THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THUJHSDAY , OCTOBER 1 ? , 1892 IAT SECURE A JtRY TODAY refctsret * f lateral a * * Ima * Oct. 14- Tier * was tan lstt e to u..eresa the KiLit .in rectfer laday < MtnejM ie ro&sna of fca „ _ ry was Mt * ec = rrf tutor. j t nf cssasdtJe * lorttee lurr-pfl as ropSCy tetKMe t * ay tad tarty Evei srere extsiwe * u te Uwtr % otuf- jut a larre aujKttr oi 8 * = ercrt3 > .ta tft aaecmed u > 6 tb t tbey t citer tfce Jtrj bci ta UT. Ccea irajae M amid. Tbe stJe bus ex d a . b.t aee of its wr Brtry cfasj- i. ie toe * rf ante bus wit threeleft At C k. U _ Ltternooi tb spaoiti ptn i of 1DO .r rD t ; was arfcanstrd sat mctbar paaei ti rat names wa oraerwi AB aS- . ! , v-m theo ttteec tttai HIJ * tfraor- c- Cm-ujlrt In tbr Art. SS.-cisG , a c 4ore croet wbe bus lor ; bora .0 oageet of Miaitstie spoe tbe trt cf lie -Wiiee. was ftsHrf-pw-fl te t rrwtmr ir rohb-sr s reJ-trera or car BB tie B. i M. nfiroa * ia this esfy CM&eer Harry naS been teepirc a close watch mi MitckeB aH erea l C aafl Lad followed cxn te la * rtiiraaS jtrSiL HJOIECBsasr tt > e ctr 'SLe ttScer trttcbed ius CUB trialite laner sate tte keaJi cf Ute ccj- . epee d tic o or n&d ersirjBd .i&jae. os-eer Htirr lbt < m iolitrwed me TTB. - b ro&tcr nte tie eir ntfi iier crrssl. on tinNrtr K-ciad. tat sussfttffcr troi on lUexurw Bock tfircmj-b ttas crty palltc ! us BX the O Kreet r HIUBRtrfth tae latlovnnr oicliJs 1 tfemt raad on botri C. I > ajiap. renersd * 57 > ons * r.asai. W H. Diuccy. ssffisu t TJ- est of coostraecMn ted i jtjats- II Alaroeo. ceswu Ir ur V4ect. A. r-ti i. asiisiant sapermt' u ect at lai - craph iepertaieat , J1 erf 7" Hta. KLS. H. Hcrr-y. glv : rit * - ' ° - rj. Burteira , aansaoa sn- & 1 Cooaori BlnZs 3 Meyers. ' . = iOt ajreat , Beatrice. Uux-eln Su Rriri Johrjae Stevens , tne little faiiow wbe waste to seraD _ .T mjarei trbde stesaunr Iran an electric laotsr Saofiay evetuns. Sepwcaber 1C , cLed at t is boar last aj ht As be steti- : ped f r .3 Tie car na tbe evamur of tbe : he walked Jbrtct.y za frozit of aa to : motor oa tbe Wber tract. iltta Meyer a n-oman of ta * Uiwa , made aa nss dcce&B.Th.i e ort to coiamzt snidde last sii at by tat a poison. t > fae aiieces tbe fienertiaa of a * dDvsr" as tbe cause of her Cespoadercy Airtrcejneals are beiaf : maa ; to give Minister Patott Ej a u recaption cpoa his " * . tbe aear future. , a-colored maa crres'sd t. R t. t 3lrtrTtyTyt nhripsy , was releases this sorjiar ter lack of evV fieace to convic _ t ea < -utia ] > of tiip Order H Ia s.t G iifTi. Xetu , Oct. 12. " Telerran aaast. ses- m oi tie craad iod s laeelnig af Kr .gbls cf Pythizs ol riebraEka. iras railed to orfer jestenijsT by E. jd. Silliacs. He latrofincsa C. H. Siats , trta , : a betsif of las Esi fcts of Grsaera , fTttesded a irticorje * a the visitors , altar -triM ± . J. D. Cersoa , tia afij-or cf G scra , exieuaaa the ureloone -d tius catr Eespocses were mads is beaiil aJ the grtai loape by W S Tgn. . Jos , ctarceilor , and H. it Basis efl , SrsnlSTElate - Tie crans lodce tms tiier lnnaair ousafitt aad bastasss prozptly ttaited D = n = c tte fiay tie n ; uci ruafcie cl baEiaess tras case ovj-r , bet -citaEBtl uaount of trDrt ti as fioae Jer tt s rst dsy Tuere seeiaE to ae a Beraraent tn do bzsiaess ca g-ei coine. The sk al nuaber t ! neir Itws irere iatro- fiaced , asc vrrre ireaidT nil dispo efi ol Cheats to the eSaeccr ol'tbe cocuaittee na iktr aafi lit acare trork of tae cried chan- cellnr urao kept eferyttins taorirc rapidly Tils cveiaag the sessaoa ciosei TJie i2cii32l Jeatnre &J interefct ceirtered za ttie Jrraiid o 5ccrs io Past franC caaroeilai ; tna C. , -a , rraac ebtnceJor. Msqja : "VTil- B. Dale , Calczbss. crani nee ellBr C. S. JUbap , Se-o-Era. Ea preiatE. B. fi. McGrrw Crun'hirJ. ' teeDer f recnrss cad seiu , 1L. at. ez , rt-eleotei Liaoolr , irraa tnastcr si J S. W nrai. griac ! , , Donnelhn , famer cntrfi , Ea S. Mnnsflcid , 'Wr = iflre. craud cot paErd. 