Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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COUNCIL nu.'i'Ta
Dcllvcro.a I-jr o.irrlor to inpirt ; of th. city
1V. 1 ! . TI I/TON , - MANAOKH.
.r.r ' f . rimnvrxJ . Hu/i'no'isOfllcp , No41
I'HO.NKf.'j N1M ( Kill tor No S3
MI.MI it .ir/\ruA.
f. Y. Plumbing Co.
I'nnticll lUulTs I .umber Co. .
.ludo Walter 1. tlnys will dollvcr an nci-
rtress tliU evening before the members of the
Democratic club.
Tlio WomnVs Ucllol 'corps win mcot. In
regular session nt llr.ind Army of the He-
public hull this evening nt T'W : o'clock.
Ttio lied Moo give n social last , evening jt
thnlr hall , corner of Mnln street nnd Broad-
Way. A Inrgo number of thn members of. I ho
nrd'er worn present. A musical prounitn WHS
rendered , after which ttio evening was spsnt
In dancing.
Marrlnuo licenses wcro Usuo I yesterday to
the following : M. It. Oils ion unit Mttinlo
Klcc. both of.kjoward. Nub. : Mtllon Ii ticnho
ot Council IllnlTii ninl Kay Meyer * of Chicago
cage , Ui'tireo K. W.itson of Omilm and Hen
rietta ICensingcr ol ( Irutid Island , Neb.
Klley Drudihaw. tlio younp man who was
found wandering about tlio streets Ttiurs-
ilny , was Riven an examination by the i-orn
misslonori of ( inanity yesterday , ami was
Ifiiltid to be foobletnindnd. Ilo will bu token
to Ctletuvood for tro.itmoiit ut Uio stale Instil
Koburt Mnvx nnd Mlsa Tulle Witt , both of
tills citv , wcro married Thvrvlnv uienln ; ; nt
the Gorman I.uthorau church. Kav. Stucu'cr
nfllcintlng. After the corjinonv hnd bci-n
performed tlio friends went , to dm Maonnor
clior rooms on South M tin slrool uml i.-ek'
bratcd the linppv ovont.
' "bo pnrtlos wio bavo bcon talking of
Blurting a new bank nt Avoca have coti-
cltided to buy out the priMont Avno.i lunk.
Unilor tlio rcnrcnnl/.itlon Mr. 15. V. Ktuif-
innn of DCS Mnincs , pivtldcnt of the Iowa
National bin k , Is iho new president ; Henry
\Vlr o and .lolin .1. .lonks , vice president1 * ,
imd .1. J. Spli.dlcr , cashlor.
The cold weather is 'ipp"owlilii ; , ] ) "o
pare vouryolf for tlio chilly nlgiits , visit
t.ho Uo.iiun Stojo nnd look over their
olcptml liiio ( if comforts anil bVankot" .
HliinUi-ts and comforts to suit nil tastes
and nt nil pHcea. Our low prines JH-O-
viil : in nil oitos , the power of Iho rotd.v
dollars sliQWb itself , iioston Store , Coun
cil Ululln , In.
Never hcforo have the tiooplo o
Council LSluITt ) and Orrmlm had such nt
opportunity to buy aero property sutta-
llo ) for homo or fruit n.s is olTored by
.Day it Hess.100 : veros to pluu from.
Only two nnd n half miles east of Coun
cil L ) m Its postollliic.
If you don't want to buy hard coal you
had belter sco H'txhy about oil
btirnoiH. 'J'hoy nro ttdtipted for use in
hot air furnaces , steam and hot valor
boilers , witli ifo coil ; or italics to Ir.mdlu.
V'K.SM.N.II'.lltAtJll ll'UH.
Judge \V. O. James Is homo from Chicnco ,
Thomas Maloney has rolurned iron ) Chi-
G. W. Culllson ol Harlan is at the Grand
C. n. Towlo of Loiicce & Toxvlo has re
turned from an extended eastern trip much
improved In health.
Uert Kvans , Kobrrt Graham and the
Messrs. ICecllno leave tomorrow for Valen-
tine1 , Neb , fora huntini : oxuocltion.
Miss Edith Croso , wiio has been vNitinpr
Miss Lilian HulT for several weeks pa t. re
turned hut evening to her homo in Indian
11. L. Williams and R. n. Edcorton have
rpluincd 'from Hnone , where tnov have been
nttcntlini ; tlio Ki'ctit council of Iowa , Im-
'proved Order of HcU Men. The t'roat i-oun-
! 1 will hold Its next session at Fort Madison.
The largest , the finest , the most ar
tistic display of full nnd winter goods
SA'er exhibited in Council ninth will bo
" jhown tit tlio Boston Store. Grand fall
wening Thursday evening , Oct. 13.
Doors open tit 7HO"nrompt. :
IIouso cleaning time has come and so
has the largest invoice of lace curtains
and draperies over received at tho"
Council BhtU's Carpet company's.
Suits and overcoats S10.00 lesa than
any other tailor hi town ; clothing dyed ,
donned and lopairod. Frank James
Petorbon , i311 ! S. Dill street.
Call on Messrs. Day & flo33 and ask
to bo shown the ICloln tract of .101) ) act-oi
no AT on sale in live and ton aero tracts.
They will show it free to all.
Itully in l.mvlt Township.
A largo delegation of the newly organized
llamboau club gathered at republican henci-
( [ uartcrs lust evening for tha nurposo of at
tending the rally at l.owls township. It was
the opening of the campaign , and the boys
made" creditable iippoorancn with thnlr
torches and uniforms. Tliev maretica to the
southern nart of the city acompanied by a
drum corps where they toolc rigs nnd drove
to Iho place of ineoiiiiG' , where they executed
fcomo nioro military movements , "Addresses
were delivered by W. F. Hakur nud .1. J.
< \ , Sloudman of this city , and an enthusiastic
' llmo wa hail.
1 A large crowd gathered nt the rcnubhcnn
tioadquarlots to hear nn address by Ben S.
Biiktir ol Oninlin. Ho handled the mucli
' worn silver fallacy without gloves end
elicited hearty applause from hla hearers ,
t who rcnrescntcd all parties.
2" ) doxon fronts' hnavy gray under-
shifts tin ring this week' for luo eaoh ,
worth ! iic. : Boston Store , Council
Save your hard coil : ; use wood , nnd
pall on II. A. Cox , 10 South Main street.
Heut Missouri wood $ o.OO per cord , do
ll voted.
Goutlomon , the llticstllno of fall trooJs
.In the city , jtiat received. Uoiter , the
tailor , 810 Broadway.
The Boston Store closes every even
ing at 0 p. in. except Mondays and
Saturdays" " ,
_ _
A young man giving liU immo us Franh
Smith has during the past day or two vie.
Utilized several Council Bluffs ) people out ol
Kimill einns of monov. Ills of worli
was to present what purnortud to bu n cortl
tied check on one of the Omaha baui < s for n
sin nil sum. Being of nice npneiminco nni
good prc.sunotho found no dinlculty In huV'
ing his worthless paper cashed. It Is under
stood he playo-l the satno game in Oniuliu
Just reversing the conditions , Ho has not as
yet been arrested.
