5 * Miw. ccxa & ? 2 irE OMAHA DAILY 1JKK : . EDNES'OAY , OCTOBER 12 , 1892. IT IS NOW IN TANGIBLE FORM * ? Eaport of the Special Council Oommitteo on the Union Depot BASIS OF A PROPOSED AGREEMENT ConconMntiR to llo Mnilo by the Jtnllrond Companies nnil the City Tlio Com- inlttf < ) ' Itnporl Adopted An other Veto Overruled. The city council pot tOROthcr last nlht ( end when It adjourned It hail the unlou depot qucitlon in tan lnta lorni. This was brought about by the report ol the special committee , of which iho follow- inff named Kontlomon were members : Chair man , Sol I'rlnce , Alossrs. Munro , Bdwanls , Davis , Lowrj , City Attorney Connell nncl Engineer Koscwator. The report was this : Coiiimlllcn llcpnrt. Mil. t'riKxitiKST : Your special comtnlttoo appointed u > confer with tha mniiniruriof tnu railway companies with rufcronoo to thu ourlv cumplutliiM of the union ilepol , respectfully roimrltlint thov Imvo IniU huxtiral InlervlowM mid mcctliiKt with tlm represent dives of thu Union 1'uoillc Hallway coniyuny. lliu lliirlliiR- tnn fc. Missouri Itlvor Uatliuad company uiul the Union Depot company , and toictl.or with thu clly ullurnov iinil city unRlnrer havu made , received and considered pioposltlons , Mild that us the result of Slid action a lln.il p i. in of bottlcmcnt him been lutrcoil upon , sub j ect to the Hiuimvnl of thu council und niuyor , which Is us to lows : I'olniB of sotttiMiiont bolwucn iho oltv of Omali.i iintl thu Union i'uciflc K.illway coin- ) iiny : nnd tlm Tnlon Depot eomp my : First The I'mnii 1'aclllu Uiiitiy company mid thu I'tilon Depot eomp my icieuso and rnllnqiilsh to thu city tlm ti.r > .un of viaduct bonds votuil iindcrordln.inru No. " ' ' 'J. ' fcoeondTho Union I'aclllu Itailwuv com pany shall remise. ruloiiso and iiilt | c aim In the olty of Omaha thn land now known : o the \Vlnspoar trlaiiKle. " with tlio n-'ciotluns there to , uM-uut llsi 100 feut iight-of-wity tu Kast Omaha. Third The I'nlon I'ncinu Hallway company Rlmll romtst' . reluato and unit claim to thu city of Omaha bloeK" L , M , N , O and I' In the city of Omahii , together with all tlo aeero- tlons toualil liIocUi. rourtli The Union I'aclflo Hallway com pany snail remise , lolousn mid quit claim to the ultv of Omaha any and all rlisht. tillooi Interest that it may liavo aciiulicd lunndtc that portion of I'imrtnoiithstrei't Inthooltyol Omaha lylnis south of lliosonlh Him of llnrl Ntrcut , except the rlKhllo maintain its tracks across Kourtccnlhtmuotat ornuar Marcy and Mason Htrecls Fifth 'Iho Union 1'acldo Kallw.iy company Is to tii lo up mid lemovo from blocks I. . M. N , 0 and I1 all the truck * by It liurctofuro eon- Htruutod on nalil blocks. The said company 'will ' also take up from KlKhtli street thu tracl < built by It , extending from near tlio northeast corner of block I'l to near the sontlineit corner - nor of hlocK M , no us to leave said Klghlli street f rco from tracks at said point. bl.xtli The Union Depot conip my shall at once , upon tlm completion of thu pioposed ar rangements , and without delay , lecominciici the construct. on of the union deput at Oniah : null In peed faith prosecute thn union ( icpol V3 complntlon with all pr.ictlcalilo speed , ad. boring aenor.illy and NtibstHiitlally to tin plans for tlm construction thereof asshown bj the plaiiB inado by MCSMS. Van llrunt & Howe , and under which a portion of the worli on said union depot has already been done with the exception of tlio tower , which Is to be remodeled by said aiohltecls. Seventh 'I ho Union 1'acllic Hallway company - pany also acreo-i to surrender to thu oltv foi cancollat on the unpaid warrants Issued to It for money ad vi.ncud tor payment of dunrnzp1 on account of the construction of thu Tentl treot viaduct , such unp.ild warrants amount ! UK to about M.IHW : nnd also acrees to ro.oabi the olty from nil claim or demand for mono ) l > y It advanced and paid by thu city as dam ages to properly owners on account or tin construction of said viaduct , amounting ti about 810,00 ) : the city lr > return for the pur Iiosu of cancellation tho'nnpald checks of sak company , the payment of whicn wasonjolnt" by the court , and which amount to aboil SfOOvX ) . Oil the CltyM I'iirt. bn the nnrt of the clly , In addition to stir rendering said chucks for cancellation. : i ( loci Is to bo executed by the city to the Union I'a clllo Hallway company , convoying Its rlclit title nnd Interest ; to the ground describe , ! h the deed of Alvln Haiinders trustee , Inclnd 1 n 7 lot % block 2aii and that per Ion ot Tout ! street under the vlaductsonth of tlio uromlse owned by Mcdavock , forimirly known a Hell's druR. store , such deed to bocondltionoi that thu H.iiil ground shall ho used only to depot and railway purposes. Tlio city 1 also to convey by deed ot quit claln the lots heretofore conveyed by Its dcou > toRothor with the streets and alloys wlthli the Union I'.u-lllu railway shop RioundH am .istward to Kl'-luli street , loavln : Eighth Htroet open as agreed upon bv sail railway comp.iny. Thu city In addition Is ti release the Union I'aclflo Unlhtav compaii ; and the Union Depot company from the twi bonds rorjulrcd to no Riven by the provision of mild ordinancu No. ? M ) . The forcsoinj ; substantially covers what I proposed totween the cltvot Om.ih.i and th Union 1'nclllu Hallway company. For the mom full protection ot thu city , am to enable any r.illway comp'iny dosirlns I construct a brldgo ut or near O.issstreot ted no , your commltleu suggest lhatau addition ; ! CQndltlon , .so far as said O.ibs Ntrcut Is con Cornell , bo Insulted \vneraby thu e'ty woul HIITO thu rluht to allow any railway com liany constructing a brldRO at or no < i htich point to uo over iho traeUB , hulidlnus o Impiovoinontsot the Unlun I'aelllo Kallwa , company and to havu thu rluht to construe at suitable points on said ( . 