OMAHA BAIL ? BT2K. fsifiVRDAY , OOTOBEU lo , 1892. DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK tTrado Indications Oontlnuo Favorable Throughout the Country , CONTINUED INCREASE IN EXPORTS All the 1'rlnrliMl Cltlon llrport n Hood Iluiliinrti Triulo Actlrn nt Onmlm Wnll Street lor n Week Clcnr- IIIR Homo Statciincnt * . NEW Yon , Oct. 14.-R. O. Dun & Co. , In their weekly rovlow of trade , say : Once wore It must bo said that trade indications nro entirely favorable. Even the shrinkage In exports has ceased , an Increase of $1,500 , 000 appeared hero last week , whllo Imports continue surprisingly largo and foreign ox- ohnugo declines. Boston reports ncllvo trade. At Philadelphia the Iron market decidedly Improves , western orders for coal cimnot bo flllod , because the roads are blocked , nnd good orders for the spring nro reported In dry goods , whllo the wool market continues Botlvo. Trade In Jewelry is fair , nnd paints end oils are nctlvc. At Baltimore the infrequonoy of southern failures Is gratifying ; collections ere moro yallsfactor.v , Plttsburi ? reports n bettor market for nig Iron nnd u good demand for manufactured products , with Improving prospects l i the glass business. Trade In boots nnd shoos nd hats Is satisfactory ut Cincinnati. At Cleveland rolled irort Is In largo de mand , though pig Iron Is lower than over in prlco. The boot and shoo trade at Indianapolis re ports Increased sales. At Fort Wnyno sales of merchandise ex ceed last your , building is fair und manu facturing henlthv. At Detroit manufacturers are full of orders lid trailo Is good. Chicago again reports enormous increase In receipts , these of wheat , oats and barley liavlng doubled , whllo receipts of coru are nbout tlttucn times last ycar'-M In wool n coin of ! ( ) per cent Is reported ; In cuttle and hogs 23 per cent , and HODIO Increase in Hour , dressed beef , butter and choose. Business was never moro piosporous nnd eastern ship ments of merchandise are or enormous mag nitude. Trade is remarkably strong at St. Louis , the corn crop proving larger than was antici pated. Business Is larger than last year at Kansas City and very good at Denver. At Minneapolis nearly nil branches show Increase over lust year , and the output of flour , ' . 'UJ.OOU barrels , is the largest over Jiuown In n week. At St. Paul an Increased movement In tn'ops is seen. . Omnlni'fl Tnulo Active. At Omaha trade Is very busv. At Nashville- trade is improving , but at Little Hoclc still dull , though lu dry goods bettor. At New Orleans business is bottor. Wheat Is oiio-oighth of a cent stronger than a woolt ego , but corn is 1 cent lower. Oats half n cent , hogs 20 cents , and lard 15 cents per I0l ) pounds ; cotton one-eighth of a cent lower , % vith sales of moro than I.IOO.OIX ) bales for the week. Improved crop reports nnd heavy movement of products push prices downward. The Iron output October 1 was 15SU2 tons xveokly , ugainst 15iM8 ( tons September 1 , and it is especially encouraging that , the Blocks on hand decreased'M tons during Soptomber. The demand for pig iron is im proving und n general udvanco of about 5(1 ( cents per ton Is reported for pig with liberal buying , while trade In plates Is very unsatis factory ; In bar Iron sotnowhat better and Dtructural mills are full of orders. Livelier buying continues In copper nt l\ \ % cents , and peculation moved tin upward , but load is weak nnd unsettled nt 4 cents. Cotton mid woolen mills are fully em ployed , many of thorn cannot 1111 their orders , though running night and day. Sales of wool this year nt the three chief markets have been 247,01)0,000 ) pounds against lM- ! , 000,000 to the sama date last year. Strong buying Is seen in cottons. Stocks have been stronger with an uvorago advance of nbout $1 per share but the chief activity has been in industrial nnd Nc > w England stocks. The business failures occuring throughout the countrv during the last seven days num ber 215. For the corresponding week lust year the figures were 25'J. cri.uiiNO nousi : STATKMKNTS. Omnlm'H ( Mom-hies for the Week Amounted to Over i lOOO.OOO a liny. NEwYoitic , Oct. 14. The following table compiled by Bradstreot's gives the clearing house returns for the week ending October 1U , 1802 , and the porcontaKO of increase pr ddcrcnso as compared with the corresponding pending week last year : lliVIKW : 01' WAI.I. hTUiiST. : Jtercnt l > i'M'liiiiiii | > iitn nl nn K Nil I uro ItUti In Kocurillos ( luntirul. NEW YOIIK , Ocu H. DraiUtrcoi's Weokl Wnll Street Hoviowi Tlio holiday plr Avlilcb provulleu during the CBrly part of th WoeU naturally resulted lu cotisidcrabl peoultttlvo ilulliiMs. H was , bowovor , ni tlcoabla that the Inactivity created a vcr sliRUt Improaslan upon prices and tin even the