THE OMAHA DAILY BEli ; WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 12 , 1802. 3PB01KL NOTICES. AIlVKIlTIIKMBXTSI-Otl p m ( or tlia nil until 8 HI p m , for tlio morning or Sunder edl- Mo ndrrrtl'fmont Inkcn ( or ICM IhanU ccnti or thptiMl ln nrllon. All nrt orlnfinenlii in Ilioii column * P4 cent * . n word fur first Insertion ncl I cent a word ( or each ntineqntnt Insertion or SI ' 0 per line | H.r month Terms cn'h In nclrnnrn. Inltinl flcurrp rjinliold , rte , onoli cnnnt ns n word. All rt ortl ement mutt rim ' onucctitltplr Adrer tlrerr by ttqnestlnu n numbered cluck can | I T < < the Irttcra niliuefupil to n numbered litter In tire of Tnr. lirr Anuwcm i-o nildre r < l will bo deliv ered on the prenentMlon o ( the check _ NOTICE. In thn ( nturp no mUertlmnicnH will bo taken for tno evening edition after 13 30 o'clock All notices brought Into I'm olllcc nftcr tint hour will bo flrtl Inserted In tin * fnltonlnR mornlnir > edition SITUATIONS-WANTED. A iriATIO.V ) AS Mll.I.KH ( IMI ) AWAMKH , nr will rout nmnll water pill. Addrojii Dux .B > , Atklntuii. jxot ) 171 IT * IIV A Vol M ! MAN AS SlKNfXIIlAPIIKH. Look keeper or onice ul lant. Addrcx N 3.1 Dec I-T1 1.V AOl M ; WOMAN , AND CAP- A nble wl > lipi > nurk In fnnillr where no otlinr lielp l kept AildrcM M 3' , lluu MTOt 13' WANl KI TO"WOHK 1N 1OIIK OltVAIIK lioti'e or to olUlt trade riellxer irooilnur nnjt ticli nork liriiinn nllllni ; nnil experienced AU drem P , cnro IIU N Kith t M6JJ IS * WAN1ED-MAL.E HELP. ' ! > WAMKH HMjKSMKN OV HM.AUYOIICOM- JJmliMunto Imnillo tlio now pitcnt elicmUnl Ink ornMni : pencil 1 ho crpAlcnt M'tlln * novelty ercr produceil ern o' Ink thornniilily In two pcoml l nonbtiii > l ( nm t' pcr a ) to 'M per com prollt , ono penl' ! > tn1e . 'iijioiinlccl Ji-W In sit dnyn nnotlicr 133 In two IIUHM wo wnnt ono cnem-tlt ) Kenornl ngont In each fxto nnd territory 1'or terms nnd iinttlctilnm nildrpss Jlonroo l.rnscr Mf Co \ .11 Lhrui e , VMi I1"- * TJWANTI i ) A piiArfu'Ai. MAN \\nii SOMI : J 'cnpltnl to tnko a water mill Addrusi box M , Lincoln .Neb W > _ _ _ B \MIMI. . ARKNa-4 'I O SUM. KIVBTKAS coffees Kpler , extracts and mintlrlos br rMnpln to fHinlllPV mi ctipltnl required. en tiufve turrl ( rood iny.KCl our llboral trial oITer Q W. Lo virln .V llrowno lo. Chicane Mtioo 1C * >\i. I\IPI.OX. : MK.Nr orKin : Jlielp and Mtnitluin furnished , ? JU .V ( U 021 * - IHSTCLAS1. A t 'IIVM.II WNTBI ) I-OU B-I Imp and fiirnneo work .S others need apply Wm.l ylo lilckoy A. I o . IIU1 lloiiklisst 110 15-WU tKWI.Il MhV AL-O UltK KI.AVKUS Jwartml. Pay every Haturdiy. Das Mnlnos , la McDonald. MIUOA * MAS UASTHI ) TO COLLITT ANI ) SELL IN 33 country ; Apply nt. Inner olllco 40Unl p -HP.I.I'A 111. i ' MAV A IIOUT jj wno is QUICK JJlo learn nnd Milling to work wllllio Instructed In our tiiialii ( > 9 , nnd salnry pnltj wlillu luarnlnit Ap lily lilt ) llougl M. 4UOn4 I J WAN IT.I ) AOOOHCOATM xKHIl , APPLY 10 Jip. feoclior l.ivld ) CItr , Nobrask i 40J 13 * -\VANTI'l"si "ri.H : , 50J LXIWItmiS AND tcaiiKtois nml iMibconlrnclnra to work on ex teniUMiur Hock Isl mil nt l.tnroln , .Si-b 'lenms II nday. men fJniliy Kreo trin piirtntlon for mon and tc-iuis frnin any iiolnt on tlm Itock lilnud rond. llcport nl 18 mile * nontli of Lincoln on Itock Inland wrttfcV t Onlliihan MMSJII * H\VA vr.Kiir.v KIIISr n.A s HUH KLAV ra ut onto Apply to XV 1) Hughes ut i rete , Neb 6.-.Mil * VVANTIJI'-TIIK NAJI1 ! * AM ) A IIDltl SKi of cnerKctle men nnd women open for pcrmn Bout work.Xu Klxo eicln-lTii territory XX'o BnnrnnteocDo.l orkcra f > 0n week.V furnlHli nnieo. furniture dcllu-ry toini nml newspaper ail- TerllsliiK Our nrtlcle Ian monopolr It will vu ! S per cent of tlmcnnl bills of exerjbod ) tull par- tlculorsby mall. l.ltho rnpli . paiuplilcta etc . f reo upon receipt uf postage Address Koal Spar < o , 63 Oliver ttrcet. lloiiton , Mnaa. Mil3n3 * -WANTKI ) , A LIViVIDH AW XKR IllU'llK ncntutlvt1 to reprcBont us In e\crr locality , ono mthxliu xl .or. pluck , and puali. cim c-itlly mnko IJW OU per nintilh ; uu peddllnK koodf , something entirely neir. stnplo ns flour eml for full pnr tlculnr * toilny Aildro s "ilnuufncturerv' P O llox IW03. lloston Mm MMS N 8' * r > I.AHOIIKIIS tOll UMON TACll 1C II Y CO IN -O aoutliem Wyoming , Utnh and Idaho fnn pi n Krnmcr & , u llcarn Labor AKCtiey , JU1 boulli tit Direct. MWJ13' BVAVI Kl ) . BOMB ( iOOI ) MAIIUL15 SKTI15US Apply oraddress Dnvldaon & Buns , Ihlcngo , 111 M 1 8 ' . ' 4 ini DAY. MKN WANTIID 'IO 1'Al.NT ANI l np sljn hy using our p itterus nn I chart , i no evperlem o required send Ue lor aitmplo , pnr * tlculars , etc Llttlcllold & Co , drawer 211. Ailnnis N. Y SlMiO 13' B WANTKD.AN'KXI'nitlKM'KDllLACKSMITII Must understand hnrseshoelug. None other neei apply. Addrres 1 * . 11. Gainer , lUslng Cll > , Nl h ( ,71) ) 12 * _ B V'ANTCH , AOKNT8 , f500 'IO 81000 PKIt DA\ collecting small pictures for us to copy nnil on lame. HnUMrutlon guarantied nnd n flWniitlll free. A. Diinnu A Co . G Itcndo street , Nuw York S1C')7 ) 12 * B WANTUD , MAN TO ATTIIND I t'KNACI and work around tbo house Apply 'J1U Douglnii trcet. IAI Tl ITiOU AUK MU'KIMj A IIK.II ( iltAIP -Imposition In nny pirt ol thu I nlted i-mtcs wrltu toistirn lUiHliHbs Aki-ucy , lm.loslnK etnmp Minneapolis Minn I\VANTi : . AN AC1IYH. IM KLLlliKST IO\ 1'ior III years old , nt thu Omnhi Athletlo club 160a llnrni-y st OaJ II B AdllNH WANIKI ) iVBIIWill UK I Oil A. nen book by .loslah Allen \\Kvt , "jnniintha 01 the linen Problem " bend llfty cents far. the oulll nnd lo the tlrst lu the Held bend for circulars Dodd , Meail .M'ompnny , i 1'ast .Nineteen h street fjuvrurK City ( Agenty dept ) Mi > < ul4 Tj fioou i1 Kit \\TIIV : AM ) KXIMZN-FS TO MAM" J'nnil f niiilu workers to net us rculdont salismp lor n company niunufncturlngy < > oi' wanted In nrery housihohl I'ormuneut prolltnblo wurk Terms and circulars frte Addrc i hlectro NIIV city Co , 48 Armt'ry ' i-t , IlOftonMn s M7UU M' WAN TED-FEMALE HELP. wAN-rKi aiitii Toil iuTciTKN ANI C laundry nork. tJuiall family , good wages , 113 uenrgla uvr. 41(1 ( C WA.M'ii : > . LAD1K8 AM ) KlllljS 'IO DO OIJIl new work for us nt home ; JJOtJto $40)nwcek cnall ) mndu ; no pnlntlnic orrnmnwulm ; . send nelf nddrcs > ed rnrolupo Kchn .Mini u fact urliik' com j'.Tiiy , I Liberty rquire , lloston. Mass < 77 II * -WANTM ) ( IlltL 11)11 ) ( .nVKUAl. llOUHi : nork M n t tin n coed cook nml brine refer cnccj SWI sl , .Xlar ) ' avc'iiuu. MJJJ PI-\V\MII ) nuth ton < ; KMKAI ; , nousr VJwurk niusl bo Kuoil took , irnilier ami Iruner Apply > . ' . 