H in want of anything in the window
shade line , curtains , curtain poles , wall
pnnor , portiei-o , chenille table covers
etc. , step Into the Boston Store , where H
is a pleasui-o to show goods. Councl
llluflu , la.
lust to hand , another case of CO pain
of wrapper blankets , the latest novoltini
for wrapper ! ' . Only 7So a pair. Bostoi
Store , Council IJIiiits , lu ,
\ViiutiHl III liny ,
Improved ivoperty. Will piy cash II
pricelalovv. U. G. McGoo. 10 Main street.
No bnnkrttnt , llro-smoked. diimni ci
furnlturoat MoyorV , ; ! 05-307 Hroadwav
Clean goods , loss than any Omaha price's
Now carpets ami draperies at the
Council lllulYa Cariet | coimniny's.
Boston store closes every ovontng at
p , m. , unlesa Mondays and Saturdays.
Judsou , civil onjwoor , 323 Hi-oadw.xy
Elaborate Preparations for the Celebration
of Columbus Day Under Way ,
They Will Jliikn tlio liy : Ouo of 1'lcn uro
Mini I'ntrlotlo lnilrnttoii | four or the l.lttlo Onet
Will Taltn 1'iirt.
Plans DM being laid for nn elaboratn
celebration ot Columbus day next Fri
day , by the children of the public schools ,
n the morning Iho oftlcial pto ram , pre
pared under tlio direction of the exccutlvo
cointnlttco of the National Association of
.Superintendents of Education , will be fol
lowed out. The school children will assem
ble ut the various bulldlncs and listou lo the
re.Kiln e of tliu president's proclamation , after
which the ( lug ulll ueiMlsed by the vetcrar.s
and urooted with "Tnreo Cheer * for Old
U'ory. ' " Alter thosaluto to the tl.ig by the
pupil ! . "America" will bo sunp. Devotional
oxerclsps will bo followed by the ringing of
the ' 'Song ot Columbui Day , " written by
'rheron Hrown. An address and the reading
of the oilo written by Edna Doau Proctor
will conclude the exorcises.
In tliu u He moon , communcine at 2 o'clai'l : ,
tticru will bo a irra'id parade. Four thousand
school childiPti will bo ID Muo , together with
the iiiembcni of iho city council , school hoard ,
tniiilary anj civil organisations , police and
lire di'p.irtments , etc. \vlioloproccssiou ,
It ii tlioiK'ht , will ba not less tlni'i two miles
lo'iv' , and ut Us close the people composing It
will uo to Iho High school grove at the head
of ( ilun iivcnne , whens nn uppropH'itu pro-
cram of mlilrotsc.-i and music will bu lire
si'iiti'ii. Tbodctiuls of the procession , line of
march , and Uio exercises at ttio prove nro In
this hands of a special committee nnd will bo
announced later.
The momiH'rs of all the Catholic soclctlu
of llioclty will niso celebrate the day. In
addition to lakltf ' part in the paradt ) in the
attcrnnop , they huvo united ir. getting up an
niir.u'tivo entortiilnn.ent , at the opera house
for llio nvoaing. .A of litornry and
inuslnil selci'tions ' will ba ivndered , a largo
part , of tbo music being furnished by ti
chorus of t wenty-ll vo vole's wtiicti has been
drilling with Mrs. M. .1. O'Neill for sovora'
weeks past. I'utilotlo nir. < will bo sung and
everything pjs l'jlc ' bo dona In nolobrato the
nnnlvorsaiy of tbo discovery ol America in n
fitting munnur.
Almost 11 .New ( Minrcli ,
When the memhors of the Kirst Hap-
tist church decided , to abandon the
proji'ct of tearing1 nw'iy the old building
and erecting- iiew one , it was nt once
detorinined t'tat the next best thhifrwn
to turn it over to J. H. Long , the dec
orator nnd ptipur intin , mid lot hiu :
trtniMno rify the interior. For two
wcoka Mr. Lony nnd : i corps of his hes
workmen have ueeti Icopt btuy , nnd bj
noon today the hist timshhifr louche :
will ho i > uton. and tomorrow the church
tfocrs will not only bo surprised but do
H rhted nod srati'lied nt the wondorfu
oh uifjcs. The dnrlc and jjloomy in
to ior iins liceii lighted and bright
o-id , and it is now ono o
th s hutidsotiiest church nuditorium
in the city the matter was li-ft wholl ;
to Mr. Long and ho bus shown evoi
1110:0 : than his usual ability as a (13 (
signer and executor. The main wall
nro covered with a feoft tinted ingrair
paper up to the arches , surmounted b ;
a delicate mold nnd a wide , bandsoin
f > ie/.e. The gables are soft blue and Hi
main coiling a light colored pattern o
uitumn loavoi. The alcoves and uiilpi
ccess nro done in rich tints oi blue nnci
old with gold bond. Tito woodwork is
minted in two shades of dohcato color
blending exquitaitcly with the walls , the
enttro olfect harinonixing so perfectly
hat not a single fuattiro becomes proiul-
Thd tiarlors , prayer meeting rooms
and vestibule have received the snmo
nrcful and artiFti'u treatment , and when
the members and the public inspect the
hurch tomorrow all will bo pleased
vith the decision that uavo the oppor-
, unity to Mr. Long which ho has so ar-
.i'ltically improved.
Ycstoidtiy afternoon the ladies of tbo
: hurch toolc jiossessioti of as much of
, he now building as pobsiblo and worked
dilijiontly putting down'tlie now carpets
ind fitting up the pulpit.
Tomorrow niornini ; the now pastor ,
Kov. .1. II. Davis , will preach his tirtit
sermon , and nil the now things coining
together will make the day of more
than ordinary importance b'oth to Iho
general public and the members of the
Wratliy lit tliu l.-.nvyi-rs.
Judge Macy has had a great deal of difll-
culty in keeping the lawyers at their
linlttinp ever slnco the present term of dis
trict court opaacd. Notio of tlio attorneys
seemed to make mucti of u specialty of Doing
ready for trial when taulr case. ) are calU'd
up , and tlio consequence is that a largo part
of Uio business of this term lus consisted in i
granting continuance. Yesterday iiiornlnir
the sti'iio program was gene through with ,
and the court showed hn disapproval of the
way things were dragging along , in an ur-
mlstakublo way. " 1 should adjourn Ihh
term of court hero and now , " said he , "if it
were not for the Injustice that would bo dona
the prisoners wlio nro now in jail awaiting
their trial In taking such a stop. The work
of the term bus dragged along in tbo most
unsatisfactory way possible , and the lawyers
will accommodate mo greatly if they will
work a roloriuailun , "
The case of the stuto ngainst Oswald
Peterson for the seduction of Mclllo Chris-
tcuson was tried. According lo the girl's
own testimony , which won given In a very
frank manner , she had ncleil very gay on u
number of occasions. 'At the conclusion of
the testimony for the state Judge Macy ,
without waiting for any ovldenco to uo in
troduced In defence , took tlio case from the
jury uud inbiruoted iho foreman to sign his
iiuino to uvordlciof acquittal.
The Jury was empaneled in tlio CHSO of
Howard Sparks , charged with uttnrin ?
lorgod Instruments , and Iho first of the ovl
denco will bo introduced this morning.
Spurns was an employe of IhoSingei1 Sow-
l-ig Machlno company until ho bocaino In I-
volved in ibo dcul wlilch rosullcd in the
present prosecution. II
Ills expected that court would bo ad I-
. journed thus evening until after election , but
there are several cusos on the criminal cal I-
endar yet to uo disposed of , nnd It will prob IJ.
ably bo two or three days before they run J.o
< cotton out of tun way , H. Pyburu nud T.
