Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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It Wins a Victory Over Its Competitor ,
the Northern Pacific.
Chairman Cnlilwell'ii llnllng In tlin Mutter
Hiiitnlneilif \ tlin Clilrngo Ilntlrcmil A -
Miclntlon Amuml Muutlnft < i ( the
I'ullinuii ruliiuo Cur Comp-tny.
Cincioo , 111. , Ocl. 13. An important
victory baa been won by the Union I'nclllo
over Its competitor , the Northern 1'aclllc. At
ft , special meeting of llio Chicago Kallioau
association today tbo action of. Octoocr 51 ,
eliminating from the Chicago rutu sheet tuo
Union 1'uclllc's route to I'URot Sound points ,
was reconsidered. Tha uonseu.uenco Is that
there will bo no chniiRo In tuo present rout-
lan of passenger business to 1'uROt Sound
points , as it itniuU In the Chicago rate
hoot. Tins notion Will taken In Uoforcnco
to Chairman ( Juldwell's lullnir , who held
that no such change could bo made without
unanimous consent , uccordlng to the require-
incuts of the Western Passenger association
ngroemctit , Must era associations hnvo been
nwatthig the action of tlio Chicago ronus In
this matter , and , as n result ot today's pro
ceedings , till the eastern und southern ro.iJs
will contlnuo to sell through tickets to the
blipulcd iurrltory via the Union 1'nctllc.
The inosllhul ttio24orllicrn 1'acillu can do
Is to refuse lo honor tl.o Union 1'aoillc licit-
et over its lines from 1'orthitiil to I'upet
Hound points. The latter company , through
Its agent lit 1'ortland , will coiitlnuu Its ores-
ont practice ot purchasing Northern 1'nclllc
local tickets for distribution to through pas
sengers ut tbat point.
Annual Mrclliif ; f tint riilliuiin Coiiiiuny.
Atlno annual nicotine ; of the I'ullman
Puliico car con.pnny there \vero { SJ.riUU.OUl ]
of the capital stoclc represented. Tbo di
rectors were ro-cluctcd , us follows : Ucorgc
M , I'ullmnn , Marshal Field. J. W. Uoanc ,
Norman \Vlllmmn and O. S. Sprnguo ol
Uhlcniro ; Henry Shulhort of .Now Vorlc and
Henry H. Heedof Hoston.
The usual quarterly dividend off. pel
shnto from not earnings was declared pa ; a- -
bio November 15 to slo-kholdcts of record ol
the coso ! of business November 1. The
ilnancial statement for the llacal year ending
July ! 11 shown that the totnl revenue
of the company during that period was f 10 ,
OIW.H50. Of this amount , " (51,031 ( was fron
carolncs of cnrs , and the rest from patent * ,
manufacturing , rentals , dividends , Interest ,
etc. The disbursements amounted to SO.T51 ,
W" , leaving n suiplus for the year of fll..TiU ,
Ub'J. 'llio total assen uro ijl.i.U.VJ ) : und the
total liabilities i.'ti.UGl.JITiJ. The n < imbor o :
cars owned or controlled by the company li
lu n supplementary report. President I'ull
ninn Imparted tiio inforniatlon that durinf
the fiscal year contracts nad been nmdo witl
tbo lollowlni : rullroad companies : Littli
UouK it Memphis , for a period of t\cnty-iiv <
years ; \Vostorn Now York & Pennsylvania
for n period of twoiity-llvo years : Chesapeake
poako & Ohio , extending of contract for f
period of llflcon years.
Tuoro have boon built during the yeai
fisliiy sleeping unJ inning CUM , costlni
flW,9JO , : ! ; , or an average of $1C.,0H ( per
Work IB now progressing rapidly on 41i
additional sleeping , uinlng and parlor cars ti
suptily the anticipated extraordinary de
inands of travel In ih'JS. Tneso cars arc cs
tlmated to cost about $ r > , nuoUOO. The nuni
hcrot piissenccrs cnrriod during the yea
was 5i7lU0 : , und the number of miles mi
was lll ! , JPurG The total number of pel
cons In the employ of the company In U
manufacturing und oporatlnz department :
Is liSu9 ! , and wages paid during the yea
Co.ll Itutrs Advanced.
At a meeting of the trafllo olllclnls of th
Chlcago-Ht. i'aul roads today , it was agree
to advance the rates on soft coal to the basi
of ? 2 per ton from Chicago to St. i'aul an
Minneapolis. The present basis is $1.75 pa
ton. The advance will go into effect as see
in the work of chocking the rates througt
out the nlTeeted territory can bo complete
and the tariffs published.
Tuoimi.i : ovnit cur
Ulmrgo * Mnilo Acivlnst the rildioru fi
llri-iiuliii : AhHiic-liiilim KuIcM.
UenciralJ. U. Buchanan , general pmcngc
agent , of the Fremont , Eluhorn. & Missou :
Valley railroad , has bjon consoling hltnse
klnco Monday that no mcmoor of the Trans
mlssourl I'assongor association would lllo
complaint against tils road for securing tl
transportation of troopi from Fort Kobitibo
ot the rate of 5il.UO lor the round trip , c
the Rround that H was n cut ra'.e. Bull
this booming security Mr. liuutmnnn has reel
oned without his host for the Uurllngton wi
illo within the necessary time a coiuplnli
with Secretary McFadden diaiMlHg the lill
born with securing business below tnri
Scc'lon A of article vi violations pn
vidcs that all complaints of violation mu
bo lllcd with the chairman within flftet
day after the data of the alleged violatlo
tOL'Ctbcr with alt ovldoiu-o hearing upon tl
amc , Section O of ihnaamoartlclo provide
"Any line party to this agreement that nu
bo convicted of selling tickets or carry IIIR pa
BPliRcrs at rates or upon condltlnns that a
In violation of any provision of tnis ajre
inont or rules adopted theroun
ihall pay over to the nssoci
lion for each olTonso the amour
t full tariff rates , that bhonld huvo bc <
thurrcd therefor by und over such assocl
lion line , mul if of u foreign Is uo full pr
portions less n recd commissions , whii
ihould have accrued to the offending lit !