3. TK Tmn r , Pailertnc. rana. tefrper ol rucor i = ad b master-tl-ar a icere etectei Coheres Bj-sa Brycn , rspresBctatJT ! froia > lnr .liall IWa. 41. cams ia ttis afternoon naa was -etthu aastlccilr pre .til T6 cra&d Jodre apprBBnated 20a to cacse ibe apprs- bea U > a of tbe rrEraerers xif HaijrhtC. P. 3 itler The attempt to nifi.tB ttie s-essjoa of tec crtcd toii e tu-anaaai "B-BK defcEted. Tue sen bestiocaia rosrea * at Oraaiia. . . Brtnc T Neb , Oct. -'special Tele- rraiato TEX 3ct. The Kehrasta Pret- tjtenca tri > od aepct its titnn ! seEtdaa m tni taty last ereEiaf at tie First Pretrj- terian cirurch. Paaeinaff tlie aidress of Dr , GOTO on ol OdaBatLeoricitiiceoI tbeLora s vsjroer w aanjojisered aaa lUe sj-cod ires mpticriy coai-BSntea br prayer bj Eer W V. president of Hastjatk cuUege. Eer. J-ota C Inmaf Korla Piatte sras elenea taaJerauir lor tlte rear aoa Eer A. J , MoctcomerT ol .Xartb Piaue uad L. b. Sorer cl Besver tttr. olBrts. Tberfc are a.boot loa cunjitfrs prewan. Tocay" * sf kKtoc ras fievwec t tie reaftiag fiai apprcral ej rcpartx. tii oT trh et isocate tl hrte nrEfcpcriry of me Pres jnrnikc * wa y JE ibis state. Tba * W MEOIS : Rer JieMi tn t > r ! w ir Verk an * Rer. Mar cfCti"t5ro add reKssdtbe synod ea toe l llani , k , rc- - . GEVST ! , s , X * * , Dot. 12 , 'Sfieaal te Tex. S , r Jotec Sblri SM ! 3nutt , trb were ct rrecaitb ncc .tj , &t j th r pre- itrttre -rttre cinoatrBJ as iaoooent . , Get. IS iSfoal t THEE Bct-j A betrj c W ra i tns teen Is 'imz ' tte jtast twotrt r 'boor * &ad i : _ rooaooea. At i e eicek this raon- f c&cv fell I r ab H tao CotcmUiut in tb - Tue fru fciorr I the ew Kasb en Rtncy su-eetts alraKcoa > ) ii ted tad Lfce keyi-inas wrartbe taoSsxaa * dtraoce was pd a TtHwfisy tfttrwjon tt Jticiock. It i a ktifU&e * f ewe T tttraoa irccm vti psvhcsscs cf par'STtfar ite t en aorarant a ! grocer' , MI * K a best I Or CalaiuirEiL 2e tJCfct Is * f ac timue i the * tt M > F-t * * * BIT tae Itajaa swerameBl ta tbe r f Xew YBTC , tie KBTC f S aor . , TS * F ii 10 t * sccssaea br tbe B sr C SSIET an * tta * 0 * butt u atjarupriate deonrfc- Tii lrwt f tbc taoet t by * i tae IT- leta woa pare DC Wte1 * = > arsaptriE * On tt St Sic. J , J. THE MORSE DRY GOODS COMPANY. ll Gl .ot of brotem. Sic. AT TARTAN PLAIDS S m cruet ; D xt AT : DIAGONAL CHEVIOTS 5- all -roe1. IS inebe ? a rard. ROYAL SERGE AT E0 q-Mlitr , 46 laches wiS . forty-sis colors , cojorh , * o select frsei , of &e combed yarn ; ac 75i cap eooal this eieti : ( or eor- a jjjty : Fpetaal i nce for 1is rc-iasaa4er < rf tbis w ek e a ENGLISH Dollaj-tiirty- - quality , aswweaves , aew ibie = , lir-e also CB .riua le tiL ? to secarate a e as. J. AD IE S' GLOVES SUEDE MOrSQUETAlRE. s trattioa Isaa iii. 5fflilstr- tLirty-five qtwlity , baa-ffitafnl % h.ade ? of STBTSaa < 5 asfi as sorted broiraa , ail saaej 5i to 7. LAD1E ? GLOVES DRESSED aad SUEDE 5 aad 7 book Jocvin g-loTes , iKKje bet ter. all "iaes aad all the cew fail shades tor street " - , - 2 ( rearreguiar Morse Dry Goods Co. and Mas Euzabsiii Dwyer borh ol this city , iircre = amea by HEV : = i CurroU. Ths fea.T'py counie left on the S. a a. m. tram ferw aa cztsa dad westerz tnp. BAU. B2OS. l. i Siort \ * rk F re tras coscorersd ia tEe eseiae rood ci Ball Broa , ' sash and doer iactary tt t'Emr- teesla , and DaTrerport streets tt 4 W p. cz. yesterday. 5oae attls tuae iras lost m teleDhsainp the altm in , BO that by t ± e tiae the departZsil cr- nvsa ths beadle. trhich is & turo-story frtae stmctsrewti alaost cr = > - pletely Trrcppsa ia Isaes. Heavy Dlacc tootepnarad fros ; tae lrar > t aaa rear COSTS oJ tue iactory. cad lor a aoaEci cr twu he ireze-t , cozid not enter Qtdrklr s. hdf Dozen tnaes of hose were laid and iiaaers rac ss oa a2i siSes of the bi-liisc. Ther the hzrfl inert o : psianj : oct the ire beraa. Tie contents ol tae first Seer conajsr-ea ets- trreiy of rn-ila.giPB.alE aittcnal aoe tain iarre roosawas lite a fceettlrs- furnace bo ritjDSljv did ths lire bore thai tae roof iras aalEae m seezinjly less thaa no tnae a = .d the amines -n-ere ihooacr UTI bertresa ; the walls an fl rajaajy btraiac io es in the clap- Soardiic. Laddenaea inti lath BOOKS awj ares gat to wtirfc fas. ataiB ft tore tbe b > cil3- cir aow-E. Tiree lerjrhs cf hos.e oa as mssy d2areat trees t'nrtt , can&icc Chit : Sailer conaiaeraliie asuoyaacE. In era y Iran : the tajse the s r fire beUtacp d tbe iieaw tilaas sooke taa ceases to ris ca a ta lirs was oaaar co ictste cor Trot Tbeame olew card aL tae Ta ac froa the &aEib E t , dnvnionat sheets of iaiae to ward tb "W mdsor staajes ana the two Emll t-tractcres asjOLaiair the lar-ory OrJy tae very hartebt taad of TorK on the -part ol the -eoes preventea the daaes froas sareaiiaf So aUy was th fire haadiae. that efeii tbe ban : IE the rear at the iaoierv msd withm ten fed rf the .boiler rsoni. Trfaea-e tfre ire was. battest. was DOT eves soorcoea. Ttie bcnlaiar tras a verv CL.S one acd was onmejl b Aiolps Sint.t and was u t worth acre than $308. Bull Bras , bad ab st 5iOUD trorta M raachmerr toois aoa finished jrooas IE tbe MsittHac. 