augmented ilrmucsj of tli money market failed to give a UoarU tendency to tUo marlcPt. The reuuuiptlo of buslncaa ou tuo Btook oxchuiiKU c ttUur duy resulted ID tUo uppeurauco ( otlior factors , xvfitob have cltoii an Increased bullion tone to Iho proceedings. A renewal of foreign buying lias bocn tno most oticour- nRlni : of recent developments. The ( nut that a rlso In South Ametlcan and ether depressed securities lint taken place In London , accom panied by augmented speculative activity In that market , has already been noted wlih sntUfnclton here. Such manifestations not only Indicate that tlio confldonco which has boon lacking In the European money marKets Is botnit regained , but that the accumulations of money duo to the timidity of the InventnT classes are now seeking an outlet. Under such ulrcum * stances it cnn bo confidently expected tliut American securities will regain favor und that the buying for foreign account in the Inat days of thii xvcek was not excessive. The movement hai at Mimed dimensions which would falily Indicate the beginning of such a process. Tnls tendency itavo Immediate sup port to the market nnd encouraged the trad- Ins olomcnt to asiumo n more positively oulllsh altltudo. Trio Improvement In values was general , the regular railroad slinro list nnd the European , specialties exhibiting a marked'tondoncy to appreciate. 1'ubltoln. torcit , It Is trUe , U not nrousud , hut the In- croasou buying by commission house : ) was accepted as a favorable indication. Cliulrrn When properly Ircnlad M soon as the firs symptoms nppoar , cholera can ntiarly always bo cured. The patient should go Initnodtateiy to bed and remain as quiet ns possible. Send for a physician , but wlnlo awaiting his arrival lakn Uhamhcrlaln'.i Colic , Cuolorn. and Dinrrluua llomody In double doses after cuch operation of the bowels more than natural. If there Is severe pain or cr.imti3 lake It in double doses every ilfteon mlnutos mill relieved. This remedy has boon used with great .success in seven epidemics of dysentery that wcro almost us severe nnd dntmcrous us cholera , nnd if used as directed i euro Is almost certain. Hvorv faintly should mvo nSU-cont bottle ut hand ready for in- jtmit uso. After the disease is under control castor oil must bo taken to cleauso the ystom. No other physio or substitute will do in place of castor oil. For sale by drug gists. ' FOR A CA1OF 11KKB. TiimiiHl ill I'nulu TlioiiKht llo 1'alil Too .Much mitt 1'etri-.soul Inl Kllluil Him. There is a murder trial on in the district , court , but owllij ? to the standlne of the par ies who haa a connection with the 11111111 ? It alls to attract any great amount of uUou- lon. lon.The The case is the ono whoroln 'Peter Scaltsl s charged with having taken tlio lli'o of Tomnsl dl Paulo on August 23. The liotnlcide occurred in the bottoms , In the vicinity of Poppleton avauuo and Twentieth street. It was u Sunday murder , brouuht ou by the question of who should pay for a can ol buor. The parties bad been carousing nil day , and late in the afternoon muro beer was ordered. Tomnsl averred that ho hnd paid for moro than his share and then hot words follo.ved , during wl.iuh ho was laid low by being struck with an Iron rod , which was lu the hands of Scalisi. Ttia dcfoiidant is an Italian and is unable to understand a word of English , which necessitated the Interpretation of nil the tes timony. Judge HopowcU will try the case Instead of Judge Davis. The latter impaneled the Jury this inornlnc nnd was proceeding with the case when Judges Irvine and Hopowoll entered and called him from the beach. The three Judges hold a prolonged conference in the room back of the bench , nnd when they reappeared Judge Hopowcll took charge of the CHSO. Ko explanation of the change was given oxcoot that It was to "suit them selves. " In Judzo Koysor's court the case of Tilda Read ugulust the city of South Omaha is on trial. The defendant seeks to recover the sum of $ < ) ,000 , alleging that by the change of grade of Twenty-fifth , from L to M streets , her property , the Heed hotel , was damaged in that sura. A Choluni aciirc. A reported outbreak of cholera nt Hoi- motto , N. .1. , crouton much oxcitomcnt In thntvlclnit.v. Investigation showed that the disease was not ctiolora but a violent dysen tery , which Is almost as severe and danger ous us cholera. Mr. Walter Willara. a prominent merchant of Jnmosburg , two miles from Helmotta , says Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhma Uemedy has given great satisfaction in the most severe cases of dysentery. It is cqrtainly ono of the best things over made. For sale by druggists. QOT WHAT THEY PAID FOR. IMiiiiilior Duiicmt Tolls About 1'onr Work lor tint Itnuril of Kiliiuitlon. : "Tho Board of Education