tccordlni ; to the established division
( greed tanfC rates. "
Mr. Fruneis of the UurllnRtoii systoi
In sponldnu nbout thu matter , sal
"Tho coiiborvatlva lilUhorn has o
the rate ngroeil upon by t
Trnnsmlssourl association ana havi
done so through Its general passonf !
etent must iieces&arllj expect to s.tami t
consi'quonees. The rate Irani Crawford
Omuhu n lu the nclKhboihood of ? 1' ' . ,
which would make the round trlp $ ' . > . ' > . Appl
lug this lo the l-ccnt a nnlo rate cast ot t
river , mailo for inillliu companies In n
form , would irlvp a round trip rate of $
In&ioud of ? il. : l , the rnto at which the bu
ness was secured , Tnu Kllthorn people c
kicking themselves that they put In so lov\ \
bid , for U transpires that ull , hu roaus blddl
wore basing their bids on rosular tariffs u
the ICIuhorn would huvo secured the bu
ness If they hud bid S.IUO Instead of
under that ( inure , which ot cour-io Is n li
on the 150 men from Crawford of Jl. ft
Thir , , coupled to the sumo rate on ton can
her os und frolght , will make the Uluhor
los * In the nolghborhood of ? JKK ( > .
"Now the Uurliiigton , In oruor to malnti
the ruloa of the association , means to pu
the matter , and , If a conviction Is uecuv
the Klkhorn will huvo hauled the troi
for nolhiiiR and will huvo to t
Into the treasury of the ASSOI
tlon the ullTcrctico botwccu the c
und the tarlll rate , In this casa soinoth
llkol.lX ) . The fundamental principle g
ernliiK the formation of iho Transinlsso
association was that harmony should c
nmong the members and that raisona
rates ofcharco for their respectlvo sorvi
might bo Jointly mada uuil maintained. "
of the II , \ O ,
CIXCINNATI , O. , Oct. 13 , The report of
fiscal operations of the Baltimore ) & C
Southwestern r&llwny for the year end
Juno SO , was nmdo publlo today , Gi
earnings , fJOIS,74' ' ' ; operating expenses ,
CJ'J,5iS ; not earnlncs , fMO.'JH ; Incorno fi
other bourccs , fJUi7 ; total Income , flOOJ , '
fixed charKct , tnxoi , f'W'J.llHi surplus. M
Id" ; Incrouso In ( T'O'.s ' cnrnlncs , t3U7J , ;
crcaio In net earning * , Jlb'JJ-IUj. '
The board of dlrotors passed a rcsolui
dlrcciir > K tbo payuiont of Into
t tint rate of 'iyt per cent on
lint pro for rod Income inortgago bonds of
roinpuny , imynblo on November 1U at
J armcrt Loan , V 'IVunt company , tbU c
( /d / t the unicoof Drown , Shipley & '
O. , Opt. R The tnoetln
Ohio < MliMilp'l [ ' ( tdokholdors
| unity. Tlio rr ull win an overwhi
Vitlorf lor tlio Kntdlsh ( hurebola
were KV. . Trauy
Springnold , III. ; Wlltlnm S. Dull and Kdirnr
T , Wolli of Now "York , The vet < j cast for
them win : Stock , Jlti.SOG ) bond , TJno.
The opposition voted tor Wl'ilnm Wnltc-
right , Malcolm Campbell and Chnrlos H ,
At the directors' mrotlns Messrs , MrKlm
und Fahcnslock resigned nnci General Jaraos
H. Wilion of WllmtPRton , Uol. , and Ldward
H. Hcllony wcro choion In their places. The
board elected Mr. F. W , Tracy president ,
but mndo no other changes ,
The report of the president was referred
back to Iho board of directors lor Investiga
tion. This report showed ; Oross uarnlngs
for the vcar. ? 4,2'JS-03 ! ; opcratlnii expenses.
M,2asi7l ( ; net earning , JIOIP,7J9. Interest
on funded debt , sundry Interest and ex
change , JIOMll50i dollclt , $10,031.
TillltlllK t'p u \ Illlllict.
Mayor A. II.Veir of Lincoln , together
with Councilman Cleorgo If. Blown and n
citizen ' committee , conslsiineof t. I. Imhoff
and .loJiii \ , Doty , came up yesterday for a
conference with the Union Paolllo odlclats
ivcnrulng the propound O slreat viaduct in
the capital cltv. Tlio fact that the Hock Is
land lias Just been allowed tn pat In a grade
crossing at the cast end of O snout seems to
have injured the chances of securing the
building at a viaduct over iho tracks at the
West end , as the claim U tntulu tint to at
tempt to enforca the erection of it under
ihtMa circumstance * would bo making tUh of
ono roau and fowl of another. The commit
tee hoped to got a favor.tb'.o ' expression of
some kind from thornllroid oHlcials.
opnniiK HIM cut on :
The Missouri Paclfli3 cut olT by way of
Plottstnouth will bo traveled over next Sun
day for the llrst time. Omaha will bcnolH
bv It as much as City and the
other towns which now have seen the much-
wished-for consummated. HcRlnnlng on
Sunday the Omaha , Kansas City & St. Louis
express , which now loaves this city at lUillO
a. in. , will not pull out till 1:10 : In "tho after
noon , and the 11:110 p. m. train will biltept till
10 o'cloclc. The St. Louis otpreis will here
after arrUo at (3l.n. ( : . m. ntul4"i : p. in. The
local train will arrlvo In Omaha at 8:50 : a. in ,
and won't leave again till - : : : ) p. m.
