THE OMAHA DAILY TOE : " WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 12 , 1802. BADE TWO BY JUDGE BREWER Text of His Dccreo in Ibo Great Tele graph Consolidation Case , HE ORDERS THE COMPANIES DIVORCED rrpmplly Appriiioil from III * llrrUlon- Jlnlo Wnr .Mi jr IJruW Out of the Kill- I liorn' Illil Western Trnlllo Agnelli- lion Quietly UIVM Up tlin ( limit. l The following Is n copy o' the decree hnndoil down ycstordnv uv Jusllco Hroxver ol the United Stnto * circuit court , In tlio ctts.0 wherein the United Stales Is complain- nut , nml thu Union I'aclllo llnilwny company nnd the Western Union Telegraph company , defendants : "This cause comin ? on to bo hoard at this term upon iho bill of complaint , the several answers of the dcfjndints , the agreed facts nnd the proofs produced by all of the said nar- Ito3 , nftor nrffuiiioiil of couuscl nna fJll I consideration hy the court , It Is ordered ad judged and dceiocil us fol'oxvi ' : "First-Thai the following api-comonts named In the bill of complaint , tottli : That entered Into nn September 1 , IbO'.i ' , by ana botwccn the Union I'aclllo Kaliwny com pany and the Atlantic S : I'nclllo Tclofirapti company ; that tnutlo mid entered Into on December 14 , 18TI , by nud between the same parties : that made anJ entered Into on July 1. 1SS1 , by nnd between the Union 1'nclllo Hallway company and the Western Union Telegraph company , and that made nnd entoicd into October 1 , 1600 , by ana be tween the Union Pucino Uailwnv company , eastern division , and Western Union Telegraph - graph company nro l.eroby cancelled , un- nulled nnd hold fur naURtit. "Second-Thnt the defendant , ttio Union Pact lie Unllwny company , ut once put an end to all relations between It mid uofonuant , the Western Union TulegrnpU company , not equally allowed to all other persons or corporations operating , owning or using thu tot'ranli ! ( as "n means of couitnuulcutlon ; also utonco resume possession of Usolllcus , pole- ) , wires , instruments nnd all Its other property bulontjiU ! , ' or appertnliiitiK to the business of U'loRrupuy aloiiK such o ( Its main and brunch lines ua wore aided by the &ov- ornmcnt under the act of July 1 , 1MM , und nets nmondutory and supplementary thereto , nuU henceforth , by and throuch its own cor porate ofllcors nnd omnloycs , muintaln and operate for railroad , governmental , commer cial nnd ether purposes such telegraph lines nnd Instrument ? , and In nil ways cxerciso by Itself nlonir nil tclcKiniih franchises con ferred upon it und obligations assumed by it under the several acts granting subsidies In lands or bonds or loan of credit to It and to Its constituent companies or the acts ntncnd.itory of or supplemental thereto , and in nil cases where the said defendant company has not noxv adequate facilities to enable it to thus conduct the telegraph business nnd nfford equal facilities to all , without discrimination lu favor of or against nny parson , company or corporation whatever , and to receive , de liver and exchange business with connecting telegraph lines and all companies desiring to mnue such connections on equal terms and nffod equal facilities to all nnd without , dis crimination for or against any sueu connect ing line ? nnd upon just and equitable terms ( all of which suld defendant Is required and directed to at once proceed to do ) , that suld defendant shall at once construct and provide such facilities as tire necessary to carry out the nrovisions of this decree und the several nets of congress creating or aiding said defendant comp.uiy or its constituent parts and all acts muondntory uud supplemental thereto. .Must Move ami Miiy Appeal. "Third That the said defendant Western Union Telegraph company at once vacuto all the ofllces of said railway company without Interference or damage to the same and with out removing , until the further ordur of this court , nnv property therefrom or from the line ot snld railway company , which tns here tofore been jointly used by the two com panies or the ownerthlp of which is in tils- puto or is so co'incctcd with or mixed with the property of the railway company as to make It difficult to identification or thu re moval of which will interrupt or inlerfnro with the discharge of the defendant railway us heroin sot forth and enjoined. "ljrovlded , however , thu' , this docrco shall not uo u-oustruoJ as preventing the said de fendant , the Union I'.icilioKalhvny company , from leasing to tlio Woatcrn Union Tele graph company the right to occupy with its wires , Instruments , batteries nnd operators , upon reasonable and proper