THIS OMAHA DAILY BRE ; .SATURDAY , OCTOBER 16 , 18i)2. ) SPEG1RL NOTICES. . ' Hll TI1K-IH COl.l'MNS AIIVKIUIrtr.MKN'IS U.iW p. in , tor the evening find until d.SU p. m , for tlio mornlnic or Sunday odl- Nit ndtcftlnrmcnt taken for Ids tlmn IS centi for ttiallrrl Insertion. . . . AllinlTcrtl etnc-nl In tli'Kn column. * . N < cents n word fur Mtfl Insertion nml 1 cent n mint for raeli Milxcqiiunt Insertion , or tl.VI per line ppr month Terms cnuli In advance Inltlnl tlKtiron. ftyinbolii. tie , rnrli count m ixword. All ndvcr- tlfcnicntn mint run ronivciitlfi'ly. Advertisers , by rcqucullne n mimbt'rcd check , cnn hnvo the lotto rlilrr , * rd to n uurobprril Idler In caroof Tnr. JIBE Atiimern to ndtlrf . od will bo delivered on tlio prc'oritatlon of llicibock NOTICE. In thfl fiituro no diltorllsoincnts will bo taken for the cvenlnK edition utter 13 Mo'clock All notices iiroupht Into the olllcn after that lioiir will bo lltst Inncrlcn In tlio following morning's ( Million. SITUATIONS-WANTED. . AHITIIAT10N AS MIU.KH. OOOI ) referr-nto fnrnlsliod. nr will r.'iit § mall water mill Artdre'il Hut M , Atkinson. Ncib. Bl l , 'A-r.OOKKKKI'KIl WANTS POSITION INVHST -ivor nortlmcnt Bntlifaeturr lofercnces Aililrcss 1' . O Per 111 Ornntm , Neb MW1 ID * . ' POSITION AH IIOOKKT.KIMIlt AND AWA.N'IKP general ntllro work by youne limn of experience RMI ] KOoil rnlett'iicos. Adtlri'i * N 41. llea. "II IS * HITUA1 ION WANTKIIUVroMl'fiTKNTHAN Any klmlof tillloowftrk. llct reference * No rnlnry naked till nlilllty In proven Atlilrem N > V ) lleo MH.1I 1C , ) . POSITION IIV K.XI'KIUKNCIIII lady Mi'iioarr.pliur , lloferoncei CKCbiiliBOtl Ail dreits K T I'ox ir. llclnliocli. In MBQii 17' IIV VlWNtI MAHUIKII .MAN Wlllllll : III" A cnn "work up ' Atlilrmi X ID. Hoc MSIO lr , WAN 1 HPM A LE H E LP. J > mls l n til linntllu Hit' ni' pnli'iil elm nlenl Ink criming pencil 'llio Krcitest solllni : nnvolty uver produced , erases Ink llinrouRlily In two neeiinds , no nbriinlnn nf pnpor ; 'M to Mi per cunt profit , mio nBint i sales ninountoil Wtt In nlilii'n ; nil cttber $ Jl In lwi > hours ; wo want one onertfello 1011 eral niient In t-ii'li slnto nml lerrltnry For terms nml nartlctiinis aihlroBa Monriio Kriuer Mftf. Co , t\ til. I.n t rti'Bo. WIs. t > VJ 1) w A vi r i > . TUIKSTS 10 SKI.I. riNi ; T i : AS .1 'collet1' . BplecB , e trnct ami sundries by srunplu to fninllloK. nn ctipltnl exclusive torrl tory ; KOOI ! no > fft our liberal trial otter , ( j. W Lnvcrln \ llruwim to. , Clilcago. AMCSo 1C ' pliCNTItAl. . I'.MI'I.OY.MKNT OI-riCK. 111X1 JJhelp nnd situations furnlsbcil , S2U N. lOtb _ _ _ | ! ! 12-1. ! n Klllt.Trl.AHy , A I TINNKH WANT1 ! ! ) Toll Dslijp and inrnaco work. No others noi'd apply Win l.ylo Ulcki-y A Co . UUt Iliiintlnsst. llli " " l > - .ii > i\\i'Jt : MIN. : llllirKI.AYHUS .Dwm.led I'ny every fnturdny. 1)03 MlllllOS , Ill McDonald. Mb.JO.V p MAS WA.sTni ) 10 coLi.r.cT AND bui.i. IN JJcjunlrv Apply nt singer onlce. WJnl 'ninn lAiii.K MAN AiioiiT r > , wno H guiric J 'to leiiin nntlIIIUnr to work will bo ln Uuclcd In our business mid salary paid nlillo lonrnlnu. Ap ply 15111 lloiiulni. UOnl WANTI'.l,2IM'riA.M. : , H I.AIIOUKUS AM ) tpiiiiKlcrn nml xnlicontrnctori ! to work on ox trillion of lltick lilnnd nt Lincoln , Neb. Teams , tin tiny men ? 'nilny. Tree. trnnipiuUtlon fur men ami tennm from any point on tbo Itock Island ronil lU'port nt lii inllos xoiitli of Lincoln on Itork Jslnnd wtnk W. K. Cullnliini M5I8 21' WA.NTKI ) . TI'.S I-'IHST f'l.AhS IIIHOKLAY- ersutont'O Apply to W. 11. Ilugbea nt t rcte , Nob. MSM'J- n LAiioitnits KOII UNION pArine ifvoo. IN J ) nontliorii Wyoniltiv , 1'lnliiiml lilabo. free pus Kramer A. O'lluarn Labor ARfiicy , J'JI South lit itrcot. " 3'M 15' ) WAVrTlIi-TIIK NAJI13SND AODIll'.BSKS J 5of encrKftlc mon ami women open for pctmtt- ncnt work. Wo Klvo uxclmlvo territory We KnarnnteoiEnoil workers MO a ueelc. Wo furnish ofllce , fiirnltnrn ilt'llvcry tenni itntl nowsp.ipwr ail- vcrtlslni : . Our arllole Itii nionopnly. It xvlll snvti ! S per cent of tliu coal bills of everybody. 1 nil pnr- tlcnliirt by mull. I ItliOBrapli" , paniplilt'lK. ete . free upon receipt of poitani' . Address Koul Spur Co. , RSOlhorflieut. lloaton , Mn . MSJInB' TJ-WANTHD , A I.IVK WIHB-AWAKK HK1MIK- J'sentntlve to represent us In every locillty. ono with xlin. > lkOr. pluck , and push , e.m easily mnku IJULOO per innnlli ; no potltlllm ; Kooils : ttoini > tlilnif entirely now ; stapln ns Hour. Send for full par- tlculnr today .Aililross "Jlannfncturers. " P o HoxKIOS llonton Mass. MS' ! . " . N 8 * TV-\VANTI JtrTTlMK (5001) MAItltl.K SKTTKIIS. J Apply or ndilrcsa Davidson & Hens , CblcaKO , 111 M C O SI T > WANTKD , MAN TO ATTKNI ) TuitNA ( V. . JJnntl work around llio house. Apply UIU Douulni atrcct. . 163 11 WANTHI ) . AT WK8T POINT. Mill. AN h.V J'perluncetl ImUliur , rutiill , to cut meat on block. Ktnto i < f perlonce , aito and WHKOB wnntt'd. S. K. Unit * * . . . . , , , 11722 15 B 110Y5 WANT1JO AT OMAHA BOX KACTOllY , ICBstOnialin Tlli T ) WANTril' , (1001) ( COATMAKKHS AT Till ! JJContlncntal ClotbhiK House. TIB 111 .TJ WANT h 11. I-1 IIST-CI.ASS WOOD CAUVKH. iJApply lUiil H. 18th Bt. 7M 15- TlllllTY.WOllKMlSN WANTKI ) TO CI.UAI ! Inntl. Innulrti of linuo A. Wood nt Potlcr A llcuriro ciiiiiiiiiny'a olllce , 1C01 r'lirniini st. . bofort balnrdny nliiiit. 755 15 * H'-llAltllKIt WANTKIJ. A nilST CLASS WOIIK J > nmn : fl.'OU per weok. Atlilrecs 11. L. Meeker Atlantic , Iu MTI'J ; i , ' . WA.N'tr.i ) ] wTinc AWAKI : woiTicniii evnr > where to sell "Shepp's pbotocriipliH of tin world" ; Ilin t-rentest book on earth ; eOKllncSlUC OIK ) ca h oriiiitulliuents ; n bjnnnrn for the holiday * nictiiilA coliilnt ; nioney ; iiiammolli llliiplriitcd elr cnlarH ami tornu fret * ; workerHlld with succu-s Sir KlimO Lory. Altoona. I'u . t'leKreil (1.500 In nil wcuka ; lluv Jos Wultor/i. Naiitiickot , Muss. . } 8 li 17hrii ; Silts L. V. llrown , Lou AnKClus. Cal.$7 , tlr t tlay Mnuiilllt'ent onlllt on'y fl. ( ioodii 01 credit. Aihlrtlilobo lllblo Pub Co. , No. 72 Chestnut at. I'hlla. , Pa. , or No. 3JS llenrborn Bt ChlciiKO , III. .M77li SI * HOl"WASTIID 1515 DOUGLAS bT. , UOOM 10 781 U' \ \ WA.NTKII. I'lliST CLAhS COACHMAN , IS 4'S. ITtli , N. W cor. DoiiKlas. 