Why throw nwny your money for every
now cough syrup , when you can buy that
standard remedy , Dr. Hull's cough syrupl
Frescoing and interior decorating ; do
IH : tn 1 uiUtnitoj fu-nh'ijl. Ilotiry
Lohmunn , 1508 Douglas strout.
A stock of sroneral incrchnntllso for
silu ; olienp. HiKiuiroof KilpatrickKoch
D. G. Co. , llthand llarnoy.
Traveling \Vantotl.-\Vo want a
thoroughly uoinpctunt. onergetio and ox-
perioneud man lo talto gutiorat eharpo
of our Xobraslc.i territory. A good sul-
ury will bo paid to the man who can fur
nish uropor credentials and lill the posi
tion satisfactorily. Tlio F. E. Stillborn
Co. , leOS Howard strcot.
Tliey I'm In u Day Visiting the bcluuils uf
With three exceptions , Fremont's entire ed
ucational force was In the city yo orday vis
iting Iho public schools and gathering point
ers for future rol'nroiicc1. And It may bo re
marked that it Is as bright , breezy and good
looking a lot of schoaina'ums as you often
Thcro were thirty-four In the party nnd
thov made their headquarters at the Dollone.
Superintendent Miller had charpo ol
the visiting delegation , and arranged
wl'li Superintendent Fitzputnck to sbou
them how Ideas nro propagated anil
encouraged in the youthful Omaha bruin.
The teachers will return homo this eveninc
over the n'khorn. ' The board uivos them the
time , and they pav their own expenses. HorO'
toforo it has been customary lor thorn to have
a day or two each year In winch to visit
other schools anu they have visited amons
tncmselvcs , but thli year it was suggested
that something noxv would bo of much more
beuctit , aim Iho Omaha trip wu * planned.
The visitors worn disposed of us fol
loivs their attention of courses boitit
directed to their own grades : First and soc-
0ul prados , Lang school ; third grade , ICol-
Jom school ; fourth and lifth graUos , Farnain
school ; sixth , seventh , aad eighth grades ,
Lake school.
Today a different arrangement will b (
luado so as to allow the tc.ieliers to cover a :
much of the ground as possible. Three o
the Fremontors were kept at homo by bick
nos.s , but the thirty-four who nra hen
started out with the avo-ved intention o
moro than making up for- the absentees. The
visitors nro :
Mrs. M. K. Ilaynolds , Misses L. Losg , A
L. Urown. O. C. Abbott , C. .r. Doano , M. E
Kobcrts , L. M. Xorbe , .1. N. Boo , Ida Piper
M. Adams , B. Stevenson , C. Waldo , A
Hicks , li. tlicks , K. Martin , E
Clarli. ( ' . Ljnqulst , D. SoeckarU
S. Smith , M. Quinn CaK.orino Uavloi
( iraco Flaming , ( icrtrudu Flomlng
Clara Adams , Mettlon , Kate Bunchor , Ann
NUliou , Tyler , Crowell , Armstrong , Mes
dames M. Golden , L. C. Caytou. Messrs. !
II. Oaltinj , ' and Dan Miller.
UoWltt'sSarsaparllla ciaausoj tno blooa
increases the nppatlto and toiai up thesys
torn. It has bonollted miny people wn
hnvosullorod from blood dlsorduri. It wil
help you.
Jullll Sutcr I.IIHIH Ills T en ill Thruugli
lTiiir-rty | On-iiei'K Ciirolc'BHiiusn.
John Sutcr Is , or rather was , the owner (
a line team of horses which earned a llvln
for him aud his family. As he was drlvln
across n vacant lot at Seventeenth and Coi
tcr streets yesterday In the direction of li
: i homo at 13-J7 South Eighteenth street t
was dumbfounded to sou the tram and wage
f parl company and the former disappear Ini
the bowels of iho oarth.
Sutcr had driven upon an old well whir
had been covered with hoards ana u fc
inches of earth 011 which hud sprung up
grotvth of grass and weeds.
The llrst huso went to the bottom of tl
well , where U can st'.ll bo heard kicking , bi
Its death Is only a matter of n few hour
The second nuiuiul's head WUH caught lu ll
boards and It wan killed instantly.
o Do\VitJ's Harjaparuu etojtroys suoa pa
sons as scrofula , skin dUimiH , oczaaia , rhoi
. uiutUm. Its timely USUH.IVJI uuuy
.New Itcrulvur ol thuVatur Works Cot
p.niy l''llvs I1U Miruty.
The olilclal bond of Mr. U. llydo Hast , i
coivff for the AniLricanVator Wor s plan
was illoil yesterday In the United Stut
circuit court , it has boon appravi
uy Judge Caldwell and is for tlio sum of , " > :
UJO , Tnosurotloa uroV. . II , Hust , Altio
O. Smith , Kolby Payo and \V. A. French i
of Boston , John \V. Konnan of Brookllu
Aaron Hobarl nnd Hunry Hobart of Hrldi
water , Muss. Mr. Uubt can now take char
of thu water works plant at any time.
Mrs. L. H. P.ttton , UoaKiorJ , III. , wlto
1 From personal ovporlouco I can rjcomm i
UoWltt's Sarsapanlla , u euro for iinpu
blood uud coucral debility "
llul ilinu ; 1'crniltn.