'ass street the plur or supports nucchsiry to maUesuch crosslm This , your comm.tiou Is advised , the Unlu 1'aelllo Is willing to do. Youreommlttcu bollovcs that thn propose Buttlumcnt Is one j > roatiy In the Interest c thu city , as wull as beneficial to the Union I'a olllu Hallway company , and In v.ow otili f ant that such .soltiumcnl In much to bo do elred on the irirt of thu oltv. your commlue recommend thu same and submits thu prj posed proposition for hueli consideration an uctlon as thocounoll and mayor may doci proper , subject to the disposal of ooiidln ? ID junction suits. Your committee further recommend thn thu olty attorney and olty enclneor propur the doudB und iiapert , neccssaiy to carry on the , proposed boulomunt , and that the due convoylnt ! streotH , alloys and lots tor she pronnilB bo conditioned , that ihosaino Him bo used und occupied as shop grounds , th city reserving thu rlxht to construct sonui when necessary through any stieuts nut 01 cnnlod by bulldhiKs. our committee further recommends thn the city attoriiny and cliy unsjlnoor propar all such pa per j and ( locus at the o.irllottiiii liructhiable , and upon thu same holn < : ai lirovud by thu Union PacificlUllway com pany , report thu aiimo to thu city council to illicit further aollun as may I o nocc-nary , All , IH.IS : | IT Alonii Olijecteil. Mr. Howcll moved that the report I adopted. Mr. Elsassor wanted to wait u while. H enld there wus r.o use of railroading the Uir tbroiiRh , It hud been before iho counc forulRhtcen monllm and there wa < i no use n any undue Itnsto. llo dla no * , want draiyu up and have thorn luiookod out Ho did not Icnow whether the as would suit tlioni nnd his constltunnts. Tli council should adjourn und consider the ma tar at u clti/ens' innotint" . Mr. I'rinoo suld that the document wt only tbo report of the committee , and tin that oommitlPO Imd dona its duty. Mr , I o wry ramnrucd that the rnllwn oainpauy bad uiaao every conucsjioii ualto of It.Mr Mr , Dcchcl said that the time to have th cnlzciiR' meetlnp ; wus wlion the ngrecmoi wn rondy for oxeoutlon , The report of the special committee wr adopted , Mr , ICUaesur voting "DO. " Vutueil the KetKliuin Hill. f > \nyov \ BemU vetoed that portion of tt upproprla'lon ordlnnnno contnlnltiK the Itoi f24,470,5t ) , thn amount of the Kotclmm FJI nlluro compauv's bill for the furnltui placed in the city ball. In support of it veto , ho wrote this letter to the council : I have the honor to report that I Imvo aj proved the uoiu-r.il appropriation ordlnaiK No. M except the Itomln favor of the Koteha 1'Mrnlturu company for * JU7U.5) ) , wjiiuli 1 v teed for the icioon that , tiiklu r Into couslde . ntlon tbo prices ulliinqd for this furntluio i provided by ihu contract. 1 am unnhiu to sa Isfy inysulf ( hut thu tocnrins of s ild contra vrua not the result of fraud , 1 am therofo forced to conulndo that the only prouur wt for determining thu amount duo tlio Kutchu I'urnlturoeo upany U to ullow Ihucoiirlb luibs upon thu validity of Ihu contract. Notwithstanding Unit this bill amounts over ttl.OJO. only a u.irt of the olllces In tl oily hall aru provided vrilh furniture. TI olllcei ot the II ro und police commU-ilo Hoard of Health , board of nark uummlssloi or 3 , assistant city attorney und a nn in tier ether olllcoj are "till without furniture. would hoe m to mo that It the contract hi been honestly secured iun1 thueltv had bei properly renrejeiited that for thU sum money use Ilk-lent amount of furn lumcou have boon Doomed to havu buppllod all tl olllces In the building. * o far as the. examination of the furnltu delivered Is uoncernul.it Iris ut > t been mai byoxports or pefiom h ivlu , ' suooUl Knov udKowlth rcfuronco to tiirnlturo. I belle that such an examination shoula hare be laudu before Him I uayinontaf tlio bill , Tnerova no debate , and tbc bill wai o dorod pnld notwithstanding the veto. Thoio who votca to pay tbo bill were Back , Bur- tltsb , Coiiway , Edwards , tilsussor. Howcll , Lowry , McLoano , 1'flnco , Bpocbt , IStcol nna Tuttle I'J. Tbo mon who thoueht that It should not t > o paid were IJochcl , Jacobson , Munro and I'roslilcnt. Uavls 1. Absent nnd not voting , llruncr and Cbaffco 2 , Thomas N.urray and others protested against the paving of Seventeenth straot , from Hnrnoy to Howard street , The ess Inspector was given n ten clays' loavoof absence. Thn resolution to take $2,000 from the con- oral fund and place it In the crosawalK fund , mot with n defeat. In response to a communication . \V. Ulniated , manager of the Western Union Tologr.iph compiny , wrote that ho could not place a scll-wlndliiH clock In the tower of the cltj nail , as his coaipany did not handle that Id ml of ulocxs. A stnndln ; ; desk wns ordered for the coun cil ctiambor , for thu benefit of the rending clerk. The Western Union Telegraph comnnny wns pratito'j ' authnrlty to put In now tele- crnph poles ulong farnam , from Thirteenth street to tnocltv hall. The cradln ? of Twenty-second slrcot , from Nicholas to Clark street , was ordoi-nd. The Chicago. St. l' ul , Minneapolis St Omaha Kill road company protested n nlnst the pavlnc of CJraco street over Its right-of- way. This was rofdrrod. The hucksters nnd trardnors were plotted up nna removed from their t nil on the east end of Farnam street. ThU tlmo thov wcro located on Tenth street between Dodge ntreot and Capitol nvonuo und on Dodge street between Ninth and Tenth streets. Appraisers reported Srt.UOO damages , re- sultlni ; from tlio proposed opening of Twenty-sixth street , Jrom Nelson's sub division to Caldwcll street. Thu report was recommitted that a waiver of damages might bo secured. ix-Sldo\vilk : ; Insprctor Wilson' * 1'ny. Ex-SldewnlK Inspector \Vllson's pay roll was called up nijaln. At n former session , Wilson claimed twenty-two days n.iy nt fll per day. The Hoard of Puullo Works re ported that Wilson had worked fourteen dnys and was entitled to but 511) ) for his services. This amount bo was allowed last night. The council decided that in the resident districts outside'ot the lire llmlta , property owners could lav stone wnlk , two. or two nnd one-half Inches thick , Instead of urlclc , or tile , If they so desired. The committee on sidewalks found that Ernest , Sluut had wilfully nnd maliciously torn nwav the stone stops In front of the property of 0. P. lilrkot on Mason near Tenth street. An ordinance fixing a license of { T5 to bo piid by any party bringing produce to the city In c.ir load lots nud rotaillni ; it from salu cars \vni introduced and road twice. The ordinance ) ordering tbo grading of Arbor street from Eleventh to Slxteunth streets wns passed. The grading of this street is for thn purpose of putting tbo street in such a condition that the Thirteenth street car line may run around the loop and con nect with the South Omaha line at Sixteenth aud Vlnton streets. XA TIw.v i ; , ; .I.UUK Ilostun Starts InrTiru Ag.Un , lint Slips Up on Ono ol ' 1 bcin. NKwYouit , Oct. V ! . The championship icnsoti was brought , to n.i end in Brooklyn .oday by the Urooklyn nna Boston teams playing two games , each wlnningono. Seoro : trooklyn 0 0100002 0 fj toston 0 001VJ100 * 4 lilts : Itrooklyn , 8 ; Huston , 7. Krrors : I roklyn. 