vestigate the suadon death of S. C. Swan ,
son , but upon inquiry found no necessity for
an inquest. It WAS hlmply n case of sudden
death when no QUO else was in the house , but
there was no causa to suspect anyone of
crime. The deceased was C'J ' years old ,
Ni'lirnklm'ii 1'lro ICt-conl.
CiiKinuTON , Nob. . Oct. 15. [ Special to
Tim BEK.J Two barns belonging to 11 , D.
Uobison nnd | W. T. Hartley burued last
night. Mr. Hartley's four head of horses
perished In tun flames. Loss , 000.
TU It.llL ,
riroiuiiu Sparling's Slnyiir Will Stay In No-
uritttku n row Months ,
Duinwoou , S , D. , Oot. 15 , [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKD.J Dr. A. F. Nultoous , who
shot anil killed Fireman Spurting hero
September 23 , was admitted to ball In tbo
Bum or 110,000 today , and this afternoon ,
accompanied by his father and Ins attorneys ,
left for Hastings , Nob. , where ho will re
main until the onto of trial In February.
Ho Is still suffering from partial paralysis
caused by thn blows received during the
fatal quarrel.
in thu lllnck Hills.
, S , D. , Oct. 15. ( Special Tele
gram to Tnu BEE. ! Last night Hon. Edwin
Vunclso of Dead wooJ addressed a largo re
publican meeting hero. Many democrats
and independents were present. The Black
H11U republicans are commencing a vigor
ous and tolling campaign ,
shoos of us and have comfortable foot
this winter. Wo soil good shoos cheaper
than any house in Omaha.
The boot and at the right prices.
The best $2 shoo ever mado.
Best $2.60 shoo in the city.
The best $3 shoo In the world.
The best $3.50 shoo made from leather
The host and only $4 shoo made by
Como in next week and see our bar
gain counter , which is loaded down with
bargains for the little ones.
We have about 500 pairs of odds and
ends in children's and misses' shoos that
have sold for from $1 to SI. 75. Wo
place the ontlro lot on salonoxt Monday
at 78c.
They won't last long. An early visit is
Our millinery department Is a loading
ono. Wo are sliowintr full lines of exclusive -
clusivo styles in fall and wlntor pattarn
hats , and our low prices cannot bo dup
licated in the city. Wo have an elegant
line of plumes , tips and leathers and all
kinds of millinery trimmings.
Call and see us.
Como to our opening.
Linens ,
Our linen department is overflowing
with bargains direct from the looms of
Europe > ; call and inspect our stock before -
fore buying. '
Omaha Academy ot Fine Arts on
fourth lloor. " )
Wo have blankets at the right prices.
Note prices quoted. >
Very heavy 10-4 white blankets 7oc.
Bettor ones , 10-4 whitp.blankots $1.25.
Grey blankets from 7ac.up.
All wool California nmdo , at 84.
Comfortables , largest 'slock , lowest
prices in Omaha. * "
Comforts at 2oe , SOc. Ooc , Socv 81.15 ,
any price you want to pay for thorn up
to the finest mado.
Final Eesult of the Lincoln Iiisauo Asylum
Somebody Hug Itcon Ilcmls * mill Blniuo Ig
AttaclioU to tlio .Superintendent , .Steward
and Farm Jlos * .Dotulla of
the Decision ,
LINCOLN , Nob. , Oot. 15 , ( Special Tolo.
nrum to TUB BUE. ] The State Board of
Public Lands and Buildings finished its xin-
vostlgatlon ot the charges of mismanage
ment of the Lincoln hospital for the Insane
today and a copy of the findings ot the board
was filed In the executive ofllco this after
noon. As was foreshadowed last night the
board recommends that the whole matter bo
referred to the grand jury for a searching
The findings of the board are as follows :
To Hos. JAMBS E. Uovn , Governor of the
State ot NubiMska , Lincoln , Nob. : Sir VVo
huvo the honor to submit for your considera
tion a report of our findings , as well as the
testimony taken , in the matter of the in
vestigation of aliened irregularities in
the management of the hospital for the in
sane at Lincoln , Neb. The Investigation was
begun ou the Sth day of October , IbOU ,
and was concluded upon the 15th day
of October , 18'JJ. As you will observe , the
fullest latitude was given all witnesses nnd
counsel. Much of the testimony is hearsay
and Irrelevant , but as wo were seeking light
upon thu several subjects under considera
tion , wo deemed it best that DO check or re
straint , bo placed upon the testimony offered.
rimiiiiKH or ruct. -
First Wo llnd that on the 7th day of December -
comber , 1880 , and to the ' , ' ! ld day of February ,
1802 , Dr. William M. ICnnpp was the su
perintendent of said insane hospital nnd that
during all of said tuna J , D , Luuer was tbo
steward ; that among other things it Is the
duty of the scporintenclent to employ all at
tendants , servants and quqh other persons as
ho deems nocoisary for thq efllciont nmcaofo.
ment of the hospital and hits entire control
of thn medical , moral and aiotie treatment of
the patients and to sea that tha several ofll-
cers of tba Institution faithfully discharge
the duties respectively assigned to them.