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
II. It. Olark , nno-story Iramo cottage.
ho Tnuuty-LlKhlh biioct und MurJclllh
tl ,
ilo T u minor pormlts
iss Total i ,
Ono of Douglas County's Rich Farmers
Skipped Acro33 the Eonlor.
Trouble * of n Xolir.iiUnn AVho Took nn In *
mme Muii to Vermont ntul ( lot Out
Oust Alirnil ol tlio
Whcro Ilo "Is At. "
Ono of Oouglus caunty'a boil known
cllizona Is &oournlnK ] In Canada nnd
hU mo it tnttnmto acquaintances will not
vcnluro an opinion as to when hs will return ,
though they will K ° so 'nr ll * to state that
porhnps It may bo soon , or porhap * It maybe
bo never.
ThU man who Is tabooeJ as an outcast
from homo nnd nallvo land is tlomor
U'httnoy , n prosperous farmer llvlnc a few
iiilloa from the city. tlo is not In Catndi
because ho has robbed a bank , nor because
hols a fugitive from Justice. Ilo would coma
homo In a mlnulo U ho could , but ha can't ,
a id there's the rub.
Bomo weens a o Sylvostcr Undonvood
reached Omaha direct from Uraltluboro , Vt.
A few days after his arrival and befora ho
had nctiuircd n rcslannco In this county ho
became as crazy as n March hare. Ho was a
younp man nnd the uountv commissioners
aid not think It wUo that ho
should bo a Douglas county chnrqo
during his natural llfo. The Insanity
board snt upon Silvester's case anil found
that It was ono demanding Immediate atten
tion and so in formed the county commis
sioners. Those Bcntlemon turned the question -
tion over In their minds and decided to send
thu poor fellow back lo his people. The next
thlnir to do was to Unit u man Who would
tuko Underwood to his old homo.
In his early boyhood Whitney linn resided
under the shadows of the Green mountains ,
and ho conceived the Idea that it would bo u
most opportune tltno to pay n visit to the old
red school house and the brooks from which
bo h d snared trout when ho was n bare
footed kid. The commissioners wore willing
that ho should go uud furnished
him with bis cr.iry charge , transportation
both ways ana SJJ for spending money. Mr.
Whltr.oy turned his face toward the oast.
Ho reached IJrattloboro in duo tlmo mid nt
onco'preacntcd Underwood to the selectmen
of the town. Those selectmen did not moot
Messrs. Whitney nnd Underwood with a
brass band nnd banquet thain at the princi
pal hotel of the municipality , but instead
they met Whitney with a warrant of nrrost ,
in which it was charced that ho was
violating the laws by oringlng u ,
pauper Into thn state. Ilo was
taken bo fora thu town justice , where
ho was convicted. Sentence was suspended
providing ho would at once jump the town
nnd taUo his crazy man along. This Whit
ney agreed to do and Uionoxt train bore him
I to Montreal , wheio ho is ut this time. Yes
terday morning Whitney telegraphed to the
commissioners those words : "Stranded nnd
got u crazy man on inv hands. Wire instruc
tions quic'ic. ere wo perish. "
Mr. Van Uamp was the only commissioner
about the court house , aud to Ir.m the massage -
sago was uoliverod. Ho immediately sent
back this cheering reply : ' 'Got him off your
hands. "
To the polii-o of Montreal Mr. Van Camn
sent this telegram : "Arrjst two men and
hold them. Oao is a fool and the other Is
craz.v. "
At this time It has not been decided
whether Whitney will be lott In Canada or
whether ho will bu assisted to return.
Iliv : YIIII JU'.ul
How Mr.W. . D. Wcntz o Geneva , N. Y. .
was cured of the severest form of dyspepsia i
Ho says everything ho ate seemed iiito pourIng -
Ing molted lead Into his stomich. Hood's
Siirsaparilla oitoetnd a porlect cure. Full
particulars will bo sent If you wnto C. I.
Hcod & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
The highest pr.iiso has oeon won bv Hood's
IMlls for their o.isy , yet oQlclont action.
llE.lllli O.N THIS MltEEni.
Captain E. J. Davis This has boon a hard
year for Omuba people who have expected tc
get a show In the election of oftleers In the
great organizations of the country. Onialu
got nothing In the Grand Army of the Ito
publlo annual election , nothing In thoUozu
lap Army and Navy union , nothing In UK
Hoyal Arch Masons mooting , nothing in thi
Shrlners meeting , to speak of , and now w <
will sco what will ba tbo result of tin
Knights ot I'ylbUis meeting in session till :
.ludgo BerUa There Is only one powei
which enforces laws In ibis country am
that power is public opinion. Crimes ma' '
bo committcU with Impunity If the publl
sympathize with the criminal. Wo have hai
several Instances of that in Omuba. Th
Uiechlnr trial for instance. There was i
plain case of murder ami Iho liuv provlues i
plain penalty. But publlo opinion said "no1
and that bottled it. There is another clns
of offender. * hard to punish , gamblers am
saloonkeepers for instance. No ono tins boo
directly injured mid Juries cannot bo founi
who uro very anxious to convict th
offenders. The law with nil Its niRcliinery I
perfectly powerless , although perfectly ilgh
and just , unless the public bade it up.
