THE OMAHA DAILY BKlfa.fiATUUDAY. OCTOHKR IS. 1802. SECOND Bousing Bopxiblloin Billy Holil in the South Part of Town. DEMOCRACY SYSTEMATICALLY PUNCTURED Old fncrlsin nnd Pine Trnilr , Cilnnillr " " ' Wild.Cat Ciirrpiipy llnniltptl liy ADlo u Urpulillrnii Doctrines 1'rrply Kxpnnmlod. A rousltm rally was hold last evening at Miller' ' * hall at Eighteenth nnd Vlnton , f under the auspices of the Second Ward Ho- publican club. Delegations from nearly every ward in the city wcro present , nnd the roomy boll was packed to Its fullest capacity. The Fifth Ward Flambeau club turned out In Its gorgeous now zouavo uniform ? , con sisting of red trousers , Dluo blouses , with whlto facings , red fezes , with lo - gmgs nnd nn abundance of braid , but tons nnd sashes. The club was hoitdcd by Its own fifo nnd drum corps , nnd executed military aiantijuvers with groftt precision , considering the short tlmo that U has had thus far for drilling. There were Blxty-clehl of the llumbeau zouaves in , the company nnd the display of blnzo nnd color nnd the music of the ward bind nnd drum corps excited nn nbundunco of cam paign enthusiasm. There was no parade of the Second warders preceding ths speaking , but the marching of tlio Fifth ward dolegn- tlon cnrontc to the hall attracted us mur.h nttcntlon ns doea the nvcrago o.irado with the exception of the grander demonstrations of n campaign. Over 50i ) voters crowded into the ha'l nnd listened attentively to wnnt the speakers of the evening had to say , and the exposition of republican piihciplos oltcltod enthusiastic nppluuse. Many of the nominees of the party were present , mid gratified the general aotlro of these In nitundanca to hear tlioin. National issues occupied the greater part of the disoubslon , and the questions on which the parties dlffor were moat ably handled. The nudlcnco vrns not Mow to ex press its approbation ot what was said , nnd In every reaped the rally was expressive of the most Intense interest in the campaign. Tlio Second wnrdors showed that ihoy were Ihorouchly nlivc , nnd the South Sldo Hcpub- lican cluil tot u pace that will make the other wards do sonio lively hustling U they intend to keep up their ond. jHirpl : MiiltuHii I'oliil. CharlcB H. Marplo was the first speaker of tlio evening nnd he conllncd Ills remarks to the tariff , tlio force bill nnd the cuso of Labor Commissioner Peck. Ho said that Mr. Peck had been arrested lor wnnt Crovcr Cleveland appointed him to do. Cleveland appointed him once , Hill twiso nnd Flower the fourth time. The speattcr insisted that thcro was just as much canso for arresting Orovor Cleveland for refusing to mulio public the papers in connection with the removal of several post masters , ns theru was for iiriestins ; Puck for destroying other papers from which information mation for public ofllclals had been obtained. The sonata haa called on Cleveland for the papers , and ho hart refused to civo thorn up on the ground that they were his private property , and neither the senate tor any other body or individual had any claim to thorn. J. L. ICalcy , no'ninoo for county attorney , was the next spco' < or. Ho said tlmt the democratic party in the north is simply the tail waqpod by the democratic dog in too eouth and that tlio wnolu was working in the Interest of European nations mid against Americans. In support of that assertion ho referred to the Saclcvill3-West incident , ot Grover Cleveland's udinlnutra- tlon , when tlio English minister roulicd hon estly to n question asked him us to which of the American political parties was noting in the interests of England. Ho said that it was the democrats , and advised his ( juos- ' tioncr to vote the democratic ticket. Cleveland arose in bis wrath bo- oauso of the candid statement of the real effect of the democratic policy , and de manded tlio icciill of thu Indlscrcut but hon est minister. This year Pock had been ruth lessly jumped upou because ho hud found ' that the McICinloy bill was actually of great benefit to tlio people of Now Yorl'nllbonch this same PeeK was awarded the lirst prUo at the Paris 01.position as a statistician. Leaving national politics , the sneaker teen up stale affairs and said that the tried and trusted soldier , civilian and statesman , Loiono Crounso , was getting away with Tan Wyck every day ot his life. If the voters of the state did their dutv. It would bo less than thrco months until another republican publican governor would bo seated at Lin coin. I'uclH troiu nTnrinnr. Hon. Isaac Noyos of VVntcrloo , nominee for thostatc senate , said that ho was a plan farmer from the west end of the county , bu' ' ho was nota farmer who wcntabonl decrying the state of Nebraska. Thcro were main who hud done that , and ho dceph ropcrettod that men who were onRauoi in the sumo occupation that ho wn ; nhonld make such stntomonts us had boci industlously circulated all over the ronntrj to injure the iinmo of this great stnte. Tin upoakor was certain that it must bo npmron to anyone that such n persistent cry o "Can't pay your debts" would ruin half thi men engaKod in business In Omahi today. Ho know that Nobraski was one of the most prospoiou states In tlio union , and that her people wer nmong the luppicst , and ho considered U i logical conclusion to nrrlvo at to decide t continue the stutu of nlTalrs that had muili it so. The dpaukcr touched brieily on th tariff , stutlni ; In as plain langua.'O us possi bio tlio real objocls or n prou-ctivo policv and the result that uoiihl nnturullv follow it ubandonmpnt and the adoption of free trade J , H. Kynor , candidate for the lowe houno. took a whirl at the money nlnnk o the democratic platform , nnd said Unit It wa not taify , it was very cheap gum , and th Rltgar all uamo out of it about the sccom chaw. Ho referred to the navs uf wildca currency , whtm taxes in n county could no be nutdilh the monny of its ioail bunks nnd showed the difference between It an the inonoy of toaay that Is good froin Main to Texas untl Irom the Atluntin to Hi Puclllc "If tun plank don't mean n r.nurn to th old currency system. " slid tno spi-nkoi "what dooi it moan. It looks very much n thouah our democratic Irienus wanted to g into thn hanldii ) ; bnslnobs. They have ben out of oftlco so long that tholr pockets ai Rotting empty and they have got to do soin thing. " Ho quoted statistics to show the nffoet ( reciprocity on the exports of corn , wlioat uu ' Hour to Oiormany and Cuba during thu thri . months preceding and following the treat of Ib'JI , and uskod his heureis to ponder over at their dally toil , and scotoitthc democratic brothers wcra given komo of tl actual faotb regarding thu AtclClnloy bill. Hini'rul Oiliurs