78,1 B-V'A.NTKI ) , KM'Kllll'.NUHI ) CANVASsINC iiuents on snlnry. Kour months' omiloiueii | In book eiin\nsslni : lth luonthiy Ilieiiiuu Kiiaraii teeil Add. , ntnllni : mo , experience , iitiiuo am nuinber of books koltl , ninoiint of ifiliirj oxpecteil ete. liiinrnnteo Publlalilnir Co. , HIM Pine utreol Ht. Lou's , Mo. JIWRI3I * -WANTii : ) , K.VPICIHKNCKl ) MiNALKO IIOYfl J > HlK A , Jlfu. Co. .M8I7 lft B-WA.N I III ) I.MMHD1ATI5LY , llOY TO LKAU thu ill UK hiiMiu'ss Slionniin A. llcCoiiimll. 151 , Dodge Bt. .Mbl'U 15 I > -WAVlKll. HOY TO WOItlv IN n. Appl ) 111) ) North Uth tin ot. bid ! ( , \ \ -SALISMKN : WANTED TUAVKL IN htni I'miinillnu districts , by tnnm or otherwise , solicit Inu onletHon comiulniloii from retail denlur fo rubber boom und shoes , to be shipped direct fion factory. Those uliemli Irnvullniinlth nnother Iln of k'uoiHeciiilil mnku this aval mi hlo addition loihel business. Address , statlmt particulars nnd relur cnces , Colclunter llubbor LO. , Colcbottei , Conn , 1WANTI'.D ; A OOOl ! ( IKNKIIAI. J' oed WUKO < lo a steady man Meier Jewelr Co. , tUI Main stieet. Knnsai flty , Mo M71IS | J 1WANT11li AN KXI'lllllKNI.'KD LII'K rNhUII J/aiicu mini nf ( and clmrncler nnd wllh L-OO nblllty , aiklnto iniumier of Nebraska for thu Km Kim Mutual Lite. Aildrem J 1 * . DnTls , prunldnnl 700 | uvi < mie , Topeka.-K'un , 11JU7 17 l ) hALKbM"lTN ! KNKIUlKTIoTlKN WANTKD I'frcoprepaliloiitllt. Ono of our nvmit * hasonrne o\ur r.'l , a\i In ll\o ) ciir . I1. O. box UTl , Now Yorl X5SH115' II-WANTKII. HIIST CLASS COACHMANS Mut 4'roiuo well recoiiimendcdi Rood wanes paid to III rliht man , Apply lotieo. A. Joslyn , ill hioulb in treet. MhOl 17 - ) , IIOOKKKKI'KUS. ri.KUKH B-WANTKI . , BTK > Jlirnphurs. cnahlern , salesmen , teachers , mi rhanlcs , and nil permns Miinlliii ; work of anv kin to rail or mUrc with stump Clileuk'o Kmplutmeii lluieau. im Hflluue. , room 2 , Chicago , III.M7'Jil M7'Jil li' ] > - Allr YOU A OATHOI,1J'-AUK ' . _ _ . ) ) ) > Will you work for H30U p r week > UII to mo at iinuu. J. It. tin ) , ivi .Madl.u tree ! , llilrttui , III , Mblti | i > 11 MP.X WA.NTKII ; HAhAitY AXI ) R.NPKXhl' ! J'l'crinanoiit plnet ) . Apply iilomo Hrottn Urn Co iiiiritryiuiin. Clilciino. Mbil ii 1) WANTKI > "HY A CHICAtiO XOrioN AN J-'liwUii1 furiiUliliiiruaoJa litnuii , n Jli'sumn fu tliu nnli < of .Nvliiaikn for Iful. None but men lt nn i ilubtlihei ] Imdo need apply. Will nuiko llben tt-run wltli u niun ube eniibeltnl lunsl fOtuut 1'tr ' ) car Atldrem XVS , lice. Mall | i > < WANTEO-J.J'UMAI.33 ' ' ' V > v > ork , XlMrunaAl rtroct .Mr'J , II \ _ _ TUi 11 p-w.\.yrri ) ( aiti. nut IIRNK * .il , iTori i : " ' , \rkwl" < r t tliu * rufi'reui'ea. fiUJ u oik Ittl IHiUHlaa treul. 714 H ( \ IIKkT OP WAlTl " KlToMPKTKvFiniin v Must bCftutitl cook and Uuiulrrtt. Mr J. i Ihur.tou * , rimm. SIJ31 rt-.iuj.'Kn TO i > o ijixiuAi. : fWANTrl ) liOiifl'VoJK. " ' d"J > > l _ il | Honda * t fWAN'miTiillll. . K7ll tiK.VUI.VI. v. work Apply atl.W tiK.VUI.VI.MIW 17- OCOII Illlll.VANTiil : r7)Il " (1KNKIU ( loiitewofk I. p wjjj ) Harni-y w 1J /I WANTMI. IMMHDIA'JKIA. I1XK I'KllbO V. ri'ti'Uv ln iriictloii keep bonki , toya wane ) , 11. auillli , ul , abtulvy blue * . 7W II' WANTBD-FEMAI.B HEI.P. ronllllilftl. " 1 "WANTKlOIIUi FOIl worki ono that lcci > s lit Uomei wliltc pro- orrcil , fnll ntsoil HarneyM 8rt-lb' _ ' WASTKD-J.ADV'TO TKACII IIOOKKKKP. Vlln In oiclinnco for mmlc lc' on § , . ' . llco. MrJl it * _ AMll.At'NIIUKSS 1 WANTKU-WOMANTOOK . ( Jnoil wnjef Mml Imro rpfcrpnce * Apily | to 1m II. W Mcni'.illi , 111 : ; So. 3Jnl Uroot , belwrt-n ami 6 p in. MSW _ " 1-I.A1)IKH-AJKNTS ( MAKH S I'KU CK.NT . /lirollt fclllni : InTlnlblo .VrnrtltiK 11 mip tr-ntl , ' , c lor sninpln packn o nntl lonns 1 .M. T. Cn , bux 68S , l i I'orto. Inil. Mall I6 JFOU HENT-HOUSES. D-O.M.V TWO I.KIT OlTIIK 0-KUOM COT tnec Jnitt m in pic toil , llnrnbutli. but nntt coltl tntor nntl intiOorn ctuirciiloncoti lleMrnbln lioniu fur bnilnenii IIUMI In bi'niitltul ntnnfuril tlrcltt'tir inrtlcnlnra npply tti Mnr loan nml Trnt ( "o . iicnt . 4 New Vnrk l.lfc bullillni ; . Ul D-rOII llCNT. oHlOOM IIOIISK. AI.I. MUDFUM conTtnlunrcn. lib Intco barn , UUI I'oiiplt'Um \\v Inuulrunt l78. U.tbitt. 1AI -ion IIK.NT. iunidi : * IN AM , I-AUTS or city. TlioO f Dnrls company , 1JU Knrnam St. -VOlt UKN P. 3 COTrAOK . ONE ITU- nlKlii.-il. rjHoutliTOtb , ur undtrnUli ctl , raotlrrn nipriivoincntD. .MSI 1-1 , ' -oTiriTiY I'UHNisni'.n iiousi : roit TIIK wlntor , V.i ! S-oiith Z8tb strcft. CM 1C ' 11HOO.M CtJTl'AOK I'tlltXACK. IIATIt. KTC. I ' al o KOUil burn fii.CU Kbllllty rruat Co. KUj 'nrniiin. tfll-TJ -1.1-iT YO1IH I'ltOl'lIllTV. ItllNTAI , OH SAI.K nltli ( let ) . W. 1 * . < onto * , 1011 t-'nrn fil -J ) rtlt ) HUNT , lo ItOOM IIOUSK , 20li CABs" , SWW ItcotI A olby. llonnl uf Irndo. Wi DKI-ItOOM 1101 SIJ. CKNrilAM.V I.Or-\Tii : ) | /iirnnro nml nil IniproToiiicnts. "MX. llitli . in ; IS UOOM IIOI'SI * , NIJAH IMIIII SCI10UI. : D nti-nni bunt ; ntibli < : innilcrnrDiiveiitencuj Tlinn. I . Hull , Ui ; I'nxlon bloik. 370 D-A IHWlHAIII.i : 1IOM13 Of .I UOOMS , ITU- nl lietl ur unrurnMiuil. I'nrtlnn utilnu to ( all- lurnlii , Apply on iiruiul-cs , 1112 SuiiUi'l'ontli stri-i't " n-ITIlSMMIii : ) llOl'Si : . I'JJJ CAI.lKOUNlA strout. liniiilro Dr. Jones , lull nml upon 'i to I ) dully. Mill ' 'U -WHOM : on I-AU-I' OK WKM. rimNi ini : ) 10 room liouso fur rout. .Uhlron X IU Hoc.SI.1W SI.1W 13 * \-l-IIOOM PLAT. K1TAM lllIAT , 1 'ItoferencoH. 81G S. SitiJ street , room ( I. D-lnllOOM ItltlCIC lICUsU WITH .MODKHN liniiioTtMiicnln. on SUtli Breel : ncor l.unvonworth Inquire nt J7jo. . SOlli street. .M7.K r-l-3 1IOO.MS CUIJAT' AT J N. I.l'l'U ST. 410 NS D-1327 MOUTH 211) , INQUlIli : li.M JACKSON , MM ! _ _ _ -ion itiNr. A T uo-ni iiiitHi : WITH Ai.iT moilom fouvcnlcnct's 1'irua y.ird. at 111 ! Haut'i 20tb St. . "i If tnkcn for u ) M.V > 7 D-KUINISHKI > MOIIKIIN IIOIHI : TO itKsi'ON alblo parties , 'JIUSM. .Mnry nuvpnuo. MV.I7 15 * D-noi'rii : or it itooTn. AI.I. MoTnTuN ros- \L ulonc < * ji , plniirtniitly lotatel ni'ir business tien ti-r. Apply ISJIi Uicio ! l , or 1 , b. Mdnncr , IMI rnrn.iin. M5M j uooM : ii .J. urn AVIM : UKT\vni'.v Jirk ou anil Loavenworlli. .MdSC 17 * D-R KOO.M COIINIIU FIAT. AI.I.MDDBIIN CON- venlcncc"t. SIOI LiMivonworlli wt 160 3 ( * -'iKN-itoiiotrsi : AND IIAIIN , AI.I. MO i cTnMJ.OU 1SJI Illuney , Kountz 1'lnno. SI57U 15 D-KI.AT. , nWKI.IjINfiS , COTTAOKS IN ALT. purtaof city , Kllkciui ) , V Co , Continental blk D-TOHK.N'I'.lJ.llOOM IIOUSK SOTHANDDOIICi : trol ts All nitidtfrii convunlcneo * . Pos es lon m en ImiiiPdlntuly. Cnll or ivldruss M. h. Uoeder , Itoom Ul , 1'ntlon block. U > l - : > . D-FUUNisitii lawn l , on St. .Mary s uvo. ( ! . V. Hull * . 