Prosecutor Cochrano It seems to me tha
the hi ? livciy linn a ought to bu sntlsiio
with monopolizing the greater part of th
huclc business of iho town unucr thu city'
vary Iiuerul ordinance without ovorcharf
ing. Of course , this Is an old story , but it I
ono which people should hear occasionally
Wo tiavo a hack ordinance holding charge
down to a reasonable llguro and the pollc
Judge will see that any violation Is strlctl
punished. It Is only ono man In a hundro
who taues uuvontngo of the protection a
forded him. Hacks nro not a very e <
pensive luxury , imr mosr , people think the
arc.H. . O Jvlnyflela I recall n very Intoroitln
session of tbo city council In the curlier dav
at South Omahu. 1'airlck liowloy was tl
statesman who looked after the First wai
constituency and John N , Hurico saw to
that the Third ward was not forgotten who
tbo plums were being passed around. f
this particular session the Q street vladui
question was under discussion and Hun
had Just finished ono ot tboso intcrestir
speeches for which ho was famous. Uowlt
arose , with ull iho dignity of a South Omul
statesman , and said : "Mister M.iyor , Ml
tcr Hurke hui boon a member of this comic
two yours and ho can't say 'ivyaducit' yet ,
The house was convulsed with laucbtor tu
I have often wondered If cither of tbo :
B talcs men has learned to pronouuco it
word "viaduct. "
W. H. Ucrrv The South Omaha roali
market Is very lively these du > H. Thou
innua for property Is good and values on tl
Increase. The property is passing from tl
bands of the speculators Into these of t !
homo builders. Tbo worklngmeii nro tl
real estate dealer's best patrons at tuo prc
or.t time. They realUa the folly of payli
rents when a homo c..n DO secured on t
most reasonable terras. Inquiries como to
inmost every day from all parts of the cou
try roguiding Itisldo property , and outside
are watchlni ; closely Hie opportunity for I
10 vestment. South Omaha is ull nsut und tl
owners of property will realize baiidsomol
DoWltt's Siirsaparliia ciiiansoi the oioaJ.
A Jii > ciillo Vagrant.
Kddlo Dabbingtou , the " -year-old vagrai
. ' 01.
01.W .
V- the .
Jo. ,
er * ,
of Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
is In the police station nunln. ThU tlmo heM
M uookcd ns n to Ufcor , thouqti ho probably
knows Iho cltj itweil ns nnyono In It except
the pollcomon. Holllvcs nt Twetity-fltth nnd
Burt streets whenudt Is too wet or cold to
sleep on the dtreots and how ho cots his
meals U u niystory.t Ho is taken In by the
police Dorlodlcallyund has Just us much fun
nbout the cells nsdio dooa on the streets.
Honks Tlmt 11 nro Itcon Worn Ont Uy
Unmlift'Srlioot Children.
There is n wncon load of old books nnd
papers tn ona comer of the Hoard of Educa
tion rooms that could toll some very Inter
esting stories It thn power of speech were
conferred upon the Inanimate mais that will
soon bo consigned to thu rag man. It con
sists of the worn out books over which the
school children have pored nnd clgglcd and
wept for iho past two years or more.
Hrro Is n book all "dog-cared" and dirty
thm wr.s doubtless used by some John or
Tom or Charllo who didn't o.iro a ran
whether school Kent or not , In fact ho would
rather It hadn't. By the sldo of this much
abused booK there 1st ono that has evidently
boon handled with saro , but long sorvlco bos
ovontunlly worn H through In the mtddlu of
Iho bottom where delicate llttlo thumbs hnvo
pressed It opan whllo eager eyes have
scanned its p.tcc. . Therein the top line M n
dinluult word underscored and here between
the leaves uro some roaobuds th it the owner
] , Incited from over tha fonca otio morning on
the wav to school.
\\hat talcs these old books could toll if
they could speak ! Hut they can't , and they
will bo sold to thn ran nrui nnd Iho school
children will have now ones lu their sioad.
U costs me city of Omaha In the neighbor
hood of $3MO ( every year to supply the chil
dren of Iho public schools with books.
Architect .Meyers Will do Into Court IT Ills
( Malm Is not I'alil.
E. E. Meyers , the architect who drew the
original plans for the city hall , has served
uottco that ho does not propose to bo put off
without pay far his work. Ho writes to ho mada the plans ; tbat
they were accepted by the city nnd then
were sot aside nnd other plans adopted. l "or
doing this work ho proposal to have tome
mono ; or go into court.
.11 uy round ( Inllly.
Harry May , the young man who was ac
cused of having stolen property Iroin Hoy-
tlon Brothers , \vhllo In their employ ns a
shipping clerk , was convicted of larceny yes
terday afternoon. The Jury found that the
value of thn stolen goods was 5100. May will
appeal 10 Iho supreme court.
Skin blemishes , like
foul teeth , are the more
offensive because they
are mostly voluntary.
The pores are closed.
One cannot open them in
a minute ; he may in a
Try plenty of' soap ,
give it plenty of time ,
and often ; excess of good
soap will do no harm.
Use Pears' no alkali in
it ; nothing but soap.
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people are
using it
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , liurnD ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
Act gently yet promptly -
ly on the I.IVTII , Iil -
OB.JOBB5 NR\K mul IIUii.S ( : , ells-
polling lleadachca. Fov-
cis nnd Cold3. thorough
LITTLE ly cli-anslng the eystcin
of disease , and cures
habitual constipation
Vegetable They nra Bunar coatcJ ,
da r.nt Kflpe , very emnlU
easy to tnlio , and purdf
toui table. 45illlalucnch ]
vlul. Perfect digestion
followH their uso. They
ctisolutblrcuro Elck head
ache , and isrorccoramfiiil'
c1 bj- p-flrlin8. ! For hnlo by lending
( lru'iihiK ( orhcntbyDuV. : ; ' 'Scln , mini. Addnea
K'JBtr3 MEDICINE CO , , ' Props , Sa frwV.o nr
. .
A fuller & Co , C r. Hill *
' . > fo ur & Co. . COuoc . la
< imnOi wy lliry will wf r No Oilier Shoe.