1 ; lloston , 1. Karnud runs : llrouk- vn , ; i ; liostnn , a. Hatterlus : Haddock and ) nlv : Nichols and Ganzul , Second game : Brooklyn 4 2 2 1 0 C Hoston" 0 2 0 0 0 lilts : Hronklvn , 12 ; Hoston , \ Krrors : Irouklyn. I ; Iknton. l. Eat nud runs : Hroon- vn. ,1 : Hoston , - ' . H.itterlos : Kunnudy aud Daly ; i-tlvutUund Gatizol. Itronns roiuuled Out Ono. ST. Lot-is , Mo. , Oct. 11. The Louisvillos were defeated today by the Browns in a game marked by clean hitting and brilliant Held' ing. Attendance , 70J. Score : St. Louis 2 04 10000 * ' , houlsvlllu 200UU3UO 1 I Mils : St. Louis. 17 : Louisville , 0. Krrors ; St. Louis. ( I : Lotiisvllto. a. K irnnd runs : Kt Louis , 'i. H.itlurlus : llrclloiibleiu mill IJuck' 'oy Stratum and Murrltt. Jonahs 1'nlleil Up In tlio Ninth. PnT.siiuiia. Pa , Oct. 11. Pittshurg tied th < score in the nintn inninir. The ganio will be played oft tomoriow. AltendunccSOO. Score ; I'ltlslmrs 0 0 0 1 0 o 0 o II- ; aiuvuiund 1000000 : to 4 lilts : I'lttsburz. 9 ; Cleveland , fi. Krrors : I'lttshurir , u : Uiovu'nnd ' , 4. learned inns ; Plttsliunr. : i : Uluvuiand , 2. Hatterlos : Torrj und Muu ; < ; C'lnrkson and X-lmmer. lltulcs Down tlio Smmtnr.H. Piiii.\iiii.i > in.Pa. . , Oct. 11. Philndolphir defeated Washington this afternoon by bo'ttoi batting. Game called on account of dark ness. Attendance U'JS. ' Score : Washlnston 1 : i 0 0 00 I'hdadolphla 022 1 20 ' Mils : Washington , n : 1'hlladolphln , II. I > . r.s ; Wasliln lon , 2 : 1'liil iilulphia. 2. Karnei runs : \Vashlnion. I : I'hlliidulnhl-i. I. Hat- torles : Klllen and McUuIroj wuylilng am Ulumenla. Orioles still Very i : ' ny. Nr.w YOHK. Oct. 11 Tbo Now Voric lean had nn easy time of it defeating the Haiti nioros today. Attondnnci'-103. ( Jamo callei on account of darkness , bcoro : Now York Haltlmoro 00000 4 lilts : Now York. 8 : Haltlmoro , : i. Krrors ; Now York , - ' ! Haltlmoru. : i. Kirnoil runs Now York , I. H.itterlos : iluslo and Doyle ; hmitt and Robinson , Undo .Scratches Out Onn. CINCINNATI , O. , Oct. 11. I'oor floldlng b' the Ueds more than offset their good bat tlngundChicago won. Attendance , fi'JO. ' Score Cincinnati 200002000- ChlcaKO 2 0 0 2 0 U 1 0 U lilts : Cincinnati. 12 ; ChleiiBO.0. Krrors : CIn nlnimtl. f > : ( Jhluago. 1. Karnud runs : Ulnclu rail. L's Clilcii-'O. I. Hatlerlus : Uhniuborluli nnd Vaiigh : Lnby und Kltlrcdgo. tbo TU.IMU. Ueinoi-riitle Xiitly , The dumncrats of South Omaha had a rail , and lorolilulii procession lust evening , Th torchllRht , procession was an Imposing spec taclo. Just lliirty-tbroo men and boys bor torches nnd carried banners aloft. A Ilium's hall , whora. the speaking was to h held , n few nl tlio faithful cont'rouatcd , bu the numoer was smell and the enthusiast was less iiollcaablo. Juago iJoane und lion \Vurren Hwitzlor were iho principal bpeaUer ; I'XlitiliX.l / < I'.lli.HUt.l I'll.t , lion. Church IIowo of Nomaha county wa In Ibo cily lust night Miss Josophlno Urady has returned from week's vUit In Chicago. Hcooti 1. Illnman , nn ox-domoerat of Nortl Plattu , it ) ut thu 1'axtou. John M. Thomas , W , A. Miles and C , I ! May ot Columbus ate ut the I'axton. F. K. Hill of iho Sunbiiry , I'a. , America WHS a culler ai TUB llir : ollloa last nlehl. I'rof. AI Pardon nnd Ur. Uaudwon huv eono lo Honey Croak for u woflU'u listilng. Senator 1'addooU came in from Doatrlca t mid night and is donnucilod at the Mercer. Charles H. Ulrleb , edllor of Ibo Odd Fel lowsSlflliifs of I'ulladelpbia , PH. , u tlgh ROUIIIR tu Omaha. U. B. Doran , the editor of the Yalpavala Visitor nud llraluard Bugle , Is Iu town lool < Ing over thu situation , .Indue Clcorno W. Ambrose went to Do ; Molnes ycfttorduy afternoon lo atload it Iowa HUpru.Muuourisosslous. Major Henry Huoss of Denver nnd Mr. 1 Ilofmaun of Cheyenne are the RUOSIS nf M ( ieoi-pu ICruionrouto from tbo V'ollo Prophets celebration to their liomoj. MKVV Viiuic. OBI , il. [ Special Tolearora I TUB nijuOmaha ! : D. M. Curler , \Viui her ; M. CollliiB , llroadwuy Central ; Mis Kountto , Pluzt ; L. Ulttlneor , Alboroarlo h tel ; E. liraudor , Plaza botcl. Ciucuuo. III. , Got. It. [ Special Tologra to TUB BB. | Tbo following NobrasKui roRisterol bore today : Grand Paoltlo Bi ory A. Cobb , J. T , Mulr , A. B. Hunito Omaha ; C. L. Alger , Lincoln. Audltoriu H. U. Outoalt , J. M. Tyler , Lincoln. Tr mom J. l ) , MHIOUP , p. u. Wlliou , Omah Palmer-H. B. Uallou , Omaha. 1IMVW1MO riTfPI OOnTI 11 t i 1 V WAiNES SUCCESSI'UL ' RALli Senator Mandersou's Tacts and Figures Thoroughly Apprioiated , CROWDED THE HALL TO OVERFLOWING Mii.lor ViilrnllnoVnrinly Orcctod . Crounno anil tlnniiriil Van IVyck Moot In ilolnt Drliato nt llrolum lMv. WITXP , Neb. , Oct. II. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : UBS.I Wayne Is a blaze of re publican enthusiasm tonight. In splto of the fact th&t the clubs from tlartington and Ponder failed to put tu uti nppo.ir.inco. tjunntor Mauaorson , accompanied by Major Valentine , arrived on the ovenlng train , and wns mot by the Wayne cornet band nnd n delegation ot republicans In carriages , nnd driven aoout the city. At 8 o'clock a lorchllgut parade , hojdea by the Wnyna band , formed at the depot , nnd 150 men bearing torches proceeded up M > iln street to tbo opera house. A brilliant dls play ot ilrowork * tools place dunnc the parade , and cboor after cheer rent the air. It was impossible to iret such a crowd lute the operA house , which was crowded , nnd ninny were unable to gain admittance. Over 1'JOU people listened to nn able address oy Sunatcir Mundersoii , who p.Ud n handsome tribute to the growth ot ttio city , which at the prcsoiit rate , ho thought , would soon succeed Fremont. The speaker also paid a ulowmc triuilo to the great commonwealth of Nubraskn. His araumont was ono of facts , and at tlma.s the spcaknr appeared elo quent , but the presentation of an Indisnutnbla ni'iMv of statistic * werj his strong points. Tbo policy of protoclion was discussed in a manner that was highly satisfactory to thu uudlonca ns was manifested by thu frequent nppiuuso. After an exhaustive review of the linnnclnl question and a statement of Nebraska's resource ) aud liabilities the sen ator closed. The CJloo club rendered a selection , after which Major Valentino was introduced. Ho was listened to with close attention until a Into hour. Republicans have reason to feel hopeful of success In Wayne and ndjoinluc counllos ind there Is no doubt that much good will result from the meeting tonight. NSn AND VAN \VYCK. Ouster County ClU/.cim l ntorlalnoil with a .Joint Deliatnut llroken llntv. BKOKCN- Bow , Nob. , Oct. 11. ( Special Telegram to Tin : Una. | The discussion be tween Judge Croupso nnd ( Jonor.il Van Wyck this afternoon drew a largo and enthusiastic crowd of supporters of both candidates. Tbo sis or seven hundred present were very nearly equally divided , the republicans being a few in the majority. The opening and closing of tbo debate fell to .f udgo Urounso. Ills nppoarauco in the hall was as upon the stage , greeted witn hearty applause. His oblo dcfcnso of the principles of tbo re publican party as well ai uis demeanor and personal bearing raado a favor.iblo iraprcs- bion on his audionne. Hib cxooso of Van Wyck's congressional record and land grab bing propensities was greeted with upplause by the republicans. General Van "Wyck labored bard to remove the impression loft by Juago Crounso on tlio audience , but with out avail. Ho referred to Bovd'.s veto of tbo Nowborry bill and askud and dtlied Crounse to say whether ho would sign a similar bill if passed , should ho ba elected governor ana stated that bo ( Van Wyck ) would sign any bill that tbo legislature would pass. Judge Crounse , in bis reply , stated that ho liau never read the Nowborry bill , but that lie would not nlodco himself to slirn any bill until no bad examined It aad. found it to DC n the interest of tbo people ; that , if elected , ho would exercise the duties of his oRleu without , fear nud In the interest of tuc wnolo people , nnd in the interest ol tbo people against corporations. In his fifteen wmutes close ho worsted his opponent " on every point he took , and was "greeietl with round after round of upplause. Van Wyck created the most fun lor the audience , but Urounse made the most votes , SCUMMING nr.MOUKA.TS. They Withdraw Nominees lor Klcctora In aUniicsotu and Kmlorso 1'npulistn. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. 11. The domooratU state central committee has withdrawn 1) . II , Hibbs , A. L. Saekott and James Urown froir the electoral ticket and in their respective places put William Meighan , Jamo Dillor and A. S. Strombcrg. They also endorsee A. H. Hallo way of the people's party in placi of John U. Oswald , who resigned some timi neo. neo.Tho managers of the populist campaign deny that they had a hand in any deal. Thej say it is purely a voluntary action on th ( part ot the democrats Chairman Uakor of the democratic stau central committee was usiccd If the substitu tion of the people's parly electors was the result of n conference between hi * committee too anil that of the people's party. He n piled : "No , wo hnvo had no c'onforenc , whatever. . Tbruoof ourolectoral candidates Messrs. Illbbs , Sackett and Oswald , ten dorca their resignations to the r.ommitteo foi the reason that they were connected will national banks. Our committee then uuanl ruouMy decided to llll thu vacancies bv sub stltutiug the people's | arty nominees. " d to Act us .ludgo of Klcctlon , Wi.sTCiir.siKii , Pa. , Oct. 11. There was ! stir in tbo Chester county courts yostirday the cause of which was the Baker ballot law On Friday last Judge Tboraaj Waddell ap pointed cx-Judco Thomas S. Duller as judgi of elections of ono of tbo now precincts it Wostcbo.stor. In court ex-Judge Uutlor refused fused U > serve , saying : "I do not Intend to asbumo the responsl uHlty of determining what some of the pro visions of Iho ISakor ballot law may moan Jt is , in my Judgment , the moat damunbl plouu of legislation ever put on our statut1 books and 1 do not propose to submit mysel to the danger of arrest and line lor th failure to determine who Is entitled to vet under the net. " Thig , comliiK from a man who was but recently contly on the bunch of Chester , has appo rontly startled the otnor election Judges , am it is said to bo nrobabla that many othur wlll dcellno to servo. It is feared that dlfll oulty will bo bad In securing enough moi willing to servo to carrv on the election iu ul tbo districts , _ Third IMrty Alun Hull * . . U , S. Miirshals. MoxTdOMCiiv , Ala. , Oct. 11. Two Unite * States deputy marshals today wont to Unloi BpnngH , county seat of Ulllouk county , nn arrested Judge Frazlor and Circuit Cour Clerk Picton on tbo charge of violating sec tlon KiDl revised statutes of tbo Unite Sjtotos. Tbo state law requires tbo appoint ment of tlireo managers of oloutlon ol differ out politics. Tbo urrast was made becaus of the refusal of the enlcers to appoint a Ha prepared bv the third party leasers. Thi urrosts created n profound sousaUon In th ' llltio'town and a largo number ot friends at compuulud Iho prUoncr.s to Montgomery. Tbo arrested people say that manager have been appointed according to the law. Mr. IXu'li'g Oiit'HliniiH AiiKiruroil. YOIII.Nob. . . Oct. 11. [ Spaclal Talegrui to TUB lint. ] TnU afternoon In tbo coui bouso occurred the joint dabato between J. Humor and W. II , Uoch. The liousovr crowded and both sides were very cntbusloj tie. Mr. Halncr op nod tUq debate oy n viewing tbo platform of tlio Omaha convoi tlou. Mr , Uoch followud with his plans c revolution. Mr. Halnor , in closing , unswcro all tbo ( luojtlouaaskod by Mr. Lacu and ox poicd bU wildcat tUororins. ( Ir.iltun Ilnpnlillcant Uiiuous , x. Nob. . Oct. H. [ Sponlal to Tu Last nlgUt tha republicans bold caucus toplauo In Domination a townslii ticket , with the following result : Supui visor , Daniel Kly ; assessor , O , B. Altec treasurer , J , T. Coauoss ; clerk , W. Basse man. Tbo ticket represent * thu sirougui men in tbo precinct aad a portion of it , i least , will bo elected. South Dakota bliuil oil ISnllaU. , S. D. , Oct. il , CoDBldorablo an : lolylsfolt In rognrHc ) printing the ballots under the now Aultrilllan law. Thnv must bo printed In tm > Istnto nnd only nlno days romnln for the work. Largo fast presses ore few and-only ono linn in tbo stnto has enough paper of the kind required and it is holding off } fir bolter terms. llotli SprnlonVrro nt Tholr Urst and I'lriitcd l 'lrtlr rrliMHl * . Lixcot.N , Nob. . Out , It. [ Special Tolo- Rrnm to Tin : BKK.'p-Kully fi.OOO people turned out tonluhftO1''hoar the closing als- ctisslon of the isstwrf'of the campaiRn be- Iwcen Judge Field nddi Congressman Bryan. It was u noltcoablo fact , too , that n largo1 majority of the crowd wcro voters. Both gctuloir.cnvoro wnrm.lv received when thov inado tuclr appearance. Mr. Bryan opened tbo debate by explaining hit failure to .secure the passage of the bill reimburs ing the people of Lincoln for ono half of the expense Incurred in paving around Uovonunont square In this city. Hu iniulo every olTort mat any num could ma no , ho 9.