Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    * * < = , we * . _
Wheat Was Hani Hit Yutor ay nntl Ooro
Was Also ft Euflerar.
Clonlr.c I'rlcni , HiMvctrr.Voro nt a
Ileoovrrjr rrcilii the lloltnm-OiUi Ito
eolvod uSctare
Storki niul llniids.
OHICAOO , III. . Oct. U. When wits hint hit
today. Mr. DoiUu's rnpnrl , with aomo ho p
from Kuropo niul oUowhore. caused a 2c
( lump. Corn wn niso u miffcror to the extent -
tent of from Vo to I'lo and o its'c. ' 1'rovl-
tlonttumh ol with sr.iln-port , 2,1c : ribs. lOe ,
and lard. 5c. ejliMln ; prices , however , were at
a slight rccox cry from the bntUitn The sov-
ornmcntcrop runnrt In Itself was cnoueh to
havoinidu a torynunK market which was
upplcmentoil hy hoivy rocolpts ilmo < t
everywhcro Kirly cihlcs roporcd Ilio
drouth In Kusslii hid boon bro'ion ' and tlmt
tnln In Iho winter whott ration licto was
highly prob.ihlc. All this iiridc in r irlv rush
to suit , holders Nl.irtcd to unlojd ,
top loss ordcis boeiimo oppntlxo. and
for a tltno there was a slroiu pitssiiro to mil
and early prices were at from IU'1 lol'Se do-
cllno lint the aborts apparently stood te.ulv
totilie nbout nil tint was olTuruil tit those
flRiucs. Tor u time prices hold f.ilrly steadj
nttho do'llno Piirilrldzr , nho has been u
pBMlslont sh jrt siller for a Ions time , ion-
eluded to taUo pmllts on thu bre ill .in I boncht
frcclv , his purchases servlns to stoiuly the
marlfot for u time. Hut to > vai.l noon , nftcr
the shorts hnd ptclty i IJ euxerol and
tetipcd out of the market ntnl the ellIiu l-'M't '
rather fici- . the irrt'xv wtiaKei Thu
increase of ncnrlvfi , toiort d DV llrid-
> tri'ct < < In the ix ulab'o ' snt-piy iliirln r Iho
past wcoK. and scittetlii she vrri In the
Bouthucst Knxe Iho lonirs mother frluhl , ind
Eolllni ; W.IH lesnined and prices WITH its iln
weakened , ( .ollhii olT from 1' ' o 'o 2o fiom
yoslcrdlij'n elo c , but
the xx Ind up.
Corn was silTccIrd by a butter eoxornmcnt
report th in I'xnected mid decided weakness
Jn xrhcnt. llold'MH ' of Ion. stulV Ilipild iti-d
frrolvt sales xxuro imidn on stop lusnnrleis
nnd there x\as * omo shot ! olllnc ' 1 hu mar
ket wns xerv heavy diirlns the I ist hour
Oats rtcelxed a oxon > pounding. There
was hoax-y | | itildiilton | hy loius uinl uousldor-
nble < .ollliu by shnrt * I'nttun Ittoi , Norton-
IVorth iiRton. II i\tei. Hess and Lo au sni- |
Iilled much of tlin ur.tln olTured.
In prox Istons Ihoru xvns a f ilr .imount of
trailfiiK nt Bomodtcll'io In symp ithy xxlth the
cereals. The article most actlxolv dealt In
nas.lanuiirv p'itl > . of which Armour X On.
ho Inlet n itlon il I'.icMu : lompniiv and thn
nudahv 1'iicliliiK compiiny xu'ie free soil-
ais. 'Iheio xvas xirv lltllo ilono In .
Iho October dillvcrlc" . A piix.itu
vottlcmmit of fOOOOlb of October ilbsxvas
repotted at lOe pur Ih , xxhlch Is about tlin
nluo xvhlch thu controlling clliiio | has placed
upon It.
rrclnhts xxero firmer , xvllh a coed demand
for xcssol > onm ut 2'ic for wheat an 1 240 * for
corn to 11 u Halo
nstlm-ited receipts for tomorrow Who it ,
COO cars ! i orn , 017 ears ! oats .15 ? cirs , ho s
lll.noo he id.
TholcadliiK futures miRcd asfolloxxs :
WllfAT NO ' . f 7I' |
Mnr . . . .
Cons No 2 45) ( 4S ? (
October. . . . 44 44
Deccuiler. 475i ( i'i ' S'B
Mny . . . .
OATS > o 2 ROM tntt
October . . MM
Noxembir oil
ll SH I'OIIK- n n > 11 17'v ' 11 21
Novemher 12 ta u jn4 12 42 * . ,
Jnnunry .
1 K\ 7 M 7 5 !
Noxcinbor t IS 7 10 7 H'4 '
Jntiunry .
Bnoui llins 10 00 10 00 10 00 in oo
Jnnunry . . Ir 474. II r , ) n 41 ( > 41
GiiBh quotation1 ; xxero : is follows :
VI.OUK Dull and quntitlona nomln-illy
WIIIIAT No. 3 BprlnTJ'uW'jye ; No3
JprlnR. OlfftG1 : No. 2 rod , 7.72 iC.
COIIN No 2 , 4-J'io ' ; No. It. 41'jc.
OATS No 2. 2aau : No. 2 nhltu , a.-c : No. S
white , manic.
KYK-NO. 2. BC'Se.
llAiii.rv No y , coKdle : No n , f. o. b , : ) ? (3Gtc. (
I'lMxbhKli-No I. Jl U' ' }
TIMOTHY bun I'rlme. $1 fiO.
I'otiK llc s , per bbl , , Jll.-'ViJll. : * ! ; lard , iior
TOO Ibs . $ S ill ; short ribsldos ( looon ) . S7.7IJ4
10.00 : dry s ilted shoiildors ( h\ed ) , $7 I57.21 ;
abort rloar sides ( b < i\tid > . t < OViiS.lO.
WnibKV Distllleis' llnlshcd goods , per K il ,
BtioAnp Cut loif. K'j'S.I'ic ' ' ; gianul-itod.
> o ; Btnndaid "A. " ft'ae. \
Kccclpta and Hhlpmunts today were .IB fol
lows :
Ncu Yorlt Al.irUnts.
Nr.xr VOIIK , Oct. 11-ri.ouit Hccolpts. 37.r,00
pkcs , exports , J.SJO bbls , I'.SWs.icUs : sales ,
B.MJ bbls.
OOIIN llBAij Dull , stonily.
AVIIEAT Uccolpts , 4S,00) ) ) bu. : exports. 110-
000 bu ; salen , K'Ji1tualiii. of futures. I iO.UOO bn ,
ofsuot. Spots opened xxo iKer ; closed ste idy ;
quiet. No. s red. 781iO In sloro and olovntcr :
ut lUo tol'ie decline , ehlollv on thoenvorif
Jiient'sioport but helped by the Inure iso In
the anoint on PIHSIIKO and Ineion-o In the
Knglltdi , ulho an increase In thu Ili.uNtroul's
ctatumi'iii ot the amount onst ot the Itoeklos.
The chmo w is sto idy : No 2 red ( ) c'lobcr.78s ( ia
TOWc , clo-ilni : at'S3io ; Deeomber. fiO' iit.Sl l-iiic.
.sloping at Sl'io May , ar 'iiiiS ' 1-lSe , olosini ; at
llAiiir.vbtoady , dull.
IUiii.iv : MALT stoidr. qnlit.
COIIN Itcielpl" . IbP.OOJ bu : exports , 175,000
bus miles , 87\00) ) bu ; future's , I''
lU. of hpot. ? pots opened xxeakcr ,
closed steiullpr , qulel ; No. 2 , ruf-'So ( In elevator -
vator ; fO'/iQII'tO allo'it : uugiadod mlxud ,
491oe. Uptlaim xvoro moro autlvo nt 4 © lo
dofllno on llio iiuvornmrnt report and local doling btoady. Uctobor. fiOIlSiSc.
oloslnir at M'tC ' ! Novcinbur. fiOJiS-ll' ' , ! ' , uloslne
HiM c ; Docomber.filMiWJ'iie. tlosIiiK at .V.'e ,
OATS-Kpeulptp , 28. , OUO buj exports. 2,2)0 ) hu. :
ales , 7.10,000 hu , of futures. 4S.OOO bu , siiol
HpolB. dull , loxvor , xyeak ; options , actlxo , ' '
„ IlAV-Qulolblilpilnsri.lit7JoKood : ( ; louhoUe.
lloi'U Dull but flrm ; Pacific coist , 17ffl4o.
BunAit Haxv. dull but firm : hilcs ho lihds ,
cnuscovado. HO trsl. : ic ; rcllnod , steiuly
f.oi.ASMts Nuxv Oilimnu , anil , steady.
l.ttea-1 alrduinand. llrninrestern ; prime ,
82fD22lio ; reridpls , 7. (21 pkcii ,
HiliM-rulrlv actlxo , steady : Texas salted ,
U to 00-Ibs , nft'e.
Wont , Palrly iicllvi' , firm ; dompstlo fleece ,
fXtMa ; pulled , 2iV t.'e : To MIS , KKTi.'le.