Wear this Shoe during the Summer Monlht.
miRii.ic EXPANDS iii r.vimv MOTION-of * ! ) filami IU l' iiit ' ' I ' J In
Aiml.Sl'Alll.t : tenure uukci U | * nlbk tu vtu
" " ' " "
Coiti no mare , looks belter , wc r longer ,
nil BUCI too tlmrs moro comfort
tluu any utlicr ninkc ,
Fclcti , 53.00 , 52.CO , $3.00 J3.oO.
1'orsaloat thoHJdon Storo.ntli aa-l DJUU
Tlio I'hcnomenal l'lir lctun , Tnaclior and Autlio
r , will tuacli picliaiuutry lo | ihy lclan nnd olno
to ouablv them lodlaBnoils ( lleu > e and t'lvo tl
curalira aisenl wltiioul niklOK qurttluni. ( 'onio t
Biiil lofkot Unlr wlUill.O' "J tmtu tlili dun.oi
truu'd TIUHIAI.TII : : ori'icu ,
418 N. Kth trcctOmali , IJr , JoUn atollI'n
Will euro You , la a Into statement of the
nctlon ot AYEtt'S Snrsnpnrilln , when
taken for diseases originating In impure
Mood ; but , whllo this assertion Is true ot
AYnil'S Sarsnparllla , as thousands can
attest , U cannot bo truthfully applied to
other preparations , which urrlnclplcd
dcalns will recommend , nnd tiy to Im
pose upon you , ns "just ns good ai
Aycr'a. " TnUo Ayci-'s Sarsapitllla : and
Aycr's only , It j on need a blood-purillcr
and would bu buiu-tlted pciinaiieiitly.
Tills mcdlrliiL1 , for nearly lltiy years ,
has enjoyed a icpiitatlon , mid niiidn a
record for cuies , tlutt has never been
equaled by other pu-paratloii.v AYKU'S
Saisnpiiillla erndloates tbo talut of he
reditary seiofnla and other blood dis
eases from the system , and It 1ms , deser
vedly , tbo confidence of the people.
"I cannot forbear to express my joy at
tbo relief I have obtained from the use
of AYKH'S Siirsnparilln. I was atlllcted
with Iddney troubles for about MX
months , Mifferin ; ; miMy with pains In
the .small of my bad ; . In addition to
this , my body was covered with pimply
eruptions. Tlio remedies proscribed
failed to help me. I then be an to take
AYEK'S Sarsaparilln , and , in a short
time , tlio pains ceased and the pimple.- *
disappeared. I advise every young man
or woman , In case of sickness result-
ins from impure blood , no matter bow
long standing tbo case may be , to take
AYEH'SSursnpiirillii. " II.Li.Jartimnn ,
3 William .St. , Now York City.
Prepared by Ur. J.C. Aycr &Co. , Lowell , Maes.
Von etm roilticc your welftht from Ion
to twenty pounds a month , at lioir.e , with
out Etarvlng , at reasonable cost by the use ol
Dr. CIMe's Home Treatment ,
perfected In mnny years practice , causes no
Hic-knoHH or Injury to the liciiltfi , Is highly
Indorsed. Send for proofs nnd testimonials.
V. O. Drawer Ii3. Chicago , 111
A brokon-hearto'l mother wishes in
ormiitlon of her lost bov , who disap
peared May Hist , 1S92. John F. Doboi-ty ,
igo 14 , lioifjht ! feet 8 inches , lifiht
complexion , brown hair , blue oycs , slim
juild ; liuil on when last seen dark
tripod coat , trray punts , shaker lliinnol
hirt , line calf boots , dark brown faoft
oil hat ; 650 reward for information Unit
vill lead to liiilin < r him.
312 N. llth St.
Pure Y hite Lead
is the Best Paint.
Care is necessary though , to
obtain strictly pure , as the
market is flooded with so-
called Pure White Leads that
in reality contain but very little
white lead.
The following analyses of
two of these misleading brands
show the exact proportion of
genuine white lead they con
tain. The analyses describe
the labels and brands on the
packages and give the con
tents as follows :
Misleading Brands
"C , F. Lawson & Co. Strictly Pure Wliii *
Lead. " Red label , with brush , on which la
printed , "Guaranteed to be strictly pure.
Ko.-feited if adulterated. "
Materials Proportions . Analyzed by
Dnrytes 58.10 per cent. J. I'icbmri ,
Oxide of Zinc a .qo per cent. Milwaukee.
White Lead 13,60 per cent ,
Calcium Car
bonate 3so per cent.
"Maswry's Railroad White Lead. " White
label , marked "Kallroad White I < ead , 35 ;
pures John W. Masury & Son , New York
and Chicago , warranted superior.1
Matcriali Proportions Analyzed by
Oxide of Zink 55.70 per cent. Lcdoux & Co. ,
Uarytes 11.30 per cent. New Yor ! .
We have a book which gives
the analyses of a large number
of misleading brands. If you are
going to paint it will pay you
to send for it.
In Painting
use strictly pure White Lead
( see that you get either
"Southern , " "Collier , " or
" Red Seal" ) , tint it with the
National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Load
Tinting Colors ,
and you will have the best
paint that it is possible to put
on a building.