tonns , nny of its poles along the right of way and space In the depots or stations of the isnid Union 1'a- clllc Hallway company not required railway company for the transaction 01 its business , "fourth It is further ordered , adjudged end decreed that Iho defendants Hereto are allowed the period of sixty dn.vs niter tnc entry of this decree to make such necessary arrangements , adjustments nnd changes us are rendered necessary by the annulling ol said contracts hnrelnboforosot forth , and tc carry out the provisions of this decree. ' Fifth -It is further ordered , adjudged nnd decreed that the defendant , the Western Union Tolngraph coimmnv or the defendant , the Union J'acillo Hallway company , maj nave thu right to apply for and have statcc nn account in this court between the said defendants fondants its la the value of tlio telegraphic property along Iho line of the said railway compiiiiy , tlio cost ot maintenance and prollt'i v of Iho suld telegraph line. ; , the amounts coi : tributcd thereto by thu said defendants re pectlvely , or their assignors or predecessor in title thereto , ami all matters which iifTon the equities of the parties aoftmdunt herein and thu acts donu thereunder in which av counting or accountings Iho Unltcu State ihnil bo permitted to intervene for the pro tection of its Interests and those of tin public. "Sixth It Is further ordered , aajudgci and decreed that all parties hereto hav leave to apply to tbis court from time to Urn as thov niuy bo advised by their respectlv counsel for further orders HI the foot of thl docrco , "Seventh Thereupon each of the defend mts pruys nn appeal in or en court , which 1 allowed by the court and each of the defend ants Is granted loavoto supersede tbla dccrc pending cash appeal by filing n bond in th um ofOUO in the usual form with si curitloa to bo upprouod acco.-dlutr to law I tucli case miulo and provided , "Iv\iii J. UiiKUL-ii , Circuit Justice. " Judge Hlnor yesterday nandoa down n di clsion In the case of Uoollttlo Uros , agnins Jacob Hursli. The object of the suit was I enjoin tlio defcnduntH horn brlnslug fill upon n forthcamlnc bond. Judco Hincr di missed 'ho ault at nluintlfl's cost. uici\itE : IT A CUT BUlcl Olil Kllihorii AlUiguit to llu llrouUli lilt ) 'Irnlllii Agruomoiit. The opening of bids Monday for carrylr troops from the various posts In Nebraska i Chicago and return to participate In the dc Icatorv cxcrciies of the World's fair Octob 21 , wns in itself n very llttlo thli to do , nut It Is UUoly that co ildcrablo dlftlculty will grow out of tl bids offered by the Fremont , ICIUhorn Missouri Yalloy railroad , which secured t ! contract for transporting the troops fro Forti Omubu , Hoblnon uud Moid , The rate of f'.l.'M , put lu by that stcai going and thorougnly rollablo road , the I'.l born , from Crawford und return Is snld to B ( out on rates , n violation not on of the Transmlssourl ugrcomcut wuli provides cash penalties , but ulsoot the We ; era Troftlo association , which provides for discharge from all emoluments In the ass elation. At the mooting yesterduy It U alleged th Uonorul 1'asicugcr Agent Huclnuuiii w present and hoard his bid read without much uu signifying n deslro correct the bid In conformity wl the rules of tbo two nssoclatio to which the Kllchorn owes nlloglanco. 1 fore wiliiessc , * Major Iluchanan junction the bid by which his rend secured the cc tract to transport 400 men from the pen mentioned to Chicago and return , and on tt bails It Is assorted several roads not pint ! In bids will Illo complaints nnd asic of t onoclatlou that the punultlus provided ini posed. It la DU ttnomulous condition of affairs , tl | presented at Ibis time , and railroad in nro wondering wiiy the Klkhorn peopln boldly decided to cut tuo ruto unless It thut tl.oy too bavo giowu Urnd of iwsoo tloiu and want to be freelance * In the n road world , just as ttio Alton Is In the couth. U hat Competitor * Think. "Tho rnto ot 21.3.5 from Crawford to Chicago nnd return , " Bald n passenger man vostordny , "Is clearly a violation of both Tratistnlssnurl nnd Western - orn 1'raOlc ngrcomonti. It is bated nn n ralo of ono faro to tbo Mlisoinl river for the round trip nnd on 1 cent n mllooastof the river. Prom the ratoot ono fnro to the river Mnjor Duchiinan deducts n certain rate on account of land grant , which Ii on excessive ) deduction. The ratu of 1 cent n mlle * oust ot the liver is sanctioned , but the ralo of ono furo to the vlvir has novcr boon sanctioned. No mutter how you reckon Iho furo from Crawford It siiouid not bo lets than t'W unit therefore Is clnuiljr