TITR OMAHA DAILY OCTOBER II , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL JJLUFFS. CFHCK : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET Deliverer. Vy e.irrlor to any ivirt of th ? city 1MV. TII/TON. - MANAGER. ' Office Nn" Tiffrt'tin\rJ . . Hm'ncM Mpt , | Editor . . . . .M a MI.MJH Jf/ : > I'/M . f * V. I'lumblnp Co. t'ouncll Hln IT s Lumber Co. . "Columbian Day" will t > o observed bv the Second Presbyterian church Sunday even- IIIR with an extensive program. x The Ucpubllcjin club will attend a political mcntintr this evening IT I .owls township , nt which J .1 Stcailmnn will snake n spcccii. Marr.cu-At the Kiel hotel. Thur dav. evonllip , October ! , ISM , Mr. Arthur h. Miller of FiirroRUt , In. , and Miss Hvii b. Kennies of Macedonia , la , Uov. II. H. bar- tun Ollldatlllp. The Iowa conference of tno Litter IMv Saints will convene In HuutlnRlon'8 hull , over 101 lironiUrny , bupmnlut ! tomorrow nml lastinp ; over Suiutny. Mcetl-ips will bo held both days itt 10 a. in. nml 2 p. m. The I'um nil services of the late Iva T.unllo Soars , daughter of Mr. nntl Mw. M. H. Bfurs. will occur from ttio f.unllv rosldonce , f.ai .South Miidison street , at 10 oVIocIt tills monilnir. Friends of the rnmlly nrs invited. The second anniversary sorlatilo and Inter- talnmcntof the Dnerro of i'oeahontas , Im proved Order of U--d Men , will tin held this ( ivunine at the hull of the Hod Men , corner of Broadway and Main street. The public nro cordially Invited. A yountf man was found wandering about the western | > nrt of the city yuitordnv nlmost united and exhibiting many signs of liiRanitv , Ho was arrested and taken to thn city jail for safe Uconluc until the coimms- Blotters could InvestIjjato his case. Ho t'nvo his naino as Itlley llrndshaw. Marriage licenses wore Issued yesterday to the following parties ; Ilonry Johnson and Mr.ry I ) , tipanglcr , noth or Unuonvooti ; Koccrt Marx and Mathilda Witt , both ol Council HlutTs ; John Johnson nml Maggie Chrntensnn , both of Council DlutTs ; Arthur K AHJlcr of Farrucut , Iu. , nnd Eva K. Kcatncs of Macedonia. The cold woallior is approaching , prepare - pare yourself for the cliilly nights , visit the Boston Stoic nnd iooic over tholr olcfrant line of comforts unil hlankols. Blnnlvbts nnd comforts to suit till tables mid nt nil prices. Out- low prices prevail - vail in nil ciucs , the power of the ready dollars shows itsclf. , Bobton Store , Coun cil UlulTs , la. Prepare for the cold weather. The iniincnpo supply of ladiiis , ' misses' penis' nnd childron's ttndcrwnro nt the lioston exceeds anything in previous years. Our prices , as is known throughout the west , the lowest. Boston Store , Council BlulTs , In , If you don't wr.nt to buy hard coal you had "bettor see Bi.xby about those oil v burners. They nro adapted for use in hot 11 ir furnaces , btcain and hot water boilers , with no coal or ashes to handle. Special c.iniaijn | ) { whip sale on Mon day. Your choice of a whole window full for 50c , former price GOc , 75c , l)0o ) nnd SI.00 each , with campaign banner * . Charles Probitlo , lilii Broadway. Do you want n nnbbv co.it either in Indies * , missus' or children's and nt the light pricoV If so , visit the Boston Store and look over their lino. Council UlulTs , la. Miss Ella Johnson has returned from a visit with friends In the cast. MSR | Nellie y.urmuohleti loft last evening for u visit with friends In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ellis of North Platte , Nob. , nro In the city for a visit with Ocorgo Uravos and family. Miss Maud Virgin , who has bcea visiting Miss Jctinio Wallnco for tbo past month , leaves this evening for her homo in Burling ton. Judco Walter I. Hays of Dubuquc , who represents the Fourth district In congress , Is in the city the uuost of Congressman Thomas Howinan. He loaves todav for Hur- lon , where ho will speak this evening. .1. O. Stuart , accompanied bv a number of other representatives of the Latter Day Saints' oliurcb , lelt yesterday for Logan to uttend the camp meeting of the Latter Day Saints , which Is now In prosress. Ho will make an effort to Induce tlio elders to select Council -Bluffs as the place for holulng the mooting next October. A vote will bo taken on the question tounv. Jacob Sims Is in Dos Molnes , having pone there to nrguo u motion before the supreme court for a now trial In the case of Arnold ngmnst tbo city , in which n verdict was run- Uoicd in favor of the city a few months ago. This suit Is tliu ono which involved the own ership of Falrmount park , and was thought to dccldo nractic.ill.v all the other suits in volving the snrao questions. Sims aunoars for the plaintiffs. The Inrgcst , the finest , the most ar tistic display of fall and winter goods over exhibited in Council Blulls will bo hhown at the Boston Storo. Grand fall opening Thursday evening , Oct. 13. Doors open at 7:30 : prompt. House cleaning time has como and so hns the Inrgcst invoice of lace curtains nnd draperies over received nt the Council Hlulls Ciirpot company's. Suits and overcoats $10.00 loss than nny other tailor in town ; clothing dyed , cleaned nnd topairod. Frank James I'olorbon , UIU1 S. Oth street. Gallon Messrs. D\v & Hess nnd ask