2.'OS 17th st Oi" > OA ) D-KOK IIK.NT. 7-HOOM MOUKICX FLAT IN Till : l.nnno block , W < u S. 13th street. MMU ! . " > D-FUUNIHIIKI ) HOiroK. 11 ItOOMS , HOOMKItS nnd bourderi In tlio bouse. KV3 llouiilnt strout B-KOH HUNT. TWO 4 UOOM HIIICK FLAT.- * , Il70i-outll ll'th. 71113 * " n-IOIl HUNT , TWO NICK MVIMIOOM Fr.ATt < eornor riiinlnii mid Vlatn > trc tsl(3 ( 00 uiiub. ( ice , N .Ulcki. Uli N. v. Life. 741MID D-Kll IIK.NT , TWO NICK 8-UOOM 11OUSKS nltli modern conienlence" . near lliunconi park. ( Jco. N HIckK , : WJN. Y. Life. 74..Mlli - AND iniiiiT iiDOMni ) iiotisn. CMSN" D-six trnlly located. KnqulruL'iJlG Capitol iivcnue. M7JU 15 * D JCOrTAKI ! , fillOUMS , COIl 1'AltlvAVK. AND J ackson. 1'rlco flO.UO. Apply on premises. 74510 D-Koit HUNT , iiyiiiAUU 151'J DodKU. M9IU D-MODKUN 9-llOOM HOUSl ! ONAl nve. very theop. ( iiirrln A Co , bhei-ly blk.M6U3IU M6U3IU FOIl BENT FURNISHED ROOMS. " " - N . furnished rooms on cnr line , 115 rf.'Uth Btree. Ml : ) _ 17 VKHY I.AIIKK AMX'MI > UllTAIILi : ItOOMjC "L-lleutleinen preferred. 11X11 Cupltol avenue. _ _ _ _ _ _ 47Oir. ' l7-KUIlNlsllii : ) UOOM , WITH IIATil. WOO n.untli. 1UOU I'nrnnin. _ 1,11 E-N1CKLY FUUNlsIli : ! ) UOOJ1S. . ' N. Kill M. MKJIo'.V E-NKWIA-lflTllNHIlKII UOOM. MODl'.UN CON- rcnlencos 1'rlvuto fuuilly , terms niouerato. : oui Hurt street. .M57J ! . ' E-TOIl IIK.NT. NKWI.Y ri.MINIdlini ) HOO'uS with or without board. Slli N. 1'JUi st. M.'i'-S-l J- 17-I'I.KASANT UOOMS , I'UIVATIJ KA31I1.Y , Jlouo Kontlviiinn , ftf'W ' ; two , tiM ( ; bith. etc. . motor ono block. lll'.MiL'iirnlu nve. 0j Id * 17-ACCO.MMODAT1ONS I'Oll II llIJ.VJ'j.DMKN ! Ijiuoilern convenleiiccB. . ' 'ON 13lh , JUlfiiU * E-FOIl IIBNI' . NKWI.Y rUltMSIIICD IlOOMh IN prlvalo fnnill ) to two or four Kent * . Moilcrutu li'rmi _ Address N 40. Hue. M7U 10 * 1,1-3 rUUNIfllUD UOOM ! ? , flOl'i'KKHHI'l.Sf ' ; , ON l-i t. .Mnry'save ( ! . F. llutts , 2.1J H 17tli. ( , ' . O.O AND BOAJRD. | 7-KIKO.\NTi.Y KtJUNIMlKI ) ItOOM.H. K1IIST 1 elms 'joard , utTho" Dolitn , 2tU iin.l Jll N Ibtll btreel , M' ' < o.l l-MIHNlSllii : ) HOO.M3 AM ) llO.Mlll. 2013 i. DonirluH street. MJ11I IS * , - . 2.VJ Fiiriinni MW-I5 IiIIANI > nMllflUITK HOUl'll IIOOMH. I'lKST- tlussboiird. 1UJ Chlcauo si , \Ii -j- l.-rL'UNIhllF.I ) OU U.SKUIlNlsllKl ) ItOOMb 1' with bourd. 1810 Cblciiuo fct. 073 15 ii-DK ! < iUAiiiK UOOM 'AND IIOAUD IN i-ui L' > ntofiunll > . 70SN. Ilitli M7I.I2J' iT'-l'Oir UKN Nrit5Kl7v"F'uUNl > lTK7l UOOM , 1llrst class bo nrit. Utopli 17I'J liVI liiircnport tt J177U2I * Ij'-IO ( ! f.NTIiMAN : , NICKI.V I UUNIS1IKI ) HiintheiiBt front room ultli iilcoto und bay win- ilow , modern convenlancusi prlvuto family , bourd WiHjeith fctri-iit 2 „ 7SIIU' 1/-TWO I'l.KAfcANT UOOMS WITH 1IOAUI ) : A prlvatK fmully , 2S7fi .Hnrni'y "W : ! ) , 1'OB KENT- UNFURNISHED UOOMS. Oil tiNFtuNisiiii ; : ) UOOMS AT mi a\eniort. | 718n - G-l UNr'UllNlSlllJl ) IIOO.M ? . I1U T KLOOIt , houickoeplnt ! , host , tfm and ranee , r.U X II th. M7t j 10 * I-KOU HUNT , ONI : IINHJUNISIII'.D UOOM , . ' teuui heat , tut and bolli , Call in 203 ho. 21th M 78J 2U * G-I\JU HUNT. rivr. IIOJMS , fiuoj , KOU A tnmll fainllyt city wulur , llth uud Mudl > un nve , MWI7 18 * GUNI'IMINI.SHKIi UOOMH , HtriTAlll.l' 11)11 ItousukfcpliiK , to Himtll fuuillr. control loci- ; tlun , eliuup lojil. Appl ) to J. U. Whuclur , 417 l\ur. bach block. .MbUS FOR nUNT-STOHES AND OFPICUS. . Tiu--T my IIUICK IIIK.OI.SI ; , t. Tliu bulldln/ but u tlrvpruof cement - mont luiemunt , couipU'ta kU > amliualln < lltlured ; wiiler on nil the tloorn , k'u > , > uu. AUdy | ut the ollleu uf 'Iho lleo. .US HAI.FOT hTOUK , < iKl ) LOCATION , BlTrF Inhlu for uiuitlc itoro. ncwlui ; machine * or boll iln ) trued ) Addri'in N 4J , lloe. AHi2 | Ju * WANTED--TO RENT. KWANTKI ) . U.M IlilSlallCI ) ItOOM AM : board fur two In iirltato fnailly Addron N 41 Hue. ' . ( a 14 * X W A Nl' K 0 TO UK NT 2 UOOMS KtlUNiSIIKI or uiifiirnUhed nltli board for 'i ladles und ; i-lillilren nllbln j blocks of I' . O , Adilru by lultei 44s Itfvbld/ Tto-14. STORAGE. DIIV. CI.KAN A PIUVATKLY MrollKI ) KUll lUurislJJ ? l > ouvla , UumliA Muru Hopalr wurki TVI bxntAu ; CJIKAIcucA.v W -I' * t arnaiu Urcut. V/ANTEO-TO T-WAXTBU TO HUV hOMl ! 8 t ttrst mort a.-ji , lluo I X Colby , 3JI Hoard TruJc _ \T - llANtlltlOltUC < UUHT FUUCAS ! li a t tliu AntltiuarUa buon iture , lilv r'nrnnm bll u ID * FOB SALE FURNITUIIE. - FOIl 8A1.K-K1KST CI.AiH HAHI ) WlHJl ) hank counter , tlcnk nnd other bank furniture. Will ell very cheap. Aildrcs * N II. Uro M7TI 19 * E OR 8AI.E-HUKSE3 , WAGONS , ETC. l > -fXU SAI.K , A SlXTV-DOUait TOP IIUCKJY -i ( Of tMg ) . 11.1 ! . Uulp , Continental block. ? 3.i 1KOH SAI.K , ( IOOI ) COVnitUll SI'lllNd J nnKont clienp. 1HM Sotitb ICtb at. M"l 20' P-.MOIITIIAOKK SAI.K I 5 miller I borsrt , 3 netr nmons. lixrncss , otc. Must bo soltl nt unco , ctii'np forcnab. Omnlin Murteniro l.onn ( o. Ittitim II , CrulKbton block. IStb nnd Duiulns. not to po tnnic ( < 7)7 P A NKAItt.V XP.W COVIiltKII nKLIVKUV I nuKOii very clienp : cnll nt room III I'nxton blk , 5SJ I0 3 ALE-MISCELLANEOUS. N-11ACKJ-7J. PIIITCIIAIII ) . UOUUI.AS I1LOCK. i W.1 - lt HAI.K Mt'TUAIj IN.NKSr.MKNT C ( a-r lurk , from I to 1' ) shnros , n.V on tlio Onllnr M M lluburtnon , Nob. tctm Ijiunclry Mtii * l.'i * K-llOllSi : ItAXOH NO. llJ-IIOllSrH , COliT ! ) and ciittlo cared for thu year round , O. (1 ( inns South Omalm , Kob P. u. box IStj. M'U3 ' t 7 * -OVKIlCOAT.