got Just what it paid for , " said H. D. Duncan in speak ing of the Omaha View flush tanks that huvo been In use but n year and are leaking , and which ho furnished. "Thoro is no use for the Board of Education or any body else to hick about poor material when tboy buy that kind of goods. It Is no use to contract for cheap stuff aua ex pect to get tba best that's made. Tnc members of the board knew what they contracted for when they made the contract with mo to put In those Omaha View flusc tanks. The contract called for a. No. 4 copper Hush tank aua that's what they got."I "I admit that those particular tanks were n llltlo Iho poorest of the kind that I have over put Into a school building , but I couldn't help that. 1 paid Just as much for them ns 1 did for the aanio kind of tanks that 1 put intc several other buildings , and which are all right. If Superintendent Hamilton hndn'l tried to bulldoze mo I might have repaired the Uinutm View tanks , but I am u Scotch man , and don't submit to bulldozing worth r cent. " When Xiituro Needs assistance U may bo best to render ii promptly , but ono should romomhor to use even the most pcrlcct remedies only what uoedcd. The best and most simple nnd gentle tlo rmnedy is the Syrup of Fins , manufact urcd by the California i'ig Syrup Co. IinMiiiiH llml an Outing. Company I , Second United States in fiintry , the Indians , returned to the posl yesterday from 'a week's practice march The company was under command of Lieu tenants Pickering nnd Mirquart and tht oflioors reported that their red soldiers enjoyed joyod the outdoor llfo immensely ana be haved themselves fully as well ns white troops. DoWitt's Sarsaparilia 19 rouanla WILL DEMAND STATEHOOD Oklahoma Citizens Not Pleased with a Territorial Government. POLITICAL COMPLEXION OF THE PEOPLE Nebraska und l\r.nsn Contributed I.nrgrly to tlio Settlement or the Country nnd Itcpubllviin I'tlitclpICK Are I'av- orfd-\Viikhlngton Num. OF TUG 513 Fot'iiir.ESTH Siiir CT , WAS1IINOTOV , D C. , Oct. 1-1 Delegate Hnrvoy of Oklahoma will tcavo Washington for homo tomorrow. Ho is not a candidate for re-election , but ho says that the election will result lu the choice or n re publican. "Xho people lu Oklahoma" ho said today , "aro mainly from Kansas and Nebraska , and their politi cal nlllilnUons are with the republican party. Wo are moro Interested In the material de- voloumont of the territory than wo nro 111 politics. It may glvo you some Idea ot the value of the property In Oklahoma Olty to know that a corner lot upon which n nntlonal bank Is to ba located recently sold for SIU.OOO. The city Is only nbout three years old. " "Will you press the statehood bill ! " " 1 shall learn the wishes of the people wncn I go home , and act accordingly. Our populatiou Is now larger than necessary , and the territorial form of irovcrnmont Is rather palling to usVo already have a bill In con gress providing for u constitutional conven tion , and I suppose It will bo pressed next session , " Mrroly iv Cheap Sensation. The secret sorvlco bureau today received a report from Its agent at Council Bluffs , which does not speak of the reported circu lation of counterfeit silver dollars at Omaha. The chief of tbo secret snr- vlco therefore does not bcllovo there Is any truth In the story. Tlio agent writes that there was an attempt to create a sensation In Omaha over sorno reported coun terfeit 5 cent pieces but ho saw ono of these pieces at n bank In Council 13lulls nnd It was not a counterfeit but a genuine 5 cent ploco which Had been tarnished by being lii storage n long tlino. Tbo secret .sorvleo bureau yoiterdav an nounced that u now counterfeit $5 silver cer tificate had been put In circulation nt Chi cago. This is the ilrat attempt to counterfeit a certificate of the 1501 series and is so poorly done that the chief of tlio secret service Is quite sure that It Is the work of an amateur. Information was re ceived today that tno secret service agents are on the track of the two men who have been issiung those counterfeits and who may bo the counterfeiters. Kupld Development of llio West. Superintendent I'ortcr issued , under date of October S , a report showing Iho state of manufactures in Kansas City in 1800. Ho sub tracts from the figures reported by his special agents these relating to industries not enum erated In 1331 ana tbo comparison then made shows the following percontdgns of in- creuao In ten : years Number of establish ments reported , 494.01 ; capital invested , 482.01 ; ifutnbarol hands employed , 4U4.42 ; wages paid , .r2.U4 ; cost of materials used , J4.'J5 ; value of product at works , 370.S3 ; population of city , 137.01 ; assessed valua tion of city , 079.84 ; decrease of municipal debt , toss slutting fund , 47.73. A striking feature