'L'upltu ! inc. u > 3 p WA Tl.l ) , Tintii ion < : isr.u\i : < IIOU-K- v/work < ull loom Ml Knrback block between U n . in. nnd li p in l.lj jj C-WA.NTHI' . A < ! OOI ) IIIItL I Olt tJIlNhllAI. hon > \vnrk. . mubt furnlih relurouco. Appl ) li 'J -"d > Ittla ! 13 * C-WAJ.1 K A MVKDK Oil D.V.NK ( .1111 , [ Hi i.'orlli "jnd street M ( M'J It' /1-1I1MM1 UOOM ( illtL A' ' AT 214 wlvth strtut C7III * CVA.NIKD , ( illtL 14)11 ( JBMJIIAL IIOUSIO work | iinnll family. 1311 so llth.triet. MOCI 13 * _ _ _ _ _ C-WANTKI ) . CIltL I Oil CK.NKUAIi IIOlIs" ! ? nork , Mrs M Lory , .1)37 Dudxe it. , opp IIU'li ichool. M703 U _ C-WAN'l Kl > . A niHL'lO DO OKMHIIAL IIOUSK wurk In ftimlly of two Musi bo u goud cook Apply at : ; . ' ! . lmk on it FOP nCNT-IIOn8ES. D- OM.v"'l\To I.KKT OP TIIK tl-ltOOM"Cirr- tai-t's juntcnnipletvd llaro bath hot anil rold irnlrr and modern conri'nlnuces Duslrablo liumei for iHinlni'BM man In beautiful Msnford circle. Hir partlculura iipplr In Mar Loan anj 'Iruat I'u. iKinta , i. Now \ork l.lfoliUI , ' , iij -ToTtT.K.N r. smooxi uousi : . ALL MODFIIN coinonliine'K. wltli Urge burn. ji > Jl Poppleto n lYelncjulry. nlJ17 8. lilli il. | W D5J II HUNT HOUriKS IN AU. PAUTri OK Uliot ) K DuvUcompjiiy , lljj laruamSt. I 4IU D-lillMM ( HDl'Bi : NKAIt Fill' ! ! hUlluul , : tonni lieM ; itablu , modern conveulencva. 'llioi. f. HallJJJi'nxtun blocte 3Ii ) D-A DK-miAlll.v : HOMK W > IIOOMH , l-uii nl > h dor uiiturnlkhod , I'urlli's golnir to Cull' rornla. Apply uu incuiUc * , II1J south 'U'lilu itroet \ mil UKM1. 101IOOM IKiL'fK , 3015 sffOtu. ltec > 1.iS lbr. lloarct of Trade W4 _ VOIl ItllN r.OM : OFTIIK-MlHr COMI'LKI'F J-'eonvcnlont slid wimfortablo nlno room house ] inomnhu with Imth room laundry nnd alt modern TOnvc'iiliMirn , al n ulco yard ntSK. cor Jonttaanil { jtliktruoK botneun fct , Mary * vo. aud Leaven north .irni \M \ D 10HOOM HoTHK. CKvfllAIJ.V'lAXJATBD : furnace ami nil luiprovcmunts , 7iki N. 13IU bt. 197 . -'ilruet. Iminlre lr. Jones , Uth and Dodte ppynilo Cdall ) , _ DW IlOLi : Oil 1'AIIT OK WELL h L UN'IallKl ) ll room houiu for rent. Addnts I , in llru _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jliftl 1 ) 1'OOM ' HMT.81KAM IIBAT. l'I ItbT-CJi A i JJlttrcfructs. 6l B ami streut , ruum . 1J3 D ilvitMu"lIltlCK HCUSKVllil MODHlt iwproiriuenti on.1)11,1 ) r t near U-avunnorl Inquire at W7 10th lroot M7JJ Dwltli . , on SALI wltli 4ico W P K . IOU farni-Jl WJ "rTTjAKO 1IAIIN. SJtto , tuvo. aiuoty , UOUDU fi A FOK nENT-nousns. . - COTTAOK OK B IIOOMS TO DpI , without children. Inquire IMS Corbr Pt 410 " I > -1 3 UOOMat'lIKAt * AT OWN. UTllST. D-13J7 MJUTIl 2SU , 1.NQU1UE 1523JACKSON.M.V.I M.V.I -Kill ItF.NT A J ItOOM HOL'SK WITH Af.l. modern convenience * largo ysrd , at 111) 'nuth 2) ) tli BL.IJi If taken tor a year MM ; " D-7 ItOOM Vf.AT , MODKUV CONVKNIKNCE : " down town , chcnp. \ \ tUlit k I.asbury , irth nnd Howard. -MWJ 13 -FIJUMrtllKI ) MOIIFIlN IIOI'SK TO 11K8PON Ibla parties. S07JM Mary nvcnuc MWT li * llOUSK OK U ltKM ( , AM. MOlJKUN CON- Tcnlenre , | ipa | antljr loeateil near bu lnp s ten pr Ai | | > lr 14JO tlilcago t , or U S. tklnnpr. H.II Fnrnam Jlf/n n-Kou HUNT , a coTr r.i : . OVK nlalinl WIHinitli IJtli. or nnfurnldicil. inodern iniruteminta | Mb'Jj It * \-MCKLV n HNISIIKII nouiu ion -imc 'winter , Ktfionth23lh street. C31II. ' 1fl ItOOM COTTAOK tUftNAt'K. ItA1 It KTC. 1' nho Kuud bnrn tWK ) Hdlllly 'Iruit Co 15W rnrnum CW-l'J - ' IIP.NT. A ( iOOl ) 4-llOOM HOUSi : AND liarn l , clly water anil cIMern nnd well water , nt ImrliiM M'l 13 * DN I' W 11IUCK lIOUBi : 8 HOOM d AND I1AT1I. modern 'Improvements , block from motor nml Mures to rUIH pirty riunitnonlli Addroi , with references nnd number In family , N SI , live CI3 13 D -A MCI : toutIIOOM nor * ! ' . \\ITII A NI\V : bnrn , for rent very chenp nt 1(01 ( Ohio street MCM U * 5 ItOOM HOPSKfl.ll 171'H AVK , . 11KTXVKKN I ickaon und Ix-nvcnworlh. Mtlo < IT * D 1-1 IIUOXU OIINKlt'M.M' AI.LMJDK.IIV TON- Tunlenccii 2IU1 Len > cn orlli st U > 0 24 * 'K\M IIKAT. A1l , MOIIKHS IMl'ltOVI-- : npnts Host curnur Hat U Tlianl 211 N Sltli Mnet MM7 IT ! LATJ , DWnrMSl. . ( ori'ACiKS IV AM. Lily , Kilkenny & Co , Continental blk 110 HKN r.u IIOOM iiorsp : imi ANDDODIJK I'ntrupts. All modern lonronlenLiis Possession Ulvcn liniiKHllnti'lr mil or addtcst M I. lloedor , lluninioi 1'axlun block foJ KL'll.MMIKII 11OUSK ll IIOOM-s. Lxlldi : D limn.ot. bt. Slury JH\V o K Units 303 ITtli t KOIl IIKVT , 7 UOOM MUllhlt.V 1LA1' IN I'lIK Lunno block , WH , S. Uth street MolH > f\-H'llMSIIKI ) IIOUsK , II UUOXls 5 01 DObl.- J/lns street 21112 U * D \ Olt HUNT , OS P. UM-L'llMsHRI ) HOOM , ate un beat , as nnd bath Lnll ut .IIJ bo 21th "U MC1 { IS' FOlTRENT-FUUNISHED "ROOMS. I'LHASAVT l.AlttlK ANI ) hMALf , MC1ILY E furnished rooms on car line , 115 o 2dtli stree 5ol M E VKIIY LAltC.K AM ) I'OMI OIITAI1LK IIOOM3. Uentlemcn preferred 1RU Capital nvcnne 47--OI < noon , wim iiAru , t m h. HHW I'armni ( j4J i-tiiMsiini ) uooxis u : N mil st M'J.Mo.V -.NBWI.Y PPUNHIIKI ) UOOM. MODKIIN CON- renlcnces Prlvnto family , icrtns modernte .lUi Hurt Ptreel .XIo7l 15 * i-1 iit HUNT M\XI.Y : tuiiMsiir.i ) nooM3 Jjivllh or without bunrd 510 N , Ulli at M5bS 15 * J -hOlt UK.M' . 1 rUMSIii ! > 1100MS. LAUi.K l-'and smnll , front , kentloiuen , 1317 Jtickscin at Mb.-U li' l.i 1'LEASA.Sr UOOMb , I'lllVATi : KAS.ILY , IJonu uentlvmnn , fiWU , two ! 30J , bath etc , motor ono block lit' ! Georgia nvu U15 lb * E-l UIl.NIsUKD UOOM.CU H tetli st CS1 13 * " ' ' "IrUKNISiHED R'buais'ANb BOAKD lA-HLKOANl'LY MjKMblllCI ) ttOOM'i , MUST 1 clnsa board , at "Ihu Uulan , 20J and 211 N ISth street. M 'W r1 ; PI'UVISHKD UOOMS AM ) 11OAIII ) , 21)13 DotiKliisslreot JU19 15 * F TWO 1'1.1'ASAST IlOOMd WITH 11OAHD ; prlrutefnmll ) . 75 Harnuy MUMP ] ? LAIK.i : ItOOMb NMI'II OH WITHOUT IIOAItl ) 1. 2V.OJ tnruuiu. .M5b7 15 * I ? 