Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1892, Image 1

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Cc nt Climax cf the Columbian
Petes in He 7 York.
Itoomlng Cannon , marine Ilra , <
Arum , Strrninlti ? Itiiiinnrn , Hravo .Men
unit llinerliic SpiM'tntorn Contribute
to the .Mi-r.ioralilo Uccnxloa ,
Nexv Ydliu. Oct. 12. The climax of the so
nes of fetes In honor ot tbo Columbian anni
versary xvns reached today In the grandest
military pageant scon in this country sinceI I
the close ot the x\ur ol the rebsllion. It outstripped - [
stripped the expectations , or oven the bopo ,
oftbo-io xvho planned it. Tbe number ol
rnon in .mo and the number xvho
witnessed it exceeded by half
the exp-ctatiunp. It wn u boUduy
und not.only the dcnizous of Nexv York
Brooklyn and Jersey City turned out on masse ,
but nls'o thousands cams from Philadelphia ,
Washinpton Boston nnd
Baltimore. ,
nil the country 'round about , pour
ing in from dusk last night till
noon today. There xvero people from
every stuto In the union , from every country
on tbo globe.
The cany morning was ushered In xvith tbo
booming of cannon , nnd soon from all the
forts in the harbor , nnd from the American
nnd foreign warsbips guthcrcd hero , the
tulpbty reverberation spread till Manhattan
island" fairly trembled. As the dav
lor the
wore on the prrparutious
grand parade began to make tbcm-
iclvL-s evident , nnd company after com
pany appeared , nnd xvith bUro ol brass and
flutter of ensign marched axvay to the point
of rendezvous. By-and-by tbo multitudes
snthcred to see , uud'tbesidoxvalks , windows ,
housotopK. every point from xxblch even n
gli-aipso of the uravo array might bo seen ,
were croxvded full.
It WHS u Slnpnmlotti Slcbt.
V hen It did appear it xvos a brave arrav
Indeed ; pravo in its glittering uniform , gold-
laeed , bo-buttoned nnd shoulder-strapped ;
brave In its cllttor of steel from burnished
gun barrels , bayonets am' nxvordsbruvo ; in its
nrrny of banners nnd gonfalons ; bravo in its
rumble nf cannon , but above ull brave in
the courupo and fortitude of tbe men xvno
incdo up the long line xvhicb filed past hour
niter hour xvltuout seeming the end.
Fully T > 0,000 men , by tbo time tbo parade
v.-us started. 10 n. m. , xvoro either on tbo
inarch or ready to join in with tbe parade led
by General McMuhon , tbe second marshal
mounted on bis xvhite stocking horse , nnd
preceded by u plntoou of police. His ilrtv
uides , xvitb pnudy sashes , rode like Ur.ited
States cavalrymen. Troop A , the escort
to the prund marshal , folioxved. and a band
of cowbovs on dress parade ut a big round-up
could not have sat any better in the saddle
thuii the wealthy members of Iscxv Ycrk's
pet organization , xvbo did such good service
t the strike of BuO'ulo sxvitchmen. Mean-
tvhllo n central muss of congested humanity
hnd pothered at and about the official review
'jig stnnd in Mudison square. The crush
jvus simply diuboilcul.
J > riirliil to tli ISi'Vlmvlnij Stand.
At 10 o'clock music was heard doxvn the
venue and soon tbo xvhito coats , imposing
trapping * nnd bearskin hat's of tbo Old
, .iuurd , in charge of Miijor Gcorce W. Mc
Lean and headed b- the Old Guard bund ,
rumem sight. It xvas the escort of Governor
Floxver nnd staff. Tbo guard then went to
iho Fifth Avenue Lotcl und escorted Vlco
President Merion to tno stand. As soon ns
ho hnd taken his position oesldo the gox'-
ernor the Old Gunrd drexv up in line across
tbo street und was put through tbe evolu
tions of dress pnradc by Miijor McLean.
It xvus after 11 o'clock when Mnjor General
Bcbofiuld und tbe members of the cabinet
xvcre escorted trom the Fifth avenue to tills
rencxvmp stand by u squud ol police. In
ibis purtv xvero Secretaries Rusk , Elkius
nnd Noble" , General Schofiold , General Hoxv-
urd and stuff , comprising Lieutenant Bliss ,
Cuntnln Schotlold , Colonel Bennincton ,
Lieutetmnt Trent und Captain Kingsbury.
General' * Si-holicld nnu Hoirartl und the
cabinet members xvcre escorted to the gov
ernor's uox mill , nflur introduction , xvt-rts us-
ngncd to seats. Baron Fnvn , the Huliati
minister , occupied a position of honor beside
Hie covornor and viuo president.
Some of the prominent people xvbo ut this
time occupied seats on the Woith monument
tlund und the president's stand were : Kus-
f-cll Harrison and party , consisting of Mrs.
Kusscll Harrison , Llsponard Stexvnrt ,
Cliarles II. Stout , the Misses ICeuno nnd
Bolso of St. Louis ; Captain Toxvnsond
Charles G Wilson , president of the Board
al Health , mid Mrs. Wilson ; Llcutonuui
Hurdln , United States army ; et-Governoi
Tiiomns sViiller of Connecticut , Judco Martine -
tine , Commh lon r Wnhle , Captain Donro
mine , Consul General J. P. Htvu of Italy
Count Nusilli , Vice Consul Murquis Imperial
und Prince HuRpoll of the liuliun legation
Communder Da Llhern. Prince Bricnadli
FlngOfllecr Bonomo uud Mipshipmun Annn-
geli , ( iaribuldl and Buttalu , und Dr. Arcadt
pnnc of tbo llullun cruiser Buusun.
Ex-Presidonl Cleveland xvas not In the reviewing
viewing stand , but with Mrs. Cleveland en-
jovcd tbo procession from bis room nt thi
Victjrla hotel.
OV TW hrl-iirit tliu I'lilici : .
The police about the official stnnd xven
rarely preKscd. Not tbe slightest uttentioi
wus paid to the heavy xvlrn cable utrotohei
to marl : the pollco line , avid tbo lonp cordon
et police had to push iho people back b ;
Miorr force nr.d , the in'.ln.idations of Author
ity. Finullv the people overcame the pollci
und bore slowly but surely doxvn upon in
biniid. Then patrol wagons xver
summoned und druxvu by power ! u
horses , were drix'en doxvn tbo line
Consternation ensued. Men xcllod , xxomo
shrieked in terror for fear of bolup run dowr
Chlldrun xveru separated from their puront
nnd xvonion from their escorts. Gfiiduollx
however , the great nmss surped sloxvly back
i xvnrtl , and a number of the ringleaders , xvh
| liiul boon ineitlng the croxvu to rush forwurt
I were ordered lo leave the cround.
I While these stlrrlne scenes xvero takir
[ place ut Madison square , the preut pared
f wus coming up Broadway , the first step i
[ the tide of murcn.
I The long line was arranged in the follow
I ine order :
I The first division was made up of Unite
I Btaten regulars , u ballanon or cadels frci
I tun V nlled Slules military school at WCE
L PUiitiind batteries from ull tbo nelgbborin
I forts , .he entire Division numbering flMK ) .
I The second division wus composed ot th
I Viiitt'd suites nnvui brigade , uumburtn
I l _ " . ) li line Jucl ) t. und murinus.