I'OHK 1'lrm and ( iiilot ; oxlia prime , J1T.50I&
11.03 ; eiit me its , dull and tUiady : pickled
bellies. 8l0i' ; plcklod hams , li'iiilo ( : nild-
dlcs. 0.nlet. 1 , ird Dull , opened Dun ami
closed easy ; xvustorn Btonm. S ( ! ) . Option
ales. , tlercea : ( Jctobor. I8.UOasked : No-
TOinbor , JT.hl , ulo-.od at I7.H. bid.
ItUTTEii Oulut and llrmi Kluln , 25c.
Oiithsi ! 1 nlr demand nnd llrm ,
Vie InoN-btoady xxlth fair demand ; Auiorl-
can , ( UUOI31VW ,
Ooi'i'icit hie idy ; lake , III G031I.73.
LEAD null ; domosiuHiH ii o\
TlN-rirnii blrahi-hu , t.UlMi'.O 73.
Illden nnd 1'elti.
FolloxTlnir are the prices paid bv Omaha
doalern for hides and pou ! iuiiled | subject to
ohan u xxlihout notlie ; No. 1 cicon hides , Ho ;
Mu 1 ererii N iltod hides , 4QIu ! ; No. 2 croon
ailed bidut. : i&l' u : No. 1 erccn saltud blues ,
23 to 40 Ibs . 4uMtlut ( No. 2 Kroon Halted hides , 2.1
hides ) io per Ib. , lcs < > thun fully unred , bheep
pelts-iircen s.iltod. each , IHeSttl ' . ' 1 ; ureon
altod tdirr.rllngs ( short xxooled enrly sldni ) .
each , IMU'.V' ' ; dry bhearllnvH Uliort xvonled
etrly skins ) , .No. 1 , each , MilOu ; dry shoiirlitiKS
( short xxooled enrly t.Ulns > , No. ' . ' . each , fie ; dry
lllnt Kansas nnd Nobinbl , i huliherxxool poltt- ,
porlU. aetutl xxelvht , HXttl4'tc ; dry lllnt Kan-
as und Nebraska .Murialn xxool pelts , per Ib. ,
actual weight , b\iil"c ; dry lllnt Colorado
butcher wool pelts , per Ib , .lotual xxelght , lOiO
K'ijc : dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool pelt * .
Ib , actual wo cht. KMOo : dry llceeea and
Ecr , actual \\eU'hl,7ftiv. llnxu foot cut elf ,
ai U Is iuolcs to p ly frelKlit on Iheiu.
ht. l.onH .lltrkctii.
ST. I.OUIB. Mo. . Ott. ll.-ti.ouu-Unchauged.
WIIKAT Opened Ic lower nnd after a partial
reaction dropped uenln und closed l * a under
yesterday ; cash. OO&CQ'ic ' ; October llnlthcd ut
JflUoi DcceniUor , 7)SOrJo ) j May , 7Sjc.
OOHN 1'olloired uhoat nnd tlnUhod 1'iOISo
low yciturduy ; emu aud October , JSJic :
, 30HC ; DocGinlior , Ct'io , year. 33Scs
Mar. ' 4ji ;
OAT -Droppod under the ecnrrat prrssuro
nnd closed Vtilo tioiow jcitTdny : cash nnd
October , -OUc ; Noxrtubor , Wtfi May , .n'te.
HYU Nosn os.
UAIII.BV Qulot ; Mtnnewti. BSOSJc.
IliiAV-rirnit Coooist trixok.
HAV Dull nntl unchnngaJ.
I.EAO-Moady at J.7l ! spfltcr ,
rt.xx KF.ii-llbhcr : ilbb.
llUTTKit I'lrinor ; eroiiraery , 2
Knos I'lrnt ! I7o.
I'oiiSMlMI. Quiet : 12 l a.1.1.
WlllSkV-t-loidy ; fl.10.
( ' ( UTONTlES-l'ncninscd.
I'ltoxisloNS-yulet ; porlt. lobblnff. JI203 ;
Inrd nominal , s.00 | dry salt nioits , loose
shoulders , Id7.1 : lonss nnd libs , fi.SI : shorts ,
.H.OI ; boxed lots I.lo tiloro : I-icon diould r * .
* 7 - ' . ; longs and ribs H71 ; shorU.1J.UO : sugar
oured hams , $ M.ooaiS.l' ' .
ItfCl ll'T4 I'lour. fi.OJO hhls : xrhoiU 1P.031
lit ! i cnrn , : i.nobu ) : o its , , i.VWJ bu ; rye , 5000
bu : Inirlov , . ' .nlO bu
Siui'Xii % TS flour. lVX)3tihU ) : xvhoat , 71.000
Ini : eorn , 41.000 bu : oat , .W.OJJ bu ; rye , ' . ' 1,000
bu i b trloy , .1,030 bu.
Kaunas Oit.x llurltcts.
KANS ritv. Mo. Oct. -WiiKVr t'Jo
Inner ; .No U h ml. old. MJI ) new , 5'J'ilftll'Sc ' ' ,
No 3 rod. ( UBWe.
UOIIN Very woil. and Ic lower ; No 2 mixed ,
39'iot.lici No Jxxhlte. I7 .7'tc. '
| J < TS Woili ; .No ' . ' liilvod. afiiJIO'JO ; No 2
XxllllO. JVitlJo.
Kli-Wi'ik ! No S r.2'4.avifl. '
I been-Tirin : 07 ® no
lliUS' stoadV ! s irltoil , iiOTic.
II * x Stead v , iinclriiiRod ririn ; eroalnory , 12jlHc : dairy ,
l.'WW ( .
l.ntu rirmi tvjp.
HuTll'T-\\heit. 10(1,003 ( bu ; corn , 2.3,000
bu ; nits , | ( , ( h > hu
Hmi'Xii'siiboat \ , 7IOOObu jcorn , 3,0"0 bu. ;
o its , none.
I.tierpiHil Markets.
I.ivRtti'onu Oot -\VtnxT Jotdy : hold
ers oflcr modci ilo'y. ' K'tolptsor who it dur-
Ini Hit ! pist three d os * . ' , OJJ cent iK Incltut-
Inxii.MXU \ iiorleiu
Cons ( inlet Koc"liits of Ameilein corn
durln ? Iho piit thrum ) ixs 'i. Ill centals.
I'l Man. fs 2d per rental ,
I.Min-l'i moIHIOIII , I spprcwt.
( 111.1 si : Ame : loan llnest xvhllo and colored ,
5.s per I'xxt. _ _
Olimllll i I lilt tllll l.l't.
OIIAPF.S Noxv Vork , 'Jlo per 10-lb.
CA.MHIIISI \ tliiAt'ES 1'or onto. JI.CO mus-
cits : $1 71 I'oU u
Cxi innt.M l I'lAniM l' 'r imx. f I fii.
( 'U.IHIlm * I'RAIIM - 1Y ) per box
API-LIU 1'orbbl , $1 Ui ; f nicy , $ I-JJ. llxo bbl.
lots 2V loss
( JUiNC. . * . IVi'box , ? Jiy.
NIIXT lot Ic Oi ( Inods .11 nUpr.
Nrw YOIIK. ( ) jt II i'lio diy iroo Is market
xvai c ins dot ibly tni'ler tl o inllunnce of a
holldiv fnolliiz ami ii | suiriundlni dlxcr-
shins ' uuthein stand irl nnd tliiuu-yird
Khedlnss and ( Mill no xx oil sold up and 4011-
er illv llrmcr Au just i an t I'lo Imont l-l , 7-S
and .1-1 shi'otlnBs nnd drill1' XXLMU ilvani'od
> )0 a x ird. lliislncss in other fabrics xvas
Oil Mmliot.
Nrxv YOHIC. Ojt ll I'Miior.Ftnt Dull
.throuehnut. I'annsylx nil i oil , spot sales
110110. Noxomlier option sales 11.UOJ bbls Jit
5.V Lima nil , no s IUM
Itosis l'ir n , uooil damnnil.
t'onov M'i" ) On. riini , f ilr dcinin 1.
TAI.I o\\ I ) il. sio idy.
Tuitl'i..NriM. Not olTcrnJ ; nuotol atJISJlc.
rnlli-a M.ultot.
N'nxv YOIIK , Out II. Ojllons oinnod barely
sto idy , II to 21 points do xn. ole ol stpailxuti -
chincfil In2i ) pjlnls down : sile' . 14 7 O hiss.
Inplndln. : Onlohoi. tH2 > 'iSl1'D : Noxomber ,
fllnvan II : Ddeomluu.tll'Oft 101 : Jnnnnrv.
SM'iOSH ' 11 : Mirpli , ? I4 SiTS'l'li ! Miy , 81.7ia bpot IU- ) firm , ( inlet. No 7 , 51C.'J .
. " \llluiiille < > ( Sriln Market.
MltxvtLKUi' . Wli , Oct U. WHEAT Easier ;
No Jspilnir , nSe.
( 'oitLower ; No 'I 4.'c.
OAIS Ilislor : No. 2 white. 3J"J'Jle ; No. 3
white D'j&l.xic ,
Uxu-JOc. '
Cotton X1 rl.ot.
Nl.xv Our.1- ' . Iii , Oct. 11 COTTON
Sluaiy ; mlddlln ; . 73ic ; low middling. 7'ie :
jood ordln n v , ii' o ; net rocotpts , 11.411 bih > ;
gross , 11,1)IT ) bi'os : oMiorta to Qrn.xt llrltaln ,
S.21J bales , s lies. ' , ' ,770 b ilo , ; slook. 112UJ.
rlnrliiiniil .II.ii ItLtH.