of these returns , says tbo report , is the satisfactory increase In the number of establishments reported. Still raoro Gratifying is the increase duung the decade in the numborof bands employed and the amount of wages paid ; the wages have increased not only actually but relatively , tbo average wages per hand increasing from 8558 in 18SO to Jlij'J in 1S90 or 10.19 per cent. Part of this increase is undoubtedly due to the fact thai in many industries relatively moro men were employed in 1S9U nnd fewer children ; then the percentage of increase In the number of women employed has been less in many industries than in the number of adult males , and also to the fact that in ton years many branches of industry bnvo Improved tbo grades of their products and for this reason require moro skilled and higher paid employes. After mailing all possible allowance for those changes for the more thorough enumeration of 1891) ) , nnd for the advauco in quantity of manufactured product , tnoro is n decided relative increase in tlio amount paid lu wages between 1SSO and 1S90. Western I't'iislons. The following western pensions granted are reported by THU BEE and Examiner Bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Original Valentino Wohl- hutor , Thomas Horan , Augustus ii. Orcutt ( deceased ) , Joseph McKain , William P. Snowdon , Frederick Handlon , James E. Howe. Additional Seth Hinds , David A. Howe. Restoration and increase Georeo W. Winamt. Increase Georco W. Hill. Origi nal widows , etc. Nancy U. Hill , Jane Young- love , Mary E. Naco , Abbey E. Snyder , Ellen urcutt. Iowa : Original William F. Dill , William W. Andrews , Samuel V. Hooyo , William LI. Scott , John W. S. Llndloy , Thomas Coad , Ueorgo U. Crosloy. Additional Edward D. Roberts , Suinuoi1 W. Wiggins , Amos P. Smith , William T. Uichards , James M. Can- odv , Albert Miller , Aluort Burgess , Thomas H. Jobe , Allen Fowkcs , Norman It. Hutchinson - inson , Alanson P. Hill , Increase Cyrus 1C , Wcbtcoat , Peter N. Brones. Original , wid ows , etc. Fansta C. Furls , Martha Parr , Curollno Morrison , Uoheccn Chambers , Lura J. Carlton , Philu E. Sturdevant ( mother ) . South Dakota : Original Henry Bradley , Iwon F. Dady , Henry Bailor. Increase Mutbias Luvlllotto. Nuns fur tlio Army. The following army orders were issued today : Major Milton B. Adams , corps of oneiii oers , unu Mujor John H. Hurluolf , surgeon , are appointed u board of o 111 cars to moot ill the call of the senior member at Fort Mont gomery to select and substanttallj mark a slto on the military reservation at that place lor a pest house to u < erected thereon by the village Of House : Point. Leuvo of absence granted Firsl Lieutenant Edward P. Lawton , Ninotconil infantry. Is extended ono month , Add'.tloiw Second Lieutenant Herbert Deakyno , corp * of engineer * , is assigned to a vacancy of boo end lloutouautin that cors to data from Oc ROYAL Baking Powder exceeds all others in leavening power , in purity and wholesomeness , and is used generally in families , exclusively in the most celebrated hotels and restaurants , by the United States Army and Navy , and \yherever the best and finest food is required. All teachers of cook ing schools and lecturers upon culinary matters , except the employe's of manufacturers of other brands , use and recommend the Royal. New-York State Analyst : ' The Royal Baking Powder is superior to any other powder which I have ex- .amined ; a baking powder unequaled for purity , strength and wholesomeness. ( * The United States Government tests ( Ag'l Dep. 0 bulletin , . show the Powder 0h 0a 13 p. 599) ) Royal Baking u a superior to all others. if lobjrll , vlco McKfAntty , momotod , with his preiant date bf rank Juno 12 , ism < : ptaln Thomn * . P. Quinn , Fourth Infantry , will ronort In parson to Colonel Charles H. Tompltln * , assistant quartermaster general'president of the army retiring board nt Uov.oruor'4 IslanJ , for ex amination by the board nnd on the conclu sion of his examination' will return to the p'.aco of receipt ' i by him of this order , Lcavo of apucneo granted Unp- Imp Sumuor 11. Lincoln , Tenth Infautrv , Is oxtondcu fifteen rtliys. Cnptnm Cnarlo * Shalcr. ordimnco department , will proceed to the Watorvllot nrsona ) on oulclal business In connection with pun construction , and on the completion of Unit 'Sutv will return to his station In this city. Miscellaneous. There was no material change in the con- Itton of Mrs. Hnrrlson today. She has lept n crcat deal In the lost t'vcnly-four ours , but her alcon Is not restful nnd she two Indications of boinc n little weaker this lornlng. Stilt the physician In charge tnvs hnt there U no Imminent danger. The iroslilont spent most of Iho day with MM. 