TJIK OMAHA DAILY 1WK. TIIUIRSDAY , OCTOBER 13 , 1892. 8PEOIHL. NOTICES. tlVKIITISKXIKNTB M > H TIIKSK CO1.1 M.NS will ho taken until U 30 p m. for Iho evening nrtunlllS Wp m. for the morning or Sunday edl Mo nrtvcrlln-mcnt Inicn for le s thnn n cents or the first insertion All mlverllsinnenln in Iheso columns t' cent" n word for tltn Insertion nnd 1 cent n word for each nt > * ciicnt | ln ertlon. or II ffl per linn pnr month Icnnii cash In advance. Initial tinmen , symbol * elc , each count ns a word All dvertlKemcnts must nm eonsrcntlvelj' Adver tl pr hy rc < iuc .lln n numbered check , ran have the Idlers nddreMed lo numbered Idler In euro of Tilf. IIPR Answer * co fii1dre e < t will uo deliv ered on the prounlntlon of the heolc NOTICE. In the future no ndvortlsomcnls will bo t kcn for tlio evening edition nftor U TO o clorfc All notices OiroiiRht Into the oflloa after Hint hour will ho first Inserted In the following mornliiK's edition. i3ITUATIONa-WAHTBD. " -WANI KD. AMl IJA1 JON AS MILLET " ( lOOD refereiico furnished , or will rent small water mill. Address HorSit. , Atkinson Neb. fi7l 17 * - A YOIIM1 MAN AS M'l rlNOdllAI'HKH , A-IIY book keeper or olllcn nsslMnnl AddrcM N 81 HOP tn IT A YOtlMJ WOMAN , UIH INKI > AND OAP- tblo wishes nrk In fnmlljr vrhero nu other In Ip Is kept AiUlruns N S3 , Hoc M704 13 * WANTKII VoVOHK IN ft llYlIK Oil WAIIH house nr to collrlt trndc , deliver poods or nny iiucli work by man wllllnit nnd oipcrluncrd Ad < lrci > C. enroling 44 tli si MfiJI H * WAVI ID : nv A cnslncer ( Ity reference Ail Iron I1U7 I'nclilo M , Oini.lm , Neb M7.Hi II' - I'.KIV.UVAMS I'OSIl ION IN WHY ! ' A-HOOK or nurthwiid Snllufnclory referenced Address 1' . O lloxMI Uninhn , Neb M7.I5 W WAMl ED-M ALB .l > ml MoM In lianillo tlio noir pile-lit cherycul Ink rrasliw pencil Ilio Rrenlent iu > IIInii novelty erer produced , prnrui Ink llioinnuhly In two in roniln iinnhrnslon of paper20D loVM per cant prnlll on ncent'n Kales mimiinted f > 20 In M < c diys nnother JJiln two liniirs wo wint ono pncrcnlo Kclicral Bgi'nt In pnch nlilonnd lurrllury FIT terms niul jiarllculnrs nilrtriss .Monroe llrnsor MfK Co \ - > il'roisc Uts I''J ' _ n-WA.NTV.O AlMlACriOAI. MAN Wl'III 80MI ! .1 'capital to tnko a wntor mill. Address hot f > 5 , Lincoln Noli I'sU fJ-WAN'UCD AflKMS TO 4KM. PIMC ' 1 HAS. J > coteen , pplccs , extrncls and Kimd'loi by namplo to families , no capital required i-xiluslvn terrl toryl uood | ny. net our llbornl trial offer Q W. Loverln A llrowno Co , Chicago M4i l o 10 * lflKNi'HM7 FMi'i.ovMiNr on-im JJholp nnd situations furnished , 2iJ N lothT' T' p-KIHSTU.ASS. A I TI.NNIIll WANTI.'I ) 1-OK JJahcip nnd lurn.icii work Nn otlicrn nuiMt npply Win I.jlo Dlckny A. Co , 1101 Douiilinst. lib _ 12(1U bKWlt M1..N. At.-jO IIUU'KI.AVIJIIS JJwnrted. I'ay orory HuturJiiy DCS Mnlnns , lu. Blcllonnld MHS OJ'i * 1 > MAN WANTKll TO COLLITI' AND HULL IN JJcountry. Apply nt singer oiiloe 400nl Y"Hii : < IAUI.1J MAN AllOUT 23. WHO ISljUICK Jltolonrn and willing lo work will In ) Instructed In our huxlnoss nnd nalnry paid while learning ! Ap ply IMU Duuiilas. 400nl 13 -WANTii : ) AfiOODCOATMAKKU , APPLY'1O K. Hoclior David Clly. Nobrnska 40'J 12 * -WANTi'DanTi\Ms : , MJ i\IIDHKUS AND tcnmxtors and Biihcoiilrnclors to work on ex tension of Hoik Inland at Lincoln , Neb 'loams. II a day : men , Si n day 1 reo transportation for tuon and to imu from nny point on the llock Islnnd road lleport nt IS mill t south of Lincoln on llock Islnnd work W. F. Cnlliihan .MM3 21 * B-WANTKD , TKN rillhT CLVSS IHHCKLAY- ors nt once Apply to W U Huuhes nt Crete , Neb tCT I't * -LAUOItllltS l-Oll UNION PACIFIC ll'Y CO IN southern lunilnu , Utah nnd Idulio. free piss Kramer A , O Hearn Labor ARcnc ) , MJ ) bouth lit treet 7JSM 15 * n THE NAMIS : AND AODIIUSSKS f enerifLtlc mon nnd women open for perma nent work. XX'o tllvo oicliMlvo ttrrltory.'o KunranttuKOOil workers f TO a week. Wo furnish onlce. furniture , delivery team nnil newsnnpor nd- Terllslnpr Oui nrtlcln Isn monopoly. It will save SS per cent Dfthuronl bills of everjbodv Htllnnr- tlrulnrs by null. I.lthoiirnphs , pniuplili'tH , etc , frco pen receipt of pontage Address Konl bpar Co , , ta Ullvor Btiuet , lioston , Mn.a. JI5.I.I n9 * _ TWAM'I I ) , A l.tVl ! W1DH AWXKK UEI'IIK- Jjpoiitntlvo to represent us In ovi-iy locnllty , ono with > lm. % ! MT. pluck , nnd push , i in cnslly nmko f2.V ) 00 PIT month ; no puddlltiK KOO'ln : xomcthlnc entlroly nonj stnido ns Hour bond for full par- tleuhim today. Address "Mnnufacturor " I' O. . llmton Mini M 535 N 8 * -xvA TKt > . bOMK noon MAIIRLK SKITUUS Apply or address Davidson & Sons , Chlcni.0 , 111 13-WAN TKI ) , AN ISXI'KIHK.NCKD IH.ACKSMlTlf JJM.lBt understand horiieslioelni ; , Nona other nued apply. Address 1 ( . II. Oalnor , Itlslng City , Neb B -WANTED , MAN TO ATTKN1X HUIINACIC and work around tlio house Apply DID DoiiKlns troet. 08,1 -AO1.N1S XVANTUI ) BYKIIYWIIKHK 1011 Anew now liogk hy Joslnh Allen a wife "Sainnnthn nn the Unco Problem " bend llfty cents for the oiittlt nnd bo Ilia llrst In the Held Send for circulars Dodd , Mend AcCompnny , 5 fust Nineteen. h street , New York tlly lAcincy dept ) Mfi i 14 Wv MFI ) AT ONCU HVK AN1 > B rornlco men , stonily work H Carter 110 b Jltlist. B-WANTED A POIl 1'Jilt XX'llO IS 11ANDX XX'iril tools. Inquire , with rofuroncL'B , before 9 n m ntlloston Store 71012 T3 WANTUD AT ONCK A NO 1 HAKMS-S JJmnkor v ho Is llr t cltips workman and has tools No whisky bum need apply Charles Dcppe , ImOKiMio , In M71I 14 TT-WANT1.D ATWKST I'OlNT. MSII , AN L\ Dporloncul huIchor , retail , lo cul meat on block fttato experience , nto and WUKCS wanted H I * . lleltimnn , M7M 15 -WMN'IKD , YOUN ( . , STL'Ain , bOHhll HAH her ; wnRts (10 n week , no bums need npply Lock box&l , Alnsworlh , Neb MJJO U * WAN TED-FEMALE HELP. C"-\VAN'iiD : , Km'llSS AND laundry work. Hiuall fumlly , Kooa wnKos , 1UO Georcln live. Ill ) C-WAM'UI ) . CIHL FOIl C UN Kit A L work , must bo wood cook , washer and Ironer Apply SJO.