'IO ( JBNTI.KMAV , MCKI.Y 1 lillMillKI ) 1southe 1st trent room with alcove nnd biy win * dow , muderti eonvciil nccs , private famll ) ; board C. . n i'Jth street 17 li * It * HAM > seMi : Rum : Jimi UOOMS. IIH--.T. JL class board lji : ! Chloaj si. Oil UNHJUNIS11ED UOOMS - with buard. 1310 Chic > xo M ( jTJ 1 F-MCP.LY I UUNISHKD UOOMS , 1'IlliT CLASS board , all modern cunvenlcncos ut 1'JJl Califor nia street. MU.J 11 * BOARDINQ. n tUlMSIIKI ( ) DIMNO ItOOM llK.Nr I'AII ) In board. Address N."J lice 07J U FOB. RENT-STOBES AND OFFICES. T roil iuNT.Tii : iT HIY J-'Jlij Knrnam kt. 'Iho building hai u Hreproof co monl bisement eompl"to stcamhoatliu llxturei , w ill r un nit the lloors , gn * . ntc Aoply ut the olllcu uf Iho lice. ' . 'IS ' T 14)11 ) HUNT , sfioiM SIONB FIHI : irouf building line concrete basement 1411 led ) u Ht , will rent lower ruoni i > ml basement , upper Murks llnu for scnliu roouu ur factor ) uf nti ) Kind llcnt to suit If satlsfaitor ) John d WIIMs 471 13 WANTED--TO BENT. K WAN'llID. UOOM AND HIIKAKfAbT I'lir- Ternblo lu uxchinge for Instruction ( langungea or Klifllsh branches ) Address N..J lice MM i ! . ! - AM ) LOIK.l.M. WA.NTKD H\ MAN K-llOAIlD and wife ami biby till Mny 1st , references KUi-n and requested. AddrcbS N II , Ilee C7d 1 * K-1 uUtOK I'AHLOU CM IIIK. DAY Oil 1 VKK Ings only fur teaching sainll clashes Address S .a Hue , MU , " U * K-WAMKII , I Olt TIIIC * A ! .NTiil. MODHIIN well furnished cuttagu Cuntloman ami wife. Ail > iriMN37 , Hoe M701 U STORAOE. 1)117. ULKAN X PltIVAl'KLV _ hlOltl'I ) I UU li I tn re , 1.1J7 Iiuiu'lna.Oni iliu htuvo llopnlr works M -H'IOHAJi ( : CHUAT , CLHA.S , WlILl * , 1111 Karniim street Vs'J WANTED-TO BUY. XT \j ni : > WILL PAY si-or CASH IN 1 > umounts from JW WJ to tlou.OOJ for stooKs of dry pouds t > ootft , h irdwaro clothing or cirpuu Must LHo lar o discount u.f Involcj prlco No snldu blocks cuiifldereil Address In coullduuco , box u\ \ , Lincoln , Ac l > Uxl J'-\\AM'ID ; TJ HUY > * o\ii ! a run CK.M' ll-st niorHii.'os , Huoil , tullj > , .ill lluard'liude 75J : os-iioo' IIDUSK 0 and house fur lent , 1SIJ Jaioou street 413 1J * " tTu SALK. i-uitsrruiiK uv 7 HOUM H.AT lluumcrs pay morn than to it. Address M 'I lice. M4JJ 13 * FOR SALE-HOKbES , WAGONS , ETC. > -KOIl h\LK , A HIKTY DOI.LAIl 'IOI' HL'UIJV forlJiOO 11 U Colj Contliuntjl block 2U MtOK .HAI.K , < .bO SI'KKIX IIKAP , hAILOll HO ) , J ch. n , b > ears old , ru-ord i.fil over half mile truck , worked uut.1 miles over Council Illulfs truck In ; . ' "J. i .I. and J.i'Pi. lias > hewn iiuorters In .i ! seconds , tomhlncs the blood of Almunt Jl , niul llakhuwfiU ' 1 Ills liortn will bant thu Omaha truck iiltfrt.'it 15 , Mhcru IntemlltiK purchasers cun n him. Ho Is sound us u dollar and will bo Kiiarun luud lo Kat3uOovur auyuood mllotinck , nlll bt sold cheap. JAHT nruiiMi ion HUP. Will also neil thu fast bay KolilliikKmporor , ' yuurs ulil out of the bamti dam ns nbuvu Htulllon and tan trot nearly ns fn < t. lluth horses ma ) bi teen utter Oct. I5lh ut Omaha truck , or uddreis i ; I'uttte. .Neoli luwa. \H/J1 U' -MI30EjLI.ANfigU8. . -"nA lTyi TmiciiAiiu , iiouoLAa IILOCK ! VN ! IUllSALK VKIIY CllBAPiAfcOLlNKbrovT ( III perfect ordur , \\ululer. . U7o 12' ' Q-HU HALK KINK loo.X 1IOUM ) Pltl'1'11 ! M > o etch cnlllu tliepMerd uupplei Chan Klaiu , ColuiublK. .Nfl ) . So IT AIISOELiLAl'EOUS. K-iiousn utNou > o. m-itoiisKd. COI.TJ and catllo carej lor the year round. < ; . (1. ( inns Hoiith Omaha , .Noli I1 v . box Ui. II > 3 ( ) . ' ; I i -iKCOM ) HANuoOKS lKlT(7lir rtlltCAsIl Ji nt Iho AntUjiiarliu book ( oru , IM'J tarnam 077 n 10 * OI.AIUVOYANT3. 0-AlllllVAL KVl'llAOlllllNAHV : nuniDiiv ij | Oiutflutloin. Clulloujoj HID norld. Mr * . Dr. M , l jTruro , iluid trauee cUlrroyant , atrilo ln , pulmUt aui ] Ufa n > ad r ; tellt your llfj froui tbo maloto Krura ; unllai ihs aaparalnd ; cjuuimar rluk'e wltli llio Qua you lurui lull * wbera you will ucceed uml lu what builuett belt uluptuj tor , Imj Iher.'IcbrntoJ L'nyptlai ) brjuilplato for luck aud to deitror bad lutluuneej , riirvi tlt > , Intuiapeinncj unrt ull private ooaiplalnti with matuve. Uuthi nml nlcohul treatmaDU toaJ tSOl , lotk of hair uauiu rnddalHot blrtU and rocilro utxuratu IKu tlui.t , Jri-ul lu > tami | for olrciiur Klro lultl l of QUO you will marry ; ulio photo * of aama Oalca 41 ; houth Illuttreet itrttnouri liuun , Vu m ti.ip.tu I omeone , couiu all , odd ! > ugaflao aol tul oa- a rfulorjcla. ilJJTlo * CLAIRVOYANTS. CcintCnntif. Mna.NA.VSIK V WAltllKS CLAIHVOVAST S reliable business moJIum.HIlh yes.r at I19.S" trth. MASSAOE.BATnStETC. rlLap STOWK , MAO.VKT10 HfiALKIl , - app lT tt st , M45JIJ * f | * MAHAMK SMITH 1151 CAPITOL A Jllooru 3 , Sd floor. Alcohol , sulphur in < t tan blihs. .MIM II * rp-MMK liA ItUK , MASSAQB , 418 SOUTH 1STH -Lstrcct , third lloor , lint I. MST4 l& * " TMAS A7K TIIKATMKST. KLHCTIlO-TllKlt. mil baths , icilp and hair treatment , mnnlcnro nod chiropodist , Mrs I'ojt.SIJHS l.Mh.Ylthncll blk. V.r > _ _ _ _ _ _ * ( J K CKI.l.KNIIKCK 1IAXJO TKACllKtl , wllli Ho iieorN W ror llth nnil llnrney. 1'IJ ILK33 THAN 7 PKIICT Including nllrhnnroa I'linrlca XV llnlnoy Omilis Nut , bnnk bldn. Vrt YYr-7 Plllt I'K.VT MONEY NKT 1O HOIIHOW crson Onmhi city property Noottrn charges ofnnyklml Why pay lituh rites * Money la clienp Yimcanitct full benetit of low rnlcs from lllobo Loan nml trust Co Ibth nnd Poiluc Wl \\r-LOANSllN IMPIMVKI ) AND U.VIMPItOVKII ' city properly , $1001 an I upward * n to 7 per cent No delays \V tarnaniStullb Acl'o , liih and llarncy KM ) \V-PlltVA'I i : MONKY , 1ST ANIItl ) MOIlTd A(1K "I loan' , Iuwrntt'9 Alet Moore , lleo blclif. 