Tor Bale by the best dealers In paints every ,
where ,
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street ,
St. Louis , Mo ,
The past week has demonstrated beyond a
doubt the fact that the male portion of Omaha
appreciate the difference between "tweedledee
and tweedledum. " They appreciate the fact
that when the Nebraska advertises to sell a
fifteen dollar suit for ten and a half , they don't
sell a ten dollar one they seH a fifteen doTla"r
one. To call our last week's sale a success
would be "drawing it mild. " We never sold
so many suits the first week in October as we
did this year. We're going to boa t it this week
going to give you still b i g g e r v a 1 uesT g i v e y ou *
mj rc suits and moro * J J ds "oT si11 s to pick
from. Today you can choose l\noTiT ovcr two
thousand suits all at ono price. You can pTclc
Vou can choose cassimeres or cheviots
You can take plain or fancy , You can buy
browns or grays. You can get the heavy , old-
fashioned pepper and salt cassimere that never
wears oat or the very best all wool heavy
indigo blue suit with double or single breasted
sack coats. You can buy suits of us this week
that have never been offered for less than
f i f te en d o 11 a r s a n d you can buy them for ten
dolla'rs "aricT'TiYty cents.
Four of the largest manufacturers of cloth
ing in the world who make nothing but fine
goods who hire as good 3uTteTs " uicl as
good tailors as are to be had sell all the goods
they sell in Nebrask a totheNebraska Clothing
Company. No houise on earth , no matter who
nor where , can show you suits that are a n y
better , or are made better in any particular
than the suits we show as our strictly fine suits ,
and we haven't the gall to ask y-mT to pay
twenty-eight or thirty "dollars for them either--
but offer them at $16 to $22.BO.
Look at them they'll do your eyes good.
Cou.vcir. CIIAMIIIU : , OMAIM , Nob. , October
th , Is'J. ' ' .
lo It ru > iolvol : by the City ( . 'imiifll of tlio City
of Omaha , the M.iyor coinMirr.M,1 ; :
That , \\ s dow.ilKs be cnnttriiutod in
ln > Oitv of Uiiuiha as diHlgn iti' I bulnvr , wlili-
n live days uftcr the imbll ntlun or tin * ru n-
utlon. or the personal .servlco thc-n'of. as ! > >
[ ) rdliiin : o K aiilhorl/cd anil rciiuiicd , sncli
sldu\vill > H to In * laid to the r.iiltMin thu Directs
speclllud liuiiiln , nnd to bu ( . 'un-lf uetud nT pint )
iiiiil ! < of MK'h uiillli : ind llilrl.nsand : bo I ilil
.ipon jolsn of such Unm'tisUms nun In such
jiiiiiiner us Is pri'scilho I nv tin ) suceill 'ntlons
on llto in the ollleu of thu I of Publlu
\Voiksand under Its siiiii'rvNInn. to-\vli :
West sldoof lllth blrt'i't. iinitli ' , , of lot T > ,
lilni'kii. llorhach's HcL'und Addition , estab-
llshcil Ki-nU * . ( i fret wide.
Kahl side of Huh s-ivol. lot I ) , Pin nysldo Aa-
[ lltlon , e > tnlill-.lic' < l criU' : , ( i fei t wide.
North blduoT lltiuloltu st rout , lots II to 13
IncIusUe , block : ' , Clifton IIM Addition , tein-
poi'.uy i. ride. ( I fi'iJl wldu.
West sldo of "ith uventiP. lot I. hliick fi , ,
Dr.iUa's Audition , inrsjnl r.uli > , G fcc > \\uie. .
K. is t , side of : i"lh stieol. lots lu to l > lni'lnslvo
bloek" . Crcstuu Addition , fit.ibllslii ! I sialo
fi'i't nldo.
K.isl sldoof IlTth siieet. lots II to 15 , 0cston
Annex. iistnhlNhi'il KI.KIO. ( i fuut wldo.
Wi'hts do of 'isth : iMiiuo. lots 5t : to .17 Inclu
sive. H tuw.irl I'liu'i1 , | iio > .eiit jjr idi4 feut w , lo.
West sldo of ll in iiMsnui' , ti\ : lot Nu , 4 , suc
tion W-lfi-lll , iiH'siMit ( 'r.ulo. I fcut Id'1.
Kust .sldo of 4itlistii'ui , lots IV and M , block
: i. 1'laee , lo up ir.iry jiridu , 1 fou
K.istsldnnf IMh sticct. lots 1' ' und II. blooU
S. Hherlilan I'lacu , UMiinor.iry crude , 4 feet ,
Wust ildo of Ifltb streot. lots II nnd 4. blouU
( ! . llorb.ic'h's&ueond Addition , prcsunt ir.i'le ,
Wcit sldoof S2nd street , lots I to r , Inclusive ,
hloeif ' . ' . IillowllU Addition , iiiusent ( jiMde , U
fl'Ot Wllll1.
\Vost jido iif 'J7nil hlrcot. lots I , " an.l II , block
1 , lilluwlld Add. lion , presunt ( ? rade. U feut
wl M *
West sldoof Jndstieot. lot ID , A\ford'b Ad
dition. prosunt L'nide , II foul wldu
\Vust sldu of O.'denhliuot. Nils.Mi to. H Inclu
sive , bloi'K I. ' lionnaii Avenue I'aik AiMlllon.
present D'.iile. I fuel wide.
North hldu of Mii'mi stiuot. lots L'7 and L'H.
lilouU I1 , Kunnuu.'c ' ltuth'4 Acid uon , periiiit-
nunt u'lade , ( I feet wide.
And. bo ll fuitliur resolvol : .
That the hoard of public worl.s lie. nnd Is
heruliy niithor ' < l and dii-euted to e.inso u
copy of IliN luso ntlon 10 do published In iho
nlllclul paper of Ihu ultv for one week , ol ho
Mirvud on tlio ownuis of siltl Inli , and un-
IcsahiichownuiHhliill within llvu dav > after
Iho pnlilluiiilon or survleu of snuli i-npv eon-
urucl. said sldnvvallis an liuiiiln ri'ini'iiiil ' , Mint
Ihu lie ir I of pulillu wet > H caiiHi * tin ) sunn to
budonc1 , tliu coat of ciinstriK'lln'j Hill sldu-
walUsieiprotlvoly to bu assessed it.-i.ln t Ihu
eul estate , jot or pi ft of lot In front of and
m hiiuh rlilowill : > s.
d October 111. . , WW.