a cut rato. " "What will be the result ! " said iho news paper man. * "There can ho only ono result. The Klk horn will bo cited to explain why the ratu was cut nnd failing in that botti Tratwulisourl and Western Trnfllo associa tions will bo asked to nujilv thu penalties provided In such eases. In the former It will bo n heavy c.uh penalty. In the latter it will Mm ply uo n 'lire1 from the associa tion. It U evident , however , that Mnjor lluclinnnn helloves that a ono furo rate has boon agreed upon to the river , nut In this ho will llnd that thero's tnntiy n slip , etc. The mnjnr has seemingly put liU loot In It , and the raids not bidding uro after him with n pointed stick. " Mr. John Franclt of the llurllngton , when nskctl why his did HOT nut In a bid for thu transportation ot the troops from No- bntakii to Chicago , snld : "Wo huvo all the buiincs's wo o\n consist ently hntulls nt the ether end. Then the facilities for getting to .Tuukson park nro really of thu most exasperating kind , The Illinois Central It elevating Its tracks und unless you got over thorn Just nt the rigtit time you are liable to stay outsluo the park limits nil day. ' 1 hero nro lie facilities Insldo the park grounds for sldetrackim.- everything 1s In n wonderfully perturbed stato. You nro compelled to send your own engines and ciews with iho trains , and , these things being cnnsiUorcd , 1 decided not to put In tlio bid which 1 had rnuJo out and wu in my pockot. Now tliat I think over nil Iho dlvagroeaolo features of the case I am glad Iho Burling ton did not bid for the business. " MU' A TI1IXU OF THU PAST. Action Tiikcu by the Adxlsiiry llimrd IU- niililii ! ; HID \Vortrrn 'I rnltlc A'soulitlloii. NF.W Youic , Oct. 11. The advisory board of the Western Trafllo association mot thU attornoon at the Windsor. Only twelve of the seventeen roads comprising the associa tion were roprcscntcd , tuus laclcing two of n quorum , and the only business transacted was thoadoptioa of u resolution practically Uls'iolvint : iho association. ThU was ren dered necessary owing to the fact thut ono road sent n notice of Its absolute withdrawal , which was followed by similar acts on the part of other roads. The resolution is as follows : Whereas , The C'hicnjjo. llurllngton & Qulncy rallio.ul lias given nutlio of its wllhutawul from the Western TiMllh'asiocl.itlon , iindsncli Ins buon folluod l.y notice ot withdrawal from oilier fompunli'7lilch ) ren ders the .issoc'lutloii InolVeetlve , Hesolved. That lljls nieut'ns now adjourn , for the icason stated , without a tiny. The twelve loads represented were the Ateuison , Topoku & Santo Fe , A. Manvol and Cicorgo C. Mngoun ; Chicago , Hock Island & i'Jcillp , 1'rosldunt H. H. Cable ; Burlington , Codnr Hapids & Northern rail road , H. H. Cable ; Chlcugo , Milwaukee & tit. I'aui , Koiwcll Miller ; Chicago & North western , Marvin Huguitt ; Chicago , Si. Paul , AlinueapolU & Omaha , E. W. Winter ; Denver & Illo ( Jrande , 1C. T Jeffrey und Ucorgo ( . 'opplll ; Missouri Pnclllc , George Gould nnd Jay Gould ; Northern 1'aclllc. 1) . S.CPR ; Hlo Grande Western , W. J. I'ul- mcr ; Union Pacific , Jay Gould ; and Wabash - bash , O. II. Ashley and Charles M. Hayes. The Chicazo , Burllncton & Qiiincy , Illi nois Central , lown Central uud Southern Pacific were not represented. la un interview with Chairman A. F. Walker ol the Western Trafllo commission after toduj's adjournment that ccntlemun snld : " 1 do not expect there will bonny demoralisation of rates of tbo business of the roads. The present abundance of business is a safeguard against thut. No doubt a now association will bo formed in n short time , " Itnlluaj' Notes un < l I'or Mrs. II. G. Hurt , wife of the general man- acer of the JjlUhorn , went to bt. Paul yesterday evening. Mr. M L. Lomiix , General passenger nucmt of the Union Pacillc , roturuca ycstcruay morning from Chicago. The Sioux City & Pacilio now runs n par lor car between Omuha and Sioux City , n feature which is greatly appreciated by the traveling public. The Fremont , Elkhorn .t Missouri Valley railway was succosstul in Its to trans port troop : , from Forts Niobtani , HoDinson and Mead to Chicago and return. U is thought -100 mun and as many horses will attend the dedicatory exorcises of thoU U orld's Columbian exposition. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething is the family beuclactor. 