-J tupllol live. UI8 -WANTKD , filHL IOU CJIINKHAL 1IOUS1C work mil room fiOl Knrback block botwnonUii tu and Up m 015 12 * C-WAN'IIII ) , A liOOD ClItL IOU cillNF.UAl. hoi o work , must furnish ruforonc 0 Apply 10.'I > . iiml U "UlMi 13 * C ! WA.MID : , A BWHDK ou DANK t.iiiL 1021 " "i i.'nlelrcct J1WJI4 * D WAN I 111) ) ClItL urn nork , sniiill family UK So llthslruol Jll/,4 H * C-WAN'IKD. ARIUL'IO DO OK.NKUAI. HOUHi- work In family of two Miiitbo n good took Apply tSJJl.lucki.onst ilOJJ II * C ! - < ; IHL WAN USD ion HOUMi work , 2IJO boniird street MrJ II lI.Marhntl 705 II * C-WANTHD C.IItl , IOU ( in.NKIIAf , 1IOIJHK. work with llrst. class reforimccs iUJ n week ISJ1 Dougliis si root. 715 u C-WA.NTni ) , TWO FIIIST ILAHS SALKS liidlos , must linto had long oxpurlonce , nnd wood rolloreiico , Noothors. 'Iho Mursu Dry ( loud ] o tli u C-IIKhT Oh WAIillS 'JO COMPKlKN'l O1IH.1 .Must tukuod cook nnd laundress. Mrs J M Uhurslon.i'lM I nriiuin. SIT2I C ! -A cSTiiii nu iuNiitAirTiousK\\OIIK : AT IJ17olistor street , SI7.U U * C-Ulltli WA.NUUD UO DO ( ilIM UAI. HOlJUi- work ; inu t liu n ttoodcook , nu cs fl 00 B week Call 17UI ho u Hi II.Hi street. .M7II IS .FOR RENT-HOUSES. T V OM.V 'IHO LKFT OF Till ! 0-llOOM COT JL/lBBei lust oiimpleted lliive balh , hut and cold wilier und modern convanluiiuDS. Duslrnhlo homes for business man In bjuuUful blunfonl clrclo. i-or psrllcnliirs apply to Mar Loan und 'Iruit Co. oniiito , 4 , Now York Llfo bhU WJ " 11HIt UKVr.O-UOUM HOUdK. ALL MODFHN .l-'CDnvcnlcimca , wllh lariso barn , ; i JI I'opplotnn ave InuulroatJITH. ISthst. iw B-FOU IIKVI * . IIOIISF IN ALL I'AUl'S OF city. TnoO f DaTla'cumpany , liJi 1-arnam St. l"\-151tOil ) HOUall NlIAK IIKill fcCHOOL ; J sloain hent ; ttaldc ; modern conrenloncei. Thos. 1 , llnll , WH'uxlon block bid D A 1)islltAIIIji : ; 1IOMB OF 0 IIOOMS , I L-tT nlsliednriinfurnUhcd , rnrtlos eolnj tu Cull , lornla , Apply on premises , III. South'Jtnth street IIKNT , 10-HOOM IKiUSi ; , SOU OAbd , "el":1 : A hultlr' ) " " "U uf 1 rado. va Btoit UFAT.OM : OFTUK iios coiiveiileiit and cami < rlablt < nine room houses In Omnlm. with bilh room , laundry mul all modern convpnlfiiun , also nlca yard nl SK cor , Jones mid Jjlhslreets. bntncvu Bt. Mnry's u. unU Louvun worth > tr el IM - - 1101 IK , rCNTKALI.V I.O"\I'KD | furnace and all tmprovtuuouls , IW N Utht. . IlOl'SK. ' jlKM OAI.UOKMA 4-J troil. luaulra Dr Junes , loth nud Dodtoi oponi lo C dully. , MIH | a DW1IOI.K OU I'AltrOF WKLI. FUHNlbUEU 10 loom houio for r nt. Address N 10 lice liceMStlU15 * t THOOM Y L AT. M I' K A M 11 BAT , 1HST 4 Uof t r Dre * 810 8 , VJnd stteoi , room U FOH KENT-nOUSES. D-10 HOOM HHU'K IICl'S K WITH MOI1KH Imnrovemenls , on 30th roolnonr Lc vcnwort Inilr nt 877 So ZOth street. M732 D H ItNISHKI ) rOTTAdK OF fi IIOOMS TO party without children. Inquire IMi Corhy St IIO - 1-3 HOOMS CI1KAI * AT BOS N UTH ST , 40 NS * .NOHTH ! 3I ) . l.SQUIHK IMS JACKSON. DfOlt ItKNT. A 7 ItOOM 1IOL. > I { WITH Al.lj modern conveniences. Inrcoynrd , at 1113 Smith 2Clh Ht . f S > If for nyvnr M . ' - " > 7 D-rL' < 4iiEi > MotintiN HOUSKTO' slblo parties S022H Mnrysnvenno DIIOL'Si : OF l HOOMS , ALL MODKUN CON- vonlpncr , plnasnntly located neir hnslncsscpn Irr Apply 1SW IhlcaKO St. , or L. b rnrnatn ' n-voit HUNT , i coirAUtONB : i uu nhliod , 1)J ) South jnii or unfurnished raodrrn Improvemenli Mo'UII * nscKiA FUHNHIII : ! ) HOUSE FouTm : wlnlcr , 530outh3Slh street CTOIU * Drt HOOM COTTAOM FtlllNACi : , HATH KTC. also Rood barn IU03 tldlllty 'irust Co I7VJ Farnnin H4VIU D-FOU HUNT , A ( IOO1I 4-HOO\l IIOU4K AND burn , clly wntor and cistern nnil well vratcr. nt .Mlinmrleist bl'J 13 * D-NKWillllCKIlOUMK. S UOOMS AND 1IA1 it. modern ilmpro\cmenti from motor nnd Mnri-s torlnht party IIO miiiiintli Adilre'i , llh rofcTonces nnd nmnbor In fntiill ) , N27 , Ike CIS 13 D-A MCI : I-OUUIIOUM iiotisunii A NI.W barn , lor rent wry cheap nl lo l Ohio slreot Mi < il 13 * D5 HOOM Horsr.Kll S 17I'll AVB , . HKTWHHN Jncksonnnil Lenvcnworlh MliM 17 * TT HOOM toiiNK itTiTrr A LL M jOKiTVTb x"- TcnltMicc's SI01 Lciivenwoith st ISO 21 * n-ir . \ IIISAI' ALT , MODKHN IMl'HOV P mi'iil licit corner tint U 'lUird , 211 N 21th MB37 U * D-ir. ItOOM IUU1SF. AM ) 1IMIN , ALT. MOD ern , iIJtM i 1821 lllnni-y , Kontitt I'lii-e M57'J l" > D-I LAT * . DWKI.UNd * ( Of I AUKS IN ALL ports of city , Kilkenny A. Co , ( .ontluenlol blk Hal -'lOHI.NT.IS UOOM HOI' * ! ' SOT 11 A.ND IK ) DO i : streets All modern rnnvenlenca * Possession itUim Immoillntoly Cnllor nldrcss M L Hoeder , Itoom 101 I'axlon block U > < I D-rtTHNiHiinti iiouii : i , HOOM" . LAUCI : lawn , 01. St. Mnry nnve. . V. Units , S-DS 17th st D-voii UKNp , 7 IKOM MODKUN i LAT IN Tin : Lniik'o block , ( J.'fi a. 1 Itli slioct M61U l' IIOl- ) < ! . H UOONH , HOOMIIUS 'and boarders In thohonso. 2.W3 Douulns street M731 M' D-FOU lin.NT , ONi : UNI UUMMIf.I ) HOOM , steam heat , KUS and hath Cnll nt AI.1 bo 24th st , MUZ 15 * T\-1 OH It KM' . TWO 4 HOOM IllllCK 1'I.AT" 1-M470 i-oulh Kth 1lIb \ * \-tOH HFM' , 'JWOMTK IIV H HOOM 1 LATi 1corner l iinilnu nnd vista trcclsd DO ouch ( Jeo N lllcks . .05 N Y Llfo 74IM1I. D-loll IIKNT , ' 1WO MCIJ 8-UOOM HCLHl-S lth modern loimnlencps , near Hnnscom purk t.oo. N lllcks , bOJN i 1 Ifu. TliMlO r < A.M ) iniii' ; HOOMCD trully lo.ntud. KniHilro ulti Capitol uvenue M7.JO 1 FOR E-l'LLASANT LAUliK AND SHALL MtihI.Y furnished rooms on car line , UDd "Oth ptrcc 631 .TO - \ I2HY LAUiAM > COMlOltrAJILU HOOMS EI2HY ( itntlunun preferred , 1IHU Capitol uvenue. 472-Pin * 17-1 IIHNI HKI ) HOOM , WH'U 11ATH , W 01) Jinontb , I'JOV Inrnnui. bid -NIC15H FUHNISIIUD IIOO11S 422 N 17lh ht. Mreio2ii * E-NKWLY FUUNIlHKI ) HOOM , MODHHN CON- vonlences Private fnmlly ; terms modornte. 1.01)4 ) Hurt street. -M574 15 * 17-1011 HUNT. NKWLY FUHN1SIIED HOOMS IJwIth or without board 510 N. ISlh Bt. SI5S3 15 * J ? I'LISASANT HOOMS , I'llIVATK FAVilI.V , Jono Kentlenmn , ftl'M , two , $300 ; bath otc , motor ono block 1110iooriluavc OJi 10 * j-UHMSlIK.D HOOMt2J S ISth st. ( SI 11 * FTJBNISHED BOOHS AND BOARD. I7-EI.KOAM'I.V tUHNISHKD ItOOMS FIIIST I i hiss board , at "Iho ' Uol.ui , JOJ and ill N Ihlh itrcet. M W ? -rUUNISIIKD HOOMd AND UOAHD , 2013 DoiiKlas street 11319 15 * 7 TWO 1'LKASANT HOOM3 WITH HOAHI ) ; private family. 