to bo shown the Kloln tract of100 acres n Aon sale in live and ton aero tracts. They will bliow it free to nil. Genuine Hound O.ik , Radiant Ilorao. P. ij. Stewart utovcs and ranges , sold exclusively by Cole & Cole , -11 Main. I'rlclitont'il u Woman , J. K. Carruthors' house at HIQ corner ol Ninth street and Fourth avenue was cn < tcrcd by thiovcs yesterday afternoon. They got in through the basement , hut wcro dis covered by Mrs. Cnrruthurs who was at ticmo alono. She Mole softly out. of the front door , locking It after her , and went tc the house of a neighbor for help. Itoturnlnt n imnuto later she found that the fellows uaii taken fright and had escaped throuch UK back door Just as she entered the front , They wore seen as tiioy ran nwav , nnd n de ncription was furnished the oalclals. Latei In the day two men , giving iheir names a < Joe Murnhy nnd Chnrlus Fibber , wore ur rested on suspicion ut being the t'iiilt\ parties. Notulnz was stolen from the house , at though tha thlovoj hud broken open thodooi leading from tbo collar to the lirs > t lloor , am hod ovidoiitlv boon la the house when tbej wcro frightened uwav. II In want of anything in the windov Mitulo line , curlains , curtain ioles , wal paner. portiors , chenille table covers etc. , blop into the Boston Store , where i Is a pleasure to Bliow goods. Counfci IMufJTH , In \VanIiMl to itny , Improved property. Will pay cash II price Is low. II. G. Mcnoo.lOMalnstroot. Now carpets and draperies nt tin Council Blurts Cm-pet comuany's. Just to hnnd , nnothcr case of GO pain of wrapper blankets , the latest novoltiiv for wrappers. Only Too u pair , Bostoi Store , Council Blurts , Iu. No bankrupt , Hro-smokod. dtimneci furniture nt Meyer's , 305-807 Broadway Clean goods , less than any Otnahn price's Judson , civil otijjiuaor , 32S Broadway SE\VS \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Riilroatl Oomraissionors Hold a Very In teresting Session , THEY INVESTIGATE DEPOT FACILITIES orScvrral ItoniUTrll What 'llivlr Compniile * Art ) Doing for thn Accnminuilutloii of the Tritvrl- lug I'ubllo In This Direction. The railroad cotnmUslouors met at the council chamber to hear evlJenco in the proceedings Instituted by tno el y council to force the sovcr.U railways centering hereto to furnish some bettor depots for the use cf the traveling public. An amendment tu the original petition had been filed by the mayor and the dopot. com mittee from the city council requesting the commissioners to order a union Oepot built , but If that wcro not done to order all the coimunlos , excepting the Northwuitern , to erect suitable local depots. lit the palllion was incorporated the contract signed by the rnli.vay companies agreeing to build a union depot. The effect of this was to bring the quo9lion of the union depot directly before the commission , a thing which the city rr- lusid to do or allow to be done en thu Ilrst hearing. When the niooting opened Commissioner S.nlth stated thai notice hud hjon served on all the roads of the proiont autto.i and that roglstciud loiter cards wore In the possession ot tuo commissioner beating thu signatures of the ofiiciais In tokeu of the receipt of the notices. Tlie roll of the different railway companies was called nnd It was found Unit only the Chicago , Uurllngton & Qulncv. tbo Kansas City , bt. Joseph As Council liluffs nnd the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul were repre sented , the two lirv. by Air. Ucssler and the lust by Mr. Goodcnough. A. Kimb.nl , as sistant to the president of the Chicago. Koolt Island & I'.tcHIc , said that bo had no author ity to rupicsent bis company excepting as a .or. Tno Union Pacllic , Omaha As St. ami ilia Chicago At Northwestern wore unrepresented. The representative. * of the companies who were present u ere asked If they hud any thing to sny in defense of tholr ileput facili ties us they now are. Attractions of Sumo of tbo Depots. Mr. Ucssler admitted that his depot , the Burlington , was not as handsome , as some , bjt h-i claimed that it wai clean ai.d plenty largo enough for their patronage. Messrs. Klmball and Goodonough mudo tnc sumo plea for their depots. r. J. Dav was "summoned as a witness to testify ni lo Iho condition ol the depots. Ho tcatllk'd that the Burlington , Hock Island and Milwaukee- - depots vi ere badly located , lllthy nnd inadequate. The last two wcro located In n part of the city which it was dangerous to iiass through at. nlclit , and over a mile from the business center of the citv. citv.William William Slcdcntoff testified as to the ter ritory that was tributary to the several roaa , nnd his ouinion of the condition of the depot buildings was the t.amo as thut of Mr. Day. IIo thought the present , condition of the depots was very injurious to tao busi ness interests of Council Blults. decree F. Wright gave an account of the way in which the railroad companies had been induced to sicn iho contract whereby they agreed to enter Into the union depot scheme , nnd how on ono protest or another the fulfilment of the contract had been de- ' laycd lor two years. Ho refused to give his omnlon as to the prospects lor u speedy ful filment of the contract. M. F. Uobrcr. L. Everett. City