Sjiukr , A , lj. Sutton of tioulli Omaha , anoth candidate for tlui legisluturo , was next I traduced , tie said thu people hud hud i trial of the protective turlll and ho beliovi that thnru was nut n man In thu country wl \vasnotwllline to settle the question on for all , and ho know that it would bo ov < wholrolnglv determined in favor of the co tlnuation of the prinbip'es ' of protection , UP , M , O. Hickutts , the Second ward representative on the legislative ticket , toi up thu force uill for n brlaf discussion. I liola that the bloody shirt ahould ba wavi as long us the mothers of this country cou go Into their waruiobcs and llnd tbero Faded uniform that hud boon worn tholr sons nnd perforated on sout orn battlulleldi by rubol bullet The spcaUur compared the records ot Hi risen and Cleveland from tbo time tn untcred politics. Charles It , Clarke , another nominee f the stntu Bouuto , talked briefly on the tarl illUHtrntluK the practical worUlngs of t proleotivo policy. Judgn Louii Uorka called attention to t . flow of Immigration to this country , drcli Ing thai llvn in lUulr a better nrgnmoal lo Ibo prosperity of the country wtiich Jucud tliuir coming than anv utatenu that llpj could frame. Ho m&do a Biro urMuntotlon at tbo turlff iwlloy nnd ud\ catod ttiH ourneat nupport of the cntiro ilckel , Uettfgo B , bwlth was the li dpoaker , nnd his advocacy of republican principles nnd the theory of America for Amonenns' called fortn deafening npplfttisp. Cheurs were plvon for the various candi dates nnd for the visiting delegations , nnd JiOO earnest ronuollcans went forth to do icllln ? worn until the ovenlntr of November 8 for the entire ticket from president to ward assessor. lion. Urn S. linker fin Ilio Sltniitliin. I3on S. linker returned homo this morning from n trip through the southern part of the state In the interests of the republican ticket. Ho tnndo hpecchcs nt Tecumseh , Strang nnd Edgar , and reports everything lovelv In that neck o' woods , with positive assurances of republican success. " 1 do not 'jollovo ' that I nm over sanguine , " said Mr. Uaker , "nnd 1 can not help feeling that the situation Is all right. 1 tell j ou that lots of people are going to bo footed on the independent vote. The Australian system ( Inos not ndmlt of the work of any supervising committee , nnd they are going to quietly vote their predilec tions. nml say nothing nbout It. A great manv of them nro coming bock to vote the republican ticket straight as they did for years until two years ago , while there are thousands wh& will vote for Harrison and Held , nliuouuh still holding to their state and lesslsla'lvn ' ticket. "Humor is uolng to bo elected to congress down In the Fourth district. Ho will have nn easier time than any of tlio nominees In nny of the other districts. 1 stopped over Into the First district for n short time , nnd tnov are corlldcnt thoionf Field's election. The clcmoprnls say that Bryan will uot there , but they do not manliest the coi'fldeneo or enthusiasm that is so noticeable among thu republicans. Thcro Is no question but that Field had the bettor ot Bryan all through their Joint debate. Bryan put In Uls tlmo tiying to catch the Independent vote , count ing on the support ot the democrats without doing nny work In that direction. It doesn't look ns If Shnn.p was going to draw n very heavy vote down there , for ho isn't at tending to bus ness nnd is ml'sini ; his nn- nointments. A man who expects to bo elected don't do his work that way. " Do. urn Didn't Spciik , Judge Donne was to have addressed the Ninth ward domocratio club nt the club rooms nt Twenty -eighth and Furnnm lust nUht but could not as ho was detained nt Calhoun Quito n crowd gathered to hear the JuUgo and wcro considerably disap pointed nt his non-nppcarauco. Local spcalt- ors filled the vacancy. liully. The populists bold n rally atMotz hall , on South Thirteenth street , last night , nt which Isaac Hnscall , George A. Mnmiuy nnd Uavo Howdou ofllrlulcd ns sneaker' . 'L ho efforts of the tponkers wcro wasted on nn nudlenco ol scarcely moro than twenty persons. ii / / , / , JIIIT o.v 'J.HI : vo.\t > T. Ycsti'itliij's 1'rnrrriliiiKi In tlio Conirnfi- ! tluiml Oiinnvll. i : M , Minn , , Oct. . 14. The Congre gational council this morning decided that the next council will be held on the Paclllo coast , hut left the place opim for future de termination. Committee work occupied tlio rest of the session. The commit tea to whom was referred the rcnoitof the committee on tlio relations of Congregational benevolent societies to the churches mudo a long report , continuing as follows : HesoUod. Tint this council earnestly do- slrcs that till ihu benuvoiont societies shall lie inadu In t entity , and not In .1 1iurail\i ! > sense only , the lepirsontatlves of the chinches. Unsolved. That this council , uppret'liitlnir ' the linportivneii of the uiriiilinniis action ( if the Amurluiii board at Us last meeting In adoptln ? mo.isiirus tonkin ; ; toward tlio lupre- sentutlon of the chiiruhos In the bond , ex presses Its ciatlllcullon ut Biieh ncilnn and tlio eniincll u\pres es tlio oiirnc-t hope tlmt the boiud , ll.touch its comuilttce , alio.uly appointed , will duvUusuch measures us 111 show tlio ennddenuo of the board In the churches .uul lusultin increased c'jnndenco of ihu cliuuOies In tlio board. Unsolved , That the association of ehnrehos hoitdyUcdtn in.iKo noiiiliiiitlons ( luring tlio cdlulng yoirto Illl v.ic.inoles In the boirdln response to I ho pioposnl of the hoard as adopted ; it its last annual incotliiL' . Ku4Ol\ed , a coiiiinlttuo of nlnuhe au- nolntud , to whom shall bo roferro I the sub ject of representation of the chuiclios in the hoeiotlos.ltb instrnutlons to confer with the societies in rcfoiuni'o to the best inothods of combining stability > th the prinolplu of icp- rosentiilion ot the ehurchcs , Thn reporl was adopted. The committee on the relation ot benevo lent societies mndonnextensive report to the effect that the union should ho effected on terms onlisfactory to both sidos. There was n red-hot debate at the night session over the ionor of the temperance committeo. The report reaffirmed the declar ations of previous councils , nnd reiterated the demands that Intoxicating liquors bo ex cluded from the World's fair. The report was finally adopted by a vivo voce vote. I'rotfHt.iiit KplMmimlH. XlAi/miour , Md. , Oct. ,1. The joint ses sion of the board of missions of the Protestant Episcopal church was com menced toJav by Bishop Whipple , the uposlla of the Indians , presiding. Bishop Scarborough of Now .lersoy ad- arcs&cd the convention on the status and past worlr of tlio board. Ton yeara ago. Uo said , the boaul had but $21,000 , while today tholr treasury held the sum of $ JJO)00. ( ) Bishop Dudley's ' resolution , making tbo bibhops of Delaware , Maryland and other southern states n commission for the keeping up of the colored mission was road. Bishop Dudley's resolution , offered as a substitute for the resolution of the committee , was finally referred to committee. Hov. Dr. Joseph Cary of Albany made n speech to the convention on bohnlf of the deputation sent to represent the general con vention at the provincial nvnod of Canada , hold in Montionl in September. Kov. Ur. Hart of Connecticut presented n resolution , which was ndopled , relative tc the providing of u certified copy of the staii' dard book of roinmon prayer , to bopioswctl by the custodian of convention documents. L. C. Keck of Kearney is at the Miilard. L. W. Steele of Gordon is at tbo Arcade. W. M. Ivcuno ot Friend is at thu Mercer. G. II. lUvmer of Lincoln Is ut the Paxton Chariot * Kicketti of FulU Citv is in Omaha C , S. Ponllold of Fremont Is nt the Mur rny , T. H. Scott of Frumont Is at the Bruns o wiclc. E. A , Whlto ofjCoarnoy is a gusst ut thi Paxlon. J. M. ClirUman ot Broken Bow is at thi Arcaao. J. W. Akin of Dos Moines , in. , is at thi Mercer. S. W. Jacobs of Lincoln is registered n the Arcade , E. P. Wouthcrby of Norfolk IH a cuost n the Mlllaid. . . Johu V. Morgand of Nebraska City is a It the Dellono. ir J. K Applogatoof St. Louis U a guest o 10 the Uollone. A , K. Mitchell ot Lincoln was nt the Mil lard yesterday. or Plorson I ) . Smith of St. Edwards is orn tercd nt the Pnxtou , n N. C. MoUonahl of North Plntto was n ed the Brunswick vestorday. tie Mr. John M. liazelton leaves Saturda co oyonlng over tt.u Northwestern for Ctncag on busmois. MUsps Mnudo Staloy nnd Ada ParKc leave Saturday evening ever the Northwos orn for Chicago , whore thov will visit friend ik tor throe weeks in the , taking opening of it lo World's fair mounds in the meantime. od ild Andrew Comstoctr , president , J. 1 ildn Lyman , manager , and Gojrgo H. Hotuliuh of the board of directors ot the CJeonjo Ii Hammond company , arrived in the city fro * the east last night and are registered ut tl y. Mercer , oy VOIIK , Oct. 14. ( Special Tolourain i Omaha : D , V. Haddock Unic Square ; J. L , Katran , Hoffman ; K. Drandci buyer for J. L. Urnndels & Sou ; . Brcwdwi ho Central ; D. W. Phelps , Union bqunro. Cinc.xno , III. , Oct. 14. [ Special Tolegrn .ho to Tin : Iiii.J : : The tallowing Nebraska ! u- registered hero today : At the Auditorium uus Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Hitchcook , U. E. Cbu in- buck , Omaha. ( Jrand Pacltio Kd J. Colb jilt Mlllard ; C. Hamilton , W. M , Huruos nc Omaha ; Watson Plckner , Uoatrlce. Palm role - House F , ] , Fost , Crete ; J. L. Lennlng ui l-o- wife. Lincoln ; H. S , KclloscOmaha. . Ore Northern Thomas i Coc&rane , Llncoli Clark Mupory , U , N , Powell , Omaha , IN JUDGE SCOTT'S ' FAV9R lurt County's ' Bar Embroglio Comes to Sudden Termination. EFFECT OF A RESTRAINING ORDER of thn Infinity CoininUilnn Mopppd liy an liijiinrtlnn Cltlrons Tnk Up thn Camp of tlio O Tim Sltuittloii. TniaMxti , Nob. , Oct. U. [ Special Tolo- grnm to Tun Uir..J : The light between the lawyers ot tills county hnd .Killgo Scott Is off for the llmo being nnd the Judge is n xvlnnor by n largo majority. If the present In dications count for anything. The afternoon train from Omaha brought J. C. Wharton , Ueorgo W. Covcll nnd Udgar H. Scott , a son of the Judgo. Tbnso legal gnntlomen at once went to tbo court house , xvhoio iho rcsirululng order was served upon the members of Ihe Board of Insanity. Messrs. Oillls , Peterson and Ashley , tbo liuvvcrs xvbo have been Iho leaders lu Iho mutiny against the court , left the court houso. At 2 o'clock Judge Scott oponeu court ns usual , called ilia docket ns has been his cus tom , but ns the uttornoyb failed to appear , ho stated tlmt iho civil cases xvould bo contin ued , or dismissed , and that ho would take up the trial of the state cases next Monday morning. Court xvas then aojoutiied until that data. CHI/mis Tnko n Hand. Ma'.tors nro taking a very uncxncctcd turn and nubile Fcntlmcnt is almost entirely xvlth Judge Scott. Tills nfternoon , xvithoul his knowledge , iho people of iho loxvn took mai lers in their own hands , and In a short viiuo convinced tbo revolting laxvyora that their side ot Iho case was not the pouulnr one. Several prominent citizens of the toxvn , who heretofore have not tnkeu any part in Iho proceedings , held a meeting and decided Ihul Iho beetles xvhich have been enacted during the past \\celt hnd gene far enough. Kiuu- tenths of the citircns fell In With them nnd in a fexv minuics Iho folloxvlng petition wns being urcuhuod upon the stioiils : We. the undersigned olltrcnsnnd tax pnvois of Hurt county , stituof NubrisKu , nrd xxltliln llio Foil ith judicial district , liavo lind onr at tention e illed to the most suurrulunsind un- jnstltl'ihlontincU by the members of thp Unit county b ir upon Jmk'o t'cntl , xvo uiihesllal- Inttly siy tint for downright porvoislou of tlio facts , and thu Until as also , nnd with ut ter disregard of dcepney aim resnpct duo to .Indgot. ' It.beoll , who has uiirned tlio conll- dencc. respect nnd Rood xvlll of all I ixv nbld- Inn ctll/ans xxho are not turroil/ed by our "lawyers" torli's fearlessness , impartial and Inlelil cnt dlsuateli of business in our eoiiil and xx'lio will not permit shyn- teilng or pcttlfosirlng in his court , butlio liolds court in such an In lclllunt and ualnstnkin , ; niiinncr lib to sixu tapayers from need less expense , so far us lie can possibly do so , notwlilisl indium Hie oppnsltlim of "laxvyois ; " that "aid libellous . .irticliof said "lawyers" stands xxtlhoiit u p'iralli ) , nnd xvo denounce : is infamously fal < u the uniir o put in olrcula- tlon bv iho "lawyers" maliciously. tlmtJudia ; hcolt is Insane , hncli u chunri * xvns concocted by the "liixvycrs" to break down .luduo Scott , beeinso ho stands botxvuun the people nnd the shvslerlni ; and grasping niutntorsof tlin b.n. Thev can't break him down , lie Is too highly ro-poctoit us a Indiro ot onr courts. Glvo us moro of such judges ns .ImlKO Scott nnd the occupation of bhysters will bo cone In Hurt county. \xantJudgo Scott net t yo-ir. Hustling for Signatures. Men were uut upon horses and were sent to every precinct in the county. Although not more than half of them have returned from tholr missions , the potilions that were in at 7 o'clock ' shoxvod that more than 1,000 ot tbo tax piyers are on Judge Scott's side. Every man xvho wont , out xvlth n petition , upon his return stated lhat they signed xvithout urging , nnd were