CivriNvvrt O , Oct. II. \ VIIIUT'c ik ; No.
2 rod , 7lo.
Colts-Dull ; No Sinlxcd , 41c.
O\TS Dull und xxoakei. No. 2 mixed , SJ'jC.
Italtliniiio ( Iriilu 7ilailcet. Md. , Oct. It.HUVT Woik :
No 2 spur mil Oi'tobur , 71ou.
( joiis H isy ; n l\o I spot , M'jC.
OV1& bteilv : No. i xxhlto xxe tern , 33ic. !
' " . ' . . .
'lolciio ( .lll'.n .Markrl.
Tot hi > o. O . Oct. 11 Wii UAT Actixo : No. 2
cash and Ootober , 71e
Cons-Dull : No. 2 cash , lie.
OAIS Qulot.
Ti.ulcis' 'I.I11C.
Cilir xno , III , Oct il r ( > 1 ozin i Co. lo Dun
( nn , IlollliikUi A. Co Io0a > hns boon ono of
llquliHtlon In xvhoit Doojmlur opiai I "IJiic ; nnd
Lloieil 7ii' hlil 'Ibo IncrenEO of 4710 eist Hnd
xxtst of the lUicklu-i | rilni In tlio winter
Ml eat hull nml the uxtraorJlniry liniiroxeiiicnt
over last inonlli ni Klven hy KIM eminent ieioit |
cuiscl iniltu a selling utiiniicito ll tno opunliiK
I'mIrlilKo niul soiuci other * * vero ptunilnent huj ( rn
'Ihulr nanti miiilleil | | , tha nnirkLt Knulunlly
ild'llltll ' until 7j'-iiT5)SP ; ) xva < reiuhoil
'Ili3 i losliiu prlcoi xxn Mny SOMUSJKe
l.euirillm ; xalnci In the n ar futura no are
a llttlo In doubt KuccIiiU lonllntia niiieii heix li r
tlnni the foreign duinaa Is ur i to t I'lo otr the nnr
plus until llic-u conilllloni ch uit < i XX o da not
look for Should we havu tliu | iromlt.eil ruin
\iu will neoa further ilcclhu nt thin low price
London 1'lu.mi lul KcxIcxT.
[ Copyrighted 1H'2 ' by Janie-i ( lonlon Dennett ]
l.osiios , Oct. 11 [ Now YOIK Herald Cable
Kpochil to lur. Hi t. ] Allhou.h not alto
collier Inaetlxo loss biiilncss his boontr.ins-
iiLtud ou the block u\chiiuo , opaiatots
bolm ; doterrcd by Iho fact that the
holtloment tommoncoi tonurioxv , rnniK
nnd Indlin Koxornmoiit lion ! > are 11111'-
lorod , Home i.illxvixu , nftoi a faltly Rooif
openluK , haxo slnco been dull , duo lo a nuin
hoi of 10 illitloiiH In preparation tor tonior
roxx. Amciluans haxc shoxxn ( .onsliluuiliU
Iliinneas iml oloso at their best , Nux
York clxliu homo support to Ibo mirkot.
Louisville , V Nashville marked an advance o
'i , AtchUiin , Denver prefeienio , Northori
1'uc.lllo piofoicncn are up d and sex 01 il other
close 'a to " higher , lii.ind Tinnk booi
more or loss dull all day an 1 closed ' to '
per cent loxxor than the oponmr. as a 10
suit of Iho disappointing Iralllu blato
niLut , .Mtxlcan prefisronuod linuroxu.l
to 1' ) per cent , the triNu ht ttemcn
beliu botlor Hi in exp-oted Arjcnlln
linen mo3lly li.ivo hojn .xe.I mulntilnod.
Mlscollnncou3sueiirlllo.s Irivo been nu loetod
and a'o xvlthout foituro. .Money
is uRaln almost iiiilend iblu Nut moro than ti
percent has bpon p ild for short loins. The
discount maikut. houox'or. continues to
harden under the inlluunuo of cold move
ments. Txvo and throe months bills are qnolod
nt J'i to IU percent.
STOCKS AM ) 1IOM ) < 3.
Colniuliiis Cololiriiliiiu IV.IIoil to Dattaot
AIuo'i from Itustnchs.
NBXV YOHK , Oct. II Notxxlthsfindlng the
general Interest orlncod In the Columbus
celebration thu volunio of business at the
btoci. oNclmiizu xvas largo and the temjier of
speculation xxas decidedly moro bullUh.
Nearly ux-ory stock on the list scoreJ hlxho
figures.Vhllo the Industrials again led the
up\\atd mnxoniont , the clniuos In railway
Bhaius xxeru moro Important than usual , ' 1 ho
faxorablo government urop report for October
led to liber tl purchases and an adv.ineo tang
Ing from 1 to2'i ' per cent. Chlciieo , llnrlliii-
tou A Qulncy led the rlsu. prob ibly bccauso
thenhort Intoiest xvas larger than In the other
x\estern shares.
The fact that Iho roproi > entatlxres of the
\Vohtetn Trullla aecoclut'on , at their mcutlng
In , the Windsor Hotel , adjourned aino die ,
failed to liixo oxen a passing elToat on the
nmil.ct. Thla xras roounted for by the
statements cietntc'l I'rnshlunt
to Ilo-nvnll
Miller nt the ht , I'aiil and nlllclals of other
roads thai stops ute bolni ! tal.en to form anew
now msouliitlou and that rates are tolng
pretty xxcll maintained on account of the
heavy tonn 130 pressing upon thu linos.
Among thu specialties , Colorado Coal , Don-
xoriV Ida Cirande. Creen liar ,1 Winonn , Mln-
noupolls , V ht. Louis , Ohio & . MIssUslppI ,
. . proferroo. I'ullmnn nnd Manhat
tan l.levalud xvero ' , > to I'J pur cent
hl/lier on increased doalliiL's. The rlso
in the Init named win based on the olllclul
statement that oxer OII.UX ) persona , xxero
Uunporlod by tha company ycslordity.
Amoiii lho Industrlalb Chlcuco Gas anil Ili > -
tllllnKund Cutt'o 1'eeUlnB led In point of ao-
tlxltv. Ohlca o das rose 2'4 per eont tofiO'i ,
and DlHllllliiK 1'i ' percent 100.1-4 , with tlnul
sales at S1) ) ana ul restiot tlxuly. Americuii
( 'ottuiioll , National Lend. American Tobacco.
Nallomil Hlaruh. drat prufuried : American
buiiiir und Chleaco Junction und Union block
yurns moxed 11111'i pet eent. idl : on lllnmln-
atlni : ft'llotr I'l percoutlo IVIM and hi tor sold
at 10.1. 'Iho Kuncrul murkut closed stronir ut
uhout ton ilk'uios.
The I'ost siys ; The real mainstay of tl.o
p.ranrer h okb la the companies' enormous
trulllc. preucnt nud prospeellra There hus
been no reason ulnco thn barxotlnz of the 1801
grain crop to expect &ny other result from the
closing months of IhUJ. \VallstroetU
sloxr to unilerntand such mutters. The pro
blem of rites Mono stand In the ivay of very
lurco null certain pro Ills and In this oonncc-
lou U li perhaps signlilcaut that the falluru ot
4 * * * * " "
i Una ! odorl to rcoonslri rt Iho IVoMern
TraniP iKsoclntlon ato.isod Innll street not
llic Ic i l concern
The follownj are Iho c'oslnnnuotilloni for
the landing slock * ou the Now Yoru Stools ox-
Chan.o ted lyi
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
AlcliKon , XSU .Sorforln A XX pin 40
Ailnnu Kxpross , l4i < * North Amctlcnnlo It
Altfin , T ll . . 71 Northern I'nc.flc 18H
do profprrpil IM do | > fil . . . . Sl'i
.xmrrlcnn 1-xproM 119 t' P. DPII A ( lulf . "
lUlllmorn A oldo Stirihnestorn
( nmiiln I'nclflc | | 0 | lfl. , . . u :
Cnnniln "outturn f.J * , N V icntrnl
Contrnl Pnrltlc ' .v. V A N hna
Che' A Oliln . ) ! < Ontario A West
tlllrilKO AlllXil in Oroiion Imp V2
tld Mnr X gnincr ' , ' ,
CliloiKO ( Ins n ! I , V 1' ' N
mjfllViilflcMnll . .