W. Hodson are to bo tried for obtaining
! money underfulso pretenses , and Kohor
' Hums for highway robbery , The case of W.
\V. Cones against N. Schurz will bo tried
, after the criminal cases have bceii com
My Show WlnUowj
Make good enough advertising for mo.
If I hud inoro tune to Bpend on ttioin
they would bo still bettor , but they're
pretty good. 13iACKi-rr : ; ,
Of the Corner Uook Storo.
Special campaign whip saloon Mon
day. Vour choice of a whole window
full for r > 0c , former price UOo , 75c , OOc
nnd ! ? 1.0(1 ( each , with campaign banneiv.
Charles Probstlo , 215 Uroadway.
Genuine Hound Oik , Uidlant Homo ,
P. P. Stewart Btovos and ranges , bold
exclusively by Cole & Cole , -II Main ,
'I'I HI 1'iivlnu rrolili'in Solved.
Thousands of dollars have boon cxpcudcc
In patient experimentswlihcufllclciu encrg )
to build a c-ity , by tbo brlclunnUeri of Co'in '
ell lllutls to provide a solution of the paving
problem. Ex-Alderman John P.Weaver baa
conducted morn of these expensive expert i.
menu than anv other of tbo deep/ ! inter
cstcd tiurttos , and yesterday no let his friend :
audasmullporllou of the publicsnaro his sat
l.sfactton In tha first achievement of sucrcss.
Mr. Wenvnr owns ono of the largest orlcl < -
mnUlne plants on the river , and ho lias been
conducting his experiments rf ninUlng vitri
fied paving brick for more than n year.
Ycsterdiy hn opened the llrat successfully
burned kiln , nnd Invited the city engineer
nuti n few friends lo Inspect tlio result.
Ttio kiln Is n circular affair built on the
latest nnd most approved sciontlllc principles
and contained for the trUl 100,000 ordinary
machine bricks. A number of workmen
wore sot to work throwing out the bricks ,
Crowbars were used nnd the hugo pile was
torn down with less care than would bo used
In handling granite blocks. The crowd
watched the work for on hour , nnd although
the bricks fell fn-quontly n holgbt of ten
feet only ono broken one was noticed , nud
not a brick In the entire pile , except those
adjoining the furnaces which were distorted
nnd llqulllcd by tlio heat , could bo found that
the city engineer did not pronounce suitable
for povlnp. They wore hard , tough nnd re
sonant as nyptal. Thu material used was only
the common clay from the banks surround-
Inf the worns. When broken the fracture
had n smooth , clean surfuco Ilka motnl. At
TUB Bin : ofllco n test was made to find the
absorptive power of tbo material , nud two
bricks taken from the too of the Ullti were
weighed and then luft In water for seven
hours. The final wclqlit showed n
caln of only three-quarters ot nn
ounce for the two. Tnls Is
tlio ban i-oault over obtulnod for any ma.
tcriul except granite that has been URCd for
paving In the clt > , nnd It , practically solves
the paving problem In Council IJIlilTs.
"Thoy nro the best pav'.nc ' 'bricK 1 over
saw from any source , ' sold Uny ICnglneor
Cook , 'and a pavement of such material
would last twenty-llvu years on any street In
tlio citv , nnd what manes It of nioro Interest
to nil of us every bit of It is tno product ef
homo industrv and our own bills , '
Mr.Vcavcrls lustily elated over his suc
cess , nnd will at once becin the crecliou
of additional kilns twice ns lirco , and by the
llmo tlio paving season opens next year
enough material to supply nil demands will
boon hiinu and the city relieved of the
necessity of submiltlnc lo tbo Imposition of
soft brick and cedar blocks or going outside
for material. _
UoWitt's Sarsaparilia ciiiansaa ttio bloa 1 ,
Hrmui'i O. O. I ) ,
l'r > bargains Saturday , October 15
on iho following : .
Largo clothes basket , " ; ! c ; medium
clothes b.iskot , 0e ! ! ; small clothes
basket , olic.
Largo tubs , 03e ; medium tubs , 5Ie ! ;
atti'ill tubi. 'IHc.
Lirirotibro tubs , SI.-17 ; medium libro
tub 3. ! ) Sj.
fibre pails , 3c ! ) ; paper pails , lc ! ) ;
three hoop pails , Me ; two-hoop pails ,
WashboardsIc ! , 14c , lOc. , ' 5c.
Largo cop per bottom wash boilers ,
75 c.
Copper bottom teakettles , 50c.
Clothes wringer , $1.75.
Clothes line , oc.
Lovvis lye , 9a ; Eagle lye , 7c ; Star lye ,
Domestic soip , 7 bars for 2jc ; White
Russian , 7 for 25c ; Santa Clans. 7 for Uoc ;
Hum ply Dumpty , 7 for 25u ; Old Coun
try , 0 for lioo ; olive soap , 0 for "oc :
Ilorfcoshoo soap , 13 for 2oc ; tar so.ip , lie
a bar ; all washing powdorb , 3ip u pack
age ; -1 ox. Gold Dust , llc. )
0-lb. box starch , liic ) ; ! starch ,
Iflc ; 1-lb. box starch , 5c ; built starch ,
; ic.
Largo bottle of blueing , So.
This is for ono day only , Saturday ,
October 15. BROWN'S < \ O. D. ,
Corner Fourth street and 13 road way.
Prepare for thu cold weather. The
immense supply of ludios' miRSes' gouts'
and children's undcrwaro nt the Boston
exceeds anything in previous years.
Our prices , as is known throughout the
west , the lowest.- Boston Store , Council
Bluirs , In ,
Di'uth ol' .11 rs. ( iriuin.
Mary A. , wife of Dr. John Green , died at
5 o'clock yesterday afternoon at her resi
dence on Fifth avenue. She has been lying
at the point of death for several months past ,
during most of which time she suffered terri-
blv. Announcement , of thu time of holding
tbe funeral will bo given later.
What folly ! To ba without Beechatn's
I'lro Corner of llrontlway unit llcnton
Our late loss Dv ( ire was covered by
two policies , both in tlio COUNCIL
By 7 o'clock the next morning after
l.ho . lire the secretary was on the ash
heap , pencil in hand , ready to figure the
loss down lo bedrock , which ho did , too ,
paying that' it was his duty and no
Finall part of his business. " So long as
ho did not go below bedrock wo had no
reason to complain , consequently the
settlement was not only prompt , but in
cvcrv way satisfactoiy , so much ho that
in addition to * ! ) ,1IOO.UO ( seven policies )
carried by this company bcforo the iiro
we now add to it * 113OCU.OO.
Being intimately acquainted with the
secretary and directors wo cannot bo
persuaded that better indemnity can bo
obtained than that offered by our homo
company , besides wo bclievo in patron-
I/ing worthy homo enterprises , every
thing being equal , and unless wo do wo
shall continue to ho dependent on for
eign capital and corporations
CI. U. WHKl'U.HH ,
Do you want a nobby either in
ladies' , misses'or o.hildren's and at the
right price ? if so , visit the Boston
Store and look over , their lino. Council
Bltills , In.
. Itllti'ii by n Hog.