-.UI , and only failed aflor making ihroo at tempts. Mr. Council hud failed to pass the hill two years ago nnd Ii3 wanted Judge Mold to tell how ho expected to have suffi cient lnlltior.ro to pass the bill , oven if elected. Mr. Bryan then produced thirty- live WMtten questions , which ho challenged bis opponent to answer , and ho laid down ? 'J.r.l ) in pold , which ho agreed to pay if the questions were answered. Ho made n running comment on the questions as lo road them und the hour allotted him In tbo opening was taken up by the questions. .ludco Field started In upon bis reply bv alluding to Bryan's record in congress nnd quoted the lilies of lUtythreo bills intro duced by Brvnn nnd showed tbut of that number but two or three were uclod upon. Mr. Field then took up Bryan's thirty-llvo question : ) nnd answered them satisfactorily to hln friends In the audience. Mr. llryun spolte very rapidly In the IIf- eon mlnutM utvon him. At tbo close ho claimed that Judge Field hud dodged Iko an eel In answering the questions nit to him. Hu then explained Ills otos against the World's lair nnd lussiau relief bills , clalmlOg that thu ormer proposed to nut tlio people's money ti to the pockets of n rich corporation nt Chicago cage and defending his vote on the latter' bv saying that bo opposed It because u republi can congtuss two years ago refused to vote jld to Nebraska sufferers. H Is generally conceded that the debate icru tonight wns tbo most earnest and lair- osl of the sorios. Both spoalters were thoroughly In earnest. Mr. Bryan made no attempt to win tbo applause of tbo audience by the cheap platitudes of the professional jhitforui orator that ho occasionally adoots. Jo was soberly und sincerely In earnest and ) .v his manner of speaking convoyed the mpression that Ii3 felt that the necessities ot ils bituallon demanded his ablest and most lorole efforts. Judge Field's address wns vastly an 1m- irovemunt over the ono bo made in this city it thu opening of the series. Ho was iu- luitely more udrolt in presenting hU ideas , nero direct in marshaling his fuels nnd more skillful in ptirrvlug the thrusts of bis oppo- lent. He made a much butter impression tpon his audience , nud his friends , who nil- nired him before , were proud of him tonight , WIAVIU : They Speak to a Crowded House In K-in. xas Utty. KANSAS CITY , M6f''Oct. ! ' 11. James B , Weaver , people's p lrty candidate for tbo " iresidency. arrived , al Independence this nornlng and this afternoon addressed n good sized crowd there. , , , Tonight ho spokp at the Auditorium Ir his clly. The Auditorium was erowdec full. Tha speaker -.devoted his remarks principally to a disl/usilou of the linancial ° ' luostlons which enter ' 'mto the campaign , advocating the free poluago of silver and the subtreasury plan. Ha explained the well mown thlra parly ptlnciples ana in con. elusion gave a brlfcT history of his campaigning lour. His lour , ho said , iad been a remftrkablo one and line xlended from Pugetf 'Sound lo Chesapeake bay , throuKh twantj'-three states. His meetings hud -boon unparalleled in enthusi asm , both iu the north and the south. Itc bad spoken in all the soutnorn states cxucpl West Virginia and South Carolina , it wus apparent , ho said , that a majority of the white people in the soulh were in sympalhj with Iho now movement and ino speedv suc cess of the populists was absolutely assured A studcnl of American civilization , GO continued tinuod , bad road und ibought to little pur- uose , if be could nol see that the old parties wore doomed. They represented Iho cruo and bloody issues of tbo past , and were bllnc to the wants of tbo nresent'ngo. They won moribund und decrepit and must perish. Ho attributed tbo attacks upon him Ir Georgia to the work of hoodlums organizei by Iho loaders of tbo old parties , who kepi themselves well In tbo background while their paid men did their dirty work. Mr. Weaver's remarks were well received although there was not much enthusiasm. Mrs. Lease of ICansas , who is campaigning with Mr. Weaver , was not with him loday She look a Hying visit to her homo at Wich ita and will rejoin Mr. Weaver lomorrow , They will continue , tlio campaign tngothur maklnc speeches iu Missouri , Illinois , In diana , Iowa , Minnesota , South Dakota ant Nebraska , winding up tbo campaign In Kan sas. _ DAVID CITY'S ICAT.LV. Uopiibllcun Clubs ol Tliut Ilnd ot the Stall Out 111 Force. DAVID CITV , Nob. , Oct. 11. [ Special ti Tnii Br.a. ] Another grand republican moot Ing was held hero last utghl. The marchtni club of 150 torches was out on pin-ado headcc by the cornet band. A special train fron the wcsl brought delegations from Hlslni Cily , Oscoula and Shelby while clubs Iron other points were present ; tbo opera housi was crowded , every seat was full , wulli many fouad stamllt.ir room only. The Da vie City Campaign Uleo club , reorganised undo ttm leadership of Frank Saow , snng semi original campaign i > ongs thai worouppluudoi lo Iho echo. F. W. Collins of Lincoln first addressee Ibo tieoplo ou the political issues of the Uni from a republican standpoint , particularly on the finances of iho country , and pro senlod tils case In n clear , conclso ant forcible manner. He was followed by lion Thomas Majors , wbo turned his atlcnilon ti the third party fallacies , and showed up thi acts of Iho last legislature In no enviabh lieht , dwelling particularly upon tbo ex pondltures of tbo "economic" party , am denounced in most forcible and oloquon terms the eubtroasury schema of iho popu lists. Ho closed with a scalhlng douuncla tlou of the party , andean Inspiring cxbortu tlon to stand un for" tuo good name nut honor of Nebraska , iloth speakers wcr listened to very attentively , and much on thuslasm was manifested at every poln scored. * * Ml ul Not Thriving ( | ( Mruivii County. AIXSWOUTH , Nob. , .Oct. 11 , [ Special Telegram gram to THIS Bii : : . ] Tbo Independent rail ; extensively advorttsoil 'lb take place in th court house this aflorrronn did not draw ivory i very largo crowd anayns considered a com plolo failure. Tlion > j.