Engineer I-j. 1C. Cook , I.V. . Morse of Sheiiniulofih and H U. Wudsworth wcro put on the stand but lltllo new information was gained from them. A. T. Elwell , city ticket agent ot the lloclt Island , presented n statement of the business done on his road during the six mouths end ing August 31 , IS'Jj. J. M. Lane , ticket nnd freight agent of the Milwaukee , presented n similar statement. Superintendent Goodenough put him through a cross examination , In the course of which ho stated that thcro was nothing to nrovent teams from driving directly up to the depot , as had been charged. Ho gave the seating capacity of the depot at tweuty-nino to forty- tbico. Tno average patronage was fourteen passenccrs per day , or a little less than three for each train. These figure ? represented the ucUinl Council Bluff. * patronage , as all trains started trom Omaha. \V. J. Davenport , uonoral passenger and freight agent of the Burlington , furnished u statement of the passenger business done curing the twelve months ending September ! W. 'ienoral Superintendent Bossier renewed his statement of the morning to tbo effect that thu dopot. was neat , though not gaudy , when Commissioner Doy raised u laugh by inquiring qulzzingly if Mr. Bessler had scon his depot lately. . I'norly I'.ltroul/rd. ' You will see by the statement I have pre sented , " said Mr. Davenport , "thM the number of tickets sold over the Burlington averaco bntwcon six and seven per train , and that includes mileage tickets and the o fold to passengers who po to Omulm to tnko thn trains. Tno depot would scat twcnty- live comfortably. " "Couldn't as many people ride In a box car ns in ono of your upholstered passenger cars ! " asiced City Attorney IlGiolton. ftlr. Davenport changed the subject , nnd devoted a few remarks to the alleged cleanli ness of the dopot. "It is clean then , Is it ! " queried Commis sioner Uo.v. with considerable emphasis on the first "Is. " "Yes , " replied Davenport ; "It Is perfectly clean. At least I consider U so , although pcrbars my ideas of cleanliness are not up to thot.tat.durd. " "No , " rejoined Doy , with tdo melancholy air of a innn who had been thcro hiinsoll ; "I'm afraid ' " they're not. And evciyoody but the railroad men who wcro present chuckled pleasantly. Nonooftho railroad men had anything further to say , although they were given an opportunity to mnho nny statement that tiioy thought would give tnolr case u belief show ing.Tho The case was tauon under advis cinont and Iho meeting adjourned. The case will bo considered by the com missioners nl their mooving In DOJ Molnes next week and H decision will ho given as soon as possible. Immediately upon ttio ren dering of the decision n copy will bo sent to the city attorney , so that the result , will bo known hero prooably by the latter part of the week. Tire Corner of llrciadmiy ami Unit on StllMlt. Otir Into loss u.v flro wns covo-ort by two policies , both in tlio COUNCIL HLUKKS INSURANCE COMPANY. By 7 o'clock the next morning after Iho llro the socrotnry was on the nsh honp , poticll in hand , ready to flyuro the loss down to bedrock , which ho did , too , Buying Unit' It wns his duty nnd no small part of his business " So long us ho did not go below bed rock wo had no reason to complain , consequently the Bottlomont was not only prompt , but in every way satisfactory , so much to that in audition to S.00.00 ! ) ( seven policies ) carried by this company before the lire wo now add to it $10,000.00. Itain ? intimately acquainted with ttic > secretary and directors wo cannot l > c porsuiuled that bettor indemnity nan be obtained than that offered by our home company , besides wo behove in patron' I/.ing worthy homo enterprises , every thing being equal , nnd unless wo do we shall continue to bo dependent on for eign capital nnd corporations. O. \VnisiJU' , JAB. A. HKUKI.U. Idt'iitlllod tlio Oondi. I.ato developments have settled the facl that John Stewart , who was arrested Tues dey on suspicion , U a member of a gang o burglars , and that the theory of the police h regard to his trunk was a correct one. Mar d shal 1'ntton and S , B. Sholz , the Villlsca mer chant whoso store was entered thoothei nlf ht , arrived in tbo city yesterday aUe i. visiting I'lulUmouth and taking i look ut the contents of tliefcltrunl thut was ipirited off 10 qulotly Tucs day morntnt : . The trunk oved to bo full of ftllk * , stiUni , and other valuable dro s poods , amounting to < oveinl hundred * of dollars , nnd ho klcntill.r.1 them as these taken from his place. Stewart hns been taken to Vllllscn to stand trial on tlio charge of burphirv. Ills two companion * have dl apooatcd nnd nro not likely to bo scrn In this part of the country soon. _ TIII : UOSTON sTem : oi A r.rlllliuit r.vrnt l.ii't i : < rnliie Thut At- triirtnl Lnrgi ! Criiudi. The nnnunl opening ol Tlio Boston Store last evening was by far the Ihiost of the scries of surprises that Its enter prising maiiiigors have given the people ol Council Bluffs since the oponlnir of the big oatiibllshnmit. Tlio display of good's was richer and the character inoro varied tiian nt nnv previous opening. On nil the floors nnd In all the dopa t- ments the richest fabricstho newest