Second Wo llnd that'iUs the duty of tlio
steward , under the direction of the superin
tendent , hut not otherwise , to make all pur
chases of supplies for tub hospital , co keep
thu accounts , make engagements with , pay
nnd discharge cmploypa and personally hu-
pcrlntcnd the farm , ijardiin , grounds , block ,
etc. , etc. < I
Third That the supplies of all kinds are
purchased so far as practicable under the
contract system ; that it Is'to ' the lowest bid
der , under the direction of the steward ,
and that when money Is dr.iwn in
payment of supplies ' so furnished
vouchers are first signed'by ' the party fur
nishing the bupplles in.'triplicate , ono ol
which gncs to tba auditor , cue to the Board
of Public Lands una Buildings cud ona to the
superintendent of the hospital. On tbo
voucher that comes to the Board of Publio
Lands and Buildings the superintendent
makes a certificate in tbo following form : I
certify that tbo within account is just and cor
rect , and that it is a proper and necessary ex
pense and has not been paid. This Is signed
by the superintendent , nnd this is the bid on
which the board is required to act on the
payment of bills ,
1'iirin lions Huliburil'a Mlsilcodi.
Fourth We flnd that when Dr. Knapp
entered upon the discharge of his duties as
such superintendent bo employed ono Frank
O. llubbard , and that said Hubbard con
tinued In his employ ns form DOSS and
butcher so long as Dr. Knapp continued in
charge of salu hospital , and for some tuna
thereafter , under the administration of Dr.
Bowman , uud it was the habit and custom of
said Hubbard. with tno knowledge of the
superintendent and steward , to purchase
cattle for tha uio of tbo hospital and to
slaughter tbo same ; that it was his
practice m some instances to mduco the pei-
To mnlio women talk ,
To lutroiluco this now dowirlmont ,
"Wo mtiko the prices mid
OITor tlio Inducements that wo do ,
To Blurt tilings moving ,
To counteract the wonthor ,
Wo want to emphasize this fuel : That
everything In it Is entirely now ; not an
old style garment in it.
Wo buy thorn for cash for two stores ;
buy them cheap for cash and soil thorn
the same way.
TII inn , loss rent and our expenses are
less than anv store in Omaha.
Our assortment is bettor and prices
lower than any house in Omaha.
For only So you can buy a flno fur
trimmed garment , made right , of line
Cheviot , and good fur , : v pico black tail
or mndo jacket , in two styles , half a
do/.cn styles of colored jacketssold olso-
whoro.atSO to ST.oO.
For only $7.00 you can buy a finer fur
trimmed jacket than the So , in similar
style , fine black cheviot , in late cuts ;
eight or ton new styles In colored jack
ets , misses' jackets and cloaks.
For only $10 you can buv a very fine
black cheviot garment , all lined , worth
Slli.CO , fine worsted tailor-made jackets ;
hotter jackets in tans and browns , navy
blue and black than you over had shown
you , startling value , in fact , at the
For only S13.QO you can buy colored
fur trimmed jackets ; Russian coats ;
liner black worsteds ; finer colored jackets -
ots , from this on up wo can please on
any style , cut end finish , and surprise
you at our low prices.
No trouble to show goods. All gar
ments warranted perfect.
Cloaks for litflo and big. old and
Second floor. Take olovator.
sons of whom ho bought animals to sign
vouchers in blank and afterwards fill thorn
up at a sum far lu oxcass of the sum actu
ally paid for tha same and the difference ap
propriated to his own use. Thcso raised
vouchers wcro oich duly certiUed by the
superintendent to the board as just and cor
rect. Of those raised vouchers discovered
by this board wo refer you to the following :
Voucher , received.