2570 Harnoy. MI5.I11 * I/-LA1U.1 ! HOOMb WITH OH WITHOUT HOARD I ? 2-OJ I arnam > IKi7 15 IT1 TO OBNTLKMAN. N1CH1.Y KUilSISHKIl J. southcist front room with nlcovo mid bay win dow ; modern conveniences , private family ; board , m S VJth Btrtct. UI7 H ! I.-HANDSOMK . hUITK SOU I'll HOOMS class board 132 } Chicago si , Mtio5-16 * l/-rUHNISHUD Oil UNFUKN1S1IED HOO31S J1 wllh board 18IO Chlcigo 8t. 1)73 l'i | V-.MCHLYH'UMSIIKD UOOMtf. HllST CLASS J. board , all modern conveniences at 1901 Calif or nhi htroet MUiO IT FOR BENT"UNFUBNISH' D R6 "MS" G-tOt'll UNhUHMSIIICI ) IIOOMU AT 1811 Dm on port 718 14 * BOARDING. H DIMM ; HOOM. itiNri'Aii : > Inboard Address NdJ lleo 1)7 ) ! 1.1 FOB K NT--STOHES AND OF-FICES. T i OU UIXT'THK i * TOKV inline injfr7iiM ; , Xsp. tnrnamxt. The bulldlni ; has H llreproof cement ment hnsemont , romnletp steamlieatliu tlxtnros , wulcr on all the lloor ? , L'ua , etc Apply at the ollleo of Iho lleo ' .H6 r-ioit HUNT 3 si our BIONK HIONT ruin J.roof [ . biilldhiK , llnu ( oncrcto buncuicnt , Ull DodKO st , will rout loner room and banemcMit ; upper utorlea line for sowlntf rooms or factory of liny kind Kent to suit If satlsfnclory. John ( ! . \Mllls 474 13 _ WAMTED TO RENT. ' WANT lit ) . UOOM AND UHKAKPAHr. 1'llK fcrnble In oYCh IIIKO for Instruction ( Inneunucs or Knk'll'li branches ) Address N J ) lice. Mu > o U * K 1IOAHD AND LODl.INt. WAMKD MV MAN and ulfonnd hab > till May Iff rofuronccs et\cii nud ruiuo ted. Address N 81 , lloo dra IJ * -LAllOi : I'AltLOK KMlltK 1)AV OU Inns I only for tenchlni ; njuill Llusaos. Address NruiH'o JIw > 7-lo * -\\AMHD , 1OU Till : WI.STUtt , MODCItN well furnished cottngo , tioutloman und lfe AddruBS N J7 , lieu M701 1 1 K MIIIMSI1ISI ) ItOO l AM ) I'AUTl.VI. IIOAltD with prUato family by Kuntloniun. Btatu toims N 4J. I Iff. .M"JJ 1 1 * STORAOIii. rmvcLKAt'tivr nlturt'.l.MT Douglas , Omnhu btovu llopalr works lias S'lOIIAliK CIIKAI1 , tl.KA.N , WKLLS , 1111 rurniim utri'ot. Ubi W ANTM TO BUY. _ _ Tvr wA.Nrni ) nn.L i'Av"yi'br OASII IN 1 > niiiounts from J WOK ) to * HM.OOJ fur stocks of dry good * boots , hardware. Unlhlii , ! or carpets Must ha > o larte dlnoount off Imulm jirlco. No snldo ktocksionsldorod Address In coiiliaeucu , box "Jl , Llnciiln , .Sub u-ni TO IIUY bOMH 8 I'HH CKNT -1 Urst uiortiiiicos , lluod & Selby , Wl Hoard Trail u 7&J SbKCOM ) HAND HOOKS HOUfillT rOUOASH at the Autlquurlsn book store , 151'J liarnam ( .77 n 10 * FOR O-lUltMl'UItKOr'a-IIOO'l HOIJrti : Kill BALK and house for rent , 1915 Jackson street. 419 0 KH SALi : , KUIINITUUU Of 7 1IOOM HAT , lloomt'ra pay uioro than rent. Address M 2J , lleo , M4S9 ISf FOR BALE-HORSES , WAOONS , ETC ] > -Kll SALU , A BIVl'V-DOLLAlt ' 1O1' UUlin\ J-forSJiU ) U 15. Cola , Conllnantal block. iJ'j II-MOII'IRAOIS BALK MoTlTGAnK bAl.K- J mules , 4 hoi o , 'J new wagons , iharncts , rtc 3lu t be sold at once ; cbtinp for cash. Unialiu Hurt KaiEO Loan C < i , room 11 , CrvlKhlon Mock , lith und llouulus , not I" po tolllro 7j7 TOR Q- HACK nUlCHAlll ) , DOUGLAS 1I1.OCK Q -1-OHhALK VKUV CJIK U'.QAbOUNJibTOVi In perfect order , HOI Wubstor , 070 12 " -ToU SALJ5 ] IINK I KV ) I1OU.MI I'Ul'l'IKS Al o beaten colllu thepherii puppies Chat Klaus. Columbus. Neb. MO 11 * U-IIOllhH UA.SCll NO. 1H1-HOUSK5 , COLTd and cattlu cared for Ibu year round. (1. t ) . ( iaus BoulhOiuuhu , Neb I'.u box 130. 1) OYKHL'OATS , 8UII& . CI.KVNKD , lit ISO UK Jtpalrnd cheap ; alia ladles' clothing. IiWi llnw ard street , room t 7lkl VI * iT"NOTlCrTrO UIIICK COM'HACIOUS-WAN' J Itwo tmiciuiiuts nuder honioi. 3017 and SOiW Ch OEO flrcou excavKlod und brick walls put In , J I. Ctiok , Uobcock Wtll I'upcr Cu , South Omithii MIW IS CLAIRVOYANTS. O MIW. MANNIK V WAHUKN , < . I.AIHVOYANT OrellaMo bnilnixs mcdlnm.nttli year at 119 N , H > lh Wl S-AIIHIVAI. K\THAOHUI.NAHYj WOSDKUFIJI , revolutions llnllpnitc * , the worlrt. Mrs. Dr. M , Legrnve , iloid tranca clalrvoynnt , aitrolonlst , palmist and llfo roller ) tolli roar lite from the cradle to grave ! unlloi the scpumtad , ciii omar- rlaco wllh the ono you lovri tells where you will succeed and In what hnilnc * . * belt n laptod for ; hk * . thocclcbralel Kurpllan bren tplato for luck nnd to destroy bnd Inlluencosi cures fits , Intcmporanco nnd nil prlralo complaint * with miMiira , bithi nn 1 nlcohol ll'J ' ) . loci o ( hair , namu nndditoof hlrth nnd recalva accurate life chnft , 2cont Itistnmps for circular ; clve Initials of ono yon will nmrry : nlio photos of onmo Odlco 417 "nuth Uth street , flrit Hour ; hour . ! > n m lo 0 p inCome Como ono , como all , anil be ojnvlpood ot thH wonderful - derful orjclo. .MS87 Ifi * " MAS9AQK , UATHS.JETa T. -MADAM STO\\K , MAtl.NKTIC HKAljf.1l , . WJ I'ratt > t , M4SJ 15 * rpI.MADAMK SMITH 1T.4 I'AITIoTTAVBNUE. T.T Uoom 3 , 8d lloor. Alcohol , sulphur Jii'l sea bnvh . T -MMi : IiA HL'K , MASSAUK , IIB SOUTH I6TI1 Mrt-ot. , third lloor. Hit 4 Mild 15 * " -MA'SSAlTK TKIIATMKST.' mnl bnth' , ocilpaml hitlr trantmaut , ninnlruro nod chiropodist. Mri LMsUilSHS IMIi.VVIIhnoll hlk va with llonpoorN lor lith unit Hiitnoy. H _ V A i.Ansis : iio ui A.S'D iton IN ' rxchnnKO for Inntuntoi iuu lc. imlutlni. ntc llc t ri-fcrinrei , uililrciiK N .rj lee ! unicc 713 14 * TO LOAN- ! All ESTATE. W Inchullnit nil rimrlcV llnlnoy ( iiuihaNnt linnlc blilit O1' ' ! \\T-7 I'llll CKNI' MONK\ SUP ' 10 IIOHHOvF ' ers on Oniilii clly propjrty Noottri olinr cs of nny kind Why par hull ritix' MoupyUehcnp \iincanuot full bunctlt of Ion ntiu fruui ( ! lnbo l.oiin nnil J rust ( "ii Il > th nnil Doditc I'll ' W 1.0NSll.V IMI'U > VHIAN'I ) USIMI'IIO\ > cltyprniiTty , $ < ( < OI in 1 upn to 7ucTccnt Koilcluis rurii.niiKuiltli \ ( o , IMhnnd llnrnor 1000 \T I'ltlVATT. MONIU * . 