nov elties that tlio season lias produced wore displayed In generous profusion nnd with a skill that made them artisti cally as well as intrinsically bountiful. Mr.Vhitelaw , during his summer visit in Kuropo , had abundant loasurc to pro'ccutu-hia sonrch for novelties , and many of the finest things the European markets atToi'd wore displayed in the various departments hist evening. Tlio exposition of dress goods and linens was particularly line and called forth the most favorable comment. Another feature that created a great deal of en thusiasm w is the hosiery display that Ihlcil ono of the longest counters in the stoic. Notwithstanding the fact that itbogan raining half nn hour before the doors wore1 otioued , and continued for half an hour nftonviirds , thuro was a very largo attendance , but not us largo us tlio spier-did display warranted , and for the purpose of giving the la.lics wlio wore prevented ftom coming out by the rain tin oppoi Uinlty to too the buautlftil tilings the opening will bo ropc'itcd ' next Tuesday evening. At 10 o'clock , after the crowd had loft , the usual banquet was given the clerks nl K'liulollot's. Korly covers were laid and a royal fciibt was enjoyed by all , In cluding thu representatives of the press. ISriinnN C. (1. I ) . For bargains Saturday , October lo. on the following : Litrgo clothes basket , THe ; raouium clothes b.iskot , G3c ; sin'iil clothes basket. Slio. Largo tubs , C3c ; medium tubs , ollp ; btiiall tttbilite. . Larsio llbro tubs , S1.-17 ; medium fibre tulw. USc. Fibre pails , 30c ; paper pails , 19c ; three hoop pails , He ; two-hoop pails , lie. Washboards , lie , 14c , lOc , 28c. Largo copper bottom wash boilers , 73c. Copper bottom teakettles , 50c. Clothes wringer , $1.75. Ciothcs lino. Co. Lewis lye , De ; Eagle lye , 7c ; Star lye , /5c. / Domestic soap , 7 bars for 2oc ; White Russian , 7 for 2. > c ; Santn Clans , 7 for 2je ; Ilumpty Ilumpty , 7 for 2oc ; Old Coun try , 0 for 25o ; olive soap , 0 for 2oc : Ilorscshoo soap , lii for 2oc ; tar soup , "c a bar ; all washing powders , 3Jc a , pad : age : -1 oz. Gold Dtiot. , lc. ! ) 0-lb. box starch , 2c ! ) ; ; 5-lb. box starch , lc ( ! ; 1-lb. Lox starch , oc ; bull : starch , ojc. Lurgo bottle of blueing , ! ic. This is for ono day only , Saturday , October lo. BROWN'S CO. . D. , Corner Fourth street and Broadway. Never before have the people of Council BUilTs and Omaha had such an opportunity to buy aero property suita ble for homo or fruit as is oil'orcd by Day & Hess.100 .icres to piclc from. Only two and a half miles east of Coun cil BlulTs postolllce. 2o do/en gents' heavy gray under shirts during this week for lee each , worth lilic. Boston Store , Council BluIVs , la. Save your hard coal ; use wood , and cull on II. A. Cox , 10 South Main street. Best Missouri wood $ o.OO per cord , de livered. Gentlemen , the finest , line of fall goods in the city , juat received. Koiter , the tailor , 310 Broadway. The Boston Store closes every even ing at ( i p. m. except Mondays and Saturdays. _ _ _ _ ' Largo invoice of new lace curtains at the Council Blulls Carpet company's. Boston store closes every evening at p. m , , unle&s Mondays and Saturdays. IcOpooplo in this eiiy use g 13 T.hc Gab Co. puts 'om in at cost. Something entirely new in flower pot stands at Lund Bros. ' Jiirdiniers , nicely decorated , nt Lund Bros.1 , COc and 7.ie. Pay Davis for drugs and paints. The natural way is the safest- Nature oas an antidote lor every ill that human kind is heir to. Some are btill to bo discovoiod , but the world's stan dard remedy folly degeneration , rliuu- untie gout , constipation , indigestion , ollonsivo breath ; etc. , is Nature's Rein- ctly , ] iure nnd simple , and is called C'lirlsbad Sprudol Salt , the evaporation of the Carlsbad Water , bottled by the cit3if Carlsbad for Amo lean uso. Tlio genuine have the signaluro of "Hishcr & Mondolson Co. , N. Y. , oSole Agents , " on every bottlo. W .C. ESTEP , Funeral Direcior , Emiialmer 114 Main Street , Coudoll Bltills , AUDIT nal complete Troat-uoat. c ° nilitlnj of Buppoiltorloi. Olmmant la Uipiulai , ulia la Hot . . . , . . . . . . . , . - - - - H v. .u UH.U U ( M. ? ) 41 , .UhUill I blludor Uloo lliulto iliu , i-'aruala , Kau.itor Hurj II Urrl'tlui. T.lU limply h u nuvor bjor ) known to Jnll.lliisrbui Ofor Jinonttiy mill.Vhr uiIorfroin tkln lurrlulu illiuivj wlu.i a vrrltDn .in ir.iuO ) Ii Donltlvolyutvui wltliUbjtaiorrofiml thomaaarlf iioieuru.l.Tjiil tj n ? for frJJ fcmuplu. ( Jinranuj Usuea brKulm A Co. . Drujilili , Solo Aont , cor ajr 1UI' uuU liounut xroou , u . .tia. Nob. RIPAM5 TA3ULE8 rt uiutn tlio tttmiach , lntr uiulxiwtls. f i. rr the tlcod. are VA A nd ell eel wUow p , mrlcz - . J Unurc bloc ' , cr K folium by Iho Monmch. in f r or Ino tratlncii lofoin ] ] > tiHlrpnperfnuctloni. 1'irvrti * orj. l' , . . - t f mall. 1 CTOM. i M mufn , 15c. IrS OllbUfCAL CO. . JOf-rnic-ebt./iipw Vcrk S SEWER PROPOSALS. Foalen proposals will bo received by the nn- dorslmicd until 1 : 0 o'clock p. in , October ' 'nth , UO. , for iho construction of a sewer In sowur district No. lll'.lii tno city of Omulm. us per ordinance No. 310.1 , according to plans und siH'clllCHtlons on lilo In the olllco of the hoard of public works. 