I'les'ilenl ' I' ly I'oniicll.
Attest : JOHN iKO\'l > .
i' ly Ciork.
Approved : GKu. I1. ItllMIs ,
Tuth'J owners of thu lot" , p.irts of lots and
ruul ubtalu ( losurlbud In Ihu ulnivu rubolu-
Von iind ( iieh of you nio horobv notinl to
ii'iiulri'd bv
eonslriut wondun slduwallis us
aiesol'itloiioniiu ulty counull ami mayorof
the ulty at Oinaliti.of w liloli t HI abovjijs a ooi v.
1' , > V. JilulVll 7 > iM (
Clmlrnmti HuinJof liiltlo Wurk
Von uio huruliy notlllol that tlio iindor-
bliiiied.tliiuiiilisliiturestud frooholdiir.s of Iho
ulty ofOiiiiihn. b.ivo buunduly appolntud by
iliuin.iyor. utih tlio approval of the city eonn-
ullnf buld clly. to IIFSUSS thii dania.'u tu thn
iiniiDin respectively of tin ) iiioporty douliirud
ny ordlii.iiuo nui'ek-uv : id bu iiiinroprlatuil
lor thu in-e of aUl ulty. for tliy pnrpo'.u of uv-
lundlnir I'lfty llrs.1 htruut from thu i.iirlh line
of Illmuljungh > V I'atUTMin's uddlllun to
J.n-iiunworth Btruut.
Vou uro furlhur notified tint , liavns : ao-
ruptuiUald appointment and Only iinallllud
iiRicriuliod by l.iw. wo will , on the Huh d iy of
October , A. I ) . IB' * ! , t Iho hour of 10 u'ulncK In
the foiunmm ut the ollleu of ctinvor A-U'lJonu-
lieu , MVII'itrnaia htruet. within Iho torporalo
limits of suld city , moot for tliu purpusu of
coiisldurlii' ' nnd iniiUliu the ii us nu'Ht of
iliiiiincu to the owners rcmioctlvoly of h.ilu
pMiiurty bv reason of iiii-h taking und appro
priation thereof , laklns intoon ldurutlon
hpuulal bcnulilfc. if any. ,
The properly bo I on Kin'to YOU. proposed to
bo appropriated us uforctt.ili I. and wii ch
budii ou iirud nucessary by the eutiia-ll. by or-
d Inn nev. to appropriate ) to tlio use of the i-lty ,
hclnu' situate In stild flty ( it Oinalri. In tlio
county of ioiitriiin ) and tttilu of Nobruhka , M
iliMurlbud u § follo'.tf , to-ivll : The u.i.l twun-
i > -live foot of lot one , hlooK ihruc , tn Iliinu-
banulrbuddltion . . , . ,
Vou iirunotllloJ tobo pruient at thu
und pliii-o nfornsald and inalo any objucaions
to or ttnlcinunl * couLurnlni ; BIU ! prouotud up-
proiirlutlmi or iiMOSsiiiont of d.inii'-'u in you
m.ty eonslder proper w u
Omaha , Sowt. 3UU , , hi' } d'JOl
F.vf s tested free by mi EXIEIIT OPTICIAN
1'erfect adjustment , bupcrlor lonsoi. Norv
ousheadacliu cured by usln ; our UiioBtaolgi
nncl Kyo labsej 1'r.uuj low for llrst clan
S. ISthSt.C'i-olghtoa Bioa'.c.
flroac TlurK./
The above brands of cloves lor sale by
The Boston Store
N. W. Cor. I tn an I DoujrliwSt
O.n ih i
ri-iKiiiU | I or hliuot lni | > r toiiiuu
Fouled bids mnrloMl "pr < i | > ii4il : fur district
KtiuuMiiipriiVQiiiiiiil Imiiili" will lin ri'culvril nt
thn ollk'u of thi ) city tnusiinjr. ( Jinulm , Neb ,
up to u'alnulc noon of I all cl.iy of Ui'touur ,
1f'.i , ' , fur thu innvlmio of jril.-iinoj district
hlrcut liniirovuinoiit Ijiindt of thu clly of
Oiuiilm , Nub.
Hil : < l lioiulN in-ill In ) dtiol Dotnhur 1st , ISO ? ,
mul hliull hu p-iyulilii In f loin ODD to uliin vo.tri
itftur thu dull ) lliuniur. with Intorust nlllio
ratu of . 'i our cum pur .iiiiujin pivalii'J nuniiul-
I'rliiolp'il 'unl Intcrmt j liiu ut Kountze
Ilio' * . . Nuw V rk.
Haul hoiuli Hhull ho of thn dunumlnallonot
II.IWO.UJ , iV.lOllll ) ) ) | ( I'JU.D ) U.H.-ll
Kiich hlil mint HI itu iiri-ii uud ninniint
HoiiKlil for itinl lin-liiilo u-niilixt Iliturust lo
( lulu ut ilullvory ni Onialin , Nun.
The rlKl't IK rusurvoJ lo rojuutnny anu all
Ihuuul under charter powur of clllouot tlio
aiDtropolll.-iii uliiis uinl onlliiiinuu No. Wl , uu >
Oltv Tru-isurer.
EiasticStockinys ,
" "
"ts&ziv Trusses ,
f , Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies.
m114S.15tllSt ,
Kcxt to PostoIUw.