I The 'hlrd division "xvus con < pnsod of stat
I intutis , T.llliO from Nexv York , 1.MIO from Noi
1 .Icrst-y , 'Jiiu Irom Connecticut , 4.UOO froi
I J'enitsy.vauiu , commanded by their rcspoi
ft uvu pnvoriiors.
The Juuith division consisted ot Gran
I AriiiV pos'ii , xvllh h.OUO veterans in Hue , uu
i. . KHJ Sous ol Vuteruus.
Jlo f.flh division xvas composed of 1,5'J
letter curriers ,
In the sixth division xx-cre 1,000 menibci
of the Nexv York nud visiting fire depar
Tbo seventh division consisted of 4.01
A luembors ot tbe Exempt Volunteer nnd Ve
fran 1 . re men's ussnuiatlous , thu Secon
rcg vent pi lire touuvea und the Sovouti
K ll rJ Nexv York volunteers.
f The eighth division xvas composed c
Italian und French mllilnrv organization :
xn . - &UO men.
Tbe ti'nth ' division xvus com nosed of Gc :
nun ! American suoiolieb. xvitb 4.IKK ) men.
' 1 ho tctud division brought UP the rot
' v. ' tti ' 00 mombcrs of the Deutebrr L r.
M vicrercm cud 4.UOO uiiscellaneour civ
Murcln-a to the Monument.
The line of march was from the Battury u
Broadway , xvitu n detour to Washington
tquare , thenoo up Filth nvcnUo to Fifly-
nintb street , xvboro tbo mouumnnt to Colutn-
bun , pre eniod to tbo city by the Hal Inn so
cieties , wa unveiled ,
With a bund bat'-vcen follo'X'ftd the Nlntb
Intiintry , Colonel fnurl : < 5 U. Parttstto com-
pianbln ? and filling n coal 01 a c it cburfcr
tlmt curveted to thi slr.ilnt of tbo hand.
These reculur-i bad un easier , raora sxving-
ing stop than tbe cadets und tLelr tnuva-
munU wen not quite so even. They ulso
carried their guns xvith less care in to align
ment , but they nevertheless made n grand
shoxx- .
The head 61 the grand paronnt reached
the city hull nl Just 10:25. : Grand Mursnal
General McMahou and his aides , xvnre loudlv
cboorod bv the ihoaRandB on tbe crund stnnd
nnd boxvtnr gracefully ho nrknoxvi ! < dircd the
ovation \vith n wave of his baton. But
the band ciapplng nnd upnluuso xvero
oven louder iis the cadets of thn
United Stales military ucaJcmy , the West
Pointers , lu platoons nnd lex-el lines of quiet
irrny wont by. They xvero tnarchtnc for the
tionor of tbo lirst military school in the
world , nnd they lucw : every eye xvas upon
them. Their CUIIB hod ono iinvarx ing slant ,
their stop xx-ns tbo jirocision ol clock xvotk ,
their left arms steno * . nnd tbev looUod
neither to the right nor to the loft as they
marched. Their onicera , xvith black plumrs ,
golden chovlons nnd red hiish plumes , never
bud to uddrcss n word ol admonition to their
men ns they strode proudly it. Iront nf them.
Whan nn ohilructiou caused the pnrado to
bait the puns of the West Pointers came
doxvn on the stnnes ol Broadxvay xvith one
impressive clurk , clank. It xvns tbo perfec
tion of tbe manual as tbov shouldered arms
( 'iHjflit the CroxvU'n rnnrj" .
The Ninth regulars wore in full strontrth ,
and nlthouch their time in passing xvus
several minutes it xvas nil too short lor tbo
spectator * .
Nevt marched the Txventv-first rapimont
United States infantry , in blue uuilorms with
white facings nnd helmets. H xvas bard to
axvard the nalm between them and the
The onpineers from Williams Point , who
followed , did net make as impressing an ap
pearance , their uniforms being a bit dingy ,
but their marching xvas good.
Uumblini ; along after them came the
artillery batteries from Forts Hamilton ,
Scbuyler , Adams , etc. , with ralcish guns
and caissons. Their liemlcts hud red
plumes , und they salon the gun carriages
like veterans of many a Hold.
The snUi recimeut of infantry came in
lor liberal appluuse , keeping u splendid
formation. But it xvus the uluo jackets und
the luprlnes of tbo naval brigaue that ex
cited the people to tremendous cheering.
The blue jackets looked more like men
ready for nction thuu even tbo soldiers ,
their leggings giving them a businesslike
nir. Their inarching xvus , ot course , not per
fection , but it xvas very croditunle uftefull.
The blue jackets came trom several ship ? ,
the Philadelphia , Miuntonomuh , the
Atlanta , Dolphin , Vesuvius nnd Vermont ,
but there xvus nothing to distinguish one
body from another. Unlike the ether com
panies , they curried bayonets , xvhich made a
nrlsthnc array. The croxvd xvas never tired
of hurrahing for the sailors.
As these regulars xvero passing "Warren
street , the croxvd on tbo east side of Broad-
xvu ) made a break through the lines , and tno
police for a moment seemed dazed. A lieu
tenant of the Ninth infantry xvheeled bis platoon
teen about and ctnrged on the intruders ,
driving thorn and ttio notice back on the side-
xvulk. The action was grented xvith hearty
Suvml Thflr inthUhlnHiu lor tin-
While the appearance of tbe rejulars
naturally produced enthusiasm , the applause
of the day xvns rcs-crvcd for tbe local mili
tary. General Ljoxvls Fuzporutd , astride u
uundsomo cucstuut , led the national guard of
Noxv Yon : . Behind General Fitzgerald's
stuff eume tbe gullunt Sixty-ninth , under
commund of Colonel Cavnnuph. Tnelr up-
pearuuco created u furore , nud the big stands
became convened instantly Into u sea of
waving handkerchiefs , whose oxvnors
cbeerei' ' until they xver ; hoarse. The Sixty-
ninth's ovation xvas duplicated when the
crack Seventh , Twenty-second und Suvonty-
llrst regiments camn along. Brooklyn and
other visiting repimeuls und separate com
panies xvero also liberally remembered und
greeted approvingly by the spectators.
Neither xvus the naval reserve slighted.
Governor Puttis'on at the bead of Pjniisyl
vanii's troops. Governor A boon xvith Ncxv
Jersey's , Governor Buikeley xvith Counocii-
cut's. were mstiintly recognUed nud loudly
Uf course , tbe Grand Army of the
Kcpub.le posts , the old veteran lire
men , a xvell ns tuoso in the paid
department , tne Italian societies , German
turnv rius and schuctsen corns xvere heartily
creeled. Tbe continual heart } * apmauso
that greeted thu p.traders scorned to cn-
courugu ihem uud spur them on to do their
When the line reached Union Square it is
estimated that fully ir > iOU ) ( ) men , women
and children xvoro packed therein. The
police xvere un.tnlo to drive tbe people back ,
for there was no place for them to go. The
cross streets xvero jammed full , too. The
arrival of the head of the purado xvus
creeled xvitb a sterm of applause from llic
grandstands , sidexvalks , windoxvs and roofs ,
and each body ot men found udmircrs > in tbo
immense throng.
I'iiiorlt4 > f ol Hit * Sped a torn.
Of course , the Nexv York soldiers , nuvnl
reserves and West Point cudets xvero favor
ites ull uloni ; iho Hue , but the Ponusvlx'unia
troops , un army fnr business rather man
pleasure , xvero much upnlunneih They are
soldiers , nnd their uniforms are for
service ralhei than for sboxv. They paraded
in heavy murenlnp order.