Mrs. Stimhuck , a lady living on Lincoln
avenue , was severely bitten by'a vicious do ?
belonging to a man named Nelson , who keeps
a store at the cornir of liroadwny nnd Frank
street. Oftlcur Leueh put on end to this ani
mal after 11 ring halt a do/.en butlots into him.
Thanks to the Introduction of Salvation
Oil , young bicyclers need not fear a fall. We.
Largo invoice of now iaco curtains at
the Council Blull's Carpet company's.
UOpooplo In this city use gw stovoj
Iho Gas Co. puts 'om in at cost
Something entirely now in llowcr pot '
stands at Lund Bros,1
.lardiniors , uicoly docoratoa , at Lund ;
I3ros. : , oUe and 7oc.
Pay Davis for drugs and paints.
List evening the patrol wagon was called
to tlio depot to taliu charge ot an unlortu-
trntu who bad been brought in from Fremont
by the Union Pacific. The man's name Is
Chris Jones and no Is a tramp. According
to his Etory ho rode from Chicago to Fremont
In box cars. At tbo latter Place n braUeman
thruw him out ana struck him , The man's '
head , face BiulCcdy Is considerably bruised ,
HI * bruises were dressed at iho Jail by Po
lice Doctor Dibborn aud bo was given a good
bed fur the night.
Keep a bottle of Cook's Extra Dry Cham
pasnu la your Ice chest to cutcrtaia your
friends. U is splendid.
Iioiioil | | Until.
Charles Brown , who lived at HCO North
Twenty-second btrcct , dropped dead while
at the supper table last night. A physician
was hastily called but it was too late. The
doctors pronounced heart disease the cause.
Acting Coroner Welch was bent for but
after bearing the statement of tbo physician
decided un inqurst utineccsiary. Tbo deceased <
. ceased was about 30 years of ago.
Ulsoaso never iuccosstunv attacm tbo sys
tem with pure blood. UoWitt's Sarsuparllla
- tcukes pure now blood uud aurlcbct bloa.
Extensive and Elaborate Arrcngenicnts for
Next Wc k's'rQ3livitics. ' ;
e' J
Ilitnilrrds of Mrn lhnilDynl | on the Decor
ation * Mini OthriDftitlln Hotels ItiilK-
\i\K \ lutrVutrf ! I'limlno TluciU-
clirilViittcrsnn \\lll .siicuk.
Ctncvno , III. , Oct. 14The nccommodn-
llons for the Vint crowds that will assemble
at the World's fair dedication exercises in
the colossal structure known as the manu
facturers' luildlntr tire ncarinp completion.
1'here will bo seating capacity for ( IJoaj , per
sons , with scarcely onc-tblr.l of the buildtrig
occuulcd lor the nurposo , so that nearly 'JOO-
000 will llnd room in the alslos nnd other
parts of thn vast structure. Forty-seven
carloads of now chairs for the spectators
have arrived. The llf-htlng facilities , eon-
sistlnp of twenty-live electric llphts of 'J.UOO
candle poucr cnch , wcro suspended this
nftctncoTi frcm the nuisslvo toot In clusters
01 four nnd six. A force of "CO men 1 * em
ployed In the manufacturers' building com
pleting prepuintlons ulouo.
Down town tbo streets \\crofull of wagons
loaded with dccoratini ; tin terlal and every
where ulouc the cutbs exprossmeu wcro un
loading bundles of llacu and bales of bUntlnc ,
whtlo decornlors and their emuloyos rushed
about in u manner that left no doubt of their
Slrn lilor Tlt'kuts.
The committee has charRo of ar
rangements for the dedicatory ball held a
mooting at Uoncral Allies' olllco this after
noon and decided to sell no mere tickets for
admission. Threp thousand have been sokt
already , and that being the limit Uxed Iho
ucopio who have rccel'vcd Invitations and
have fallod to purchase aamissldn tickets be-
tore today cannot attend.
Fiftooti hundred tickets linvo boon sold to
Chicago people nnd the same numloi * huvo
been Issued to yncsts abroad. Fully 1UOU
ChtcaRO people who hnvo icceiveu "invita
tions to tbo bull will bo excluded by the
action of mo committee.
A serious omission of tlio committee is tlio
failure to invilo the mcmoers of the povern-
n > eiit control of the fair. The state Worlu's
fair boards have also been Ignored by tbo
committc'i ! unit do not know woether thelt
presence Is desired at the ball rr not. The
unfortunate ? , it not. otherwise provided
have yet recourse to the military ball , o
which Colonel Henry L. Turner U the pre
siding genius , uud nt which iho attendance
it Is estimated , will bo 1U.UUO.
All along Michigan uveuuo windows are
being offered for lent for the day of Iho
parades. Prices that seem astounding uro
demanded for the privilege of peering throach
one-tenth of a window lor u couple of hours.
In ouo place $ " > ( ) was asked for tne use of a
small room with two windows fronting on
the line of march. It was explained by the
lessee of the building'that twenty persons
could view iho parade through these windows
dews ana that after all Si.fiO per person for
such accommodations was not exorbitant.
.stiiiiu l > lHai'cuUlo I'ucts.
With a few exceptions the hotelkecocrs
have not taken advantage of the Uc-
manil for aceommo-jallons to raise the
rates. It is ttio custom for the
Jim-class hotels to cnargo a uniform
rate throughout , the house , and Jlrat come ,
lirst served. However , to the disgust of the
reception committee , one of tbo largest of
the hotels has taken udVuutago of the situa
tion and is charging an exorbitant price ! or
accommodations , \yHl\.fbur \ beds in a room.
A pleasant disaurcoablc features
was afforded by Cniut To inn us of the music
department , who toflav ordered that all
bauds matching in tie civic pnrado shou Id
play In unison and that all tune * like "Ta-ra-
ra-booru-do-ay" should bo discarded. Only
the very best patriotic airs arov to bo used.
Another agreeable announcement is that
with good weather people will ba taken out
on Lalco Michigan the night of the tlrowoncs
display. Arrangements have buon com
pleted to send u number of steamers to an
chor off Lincoln and .lackson parks , 1'rotu
which u line view may be had.
ciiAitct.NC. itir. it.vTis. :
Hotel Men to I'rollt by tlio ll Influx of
'UruiiKorN to Chicago Next \\Yi-k.
CHICAGO , ill. , Oct. 14. Chicago hotels propose -
pose to make Uio most of the coming dedica
tion ceremonies. Almost as soon as the
dates were positively fixed there seemed to
be a buddcn rise in prices , which continued
steadily until all the rooms wcro taken. The
clerks wcro ns gentlemanly as ever when
they showed the unsuspecting warlarer a
room which would only cost S.YJ for Wednes
day , Thursday and Friday of next week.
I'riccs have bsen incroasca six-fold in some
of the larger houses. Even tbo llltlo Euro
pean hotels far down town , which provided
15-cent beds "for men onlv , " have more man
douolcd tbelr pi ices.
Ono of the largest European hotels In the
city has devised a cunning schema to triple
its revenue while seeming to follow its old
scale of charges. Every room In the build
ing will ba provided with from ouo to four
cot beds , which can bo hnd at the rate of $1
a day. In ca o a person wishes a private
room ho can pay the regular charges un nil 1
the oats and have them removed , In this 1i
manner the lonc-hcadeu proprietor expects
to sell the satno cot bed four or live times 1I I
every night.