101 \\r-OMAHA 8AVlVns if.V Nk MAKK * LOANS * * on reil ostito nt lone t market rites Lonna tnidoln oinnlt or lireoaums for short or Ions time No commission Is chirned nn 1 tlio loiii nro nut sold In the east tmtctn always Ii3 found nt tlio bank on tin ) corner of Uth nad iiongl.M streets 101 ' \\r-MONKY 'IO LOAN OS IM " " " ' ) CITY ' * propeitylow rate A. C. Iroit , oiwlas blk 101 Vir-1 AN1)2 \ i\IU.O\NSOVCIT\ KAIIM llecd .V folby , J31 iloird of Trnde Vir-CIIV AM ) F\HM IlKVL KSTATK LOAN3 * ' nt lowest rates ron 'ilt ' ns neftiro burrowing K C ( iarvln A to , .1H Sliealoy block 10j \\r-MoMlY til 1OAN AT I.OWK'-T UATCS t TheO K li\7ls company , IWj I arnatn street 413 AMIIOVYIOVS ASDTHU T CO.1ISN Y Life , lends nt low ratoi for clmleo sai'tirlty o n Nebrattcnor Ion a farms or Omnlm city property f.M \v- C. F. HAUIIISON , 012 N Y I.IKB. W7 A\r-CKMIt XL LOAN A , TUUsTCO , 11KB IILIMI. V7"CHKAP MOS'KY. SKR 0 W. P. COATi : , 'i 1(114 ( I-nrnnm. V.'J \\r-THB ritf.LlTY TllUSr CO. UKCENILY ' ' removed to S H corner lieu biilldluc , 1 * . prc parc d to close lens on tUy reil estitu promptly nnd nt lowest rites Sub'ult ntutllcatlon 1)1 Olt vy 'Mo.vnY' TO LOAN ov IXIPHOVRD ur.AL * > cstste lowest rates ; building loans a spec laity Thotuns Ilroi.n.ui A. Co , ICirbach bloek 7sSo31 \\r IIKAI. rspvru LO NS. ( TOT PIIII CISNT. ' > nondilltlounlrlinrKds for coiuiuh'lon or nttor- noy'a fees XV II .Xlclklc , 1 irst .National Hank btdc U77 \\r-MOV15Y ' 10 l.OAV , JJOUM TO LOAN IX ' i ( "mnhu on building nnd lu in plnn $11 Bl pild monthly will pay oft { 1,00003 In 79 months No commission Hntn N less thnn U per cent. Poor man s chnnru ! Do jou need numoy ? Can > ou use nionpj ? If so , rail or address room 31 ? , Itee building , Omaha f\c\i \ 1011 i MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WILL 1OAN MONKY ON X curlty ; strlt-lly Lontldenttal A. U. Harris , room I , Continental blui k. 10) X I'lllTCllAltl ) , 51 DOUGLAS ULK , lui DODUB 107 X LOANS OV CIIATTBLS UKASONA1ILK IN terest. partial pnymcntsl to fl months W It , Da\l , 1120 , Contluuntnl block Ulevutor 15th flW W ) MOXBV AT SaVf UATiS OV ANY KIND OV X security Kcystono Mtge Co , 203 aheoley block 1U. ) - Y < < U NKK1) MONK\ X-DO TIIK KIDhLlTY LOAN OUAUANYKK CO , Iliiom 4 , \ \ hltncll block , cur llth and Ilui uny tit , WILL LB.SD YOU ANY 4LM. KltOM JlaaollO.OOO ON TIIBDAY YOU ASK POIl IT. Wo mike locus of nny slip 1 irjfJ or small , on huusehuld cujds , pianos , horses , wngons. wnrehoiiHo receipts nnd personal property uf nil kinds , In nnj umount , wlthnnt delay , pub licity or removal of proper ! ) , che ipast rates and easiest payments HrfK Ua blllbl' . 023 X \-HOO.CIOOOO TO IXAN IN AMOUNTS from tlO up on HOUSEHOLD KJllMHJKK AND I'lANDS , UOlthlCS , WAii.N AND CAUIllAGBS , WAIIiiiOUvlK : ItKCKIl'IS. OH 1'EU OVAL I'llOl'KllTY OP ANY KIND without publicity or removal of property. You can si\o time and money b ) calling OD OMAHA MOItl'GACh LOAN CO , ltd011111 , Crclghton Block- . 15th and Douglas , next to Tostolllce. l.NCOIll'OHATi : ! ) mtX)3 ) : MONIIY LOANHD CIlliAl' AT YOUll OWN time. Ncbrasia Loan Co , Ijlli Douglas at 403 V MONKY TO LOAN ON KUIINITU11K , PIANOS , J.horseswagons and collate-il security llusl iiesscoulldcntlal tred larry , room tii lluuisehlk MO.'i ! f-LOW IIATHON rUHVlTLUK L1VK STOCK etc J\\ 'ln > lor , 1'lonuor blk , bouth Omnha V MONKY-TO fl ) ! 0 1)XY CIIKAP UATI' < -'Vnndensy niymcnts. on furniture , plnnos. IU ( stock , etc , without dclny or publicity ; ciuh on hind Dull ( ireon room 3 .M IS2 X-tiiATTKit ixiAhdynx. v i7iin MoitiTn 453 M. * -0 DO ) 10 LO A N OX OHATfUL SKCUIHTYi business tonltdeuilnl. It 533 Hoard Trndo JI4'J7 .S7 * BUSINESS CHANCES. _ y-KOIl SALK , Till ! COM 110LLIVU INTKHUSt In the lendlnusish and door mill In tlio north- wont : dolnx nn Ininuuso business , over ! Hl ) ( W worth of now work now In llie. nil I a great bargain tothu rluht pirly < all on or nd Ircss I I ! Mnson , rooms JJ uii'loj ' , llarker block , Omaha , Neb. IF YOU AHKMIUKINVr A litWlNUSS Ol'l'Oll tunlty requlrlnz ninll enpltal In n ccrt.un und oxeeedluuly prutltubln and eruwliiK bnslupj-i , nod alnaystash , urllo to the undcraUncd Inolosllu stump , whoii full partloulnn will bo eh on U K KM IliJ L lrout , Lincoln Nub In7 V l' ill SALK. AT A YiitY : LOW 1K.UUK. . 'I UK JLpntlro slnto Interest In ono or the heivlost piy InK monopolies now bafiiro tin p ibllc It wilt aivo Ki uireentuf ihirual bills of otorybody nnd pru diicubc'lterrusulls Uvorybody winti It nml will hnvo It when s9im A larx b I | UJM can bo donu nt imciiln every cuunty hull ptrtli'iilars ' by mull Address li K K ll.'Jl. st Lincoln Neb MS7J UNK lltil.SKvj ClfANcir ! IK SOLD At once horsilu the lo -5 , fiirnltnrnnnd llvturBi uf the Merrlum hulol , Omaha , conlalulnirO' ' ) rooms , clcantl ) furnbhel. nil rented , eighty purmanoiit KiirsK ( hot prlv ito fitmlly Untol In Iho wust Will oil beoaiwMif poor huilth tor terms npply on | irc'niltos.'Jth and IIJJ.'o. Mrs L M luttlu Ml. * , ! O13 * _ \ rIf YOU AUK SKKKINli A Illi.SI VKSS Ol'l'UO 1 tnulty tu nny line tit liutlniiM urlta for our bu lot'n , Incloilnu'stajiy Wostcrii Iliulnass AKU nt MlnnoipolU , Minn . \ ' - lOliSU.K ItOUM HOTKL liOOD HCI'AIlt only hotel lu town AilUrun Krink llot'iwull HtcTllng. .Sub MM 15 _ - 'AYi MS , noor ANI rlioo business lit tlio northwest , olonn with uuoO will und lease , for > alj cheap , r. o box 1 , Chndrun Nob. 47 * _ Y-COALAM ) KKKUHUalsr.iiIPTAKKKbOOX A bargain Allen llrus , ' . 'lib und licit Line C47 11 > * _ Y-WANTKH. A LADY I'AIITNKII TO A GOOI pnlnu business llest location lu Oaiuba Ad drcsii N M. Hoe. MUS3 1 ! * FOn EXGHANOE. Z-CI.K VII OMAHA ItKAL iSTATK : FOIt MDSK actual \alualloii , Monuy to loan , llox ( M.Omiba 110 r/-I OWN 1W KAUMS IN Nl',11 AND DAKOTA ftIII lll or extUauijc. lox 7il , Krankfurt , Jnd. / 130 LOIS 12 ULOCKrt KUOM NhVV 1'OsT- /Joillc-e. price ! ) , ) ) . will | akoIJ90VU land cs br > i > uthwe > t or lir oruiicli an I met 1 7i > o-iiero ranch U'J miles iroiu 4)maha tiO.on fur HOCK of mprchindi < A. fd.f/xi 'ock harduuru for clear town property o land and h ra h flauun HJfk dry Roods , boon nnd shoes am groc rle < for clear land or town pruparty und cash foUOUitork loots and sliues for clear proper1 and ( < cash , ' llO.u o frumo block In Kood town , rents fur 11,00 per } car.f ant uood stock of goods. 1C F , lllnuor , IM'J farnam 045 / WAMKI ) . I.KJIIT DKI.IYKUY WAtiON 1 ! /Jtrado f or ludy or ttmU' nrltlm ; dctks , ISlua K < t. 4.811 m rKOII KXCIIA.NOB. CLKAII tit < u i iiofbi Aauillot wltb barn.or broom houiu , will iia dlltercuco lu cath 1) . K Hutchison , 109 N. lit ; meet MOW U * KORSALE-REAL ESTATE. 11 BAL tSTATK lloruulcs only. Vy word Is vood W O Alb.