1'ropos'ils to bo made on printed blanks furnished by it.n board , and la bo accompanied by a certified cheek in the bum of f.VO , paynbio to the city of Omulm ua an uvluoncoof good faith. Iho board reserves the rluht to rojcct any or all bids and to waive ilofoou. I' . W. IHIIKIIAUSKK. Chalrninn of the lioard of I'ubliu Works. Om aba , Nob. , October llitu , 1E&2. oia-U-20-21 . . _ _ -m - > U SI U % JU 01 n vbMv. . - * * r A 12TOnS"Q'DiW 'flncnlri0ntn'0Ton8-a-Dny ' Price. TboHnuOm-lrU Itntlne l'fr Is nMiorse , full-clrclo machine. ItIIM the InrceM trci ) cpLnlni ! ot nnr Conttmioull.illnR , Double-Stroko 1'rcss In tbo WorlJ. r- nnlcstBhtjdraftllsh | . T * ' Copacltyt Con triKtlon , DnrnMlltr-nll tlio lll'.ST. SANDWICH W3ANUFACTURING C OT Tbo fnllowliu tu tiifrtnlhl ) frim Pi-nator II r Shnmwftv ofVn1i n'oif. Nob. . snenl < forit of ) W unnnt.ti. Vcb' October Ii * - findwlnli M'f'c C'o Oounell llmtTs-driil * ' Wearoviry well plcaii'il wlili the "niitliwlek Iliiv l're , bon iht from you ri'eonhy'o e n iialo l.i loin perdny. I think It sup-rlor to nnyth us I ever " > 'iw fern h-iv tire i . . . . , , . . . lti' pcctfulty Youra. II I' Pllt MST \ \ \ \ ST MD FOR OATALiOGUE. . A.N D PIUOK The autumn 1 the time to p.ilnt , nnd one coat brlghtons and preserves houses and buildings nnd adds much to the value an.l beauty of your property. Would Too like to Buy Paint at Wholesale Wo want to soil you pnints nnd ovorythinir used in painting at wholesale and IP S. The Irst bol'.od ' oil you boughtyou probnblv paid "Oc a g illon for it. Wo will sell you one gallon or 100,00 ! ) gallons of any brands i.tI INow ! ) wo have caught your attention , read the rest of this and compare these straight cash prices. St. Louis lend , 7c per 11) . Omaha lead , Ojc per Ib. Joplln lead , ( He per Ib. Cheap lead 5p per Hi. Linseed oil , boiled.I9c per gil. Linseed ol1. uiwI0c pur gal. 1'nlnt oil , Sip per gal. ' Barrel p , ice , 2c per gal. loss. Horry Uros. , hard oil , o gal can , $1.GO Dor gal. 1 terry Bros , hard oil. 1 gal. can , $1.75. Other hard oils , from $1.00 to $ l..r)0 per gal. Mineral paints , dry , from IJo to ; ic. Mineral paints , ground in oil , Ic to Gc. Wo guarantee to boas gond as nny mixed paint. We will sell you at per gallon. lias never been sold for less than $1. 50 per gallon. As good ti paint as oilier dealers sell you for $1.59. Wo will boll you at SI. 00 per gallon. Our Barn and * Roof Paint Wo will soil you nt "Sc per gallon. On all other gooQs our prices nro equally low. COMB AND SEE US AND BRING THE CASH. C. B. PAINT , OIL AND GLASS CO. 1 and 3 , 4th St. Masonic Temple. ntyourhusbaud , ilenr iiisidum , 0 K for onp of those Art Gtirlanil , T > Heaters. You know a coed u thing1vncn .you luivo liiid it hummed in your curfe , 'and if your hus band cannot liiid. time to como around and tacc ] a loolc at the Art Garland Heaters why , don't Ictr'tho1 poor man freczo his toe's tins \vinter , but , take it into your own hands and llx thothiiiu { | ) yourself. How la your range ? Worn out ? Cal and see our stock.Vo have plenty > to so around and everyone a porfcet stovo. Como NOW. todliy this morniiij ; . Wo nro ready to show you our good things. P. O. DE VOL , 504 BUOADAVAY and lONoirni M.uxST. COUNCIL BLUFFJ STE1U DYa OR.(5 ( All It ndsnf Dyolns nnJ rionnlnt done In th.3 liljhesthtylo of the art. Kadud an I stilno'l fabrics mndo to look : n jroud us now Woilc promptly done and dcllvorol In all purts of iho country. Send for unco list , C. -MAOUAN. . - - I'KWKIGL'OIl. illlioidwiy , NoarNortlr.vmtira Ill.UFf ) . 10 ft. Improved Safely Elavalors , KIMBALL BROS. Cor. Ol i btroot and llth Avo. , Oounell lllulTs NOTICE TO SELECT MATBHIAL To the owners of lots nnd land fronting unon stront iiiiirovoino'dlsirlot | | ( No. 48. ' ) , coniprls- lux 1'aclllc street fruiii U''nd street to tlio alloy between X'nd and ; j.'lru streets , In the olty of Oinulia , and subject to iissusMiient for the paying or iiincadiiinir.liii of the tatnc. ion nro lieroliViDDtllloil , In pursuance of ordlnanca t > 'o. uaal , pabsocl and unproved the Kith day of October , 1ST. , to select unit dntor- inllio uimn the kind of material to bo used In pavliu or iiiiicailiiniUiiij ; said linurovciuuiit district on or before the luth day of Novem ber. 189. ' . or tlio city council will determine mln inntorlil. Dated ut Omaha , this 11th day of October. IMC. I' , W. ItlKKHAUHKIt. Chairman of the HoarU of 1'ubl \\orks. . OU-14-15. SEWER PROPOSALS. Fouled pronos'ils will bo received by the iin- doMlKiiod until li.'IJ o'olot'k p. in , , Outobor 2etli , ItJI , for the construction of Rowers In towerdlatrlcls.NoH. Ko mid 171 , In thu olty of Omulm. as per ordinances Noa. IUI1 and 'MOi , rusnuctlvoly , uccurdinj ; to plans and 8pecIII- ontloiisiin ( Ho In the olllco of thy lloanl of I'nblloorks. . Kach urouo.iil to bo nmdo on printed blanks furnlshod by the board , nnd to bo accompanied by u certified chock In thn sunof ] [ IMO. pnyiibloto the city of Omalui as evidence of t-ood lal'.h. Ttio board rem-rvus tha rliht to reject any or all bids , unil to wnlvodefocts. _ . . I1.V. . IUUKIlAIJSF.il. Chalrninn of tha Hoard of I'ubllo Works. Ouiuhu , Nebraska , October llth. 1MK. OH-1J-2I-23. PROPOSALS FOR PAVING AND MACADAMIZING. Sealed proposila will bo received by tbo iindorslmicn until lil ; : o'clock u. in. . October 2Mb , Is'J' ' ' . for the following kinds of paving ma- turlul , vl/ : Sheet nsphaltilin , SlouKails or othpr ranlto , Colorado banJ toac , WoodrulT , Ivans is , btono , and Vltnlli-d bnuk. All according to specifications. Tor p.ivlnz pan of tbo follow I IIR streets and alloys In Iho city of Omaha , comprised In htrcct Improvement illsriots ! Nos. 4M1.47. 