\Mro ? ilfty-lwo parson present as follows jp > ) dependents , thirty two ; republicans , olnjf ; doirocraU , three wcraon nnd chllJrcn , eight. Tbo spoake was Mr. Dovlno an.a ho wont. Ihrougli th usual formula of crnielng ull the Ills tba the people of tlio country are bclr to lo th republican party. Tha . .Independent move ment in Brown counV&\ the decline up to uako up any * pJjL tico of a crowd th leaden bavo to lunrbuPto a man. III I'olltlcs. Mob. , Oo. 1 } . [ Special Toll pram to THIS Bcu.l JL Ladies' ( Hepubllca club was organized hero this afternoon wit about forty rncabow. Tie | day was vor inclement , and tbo atlcndarico wus coinnar lively light. Ontcorsweroolepled as followe Mrs. A. II , Brown , prosiuonl ; Mrs. A. C liovd , vlco prosldont ; Mrs. B. K. Bellamy Junior vlco president ; Miss Uclla Bro.vi Bccrotary ; Mrs. Uporgo Craluo , assistut : sucrelury ; and Mrs , Dr. Pierce , iroasuroi The regulation league button and Audrowi ribbon were adopted ai badges for tbo clul b.v. Another mooting will bo held tomorrow * when the details for u reception to bo v.n dored Hon. W. U. Andrews and wife will L arranged. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hundred ! II curd Thuritiin. Sui'Kiuoii , Neb. , O.ot. 11. fSpeclnl Teli gram to Tun BBB. | Qroat enthuilasm pn ' 'flit. vailed at tha ropubllcaa rally hero tontgh Ilundroas of peonlo wcro present. Many In dependents who have donotinccd the early nnd Its doctrines marched In the grand narauo to hoar the great American orator , Hon. John M. rtiurston , deliver ono of his proutost addresses. Mr. Thurston's speech convinced the whole atialonco that the proper thing for Americans to do wna to stand for America nnd Nebraskans for Nebraska. For three hours ho hold the attention of his nucit * cnco by his high order of rcnsontng , his logic and his eloquence. Nuckolls county Is on the republican list. ANtmi\V3 AM ) .M'KniOlIA.V. Nelson Cltltons Trrntoil to llolli Sldrs nt I tin On m put ) ; u l * iir . Nnwox , Nob. , Oct. 11. [ Spoclnl Telegram to Tun Hun. I People began to pour Into the city about OsBO today and every train brought n load , the attraction belli ) ; the Androws-McKoigbnn dobato. Alliance people were present from nil the ad- Jclnlu ? counties and many republicans c mo to swell the throng. In the great parade which preceded tlio meeting fully ri.UUO people took part. At 1 o'clock tbo procession - cession moved to Nelson's grove , wbero Mr. McKclehr.n wns introduced by the chairman. The speaker's stand had been hnna- somely decorated , pictures of Harrison Blalno , Mclvtiiloy , Onrllold nnd CSrant , with appropriate legends nud mottoes nnd pictures of Weaver and Fluid , with the American Hug twined around nil , made ns pretty a back ground as u public sponker could want to offset his rhetoric. Tbo rival candidates were greeted by wild npplnuso from their nartisnns. Congressman McIColgban m/cned / the dobnto with a presnnlntlon of the views of his party on llnunco , nnd told of Iho enormous train of evils that followed on the continuous control of the government bv the re publican parly. Wull street runs the house and boi.nto. ho snld , and men elected by tbo people servo the monooolles. llo stood fur a currenov In which every dollar should bo n lual tender , and ho wanted to know If Prof. Andrews favored such a curroncv. Ito arraigned the republican party lor Its elTnrts in behalf of young Industries , and claimed lhat protec tion only taxed the masses In favor of tbo classes. 1'rof. Andrews followed In n clear exposi tion of tne Issues of the campaign ns indi cated by the republican platform , which ho said bo stood squarely upon , llo ronllod In a dlgnillcd way to the questions McKolghun had showered uton him , and told in n few terse phrases the story of the growth of Ibo country since the republican party took hold of the reins of government. The present credit of the govern maul wus contrasted to that under the democrutiu rule of thirty years are , and the folly of returning to that stnto of things wns sut forth. The cry for moro money WUH answered ' swered by a showing of the rx'tent of Iho circulating medium. Not a question nslted by Mdtolchun was loft unanswered. Prof. Andrews tnadc many friends by his bearing. Astcilloil tlio llcpnhllc.uin. Hoi.Diir.oi ! , Noo. , Oct. 11. rSpecial Tele gram lo Tin : BKI.J W. L. Green , nn inde pendent of Kearney , spoke hero thU after noon in the court house lo about ' . ' 03 people , democrats , independents and republicans. Ho assailed both the old parties bill moro severely iho republicans. Judge Crounso nnd Mr. Morton were roughly handled and accused of hoing railroad mon , but the cuuio of Van Wyclc was not mentioned during his entire speech. llssnurl Vulloy'rt Convention. MISSOURI VAU.KV. la. , Oct. 11. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Biu. : | The republican con vention for Harrison county today nominated candidates as follows : Clark of court , W.C. JJowell : auditor , Phil Uonnoy ; recorder , Thomas Berry ; county attorney , 11. H. Hod iter. Tbo ticKet is n good ono and gives general satisfaction among republicans. Every available seat and a largo" proper- lion of Iho standing room wns occupicu at the Boyd lust nicbt. "Beautiful Valley" Is not a strong dramatic creation. The plot Is not absorbing , and it has none of the crucial situations nnd exciting dramatic effects of the modern raclo-dramu. It depends upon a simple picture of homely human life tor its hold on popular favor , and by the manner In which it wns received last night , the judgment of the writer was not misplaced. As a mat ter of cour.su Mr. Russell In his cburncter ol llosoa Howe wns the central flguro of the performance , but tbo other members of the cast were not without opportunities for clever work. Hosca Howe in Mr. Uussoll's ' hands wns a strikingly natural representa tion of agroon country youth wbosulli-liitmg Jacket covered all the oloinonis of a gentle man. Ho furnishes an abundant fund of humor and In the sanrch for bis erring sister nnd his devotion to bis widowed mother displays a notnoly pathos that Is always popular with tbo American audience. The oilier male mcmoors of Iho cast were not especially prominent. Miss Minnie Kad- cliffo us Vlrgio Hand has the lending female role and acquitted herself very creditably. The work of Miss Belle Lynn as jxiobe Farquhar and Miss Marlon Abbotl as Mar tha Houo , the wayward sister , were es pecially pleasing. AMXJBE.MENTS. I I IC'P TIML1 miEATER. | LASr m- TO-NIGHT ! TO-NIGHT ! LAST rEIlFOHSIAXCK Ol'TIIK UMINUXI CO.MKIHAN SOL SMITH RUSSELL In i : < l\vavd I. . Klclder1 * lleiiullliil Ito- iiinntlo IMay VKST' TII P I Til 1 ? t T11LA1RE. I MOON. V. KUinAV. SATUKDAV , AM ) dLNDAV. OUT , is , 1J , J.