3 cunts u bottle. CaiiuiUiiii NrusiKMior * . Through the kindness of A. MeKim & Co. , the enterprising advertHiiif * agents of Montreal , uro in receipt ofn copy of tlio Canadian Newspaper Dircie- lory , just issued by them , tuo Ilrst worlc of the kind ever published in that coun try. It is ti book of nearly 400 pages bountifully printed , handsomely bound and containing about all the Information obtainable relative to the press of the Dominion which nowexcoeds 1,000 publi cations. To an American advertiser doing busi ness across the border , this worlc will bo of tfi'out interest. 1'rice , $2.00. t.icciisci , The following marriage licenses were Is sued by County Judge Kller yesterday : Nntnu and aUilro's. Ago , 1.1 unit's ) . AlhrUht. Xob. Ill " ( . \nn.i L'lluton. AlPilght , Nub ji I Wllllaiu K. ItartiwiM . Lincoln. N h 4 ! 1 Anna M. StoKima , l v llnllitul : , .Mich III. l .luhn II. I'aidco , llilITalo , N. V 5 ( "l iiiiiiWi'iit I'l'irliu' , Omiiliu " ( i llcui-1 iAlf'irJ. ' . Spiliijllulii , Neli Si "i AKIII'I H. llaitiiiau , Uin.ili.i „ ' . " ) I . llieekeihoh'.in ' , ( Jinuha : : "l . \iliiist Hiuniles , uiiiiilia i ! . ( 'I'honias Itulleiton , Uniuhu II I I jully \ \ loiiiorr. Omaha 4 : i Kdniuiul II IMlley , Onnha ? . I iJL'itindo ii. Ihtniuiil , ( Jiaalia l l i .loliii A. Jiihiuon , Unialiu. . . . | l.'niin.i Ainlurion , umuliu /Mnolutrly I'iirt > . An exponenco In the use ot Humphreys Spucillcs In thuuisaiiih of cases , extcudin over a period of moio than forty yours , unue almost every vuriuty of subject and circim stanecs , has proved thorn to bo absolute ! pure and und , only productive of good , Tlio euro without drugging , purging or roaucln tlio sv tem , ana uro In fact und deed th sovereign remedies of the world. C II * Hill ( line rcrmlti. io 'j'Uo following permits were Issued oy tb superintendentof buildings yesterday ; "Lato to boa ana oany to nsa will shorte : the road to your homo In the eklos. Hit early to bed and "Littlu Wunv HUer."tnc pill that lu ltjj Illo lonb'ur auJ b3ttor uaJ \vlsor. OLE OLSON'S ' AWFUL SQUEEZE Experience of n Cor Inspector Who Wns Testing nn Air Brake , HIS HEAD WAS CAUGHT BETWEEN LEVERS With Air Knaucli nn to Stop n rrolcht Train tlio Inspector Ought tlio 1'orco nnd Clinic Out With n Dcntcil Skull. Ole A. Olson , n car cleaner In the employ of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omann Unllwuy company , mot with nory painful anil what near bolim a fatal nccidont nt the Webster street dopol yester day morning. Ho wns inspecting an au-brnko cylinder under a coach that was part of a made-up train , and had recklessly poked tils head into a space between two levers , when the nlr was turnoJ on for the purpose of testing the woiking ot the apparatus , und the Inspector's head was gripped batwcou the two ban of Iron as In a vlco. The com pressed air wns applying iho brnko lo his cranium with almoit as much force as to the wheels , and Olsoa's eyes bulged from their sockets and tha blood spurted from his nose and cars. Tlio passengers and trainmen standing on the platform near by were horror-stricken hy the fearful spectacle , and stood rooted to the spot , expecting yet dreading to hoar the sickening sound of crushing bones as the skull ot tbe unfortunate man gave way to the terrible force exerted upon It , but as good luck would have It that wni not to como , ns the brakes were sot tightly against the wheels nnd then relaxed , allowing the man who haa undergone such n merciless imprisonment to drop to the ground. Olson was picked up by his follow employes and tulion iilto tlio baggage room nnd iho company's physician was summoned to nt- torn ! him. Across each side of his head was 'n great dent , seemingly In the skull it self , over which the skin and Ilcsh Had been squeezed to a bloody mass , and" blood was flowing from all iho cranial orltlco3. lie was removed to his home , 23U7 Uurdetto street , where hU Injuries wore attended to , aud ho was started on the road to recovery. It is not believed that the squeezing will result Boriousl" , though the extent of the InJury - Jury cannot bo ascertained tor several dnyi. The mere fact that the lovers were not the least fraction ot an Inch closer together was all that saved the mun's life , and ns It was Iho situation was a desperate ono. Hood's bnrsnparilla Is an honest medicine , honestly advertised for thosu diseases which t honestly anil absolutely curoi. Mlirr City Itiipo ? . Special trains on the Wubash , Thurs day and Friday , Oct. 13 and 14 , leave freight depot , Council Bluffs , at 12:20 : p. m. , und return titter the raooa. Real estate. Bargains only. My word is pood. W. G. Albright. 