480 , 4U ! and 491 , ordered Impiovod by ordlnaneos Nos. : iU7. : dllu' ' . : i.LD. 32.W uiuU : J lospectlvolv. and for pavlna or miic.iilaiiiltlin ; sticct 1m- Drovemcnt district No.4s.ri , ordered Impiovcu by ordinance XKll , and moro particularly do- sctlbed as follows , to-wlt : No. 4tb Comer street from 10th street to llth street No 4h7 Alloy In block . " > " > , city , from 17th street to Isth street. No. 4vi-AIIey In block 110 , from 17th stieot to Isth street. No. 4i)0 ) 17th street , from Jackson street to I.oavenworth stieet. No. 4UI-Alley In block IDsls , from 10th street to 17th street. No , 4S1 I'.iclfic street , from Il.'nd street to the alley bctuooiiS.'iul and Iflrd streets' , In the city of Omahii. Liioli bid topaclfy a price per square yard for the pavln ; complete In the str < > uts mid al leys , and the macadamising or pavnia com- pliito of street Impiovcmcnt district No 4S" . Work to bo'lono In iiccordanei ) with plnns nnu spcclllcatlons on tlio In the olllcu of the boarJ of public works. Kucli proposal to bo ruadoon printed blnnks furnished bv the b.ianl nnd to bo aoeompun- led by a cert I lied check In the sum of JXMI. iiiy- : able to the city of Omaha , as mi ovldenco of | 'II ) > (1 ( fllltll. Tlio board reserves the rlelit to reject any or . .11 bids and to walvu Uofects. I' . W. ItllUCIIAUHRU. riiiilrman Hoar I of I'ubliu Works. Omaha , Nub. , October 14th , Ib9- . OU-1.V21-2J. PROPOSALS FOR GRADING. Poalcd proposals will bo received by the in- dcialznod until 1IIJ : o'clock p. in , , October21st 1MU. for KraduiK : Yiiitnn btrt'ct from 24th strnct to the west line of the uiicy In hlockul. Wllcox's 2nd addi tion , In tlio city of Omaha , In accordance with plans and specifications on lilo In the olll o of the lioard of public works. JIUU to bo made on prlntc , ! blanks furnished hy the board and to boaccomi ) iiilcd by n cei tilled chock Iu the sum of iVW , p.iy- able to the city of Omaha , as an ovlJcnco of peed faith , The board reserves the right to reject any or all bid" , and to wulvn dcfocls. r.v. . iiiuKiiArsnn. Chairman lloar.I of I'ublloorks , Omahn , Neb , October 7th , Ib'X' . o"-b-ll-15 SEWEPv PROPOSALS. Fonlnd pioposals will bo received by tlioun- doisbiniHl until 1 : ! 1 o'clock p. m. October 2lsi , iblli ( or the construction of mnvors Iu sowur districts Nos. I1) ) ' . , lii ! and HA Iu the city of Om.iha. as per ordinances Nos , IfJKI , ! Cs2 and ll.'sl. rcspuitlvo y , acuorJIn ? to plans nnd specifications on lilo Iu Iho olllco of the Ho ml of I'uhllo Woiks. ICach proposal to ho maceon ! printed blanks furnished bv the board , and to bo accompan ied by a certified check In tbo sum of tf'.Oi ! , piynhlo to the oily of Omalui , as an ovluuucc of vooa faith. The hoard reserves the rUht to reject any or all bids , mid to walvu ( Infects. I' . W. IIIIlKIIAUSr.il , Chalrmuii Hoard of I'ublloVoiki. . Omaha , Nob. . Octotiur 7th , 16Si. O-i-14-13 NOTICE TO SELECT MATERIAL FOR PAVING. To the oivneisof lots null land frontlnznpou sticct imimivoment districts numbciad and descilbed iihfollous : No , 4n , Coutor street from lOlh street t ( llth stieot. No. 437-Alley l > i block .15 , olty , from 1711 street to Ihlh street. No. 4h'l-Alloy ' In block 110 , from 17th street to Iblh htreot. No , 191 17th slroct Irom Jackson stieet to Liwvcnworth stuiot. No. 4U1-A1 oy In block 105' ! . city , from Ifith to 17th street , tu the city of Omahu , nnd sub ject to assessment for Iho p.ivjui ; or icpavliiK of the same. You nro horobv notified In pursuance of or dinances NOB , il , J7 , : ) - ' , Ilill'.U.Ui and MX ) , ro- spoctlvuly , passed nnd approved October 10th IMC , to Sdlccl. and ( li'tcriiiliio ' upon the kind o mnturliil to bo used In D.ivln , ' said Imnrovo- munt districts on or tofoiotho 10th day of No. vumltcr. IMi' . ' . or the city council will dotor- mliiosnldmatorlnl. Dutod at Omuhu. this iith : tiny nf October , it92. i' . w. initial A usiit. : Clialrinuu of the Hoard of I'ubllo Works. OU-14-10. PROPOSALS FOR CURBING. Bealod proposals will bo received by the un- dorsluncd until ItiW o'cloak p. m. , October 2sth. Ib'r. ' , for cnrblns with while Colorado sandstone , rod Colorado huiidstono and Horou sandstone , aucordliu tu bpoclflcutlons , the followlnz stieot Improvement dlstrlcls : No. 4"i-I'aelOu street fiorn ; t2nd street to tbo alloy ucoiweon 'nd and Itlril Htrcct. ONa 4ttU-Ceutur ttrcct fium 10th btrcot to llth street. No. 4W I'tli stiect from Jackson street to I.oavenworth street. In thu c'lty of Onuilia. Kach bid to specify u price ncr llnual foot for the curtilng complete on the streets. Work to bo done In accordance with plnns and Mioclllcntlons on lilo In the olllco of the Honrdof I'ubllo Works. I'rooobal