anxious to do more If they could. The men xvho went out with the potitious , and there were lifty of them , went xvithout pay or hope of future re ward. Tonight everything is ns quiet as tbo grave. The Omaha vmrties Imvo returned to their homos and Laxvyor Glllis has gene xvlth them , lhat ho may bo al Iho Omaha bar meeting lo bo held lomorroxv. Thu insanity proceedings against Judge Scott , have boon dismissed. In faot , tboy wenl by default , ns W. G. Soirs , iho man who signed the nfll- davit , failed to oven put lu an appearance be fore the co nnitssioncrs. Bnforu leaving for his homo Jiidt-o scott said lhat ho xvould return Monday morning and iliibh the bubines : : of the term. Ho said that ho bora no 111 xvill toxvard the attorneys : that ho had simply performed his duty and xvas trying to servo the oost Interests of the ' publio'xvithout lenr , favor or affection. A KKbTKAIMMi OKIll lS. Turn of Allulrs Tnkuti lu the Judge Scutt Inxnuity Ciisi- . Attorney J. C. Wharton loft nt 1 o'clock yesterday for Tekamah armud with a re straining order in the Judge Scott insanity cuso , issued by Judge Irvine in consultation with Judges Davis and Keys or. The iiotitlon sots forth that the October term of the Fourth judicial district oponsd October 10 , with Judge C. H , Scntt presid ing , ana that the session would continue through this nnd next week ; that there nro sovonty-two cases docketed for trial de manding prompt and uaroful attontlbnon the part of thii court ami that nt the present time there is a cuso on trial. it tliou goes on to relate that Wada Gillis , Bovlet Ashland nnd other attorneys did con- splro nnd confpderato together for the pur- nebo of obstructing , delaying nnd impeding tno duo and proper administration of justice to poiition the county commissioners of Burt county to ordertho arrest of said Judge Scott on charge of ins-anltv preferred by W. G. Sears in u wilful , malicious nnd unlawful manner while said W. G , Sean at tbo same time was well uwaro that the said Judco Scott was not insane. The order restrains the eoiwK' commis sioners nnd tlio attorneys from further ac tion until a hoarlnc is had. which will ho on Outnbar IS ut 11 o'clock in Tekamah. Whartun .St Balrd and Judge 13 , M. Bartlett - lett are the attorneys for Judge Scott , > Favorites ( Jot u lluril SiUtlnc tluck nt tin Mui'rU 1'arlc Truck. 3 Mounts P.UIK iUci : Tiiiric. N. Y. , Oct. 14. The sport today bogau wltn twin for tiu D to 1 cbunco Klval , who xvon in a gallor Irom Correction (0 ( to 1) ) . The llrst ant second choices' , Chesapeake and Nero , won unable to got any part of the money. Carmen , colt , was made fnvorlto ovoi Borthn B , lilly , in tbo betting in tbo sccont race , but Horgcn bout both of them wltl Young Arion,5 to 1 , On the strength ot St. Felix's good ruci with Lamplighter the former was n T to. ' favorite for the third race. Ho won easily i- with Silver Fox (4 ( to 1) ) second and the Iroi Master (11 ( to Dj third. The plungers made Struthmeath a 7 to 1 < it favorite for the Country Club handicap. Thi Colonel won , but only after a hot light will Queenio Trowbridgu (7 ( to 1) ) , Montana wu ; u bad third and ICqulty a worse fourth. Vnrdoa ( U to 1) ) ran Iho fastest seven fur long * of the ineotli ( , ' , 17l.j : , and beat Mr Sass ( ! ) to 1) ) a length and a half , with Ly ecu in ( I to 1) ) fourth. In a head tlnUti So nora ( U to 1) ) won the last race fiom Slrrocci ( ! ) to 1) ) and Addle ( S lo 5) ) , Suinmailos ; Hrat race , tU fuilonss : Klvul ( Qlo 1) ) xvon Cotrtiollon ( Slot ) bueonU , Daisy rliin , (15 ( lo I third. Time : 1:10. : Second race. llx-o nnd oneMialf. furlonss Yuuni : Arlon ( ' > lo li xvon , Ciirniuii. eoltiB toi ! 8cpond. May l.osod ( to 1) ) tlilrd. Tlmo : no'ijj Thlid race , one mile ; St. I'ultx iTlo.Mwon Silver li'o(1 ( lo Daucond , Thu lion Master (1 ( to5) ) third. Tlmo : l:4Ui. : 1'ourlh racu. Couiury Club hnndtcap , mlli and onu furlong ; titralmvuth i" to ID ) xvon QuuonloTowbrlaRB fl to I ) second , Montana ( toll third. Tlmo : 1M. : I'lfth race , stven furloiiRs : Ynrdoe , fl to 1 m won. Mr. HUBS ( J toll second , Lyceum ( I to tlilrd. Time ; 1:27U. blxlli riiee , live and * one-half furlongs b- Bonora tUtol ) x > on , Sirocco C ) to 1) ) seuom Addle to SJ third. Tlmo ; 1:05 : blltcr City' * Hot Day , or HII.VBK CITV , la. , Oct. H. fSpoch id at Telegram to Tun DBE.J Tbo weather loda was very favorable , but the track was slon Over 1,500 people witnessed tuo bportxvhlc wns worthy of n larger nltoadnnoo. The ex citing event of Uha day WAS the miio runnlni ; race , upon which $1,000 was wagered. Sum maries ! r.d navK b g. : : . : , . . ; : . , . i i i Tiilti , b. m . . , i , , , , . ! 1 4 4 HlnckNulllp.blk.ir71 3 - ' : i llpur.v I'ennlnutqil ! l r. s. . 4 n S Timui i-'iai ' , ' ! ft1 * , 2i'i. : : 1'roe-for-all pno vi > ur o fJMs Hosuxvntcr , r. s I'rlncoT , r. g ill. S - ' S W I ) . 1) ) . g. . . , r . . . adls Monkey Wonder , ixj. dr 1'ifo-for-all trot , purse $ JJJ ! Victor WIlKos. B , nn < . . ' ' Uitherlnn , b. in. " . . , . , It 8 Ooldcn Wins , Ph"sljt > 1 3 n Onn milp , repeat ) running , purse 1100 : llpd Ico. h. a 1 1 Itpd l.hht. ro. c 2 I'raiik Olnpp , ch. g H 'J Oakland , b. ? 4 4 Tlmo : lilf't , liMU- l.nst Hay nt l.oxhiK'toii. LKMSOTON , ICy. , Oet , II , Tins was the last day of the meeting of the IContucKy llorso Breeders assoclallon. Allx ot the Standard Trot'Ing llorso company , Kenosha , Wis. , tied the world's bestrocorl fnril-yoar- olds. It xvns In Ihe Urn heat of thn third rncoln'4tt4. : : | In < hu $5,01)0 ) Malta ho < xt , the first heat xvas nsurpiiso. Constantine and Uollo Archer xxoiojj to 5 favorites in ihu books. Allx won in thrco straight heals. Summaries' I'lrst , race , eonllnhu'l from Thursday , tlio Johnston stakp forMulllons ot tlm i ! : . ! ) class , S.'iiiii llenuven xxon. lin ) : Cud uiond , Dllo o third. _ Iliinnciinar foiii'.h , Tnno : ' 'Mil , UI : ! ' , Second race , tlio special slake for " -year- olds nnd under. IVOi : Allx won. i'lotlda second , Conslatillnn third , Holln Arohor fourth. Oriittnn llfih. Time : 2I2'5 : , 2:125 : * , 2 : IX Tlilid racp. the KonltioKy slaKe forll-ycur- olds , mile heats , two in thrpp. if..Mi ( iiiilln- l < hcd > . Direct xxon x\ilh Hello I'IOXUT nnd l'7iir lied lot si'i'onJ uluco , i-atiln i fourth. Tltnu : " : ! . : 'i , SSUI'j , rouitli r ico. " : Ji elns < irottlne. linrso $1,001 ( itnllii shetl ) : Leo Itnssoll x\on txvo hints : tnd AiKly L'ntler nii'l sicinbet , ? uacli ono. Tlmo : \Vtndiipnt Mistlc 1'urk. BOSTON. Mass , , Oct. It. Today was the last of Iho Mystic park mooting which has been an unusually successful one. The 2'J3 : pacing race , uncompleted vostordav , was finished this mornlnp , Wlard Wllkos taking it and Iho nice , in ilia : 'M trotting elm i , Mat-gio T , after dropping one heat sccurod thu iioxt three nnd tlio raeo boini ? closelv pushed in the third and fourth by Falcon , jr. Summaries : 2:31 : trittlnz class , nurse JWO : Mnsalo T won , Ijonsfonl soeonil , I'nlcnn , ji. tlilrd. Tiino : ' ' 1 Thu3il : : cluss , pnt p $1 JOxiis uiillnhliO'l ' if tor sllionts xvhlcli xxi'iit to four dldorciu hoises QIIUIMI Vial ) nnd iNesa u IPI ) xxon txxo lictits ; Ncllla I ) an 1 Jnsuph K puch won oneTime Time : JjV's , 1JS4'I. : Ssr'i.