621-2-3 N. Y. Life bid ? . Frescoing and interior decorating ; do- igtis and cdtl-nitaj furnlshad. Henry Lehman n , 150S Douglas street. GOOD EXCUSES AT A PREMIUM. .Men Tell Wliy They li > Not Want to lo .Jury Duty. The courts of Douglas county opened yesterday morning with another Install ment of jurors who will servo for three weeks unless sooner dis charged. There were not enough ot the regular members of the panel to run the business , and armed with a special venire Sheriff Ucunott Monday night started out to gather in an even 100 of the men who had voted at last full's election. His success was not such as would make n man feel croud , for ho found only lifty-six of the men whom ho wont nftor. This morning fifty-six men arranged thorn- telvos before Judge Davis , where they offered excuses going to show why they should not serve their country. " \Vnat's your name ? " aiuod the Judge of the man who stoou In the front row. "lureo miles from Bonnlngton"responded the Juror. "What's your name ? " again asked the Judge In a louder tone of voice. ' Sometimes I boar and sometimes I don't hoar. " answered back the juror. "What's vour name ? " the judge , leaned over the bench and screamed in the ear of the Juror. ' No Mr I'm not deaf but , ; , my ears are stopped up , " ventured iho man from Uenn- Ington. "In iho name of all ihat's good , will some man name ihlg individual , " bcgccd the court. The clerk suggested that his name was Stephen Urock. "Stephen , you may go to the bosom of your family , " exclaimed the court , as soon as ho bad caught the uumo. "What's ! " nskod your name the court of a largo sized young man who was on hand with an excuse. "Mercer , David II. Morccr , " nnswerou this Juror. "Candidate for onino ! " Mr. Mercer pleaded guilty and was ex cused. C. A. Starr wanted to got off bccauso ho was a doloKito to the Presbyterian synod which meets ut Beatrice. The excuse wo * noiaulllcicnt. ICmil Swnnson , a tailor , was workinir on a suit ofcddln : : clothes and if he served the marriage ceremony would have to bo post poned. This hocurcd him n louvo of absence l until Thursday. V. O. Strlckler worked the candldato-for- onleo doiiiro and was excused for the term , A. Ciirlson Insisted that ho could not sneak good Knplhh. "C.ui you speak well enough to votoj" aMiod the Judgo. Mr. Curlsoii thought that ho could. That settled his cnbo uud now ho is ono of the jurors. In iho case of Patrick McCarthy against iho Chicago , Hock Island & Pneiilc Kallroud company , on trial in Judco Koysor's court , the Jury returned a verdict for the plalnllft nssciblng his damages ut S15.00U McCarthy wns employed in a sand pr down in Kansas. Ono day the foreman o the gang told htm to jump upon a movlni gravel train. Ho jumped , but ho loft hi' ' good right foot uesldo thu truck. . \rt T itiiniiuo I'inco. Tuo inlerosuof the Patilck Landcompan have become involved In litigation aim a sui has boon filed In the district court by whlcl Kllza W. Patrick seeks to foreclose th mortgage which she holds on the lands whlc ! comprise Uundoo 'Place , the addition lyln lust west of the city limits. Ii her petition the plaintiff make N. 0. Allen. W. B. Clatk C M. Xorthrun , L. W , Craig and a seoro o other Kansas City parlies defendants. Sh ullages that on Muy I'.1 , 16S7 , bhu Buld th Innd lo N. U. Allen for WIO.OUO ; that at th time of the purchase ho paid fllO.OJO lu casl and gave n mortgueo on the property to sc euro iho payment of iho bulnncci of iho dobi Of this balance iho sum of fJJS.OOO remain duo and unpaid , ft Is to foreclose iho mori it is 0 0 0b isB B- ts is Ig 10 JOat 311 BO 18 Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard page and collrcuthls balance that the suit is brought. _ OATHOLlO.'OniLDRliN'S DAY. Cclelirntlon ofltho I'oitr Itnndfritth Aniil- irranry nn < AtnirlcV * IJl c very. ThU altcrnoon the children ot the Catholic schoolh ot Omaha will celebrate Ihotfour htindrodlh anniversary of * tno dlscovo.nj of America by nn cntcrialnraont In Exposition hall , four teenth nnd Capttbl uvenuo. 1 hey will meet at the Calhodral school at 2 o'clocic and march to the Exposition hall. The followlngiprograni tins boon arranged : Opening Culimibln , the ( ! cm of the Olcnn ( Unnil Uiorusbr nil Hie Children Drill nllh Wnndi Amcilcnn Alts AltsI'nthntrsl I'nthntrsl M-hool Ctioruf ! < > riin I..M. Vnnilnle-n fcrlioul l.lnrntlon Drill bt. Cnthnrlnu'a Aciulcmy Mcdler American SoiiK" lloljr Fnnillj Srhool ClioniaHo he m In M SI. Wuncroliiu'ii Scliool Airv ! T. II. Mtnnlmn. l.tq llccltntloii ( In concert ) AiMrosi to tlio Ai.icr , linn Hnc .SI. 1'nttlck'n bctiool Uririu-ltnilnn fct..loioih | > School Itccllntlon 'Iho American I Inn . . ! > t , l'clcr' School l lionu I'o Ifh M I'nul'R kelioiil Clinrui Our Fine t. jAnics'OrplmnnRO LIusInK Stnr I'.ink'li'd llnnnor Urnmt Clients by nil tliclhllilrcn Tno line of marcn will bo ns follows : From the Cathedral school , Ninth anil Howard , tit ! ) o'clock and then Ninth to liur- iioy , Hnrnoy to Twelfth , Twelfth to Doug- Ins , Douglas to Fourteenth , KonvtuonUi lethe the hall. Father Tlgho of Jersey City will olio ad dress the children. On October''I ml ot the Caihotto soclotloi of Omaha nnd tbo surrounding cilios will join In a grand parado. 