Madison Square und its vicluitv xvas , nf
course , the center of attraction , nnd us tne
column passed tbo roviexvlnp stnnd Vice
President Morton nud General Scholiold
were Kept busy lifting tneir hats in ucknoxvl-
cdpmcnt of the salutes of tbo passing eom-
pnm K. H xvas noticed thut many com
manders , even tiie pel West Points , sapped
on the lull us ihey cpproucticd ihe distin-
puishnd reviewers. Straight marching
hoonied impoitiulc.
Tun blue jackets and the marlnns from the
navy . \ urd und men-of-xvar PbiladHjphiu and
Atlanta set the crowd xvilil xvben ibexnp -
pro-irtiod. Thuir marching xvus purticulnrlv
poad. This xvus true us xvell ol the nax-nl
reserves , uuu tno friunds of the latter scat
tered among the SUB of faros made the uir
resound xx-ub outbursts of applause.
An amusing incident occurred jast as the
reserves xvere passing ihe rovioxvers. Txvo
iliuiiiuiuvii xvuter boys in tullor suils
bruugbi up tno roar of tbo division , nnd
lolloxving the action of their superiors thev
rinsed their bunds to their beads in salute.
u The croxvd , ns xvell us Vice President Mor
ton , "caught on , " und nn overxvbelminp out
burst of tmnticlupplug rcsullcd. 1 ho snlut-
tup vouugstej-s did not go by unrexvnrdcd for
their guluutry. for every but in ihe stand ,
including ex-Prosldout Cleveland's xvas
Of ull the city regiments that bv their
matching und general milltaiy uppearuucc
evoked applause , iho Seventh xvus the most
conspicuous. Vice President Morton , Mr.
Cleveland , GovernorFloxver und Generul
Srhotield applauded vigorously as they
passed the stand.
It xvas Just U'Mfi p , m. when the mounted
police ut the boua of thu column passed be-
nculn the Columbus memorial urcb at Fift.x-
ninth street nnd Fifth avenue. Txvo mluutoti
later Grand Marshal McMuhon rode uudei
the memorial nnd there xvitb bis aides tool :
up u position cippcstto tbe Plera hotel nnd
reviewed the seemingly interminable Hnef
Vast is inn only xvord to give even uu idea oi
the Immensity ot the throng ut this poini
along the route. It xvus the sc-Jiie ol
the dibbandmont of the procession and i
lively place it xvus , too. The txvo public
stands lu the area formed by the park unc
ino hotels Suvoy and Pl za xvere freighted
xvith humanity , who sat patiently for hours
uxx-attiug ihe appearance of the van
guard of the procession. The hex-
euth Hepiment Veleruun club boiibu ,
at tbe souihxx-est corner of Fifty-ninth strce
and Fifth avenue , xvns craxvded xvith olc
militiu officers , xvho gave tbe soldiers munj
u xvarm xvelcome.
beverui women were so severely crusbe (
in the croxvJs around tbe memorial nr-b ; ni
to req . .re 'to absisianco of the police ij e\
p i''i IP e.bduM ) i-Avc .
Omaha Cntholio OLild/en Parade in Hosor
of the Gnat Pioneer.
I.ittlo IVi't TattiT In rnUnii Alonu the
MOIIJMrnttB , Wnlln Clitlilloli Vnlrps
ItalRc In Cotivvrt Nitlltiiml > oiin
und llurruiis lor America.
H the spirit of ChrlstopherColumbus could
have pierced the bure of centuries and cnr.ed
upan the sunlight ot the four hundredth
anniversary ol bis glorious deed , bo could
have sunk lo slojp In bis munuclcd tomb to
tbe lullaby of Hope's xvbispenng voice , und
serene tn the consciousness that bis years of
patient toll , of dreary xvaltlng , of ridicule
und hardship had not been in vuln. Ho
could hnvo bcarJ his numo on every tontrue ,
hoard it echoed by the marching footsteps of
thousands ot ehildiih foot nnd emblazoned
on their banners side oy sidn xvith the sacred
mottoes ot their religion. Ho could huvo
read m bright lauphlng faces the legend ol
the future xvhich ho had opened to tbcworld ,
nnd lu their childish voices hoard the story
of KII Americanism to xvnlch his lite and
noble work had paved the xvay.
Columbus wus a Catholic. His ono true
friend who ntded nlm und plaooil her queenly
signet on his purpose xvas n Catholic aueon ,
ol a Catholic nation. Tno ndviser who
urged her to befriend the f riendleis nud ob
scure mariner wus a monir. and it xvns ic
commemoration of nil this thut the Catholic
churches ot Omaha united yesterday to
honor the memory of tbe preat discoverer.
Jt xvus u colouration worthy of their church ,
of th-j city nuu of the nnmo which itvu de
signed to honor.
Mins tn the Morn I DC.
Early in the morning the people from tno
various Catholic churches In tbo city nnd
from tno parociul schools gathered ut St ,
Philorncutt's catbodral lovit.nois tbe
Initiatory ceremonies of ihe day. At H
o'clock solemn high mass xvas celebrate .
xvith RexP. . F. McCarthy ns celebrant.
llev. G. Glauber emulated ns deacon , nnd
Uev. W. Kelly ns sundeacnn. Bishop Scan-
nell presided , nnd Kev. Fathers Grant ,
noka and McLaur.hlin xvere aoncons as-
istant at the throne. Hex- . Fathers Carroll
nid Brucii xvere masters of ceremonies.
The church xvas croxvded und the services
ix'ere of the most solemn and impressive
A special mass and musical sorvica hnd
been prepared for the occasion unaer the
direction of Miss Magpie Swift , nnd the line
: holr of the cathedral wus reinforced by a
trong orchestra. Tne Te Dcum ut the
close xvas inagnitlccntly rendered.
itev. P. F. iucCarthv preached eloquently
on ihe discovery of America , and the part
ilayod by the Homuu Catholic church in that
mpurtunt event.
U lien the Clilltli-cn I'uraduil.
The ofternoon was given to the children
and their part of tbe program xvns .in some
ro3pocts the most interesting ol all. Fully
( i.OUU children , gathered liomull the parochial
schools ol tno city , urruyed in red , xvhlte and
blue colors uud bearing the slurs und stripes
xvllh the oauners of their schools , murutiod
through tba streets to Exposition ball , whore
lor two hours they entertained an audience
at large und as thoroughly imnued xvitb the
spirit of tbe occasion as ex'cr assembled
under its vaulted rool' .
Tt'o children xvere enthusiastic , too. It xvns
ivntton on every lineament of their buammg
iint-s. and manifested itself in childish hur
rahs that continued during tuc entire march.
They had been xvcll drilled in the history of
tbo day und they waved their flairs anJ
cheered not from mere enpyuiunt of the at
tention they rucoived but us u real tribute to
tbo memory of Columbus und bis uchieve-
Tbo parade xvas under the direction of
Kov. Father Carroll , und x\-us formcu ut the
cathedral at Ninth una Harnry streets , at
And it xvas about the prottlest parade ever
seen on the streets of Omaha. First came
Ferdinand and Isabella , or as correct un imi
tation as could bo produced xvith ixx'o pretty
cirls for a foundation and tinsel croxvus , vel
vet capes , feavhcrit , false moustaches uud
beards for building material. Those inou-
arcbs roae in u very American buggy. Next
came the banner of St. Philomonu's paro-
cbiul schoci borne by u couple of
voung girls in xvhite dresses xvith red and
xvnite und blue sushes and guilv colored tur
bans. After inarchud a sxvarm of little
girls in similar uniforms , folioxved by the
buys xvavingJlnps and burrabin ? for Colum-
uus to their heari's content. What u deluge
nf infantile huinsuttv there xvusl People
stood on the corners until they xvera tired , und
still the torrent of white dresses , red , xvhite
und blue Kusncs , floating llaxen hair uud
Inughinp childith luces poured past. At in
tervals there were bunucrs announcing that
its I'olloxvcrs xvure being educated alSt. Wei-
ceilauH , Holy Familv , St. Stanislaus , St.