-'iSr , l'J > , : ' : 'JC'i. lliiiUn ii Lot ol Itrcords. PIQDX , O , , Oct. II Kitty Bayard broke the world's record on a half-milo track. Time , 2l'J'j. : ' SIOCKTOV , Gal. , Oct. H. Thirty horses wcro sent ox'or the kite-shaped track yester day to bent their oxvn records. The results furnish somothliic on the line of aavautngo In this style or track , for they nearly all oxvcrod their records , iho cut in time rang ing from tlirjo and otic-half to twolvi nnd onp-hnlf sccondsj'ivith an nvorujjo cut in the neighborhood of Mdvon seconds. lll'SllltSIIlt TollMlO. TOLEDO , O. . Odt 14 , Kxcellent xveathor , a fast truck and largo Attendance were the foa- lures of tQo Toledo'I'ixnosUion loll mooling today. ' Special race , unfinished from yesterday , purse. $ : ' > 0 : I'.iul Mvxon. . Klectrio second. tlo.loKor thlin. liubttnno : 'J-1.)1 : ! . Two-year-old trot , | ) ur e ITS : Oornilno won. Hod riiinu1 , jr. . Sbeona. llcst Unio : 'J : ! ! . S:4 ! : > lrot , pnisuil 0 : Huston won in straight boats , I'ortiuo sooonU , Ulundiu thlid. Tlmo : 2:4U : pace , putso SJfij , six furloncs : Tommy H -non. Johnny Mlliorsucond , I'auldcrilopo third. llesttinio : 2iU : ) , ( „ Will roniini-licp Toilny. LEXINOTOK , l y. , , ' Oct. 14. "ii sorlos of fourteen davs' under the rupning races aus pices of thOiKont/uokyt association , will begin heio tomorrow. Tno track tonight is m prime condition. Orer , 5JO horses are re ported to bo in the stables. NATIONAL I'lilladolphia Trniiiip < ts thn ( Hants und Tics " for Filtli I'lncn. PniiADKU-nu. Pa. , Oct. 14. The Phillies made n tie for fifth place today by defeating Nexv York. Atlendanco GJT. Weather do- Hghlful. Score : Now York 0 1 I'lilludolphiii 0 2 : i Hlto : Now York.n : Philadelphia , 7. Errors : Noiv York. ' . ' ; I'hlliulpliihla , 1. Harned inns : Mono , llatterlcs : Uiibloand Iloy.oj Wcyhln ; ; and Clements. Ni-itlier.Slilo Conlil Win. B U.TIXIOKI : , Md. , Oct. 14. Thoeamo today xyas u pitchers' batllo nnd rcsultcdin a lie. Sleiu did remarkable work , striUine out eleven man. The game xvas called at the end of the eicrhth inning on account of dark ness. Weailier fair ; nltondanco l15. ! Score : HiiUInuiio 100 a 1000 2 llrooUlyn 1 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 2 Hits : ll ltlmore'tu : lliooklyn , 7. Errors : llultinioie , 2 ; JEioulvlvn , . ' ' . Karncd runs : None. llttturiPs : bclimldt uud Hobliibon ! Stein and Klnsloxv , Olotoliinil llnd It Kitty , Ci.nvr.r.xvi ) , O. , Oct. II. Cleveland battoa hard and xvon easy. Attendance , 1,000. Score : Olovelaml : i 1 1 0 0 11 5-1G Loulsvlllo 040005 I-1U lilts : Olovolund , 18 : Louisville. 12. Kriors : Ulovolund. T : Louisville. 4. Kurnod runs : Ulovoland. 10 ; l.onlsxllle , I. Hutteiles : Claik- bon and Zlnnnor ; btratton and Muirllt. of the Teams. w , f. . P. P. w. r , . p c. riovclnnil 53 21 d'J 3 Clllenzo .ns : in 5 | . | MoHlon 43 it'i 1,4 U Cincinnati. . . , . . : ) " ss 4'i I I'lttsburu n ii iT.'J 1,0'JISTlllU Ill 11 ( llrooklvn 4'J il il 8 Ilnltlnioru - ' ' , J" > .Ul.ii Now york 41 Jd 6.1 y\i. \ l.oim . . . . M fil I'lililidclpbta. . U M Wn3hlnston'JI \ 4V U.6 si'AitKs or si-oiir. .Mono nlth u .tluu-Kittcr , There will bo a uniijuo nnd tirillini | ; ox- hlbltlon nt the Coliseum next Monday evenIng Ing , when Prof. W. T. Collins will attempt to conquer the famous man-killing tall ion "Julius , " xvhich has boor conllncd lor some time ut the South Omaha stock varus , Nearly nvory one is familiar xvlth iho vicious propensities of tuo Dm to , which has already killed four men and has hitherto dolled all efforts to larno hla usly spirit. Julius Is un Imported Porchoron stallion , seventeen hands high and weighs 1,800 pounds. Ho will bo conlinod with Prof. Collins In a twenty-four-foot King , und the contest bo- Ixvcon his nrulish ' spirit nml the power of the minor will boxvoli , , worth soeinp. The Youne ; M * Christian Association club will practice AtjHli the Omahas ihls uf- lernoon on the fairgrounds at-1 o'clock , The football club has t bbcn organ led inlo n la crosse club nnd intend Roltuif ; down into Hhupo nt once. A.pooct turn out Is oxpectccl this nftoruoon , i " > Foot Iliit'o nt l.iiBlitcin. LUSIITOV , Nisb. , , , Oft. 14 , [ Special to THE UEI.I A fifty yyi'A ; ont race for $ 'i5 a bide xvas run in Orafion.vpaterday. John Hosier man was backed ttbyiUrafUm and 10. L. An derson was backoduby Lushton , Anderson won easily in Uvoiindlu ( juurlor seconds , < 'JJ"I- ' ' ' Ion it' * UiAl" ( JoiitoHt. Otinrquc , lu. , Oetr 14 , There was a decided cidod improvement in the shooting at the stale rillo contest todav. Fisher still leads with a bcoro of 491. Walters und Mclptyrc next apd tied on 403. DoniPHtlp , \Vpst Point , Mls3. , lias biillured a leas of JTO.- 000 bv llru. St. Louis , Mu , will celebrate the landing o : Columbus xvlth appropriate conunoulus. Uluncoo , a biibuib of Olileauo , Is Krvatly PX' cited over thu dlji'ovory of oil uud gas xvltlili 113 limit * . A dci/.cn negroes on a Missouri , Kansas f Toxus train Kot Into a tlRht over u eamu o criMH. and x/haa the train roaehud lloonovlllc Mo. , two \vttro mortAlly aim uiuny other : badly wounded. Hov. Andrew Jones , a stalwart lookln : colored prouchor , Is drawing crowded iiudl oneosof colored puopluto the African Method Isl Kplacopal church , Cliloazo. by u series o startling propliucios He prodicu chlolly i turrlblu disaster to ChloafO , Invglvlnz tin orumblliiK of the tall bulldlnes und the llont Ing u\ray of iiumbarlcii puoplo In a ituixula ttry Hood , CHINA'S ' PREMIER IS INSANE Lao Hung Ohnng's ' Strange Conduct the Onus3 of Alarm , OFFICIALS PUBLICLY INSULTED DY HIM Only the Ititrrxpiitlnn ot t'mirt OltlrlaU.rro- xfills Ills Murilcr liy nn Armtilllccr I SKlouurlcs Cruelly Ahiucil nnd limiltcil l > > a Mub. Sxx FIUXCISCO , Cal. , Oct. 11. The state ment is tnndo by passengers nrrlvlnu here from Clilnn by the steamer Ocuanlo that Leo Hung Clinne , nrlmn minister of China , has manifested symptoms of Insanity. As la the custom in China , nil nudlonccj ho grants nro public. For the head , of the government to slap tbo face of uu ofllcliU In the presence of nu