1 \ . T INO THE SAND BARS. Comity CoinntUftlonoM A knl tn Slop Kurtliitr D.tin.ign liy tlio IMiitto 1 liver. The county commissioners hnvo returned from the west end of the county , to which pluco they wont to BOO what could bo dona to prevent the 1'lalto river from wash ing away iho low lands In the valley south west of Waterloo. The gcntlo'ncn llnd themselves in ruoro of a dilemma than before. In thu ox- Iremo southwestern part of iho county thcro Is a tract of some 50,000 ncros of land lying between the Platte nnd iho "cut-ofT , " wnicli is nothing more nor less than a snndoar. This land Is hold hy parties who have secured - cured IRX lilies , and who now como and ask Ibo county for protection. During thu past ton years tlio county lias cpunt fully S.'t UOO in protecting the banks , ill Iho way of rip- rapping with willows ana stone. Lust bpring.during Iho hish ivutor , this work was nil washed away and now the county ilnds the situation moro serious than ever before. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy ot its-kind ever proi duced , pleasing to , the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many csccllentqualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by r.11 leading druggists. Any rclia'ble druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , SAN FRANOISOO , OAL. I OUISVILLB. ICY. NEW YOHK , ju. S VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Dogs. Hogs , AND POULTRY. COO I'uco nook on 'rrrnliiiouc of Anlmnli ii nd Churl hent 1'rrr. j Vovrrfl.ConuOHl lorn , I nllit munition A. A. ) Spinal .llunlnair.n , Milk Fever. 1I.II. > - Strains , Ianium-h , Uliruniuli.ini. ( ? . ( ' . --IHiilcnuier , JSiinil OlncliurKUB. I > .l > , --fntH ! ur ( riihNiirmn. . , IlravvN , 1'iii'uinonln. V. I' . Oollc or ( Jriiirn , IIcll > iirlie. . . ' ' anil II.II.--l'rlnni'y Klilncy I.I.Krui > lliu DiHprtHfN , niaiiarr .l.K.--llsc'M i'n of Klsfstlon , I' Single liottlo ( orcrM closes ) , - - . CO bliililo ( ! IIMC , wllli hprcincs , A'nnunl , _ Vi icrlnniy Curu Oil ami Mcdleator , G7. 0O Jnr Veterinary Cure Oil , - - l. UO ftcM li.r Drnirgl.Ut IT urn ! ] irtp IJ anjnlirre and lu qnonlllf on nnlt | of Jirltr. I ) . ( O. , -n use 30 jenr . The only anccctf fill remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , nnd 1'iortratlon , from over work or other cansoa. $1 per vlnl , or 6 rials end large > lnl jiowdrr , lor SO. ttul < l ly Piuegliti.o enl lu t | > liliii rcctlj ( v ( | > rlce. Ill UrilllKVB11 KD. IO. , 11 A IIS Ulllluc 81. , vYollu TAKEAPHLB. , . . Hobb's Aie-tha Best on Earth. Act Gently yet prompt- HOBB'SAct ' tlio i.ivrli , inn. DR , HOBB'S fKVS ) anil IIOWKI.S , ills- Fov- polllDB Headaches , - riB mid Colds , thorough' ly cleansing the system ot disease , end curca habitual constipation They are sugar coated , do not gripe , very Email. easy to talio , and puri'If . pills In each vial. 1'orfjct dlgostloa tholruso. TUcy abKolutolrruro blrk liecd * ache , nnd nrorecmmnfnj. el br Iradm ; pb lclini. For sulo by leading drupiristBort-cialiyiiiu' . : ; S/ifU. / adal. Address K3BE 3 MEDICIKE 0. , Prop ) . , Han Fws'.o rr KOII SAU : IK OMAHA. NEB . DY t nhn & Cu , , Cd.fllth & DouRlut El * . J , A Fuller & Co. , Cor. 14lli & Douplai SU. 4r \ \ Fotur & Cw. Council lUutts. In To tlio owucrs ot nil lulu or p.irtsof luts oa Diivcnpurt Lotwvcn , ' iih mill Hlli slrcots : You mo lieruliv nutllloil Unit the umlor- falKiivtl. iliri'o ilisliituruslcd freeholders of the olty ut Umuliu , huvo licuniluly uppuliitotl l > y tliu mayor , nlth the npprnvnl or thu oily council of salil city , tu n es iho iluiinicu to tlio owners rospcctholy of the uropcrty nffciitcil bv craillnu u ( Davenport street fioni DUIh lo ; .bth stiocls , iluc.iui'il nuuuhsjry by oiilliiiinco : i. 7 , pasboil Uftobor 1st , IS'J' ' , ap- piocd October Jlli. iM'i ' , You uro fiirllieriiotHlod , ( hut liavliisiiccoptcd said uppolntmuiit. unit duly niiiilllloa us ro- iiulrca by luw.o will , ou tliu ' 'Jill ( lay ( it October. A. 1) . . 1M ) . ' , nt Ibo bourof SoVlooU In tbo uftfriiuon , at the olllro or Ueu. .1. 