Pi'ters' , St. Joseph's ' , St. Paul's und last , St.
lames orphunupo of Uonson pluce , u well
trained troop in blacu dresses xvith gold bunds
about their hats.
After tbo > e , on a conch , rode the children of
St. Catharine's academy , the girls arrayed m
complete suits of red , xvhite and blue. "Hero
und there along theparude were banners xvith
the luuiiliur fai-o of Columbus depicted
Ttiu children walked four and five abreast
xxith their leathers guiding them.
Jl is ostimuteci that there xvere fully 2,003
children In line The line ot march xvns
from the cathedral on llarnov street to
Twelfth , on Twelfth to ilouplns , on Douglas
to Fourteenth and on Fourteenth to Uxposi-
lioii hall.
ixi'iTlm- l.ipohltlou Hall ,
The procession arrived at the hall at 2:30 :
and the little ones marched to their seats to
the ol "Hiulv 'Houtd "
notes Hie Flag. Tbo
entire pit of tbe hall had baen resarrod Inr
them uud they filled every sent. They made
n pretty and a patriotic picture in their
gaily colored cosiuuiea. The girls xvero ull
oro&sod in xvnlle , xvitn rod , xvblte and blue
sasti us ever their shoulders and their beads
crowned by dainty caps of the same colors , ,
xvhich xvero covered xvith crystal stars.
Tno galleries xvere filled xx'itb theirparouts
and IriendB , xvho cux-e them 11 wurni creet-
iii ? und frequent und hearty uppluute to the
CTitcrtulnmort xvbich folioxved. Among tno
i-lergvineu xvto xvero present were Vicar
General Choku , BUhopSc&nuoll nnd Fathers
Uoleneri , Crowley , Moriurity , Carroll ,
Kyan , Smlih nnd Moeller. Futhor I'urroil
called the meotiug to order , lln suid :
' \\B have assninbled here this ultemoon
to sboxv by our presence that xve oncourape
the children of tha rising generation In their
Americanism nud patriotism , and to tvlo-
nrato the tour hundredth uunlvoriiary of
the discox'ury ol this country , "
Ho read letters from Governor Boyd and
Mayor Bemis expressing their regret at not
being nblu to attend tbe celebration uud then
the cutldrcu sang "Columbia ( Jem of the
Ocean , " in u manner xvhich indicated excel
lent musical training.
Tbe xx-und drill by the children of St.
Pnllomeuu's school was one of the most
pleasing features ot the entertainment.
The drill was performed in perfect time tome
mo music nf Mussa'i > in the Cold Cold
Ground1 and xx-ithoul u xvord of commund ,
The cnilrireu ol St. Magdalene's school sauc
"Anicr.cV tint in EuglUh und then In
Gtrmau and several recitations folloxxed by
pupils of Si. Catherine's uiademxA tam
bourine drill uud rnurch by the Holy Fnmllv
school wus a reinarkublo exhibition foi
small young xvorncu und seemed esiirciullv
pleasing to the audience , TbU was folloxvctl
by u Bohemian chorus by St. "Wenesolau'f
Mr. Allimhuu'B Adilrrti.
The address of the day was delivered bj
Thomas B , Mtnabun , who wn * wurmls
greeted by tbe audience us be mounted the
platform. He said that if ever echoes Iron
the earth shou'd ' rise beyond the stars , thi
ears of Columbus in Lis celestial hornu xvon
Rurelr glaaJoned bjr Whnt they had heard dur-
inr thu afternoon. H win cmiticnllv lltting
thut CntlioliCTjshciilldtio tliollrst to xvclcutne
the anniversary of tb'n'disoovery of Amcrlcu ,
bocuuso In the bo'irTJr ' Ike nation's peril the
American flat wn * 'protected by Catholic
arms anu boars * . The seal of tbo Catholic
church xvns stamped all over America , nnd it
xvns xvell that they wore the Ill-it In thi
celebration ot the dav. But the. * ' xvero xvll-
Ilng to recocnlr.e all ol America's great
dn.VB. In thl yVrrirican life the Catbolic nnd
the Prruestntit lioyt nnd clrls should
strike their bciuU in honest irnlirnouts
ot friendship. This was the Ics-nii that
should beIsarnod from the exorcises of the
day. While some bent the knee In different
temples all the itnres painted heiivonxvard.
The speaker thru related In n fexv simply
worded sontcnoas the story ol Coldmbus nnd
culled attention to that dogged nnd aspiring
petMOVTonco xvhteb xvun the great charac
teristic of bis lite and enabled him to udJ u
continent to the goocrupby of tbo world.
Tno remainder of the procram consisted of
n recitation in concert by St. Patrick's
school , nn Italian oboros bv St. Joseph's , n
rociintion by fc't. Peter1 * und songs by St.
Paul's and St. .tamos' orphamign. At the
close the Kchooln united In singing the "Star
Sp Ulrica Banner1' and tbo audience was dis
The musical features were tn charge of
Miss Macpie Sxvift nnd Miis MuncliholT , nnd
luo result proved the success of-thclr eRorts.
rousting nnd To.inl In gin Honor ol theltrrat
Nuvlgntor and .vtudi'Mt.
The first annual banquet of tno Creichton
University Alumni association xvns given nt
the Millard hotel last evening in honor ot the
discovery ol America by Christopher Colum
Around tbo tnblcs resplendent xvith shin
ing china , cut glass , und almost covered
with lloxvers. sat the majority of
Omaha's brightest and best people.
Eminent dix-iuesj prominent attorneys , sol
diers und learned men \ri'h their Indies sat
together in the magnificent dining hull and
listened to charming music from tbo Man-
uoliu club xvhllo they chimed xx'ith ono an
other uuc. discussed the delicious viands.
President ,1. ( i , Gilrnore occupied a seat nt
hu head of the table ; nt his right sat Hi.
Hex * . Bishop HlcbarJ Scanncll titid on the
ft xvas Ins honur. Mayor l > omis.
After the lets and coffee had boon served.
President Giltuoro addressed the brilliant
assemblage. Ho wolcornt'd tbe guests to the
irsl alumni bunyuot , und then xvcnt nn to
toll about the ulumni association of the
university , xvhtcb xx-ns organized n year ago.
Reference xvas made to the great interest
the Jesuit fathers had taken lu the welfare
of the college und Its students , nnd of hoxv ,
xvheu n student leftlbo institution , ho left it
xvitb tbo admonition , to bo just nnd fear not ,
and to i ravel in the straight uud nurroxv
pnlb through life.
ItlslKiji sciinucll on Columbus.