1ST AN I ) 21) MOHTUAOK i loans low ralo . AIov. Moore , lloa bide Ml AIT OMAHA SAVINGS I1ANIC MAKKi ' on ruitl cntnlu ill lu\Tiit ! mnrkpt mtan l.onns mailu In xnmll , or Inuu ttnms for n'lort orlunK tlmo .Niicomniliilon H ilinrccil niH the loans uro not nold hi HID otst It it cm nlwirn bj found tit the bank on lh > i corner of Uth nnd ujnjlas struct * r MONKY 1O LOAN ON IM " ' * " " { t > O1TY propertylow rite A.C.trosl , oURlas blk 101 \T 1 AM)2-YiAHLOANSONMI'YAND : FA11M Heed & folby , 3H Hoard ot Trade 112 \\r-CriV AND FAUM IlKVf , KSTATK LOANS ' ntlOHOjt rnlos , consult 111 bbforu borrowing I ! C ( inrvln.VCo ,4M Shuolur blook. 103 MONKY T.I LOAN AT l.OWKSr JIATI5S The O. F. Davis company , I50j taruaiu street 419 AVtHONYIOAN AMITKUSTCO.1I8N Y Life , lends nt low ratal for uholc security o u r IOHII farms or Onmhi city property \v C 1 * , HAlllllSON , 012 N. Y. 1.11'K. W f CUNTllAU LOAN A. UltUSTCO , HUH lll.DO. UJ3 W ciiKAi1 MONKY , SKI ; a. w. r. COATKS , H)14 riirnnm. ! "J \\r-Tin : riDi-.UTY TIIOST co , itncBNriY ' ronunoil to S K corner lloo bnllitlnir , Is pro- ared to close loans on city real estate promptly ml at lo cst rntus Submit nuullc itlun 4)1 ) Oil l\r MO.NKY 1O LOAN O.N IMl'UOVKl ) IIKA1. i V eatato , lowLHt rates ; building louns n spue alt ) , 'luouias llrouunn &Co , Karbach block 78J071 lAT Itl'Ali K l'ATR LOANS , 8 TO 7 1'Kll CI8NT , ' V notiddltliinalclmrircs for commission or nttor- ley's foes. W. U. Mclklo , 1 Irst National llank bid ? 077 A\r MONKY TO LOAV , l > 0,000 TO LOAN IN < i Ouinhnon bnlldliiK nnd loan pi nil 'iSi ) , ald monthly will pay o If { 1,00000 In uontlia No t oimnlsslon. Unto Is less than b per oont. I'oor mnn H chaucol Do > ou ncod monoyl Cnnyou USB money ? If BO , call or address ream 343 , Sea building , Omnlin , Neb. 40i n 4 MONEY TO I.OAN CHATTELS. - V 1 LL xA N MON I ! Y ON A N Y KlMos K X-X cnrlty ; strlcllyconfldoutlnl. A. 15. Harris , room , Continental block 1011 X I'UIICUAHD , 51 DOUGLAS JILK , 10 i. DODQK 107 X LOANS ON CHATTELS HEASONABLK IN „ terext , partial payments I to l > months W. It Davis , U 20 , Contlnoutul block Kleator 15th st 103 V MONKY AT LOW HATES O.N ANY" KIND OK -A-socurlty. Keystone Mtjto Co , 203 Hhoeley block 105 X-DO YOU NKKD MONKYJ Till ! KIDKLITY LOAN GUAHANfKE CO. loom 4 , Whltnell block , oor l. > th and Ilurney sts WILL LEND \OU ANY SUM. KIIOII IO 1010,00. ON TUB DAY \OU ASK toil IT. We niHko loans of nny Ue , larird or small , on household uooiH , pianos , horses , waRons. wtirchouso receipts nnd personal property of all kinds , In nny amount , without delay , pub licity or removnlof property , cheapest rates and easiest payments SKI2 US Mitel' . 335 X IIOOOOOOO ' 1O LOAN IN AMOUNTS from 410 up on I10USKHOLD FUU.MTUIll ) AND PIANO3 , HOllbKS , WAHON'i AM ) CAIltUAOKs. WAUKIIOUHH HECKll'TS. OU 1'KltbONAL I'HOl'illtTi Of ANY KIND without publicity or removal of property. You can sin o time nnd money by calling on OMAHA \101l T(5A < ; H LOAN CO , Uoom 11 , CrelKhton Hloik , 15th and Douglas , next to 1'ostottloo. INCOIlfOKATKD m903 : MONKY LOANKD CHEAP AT YOUll OWN time Nebraska Loan Co , 1310 Douglas Bt. 403 MOXKV1OI.OAH ON KUIlNll'UHE , PIANOS , jVhorses , wnitons nnd security , lliul- niBticonndonllal trcd'itrry , room ( Jl Itamuoblk MWJ r-LOW KATHS ON 1'UltNl 1'Ulll" LIVE STOCK l-etc. J , W.'luylor , 1'loneor blk , South Omahn. LuJ T MONKY ! fl , U ) , PO DAYS. CHKAP HA'l KS -nndeasy plyincnls. on furnllure , pianos lUo toik , etc , without delay or pnblhlty ; cnsh on hum ! lutf ( ireon , room 8 , Harkor block M-iSJ X-C1IATTKL LOANS , 021 N , Y. LITE. MOIIUIS. 46J Nt * XKO,00TLON ) ON CHATIMUi SKCUIHTY ; huslucssconlldoiuliil H 65J Hoard Trade BUSINESS CHANCES. V-MW SALK. TIIK CON I ItOLI.lM } INTKItKST 1 In the lending saili nnd dooi mill In thu north- went , dolni ; nn Iminunso buslnoss , over $ oOUUJUi ) n 01 tli of now nork now In the mill a uroni birvaln lo thu right party < * nll on or addrosj I It Musun , raoius JJ unaU : , llarkor block , Omaha , Nob.Wl ( Wl OW Y-ll' YOU AUKHKHKIMl A 1IUSLNI5SS OI'l'Oll. tunlty reqiilrliiKumull capital , In a rurtnn nnd o\ceodlniily proiltnblo nnd Krowiiu liu lnoss nnd always cash , write to the undersigned Inolnslng lamp , when full purlloulnrs will bo ulten. U i : . K , ll.M L street , Lincoln. Neb US7 -KDH HALi : , AT A VI1IIY LOW FIOUUK , TltK ontliii stnto Interest In ono of the liuavleiit pay liik'Hionopollus now hoforn tlrj public It will savt ) S5 cor cent of the coal hills of nvorybody and pro' duce better result ) Everybody wnnu ft nnd will have It when aeon A lartfu bmlnosi tan lie done nt unco In ovury i-ounty r nil particulars hy mall. AddictsU.K K.ll.'J/jst , Unioln , Neb .Ms7J V-K > KBAIjK0-UOOM ! ! IIOI'KL GOOD HKI'AIIt. 1 only hotel In town Addrois Kr.iuk Uothwall , btprlluv , Neb Miw ) 1 Y-T1U5 MUST 1'AYINCr CI/mUMl , HOOT AND Khonbuslnesi In the iiortliH et , alont : with Kood will and lease , for sala ihcap. 1' . o , box 1 , Chadron , Neb. < ; s )3 ) Y-COALAND PKKIHIUSlNKvUFTAKKNbOON , A bargain. Allen Hros , ilth nud licit Line , C47 ! ( Y tOH BALK. 01. HAH B'lOCK UK tUllNITUKKt Invoice , fiUIOi papnlallon , ! ! ' < 00 | have other business Address N 41) ) , lloo ollleo. l'K 111 * _ V JHK jiKRT I'AVINMUr.OrillMl , HOOT ANU X shoo business In the northwest , along with nooil will aud lease for sale cheap. 1'ostoilUo box " 1 , " Chadron , Neb MT'-'S IS * y-ClKAU OM A H A It K A L Ed I' AT HI O U M [ H K , uuctual valuation. Money to loan , llox 510 , Omnlia , HUrl _ r/-l OWN 100 FA Ilil a IN MCH AND DAKOTA. /-MUlUoIl or cubango. Uox 70 , Frankfort , Ind y-l.'O LOl'S U IIIACKS FltOM NKW 1'OST- A > olllct , prIi.olJ53.OW. will tukumJO.'U luntl west or outhwi' t , r lurno ranch and stock. l.TtfcHitru ranch Ci miles from Omaha fM.OOO , for stock of nittrchandliio fijMjOslork hardnnru for clear tonn properly or land and ) cash HUiXH ) Motk dry eoods , boots and shops nnd eroccrlt'i , loroloarlund or town property und cash. 15 uuo stock boots and shoes for clear property and U ruth. flO.V.O tramo block In KOOd town , rents for f 1,000 per ) cur , unt good totk of coods. Kf , Hluiicr , J513 Furnatn. CK ! ! fKOK KACIIANQU. CLKAU C HOOM /j nnd let wllh barn , for broom home ; will pay dllli'ifnoo In cash. D. F , HuUUlsun , ) U3 X. 15th iitr > . .t. MC J 14' _ _ V-WANTK D71TlllT IIKMVKKV WAGON IN AHrniio for lady or