1'aiil , ItHi. ) I'll mam utrvet. wllhln IhucorponilollinlU ot fi'.ild city , nutut fur the purpoju or comldcr- Ins unJ iiiuUlns Ibo uasusiiiiciii or daiiuiKo to Die ovuiurs isspoutlvo'y ot nalil property , ullootud by sulil Ki-aillnir. tilliu : lutovouslu- L ritoii ( ucolul licnuIlK , U any. Von are nolltlml to to incbont nt tbo time and pluco uforcbulit , and make any objections to or btiitoir.vnth ' onuernlnv said iifiscssmcut ot ilaiuuiiCk niuy consUlnr proper. ( iK ( . J , 1 AUiJ * W. O. SIllUVKIJ , JAS. iTOCKtAl.Il Omaha , Oct. StU , 1692. o-lOU-VJt Will euro You , Is n true statement of tlio action of AVER'S Saisaparlltn , when tnlton for diseases originating lu Impure ) blood ; but , \vlillo this assertion Is true ot AYKU'S Snrsnparlltn , ns thousands can ntlest , II cannot bo truthfully applied to other preparations , which ucplnelpled dealers will icconimtml , mid try to im pose upon yon , as "just as good ns Aycr'.i. " Talso Aycr's Sarsaparllla nnd Aycr's only , If you need a blood-puilllcr and would ho bcnvfltcil pcinianeiitly. This modlclno , for nearly lifly jcnrs , 1ms enjoyed n reputation , and made a record fur cures , thut has never horn equaled by other preparations. AYlJU'fJ Saisapailtla cradli-atcs the tuint of he reditary scrofula nnd other blood tils- canes from the system , and it has , deser vedly , the confidence of the people. "I cannot foiliear to express my joy nt tlio rcllof I have olitiilnuil fioin tlio itso of AYUK'SSarsaparilla. 1 wiw alllioteU with Itidncy tumbles for about six inontlis , suffciing Rroatly with pains in Iho Hinull of my liack. In addition to this , my body was covcicil with pimply eruptions. The lumcdies prcMciilietl failed to liclp me. I llii-n lician ; to take AVER'S Saisnparilla , ami , In n shoit time , the pains ceased ami the pimples disappeared. I advise every young man or woinnti , In case of sickness reMilt- Ing from impure blood , no matter how long standing tlio cnsu may bo , to tulo AYKH'SSarsuparilla. " H.L.Jurmanii , 33 William st. , Now Vorlt City. Prepared by Dr.J.C. Aycr JcCo. , I.imull , Maca. WHO WILL FIND O'JK ' LbT ( BOY ? A "orplien-hear'cil mother wishes in formation of her lost bov , who disap peared Miiy 3jst , 1SD2. John R Doherty , ngo U , height , 4 foot S inches , light complexion , brown h'alr , blue eyes , slim buila ; had on when last seen dark sti-ipod cout , gray pants , shaker ihinnol shirt , fine calf boots , dark brown soft felt hat ; $50 reward for information Hint will lend to finding him. CIIAS. DOIIKnTY , n : : N. i-ith st. OMAHA. In Paint ? the best is cheapest Strictly Pure White Lead is best ; properly applied it will not scale , chip , chalk , or rub off ; it. firmly adheres to the wood and forms a permanent base for repainting. Paints which peel or scale have to be removed by scraping or burn ing before satisfactory re painting can be done. In buying white lead it is im portant to obtain that which is genuine , strictly pure , and properly made. Time has proven that v/hitc lead made by the "Old Dutch" process of slow corrosion possesses qualities that cannot be-ob tained by any other method of manufacture. This process consumes four to six months time , and produces the brands that have given White Lead its character as the standard paint. "SOUTHERN" "COLLIER" "RED SEAL" are standard brands of strictly pure Lead made by the "Old Dutch" process. You get the best in buying them. For sate by all first class dealers la Paints. If you are going to paint , it will ppy you to send to us for a book containing information that may save you many a dollar , it will only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO. , St , Louis Branch , Clark Avenue and Tenth Street , St. Louis , Mo. Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical ALOIS & 1OTOLD , V 1148.1511181 , 1 Kcxt lo Poslollfcj. af my * * m WPrY9fn § * " * ' < m P BMHggJBMBBBHM THOSE SUITS The past week has demonstrated beyond a doubt the fact that the male portion of Omaha appreciate the difference between "tweedledee and tweedledum. " They appreciate the fact that when the Nebraskri advertises to sell a fiftee n dollar suiT for ten and a half , they don't sell a tejn dollar one they sell a fifteen dollar one. To call our last week's sale a success would be "drawing it mild. " We never sold so many suits the first week in Octoberas we did this year. We're going to beaj. it this week going to give you still bigg e r value s c ? i v e you more " suits and moro kinds of suits to pick from" Today you can choose l't'o'in""I1o v e r two Uioo sjuTcl : suiits all at one price. You can pick SACKS or CUTAWAYS You can choose cassimeres or cheviots. You can take