5es > e af the roactaarry CJB prob Wr be Kavea. Tbe total iosswtJ not be crer ( VJU , parttttUy covered oy irsorac-ce , A rppsrtad octoreat ol caaSera tt Hel- oettR , N _ J , createa maca crcuteiaeat ia ihttvct rT IcvestirsiHra shim'-a 1 hat tse disease tras act aofira ) &sl vioiect avsan- terya t ch is ilQDst as serere ana dancer- ons as cnaiera. Mr. Wiutar Wfilara a sjercsaBt of Jaaes-bnrc , tw fron Helsaecta , kajs CtamoerlEd's c , Cholera * oa Diarrnsu Ectaesiy has i ; prebt tattlagooii IB the most severe of cvfcasiery It certain Jy eoe at the -best ttstaps cTer isaae , Far sale bv LOTS OF ilPS BTTT LITTLS E und - Teril Tlunc * KacXrd Cp Abwrt C o'cioec iast ereatar coo * deruble f & sEasiiacta was created d tne rxunry of PwsrieenlE cr i DocfUi street ! ay a rac- away -nraron btiteznrc t * HanaJon i Bres , tmtcaen. Oae Hf tba ascibar * of tb fina bad ewe IBWJ a Mere oc F crte aT& ttrcei. tun iuMl lEtere i&e precbaaea to f--p kus b rbe betere doitc to. Is t , oe wav r oVber the terse oocane Jnptf- CSM ! a&d &ad a frsxuc atSKnpt to f rat lata eU Irsm Lbe baoasnn ca L-eta Mm ac ciPGiritT Ic Ikua be ws scce sloi an tsrsuis sharply 'rsucd n Fwnrttsectc street be ma-ae & rc&h fer t&s Ttrioaipal door bf 'be ebrtzCi CJBthrr.g cotapaiiT nere , bat rntHflfcc iritfe the tElarnsh pete in front sf cbe Ktere be was snru-bed aT red started urns o his irtid ctrt-fr Jc front of the New Erriiai rcmixare store was one &f lie ticj-no. bela UGi to tbe compiler taa uitD irild tpeca li > e sew p : r < fcCTUy tncitad anima. ran itto itis oucgy , oTertcrElw : ft end tbe terse taactuMi in n. Par x shart period the peepie IB tae rxaroiT uJ tea rncswav seeaed to tsr * beorae bereft of tt r tecsen , cad tt tve uiun&U , wjlt tSioii tp- p Bfcff i , fctrccjdoa iofdter ir tbe most rectteas laotian. Pretty sons koz > e more irrol fcffcawc t&o emncre&c * laiiriactl * saek c tttui and caia the vehicles a-tir * ad- tafl the banes rehLrues&ei. Tbe stjcaied u br Ut Xew Ecc- Pamlterti csoiDiaywtLOae ztrcess is sere er ! -J-tte ta aea cna eany 10 ru * hartca theraui to vocr l.snic In tn ttoes. Bat etrJIj ta bea aad * ijaJa Etrjy ESser. * e p ttti ra iTii III * laafar I T 1 ooaar aal ALL 100L NOW Kill ; U A rsr 1 p&r r& * & jivfirv cbVKs SJech TVd * . \ / rotors , sizes-SJ So SVSWK TT * f orwer nriee i . S6 M 17 BOYS' NOW TiaPIECE SUITS. . _ . fn r S * &a * IT qvalities. la.tU U &Uwioi tsAries : EJLws 4 4e V 14 years. | BOYS' L1XEX WAISTS. qasiiftes. We are or i , toekd : axd to eSeet a qoirK saJ .rTs rcw ebwee of both lots $ Li BOYS' OVERCOATS. NOW We are laakiag : an es.- tra eSort o swre onr Hg ttock of orercoals. acacii 82,50 toe larpe lor the adraaced , They mast be prices ire AND ionlfi cans * p > t t ujaow. See otir special tots ut 2.5u S3.50 LADIES i AT FLEECED H05L ! Extra3 nrtk. fall - . e. lit Sesce lined , ii-ersr- la t are. black on Iy- tb. remainder ol ftak ealj Sic a pair BOYS' AT IRON CLA.D HOSE All troaLaJl = izes , d Will ontwear any "bsrrs"1 stocking- isssds Ser tLe pnee. FuM AsswBBcat M At iis"aM GsMrei's Lowest Si&s ant Hails. In b 3. < _ K asd natural color. . Xo prices 215 Prices. ours. r MUKIEJOHS TS PflmiR ] irori ZhEinct Cort-eBt Cirters m Sepab- i MOHTON WT fIT f OH THE 60VER.WBSHLS i Croocse 1 Taa TTyct Tdl J5st I r the G-aberiiB-tonilPitiia Probzlidtitleg Pniai Jo Crutuise at. Ut Winner ! T Uinl of Uie stracsOz ± n tit Oct. 11. 