O ( ' I A st I , 1,14 I'corln Dec A K ti
Cole I'onl , V Iroii
Cotton ( HI term s 4i' ' | I'ullmin 1'nlnco 107
IHI llmlion . 1.114 IteaillnK f l
I ) U A , XV ivr > { Itlphmonil 'ler ti
I ) \ ( i It I'M ' fij'a dlo pM 41
I ) A ( . ' r ( .o . . ' Illlo ( Irnnilj Wet > 4
KnuTcnn 04 , llo pfil . . III
Mlp Itock Mind
st I , AS K IMpfil
Mortnyno . IM st Paul . .
drent Soitlicrnpfd HI do I'M
f. A C. Ill plil . . . . l'u ' M Paul X ; Oiunlin illmi
llnikliiK Inilpy VSil do pfd mi
Illliiiis Cnitrnl , . 1'7't ' ' "outhern Pnilllc .17
> ! I'mil A Iliilutli II mtir Itellnery Ill'tl-l
KnM \ lot plil VI 1'inn ( oil A Iron . M
I.nVo l.rlo AXSesl S4H' ' Texas I'nelllc '
do pfil . . 7'1 1 A O ' in pfil 4
I nko Miorp . . . . ( | I'nlon l'n"llo . .
l.pml I rust . . . . 4ii ( I , S I xprc" 10'
' XV M I AP . . II
.xiimlinttiiK oa i i.'T di I'M . . . 'Hi
Mi'inphli A C 5J Ui Iln tnrco lxp ! 141
MlPlilKinlVnlral 1J7 \Ve torn I nlon
.ItlMllllll I'llllllC 'WlieelliiE.V ' K I' , , , ,
Mobile A. Ohio , do P fd
.Snulivlllo l hint sr IM A M
Nntlontl ( orilejo 1111 * . ! ) A U 0 . . . , 17V
iln plil IIRi ( lirn lilcp . HS't
N " I ( _ ontril ni'Vsntlonnl ' l.lnnH-il II
bid tnilieil
'I he total silos of stocks loclav nero 201.10)
sillies , tiicllldliu : Atohlson. C.r,1) ; Ch'ciRO
( las ll.S.'u ; Loiilsxiilti .x Niishxlllo , . ' .IWJ ;
Northcin I'aolllc pieferrod , ,1110. Nuxv
ll ml. II id : Uuiulnp , II.IOJ ; St. Paul , 7..VO ;
Union Paclllo , ,1,2iw.
Nun Vorlc Iliinry .Haricot.
NPXX YOIIK. Oot. II. Mosrv ON CAM. 1'asy
lit-5 perconl : last In in , - ' percent ; cloalnu
olToriM ut.2'4 ' per cent
I'IIIMI Ui'.ui'Avrir , ' I'At'iiit .ISO per eont.
' m.t.iMi Ilxi'iiA.soi1. Weak at
foi hiutcorV blxty-d iy bills and
f ir duin mil.
1 ho closing ( plot itlons on bond a :
U 4s 101 :
II " 4 4i eouii
I'licllle in or .11
I out tlnm si part
t ll'llll IIOH Mills
lonn ii" > v n't is
lenn ni'iv it N
I ) A II ( i Ms
I ) Alt ( > . 4j
Krlii 2ml
M K A I' ( .
M 1C A P ( .I'll
bid tiM.oJ
lioston Sitiiclc < jujt.ittons.
HOSTOV , M iss. . Oct. H The following nro
the olosln slozk limitations :
AI cli A Top . Ii t Calniuot A tttclu .
Huston V Alhnnj 2)1 ) Cntalp i . . II
ilo xinlno . . . ISJ i Kianklln If.
( II \ V . 103H KcnrsirRo . . . 11
1 nstern It II lt . I : > ( ) s coin 31
1 Itililinrj It U . . Sl -a'ltu 1 Copper . . 10
I lint A Pcroll pfd 70 I nmirnolc. nit
Mnsi Central lii < Annliton I.nml Co
XIoCeil eoni U j Huston Iunit CD . ft
S V A X r.llKlund 41 IVojt ind : I.nml Co. 17 ! (
ilo 7 l.M llellToleiihone. . . 20I < {
Ifls Con ciun . . . 1(1 ( lluin iin store S. . . 1 ( >
Allnuer M Co uie ) UK ) CeTt XI 8' <
Atlnntlc im. II A 11 C UM
llo ton i Mont .li'f
Noxr York Minim ; Oinitltlnns. :
Vottis , Oot. II The folloxvini are the
nuotatlons :
f hSYor IUJ OpHTr 7. tuu
( town I'olnt I.M I'ijiiionth f.O
Con Cal A.i 410 -I 'rro NexaUa 210
IH'i'dnool . 10) M.imHpt 150
( 'onld A Curl } 140 UnlD.i Con IliO
llnltA Xortross. . .II Yollim Jjckct J4J
lloirc&tiko. . I40J Iron hllrcr . . . 1.0 .
McYlcu 2K ) QiiKk Silver. . . . 100
.North Mnr . . . l.Vl Mo preferred 1"00
Ontrrlo . . . . .iDJO Uulnor Ill
St. I.nuls .Mliilnsr ( Quotations.
ST. flouts Mo. Got. II. There was not much
dolns on tlio Mluunr exob UIKC. I'rlccs xicro
sttndy nttho e.ill. The following cjuotitlous
xvcro iniiilc :
stock Hid Anked loiJ. . lild.
Ailiins . . . . 73'i 75 Granite At . .Ifl doJ
llliiutnllc . 9 > 0 -liver Hell IU 15
Amcrloin 11 25 Biunll Hopes ai' <
l-11/ubt.tli 4J 41
I'ln.iiichil > ot s.
KANSAS CITV , Jlo. , Oct. 11. Clearings , Jl-
1'O.IT ' ) .
NKXV Out.utNS. La.lOct. II. dealings 2.-
NEXV YOIIK , Oct. II. Clearing. S140,020,2J4 inccs , tJU.iO.sor
I'Aiii * . Oct. 11 Thres per cent rentes , 93f
21u for the account.
HAVANA , Oct. 11. Spanish so'd ' , $ J ! 53 02 M5
r.stlnnso , quiet. Sugar , quiet.
Itxr.tixioiiE. lid , Oct. II. Cloarlnc" , $1,101 ,
000 ; u iliincos , $ lsi511 lite , 0 per cent.
I'liir.Apri.fiitA , 1'a . Oct II. Olcarlngs. IIJ-
55 [ > ,04S : biloni.cs. ? l,7U7.00' ' . Money , 4 per cent
Losnos' , O t. 11. Amount bullion xvith
druxn from the Hank of LnKlatid on balance
ted iy. JL'4l,000. )
MuxtiMlis. Tonti. Oot II. Noxv York o\-
chaiiKo selling at 41.DO. dealings , $ J7,1'0 ; bal
uncos , 8IU0.1" ! ; .
lSTOs ! ( , Mass. , Oct. II. Halancps. $ l,7c.l )
Kate , l'i per cent. Call loans , 5HGU poi cent.
Time loans , ViiO per cent.
HosiON. Mass , Oet. 11. OloarlnRS , UO.fiOJ-
, ; ? : b ilanoes il.1Sl.49X Money , 4 pel cent.
ixch ; 111400:1 : NoiYorK. . lOo ,
hT. Louis. Ma. Oct. 11 Cloailius J4R74.-
67 b ilanets J,1S' > ' . .Monev
> : , ,1X' qulot at 6S7 per
cent. Ilxcli uiRO on Now Yor 7 > &JJc dlseoiint.
C'llIfAflO. Ill . Oct. 11. GloniltiKS , $ l'l6liHiU '
Now YoiU oxchnnno 21o discount. StuilliiK
cxeh uuo unsettled , slxty-dav hills. $ i bi ; do- : . Money In gooil demand ; rates
unchanged , TiQU par ccnr.
1,1 Vi : hlOOK MAKIIUTS.
llolh Cuttlo anil IIn s Slioxr I'lriuor Tone
niul stroimor I'rlecs.
OMAHA. Oct. II. Uecelpts fet the past two
dnja foot up 10..IIO e ittle , 7,1118 IIORS and .101
sheep t\K ilnst t-.UId cattle , ( I.7M ho s anil 100
sheej ) Monday anil TuoMl.iy of last xvcolt.
OIloiliiKh were only about h Uf us hoax'y as
on Monday , but In the mutter of itiillty | : there llttlo If , iny dltTerence. The general tone
to the trade xvas consldoiably Intuioxcd. and
the f .ilr to uood beef o.ittlo especially the
we-turns sold stroiu at from 5o to luo huher
than Monday. A bunch of prcttv irood coined
c.ittli' xxekhliiK 1.17(1 ( Iba. brought fl 00.
mill eholie 1.V ) Ib. JTISS westerns sold
ashlgh asSIOJand * IOi. A l > U strliu ofy -
oiniiiTexans brought fJ.51 , but the bullc of
the fair to food xxcsterns sold atound JJ 7.1 to
fJOJ. Itnslness In uenoiiil tolerably acllvo
an I a very fair clearance xvab ulTouteu nnd in
lined so.ibiin.
lluichurh' block and dinners' sold freely at
hto.uly to stionz prices , bomo xory cholco
Hcsturn cows hoid as high as $ .1.IO ( niul M.uf > .
unit eannors UK loxv auJI.UO and fl.'i. but the
bulk of the fair to Rood stuff sold ut from ll.liO
to $ . ' 10. Hulls , oxen and stiK wcro freely
inoxed at from * l.-3 ! to 8.7.V Veal calxes were
Ingood ( lom.ind and Ilr in at fromJOi to 4 ' 'A ;
common and yearlings xvcrn dull ut from t..ou
to W 00.