kcnls' wrlllui Ueiki , Ul'Jb Sid st. CSO U | FOR EXCHANGE. -OMAHA llKlt KNCRt. , < il.B\lt , TO KX- "chanao for clear rcsldpncoin.A Nehra Va town. fend full description. Alctyhjoore , 4011lpo bid * . , , * 13 1U _ - _ /-MHnriIANlllSK TO TIlATlK VOIl CATTl.K S-JOT land HoxSIO , bt I'aul-Njl ; > M78J 18 rCLKAU QL'AHTKUS flK KAHM LAND TO clmnBO for niprrlinndlsoi.ltfO ncro honie tend ; Address N 41. nee , , _ M 78711 * FOR SALUREAL STATE. A Sl'IKNDll ) CIIANCL- , t'Inohtnln * ' A choice plecj of ncrc propcXy' ' Clo to4imnha " " "I I can oitor for sato ' tte Several live , ten nnd twenty ncrc tract * . .lust wilt of the rlty. ' This land Is tplendldly locnlpd to receive the honeilt of Omahi * future crowth It I * , only 25 nilnutpR' drlvo from the postodlco nnd li nilnntps drlro from boulh Omahn Thonow pirku , boulevard s nnd tnlr croiind * . In \Vc t Uinnhn will nrnkti nultldo acre * , verv valunblo The now Nebraska Central rnllrond will bo built cln e to thl * properly len acrp will ulvo you n tipintlfulhoin' , nupport your family , nml.lf properly taken earn of In fruit or vecotnblo gmdrnlnx , will pny each > onr nmro than thq snlurr nf the best pMd mectianlo In Omaha You ran work In town and fnrnl h your chlldrpn your children pleasant ftiul prolltablo iMiiplojmont right at homo Put the boys nt work In thn K irden ; set the iilrls taking cnro of the Mnall fruit nnd Iho poultry nnd tthllo yon nro doing this the city I' growing Ktc'niilly nnl the tlrst thing } on know your ncros can ho divided Into tholip losldoiipo lo's That will bring tmu to ? HKIpnPh If yon wnnt n gill edged Investment Or comfortable homo Or n llr t-cln s plncii for bnmll frnlt nnd market gardening Tall anil ci' Iho tiropcrty 1 oltor. ( lonrEO N lllcks ngent Uoom iiO'i. New \ork I Ifo hide _ 717 U IIAI : > KSTATI : JLV Hirgnlni only. My nerd li pooit \ \ (1 ( Albright , Wl 2-3 Now Uirk Life M4 | LOT ? ! TUTTI.KS-iim A AC11IN WITH 7 UOOM homo , nil Improvements. Injulro .wl lloyd street M7Ti It' tl'O HOMK MlKKr.llri-lN A\OS'DALI5 I'AIHC t yon cin have nn tloginl homo arrange I to suit > ou with building limit tipi'j wilki , * > tnrur. wntor , nnd KM. within wilklng iliunnco of liuilm- , si hnols nnd clniri ho * , nud nil for iboutflUI ) Lor- Inln lo bo liio prclllest Insldo runhlt'iico nddltlon In thi'cltv o\er ono third of It ulreulr sold Sco ui for pnrtlculari before tlioprlod Is raised Kldol- Ity'lrustcompiiiy , I'Oi 1'anmiiul ijDil t HKA'I KAI.I.S. MON. . C1TV OK WONDKUKUli G rpsourceSnter powercoul. Iron gohl , silver , coppei. wool , lumber stock agriculture , etc Mis poiirlrlvcr fulhSU fo't In KCVOII miles l-or sale lllght } ncres rholco for rosldcnca nnd bu lnp.f IOK , near the dam and eoppur works , only flOUOO , termspasy. Address , J. O. Urcgir , nisent. tlreat KnUs.Mon. 411 U * ITKlll hALK Oil KKNT , 23 ACH1C3 WP.LL IM X proved , thrio nillos from now Tort , 11WO Ad dres N m , llpo Ml jj IT FOUSALi : , UKAUriFULLOT. 43 TKKT TUONI' , Jltlist , South Omaha , near 0 , SI 0 Apply to nivner , Uoom II , Hushtuin blk. Om ilia ISj Oil ! SUCTION , CLAY CO , $ W AN ACHI : . ill ) acres , Nanco Co , $15 tier acre SlOncrei , Hamilton Co , 110 per acre. PO ncros nrpy Co , f45 per ncro 11(0 ncro * , barpy ( o . $ "tl per acre 147 acres , near Omaha , ? 5 > per ncro 27 ncn * , 'Ihurston Co , f n per ncro 2U ncres , Oton I o , $41 per ncrc 3jncrcj | ) , DndgoCu ( li per ncro 100 I'cres , York Co . $10 per acto O. r llnrrlson , 913 N Y I.lfo. Mi..V ! It 17-1 OU SALK , .MY HIWIDKNCK ATI4I1 21TH I Bt JOroomt iMHlb Uh.liotiim ! cold ater , olcetrlo " 'ells ' and burglar nlirm , speaking tubv.f urnnco nnd nrn , also line vacant east front resldonoo lot. f \Miltuey , 401 Merchants National bank hide 4J7 Ni I70H SALK OH THADK llVTlIK OWNKH 10 OJO L acres of .Npbrnskia llncst" faim'ng ' land nt a , roat sacrlflio O. II. I'etersop , 1112 8 Uth st Jmnhn. Ml.n NJ \VANTKD , fsooo KAIIM i-oit ' Wnnted homo nnd lot fprclear lots WnnlLd section Innd 7S miles of Omaha. Wanted 81) note * near Oinnhh' < Wanted , Hi OJO 0 per cent Wanted , dwelling for clear npreaga Wanted , dwelling for clear fiiyms \ \ nuted. house nnd cash forjarm C F. llnrrlson , 31 J N. Y. Llfai K05.1 13 DO YOU WANT A DKAUTIfU , ! . HOM15' CALL and FCO Ihc elegant double rc ldenco 1 can otTer 'or halo on ono of the Uncut residence streets In .Ills city. I'rlco , $17.'W Can tuko part pun huso lirlceln good farm land Goo > N. Ulcka , .Wl N Y. Mflsllldg. 7S9 JIIO JOHN M. CLAHKE , IN J. J BllOWN 1ILOCK , has for enlo largo list of , property of all do icrlptloni In Iho city nnd suburbs. d721 ! > FOH SVLK Cl 115 A l > , 300'A CUES LAND IN ONE of the best stack coutitlosjlpj Nobrnskn For particulars wrlti ) to N34 Hop uUjyj hit 17 * FOHSALH , 5 HOOM < OTTArtK MI3 HANCHOFT street , city water , ' . ' blocks front , mot or , 81.600 18 * WANTED , LOT 8. W. FOH CATTLE. Wanted farm for Illllsldo lots and cnsh Wanted , lot near bnrnnm and 40th for cash Wanted purchaser Jl.WW 10 per coin 2nd mortgage Wanted , farm for clear property near park Wanted , purchaser $ ii 000 dt percent niortgago. Wanted , hoiibu for clear lots nnd cash Wanted , Ibtli buslnois property cheap Wanted , encumbered business property for resi dence property. Wanted , $4 000 plnco npir Hnnscom park Wanted , house for clear Ilanscom pluco lot Wanted Omaha property for Dos Molnes lots Wnnted , houfc for Chicago lot and cash Wanted , modern honsp tor business property C. K. Harrison , Ul. ! N. Y. l.tfo. 701 14 FOIl SALE , KLKOANT IIHICK HLOCK' , 1 OUR houses , near Hnnscom pnrk , splendid neighbor hood , nil modern comcnlencoi 1'rlce , $15000. Will tnko good Hhnro purchnso prlcu lu fnrm land Geo. N Micks , JOiN. Y. 1 IfpllldK. 