Mr. Gilmore then introduced Bishop Scan-
nell , xvbo responded to the toast "Colum
bus. " The reverend gentleman spoke of the
great men of ourly'days ' xvho had climbed to
heights of ercniness through deeds of blood
and carnage , and he ncid that Columbus xvas
greater than nil p'hers because he had made
him > elf great xvilbbut the shedding of blood ,
and that now , nfitr a lapse of 400 years ,
homage is extended to him by ull the civil
ized nations.
Columbus , said tbe bishop , xcas great in
bis prosperity nnd'great ' in his adversity nud
had thus bequeathed a splendid example to
the ivorld.
The speaker then told about the trials of
the great explororvxrhilo trying to olHnin
support from tbo .different European courts
for his adventurous trip across'tbo sens in
quest -ot the In dins. , Thanks to the Catholic
sovereignty nf CHUtlle. the loop sought for
uid xxns granted and Columbus sailed from
PlllOi. r
Columbus , nbove all , was a religious man
and be xvusambiilous.U > teach the inhabitants
of tbe lauds to the xvcstxvcrd the bsauties ol
a Christnin life. Since Columuus discovered
our shores soJongagoa great nation has
groxvn up ; it xvns compoiod of many tribes ,
and nil accord that we are a great und happy
Ottirr Responses.
Governor Boyd XVBR to have responded to
Nebraska but unfortunately had been de
tained ut Lincoln. Mr. G. M. Hitchcock
tiled Ihe vacancy and upoko for u short time
on the rapid growth ol this city nud the
state nnd predicted prosperity in tno future.
In responding to the toast of Omaha Mayor
Berais said that Europe nnd America xvero at
that time commemorating the undaunted cour-
acc nnd indomiuublo resolution of a gigantic
intellect of tbo fifteenth century , nn intol-
lert that revealed tha mystery of the ocean ,
that established the , theory xvhich bad been
the ridicule of rages , and ttaat had raised
tno covering from a beautiful nut crude
world. His honor then spoke about Omahn ,
nnd during his remarks be frequently bad
his listeners lauphfhp heartily over some
humorous or sarcastic remarks.
Rev. F. X. HoeKer , pastor of the uni-
vcr ity , ro poned to the cloMug toast , "The
Creipiiton University. " After first rofernup
to the celebration und to tne alumni the
speaker told of the early won ; of the Jesuit
fathers in tuo development of this new xvorlO
and suid that the fathers xvoro the pest
loved and best buted in ibf country.
"You llnd us best loved by those who knoxv
us best , " said the pastor.
A tribute wus tl-on paid to tbo Crelphtons
for t' ' > o louuding. of the university and to
John A . Crelghton for the support bo hue
given it
A toast to the university xvns then drunk
with nil landing and the president sale
good uigbl lo his ijucsls.
In thu I'ulillc MIOOK. :
Thursday afternoon of next xvcelr at . ' !
o'clock thcro xvilt bc'muic in Omaha. It wil
be of n patriotic nature and xvlll proccec
from the lips ol ten' thousand school chil
Superintendent Fitrpntrick has decided to
hove the Columbus day celebration on Tburs
day nfteranon instead of Friday , civiug
the children n holiday on Friday
and at tbe hour of ' . ' o'clock on
T-hursdar the pupils lu every school
in the city xvill sine "America " Out from
tbo wludoxvs and through the Uoofb
of Iho forty school buildings in this
city the beautiful strains of "My country
'tis of theo , " xvlll rewound.
All the schools xvill have specially pre
pared programs of ) music , recitations und
sneaking bv prominent rJuzous of Omaha.
feAt the Hlgb schoql building H bus been
uund necessary to invite only the throe
pppor classes to taktj purl la the celebration
Irorau for the reason that there U no room
arc-n enough in tbe bnlldiup to accommodate
all the pupils at aUa'liiph srbcol proper.
ltuUuir ] Tnl ; < i I'art.
At U o'clock ttio Italians of the city assom-
Pled nt St , Pbllomana'K hall , xvherj the in
teresting ceremony , of blosslnp ; the inter
twined Italian and1" American Hip. , took
Iilnco. \
Hov. Father Bruca delivered an Interest
ing address In Iiallnc , eottln ? forth tbe im
portant pan taken UD the discovery of Amer
ica by Italy , tbo Dirthpluce of the gruat dis
coverer , and exnortrng bis bearers to a loyal
love for the lana of their adoption.
At the close ot tils address Jbcro xvas a
parade through Iho Tllv , and last evening n
ball xvouud up the day.
To OJIHII Iinilan l.amlb.
Siot s CITV , IR.V Oct. 12. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BenJ Commissioners Adams ,
Brown and Cole , xvbo have been endeavoring
for some tlmo to tenure the consent of tbe
Indium on tbe Ynukton reservation to open
ing it to settlement , they tubing lands in
severally , nrti making" progress wtilch
would augur the early opening
of 829,000 acres of good tillable
land to homesteaders. Tbo reservation con
tains about D2-i,000 acres , und tbo above
amount , it is onimated , will remain ufter
ecob Indian has his"share. The half-breeds
and Mjuaxv men have already * signed
tbo consent , but tbe old Indians
ore sloxv to agree to tbo opening ,
In order to xvarrn them up a series of feasts
have been given during ibe week and Ar
mour dispatches say the bucks begin to
show signs of xvoakeulng. borne who have
xvatched the progress of affair * suv tbo sigt
natures will .certainly be secured bsforo Ko-
Tombtr 1 ,
Ocunt Von Oaprivl's Kilitary Bill is Get
ting Him Into Mighty Olcsj Quarters.
\irntirn Through \Vhlri ! thp CltixncHlnr
.Mnj Kisciipr Irom Ills rrcillcnniKiil
AVho Might Mirrrrd Illiu In C'lisv
llo riniillj 1 ullti.
tea 1 TO lir J nines Cord on
BIMILIN , Oct. 12. [ Nexv York Herald Cubic
Special to Tun Ben. ] The curious epi
sodes xxhicu have occurred behind the scenes
here within the last week or so hnvo set
many tongues wagging nud cxrllcd touch
speculation. Thanks to the Herald it bus
noxv peen plainly shoxvn that uotxvithslnnd
Ing ull the ofliclal contradictions , there have
been dissensions of tbo gravest kind xvilt.ui
tbo government. These quarrels hnvo been
chuckednot stoppud , by Imperial intervention ,
but they are smouldering nnd maxbrcai :
out into flume at nny moment. In a gen
eral xvay the emperor has supported von
Cnprivl lu the military question , but xve
have no reason to believe , nnd there ere
weighty reasons not to believe , that he has
ever gone so lurin his support as to approve
tbo txvo years service plan. In principle I
huvo contended nil ulong that the emperor
bns set his face against tbo theory itself ,
although in practice ho has wavered or given
-Not Uutlrplj * Novrl ,
For that matter there Is nothing nexv or
startling in tbo txvo years service plun. It
has existed more or less for years. To sanc
tion it in principle , hoxvcver , tbo em
peror xvouid , ns ho has repeatedly de
clared , have to repudiate tbo tradition
of his family , to nut u blight
upon tbo judgment of his imperial grand
father , to cat his oxvn words , nnd to
incur the resentment of the so-called mili
tary parly , which is particularly resolute and
strong. The opposition of the military xvouid
Imply the loss of tbe great mass of conserva
tive votes in the Ilaichstaj.