Thcro wns llttlo If any change In the stoclccr
and feeder trado. Uood. Ilc = , liy steers broiuht
good , stront ; prices , but the light traihy KtulT UK hard to niuvo as over und brought just
us loxv prices : Koprosuntutlvo sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. IT. No. Av. 1'r.
a . 750 U 00 M 117U (4 OU
1. BSO i no 10. . 713 1 CO 7 077 (100
1. 1170 1 DO 7 743 1 Ul III. . 7U2
' ) 711 1 25 21 70 J 1 U ) 4U . 750 1 H.I
; i. . tuo 1 2.1 t > I * U 1 60 1' . 1210 IM
4 oy.1 1 Vi 'I . an 1 u3 Kt . lUJ lh.1
u HU 1 .11 I'O 8,7 1 7J IS 871 It-'i
1 810 i ai IU 8J7 1 70 4 OJ2 Ihl
1 low i .11 111 813 1 7 ! ) 2 . 41.1 lh.1
2 Oltt l : n 1 70 1 1U < U 11)0 )
1 OSO 1 40 Rll ) 1 7J Cl 1117 11)0 )
. ' . ' 7-0 1 41 7UJ 1 70 20 IH)3 ) 11U
9 Ml 0 115) 1 71 21 . bU 2UO
1 Itl.'U i ho SU 1 75 5 tJO * 200
1 D ) 10 8J8 1 71 28 819
ii ui ) 1 BO II UK ) 1 75 14 t7J 205
1 110) ) 1 75 20. Os.1 205
: u 711 1 fiO 67. KM I 75 J 10
U 84 ! 1 6J 7 817 1 bO
2 BOO JS- 6. . 2JJ 1 75 ! 9. . C92 100
1. M'J ' 2. 1)30 1 75
400 1 75 1 ' * 00 * * nil
1 0. . 340 SCO
4. JJ3 2 I'O ' il 25 1 210 UM
221 1 410 2 6J 1. . 100 1150
17. Mil ' 2 50 '
4. . 27 25U I ! 210 421
1 ! ) lJ ) 2 ! fi , Ml 2 00 2. . 2b5 425
1 1500 1 23 30.,1200 I hO 1..1411 200
4 .l'.U7 1 75 .1,100 1 f'J 1..1470 200
L.UsO I 71 1. IJiO 1 6) 1 , U13 210
1..1JOO 1 60 2..1J70 1 IX ) 2..K1K ) 2 ID
CO , , 1408 1 80 1..114) 1 V5
1..1451 1 CO 1 .1410 1 03
1..1800 2 10
1. . 409 i ra 4 , 4U 223 23. . SOS 2 CO
1. . TUO 1 75 a . 8ji 823 1 , . ICJO SCO
1. 780 200 17 , 60-J 2au 5. . 018 2 CO
' 2 00 i. . . BIG 230 2. . U75 2W
iol' oTa 2 IS II , . 7bU 2 33 2d. . U70 207) ) !
0. . 755 2 15 13. . 033 63 61. .1050 270
2 703 3 53 18k Ml 3 .11 3 01) 270
Na Av * t'r. N Av. I'r.
Ii l sirs Tex ina ? * ; si UK ) . . l > ? I KM
117 sirs Tex Idlft.SM BO nulls 12.17 1 M
2coxvs. i ni 42 con . ( VII 2 dl
1 bil'I ' . . . .I l.u 41 slecrs ISfil II 51
7coxv4. . Ofti 1 SI 7 sirs. tl Ml 2 11
ID feeders I.1I4 efi ) 2S OOXTS . ft 4 1 in
2 coixs. . . . 01) t ! 11 SO heifers . 107 2 OJ
ft c 11x c9 . IL'4 UOJ 1 cow no 2 11
1 cow . . . . Mf . 11 I slpor . . . wj 2 71
1 steer , .KIT S.71 01 sirs. HK 1121 a ia
212 sir * . tlRs.lifl > 74 roxxs .11-7 2 20
4 Moors liu. 2 71 11 steers IHs.1 II 50
, ' 1'J coxxs ' IS coxvs. . 817 1 Ml
, ' 11 cows . , su 'll u ) 4 steers . . 110) a i
2.1 feeders trft * TO 4(1 ( tuCUI'M. a M
> I4 01 17 coxxs . , 10 ft 2 0 ! )
III fooilors h-ir 2 0.1 OS stcors Illl .1 21
111 lcors n 1.1 .1 I ) I cow . . . . 770 1 OJ
17 coxxs. . . . ws 2 10 .ir footlrrs. 2 K1
4 poxvs nu 1 .1) ) 11 toxvA . 791 I ai
2 hulls . I.I 10 0 feeders 0 0 a p > o
Ifi ooxxs 701 ! il1" ' : il cows . . . pOI 1 03
2 fooders. , 0 feeders 2 71
21 feeders usi 8 oxen JI71 1 M >
ll oxen . . I14S 2 71 1..1 foedets 2 40
II frodnrs 8.M 2 II 08 fecdeis. 2 41
in ? foeders. . cm 2 C.1 11 toxvs. 1 21
2J feeders. ! ! U. 1 feeder . .1213 2 U )
! U feeders U'4. , 17 bulls 1.MS 1 M
I eoxv . . , , 820 2 21 1 i-ow . . . . 8W a 25
II cows 1 M 4 Dulls. . .1181 2 00
2i ! cows . 1110 201 1 fceilor. . 1IJ1 2 11
11 fou Icru t'GT ' 2 ' .I 27leers .IM .1 2.1
0 cows urn ) IS Hi feeders 77J 2 ( II
1 eow. . IH. ) 201 170 Rtt't'M .ISM II r.O
9 cons. , it rows II I ) .1 01
Moons. . I l.'l .101 70 steers 12.13 4 DO
1,1 s'.ours 1101 .1 4J
1 bull . .IHO S (10 ( Jicmxs ! " " 200
rihoifoM mi 24) ) 111 stcors mi i no
10 Hloors. U'b.1 100 21 steers. l.'Ji .121
lions The run of hois xx.u not xvhnt xxould
bociliod hoax v , but It xxns the boniest In
nonrtv i month. 'I he qualltv was xory f ilr.
\\IthtitiiimntiiillVBonif cnm'r.U demand thom
m irual opened acllxo ut fully steady prices
and gr idually Improved us the tiintnliiit ad-
xntieod. Tr idlus xv is largely at prices lining
to lo hlithor than Monday. Quality xxus thu
m tin consider itlon ami fair to isoo I hogs ,
roiardlesi of xvouht , so'.d xoty largely ut
$1.31 to xxlth n foix sorted heivv joids nt
M.4I to jl.10 and common mine I Ion U at Ji 20
As usual of Into Iho cxtiomo close \tasxv < > nk
nnd u fuxv loads rcni.ilned unsold Sales
xvero 1'iiKoly at Ji.21 to il 11 iiKalnst li 21 to
fUU .Monday. Tlio Kenoral averajio of prices
pild xxas M.21' aqa list } 12I * Monday nnd
il 17i Hst Tuesday. KeoreEentat Ix o silcs :
No. Ax- . Sh. I'r. No Av. . . I'r.
40 $4 II ) 78 2'.0 . ' 10 $1.1 J
. 2.0 5 to In . 271 11,0 5.1) )
2(11 ( 83 1 03 10 . . . .IWO ft ,11
2K1 43 fi 00 r.j . . 2(11 ( - r. in
. . -"U 40 .1 CO si . HI ? uo r. , u
. . . 21J 4J 5 CO sin FHI r > , o
HIS 1 10 70 . 241 80 r > 110
' 4) ) n ID . . 2.1 ? 2)0 ) 1.1)
. iTs' 4 JO .110 . .24 , ! ro ; 5u _
. . . . IDS 5 2) ) . . : ii.4 '
PW IfiJ fi 20 .2 ! ) niio
' " ' 240 5 2) ( d , 217
! ' . ' 4L' ii -5 fii 284 i.'i r. , tj
'iS 211 200 5 21 241 uj riio
. 271 l.'l fi 21 no . . 20 21) ) 5 I1J
271 80 .1 21 . . 240 200 5IIJ
. .27) ) 24J fi Li . . .271 240 '
.83 240 fi 23 117 2.11 40 : > M
. 2.11 120 5 2i 71 'U 210 5 : io
. .241 - 0 123 G3 .2.10 200 r > : i )
. 211 24 J 521 G35U . . . -.7J SO
217 200 fi 2.i 51 .24S 8) r ! in
H0" 5 SI ( .J . . .2V ) 20) ) 5IW
' 2)0 ) 5 2.1 77 . .200 l.'O '
H1i ( E8J 5 21 dl 247 b ) ft 'lO
210 5 2.1 III 2,11 41 ft 110
.2.U 83 527' ' ; 71fit 241 200 5.11
,25S 43 4 27' ' , fit 2f8 40 ft IID
211 110 ! „ ' . ' , SI 24(1 ( 24 J ft 110
. .2fib 40 fi 27'i 74d7 . . .2111 100 5 no
' 153 fi i'7'J ' d7 120 ft. ' 5
l.'iis 2 0 47 . 81
. .214 40 r. 27'5 ' Gld 120 5 .15
. 24S 40 1T'i ' d I 5 .11
70 . 2til 40 ft S7" 5 : t5
17. . . 21) ) 200 0 S7'i ' ni ; 80 5 It.1
SJ 211 lull ft 27'i 70 .247 IliO 5 .11
. .108 ft yo I. . ' . .241 1119 5 III
. .2ii r. .u ! . ' . 243
. 2,11 40 5.10 41 .
. .2T)0 1IU r > a ) 01 . . 217 43 5 III
. .247 o43 : . M 103 . . .2M ltd fi .1.1
. .2.11 " Hi . . .22S 40 5 : n
. .24J 40 "j M 01 -47 S ) 5 .11
.211 ( , .n fid . .2S1 18) ) 5 III
211 170 5,10 01 . . . .2'W 40 540
. .211 210 : > : n 51 40 547'
. 274 281 r. . 47. . 83 05'3
. Lilt 5 cO
inns As nonait <
Z . . . .H30 81 471
Si I ur i' There xxero no fresh receipts of
sheep and nothing laro lo make a mirkut.