'Inrrlson. The secrotnry of the interior today af- Irmcd the nppoal in the case of Heriiin Tlt- : omb of South Dakota to perfect title under , ho liomn tcail act. J. A. Williams 11 appointed poslmnatcr nt -aCrew , la. , vleo L. E. Williamson , ro- igncd , nnd Mrs. S. E. Liggett at Vernon , a. , vlco tlarvey Uolib , roblgncd. \Vo nro not surprised people will not ako a now couch remedy , when they know , ho value of Or. Bull's Cough Syrup. AWARDED SOME CONTBACTS. Innril ori'iilillr U'ork Oprn ItliU Ii > r Street IniliroToiliniitn. The Board of Public Works met yesterday afternoon to open bids for curbing nnd paving Dweni ort strt-ot from Twenty-second to Twontv-fourth street , Hugh Murphv was tlio only bidder lor curbing nnd offered to lay rod Colorado saiulstono for id cents per lineal loot. Ho was awarded the contract. Kor the pavliic of the two blocks included n the district Hugh Murphy offered to pave t with Colorado sandstone , "class C , for 52.10 ; : t-r yard. John Grant , sheet aiphaltum , class A. llvo years , $2.84 , ton years , $1 L'4 ; class B , tivo ynars. J3.-H , ton years. , $ J.8I. There were two bidders on vitrified brlclc , J. B. bmlth & Co. , and U. D. Van Court it Co. , us follows : J.B. Smith & Co. , classes A and B , five years , 51.1IJ ; ton voars. $ J.O."i. K. D.Vun Court & Co.classes A nnd B.llvo years , f I.b5 : ten years , f J.UO. The contracts for Colorado sandstone nnd asphalt were lot lo the only bidders In thoio 'lasses ' , nnd for vitrified biick to E. D. Van 3ourt & Co. Mrs. L. 11. P.xtton , UosKiorJ , HI. , writes : From personal otporionco I cm rocommonil DoWitt's Sarsaparilla , a euro for Impurj blood and concra.1 oobilltv " MADAME HVACINTHE-LOYSON. she Vlsltn Omnlia and \Vlll o Talk On tlio Uv.iocclU itlnit ol rrnnou. Madame Hyacintho-Loyson , wife of the well known priest nnd orator Pore Hyacin- the , arrived in Omaha last evening from Minneapolis and will spend several days in this city and South Omaha , the guest of her brother , Mr. C. W. Buttorllold of South Omaha. Madame Loyson will speak to the ladles of Omaha at the First Conerepntionul church on Sunday afternoon t4 o'eloclc , horsubject being the "Evnugollzatiou of Franco. " This address will bo to the ladies only and other cenoral meetings will'bo'uunouuccd ' later on. This address Is in no wlso a crusade against the Roman Catholics and is entirely uonsoo- tarian. "Lata to boa ana oahy to nso will shorten the road to .your hoaio in the skies. But early to bed and "LUtlo Early Illsur."tbo pill that matoj llto longer and bettor aui wiser. > i ! i ° HTH AJSUSNBA AJBOX , " 'i 3 ' K H j In the fnmily are more often the result of ' ttisorftereJr/ifrstionlhzn most people know. will keep peace in a family , by curing sick Ilcmluclict Weulc Ntomiich , Impaired DlKi-allim , Dliiiriltrrd I.Ivor. Cotmlpiillmi nnd nil ntltoiii iinil Jicrv.ius UUurdrn iirltlnc from tlicao cuusva. I'OTercd nllU n Tnsteli-ss & Soluble Coating. 0 all ilruirglsts. PrJco 2B cents n boi. Nqur Yor k Depot. 36 ? Onnl Kt. "ARE YOU SUFFERING ? FIIOM Female Wcukncss , Catarrh or MSSJSiw i lUicuraatssin , Nervous or Private D iscases , IP SO , OALtj ON Dr. Searles & Searles Consultation Free. Acknowledged Io ! > o the moat Nuccoifnl Hpaclnllst In nil I'lllVATK , III.OOI > , NEUVOUS , SlilN ANU UlUMf- AI1V DlSEASKS. Gonorrliuiiiln from .1 to fi daft. Syphilis curjj wllliout Mercury. All > t.uei for life. bTHIU'rulllS pormaneiitljr uurol. ramoral com- Iileto , without cutting , caiutlo or Jllattttlon. CnrJ uflpctednt homo by putlont wllUout a mameut'4 ualnornnnaynnco. I'll.KS. KISTUhA ANU IIECTAL IIf,015ll3 curBJ ultliout iialn or ilotontlun from business , IIVIJIIOOULK ANU VA11ICOCKLK pornmnoatlr unit ucce f ullv cured. Method now nnd unfulllaK. WEAK MEN ( VtTAMTV WKAK ) , Mnilanoby too olojj appli. cation to business or study : tiaverj inontil strata or grief ; SISXUAU HXCKSdHS In lulUdlu llfd , or Iroin tlio cllects of youtlijjiljallloj. WKAK MKN AH13 VICTIMS TO NKHVOU8 IB. DlUTYorKXIIAUriTIOX.VA8T1N ( ; WHA1CNKS3 INVDI.UNTAUy I.OSS1CS wltU KAItl.Y DBUAY In VOIJNU nnd illDDI.I ! AQKU ; lack of Tim , vlKOr. anil nlronsth. wlih aovuul oricans Impalreil und HuakoneiiDiIpramaturalyln-nppro.tchlnkruliI no All ilolil reailllr to our n'jw troatmoat fur luss of vital power , Call on or nlflroii vrltli utanip for circulars , free book nml roi'iilnn. Dr. Searles & Searles , n Next to Toatj Onioa. THU SUOUTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicagp , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this 'map. lv / 5CEDAR RAPIDS DHSMOINKS Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at7c : > 5 p. m. , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha , F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. EDUCATIONAL. STERAiM SCHOOL tpcclal. oolli'Blttlii. unlvir llr-i < icparuUry"und P < nt-Kruduato oourcei. Klne uiu lcnl duparunenN UnuJiiul faclllllp for vlnlttiiR the World' * rtlr tor { ' "Jyw'Ui ' eomuotnnt teiichera. For circular odd. USS. L. U , WIIS9N. 1'rlu..4WU Urujol UlvU. . Uuraio. PROOF FEOMJHE PLAINS. Story of fi Government Scout and Interpreter , He Tells ilis K\pericncc With Kkkapoo A Ilcmatlr Known To The Indians Per Years. HIGHLY PRIZED BY THEM. Mnny of our renders I" the Knst will ro- int'inlicr Kimik U. Yntp * , vpluxo exploit * otl tlm frontier Imve glNen him a nntlunnl repu tation. Thp testimony of nrh n limit 1i < > him IIveil nimmtr tlio loil tiicii lur MI Innc Is tnrontro- M'ttalluo\lili'iiro il tin1 n1i olnto RumtlnoM ot tliN luiitilc ) . uitil II * U'puto nuiontf Hint nice whose nublihiultli wlmtm'cr may linvo licen tlirlr ( nulls lun ulwtiys been famous. VKIVK P. Ills cmloriiiMiiriit of It Is still further pioof of Its uffiictlvuiiuis. Uitpt. Vwlus writes us follows : iloiinox , NIIIHA : KA , .tulyss. I t\Uo : grent plrnsuro In lUL-oinmohdliiR the Kieknpon ItiMiieiUuo , and liuvu known of them ninoiig tlio IniUnno , 113 I hnvt * lived on the avtroinoVotoin fnmtlor lor tlioiwitK ) your" , and am utptcii'iit a Sluiiv Imllaii Intci pi etei' for the grk\oriimcnt. My pprsoiuil < l\perli'iHio with Sngwn. which In thii Indian IOMKIIP slgullkM " The lint" Inn boon convldnriiliU , hut oniMif the inoi-t woitdi'ifulcffi'i'ls from prr onul Knowl- rdgn lu my O\MI iM .n wm tiltcnrlnif of ( . 'liioiileCuturili with wlilt-h I hctminu nlllli't- cd , owlni : to tlio groal iiltltiiilo of the coun ty In w lilcli 1 hud luM'ii liv Ing , It did not at llr-t oi-i-ur lo me to take Klck- npoo Imllun SIIKWII lor this tumble ; nnd it vas not until I visited tin1 Hot Snilng * . mnl lulliMl toobtnln lollnl , nml the ilK'ino had bccomo PO very iiliirinlng that I was nfiulil it would HP | the1 op-tof mi- and ( level , op Into roiiMiinpllon that I ooncltiiU'il to take Siigun. I got OIIP botlliofltunil u bdttk-of the oil. The olfoct win M > mail.ed that I hnnipilliitply onU-rod twelve bottles ot i-afli , mid now lilp-"f tin-day tliat the tliouglit ocourieil lo mo , for I urn cntlnily cured ot that tno-t dHawiorablo anil dUtrusshig of all dlML-a-ii's , catatill. I inn satistlcil inv cntnrih wim ctiroil owing to the puifoi't inatinor hi which "Siigwn" purillc" the blood ; and 1 olalm that -siiKivn. taUoi ; in uonncctlon with Indian Oil , will positively enn1 tlio worst cinei of catanh ever known ; and o far : ii the usn of ICIeKa- pee Indian lluinodlcs as Keneial family mud. ieines inn i-onucincil , ihore la nothing on eatth wliich cnn rqnal tliom. An Indian would almost as soon bo without ills gnu and blanket .13 to bo without a supply of thjju remedied. I ) . YATJ5S , Indian Interpreter. Sold by all Druggists. per bottle. 6 bottles for $5l Save Your Tyes tested frno byanRXPEIlT Ol'L'IOtVN I'erfcct ad . . Narv- ) ust men t. buperlor lensoi. - ousheadacbu cured by usln ; our Spool iciei and Eye lassos I'ricej low for tlrst ol.m goods. THE ALOE & PENFOLQ CO , I14S. 13 Blo3lc. RRILWHYT1MEOHRD 5OOMen's Men's Suits at C.JEACH Wewill place those suits cm sale Thursday , Friday , * Saturday. We bought these garments at a bargain and to sell for more money , but as the occasion of fers itself in the shape of a mild season , in or der to dispose of them quickly , we offer them at this price. They are on display in our west window. They come in 4 styles and IS differ ent patterns ; the cloth is new , heavy weight , in dark effects and just manufactured. These s'uits are not made by Sweaters nor by the four fine concerns , located on Hester Street and the slums of New York and Bostonwhose entire product is claimed to be confined to one concern in this state , but arestrictly good , clean goods and are garments that no one hesitates to wear. Takes a suit that will surprise you. Successors to M. Hell man & Co. Corner 13th and Farnam Streets. TO THE OWNERS OP ALL LOTS AND PARTS OF LOTS AND REAL ESTATE ALONG 1CTII STREET FROM VINTON STREETTOSOUTH CITY LIMITS. You are hereby notllled that tlio iindcr- slcned , three disinterested freeholders in the elty of Omaha , hiivo been duly unpointed by the iniiyor , wlih tlio approval of tlio cltv council of siilclcltv. to usso- the diumiKo to tlio owners respectively of the property du- uluiod by ortlluiineo nueesiary to ho sippropil- iited for the use of s-ild city for tlio purpose of opening nnd extending tilth street fioin Vln- ton -it reel to to Miulh city limits , dooliirod necessary bv ordlnaneu 'I.'UO , p.isied Oc- lotior . .si. 1SH2. approved October 4th , 1MI. . You mo further imlHlrd , ilint huvlog : ic- centeil salil iippolntinciit , : iml duly qiiiililluil as required by law. wo will , on the lllthday of October. A. 1) ) . , Ih'L' , nt the hour