-i. . SlMTri. CI.KANKl ) , DYED , UK- 1 vpalred cheap. lOJi Howard street , ofllca room 2. OLAinVOYANTS. I-.MItS. NAXNIi : V WAIIUKX. CLAIUVOYAXI1 Si able business mcJlumtlfti ! > ear at II''X ' Kith. ttll - , KXritAUIlUINAItY ; S-AHH1VAI ruvelutlutm llinlluuec * thoHorlil Mr . Dr. M. lfira\u , Uctit trnnco cltilrroyunt , uttrolu lKt. | Kilml t nml llfo roatur : tulli yuur HfJ from thu crnillc to itr.ivo : unltoj tliosopirntod ; m innr- rlnguwllti Iho ono ymi lovu ; tells where you will Miccci'd mil In lmt lunlnoii bolt ujiiiti > cl tori Inn tliocjlobrntn I l jrptlitii" ) for lurk mill to ilc'troy b.iil liiilucnriM , ruriM I1H , Inteniporniicj Hnil nil prUnln romplalnt with m.itivc , bitln mill nleoliol ttviUniL'tit. > on.l f..OJ. lock of lulr , iiiiinu nmlilntoof blrtli nml racilva iiociirnta Ufa plinrt. Srciits lii'Mnuips lor circular ! clvn Initials of onu ymi will inuriy , nlw plinlo or mmu Olllco 417 < < ( ) Utli lltli itroot. nrit lloor , liour , lo p.m Come on" , couiu nil. : ml bJ conrlui.'oil ot thl < > nm- derlul or. clis M : i lb C-MA1IAMK KlinIMICVbi RrKKKT , CljAllt nvoynnt nml tr.Mico nipillniu Imlpppiirtcnt volcni ! tull > pntt nml future , umKiiuttc trc.iununl. l.uilloi only. M73 NI.1- M AH3ACtK , DATIIS , ETC. rjn MADAM STOW1I , MAUNl't'llC rim t , MIS. 15 * ril-MMi U : LA HUB , MAS3AU13 , 110 bOt'l'II I6TH strict , llilril lloor. Hut 4. M5t3 If. " - TKKATMIJ.NT. KI.KCTIIO-TUKU- T-SIASHAtin mat li.ithi. Acalpmul Iiulr trjatmunt. innnli'iiiu uutl clilropocllst. .Mrt'JKS Htli.WUImuU blk IMS Tl-AtADA.Mli SMITH , 1.131 CAl'lTOI. AVH.NtIK , Itooiu J , Sd lloor. Alcohol , aiilplmr nml son bulbs KM 21' MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. : with llo ] to nr.S" . W cor. 15th and llnrney 1'IS \ A LADY Wl lli : HO YUI ) AXI ) UOOS1 IX i cxclintiun for InnjtuaKos , muftlc , painting , etc. Heat referenceuddrcsa ; X . ! ' . ! . llco tilllco. 712 14 * MONEY TO W MOUI'iIAUi : LOANS l.Us TIIAX 7 PKll CT. tncliulhiKall charKes. Chailes W llulnoy OnialmXat bank btdK ' . "I \\T I'KU CT.XT MOXKV-NKT 'IO HOltllOW- * ' ITS on Omaha city iiroporty Xo oxtr.i cliarget of uiiy kind Why pay liliih rains * MonoyUcheap. Youcanuut full benollt of low ratuj from Olobu Lounnml 'I mat CD , Ibth and oilij. Ull \\r-LOANSOX IMPH ) VKI ) A O ) UXIMPllOVKI ) ' < : lty pioporty.Sl.OJJnn I up > rariU.i ; to 7percent Xo delays. W. Parnamijuiltli & Co.,15ih and llarnuy. IOW ) \V PltlVATi : MONKY , 1ST AND2I ) MOHTO AOI5 I loans , loir rate ] . Ale Moore , lloo bltlB. 101' OMAHA HAV1NHS 11AXIC MAKIiiToAN8 on roril estate at lowest nmrket rates Loniu niado In mall or larxe sums for short or lonp tlmo. Xocoiiunljslon h chur oil un 1 the loans are not sold In the oust , but ciu ulw.iys bo found nt the bank on lh < ) corner of lHli [ and boiixlas struots. 1UJ YV MONKY TO LOAN ON IM " " " " 'CI ) CITY " ' propeity.ow rate A. C. 1'rost , ouulas bile. VI7-1 AND2-YIJAUI.OAX3 ON CITY AND KAIIM Heed A. yclby , 3)1 ) Hoard of IU "ly-CITV AND PAltM RKAI. 1WTATK LOANS " nt lo L't rjitoj ; consult iu before borrowing. II. C. ( Jarvlu A. Co , SOJ Shooloy block. 105 VirMONIIY TO I.OAX AT I.OW1MT ItATES. ' The O. P. Davli company , IWo l-'arnam street. 413 TIT" ANTHONY LOAN AND TUUST CO , 318 N. Y. v V Life , lends at low rates for choloa sorurlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property vv C. t' , lIAHItiao.X , 1112 X. Y. I.IPB. CD7 vvW W CKNTUAli LOAN A. TllUSTCO. , 1JKH HLIH tnw ! . \V C11KAP .MONKY. bUB 0. W. P. COATKS , ' Hill Karnaui. V.'J \V-Tlli : KlUnl.lTY TUUST CO. . HKCKNTLY ' removed to S. K. corner Heo luillrtlni , ' . Is pre pared to close loans on city ostiitu promptly untlat lowest rates. Submit uunllcutlon , 411 Oil MONI1Y TO LOAN ON IMPHOVKI ) HUAL calnle , lowest rates ; bulltlliu loani u npoc ilty. Thomas UraunanCo. . , IC.irb.tcli block. W UIIA1. 1 > TATK LOANS , TOT I'KU CKNTl no additional churitos for commlnslon or attor * ney'sfeos. W II. Malklo , first National Hank lildv. an \\r-MO.\IJY TO LOAN. $30.00) TO LOAN IN 'i Cmuhaon bnlhllnii nnd loin plan (1584 pnld monthly will pay oil f 1,000 00 In 73 months. No commission Kale In less Hum U per eont. I'oor man's elianco ! Do ) on need money ? Cnn } on use money t If HO , cnll or uddress room 311 , llee bnlldlnpr , Omnnn , .Neb. < 'Jnl MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WILL LOAN MONIiY ON ANY KIND Of HH X carlt ) ; stilcily ( onlldontlul. A. IS. llarrln , room 1 , Continental block. IOU Y-l'J'TllHAll ! ! > , 51 IIOUCLAri 1IJ.K , IDA. DODOH - 107 X LOANS 0V CHATJ'liLS. UKAbONAllLli IN- torent. partial payments 1 to I ! mouths W U , U.n Is , U I'll , Uuutliiuntal block. Ulevutor IStli ft. IOU \ .VONKAT LOW IIATKS ON ANY KIND Of V ucurty. | Keystone Mtao. Co , , 201 hheoley bloi-k ' TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS . from 10 up on IIOUSKII01.II KUIlMTUUi : AND I'tANO ? , HOUilJS , WACONh AND CAUItlAGKb , WAUKHOLHK III'.CHIIM'S. OK 1'HltsO.NAI. I'llOl'DUTY OK ANY KIND without publU'lty or roniovul of proporty. You can s.tvn tlmo and money by culling on OMAHA MOIU'liAOK LOAN Up. , Itoom 11 , CroliHiton Illnck. 15th und lou la , next to I'ostotlloo. 1NCOIITOUATUD. inTOJ ' MONKY LOANKI ) UHKAI1 AT VOlMt OWN k-tlmu. Nebraska Loan Co. , KIM Doimluj st 403 V DO YOU NI5KI ) MONKY' V TIIK KI1IKI.ITY IXAN CUAUANTKC CO , llooni 4 , Whltncll block , cor. 15th ami Hunioy H , WILL I.KNII YOU ANY HUM , TltO.M IO TU IIO.VVJ ON TIIK DAY YOU AUK foil IT \Vn mnke loans of any eUe , Inrito or Hiuill. ou lionseliold coods. pianos , horses , wajons , nurflioukoreculptii and | > orsonil property of all kinds , In any amount , without delay pub * llclty or reiuovnlof iiropertr : cluupait ratjj nnd easiest puymonts. aKU Ud flUSl' . 335 V-LOW 1IAT1CS OX PUItNITHIti : 1.IVK STOCK A. ute. J , W. Taylor , I'loncer blk. , south OmuUa. V-MONKY SO , Ja , V ) DAYriT ClIKAP "ilATilCS JMUHI easy paymenlB. ou furnlturj. pianos , llvo atock , eta , without doluy or publicity ; cash on band , Dull , llrnen , room 8 , llorkor blockM.iW X-dilATi'KI. J/JANS.Ori N , Y. Line. JIOllHH , 183 Mi * X-IM.OWTOLOAN OX CIIATTKL bKCt'lllTY- bUBlneaicoallduntlal. It. Uj Hoard Trade. .MI'J7 ' N7 * V-MUSKYTO UJAH ON VUIINITUHK. PIANOS Miorscs , wuk'uni und collateral tccurity liusl lies , cuniuieiitliil. 1'rt'd Terry , room 4JJ Unmuoblk , BUSINESS CHANCES. V KOIl SALK , TIIK COM ItOLLINt ! IN'TKKKhT - IIn the leading < h nnd door mill In thu niirtl > i' > t : don | < an Itinneiisu luulnesi ; over f ) .OJJUJ wuitli of nuw wurknow In tbomlll a yroat Darualn to Ibe rlKht party. Call on or addresi J , II , Mason ruouis fi unJSJ , Uurkor block , Oaiaba , Neb. V" II' YOU A UK SKKKINli A I i lunlty requiring muull capital. In a certain tuid excovdlnKlprotltublu nnd crowliu buslntus , an I always c-ish. rlt to the undiirsl ned. lnco | | iu stamp , when full partlcularj will bu then. U , j ; , K. , 14ft 1. trevH , Lincoln , ( iob. j M7 V KOIl 8A1.B. AT A VKUV LOW y entire Mnto Interest In one of the lioiulest pay Inj monopolies now before tin publlo. It "ill urc li UIT cent of the coal bltu of uverrbodr and pro nuce better remit ! . Krerybody w.inti It aii'l ' will bo volt whonsson. A lar/a butlntiii cm bo done ut once In ovury county Kull particular. ! by mall , Addro sil. K. Iv , 1IJJ I. st. . Lincoln. Noli M 7J v KOU SAiTijT- l only hotel In town. AdJron Kr.iuk ltjt'i ' ell Bterllutf. Neb JlJW li . A bark'slu , Aliuu Uro ,3llh and Holt l.lua. l > 47 10 * BUSlNKSg < 3HANCES. V " ' SAl.M. Cl.KAtliSTOCK t-lnrol , AddreJ | population. ,1,500 ! nnvo other business , Addre ss N 4iiiceoniCF. ) ' - TIIK I1KST 1'AYlNtl CI.OTIltNl ! . 