-lcht , UI J-S.Siw lork Life. Mil f OTJ.TUt'I'f hSSUII S ACUKS WlallT ItOOJ i-Jhuiuv , all Improruaiects loqutro 3iJI lloy < InwU M7JJ M * FOR 8AIiR-REA-Ir ESTATE. Conltmftl 10 HOMK SKKKKHS-1H AVONIIA1.R 1'AHK .1 yon can have an rloiant booio arrantrd to suit on. "llh building limit , troni , trslk' . tower , water , nd K\ . within walking iliitniica of buslnpsi , ctiools and churches , and all rut about SI un. Cer aln In bo the prettiest Inilcl' revlilcnes addition In horltr Over one third ot' nlrevly sold See sfor pftrtlonlnrs before thottrklo Is raised. Fidel * ty Trnst company. 170 ! Ftrnant n. r | | iOU ' "A " WCSKVKN -I liotel nnd scliiitjcn t > irk , Wo't Omahn If sold nick only II.WM. Uro , N. IllcVi , 3) > M. Y , LlfiT iidtf Men u _ _ 1IIKATKAI.TA MON. . Cl tY OV WO.XIIKIIFUL 'resources Wntcr power , Ual , Iron , Kold , silver. upper , wool , lumber Mock , asrlcultnre , etc. Mis- ourl river falls SI 2 fen In seven tulles Kor snip : iKhty neres , i holes for reilddic } nnd business ots , near tba dam mil eoppor works , only tlu.WK ) , ermsnasy. Address. J O. Clregit , asetit , ( Irent nils. Mon. 411 la * _ _ IfOU SALK.K101ITY ACIlKMCLOiK TO OMAHA. rluht In thn way ot the future crowlli ot the Ity I'rlce. 144 oil ) Can lake oed farm land ns part payment , ( ice N Hicks. SJJ.V \ Life 111. . U iroit SAliK Olt IIKXT , S3 ACHK3 WKLL 1M L proved , three miles from now tort , 1 1. WO Ad Iress NZ ) , Hoe MCt > ] 13 * [ 70 KSfK.nKAUTIKUri > < OT , 13 rKKT FUON r , I Illli t. South Omaha , near C , 1100) Apply to owner , Itoom II , lliislimao blk. tmiii 4M OI8 QKCT10.N. CLAY CO , HJ AN ACIIK. kJolo ncres Nnnco Co . IU > per nero. 210 acres , Hnmlllon Co , ( toper acre. 1'Bncros , ' nrpy Co , f4J per a ere ire nere Sarpy Co. . Ml per ncre I47neres near Omnha ft't per ncrc. SIS ncros , 1 hur toi Co { ij per arra , 3U acres , otoo t o. $4 per ncre njjncrof , Undue ro . Ill per nero 1GU rcres , \ ork Co . } IO per ncre C. V Hnrrlsun , OU N Y. I Ifo _ _ MUM 1 1 | Ji-Mll SALK , MY ItK IDKSOK ATI4I18. 20111 Jsi , 10 rooms iMidhith hotnnteold wnter , electric lells nnd burplar nlnrm , speaking tube furnico nnd mm , nlso tlnu vncnnt east front residence lot I \Millncy , 401 Murchtuts > attonal hi li ; , 417 .S5 _ _ I poll ALI-lirsiNC a LOT Mill ) COKSKlT 22.1 and Leavenivorth partly Improved , price 15 aw , wl I take uood tnrm land us part piyment Jen N lttck , ! IOJ V LlfohldB M01J 13 IJ'Oll ' SALHOIt TltAKK IIY'UIK OWNKtt 10000 JL nrres of Nebrnskn s IInest fmmlimlnnd nt n Kreut sacrifice O. II. Peterson , 111 ] ttlltli nt ) milin Mutt Mi \VANTiil , MOM TAItM I-Oil CAUL ' \SnUted house nn 1 lot for clear lots Wanted xcctlnn land 7"i miles of Omahn. Wanted W acres neir Omnlm Wanted Miwo 64 percent \\antiMl dnellliiK lortloir nrroneo Wanted ilnflllim forolear fnrms. \ \ nnled huuso nnd cnsh fur fnrm C. K. Harrison 012 N. Y Life KOi.1 IJ 1OII.SM CLXUKU , IN , t. J HHOXVN 11U > CIC , " has for snio Inrxo lint of property of nil do serlpllons In the city nnd suburbs. l 4r > 'Oil ' PALK CIIBXP , itJ ACIIK3 LAND IN ON 10 of thobOKt stork countlos In Nobrnskn tor imtleulnrs nrllu to N 31 lleo olllcc Ml 17 * 1 poll SALK , 3 UOOM roiTAGB SOIS ItANCllOKT street , city water , 2 blocks from motor , ( I COO illM IS * LOST. LOST-OCT. 8. I'Alll OP HOLD IttMMBD Klns-ci nt ICth nnd I nrnani rinder will plcaso return to IJntch A. Lauinan 1514 tnrnnm or my olllcc , Union rnclllc liLMclqimrtcrs 1 ! llucklnuhnm WH1J * I OS T. MASTIFF1 DOO OSK YHAIl OLD , WITH Jleit'ior strap around neck , J1 OJ If ro turncdtoA P Tukcy.VJIl Chicago street OT'.i 11 IOLKS DA11K HAY MAIU2 HIICIIIIll ) TO TOP biiBcy from Uth A DouitHs return toONvllla burn So. Onulin. CI2-11 * OTIIAVKDOUSTOLIN , A t-MALLoiiAY MAIIK UiTllh brnnd A on left hip i Itewnrd will bo pnld for return to .John Wnllnndcr. JW street , bitween K mid F streets , South Omiilu. SIo'JI 12 * SrilAMM ) AWAY Oil STOLB.V , A SMALL ItAY mnro with n white fnco nnd n tumbler branded onherolde. Upturn to Murray1 hotel barbershop nnd receive reward M in .1 UlKon SUM 12 * JOREISSMAKINQ. " " " " A i HIST "CLAPS"cniOAao" " "IHK > SMATCBU would like nork ia families ; Work Ruiranteed Address 10 M 17th st. 4 04411 * 1Oll 1 1IIST CLASS DltnbSMAKINC AT lir.ASOX L nblo prices call nt 2157 a lOtU.lakaS. llth t car ( W II * " | TMiAUMi.S'TS : 'IO DO .UFIKSSMAKLSO IN JjfnmlllcB solicited. Miss Sturdy , SM South Mth street Mifilnll * ACOMPKTKNT UHKSSMAKKll WAMS WOH1C Infimllles. Mrs tolsoin , Wi 1'lerce. MCS7 U * DllUSsMAKKH , FlllST JCf-ASs CUTTKIl AND titter , KVC- ! < the leadlUK.iVylo * a'l1' ' Vilest cut , fl' per day , wishes cngajjeniprits. . Address N .13 , lice M539 12 * TOUND. 1JOUSI ) . IlllOWN IIOIISK WITH IIAHNKbS ON : -L four blnclc foot ; owner call at2911 Drown mroot MOJ3 13 > FOUND A nunnr l-on INFOHMATION. CALL nt 1403 Douiilasstreet. U35 U * cTAKEN UP. ri'AKIIN UP aBPTKMDKIt 21 , LAItRl ! UUAY Ahorse , b'Ind In ono eye. trifle lame In cine hind letf Owncrcin hare same by proving property ant pa > IDR charges It. W. 1'utucy , couth of Omahn llclvhts vtutlon MJ 11' TIIK IU.V1/1V AlAKKUr. TNSTRUME.NTS pUcod on record Oct 11 , i.ItIlA Tv DEins. W .1. Ityrnes und wlfo to W J M.iRiilre , lot 15 , bloi'L o , Pottoi & Cobb's nda to South Oiii.ilin J 4SC II K ( 'I nl ; et nl to Lars Petersun , lot 2. Mhlillctown ami . , . u Lun Putorson and wife to Annlu W To- ! hlini ) stiino. . . . . . . 5X Liu-i At'inniloi and v , Ifo to 1C S Swodbcr/ , lot li blocUO , West Ouinln. 2,000 D 11 Johnson and wlfo to Alice Johnson , lots 11 Mid L ! . lUjk-U , bill nil's 2d ndd ] W Li O un | ) to I ilwanl Uiiinp , lot 1" , block V , A b PutrluU's add l.OOC Joseph nnd I ! K IlarUor to.Iohn .Michael , lot 2. block 4" . bouth Omahn 8JC M T WalUur nnd husband tu I , b llltrplng , lotlSI , Yuti'sA , liced'ssubof lotT , Ua- lfin'smld ! 1,23 : K U Morohonso and \\lfo to I' 1' NellN. o IB feet lot 7. mid \v 17 font lot 8 , blooK J. I'oitciV add C,00 ( K SI Purroltii nnd husband lo Annlo I.lnd , lou 5 and G , block 17 , Central Park 2.50C QUIT CLAIM I1EEI > 1. Peter ICiindson nnd wlfo to A II ICnud- sen , lot II , block "I , " Lowo'a mid 1 DCRIIS. I ) 1' Coclirnn , sppclil muster , to I.vman Kloliiirilson. lot 5 , bio k 1 , Ralph PUce 6K Sainn to O I' lioud , lot 1 on Dial niado bv H \V Nnsh In JI-1J-I.I l.oo : Total ninniint of transfers $ 10 H. REM IN C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchanqs. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1JOI Kjrnam Strcot. THU SIIOK1EST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Raihvgy , as repre sented on this Electric Lighted team Heat ed Vestibuled grains leave Omaha daily atfo > 5 p. m. , ar riving at Chicajrcjfat9:3o : a. in. City Ticket Office , ' 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha ' F. A. NASH , © f n'l Agent. OIIOINANOE "NO. 3277 An ordlnunce localliu turlaln nddlttona water lij dr.tnts In thu city ot O nithu. lloltordiilnud by tlio city council of the city ofOin.ilu : huct on 1. Tlmt the Afnurican Water \Vnrki Cunii.iny | bn nnd the s.unn IH herohy ortlorod to iiliico lulditlon il w.itcri > dr.inta in thuclty of Onmha , as folloHs : Onti ut the onriixr of i'thnnd II , formerly Cun- toiibtracts unuat theoornerof IGth und II , formerly Can. ton. btruou. j Ono ut the corner of IMh r nd II , formerly Can. ton btruutH. Ouu 40J ft.ct north of II , formerly Canton , 01 nth htrout , octlon'i Tint this ordinance shall take elruct anil bu In force from and uftur lu I Pushed October 1st , UJJ. JOHN Olty Gler'f. ( \ U OHAI'r'ITh. Actinic I'ri'sldiiiit Olty Council. ApDrorud October Jrtl. I 3S. UCUUOE P. IJEMId , Mayor. TO TIII3 OWNERS OP ALL LOTS AND PARTS OF LOTS ON UKCA- TUlt STREKTPROM27TII STREET TO 29TI1 STREET AND INTER- SKCTING STREETS : You arc horrby notined tint 1ho tlnilcr- lUnod , thioadMntertftlod frcohn'dor of the city ot Omaha , lm\o bcon dill } * appointed by ho miyor. with the njiprovnl of thn city council otK.ild city , to mscss thc < li\tiinen to the owner * respect Ivnly ut the lirojiorty alTe ted hy the chunco of cradu of Deottur stroot. from .Ttli to Mil , < itrcoln nnd Intotxoct- nit Bticots. dtcl'ircd ncccMirv i y ordln ini-o Mnubor 1Q-J , p iMeil bopt , "Jlli , IAJ * . and nu ll roved Sept. atrd. littJ You nro further notlftnd. that luvlnjr no- ccnlcdsild uiipolnttnont , and duly ( | iinilllod ns rcqulri'dby law. o will , on the isth diy of October. A. 1) . I''Ji nt iho hour of throe 'clock In the iiftcrnoon , ut thoolllcoof lleo. .1. I'aiil. in05 r.trnini 'treel , ultlilii the corporate Until * ot sild city , meet fur the nirpoRe ot von ldorlnz and ninldnt ; the'ssinentof dainaxo to the ownorsrc'peo'- \cl ) of snld property. iilTocton bv ild rh uitfo ot tirade , tuljlng Into consideration special buncllts If any. You uro niilillon to bo present at the tlnio and phtco aforcsild , .mil m.iko nny objections toorstatoiuenliconcornltu slid ntsius of duniHRoj as you may con Mor propnr tKO .1. PAt'l. . WM. O hllKIVKIl , .IAS Srot'lvDALi : . Omahn. tlob . October Cth. 181. . Olnlut KOTiCi : OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING. To the \HICI 3 o ( all lots , utrtsof lots and roil ustuto aloniUh : slrcel tiom DOIIRO to II iv- cnport street You nro hereby notlllod tint the unibr- signed. llncoillslntcrusttMl freeholders of the city of Omaha , ha\oboen duly Mppotnlod by the inijur , ulththo upprotal ot tint city council of s ild ultv. to dssesi the dinmculo the OWIIOM rcspeclhply of the properly af fected by Kndlnif otsild sticoudci-l irocl noc- isaurv bv ordtn nice number J'Mt , u issed Oc tober I , l-i'JJ ' , apnroxcd October 4. It" . ' . Vou uro further notilled that h ivliu ac cepted ' ild appointment , nnd dulv iiiiillOuil | as required by l.iwe will , on the ' 'Uli d iy of October , A I ) . 1 'V. ' , at Iho hour of fl M o'clock In the forenoon , at the olllco of Siiii\or tV O'Donohoo. HOI I'ariiain street , ullli.n thocor- jmr.ilo limits of s ild olt v. meet for the pur pose of considering and miKIni the iis-us- nienl of d.inmcn to the owners respccllxely ot Ritl'l ' property 'tlTocted hy s ild pi.idlii ) ; . taking Into consideration special bi'iiullts. It nny You aru notilled to bo pic > .ont nt thn time and pi. ice aforesaid and initlio nnv objections to or stttenionls concurnin " .aid u'sessmont of damage * us jou nmv consider proper. W ll. SIllllVlli : . nrouon i pun. . Coinmllleoof Appraisers Omaha , Neb. , Oct. 8 , 18'li ' OPHl lOt To the owners ot all lots or puts of lots frontIng - Ing on tJrind n.\eiuio. Thlrty-KOM'iith to rortv-second streets : Powlei .ivimne.Tlilrtj- elphth to roitluth street : ' 1 lilrty-nlnth slrcnt. Grand avontiu to Ames avenue ; I'orlletb street nnd rorlluth a\cnue , from lr mil axt'iiuo lo sprneno street You nro hereby notified thit tlio under- sluneil , thrcodlslnterostpd freeholders of the city ot Omaha , h uc been du y appointed by the niavor. with the npproxal of the city council ol said pity , to : is > , oss Iho tlmim-'o to thn OWIIITS lOsueetUclv of thn prouurty nlTi-ctod by Rradlnz of aboxo described streets and uvi-nui's , declaiod necoss iry by ordln into rso .t.'S' ' pissed October 1 , Ib1' ' . ' , approxed Oc tober 4 , 1- ' ) ' Vou arc further notlflol that , liaxlng ac cepted slid ippolutmcnt , nnd duly iU | illllcd asicdiilrLil by law , xxoxlll on the 'Oth dny of October A. I ) IS'U. ' ut llio hour of : i o'uloak In the .ifti'rnooii .it the otllcu ot Cicor o .1. Paul. IOU" > Pnriiatu street , xvlthin the corporito llmltb of s-Ud rlty , meet for tbo purpose of coiisldcrlni ; and nmkliu the assessment of damnce to the oxvncrs respectlx ely of said property , nffiH'tcd by snld ui iillni. liking into consideration special bonetltj , If inv. You nro notilled to bo projent ut the ttmo and pi ice iforo-iild , und nviUo my objections to or statements concornnu s iltl us5ossment of damagoa aa j on may consider uropor OKOHOt : J. PAUL. JOHN II. Hl'TLCB. OEOUGE II. PAY Ml Oiniiha. October 8. lS'f > . OlOdlOt fr tlio Liquor Ilnblt I'onlllicl.T Cured bj utlinliiliiterlnH : Ur. . It enn bo Riven In a cup ot calico or tea. ar In food. without the Iraonlrdge of I lie patient. It In absolutely harmless , and wtu enVct a permanent and speedy cure , whether the patient in n moderate drinker or an nlooholto wreck. It has been elvcn In thouoanda ol cxicc.and In every Initance a perfect cure lias fot. lowed Itnever tall * . Tboay Btemoneolmprrenated rrith the Epccins. 