of I ) o'clock In the forenoon at the ollico of T. II. McL'ul- loch , 8) ) X. V. Life lluildlns. within the cor porate limits of s.ild eitv , incut for tliu pur pose of eons.during and making the assess ment of datnuuo to the owners i objectively of said pionoit v. bv renson of such taking and appropriation thereof , taking Into consldor- anon ripeclal lie in.'II is. If any. The property bolonv'ius to you proposed to bo appropriated : is afore ° uli unit wnleh bus boon declared nocoss'iry by the council , by otdliiiinco to appiopriiitu lo tlio USD of the city Uoliie situate in s.ild elty of Omuha , In the county of Douglas , and .statu of Nobraskn , Is described as follows , to-wlf. OpenliiR nnd ox- lendln IGth sticet from Vlnton street to south ellv limits. Von uro notified to bo present at the tlmo and place aforus.H . I. and make any objections to or statements coiiucrnlnz said proposed iip- proprlullon or assessment of damages ; ta von may consider proper. proper.T. . II. McOIU.LOCII. JOHN K. KIAOK. JAMKrf S'J'O'JICDALK. O.nuha , Oct. 7th , 1S02. oSdlOL NOTICE OL'1 ASSKdSMENl'Ol-1 DAM AGES FOR GRADING. To the ownurs of nil lots , p irts of lots and real oitato aloiu ulloy In bloek I , Koiint/.o'.s fourth addition , from llith to lltli .stieet- , : You are lioroby iiotllled that thu unilor- slKiied , thico ihilntureKtort freeholders of the cllyof Oniulia. liuvo been duly aiipolnlcd by thu mayor , with Iliu approval of thoclty connell - ell of .said city , to assess tbo daniaao to the owners respectively of tlio pioporty nffoulud by critdlnK of s.ild alloy , declared iiBeiissnrv by ordinance Ho. ! KS1) . p issod October 1st , Ib'.U : approved October 4th. 1S.KJ. You uro furlhur noUllud that havliiL' ac- cuiitod sild appointinont , and duly iiualllluil : is reiiulied by will on tbo 'JOIh duy of October , A. 1) . Iti'J. ' , al the hour of 10fl : : : o'clouk In thu forenoon , nt the ollico of Hhrlvor & O'Donohoe. 14J.I I'ariuiiii stieot. within the corporate limits of said city , moot for tlio pur- | ios > j of consldorliii ; und ninlcliig the u > isuss- inunt of diimaKU to lint owners respectively of s.ild properly Directed bv said urudiiiK. tuk- inir Into coiisldenitlon benefits. If any. You nro notllled to bo present at the lime mid nlacu aforesaid and iiiaUo any objections to or statements coiieornliu said assessment of damages us you miiv consider proiitsr. \V. O. KIIUIVIIK. (1EIHUIK .1. I'AUU T. II. McOniIOOII. Ooiiiiulttoo of Appraisers. Omaha , Neb , , October Btli. I8JOloillu' NOTICE TO SELHCT MATERIAL TOIX PAVING. To theownersof lots and laud frnnllii ? noon stioiit improvonidtitdlslilot No. 4S.\ compris ing I'.ielllu struut from : i.'nd street to the ulluy between .C'nil and DlrJ streets , In the ulty of Omaha , iinil snbjeut lo iihacssmunt for the paving or niiiemluini/.inz of tlio sinnu. You mo hcruliv nolllle.l , In pursuance of ordlnane j No. : tiil : , p iHMiil and .ippiovud the llith day of Oetobur , Ih'U. to holcut nnd dutor- inluo upon tlio Mini of miilerlal to bo need In Jiavliu or luacaclutnl/.liis" Raid lii.nroveiiiDiil dlstriot on or buforo the lUth day of Novem ber. In ! ! . ' , or thu city council will deteimlno aalu niiiteilal. Dutod atoniulm , this llth day of October , JBirj. 1 * . W. IIIUKUAUSKK. Cliulniian of the Hoard of 1'ubl a Works. OIU-14-15. PROPOSALS FOR GRADING. Sealed proposals will be roeelvod by tha nn- ( ler lu'iieil until I'.IU o'elocl ; p. in , , Ooiober-l3t , Vlnton street from -Ith strnet lo tbo west line of the ulloy In blookai. WllcJX'xSud addi tion , lu the city of Oinahu , In iiocordauco with Ilium und spocllleiitlous on Illo In the olllou of the board of publlu works. Illds to bo made on printed blanks fiirnhlioil by llio board and to buauGOiuiunlod by a certified clittok In the siitn of t' > 0' ) , pay- nbloto tliu olty of Ouiaha , us un evidence- peed faith. The hoard reserves the rlsht to reject any or all blila , unit to wulvo defucls. I'V. . lllltlCIIAUHEU. C'lialrinaii Hoar I of I'ublle Works. Onmlm. Neb , October 7th , IBSi o7-8-U-15 A'BII' IHtli ICdltluii 1'o-itpuld lor-5 o ts. ( or stiunpa THE HUMAN HAIR , Wliy It Kiilln Oir , Turns Oroy. and the remedy y I'rof. HAUI-in' 1'AltKElt , 1' , K. A , H , 1) . A , I.OMJ & CO. , 1UI3Arch street. I'lillndolplilii , I'a. ISrerjr uucnUouiariiaattiU llttla lioutt. Atheoieuiu ORDINANCE NO. 3i88. ! An onllnnncedi'i'larln. the iinunsstly of Rrnd- liiK Or.vnil uveniii1 fioin SiTtli street to4''ml street ; 1'owlor uvenno from & > th street to 4Ulli avenue ; : jUi ! ) street from ( irand avunuo to Ames nvcntio : 4Ulli stioet from Orand uvuiiiiu toKpraKUO sticiSl : and 40th uvcmiu from ( Irand avenue to iSprumio street , nnd nppolntlni ; tlueo dlslntcicslod appraisers to assess and determine diuiiiiKUs , If any. to