Inferior U considered n duadly insult , and the mat ) who is struclt loses eastu forever. Yet this is what Chatip Is said to bo doini ? dally. Al most avcryono to whom he grunts audience Is ktricod and cuffed in front of servants mid retires in disgrace. According to the pns- soni'crs affairs came to n cnlmit.ntlng point just bofoto the steamer sailed. Ono of the generals ot the Chinese tinny nopoared be fore Leo Hung Clintm to mnku his ofllelul re port. The viceroy , uith no npparunt cause , struck the goucral in the fuco. Tlio Inttor was oulv proventnd by the attendants from falling on , the viceroy. .HlHilniinilus AttiicUpil. Chlncso ndVicos stnto that Mr , 1'elhlll TuincrnnUUfo of Cambiidge , n Hand of China island mlssionileslio huvu boon un- glgod In missionary work among Thibetans on the border , 'wcro ' assaulted by u moo at Suimhnn August 10 and narrowlv escaped with their lives. Mrs , Turner was ill uiul had neon Rent to Sun- ghnn for treatineilt , Tlio natives accused tbo strangers with being necromancers ami preventing rain falling. The mob , which numbered fully 1,000 , made nu nttacl : on the house and Turner mid his wifu were dracged nit nnd bunion over the heads with plclts , heir clothes loin Irom their bodies and narched bareheaded through the streets nder a nlazing sun. The mob threatened o drown them but were prevented by mill nry olllelals who suggested that ho missionaries bo carried before the ntivo courts. This was done nnd the court rdercd Mr. nnd Mrs. Turner beaten , but ho native Christian servants , two in uuin- ler , volunteered and welo beaten in their tend. Turner pathi-rcd his cliildren and Hod o Szochuln. Subsncjuonllv ruin fell at Slin- huu to buch an extent that iho vlllugo was early submerged by mud washed from Iho ills. Cholera is reported nt Chentu , ui'.h many oaths. A great lire nt Ychaug on ooptomber 4 do- troyed nearly the wliulo luriju villngo , wltn loss of nbout'JUO lives. Fifty JunUs weio urncd on the river. tIK i.\i In Urplnius tin- United Mutes to Hi ) the Only I'mspcrons Country in tli U'oi-lif. Loxnos , Oct. II. Mr. Andrew Carnegie ud his wife arrived In this city yesterday rotn Scotland. Ho was interviewed by n cpresentativoof the Associated Press today , lo said that ho had ucen busily engaged all pring and summer in preparing u new 'ook ' treating of the industrial problems f the day , The work , he explained , was vritten ns a vtorkingmnn to workingmen nd as nn employer lo employes ; not as u advocate , but ns n judge between hem. Ho had been studying these ques- since ho retired from business that , ho light bo enabled to write without interrup- .ion the results of bis obsorvalions. Tno oplorablo events nt Homestead had burst upon him llkoathuudorbolt from n clear slty. They had such a deprcsblne effect upon him " .but ho bad to lay his book asiao and resort .o the lochs and moors , hsuing fiom morning , o night. Now the tioublu was a thing of , ho past , ho would po to the continent und , vork with a fiosh and happy mind. Hcferring to the business prospects o' this country Mr. Carnesie said that Ihe outloolc for Great Britain was dark. Ho daily saw nt least half adozon notices nnnounclng re duction of wages and houis of labor nnd the closing of works. ICxpoits wore falling lower and loworovorv month , and ono ot thu worst winters which the poor had experi enced in thirty years seemed Inevitable. Indli was competing for the China tratle , and crops everywhere had suffered severely from the unusually wet weather , wheat : ) eine estimated nt 18 per cent bo- ow the average. Owing to thu ; ioor cro'js In Kuropo the United States would ilnd good markets for all its surplus products. That countrv would therefore remain prosperous , and the masses would , be enabled to obtain full employment and live in 'comfort , although at p'resent tlio prices for nmnulactures continue low. Tbo capacity for production of the United States was ooyond nny possible pcrniuuaut rcquiremenls for some time to corno , and the country was therefore enabled to send its surplus products abroad and undersell oven Iho British in their own niDritbts. "in short , " said Mr. Carnegie In conclusion , "look whore you will , thuro is but ono truly prosperous country in the world , nnd tha't is the republic of Iho United Slates. Uoil "bless her , she deserves it. " Tlio I'rptiictpiit tu tlio I'opp , UOMH , Oct. 14. Secrotnrv Foster of the American State department has sent a letter to Cardinal Kampolla , secretary of state to the pope , stating that bo is directed by the president of tlio United Stntos to express lethe the catdinulhis ( loop satisfaction in loam- ing"of the warm Interest which the pope takes in the approaching Colu m Uian exposition nt Chicago. The provident , says the lottnr , was also gratlilcd by the information thai the holy father had rnauifoslov a wi.h ( to for ward to this exposition .somo nemcntoj of the discovery of America , and other objects oi interest , which nro now preserved in the vallcan. Assurance Is given that iho great est aaio will bo taken of thorn duiing the A MUBExM DAYS Satimldy anil Sunday , Oclobcr 15 , 10. Saturday Matlnop. MARTIN & BROOKER'S ' Snpoib Company , In tliolr lutnat Now Yotk riii THE HARVEST MATINHK THIS AFT. AT 2S : ) 1'iluoH . " > ao and 75o , r.vnNiNO rniii'OHMANi'i : AT B , rarowell tomoriow ( Sunday ) night MO.\Tl'Kd , Ootohorl7. IB audio. GEORGF7W. MONROE in the Latest Succoiu , AUNT BRIDGET'S ' BABY Nuto MunaUPr llob't II .Monrnu hu lilt u"mil | noxcl plan lurli'llliiu Ihu | iubhc | iul u InnilTBiitu on | iru lilontlul uiul iiuhorimlormi cleilloiin Diinnx uuUi in'rJoruiunoo u card bininiu thu numoof Iliorck- IU'Llhe I'K'blcK'iitlaliir Kiitur/niloiliiUiui.lHliUii * nlll LoKlvcntouncli purclmser ufu tulut 'HieKurnnli HllTliii inkvn ul tliiHluur , tliurp > ullniinuui.uu < llruui thu tlftuu holwoon tliu ctioiijunil thlnluiti FARM FOli SALE , A farm of IOJ5 ucriu lu lo of liuun nif , llluluo Co. , Neb. tilluuluU uu Ihu JMnuiul aU MUlillo I.auii rlveru , ouo wile from Utinnliu ulution. pnlbi 11. . & M. U. U. Tor prlcu uud leriut upply to J I ) Jih r1 22 J.uVo ctrfOt , I exhibition nnd they will ho rolurnod under sunorvlslon of the i-cpotislblongonts of the government. "Tha intimate Association of the holy sco with the Columbian enterprise ncd Its ro Rults , " conllnucs the letter , "tins so linked the memory of Homo and her pontiff with iho nrhlcvomcnls of ChrlUopncr Columbus nnd hl comrade * nnd companion In iho work of discovery nnd colontziillon , nnd ny- crlod so marked nn inllticnco on the destl- nlo < and prepress of the new world they re vealed , that nn exhibit such ns hy Ihe presi dent's direction 1 hnvo the honor to