110OT AMI fhoc business In the nqrthwpM , nlnnu with Rood will nnd least * for sate cheap , roitoftlco box "I , " Chuil run , Noli. _ j , , , M7M 15 * _ -VOU SAt.KA MICATMAIIKKT OOOII I.O- c.itlo.1. llc.iion foHfcniiDt urncr nust RO to Kuropi. AddraiiPJtt DoliEln ftrot MOVJ-11 * V-WK 1IAVK Ct.- ( > 1X.MKIH KOH A ft.KUtlllV { J enodn nnd crocory Mutk ; II..VH Kfocorr Block ; $ ! , & hardwnro MockJVWU Krowry stocV : tJ.UOU urocrryptock ! t\0) \ ! inllllnMy lock ; hardware slock. It will pay you lo romp mid see in If you lints anything to bu ) or sell or trade : Wo lu o cnMotners for ninnry , for hum' , for real ostAto. for merchandise : yc . for overytlilni1 Call or nd- dress Nebrn ka Vschnniie Co. . room 312 Ueo llulldliiK , Omnlin , Neb. Undorslaiid We c'inrRa no cctmulolon .M77.1 31 V - W > It SA1V-.MIJST : UK hOLll AT ONCC-A I ro'tniirnnt nnd confectionary store. AddroM AUK Mciin , f crlbncr. Neb MWI VI * Y'-VOH HA1.K-A f.MAl.17 OltOCKllY S1OIIK nndhiilldln i no encumbrance ! n grand chance for pnrtles with miinll rnpllnl : no lore within six mile ! For particulars address W. T II. , Houston. > cb. M7AS 1(1- ( Y'-KOliyi\l.i : , MKAT ANII 1'AUT IJItOCKUY bnsluo t. best locntlim on a luidlnit bliilnnss street , with store bulUUiit ! coltnKO nnd tmrr. d dress NCI , llee M80JI7 * FOREXCHANOE. y-Cl.KAIt OMAHA IlKM. KSTATKrillt MD-5K , ' -'nctunl valuation. Money lo loan Hot MS.Onnhn. 110 V-1 OWN 100 PAHMS IN NIIH AM ) IIAKOT it will sell or exclmiuv. Hot Til , Kmnkfort , Ind y-OMAHA ivi : tt > KNCKCMC v it , TO x /-'cliaiitfo for clear residence In n Nebraska town Send full description. .Met. Moore , tullloobldK. 71J H. Z-snuriiAxiisi : ) : TO TIAIH : : rou CATTI.I : of laud HoxSIJ , St. Paul. Neb JI731 18 / - CL VI Alt CITY PHOI'lllirY ANIil'ASH POH lilO 'Jacro farm C P. Harrison..Hi .s Y. Life. 7 , " > 1 II 3OR SALIt-RKAL ESTATE. IllIAL P.STATi : . LV. n.irgnlns only. My word Is uooil. W II. Albrlfht. Ml S-3 Now York Llfo Mil Lorr. : ) , TUT PLUS hint r. ACIIKS WITIIMIOOM bousu , nil Improvemantj. luiiiilro Hill lloyd . M71" ' ' slreel. > _ _ _ 'PO IIOMK "sKKKniW-IN I'AltlC L you can have nn elouaiit homo nrran ed to suit Sou , with bulldlnir limit , trees , walks , wver , water , and can , within wnlklm ; dNtanej of Iniiliiesi , schools nnd churches , and nil for about ? t.OJ ) . Cer tain to bo the prsttleit Itnlde reslduncj addition In theeltv. Over ono third of It nlruady sold Sco us for pirtltmlnrsbuforo the prlcj li ralv 1. 1'liljl- Ity Trust comp my , 170. r.irnun : st. 'ISM ' 17OUSAI.K. UlIAin'lKUf.l.or , 4J KKKT KIIONT , 1 'Ith stoulli OiiLihn , ( ' . $10) } . Apply to owner , lloom II , Muslim in blk. Omaha.Hi OH ! 17OII SALUOll TIIADK I1Y TIIK OWNKll 10.000 * - uere of Nnbiask.iH lines ! fai'm'n hind at n nrent sncrlllcc. U. 11. 1'eteiaun , 1112 S loth it Omiilm MB.ll Nil i ? ion SAM : . MY UI IDIINCK ATUII > < WTH I. st..IUrtioms tndh tth hot nnd cold w.iter , o Ice trie bells and burKlnr alarm , spc.iklim tube.furniico and barn : ulso line e.M trout reililence lot I1. L. Whittle ) , 191 M Tchauts National lililu. 4J7 N5 \C'tI WANT \ IlKAl'TlKIM. HOMK' CALL DOC'tI and hee the ele .xnt tloublu residence I r"n oiler fnrinlt' on ono of tin' lluost residence ptreets In bli city Trice. $17.100Can lake . .irt puriliniu irlcoln coed farm land. ( Jeo. N. lllckx , Wi N Y. ,1ft.11 hl- ( . M7.'J , 10 IO1IN M. CI.AKKK , IN .T. .1 1IIIWN I1LOCIC. ' bus for sale Inruo list tif property of nil de scriptions In the city anil aubtirbi. I'M. ! 15 1ou "SAW : ciiKAi' , ij vcuns LAND INONK of thebj-l stock counties In Ncbrtvtka For lartlculars write to N .14 liej olllco. to I 17 * . . UOM COI'I'AOH 2013 HANCUOIT FOUb.VLII.j Street , city water , 'i blocks from motor , M.MX ) . i Mt'.K ) 13- . LOT S . AV , FOU I'ATTI.K. Wanted , farm for UllliUli ) lots and cash. Wanted , lot near Fnrnam nmllOth for cnt > h Wanted. purchnser $1.0t > 1Q per cent ' 'ud mor Wnntetl , fiirm for clear property near park. Wanted , purchnscr fii.VX ) i' , per cent mortgUKO. Wanted , iionse for clear luts and cash. Wanted , lljth business propertcheap. . Wnntetl. eneumbered 'Dullness ' property for resi dence propnrn- ' Wiintcd. ? 1 ( KU place near Itnnscom park. Wauled. Inline for clear Ilimscorn place lot. Wanted. Omnlm property for lies .Molnos lota. Wanteil. house for ChlcUKO lut and cash. Wanted , lutHlern house for busIneMi property. C. r. Harrison , SH. N. V. Life. 701 14 oil\.NT niticK IILOCIC. rouu houses , near Hanscom purk ; splendid neliihbor- hood , all modern conveniences. Trice. M.'i.Wiy. Will take eood share purchase price In farm land ( ico. N. Hicks , : iQj N. Y. Life llhly. M7IO Iti _ pt'llNHAM TLACK IS TUB I.ATKST AND A | 7- IJsoIntoly the cheapest addition on the market. Think of acre properly vailing for from $50000 to ? .V > UOX ) per ncre. rlKht In the midst of schools , wood uelKhbor * , hnnilstimo bonus , with street PHIM nnd postotlica nt the tlot > r ; one-fourth to ono third down , hnlnncti 1 , 2. : t nr.i1 4 jeurH at 7 tier cent. < ) l\o wnrruntoe deed and abstract free with ouch purchase. For further particulars call at my olllce , 'i07 Ilronn block. Sixteenth nnd DoiiKliis J. A. LoVKren , solo n eiil. 714 II * 17OII HAI.K. NICK ItiblfiNCK : IN HANsCOM -I-place ; all conveniences Trice , fj.003. Will take Kootl farm land In pint payment. lllcks , .103 N. Y. Life lil.lL- . . M74I IB plNL' HOMK ON TOTI'LhTON. f 4 OUO. rinehnmoon ( icorgl.i live. . jlUi > J Kino homo Lone avenue f ! 000 Kibe liomn Turk avenue , ? 7QUO. 1'lnu home 'Ud nvenue , tfll MM. C T. Ilnirlson.SlliN. Y. Llfo. 753 14 \VANTID : rcoo ATT TIU CENT. ' Wanted Te\n > land cheap. Wanted housuiind lot for coal land NVr.nletl choice loans ' t per cent. C T HarilDUii , SH3N. Y. Life. 767-14 $ BTO SIO. LAltlii : LIST HOUriUS. 15. OAIIVIN A , Co. , WS Sheely block. LOST. LO&T--I.AIIiS' ) : WATCH , SMALL chain , on 15lh nr tilth between CUHS and Dotl e. Ittuurn to room 101 McCuKuo hulldln/ / : und tret re- wnrd. MbOM. " T OSTLADY'S ( ! OLD WA'ICII : NAMK WINNIK JJeniirnveil on cnsu. Ituturli 217 Karbuch block for rcwaril. 