tba property owneis , which may bo eiuibod by such kiMilliiv. anil reiieiilliiB Ordinances Nos W.'O and .TJ'i4 and so iniieh of all ordin ances In conlliel lii < reth. . Whereas property owners represcntlns nioro than tlirro-HfIhs of the feet frontiiROun oachof the stieet.s nnd avenues heroin men tioned , have petitioned the mayor and ulty council to have Raid RiadliiK done under tlio llircu-liflhsel'iuse AS provided for In section ( i. ) of the city cln-rter. and the cost thereof lo be made payable In 1U equal Installments ; there fore. Holtorlnlncd by the city council ot the oily of Omaha , H'ei'oii. : 1 , That It U proper and neeos9iry and It Is he-rub } declared DI operand necessary lo crailo tliu followh'C avonuea ar.d streets to their piu-.cnt cslablNliml urudu > , iiu'lndlnj ; necessary appioacln's-Uieioto. to-wit : liriind iixeiiuu fioiii .I7tlisticutto4iiid si reel ; Fowler avenue from . ' ! Sth stieol to 4th ( ) avenue ; : i'.lth ' .street from Gr.ind avenue to Ames avenue , and 40th street and 4 < ) tl ; avenue from Grand avenue to KpinKUO sticel. Hcctlon'J. That the mayor , with the approv al of the city council , appoint three disinter ested anpralsurH tonppr.tNo , assess and ilctor- nilno thu damiiKO to property owners which iniiy-bu caused by such grilling , taking Into consideration In making sneh appr.tiseinunU thoseelai | ) benefits. If miy , to sue1- property by reason of .such gr.ulinir. Erection ! ) That Orillnaiiecs Not. : : 0 , : rr > ( nun so much of all oidlnuncos In conlliel with the above , nro hereby lopcalod Section 4. That Ibis ordinance shall Uka cfTec-l and be In force from and after Its puss- HKe. I'.issed October 1st , 189i 189iJOHN OHOVK3. C'ltvOlorlt C. I , . OHAKrEK. Acting President City CounolL Ajiprovcd October 4th , IM- . IMOKO. . 1' . 1JKMIS , Mayor. ? 'K * . Wn will noiiil ) ou llio ninrTi-luiiii - " Kn-iicli 1'rriiarntloii CALTHOU f itf. nml u Ii-Kal euarnnti'F I CAI/niOS HI Itonlort.xuii - 'Jlcullli , Mr4 > iiilli und Vlcor. I 'if il end fa i' iftalnfied , Adilrntss VON MOHL CO. , S > l Juirrkau i roU , llnclamll , OUl. ORDINANCE NO. 328 ! ) . An ordinance declaring tliu necessity of grad ing the alley In bloeU I , Koiinl/o'h Ith addi tion , from Illth street to llth Blrcet. and up- pointliiK three dlslnturi'slt'il appraisers to assess and ilctormlnothediiinaces If any , to thu propel ty ownurs , wliloh may bo caused by. such sr.ullnv. Wlioiuas , I'ropurlv owners rojiroHCiitln ? more than ihree-llfths of tlio feet fiout- a e on said alley liavu putltlouud the in.iyor and ulty counoil to InvuH.ild ridln clone iiiuU'r the throo-llf tlm clause as provided for In thoclty idinrteriiiid thi ) cost thereof to be made payable In ono yuan therefore Do It oidiilnud by the city council of thu city of Omaha : hoctlon 1. That it Is proper antl noecsaary and It U liuiuliy iluul.irul prnpur and nuocsaa- r.y , tOKrudu tliu ulluy In bloeV I , Koiint/u's 4lli addition , to Its giieicnt o.slnlillslii'd Krailo , In- oludlng upvohKiiry iipproaches thereto from lUUi hti-cctto llth stimit. .Suction ' - ' . the mayor , with llio approv al of thu ulty council , appoint llireo dlHlntor- ostcul appr.iHois to ail ] , i also , asjoss and duter- inlnu tfioilam.iKO to jirourly ) ) owners wbleli iniiy bocaiisuj ny sueli ur.iillii' , ' , taking into < : onldoratloii lu nialdng Hiich iippr.iHinent , thu special liunellts , If .my , toHiiuh prupurty. liy leason of nue-li grading , Kuutlon ! l. That IhN or Unanco shall tuka oirtiL't nndbe In for-u from anil after iU p.isi- ifc , 1'assod October 1st , If a. a..I01IN nUOVR.i Olty Ulork. C. I , GIIAFKKI- : . Aotliii I'luildont Ulty OounuU. Approved October 4h | , IHW. bio. : 1' . 1IK.MIB. _ Mayor. NOTICE TO HELECT MATERIAL FOR PAVING. To thoownorHof loin and land fiontln.Mipon fatioot iiiipruyumiiiit districts numbered und ilciurlbud KH follows : No. 4bQ. Center street from 10th stieul to llllistrcut. No. 4S7 Alluy l-i block r > 3 , city , from Kill street tojhih slruet. No. 4hlAlley ) in block 110 , fiom JTlh ulrcot to I6lh mrcci. No , 4UJ 17th street Iroin Juuksoti street to Lou venworth uti uot. No. 4U1-AI vy in block 1UH ! . city , from intli to 17th street , In llio ciiy of Oniuhu. anil Hiili- Joct to n.ssessment for the paving or rupavln > { of the uame. You are liurobv notllioJ In pursiiancn of or dinances NOH. a-"J7 , : tu ; ' , y'.u , : i W and : L10U. ro- upactlvuly , pubBud nnd npprovud October lUtb. Ihir.1 , to Buluot and dulurinluii upon thu Kind of muterliil to baubod In navluz said Imnrovu- mcnt dlstr ulu on or teforo the 10th ( lay of No- vuiubor. IBU'j , or the city council will deter mine Huldmaturlal. Dated ut Omuhii. this 1'lth duy of October , Ibll. ' . I' . W. llIHKIAl'Siit ] : , Clialnuau of the llourtl of i'ubltu Works. OIJ-ll-11.