75aciai ta Tar 3es.i Tae chief topic of poisceai interest here is the Bxroaton xn tbe triprrzlar caa- ETessiaBtl eaatest that is beias Traced bs- twsen ths three candidaies resreseatim ; the rsjghTjccr. . aeziocratic atid inaepeadeat pames. Tae Third ca ressiaral distris : is caia- posed cf fr.rar.yea coairaes of what WES Jarmerly the -Boc Tcird1 There is aa wav sf raakmc a caarpansoa of tae vote pciiea ia recent vetrs la till aistnct th t can be ticea as as radez irrc wtich to fona ta ecsicaES of this year's vota , e ias to th pacsiiar conditioas enstrsjrin farnier campaigns. T o years apa G. W E. Dorsey was tae rspcaiicaa caaaicate fcr caarress m tae district sf trhich tne areseat district was a part , fie Su-d served thrae terms as the representative of the largest casinos in tae Uarted states Icnajj E tizae when the teiTitory coaxpnsar th u eistnes - = ras deveieainc faster taaa any iite area in the co stry. Macy new post- efaces trere estahasaed ana postsittsters re- coauaeaded lor appo atmei-t &y him , sBaer- BCS laiui oSces were iocated taroaraant the OiStrict aao tte Btslecaoa of otcer * to Si. the te positions was rande j.arre.y rpoa Mr. DorBeys reeaTTTnengEtum. as were tbe ap- poistaeais ol postnas-ers , loth at newlv esT.ii.isbad ! offices and to sncoead dcrsocr&ac ' reacts at Mr GeveltnfTs uammistriitios. la tnatiEr recammesoiianns ) for taeauaeroas pesitioas et tw disposal it oecid aot oe stterwae than ttat many -nasuecesBfcl apahcaats and their scpuarters were left very tare , aad tcesn avatlsd tb sssftlTes sf tae oopartnimy siardea mem to * * even up' with Mr Dsrscy by worciaj tad vcnanff acatast bun. two years ar-a. Ihea it ha * tieen pretty sacces5l jly ieraocstrated ,01 n.or : tcss use ICebrasta caarpeirTi tsat ao coanty in the state is Itrpe enocrh to coa- Ts.ra two ecaineat btatesaea ef tna ss.ia pOLiuciu faith , acd when two re&ri ape Dodeeeocsty tcraed iOjse two ef terteufl inr caseas ja the persons of Richards aad Dorsey for prttJermeat ffl the rf-pea caa partv of t&e frtkte places on tb repntiiicaa ticeet. bitter ennattes wers encTOderad and the ure fnencs o ! easa ot tbese t aodooed tether pcrstii * dcrmc the ciinipa'm and devoted their Time acdtidests , apeaiy er seereUy , to etaosae&eeria ? trtiat tae other $ e ow Tirt re u.t was , cs is veii doowa , taey were both o teitafi , a&a .Mr Der ev stfferea the iass oS a larpe nuntier of votes. This -was the csodxttes tA aSurs in the eampaica of tw * years aja , s ttat it w-fji be rrucrtv > fln that an r comparisDa of tbe reit t ea Rnc tbe vie t& yeur. iissc.iainc teat tbe reiaUve ctrenrtb ot the pabucal DarUes resams tnrir.aT.fed. wa&ia be raloeleab as a ULiu cpaa wbiccteform sn esamate o ! the relative * tree pit ef ths rcadtaatef ss. tae cppra&caoc ; eiecuoa. Tb srevtanff epiaioo taracgaost the district seems to be tnx.t tbe coolest is be- ttreon MtikJejohn , tbe repcblicaa canatdcte , andPoynler , tte people's pcrty otcdi-ate. with the oias ftvor rf Meilcle3otji''s elf - tioc. la fact , I hue t-een but OB * perum in sir trip -Oiroart r-ae e tbe rtfhtaes eagcv iei cocpru > mc the cu > tnct woo tztoccbt that seines , tb atinioerat was sn it tt tk aad tzifcl one pen > sc vas Dactor Keioer tim f I ttre tiiEec witti nac of t& its.3es at pnli-nrcl l<h ana tbe re&eral opisioc seeded to he ttal Meudfjshs , the republics. ecadidate , u ssctsL - urerttur tbe klilefct sf tn ttiree caa- di2kte tbtt rateri trbs are not "tidebornd" in tb r poMaca. preiuestioss j > ni a X cppotate tis , aazae wtec trer come to pr - their biiuru. Tccse wbiT htve tbe bast rtatUdes ter r.mii-iciry infarmatius tnd most atrtHceal resesrcb ta tbe SD&- jeat t ec : ts tie citacmoatist&a bplciac that Alcfkiejohz wit , ce elected , As 1 ttve tiit > a abave. tc.e chief topic f patoucti icicrest fcitrr is the coccressiat&l costrst ana next ts itii I ad tbe state lick- BASEMENT BARGAINS. j j srs.e itu . we" r cke - t. * , - & g s.s i-- -j : - B r hJtpt , arjis. copper v-t j. * ! ro Kcnij , le' rt.-e k _ * CT _ a Wj. c K s rare , , - . - ' aad * t t ' rrwds. wo i wwt a s's-i * i'oc TteaTs rooes , ' our e ure bwaeit * iTO - e -itesi. , * ac j say ic TOth t = a oa tad so fooc an * * > rtsttt i' s i AN EYE-OPENER FOR THURSDAY GREAT GO ! PRICE SALE OF CHAMBER SETS. BEL3-L R 5FT3 FuR . 5f" " CHAMBER s-ETS FOR H * . SO CHAMBER SETS FOG . , ' . . $1 ± il" JD e HAMBER SETS FOR. . Jlfl. i 1L15 CHAMBER sETS FOR . $ 7 SH > i * > in- - CHAMBER sETS FOR . 54.95 i o 5c CHAMBER SETS FOR . . . . $ 4.50 SZ3 OUB. F HKAM STRS2T DIHPI.A.T Granite Iron We b.ETgst cat tb prioer reht aad eft We offer ia- raests on the-c Tack Haimers I9c Gnenille Sc yards I oar. 50 inches wide. haaTy valance fncffe top aaa botuOTa. $7 q al- ity ao-w 5S.75. We have H.e = i ia all colors. THE MORSE DRY GOOD3 CO. et esgraEsisff ntch. sinoiitieo * sisrs 1 tiusk ttraa tas erssiiai-u Tiu 1 as = c3e > ? 