Deslrublu muttons continue In aetlvo domain !
at steady price" . Pali to good iritlxes. $ J.50 ®
4.10 ; f ilr to good xxcstorns , f.121WI 21 ; common
and stock sheep. U ii5i 1.23 ; gold to cholco 40
to UO-lb. lambs , SI U3 < 84 71.
HccolptH and Dlspu ltiiin of Stork. receipts and dlsDosltlon of stock as
slion n by the books of the Union Stock Vurds
company for llm twoiity-four hours cndliiic at
5 o'clock p ID. , Ooto'jor M. 16J. ' .
HI trit'T" .
Chlc.iK < ) l.txe Stoi -Mnrlict. .
CIIICAOO , 111. . Oct. 11. ISpccial Telegram to
TIIK Hill' 1 At thohllghtly reduced priceof
X'csterd.iy there was a steady tone to the cat
tle market. Trade quiet at the opcHng
and only a Httlu leas t , < > Inter , hut xxitn
receipts of only about 1 ' .roo head
sellers succco.led In making n good
cloainncc , and th it xvlthout the fitrthur
hiicillko of prlcoa. 1'ully onu-lialf of the sup
ply came from the ranges , the tccelpts of na
tives not OMoulin , ; 1.000 head The Inttut
sold on a basis of fiom $111 to 1170
for Interior to extra qualities , thou.'h
I hero Mas not much tradlnc outs do
of tno limits of from f I 00 to if I 75 To\.is
catt'o ' sold fully as xvo'l ' as before , being In
good demand at from tl..1) to J.l.i.U. and \\tst-
ern ran.'crs xxero firm , Or the latter the re
ceipts txnio estimated at 11.030 ho id. Thov
xveto hoiiEht iti > on a basis of from { 1.5 } to tl 10 ,
Holders of hogs ns'icd ' higher pi Ices ut thn
openliu of business this inoinlir.l.aterln
the forenoon there xvoro aplenty of anxious
suitors , hut no bnyeis at yesterday's prices ,
n hllo toward the close concessions ot from r > c to
10o failed to stimulate tno dem ml. Thu
xxiiidun was extremely dull nnd xvoalc ni
from * " > 00 to { " > . ( . . ) for poor 10 cholcu light , and
ut from 81.10 to 10.70 for heavy and medium
xxelghla. Ihcro was u sale or txvo at higher
IlguiLS thnn quoted uboxo und thcro xvas also
ionio tracilni ; in poor stulf at fiom tl,73 to
biles of sheep wcro on u basis of from
? JOJ to ? .1S5 for potr to extra qual
ity natlxen and from fJoo to tl.JI fur
westerns. The latter comnrlsod the grc.itci
part of Iho supply and there xvusxxusnot
much trading nt better than } l.iO. : l.umbs
xvcro quiet ut ycatordiiy'u deollno or at from
Jl 'iO toJSHJ , The markut xvas xvoak both for
sheoi ) and lambs ,
Hceulpts : Cattle , 10,003 head ; hogs , 2.1,000 ,
hoid ; Hhcoi ) , 8,0 u ho.ul.
The livening Journal reports :
OATTt.h Receipts. lO.ojO liund : Hh'pment ° ,
n.OOO head ; miirkct sloxx. xxeak : best natlxcH ,
. 11 . A * 150 < a4.8JToxans ; , J..IOi
L',8' ' ; rangers , * il73ai.lO ; nutlvo cows , tl.73 < is
J.'jn.HOOS Hecolpts , 22,003 hold ; ahlpmonts , 8,001
houd ; market actlxo , shade lower ; lough nnd
common , il 7.K&4.15 : packing and mlM > d , fi 'jmu
S.41 ; bnlJ5.yuaJia [ : prlmu heavy and butLh-
crs' xvolghts , Jj.WW-1.7.1 ; bortod Ilsht. * 1.0JO1 7 ! :
mUcnlluht , r-y,5rji ' ; pigs and skips. 14.10 ®
biiEi'i' Hocelpts , P.OO ) head ; shlpmontB ,
2 , luo head ; iiMrkut sto idy ; natlvu oxvi-s. ijuso
< U5 50 ; Toxans. $ J 8V < (1 55 ; I imbs , JJ,5o < a5 75 ,
hi. . ) ( . n to ell Miirluit.
ST. LOtllH , > l ( ) Oot. II UAITI.E ItoCOlptS ,
,700 ; btilpnionts , 1,000 ; market oaalor ; fair tn
choice nutlxo stcors , SJ .10461.00 ; ordinary to
good Texas nnd' ' Indian bteers , ti.V [ < ttl.W ;
Texas und Indian i-oxxs , tl.'JA , ' J1.
lions ItecelpU. 7HK : ) ; ehlpmcnts , BOO : mar
ket fair : lieaxy , JJ.J-4i5.Oil packing , J5.10Q550.
light. t33UQ5.S4i.
blinKr Itecelpts. 4,100 ; shipments. HO ; mar-
kotntcauy ; natives lause. H 3 J4i < bOj Texas ,
Xoxr YorK l.lvc MOCK Market.
NEXT YOIIK , Oct. II , llfcEVUS Hecelpts. 33 :
head , all for exporters and BlaUKhleruis. Nc
Irude , 1'cellns Urm. Drtssed hoof , steady at
7OS'io per pound. Shipments today , 81 beeves
und 1.2.0 quarters of boot.
UAI.VFS Kocelpu , uil head i market llrm :
i. t5.uWtb.2l per 100 Ibs ; Krns :
AMI LAMPS Keoolpts . ,1,7.11 head ;
murkct alow , but steady ; Blieop. IJ20tt4.b7J !
per 1UU I us ; liin.l ) * , Jj.2\illl. ! - ! - > ; dressoil nuit-
tona Htoady ut 7tc9o per pound ; drcesoi
lambs , llrm at WJIO'Sc. ' . . . . .
llooa Ueeelpts , 4.1VG bead , Includlns 2 can
ToUl l u uf CITIES ,
103-163 Dearborn Btroot. CHICAGO.
19 Wall Street , NEW VORK.
are Stole nt.i
for rile : n nrket s'cndy nt $ } .60418.M per 100
Cily l.lxo Murk Market ,
KASSAS O TV , Mo. , Oct. 11. OATTM : Ho-
cclpts S , " n : shiDinenH. 4OJ , ) : market tin-
cluuigo It drosicd bof nnd shipping steers.
$ .1.71(81.0) ) ! cows. II SOH-iWIl I'exas nnd Indlin
steers , SI.S < & Q ) ; stojkors nnd focdors , ? ilW
llOds-ltecolpts. 11,410 ; shipments , SCOi mnr-
kct quiet nnd Monti v to To loxxor ; all grades ,
MUIK8V40 | , hulk , Jiaffll. . ! ' .
Silt. U' Hocoipts , 6.101 < lilunents | , 103 ; tnnrkot
qillct , prices unohiingcd ; muttons , II lOdl.oO.
Do\\ltt's yirsipinifx aostroy * sitcn pal-
sons us scrof nl i , skin dlsn.iso * , oczom > , rho tin -
in at Is in. Its timely use savot in my HVOJ.
Next itcccUcr nl ttiu IVatrr MorUi Com-
pinj Arrlxes In Oiunlin.
Mr. U. Hyde Hu t of now Jersey , recently
appointed ix-colvor for ttJ American Water
Works cotnpanx' , arrived from Iho cast Mon
day and xx ill file his bonds with the fcdcrn'i
court nnd tnko chat-go of the xvntor
norks plant of this cltv Inn fo\v Uajs.
Mr. Kust is nn tillablebuslnco mm ap
parently noout-10 voars old anil scorns to bo
thoroughly In iiccordlth the push nnd
Tirogrois of Iho ixost. Uo will bring Ina
family to Oinnlm shortly nnd mnlto this city
his homo until thu affairs of the coraptny
nro all adjusted cither b Iho aalo nf the
plant or by the mutual ngroornctit of the
Spoking of the nfftlrs of Iho com
pany Mr. Kust said : "S'ou will have to excuse
cuso tno from saving imvtliiiiK nt , proscnt
concerning the probable course that the af
fairs ot the company xxlll tnltc , for I nm not
> ot seltlo.l into the duties ot the position to
xxhleh I have been npnolntud. At somoliitot'
date I will bo moro nt liberty to title upon
that point. 1 ain xvoll plcasoa xvith the plant
and the manner In xvhicli It is mnn.igod. 1
don't thinU there is n bolterTtcrxvotlci
plant in AniurkM thnn this. Uvorything
about it scorns to have been built In n sub
stantial nnd ihoioucuiy llrst class nmnncr
The supplv of water is Inexhaust
ible and ttio quality is excellent.
f line the citv , nnd ttio evidences of
substantial prospcuty horn nro .Miflk'nuH to
insure u vigoroai and constant gtowth for
Omaha for u leap tltno to tomo. 'I tils Is stiro
to bo n very Hrgo city. The loioureos bacit
of it mo such that it cannot bo otherxilse.