plain or fancy , You can buy browns or grays. You can get the heavy , old- fashioned pepper and salt cassimere that never wears oat or the very best all wool heavy indigo blue suit with double or single breasted sack coats. You can buy suits of us this week that have never been offered for less than fif _ tee n do 11 a rs a n d you can buy them for ten dollars and iilty cents. STRICTLY FINE SUITS Four of the largest manufacturers of cloth ing in the world who make nothing but fine goods who hire as good cutters and as good tailors as are to be had sell all the goods they sell in Nebraska to the Nebraska Clothing Company. No house on earth , no matter who nor where , can show you suits that are any better , or are made better ' in any particular than the suits we show as'bur strictly fine suits , and we haven't the gall to ask you to pay twenty-eight or thirty dollars for them either but offer them at $16 to $22.BO. JLook at them they'll do your'eyes good. yjv/ RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and -ft > ijnwoio , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe nna always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness. Blotches on the Face , Blight's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomuch , Dizxii ess , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul.Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Piir.- pics , Rush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Corn- plcxion , Salt Rheum , Scald Ilentl , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- case that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of. their functions by thu slo'iuch , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabulcs is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the mo t delieate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address Tllfi RIPAXS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. j 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Til * imlnent iperlnllit In iiervnai , clironlo , iirlvnto. tlnoil , tkln nit onn.iTy illipnioi , A repm'itr na f Khleretl craduale In incilclni * . ns Jlplumni anil curlitlc.ilc' nhoir , u null trc Jtlnir trllh tlic erplti'H Uce ( < ntnrrli.ipBrmnUHrhoel , Ion mnnliuo I. lomliitl Ui-nXnoi' . nUbt IOKOI , lm | iirtiicinilillK. . nlrli'luru , 2on < JrrhueA , gleet , tnrlcorelc.clr No inern.ry u I. NOTT trcntinsnt ( or Ion or vllil : poivr r , I'arllet iinntilo to vlilt mu may be treute I i liomo l > ; ouirtoiiumlcuo * . Medli'lna cr lnilrami > r.l < tout by nmll r erpien > ) ni rki lo Ituil 'ntu contunti ol mnAer. Uno iirrional InterTlun prctuircit. Cliiullal10i Irce. CorratpondiMK-u itrlcll ) pnv.ttH llnui ( MjiterlM of Ult ) Mai trda. U.TloJ hoJri 'J . au lo K f. n 6unjaj iu a. ui.'iu it m , bund idiiuii lor i "Korvo Socdo , the noniliirfiil rcmfil . U eol.l ivith 11 11 I-H. KD A VTEB V8I" - - „ , , , , . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . m. For silo in Omaha by Sherman ft .MConnoll , 1015 Dodgostrool. Huii rloriiilr iil B' for ilnt tl INO I nnil-ft YOI T U U IN J . ' ' ' . _ L.jQfrdLb'-i' yomula'IIM ' C'oiir.f ! r lud ; ' ( > uuuli , ilcimaliiDil Arl d pirlin nliililli"lorilrr iMcliirti'fiflrnt ( \ Aiiifrk n tml European ' tulliri1 , largo mill beautiful croiinJi , nru liullillnci. nioini wm [ jjfi M.i 'l " " - 'lill ' uVr Tr'lVAIlit : Ti- ' , ' . ' - / Unlike iiio Oiiicli Process Artistic No Alkalies CHICAGO ENGRAVING Oil at Low Prices , Othei1 Clioiuicnls Stock and Design are incil In the jircpjutioii of The Latest anil Uest. W. TAA. K.mi & CO.'S Send us & 1.0 and vc'llcrnd you itx > cncutcft caidi from a new copper plate. BreakfastCocoa Send us 00 cti. and > our present plate ( to be held aud teclitercd ; and we'll ( end you ivj c it'll tch it grated cards. jniro ami We paexpre&s charcei. . , lt\Mmorettinr.threeilmtt \ STATIONEHY OOM' 110 ( A ( rc/i//iof ( Coconniinc'l ' . Co. ( Utu Oulib'n Ubrtry ) jul wllh Htarcli , Arrowroot or * iii- ? Bu StiRar , and Is far moro ceo- 136 Wubaili Aye. , Clilcouo. ncnalj ! , costtna less than one cent ti cup. It H delicious , nourishing , aud IUMLY UIOB3TKU. L - . Sold liyfciorcr * nerjn litre. r.nalUk Dllnjgnd ! ! . * - W. BAKER &COTlo.1chejter : , Mass. ' * Orltliiul tc , hlttyi Mn/OuVCu'Mlui. rrlUllc. I OIK , > ik JOSEPH GILLOTT'S l > r lfl.l ftr ( llrtiilrrt J.oUi4 . . M. il oii/HrtnJ la lied tl.J C'.U ir.'HU Itn.l t'jI-4 hb blu iltbso. Txl' lltuulhrr. KifviiJltrmi it till" STEEL PEMS. . . IQ tui > lia M ftirllouUrl ttt lut.lilAlf "UMlef f.r l. ai " GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1080 , Mull | O OOO TM THE HOST PERFECT OF PEN3.