453 ts tbe fact ttiat ttxe 5Scs.tioi of vi ao is to be ssveranr is satysl or Ntbrjists s V-cisrs , tvrte & prssicstt nar be elected Csw - or witaaut Ket > ru ca's &Lacior l Tote. Ss itr at 1 tz ; abis t& fijsd ttere is tint ons gprr.iaa as to tiis coziest orer the rErreraorEEip tad ttzt is teat tie -coa test ues ssrweea Jsdre tbe r&p-ii : = si casadtte. ana Gsn e-rji Vks WvcK , tH mflsoenaeBt nartv caa- iiditta , Mortns. the democratic candidate , not beinz coiisiaerBS EsywtHirs & nouulr - Jadre Croi.cse s erofcoant recerd in tbt noations a ! trastwruca be has iL ea is tins HB is Dnnrmr CIQ ore vo es irar , all tbs c .sp&irr orators ana jutsraicrs tbtt can be seat ozt. Mec of an Eisdes cl political OTimaas adsst tu saperior tiniirj tad r na isternty and tbe e are a rarity iorse in iz- Tas b ° s * jatfcmenl ai tae nsst.T. . Torsrs TTrttwcini : I tcre cosis tr contact ic jay travel is titt tbsre are azioncs : the larasrs rracv tras tave seratolare sesa alha2 to the Jacepesdazs party , BTIO tvi tsis yearTUte tie repsS'iccs tirket. Larzs rsnibers have already tasaivea t2 n > , selves tram aQejriaaee to tuat porrr t > y pnb- flr daclarcaoii to ths.t e eet. rtnt taer ciaic tSitKi addittoz to tceoe there are reverses : otirers trtia hare arnsperad icczc tne win rT3 years , hrre increased their stoct of catae. bncs a-ns horses , naae as prey tiaei.tB ea tissir farms ir the TTET of ae tnnlliE E Esa respairs upoa oii oaes , eaded cDnisns to tatar aocsea , psToaaseiJ asd pcid far aa aSoi- tKnuu 38 or KW acres of land tatt they hud ionc cereted. aad laid HWBT a lew anndrea Ooi-rrs ir tie haac or Isjaei rt en road serurstv Tuese aea , t is claimed tai th re are nacT saca tr J po oiastlv to the paDs aid vste tbe ref moiled tictetwuh - act rialnsj asr t > tow or naraae ever it. Thev aant care to IDCOT the eispidpssre ; of their n-eurs bars , taeir iBOfpeDflect partv assooaies , &y & ps-toc anDonaceceai oJ their detemiiition to aoaaflon tae p rty wtacc tiisy jeisec usaer a mstares "id a that it woBii a or2 then re-ief Jrots inarirary -jioJiacai Burdens Tnese rasa have come to tae CDnetBiios to vote -vrtth ae carty wtiach proposes to namtais the value cl E dollar so : teat the aollars they tare m baat or ioaoed est will beworth asmnch two or Sve vetrs tecce ss theT are worth simr Thev dac't - want to be rerardea ts tumooi-ts or Trutars to a prtsspls br tbe-r jaisrciSed ae-rcbort buttat-y will o ciuetlj aad vote tc-e - sanest ccrvjcttoas Jest tae satae H. A rraad concert , to ae gives coder t&e spices \tartsta iosfe , i O B. B , ana tecaered to Mr. Edward HesseCbsrc Jrsc : Musc3w , Bccsia , t&tes place si MaLrnpshtaa deb hall , TweEir-thira tafl Htmev streetfc , ea the evecicc of Trmtttaj ; Oct. IX at a. Mr Bcti.t > lt > rrtrcnll he Estiste ; or Mr and Mrs. Martua Cahn and Mr Bert Bctler Tae occasion pracases te & ase ta lit sea- bODYs evecta. Tae procrasTis as louov. ' ! Piano onata Mooalirli't , ftljooU . . - Buetiierea Mr . . Xr Bert Mexico : Lortop Bart _ Mrs > > a. Mr Eainr < A.min Btf ei i upnrtew * > Mr Bnrt BJKUTT aacj 34an > > .e WCJTI . 3L , . Mr Eivrtrc Heb tJ-tjeri. Kr Uurctn Cal . ue- A bp irili fplicntbe eonrcrt. Tickets J cdsushum can be obtained ct tee clet Ltil on tae tiptt el the concert or cl Max Merer i : Co. G. M. utticrtr ol OSBI cat EBid art Us crctr business. Jess Jensen ol Omtti hti sold octtit j-roccrr and neat EtartBt. Tee X > ac2c Harcb cacpary cai itcreutei tbe ctuital stock is $30.000. Tbe Ao ance M&nnfact&ncc compasj of Tbe Oztti Windtw Gitts cosipary tzi been tocceaded by ths Orstti Ola&i cos- pzxy. Caranory Bro * . ti.rt to siusetiafad is UK general store aciisess tt HidJDStt by Parks Bcrress t fiSrsere , cooeectanp s peaern stort tt JLatrera , tave bees scoceeded by B J5 _ Barresui Co. Wherry & Ffeufce , ic the tj-neuteurtJ Isi- piecurt &Bsuesi tt Lifierr- , have bee : f so- eesded by Gesrfe ii , Pwtta. B * isaeey B y SuJvities OSS , tbe -y rood iineaL. It rills A Special Feature In onr Bargain Element , is our 5c ani lOc counters , vhjch coiiain. Clothe ? fcm-hss. = hos crashes , carry coabs , dioppisg knives , fruk 22 ! breaa kaire = , salt ami pepper boies , bovvls , ] Mtdier = sjrap cass , blers , go e2 ; , and millions of little thiags to ligiiten ibe labors of the housekeeper. Chenille Curtains SS.S5. S ; yards Ions : . 