4t bceomeo aa utter impnsaibiltty Tor IhA liquor appetite to cxltt. UOLIIEVM'Kl'lKIU CO. . I'rop'rs , ri.rlnni.ll. O. 48-paco book of Dirtlculara free. To bo had of ICuhn& Oo. 15th and Douglas Sts. ISth and CumlngsU. Wliolesilc. Itl.tUc. Hruce > V Co ana Kloh trason lriii'Jo..Cm ihi Neb PSYCHOME"TRY ! DR. EIVIMA HAZEN , Ilic Plienomennl I'hjulclnn , luichor nml Authoress - ess , will teach psjctioinotrj- phjslclaimnml others to ennlilu them to illiiKnuils clHeisca nnd iclri ) tlio curntlvo agent without anklni : questions. Coma or end n lock of Imlr with { 1 01) nnd have this dcnion- ttrntcd TIIK HIAI.TH orricu , ( IS N. 17th utrectOnmbi , Dr John bhclb ) I'rcs WIFfS SPECIFIC For renorUlnc the rntlro nj-stcm , rllmlnatlnp ; nil Pot'ons from Iho - s wlllooil , whether of ccrofulons or malarial origin , UiU preparation has DO equal. "Forclfihtccn inonlhii I b&il nn cntlnj ; sere on my tonpto. I wn < treatpil lij l < cjt local iili ) Iclins mt obtnlnpd no relief jtho fore r > raiimll.v Rnnv \or p. 1 On.illy tcxik fl. P , S .ninl wat entirely cured after tmlncn few tmttlc * . " C. 11. Mcl.r.noiu : , Henderson , Tex. * TrMtl p on Blood and Skin Dis eases mulled free. TUB Swirr Srccmo Co. , da. Van can rcilnco your AvclK'tt ' from Irn to twenty pounds a month , at linmc , with out starving , nt tcasoiiabla cost by the use ol Dr , Clarke's Home Treatment , perfected In many years practice , CMUCS no HlrkiiPNs or Injury to the lirnltli , is highly itidoncd. Send for proofs and testimonials. DR. F. B. CLARICE , P.O. Drawer l.'t.'i. ClilcaKo , 111. A EXT 1VAXTF.D. Ktppeool" The planna can't rencii you If jouilo hit rlzht thlnK at the rluht time LOOK AT THE SECRETIONS I Sco tlmt thuy nrc hentthy and perfect 1'nt the Iverto natnrnl work This osmires digestion nnd nutrition A\old nnrlpo frulva nnd xinwholesomo meats Cook everything , even water Llenn o.I tln > nt'uibranes of etuuiach nnd buurjls nt ouu , win Dr. Sfaci's ' ManJralce Pills , Phpy carry nwny nil illseaso pprins nnd alt poison- ins mnttur. 1 licy nssnco perfectly healthy nnd iitiirat necrotlons 'llip-y turn the liver to thn nc- onnt of digestion and nnlrlilun ijulckly , ifcl ) thoroughly. Keep head cool , feet wnrui , skin clioin SOHENCK'S MANDUAKE PILLS. inro been tested In many n Cholera epidemic. They do for the STOMACH , LIVER AND BOWELS do whnt sanitary science says should bo donowtth ] > ilns closets , rooms nnd the outer person They elenn nnil iiuilfy the Inner lion so ami put thu uli- utentary elilnnnols In purfoct onler Avoid itlmuUhts Clear their olTects out of tlio system at onea nlth the Mill Irnko fills 1'ut th3 nlluicnuiry channels In order nnu bid delHnio to cholera In cholera epidemics , nd all others Involving Iho liver , ttoiinch nut bowclH morn cnses uf pre\cn tlun nnd euro st Hid to thucrodlt of Dr bihoni3kd Mnudrnko IMlts th n any utUer nucncy or romtnl ) The only uniformly successful SPECIALISTS IN AMERICA. IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE or SYPHILIS , GONOR- RHOEA , GLEET , SPER- MATORRHOEA , SEMINAL \VEAK- NESS. LOST MANHOOD. EF FECTS OPEAR- LY VICE OR EXCESSIVE INDULGENCES IN MATURER YEARS , FEMALE WEAKNESS. SEX UAL DISORDERS , D HYDROCELE , VARICO- CELE. PILES. FISTULA , RECTAL ULCERS. ConBullation froo. Call upon or nddresa with atamp. cor , 14th and Doulas. AN OLD VETERAN. II. HerjHechtcr , Me\cn& ' Point , n It , onfforeil for 25 yeais uf Her. \oua I'rostrallon , 'moro ' thuu toncim can tell. Pliyslcl. ana availed notli. liif , ODO hotlloc/ / DR. MILES' RtSTORATIVt NERVINE _ , brought lilin reel , lc > j { > ml made him fcol lll.n u oeir man. Dr. Julian C. Umlanvocxl , Jlfmiiula , Tenn , eiiffniucl from periodical ntnoua ntlacl.e , hut found C'llect utter liaincoou liollloof Xer\Ino , Trial Ijottlo omlclegaut liookFJtUB a' , druggist ? . DR. MILES IdEDIO AL Oo , Ellihart , Ind. Tor silo by ICiilm & Co. Corlltli A , Duujla l'i | ii > iils lor l.lhniry lliillillni ; . fc'oilocl pr pos4ta will lie leceUoil liy I.nwUH liocil. ( iroililuiitof tln > Ilojril of lllructuri u the Omaha public Illirjry. ut tlio NuliriHkii Niitluiml bank , In thonUyuf Omnlu , iintlH o'clotU p. m. Thuiaduy. October u isjj , fortlu uruutlon nntl comuldtloii of n tlircu-itury uiu liancincnt II ro proof lltirnry building ut tin Knutlionit aimer of lUtliiuul Iliirney streen Oinuh i , In iiccurJnnco with iiliuis antl bpnclll cutloim on nio In tlio ollluo ofVull < cr & Jvlin ball , arcliltuuts. room f > JJ .MgC.i/uu Ijullclln.- . ] . .icli bid niumbouucomiinnliul liy u certllloi pliook torlt.OX ) , iiayublu tu thu tirlur uf the president of thu biinrcl of thu Oai.ih.i publU Thu board roicrvei Iho rllit to reject nny u all IIU ( II > order of tlio lloarct of Dlroclor * of tin OiuiihauiiUllcllhrary. WILLIAM b-fuirns , Suurotary. TTL il BLASPHEMOUS BILLY BRYAN low the Blahut Boanargas of tlio Pitst Hiva Misroprcsoated Ills Oonstituoncy , LAUGHS AT HIS FARMER FRIENDS AS FOOLS Im Sluivrn liuletiitlenlilp AutnRonlmu to nil the Inti-ri M of thn Nrlmiikn Acrlrul- tiirlut .Sot u Hill to llenpllt the M ti' 11 % of lloio llli NI me. \Vis iNOTos , D. C5 , . Oct. 10 [ Corrospon- louco of Tin : Ilen.l "If the rcpublicnni vcro lo noinlimlo ( Jhrhl , they couldn't da- cat mo I" Kcprosontntlvo Hryiui tmd been ducusslnu vlthu tupubllciu hero from the first No- UrAska district , some tlnio unfoio Ills lonoinl- luilon , Iho ponlbllulcj of his doteat for ro- lootlon , and bolng oailoit nnu Jibed by Ills t'.emltio um inilulgini ; in aomo plain acts ns to the hutluoss Interest i of vho First llsttlct DOIHB inlsroprMcntotl In congrosi at ircsent , in blurted out the bhuphomoiis ro- iiark "U they \\oro to nominate Uhtlst hey uouldu'idofcnt niol" U 1th this Imnudcnl asiuranco Mr. Uryan camoto Wnstunpton nnd uiitoied upon tbo It'll session of the Flfty-socoud congross. If issurnncQ would win ho should have nuulo a Kru.iisucucst , Hut In u grnul botly of WJ neil It tnUo * somothltii ; inoro than s-clf-as- bortion , soiuothlng moro than lie l-strap tower or , to null u moinbor over tbo funco. Nn ono will attempt to gulnany that Mr. 3rynn Is ncluvur man ; bo Is n hull follow well mot sort of Kontloinan , mid personally 10 Is popular. 