740 MID LINCOLN liriUUTS IS ALMOST AB NKAH AS Wnlnut Hill nnd Is sold nt about M the prlcu which Its location tdiould command Hns n line school house near , nnd n beautifully laid out public park of 110 ncres within K mile This nddltlon has nlrcady HOIIIO line residence buildings and moro in procross of construcllon Itond thcto price * nnd terms LoU from $400 tof > 00 niul ( UXI. Ono-ttMilh cimh , bnlnnto InVequal annual pnymenls at 7porcent. Uhcio can you equal this on city lotsJ For further par ticulars cnll on J A. LovgriMi , ole iik't. loom 607 Hroi\n \ block , H K. cor Ibth anil Douk'lus. Hiirnham I'laco Is the latest ami ah- solutelv the cheapest nddltlon on the market. Think of acre properly selling for from fjGOOU to JViUOOU per litre' , right In the midst of rchools , good neighbors , handsome homes , wllh street pars und postofllco at the door ; ono fourth to ono third down , hnlanco 1,2. Innd 4 ypnrs nt 7 ppr cent nivo warrnntoedpcd nnd abstract free with anch purchase 1 or further particulars call at my onlce , { ,07 Brown block. Slxteonlh and Douglas J , If. I ovgron , sale agent 714 14 I/O It SALK , NICE 1IKSIDKNIK IN JIANlCOM plnie ; ullconvonlcntes I'ricp , ftOOO Will tnko good furm land In purt pnymunt , lllcks , S'j'i N' Y. I.lfo Iildg 741 Mil ! LOST. LOST-OCT. B , I'AIll OF C.OLD HIMMKI ) la se8 nt liitli nnd 1 arnam 1 hulor will please return to ( latch A Lauman , 15)1 ) rurnnm or my ollleo , Union rucltlc headquarters E Hiicklngham WU If LOirIMtOIIAIUA' ON JSTI1 STHKIII' HIC'l WHKN Mcholas and Hurt , hy Mrs O. H Hoguo , n leather purse containing money and two rnllrond tickets 1 Inder return to u'Jth uud Nicholas nnd KOtronurd 710 Id' IO T AIIOUI' A .MONTH ARO. A HOX ( ON- staining idiotogrupli and nmbrotypo pictures Any person rinding und lent Ing the name nt'JUll Fnrnam Uriel shnli ho fairly rewarded 7 % 11 * IOST , Tur-sDAY I\IM.NO : : , HHTWEEN con Jnor I''th ' and ( hlcnxo slrpels nnd 'i.'d uteniio nnd 1 nrniim etrcct , spring overcoat , llilitOlor I Inder will pliasn return to us and get reward. Denoy.V Stone rnrnllme Co. JI7."J II DRESSMAKIJ\ & . 'IO "lO IMtKSsMAKJNfl TN BOllcltcd , Miss t-'tfctdy , 3JU bouth 2iith ' ir MLl'Inll ' * ' IJ'OUNII A IIUIKiV. TOH l.NTOUMATION CALL L at llll.l Douglas street < M " a U * Till : ItKAI.TV TNSTKUJinNTS plucocl Trrrrccora Dot 12 , JL 16W : WAIIIIANTY iffa-61 ! . O S Ttrawstor milt wlfa to cMflo ? Unltl , lot ! ! * , blni'k , l , Suuiulerd | 4 ( tl's add to Walnut Mill . . , . J 1,000 0 H lloKBi * und wifoto I/oiltj Holt , lot 8 , ulook U 1'arlc 1'orost . . . . . / ? ! . 25) llurlill Danbauni niul liusliMul to Esther l.Uomun , lot 10. Bnniiy l < ny.H . 1,000 McUuvoaU A. U'Koofo CoUi AiliiiiHti Iliiniiso. lot : o , ulock U. \l\4UavocK \ A , O'Kc'ofo's rtiplut . . . . . , 700 M fi lloatty A liiisli/ind / td'Mutiml ' In- vostiiiunt toinpuny , lotVH/s block . llnyd'biidd . < > P.i , . 100 Ol'Miillln to .1 1 ( irucno.Jots 1 to ' 'I , lilor-kOj , liindcoI'liieo..V.T. ) . 31,000 H lllliiur nnil nlfo lo Ij 1 > 1'owler , iiiullJ lota 15 and 111. blocu.l. HIOWII park. . , , 3,400 DEEDS. I ) H Mercer ( master In chnnccrv ) to W II Uolllns. lots ( i , 10 Hiul 11 , block lit ) . Dun- duo uluco . i . . . . . 4,30 Same to I'ortsinoiltli Suvln.n bunk , lot 18. block 118 , DnndcoDliicu . I.7J5 J W lluttln , ( muster ) lo (1 0 Unr- pontor , nil lot 7. block 'J , Improvement Association addition. . , . . , . , . ] ,050 Q T l.lndloy ( Hpcnlnl inuHtur ) to M C tloiitly , lots , blook'i ) , lioyd'sada. . . . za Totnl amount of transfers , . , . , . , . . . . . ( 41.7&3 REM IN C TYPEWRITERS TON For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGBATH STATIONERY CO. , lilOi iTurnam otrcut , Ouatto. When in ( lie course of human events it becomes necessary lo recommend - mend some braml of Smoking Tobacco , we unhesitatingly pronounce Blackwell's Durham S Tobacco to be the best in the world. Many times imitated , but never equalled. Get the genuine. Made only by Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. , Durham , N. C THEGREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cure * nil disorder * of the Stnni.irlicr \ \ \ , llowol ? , Kilcny , Ill.ul lor , Ncrvoui DlscrtscSj Loss of Aptiotitp , Hoivlachc , ( 'onsUpitliiii : Costiyciu , lullurs tl ) it , Ull- onsncis , Tc cr , rilc IHt1. ! ami rpitlcM tlin systnni IPS * li.ibln to conlr.ict HADWAV'S 1'ITiT.S are oilio for this cmip" lint They tone up thn Intornil inorotlon ? to hoaltliy antlon. rostorostroiiRth totlu stomaoh , ami ouiblolt to poifonn Its fnm'llons I'rli-i-iata a box. 8olill > y all dniisulsU , or mallod by HAUWAY Si CO. . J-i Wairou Street now \ork. on receipt of prlco. Every MAN ciu ho STUONO and VIO- OHOUSin all respcrts _ _ _ _ b > usinK SPANISH NHRVINH , the great SpaniBh Kemeily. YOUNO MKW Oil ObUsutrintiK from NKHVOUS DltnitlTV , I/OST ot lrAIIINQ MANHOOD inRhtlj ei.nsslot.s , convulsions , nctvous . prostration , cnusiil by tbeuse of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wakefulness - fulness , nicnlil t'cnrcsslon , loss of power in elllier sex , spcrmator- . - AND APTRK UbK , rhoca caused bysclf abuse inil o\cr imlulgencn or nny personal weik * ness can bo reslorcd to perfect health ni.d tlio NO11IK VITALITV OP STIIONQ jVIBN. \Vc give a written guarantee \vuh c boxes to cute nny cisc or refund tlio money. $ i o boi,0 boxes I ; For Sal.1 la Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. T1IE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. JCEDAR RAPID ? J1DE3 MOIRES Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at/105 p. m. , ar riving at Chicagro at 9130 a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. MPANa TABULES r uutt cbo ttouitu h , liver anunuMcU. purl * ify the blood , are safe and erri-uiml j ? [ the beat niwndae known for bllioi. * I II. * B , coiwUpaUou. djbiitphljuul | : ath , headache , hearthurn , lues of , -ietJte. mental del rrtnjon , pnhiful i v jgWS' dC&ftlon.plD-pl-fl. willow r rniplrx a o dciion.and cvrrTuLieaso resultinijfroni J ° | . ! inure bloc3or ; & fjulura by toe rtomach , llvrror lu 0 teillncs toptiforni tnelr proper fmict Ions , ' - vsriveu to ovtr M-lntf ftrebenentodbytflklnoroneofter zwu bmoil. Pi Ice by mall. 1 iros. 1 . enrapln,13c. 5 2 Ull'AhS CinsvfCAt. CO lOHnniro M/tiiiW icrK ' . RH1LWHYT1MBGHRD leaves IHIOAOO HIJltLlNUrON i , < J I Arrlvj Omaha Depot IQt i ai I Mum -It i | On I'll ( (5pm . . .Chlca.'u Voitluau . . , naj A m ( IK ) a ni . . . ( 'h.uiKO IClpruu . a Jl i m 11SO p in . . . Chicago Kxprasi . . . . 