Omaha hat boon fortunate In having but ono
company in tno llcld ttirnUhing xvalor. I'lio
character of the plint hero Is far superior to
that of many cities xx hero txvo or thrco com
panies Haxo baon struprclinR1 for the supro-n-
ncv nnd xx hero the patronaco has been dl
vldcd. And I think the men in ch.irpo
of the \\orlts hero are cxcoptionahlv
cnpablo nnd LlllclQnt. Ciutniu ! { < ! > nolds ,
Mr. Hunt. Mr. Hall anJ the cntito force
appear to have bc-on selected \xitli rare
judgment and thov certainly know hoxv to
pel form their wnrlc in n very satisfactory
manner. "
Mr. Ku t xv ill also have chareo of n part of
the xxator uorlts plant at Denver , owned b\r \
the same company , bjt ho ivill spoad most of
his time in Omaha. Ho is stopping at proscnt
at the Milliml hotel.
Toi.iio. IowaApril 0,1391.
Dr. J. B. Moore , Dair Sir : My xvlfo Ins
used about sK bottloi of yojr Two of Life ,
nnd thinks flit she his received greater bon-
elitfrum it thin uuy maJlclno shu over
taken. Yours truly , U U. BiifKtv.
CJcn'l Aeont and Troa ? . West Cello o.
Sineo roceivlns the nbavo tostimoni il , 1 am
inroceiotof a letter and chock from fie liav.
li.II Bufkin of Tolelo , , April 21 t3
send Ho v. .f. W. IConxvorthv , Croitliitc , Ka'i-
sas , six bottles of Moarj's Tree ot Llfo.
t 'or silo by nil druggists.
llonnlnEtoii'H M Captures a Hold Des
perado niul Wulks Him to Om.ilii.
City Marshal Snyder of Beniiiucton last
Sunday ran doxvn and placed In captivity a
dangerous desperado known as Bill Night
ingale. He btotight him to the station along
toward oxening handcuffed xvith n piece of
clothesline , the clothing nl both indicating
the desperate natuto ot the struggle whlctt
bad taken pluco.
Suyiior capturca his man in the outskirts
ot bis quiet llttlo village nnd xvalkod him to
Benson , a distance of txvelvo milna , without
any serious trouble and got him aboard the
motor , xx hero a struggle took place and the
norx'v marshal uas pitched off.
"Why didn't you call for assistance ?
asked Captain Mostyn , to xvhom ho told the
"Bai Ylnks ! Dcro vas ton mon on dat car
und ( ley all do notiugs. "
Halicvea ol bis charge at the Omaha police
station tbo marshal joarnevod serenely home
wurd , but at Ullftori" Hill ho xvas dumb
founded to see bis orstwhiln prisoner on tbo
sidcxvolk crlnuing at him , Yostordav
ho ivroto & letter asking particu
lars of the escape. The captain ex
plained that ins piisonor had not
escaped from the reform school as the mar
shal supposed and consequently there xvas no
$10 rexvard. Bill is knoivn at homo as Willlo
nnd ho lives at Tnii'tv-ninth and Nicholas.
Ho is 11 3 cars old and xvus out in the countiy
for fun.
Nothtng can be
said m favor of
the best medicine
in tbo xx 01 Id tl-nt
itmy not bo bnid
of thu most
ixoitliloM. In ono
- , .v xcnio , it's true ; m
\ \ , V % itbo other , it isn't ;
> l > >
l J but hoxv can
youdistingtiibb ?
Juilgo byxhnt fs Hone. Theio's only one
lilooil-imnllcr that's ( imtrruitecil It's Dr.
Picrcob Golden Mcnlicnl Dlrcovciy and this
is vxbat is done vxitb it ; if it doesn't Ijeiieflt or
cure , in oveiy cnsoou get jour money
back. Isn't it likely to bo tbo beit 1
All tbo year lomid , ns xxtll nt ono time oa
nnotbcr , it cleaiiEca nnd punfics tlio hystetn.
All blood-poisons must co. For Dibpcpsia ,
Biliousness , Scrofula , Bnlt-ilioitni , Trttcr ,
Erysijiclas , or any blood-taint or disorder , it
is an uncqualcd rcmcdj' .
It's the cheapest , too. Wilb this , yon pay
only for tbo good you get.
And nothing clso ia "just ns good. " It
may bo better 'for tbo dealer. Hut bo isn't
tbo ono that's to bo bolpcd.
" Vnluo received , or no pay , " you can't '
get thcbo terms with any other incalciuos , at
any prito.
Union Stock Yards Company
Ilest cattle , ho ? and hhcoji market In tbo xrc t
0 ( lM\IUIWrltt \ : > , thil l o " f0cor -
\lMAUA\roat \
\ MarltJt Hoporti.
Wood Brothers ,
touth Omaha Telephone 1117. Chicago
JOHN I ) . DADIBM VN. I . . ,
\x.\i/nii i : . WOOD ( * " > „ „ . „ „ .
Market reports by mall anJ xvlrouhoerfully
furulbhed upon application.
- TI-IE -
CampbelJ Commission Co.
Chlcaco , KistKt. Louis , Kansas City , South
. Hloux Cllv , i'ort Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
& 8nnd 53 HxcliiuiL-o Ilulldln ? , South Omah i.
Corrojpundoncu jollcltoj nnl uromptlr nnsnoril.
bpoclul attenllou to orilor for itock
Eitnblliucd , ISSt - . Incorporate J , 13JJ
tu llal fully paid , K'J.UJ )
Waggoner Hirney Company
IVrlto or wlro ui for prompt nnJ relUbld
rci > ori > .
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Live Stnok Commission.
Itoom (1 Exchange llulldlir ' , fcouth Omuba.
TeFcphono 17iir.
' "
th o I.ate t
1 t i ntioii.
'inirm KXTUACTHOirnouc PAH ott
AFUMnToi' Tiirn : : ON uuiutnu ror.
> 1 OO.
Perfect fit RU iruiiteoil Tooth o\tr ictod In
the nicirnink' New ones Inserted In evening
of s imu d iv.
! -eo specimens of Itoinov.ililo llrldso
Soeapcolmensof l < Ioxllle'A \ ill ; ' I'l.itQ
All \ / citk.irr inted as rop'osented.
Olllce , ihlid I'loor , I'axtJi ItloJt
TclClllOIlC | 10'l. . li ( 'l ' ! 1 I 1 I'llM 1 U Sit
Take Hlov.itor or fetilrw ly fiom lOt'i
bticct Kntranco ,
16tli and Howard Streets ,
CO r.ooins for I'.itlcntft. OMAHA ( HEB ,
Tor the ticatmcnt of
Glironic , PrivatGl Nervous Diseases ,
Piles , Fisluhi , Fissure and Strio-
( uro oft lie Jtct'tuiii pprinain'iit-
ly curi'tl iiilhout the tibc of Knife ,
Ligature or Caustic.
Unclose 4c In st.itnps and our 107 papo HOOK
on Ulsl.ASrS .mil ( .Hu sllon lIl.uiKs ,
x\Iil bo J1A1LLU lltl i : .
] ith and Houatd Sts , Omnh.i , Nib
\V , C. MA XXI I I , M l > , l'is. arnllon IliN | iirr.
National Bank.
Capital . . . . . . , )
Surplus f05OOJ
OtHccrBanrt Dlrortori Henry W Votes. pro Mont
It l ( ushlnf , vlco prcililoai , ( ' " M uirlco XV V.
MorM-.JuhnJ , Cullli J. .V. 11. Patrick , I.oirlj A ,
" " " " '
'au-iia IRON BA.NK.
I'niposnls lor District .Street Impi oirmen
Sealed bids marked "proposals for district
street liiiprovaint'iit bonds" x/lll bo rocolxod at
thoofllcodf thoclly tioisuter. Omaha. .Nob ,
up to U o'clock noon of I Ith dixy nf October.
WO , for the purchase- i11.OMJ ) dlstilol
street Iniiiruvomont bonils ot the city of
butd bonda'snall bo dated Octobnr 1st , ISO ! ,
and hhall Im p ly able In from ono to nlno > o in
after the dutu thnreof , xxlth Inlnc-a attho
rate of 5 per cent per unntim pavablo annual
Principal nnd interest payable at ICoiinl/o
llros , Now Vorlc.
bald bonds Filial ! ho of thn denomination of
JI.WO.ej ( , tMua ind Ilu0.u0u.iuli
Kiiuh bid must statu pilen and amount
souht ( for and Include ncciucd Intoruit to
date of dollxory at Omaha , Noo.
The right H icsorvod lo reject any and all
Ihsuod nndcrehartorpoxxorof cities of the
oietropolllan class and ordinance No. JJJ ) , up-
t'ltv 1'riiisuror.
NO. fW83.