50 .T ! > .ae wiae. rici , hsarv fringe TT-ia bea.-.tii _ dado top aad bDtiosi. ! > > -intj aoar $ .55. WERE INTENDED FOR USE ! Aicritacr Beirsiarf ir-alamE tits lisa cf rzrrnz GLrpykE tc tbs Gey Hell KI DENIES TriE STORES Of BOODLE6 AuMrer to .Mr. Council' * t nt < tioii tie -Rirnecs Clairri Hint Not a Cent of Hilt 3 ! oney TI eat f r Izzi- The co scil ccizizittfie , appaiated to la- o.aire into aty t-.R.S natters aad the archi tect's caanecnoa therewith , -went late aio lest rirht Trth City Attorney aaeH placir.g Iiir. BeinSurfTanasr cross ires. ires.Tne Tne invesnraticr restilid in throwicc ; sane fijaacpoa a zchject wuch iEretafore has aeen clothed m & systenocs ara. la fast it settled a craestirjn whlcn has beea is Sisprte for laazy months. The members of the cocjiranit ? * ! were mlonaed that the eifhtsen wstch dec * cf ths tower were mteaaed ta orcasiect tre osudinp , and that the carr-ovles ever the main eatraa.eeRere Hi e ded IB act as conductors to carry oZ tse etons3atBr It was tr.e mteatUKi so dnli roles r ? ttronch the neees at tae parroyles. The water would r-.a aaw- the rctrers tad then oat ttrowrn these boles in the sz.o&t of tae store aci- nals. Kone ef tbe Enraare ta wa to the an- cieatssvere c&aplstefi , but waea taey were they troaid add becsty M the ortsiae rf the cty faaL. Tne oncinti coctrart Ior tae Btone. iroa taa back WCTE : aniscatec ta Jli.OOa. and the entire cost of the ttrnctQre cosplflte was aot ta tave ercecdea tST > OUOt ) ! . The adai- tioaEl espense tad cora la ths wty ef caancss aaa aidxaecE ordered oy the rouii- cL Mr. Beiaacri : conteaaea ttttnnea the carpets were cowa aad the itlenar TKZI con > - pleiea she aoousae properties of tae ooatuu. chaeber uoaid bs better than most rooias of its size. 1 tere was so I o. J Sa-acrier sani- tco * ia tas trertSTr.c. Tbe first estimate al loo-ed aziemctea to 1709 sad the tzionst was cousderod la the sei.t3ez.tiLt with Fowier. Of this money. Mr. 3entderff said that be paid tit fcther trulii , waica it owea on reat. Mr B iadar erploQad the casipcira story by testifyuu : tbat djnac the Liamcer- Bro tch caaipair : h * coalnu-cted fB to tfce repnbhcaa otv centra , catncnttee. That was the only money wiusn wn paid set cz- cept & f : < ieUtrs tc iu.sit.1 in procrnnir & tl&c pale in tae t erenth wcrd idr BemterS said te sal a. aaa w ariaas on his boecs , and taat these boons whe& thawed every cent f caaaey rbce ved r rtii BO. IP c6ED 3Uon witi tae otv call were 9pec for insDessaan. &y tte eennawee , In llifc AUoru-j' ' nandi. At this palrt Mr BeniaorS was tarotrd artrte has own tttoriiey , E. W Pttncfc Tae trcMUJCv sod tbat he had tzu i cetcus of ev-ary part &f the bcfMtac , aiifi a taey cenid be inspected br tbe oazsooiMti er tb any oticiuK H' did & 0t xtoantaer it vrmier tiiUi tb m with tbe csHaweller , B ihry were aa awn pnrate cr jeny tna dtd DM bftecc to the atr These a-ash ca&ms were left cnt f tae cpbcficatiaas Ior tee recusc that the eid bd. > d < .nf committee * f the eaa&cu did i-at want them IE tne rooms. In the acceptance C the pmas SB rseabo- sf rue cosncu jrtew frbs tae trentect was , er where he resided , la expiauusr tcis , Mr Seind-BriT said that tt restiouts ta tbe ad vertisement fourtuet sj-cbitcis bid on the ctiL Bach man ecfec * tad hit picas. Eact plan was ccxsaertii , aad then in a separate eiveiep * there trat a carrespaodisff cuetier S.LC the name ot the rctAcct. These en velope * war , ii i witt tbe cSert ana were tot opened cctu the ooz-ccil bad aela ru tne ! aaopiei the plan * Tae fees were siap.y tuobe of ue c de f At a innaw Jjssnoc Ctris Spectt testified that tbe bauers sb. id bare toea placed CDBC tbe aid f saas.t KL Mr. BetsdarC siati that this oucld not bare beec doce , as accoraacc to the sew pitas tin l eprtmioe was aat is toe prvtptir y feMi. Mr. Betzi4ar wn i tc * pici 3 tbat H wcid have beer pooi id s to bare cul tee plats a aiUHea ; , is dauai bctare the eetlrcet w s OK. Ttii , towerer , was cat dene. He TfimrainBS , JUST THE THING YO WANT Our * i * a tatfjas * a. iarrc crae. * > nd ju Vr tb ? we * i a n Wee tbe nrtt sort , ? to M t e' TTbeay. SILK GIMPS Ov rtj'ir tb pr tie t jrov OE irf laj-rtKre. vbCe tb * rarMAf * * - te s is * TT p < W-eir bl ihate. Pnots , We. J&c , Vc . d 2Sc V P .W * . CANTILLAGIMPS effect- l o d d trvmiajnf 5 , > e r. PESStAX til ICSSIA5 d il per Mas IM 27SOe. . 