Two of the largest American hotels will 1
receive guests at reasonable rates up to tbo
llrat of the week , after which they absolutely
refuse to tuiiko any prices , savins that they
will demand what the exigencies of tbo case
require. I'o secure luvorito suites of rooms
at tbo papular places , wealthy easterners
have agreed to pay the price named nnd usk
no questions.
liy un Ac'diiloiit to Ouo < > r tlio Itlsf I'limp * n
Fit mi mi n TlirnatoiiKil ,
Cmrtao , 111. , Out. 14. One ot the largo
double beam pumps at the Chicago avenue
water works was disabled today. In consequence
quence the city will bo deprived of a daily
watorsupnly of 30,000,000 gallous -jntil're
paired. A heavy Iron castinir must bo re
placed nii-l thirty days will uo required for
Its construction. City ofllcers in charge of
the water department prof , ss no t to fun r a
famine. They admit,1 howavcr , that the lim
ited supply will j 'causo a scarcity
in oatslifo parts' * of the city , All
available pumps | boon started
to their full cajuigltv t > ut they are
not able to make good the dollcit. In the
meantime , three puinpd with an individual
capacity of it,009.0Kgallotn ; ( ) ; daily , are lying
in readiness at the Fourteenth street pumj
works behind brick' and i'ortluiid noincnt
bulkhuads that worn built to shut oft access
to the four-mllo tunnel. October 15 was
lixed as the latest i'a'0 on which Iho four-
mile tunnel would 'b.o' opened nnd the city
given the bonnllt of pure water nnd an nd >
ditloiml pressure from the now pumps. The
promise will not bn made good.
days work on tlio bulkheads remains and the
tunnel Is not yet cleaned , Thu oi-curronco is
regarded ns purtlc-ilarly unfortunate , comlnir
as it does ] nu prior to tbo World's fair
dedication coremonlerf. Every effort will ba
uiudo to repair the damugo as qulcldv aa
possible ,
lit ) HUH CiiiKontcil to Deliver tint Di'dlca
lory AildrmH in tliu Wiirlil'H Kulr.
Cuicuio , III , , Uct. II. Tbe following cor
rcspoiulunco by telegraph passed today be
tween I'resldctit 1'almor of thu World's fuir
ana Hon. Henry U'uUersou :
CIIICAOO. III. . Oct. 11.-To Hon. Henry Wat
tcrson : It is the iinaiiunous < IIM.- | | OII of the
council uf iKlnilnlstr.illOM that -you dullvui
nddi-usaat ( li'ilicatory eeremoiiy uetobur si
In plavoof Mr. Iliucklnr dro , ilrelinuj. Your
uccoptunvo urgently uubired. I'luiuu nnswur
T. W. 1'AI.MKU.
I'lesliliuit UnmiiiUslon
I.OUIFVII.I.U. Ky. , Oct. n.-llon T. W. I'lil-
incr , I'lVdldcnl Uoluinbluii ICxiiosltlon : The
time Uexcordlii''ly short nnd 1 ' 'really fun
that I CUD pren-iru nolhlnu uuuijtiiuo lu tin
ui-uuilon. but Iliu Invitation with whleh you
honor mo comes , under tliu pomiliur olrcnm
btiiiieussuniinndlinf tboeiiso , IIH a coiiimanil
and I uut upuu u btiiiu of iluty In ucceptlir. .
lllliuiU' . .Mllltht111
CHICAGO , III. , Oct. H. After tnucti dis
cushion It hot bcon definitely settled tbnt the
Illinois National cuanl will march In the
parade October \ , The dlractors of the
fulr h.ivo cuarantcoil the necessary funds .
and will to luck to hnvo It rolundcd at I
bo next session of the Illinois legislature. i
.vjiir noun * A\t 1'Mttuniv.ti.s.
The October N'ow Knglnnd Mijnr.iuo It
specialty attractive for Iho quantity and
tiuullty of Its poetry , livorotto S. llubbard
contributes a line Columbus poem , "Tun
i'hrco .Ships.1 which ha * the place of honor
in the number. Charles Edward Murkhain ,
ttio California poet , Is represented by n poem
In tils best vein , "A Harvest SOUR. " Madt-
sou Cawclu of Kentucky is. sotuowht.t meta
physical lu "Tho Ordeal. " James 11. Kon-
yeti contributes a pretty fauc.r , "Tho South
Wind. " St. George Ucst is topical with
"Mars. " Stnnri Sterna , a Now York poet ,
In " " and "Alatlus "
"Vespers" , ptves us true
poetry and sentiment. All these , poets are
of iho youtiRer Kctioratlun , and uro scattered
throughout Iho union , so that It cannot bo
sulct that the New Ktigland Magazine is
bound by local prejudices , or closes Its col
umns to the younger singers ,
To the llovlou ot Uovlows for October
Mr. Stead , the Knidlsli editor , contributes
ono ol the raciest character sketches , this
time doalliiR with Mr. ( jladstonu's new cabi
net In u bunch , so to speak , rather than with
sotuo slnjlo ( personage. The article throws
mauy a bright Mdu Unlit on contompornry
Ktigllsb polities , and hl's off In Mr. ytoad's
fearless and always felicitous manner tbo
twenty or nioro men who now lead thuliberal
ICnplish hosts. Mr. Slinvv , the American
editor of tno Kovlow ot Hovlows , write ? of
two great Americans , Whlttler and ( .Icorgo
William Curtis , the tittlclo rontniintiij not
only portraits of those two eninent men , but
nlso vcty Intcrcstinp pictures of them as
they appjared forty years ugo. This issue
is u specially bright and nltructtvo ouu.
The Columbus Interest culminate ! ) , as It
should , in the October Century , coutemno-
ratioously with the celebrations at Now York
uud Clilcu o , tbo IroiiMspiccQ bclnj ; the
newly brought out "Lotto" portrait of
Columbus , owned by Mr. J. W. Kilsworth of
Chicago. H Is accompanied by nn ex
planatory paper by the critic , .lolin C. Van
bvke. In the satno number the Spanish
slutchtimii , Casteior , writes of Columbus'
homeward voyage after Ibo great disuavcry ;
and thu architect Van Hrunt ilescrlbis the
Ibltcrics building , the exquisite art bulldtnir
nnd tbo United btntes government building
nt tbe World's fulr.
A very admirable little work has just been
published by Charles L. Webster .t Co. .
New York , under tbo tltlo of "Writings of
Christopher Columbus Descriptive of the
Discover- and Occupation of tha Now
World. " It is nditcd by Paul Leicester Ford ,
who has written an intro.luction to the work ,
which is Itself an intensely interesting essay
on the way in which Columbus and his
works tuivo been regarded by two factions.
Tlio one. regardless of lluw.s ir. Ills character
in ! methods seeks the canonization of Colum
ns , while the other , losing nil breadtn of
iflw in the minuteness of its investigation ,
nils bun a vain , ignorant ntul oven hull mad
nthtisiust , It is u charmingly written work
nd will bo rrad with keen interest by ull
vtio admire Colutnb js and his achievements.