J. P. HIpKlna JIM.15 $ J70.I ! >
H. A. Southwell lOfl.OO 75.73
II. A. Smith 62.10 > .00
O. 1' . Loose B9.00 20.00
I'Viink Abhott 411.75 2(5,00 (
O.V. . IvuulTiiinii 55.00 -.OO
llenjauilu KulTord fiO.25 4'iOO
Those sums evidenced by these certified
vouchers wore paid by the stuto , ns is
evidenced by the warrants introduced In
evidence. The vouchers nor anything olsu
presented to the board at the titnothcy were
allowed indicated any raiting or other
Juggling with the accounts. They wore
presented to this board fair on their face and
regular in every particular , duly certified by
the ollicor Whoso duty it was to examine
those accounts and certify to the board the
amount Justly duo.
Irroguliirltics In Conl anil Other Things.
Fifth Wo find that the amount of coal
purchased at the hospital during the year
1891 and up to the month of May , 1892 , has
been in excess of the actual amount used and
that there hns been mismanagement on the
port of the ofllcors of the hospital regarding
the coal supply. Wo were unable to probe
the matter to the bottom for several reasons ,
all oC which must bo apparent to yourself , as
you were present during the examination ,
nmone which , however , is that the ooard
has no fund at its command for persons or
Sixth Other Irregularities in tlio purchase
of supplies , the malting and certifying of
vouchers to the board and In permitting
subordinates to make contracts and Handle
vouchers huvo npueared in tbo evidence.
Wo therefore recommend that a thorough
and searplnng investigation bo had before a
court ot competent Jurisdiction of tbo several
matters heroin before referred to , at as early
a data us practicable , to tba end that all
money unlawfully obtained from the state
may bo recovered and all parties who have
defrauded tbo state may bo ] brought to Jus
tice. A. H. HUMI'llltHV ,
Jon.v C. Ai.i.r.N , *
J. 10. HIM. ,
Board of Public Lauds and Buildings.
Fort ItoliiiiKim TroopK on tlio Wny.
Four KOIII.NSON , Neb , , Oot , 15 , [ Special
Telegram to Tun Br.E.j The two troops of
the Ninth cavalry from this pluco to the
World's fair lott over the Northwestern rail
way system at l15 ; a. in , , under command of
Captain Sled man , The trooper. ) worn fa-
tlguo uniform and had their full dross uniform
packed along with tlioin , Tfcny were as fol
lows ; A trono , sixty gray horses , C'aptain
Garrnrd , Lieutenants Swift and Armstrong ,
and V troop , sixty bay horses , Captain Sled-
man and Lieutenants Atkins and Fuller.
To fin llnmlluil With ( Jirn ,
WASIIINIITON , D , 0. , Oot. 15 , Acting
Secretary Spuuidlnp has informed the col
lector of customs at Chicago that the
Treasury department BOOS no objection to
the plan proposed by the Imperial Gorman
commlsflons that packages containing fragile
articles from Germany Intended for tbo
Columbian exposition should bo ooonou only
In the presence of the exhibitors , who should
also bo allowed to suspend the unpacking of
the exhibit. The department recommends
the adoption of the nlun proposed in all cases
whoru uotlco Is Riven of the fragile character -
actor ot tbo exhibit.
WASIUMITOX , D. O. , Oct. 15. The Amorl.
can delegates to the International monetary
congress to bo hold at Brussels November 1W
liavo been requested to assemble at Wash
ington November 10 , for tbo purpose of con
sulting with the president , secretary of state
and the secretary of the treasury with re
gard to their duties and powers before tbo
congress. The delegates have arranged to
sail from Now Yorlc on tus 13th of next
Davenport I > ucllne < l to Appear.
NBW YOHK , Oot. 15. John I. Davenport ,
United States supervisor of elections , yeUor
Will help you save
your Dollars.
This department is now in charge of
Mr. Frank 13. Green , an oxporienccci
pharmacist , wno is well known to Omaha
people , having boon connected for years
with Saxo's opera lioitso pharmacy and
other loading drug stoios of the city.
The dopnrtmonl is fully equipped with
everything In the drug and mcdk'ino
line , all guaranteed to bo of the highest
quality. Especial attention will bo paid
to proscriptions.
Nothing but Squib's , Wyoth's and
other superior manufacturers of drugs
and chemicals being used in compountt-
Prices absolutely and unequivocally
guaranteed to bo lower than those of
any ono olso.
Below wo give a few special introduc
tory leaders for Monday and Tuesday.
Allcnck's porous plasters lOo.
Carter's little llvor pills 14c.
Custona 23c.
Whlto rose glycerine soap 14c.
Scott's emulsion Ooc.
Poz7.oni's eamploxion powder 32c.
Hood's sarsaparilla GSc.
Arnica tooth soup 75c.