1 am fond of him. As nn or- Uor ho Is ( llb of IODRUO , nnd tho"bo > s'i will istcu lo htm and nppUud , for ho Is aootl ( 'allow. Dut ulna dooi this all do for a EICAI nndponcrful i-uoplo , a now , progressive dis trict , with soiinny thousands of vnriod , In- dustiios nnd InlorcsUI Not Onn 'MiMnuro to Ills Name. The Concrosslonnl Uocord fails to ilisolojo nslnnlo inoasuro nhlch M > - . Uryan has ( iot- ten IhroiiKh congress. H boars no record of u slnjrlo bill which ho drafted with his own bund in the iutoreu nl a constituent , nntl putthcd thioUKh , although It may show tlmt ho Introduced a olll or two. His attitude toward bis constituents has been that of ono who said : ' 'Ifou want mo to Inttoduco any nburo for jou. wriio it out nnd 1 will In troduce It , but I Uavo too much of the coun- tiy and my party on my Hands to look nflor ix mere local measure. 1 am a inctnbcr-nl- igo , not a dclcuato ftotn little Nobrnsun. " And so ho lias not L-lvon uttcntlon to'tho wishes of his constituents , lie has presented line-spun Runoral mcasuros in the interest of the liritish mnnnlacturcr , and labored wltb all the pow or of his. tontruo to destroy homo industries. ( It wus Mr. Drvan who first suggested tbat the beet sugar industry of this country was a humbuc unit a litiud and tnal It should not have any bounty or other protection. It was Mr. Bryan who Introduced a bill to put binding tulue upon tbo lieo list , al though ho iinow there. Inia Just started ono of the largest binding twine factories In tub country tit Fremont in Nebraska , and that it could nnd soon would irlvu Nebraska farmers twlno ni.ulo from their own liar straw. which lho > would sell at hl h llpuros , nnd tnat they would et the twine lower In prlco thin they had ovorcotten It nt ; and ha Unew also that his proposition If uclod on would close UD the homo factory. Acmely Ant.igiMilHtlo to N It was Air. Bryan who wont around to the aemorrutlo n.ombon of congress and assured thorn , with UJD blatant reoklossnoss which the ictnailc iiuotcd nt the outset of this letter U otinracteristlc of , that ho could nroxu ibat , the beet sugar nnd binding twlno industries of Icbraka were 1101 only buncomb , run In tlio interest of Oxuard r.nd a few other capitalists , but ho would carry the farmers wltb him In the work of tearing down all the manufacturing industries in the state , as tiio fatmors were opposed to manufactures. These are some small "stntosmanlc oudg" from Mr. Bryan forhU farmer constituents to chew. Finm the very moment Mr. Bryan catno to confess ho has loferrod to "his farmer con- stltui'uts" as If tbey wora not only Imprac tical taeorlsts , but as though ttielr mental horizons were not above the crowns of their hats. Ho has talked of their oppoiltlou to all sorts of Industrie1) , their disposition to scoff nt commercial reciprocity , and sneer at the efforts of the administration nnd Mr. IJ'aliio ' to increase tlm muriots abroad for farm products. Ho has opposed the work of Senator 1'addock lo secure incrnased appro priations for the work whien Colonel Murphy is doing nbiond In tno wav of Intioduclufr our corn products. By this work wo nro constantly augmenting our expoits of com , .mil although wo bad a hux'O cion of corn last i car and .1 good ono ugaln this j oar Iho prices nro high. 1 he Argument from I'.iots. I want to ask Nebtasita farmois If they df > noi see that something moro than sbort urouv abroad or hero htii Increased thii prloo of corn. Are vou selling It at ton or twenty coats u bushel , as > on dl'l two or tbroo years ajjo ! If vou nro not , what U tbo cause of ill It you would onlv go to the norts of Now York , Bnlthnoio and Boston , not to mention Dulutlj , and HUO the ship loads of com golnr ; out overv few hours to Europe , you woilld know why you got such prices for corn. Wo did not ship corn to Curnpu u few \oars ago. Europeans fed tholr cutllo our oals. They tut nod up their noses at tbo Idea of I'utuiK corn , and they would not think of taking it to any extent for their horses. Colonel Murphv. Ihioush tbocfforta of ouch men as bonator I'addock , bus created a duraund for our corn In overv fiuaitcr of Uuropo. And yet Mr. Bryan will tell jou this is rubbish. IIIutuiit If the Unlud States were a llttlo cjuster of islands , likn tbo BrltUli possessions , and wo had nliiolulo free trade , which is nn im perative neeosBltj with Ungland , on account of her very foimation and onrth ; if wo Imil a House of Lords nnd clio-,0 Itn member ? from the theorists of tbo land for the purpose ot tickling the cars of itrouiiurs , Mr. Bryan would multo a good and useful member. But for 11 now and glowing countiy , whorn ovcty other cltl/un has direct. Interests before con gress , which uffect him Individually , nnd the untlro timu of a uongiossinan bhouli ] Lo de voted to thusa interests without thought of general dcuruetion , I slioulil Ilko to know where Mr. Bryan's services can bo em ployed bettor than in hit law oINco at Lin coln When Mr. Council wa hero ho dolivoroa no free trotlo snzcchoi , attempted to ( Jus troy no homo intuiosts , but ho sccuicd tbo adop tion of many meusuros of direct local Inter- CHtto Omaha , to Lincoln , nnd to the Indi viduals who will go lo the polls on November B and votu. It Is n pity that wo have not a third house of congrois wbeio the theorists could sound their fury nnd tbo would-bo dcBltpiers of homo industries could ptoucb tbolr ifcctrlnc * without fcolliiK an obligation lo do some actual practical work. Mrs. L H. I'attoo , Kootttord , III. , wrlto i ' I-roiu parson al oxporlouuo I caa rucommonil DoVVitt's SunupjrilU , a CUM for Impura blood and venoral aobillty " \\iii von < ; < > iu t If BO , It will bo lo ypur interest to fully ncquulut yourfiolf wltli tlio uxcol- lonttriiln Horvleo now In clfccl botwooa Chicago. Uuirulo , Now York , JJoston und inlurmcdiutu points , vlu the ' -Ixiko Shore Iloutc ; . " Through trains louvo Chicago at 8:00 : and 10:30 : n. in. , A\0 : \ , 6'M : , 7:15 : anil II. ( ) p. m. The "C'hlcufjo and IJoston Special" (10:30 ( : n. ra. ) U tlio only coinplotu train U'rou h from Chl- cuyo to Now Hii'liunl. { Jt has dlnliiff cur Boning tnoiilH llio on tire ( Us tntico , in iuolf an oxuluaivo feature , and tlm ofjulpniont r > ( the train thtoughout U of tlm very hlfhost dtnndnrd , The .Chi cage und Now York Lltnitod (5:150 ( : p. in. ) embodies all that IB modern and novel in railway transportation and has very appropriately been called u "perfect train. " H. I1. HujU'imuv. T. P. A. , 7'7 Main utroot , Kunaad Olty. 0. K. VViLueuV. . I * . A. , Chicago.