In the October number of Potcr.son's Mag-
izino appears the following notice to its
ubscribers : "This magazine is about to
) iiss into the cnnirol of stocUholaurs , who
iroposo to convert it into a periodical de-
oted solely to titoraluro ana art. 1'etor-
iGii's long contitmud success , its general
norii and the great improvement in its liter
ary departments during tbo nast few your1
mvo decided the future publisners to call
heir periodical Tbe Now Peterson , conll-
tent that tno name will raise up lor it in ad-
nncon wide host of friends ana supporters. "
"Etiquette ; nn Answer to the Uilulo
When ? Whore * How ! " is the title of n
ory useful little wor'.c by Agnes II. Morton ,
vhicli the authoress has dedicated to "those
vho dwell within the broad zone of the nv-
orage. This book Is not written for the
KUioanco of the ultra-fashionaulo circle ,
although there uro not a fovv members of
no so-called smart world , but could learn
, omo wholesome lessons from its perusal ;
but it is intended to imi.irt sotuo informa
tion on tlio subject of etiquette to those who
entertain their friends without the assist
ance of n butler , footman or llorist , and who
are waited upon by .1 n\pro \ or less skilful
land of u maid servant. In this llt-
lo volume the authoress bus made some
suggestions regarding tbo fundamental laws
of good behavior in every day Ufa that it
voulu pay anyone lo give heed to. Pub-
Uhsd by the Penn Publishing Co. . Phila
delphia. and for sale by the Megenth Station
ery Co. , Omana , Nob.
The California Illustrated Magazine for
October is un excellent unmoor. It opens
with an interesting sketch entitled ' -Among
the IJaskolnmkors , " by Jeanne C. Curr.
which is fully Illustrated by II. H. Shcrlc.
Walter B. Cooke has n pretty story called
'Jimmy the Guide , " nnd Hichard II. McUou-
ild has an elTcctlvu paper entitled "Political
Duty of Callfornians. " Interspersed through
out the number nro several very meritorious
looms , and taken us u whole tn'is issue ? on-
.alns much that will recommend it to intelli
gent and discriminating readers.
Good Form for October is a World's fair
lumber , more than one-half of its pages
being devoted to timely andontertalning arti
cles , illustrated with beautiful nnd unique-
outs pertaining to Columbus and the great
Columbian exposition. Mr. Waterloo's
continued story , "An Odd Situation , " grows
n Intcrost , and the olher stories and articles
are of unusal excellence ; so , nlsn , are the
several departments , which are of such value
; n the homo. This is a thoroughly western
ni-odtictlon , beincnublisliad at Chicago , uud
should therefore bo patronized largely by
western people.
The October Arena contains another papers
of the popular ssrics now appearing in its
pagei on American actors. This paper deals
with Kdward linen Kotheru. It issupcrblv
Illustrated and written in a charming style
by Miss Mildred Aldrlch , the eultor of tbe
"Mahogany Tree" of Uoston. Another in
stallment of the Baeon-Slinlsespearo con-
troveasy in this number will prove of gen
eral interest. Among the papers treatlnir
serious moral , polllitainnd reformative prou-
litms are thn following : "Has Islam a
Future.The Negro Question in the
South. " "Should the House of Knprosontu-
ilvcs Ho Limited to its Present Number ; "
"Social and Kconotnio Influences of iho Bi
cycle , " "The Churoli and the World , "
" 'Astrology Flu do Sinclc , " nnd numerous
Tim -Milrli o a KiHk.
It Isnot unusual for colds contracted In the
full toliaug on all winter. In sucti cases
catarrh or chronic broncnltlo uro almost sure
to result. A llfty-cont bottle of Chumuor-
lam'a Cougu Remedy will euro nny cold.
Can von afford to so much for so" small
an umounU This roiuody is intended es
pecially for bad colds and croup uud can
ulways bo depended upon. Forsnlo uydrus-
lltlstllCK * III illls ,
B.ichinan it Anderson have sold out their
saloon nt South' Oinulia.
A. V. Hichi.'l who lias boon running n meat
marlict at Big Springs has discontinued
A loss bv tire of 51,000 has been sustained
on T , W. Wheaton's planing mill at Norfolk.
U. B. Dulfy , a coal dealer at Schuyler , has
suffered u loss by lire ,
FREE "For the Lfc"
COOK BOOK Mailed Free.
Send name and address to
Of Interest
I went to nxwl lor ? r'in ? * Mo-i 'n '
Mareli , lSj.1 , tailoring with n imiinlr c > c
of ivijicp ! < U. I liiiil liccii trcatftl liy ocmo
nt tfn < l)0 > t iihj icliini ! In thn cunntry ( nt
Kntuni City , Cliirltitinll ntiil IIMtlmurr * ,
but \\lthoiit relief. 1 wtty mnrh
( ournKcd liutwa Iniluctd lo try the I'.x-
cclslor Spring Watrw. 1 cxpcrlcurril
nlnm < t Ininu'di.ito trllcf nflrr ( oinmciicln
their use , nnd gnlm-d In HIP first thirty day ?
! : s p Minds \vc-li-M , nnd from Hint time in
( hi ! pri"u.nt , irt rlod of incr ck-lit ycarf. I
have hiil no more trouble from iiT < perifa.
My weight when 1 went to KxrcVrir
Springs \\n III ) IK/UIK ! ? . I now weigh
uunnt 100 pounds' ' .
I fully iH'llovc HIPFPvnlcra tironcfly
iisoil will euro nny cn o ot dystitpfln. Till (
1 ? | HHlifima | Kuwpltii ; ftntPiiH-nl , lull thpy
cured nip ntul 1 know of ccorri of others
who have ln-on iiermnnpntly eiired of tlio
E.imo eoniplalut uy the n e of ttn'sontcr.i. .
( Slgucd ) AV. I ! . I'otvLcn ,
Jiulgp of Trobutc Ccut.
Liberty , Mo. , Oct. , ISdl.
'Ihetattrs \ art liotlUil anlf l j the Kxctl-
tlor f'jirlnys Coini > aiiy at
for l\niMcl ,
lUclianlsjn Drug Co. , ASciiU ? , Onulia , Xcb
Exltacl of Beat ,
Do you want a cup ol
IJi-ci'ToaV Hoc that it
is made from the ( . ! or.
uino liu'oinparabl.v
tlio l > , I'ttro , jitila-
table.rotr.'shitijj. OU-
soluilri elearly-
tlto Ruron I > i-
liu's ) skMiauro
n bltto o-i oaoh
tibul , linn.
Tlio GooJ Siraarilaa. 20 Vcai s' Expcriciitc.
SA11Y OF .MimCINI3. :
S treat the fa/towing Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , anil I/Jngs : Dil' .
casosoV tbe Eye ami ICnr. Kits n id Apoplexy. Henri !
B ! eas.- > , l.iver Complaint. Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Kabllity , rVSortta ! Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
WeaUnesn , Dialjcte ? , RriEht B Kijcosc..St . Vltua'
Uancc. KlieumatlEtn , 1'ar.ilycl * , White Swelling.
Eerofu'a , Fever Sore ? , Cancers , furnots
and Fistula in ano removed without
the knife or drawina a drop of
blood. Woman with her delicate orpi-.H3 re
stored to health. Dropsy cured wiihout tapping.
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases cf all kinds.
85 O to SBOO forfeit for any Venereal Disease -
ease i cannot euro without mercury.
Tape Worms removed In two or three hours , or ng
pay. H morrhoMa or I'llea cured ,
Will save Ufa and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
The only Physician \vlio can toll what alia
a jicrson without : isliiiK n iiucalloii.