4 1' p m CM p m Chlenuo .V Iowa Locil i.ill D m Leaves | 1)UIILIN.1ON & MO KlViCIU Arrivoi Omahn I Depot lOtbnnd .Mason * ; lii | Omalu 10 ; s n m . . Douver Ventlbnle Kxpruss 4 UJ p 111 10 15 a m . Ucudwood n.xpro 4 Oj p m 4 M p in .Donvor Kxpresi V J ) a m 4IXp ) m . Denver Lluiltod . 11.40 p m CM p m . Ilastlairs Loeal n 17 p IP E | j 11 m . .Lincoln LociKKxcaptSun 1 11 n n ra K. C.dT J. AD. It 1 Ar rive Ouiaua. Depot Uth nn 1 Mmon Sti | Oin ah i. .t.'JI a , m . .Kansas Uty Day Krpross . . , I i > 'JO p m P 45 p m 1C. C. Nliilit iip ; via U. 1' . | I , O nm 9 45 p m St. Louis Kxpress | 0 40 am Uohu UlIlUAdO. It 1. He I'AUl f 10. From Kait Union Depot 10th A Maroy Sis Kast. 1000 nm . . . .Atlantlo ll "J p Ml 135 p m X'csllbuloKtpiosj 1.10 p m C KJ p m Nlitht Kv 9 W a in Cohu 1 CHICAGO. K 1 , il'AllMC. I rroiu XVust I Union llopot IQlli and Maroy 3ts | \V04t. I jjpnil DiMivar Llmllol . . . II Ji n m liUOam1 .Kansas CltvtKxcout Hundny ) I"P "i lnvas I UNION 1'ACIKIC. Arrlvji Omaha , { Union Depot I0th undMaroy Sis Omt'ii 7V , a nil lleatrlco ISipreu b IJ p m V.M a ml Denver Krproji. 4 Oj p m 214 pra OvorlindKlyur , 70) ) p m < lu p in bun ) liSt p ra 610 p m I'acluo ISxprait. . 10 13 n m fiJO p m Douvor Knit Mall 4 It p m Leaves ICIIlUAdO. MIU .V ol. i'AUIArriv.J | Omnhna | U. I * . depot and Msrav bts | Omaht 7Uj p ml Chtcuico Kiprois | i)3 ) > 11 10 i m | Chicago repress 14 ) _ Leaves SIOUX CITY 4 I'AUl Ml * ( Arrives Omnlm I Depot. 10th and Marcy HU I Oniilii 7 . " ) u ml . . . tilouxLHy I'ussonuKr UWUp m ni | . . . .at I'nul Kxpross . .llUOOa m invos I B1OUA CU'i fc I'ACIHU I Arrivoi Oinnhal Depot. Uth nnd Wobatar nts I Omilii e.tfj p ml St 1'mil Ltmlled .M i > n m U-nvos I K. , i ; A.MO VALLMY lArrlvui Omuhal Dopot. 15lh an I Webslor 8ti It ) main 009 n m . . . . .Deadtvood llxpron , . , , Ajp ) m UOJ n m ( K x. : Hat ) Wyo Ktp ( Kx Mon ) f > jj p Ml 6.30 p in . . . .Norfolk ( Kx Sunday ) . . . . 10 'i i m 000 p in . . . . St l'.iul ISxnroii u i'j \ in eaves | CHIOAiO.kNOIli'llWidlMlM : I Arrivoi Omahn ! U I' , depot , 10th and Marcy tits I Omilu 750 ft m its i. tjun'y ) Carroll 1'asiuu ur JJjm \ 10 40 n m , . Chloago Kxpross . . , . G 03 p m i 05 p m , , Vesllbulo Llmltod . , , , , . . I' ' . " ) i m " , M p ID Kutorn Irlygr 3 15 p in C 40 p m ( Kx Buniriiin I'asi ( Kx Man ) HUSn m 1-caves | CllliMl7o& NOH I'll WKSl'U UN I Arrival Trnasferl Union Depot , ( xiuncll Illutla rlranifa J1-SO n in , c'lilcairo L'xpruss . . . . 6 JU p m 4Jb ) i in , , , . . . .Vestibule Limited. . . . \i \ lO a in U3 r m . . . . < . . . . Kastorn I Iyer . . . . . . . . 1.10 p lu ( Kx nun ) Atlantic Mall ( Kx Mon ) 7 JS u i ( Ex b ) Carroll I'aneiuar ( lix B ) 0 4i n i Lavei ; | MlS.SOUItl 1'ACIHC. | Arrlvo < Oinahal DO.ot 151U qud Wolnlor HH. Omabt 4 40 m | M. Louis C&aon Hall . | Ulj p m I.CBVCS I rlOUJC ClI'V a I'AuTuti. lArrlvuj Trnnsfarl tliiloii Depot. Council Illnili I Transfar 7 4Fu uTbloux | Uty Aciorauioiluilou. I10JW p tu 6.50 n m | . . .KLl'aul Kiprsn . I i)4Ui ) m U'avuJ lUUDAljU , IIUtll/N .V gUlMV , | Arri f j | 'Jransferi Union Depot , CouiuiU Illurti | iraiid leaves i u , 11' . I' . . MAO lAirlves _ 0uiftha | Depot , IMh nnd Wcbsler 8l I Omitli - - . , nil .Slcux Clly Aocomaiodltlon . VUl p III 1.10 p ; n tlouxUlly Kxpresi ( hx. HuuJ'i ) 134) p m 000 p ml Bl. 1'aul Limited . . . , Oil i m Hi u niU ] acrofil'tiiaagorfl x.3uacrjj 8.4)1 u firs , Bolls t Tha only uniformly sudcoSsful SPECIALISTS IN AMEPaCA. lit THE TREATMENT CURE OF SYPHILISSQ.QNOR- RHOEA , r - TJAI ? DISORDKRS , * ! ' I , VARICO- CELE , PILES. FISTULA , RECTAL ULCERS. Consultation frco. Call ufion or address with , Bt&mp. cor , 14th and Douglas. HEAtTHPUL , , CLGANS1NO. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER , Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful blmmpoo. RUSSAN Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Mooting of the Triennial Council Most Auspiciously Oponcd at Minneapolis. RECOMMENDATIONS OF LEADING REPORTS niul Mcntltorihlp Slinu < ! rntlfjr- c InrrriMij llnltliy Condition or 1 InnncrsV < irkof tlio H < nnoMI loi\- nrj ioclcti Itrmilntlom , etc. , Minn. , Oct. 12. The trien nial ConMropationnl council mot In thU city today niul Ilia actslom promlso to bo the largest over Unow n. The New UrtRland con titigonlU very honvyvhllo the Interior nnd western itatoi soiul delocrnloa In croat num- bets Quito n surrnlso it U to nutny incin- bars of this church to learn thnt the mom- boi-shlp In the tnuth ti now lnna ; niul ln > croaslnc nil the tlmo , AmonK the tloloKnlos to the council will bo qullo n number of col ored inon , In Georgia it hit ; ) boon found thnt the membership ntnontf the ivhlto ponu * liittnn hns tncioniod boyonil tlio ospeotulloa orovontho Itnovvloil o of the church In the north. The botlv was culled to onior by President Northroi ) . The ndilriss \\elcoino deliv ered by Kov. ( leorgo N. Welln of Plymouth ohutchns rospoiuiod to by Ur Northtoo' . Tor moderator. Kov. Dr. A. 11. Quint of Uos- ton wns chosen nlmost uunnimonsly. Clmrilit'fl unit . The reports to bo oonsldeicd dnunir the council seisioni n 111 bo nmong the most 1m- pot taut mnltcrs to cotno before the body. Of those , that ot the seciomiy H tlia most iuinortiint. U sho\\s thnt the numborof churches is now 5.00J , stniuUnt ? i\t 4'JSil on the 1st of Jmiuaiy lust , Tlio east hns U.lSl ) churchcshilo the ItiloHor , comprising fourteen stales , hns ! ,8U , mid the west 1,112-1. UurltiK the tiiomilum Just I'loslnu ltS ! clmrclieacro milled In tlio onst , S30U in the inteilof iiiul 'JTO In the west , a totnl of 708. Of thU number SSH Imvo lUsnppentod , lonv- liiff u net B-iln of 417. The membership of the church Is now fWTi.fKH ) , the cast hixvlntf . ' 103,001) ) , the Interior 101,000 , nnd Iho west 51,000. Tlio u ln lu tbo past thioo vonu In thoenst win l.,0t)0 ) , In the Intel lor iJ,7ty ! , in the \\ost 11,000 , tUo por- - < t In ituo contngo ot incrcnso bolnpt lai-RO > west. Illinois KJlucil ino t , l.b'JJ ' memborn. Tno Buniluy schools hnvo K'lluod 4fi,100 , ronuhliiRiiow