- > , and 10. Saturday Matlnue. MAIITIN A : ItltOOKKIt'.S Superb Company , in their latest Now York A Hoallsto | Homanth ] Comedy Drama In four uotby Jim. M , .Martin , puisontcd hy a Heluct Company of acknowluJituu AitintH headed by Miss Louisa Rial And the over popular Comedian „ . . . , . , . JV1 ? * ' Harry Booker With the. following eabi : Hurry I ) . Ollflon. II , II. Eunrd , T. .1. .McOano , Ida bolcc , Helen Hell , .lolin llvans. Nelson Compton , 1 > , It , Kverton , Win , Dougherty , Jus , H. Marlln. Sale of seats will npc-n Wednosduy mor- nln , ' ut the usual pi Iced. YOUR EYES . . , J ggJJ LJK J J. J'lrTJJtrfp ' ffrfl AR TROUBLING YOU ! Well , rome nnil huve tlioni osninlned kr our optl Icun 1'rooof clmriro , nnd. If nucusmiry , illtpil vrllli r p.ilr of our "rUUKKPnON" HI'KUl'AUI.Kd or lU'l HlASSis-llioc | lln the woflil If mil do nol need Klusioi wuMlll tell you BO nncl nilvMuroiiHlnil to ilo. Ii0l.il hl'HL'l'Al'I.KS ' or KVI1 l5l.Afa-.Kt . TltOM > .l til' . hTKKl. ai'Kfl'ACl.Un OU BY * ( il.AhSKh KHO.M II Ul > . t'liila , imulto , liluo Ol white t'as"- ' for protccthu tliu cyu , from Wo t pulr up. & Bro. Go Max Heyer . , , Jewelers and Opticians. Farnam and 15tli Streets , Omaha OUR CONSULATE STORMED People of Thrao Rivers , Quebec , Resent Re flections oa Their Corporate Filth , UNCLE SAM'S REPRESENTATIVE BESIEGED Consul Smith Itrpnrtrd thn resilience- iiK Condition < > r tlio l.lttlr City on the M. l.auronco nnd .Irnii Hup- into ( lot Very .Mud. MOXTURU , P. Q. , Oct , U. In his report on the sanitary condition ot Three Uivcrs , which nppoar * In iho abstract ot "Sanitary Hoporls , " Iho oniclnl organ of tlio United States marine hospital service , Consul Smith says that tlio town is badly located , has tow sewers , no gutters and no paved streets ; that the people live In tilth , nnd that that busy scavenger , the horsefly , U the only thing that prevents eternal postllonco. Nothing Is being done to guard against cholera excnnt to tear up iho slrools wnich had been ro- ccivlnc the sloin of tbo city for 200 years , so that If tbo city escapes cholera In October the people will die of diphtheria In Novem ber. ber.Tho The Board of Health on receiving thu re port at once took action and passed a sorlus of resolutions denying tbo charges and pro testing against its insulting statements. Copies of thoao resolutions were sent to the United Slates consul general at Montreal and to the Dominion secretary of state. The city council met Siturday and passed similar resolutions. Tuo citizens are incensed. Last Friday night and early Saturday morning a number of stones were ihrown ut the consulate , brenklni ; tlio windows. The poncu onicora were summoned and further vlolonuo wns averted. It Is feared , however , that the wtulh ot Iho inhabitant , ! may carry away some overzealous parsons nnd thill some thing serious mny orcjr. The city authori ties nro now maintaining policemen on duty nt tbo consulate day und night and serious trouble is fourud. The row broke out last Saturday night while the consul was in bed. The mob numbered'-'OO. As soon us the llrst attack was made Colonel Smilb strongly barricaded ovcrv ontrunro nnd succeeded In keeping the mob out , but a shower of ntnnu- . smashed every window In his lusldencu. Tbo entire police force was sent to thu rescue und dis persed the mob , which gathered again on the public square und burned Colonel Smith In olllay. In the early morning nn attack wns again made , but tlio policu sur rounded the house mid protected It. The provincial authorities have Inknn the matter up and Consul Smith's recall Is pcr- omplorily demanded. Consul Smith is married to n daughter of tbo Into Horace ( iivcloy. Ho wns appointed to Iho consulutcat Three Hivcr.s iu ISS'J. ' The counc'l ' Investigation of the city hall muddle will ba continued this evening. Abbott Brothers' lallor shop at l.YIS Har tley street wus nurclarlzed Sunday night and goods valued ut 5100 carried away. Under the now city orlinanuo conductors on the motor and cable cars tmvuicommcncod calling the names ot tbo cross streets. Sergeant Iliv.o loft last nl hl for Portland , Ore. llo will bring back with him C.L. Pcllold , accused of robbing Hursb of the plu foundry of f3J. Arthur Pickering has boon selected by Iho ' Omaha Typographical union lo attend' the " convention" job printers to bo held in Cin cinnati , October 1 ! Kurl ICarlik , a South Omaha laborer , had his lower jaw removed by surgeons at St. Joseph's hospital. The operation was necessary to save the life of tbo patient who was sulToring from a malignant tumor. The patient will have nn urlitlcm ! Jaw. The people's party city convention will beheld hold nt IGlil Howard btreet on Salurdny , October Ifi , at S o'clock p. m. The priuvincs will bo held in the usual places ouVediics - duv , October 12 , from I to i ) o'clock p. in. Nine delecates from each ward will bo choion. Wednesday Is the last day for receiving entries lor the Omaha Kennel club do ihow , which commences October " . " > . Q.ilto a num ber of local owners of good dogs hnvo neg lected to register their animals with Secre tary MnrsUm. They should attend to thu manor at once , as the show Is already an assured success. The Fifln Ward Flambsau club is drilling for campaign parade work as assiduously und onlhnsiusticnlly us any military company cuuld do. It has secured Ibo services of Corporal S. F. MilU of the Omana Guards as captain und military instructor and bus already attained a surprising decree of elllc- icncy in both the manual und mai-cliln ? eve lutions. Thu club numbers thirty-live mon , und promises lo become one of the most pleasing features of the fall parados. AMUSEMENTS. FAHSAM ST. TIIEArBR--i'oialw ' | I'.iM. ' . Ono Week. Sunday Mnllnpo. Oct. Oth. Tito Vtirsutiln ( 'oiiirill'in , Alba Hey wood Will present by pormlss'on of f-ol Pinlth Kiis- sull , the Ix'ht , aii'l funniest ot all Ills ' ' MIl'CUSSL'S N6WEclc6WDOCl [ Folks- AND BIJOU THEATRE Till * * SNIiKK. AX HOIK OI'UIM'INKI ) SI'Kl'IAI/l'Ii : 5 HOWARD'S OCTORODN CO. OENERAL ADMISSION COLISEUM Monday evening , October 17th W. T. C'Ol.USliS , 1'rqf.iiaur ut ll'irdunmiislilp. wit ! uad utu'cu ' lo cja'jii ' if TIIK SOUTH OMAHA MAN KATKIt , a vlrlmiHmillion which Inu fclllml four mun. Tlm unlnml will UuislviMi lll.orty la a 31 fujt pen wldc-li tlm im/fi-JHur nllliiiitur. ami xliiultiliumlml put lutn pnii-IU-'i III" M underfill inutlioil of liumu laiiiliix If niircosiful It will bu tlio mon wuii.lorful font of liursraiunslilip over ncciiiiiH | > liuil , _ J > iiclci ) ot .Vilmnsilii-lil ol Dillinigc-i lor 4irail- IHK : . To tlm owners of nil loK pirls of lots und real imam aloii { alloy In bluuk 5) , from lilh to Ihth btrcots. Vou are hereby notilloil that the undur- c nod. tlircodlklntorostiid fri'u holduisof tlio t y of Omaha , lm\obtiou duly appoinliiil by , , o mayor , with Iho approval of tlm city ' uncll ( if said clly. lo US.HMH thn dam.iKO lo Jioo wiiursiopouil oiy .of iho iiroporty nf- fuctcdliy granlnsof nald ulluy , ( Inclined iiou- css.iry by iirdlnuiiuo number InOi , p issud Sup. iiimLorSJih , ISW. approved faniilumboiSlrd , Vou uio further notldcil lhat huvlng accep ted said apijnlntmonl and duly iiuuiUlcd us iciiuirod by luw. wo will , on thu lUlh day of October. A' 1) . . 