Deputies who think xvitb men like Count
von Waldersee , have mndo up their imuds
not to consent lo the introduction of tbe txvo
years service system. They have agreed to
stand or tall by the Hap. The press of Ger
many has been very blutt and plain in its
expressions of hostility. lu the last
fexx- days it has declared that if tbo
chancellor pins his fate to the measure in
volving tbo addition of ' .10,000 men to the
urtuy und the imposition ot sixty to seventy
millions in nexv taxes ho xvill be turned out.
To Whom Slmll IIITurn1. . '
To xvhom , then , docs the chancellor look
for votes to save his measure from de
feat ? Not surely to tbo progressists us
n party ; not , if tbo declarations of
the Hnuox-crerscho Courier , xvhich as n rule
reflects the viexx-s of Herr von Bcnuingsen
and Herr Miguel , are to be considered , to
the national liberals , und not to the social
'democrats. If , therefore , tjTeTiiris hilr
duced in the shane xvhich it uoxv xvears , U
looks as though the chancellor would shortly
bax'etoohoosobotxveen thealtcrnaiivcs xvbicb
MacMabon had lo face in 1S70. He must
submit or resign.
There is , to bo sure , one other course which
ho may take. He 111113- appeal to tne country ,
reviving the old spectre of Frencn-Uussian
danger , playing , in snort , the game xvhicb
Bismarck played in IbST , xvhen septenuatc
xvus the issue. To do this , even if the
ouiperor backed him , und hoxv long or boxv
firmly the imperial conUrieuce xvill bo ac
corded him ho cannot tell , needs nerve ,
Rtrengtb of xvill or ut least obstinacy. Von
Caprivl is not xvanting in the last of these-
quulitics , but I maintain that tbe chances are
thut he xx-ill not present tbe bill , and if he
does go to the country , it is pretty sure bo
xvill get an answer xvhicb will turn him out of
ofilceor compel tbe dissolution of tbe nexv
Who Would Surrrril Cnprivl ?
Count von Wnldorsee is not a candidate.
Herr Miguel is also said to bo too wary to ex
change the reality of poxver for the meio
shudoxv. Prince Houeiiloho Incus prestige
and character. Herr von Benmngsen bus
made himself impossible. There remains ,
so far as I cuu see , one statesman only xvbo
xx-ould accept tbo chancellorship if it xvero
offered him. 1 mean Eublenbcrc. His
health is fulling , and bo xvouid hurdly stay
long at the post. There is n greater man
than any or all of ttoso xvhom it might
seem best to choose , but he is old , and has
suid , "My work Is done. " His nume is Bis-
marcu. Mii.iznn.
Hie Olakgoxx Jlurtlrror Cnptiirrcl After II
llml Atlrinptml Mllililc. :
GI.AMIOXV , Oct. 12 Tbo pollco have dis-
covtrnd that the woman , xvboho mutilated
remains xvero found in West Lodge Monday
nighl , xvas of loxv character. A sailor named
McNeilly says he xvas in company xvith n
man named McExveu Monday night. They
met a woman , xvbo went xvith McExvcn
to West Lodge and spent tbe night xvitb
bun. McNeilly says ho left tbo plac1 earlv
the next morning to look for work and
inioxvs no more ubout the matter.
McExven wus captured today in a peculiar
uiuuner. The gumekeonors on the estate of
Sir John Muxxx-eil snxv n strange mun tres
passing on n lleld. Ho refused them information
mation and xvhen Ihe gamekeepers uttemp'.ed
to capture him ho drexv a Mimll itnife Irom
his pocket und commenced to uacii nt bis
throat. They nt length ovorpoxx-ered him
and conveyed bun to ttie nearest ponce
station , xvbenco be xvus taken te an inlirmarj.
Tonicht it is thought hardly probable that
he xvill live.
The woman murdered xvas identified as
Klizuoeth O Cnnnor , u xvomun of tno u > wp.
Workmen today searching for missing portions
tions of her ondy found SDIIIO burled in tbe
pardcu. From the appearance they 'hnd evi
dently been backed and torn from the vic
tim's body with a saxv.
IlcmulUB of thei J'oi-t I.ulil to Itrbtvith
Ilmuiranu West minster.
LOXPOS , Oct. TJ. With nil the honors
which tbe church could bestoxv , in the pres
ence of many eminent nion of lottore , states
men and nobles , the remains of Lord Tenny
son were interred in the poets' corner of
Westminster abbey today. Tno Jerusalem
chamber contained a mats of rare floral of
ferings , Including a laurel xvrcatb from tbe
queen , xvitb a card in her oxvn haudxvrlting
these xvords "A uiarlj of
being ; sincere re
gard nnd admiration from Victoria , it. I. "
The remains xvoro laid beside those o ;
Tbo procession formed at noon In tbe Jeru
salem chamber. Tbe cofUn xvas borne on the
shoulders of stuhvurt men. Among the pall
bearers xvcre Henry White. United States
secretary of legation , and Lord Salisbury.
The mourners folioxved the coftln , then the
household scrx'uuU , representatives of the
queen , prince of Wales and other royal per
sons.On reaching tbe chancel ibe coffin xx-as ict
doxvn at the fool nf the altar and CJanou
Duckworth opened tbo service fnr the dead.
Tuo choir chanted the Nineteenth { isaim.
Afior the lesson for tbo dny wss
rend the chnlr sang Tennyson's last
warn , "Silent Voices. "
The bodv xx'ns then borne to the posts' cor-
ler nnd after further services xvas committed
o tbo _ grnvo. The benediction xvay nro-
lounctsd' the nrobbithap of C intcrbjry.
The service through , though extremely
Imule , XVHS very lmpre lvv. ftic weather
vns tine , nnd the brlcla sunshine dreaming
hrmtph the xvludoxv of tbe abbey rendered
nrltflcml light : iueciMsury.
Immediate ! } alter the service xvns con
cluded there was n grea rush to the prsve.
A nutnbernf stnlxvart policemen xvero obliged
o form IhPinsflvos In u roruou uboultbe
crave to prex'onl the crmx'd from pushing
hose lii the front line into it ,
Onlv ttie union Jack mid the xvrcalhs otthe
umilv xvero ullnxved to remain at the prnx'e.
[ 'he services in the ubbey lasted cxuctly an
lour. All the uviulublo cpace xvus uccuplt-d ,
ml thcro xvas no overc.oxvdinp.
I'cnuyson looked tiale nnd worn. The pall
ienirs nil xvoto blurk frock coBts. Lord
Salisbury , loDlnng ill , xvoro n durlt pray
ovnicoai nnd u stuill cup Ho xvnlked just
lohlnd Lord Koscbcry. O.itsldo tiio ubbry
ho rroxvd eagerly xvuicheil and discussed the
lOlahlc persons ns they nrrix'ml uud departed.
inwkers xvcre plnntifiil in the vicli-lty of the
ibbey , selling a tuxvdry memorial card ur.1
cheaplv printed copies of ' Crossing the liar. "
The Slur this afternoon nitiies u covert
lUompt on Uir prime of Wales' auscnce riur-
np tbe services. It. xvas announced txvo duvs
tco Hint tbe prince xvouid no present , but bo
did not attend. TheStnr prints u letter s-ay-
np that the prince of Wales prefers to co
shooting or attend the Nexvraurket r.iees to
attending the funeral c > r such u tnun as Teu-
i.'son. The xxrilor protests ns n patriotic
taxpayer that Iho prince i > \Valesiinds l \ tbo
Iioppiug over oLhclplcESbirds more conironial
employment than attcndme funerals of prcat
con , und urges tbnt his discretion on Ibis
iccnslon should not be allowed to puss with
out ofllciul protest.
rrinrro riljiitt tinxiollin ; Srnnr.