7l'.i ' II * SrllAVKD , DAIIIC HAY -\IAUi : , bCAIl TO Till ! lop of shoulder ! 8nar old. ItJnaril lor return a.'d ami Oak. W. L. Ilnrk -tj-ti- r o.sT-iJNoi.iiii MASTirr ( FKMAIK.WIIOHT : J.alioiit Ui pounds. Klkhorn Ynlloy licilae , lo.'l DodKtist 739 1114 STHAVKII-HIOM l.1.'l N. I'.ITH ST. TO.\ : hay , full mo lie nml tall ; no bleiulihes extept tlent In neck , lietiirn and leculvo rttwnrd ut OmuhuMlllliiKCo , , N IC.lh ul Mb.'t 11 , ' DRESSMAKING. " INOAliMKNTH TO lit ) DIIKSSMAKINO IN l.fiunllks solicited. Miss Mnrdy , UJO hiiuth 2Cth street Mi.inll | * REM I N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MBGBATH STATIONERY CO. , l.&U K.miiun .Street , Oinulri. BELTING / _ _ _ . : . . . * # ) * = = : = . . _ . = HIGH GRADE Warranted not to peel , open at scam nor separate betnoen piles anil to Trade be durable and somlccable. Mark , THIS IS THE ONLY'llKl.T MADE WHICH ISOOOn KNOl'GII THAT TIIK MANUI'AC- Tintr.ub DAitr. SVA.MI' THIS OUAHAN- TEE IN KACH 1'IKOB. 8KB THAT TUP ABOVE IS STAMl'KI ) INTO AI.I. VOU 111'V.Vn AUK HEADQUARTERS TO IT unil LEATHEU , QANDY tiud COTTON BELTING ; COTTON , LINEN mid RUB BER HOSE , AI.I. KINOs ; PACKINGS und MILL SUPPLIES OK AI.I. KINIW. RU8B R GO. I52O Farnam St. , Cor. IGth. WASHBURM ' Gullan. Mandolbi & Zilherx in li'luiue and quality of louc oic Hie HEvr IN TIIE WOULU. War' rvutcd to vrcar la nuy climate. Sold by nil ( ceding tcslcn. ! IJcnu- tlfully Ulu.tialcd touvcDlr cat * aloguo ulih port mite of famoui r > l > t Mill be Mailed FREE , LYOH & . MEALY , CHICAGO. A IMiCC Quiet Game is never Complete without a liberal supply of ilackwell' composed only of "pure leaf , " grown in the famous Golden Belt , its uniform quality , and rich fragrant aroma recommend it to all who desire a really good smoke. No other smoking tobacco lus ever been made which has secured and held the popular favor as has Ulnckwell's Bull Durham. U is now , as it lus been at all limes dur ing the last 25 years , the Vest in the world. Made only by BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , DURHAM , N. C. E\ try M AIT ran he S'/KONO ami V1Q- OKOUSinal ! tMicru _ _ _ . _ _ _ by UsiiiR SPANISH NISUVINIt , thcjtrcnt bimiiipli Hemcily. YOUNO M15N OR OIn sutlrniiir floin NKHVOU8 mtBXItlTY , JUOST or ' -fAII < INO MANHOOD , niRlitlyci.iitiloM , convulsions , nctvotii ptostratlon , cnuvil ! > > thouse of opium , tobacco or alcohol , w.iKe- fuini'ss , ini'iiial I'cprc slon , loss of power in cither sex , Fpcnuaior- DErnoHB AND rliu a c.iu'cil bv stlfaliusn and over indulRfiici-or anvppisonal weak' ness can be icstorol 10 perfect health unit liip Noni/U VITALITY nP STilONO iVIIJN. \Vo Rive a written nU'irinlcn with C Imxe ! n mi inv r , . - --i Mi * < ' s ( ) boiea tl For Sala in Omnh.i by Snow , Lund & Co. INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM IGth and Howard Streets , CO Uonms for 1'atlentn. OMAHA , NEB , 1'or tlio traatmcat ot Chronic , Private l Nervous Diseases , jiAi.n AND VIM.VI.I : : . L'ilcs , Vistula , Fissure and Strio- turcortliu Itcctiini perinanont- ly cured without the use of Knife , Ligature or Caustic. Unuloso 4c. In stamps anil our 1CT pupa 1OOK ! on UIKKASKS and Qm'.sllnn ItliinU- . , Kiun. : INTKUKATIONAI. SAN1TAKIUM. IGth anil Howard fcts. , Uiiiaha , Neb. W. C. MAXWr.l.l. , M.H. , I'rt-s. Slinllon MJ | . vii | r. " All sbe lacks of beauty is a little plumpness. " This is a frequent thought , and a wholesome one. All of a baby's beauty is duetofat , and nearly all of a woman's we know it as curves and dimples. What plumpness has to do with health is told in a little book on CAREFUL LIVING ; sent free. free.Would Would you rather be healthy or beautiful ? "Both * is the proper answer. ScoTTftBowNP , Chemists , 13 j South jth Avenue , New Yorl. . Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of coJ.liver oil all druggists everywhere do. fi. "SANA'I'IVO , " tlio "Wonderful prescribe it forever over 5O yp rn , . euros nil Nor- ' , , VOUN DlHCIlHOH , lf'I.aclc of niunio- ry , Ilca d n c li c , _ . . . . . . AViiUefulnoB . Ooforo&Aftor Ueo. jCiniscioiiH , t,0 t I'hotofrrapliod from life. ITIniiliuoU , or dliuliiutluii of tlio Generative OrgnnH , etc. , aiitl all clTuvtM taiiM'il by pntil auiiKOH. Cut llli t'oiivmluiitly lo curry In tlio Text pockcT I'rlt'O 8 1 a iinc-lcacd or for t5 , ivlili \vrlttcu Kiiarantco to euro or refund tlin nonoy. If ndruwlsl tries to poll you nome AV IK.Tlll.iHH IMIT.V- 'J'IOV Iu plucoof HANAT1 VO , enco ) o price Inon elope - lope nnr ] wo will tend by mall , I > uiliililot Iu Jilalu MctilccI ciivolopo tree. A < IilrcnH , MADRID CHEMICAL CO. , Branch Office lor U.S.A. JK8 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO , ILL , SANATIVO is sold in OMAHA. NJ'.U , by Kulin k Co , Druggists , Cor 151)1 ) & Douglas Sis. ] . A. Fuller A : Co. , Dmgnisia , Cor 14111 U Douglas Sts. , ami druucitts Kcncrally. Ilt.r..C. Vttti'i NKIIVK AND DUAINTUKVP MKNT.aipaeldo for Ityaiorlx DUiliidii , Kill , N J l ruleta , lloadachj , Nervous I'rciuraton caunj.l t > r ulcouolor tuUicoJVikofuluun , Montil Dour' ' } ) . ilonto ) tnouiif tlio liriln , ciiiiliuliiuiutr , mlior/ Uec ydoath , I'ro.uitura OU Auo , Ilarronon , Lo < i of 1'OHvr In ulthitr or , Impotunoy. l/jiicurrhj i .1:1 : j nilr"einalo Wuiknetiji. liifouinurr I/JHIJI , Hpjr- Lunturrlioac iuol by oiror-oxurtlJii o , lubnli tolt-abinoover Indulaanco. A miiitVt trjitiiju IIU for I mull , Wosuar.intuislr bjt.ii to curt Knell orde forti oixnt , wltti II will 8311 wrlttii KnarHntcetn rofunillf notcurj-l ( luirtntaa luujl only by Theodore. K , Lewis drugiim , solo ajont , luuthemt toriiur llithnud t'arnuiu all. Omaha1 Anew ant Coraploto Trontiuont , conslitln } ol BupposltorlaJ. Olntmont In tlapjuloi , ulso In Hot nndrilli ; a 1'o.ltlvu Cure fur UU'jrnal. Internal bllntlorUleoitliiiilto'iliu.Ohronlo. Hu3.