Kvorybody visiting our drug depart
ment on Tuesday will be presented with
a bottle of line porfumo.
Lunch counter in basement.
Mall orders promptly attended.
Send for samples.
day acknowledged the service of a suoprcna
to appear before the congressional committee -
too appointed to investigate him ana his
methods. The supervisor loft tjo building
aftnr acknowledging the service of the sub-
prcua , stating that ho would not obey it. Ho
did not , and thu committee adjourned.
Christina fottllol > Trlcil to Commit
hulolilo nt Sioux City.
Sioux CiTr , la. , Oct. 15. [ Special Tclo-
pram to THE BEE.I Christine Gottlieb , a
fair looking' German girl , tried to commit
suicide hero last night. She Is now a raving
xnnnlao and is confinoil in ono ot the alty
hospitals. She loft a letter saying that oho
was tired of llfo because G. C. Moltzor , who
promised to marry her , ruined and thou
abandoned hor. Moltzor lived with her here
for n week at ono of the hotels and took out
a marriage license t bo day before ho loft hor.
She cauio here from Ynnkton , where she
was mi employe of the South Dakota insane
hospital. She said In her letter that whllo
there she was compelled by attendants to
submit to most vile insult. Her mind Is nnw
n total wreck.
Killed Wlillo NliootlMKT Siinirrols.
FOKT DonoK , la. , Oct. 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BHE.J James Dunton , aged 10 ,
was accidentally shot near Kale this after
noon by Floyd Fuller. The boys were
bhootmg squirrels. The shot struck Dunton
n the heart. The bullet wus a 'J.-cUiuro. !
Dr.iunnil nt Iiiviiiii ) | > rt.
DAVMl-oiir , la. , Oct. 15. ( Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. I As the steamer Sidney
lauded here this morning James Williams
of St. LouU , a deck hand , fell overboard
and was drowned.
rnnlim Tor PolygumUtfl.
WASHINGTON' , D. C. , Oct. 1C The presi
dent has granted amnesty in tbo case of
Gustavo Anderson , Charles A. Anderson , L ,
H. Berg , Warren Child , Lauro Fastrop.
I'otor Johnson , Jamoj Jensen , Edward D.
Mills , Niels P. Nelson , and William J.
Popploton , convicted in Utah of bigamy or
polygamy. Amnesty is granted on the
recommendation ot tha attorney general ,
that the prisoner's abstain from unlawful
cohabitation in the future.
The Itumiir Will Neil Down.
NEW YOUK , Oct. 15 , George Gould says
ho knows of no negotiations looking to the
acquirement of the Postal Telegraph com
pany by the Western Union , The Postal
people also deny any knowledge of such
negotiations , but the rumor is still persist
ently current in Wall street , and the belief
Is general that there is some sort of a deal
on foot.
Jnlrrmitloiiiil ( iri'lit Northern Itoriilvorxhlp.
TvMiii.Tox. , Oct. Ifi. In the district court
of this Judicial district yesterday an order
was granted finally dismissing T. M. Camp
bell as receiver of the International & Great
Northern railroad property. Tuls winds up
n receivership which lias boon very promi
nent In the minus of railroad magnates for u
long tlino.
lliirrUim Will Nut Attonil.
Cnictao , 111. , Oct. 15 , A telegram was re
ceived this morning at the World's fair
headquarters from Private Secretary Hal-
ford toying that President Harrison would
bo unable to participate in the dedicatory
exercises , Vice President Morton will take
the place assigned to the president.
Ilooilln AUIoriium Oonvlctoil.
TOI.EBO , O. , Oct. 15. Alaorman John
Daly , on trial en the churgo of bribery , was
found guilty today. Six other aldermen are
awaiting trial on similar charges.
Double Munltirrr IlniiK < l.
BBI.TON , Tex , , Oct. ID , BUCK Wllkcrson ,
colored , was hanged uuro for a murder com
mitted about a year ago. Ho Killed hU wife
and u muu nutnoUVI1I Hamilton.
Kurilifuulcn Hhovlc In Kuropp ,
T , Oct. 1C. A violent earthquake
was felt yesterday m Sorvla , Houmanla and
Bulgaria , buildings being thrown down In
some places.
Department -
Will Help You Save
Your Dollars.
J10SIERY and
Wo have just received our complete
line of tall and winlor hosiery and underwear -
derwoar , and are showing special
values which wo guarantee cannot bo
Melow wo glvo a few of the many bar
gains all of which can truthfully bo
called money savers.
40 dozen children's ribbed worsted
hose , size 0 to 81 , value 20c pair ; sale
price 15c , all sizes.
