TAGEP. 16 Floor Bowings 1 GatalogMoiIpon , Semi for our Mammoth Portfolio. 128 I''xlS inches , shovvlnp the best IhinKs sheet" ; . . . . OF All THE U1EST DESIGNS. in each department. MOQUKTJ'nS , WILTON'S. " 1 BODY BRUSSELO , Two Conditions. VKLTETS , / INGRA1NH , 3 1. Nnino omo ono who U InnUUuj , has TAPKST11Y , built , \\lllhuUtl. . . or \ \ MATTING. OIL CLOTH , etc. , in all grades. i ! . Oil out and sctut us this Co pnn Hltltlmt 'in'tlili tiWliil Univ nii'i to nil wln > Goodnnn our partial payment y\nn \ aiu- new iirocotisldrrliiK It. tlil ili-inrtmpnt offer * lots of where this sMo the PaclIU * . Stmplo mm it ' liouso imiv bo Im- . . \ \ . W > ominrluiilty t" s'low how your . ' i-ent. Stuto kind nn.l price. o pn.v muted nt 11 very smnllco l nnuonxury on .v icrmM . .o' , - peed * : uluMU-oti nt f ' "l miles freight osi-opton V nUl niivthltu in tl.UIIno . ? YOU rt < > " ) ( you ( " . , ' . ? 015- . 1 . " o" Ono to til ) - II w Kl.1 o"V sucoiiil price have ncu'rcle'iltMlli our IIIJUMJ. . } ; ( V prices u\cr. plcusiiro tiiUotlictlmotoptiy to open u iifcouiit usiiNlslt. v | h ymi. you " will " : noxir ro < tct It. .0" \ > ' i ! iV 'it ' , tf , , \ / \ " jS ' s ° ' ' n > , - , - Give December 31 , 1892 , $500 in various sums , ranging- from $100 Stoves to $5 , to some of our customers. Are the best. The Penin sular Stoves arc'"the best in the world. We control them. TOthe customer who will guess $10 worth of goods $1 a week or $4 a When you buy a "Peninsu the nearest number. . month , lar" of us you get the best for $25 $ worth of goods $1.50 a week or $6 $ a what you would pay for the One e , ! cdbcto $100 $ in Gold ! C > month. est elsewhere. We show pool different . $50 $ worth of goods $2 a week or $5 a Oil flBAT/JRS / , TOO styles. 3SOSGGXDSSQ0GGXSG0GSX3(303SG ) ( month. $75 woith of goods $2.50 a wdv or 810 worth . 1i CUSt0mer wno wiU gUCSS tlie a month. orlfc3.5 ° . , I.75 next nearest number $100 worth of goods $3 a week or $ .12.50 $ CLOCKS , will be d > CA a month. entitled to SOU 111' UGE CURTAINS , $4-50 , worth . - $9. * A KR.EXEX TO A.KL goc , worth $ i.75 DOOR MATS Purchasers of $5 worth of goods , * or over , a handsome World's Fair the ten customers who will 250 , worth 75c. euess Souvenir , elegantly cloth bound.con- AsiTiiii the next nearest number taining complete photographs of all the buildings and grounds. An ornament worth $1.50. SILVER PLATED CASTORS , Ten end' ' to $25 Bachin Gold ment for any parlor. $ . worth . $2.50 , $6. ELVEURYBODY 33GX300 < 3QSXSOGXX3OSGX3(3355GX3S ( worth 6oc. Invited to inspect our goods , Sole Hgents for the next ten customers who will guess the terms and prices. No trouble the next nearest number to show goods. Polite and worth $ i-75- Meal Gasoline Stoves , Quick , 9oc attentive sales people to wait Peninsular Stoves , will be Each in on all callers. Passenger elevator Ten Gold Palace Folding " Beds , entitled to $10 , vator to all floors Goods sold " 'Featherstone" ' Carriages Baby on the easy payment plan and riages delivered daily to South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Write for How Win. jSflS , Samples of Carpets , to . Samples of Dinner Sets. to.S0' Special Catalogue.1 Baby Carriage i Guess the nearest number of beans contained in a large jar , now Souvenirs displayed in our show window. Special 128 Illustrated page Ior each and every five dollars' worth of goods purchased you trated . Special Stove catalogue. Cata are entitled to one guess. On December 31 , 1892 , In the presence of Free to . those holding tickets , the beans will be counted and the prizes will be vl * ' logue. awarded and distributed. ' All 'So ALL THE DEPARTMENTS OP THE 's ' Mammoth Installment House ' ' / - , Arc fully stocked with everything for home com % t fort and decoration. -Oi Weekly or Monthly Payments With a Guarantee to the Purdhaser , is the Bulwark of our Success ; OUR MOTTO : 'If the goods are not satisfactory and as rcprasent- ed , come to u s and we will allow all rea- onablet claims , Have You HOME DECORATIONS AND USEFUL , AUTIOUKS IN $ * f llvor dealt with us ? If not , you should plvo Furniture us n ti-lnl in justice to youraolf. PARLOR SUITHS , We Guarantee CIIAMHUH SUITP.S , WARD11OIJKS , CIIIFFON1KUS , To ba\o you at least 25 nor oont. HALL RACKS , trad to ' havoboon nccustomoJ OAUlNETS , 1'crlitvps you COUCHKS , iiiL' wltli ono house who clwrgosyou fubuloud FANCY ROCKERS. prlcoB. Give us iv trial. If wo neil you once EVnnvrillXO fonho co iliiie outfit . of homci wo mo Euro ol you for all ol the time. of nil dlits con bo Ilia fm ou y torin * " ' . > the larjroat Etook of any house tO Intcrotn I rcl UWo lioiise. Wo curry particularly kropon wlioif. ucnlroiip \ In t"1'.11"0 west of Chicago , at pi-Icon fur below all others. uro timt o rafv boll you oliuanur thun lioiftcs In IV.O . city , utul , JNpl y u vnn \ ocoiul tJ uotio. It wli 0 } you"0 una wl'a ( bo the moan * of saving you