-ntor llorjll- Uryl'llet. Tnl ItumoJy hu never baon known to f U.fl)4rbux. | 0 for i ) ; aunt by mill , Why aulfur from Ihh torrlblu dltoiii whan u wrlltjn uuarantjj li poslllvolyKlvun wltliU tiJiai or rofunJ UiomonuyK notcuroasjnd sUm. ) for free Hainplo. tiuarantj ) Issued byKuhn A.Co. , lruvjl n , rfolu AytaHe taat litl' ' tna IJousU ) tlraoti. u ; . .li . Noa. If jou liavo imiii | > rlitf , liiillttli ; > ii , \ riatiileiivc , Mfli-lli'iuliiflif , " ; ilt mill dim u" ur liMlnu ; Ht-oli , luUo IV t Tln-y tiinti up ( lip ui > uk btonmt'li anil lilllhl up tliu llllKKlnK 'iifrflt't. " .1c. RIPAtJS TABULES itvt-- > tub .lutuet h , l , itr uuo Imr.cU , p'irl If lb blbutl. trv lufc nad etltcluul , ' , luobeftuiKlitlnckuonuforbllluu , until , con ti | > .tl n ( dyiMp.ta.oulj r * ) n itli , bt adut LC , r.vurtburu , IOM of i . .rvtltt. lui'Utnl ueircMlon , palufu ) i f Ij ttlou. i lp > r t-- . fallow r jinplci i , l-tjoniJ iT dlJiicre uHlrnroiu J l.apum tlocJc-t lellur b ) Ibu tuiiuuhIlitrcirlc 0 HEALTHFUL , AGRGEABtn , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water 'AciuixTJ > . Today Martin & Booker's dramatic com- nnny will RIVO two performances ol "The Harvest Moon" a m.Unico at 20 : ! this niter- noon and the ropular evening performance ut 8. Those wl.o miss seeing n play so full of interest , and especially well acted have cause for regret. Tlio last ncrfoimnncool "Tho Harvest Moon'1 In Omaha takes place tomorrow ( Sunday ) evening. When you KO to the box oftlco of the Boyd this morninp lo buy your ticket lor sonio one of the performances of "Aunt Bridget's Batiy , " which will talto plneo nt the Bova on Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday next , you will brj presented with a card bearing the naino of your prelorrod candidate for the presidency and also ono bratiuc the nauio of jour preferred candidate for the governor- snip of Nebraska. Those cards will lie collected - lectod at the door , counted , and the resull announced from the stauo between tno second end nnd third acts , and also telegraphed to the candidates. At the Kara am street theater next week , commencing with the Sundav matinco , laughter will roipn supreme nnd the Jollv Momus will pro.sltlo over the nierrv coinedl- ans , pretty Kirls and specialists who are in support til the ininilinblo lun manor , Mr. H.iruoy Ferguson. Thcso talented plavora will interpret the Jolly farce "McCarthy's Mishaps , " n ijlay that has out one ihcnie , nnd that to inolto ovorybodv happy by a vchiciO of Indict ous , based on the mishaps of twoconvivial Irishinnn. The wit and drollery so chiiractcristic of the Celt is ndtnir.tbly depicted throughout the Milt , which also abounds with the funniest of situations , uniuslnu incidents nun up- loarlous climaxes. Interwoven with the farcial situations nro u number of specialties of every description and of the hlphosl possible order. The cnuapetnent is for four nlchts aad Wednesday miitinco. Seats urc now on bale. Thursday evening next , Doro Davidson will boRln n four nights mjjaKomont nl Boyd's theater in the tbiilliiii ; mulodratnu "Dangers of u Great Ulty. " Brw.ixnTo.v. la.Aprill,13Dl , Hr. J. B. Moore Dear Sir : Have boon troubled with catarrh in my hold and face for three years at tlmo ? tvimm.iblo to nonr had a constant rinnlii } , ' in my om and loc twoyoar wts almost deaf. Have tried sov- in-.medlatorollof and effoutoil a purnmnont euro. I heartily recoiuuinml It to all suffer crsof thlsduu.iso and will choorlullv nlvt any furtbur In formation on boint ; addressed nt my homo , No. ! iiJ Sivotuioy avo. , Hurllug- on , la. Foi sale by all drucclsti. Hoipeotfulllv , K. U Uuio. I''orsalo by all drugglsti. /Caohary T. Lindsay was born in lowi forty-four years ago , ono yoarnftor that stati was udmittod Into the union. Ho was i pioneer of pioneer parents. Ho crossed tin plains in a wagon In ISliS and had a remark n bio experience In the mlnlni ; cump.s of Call lornlu In their early days , llu worked ii mines , waaahelpo In nn iron foundri and baled hay 01 western rucinio until ho hid bar vested nn oxporl once tlmt Boldmi falls to the lot of i Mi ' \ tt\ " ' ? ' ! Jl (7M/MlTC ( / < RJii' > l Mr. LinUBu ; , leturnud to Jo.v from Culifornl AS with ? ia us hi b.ivlngs iu thru year * of the hard at kind of work , He engaged In the shot busini'ss nnd by hard worlt ana cloju alien lion to business incroasoil his trudu. In Ib7 < ho roinoved to Council Illiills und htat-tcd ; shou lusi o s that grow so rapidly that h soon had n wholesale lionso on his nunih Ho caino to Onmha In ISs'l nnd now has th lorccbt Dxclublvu rubber boot and blioe am rubber olotlimc bualnors west of ChlcaKo. A CIIKI lor Clinli-ru. TUoro Is no use of any onti KiilTorint' will thn cholera when Chamburlaln'n Colic Choloru and Diarrlni'a Homcay can bo pro cuiod. H will ( . -ivo rullof In a few minute nnd euro In n bhort tlmu. 1 hava tried u am luiow.r-W. H. Clinton , Holmottn , N. J. Th epidemic at lloliiiotla was nl llrst believed t bo cholera , but subsequent Invosllcalioi proved it to bo n violent form of dysentery almost ai dangerous as cholera. Till roinody was used thcro with great success Forsalo by r \LBERT \ EDWARD CRITICIZED lis Absonoa from Tennyson's r noral Pro vokes Unfavorable Coiunioutt IE ATTENDED A HORSE RACE INSTEAD Inch HnlitR Miulo Out or tlio Airiir tiy tlio l.tlii-ral I'n-M-Drli'iU of it ( Unit * sliMiliiu Alinrtl ill AmrrkMii Cult lo iniIUIi : I Copyrighted IOJ by Now York AMoclaled Pros * ] LONDON , Oct. II. The fnol Hint the prince t \Valo3 iitnonteil hltniolf from llio iincral of Lord Tennyson on Wod- losday , in or or that ho mich t Itctui tlio Nuwmarltol rnco * , la provoking onsUlorablocommont. Ills aollou Is ojpo- Inlly clllatoil upon by certain radical Jour- mis , which nnxlous to mnko n scnsa- Ion similar to ttint ncoisionod liv the baa- iirat so.ituhil In which Uiu prlnuj WAS In volved. 'i'ho prince ofVnlos , nccomu.mlod by the lulcoof Cambridge , vultuil Nownmrlcel on Wednesday mill saw tlio t-ara for llio czaro- vll ? stakes. Ho win tlio object of popular ovnttoii when his horse , Vlr ll , won lha Nur- ory ulnte , nl n handicap of 291) ) sovereigns. I'lils rnro linnicillntoly proooilail vhc ono 'or the cznrowlU stakes. Ilia uksonco from Westminster would Uavo boon lo roinittkoil upon , bin lor the [ net thiit not n sin lo roynl ) prosonliittiiofunnrul , though , is n aafomlor of the roynl f.imily stroiiB'.y cmphnslxcil , tlioy wore roprosontoil by two Ronunils niiU txvo cobnels , boaltlos numoroui splcnUld wrcnlhs. AViitclniiK * ! > I'llucn ( lOHnly. blnco thoTniibycroft nfjfulr nubllo opinion ins boon very sonsltlvo in tcf-urd to the con. iluct of the pniico of Wnlci , but the publlo taUei a very cominon aunso vlow of the [ iiinco's tircseiu nctlon. The olTorU ueliip iniulo to nrouso foollnp iiKiilnal Him will fall Hut. it Is pen- crtilly lult that his pnrllnlltv for the of national llio Is so innrlcccl that lo show a cop icurct over llio cloath of Lord. Tennyson \\ould bo moro hypocrisy. Tlioso nsituiiiK