Misses' seamless all wool hose morl-
no heels and toes , chimp at 23c ; will
soil you all you want at 20c.
Boys' bicycle wool hose , rogu'ar '
made , sixes 7 to 10 , ribbed , best value
ever shown at ! > 5c.
Ladles' double lleeccd regular made
cotton hose , stainless black , usual prlco
3oc , soil at2oc ,
100 do/.on Indies' all wool hose , ribbed
and plain merino , heels and toes , only
2T > c.
c.Ladies' line coinbod Egyptian cotton
vests and pants , jersey lining , only 50o
Ladles' jersey ribbed natural wool
vests and pants , extra value for 7oe.
Ladles' natural merino vests and pants
worth 75c , on sale at SOc ouch.
.fust received in our men's department
200 all wool seamless hose worth
40e , our price 25c.
Hot colTeo and lunch frco Tuesday af
ternoon and evening.
Ingenious Scheme of tu OmaLa Burglar to
Escape from tlio Pon.
Two U'liunils Kciiulroil to Stoj ) tlio Uu
nto Ainu How Hu 1'roparoU to Ko-
cclvo tlio Kullnts Two Nc-
Hanks Closed.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Oct. 15. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Biiis.j John Evuns , a colored cou-
vlot at the state penitentiary , was shot and
probably fatally wounilod at about 1:30 : this
afternoon while endeavoring to oscapo.
JCvans worked in the broom factory In front
of an open window facing toward the east
gate of tbo prison wall. The gate had been
thrown open to permit the CRress of a
wnRon. Notinp the fact Kvur.s sprang from
the window and made a dash for the jjnto.
Guard Jenkins , wuo occupies the east tower ,
called upon him to halt but Evans , who was
armed with two knives talton from the broom
room , passed out of the a'.u on u run.
Jenmns llrcd twice , the lirst shot mlsslnf ?
the fugitive iiud tlio second passing through
the lloahy part of the log. Evans fell , but
instantly regained his foot and started to
Klint 111 tlio Hciul ,
Guard Costelio at tlio southeast tower thoa
II rod , the bullut from his Winchester sulk
ing Evans In the back of the hcaa , about
three inches back ot the oar , The bullet cut
through the tissues of the brain and came
out at a point near the temple. Ho was taken
to tha prison hospital , and at 0 o'clock tonight -
night Dr. Pebbles , the oflicial surgeon , says
ho has a chance of recovery. Ho is per
fectly conscious. Evans was received at
the penitentiary from Omaha , ho having
botn sent up for burglary on aton * year
son to net' .
Ho was received at the penitentiary m
July , 18SS , and was then 23 yours old. After
ho was removed to I ho hospital it was dis
covered that ho hail worn a clumsily con-
Rtructodsuit of armor uiulor his clothmp.
He nad made ttmnrmor from the thin strips
of iron of which the bottoms or tlio cell .
bunks are constructed. With blta of rope
and pieces of twine ho hud woven tliesu
strips of Iron together until ho had made u
broad bolt extending from ills shoulders to
his hips and compleloly nncircllni ; his body.
Ho failed to make any provision lor the pro.
tcctlon of his head and no is likely to forfeit
bis 11 to to his neglect.
Coillil Nut Ntlinil Din Clinngn.
i : , Nob. , Oct. 15 , [ Spccml Tele
gram to Tun Bun. ] The remains of John
Hay Wilson who dlca on the train near
Konesaw , Neb , , wcro received hero today ,
Wilson's homo was 45 Uoadtiihall street ,
London , England. Ho was about ! 27 years
uld. Ha in company with nis wlfo and Miss
llrodlo of Glasgow , Scotland , were enrouto
from London to Colorado Springs , whcro
they were nolnir for Mr. Wilson's health ,
who wus suffering from asthma. The. sud
den change of climate wan more than ha
could stand. Mrs. Wilson will start for horne
no mo In London with thu remains us HOOD ua
the body can bo prepared for shipment.
Knruiitii to tlio 1'itlr.
VALK.NTINK , Nob. , Oct. 15.Special ( Tele
gram to TIIK BKB.J Thrco troops of the
Sixth cavalry with the regimental band ,
Captain Frank West commander , from Fori
Nlubrura , loft here this ovcning fur Oblcaso
to participate in tbo opening cureiiioulos of
the World's Columbian exposition. The com
mand required tea paluoo horse earn , three
cars for foruiro , uovoa ccuchui and ono
sleeper and left hero with double header en
gines , expecting to reach Chicago Monuuy