to bo mudo on printed blanks fur nished by the bourd und thcso accomimnlei with a certllled check of J.Vjo paynblu to tlio city of Omulm. us an evidence of Kood faith , Tim bonrd rosorvi'K Iho rlnht tu reject any or all bids and to walvu defects. I' . W. IllItKIIAl'HEIt. Chairman Hoard of I'ubllo Worki , Omaha , Outobor lith , IUol3.14.202 ! NOTlOK-3 COUNCIL DLUFKS. The want a lvort ! j ftoiiti aypjiriin H iv new p'iper are oflon the mo t Intcrostln ; part of ltscontent , Tli-y express the urgent needs , the dully \\lsho-i o ( the iioou'i ) who want MI nothing uiul who : ire Mlllliu to do coinothlni. , * EMPLOY MK V ( J I P. ! . wantu.l nt 41.1 ( .ilur UVOMIIO. \\7ANT1'0 Wood turner and baud siwyer i nt Ho < enN plan m mill. Stou-ty worn. V\T ANTKO-A IMv ! toucher to n lst Iu t' . \ \ . Uliulorcartrn In rolniu for Instruction In tinsyitnn. . I'sill at W.iV Ilinv T AN nU-To : do tlrca iu .kliiR ! > the day Inqulle of Mrs A. C'aldwo.l. lilt Wa . | i- n el on Hvptuip. HOUSE3 AND ' 'VND. _ _ ; uiiNsiiiii.is. : : : ) NICHOLSON .v co. ro V iilwiVH ; ri'iulv nd over \ \ llilntu * how in.iertyi | rU1 * 'iiw iys on blind. Uo and .uo he m. [ PA KM nn.l city ioin . Money loinot o > i J- ' stock and cniln. Itoil rstuto for s.-ili iwolltn . ' ind biHlne u n > iital . Money In inu I nrlooil Investorj. l.oiiReo &To\\lu \ , 'n I'o irl tieet. S\li : Desir.iblo rcildnnco property on I'uiU n vu. Mn lorn IniuruvmiienU , II 0iin < s. ono tjloct from motor : a b.irialu If iKo" .it on.'oj ousy p.iyineiil' or tr ido H II. ' 'licnfe. IP vou want to rent aliuuscieotlreciiMilulils , Nlcliol on \ ( "o. IT OI ! TIlAlMI-L-ituH In ( Iroolv eniintv mil * Cnstcr rntinty. .Nut ) . , fur sto-1 < of jowuiry. organs furnltuiH or liu lneM property 111 Council IllulVs. K. II. Sim if o. UKiNsims.ciiai.sDN \ co. iiivu V 'tbo liir et list ot property of any linn In ho city JCOK SAI.K Choicest firm In I'nttiwsitti- f in n ( . 'o. . 41.1 aonj4 , wo.l located an I Im- jruvoJ. I'rlfoilJ an : u-io. R II hu.ifo. LI YOU hava invililn * far < > ito or irndn SJ3 K II , She ifo , llro i Iw ly .in 1 M tin sir'ot. fj OH HM.H On stn-i I p lynculs. fruit unit V garden lun I uoir Council lllulti i : . II. Nicafc. llrovlwiy .nil Main stroot. JlVOt' \vati ! n ho ir mnnolliln r iio-v rosar.l- lug real o late sue Oiu'j'Hholds , N.cholson Vl'o. l ANTl'Il No'raska 1'in I loovhingo for gooil woik liorioI' . II. Shis if o. Miir.Kxsnr.LnsNtciio-i.sox & co. n-ivo * . * many b ir.-ultis In liiprnvud uu I v.e.int > iopi'rtv winch they would bo ulu.isu I to show yon. \V A.OOI ) A. U ) . havusomniir the Illicit ' i fiirnis In uoiithwosturn low.i . for .sale. C .ill and hco us ! i .M iln street. 7 I' you h ivo .1 house to rontsco Circcnshlulds. I NU'hol-nii&Oo. AllAltOMN. tl-.icrc fruit and cnrden tract 2'5 ' miles from postolllee.5 acres in irapes , 'i auio In lilaitU'ii'rilcs. ' . ' "il | ) | ) trues. T Ilium troos. cherry trees , d o line , stable , of. I'rleut 1.001. Xo trade. K. II. Mioafo. II' YOU want ti buy a lot S30 ( Jr03nshleldj , Nluhnnlsoii A Co. _ IT.Il MONTH rents a zood fi-rrtum Pil\7oliliiL-on AvuO near 2.1th st II ll.Shoafu. TP you nit to buy : i hoii > u sou Ureou > > lilolils. Nn-holson iV I'o. 10J : ITI > improve 1 firm In Mills county. la. VU.1i per iii-rui ulso I'lJut iii ; h"ioru4 : Im- iroved Iu I'ottuwatl.iinlo cuunty , iJi ; snap ) Johnston .t V.iu I'atlou. /"juinssniKiis : ) , NICHOLSON , t ro. ai- * w iys have snapi on h uul Kir eon-iOi'V.itlvi < Invcsiois. DON'T Iniv iirnporty till you lia\o seen Urccnshliil.ls. Nicholson .t Co. rj.iui3.xs'iniii ' : ) ! . NMUHDI JN .1 co. roil Jt".tito ! anil ranUil agents. Cjt Ihvav , 'J. ItiulTs. 1STyour pMivsrty with m n who ru t o to J soil It. Sou Uroanslilolds. NlulioNon & . Oil. Gltii-NSIIKMS , NIOHOI ON&C ) . iirotho li'adiiu toil ustato dc.iior-i of Couiull Hlulls. See thorn when you want nny tiling. DON'T forced th it ( licoiish'uld- Nlchol- -oii are iUI < t in the mlildlo of tlio rlnn : larscst list of property of any dealer In the city. COME nnd tnUo ono of Gieunslilel'ls , Nichol son's rl s and taico a rldu uvur the city : It eostsyon nothliiB. IP vou want to buy l.uiil see GreeushloMs , Nicholson &Oo. "I71OU linxr 7 rooms on Klrst Ave , { 25. i : . U H. Shu ifo. JKIID ucrcs o' choleo pine lands for sulc , ino ii Purvis , Miss. Kasy terms In- liiliuof Mrb. 11. 0 , Itroulis , or A. T. Ulcu , ivb Ith snoot , J AKIIAGK removed , ccssponls , v.iults : iml Jehl uysolc.ined. IX I ) . llnrK-e , O.ty H.ds- FOR SAI.H I'urnlluie , llttnros and Icasuof tlio largest an i finest holol In southern Ncbriisia. All modem linpruvoiiionis olo- Siint furnltiiro. Net prollts il OOJ.UII pur an- nuin ; building newly tiiilll : no compiitltlon PriciiOUI. : ' , half cash. II II. Shoafo , Couiull UlulrX la. , . .IVRllO . nsli scales , wrlL'ht { .in , water I. ink and other llxtures. Will soil cliuau for. oabli or tndu tori-nil. 11 II. hheifo. irOItSAliK A Koo-1 milch cow. 1'rlco f IO.UO. Will t.iku i > ly for s.iniu In carpenter uorl ; . LeoiKinl ICvumtt. Ij OllSAMJ A coo.l liony : xtoluhs about BJ ! ipounds - , for tlO.iw.VI.ItaKcpiy for same In ciirpi'iilurorl. . - . I.unn rl Ijyriott. C OU HAlili Ilardw IPJ HocUs In town nnd -L Nobrasku. Imolcas , f l.uuu to $ IL'OJJ. ' 11 11. Shoafo. liK Two innros and two colts fnr _ ii Koodlot _ In Cininnll Itlull's. i : . II. fl eafo. FOR BAI.E-l'amlly horto. now phaeton , Iiainus4.utc. _ _ U. " Urosury ' , 12.1 M iln ( .t il 1'PP Bmiywiao an I Un luiiid ; 11,11110iamo. ( . " Hutiirn lull I'o. ill st. iind yet ruuaid. _ POR hAI.K At linrrnln. Itidinnt Homo uasu burner. IX M lliinUur. V.'l HlulT st. LOsT I'oeKctbook v/lth fl. Howaid Tor It. ICetuin to Mrs. liii/eniloifcr : , SUTAth street. DANCING SCHOOL. MONDAYS In R. A. parlors , chlldn-n , 1 p m. ! adults , 7'H : p in. Socials suuimil nml fun i th Mondays , U p. in. Music furnlshoil uur- tlob and clubs Address ut H. A , I'arjorh , Council IllunX or HIM l-'iirnnm St. . Omaha. W , 'v , Chanilier.s , Instructor. OHDINANCIC NO. 