7 FUR EDGES AXD BANDS Aio fa" ana r. sp - edgecora'sasd ia fui tbe new lierii tonsteh xll it the Ter FE4THERBOASSU3. OUR LEADER FOR THURSDAY 100 = iore ol those e.ecast l > oa , ciy il 43 , asusu. j-e iti r rciw4 - LACES Ia tins departttiert are chsnlsyia : : , all tk sea fE"r.rvel'Ue inblack , cres E.nd cjxoreo lace , also aex styles ia alk lac * , 2.c > u.tic-rs dr&pery sots. RUCHINGS Sse ai > r laie a-r. jls M 15c CHIFFONS l > e w colors , new carasia tiaas , v-rj- elressr aad rraaily a ed ter Tire s-DeciaJ 101 ; toB < arro r si 55c New 531 : Fringes , Neir Silk Girdles , " Ne-sr Fur Ltx > ps. Ever\-thing Xew in Nonons. Morse Dry Goods Co. a tha : he cau-a acco-at for every ceat cf tae coutrfcct Tee oooi * wsald show wnat J nosey hettd E : theuo- > a bow tad where ] everv ceil of it was erpecded. The next session will b ? hela Saicrdsv aDca , -xhica ua Conncuaaa Specht mil a ain ha oat tnas the stead to tell some- ttjiTp asre , if he can , anoat ttai ertra stone cornice. tLd oaLC UP boa : ferniEr charrss waich ht V.TO , ivea.OetSS. ' 93. Dr. iaoore Mr Dear Sir I hsve just boacm tbe tairs bottle ei your Tree of l-dfe. It is ] indeea a "Tree of UJs.1 DDCSDE , wnea yea , so tin-dly pave me that _ rst aottle sny n Et | bide wcs ssiame aal sire aaa zv liver ea- i 'scdaD jrach taatl cotUd aot be upoa isy rarct iads at an. ' ' was a soreness over cy ( nrtneys aH ol the tarne , bit lie * that , tnrcaJe is all over. I sleep jssl is well on. one ride as oa the other tad ray ? rests aaa refreshes las , aad 1 fsal the oest I'reiatt la fJteea years aad I fcaaw that it is aH dii to yotir Tree of L fe. Vosrs verr tralv. " * D.-- For sale cy tH drs ; TACTO2T" SCH r th * Carriila.tlt n to Catch , th * Liq- Tier J-Jr-f-ns - Application Adi rrrit.m -ntK- "There is & iiewsaeuler a wi ; town -who has ever a ibossEsdoiisold espies f tbe W orla-tiersli stactea up tiadsrtae coan- ter " ' -'Do'ws Et ay bBardisc ; haase TCIS nornins every boarder iovcd E copy of the Worla- Heraia at his -pleiE. Aneeter free tustnua- tiat. " "A dractist toid ne that be cad been by the TTorid-rierald to step TKE tad tits twenty oepws f the Worie- Hcrald. IE r&torn Ior tl-is favor the Warid- Eerald arreec te pnct EBUCES as appucttien far liij-acr iicsaae > i at osehira tie le td " rate J see the World-Herald is thra-Kiaz papers orouscnst over the towi _ Sana have besn jaoaaerabte lecans brocrat to THE BEE ofBce the past ttve weecs. There is every evidence thct tns steet is yetaap desperate aad is reserarj : to every expedient to btnia ap & canons cir- ouls-tion. It is prison a Ii o dock esmaen anfl tas tired a leather isiffed newEtioy to htwh it siaiply to impress tae jwiJlir that wonderf cl tri3es htve beea. BV tse arcrlvaoa iiarTHE THE BET cas made E4 > rt-fereace ta tbe aatter hereielore bocati.e ibe cbject f the World-Herald so transparent tkst there was Usfle doubt it T oula tit aou > t oy its ows p ard , Ves-tardiT , hswerer taat paper csarffbd Tat BEE with a whidestl * dittnac- team tif free papers 1 ME BEE , th retarewiU expose tEe World Herat . tu.esi.plR2 ICTD S- lure ac the ii ttw eeaiers B ! ttii * . city. O&e of t&em saia y eticriur "sav. that's f Easy , wa t it , the "WBrW- Heruld' ' attempt to tuaw thtt Tm BBE is endearennc to J rimssleEtly jw-ati iis tarco- IEXIOB list' YOB Btt ii4 t are very l w er j&s w cla bare mown t ? tbe ra tu cs of this T > re oat ocs sheet D e ks a o. " * * STbat re y c ilnvjo ? at asyivEjr' tt- qcrrbC the scnbe , "Bht taut aid Jtt turaoa y * r heaar .Ne , init it has ct a u-t i BT tine it = > ticiL asvect bees .t of WIL& tbe bn oaEtejierk , 1 "Cnntraai 'RThtt wi irf B aecwaei " "WfcU , 1 aoz't tsowwb ber V ca3 it t ouetraot tmoi'y ' , bet it cozie * under that teas. He ncs bli sec out cauicc oa the sajeiuicettbers ti. ever ti * any scve those tbev ctrc i > ec upariiiaii , a&e t&ere u i. row ! nitty bf them , ta . Tfa fcB'itai.i > r coaes ID end uftcr hrxiac up THE Bee for . lew momenta , launches bi * ttrtie pr po& . > tiea. u-uict it b printed contract , wita the Ditnk iiaec. tc be iled m csluuj fer twenty iDb&critrtM-s M > the Weni-HeratS far terse zaootlis at rtjr , a.r rates. - XBW. SETS the W rid-rleralfi not , J see talk prwrldes for t wnaty tb bcbfecntwrs to tb * m ndnr We Asa W EJ. Mr fi tclioeot prapeaes u , that tf j ec TAte ttJs Lead tt wita year BWC ccsie t j"ii fr&oure r.