suggest could hot fall to ho amonp the nioit note worthy contrlhutions to Ihi * intcrnntlonnl celebration of the four hundredth anniver sary of the discovery , Hy oo-oueratliif ; to this ond. his holiness xvilt manifest for our country a rocnrd which xvlll Uo highly np- procialoil , not only by the malingers of iho exposition , but bv the American people at largo. " 1 Iqlitlnuin ItrltUh InilH. UOSDON , Oct. 11. A sjuclal alspatch from the Times lo Ualcultn anys that trouble has nenln broken out with the Chins In the northern Chin hiiK A body of Chins nmbushod themselves at u Dolntslx miloi from Fort Whlto nnd IIrod unon the escort of n number ot native nftlcoM , killing seventeen of them , A small force niulor command ot Captain Caullleld xvas sent to search for thu bodies for the purpo o of burylni ! thorn. This force found thai the Chins had deserted their vlllaco and were Ivinir In ambush only txvo miles from Kort Whltp. This knoxvleduu piovenlPd line her mnssncro 'J'lio Drlltsth force ad vanced cautiously with a Miirmhh line and succeeded In touting iho Chins fioni their lildini : placo. Thuy 1111110 a stand farthnr on nnd n sulrmlsh was lu proirrcss at the tlmo ' of nemllnp the diin.uch' KPinforcomontH for tlio British have been dispatched from Man- d.ilay. rilcrlnn unit Tolitlp , KiiMr , Oct. II U'ho Vatican has rocclvod Unexpected Infornmtloa rcRardiiiR Iho Alsa- lion pllurlmntio whioh w.n to open the con cert of felicitations to the pops upjn the oo- cuslon of his Jubilpo. The airect- Inu comintUoo of the plltrnmnse , seeing some dillli'iilty in ontorliiR Itnlv hv way of SxvlU- urland , docldod to urocccd. tlirousjli Franco. Tim ficrmnii ctivunimont has taUen uinhriiKU ut Ihu proposal , fearing patriotic manlfoita- UOIH nlonft the routo. The bishop of Stris- burg has interfered , mid pinhlbitud the pil- Kriinnsc. Drill h mill Silirrlii lur Clinli'tM iiot : < ir . ST. I'crmsiu ua , Oct. II A lar o number of the men who were nrroito.l for taking 'art in the cholera riots at Sara toft xvoro ried by court martial nnd judgment xvas tcn- ilcred today nt Astrakhan. Four of t'io riot ers xvero soiitcncod to death , whtlo innnv of tlio otlipr prisoners were sentenced to cxilo n Siberia. DtldllH IS nil ItlKllt. PMUS , Oct. 14. The onieluls of the mlnis- .ry ot marine , referring to Ino minor that Jolonel DoUds , iho French oomm.indor in Dahomey , had bon killed , bt.ito that d illy rupoil3 have boon received fiom Colonel Dodds xvhich convey the Intolllueneo tlmt h > nib been sloxvlj ndx.incini ; into the interior. * \lli'plloiritp' * KuUprs. VII.NXI , Oct. II. ISmporor William started Tor Diesdou vesterdav afternoon. Kmperor Francis Joseph escorted him to iho ro.ilxx.iy station , \vhore Iho txvo monurchs oxchaniicd uffectionato faroxx-ells. Anotlu-r Cublni'l l.ous Doxrii , AIIBI xi nu , South A'ntralia , Oct. II. The ministry hr.s rcblgncd In consequence of the overnment's defeat on the linancial policy Downer will forma now cabinet. < ! rppiiocl 'H rnrpal XlllU liui-itpit. Oitai\oi'K , Scotland , O t. II Urjenock's cureal mills burned this moruini , ' . Lnss. SIGO.OOO. /OHM r.LHMKit > i > wiM > Lin. Lightning Itod Sliarlc. at l.i\.Miii | > rL Makp u Kirb II ml. DvvBM'om , id , Oct , II. fSpooialTclcRram to Tim UKI ; . ] LiRhtMlncrod su-indlori luu'o been working near this city catuMng a nuin- Der of xvcnlthy farmers for amounts from liJU to ? lilD ) each. Several victims have ettleil compromiiio nnd olhcis xvill o into oourt. The opjrators uivo the iinmo of their llrm : : i\t Co. . Muscatino , la. 0 KolPlSII .tllHnllllllll > X\0I.PI-H. | DLIUJQL'I : , la. , Oct. 1 1 At , a meeting of the Woman's Foroiij.i Missionary soeioty loday Miss C.ithonno Wood of Humcston , Ad.i J. Lnuck of Indiunola and Lyuia A. Wilk.iibon of Diagonal , dedicated thcnuulvos to forciirn inisslonnrv x\'nrn. Tnoy will piob- aiily bo assigned to India Ths correspond ing secretary reported Iho total membprship of the society to bii 11 , IM , tin incieasp of 'J.i ! durini ; the year. The anniversary address xvns dplivoicd tonight by MM. linker of Michigan. Million li , HsuISridgi ) lorMiniY ( It.x. Sioix Ciry , la. , Out It fspjcnil Tele gram lo Tin : Bnn. ] f lie ruoivjanued Paellic Short Line lndso compinv has conimonepil tbo erection of n n.illioii dollar bridge across the Missouri horu. it xvill bu open to chu use of all lallioid-t for toll uhnrir > Mvith - 111 nine months. Hcrotoforo the Nurthvvcst- crn road , owning iho only bridco acrois iho river here , has hold the key to northern No bruslca and .shut all other roadj on I. Silil ; ion Army \\Vclilhn , " . DrsMoiNE-t , la. . Out. 11.A Salvation Aimy wedding lust niuht was attendoil by 'JUO soldiers rroin six dlfToiont stnto . Cau- tain McCtlnnls , of Iluilinps , Nee , nnd Cuu- laln Lick , of CSrlnncI1 , mot in liutto , Motu. The piooin xvns converloa by the briiln. the soldiers loveil niri xvcro innincd. Alujor Kopncl , commanding tlio army hcri ? , bJi-n transferred to California , and M.ijor Cuuoll , of San Francisco , lakes his place. Dnp nils ol Irnii IJiu'Mprad , Font DoiMir , In. , Oct II. f.Snoeml Tolo- grnm to Tin : ) : : . | -Kich itopoiits nf 1101 , orn have been discovered nlnnc Iho hanks of the Dos Monies river north of town. SOVLMH ! experts claim that the ere U lo tno best found in the west If this prove to bs n Inct tliu Und xvlll bo developed. /.ot11 / . nit. nn i : . The residence of ( TTl7\Vlllianl , Kill North Txvontiolh slrcot , xvus daiimgoil to tlio u\lent of § JOl ) hy lire nt l'M : o'clock ibis morning1. Mrs. Silcal and Mrs. Coons xvoiv arroatud PARS AM ST. THETO--IMpilw IMeoi. One Week , Snnd.iy MntliiPu. OPI. iith Tln > X'mviuilo Ciiniiiill in , Alba Hey wood Will prrsonthy purmim on of Nil Hinitli Itns- bull , tlio bust and funniest of all New Eclaewoocl Folks. FawainSlrnBtTIioabP. I 'i'llVc-iA" 4 Nights , Com. Sun. Mat Oct. 10. Coiuo E irly If'ou \ \ mil u soat. BARNEY rERiCJUSON And Merry Assoolatis , Inlerprotlug JVIcGarthij's Mishaps , Matlncu Wednosilay COLISEUM. Monday eveninKf October (7th ( W T COI < MN03. l'rufj ur of llurJuiuaintilp nll | niiilurlnka tu ooiujiur Till. HOl'I'll OMAHA MAN KATUU , n Tlduuiktnlllun hlcli hiu klllpil fuurm-ii 'Iho nnluinlwlll hOKlVL-n llbuily III nil-fiiut | ; un ivhlcli thuirufp | ( ir Hlllunlur unit rlinilulniiiiluil | ntt lulu nrurtlip ld wumlvrfiil in 'thu > l uf Imrni taiulnIf 8ucco ful It nil ! l" > thu uiuu trunilorlul luut ot - AND BIJOU THEATRE TinUQ15K. . AN noun orniiriNKiJ si iciAi/nis : : - A.Nlt - HOWARD'S OCTOROON CO. yostotday for stealinc coal from the rail- wnv. Too evidence showed tlmt they had tnken nbout ten pound * onoh nnd the Jinigo lot thorn off with ii Iccluro and \\nrnlnp. . The