'I'JSi. An ordinanceorderlni - the abiitomoiit of nul- HiinccHOii curtain lots nml linidi In ihoelly of Omulm , niKldlreetlns the bo.ud of uulillu worl.s to tiilco the no cBjary utcps to itbntu bald niilsuui'us , IIo Itord'ilncd hy the city council of the city of Omiiha : Section \VhoreaH. . nulsani'os c\lst on tlio following ot.s and lunils In the city of Om.iliu , accordlni ; to lliu provisions of Oi > lliiani'ti No. KiOU. thorefoic. biild nulauiu'csbo and llio H imo are hoiuhy orilured abated , tbo Inti and Innds on w ili-li Buld uulbiiticea exist boluj clet > or.hcd ax foilown ! l.lfit of lots to bo Biopcd 1'1'IIOX. I.KNCiTII AMI IIKIIJIIT , LOT. lll.OCK. AUDITION , ii.5.\fii : ! 1 ihu t'Uy IMIXIIU 4 ItCJ .n. : > v.n oaortofo lot ) .Ti.'HUl 7 1UU " 3I.O.\OU I M.5xlT. [ 8 108 152x112 1 111) ) ttOMK ! 7 11U ll.ll.MW 1 ll.U.\iUV ; 8 110 2i > .uiio , I 10.0\C,0 I , . . . H.OMIlif J I14 U.l5 ( 8 114 K'.0\M 1 1111 12.rvOS ( 1 ! lit IS.OX ft 172 - U.ux 5 llli il'.Ox /ntQ I'M ' l\0x 7 M > 1S.U B ffiW Id.ux 4 aid 2U.OX 7 SM 20.0V H U5J ( 12.0X 0 AnUUold 12.0X 10 12.0X BlSHofll y > Uurr Oalc 10.0X uH'i"U7 1S.OMX ) 0.0x 0 l OniniiboU'a sub cub Mot 0 ( Jnpltol ( i" 4 ( Juiupliull'H add - 18-Ox 8 Cherry Garden 18.0x 0 18.0X 10 " 1S.OX 11 " 3 tO.Ox itrlp of ground In front of < 13 Credit fonoltr do a m Oo is IS.HX S7 KVCx Mrlpof land In front of vrM ut 1 ! W.Ox < ln 3 3a 4\0x do 4 I2,0\ I to 1 Hill 10. Ox 1S Utipont 1'lncs ID 0.x 4 mox 5 5n moo into wovM ls.n\V ) to l.Mlx 15 l.\n\- in i1 * VlUIX in -M.nx 4 13.0x31 10 Uan coni IMaco I1.S\1S1 fl.OMItl f 21 UillsldoNoa iui\.v ) i 7n n IHtolicivK's 1st .vlJ in.n\M 10n no\so 13 ll.nvM If , KO\.M 17 13 llnii fll ami Stob- lilns snb nf Int.li . 10 llurtlctt'sadd 14 ( i\ 11 I4.o\ 11n II OK in ll.Ox inu llituso's * Ptpliblni sub of tilt 15 Him- 12 lotts tidd MS or.'a A Koiint70 in.n\- 42 nr , ft of i 1\ount70 3rd ndd ii o\ R IS.Oy 14 Ifoiinlrn.t Unths ml it.\4 : 1 fi l.i : Vela I'lnuo r > .n\i i n : i 7 : i H : i i Ifrnnrve I.owo'i sub M M Donovnu'a aub .1.1) ) V .Mix "sn\- > nv , 'iO 10 1)11 ; 0.0 x 12n Mnyno 1'lnco 12s Marsh s add n 10 a 10n n 4 12 4 lit 4f 1n 4r. n . r. 4 r.r r.r 4r. r. r > r.n n 5 14 5r. . 14jj r.r jj r , h c co 7 o Mor o & Urnnner ) \ 12 1'laco 13 10 McCnmillsh t'laco in MoConnlck's add inn \n\ 11 . . \ 11 o.o v 11U Miirny's add to i Okabomn i en o\- "OOf 20. Ox w" 12 ; i Pnria'laco 11 : i 12 " > \i7 14 : i ll.fK.V ) 11 Poppleton P.irlt ( i it I2.n\i0 8 itu . iio\.of ; 0 11 IT.ON.VI i 7 0lil.O V 10 11 in\3i : i i2.rie.fi : i if f 11 11 12 it nn.\r , ) SO 11 ins 1214 \ 12 12 SSI I.IOx.'fl f 17 III 0\.V ) 17 H.Ox.V ) .1 17 : ) .o\vi 10 17IS n.-\r.i : 11 iin\.vi : 12 13 M.llx.Vt 111 18 I.0xl0 11 IS I2.x.-,0 ( ) , 1 2j I'opplolon Park ti.n\in : ii.ix : ! 9 ( 0 10 Ih.OAJO -'D.Oxl''S 17/.X50 11 II.OxXI 4 ISIi tfi.r.vVl Ii ! 15 5\\'l 8u 1 ! > . ibb\vi ! ! 10 . nf n.n\ s 10 f ton f * J I Itcilick's tub u o\ hIM ftof 1 in ox ( .2) ) ft of 7 R 10 n\ nUOftof 8 III Ox n.ox 21 I ! > .0\ i nced'sfitb add n.n.\- II.OX i n.ox i n.n\ r. i r.n 11 Ox n 1 ll.llx 7 UOx 7jl 7R II.Ox jl n.ox 13 n DX II H.X ( ) 12 12n II.Ox n II.Ox in II ' 'X 17 ll.flx 1H ' 1 ! ) an'x tl.'IV ' mix fl.Ox 24 IIfix MO flotilla ) I i 27 J I IlcdlcU's add IVOxIMI ' ' 13 tiunnyN'do ndd lii'ox'lW ) N Bhlnii's 2nd add 11.0x751 Htrlckland'n sub hU ] 7 O Ifl.lUfiOf O. ijhlnn's 2nd add 12.11x1X1 8 o IU\,0 ) ( 0 o 1 n Bhrlvor I'laoo 211 r > 13 Thornton I'laco 111 12Kl Kl a 1 4 SI 4 17.1x21 w SI ft of 6 4 Walnut Hill 7 4 8 4 2H.Ax.10 10 4 II ' 4 JI.Ox.V ) H 111 0 10 10 10 1:1 : 1:1n n 11 : ii.o\ro ID ia n will ft of 17 11 n 17 n 7 17 10 OxICI o XI ft of 8 17 M.llxI''O 11 17 ( I.OXIMI 12 17 IMIXMf 12 OxW 13 17 ir > .ox4u ciottof ir > If. l.VDxM in 17 can ft of is 10 17 2.1 ll.dX.VI 1H 21 io.fixr > o 10 2.1 ' 10 21 . .r.x'5) i IS.OXM f 17 24 nCflxh 18 21 ) f in.ox i 1 10 'VJIcox 2nd add tax Itltlsco''MS-U 1 0x02 1 ft ft fly 017 I K.Oxloo f 'ft ' ' 9 so ° -H-15-I3 ic.oxirs ] 0.0x471 tax lot 21 see 3-lfl.ri luixiMtux lotui soi-'i-ii ! : ; 10.0x107 tax lot. ! ! Hi-u in-l."ll ! I20xi ; o tax ioiu : HOO iG-n-ii ; Section 2 , That the board of nubllo work ) U horol > y dlrorUinl to tulio the nocus ! : try atopi tu caubo tiald nulsnn''os to bo iibiitod , Foot Ion II. This uiUlnunco sliull takoorfcct. and Uo In foroo from mid uftcr Itu iiuBsaao. 1'iistcd Ootobor 1st. UV. . JOHN OROVEM. Oity Olork. 0. L. OIIAKKKH Acting I'rcHldiint Olty Council. Approved OuloborUrU , IW OHO. I' . 1IEMI8. 1IEMI8.Muror. Muror.