All rnrrc.'ponclcuco strictly confidential , llcdlslng
cent by express. Addicsauli letters to
Bpoad A/ay ,
Couiic il Bluffs , Iowa
ana aid SiifiBi ?
ail Siratal
UoHf.iclllllovnp.iiritiiiii'i 1 r. ) m li.ii f ir < i n lu T
uuiiuKiui n ; uverjr Inrin of ill-uuj rjiulr-
iiiuiii.'iUc.iliirmir nun nut.
HlioJaiuriMiiunts. imirl Htil itttuiliuij. lljst ni
lomuliitlu.Mln tliu wuit.
Wrltaf'irrlrculnrsniiilufiir.iiltlotiiii.l lirusai. tnu
o , < 'lul ) luct , c.irv.iiinet "I spine , piiui , lunuri , cxn
ccr , iMl'irrli , ijron 'UtU , Inlitlittun , oluu.rji'lty , | ii-
nly l , u.iiluiny , ki.lii.ijr , lil.i I tar , u/u , oir , su.i iiuJ
liloiul an lull mir/lcnl . -
Woniun I-'IIKK. tVun.ivu liituly id tu I : i lym.-l.i ila
nirtnuMil for W mum ihfl.u c.i illuiitnaiil , utrULI/
r.vuto. Only Kulmuiu .Mullu.ll tiiit.tiuo nuil.u , i
All Illoo.l IH ( .Mi.i-HHifciHifiilly troi'.ul. SrP'illUl'
riil iiiisii > iuiivu < l Iniiii tliu xystivufiifuil IIILTJ ir/
Ni > w Kuitonitlvj 't'rjUl'Unt lor I , MI uf VI I' VI
riMVIOK. I'uri'iiisiiu ilj o IM visit miniluiiruitj
ut lui. nu Iic irres , 1011 In. . K'u. All ru.nmiiiiiuitlTi
conllilantml. Multut.iu irla trn nu it 'j.H nm.ill n
< ! Xir | < . n'l'tmily iii.'ku I. nn mum * lo lullcilii uoi
Ivntmir uvulur. ilnu pvrvi ml InlorrlH v prJlu.TJJ
Cull H lit en , KU. I in or bu.i.l hU.o.-y ut your u.iu , ill
UD will M.MI 1 In pl.itri > 'r ipiur , 't ir
Rff/f TO MPN 1-ltlW : "po-i > V'v-itJ SPJ
uuun lu m-n . . .
- ,
, , „ or Nl)1.ol , , , , , ,
] iiiHinncjtyi | ! > UiU < , ( ilu'-'tu il VarlttJMlu , ( fill iuji
llnii'oa , Ai | | > llntit O't ' fnr Di'fur nltlei mil 'JVj-iioi
Only iirinuliictury In t.iu ivei. it
DKCullUlTV , AI'l'l.lANlMJ , TUU.i.3 i. < , CLHjr
Omaha Medical auJ Inslltute
2Oth atjd Broadway , O.unoll Dlulfj
Ten iiilntuosrl.lo fron co.itur nt O m'.iiU
mrJ counll It.ulti ulo'-'trid maier 11. . i J.
The want n IvoKUn no'itJ lippiriiu In t
mnvsiuper arc oftoti the most Intcrcnliu
part of Us content * . Tlioy cvpro * th urgent
need ? , tlio tlullyTlsho tit tliu people nm
Miintsomething and who tire \vllilii.l to ilo
lomuthlii ; .
/ ' ' I HI. wanto.l at llfllllci * avenuu.
\\7AX'iTH Wood lurnur and band s :
' tit ( logon's plnnlii ! ; mill ,
U7 ANTlMwo ilirossn Kin ? l\v HiiMliy
Imiuliu or Mrs. A. l'ald ull , till Wasti-
liiiion avenue.
\\T ANTKD-A neat , eompotrnl ulrl tolo
' ' Kriieral hotisuwur.c ; il IJJ 4th tttt'Ot , tlr.
/ JllKKNSlltUMl * . NK'llltl.SOX & CO. nro
VIntways roadv nn I over vvllllnj to how
ptfiportyi rUs uiw ij-s on ba-id , Uj and see
TAKM nnil city loins. Money linnoil nu
A ctoi'k nnd ur.iln. lioil osta'to for siilo.
llwollln : nn I buslne-ts rental * . Monc-y li > ati .l
torloeil Investors , l.ongco , VTuwle , Jill I'oarl
I/tOK SAI.K Duslnblo riMldimi-n property
* - nn Turk live. Modern Inr.miviimonls , II
rooms , ono block from nuitnr ; a barualn If
UKiM at oni'os easy p.iymunts or tr.nlo ii. 11 ,
11 ° von want to rout a house see lireenslilouK
Nlehol on , V ( 'a
irU ) | ! TU.\l > K-lands lit ( Irpolv IMMIUIV mill
* Ctistor county. .Null. , for nt.j-k of lowntry.
or.'iiiiH , fiirnlliiro or l > ii liios-i properly In
t'omu'll ItliilN. K. II. She if r.
p iJ K KNsmiTuis" "is i n i ; Vi , 3"rT V tn. . iHvo
V I tbo hir ust list of propoily uf nny llrni In
the oily
irOlt SAI.K Ohoieost fnrni In I'utt.ivralfi-
J. in o I'n. . 4it ; ui-rai , wo.I h ) < tti-il an 1 Im
prove I. I'lU-uilJ an a'rn. R II "hoifo.
Il'VUt ) have iMVthliu for silo or Ir.ido sau
Ii II. Sio ! ifo , Itnii l\viv nn t M il'i stroiit.
Ij'OU HAI.IO Oiispii'.l pay nonts. fruit an : |
-L garden Ian I nmr Council lllntV-i. U. 11.
t-huafe. llra.iw.iy : | an I .Mala s i'oo : ; .
FT VO1' want f ) siimuthln : iu"v rosnrd-
ng real 04tatu .sue Urea'tlilialds , N'loholsoii
\\7ANTKD Xo' raM > a 1 in I In ovh ingo for
i i good work lioriu * . l II. SlitMfJ.
" "
f J URKXS1IK I.I IS , N lcTlTi7 o\ . < c ( . 'O Have
V \ iniuiy b ir.-iilns In 1 npnivo.l mil vioaut they would bo ule.isu.l to
show yii.i.
\ \ ' . \ . \ \ ODD .t O ) . h-ivo s > ) no. of llnust
' farms In BoiitlnviMtorn low.i Tor sale.
Call and rti'u us. iVJj M.iln sticot.
11' von Irivo a honsu to rjutsL'c lirucnshlulds ,
MrhoUon .t Co.
AUAItUiMN. t'-noru frn.t aa-l sardun tract
2'4 ' miles from nnstoni-ji- . ' . ' ai'ius in Krapes ,
! IILTO In hiii'-kliorrlos. x' . " > i upplo lives. ? J
plum trees. : iTi uliorrv trcm. dwn Iliu. slablo ,
et1'rlvoJi.OOl Nu trade , i : . II.hoafo. : .
II' VOU want t-i liny a lot sjo Uro'-ithluliU ,
Mclio iNon > t ( Jo.
$ . " . ' ) I'KIl MONTH rents u L-O'vl r.-ro'jin
ilwollliisim AvuU''lth st. K ll.irho.tfc.
Jl-'you want , to buy liouso see lUoonshlolds ,
Nii-liolsoa .t Co.
/TUKK vrTTiVKi.ns. xTi.'iiin7Jx" co. i-
v JWII.VK have snap * o.i h nul Tor consorviitlvo
Df ( my projioity ( III you liuvo" soon
t Co. _ _
ris' tTo. real
and agjnls. li.'l Hway , O.