1 * . at the honruf I0iia : 'oloclc In the forenoon , at thn olllco of Shrlvor .t O'lJonahnu. UUU'arnui iilrcot. within Ihocor- por.ilo limits of said elly. mqtt for thu pur pose of consider n nnd in iklnir thu usMju-i- innntof iluina.'OH to iho owiiuri Ijijl-uutlviily of B.tlil proiiurty ullontod by sild uridui/ . taKlni'lntocoiiafduratioii spuolul benoflt-i , If " Vou iironntllldd to bn present at thu tlmo and plucu afoicsald nnd ma ! > u any objoctlons ciinirnlnx s-ild us o83lllt'llt to or statements ( ; ( of damage * as you may emi llor ( niiinnr. ' C'ummlttuo nf Appra'nors. Omaha , Nob. , Octcbor .Mb , lo'J ! . OWIOt , til r.s' WELL BRED , SOON WED"G IRLS WHOUSE s'b. nbo v. SAPOLIO o- Are Quickly Married Try it on your next it. House-Cleaning. Of Utlcn , X. Y. , suffered severely from Mv nnd Kidney trouble } , causing Rrc.it pain an That Tlrod Fooling nny Rood , Imt so successful nnd snthfsctory \vai llood's S.ir..ip.Trllla that ho Ins taken no other niodlclno nnd Is now well , The best known Imliirj1 nnd liver remedies are so happily combined with tonics and allcratlrcs In E-Sood's Sarsaparilla tltnt It U an unequalled remedy for nil troiibloi \\llh these Iniiiorl.nnt organs , overcomes That Tired rcrlliiR nnd mnUrn tlin HOOD'S PlLLS euro Ilaliltunt Conillutlon | l > r restotlni ; patiilaltlc ncllon o Iho nllmcatary caunl. CaUlc are rcnred on their fertile grazing fields in Uruguay , solely to provide prime beef for making the world-famed Liebig COMPANY'S ' . Extract of Beef , Competent chemists supervise every dc- l ill , from the care ot thu raitl" and through the priiLVssus ot niaiiufaeturo Fi'rupiilous ciuanHness pru\.ills to the / pnltln.'of tlm completed oxtr.io ! . 'I i 1-1 puMiM-vi's ( ho gt'M.iTV , riitvuii and ITU ITV of this famous product , which Is n day , as hen llrst put up hj the jjtoat ohcmltt. Justus von l.loblg Incomparably the Best I'or I uijiraviul and I't'imnmlu I'onkoi-y. 1'or Delicious , Itcfic.shltix lluuf 1'u i. I HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Fanners , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. SOAP , Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water OUDINANC'K NO. ; iiU. ! ! ) An ordinancu doHarlni the ncce-slty of np- liroprlnllnir coililn private pmpnrtv and muds , for tlio use of the i-lty nf Omaha , for thn purpose ot oiimiiiu | an.l eMendln-'llilh street from Vlnton btrcel losouth city l1- ! ! Its , and providing for tlm iippoliitiiiont of th rod t'islnter.'stml ' ireoholdors of Hahlclty , to ai e.ss the damages lo Iliooivnor" , roippc- tlvoly , of thu imipcity taken by Michiipjuo- prlal on. lie Hord.ilnnd uy the city council of the city of Omaha : Huel-on I. That It ! nnecssarv , and It Is huruby doulnrcd neeess.iry ti npprorluto eci- l-iln pilvuto propeity and Ian I for thu use of thu city ot O-nalia , fur lliu pnrposo of opunlni : und e.\iendlni llilli struul fiiim Vlnton struct to the south clly limits , H ild pronuily und land nccosriiv fur suo.li pnrposu IKIHIK hit- nalo In ahi olty of Omaha , mid described as follouh lo-ivn : Tlm nest ( UUeutof Inu l.'i , IGind : 47 , S K Hol er's plat nf okiihoiiiii : I.it II .Mntter'H Mlbdlvision of lot ISS K Jo - or'r. plat ot O.uihuiiri : \Vesl 1 > feel of Inls n-7- -n-in-H-13 aim l'i Miiller'ssiihdlvlsUin of lot. IS H i : Ko ur'rt p.ut of okuh'ima ; WesKi'l ' feotofHiih lul I tav lot " 0 Wi t : l fcuKit sub lots I anil . ' of tiIotL'0 ; West r , nut of lots ii.ii-ii.iii-i7-is-rj.io-ai-jj : -'I and "I nioeU h Ut-er I'nrk ; \Vusl lifeol of lols Ill-ll-l'4-ij-ll-ii-l-17 : ( ! and ) i lilueM ) Deer I'nu ; Lot 'i Mini lin-and Kin rules addition ; Lot L''i ICIslns snlidlvision : West 'Ji ! fret of lots ! . " > and It ) Oak I till No ' . ' ; West 01 ( eel of 11.\ lot .Vi ; All In soetlim : il , tiUMiship ! . * > , r-in-'e IX Sccilnn' . ' . That lliu mayi'V , with lliu appro val of II.n city council , appoint thr il slnu r- eslril frclnIdois ! of lliu city of Omaha M assess the daniaues to tlm OHIIUIH. i peutlvp- ly. of s.ild pniptiity and lands taken ny haid appiupilatlon. Section ! l. That Ibis ordln iii'-o ' talio nlfoatiind he In force from nnd afuir It-i pass- U''C. 1'assud Ojtobcr M , IsD. . JOHN OKUVI > . ( Ity cicrlt. o. i , fjiiArrr.i : . Aelliu I'reslilent Clly Uiunull. Approved Octolier Jth. I ? ' ' - ' . , . , no noMayor Mayor GKADK OHUINANf'K NO . 'Ml. An ordinancu ostubllbhlnt ; the r.idn of the alliiy riinnlnt north and Minth In lilific f ) , Won Knd addition , In ilmully of Omaha Hull ( iidalnud by Ihu ully council of the uil/ nf Omaha : Neetluii 1. The urnilc of ihu alley iiinnln north and sonlli In lilouk 5 , Wcsl Cud aildllli > n In Iho ellv of Omah i , K Imroliy us'uhllKliud at I lui following dim ill Ions , thn lii'.idu liuliiK un ! ' form slrulKht lines hulwiinn lliu points npnul- ( lull In Ilidhlrdiits , aveniioxni- alleys n-imi.-d In the icspcii-tlvii hcctlnns fiillnivln , ' . to-wlli Heciloir. . Uradoof the iillcj Klcvuttnn of tunliir I. Inu I'olnt at the norili end i.f alloy . IKJ.O J'dlnl In rentur nf O.IHI und west ulluy next mirth of DoiUu slruci , . . , - : ' . ThU iirdlnnncii fch.ul t'lliu olfeit and lie In furoo from and nftor Us pa sa u , l-assed October l . | [ , , ( Keliorfc ! Acting PrusldunlOlty Connell , Mayor. 1'rujioiaU lor Hullu-iy Tranili-r itl Viinluun hnnlli It.il.otu , Honied proposal-i will ho rocolvuil for Iho I puruhaeour ronlal nf u lrinsfur haul , biutJ- t lilu for carrying the railway rolling HlooK of i tlm Vunkton , Norfolk & BnuUnvuatorn nil.- 1'iopOHiils tlionld ho classified asfolkms 1. l'rop ail : to soil transfer boat. 'J , I'mpcisnls fur tukinc cuntr.icl lo do ontira traiibtur liislne tfor rallKiiy , : i. I'ruposuUlor ront.il of triinsfur honU Hiiiruinent ( : ( nnd apcullluatlon * can ho ob tained from the chluf ( iiulneur , Vunidon , Norfolk & Kuutliwusiern railway , Vuuluon , * U IJ ' 'AM bdE : ihould bu uddte-tiod to : Vankton , Norfolk 4 Bnuthweitrrii HUlway. Vanklon , H. II The board of dlruoiur * runorvo * Iho rltihj. t reject any und ull bld - O7alU U