Anordlnancoonlctlnttho cnidln. of Vlntoii
btreotfrom Mllh strcot to tlio xxc t I no of
the alloy In block Jl , W.lcox'a Snd addition.
and dlru'lliiK the boird of pulillo xvon.s to
take the necessary steps to cause sild woik
' ' ' '
Ilo'ii'orda'l'nod by the olty council of the olty
"octloil I. ' Whereas , permanent j-rndcslwxo
bconi-Blubllshid iipnn , and appt. l .crs haxo
bocnduly appointed by laxv. to appialso the
damaKBH caused by the gnulliii nf Vlnton
BtrciitfromSllh ! btrcot to the xvest Inu of tbo
alloy In block J | , Wllcox's I'm ! addition , and
nude thulr report to the ulty council.
xvhleh nun formally adopted thu HIIIIIDI and
, jepiesontlnf ; moro
xvheroaH , nrnnnrty owners
than thieo-l/fihs / of the proudly ahu In *
on ald portions of the btrtet aboxo spccllicd ,
liaxupoiltioned the city council to haxo sild
btrect ( Traded to llm present utiiblUlM-d crado
without eharuo to thu idly , nnd that tlin cost
Ijuniado pivablo In tin tiinl ( | IiHtallments.
thcruforo , Vlnton hlroet from Slth "tii-ut. . to
i o xvest line of the alloy In block 31. Wl K.X'S
Und addition , be and hereby Isordurud graded
to Iho present established Kr.ido.
tietloni That thobo iKlof puhllo worl.ii ho
and hereby U dliocled lo la'io the neoobsary
btens to causes ild xxork to bo dono.
friction 3. 'Jhis oiClnanio hall tal.oolfoo
nnd bo In foroo from and uflir lib
. ,
Oii/J ( erk.
o. L. oiiArnu :
AotlnK I'rculdenl C'lty Council.
Approved October 1.1 . , 1 . 11IUMISi
Cotiscii. OIIAMIII n , Oxiviix , Neb , October
llo II icsolxed hy the CitxCoumll of the City
ofOiuahi , the Mnyoi eon uiriiiK
Hint xvooilou sdinvnlks ho constructed in
IhpOltv of Omaha 'is dosUn ilod holow , xxlth-
In llxe dajs aftrr tlio puh I atlon of this reso
lution , or the personal sorx Ice tin-roof , us by
ordliiiiii o Is authorl/od nnd roiunod | , such
slilovtalkn lo be laid lo Iho i ail o on the streets
specified herein , and to lu > constructed of plno
pi-ink of such xxitlth nnd thickness and ho laid
upon Jolsn of Riieli il inonslons and In such
tininnoi as Is proscribed n > Iho spots Ili'iitlons
on lllo In Iho ollloo of the llo ir J of I'ubllo
Works and nutlet Its supon Islon. to-xvlt :
\voht sldoof llHh sluol south 'j of lot 5 ,
block (1. ( llorhaoh's S-coml Addition , estab
lish ! d BI ide. d foot xvldo.
i : iht side of , Uth hiioot. lot 11 , Siinnja'da ' Ad
dition , osl ihllshi d ride , d feet xvldo.
Noiih side of llurdolto strn.1. loin 11 to 19
Inelualxo. hlock : ) , t'l fton ill.l Addition , tcw-
poi n ry i ride , u foot xxlclo
x\cst side of 29Ui axoniip. lot t , hlock (1 ( , ,
Ir iko's Addition , pti ajnt r.ule , li fuel xvldo.
Cist side of .17th slitol. lots III to Islncluslxo
block' ' . Creston Addlt on. established grade ,
0 feet xvldo.
llisl sldoof : , Tlh street , lots II lo II. Creston
Annex , est ihllshed siMM. . 0 fool xi Ido
West s'doof ' 'l-'tli-ixonuo lots,1.1 to .17 luclu-
slxo. t-tcxx.irt I'l'uo , ptPseiit i ulo. I feet xvlde.
\ \ est side of .Istn axoniio , I ix lot No. 4 , neo-
t'on 'Jd-1,1-1 ! , present'r. 4 fiot xxldo.
Kist side of 4sth stioot , lots I. nnd 1) ) , block
'I Hicrldan I' , tonporir , i.ule , 4 feet
13 ml sldoof 4Sth si i ei I. loU U nnd 1) ) . block
- , bhorldan 1'lato , tcinpui iry ci.nio , 4 feet
Ml do.
West sldo of inth si loot , lots II nnd I , block
f. lloib ith's bccoml Adillllon , present gt.'ulo ,
West § liloof SJnd slrool , lots 1 to ( iInclusive ,
hlock ' - ' . IdloxvllU Addition , picsint grudc , U
feel xvldo.
West -.lilo ot'nil sin ot. lots I , 2 and ,1 block
1 , Idlexvlld Addition , piescnl iridc , 0 fiot
WebtBidoof SSndslreol.lot 10. Axford's Ad
dition. ] ircsent untile , I , ftollili'
West side of Ojdon si l cot lols.V , toT2 Inclu-
slxo , block 4 , bhoiinan Axcnuo 1'aiL Addition ,
present grade. I feet xxldo
North side of .1lacou street , lots 27 and -P ,
block In , Ix'ount/o & Itutli s Addition , perma
nent , uradc , 0 feet XMdo.
Ami. boll furthci rcsolxol :
That the bo ird of nubile xxoiks he , and li
hotoliy author ? od ind dlioetod to causu a
com of thU luso'utloii to ho ] > ulllsliod In the
nfilolal p iper of the oltv for ono xxtok , 01 hu
Eeixed on Iho owneis of si'd lots , and uu-
loasRiich oxvncis sluill xxllhin llxo daxs nflor
the publication or sorxlco of such eopv con'
hliuct said sldoxvall.s .ID hoieln rcnuliod , that
theboui I of puhllo xvoi .s c uiso tlio B uno lu
bo done , the cost of conslrnotliu slid side *
xvalltsrospeotUo y lo hu assessed r./nlnst Hit
lual ostnto , lot orpirtof lot In fiout of und
ahntllnz Htich aldoxx i ks
i'assed ( JUobcr lib , Wi- ' .
WiT. I1 , HUM"
I'losidonl Oitv Council.
Altost : .IOII.N OKUVI > .
City Clerk.
Approxcd : f.r.u P. lIP.Ills ,
Tolliooxxncr'i of the lots , pirts of lots and
roil est ilo described In thu uboxo icbolu-
Voii'nnil oich of jon aiohoiobv notified to
ponsliuil xvoodon hlde.xall.s us roiiulrtd by
arosdhnlonof the otv ! lounell niiuiuayorot
the city otuinabaof whUn thouhiixols ucoiiy.
I' W. Illltlx'll MlSIIIt.
Ohalrnian Iloutdof I'ulilloVork3
Omaha , Neb , Uclobui I'lh. iwu.
( ) IM.-ll-I5-17-lb.IO ! ,
CouNfir , CiiAMnmt. OMAIM , Neb , Oatolicr
4th , In'.U.
llo It resolved by the ( lly Council of the city
of Omaha , the miiyiii lonciiiilius :
That pormaminlbldi'Wiilks ' Ijocoiisliuctud In
the city otOinnh i in ill 'il''ii itcd holntx , xv thin
llxo dnvK after the puiillo a'on of this resolu-
t on , or the personal surxko tlieruof , as hy
oi.llimiicu Is nut hoi /I'd and n ijnlrod , HIICII
Bldoxvalks to bo laid to I ho rcrm. nont KIUUO 111
ostablli-hcd nn Iho juxed mieuts speclllrd
liuniln nnJ lo ho inniliiiilud of Hton , nrllll-
clulHlone , brick nr tllinir i ecordliu to bpccl-
flcatloiixon lllo In Iho olllcn of the lloiudof
I'liblluVorks. . and under Its HIIJICI vision , to-
West Hide of SKIi hlri'fl , lot I" , Kellojg
I'l in f. permanent Krado , il fiet wide
North ulduof lluinoy HI nun. Ul hot , of touth
> , ' of the south u ist > i of hit I In lot ! i. Capitol
Addition , perinnni'iitBiiidi' . Ufui'l xvldo ,
t-oiithsldoof Tiiru im Htruot. lots I.1 , 13 , II
and li. blook ID. Wt' t Kud Addition Lcrma- *
iioiitirrailr. U foot xv Ide.
North Hide of Oilifornlu stieet. lots C and 7 ,
bloilc 11 , ( Jlty. porihun nt ( 'iauc. U feel xvldo.
Kant bide of ioih si tent , int ft , Plock J18 , Olty ,
porm.inontKriKlo.llfcot xxldn.
Kant Rldu of Idtli sl" " t'ci , hit 4 , block 319 , City ,
permanent Krado , I ! feet xxlue.
houth hide of Hurl street , lot ! i. block 319 ,
Cltv , permanent Brudd. H fcol xi Ido
That HID HourU of I'ubllo Works bo nud
Is hereby authorised and directed to canto :
ropy of thin r solullon to he published In th *
ollloliil paporof the olty for ono xveek , or b *
nerved on thu owners of mild lots anil union
siichowncrb hhall within llxo days after the
publication or eurvicoof such copy construct
iiild BlduxvnlUs IIH hcioln rciiuliud , thut the
Iloaid of I'ubtla WorkV eaiiso the uainoto ha
done , the test of loiKtrnciltiK H ild Hlduxv < ilk
rebp ( ctlrcly to bo axscssud against the real
dilute , lot nr pnrt of lot In front of und abut *
Pttancd October Uh , IB'J } . .
1 I DA x Ir ,
Pri Hldont of thu CouuulL
Attest : JOHN
( Ity Olurk.
Approved UKOKUi ; I' . IIKMIS ,
NOTlOi : TO CONbTKUOf fiinr.WAI.K9.
To the ownomof the lots , pat t of lots and
nml estate described In the ulmvo resolution :
You and nauh nf you nro hereby notlflod to
lontlrnct porinunint hlduxvalku asroiiilred | by
u resolution of the city council mid mayor of
the city of Omulm , of xvhlch thuuboxo li
COPr <
I' . W. lllltKHAl'SnK ,
Chairman Hoard of I ublloorki. \ .
Omaha ,