sovornl plivslclnn who xrcro ap pointed ot\ the Mnft of the county hospluil visited that institution today lor the purpose ot nsslgniug themselves to itutv nnd deciding upon whfttdnvs they would visit the poor. Wltli the exception of Dr. Hrovoort , the house nhyslcltiii , nil of the moinbor. * of the slnff servo without pay. II li.t 'J 1 1 Kit Mlti M.S/A. It Ulll lie Sllclitlxmnicr ntidScuilh \ \ lnilsVIII Illoxx Toduj In NYbiinUi , \V\MIIVITOV. I ) . C , Opt II Forecast for Saturday : Par Nebraska -South winds ; sllKhtlv wanner in western portion For town Fair , preceded by showers to- nlcht In ivstcrn portion : southxxest winds For thu Dnkotiis Local showers , vutinblo winds ; cooler by Sunday morning Iiticill itrnitrili Omen OP TIIH WKATIIKII Btmnxi1 , O\uu\ , Oct. II. Omntia record of lomporaiuro nml rain fall compared with corre.sponuing tiny of past four voai . , Maximum temperature 4 = 4s j (17 ( r > 'i ' = > Mlnliiiiiin temper ituic . " > ' ) Axel IKO ti'iiipor.ituti ) 01IIs > = > I'rpdlplliitlon . T 0) ) Oi UO Statement shoxvlni : the condition of torn ncritturu tuiil proripltatlon nt Omahn for the dnv nnd slnco March 1 , iv.u , s compiled with lliu general iivordgo : Nlirillll t MIllH'ralltlO . . . . .1 ° l.V PHS for lllOdilV . . . . ' llofiplpiipy slnoti Mmoli I . i > * Normal pippliillatlon . . ni n u llplk'lency for tlio il'iv Delk'luiu y sinru M nph 1 C ! . K. LAXAION , Observer An l'\Pinpl Tin run PI , Ti , i ] nrin , > Cv , , Lou ; ; I I'and ' ( ll\ T < " \ \ , f iH IIHIII | > S , IH'.M ) , IIP coi.lit o il > p , t si . I . , f dliin , i \ hoH lu afi aifiilriiiiiiiti < ufn iu7 > 5-in'i in , Tin' iip > t .nniiii r luvM . l 11 1 i i .m f'ii hit lit-illli , but P un home um in < > l IniUi fall lid decided upon n tliuiongh ti i.ii nf Ami l > v Cliihtniai hid n IIP nix appetite licalthx dl pstion. nnd x isppif ixxpll. | . iju due vl'oll ; to Hoe I HooD-o PILL 3 > Or. Iliiiiii > lirok ' > 'l'P > llli'naru8clciilinc.illynuil fircfiill > 1'n' lunipillci , tueil fur jmrn li. jrlMUu pidCtlin uuil fur < ir thirty juarH hy Ihu pcopl" lth iiillru isuccvsK. KMTJ bliigk SuccUld us | > crlal euro for thn ilbir-w uninctl. 'iui' > euro w liliDUt ilruKKlnK.liurKliiRorivdncIn , ! tlu' ' bNMuaiiiluro In facl ntiU Uttt'il thobtMi'rrUu llprnfillL-s ol I hi : Wurlil. r n.lhlll At hOH il FoverH Consi llow. WoriiiH , \ \ ormlevcrormcollc 3 Twlhliiisi Collp.Crj lug , \\tkcfulu a5 1 Dlc.rrheu , ot UjIMreu or Adults . .it. ) 7 CouKh , Cohln , DruncliltU . . .it.J3 8 Ncui'nlcia , Toothncbo , Kaoi'nqtio. .li , : ) llrltiaoln > ii , falck IlcailaUuVirtlgo. . . 'i3 ll ljMI > rrHlu , HI1I01U.H06M , Coastlnatlon . ' 5 1 1 Supiirt'Hscd nr rnlnTuI 1'crliiilH .VJ.'V 3'J V/liltk-H , Too 1'rnfuso 't-rlixla . . , \J3 Jf Croup , l.nrynaillH , Hoarseness . , iJ5 'A 1 HaU UhpiiMi , PrjFl | > flP . Krujillous , ! i5 15 Jllipuiimticiii , Itheumntlj Vulna .US lJ ainlnrln , Chills , FVtcr niulAguo . . ' 25 JT l'llcH , li'lndorBloeillnn . . . 'J5 l- Ciitnrrh , InlbH'nzn , CohlllitlnlJond. .3,1 lB7 . . ' 13 B7 ICIilni'V DJ8PUSPS . . 'J3 } ! -Nr.-MHiH llplillily 1 .1)0 3UUinary AVeuUiit-sc , V.'ctllus Bed .25 Sill llriiJFlals , or senl * ! ! * ' ! i" r * h t ol jilt * , ru llnxrii Ti'Uixuti. "I tC" ntii.iii m.k mjiiimt : . . 111 tin nininnfst. vwx.ri. § FjjDjr IR R , , BAILEY Tcotli 1'lllodvith - out I * iln ' ) > HID 1. itcst Inven- llont 'IKCTIl hXTUAC'TKI ) WH'IIOUL' I'AtS Ol4 I ) \NOKIl A ru.iHi'ui. ' Ti-rm ox iti uiinit rou iSfi on. i'orfcpt ill sn iranti'ol. ' ! ' 'ith extriclod In thn inoinhia. Noiv onu. Insiirtud In uvoilliu of s nun ( lav. r-uu sp'Ciiiiensof Ho novalilo HrldKU. bcofippoliiipiis of I luxlulo l ltsllu I'lnti ) All xvoiU wair.intnd as ropreaontu'l. Olllep , llilid t'onr. , l'i\tin II103C. IOS > . lIH'iail ' I'.iriin Stt. 'Jnko Kiev itoor St I'rway fie n I3th Siiujl Knlrani ! ! ; . OltlJlNANCK NO. : W7i ) . An niUii.niiM ) locating poitiln additional \\.ipi | hvilr.nils In llio pity of Oinalin. lie Itoidiilnu.l by inu city eo'inellof the oily nf O.nnha : hect on I. ' 1 h il Iho American Water Works Comp.iny IIP mid llio iina H huruhy ordnrud lo plueu iidditlon il xv tlu hydrants In ihnoliy of Oimili.i , us folloun : Om1 at llio coinur of . stli und M ircy httsels t'OUllon' . ' . 'I'll , I this oidlii inuc hh ill laid ) nITpul and bo In force from uiul uflor 1U pass- ' * " Oclohur 1st , IS' ' ) . ' . .Ill 11.S ( JltoVK- . Ollv I'ler'f. r. l , . ou\ri in. . Ai'tlnir I'riHidPnt ' O ly Council M iyor. oItFN ) [ A tJH VoTiWMI An or.llnani't ) loi-atlni cue I i In iiililillnn i wntpr liv H nits In ilia cloy of ( Jin ill i lliilliiiil.ilnnd by HID oily O ) moll of t'ucli ' ] " " V. 'I'h'it the \iiiitrlPiiu W itor Won Coinpiny ho nn I tln > mm1 ; Is.ln . > rp y ' ' " 'I'1" ' " lo pliipo inldllloniil Wiiliu liydrtnis in HIP " ' . fifllin ill i. imfiilloxvi , : and Mason Hlri-el' Onnal thn eonuir of 2lnl ma n to ho I ild f nun lcaPIIWOI ill l" iliison c""Ion ' . ' Tniil thn or-l n nn' " tiiili Hi" iitnl ho In foruu fro n and .ifier Us pus- . rny Cijr c. c I , CIIAl'l l1. 1. , Aotliii I'rpfl'liint ' City I'miiifll Ajn | , , . ( . . . . . . . ' / , , | > „ > , , „ uyor rTvTrin : ( JHiiMT.itf : ) < ir'i in AsiniirN 1 Wuier Works Compiny. i "iiMratiDii of Now Jur < oy. . . . . Thu nmliirsUned was nppolnto I rounlvnrof hald cori'oratloii by ihu euiul of oluiK'iiry of rsun .Icirsuy on .Inly U I'J- , llyiinoiJpi of Kilil point . 'Jo onlhoil i of liiuUnioof tlili * niilicp , you HID luijulroil lo lirovu yourilu mi and dciiiitnilH hciforu mu lo iny sniNf uiilcii. xvltliln fo-u iiinntlis Irani Ihu pjrclinlml finm tlm bunii II ( liil'i huiiof , or lie of siiuli illviiliniilH u > > in iy ibmii ifdtr hn mudo of ihi' iiioi'ui'ils ( t tln > olloi'ls of H till corpora i''l linn rtlioiild liu lieiiil/od uiul unorn to und nmy bo rorvviirdod by mull lo ( 'Him n , ibulplioi | iif the i pun I vis r , ! ' 1 1 Wiislunn Ion hlreul. .luraiiy City. N .1 Tnoywllilu iiromptly i.ekimi fiiltfi ( > il K li I ' HI nl , SitS ililiiKiiii Struct , Oily. N J Ihilnd &upiinnlH > r I. , litt " Hu i'1'il proiins IH ! will UP ruculvud hy thu un diiri > ined ) until I'll' o'o o k p. in , ( J < Uubu > L' th , Je'JI. foi thu i"iriiriielUn of wcuuri in uuHurillHlilulHNos 17U and 171. In thn city uf Omaha , us put ordm inena Now. li in I und IfWi. rukpuatlvulr , acconlmu lo plans and Hiioi'lll- citllonv on niuln the olllpo of th > j lloanl ot I'ubllo Woiki. Kauli to lie muUu on prinlod blunliK ftirnUhu I liy Uin biiml , and lo bu iicpotnpiinlod by a vorllflnd cliDi'k In Ihu hum of I.VW. lay.ililo to Ihu city of Uinnhii lit uvldcncoof Komi f'll'.h. Tim Ixiaid runcrvixths rlalit to reji-t any rhalnnunof thu Ilimi lot I'ubllo Oiuahu , Nuhrnika , Ucf > l > ur IIUi , IM )