&etaet. mere httfeaeiibars er OBtu xti * list i * fiaifiA , teHiU pvtaUfch it Uie World-Herai3 Jo r laea&be adrarukticussi ler ta.21. Y MI cuaw. he see * oc , 'j MI tr * t ta- pei d b ? Ute law u pBafitb y &r u F n. e- oeci ic t&c o&par htTac ; t e Itrpeit crct- lauoc. iti THE BEE taror it4 c4&eh yen * f jast Hi26 iurorta : th "HTbflii- tad a fi Yea be if tee ts tbair * WD iit - fcts taey Wu. SB tilt , s&s. tins by the CARPETS Thoasajnds and tbousa ds of horaes , from the humblest cot tage to the handsomest mai- sioa , bear witness to the ex cellence ol oer Floor Coverings. ! > 3B $ % er - rkt ibe earroocu.jrs am. ao &Kft.t3 r tor wiui rt MB , so ira't r -riwi 1M iite el vw r pori. ? , J. ti _ r lire 3Bt < 4 < < a * > 4 Uliie oT r are oo soawihiiir porrieotra caa irt ifivtie TO to ee 3EACT1FCL New Bodj Brussels Carpets. New Tapestry Brussels Carpets New Asaainster Carpets , Neir Velvet Carpets. NewMoqtiette Carpets. TAKE ELEVATOR TO 1TB rL. > Istery and Curtain DEPTS. Opaque Window Shades 5 3. "sT feet , awe Died oa CJi'l rol era , worth T3c. 1-ace Curtains , o-Sc. edg-s , Irish Point Curtains , 14.75. Si yard * loa , rich hearj bcr- oer , recaiar 57 quality , tomor row 54. 7iper | > air. Figured China Silks , 650 PER YARD. 02 uihe wid e. tii cf otaer nsstiods Mr. H tcacock is e = pioj-ii it woa't be Ja = c belsre re ccc estabi n osr rizasJia cus. . n : on rsvr a.dthat a > TT r"I i ve t pirciJrlac of UHT aaunr in tte cutr ' -Hare fi rtntigosk * trezts tn st trtia sjcccSE , so tr as you tncrw' " 2iiiaatiifl repnner. "Soccsss" Wen I en ess 2 ot. Frora evcrj place I cave aezri bs ol tbout tiis stme rscs-paai i cave his. i to a tus ssa that I trocld rsiier puy RobewKtr tjxe leriu xtte ior rsv u3 1 = tu pupsr inr UDS , or ior tsjr -J bara'i fastrd & 1 a Eincls re.pntc.iila or prataineEt nUoackeeper wbo bas enterttjied tae W or.2-HeraJ ) s propoMtian Ior & sco- rQSEt. B-.rter M-T&nji , W eec , Poiey Tis Duuuoa-a. Serss Lii Uis wtiDl outSi repcdi- ttBd tie attenpt intbDut i5 wasii D ! tiae. "THiat roc eug-ht to so is ta yet hold ol one or these coElraas ird mn it at tha Jisa.3 of oas ol yatr nesrs oolrnniia. It woeld naite a ine coctiast iritii Bacs.rat : * bowl abost TEE Btn's stiifrir.c its eirrrlatmn ust. But uBtcclor I t > eliere ihcr taTe trssmiuec Tj iropoea tie trtioie srnejnE as too iiassy ta wrrt. Ill can cct sola sf on : ol those doocaest-s I ttaii Eirejr BecS u up. Ttii explains uiy tbe TVorld-Herfiiil has been for & week rati irr so rases aiiast to arefiiatiar- is pu2inc its list wlia a Tie c to rsacuac n * wora htuiemfint btiara lie DOucf pBinzuswBn. Tbe paper itBT-ns the 'areest ' arcsliuoc wia i > e awardal ifia oattraet tar p biifesacc the iKiease noiiBes. a has i < the nuic in the Wecia-Herjua'a cocoa- ret. Bit ' & success of Hi pretrr , ve icaeiae js aat yet Ta.t about Jcreici : chais-'iara's. try Ertra D-T n is sspenor to iwa-tt-rds the YTautk Komf tirjf'ufili Bcfclnaii Jtets that ia is erUd ta er tae "am of f ,500 Irwn ihb oTy ti Omaha , tad -jr.ta t&at iaea ir Ms rc-oa ha cas brscztit a stat , xc wbich he tuetres dtia- cpes to that traoait. He declares 'hat he as tht owner &f a lot na CEH.alar itr et "Jiai last t.pnar the city ordered the strretcnioed. and that as a ressli t > ! tliat jrrade t tiiiit ol earth &LEt.c&n ft etaeep Das iietm tJirowji t.D in f rozt el bii fiunte. tie matei ths Jcr'Uer cstrre taut the ty failed te appraise _ danures , The fobwrras sneraape Eeessei were Is- by CoootT Jaeije Eaer yerterdsy Sarar uoJ ( adAr-fct xr j-Uworr * te. * M b lle Owuka. „ „ „ 29 I Htu H ) . Adams. ( Jmuktt . i i Aii-urt Thfitti OnninL. -s pernutswore Msned sj trf Buiiajucf ; yetAtsreir u. _ Total „ , I I/JO ( IMK * MkM 4ma ? ia f . ten rum ! * St4lCl.Tli ar * > A bt-rtt t.utbr , j- . ifu B * f , ji NrU ) F , ut i p. a- Law c. Mb m ; < ggg | g 3 W * $ : j * , f'f * m- STOP THIEF. r met * - s iary " " cut ri VUI cmr * klcfc Bc-adl.rl. CUBU box. torcrr 4 vrlik a laHUOcM and Jiulalilr cw crlc Depot