LIST voitrpr.inrty wt.ii m MI vvli i rust.'o to
lull [ t. SJH Xloliulson . 'j Ilo.
/ : iKKn.\SIII-fM ) . 7NlOMOLSO\&CO. uro thn
vJli > udins ro-il iloiloi-s of Couii-11
Illuir . Hpoth'Mn wli.'ii v inrtnt : unytlrn %
DOX'Tfnraptth it irueu ; < li' iil .t Xloliol-
< -oii are ilui't. in tlio inldd e' < if the rlna :
larsust list of prupurtv or anv doalcr In the
city. ' _
COMBmitl talvf > one of ( Jio.'inhlol'N. ' Xlchol-
> on's rl s and tiiitc u flUe over tliu elty ; It
costs you nothhig. . _ _ _
I1'von want to buy land scc"'Oreonslilolil8 ,
TpOli ltKN'L'-7 rooms oa Pir-jt Avo. , S" " > . K.
L1 n. She ifo.
OfUl ncrns of L'holei ) plni ! Imids for sale ,
' I'nrvls Miss , llas
no'ir , terms In-
iliilroot Mrs. U. ( i. Ilnxilis , or A. T. Ulco , I''S
4 Hi stirut.
In i At'UFS of clear land In o'lstnrn .Nc-
Urasku to o\ihair-'o fur a trool : rusldiuipo In
( 'until.Illnlts. ! ! . Want hn.isos ninl Int.s for Xe-
lirasku lunil. .lohnstnn Vim I'nttun.
(1 ( AlillAC ! 13 removed , oesuponls vaults nnd
Jc'liliiiiio.vsoluiini'il. K. I ) , lluvxo. Uity Hldg.
R I'lirnlturt' . llvturos nnil leaseof
, i'st nn i liiiost holnl In southurn
Niitnas'ci ' , All inodurii Itnproviuiinnts , clo-
Kant fiirnlliuv. "Net profits Sld'Jl.uO | ior 1111-
niini ; Ijj'.lulnj , ' newly bu'lt : no compiitltlon.
I' l.OJ , half cash. H II. Shuafe. Council
FOllSAMCrii.iinorv 0'itllt. L-oiuprlsliij ; iO-
- - li p. | hol.or. 10-h. p. l.-IAllu. " V Do l.avel"
sep iralors - croain v.its , : nagalloii3 oaeh ; nsli
I'hiiin.liJJ L-ii'lons ' ; uoivor Ixitlcr woikor. beam
suali . wolubl o.'in , w iter link and otliur
fixtures. Will sell clio.ip for e.isli or Irado
for 1'iiii. K. H. Slii'iLfp.
Jr.Oll SALE Ihiidwarj Hliu-k-i In lov.-n and
- Xubraskn. Involo.s , ifl.JUj ul'S.OU ' K. 11.
BXOIIAM1K Two nmrr-s mid I wo col is for
_ ji giKdht _ Ijii j/'oiiiicil lUnlTs. H. II. Sliiiafe.
ifolt BALK I'anillv horse , nevphucton ,
harness , uli- . _ t' . Uro gory. ri.'lMulii st
I SAI.K At. bur nln , Iciilinnt Homo
.so burner. 1" . M. II n lair , ' . ' ' 1 ll'ull'st ' ,
/IUH ITi'iini : ot ninli'S. A'K ) onu coed
work hoiso. Will tiUu pay In
MONDAYS lu II. A. | nr7o'iT clili < lroii. 4 p
in.i 11 lints. T'li : p tn. Koi/laH / H LMiid anil
fnurtli Mondiiy * , U p. in. Mii'lifiirntsliad unr-
tlus uinl clubs Ailclioss ul K. A. I'.irhir.i.
C'oiinoll I tin Itor ; lii.'ll I' at , , Umiiba. W.
'C. Cliaiulieri , Instructor.
Funeral Oireclor ,
114 Main Street ,
Uoudc-U Bin lid.
< r-nnlnd proposals will bn lu olvud by tbouii-
ilorBli-'iiLMl until lill ) o'clo.'lc p m , October
L'lst ' , IHI. : ' . ior the const ruuilnn of ua\ver < ) la
hotterillbtrlulH Nns. Hi , I'll ' uud HI ) , In Dm
rlly of Omuliu , UK pur onllirnu'ui NCH , IKtvt ,
It''hj nnil U''SI. ro > pu llvu y , acvo''Jln i to planu
iiirl hjiL'ullinnlloiiH on Illu in tliu olllco of tliu
lloii'.l ut 1'ubllu ' Works.
Kadi proiios il tu bo iiriilonn printed llnn ! < s
fiinilsliuil nv thu bo u r I , and to bo ucyoriipaii-
Itiil by u ui-rlllluil ulieuk In Iliu HIIIII of 1'iUO ,
P'lyabiii lo thu ot Omaha , us un ovliioneu
uf loot faltli ,
Tliu board rohcrvns tliu rl.-lit to rujuet any
, or ull bids , uud lo wulvu ilnfect' .
I' . W. IIIHnllArSint.
Clialrman . of J'ubilo WorVi
Oir.ilmNob. : . Uatobur 7th. IMJ. OT-S-II-I5
AUMilnl < tritiir' : < Mile.
I'.ntlro Htock of w ill p ipor , otr. . oU'lto of tha
late ( ivuru'ii IE. Huaid , I'il5 l ) , > . | ju Hlruotvunt (
of tio'itolll ' : ai innii' Lo ehi'iud out at once ,
1'rlcen reuiicnil M lo " . " iit-r I'unt , Wall puiier
worth luu luT.ij per roll sulllix nt from Uu to
l..c per roll. It will pay you to buy now , The
rrciint formation of u "irnHt" uniting makoin
of wall papur liisnros an iidvr.ut'u next. | IIIIK |
of at lo.isi. ; n pur cant above prices now ruling
In Onniliii.
Vuu ritiinot nll'ord to delay.
IJtoru for rnnu
Kufc , llxturcs , otu. . for hale choiui.
T. J. ItKAitii , AUniliilbtrator. I
A i9.Tnn > : . MachlnoatalO-Tono-a-Dny Price.
it -IU1IO' < Oul. 'urronty Ouekitli \ Kucb Mui-lilnc.
U ICallnic I > rei > Ii n'MIorac , lull-circle wactiluo.
U liaa "HI luirctt t c'l'rt uiiuulutf of
nny OnnUiiuous-llulliin ,
IXiiililu trulio 1'itss In
IliuVorlU. .
, Capacity ) Conulructlont Dnriiblllty-iill tlio ItKKT.
The followlnir tutrtlmnnlal frini rienalor II. I' Slmmwiiy of Wnliolllcd. Xn Ii. , htiuulvK ( or Itself !
WAKIUr.r.n Nol > . October I Snndwleli M'f'a Co. , Council limit's-Jonl ( ! * : V\ouro very
well pluusi'd wlh | lliuSonthwtck Muv ITos , huniht from vou ruuvntly , Wu uui : bulo 15 tou *
pcrduy. 1 think It suparlor to unyth nx I uvcr s'iw fora buy tires ,
Respectfully Yours , II. I' . SIll'MWAY.
BlflNL ) FOli OA-TA-liOGUIil A.ML ) J