Vin.vxA , Oct. 12. Last night the German
uud Austrian cmpnror.s attended a gala per-
'ormunco ut the opera house. The actors
ncludcs anitidukos , urrbduchcs&cs nnd prin
cesses , tbe aristocratic families of Austria.
A bauquel in honorol the German emneror
xvns given ut the Schouberu chalcau. After
the banquet Emperor \\illuim conferred
upon Count von Tnato the dojrce ol tbe
order of the Black Enple. This is regarded
us very significant , shoxvinc ns it does Em
peror William's recognition nnd appreciation
jf Count von Tnafe's policy , xvuich xvus
formerly uuti-Gormun.
Ilninun I'loiMiiii oil' I'nincn.
LOXDOX , Oct. 12. A dhpatcb to the Daily
Nexx's from Boulopno-sur-Mcr says that the
captain of n sloop xvhich just arrived thcro
reports that Sunday tnorainp about txvo
tnlloi off St. Vulory-sur-Somrac , nnd drix'-
iup through n furious storm , tbe sloop passed
u lar e number of human bodies floating in
the sea , surrounded ny a quantity ol xvrock-
ace. The captain says he counted forty
corpses uud irnm their appearance judged
them lo bo tno bodius of tne sailors uud pas
sengers ol some steamer.
i ii Err ctu.v
Drnvcr l > iiinng < Ml lij' u Itll7/ircl : Snoxr nntl
Cold Witiitluir Tlifoiigliout HIP Stutr.
Dcxvnn , Colo. , Oct. 12. The rain , suoxv
and fileot storm xvhich set in lastnieht udded
u violent xvmd to its vatloty this morning ,
uud ull day long an unprecedented storm has
raged. From xvhat meagre reports that can
be obtained from points m the stale it it
shown that tbe storm is general in Colorado ,
and also in part ol Utah. All communica
tion by toloprnpb'to towns in Colorudo has
been completely interrupted during the en
tire day , and , us the storm Ktill continues ,
tne prospects of restoring the xvircs
is x-ery poor. In Denver signs
xvere bloxvn"doxvn , cornice torn ofl
nnd hundreds of trees xvere either uprooted
or "plit by the xvmd. Several persons xvcre
hit by Hying objects , but so fur us bus been
icarued no fatalities huvo occurred. Tne
greatest damage xvas done ay falling electric
light and street car trolley xvircs , for ut
least half u dozuu horses xx-ere killed by be
ing struck by these "live" wires. As the
unimuls were being- driven at the time of
their being shocked to dealh , it xvill be seen
lhat tbeir drivers xvero in imminent danger
of msotinp the same fate. As a consequence
of tbo brenklnp of those xvircs , the electric
cars of many of tbo lines lire at a standstill ,
and people living in the suburbs are forced
to pet homo as test thev mny. Incoming
trains have r.ot suQ'crod much thus Jar ,
there beicg but small delays.
s jfoji M .N. n iiuii > os.
She is Gron-inc Wrulirr liny by DIIJ-
I.nti'M JTiini Her Hi'dildu.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct. 12. Aside from
the inct thut Mrs. Harrison is a trifle xveaker
'hisex-euing there is no material cbunpo to
nolo in tier condition. Mrs. Harrison has
been groxvlug gradually xveaker for several
days past , owing to the progress of the dis
ease and her left lunp is noxv involved.
There lias not been n moment in tbo
latt foxv days not filled xvith anxiety
for the president tnd family. Mrs.
Harrison is over tbo same patient
sufferer , trying as fnr us she can to brighten
the sadness of the president and her chil
dren by appearing to feel bettor. Her
coupb bns stopped since iho xveakness of iho
past txvo duys has hot i > i and she is still
taking considerable nourishment. The
stcudv though slight depletion of btrnnglb
cicb day is noxv the most serious feature of
tbe cuse nnd the ono xvhich excites tbe most
concern. President Harrison is looking
curcxvorn. His sud fuoo bntruys what it is
not possiolo for his lips to utter.
At I * o'clock tonigut Dr. Gardner suld
Mrs. Harrison bud passed a quiet dav and
there xvero no indications of new compllcu-
tions ,
HUM. A LtTiZ InSl'li.
Train ItoljIirrK Hold Ci ] uni ! P.oli .M
I'nclllr Train Near Cotlcyvdlr ,
KAXMS CITY , Mo , Oat. 12. It is ivportod
bore at midnight tbnt a Missouri Pacific ex
press train was hold up uotxvoou Canoy uncJ
Tvro. Tbe locality is Just wtti nf Coffoy-
ville xvuere the Daltoris , just n xvoek ago ,
hud u uattle xvith the citi/.uns of tbut town.
All o'clock the report of the ho.d up is
confirmed. The truln xvus No. 42s xvest-
bound on tno Denver brunch of the
Missouri Pacific. The Pacific Express
company operates on that road. 'J'ho officials
of the Inner company ndmil that they have
received u report ninho nflnlr , but suy that
their advices full to stnto oven whether or
not the cur xvus robitoa. Tiio railxvuy ofllcialu
hero have no report ol tukt robbery. A dis
patch from Wichita , ICuu. , states thut the
train xxas held up. but gives no details. H
states further that the inlcprnph ullict-t at
both Cauey nnd Tyro are closed fur the night.
bix jic.\j > iin
SalU , In. , Wlppil Out by u 1'irc of I'liKiion u
Siorx Cur , la. , Oct. 1'J. The little toxvu
of Sallx , sixteen miles southeast of here on
the North western road , xvus wiped from tse
prairie tonight by a fire of unknown origin.
The 000 inhabitants are mostly homeless , but
the xvcutber is xvarm und no immediate suf
fering xvill result ,
LocuraiiT , N. Y. , Oct. 12 George Cfies-
ter'6 ( louring mill burned this niornlng. Lots
DexTcii. lu. , Oct. 12. [ Special To Tin :
Bcc.-Tne ] Odoll house was destroyed by
iiroyoEterday causing TI loss of tfi.ODU , xvitb
no insurance. . The oriflu wus u defective
tine. The housu xvill be immediately re
Kdttor Murdered.
STIU.IVATCU , Mint. , Oct. -Vlutor C.
SexvarJ , editor of tbo Still water Messenger
uud a veteran Minnesota jnuriinllst , xvnt
fatally shot this atternoou by Oeorco Hurrit
who bnd beei discharged lor lurumpiitcucy
Harris Kurrendcred to tb police.
Judge Foatt Fredmtntes a Sensation
Among Burt County Lavrjers.
\ tlornrjI'clrrnun IVrrmj.Uirli.v Unlrrpd
to 1'roei'ml with it iM'iiunrrr , rinril , In-
curcprntril nutl Ki'lriiM'd tin lliilum
Corpus A Similar Munition.
TCIUMAH , Neb. , Ojt , 12. | Suoclal Tele
gram loTin ; BEC. ) There was u sensation
ti tiio district court hero toduy that over-
shudoxvs anything the people ol tUU
i-lty hnrc ever known. Judge C. K. Scott
resided. The court called tbo case ol
Henry W. Monroe , assignee of Chnrlos
Mcksun , against H. Ixi. Hopewell , a
unnuer , a suit on un attachment bond.