DKalnst his nbsoncc , however , con- loud Hint his presence was nocosaarv , not ns an 0X1)10191011 ) of his own personal ( eating , butns the next huuil ot the nation imlstuiK ut n national even' . . The Chronlclo says It is tlmo Iho pilneo wont wlicio the muss of the people went. Tonnysou uiis never the people's pool , but Iho point Is wholhor In the hearts of the neo- Plu they i cull v prefer n pnnco who cannot postpone n Uu > 's sporting or rnuint ; In order to mark u prcut epoch in his inollior's lelKii. Tlio radical Journals , while diluting upon the princn'.s absence , itUcreotly omit us inr us posslulo all montlon of Mr. UUulstono's nbsenco. Ills plea of picssnro of work mill the feeble excuse volunteered by his supporters , the danger of cutcliln'g a serious cold In Westminster abbey , tire not considered ijulto satisfactory. On the con trary , It is suspected that some other reason prompted his refusal to nttond the services. As ho Is uccustpmcd to addressing luootltms In the open nir barchcadod , the danger of unlcliintr cold in the nbboy was very romoto. The nrinco of Wnlos touay went to L.ady Urookn'tt country sent , Eiiton lougo. Duu- mow , wnero ho will remain until Monday. lie will , before Iho end of Iho month , mntco his i'usi iiDijearnnco In puUlio slneo the death of the duke of Clarcnco and Avondalo. Ho will onun the now wing of the Hospital ut Pnddington. Ilofcitt of a UliuUtoiihin. Tno defeat j cstcrday of Mr. Lawson , the Gladstonlau , who contested the ( Jlroncester division of Uloucaslorshira with Colonel Alustcr , conservative , is the llrst dofcat that tba liberals have sustained since tlio t-'onoral oloctlon. KollowiiiR their reduced majorities in the by-olectlotib in Leeds and Bedfordshire , It is con ul n to niMlto a inuikod Improislon upon the public. hilo It will stimulate tlio conservatives to contast every election where thcro is the smallest chance for victory. The conservatives wein overjoyed when tii < ? result was announced. They marched in. processions about the town drawing Colonel Muster in his carriage. The success of the. conservatives was larpoly duo to the popu larity of Colonel Master. Mr. Lawson was practically n stranger In the conatlluoncy. Ho wns larjjcly assisted In his campaign by his wife. A movement is on foot nmonc cattle brecuers to proinoto a hill providing for the quuratulninir of nil loroicn nvo stock , except such as uro intended for slauglitnr. Tuo movement is olileily dlrcctcu against the ad mission of American stock cattlo. The Llv Htocu Journal , an influential organ , strongly supports the movement. It soya it believes the bill ought to obtain majorities in both houses , though it will ha Homo time before It is finally passed. Tho. paper considers the estimate , that from 100,000 to 1.10,000 head of cuttle would lie imported if the nrosent restric tions were removed , to bo too mod- erato. Hut even that number would Inllict a heavy blow ou the British brooders. It urges thu government to take the same course in regard to America ns it adopted toward Holland , when throe months were allowed to olapsu before applications to admit cattle to Great Britain were granted. In ICi-Kiird to thu 1'iirlK I'liud. The proposal made by the Parnollitos tbnt the Pans fund bo placed in tlio hands of a ROinmlttcool three mu'i hers from ouch sec tion of the Irish parliamentary purty , which. it wns thought would bo accepted by the Me. Caithyltcs , in vlow of tbo npoecho inndo by prominent members of the section favoring it , has fallen to the ground , owlnj ; ' to the action of the Parncllitc-s In Insisting thntuelaim bo admitted or charges , which consist of law costs and debts of the na tional longuo , amounting to over :20,000. : rhoMui.2ariii.vUos Insist that the claims of the ovlolod tenants bo the llrst charge of the fund , Neither side seems disposed to yield in this mutter and thus the IOIIR dead loclc continues. SHU righting Iho Cntllollu I.nril Alnynr. Londoners who oppoaoMr , ICnlll's oloc'tlon us lord mayor on the ground that ho is a Catholic havu decided to make u Iliiul at tempt i'i prnvont his assuming the oHIco. The AntM'opcry iiBsocIatlon has prur/ured u putitloii to the queen pruylnir her to refuse to confirm the selection of Mr. Knlll , on tha ground thut ho bus publicly declared that h'J owes llrst nlloglnnca to the popo. Thcro Is not the silctitost chance of thn po- tltions being grnnti-u , ami the pullllonura will proonbly rcoclvo u well morllod biiub. A munlfesto ints boon Issued calling upon workmen out of employment to march In procession - cession bnlilnd the lord mayor's show on No vember I ) , und afterwards lo forca n way Into thu Trafnlu-ur squuro fortho purpose of holdIng - Ing u mooting there to got formal expression to a demand for work or brouu , Joseph Huby of Columnm , Pa. , suffered fiom birth with scrofula humor , till hewn * perfectly cured by Hood's Sarsaparlllu. Tin ; KIAITI TNSTHUMI3NTS placed on record Got U , WAIIIUNTV IIKlillH. M 1' l.oliliiBon and husband In ( I N fUoDliuns , lot : ' , Uru'sKiihUlvIn Allllurd < ScjHuil ( | . . i t.O'Q Jluns J.ihpi'isnn to Andiin Uleson , hit 17 , liluoK ; ' , \\ont rilda ncld . . WlllliuurhinolliT tu W K Monind , loti II n nd iv , ( Jnm-s park . . . . . ma U A Thompson to 8 A Thumpson , lot III. bmuk - ' . Ainlilui pliivo. . . . B30 Olnr.i 'J'Jioiniisori .tin ) liuub.ind to John .lolinson. n'i ' loin mill o'ot it' ' , lut 1U , block r.'T. t-diilh Omahu . 610 \V I' tlnlliihan uii'l wlfo to . .1V ( Jrllllllis. H 1'J fuut lot A and n it' fnut lot U , Moo It I. Hem v > V Miolton'H hiilmlv . . . . . . 0,0)0 J Wiirlillth und wlfn to Ann lUullahan , lot I ) und | U , UlouU IIVtiHt Dud . . 0,000 \ \ I' lla HIT. ol it ) , to C'.irl .No Ho , lots II und I' ' , lilo IS , I.ul.uv luw iul.1 4V ) J U liieiin nnd wlfu to ( i II ( iioun , nLJ lout ) , iu , n. block U , and lou H , i : ; , 16 , liliicu 11 , Iliiiisconi ulacn. and lot 1 l'riivn'HHiibllv : In Mlllard & O'H udil . 4/00 J II lllniK-liiiiil und wifu to Truman llncU , lot 7 , block ' . ' . llaimeoin uluco. , , 1'j'O IIKKIM. G A lloinicttt ( ilici-lffi to I ) I < Tl.nmuH , lot 7. I lee < t * . Lincoln ulaun . . . . . , . . SGT K M llli'lnuoiid ( xpool il inusturi to O I'1 Dm Is ( Jo , lot. 8 , dloolc U , Oniuliu Vlow , 8iQ Total uiiiount of transfer * . t lf ! , Mr * . Wlnslow'D Sosthlnn Syrup forohlt droii teething U the family banefaotor. con