n totnl oniollmont of 011 )70. ) The cast Rained 0,1)55 ) , the Interior 21,033 , thu west lil,7ii. : Thoio tuo now 3r > l4 younR people's soci eties , ultli H'l , 10U membcis. The contributions lu thrao yoara were $7- 117,10. ! , nn nvornpo nor raombor per annum ot < $1U 53. it wns nn i-icrenso over the previous ] trlunniumof fl,18SbOO. The cnst BIIVO $4- , " 10,7.25 , an IIVCUBO of $15.58 pormembor ; the ( ntoiiorJU00ijJI ( , nn uvurngo of8H.S7 ; the ? ; ! ) , CW , an uverugo of $7.23. The homo wosfc ; r > 0 churches at the beginning of tlio oontury , Homo MISHIIIII Work. The Amoiican Homo Missionary society , report shows thnt in 18'Jl the whole number ) > f Congregational churclios In the states anil orrltotics was 3'JOJ. Of thu l.SOO'cnurohea \hlchtuivo been established in that tlmo , about live-sixths nro either Iho planting ot hU society or have roeulvod aid from It. i'ho missionaries ot the social v are found low in forty-llvo states nnd torrltorlos. The receipts last > our wet o 1015,189,000. There nro 4UO fields occupied with ! U5 missionaries , i'lio additions to the homo mission churchoa est \oar\\cro 11UO. : The membership ol ho Suuuav schools in connection with these churchoa is In 1.72J. The average annual ox- lonso of the society per mission is $441. fhero nro ninoty-ono foreign speaking mis sionaries. There are thltty-sovon Btuto unions , representing 2,000 churches. The report has a apocial section on .be responsibility of the homo mission ary society for theuuduo multiplication of tbo fcoblo churches on missionary round. The ovli was pronounced too irommont to bo dented. Tbo society has n rule never tn plant a church of mission on trrounds wbich nro m the proper sense of the word cared for by ether denominations. The report sots forth that no superintendent in irescnt employ of the society has over , with , .ho knowledge ! of the society , sought to stnit a congregational church where it was not necdea. Itc'solution un ClulsIlHii Union. Christian unity Is the subject of an 1m- [ loitant icpoit. The great Interest in the ; ause of Christum union Is noted ns ono ot the most manifest and ono of the most auspicious signs of the times Tbo protno-t Lion ot ChiisMan union must bojjin from within. The Koman CiUbollo body Is IOCOR- nl/eU ns n branch of thuchinch of ChrUt and tbo report welcomes the opportunities to co- opeiatowith its members in the advance * mentor the cause of Chtlstlan truth unit Christian morals. The nttttudo of tho' ' Episcopal church coming forward In England nnd America with the ollvo branch is heartily commended , 'ibis resolution Is commended for udoptlou : Hcsolvod. That the national council con- skieislt of pnr.iinoiint iiiipoitiinco that all who confess nnd vail thonibiilvos Christians , whatever lliolr religious inclinations he , should hear In mind the ennitiuind UhrKt RUAU to Ills disciples ; thutuo Imll with devout satisfaction the piouress of tlio spirit of fra ternal union niimiiK the Ohtlstlan people ot ovoo tuition for the promotion of the end which 1-i ucKiiDwlodtrcd to ho our nun , nnd that ivo lOKurd with earnest svmpathv and npprovul the increasing tendency < if Chris tians of dlllorunt lirnni'lios of the church tu Join liiuidH IneirortHto ililTtisu the blusulni-a of lliuKospol. Call lor tlio I'nrltnn Siililnilli. Ono of the most important committees to report is the ono on Subhalh obseivanco. "Wo uro not frfijlitoucd by the bugbear of a Puiltan Sabbath ns something that la fonied una cnrafullv nvoldoil. Tlioio may bo the remotest possibility that the great commune ! can bo too strictly and lltorally observed , but Iho probability ia not dangerously immliionl. VVo want thnt fiamo I'uiiUin hjabbath and wo hold siiLicil its pure hour which has comedown down to us with too largo and goodly an in- horltunco of evoiy blosslDR that can endow a nnlton with cnduilng riches to load us to dcsplsu their example or loasou our ncod that wo walk In tholr footsteps. " The fact of an IncreasiiiKdisroKarU for any proper observance of the Sabbuth is noted. Exclusions , theaters , concert halls , fico ex hibitions , Ijnso ball , piusenirer tranic , drlnlc- ing saloons nnd the buiiduy nowspnpcr all nro classed toiothcr qnd como in for their share ot ciltidsm. ' This has spread to the ranks pf piofesslna Chrlstiaim. The ono olfoiiRO ot Sunday trav- olIiiK church mnmbers uro uspt'clnlly guilty of has bocomoso pronounced and no common that U attracts no attention and provokes no ami .mmt. Instead , it is increasing and church mombois uro contributing to this form of Subuulh dosaorulion , Thu love of monov is found to bo thu most common of Iho causes of the ovil. Tuko u\\uy the aina which flccuio from thU dosucratlQu nnd the ovliwould ; | tense. " Lr. Quint , upon nesumlng the ofllco of modeiator , uiado n brief uddiets , urKlii'thut ( harmony bo preserved , nnd UcsipuatluK thu present , as the most Important meeting In the uUtorv of tlio CotiKroeutloniil church , I ) , M , Cutcheon of Michigan wus chosen first vice president mid moctorator , nnd Kov. Ocomu O. l.uw ( colored ) of bouth Carolina soLond iissisliuit , ( 'ommlttcosero appointed and the coun cil adjourned to " : UO. C'llOllT.l When properly tiontod us soon ns the flrs syiuptoma appear , cholera can nearly nlwayn bo cured , Thu patient should go Immediately to hod and rornulu as quiet as ujsslblo. Bend for u physician , b'Hvhi1o ' awaiting tils urrlvul tuko ( Jhainbeilain'H Colic , Cholera and Dinrrhwa Uoinedy in double doses oJlor cuch operation of the bowels moro than natural. Jfihoro-ls uovuro pal--or crampa take It in double doses every jlltoon minutes until loituvoil , ThU remedy has been used with great success In novun opldomloa of dybentory that ucro uliuoet as severe and danucrous as cholera , iind if uecd as diroatod a euro Is almost certain. Uvory family should hnvo n WJ-ccnt bottle at hand ready for In- staiit use. After the dUoaso is under control castor oil must tie taken to cleanse Iho bystom. No other physio or substitute will do lu place of cattor oil. For aalo by drug , fists.