12.V. . Peterson appeared for HopoxvoU ,
tiio defendant , \vtio hnd lllod u do-
tnurror. There tind ulso been fllod
n stipulation Jor a couUuuutiee of the case to
the tinxt term ot court.
When tiio case xvas roiichod .Mr. Peterson
xvn not present und .Hideo Scntt ordered
the sheriff to go out und call him in. When
Peterson rcuuhed the court room the judpa
uskod htm if ho was ready to luke up the i
cine. Peterson replied tlmt ho was not , because -
cause of the stipulation for continuance.
The co rt abruptly ordered the attorney
to lake up the demurrer , saying that it
xvouid cost Peterson u fiuo-line'if ho did not
do so instanlur. Puun > ou made no reply.
TJie court ropoatcdi.x asked him :
"Do you refuse to taltc up this clctnurrerl"
Must Olu-j UK * Court.
Petcr on answered thut it xvns Impossible
to do so at tlmt. time ; that hu xvns not ready
to talco it UD.
The Judge Bald sternly : "You may as
well leurn now thut you must do as the u'ourt
orders. Do you rafuse to take it up' '
Mr. Peterson said thut the couri intent
take his luuguupo that \vu.v.
Tucn the court ordered the cleric to docket
a case of the state of Nebraska against.
1 ctcrson. Ho asked Peterson if bo hud utiy
reason to present why the court should not
soutuuco him for contempt. Peterson nt-
tempted lo reply , but was stopped bv the
court. Meantmio Air. Peterson hud calfod
.ludeo Wudo Gillii us his counsel The lat
ter nsked the court for time to preuuio n de
fense , which was refused , and n line of fclflO
xves imposed upau Peterson , and a mitimui
made out , sending Peterson to juil
The court turned to Sherift McGrow and
said : "if you don't curry out this sentence
to the ' letter 1 shall Hue you $1,000. "
J'ho sherlfl took Peterson and put him lu
the front room of the juil.
IHII | to the County Court.
In tbo meantime ,1utge GilliB and JMr.
Bowes had prepared ati application for a
writ of buheus corpus , which was lllod with
Umnty .ludce Dickinson , who granted the
writ and ordered the sheriff to produce tbo
body of Peterson in his court. Thus were
the county and district courts urrnyod npninst
each other. The slicrilT produced Peterson ,
whereupon tbo hulinis conms case was con
tinued lor twenty days , and Peterson's ' per
sonal recognizance m the sum of J.'iOO was
tukon for bis appearance.
When Judge Scott learned of these pro
ceedings m the loxvnr court he threatened to
tine the oouuty judge for eontoiujit nna
peremptorily ordereil the sheriff to rain-ant
retcrson and recommit him. But tbe
sheriff after tailing advice on this point neglected -
lected to iutnrlere.
After sentence was pronounced upon
Peterson bis attornov uskod for timetn
wbicn to prepare u bill of exceptions , get a-
transcript und take the fuse to the supreme
court. This request the court promptly do
A bar ineoUng wus called during
the noon hour , and the sensational
proceedinps of the morning wore fully
discussed. A committee was uppointed to
luuo slops to nave Judge Scott recalled
from this term ol court. Another sensatioa.
is promised for tomrroow.
ilmlgu lltitldu ol Kaunas IlancU in HU
Toi'EKA , ICun. , Oct. ! : > . Jndgc Botkln , of
tha Thirty-second judicial district , resigned
today. He declared thut ho xvns prompted
to do so by n desire to trout xvith his
numerous enemies -.vitbout remnctious in
cident to occupving iho bench. W. E.
Hutchinson of Grunt county xvas appointed
us his successor. Bo ; kin has boon prom
inent in tbo border troubles of Kansas for
years , nnd several attempts have boon made >
lo assassinate bim.
1011'A HUH 3SKX V
Coiivlii&lon of thi ! ( irriit Coinirll nf the
State ( > riitiiir.iitliii.
Booxc , la. , Oct. li [ Spociul Telopram to. .
Tut Ben. ] At the preat council of tbo Iowa
Improved Order of Hed Men this morning
the folloxving preut chiefs were elected :
Great sachem , M. Joaiison of Atldubon ;
preut senior suKumorc , H. G. Kust of Fort
ftludison ; prcal prujhet. .lumos Moornuad of
Cedur IJapids ; crout chief of records , A. B.
MnCown of DCS Monies ; preut keeper at
xvampum , GeorpoV. . Shape of DosMolnest
rcjiresontutivo to great cuuncil of United
Suites. H. H. Funk of Audubon.
Kosolutions were pas-iril commemorative
ol the 4 utu nnnivei-sary of the diteovorv of
America us wull as resolutions of tuauks to >
the retiring prand ofllrers. Thncommltteoon
revision of luxvh maooa lenirthy report xvliicn
it xvus decided to iny over nntil the inootiiiff
next year , which xvas voted to bold ut
l'"ort Mndison. The preut council closed to-
nicht with a publi , ' iiiotiillition of the newly
elected olllccrs and u buppcrtuuilercd to the
delcpates by the Oneidu tnbo ot Hooue.
Durinp tbn day tbo ladie . xvbo xvere iiroscot
from lodes | ; lu all parts of ttio stole , orpun-
i/ed n btuto council of tbe dt-Ki-eo of Pocu-
hontas with tbo foiioxvinp onicors : Prcsl-
dent , Mrs.V. \ . U. Keller of DOB Moines ; vlca
nresidi-nt , Mrs. C.V. . SpcrUsof UesMolno * ; ,
tccrotury and troaBurar , Mrs.V . O. West of
I > cinuii < l < i | ili , . Alllniinn.
DCS Moixcb , la. , Oct. ! ! . ' . U'he Iow i
farmers aliianoo convention adjourned to
day. Resolutions xvere ndopled demanding
the enactment of the \ \ ubbburn option lilll ;
a cessation of national banks aid the estab
lishment of uoiUil havingK banks to pav 3
per font on deposits und cburpo 4 per cent
on loans on reul estatit security , no loan to
exceed K1KU ( ) ; tiio Nicurapuu catml Is nj > -
peed uud free coinnpo of American sliver on
present ratio demanded.
After final udjourummit the state execu
tive committee held n session end mapped
out the xvoru for the cominc year. It de
cided to rox'lvo the system of county orenn-
izors and put district loot nrors in the lield ,
Proiidont bunders will also act ui > state
lecturer at least par1 , of the year. All of the
overtures looking tnwurd u union xvith the
boutheru alliance ue.-ii 'junnimoubly rejected.
ItluiiloiiiiryViiil.fiL i
la. , OU. 12.Tho ninth nununi
mcotlnp of Dus M nines district of the
Woman's Foreleu Missionary uoclotj' , em-
braclue Iowa and Missouri , opened hero thii
uvmunc and oontiuuex with daily sessions
; iulll Sunday ovoulup Thu annual report of
tuo presidimt. Mus Pourbou nf DUE ,
i.bows the society to be in u Hourishiue con.
T'lKlrrH rllnifc Ht IVur.
DcgMoiscs , Jn. , Oct. J2. The loxvt Un-
Crwntcrs iiEsoolntioa went to pieces today
over tbe { juuvtiou of reducing Iowa com-
panic * ccnircUeioiiE to agent * from Sil ) to IB
tier cent , the riiino as outside comimule * .
The vote utnnt' ' , > r'v 't'r.'B ' to tbirty-unu und
representatives nl oulliJo cirjia
drew. It lutmus vrur of iiitiurunco